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College Professior Emails

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(ICIATE 2017)

DATE: 13 & 14 JAN, 2017

th th





Atharva Educational Complex, Malad Marve Road, Charkop Naka, Malad (West), Mumbai-95

Tel.: 91-022-40294949 (30 Lines)

www.aceconference.in www.atharvacoe.ac.in
Hon. Shri Sunil Rane
Executive President
Conference Advisors
Dr. P. N. Nemade Dr. S. P. Kallurkar
Director Principal

Organisers and Co-Organisers

Prof. Karuna Nikum Prof. Komal Mahajan
Prof. Jyoti Golakia Prof. Kavita Bani

Central Co-ordination Committee

Prof. Mahendra Patil Prof. Neelima Pathak
Prof. Jyoti Kolap Prof. Pragya Jain
Prof. Disha Bhosle Prof. Poonam Deshpande

Advisory Committee
Dr. Abhay Wagh Dr. Venkata Yaramasu Dr. Rakesh Saxena
Director, MSBTE Northern Arizona University Director, SGSITS
Govt. of Maharashtra, India USA MP, India
Dr. Jonathan Joshi Mr. Paul C. Mathew Mr. Sunil Issac
CEO, Eduvance SEA, Nationwide Building Society Vice President & KAM
India Didcot, UK Erricson, Malaysia
Prof. Mathew T Mathew Mr. David C. Mathew Mr. R. R. Abhayankar
Associate Professor,USM Director, Sales Ex Advisor, DSIR
Chicago, US Wipro, Australia Ministry of S&T, GOI
Dr. Aditya Abhyankar Mr. Girish Gopala Krishnan Dr. Ameya Tripathi
Dean, Faculty of Technology CEO Dean, R&D
University of Pune, India Wiksate Solutions Private limited D.B.I.T., Mumbai, India
Mr. Sachin Sadare Mr. Maciek Wojtasiak Mr. Ryan Off
Founder & Director Director Director
Idea Nutz Consulting, Mumbai Astellas Pharma, Singapore Ojai Oil, California, USA
Ms. Bettina Husemann Mr. Devanjan Chakraborty Mr. Sudhanshu Ojha
Global Program Manager Assistant Program Manager General Manager, D-link academy
Nestle, Switzerland Caterpillar Inc., UK SARC & Net Protect, D- Link, India
Dr. Vijay Mandke Mr. Manoj O. Jacob
Ex. Deputy Director BITs Pillani Lead Mechanical Engineer
Professor at NIIT University Melbourne, Australia

In-House Committees
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic”

Message from Executive President

Atharva Group of Institutes

Mr. Sunil Rane


I am very glad that Atharva College of Engineering is organizing an International

Conference on innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering (ICIATE-
2017) during January 12th to 14th at Atharva College of Engineering, Malad,
The central theme of conference is “Application of all Engineering and Science
and Technology in sustainability and development”. It is indeed a moment of
pride and joy to note that the conference has received overwhelming response from
researchers in India and abroad.
I certainly believe that the conference on innovative and Advanced Technologies in
Engineering would help the participants to assimilate the latest industry trends,
appreciate and understand its relevance in today„s world and thus position them to
bring forth new ideas fuelling national growth.
Last but not the least, on this occasion I would like to congratulate all concerned with
the conference for their hard and sincere works towards organizing ICIATE, 2017
and hope this conference shall create new grounds in the role played by engineering
community in sustainability and development of our country.
I wish ICIATE 2017 all the best for its success.

Mr. Sunil Rane

Executive President
Atharva Group of Institutes
Malad, Mumbai
Dr. Abhay Wagh

I am pleased to know that Atharva College of Engineering is organizing

“International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in
Engineering 2017 (ICIATE‟17)”. The institution is creating a platform for the
engineering professionals to share and express their views on Innovative and
Advanced Technologies in Engineering.

Today, the technology is developing at a very fast pace. We experience new

development every day and every moment. Technology is changing and new
areas of research are coming up. I hope that this conference would certainly
induce innovative ideas among the participants about new inventions and new
technologies in the engineering sector.

I also believe that this conference will be one of finest opportunities for
scientists, engineers, technocrats & students from all over the world to share and
express their views.

I wish, this conference will be a grand success and extend my wishes for the
success of this conference.

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Dr. Abhay Wagh

M. S. Board of Technical Education,
Message from Chief Guest

Mr. R. R. Abhyankar
India, one of the World‟s largest economies has made tremendous strides in the
economic and social developments in past decades and is poised for even faster
growth in the time to come. Great potential exists for increasing productivity by
shifting from low technology and subsistence activities in industry, agriculture and
service sectors to activities based on advanced, modern technology and knowledge.
This is to achieve the desired growth to reduce poverty and touch every member of
society in an inclusive way. Advanced technology is one of the basic instruments of
Innovation flows out of creativity and plays a vital role in advancement of technology
by reducing input efforts and achieving multifold, desirable and adaptive outputs.
Academic institutions are the evergreen sources of innovation as they get batches of
fresh and young minds regularly. Innovative technologies sourced from academic
institutions have done miracles worldwide. However, it takes a long time and lot of
efforts to translate an idea to its commercial form along the „innovation chain „and
often one out of 300-400 innovative ideas get translated into their commercial form to
produce wealth.
It is absolutely essential to nurture the innovative capabilities of students as they are
the future of our country and in that context it is very relevant that Atharva College of
engineering, Mumbai has organized an international conference on the subject of
„Innovation and Advanced Technologies in Engineering‟.
I wish all success to the conference.
Mr. R. R. Abhyankar
Ex. Advisory, DSIR
Ministry of Science & Technology
Government of India
“Research, Technology & Innovation”

From Director’s Desk

Dr. P. N. Nemade
Conference Advisor

It gives me immense pleasure in writing this foreword for the proceedings of

International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in
Engineering being organized during 12 to 14 January, 2017 by Atharva College of
th th

Engineering, Malad, Mumbai.

The events in the conference are targeted towards researchers, practitioners,
professionals, educators and students to share their experience, innovative ideas,
issues, recent trends and future directions in field of Engineering and Science and
Technology. I am pleased to note that the researchers from technical institutions and
organizations from all parts of country are presenting their research papers on various
aspects within the scope of the ICIATE-2017.
I am sure that this colloquy of experts from academia and industry would benefit the
participating researchers, students and faculty to great extent. I would like to thank
Hon. Shri Sunil Rane sir for his vision which has helped in incomparable
development in the knowledge levels of faculties. I would also like to take a moment
to congratulate all the participants, advisory committee, organizing committee and
core committee for their support and hard work.
I wish ICIATE 2017 a grand success.

Dr. P. N. Nemade
Atharva College of Engineering
Malad, Mumbai
“Excellence through Education”
From Principal’s Desk

Dr. S. P. Kallurkar
Conference Advisor
It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of this hosting team of “1st International
Conference on Innovative and Advanced technologies in Engineering 2017”.
This conference provides forum for growing researchers, educators, engineers and
students from different parts of the country and world to exchange their ideas,
explore the enabling technologies, discuss innovative methods for the advancement in
I take this opportunity to welcome all the delegates of the conference. On behalf of
whole ICIATE 2017 team, I would like to thank all the authors, sponsors and
keynote speakers for their support and co-operation.
I am really happy with the choice of tracks for this conference as it provides a
platform for discussions on various technical topics related to engineering as well as
science and technology. The contribution made by delegates has been over –
whelming. I further hope that this conference encourages all researchers, faculties and
students to come up with new ideas in various fields which will be of major benefit to
the mankind.
Finally, I congratulate HOD, college faculty, student representatives and participant
for their efforts in organizing and participating in this conference and wish the
conference all the success.

Dr. S. P. Kallurkar
Atharva College of Engineering
Malad, Mumbai
Messages from
Prof. M. T. Mathew

I am happy to hear about International Conference on “Innovation and Advanced

Technologies in Engineering” scheduled from 12th Jan – 14th Jan, 2017 organized by
the Atharva College of Engineering, Malad (West), Mumbai.
I believe this conference will provide a platform for the researchers/scientists to share
their innovative ideas and technologies to solve significant problems in industry,
healthcare and much human society. Wish you the all the best for the conference.

Prof. M.T. Mathew

PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford
Mr. Girish Gopala Krishnan

The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Innovative and Advanced

Technologies in Engineering” is a major step towards brining likeminded Engineers
from India and overseas on a single platform to share and ideate. This initiative will
also benefit students who will get updates and inputs on the recent trends and
industry movements in areas such as IoT, Cloud computing and Embedded systems.
I congratulate ATHARVA Management for its outlook and vision to organise an
event of such stature in their campus. Wishing the ATHARVA management team
success for the event”

Mr. Girish Gopala Krishnan

CEO Wiksate Solutions Private limited
Ms. Bettina Husemann

The “International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in

Engineering 2017 ICIATE‟17 is an excellent initiative by Atharva College of
Engineering to promote the culture of new discoveries and designs that will bring
Digital technologies are creating a big buzz in the world today. It is changing the way
businesses are operating. It is expected to create an even bigger impact in the years to
Going digital is the latest fundamental shift in technology and it may be the most
impactful in the future. It is a culmination of many digital technologies that come
together to create a new world. SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud)
technologies have provided the foundational technologies for Internet of Things,
Automation, Sensors, 3-D printing, robotics, wearable and multiple other
technologies that may still be nascent today like augmented reality, machine learning
and artificial intelligence.
Digital technology today, in every enterprise, has a very important role to play.
Students can concentrate on digital projects by working on the foundational
technologies that make rich and relevant digital experiences possible. SMAC,
Internet of Things, Automation and Sensor networks are some of the key areas that
students can work on – to enhance their knowledge and bring a meaningful impact to
their careers.
My best wishes to all students of the conference to make the most out of this event by
learning the applications of digital technologies

Ms. Bettina Husemann

Global Program Manager
Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Venkata Yaramasu

A good conference is always more than just an exchange of papers and ideas. It is the
experience of a common belief nicely expressed in a quote of Mahatma Gandhi “In a
gentle way, you can shake the world”. The quote sounds over- optimistic but in fact,
looking at history, many changes in history started by small groups of committed and
critical citizens taking an initiative for the common good.

The ACE will be for sure one of those groups committed to building a better world
for all and the conference ICIATE‟17 will work as catalyst for the same.

Dr. Venkata Yaramasu

Northern Arizona University
Dr. Rakesh Saxena

I wish to convey you the beautiful success of the Conference. Hope it will be
splendid event, both in terms of intellectual quality and social gratification. The
organization will be able to handle it smoothly and in efficient way throughout. After
this effort the institute will be proud of its achievement and staff's contribution.”

Dr. Rakesh Saxena

SGSITS, Madhya Pradesh
Mr. Sachin Sadre

The “International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in

Engineering 2017 (ICIATE‟17)” is an excellent initiative by Atharva College of
Engineering to promote the culture of new discoveries and designs that will bring
change. I congratulate the institute on this wonderful step.
We have a digital economy approaching us. There are multiple digital technologies
that will very soon impact our personal and professional lives. Key technologies to
impact our world in the near future are IoT (Internet of Things), Automation,
Machine Learning, Robotics, 3D printing, Augmented and Virtual Reality. There is
a whole gamut of digital technologies apart from these which will completely
reorient the world we live in. These are exciting times for the engineering world –
there is an opportunity to create wonderful new inventions, devices, products and
solutions – thereby having a lasting impression on how things work in the future.
ICIATE 2017 is an excellent opportunity for students, research scholars, faculty
and industry professionals to showcase their engineering and technology skills to
people around the world. To me, it is a wonderful platform for bringing talent from
all around the world at a single location.

I wish all the delegates, a great educational and informative experience at the
conference. My best wishes to the organizers of the conference.

Mr. Sachin Sadare

Founder & Director
IdeaNutz Consulting
Mumbai, India
Message from Organisers

Prof Jyoti Golakia Prof. Karuna Nikum

After successful national conference in 2016, we are happy to announce that we are
organizing our 1 international conference in our college. On behalf of the organizing

committee, we would like to take this opportunity to extend our most cordial
invitation and the warmest welcome to all of you to “International Conference on
Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering (ICIATE 2017)”
organized by Atharva College of Engineering, Malad during 12 to 14 January 2017
th th

in Mumbai.
The theme that we have chosen for this year's conference is designed to explore real
world applications and ongoing research across different areas.
The ICIATE 2017 will bring together practitioners, academicians, research scholars
and young students. The participants will be able to attend lectures by learned
speakers followed by in depth discussions, which encourages exchange of ideas and
sharing experiences. The participants will also have the opportunity to meet high
level industry leaders, academicians and developers across the country.
The conference will be of additional benefit to all participates as they can attend
keynote addresses from industries as well as academic experts. Topics covered in
keynote will be related to various tracks covered under this conference and many
We would like to extend our heartiest thanks to Hon. Shri Sunil Rane sir for his
vision and also for giving us an opportunity to organize ICIATE 2017. We would
also like to take this opportunity to thank our Director Dr. P.N. Nemade and Principal
Dr. S.P. Kallurkar for their immense support and encouragement. We would also
thank participants, Advisory Committee, Central coordination committee, core
committee, faculty members and students for their sincere efforts to make this
conference a grand success.
Organizing Secretary (ICIATE-2017)

Prof. Karuna Nikum Prof. Jyoti Golakia

Atharva College of Engineering
Malad, Mumbai
Atharva College of Engineering www.aceconference.in

(ICIATE 2017)

DATE: 13th & 14th JAN, 2017

Organized By

Atharva Educational Complex,
Malad Marve Road,
Charkop Naka,
Malad (West), Mumbai-95
Tel.: 91-022-40294949 (30 Lines)
Atharva College of Engineering www.aceconference.in


(ICIATE 2017)

Theme Paper
Innovation and proliferation of advance technologies in Engineering is the order of
the day with rapid increase in demand for real time solutions with cutting-edge
technologies. The International conference at Atharva College of Engineering aims to
spark discussion on the recent trends, practical issues and the solutions adopted in the
field of Engineering and Technology by incorporating innovative ideas and
employing advanced technologies. Emphasis is laid on the recent developments in the
field of Electronics, Telecommunication, Electrical, Information Technology and
Computer Engineering covering various aspects.
In the field of applied computing and Computer Engineering, the focus will be on
IOT and Nano sensors, Big Data, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Artificial intelligence
and robotics, Human-computer interaction, Formal semantics, Computer and System
Security, Knowledge Acquisition and Expert systems, Algorithmic information
theory, Design Automation, Smart materials and Intelligent systems, Speech
synthesis, Usability engineering, Android Technology, Data mining and Algorithm
IOT is the paradigm empowered by the advancement of a number of distinctive
technologies, including the internet, wireless communication technologies; cloud
computing, sensors, big data analytics and machine learning algorithms. Smart Cities,
Smart Grids, Smart Agriculture are no more hypothetical. Big Data Analytics is
another field which was once just all about gathered information, run analytics and
unearthed information that could help with future decisions. The scenario is no more
so, as it has grown to identify insights for immediate decisions and enable faster and
better decision making. As the advancements in these fields are growing leaps and
bounds performance and security has also become a matter of concern. Cyber crime
and data compromises are growing rapidly as ICT are employed on a large scale for
doing important tasks and data stored in cloud is also increasing. Thus the gravity of
developing internet - secure environment is on high demand.

