Teacher Induction Program Course 6: Module 1 - Salaries, Wages, and Benefits of Teachers

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Module 1 – Salaries, Wages, and Benefits of Teachers

Key Topic Very Familiar Slightly Not Key Topics Very Familiar Slightly Not
Familiar Familiar Familiar Familiar Familiar Familiar

Basic Salary / Scholarship /

PERA / Maternity Leave /

Mid-Year Bonus / Paternity Leave /

Year-End Bonus / Parental Leave /

Cash Gift / Sick Leave /

Anniversary Bonus / Indefinite Sick /

Loyalty Pay / Vacation Leave /

PEI / Special Leave /

PBB / Study Leave /

Clothing Allowance / Rehabilitation /

Cash Allowance / Ten (10) days /
Special Hardship / Special /
Allowance Emergency
Step Increment / Terminal Leave /

Proportional / Special Leave /

Vacation Pay Benefits

Session 1 – Salary and Incentives of Teachers

Key Topic 1: Salary and Incentives of Teachers
Required Task 1: Learning Assessment

Respond to the situation-based questions below. Write down your answer/s on the space provided and
discuss it with your mentor

Scenario 1: Teacher Belgira is a newly hired teacher at St. Francis National High School. According to
the principal, he will receive his first monthly salary soon. Aside from his monthly salary,
what other monetary compensation is he entitled to as a teacher in a public school?

As public school teacher, he is entitled to receive Personnel Economic Relief Allowance

Scenario 2: Teacher Annie, a newly hired teacher, was assigned as a multi-grade Teacher at Sitio Pag-
asa Elementary School. What monetary compensation is she entitled to as a teacher in a public

As public school teacher, he is entitled to receive Basic Salary, Personnel Economic Relief
Allowance (PERA) and Special Hardship Allowance as she handles multi-grade sections.

Session 2 –Incentives and Benefits of Teachers

Key Topic 1: Incentives and Benefits of Teachers
Required Task 1: Check Your Understanding


Scenario 1. There are three (3) newly hired teachers Among the three teachers, Teacher Valdez is the
in San Vicente Elementary School. Teacher Valdez most qualified to receive the 2020 Year-End Bonus
started on June 5, 2020; Teacher De Guzman started as she already rendered 4 months of service.
on August 7, 2020; and Teacher Camat started on
October 8, 2020. Who among the three teachers
is/are qualified to receive a 2020 Year-End Bonus?
Explain your answer.

Scenario 2. Teacher Elegado is a teacher in San Teacher Elegado will received a PBB amounting to
Antonio Senior High School. Based on the Php. 13,500.00
assessment, her school ranked as “Better Delivery
Unit.” How much Performance-Based Bonus (PBB)
will she receive? (please refer to National Budget
Circular No. 579 dated January 24, 2020 Annex “A”)

Scenario 3: Teacher Corpuz, a public school If I were the principal, I will explain to Teacher
teacher, heard that his coteacher Teacher Alferez Corpuz that the Loyalty Award is only given to
just received PhP 10,000.00 Loyalty Pay. He is government official and employees who rendered 10
expecting the same; but according to the principal, he continuous years in the government.
is not qualified. If you were the principal, how would
you explain it to Teacher Corpuz?

Scenario 4: Teacher Tagayon is a newly hired Yes. Because Teacher Tagayon is present in the first
teacher in Timbao Elementary School. Her first day day of the school year 2020 based on the DepEd
of service was November 12, 2019. Is she entitled to order No. 010s. of 2020 or the Guidelines on the
receive Cash Allowance for the school year 2020? grant of cash Allowance to Teachers.
Explain your answer.

Session 2 –Leave of Absence of Teachers

Key Topic 1: Leave of Absence of Teachers
Required Task 1: Check Your Understanding

Scenario 1: Teacher Lani, a Senior High School Teacher, gave birth to her fifth child. Can she avail of
maternity leave? If yes, how long? Will she still receive a salary even if she is on leave for a reason
already mentioned? Explain your answer.

