Grammar and Beyond 2e, Level 2 Scope and Sequence: Unit Theme Grammar Topics Avoid Common Mistakes Academic Writing

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Grammar and Beyond 2e,

Level 2 Scope and Sequence

Unit Theme Grammar Topics

PART 1  The Present
UNIT 1 Are You Often Online? Simple Present Simple Present (p. 4)
page 2 Time Clauses and Factual
Conditionals (p. 9)

UNIT 2 Brainpower Present Progressive and Present Progressive (p. 18)

page 16 Simple Present Simple Present and Present
Progressive Compared (p. 21)

UNIT 3 What’s Appropriate? Imperatives Imperatives (p. 32)

page 30 Let’s . . . (p. 36)

PART 2  The Past

UNIT 4 Entrepreneurs Simple Past Simple Past (p. 44)
page 42 Simple Past of Be and There Was /
There Were (p. 50)

UNIT 5 Science and Society Simple Past, Time Clauses, Time Clauses and the Order of Past
page 56 Used To, and Would Events (p. 58)
Past with Used To and Would (p. 61)

UNIT 6 Memorable Events Past Progressive Past Progressive (p. 72)

page 70 Using When and While with Past
Progressive (p. 76)
PART 3  Nouns, Determiners, and Pronouns
UNIT 7 Privacy Matters Count and Noncount Count Nouns and Noncount
page 82 Nouns Nouns (p. 84)
Noncount Nouns: Determiners and
Measurement Words (p. 89)

iv    Scope and Sequence

Avoid Common Mistakes Academic Writing

Avoiding amn’t; remembering a comma after a time Doing Research Online

clause at the beginning of a sentence • Find a reliable source
• Evaluate an Internet source

Remembering a form of be with the present Opinion Writing

progressive; remembering -ing for the present Writing prompt: Should governments spend more
progressive money on space exploration?
• Identify purpose
• Supporting details
• Brainstorm

Avoiding No in imperatives; remembering an • Evaluate evidence

apostrophe in Don’t and Let’s • The imperative in academic writing

Avoiding the past form after did not and didn’t; • Organize an essay
avoiding putting a time expression between the • Thesis statements
subject and the verb
• The simple past in academic writing

Remembering a subject in time clauses; remembering • Plan the essay

the -d in used to for affirmative statements • Write the first draft

Avoiding a time clause as a complete sentence; • Revise and edit

remembering a comma when the time clause comes
first in a sentence

Remembering a determiner with a singular count Expository Writing

noun; avoiding a/an with a noncount noun; avoiding Writing prompt: Choose a new area of technology
plural noncount nouns or invention to analyze. Write a report about its
advantages and disadvantages, and include a
prediction in the conclusion.
• Use a T-chart to identify advantages and
• Brainstorm

Scope and Sequence  v

Unit Theme Grammar Topics

UNIT 8 The Media Articles Articles (p. 100) Generalizing: More

page 98 about Articles (p. 104)

UNIT 9 Challenging Ourselves Pronouns Direct and Pronouns (p. 110)

page 108 Indirect Objects Direct and Indirect Objects (p. 115)

PART 4  The Present Perfect

UNIT 10 Discoveries Present Perfect Present Perfect (p. 124)
page 122 Present Perfect or Simple
Past? (p. 128)

UNIT 11 Unsolved Mysteries Adverbs with Present Adverbs with Present Perfect (p. 138)
page 136 Perfect Present Perfect with For and Since
For and Since (p. 142)

UNIT 12 Cities Present Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive (p. 150)
page 148 Present Perfect Progressive or
Present Perfect? (p. 154)
PART 5  Adjectives, Adverbs, and Prepositions
UNIT 13 A Good Workplace Adjectives Adjectives (p. 162)
page 160 More About Adjectives (p. 165)

UNIT 14 Learn Quickly! Adverbs of Manner and Adverbs of Manner (p. 176)
page 174 Degree Adverbs of Degree (p. 179)