In electrical domain our conference mainly focuses on the areas of Power Electronics,
drives technology and Power system. Power Electronics is the integral part of drives
technology and power system. It is an application oriented and interdisciplinary area
which plays a crucial role of conversion and control electrical power. Smart grid
technology deals with a variety of operational and energy measures including smart
meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficiency
Atharva College of Engineering www.aceconference.in

Global communication systems have not only changed the world but are also
advancing at an exceptional rate. We thus encourage researchers to gain insight into
communication systems of the future, and to develop such systems. In NCTTA 2016,
we are exploring newer ideas and evolving technologies such as 5G mobile
communications, machine communications, fiber optical links and networks, and
sensor network communication, with emerging new applications by publishing
papers containing pure knowledge.

ICIATE‟16 provides the forum for researchers, practitioners to present their

innovations, technological advances and provides a platform for academicians,
researchers, engineers and industrialists from various disciplines to deliberate the
latest trends, sustainability, practical challenges encountered and the solutions
Atharva College of Engineering www.aceconference.in


(ICIATE 2017)
DATE: 13th & 14th JAN, 2017

Pre-Conference Workshops
Day 1: 12/01/2017
Time Session Venue
Phase I -Ground
TO Registration for Pre Workshop
Workshop I: Bluetooth Low Energy for IoT
Part A: Programmable SOC Basics, Basics
of Bluetooth Low Energy
Phase III
4th Floor
09:00 AM Dr. Jonathan Joshi, CEO
Seminar Hall(A)
TO Mr. Ganesh Gore, CTO
01:00 PM Eduvance
Workshop II: Social Learning
Speaker Phase III
Mr. Girish Gopala Krishnan, CEO 4th Floor
Wiksate Sol. Pvt. Ltd. Seminar Hall(B)
01:00 PM
Phase III
Ground Floor
02:00 PM
Workshop I: Bluetooth Low Energy for Internet of
Part B: BLE based IoT Project
Speaker: Phase III
Dr. Jonathan Joshi, CEO 4th Floor
02:00 PM Mr. Ganesh Gore, CTO Seminar Hall(A)
TO Eduvance
05:00 PM Workshop II: Social Learning
ETL Technology (Extract, Transform and
Phase III - 4th
Floor, Seminar
Speaker: Mr. Meeth Mehta
Co-Founder of Trigbug

02:00 PM
Phase I -Ground
TO Registration for Conference(Paper/Poster)
05:00 PM
Atharva College of Engineering www.aceconference.in


(ICIATE 2017)
DATE: 13th & 14th JAN, 2017

Paper / Poster Presentation
Day 2: 13/01/2017
Electronics + Computer
Electrical + Engineering+
Time Activity
EXTC+ Information
IoT Technology
Registration for Conference Phase I
08:30 AM onwards
(Paper/Poster) Ground Floor
Phase I
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM Paper/Poster Presentation 1st , 2nd & 4th
Phase III
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Tea Break
Ground Floor
11:30 AM - 11:35 AM Lighting of Lamp
Welcome Address
11:35 AM - 11:40 AM
Prof. Jyoti Golakia
Opening Remark
11:40 AM - 11:50 AM
Dr. S. P. Kallurkar / Dr. P. N. Nemade Phase III
Address by Chief Guest Auditorium
11:50 AM - 12:40 PM
Dr. Arun Nigavekar
Address by Executive President
12:40 PM - 12:55 PM
Hon. Shri. Sunil Rane Sir
Vote of Thanks
12:55 PM - 01:00 PM
Prof. Karuna Nikum
Phase III
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch Break
Ground Floor
02:00 PM - 02:05PM Inauguration of Poster Presentation Phase I
Phase III
Keynote Address
02:00PM - 02:45 PM 4th Floor
Dr. Aditya Abhyankar
Seminar Hall
02:45 PM - 03:45 PM Paper/Poster Presentation Phase I
03:45 PM - 04:00 PM Tea Break 1st , 2nd & 4th
Paper / Poster Presentation
14:00 PM - 17:00 PM
Atharva College of Engineering www.aceconference.in


(ICIATE 2017)
DATE: 13th & 14th JAN, 2017

Paper / Poster Presentation
Day 3: 14/01/2017
Electronics + Computer
Electrical + Engineering+
Time Activity
EXTC+ Information
IoT Technology
Registration for Conference Phase I
08:30 AM onwards
(Paper/Poster) Ground Floor
Phase I
09:30 AM - 11:30 AM Paper/Poster Presentation 1st , 2nd & 4th
Phase I
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Tea Break
Phase I
Paper / Poster Presentation
11:45 AM - 01:00 PM 1st , 2nd & 4th
(All Tracks)
Phase III
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch Break
Ground Floor
Key Note Address
02:00 PM - 02:45 PM Phase III
Dr. Deepak Waikar (Singapore)
4th Floor
Key Note Address
02:45 PM - 03:30 PM Seminar Hall
Mr. Sachin Sadare
Phase III
03:30 PM - 04:00 PM Tea Break
Ground Floor
Welcome Address
04:00 PM - 04:15 PM
Dr. S. P. Kallurkar
Report Presentation
04:15 PM - 04:20 PM
Prof. Sachin Gavhane
04:20 PM - 04:25 PM Views of Participants Phase III
4th Floor
Address by Chief Guest
04:25 PM - 05:15 PM Seminar Hall
Shri. R. R. Abhyankar
Distribution of Prizes for Paper & Poster
05:15 PM - 05:25 PM
Vote of Thanks
05:25 PM - 05:30 PM
Prof. Karuna Nikum


(ICIATE 2017)

Sr. No. Title Page No.
Li-Fi: Analysis And Performance Improvement In Visible Light
1 Communication 1
2 Comparison Of Enhanced DBSCAN Algorithms: A Review 1
GPS Based Attendance Management System With RFID
3 Technology 2
4 Student Performance Analysis Using Data Mining 2
5 Quick Tm- Save Time Smartly 3
6 Digital Image Forgery Detection Using Sift Feature 3
7 Peer Assisted Web Content Delivery 4
8 Optimization Of Gain And Bandwidth For VHF Patch Antenna 4
9 Sram Design In Nanotechnology Using Cntfet 5
10 Data Prediction And Optimization In Distributed Databases 5
Sentiment Analysis Of Product Reviews And Evaluation Of
11 Trustworthiness 6
12 Garbage Management System For Smart City. 6
13 Automatic Text Summarization 7
14 Real Time Gas Leakage Detection Using Cloud 7
15 Supercomputer Using Cluster Computing 8
16 Online College Admission System 8
Automatic Detection Of Potholes And Humps With Complaint
17 Registration And Notification System 9
18 Grid Based Robot Navigation For Parking System 9
19 Interactive E-Learning For Digital Image Processing 10
20 Industrial Automation By Using Micro Controller 10
21 Laser Powered Virtual Events 11
22 Computer Vision Based Hand Gesture Interfaces. 11
23 Home Automation System Using PLC 12


Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensors For Co-

24 Morbid Patients 12
25 CDR & TD Analysis Using Data Mining 13
Navigation And Cataloging Of Books In Libraries Using
26 Augmented Reality 13
27 Hitech Energymeter With Automatic Load Control 14
Comparative Study Of 1-Bit Full Adder Using Transmission Gate
28 And Cmos Logic Style 14
29 Literature Review: Cued Click Point Based Authentication 15
30 Concentrated Solar Power Plant 15
31 Smart Solar Powered Chiller 16
32 Efficient Techniques For Load Balancing In Cloud 16
Reliable Data Transmission Using Barcode System In Mobile
33 Devices Based On Dpsk-Dwt Ofdm System 17
34 Waste Water Treatment Through Wetland Membrane 17
35 A Factor Based Load Balancing In Cloud 18
CITIZENS CORNER Grievance Registration And Tracking
36 System Using Natural Language 18
Evaluation Of Classroom Furniture From Ergonomic Design
37 Considerations 19
38 Remote Crop Monitoring System Using IOT 19
39 Enhancement Of Back-Off Algorithm In CSMA/CA: A Study 20
40 Intermixing Of Images And Enhancement 20
Potential Of Different Grid Connected Hybrid System Based On
41 Cost 21
Temporal Analysis Of Air Pollution Over Mumbai Metropolitan
42 City. 21
43 RTO Automisation Using NFC 22
Association Rule Mining For Dynamic Database Algorithms-A
44 Survey 22
Video Inpainting For Scratch Removal Using Exemplar Based
45 Method 23
Smart Agriculture: Detection Of Disease In Plants Using Image
46 Processing 23
47 A Study Of Food Recognition Techniques 24
48 Auto-Caption Generation For News Images 24
49 Study Of Recommendation Engines For E-Commerce Websites 25
Top-K High Utility Itemset Mining Implemented On Medical
50 Data 25
Performance Of Turbo Product Code Decoding In 802.16
51 Systems 26
52 Barcode Based Student Record System 26


53 Literature Survey Of Chess Engines 27

54 Aggrandized Authenticated Secret Sharing 27
55 Weather Forecasting Using Neural Networks 28
56 Aid For The Blind 28
57 GSM Based LAN Monitoring And Controlling 29
58 Text Recognition And Extraction From Video 29
59 A Novel Anti-Phishing Framework Using Visual Cryptography 30
60 Vehicle Tracking And Toll Collection System 30
Vulnerability Assessment Of Web Applications Using Hybrid
61 Algorithm 31
62 Remote File Searching And Retrieving Throungh SMS 31
63 Soil Monitoring System For Improvement Of Soil Yield. 32
Design And Development Of Virtual Reality In
64 Education:Comparative Analysis 32
Study Of Stresses Developed On The Impeller Of Centrifugal
65 Pump At Different Speed Using Ansys 33
66 Acoustic Robot Using Arduino. 33
67 Intuitive User Interface For Projection Based Systems. 34
68 Offline Signature Verification Using Artificial Neural Network 34
Content-Based Audiovisual Archive Retrieval:Multimedia
69 Database 35
70 Employee Tracking System Using Android Smart Phone 35
Literature Review :Analyzing And Organizing User Search
71 Queries 36
72 Advance Eye Controlled Wheelchair For Disabled Person 36
73 Fraud Detection In Health Insurance Using Hybrid System 37
74 Video Surveillance For Human Motion Detection 37
Complete Animal Care System Using Clustering Algorithm:
75 CACS 38
76 Text Classification Using Data Mining 38
77 Integrated Web Based Complaint Management System 39
78 Zero Knowledge Protocol With Rsa Algorithm 39
79 Ble Based Lock Using Atmega 328 40
80 Security And Privacy 40
81 Personalized News Recommender System 41
82 Public Transparency Database System 41
83 Automated Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Processing 42
84 Online Blood Bank Using Cloud Computing 42

85 Sentiment Analysis On Online Product Reviews 43

86 College Recommendation System 43
87 Detection Of Heart Disease Using Classification Algorithm 44
Comparitive Study Of Nature Inspired Load Balancing
88 Algorithms 44
Experience Report Of Creation Of An OER In Applied
89 Mathematics Using ICT For Effective Teaching Learning 45
Generation And Modulation Of Electricity By Rate Of Change
90 Of Magnetic Flux 45
91 Iot Based Farm Monitoring 46
92 Simulation Of Fiber Optics Using MATLAB 46
93 Smart Vehicle Security System 47
94 IOT Based Waste Monitoring System 47
95 Islanding System Model Using Micro Controller 48
Haar Wavelet And Texton Representation Fusion Based Iris
96 Recognition 48
Application Of Genetic Algorithm For Audio Search With
97 Recommender System 49
98 Creating Human Perspective Visual Memory By Eye Tracking 49
Autonomous Multicollision/Human Detection And Navigation
99 Bot Using Distributed Processing 50
100 Sentiment Analyses Using Twitter Data 50
101 Query Log Search Engine Optimization 51
102 E-Menu 51
103 Advanced Atm System 52
Duty Cycle Scheduling And Routing In Path-Connected-Cluster
104 Wireless Sensor Network 52
105 Web Browser Controlled Robot With Night Vision Camera 53
106 Two Dimensional Augmented Reality 53
Reversible Watermarking On Database Images Using Difference
107 Expansion Method. 54
108 Security Employed Using QR Code For Banking System 54
109 Free Roaming Mobile Agent Security. 55
Crowd Density Management In Local Trains Using Micro-
110 Switches 55
111 Arduino Based Autonomous Cleaner Robot 56
112 Smart Power Monitoring System And Theft Detector 56
113 "Gas Accident Prevention With Gsm Alert" 57
Overview Of MAI Cancellation And Correlation Properties Of
114 Orthogonal Spreading Codes For Novel MC-CDMA System 57


115 A Review On The Synthesis And Utilization Of Graphene 58

Intelligent Accident Identification System Using Gsm And Gps
116 Modem 58
Sentiment Analysis For Political Reviews Using Aavn
117 Combination 59
118 Innovative Approach Of Process Control 59
A New Reputation Algorithm For Evaluating Trustworthiness In
119 E-Commerce 60
120 Optimizing The Complexity Of Matrix Multiplication Algorithm 60
121 Video Classification Using Embedded Audio 61
122 Arduino Based Auto-Reclosure For 3 Phase System 61
123 Labview Based Control Of Agricultural System 62
124 Automatic Signal Transformer And Custom Filter Designer 62
125 Next Generation Network 5g 63
126 New Genration Gi-Fi (Gigabit Wireless) 63
127 Flexible AC Transmission System Using TCR 64
User Categorization Based On Trust Analysis For Reputation
128 System In E-Commerce 64
129 Gesture Controlled Multi-Disciplinary Gadgets 65
130 Students Placement Prediction Model Using Logistic Regression 65
131 Video2text:Multi-Instance & Multi -Level Region 66
132 Wireless Institute Food Ordering System With Auto-Billing 66
133 Turbo Product Codes Used Ln Wireless Communications 67
134 Detection Of Threats In Mobile Apps: A Survey 67
135 Electric Resistance Spot Welding: A State Of Art 68
136 A Review On Forensic Cloud Environment 68
137 Speed Control Of Brushless Dc Motor By Using Fuzzy Logic 69
A Low Complex Algorithm For DVC Using Cross Layer Based
138 Rate Control Method 69
139 Wireless Surface Leveller Using Accelerometer. 70
140 Web User Interface Based Automator 70
Analysis Of Energy Detector For Spectrum Sensing In Multiuser
141 Environment 71
Driver Drowziness Detection System With Gsm Alert Using
142 Piezoelectric Sensor 71
143 IOT Based Water Monitoring System 72
144 Sensorized Self-Balancing Electric Vehicle 72
145 Smart Reading Assistance 73