Scenario 2: One of the teachers in Dela Paz Elementary School was suffering from domestic violence.
Allegedly, her husband was having an affair with other women, resulting in the withdrawal of financial
support for their three (3) children. The teacher wants to take some time off to file a case against her

Yes. Teacher Lani can still avail the maternity leave for 105 days. She has the option to extend
additional 30 days without pay and an additional 15 days is solo parent. She will also receive her salary
maternity benefits and proportional vacation pay.
husband, but she is worried that she has already incurred too many absences, leaving her with no more
service credits. What will you advise the teacher?

The teacher shouldn’t worry because she can avail the 10-day leave under the Violence Against
Women and their Children also known as RA No. 9262 since she is a victim of violence and
abandonment of support to her children. Using this leave, the teacher can file case against her

Scenario 3: Teacher Anthony is a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) teacher in Sto. Tomas Senior

High School. During his demonstration teaching, an accident happened due to a short circuit. He was
rushed to the hospital. The doctor advised him to leave work for 2 weeks. What benefits is he entitled
Teacher Anthony is entitled for the Rehabilitation Leave because the accident happened while he is in
school. He is also entitled for the reimbursement of the first aid expenses use for his medical treatment.

Match the leave benefits of teachers to their approved days of leave of absence. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on the line provided for before each item. Some answers can be used

___I__1. Maternity Leave

__A__ 2. Paternity Leave

__A__ 3. Parental Leave

__E___ 4. Sick Leave

__H___5. Special Leave Benefits for Women

__D___ 6. Leave (Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004)

__C___ 7. Special Leave Privileges

__F___ 8. Study Leave

___G__ 9. Rehabilitation Leave

___B__ 10. Special Emergency Leave

Session 3: Other Benefits

Key Topic 1: Other Benefits
Required Task: Reflection Question (Portfolio Output)

The Department of Education values the vital role of teachers in nurturing the holistic being of the
learners to become productive citizens of the nation. It ensures teachers just compensation, incentives,
benefits, and rewards for them to live a decent life. As a new member of the DepEd family, how can you
show appreciation to this effort of the government?

As a new member of the DepEd Family, I am very thankful to all the benefits for the teachers receive
from the government. Despite of the pandemic that we our facing until now I am greatly appreciated
because our government continue giving the benefits that we deserve.
Module 2 – Continuing Professional Development
Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act
of 2016.
1. As a teacher, what good qualities and assets do you have? How is it helpful in your professional practice?
Input your answer here.

Being a patience and showing empathy to our learner’s is very important as a teacher. For me the
good qualities of a teachers are passionate and dedication in teaching. Communication skills are on
the top of the list of what makes a good teacher. It is the root of successful and memorable

2. Reflecting on your current practices, what domains of teaching practice do you want to further improve?
You may refer to specific domains or strands from the PPST. Input your answer here.

Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning because a new teacher I want to learn and improve my planning
and management of teaching and learning process to become an effective teacher.

Required Task 1: Enumeration Activity


1. formal learning courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and panel/group


2. non-formal learning Coaching, mentoring, paper works and other significant

3. informal learning Webinars, researching information via the internet, reviewing
books or articles for professional purposes,
Experiential/workplace learning, reading and research

4. self-directed learning Reading books, journals and articles, Reviewing and

summarizing books and articles.

5. online learning activities Enrolling to e-learning courses

6. professional work experience Working in a group headed by professionals

Required Task 1: Reading

CPD Operational Guidelines

Not all teachers are selected to attend to seminars with CPD provides workshops and seminars with the latest
CPD accredited trend in line of education

Teachers are forced to attend accredited CPD seminars CPD contribute much on our professional development.
with fee just to get CPD units.
45 CPD units is very difficult to attain CPD help teachers in effective planning and applying new
teaching strategies.

Analyze each given scenario. Apply your learning on CPD Operational Guidelines and identify whether the
statements are True or False.