UNIT 15 Food on the Table Prepositions Prepositions of Place and Time (p. 188)
page 186 Prepositions of Direction and
Manner (p. 192)
Phrasal Prepositions and
Prepositions After Adjectives (p. 196)

vi    Scope and Sequence

Avoid Common Mistakes Academic Writing

Remembering a/an the first time you mention a new • Plan and write an introductory paragraph
idea; avoiding the with generalizations

Remembering to or for with certain verbs; avoiding • Introduce advantages and disadvantages
double pronouns • Complete the first draft
• Revise and edit

Remembering when Comparison-and-Contrast Writing

to use the simple past; remembering when to use the Writing prompt: Compare and contrast the whale
present perfect shark and the tiger shark.
• Use Venn diagrams
• Combine sentences

Avoiding never in negative statements; avoiding ever • Write topic sentences

in affirmative statements • Plan body paragraphs

Remembering have with the present perfect • Write the first draft
progressive; avoiding the present progressive with • Revise and edit
for and since

Avoiding misspelling adjectives ending in -ful; Argumentative Writing

remembering to put opinion adjectives first Writing prompt: Do you agree or disagree with the
following statement? “The fashion industry is harmful
to society and the environment.” Use reasons and
examples to support your answer.
• Identify strong arguments
• Brainstorm and organize
• Use descriptive adjectives

Remembering to use adverbs to describe how • Introductory paragraphs in argumentative essays

something happened; avoiding putting an adverb • Body paragraphs in argumentative essays
between the verb and the object; remembering that
• Use adverbs of degree
some adverbs have the same form as adjectives

Using prepositions correctly • Write with cohesion

• Write the first draft
• Revise and edit

Scope and Sequence  vii

Unit Theme Grammar Topics
PART 6  The Future
UNIT 16 Life Lists Future (1) Be Going To, Present Progressive,
page 204 and Simple Present for Future
Events (p. 206)

UNIT 17 Getting Older Future (2) Future with Will (p. 218)
page 216 Future with Will, Be Going To, and
Present Progressive (p. 222)

UNIT 18 Learning to Communicate Future Time Clauses and Future Time Clauses (p. 232)
page 230 Future Conditionals Future Conditionals; Questions
with Time Clauses and Conditional
Clauses (p. 236)
PART 7  Modal Verbs and Modal-like Expressions
UNIT 19 Amazing Science Ability Ability with Can and Could (p. 246)
page 244 Be Able To (p. 250)

UNIT 20 Good Causes Requests and Offers Permission (p. 262)

page 260 Requests and Offers (p. 266)

UNIT 21 The Right Job Advice and Suggestions Advice (p. 276)
page 274 Suggestions (p. 280)

UNIT 22 How to Sell It Necessity, Prohibition, and Necessity and Prohibition (p. 288)
page 286 Preference Preference (p. 292)

UNIT 23 Life Today, Life Tomorrow Present and Future Present Probability (p. 300)
page 298 Probability Modals of Future Probability (p. 303)

viii    Scope and Sequence

Avoid Common Mistakes Academic Writing

Remembering be with going to; remembering be Opinion Writing

before the subject in Wh- questions with be going to Writing prompt: Should colleges and universities
require students to take physical education classes?
• Brainstorm reasons and evaluate evidence
• Plan an opinion essay

Remembering will before the main verb with the • State opinions
future; remembering the base form of the verb • Structure opinion essays
after will

Avoiding will in the conditional clause; avoiding will • Use future conditionals
in the time clause • Write the first draft
• Revise and edit

Remembering to spell cannot as one word; Cause-and-Effect Writing

remembering the be and to in be able to Writing prompt: Describe the human causes of
climate change and the effects climate change can
have on the planet.
• Organize a cause-and-effect essay
• Describe causes and effects
• Brainstorm

Avoiding could in short answers to requests for • Describe causes and effects
permission; avoiding could or would in responses to • Use causes and effects to express solutions or
requests to do things predictions
• Make requests in academic writing