146 Maglev Train 73

147 Security Issues In Semantic Web 74
148 Automated Farming With Interfaced Robot 74
149 Regenerative Braking 75
150 Automatic Phase Changer 75
151 Intuitive User Interface For Projection Based Systems 76
Real Time Driver’s Eyes Status Detection Using Viola-Jones
152 Object Detection Framework 76
153 Keylogging-Resistant Visual Authentication 77
Development Of CNT Based Matrix For Mechanical Shielding
154 Application 77
Effectiveness Of Association Rule Mining For Learning
155 Efficiency Analysis 78
Design Of Two Wheel Self Balancing Robot Using Pid
156 Controller 78
157 Cinema Seat Preview 79
158 Web Based Lan Monitoring 79
Design Of Two Wheel Self Balancing Robot Using Pid
159 Controller 80
160 Car Pooling With Security 80
Effect Of Distributed Generation On Design Of Commercial
161 Electrical System 81
162 Colour Based Cryptography 81
163 Secure Cloud Storage Using Aes 82
164 Smart Attendance Using Image Processing 82
165 Iot Based Industrial Automation 83
Experimental Investigation And Cfd Analysis Performance Of
166 Fin And Tube Heat Exchanger With Different Types Of Fins 83
MEMS Accelerometer Based Gesture Recognition For System
167 Security And Remote User Notification 84
168 Comparative Study Of ARQ & HARQ Techniques In 4G LTE 84
169 Two Wheel Self Balancing Robot Using Pid Controller 85
170 Cctv Based Traffic Control System 85
171 Real-Time Breath Processing Based Wheelchair Using GSM Unit 86
Recommendation Generation On Extracted Web Data Using
172 Cosine Similarity 86
173 NFC The Contactless Connection 87
Anonymous And Confidential Database Securing Through
174 Privacy Preserving Updates 87
175 Location Based Feed Aggregator 88


176 Prevention Of Coldboot Attack On Linux Systems 88

177 Real Time Traffic Light Signal Control 89
178 Dual Axis Solar Tracker 89
179 Industrial Revolution And Artificial Intelligence 90
Testing Of Copper Based Microchannel Heat Sink Inspired By
180 Leaf Venation Pattern For Electronic Cooling 90
Role Of Teacher In Teaching English To Non-Native Speakers
181 Of Indian Origin 91
182 Language Lab And It’s Role To Increase Students Employability 91
183 Big Data Analytics:A Review 92
184 Challenges In Cloud Security 92
Review On Document Clustering Using Various Similarity
185 Measures 93
186 5G Technology And How It Will Boost IOT: A Survey 93
187 Home Gateway Designing Using Intelligent Network 94
188 Internet Forensics: Review 94
189 Industrial Plant Monitoring System 95
190 GSM Based Distribution Transformer Monitoring System 95
191 Students Data Card With Invisible Code 96
Artificial Intelligence - How Communication With Machine Will
192 Evovle 96
A Bivariate Mathematical Normal Distribution To Analyze
193 Experimental Conditions From Melatonin Data 97
194 4d Password Scheme 97
195 Analysis Of Dynamic Logic For SET 98
Analysis Of Different CMOS Full Adder Circuits Based On
196 Different Parameter For Low Voltage 98
197 Augmented Reality: Tracking Methods 99
198 A Review On Li-Fi Technology 99
A Critical Need For Application Of DWM In Educational
199 Domain 100
Comparative Analysis Of Different Wavelets For Image
200 Denoising 100
Performance Evaluation Of PAPR Analysis For Confined
201 Beamforming MIMO OFDM System 101
202 Human Accidents On Roads Detection Using Silicon Chips 101
203 Interface Trap Analysis Of HIGH-K MOSCAP Using T-CAD 102
204 Low Noise Amplifier For 1-10ghz Application 102
205 Magnetic Levitated Windmill 103


206 Context Aware Mobile Services 103

207 Modulation Techniques In Ism Band 104
Estimation Of Software Reliability By Sequential Testing With
208 Simulated Annealing Of Mean Field Approximation 104
Investigation On Designing A Microstrip Patch Antenna Array
209 For Rf Energy Harvesting Application 105
210 Application Of Soft Computing In Electrical Engineering 105
Comparison Between WDR & ASWDR Techniques Using Image
211 Compression With Different Wavelet 106
212 Digi Drone 106
213 Under Ground Cable Fault Detection Over Iot 107
214 A Study On Open Source Server Technologies 107
Wireless Sensor Network Based Health Monitoring System For
215 Cattle 108
Study Of Human Identification Techniques Fingerprint, Iris, Hair
216 Pattern Recognition 108
Performance Evaluation And Improving Semantic Web Services
217 Discovery For Advanced Manufacturing Collaboration In Cloud 109
218 Automatic Detection Of Potholes And Humps On The Road 109
219 Interactive Voice Response System For College Automation 110
220 Wireless Data Transfer Device For Conjuction In Vanate 110
Hand Gesture Recognition And Voice Conversion System For
221 Speech Impaired 111
222 Ring Shape Microstrip Antenna For Multi-Band Response 111
Secure Online Encryption With Partial Data Identity
223 Outsourcing: An Exemplar For Cloud Computing 112
Review On Classification Over Semantically Secure Encrypted
224 Data 112
225 Home Gateway Design Based On Intelligence 113
226 Iot Based Robotic Arm 113
227 IOT Based Home Automation 114
228 Iot Based Cattle Health Monitoring System 114
229 Protection Of Induction Motor And Monitoring Using Zigbee. 115
Security Considerations For Infrastructure As A Service Cloud
230 Computing 115
Development Of A Model For Recognition Of Ergonomic
231 Considerations Required For Structuring Of Cad Packages To 116
Improve Usability And User Productivity
232 Security Of NFC 116
Early Stage Detection And Preventive Measures For Sudden
233 Cardiac Arrest 117


234 Iot Based Air And Sound Pollution Monitoring System 117
The Potentials To Reach Goal Of Make In India, In Global
235 Perspective , Endrepreneurial Competency Development 118
Sign Language To Letter And Voice Conversion Using S2LV
236 Glove. 118
237 Dual Axis Solar Tracking System 119
238 Survey Of Cloud Computing Platforms 119
Soft Computing Technique For Categorization Of Unstructured
239 Web Data 120
240 The State Of 3D Printing 120
241 Renewable Energy Based Wireless Power Transfer 121
242 Adaptive Filter In Hearing Aid For Impaired People 121
243 Early Warning System For Heart Disease 122
Li-Fi: Analysis And Performance Improvement In Visible Light
244 Communication 122
245 Comparison Of Enhanced DBSCAN Algorithms: A Review 123
GPS Based Attendance Management System With RFID
246 Technology 123
247 Student Performance Analysis Using Data Mining 124
248 Quick Tm- Save Time Smartly 124
249 Digital Image Forgery Detection Using Sift Feature 125


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
1 Li-Fi: Analysis and Performance Improvement in Visible Light Communication
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Himanshu Name: Abhishek Name: Mahesh Kulkarni Name: Vishal Ghoge Name: Tukaram
Kumar Chaudhary Sawant

Email: Email: Email: Email: tnsawant@ieee.org
hktwistter8@gmail.com abhi640299@gmail.com mgkulkarni2@gmail.com vishalpghoge@gmail.com
Abstract: We have designed a prototype "Li-Fi system" in which we have transmitted the audio (Real time),
image, video, data file of any format wirelessly using the visible light. High Switching capabilities of LED lead
to use in wireless communication with data rate higher than 10 Gbps.
In this project we have designed a new prototype of Li-Fi circuit which abundantly increases the performance in
terms of throughput and efficiency. We have used the high sensitivity photodiode instead of phototransistor to
improve the receiver sensitivity towards fluctuating light intensity. Also we have used the optical filter to
increase the acceptance angle.Optical filter separate the individual colors from the white light which used as a
single channel. Hence combination of light carrier is used as to increase the throughput. Different modulation
technique can be used to increase the throughput and efficiency like OOK, OFDM, CSK etc. In this circuit the
signal is processing from computer 1 to computer 2 using the DB9 cable. Here the signal is transmitting to RS232
module which convert parallel signal to serial signal. Now this signal is given to MAX232 IC which convert the
serial signal to TTL logic signal. Then the data is given to the SK100 (Power transistor) transistor which is used
to drive the LED in the ON-OFF manner. In receiver section we have selected the “VISHAY BPW34
Photodiode” which convert the light signal to electrical form and processed the signal to MAX232 IC and then to
DB9 module for serial to parallel converter and given to computer 2. Therefore high speed wireless
communication is possible using the Li-Fi technology.

Paper ID Title
02 Comparison of enhanced DBSCAN algorithms: A review
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Harsh Shinde Name: Amruta Sankhe

Email: harshshinde37@gmail.com Email: sankhe3@gmail.com

Abstract: While data containing any type of information isgetting ubiquitous, proper processing of such data is
very much obliged. To classify spatial data, various clustering algorithms have been invented. DBSCAN (Density
Based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise) is one of the consummate clustering algorithm with respect
to discovery of arbitrarily shaped cluster in a spatial datasets. Due to its flexibility and tremendous research
potential, DBSCAN algorithm is one of the most cited in scholarly literature. Considering the fact that most
researchers tried to experiment and evaluate the algorithm, certain modifications of DBSCAN were made in order
to have more efficient outcomes or to reduce time complexities. This paper discusses such modified algorithms
and how they surpass the original DBSCAN in certain ways. Thorough analysis of each algorithm is mentioned
and their critical evaluation is done accordingly. These algorithms are then comparatively evaluated with regards
to various parameters.

International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
03 GPS based Attendance Management System with RFID technology
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Harsh Shinde Name: Gaurav Raul Name: Sagar Shirke Name: Amruta Sankhe

Email: Email: Email: Email:

harshshinde37@gmail.com raulgaurav96@gmail.com sagarshirke2674@gmail.com sankhe3@gmail.com

Abstract: The process of biometrics and manual attendance tracking is one of the highly regarded and researched
for modifications and improvement. The long and tediousness of the manual attendance calls for its modification
to ease the entire process. As a result, we have proposed a smart geo-location based real-time attendance tracking
system which is implemented on an android platform. Any organization has its specific location, which is fixed
on the GPS. The staff’s location is the key to the attendance management in our paper. For real-time tracking of
the staff, RFID technology will be used. Unique ID is provided to each staff member who will be scanned by the
RFID reader thus giving the actual time and location of the employee. In this paper, we have proposed a unique
integration of GPS and RFID technology for a smooth and precise attendance management system.

Paper ID Title
5 Student Performance Analysis Using Data Mining

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Disha Kalambe Name: Anita Labade Name: Surabhi Khedekar

Email: Email: 22anitalabade@gmail.com Email: surbhikhedekar1203@gmail.com


Abstract: In this age of computerization, education has also re-constructed itself and is not limited to old lecture
method. Nowadays, lots of data is collected in educational databases, but it remains un-utilized. In order to get
required benefits from such a big data, powerful tools are required. Data mining is an emerging powerful tool for
analysis. The previous system doesn’t give the guidance to student based on the overall performance.
The proposed system presents the analysis of student performance on the basis of academic performance, extra-
curricular activities, strengths, weakness and hobbies. The proposed system uses classification algorithm and
guides them by displaying the areas where they need to do improvement in order to contribute to a student's
overall development by generating a score card for the same. The proposed system will give all the required
information of each and every student help of tracking and navigation system.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
6 Quick TM- Save Time Smartly
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Anuja Kamble Name: Rasika Lamture Name: Nileema
Sneha Hanmankar Romil Dodhiwala Pathak

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

hsneha596@gmail.com romildodhiwala@gmail. anujak1995@gmail.com rashilamture@gmail.com nileemap@gmail.c
com om
Abstract: As now a day’s population is increasing its putting pressure on the available resources. Although
technology is advancing but its results are seem only in few fields. For example, the present booking system,
there have been various changes bought in this area since many years till today. But the primary problems faced
haven’t changed much. This paper presents a proposed idea that tries to figure out various loopholes of the
present booking system, also emphasizes to focus on the cashless transaction and gives a measure to find a
substitute or an altogether different approach to solve it. Thus this paper discusses the various issues and also
gives an idea of the proposed system, its working details and its benefits in other applications too.

Paper ID Title
07 Digital Image Forgery Detection Using SIFT Feature
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Bhavesh Patil Name: Gaurav Raul Name: Sagar Shirke Name: Prof. Amruta Sankhe

Email: Email: Email: Email:

bhavesh.patil95@gmail.com sayali1157@gmail.com akshu.shivade10@gmail.com sankhe3@gmail.com

Abstract: Availability of new software’s nowadays, one can create unauthentic images quite often. Mostly used
media to create unauthentic images for public sizing false reports. Also, in crime one can make changes in an
image using various attacks such as copy-move attack, tampered and composite. For solving these problems of
image forgery various detection methods are to be used and then compared, in order to specify which method is
more beneficial to be used in a particular type of attack.
To detect such modifications, a novel methodology based on SIFT: Scale Invariant Feature Transform is
proposed with feature extraction which is invariant to translation, scale, noise and rotation. It comprises
transformation of the input image to produce a standard result and then detection of key point and feature
descriptor is applied along with a matching over all the key points. It comprises of the input image to produce
standard representation and detection of duplicate image.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
08 Peer Assisted Web Content Delivery
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Kushagr Gupta Name: Aanchal Lohia Name: Dhairav Mehta Name: Sanjay Chauhan Name: Nileema Pathak

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

Kushagr142@gmail.co lohiaaanchal95@gmail. dhairav007@gmail. sanjayc114@gmail. com nileemap@gmail.com
m com com
Abstract: In today’s world, HTTP driven Internet traffic forms the backbone of information and content transfer
around the globe. Content Delivery Networks(CDN) offer these systems the service of distributing this content
wherever needed. However, these systems are often plagued with content delivery failures due to various
constrains of CDN such as edge server failure/congestion. We therefore explore a browser based peer-assisted
design to resolve content delivery failures. WebRTC is a novel way to deliver web content, but has the added
complexity of handling dynamic resources and handling them efficiently. A fall back mechanism can be
formulated to handle server and network failures by enforcing the protocols to support efficient and optimized
content delivery. HTTP based services are currently used to deliver various rich media which has caused increase
in the bandwidth load on the CDN and it is usually the cause of content delivery failures. The browser based
peer-assisted scheme aims to reduce this load by leveraging the bandwidth of connected users to serve content to
newer users. This method needs optimization to ensure that the most appropriate peer is selected. It suffers from
problems that the conventional P2P method does not, such as peer disconnection as soon as page is loaded.

Paper ID Title
09 Optimization of Gain and Bandwidth for Very High Frequency Patch Antenna
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Aishwarya Name: Revathy Pillai Name: Jidnyasa Sane Name: Priyanka Samant Name: Prof. Jyoti
Sansare Kolap

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

aishwaryasansare@gmai revuaquarius1995@gmail.c jidnyasa.sane@gmail.com priyankasamant1896@ kolapjyoti@gmail.
l.com om gmail.com com

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to establish a method to improve the Gain and Bandwidth throughout the VHF
range. The effect of different dielectric materials, shape for the patch, various slotting methods are reviewed and
the design giving the best results is established.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
10 Sram Design in Nanotechnology using Cntfet
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Tanvi Shirke Name: Nidhi Shivgan Name: Yogita Verma Name: Nimish Salunke

Email: Email: Email: Email:

shirketanvi1@gmail.com shivgannidhi@gmail.com yogitaverma05@gmail.com nimishsalunke88@gmail.com
Abstract: For many years,SRAM(Static Random Access Memory) designers have been using metal-oxide
semiconductor field-effect transistors(MOSFETs) as basic circuit element. The power consumption has become
an important consideration on the VLSI system design and microprocessor as the demand for the portable devices
and embedded systems continuously increases.The write power of SRAM is usually larger than the read power
due to large power.Many techniques have been proposed to reduce the write power consumption by reducing the
voltage swing level on the bit lines. Especially for modern VLSI processor design, SRAM takes large part of
power consumption portion and area overhead.These essentials can be achieved by reducing the size of transistor,
a process known as scaling.The continuous scaling of the circuit design gives rise to problems like; short channel
effect, power dissipation, leakage current and process variation. As a solution to correct these shortcomings and
achieve similar performance; the CNTFET is explored. CNTFET looks to be more feasible because of its CMOS-
like structure.
In this project, we proposed a design of CNTFET based SRAM and compared it with the existing MOSFET
based SRAM.