Teacher Gilda needs to present a certificate of TRUE
attendance (even without the corresponding
number of hours) for approval of credit units to a

The published articles of Teacher Gilda in the TRUE

teacher magazine may also provide her credit units
for renewal of professional license.

Teacher Gilda shall present a duly notarized copy TRUE

of certification from the awarding body if she
intends to include her recognition points as part of
accumulated credit units.

Required Task 2:
Preparing a Professional Development Plan Identify and prioritize your professional development needs
with the help of your mentor. Fill in the necessary details in the template below. This will guide you on
the activities to be undertaken in order to meet the requirements prescribed in CPD policies.


for (School Year 2022-2023)
Professional Proposed CPD Credit Units Supporting
Development Activities Timeline that I may Documents to Support Needed
Needs Earn Secure
Establish and
Develop more
Training program maintain
compassion and Certificate of
about behavioral August - October consistent Head’s approval
caring attitude Participation
study of children standard of
towards learners
learner’s behavior
Improve my
strategies to
sustain students’
participation of
focus on learning Attend LAC Materials for the
Year-round learners in Resource person
outcomes while Session session
they are engaged
in peer

Finish my Colleagues input

In two years 48 Permit to study
graduate studies whenever needed
Module 3 – Policies on Promotion and Opportunities for Progression
Session 1 – Appointment and Promotion of other Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-
Teaching Positions
Key Topic 1: The Need for Professional Growth
PAUSE AND REFLECT: Why should you start now to consider ways for improving your skills as a teacher?

As a new teacher I will start now to improve my skills in focus on the subject matter and the
students’ learning also teaching skills is essential at every step of the way that enable you to

Key Topic 2: DepEd Order on the Appointment and Promotion of Teaching, Related
Teaching, and Non-Teaching Positions

Requirements or means to Teaching practices or professional development

Criteria for Promotion verify achievement of the aims aligned with the
criteria promotion criteria
Example: Performance Rating Performance rating for the • Focus on improving my teaching practice to meet
last 3 rating periods should expectations in the RPMS-PPST and get Very
be at least Very Satisfactory Satisfactory rating

Example: Education Master’s Degree • I intend to enroll in a Master’s Degree to further

improve my knowledge and skills in content and

Trainings Certificates of Participation/  Participate in many legit and accredited trainings

Recognition to gain new knowledge and skills to be more
effective teacher.

Research Research Paper  Make a research study related in improving

teaching strategies.

Speakership Lecturer/ Guest Speaker  Accept invitation or be a volunteer guest

speaker/ lecturer to share gained knowledge or
skills to others.

Session 2 – Scholarship Programs

Required Task 1: Lifelong Learning Plan
Map your lifelong learning plan. Fill in the box with the necessary information.

Type of Learning
Master’s Degree / Means to Overcome
Target School Possible Challenges
Diploma Course Challenges
Master of Arts in Education Pacific Intercontinental College Overlapping of Activities Time Management
Major In Educational Tuition fee

Online Courses NEAP/SEAIETI Weak Internet Find stronger source of


Required Task 2: Formative Test

Write the correct order for the procedure in applying for a scholarship for master’s degree from CSC.
Number the steps from 1 to 5.

Question Answer Feedback

1. The Agency Personnel Development 2 The Agency Personnel Development

Committee (PDC) shall conduct a screening Committee (PDC) will screen the
and identify who will be recommended for applicant and determine whether he/she
nomination by the Head of Agency to the CSC meets the requirements set by the CSC.
for the grant of scholarship.
2. Medical Test 5 It is needed to know if he/she is
physically fit for the diploma courses.

3. Applicant shall submit directly to the Head of 1 Submit the forms to the CSC.
Agency his or her application in the form
prescribed by the CSC.
4. Submission of Research Proposal 4 The Nominee needs to submit a
research proposal to the head of agency
for evaluation and approval.

5. CSC Screening 3 Nominee will undergo

First screening: Written Screening

Second Screening: Technical Interview

Session 3 – Professional Associations for Teachers

Preliminary Activity
How did you deal with challenges on the first days of reporting in your workstation? Write your answer
in the field below and answer the questions that follow.