Remembering had in had better; avoiding could not • Maintain paragraph coherence
in negative suggestions • Choose strong supporting details
• Use formal modals for advice and suggestions

Avoiding an infinitive with would rather; • Write an effective hook

remembering would before rather • Use modals of necessity and prohibition
• Write the first draft

Avoiding can for present or future probability; • Use modals to express future possibility
avoiding couldn’t for uncertainty • Revise and edit

Scope and Sequence  ix

Unit Theme Grammar Topics
PART 8  Verbs + Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
UNIT 24 Getting Along at Work Transitive and Intransitive Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
page 310 Verbs (p. 312)
Verbs and Prepositions Verb + Object + Preposition
Combinations (p. 314)
Verb + Preposition Combinations
(p. 316)

UNIT 25 Money, Money, Money Phrasal Verbs Intransitive Phrasal Verbs (p. 326)
page 324 Transitive Phrasal Verbs (p. 329)

PART 9  Comparatives and Superlatives

UNIT 26 We Are All Different Comparatives Comparative Adjectives and
page 336 Adverbs (p. 338)
Comparisons with As . . . As (p. 343)

UNIT 27 The Best and the Worst Superlative Adjectives and Superlative Adjectives and Adverbs
page 350 Adverbs (p. 352)

PART 10  Gerunds and Infinitives

UNIT 28 Managing Time Gerunds and Infinitives (1) Verbs Followed by Gerunds or
page 360 Infinitives (p. 362)
Verbs Followed by Gerunds and
Infinitives (p. 365)

UNIT 29 Civil Rights Gerunds and Infinitives (2) More About Gerunds (p. 376)
page 374 More About Infinitives (p. 379)

PART 11  Clauses and Conjunctions

UNIT 30 Sleep Subject Relative Clauses Subject Relative Clauses (p. 388)
page 386 (Adjective Clauses with More About Subject Relative
Subject Relative Pronouns) Clauses (p. 392)

UNIT 31 Viruses Object Relative Clauses Object Relative Clauses (p. 402)
page 400 (Adjective Clauses with More About Object Relative Clauses
Object Relative Pronouns) (p. 406)

UNIT 32 Special Days Conjunctions and Adverb Conjunctions (p. 416)

page 414 Clauses Adverb Clauses (p. 420)

x    Scope and Sequence

Avoid Common Mistakes Academic Writing

Remembering the object with a transitive verb; using Description and Analysis
prepositions with verbs Writing prompt: Describe the trends in a multiple
line graph, and analyze the data. Do some additional
research to discuss the trends you identify.
• Understand and interpret line graphs
• Use noun and verb phrases to describe graphs

Remembering a particle in phrasal verbs; avoiding • Choose the important details from a graph
putting an object pronoun after a particle • Write the concluding paragraph

Avoiding using more and -er together; remembering • Use comparatives to describe and analyze graphs
the second as in as . . . as comparisons • Write the first draft

Remembering irregular superlative forms; avoiding • Use superlatives in academic writing

an object pronoun before a superlative • Revise and edit

Using infinitives and gerunds after verbs; Summary and Response

remembering to in infinitives Writing prompt: Write a summary paragraph of
“Nontraditional Weddings.” Then write a response
paragraph giving your opinion about the changes in
wedding traditions described in the article.
• Analyze a text
• Summarize a text

Avoiding plural verbs with gerund subjects; avoiding • Paraphrase

infinitives after prepositions; remembering It and to • Respond to a writer’s ideas
in It sentences
• Use gerunds and infinitives in academic writing

Avoiding a subject pronoun after a subject relative • Write a personal response

pronoun; remembering the relative pronoun in a • Use subject relative clauses in summary writing
subject relative clause

Avoiding who in possessives; avoiding whom in • Use object relative clauses in a personal response
subject relative clauses; avoiding an object pronoun • Write the first draft
at the end of an object relative clause

Remembering a comma after the adverb clause when • Revise and edit
it is first • Use adverb clauses to connect contrasting ideas

Glossary of Grammar Terms G1
Index and Credits I1

Scope and Sequence  xi

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