Paper ID Title
11 Data Prediction and Optimization in Distributed Databases
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Maanadh Naik Name: Anjali Nava Name: Yadnya Nakhwa Name: Vivek Agarwal Name: Poonam

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

maanadh@gmail.com anjalinava7@gmail.com yadnyanakhwa@gmail.com vivekagarwal1901@gmail. pnmjoshi2@gmail.
com com
Abstract: E-commerce is one of the recent growing trends; almost all businesses have their domains online. The
existing Systems provide the customer with limited searching options. As a result the customer has to search his
desired product all by himself. This system can be used as a solution for generating optimized suggestions in
Distributed Databases. We have used the concept of Extended Matrix-Based Apriori algorithm which is efficient.
This is much more Customer-Oriented Scheme.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
12 Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews and Evaluation of Trustworthiness
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Sneha Prabhu Name: Vivek Panchal Name: Zaineb Penwala Name: Rhea Shetty Name: Reena
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
prabhusneha022@gmail. vicky.vivek14@gmail.co zenp1520@gmail.com rhshetty89@gmail.com mahereena@yahoo
com m .com

Abstract: There has been a rapid growth in the E-commerce industry which market and sell products as well as
allow users to express their opinions about products. Buyers generally refer to these reviews and opinions before
making a buying decision and to obtain first-hand experience of the product from certified buyers. However,
users tend to adapt modern writing styles such as abbreviations, misspelled words, phrases instead of sentences
and emoticons. Hence, automatic summarization of product reviews using Sentiment Analysis has great
significance as it helps the company know what the user liked and disliked about the product as well as helps
buyers make an online purchase decision. The basic task of sentiment analysis is sentiment classification which
classifies a user review as positive, negative, neutral. Also, it is important to calculate the degree of trust of the
user posting review, the review’s trustworthiness and generating a global reputation score of the product.

Paper ID Title
13 Garbage Management System for Smart City.
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Gayatri Babu Name: Asifa Indi Name: Nikitha Sukrithalal Name: Jayshree Jha

Email: Email: asifaindi@gmail.com Email: Email:

gayatribabu95@gmail.com nikithalal96@gmail.com jha.jays@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper introduces the garbage management system for maintaining hygienic conditions in a smart
city. The key aspect of this system is to identify level of garbage in dustbin with sensor systems and alert the
authorized control room through wireless module. An Android application will act as GUI to supervise the
garbage status. GPS system employed will pinpoint the exact location of garbage bin. This system will avoid the
regular monitoring of the bins and thereby reduce the operational time required.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
14 Automatic Text Summarization
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name:Riya Kamble Name: Saurabh Shah Name: Aalok Nerurkar Name: Kanhaiya Prasad Name: Reena
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
riyakamble55@gmail.co shahsaurabh222@gmail.co aaloknerurkar@gmail.com Kanhaiyap1143@gma mahereena13@gm
m m il.com ail.com

Abstract: With the rapid growth in the quantity and complexity of documents sources on the internet, it has
become increasingly important to provide improved mechanism to user to find exact information from available
documents. Text summarization has become an important and timely tool for helping and interpreting the large
volumes of text available in documents.
“Text Summarization” is a process of creating a shorter version of original text that contains the important
information. It can be broadly classified into two types: Extraction and Abstraction. This project focuses on the
Fuzzy logic Extraction approach for text summarization and the semantic approach of text summarization using
Latent Semantic Analysis.

Paper ID Title
15 Real Time Gas Leakage Detection Using Cloud
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Bhogate sayali Name: Pooja Chavan Name: Supriya Chavan Name: Priyanka Doke

Email: Email: Email: Email:

bhogate24@gmail.com poojachavan54@gmail.com supriyachavan.111095@gmail. dokepriyanka715@gmail.com

Abstract: The gas leakage detection system can constantly monitor the gas leak with the help of the sensors. We
intent to use ZigBee to feed real time sensor data over the cloud . The sensor monitors, detects and raises an
alarm whenever a gas leak or fire broke out condition is detected. This data is made available at real time feeds
over the cloud. Thus making it possible to collect, store and analyse the large amount of data in several new
forms and activate context based alarm. This novel information acquisition paradigm allows continuous and
ubiquitous leakage information access from any connected device over the internet. This data helps in easily
locating the root cause of the emergency condition. So that one can know the complete detail of the hazards.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
16 Supercomputer using Cluster Computing
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Karan Kantharia Name: Adarsh Name: Manas Nikam Name: Rujul Name: Mrs. Disha
Chaturvedee Shringarpure Bhosle
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
karankantharia@gmail.c adarsh0602@gmail.com manasnikam24@gmail.com rujulshringarpure@gmail. disha.bhosle@gmai
om com.com l.com

Abstract: The supercomputers are known to operate at their highest operational rate and are faster than other
computers at the same time. There have been many approaches to build a supercomputer such as grid and
distributed computing, but the most efficient and economical way is by using cluster computing. Computer
clusters have emerged as a result of convergence of a number of computing phenomena which include high speed
networks, the availability of low-cost microprocessors and software for high-performance distributed computing.
Computer clusters are used for computation-intensive purposes, rather than handling IO-oriented operations. In
computing, a cluster is made of many individual computers that work collectively to solve a problem at hand, the
computing nodes communicate over a fast network, but they share the same memory. These very tightly coupled
configurations are designed for work that may approach supercomputing. Due to varied applications, a
supercomputer using cluster computing can be beneficial to needs of larger processing speeds and higher data
handling capabilities.

Paper ID Title
17 Online College Admission System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Dharni Negandhi Name: Akshay Doshi Name: Aastha Mishra Name: Sunidhi Desai Name: RasikaThakare
Email: Email: Email: Email: ranilpatil2011@gmail.c
dnegandhi13@gmail.com akshay.doshi010196@g asthamishra23.am@gmai desaisunidhi@gmail.com om
mail.com l.com

Abstract: This paper is aimed at developing an Online College Admission System that is of importance to the
college as well as students. Admission process done manually is a time denoting process and also leads to long
queues. In this advance era of technology, we are reducing the manual work and excess time taken in admission
process by making it as an online process. Students can register into the system and can fill the admission forms.
Students can also apply for revaluation as well as photocopy forms . Notice regarding students who took the
admission is also displayed on the window.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
18 Automatic Detection of Potholes and Humps with Complaint Registration and
Notification System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Pranali Sawant Name: Gouravi Tandel Name: Shubham Jain Name: Poonam Joshi Name: Mandar Ghadi

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

panusawant6@gmail.com gouravitandel1945@gma shubham.shubham.jain pnmjoshi2@gmail.com mandarghadi00@gmail.
il.com 3@gmail.com com

Abstract: The major problem faced by almost all the countries is the critical conditions of the roads that has led
to lots of accidents, may it be the big sized potholes or even humps, these problems has taken lots of innocent
lives. As the maintenance of the roads is considered as the responsibility of government, sometimes government
lacks the resources to locate the areas that need to be repaired which leads to various accidents. The proposed
system aims to be used by the car drivers to locate upcoming the potholes and humps so that they will be
precautious and drive accordingly and help the government to locate the geographic locations of the potholes and
humps and repair them. Ultrasonic sensors are used to identify the potholes and humps and also to measure their
depth and height, respectively. The GPS (Global Positioning System) Receiver is used to capture the current
location of the device. The received data is stored onto a server database which can be used to inform government
authorities about the location of the potholes and humps and send an alert message to the registered users and
simultaneously a complaint will be registered on the website which will administered by a government official.
The website is used to send alert messages to the users and help the users to register for getting the device
installed. The website can also be used to generate timely reports about the maintenance of roads.

Paper ID Title
19 Grid Based Robot Navigation for Parking System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Abhishek Name: Yash Jain Name: Nooman Mehra Name: Prasanna Name: Jayshree
Medhekar Email: Email: JadhavEmail: Jha
jainyash292@gmail.com noomanmehra11@gmail.c jadhavprasanna888@g Email:
Email: om mail.com jha.jays@gmail.co
amedhekar01@gmail.co m

Abstract: In today’s world, the increasing reliance of people over personal vehicles for transport has led to
shortage of parking spaces, especially in urban areas. The public pay-and-park spaces are not equipped with
facilities to guide a car driver to an available parking slot. This leads to wastage of time for the car driver. To
address this issue, the new system includes a guidance system consisting of a user application, an array of
sensors, and navigation software. The user application also consists of a payment mechanism, as well as the
option to retrieve the car.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
20 Interactive e-Learning for Digital Image Processing
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Milouni Desai Name: Ajitha Nair Name: Purnima Hebbagil Name: Namrata Lade

Email: Email: Email: Email:

milounidesai@gmail.com nairajitha2012@gmail.com purnima.hebbagil@gmail.co lade.namrata114@gmail.com
Abstract: E-learning is a neoteric and intuitive way of education. It is one of the most commodious technologies,
which is based on the internet. Due to advancements in technology, people now a day aspire to gain knowledge at
their own pace and in their own time. E-learning provides a global platform for the collaboration of such
educators and knowledge seekers. This system has been developed to learn and understand some basic concepts
of Digital Image Processing through an interactive website. Digital Image Processing is an approach of applying
different techniques, protocols and algorithms to transform and enhance the image. Digital Image Processing is a
technique which can be best understood when visualized. The main objective of this system is to perceive the
concepts of Digital Image Processing in a preferable way. This system has been built by using various front-end
and back-end technologies as well as database.

Paper ID Title
21 Industrial Automation By Using Micro controller
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Aishwarya Khandekar Meenakshi Basvankar Alfarin Sayed Mayuri Bhalerao Suvarna More

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

aashukhandekar11@gmai basumeenakshi1994@gm aishwarya.khandekar@yah mayuribhalerao789@ suvilas@gmail.com
l.com ail.com oo.in gmail.com

Abstract: This paper mainly focuses on monitoring and controlling of Industrial Appliances remotely when the
user is away from the place. Micro- controller is the core component of this project. Objective of this project is to
avoid number of accidents, human errors, and for manual safety. As Human errors and manual safety systems
lead to increase in industrial accidents, So here we are proposing a micro controller based industrial automation
system that detects Smoke, Temperature, Fire, Alcohol, LPG Gas etc, to keep track of accidents, accordingly it
on/off various load such as cooling fan, exhaust fan, water sprinkler and also it gives the information about
detection to the supervisor through LCD Display. This paper includes the study of various electronic devices
using sensors.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
22 Laser Powered Virtual Events
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Abhishek Sinha Prerna Punjabi Jit Desai Snehal More Chanda Chouhan
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
sinhaabhi58@gmail.com kprerna.576@gmail.com jeetdesai95@gmail.com morechinu09@gmail. chanda.chouhan@g
com mail.com

Abstract: With the advancement of technology devices are becoming affordable to general people and people are
more attracted towards Artificial Intelligence and new ways to interact with computer devices. Laser Powered
Virtual Events is a system that detects the laser point stroke on any flat surface. Here we can make any flat
surface such as wall or book as virtual events and a press of laser light acts as key press on keyboard. Laser
Powered Virtual Events uses webcam to monitor the selected area, detects if any laser light comes to any segment
and then does the equivalent of pressing a specified keyboard key. Laser Control is a gesture system created
using a laser pointer by pointing defined areas on a wall. Here to interact with media device i.e. camera we use
.NET. With gesture recognition, all we have to do is make a gesture anywhere in the camera’s field of view.

Paper ID Title
23 Computer Vision Based Hand Gesture Interfaces.
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Yash Velaskar Akshay Dulam Sagar Sureliya Shreyash Shenoy Chanda Chouhan
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
velaskaryash@gmail.com akshaydulam96@gmail.c sagar.y.sureliya@gmail.co shenoyshreyash95@gm chanda.chouhan@g
om m ail.com mail.com

Abstract: Considerable effort has been put toward the development of intelligent and natural interfaces between
users and computer systems. In line with this endeavor, several modes of information (e.g., visual, audio, and
pen) that are used either individually or in combination have been proposed. The use of gestures to convey
information is an important part of human communication. Hand gesture recognition is widely used in many
applications, such as in computer games, machinery control (e.g., crane), and thorough mouse replacement.
Computer recognition of hand gestures may provide a natural computer interface that allows people to point at or
to rotate a computer-aided design model by rotating their hands. Hand gestures can be classified into two
categories: static and dynamic. The use of hand gestures as a natural interface serves as a motivating force for
research on gesture taxonomy, its representations, and recognition techniques. This paper summarizes the surveys
carried out in human--computer interaction (HCI) studies and focuses on different application domains that use
hand gestures for efficient interaction. This exploratory survey aims to provide a progress report on static and
dynamic hand gesture recognition (i.e., gesture taxonomies, representations, and recognition techniques) in HCI
and to identify future directions on this topic.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
24 Home Automation System using PLC
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Saurav Vats Saurabh Kamat Rishabh Rai Garima Gurjar Neha Bansal
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
sauravvats1995@gmail.co akshaydulam96@gmail.c rairishabh940@gmail.com gurjargarima@gmail.co nbansalsurat@gamil
m om m .com

Abstract: Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is utilized extensively for automation of electromechanical
processes. In this study, a home automation system controlled by PLC is designed. The proposed control module
will consist of software simulation and hardware implementation. The control module provides multiple
components’ fault detection, tolerance and switch on or off in critical areas such as gas sensing, voltage control of
power socket and valve control circuits. The system is easy to build, service, modify and it provides reliable
communication of home automation with reduced cost. In this paper, we propose the idea of designing a smart
home with optimised energy consumption. The system is programmable to meet demands, adding different home
appliances in short time by optimising the entire hardware assembly and software algorithms. The PLC is easy to
understand and the system provides multiple solutions by using a single component. Although new but more
efficient than previous systems, the PLC can become the epicentre to many new applications. Using PLC is a
onetime investment .Once the system is designed and implemented, the only cost is that of maintenance .Another
benefit of using PLC is that we can add or remove any input/output modules by simply modifying the ladder
logic. It is also possible to combine PLC model with other devices such as GSM. Such kind of an application will
be extremely beneficial for the aged and disabled people by offering voice control and safety items.

Paper ID Title
25 Health Monitoring System using Wireless Sensors for Co-morbid Patients

Name: Mr. Bhavin C. Shah

Email: mr.bhavin@hotmail.com

Abstract: the proposed paper focuses on Patients are suffering from physical and mental illness called co-
morbidities. The treatments for co-morbid patients need to be given while patients might be at home or in
hospital. The patient needs to be monitored by caregivers/caretakers. Caregivers/caretakers cannot predict the
exact change of the optimal result due to variation in body of the co-morbid patient for which, need of sensors is
required to monitor the patient activities without manual support. Sensors such as eye blink sensor, motion sensor
and temperature sensor are used to check the level of patient and the same will be displayed in LCD for
monitoring. If some abnormalities occur than a alarm by using buzzer will alert the caregiver/caretaker, doctor or
family member for taking necessary actions. A ZigBee module stores the patient details in the hospital
management & is useful to check the patient report with secure level in the database.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
26 CDR & TD Analysis using Data Mining
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Akash Agivale Bhavin Oza Mahesh Mane Akshay Naik Snehal Kathale
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
akashagivale16@gmail.co bhavin.oza49@gmail.com manemahesh016@gmail.c akshayxxxnaik@gmail. snehal.kathale@gma
m om com il.com

Abstract: Cell phones acts as an basic entity in any of the crime scenes. With the help of appropriate tools
finding the possible suspect/criminal can be an easy task. CDR (Call detail record) and TD (Tower Dump) can
play an important role in finding the possible suspect. Here the call records of the area are been checked with the
help of TD located at that specific area(where crime has occurred),which uploads the data on to the database. The
frequent caller is been identified by using APRIORI and K-Means Algorithms. A GUI is been developed, where
the records are been obtained, if the suspect changes the SIM or Mobile Phone, with the help of specific tools, the
data about the changed sim or mobile can also be obtained. Finally the output from the above process will help
the police to find out possible suspect easily.