My first day as a teacher made me nervous and excited as well. It is challenging time because I didn’t know my
colleague how to interact with them and I know that I have no experience in teaching. But I dealt this challenges
through the help of my co – teachers and I asked them what I’m going to do first being a new teacher.

Processing Questions:
1. What challenges did you encounter in your first days?
The challenges that I encountered in my first days are nature of work load, concerns in having advisory class and
socializing with my colleagues and using laptop in every day used.

2. How did you overcome these challenges?

I overcome those challenges by studying the subject given to me, asked them how to operate lapto, taking each
concerns one at a time and showing respect in my co- teacher.

3. Did you rely on a specific person or people? How did you seek help?
Yes. I seek help through approaching politely and respect to our head about my concern sometimes I feel shy
because of many questions that I need to asked to them.

Key Topic 1: Professional Association for Teachers

Required Task 1: Research on Professional Associations for Teachers

Name of
Brief Description Activities and Goals What you like most about it
Philippine A five decade strong Promote and maintain the unity of Their seminars which are very
Association for association of teachers teachers educators in the country informative and helpful to
Teacher and teacher educators and enhance their professional teachers.
Education identity as teachers of teachers
Philippine Public Is a framework for Help assure parents and guardians Their goals that give parents the
School Teacher teacher quality and that their children receive quality assurance of quality education for
Association quality teacher basic education from qualified their children.
(PPST) development professionals;
Provides career and professional
advancement opportunities through
scholarship and other competency
Reading Is the only Professional The association also distribute free It helps teachers and students in
Association of the organization of teachers RAP Journal to all members, improving their reading and
Philippines (RAP) of literacy in the featuring conference papers and an communication skills.
Philippines which aims outreach program called RAP-on-
to improve and promote wheels
reading in the

Required Task 2: Reflection

Go back to your list of professional associations that interest you. Given the tips, which association are
you most likely to join and why?

I would likely to join most in Philippine Association for Teacher Education (PAFTE) for the reason that I already
experienced seminars hosted by PAFTE and I learned a lot from it. Until now I remember those principles
shared and used it in my present teaching field.

How do you expect this association to help you achieve your professional development goals? (List down some
benefits and opportunities that are aligned with your goals)

This association can help me in my professional development goals through the principles and new trends in
education that they will share and that I will use in my professional development.

Module 4 – Personal Development and Well-being

Required Task 1: Activity
Read the given situations which might be experienced by a teacher like you. Identify the possible stress
triggers, its effects, and your coping strategies for each situation. Discuss your initial reactions and
insights from the activity with your mentor and co-newly-hired teachers.

Scenario Stress Trigger/s Effects Coping

1. You come home exhausted after a long day Scheduled visit of the You spend time Always prepare
from school. You feel the need for an early Public Schools enhancing your your lesson plan
night rest. However, you are worried about District Supervisor Daily Lesson Plan and IMs even
the scheduled visit of the Public Schools (PSDS) in the school and preparing though you will
District Supervisor (PSDS) in your school to to observe classes instructional not be observed.
observe classes the following day. In the following day materials.
anticipation that you might be chosen for
observation, you spend time enhancing your
Daily Lesson Plan and preparing instructional
materials. You know that you will end up
sleeping late.
2. You are assigned by your principal to lead the you wake up late after You did not take Avoid sleeping
Monday Flag Ceremony. The activity is doing overtime work breakfast because late at night and
scheduled to start at 5:45 AM. Yet you wake you will going to be set alarm to wake
up late after doing overtime work the night late in school. up early and on
before. You know how important it is to have time.
breakfast before working. If you still take your
breakfast, you might be late going to school.
3. As a pilot school in the Learning and Your co-workers All members in the Ask help to other
Development System, your principal received cannot help in team felt the teachers who are
a notice that DepEd external partners are set because she has a pressure to also capable in
for a visit tomorrow. Your grade level team is prior commitments. finished the task doling the task.
in-charge of the preparations. While working, because the event
one of your co-teachers begged off to render will be tomorrow.
extended time due to prior commitments. This
teacher has knowledge and skills in Events
Management. You are all pressured to
accomplish the delegated task.