Paper ID Title
27 Navigation and Cataloging of books in Libraries using Augmented Reality
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Samira Nigrel Aditya Sankhe Ashish Haldar Bishop Sankhe Rupak Javkar
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
Samira.nigrel@gmail.com adityasankhe73@gmail.co ashkingz93@gmail.com sankhebishop@gmail.c rupakjavkar@gmail.
m om com

Abstract: This project is an application of the concept of augmented reality, and uses day to day equipment such
a Smartphone, tablets or VR devices. The project is divided into 2 parts: Navigation and Cataloging . The
navigation feature will include step by step navigation to the given location(section) of the library. A destination
tag will be present on the display of the device for easier navigation. The Cataloging feature will display all
related information about the books, such as book reviews, book summary, author information, related books
present in the library. The advantage of using Augmented Reality will be that seamless transition from one book
to another without having to give any additional data or time, will be achieved. To make a database entry of a
book, users can participate and scan the books that they have read and use those covers as a marker.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
28 Hitech Energymeter with Automatic Load Control
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Shriya Dubey Minal Bodke Manisha Borate Nikeeta Sangle Suvarna More
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
shriyadubey2@gmail.com minalbodke89@gmail.co manishaborate18@gmail.c nikeetasangle987@gma suvilas@gmail.com
m om il.com

Abstract: Nowadays automation is being implemented in all the fields. However it is seen that electricity service
providers still use the same old method of reading meters manually from house to house. Our proposed project
will send all the details of the meter to the service provider as well as the consumer through a SMS by using
GSM module.The use of ZigBee will help in quick data transfer wirelessly. The use of LCD display will help in
notifying the consumers about any changes in the power supply by the service provider. The load can be
controlled from both the ends by consumer and service provider with the help of relay circuit. Thus this project
will be both service provider and consumer friendly. The detection of electricity theft can also be done through
the use of this system.

Paper ID Title
29 Comparative Study Of 1-Bit Full Adder Using Transmission Gate And CMOS Logic
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Ketkee Kambli Juili Kolapte Shivani Kulaye PoojaDharade MahalaxmiPalinje

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

kambli.ketkee@gmail.co juilikolapte1995@gmail.c shivanikulaye3@gmail.co pooja.dharade@gmail.c suvilas@gmail.com
m om m om

Abstract: Paper discusses comparative study of 1-bit full adder cells with two logic styles namely,
Complementary MOS (CMOS) and Transmission Gate (TG). The simulations of 1 Bit full adder at 180nm, 45nm
and 32nm technology is carried. Analysis of performance and efficiency of 1-bit full adder cell designs is carried
out for different parameters like average power, supply voltage and transistor count is done. The average power
for CMOS technology for 32nm is 1.474uW and for Transmission gate technology for 32nm is 1.193uW. It is
observed that within a given logic style, as the technology decreases the average power decreases with decrease
in the area for a constant supply voltage of 1 V. It is observed that less power is consumed by transmission gate
based 1-Bit full adder than the conventional CMOS 1-Bit full adder for all technologies.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
30 Literature Review: Cued Click Point Based Authentication
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Tanvee Mantri1 Name: Pranali Chaudhari Name: Kirti Khonde Name: Suvarna Pansambal

Email: Email: Email: Email:

tanveemantri@gmail.com pranalicute1@gmail.com kirti05khonde@gmail.com suvarna.atharv@gmail.com

Abstract: Knowledge-based authentication and text-based authentication system have some drawbacks which
are renowned. Users mostly choose easy to remember passwords which are easy for hackers to guess, and
password generated by system are difficult for users to remember. This paper focuses on the implementation of
Cued Click Points graphical password authentication system, which includes usability and security. A main goal
of authentication systems is to protect users by allowing selecting passwords which are better than other
password schemes, thus expands the effectual password space. In click-based graphical passwords, poorly chosen
passwords lead to the emergence of hotspots. We use persuasion to influence user choice to use click-based
graphical passwords, encouraging users to select more random and difficult to guess, click-points.

Paper ID Title
31 Concentrated Solar Power Plant
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Suyog Bhandari Anmol Padwal Mohit Fulpagare Mayur Kamble Sangeeta Jain
Email: Email: Email: Email:
Email: anmolpadwal24@gmail.c Mohitfulpagare@gmail.co mayurkamble1995@gm sangeetajain.pune@
suyogbhandari16@yahoo. om m ail.com gmail.com

Abstract: The deserts of the world are hottest places, very less rainfall, almost clear skies throughout the year.
These deserts receive highest direct normal irradiance which is most suitable for concentrating solar power
plants. With the technological developments and their innovations in concentrating solar power, thermal storage
and hybridization/ back up, the sunniest countries expects that concentrated solar power plants (CSP) should be
source of bulk power in peak and intermediate loads by 2020. (CSPs) are gaining increasing interest, mostly as
parabolic trough collectors (PTC) or solar tower collectors (STC). Notwithstanding CSP benefits, the daily and
monthly variation of the solar irradiation flux is a main drawback. To determine the optimum design and
operation of the CSP throughout the year, whilst defining the required TES, an accurate estimation of the daily
solar irradiation is needed. The purpose of the study is to highlight available solar resource, present technology of
CSP, future development in technology and contribution of power generated from CSP plants and its role in
India’s electricity demand. This paper highlights a case study of an active plant being operated as a part of
Jawaharlal Nehru national solar mission and the challenges faced by it during its gestation period.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
32 Smart Solar Powered Chiller
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Jai Damania Neha Bansal Vinod Mandavkar Devednya Vyas Juilee Shelar
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
suyogbhandari16@yahoo. anmolpadwal24@gmail.c Mohitfulpagare@gmail.co mayurkamble1995@gm sangeetajain.pune@
com om m ail.com gmail.com

Abstract: The Smart Solar Powered Chiller is basically a portable deep freezer which is used to preserve food
and ice creams from spoiling at a temperature extremely below the atmospheric temperature. The system is
independently and efficiently powered by solar energy consisting of a solar panel where the conversion of solar
radiation to Electrical Energy takes place, also consisting of a set of smart charge controller, a Tubular Lead-Acid
Battery which is basically used for reliable and uninterrupted Electric supply feeding to the Freezer unit (load)
through the smart Inverter. The Freezer unit consists of a thermally insulated compartment and AC Compressor

Paper ID Title
34 Efficient Techniques for Load Balancing in Cloud
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Prof.Krishnajali J.Shinde Name: Prof.Satish Ranbhise

Email: jaianjali85@gmail.com Email: ranbhise1976@gmail.com

Abstract: Cloud computing is the new technology, which is totally dependent on the internet to maintain large
applications, where data is shared over one platform to provide better services to the clients belonging to a
different organization. Load balancing is one of the main challenges in cloud computing. It is a technique which
is required to distribute the dynamic workload across multiple nodes to ensure that no single node is overloaded.
So that Load balancing techniques help in optimal utilization of resources and hence in enhancing the overall
performance of the system. The goal of load balancing is to minimize the resource consumption which will
further reduce energy consumption .Its main motive is to optimize the usage of resources, boost turnout, fault
tolerance, scalability, increase throughput, response time, etc [1]. It becomes a severe problem with the increase
in list of users and types of applications on cloud. The main highlights of this paper is on the load balancing
techniques in cloud computing.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
35 Reliable Data Transmission using Barcode System in Mobile devices based on dpsk-dwt ofdm

Name: Prashant Dhere

Email: prashantdhere13@gmail.com

Abstract: DPSK-OFDM modulation scheme is implemented in the proposed work to handle the complexity
issue in flexible manner for hassle-free data transmission in mobile devices. Barcode scheme has ability to
convert the readable form of information into un-understandable form to provide complexity free transmission.
Barcode printed on paper has interference free appearance which does not have any leakages while digital
barcodes has observed while pixels are leaked into their corresponding black pixels which is called as
intersymbol interference. The proposed barcode based DPSK-OFDM system are designed to reduce the issues
frequently occurs in handheld device transmission with low complexity and high performance as resultant
outcome. The contribution work continued to proposed work is implemented on DWT-OFDM which results in
low complexity than the proposed work with high performance as outcome.

Paper ID Title
36 Water treatment through wetland filter
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Bhushan B. Sonawane Name: Dr.P.N.Nemade

Email: sbbsam@yahoo.com Email: drpnnemade@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: The increase in population in India creating problems amongst us in the waste production. Sewage
waste may be in solid suspension phase. It contains pollutants, like organic, inorganic bacteria etc. Present
filtration is based on pollutant level in treated water which may later on can applied for gardening purpose. Waste
water sample collected from station A and station B, after treatment is collected and analyzed with various
parameters viz pH, Conductivity, DO, COD, BOD, As the level of COD and BOD were found to be higher than
Bureau of Indian Standard recommendation. Various toxic metallic elements absorbed by plants, reducing the
pollution level.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
37 A Factor Based Load Balancing in Cloud
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Satish Ranbhise Name: Krishnanjali Shinde

Email: ranbhise1976@gmail.com Email: jaianjali85@gmail.com

Abstract: Cloud computing is an area that is rapidly gaining popularity in both academia and industry. There are
different resources in cloud like Virtual Machine ,CPU resource, server located in different datacenter. The server
machines are consuming energy to provide services to users in cloud computing. For analyzing the resource
allocation in cloud computing which is scalable to n servers then we will require Cloud simulation and modeling
tool which will take create the cloud as per requirement. we have analyzed simulation of cloud on CloudSim and
Cloud report for better analysis of cloud..Load balancing helps to achieve a high user satisfaction and resource
utilization ratio by ensuring an efficient and fair allocation of every computing resource. load balancing aids in
minimizing resource consumption, implementing fail-over, enabling scalability, avoiding bottlenecks and
overprovisioning etc. In this paper a load balancing algorithm to balance the load among virtual machines in cloud
data center
Paper ID Title
38 CITIZENS CORNER Grievance Registration and Tracking system using Natural
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Rutuja Jadhav Name: Nitish Parab Name: Remya Nair Name: Ajeet Ghodeswar

Email: rutujajad@gmail.com Email: nparab95@gmail.com Email: Email: malhar149@gmail.com


Abstract: Municipal co-operation is the local governing body that looks after the welfare of the society. The main
objective of this body is to address the complaints of the citizens to gain their trust and assurance. They can install
surveillance cameras or sensors to ensure smooth functionality of the town and know the shortcomings of the city.
Practically installation of cameras is not possible. As for now there are three ways for lodging a complaint from
citizens’ side. Firstly, a citizen can personally go to MC ward office and register his/her complaint to the
concerned ward person. Second through a web portal system. Lastly through some contact center over a helpline
number. Here our system we provides an easy way of solving the problems faced by the public by saving time and
to eradicate corruption simultaneously. The objective of the complaints management system is to make complaints
easier to coordinate, monitor, track and resolve, and to provide MC with an effective tool to identify and target
problem areas, monitor complaints handling performance and make appropriate improvements in present
management system. The proposed system enables and assists citizens to lodge compliant and seek redress
through their mobile phone in natural language. Android being the major market gainer these days it makes our
system working more convenient. It is a management technique for assessing, analyzing and responding to
customer complaints and grievances in given time frame. The essential idea is to make use of the existing web
portal infrastructure and provide an easy, cheap and quick mode of complaint registration


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
39 Evaluation of classroom furniture from ergonomic design considerations
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Prakash Salunke Name: Dr Shrikant Kallurka

Email: prakashsalunke1@gmail.com Email: drkallurkar@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: The present study is aimed to evaluate the different dimensions of classroom furniture with respect to
anthropometric measures of students. For this purpose, 400 students in the age group 10-15 years are randomly
selected from 3 different schools from Solapur city. The following anthropometric measurements of the students
are taken. Similarly, Dimensions of the existing desks available in the respective classrooms were also measured.
For the ergonomic evaluation of classroom furniture, match criteria and combinational equations given by various
researchers were taken into consideration. Statistical analysis of the anthropometric data collected was done and
relevant statistical parameters are estimated using spss software. Using these parameters in the combinational
equations, the match limits for different desk dimensions are computed. The existing classroom furniture
dimensions were compared with these match criteria. The results from the present study show that there is
substantial mismatch between the existing classroom furniture and the anthropometric measurements of the
students. Hence there is an urgent need to change / modify the existing school furniture.
Paper ID Title
40 Remote Crop Monitoring System using IOT
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: TanmayShinde Name: RohitSalvi Name: Vijay Bhutiya Name: PayalVarangaonkar

Email: Email: Email: Email:

tanmaysshinde@gmail.com rohitsalvi003@gmail.com vijaybhutiya1@gmail.com payal.kantute@gmail.com

Abstract: The backbone of Indian economy is agriculture and it is the vital for the food security. . In conjunction
with the population growth over last century, the need for finding new and ustainable methods of agricultural
cultivation and food production has become more critical. The remote crop monitoring system consist of soil
temperature sensor, soil moisture sensor and PIR sensors leading to increase in productivity. Also with help of
the microcontroller and Zigbee module we can send the data to remote areas. Wireless distinct sensor nodes can
reduce time and effort required for monitoring an environment. PC data gives graphical representation which
allows simplified diagnosis and analysis. Monitoring systems can ensure better quality control, response time is
less and labor cost also reduces.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
41 Enhancement of Back-off Algorithm in CSMA/CA: A Study
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Vijaya Sagvekar Name: Vidya Sagvekar Name: Satish Bangal Name: Snigdha Bangal

Email: Email: Email: Email: snigdhaw@gmail.com

vijayasagvekar@gmail.com vidyarsagvekar@gmail.com satish.bangal@gmail.com

Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are useful in environment where fixed network infrastructure is
unavailable. To function normally, MANETs demand an efficient and distributed medium access control (MAC)
protocol. However, characteristics of MANETs such as radio link vulnerability, mobility, limited power pose great
challenges on MAC design. Through this report, firstly identifying the challenges that are facing MAC in
MANETs. Then presenting discussion on the problems with IEEE 802.11, especially those relevant in a singlehop
and multihop networks and various techniques that have been proposed to enhance the channel utilization of
wireless networks.

Paper ID Title
42 Intermixing of Images and Enhancement
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Vijit Bhosle Name: Viraj Kadam Name: Viraj Karalay Name: Disha Bhosle

Email: vijit13bhosle@gmail.com Email: Email: Email:

virajkadam12@gmail.com karaleviraj18@gmail.com disha.bhosale@gmail.com

Abstract: Mosaicing is the technique of image processing which includes the combination of two or more
images. After combining the images together, some problems like irregular contrast, noise are needed to be taken
care of. Thus, to get rid of these problems, Image Enhancement techniques are needed so that better output is
obtained. This system contains three modules such as Feature Detection, Image Mosaicing and Image
Enhancement. The feature detection is achieved using Harris and SURF algorithms. After obtaining combined
image by mosaicing Image Enhancement processes are used. This project is useful in the applications where large
span of area has to be pictured and quality of image should remain intact. It can be used to improve the images
obtained from satellites which are needed to be noise free and should have high resolution.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
43 Potential of Different Grid Connected Hybrid System Based on Cost

Name: Karuna Nikum

Email: knikum@yahoo.com

Abstract: Renewable electric energy resources have been considered one of the most promising energy
alternatives. This paper proposes economic cost analysis and comparison of hybrid distributed power system
consist of various combination of photovoltaic, wind turbine, grid and battery for deterministic criteria in
probabilistic approach for provides system operating information related to health, margin and risk state of the
system. Simulation result based on energy economic optimized system and their comparison for cost and
probabilistic criteria are PV-grid type, Wind-grid type, PV-Wind hybrid system and PV-Wind-battery-grid hybrid
system . By using HOMER optimization model all grid connected system are studied. The hybrid system is
connected to grid and simulate with or without battery. The grid plays the important role of backup power
component in the hybrid system, when the renewable energy resources are not enough to meet the load. The
complexity due to random variables inherent in renewable sources so here grid is acts as a back up for the system
and makes it healthier

Paper ID Title
44 Temporal analysis of Air pollution over Mumbai Metropolitan city.
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Prashant Singh Name: Nitin Bijewar Name: R K Manchanda

Email: Email: Email:


Abstract: Mumbai (18.97 ̊N, 72.82 ̊E) with over 10 million population is one of the most populous city in India
and ranks fifth among the most populous cities of the world. With considerable industrial activity and vehicular
presence, air pollution is a key issue affecting the human health. Continuous air quality monitoring is being done
to identify the patterns in key indicators like SO x , NO x and RSPM (Repairable Suspended Particulate Matter).
We have analyzed the pattern in the changes in these species using air quality data at Sion (19.04 ̊N,72.86 ̊E)
from 2004 to 2014 and Bandra (19.05 ̊N, 72.84 ̊E) from 2007 to 2014. . In time series analysis of this 10 years
data at Sion we are able to get considerable decay in SO x from 30 to 10μg/m 3 and in RSPM from 250 to
150μg/m 3 because industries are displaced from locality, not much change is seen in NO x from 110 to 100μg/m
3 . Whereas in case of Bandra there is little increase in SO x concentration from 18 to 20μg/m 3 while decay in
concentration of NO x from 65 to 50μg/m 3 and in RSPM from 140 to 110μg/m 3 . The paper attempts to analyze
the causes for these pattern changes in terms of industrial activity, changes in vehicular pollution norms and other
anthropogenic factors.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
45 RTO Automisation using NFC

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Anirudha Mayekar Name: Atul Nirbhavane Name: Amol Tamboli Name: Prof Rajesh Gaikwad
Email: anu84045@gmail.com Email: Email: onerajeshgaikwad@gmail.com
anirbhavane106@gmail.com amoltamboli09@gmail.com

Abstract: a) Motivation: (why do we care): A NFC based license is something which can be stated as the need of
the hour. With the world moving at such a fast rate & technological advancement in every field has given rise to
various new systems. One such system which needs to change & get revolutionised is an RTO system which uses
NFC based Driving license which will provide collecting fines for violation of traffic acts by payment from that
card itself. b) Problems Statement: (What problem): The traditional system of traffic police officer issuing a hard
copy paper challan for collecting fines does lead to corruption from traffic officer but this NFC based Driving
license make the system more clear. Also the records of the previous violations by that person is displayed which
does happen in traditional system will provide traffic officer about the background of violations. If there are some
major violations which are consistent then the officer can confiscate the license. c) Approach: (How do you go
about solving): NFC chips are the one’s which can be read with the help of an integrated scanner in an smart
phone or a tablet. All the papers required by the officer is available in an nfc chip embedded in the license. The
smart phone will read a unique combination of numbers stored in nfc chip to the web application. We are going
to develop a mobile application, database and NFC technology that enables the exchange of data between
different devices over distances. Smart phones with NFC will be used in our project to pair NFC tags which can
be latter on programed by NFC app to automate the task. We are basically introducing a new system for RTO
using Android app which includes Near Field Communication.

Paper ID Title
46 Association Rule Mining for Dynamic Database Algorithms-a Survey

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: JyotiGolakia Name: Trupti Shah Name:SnehalKathale Name: Komal S. Mahajan

Email: rudani.jyoti@gmail.com Email: trups13@gmail.com Email:snehal.kathale@gmailcm Email:
Abstract: Association rule discovery is an importantarea of data mining. Association rules identify associations
among data items and were introduced in 1993 by Agarwal et al. Most of the algorithms for finding association
rules deal with the static databases. In dynamic databases, new transactions are appended as time advances. This
may introduce new association rules and some existing association rules would become invalid. Thus, the
association rule mining for a dynamic database is an important problem. In this paper, we analyzed three
algorithms-Modified Border, Promising frequent itemset and New Fast Update for finding association rules for
dynamic databases and observed their pros and cons. These algorithms reduce rescanning of the original

International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
47 Video Inpainting for Scratch Removal using Exemplar Based method.

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Komal Mahajan Name: Snehal Kathale Name: Jyoti Golakia Name: Trupti Shah
Email: trups13@gmail.com
Email: Email: Email:
komalsmahajan@gmail.com Snehal.kathale@gmail.com rudani.jyoti@gmail.com

Abstract: Video Inpainting is considered as a natural extension of image inpainting algorithms. This Video
Inpainting has great attention due to its potential applications in video transmission, video stabilization,
multimedia editing. This paper proposes a video inpainting algorithm for scratch removal using robust exemplar
based inpainting. The line scratches are one of the major defects in motion picture films. Scratches are usually
intended as missing information in subsequent frames of image sequences in vertical area of each frame. Such
problems may produce very annoying effect on the viewer. So restoration of such scratches is important. So that
we are going to propose algorithm which will effectively detect the scratches and the remove the scratches from
the video. The proposed technique is based on robust exemplar based inpainting. Exemplar-based inpainting
methods iteratively search the source region and fill the missing or damaged region, i.e., target region, with the
most similar patch in the source region. This paper presents an automatic scratch detection and removal approach
for video. We are going to develop the algorithm which not only obtain the accurate restoration of scratches, but
also gives better video quality.

Paper ID Title
48 Smart Agriculture: Detection of Disease in Plants using Image Processing

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Minesh Chaudhary Name: Ranjana Chavan Name: Shivani Durgawali Name: Ajeet Ghodeswar

Email: Email: Email: Email:

chaudharyminesh@gmail.com ranjanachavan17@gmail.com shivanidurgawali123@gmail.c malhar149@gmail.com

Abstract: The yearly production of crops is largely destroyed due to the plants getting affected by the pathogens
like fungal, bacterial and viral.These pathogens highly effect the growth and quality of plants. As we all know the
region of plant affected by disease cannot be seen with naked eyes and even if we identify the disease we cannot
accurately know what type of disease it is. This overall process is time consuming and nearly impossible to do it
manually. So for this reason we have tried to make the process less time consuming and automatic for
farmers.We will use image processing technique to identify the disease.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
49 A Study of Food Recognition Techniques
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Name: Yamini Tawde Name: Chetali Surti Name: Chhaya Patil Name: Dhara Patel

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

suvarna.atharv@gmail.c com2yamini.tawde95@gm chetali27.cs@gmail.com chhayapatil2296i@gmail dharapatel1695@g
om ail.com .com mail.com

Abstract: Now a days sharing food related photos on social media has become a trend and people are looking for
the interested food dishes and the restaurants. So detecting the food items, classifying them and analyzing have
been the topic of in-depth studies for various applications related to food recognition, eating habits and dietary
assessment. This paper gives a broad study of food recognition techniques. It also focuses on the various feature
extraction methods as well as the classification techniques. This paper also gives a brief survey of the datasets
available for the food.

Paper ID Title
50 Auto-Caption Generation for News Images

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Kishor Prajapati Name: ShardulWadekar Name: BhushanBobhate Name: AmrutaMhatre

Email: Email: Email: Email:

kishorsp1995@gmail.com wadekarshardul789@gmail.com bobhatebhushan@gmail.com 23amruta.m@gmail.com

Abstract: News forms an essential part of modern civilization. It plays a significant role in keeping everyone
updated about the various events around the world. News consists of article, headlines, captions and generating
captions is the most difficult task. So our system is concerned with the idea of automatically generating captions
for images, which is vital for many image related applications. It helps in the improvement of the news media and
multimedia applications. In the existing method, the captions for the news images are given manually by reading
the text content. Thus the caption generationtask requires human assistance and hence a time consuming process.
Our project will help to generate automatic and appropriate caption for the desired news. The system learns to
create captions from the accessible dataset that has not been explicitly defined for our task. A dataset consists of
news article and the picture embedded in them. From the dataset the system will identify what the image is and
suggest appropriate keywords and with the accompanying article it will generate a caption.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
51 Study of Recommendation Engines for E-Commerce Websites

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: VarishtGhedia1 Name: Gaurang Pansare Name: Dhaval Mehta Name: AmrutaMhatre

Email: Email: Email: Email:

varishtsg@gmail.com gaurangpansare888@gmail.com i.dhavalmehta@gmail.com 23amruta.m@gmail.com

Abstract: Recommender systems used by majority e-commerce websites have many drawbacks and limitations
and are inaccurate. Since they learn from the customer’s browsing habits to come up with recommendations, they
tend to recommend products more from categories that the user has visited and purchased from before. For
example, if you look for any mobile on any e-commerce website, you keep getting recommendations for mobiles
even after you’ve bought it through the website. This is due to their reliance on older feedback-based, clustering
based or collaborative filtering based algorithms. Session based collaborative filtering tries to solve major
drawbacks offered by these algorithms and obtains relevant recommendations for users.

Paper ID Title
52 Top-K High Utility Itemset Mining Implemented on Medical Data
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Alishah Manesiya Name: Akash Shinde Name: Komal Pareek Name: Ruchi Tiwari Name: Sachin
Email: Gavhane
amanesiya@gmail.com Email: Email: Email:
akash.shinde.5694@gma komalpareek365@gmail.co ruchitiwari400@gmail. Email:
il.co m com gavhane.sachin@gm

Abstract: . Top-k high utility itemset mining refers to the discovery of top-k patterns using a user-specified
value k by considering the utility of items in a transactional database. Since existing top-k high utility itemset
mining algorithms are based on the pattern-growth method, they search the patterns in two steps. Therefore, the
generation of many candidates and additional database scan for calculating exact utilities is unavoidable. In this
paper, we propose a new algorithm, TKUL-Miner, to mine top-k high utility itemsets efficiently. It utilizes a new
utility-list structure which stores necessary information at each node in the search tree for mining the itemsets.
The proposed algorithm has a strategy using search order for a specific region to raise the border minimum utility
threshold rapidly. Moreover, two additional strategies for calculating smaller overestimated utilities are suggested
to prune unpromising itemsets effectively. Experimental results on various datasets showed that the TKUL-Miner
outperforms other recent algorithms both in runtime and memory efficiency


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
53 Performance of Turbo Product Code Decoding in 802.16 Systems
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Amruta Pokhare Name: Sachin Gavhane Name: Trushita Chaware Name: Nileema Pathak Name: Mohan
Email: Email: Pawar
amrutapokhare09@gmai Email: trushita.chaware@mitcoe.e Email:
l.com gavhane.sachin@gmai du.in nileemap@gmail.com Email:
l.com mohanpawary1990

Abstract: In this paper, the effect of TPC decoding using Chase-II algorithm with reduced number of test
patterns (TPs) was evaluated using the AWGN channel in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
mode is discussed. TPC is constructed with multi-error-correcting extended Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquengem
(eBCH) codes. TPs are classified into different conditions based on the relationship between syndromes and the
number of errors so that TPs with the same codeword are not decoded except the one with the least number of
errors. The parameters considered are bit error rate (BER), Eb/N0, data rate and code rate. There are total six
simulated results drawn. Out off which three results represents BER versus signal to noise ratio (SNR) for
eBCH(128, 113, 2) when p= 2, 3 in 802.16 system respectively. The simulated results show BER of 6.57 X 10-5
at SNR 1dB, BER of 3.9186 X 10-4 at SNR 1dB and 8.7557 X 10-5 at 1.5dB and BER of 8.1112 X 10-4 at SNR
1dB and 1.0572 X 10-5 at 2dB for eBCH(128,113,2) where p= 2, 3 respectively. The other three results represent
the percent of TPs decoded in 802.16 systems respectively. The research contribution shows that the percent of
TPs need to be decoded for eBCH (128, 113, 2) when p = 2, 3 for 1st iteration it is between 22% - 10% and for
5th iteration onwards it is between 14% - 6% for SNR = 1.5dB, 1.8dB, 2.0dB, 2.2dB, 2.4dB and 2.5dB in 802.16
system, respectively. This research contribution helps to make the 802.16 systems simpler, reduces the decoding
time, complexity and improves the performance.

Paper ID Title

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Sachin Jhaveri Name: Akshaykumar Prajapati Name: Kunal Lad Name: Samira Nigrel
Email: Email: Email: Email:
sachinjaveri.2010@gmail.com akshayprajapati80@gmail.com kunallad199@gmail.com samira.nigrel@gmail.com

Abstract: In the academic world, information is very important and essential. Students have to register for
courses, take attendance, exam, and curricular activities and as well as check score. Unfortunately, there are no
automated student records keeping application available in institutes. There is a need for a tool to systematically
keep the students record due to increasing number of college students. The manual method of cumulating and
storing student record is vulnerable due to human errors and is also unsecure. Barcode Based Student Record
System (B.B.S.R.S) provides interface between student and institute. The project that we are going to make help
teachers to track students’ academic record.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
55 Literature Survey of Chess Engines

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Anushka Nair Name: Kanksha Marathe Name: Suvarna Pansambal

Email: Email: kanksha10@gmail.com Email: suvarnashirke@yahoo.com


Abstract: Chess has come a long way since making its appearance on a computer and every year there is a new
chess engine created that works better than the previously existing ones. But all these engines have one thing in
common, they all work on some variant of the MinMax algorithm. The game tree is made shorter and more
efficient and ways to play around with the graphical user interface are invented. The search tree is then pruned to
save the time that the machine needs to compute the next best move. Thanks to all this, chess engines have come
a long way and are now known all around the world to defeat some of the best Grandmasters of the world with
their own strategies. But the AI in chess still has a long way to go before it can be declared as the fastest and the
best chess playing machine.