1. What kind of food do you usually Vegetables and fish Vegetables are healthy while fish give
eat? much protein
2. How much time do you allot for I don’t have time to I want to exercise but I have no time
exercise? exercise. because I take care my baby first.
3. Do you regularly stretch and No I don’t have time.
4. How long do you usually sleep? 6 to 8 hours I love sleeping but I have lot of things to
5. Do you take a few deep breaths Yes It helps me a lot to relax my feeling.
every time you are under pressure?
6. What strategies do you do to Think of my baby. Every time I think my baby I motivate
motivate yourself? myself
7. Do you express your feelings Sometimes, not. I’m so easy to got angry.
properly when at the height of
8. Do you feel good about yourself? Yes Because I learned and still want to learn
many things for my chosen profession.
9. Do you talk to someone whenever Yes It really help me to ease the weight of
you have emotional challenges? stress.
10. Do you take meditation to attain Sometimes When I am alone I think of many good
inner peace? things that happen in my life.
11. Do you have a regular time to Not regular time I am praying whenever I think of praying.
pray or reflect spiritually?
Required Task 2: Reflection

Required Task 3: Activity


Practice the ABCs in managing stress from the given Activating Events. Be able to provide your Beliefs
and the possible Consequences. Identify other stress-triggering experiences where you could apply the
principles of ABCs Formula.


During a teaching demonstration, I will try to teach them the Communicating properly to
your senior co-teachers seem to be technology based instruction colleagues is crucial to have good
unreceptive of your suggestions in strategies and show them how relationship.
introducing technology-based easy and convenient it is in
instructional strategies. They still teaching students.
prefer to do the conventional ways
of delivering lessons.

You notice that there is no I will ask help from my seniors and Have courage to seek for help
rationalization of work in your other teachers to help me in fixing and respectfully voice out the
Department. Sometimes, when the the over workload. wrong matter that you notice in
department gets busy, they the school.
overlook workload distribution.
Since you are newly-hired, most of
the work were given to you.
You extend time in school to meet
deadlines. You do not have enough
energy to prepare lessons at home.

Being new in your school, you are I will be the first one to approach Communicating properly to
still adjusting with the culture and them and open conversation to colleagues is crucial to have good
practices of your co-teachers. You know their culture and practices, relationship.
know how important it is to work also for them to know me and for
collaboratively with them. But they us to be comfortable with each
do not approach you for other.

Your co-teacher corrects your I will be thankful to them and open Be teachable to grow productively
mistake in doing school forms. to learn many things in doing the while working.
You pass your school report one I will sincerely apologize to our Make an outline of your duties
day late thus the department head department head and will make a and make it ahead of time.
got disappointed to you. work plan schedule to make my
reports on time.

Key Topic 4: Mental Health

Required Task 5: Activity

Health and Wellness Goal:

 Get enough rest daily.
 Have time to exercise
 Eat healthy diet
 Maintain positive views in life
 Spend quality time with family.
 Have time for spiritual renewal daily.

Coping Strategies/To-Do
Distress Triggers (Physical, Psychological, Mental,
or Social)
Overload duties Lack of enough sleep. Proper time management

Urgent reports Headaches and not enough sleep Flexibility and time
High expectations from superiors. Pressure and overthinking Take the expectations as
motivation to improve self.

Key Topic 1: Managing Personal Finances


Read and analyze the given scenarios. Identify the main problem in each financial situation and the
possible effects that it may bring.
1. Teacher Marie has a big family. She has four sons and two daughters. Her husband has no regular
work. Every month, there is an expectation from their children that they will be going to the mall to
spend time dining together. They also buy the things that their children are requesting, even
unnecessary ones. Teacher Marie does not want to disappoint them. So, upon receiving her salary,
she always gives favor to them.
Main Problem Teacher Marie made her children spoiled of the unnecessary things,
doesn’t want to disappoint her children and do not prioritize saving money.
Possible Effects Their money will not be enough to supply all their necessary needs.
Teacher Marie might also have loans to different people or corporation.