Paper ID Title
56 Aggrandized Authenticated Secret Sharing

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Vishwajit Gupta Name: Shubham Gawai Name: Chetana Pawaskar

Email: Email: itsmeshubham007@gmail.com Email: pawaskarchetana9@gmail.com


Abstract: Shamir algorithm is used to divide passwords between N number of users in such a way that minimum
k number of users are required to regenerate the original password. But Shamir algorithm is vulnerable to as it
uses Lagrange interpolation formula to regenerate original password if one of the N user is able to find one or
more passwords using trial and error. The more key he finds the faster he can get k number of keys. In order to
avoid this we add hash bytes to the generated passwords thereby making it impossible to use trial and error to get
the keys also the user will be notified about the person who may be trying to find a new key. Because if the key is
altered the hash bytes won’t match.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Priyanka Mahajan Name: Chhaya Nawale Name: Siddheshwar Kini Name: Krishnanjali Shinde

Email: Email: Email: Email:

princesspkm@gmail.com chhayanawalecn@gmail.com kinisiddhesh@gmail.com Kshinde8516@gmail.com

Abstract: Weather Forecasting determines future state of the atmosphere. Accurate weather forecasting is very
important because agricultural and industrial sector are
based on it. We are presenting weather predictions using Artificial Neural Network and Back Propagation
Algorithm. We are implementing data intensive model using data mining technique. Weather is a dynamic and
non-linear process and Artificial neural network (ANN) can deal with such type of Process. The research also
states that ANN is the best approach than traditional and numerical methods. Data mining technique with neural
network gives useful information for weather prediction which reduces cost as compare to other prediction
models. The focus is mainly on neural network with back propagation technique for daily weather forecasting.

Paper ID Title
58 Aid for the Blind

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Riddhi R. Jogle Name: Shraddha S. Mhapralkar Name: Sandip Zade

Email: ruchi.jo1996@gmail.com Email: shraddha.mhapralkar91@gmail.com Email: sandipzade5129@gmail.com

Abstract: All the senses of the human being are the immediate contact for a person with the environment. Sight
is one of these senses, vision enables a person to be conscious and discern the surrounding world. Currently, the
visually challenged people use a simple cane or dog as a tool for directing them towards the destination.
Although, the cane is the most extensive means that is used today by the visually impaired people, but, it could
not help them to detect hurdle from all levels of obstacles. The smart stick comes as a advanced solution to
permit the visually impaired to identify the world around. A unique smart system could be employed to enable
blind to move with self assurance as a sighted people. The system consists of ultrasonic sensor, GPS and GSM
module, and microcontroller. The sensor helps to detect obstacles in front of the user so as to avoid the collision,
the GSM module tracks the location of the user and the GPS module will send the information regarding the
position of the user to the pre-saved number, when the person presses the panic switch. In case of any hurdle in
the path of the user then, the user would be informed regarding the same by the pre recorded message.
Microcontroller who is the master is used to control and maintain all the instructions and situations. Thus, it
could definitely assist the blind, to effortlessly, elegantly to move gracefully from one place to another with the
help of tracking and navigation system.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
59 GSM based LAN monitoring and controlling

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Prasad Raut Name: Aditya Vaidya Name: Pratap Naik Name: Amruta Pokhare
Email: Email: adityamv79@gmail.com Email: Email:
rautprasad95@gmail.com naikprattap@gmail.com amrutapokhare09@gmail.com

Abstract: Now a day’s android phones are used for the various applications. We can use android phone for
monitor and control the network. It is to control the network when network admin is in admin office but it is
difficult to control the network from outside the office. It is integrated software solution that allows a network
admin to remotely monitor his LAN network by his Android phone with GUI. The main purpose of this
application is to provide all the important details of the network to the admin on their android phone with the help
of GPRS or Wi-Fi. We are using data connectivity or Wi-Fi to connect the mobile phone to LAN server. And we
also are using password encryption for authentication in phone.

Paper ID Title
60 Text Recognition And Extraction From Video

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Kiran Agre Name: Ankur Chheda Name: Sairaj Gaonkar Name: Prof. Mahendra Patil

Email: Email: Email: Email:

kiranagre36@gmail.com ankurlchheda@gmail.com sairajgaonkar5@gmail.com onlymahendra007@gmail.com

Abstract: Videos have become a great source of information. The text in the video contains huge amount of
information and data. But this information is not in editable form. If this text is converted to an editable form it
becomes simpler and efficient to store useful information. The paper describes the technique that aims at
extraction of the text which occurs is video. The main focus of the proposed system is on educational and news
video. The user will have to provide the video as input from which he wants to extract text. The system will
process the video and generate the text output in editable text file.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
61 A Novel Anti-phishing Framework using Visual Cryptography
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Sagarika Naik Name: Khushboo Gohil Name: Pratik Ghogre Name: Varsha Dass Name: ReenaSomani
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
sagarikanaik95@gmail.c khushbugohil195@gm pratikghogre@gmail. Varu.dass5795@gmail.c reena.jagetia@gmail
om ail.com com om .com
Abstract: Phishing is an attempt by an individual or a group to thieve personal confidential information such as
passwords, credit card information etc from unsuspecting victims for identity theft, financial gain and other
fraudulent activities. Nowadays, phishing attacks are increasing at an alarming rate for e-commerce websites. We
aim to provide a novel anti-phishing approach based on visual cryptography. According to this approach a user
generates two shares of an image using (2, 2) visual cryptography scheme. The client stores the first share of this
image and second share is uploaded to the website at the time of user registration. After this, website asks for
some other information like second share of the image, username, and password. These credentials of a particular
user can change once per login. During each login phase, a user verifies the legitimacy of a website by getting
secret information with the help of stacking both shares. There are many existing approaches based on
cryptographic technique but they all suffer from False Positive notification. However, proposed approach does
not suffer from False Positive (FP) notification and outperforms all existing approaches. Graphical password
scheme is an authentication system that works by having the user select images from a set of images, that is
presented in a graphical user interface. During registration, the user selects three images from the displayed set of
images in a grid view. If the user selects the same images during login process, they can proceed for the pair
based session password. If the user fails to select the correct images chosen by him during the registration process
the user will be barred and will have to login again with correct images. This approach helps to enhance security.

Paper ID Title
62 Vehicle Tracking and Toll Collection System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name Jigar Faria Name: Sumit Jha Name: ManojkumarJha Name: Ajay Devkatte Name: Prof. Samuel
Email: Email: Email: Email: Jacob
jigarfaria1995@gmail.com sum2151993@gmail.com manojjha0786@gmail.com jaidevkatte@gmail.com Email:
Abstract: In the modern times, transportation and vehicular movement across the states has increased drastically.
With the increase in the number of vehicles, managing the traffic across all the national highways has become a
serious issue for the government authorities. In order to counteract the issue prevalent because of the existing
manual toll collection system, Electronic Toll Collection system is highly needed. This system not only aids in
toll collection but can also be used to track stolen vehicles, weapon identification and overload detection. The
RFID tag mounted on the vehicle is read by the RFID reader which is interfaced to a microcontroller. After
successful transaction, the user is intimated about the same through a text message which is sent via a GSM
modem. Thus this system will eliminate the manual handling of cash, reduce traffic congestion thereby
decreasing air pollution and helping the commuters for a pleasurable journey.

International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
63 Vulnerability Assessment of Web Applications Using Hybrid Algorithm
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Smita Patil Name: Adarsh Patil Name: Akhil Penta Name: Rishikesh Name: Mayur
Salunkhe Pardeshi
Email: Email: Email: Email:
smitasukrut@gmail.com patiladarsh65@gmail.com penta.akhil69@gmail.co Email: mayur.pardeshi96@g
m rishisunny095@gmail.c mail.com

Abstract: Web vulnerability scanners (WVS) are tools for discovering vulnerabilities in a web application.
However, they are not 100% accurate. We intend to develop a hybrid algorithm for detecting web based
applications vulnerabilities. The hybrid algorithm is based on the concept of carefully, combining desirable
features of various components so that the new algorithm has the ability to discover more vulnerabilities.
However the combination is not done blindly, it is based on various factors such as optimization and
sophistication among others with an aim of increasing efficiency.

Paper ID Title
64 Remote File Searching and Retrieving Through SMS

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Ajaykumar Dulguch Name: Vrushabh Gaikar Name: Santosh Dhodmani

Email: dulguchajay@gmail.com Email: gaikarvrushab@gmail.com Email: sn21.rvce@gmail.com

Abstract: There are many ways to search a file on the machine. The common fact in all the searching technique
is that they all need human interaction with the machine. In this paper, we are presenting a new technique to
search a file on a machine without human interaction. The aim of the project is to search a file on a remote
machine without human interaction. The user just has to send a simple SMS (Short Message Service) in
particular format which contains the specific information about the file to the remote machine. The file which
user want is receives through a mail. The work of searching and emailing is done by a desktop application which
installs on the remote machine.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
65 Soil Monitoring System for Improvement of Soil Yield.

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Mayuri Patil Name: Kinjal Dattani Name: Bhakti Patil Name: Renuka Nagpure

Email: Email: Email: Email: renupardikar@gmail.com

patilmayuri619@gmail.com dattanikinjal@gmail.com patilbhakti66@gmail.com

Abstract: Land and crop use statistics form the backbone of the Agricultural Statistics System. Reliable and
timely information on crop area, crop production and land use is of great importance to agricultural planners and
policy makers for efficient agri cultural development and for taking decisions on procurement, storage, public
distribution, export, import and many other related issues. The precision agriculture has been promoted by the
many developments in the field of Sensor network. These network provide valuable information for harvesting,
work management, growth of crops, and prevention of crop diseases that helps farmers to take preventive and
productive measures for future contingency. This paper focuses on introducing cloud computing as a new
approach used to further enhance their application and benefits to the field of agriculture by providing real time
information anywhere in the world through internet.

Paper ID Title
66 Design and Development of Virtual Reality in Education:Comparative Analysis

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Aruna Pavate Name: Divya Kumawat Name: Dr Shrikant Kallurkar

Email: arunaapavate@gmail.com Email: ddoraya@gmail.com Email: drkallurkar@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: This paper is a synoptic review of virtual reality, its features, types, and virtual reality systems, as well
as the elements of the VR system hardware and software, which are essential components of virtual reality
systems. This paper addresses current efforts and designs that are developing, evaluating or using VR technology
in education and industries. It builds a picture of the states of the art and practice and reviews some of the
research in the education field. Also some critical questions that are being addressed which will be helpful in
establishment of virtual reality implementation designs.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
67 Study Of Stresses Developed On The Impeller Of Centrifugal Pump At Different Speed Using Ansys
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Mr.Satish M.Rajmane Name: Dr.S.P.Kallurkar

Email: satishrajmane79@gmail.com Email: drkallurkar@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: Pump is a mechanical device generally used for raising liquids from a lower level to a higher one.
Centrifugal Pumps are the machines, which employ centrifugal force to lift from a lower level to a higher level by
developing pressure. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is being increasingly applied in the design of
centrifugal Pumps. With the aid of the CFD approach, the complex internal flows in water pump impellers, which
are not fully understood yet, can be well predicted, to speed up the pump design procedure. Thus, CFD is an
important tool for pump Designers. This paper is mainly focused on design and analysis of centrifugal pump,
generating data base and exploring operational experience of centrifugal Pumps for water services. This rotating
device has basic issues of Reliability, Availability & Maintenance feasibility. As a case study, design and
analysis of the Centrifugal Pump with following parameters, like service Fluid, operating conditions, pressure
head, flow rate, pump efficiency.

Paper ID Title
68 Acoustic Robot using Arduino.
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Dhruvi Bhadiadra Name: Himanshu Monga Name: Dakshata Patil Name: Chayangi Name: Namrata
Sarang Lade
Email: Email: Email: Email:
dhruvidgr8@gmail.com Monghimanshu@gmail.c dakshuu.patil.148@gmai Email: lade.namrata114@g
om l.com chayangiisarang@gmail mail.com

Abstract: The Acoustic robot using arduino system is about a voice controlled robot that can be operated by
giving user specified voice commands through the microphone. This system makes use of the speech recognition
system for giving and processing the speech commands. The use of robots in various working sectors has
increased the need for having healthy interface between humans and robots. The speech recognition system can
recognize up to 20 voice commands and allows fast data input operations. This system also has a camera
mounted on the top and an obstacle detection module so it is capable to avoid obstacle collisions. The system is
used in places where it is difficult for humans to reach but human voice reaches and can be used for many other


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
69 Intuitive user interface for projection based systems.

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Purav Bhardwaj Name: Abilash Nair Name: Mahalaxmi

Email: Email: abilash.nair0310@gmail.com Email: Palinje mbhat505@gmail.com


Abstract:. We intend to realize a perceptive and visceral user interface that is designed specifically for projection
based systems. These user interfaces rely on user data and elemental principals of user experience to actualize an
intuitive interface that takes into account gestures, tangible objects and various other parameters of position and
depth information. The user interfaces are centered about a universal console and making data accessible and
effortless (specifically to cater a projected stimulus)

Paper ID Title
70 Offline Signature Verification Using Artificial Neural Network.

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Dhvani Patel Name: Nehal Ghosalka Name: Aruna Pavate

Email: dhvanyp7@gmail.com Email: nehalghosalkar@gmail.com Email: gavkare@gmail.com

Abstract:. Signature verification is generally used for personal verification. But, it has a usual problem of getting
exploited for forgery thus an automatic signature recognition and verification system is required. Verification can
be accomplished using either Online or Offline based systems. Offline systems work on the scanned image of a
signature, whereas Online systems use dynamic information like speed, pressure etc. of a signature during the
time when the signature is made. This project presents an offline signature verification technique using artificial
neural network on given dataset. Geometric features have been used to extract information from the images and
stored in database. In this paper, preprocessed datasets of a scanned signature image are used. The system is
trained using a database of signatures obtained from authenticated users. Then artificial neural network (ANN) is
used in training and verification of signatures: genuine or forged. Simulation results shows that the technique is
robust and clearly differentiates between genuine and forgery signatures.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
71 Content-Based Audiovisual Archive Retrieval: Multimedia Database

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Santosh Dodamani Name: Aruna Pavate Name: Divya Kumawat

Email: san21.rvce@gmail.com Email: gavkare@gmail.com Email: ddoraya@gmail.com

Abstract:.. In the last few years extensive request for user oriented multimedia information systems has
developed.Multimedia database can be defined as a pool of storage and retrieval systems, in which large amount
of media objects are created, searched, modified and retrieved. Multimedia is the combination of text, image,
graphics and animations, audio and video information. The addition of database application to handle multimedia
objects requires organization of multiple media data streams. Apart from text retrieval, the current waves in web
searching and multimedia documents retrieval are the exploration for and supply of images, audio, 3D extracts
and video. The content-based multimedia information retrieval offers new techniques and methods for probing
various multimedia databases over the world.The discussion deals with a new standard for multimedia search
based on content.

Paper ID Title
72 Employee Tracking System Using Android Smart Phone
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Tushar Shinde Name: Mahesh Pawar Name: Harshal Pore Name: Tejas Chavhan Name: Amruta
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
shindetushar260@gmail.co maheshpawar765@gmail. harshalpore2020@gm tejaschavhan2@gmail.c amrutapokhare09@g
m com ail.com om mail.com

Abstract: Use of Smartphone is increasing day by day and is very effective tools for increasing computational
power and security along with search and rescue. The aim of this paper is to track the employee and monitor the
employee activity by their office cell phone and improve the growth of the company by securing company data.
The device which is given to employee should be android based device. we discuss about the design and
implementing admin, employee application and Centralized server for monitoring employees of the company
using android by separating corporate and personal data. Manager can see the history by logging into centralized
server. Manager can also trace out employee’s current location (through GPS). It also analyze the employee
behavior by using number of unauthorized activities (good/bad/average).This system is very helpful for the
manager in future planning of the company.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
73 Literature Review :Analyzing And Organizing User Search Queries

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Chandana Nighut Name: Ashish Gurav Name: Anjaneya Naik

Email: Email: gurav.ashish1@gmail.com Email: naik_anjaneya@yahoo.com


Abstract:.. A broad topic may have wide interpretations for particular query , Search goals differ from user to
user when they submit a particular query to the search engine. the understanding of users search goals will be
very useful in improving the user experience .Primarily we are proposing a system ,where user specific search
goals will be recognized by the clustering of the proposed feedback session. User's click through logs help to
build the feedback sessions which efficiently reflect the user's search goals. Secondly, we are proposing a new
Incremental approach to create pseudo-documents for better representations of feedback session for clustering.
Experimental results will be shown by user the user's click through logs from a commercial search engine to
show the accuracy of our proposed system.