2. Principal Santos has observed the spending pattern of the newly-hired teachers in their school. Their
lifestyle includes passion for international travels, fashionable clothes, and latest gadgets. They even
invest part of their salaries to an online business that is not authorized and does not provide sure
income. No wonder that they are always hopeful for paydays.
Main Problem Teacher spend money to luxurious things and invest in unauthorized
online business

Possible Effects Teachers might end up in loans and might scam their money with the
unsure investments.

Key Topic 4: Savings

Required Task 2: Financial Development Plan

Craft a Personal Financial Development Plan using the provided template. Apply the principles of financial
literacy that you learned from this session. You are encouraged to follow this plan and monitor your progress to
attain financially sound living. You may use a separate Word document for this.


Month and Year: JUlY 2022

Total Income: 24,000

Savings/Item/Service Need/Want? Target Cost Actual Cost

Foods and transportation Needs 5,000 5,000

Baby Needs (Milk, Diapers, vitamins, clothes, etc.) Needs 8,000 8,000

Clothing/Medicine/Emergency Needs 2,000 2,000

Tuition Fee for Masteral Needs 4,000 4,000

Savings Needs 5,000 5,000

24,000 24,000


Priority (Low;
Number of Required Actions to be
Financial Goal Medium; or Target Date Remarks
Years Amount Taken
Life Insurance High Year 2022 10 Years 1,500 Apply for a life Pay monthly
insurance contribution

Health Insurance High Year 2022 10 Years 500 Continue Pay monthly
paying for contribution

Educational High Year 2024 15 Years 1000 Apply to banks Pay monthly
Plan/Savings that offer contribution

Savings/ Investment High Year 2022 20 Years 1000 Save money Pay monthly
and deposit to contribution
legit banks

Module 5 – Developing a Personal Professional Improvement Plan

Key Topic 2: Development Plans

Make Your Own Development Plan

If you haven’t created your own development plan, now is the time that you make one. Table 1 shows the format
for the Developmental Plan (RPMS Manual for Teachers and School Heads, 2018). You may do this on a separate
Word document.

Action Plan
Developmental (Recommended Resources
Strengths Timeline
Needs Developmental Needed
A. Functional Competencies

Select, develops, Applies knowledge and Participate and attend in S.Y.2022-2023 Strong Internet
organizes, and use skills required by the trainings and seminars. connection
appropriate teaching and curriculum and subject
learning resources, areas. Registration fee
including ICT, to address
learning goal.

Monitored and evaluated Use differentiated Participate and attend in S.Y.2022-2023 Strong Internet
learners achievement and learning strategy and trainings and seminars. connection
progress using learner experiences to develop
attainment data. students strengths and Registration fee
interests. LAC Sessions

B. Core Behavioral Competencies

Self-Management Teamwork Participate in team S.Y.2022-2023 LAC Sessions

building activities and
personal characteristic Team Building

Key Topic: Your Personal Professional Improvement Plan as a Newly-hired teacher

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Teacher Skill Specific Actions Expected Results Resources Completion Date

Communication Enrolling to English Improved English Mentorship End of the School Year
proficiency courses or communication skills
seminars and often and develop Own Expenses
talking to others harmonious Attendance from
relationship to co- seminars
teachers and others.

Professional Enrolling to graduate Gained new Own expenses End of the School Year
Knowledge school and participate professional knowledge
in professional Mentorship
development seminars Professional growth

Time Practice doing duties Proper time Mentorship End of the School Year
Management included in plan management

Planning Analysing students Curriculum planning Curriculum End of the School Year
record about their skills
needs and for their Mentorship
holistic development Well planned


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