Paper ID Title
74 Advance eye controlled wheelchair for disabled person
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Sonali Pawaskar Name: Isha Padia Name: Manish Jain Name: Ravi Dubey Name: Namrata
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
pawaskarsonali95@gmail.c ishapadia@gmail.com jainmanish6695@gma ravidubey646@gmail. lade.namrata114@g
om il.com com mail.com

Abstract:. The project includes electronic eye movement controlled wheelchair which is implemented for the
disabled person. Statistics suggests that there are around 40 cases per million of quadriplegia (Paralysis of four
limbs) every year. Person suffering from quadriplegia cannot operate the typical wheelchair available for disabled
person. As an attempt to make lives of the people suffering from this phenomenon simple, the project aims at
using eye pupil movement to control wheelchair. The web camera attached to the laptop placed on the wheelchair
of the user will capture the image of the eyes. These eye movements are processed using MATLAB software and
serial commands are sent to Arduino circuit which then controls the motor attached to the Wheelchair. Ultrasonic
sensor is used to detect obstacle in the path of wheelchair. An additional eye blink controlled camera is attached
to the wheelchair used for capturing spontaneous images while wandering. This project hence makes the life of
the disabled person simpler and eliminates the need of assistance required for them.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title


Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Lalithagayatri Name: Priyanka Tawde Name: Aruna Pavate

Email: priyankatawde71@gmail.com Email: gavkare@gmail.com
Email: gayatri.h12@gmail.com

Abstract:.. Health claim frauds are affecting the economic status of developing as well as developed countries.
Health care fraud detection is now becoming more and more important. In order to detect and avoid fraud we are
going to use data mining techniques. We have proposed a Hybrid model system consisting of classification and
clustering. Considering all the advantages and disadvantages of algorithm involved in classification and
clustering, Evolving clustering method and Support vector machine are chosen. The Fraud claims will be
detected and the genuine claims will be paid by the insurance company.

Paper ID Title

76 Video Surveillance For Human Motion Detection

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Bhakti Narvekar Name: Chinmaya Kore Name: Shraddha Nayak Name: Prof. Mahendra Patil

Email: Email: Email: Email:

narvekars.bhakti@gmail.com chinukore77@gmail.com bittu1609.sn@gmail.com onlymahendra007@gmail.com

Abstract: The proposed system is a system which can be used for surveillance and monitoring applications. The
development of an efficient real time video motion detection system is motivated by their potential for
deployment in the areas where security is the main concern. The proposed system presents a platform for real
time video motion detection and subsequent generation of an alarm condition as soon as the human motion is
detected. The prototype consists of a mobile platform mounted with RF camera which provides continuous
feedback of the environment. The received visuals recorded are then checked by user and then he can take the
required control action, thus enabling the user to operate the system from a remote location. The system is also
equipped with the ability to process and verify the image of the object and generate control signals which are
automatically transmitted to the mobile platform to track the object.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
77 Complete Animal Care System using Clustering Algorithm: CACS

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Gracy Joseph Name: Shravan Rao Name: Spurthi Shetty Name: Prof. Aruna Pavate

Email: Email: Email: Email: gavkare@gmail.com

gracyjoseph16@gmail.com shravanr1994@gmail.com spurthishettii@gmail.com

Abstract: In this proposed work, we intend to initiate adaptive plan to help the animals. It not only changes the
environment but does also helps the various systems to enact upon it and have a complete healthcare system for
animal in one roof. By doing so it does provide information of the needful places where those animals can be
admitted, so that they can be taken care of. The enhancement of work can be done by choosing appropriate initial
animal center to converge quickly to the local center. Animal care center enhances the way with an ease to access
the information about what kind of animal a person wants to adopt accordingly. Also the availability of that
animal in the specific center allows the user to get through the center. The randomness of the Animal Center
managed and controlled, so as to put a limit on the number of iterations to be carried out in the conventional

Paper ID Title
78 Text Classification using Data Mining

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Prasad Khatate Name: Sagar Jogle Name: Mohammed Nadeem Name: Satish Ranbhise

Email: Email: sagarjogle@gmail.com Email: Email: ranbhise1976@gmail.com

prasadkhatate08@gmail.com nadeemghelot@gmail.com

Abstract: Text classification is the process of classifying text documents into predefined categories based on
their content. It is an automated assignment of natural language texts to predefined categories. Text classification
is an important requirement of text retrieval systems, which retrieve texts in response to a user query, and text
understanding systems, which transform text in some way such as producing summaries, classifying papers,
answering questions or extracting data. Existing supervised learning algorithms to automatically classify the text
need sufficient documents to learn accurately. This paper proposes a new algorithm for text classification using
data mining that requires fewer data for training. Instead of using words and word relation i.e. association rules
from these words is used to derive feature set from classified text documents. The concept of Naïve Bayes
classifier is then used for final classification.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Chetan Soni Name: Pooja Gowari Name: Aarti Harne

Email: Email: poojavinitagowari30@gmail.com Email: aartiharne75@gmail.com


Abstract:. People’s Corner will be a web based application which will help the citizen of a municipal corporation to
register their complaints about day to day problems in their ward through a mobile application. People’s corner will
provide a common man to register his complaints and problems to municipal authority as well as let the municipal
authorities to address the issue as soon as possible. This application provides an interface to register one’s complaint
and follow it up. This interface provide a camera module which help clicking up a picture of any generalized
problem that people are facing and will help in uploading the photo along with the complaint. This complaint, once
registered, will be redirected to specific department of Municipal Corporation for example; a complaint about
damaged road will be redirected to Public Work Department. Once the complaint sent to the respective ward the
officers can take the necessary actions as soon as possible.

Paper ID Title
80 Zero Knowledge Protocol With RSA Algorithm

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Pranav Saudagar Name: Prasanna Patil Name: Jayant Bhalani Name: Shweta Sharma

Email: Email: Email: Email:

saudagarpranav@gmail.com patil.prasanna28@gmail.com jayantbhalani@gmail.com sharmashweta14@gmail.com

Abstract: To create and implement a secure web browser login system for authentication purpose we use any
cryptographic techniques. RSA algorithm is used along with Zero-Knowledge Proof for providing more
authentication cryptographic systems. The said protocol is applied on the client side and it is works client and
server side. The said implementation which is applied at client side works as a firewall or along with a firewall. It
allows the party to prove their identity without having to send over the credentials. It is a type of one way
authentication. This system won’t be saving any password hashes on the server side. The whole purpose of this
system is to make the authentication process more secure and confidential.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
81 BLE Based Lock Using Atmega 328
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Chaitanya Name: Akshay Prabhu Name: Ashish Raut Name: Rohit Name: Disha
Gangadhar Bhargude Bhosle
Email: Email: Email:
Email: akshay.prabhu4@gmail.c ashishraut06@gmail.co Email: disha.bhosle@gmail.
chaitanyagangadhar32@g om m rohitbhargude@gmail.c com
mail.com om

Abstract:. In this project we presented a smart lock which operates using Bluetooth in a mobile device, so it
becomes more easy and efficient to use. It is also based on Android and Arduino platform which are open source
software and also free. In this project, a system called BLE based lock using Bluetooth-based Android
Smartphone is proposed and prototyped. The hardware design for lock system is the combination of android
smart phone as a task master, Bluetooth module as command agent, Arduino microcontroller as controller center /
data processing center, and solenoid lock as output.

Paper ID Title
82 Security and Privacy

Name : Saurabh Jadhav


Abstract:. The entire computer security field is based on three cornerstones those are Confidentiality, Authenticity,
Availability and if one of these principles are violated then security and safety of an individual & collective is compromised
.The problem with technology is that when we introduce new type of technology it creates vulnerabilities for the existing
once and as hacking crimes and carefully planned computer attacks are being executed, Anonymity is the key to an
individual’s privacy as well as to a group. Keeping personal information and online activities unprotected is not a good
idea. In this study it is demonstrated how to protect anonymity and the importance of protecting anonymity to prevent any
exploitation to the safety and privacy of individual as well as collective.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
83 Personalized News Recommender System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Vaibhav Chauhan Name: Yash Dodia Name: Kiran Shewale Name: Aniket Name: Komal
Darveshi Mahajan
Email: Email: Email: Email:
vamb.c95@gmail.com yashdodia1246@gmail.c k.shewale2510@gmail.co Email: komalsmahajan@gm
om m aniket.darveshi@gmail. ail.com
Abstract:.. Reading news online has become prominent as the web services provide access to news articles from
various sources across the globe. This project delineates a system that collects news from an eclectic mix of
electronic news distributors. This system aggregates news from various HTML and RSS (Rich Site Summary)
Web pages by utilizing source specific data extraction programs and tabulates them as per the predefined news
groups to ameliorate personalized views through a Web based user interface. Reading news has drastically
evolved with the development of the World Wide Web (www), from the conventional way of reading a physical
newspaper to access to numerous electronic news sources over internet. Web users are undergoing a drastic
advancement and they are making a considerable contribution in this field through reviews, comments, ratings,
sharing, tagging, etc. Our Personalized News Recommender System provides the users with access to the news
articles gleaned from different Web sources. It takes the content from miscellaneous and heterogeneous online
sources such as online news portals, bloggers, websites, etc. News items are categorized distinctly according to
the user’s tastes and the KEYWORD input given on the various categories of News articles. Recommendation
and filtering of online news has received much attention in web and artificial intelligence, giving a concise
summary of online information for users.

Paper ID Title

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Yash Kumar Name: Akhil Talashi Name: Vinit Salian Name: Snigdha Wasnik

Email: Email: Email: Email: Snigdhaw@gmail.com

yashkumar830@gmail.com akhiltalashi00@gmail.com salianvinit@gmail.com

Abstract: Implementing static query form based on user’s requirement is a difficult task. Hence, dynamic query
form is used because of its flexibility when it comes to customizing Query forms to narrow down results in huge
databases. PTDS is a concept that uses DQF because of its ability to handle large databases. Here by using the
concept of relational databases, we were able to represent various attributes (characteristics) of an individual in such
a way that it’s easy to find a specific information about a specific person. The major goal is to give people the
freedom to search others based on almost any characteristic, DQF now comes into the picture, since user can
customize the Query form into a new query form, which now contains the fields that they can fill out, and discard
the ones that they can’t. Also, precision and recall is implemented to give the best and the following best results.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
85 Automated Brain Tumour Detection Using Image Processing

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Priyanka Bedekar Name: Niharika Prasad Name: Revati Hagir Name: Neha Singh

Email: Email: Email: Email:

priyankavbedekar@gmail.com niharikashyam@gmail.com revahgr17@gmail.com neha0chaudhary@gmail.com

Abstract: The most complicated structure of the human body is the brain. A brain tumour is a mass of cells that
have grown and multiplied uncontrollably. There are two main types of tumours: malignant or cancerous tumours
and benign tumours [3]. Medical imaging plays a central role in the diagnosis of brain tumours. The important
factor in the medical diagnosis includes the medical image data obtained from various biomedical devices. This
data is obtained from various imaging techniques like X-ray, CT scan and MRI [1]. Medical experts perform
tumour segmentation on data obtained from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which is very time consuming.
Brain tumour segmentation is a significant process to extract information from complex MRI of brain image.
Segmentation assessment is done by human, which can involve human errors in the result. In our paper we
proposed a system that is completely automated because we use conformed threshold rather than global
threshold. It takes MRI of brain as input. It consists of two or more stages. In the initial stage pre-
processing is required after that stages post-processing i.e. threshold segmentation is done. And the features are
extracted from detected tumour. The entire paper is divided into four sections which are described in detail in the
following sections.

Paper ID Title
86 Online Blood Bank Using Cloud Computing

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Krupa Patel Name: Vijay Yennam Name: Sagar Vasaikar Name: Trupti Shah

Email: Email: Email: Email: trups13@gmail.com

krupapatel2095@gmail.com vjay11yenam@gmail.com sagarvasaikar@gmail.com

Abstract: As we all know the Working of Blood Bank Management System. A blood bank is a cache or bank of
blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation or collection, stored and preserved for later use
in blood transfusion. The main aim of this project is to save lives of people by providing blood online using
technology. Our project Online Blood Bank system using Cloud Computing is developed so that users can view
the information of nearby donors, hospitals, blood banks. This project is developed by three perspectives i.e.
hospital, blood bank and patient/donor. We have provided security for authenticated user as new user have to
register according to their type of perspective and existing user have to login. While registering, to check whether
the donor is giving correct information about his blood group we will ask the donor to upload his/ her license or
any government id proof on which blood group is mentioned. This project requires internet connection. We are
using android application to find nearby donor and to select the nearby hospital online instantly by tracing its
location using GPS. We are also proving an alert system for severe accidents as using that function an ambulance

International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

will be sent to your destination without any wastage of time. Notification regarding blood donation camps, health
check-up drives etc. in the area will also will sent to the registered users. This application reduces the time to a
greater extent that is searching for the required blood through blood banks and hospitals. Thus this application
provides the required information in less time and also helps in quicker decision making. It basically bridges the
gap between donor and the receiver. It provides better blood management and storage.

Paper ID Title

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Komal Patil Name: Sayali Pednekar Name: Rutweek Sawant Name: Trupti Shah

Email: kompatil95@gmail.com Email: Email: Email: trups13@gmail.com

pednekarsayali9223@gmail.co rutweeksawant@gmail.com

Abstract: Since the product reviews are written by non-experts in an unstructured, natural language text, the task
of summarizing them is challenging. We classify the reviews and analyze the sentiments of users and provide
buyers with satisfying results which influences a buyer's decision. In this paper we present a semi supervised
approach for mining online user reviews to generate comparative feature-based statistical summaries that can
guide a user in making an online purchase.

Paper ID Title
88 College Recommendation System

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Vinit Jain Name: Mohak Gupta Name: Jenish Kevadia Name: Prof. Krishnanjali Shinde

Email: Email: Email: Email:

jainvinit7777@gmail.com mohakgupta53@gmail.com kevadiajenish7@gmail.com jaianjali85@gmail.com

Abstract: To choose any educational organization is one of the major or foremost decision for every student
because it plays a vital role for growth and development of students and it also helps to boosts their career. SSC
is one of the crucial stage of every student’s life in India. It decides the future of every student career. SSC
decides in which stream the student will make his career. SSC scores of the student decides in which college the
student will take admission. College selection is second step after SSC in student’s career. The college selection
plays an important role as college selection requires a lot of searching work. Students search for the various
aspects like college campus, teaching staffs, extracurricular activities in colleges, infrastructure of colleges, etc.,
even the reviews of college is searched to get extra confirmation about the genuinely of details. Searching all the
details requires a large amount of time. Hence, it’s important to reduce this manual work and automate this with
help of software.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
89 Detection of Heart Disease Using Classification Algorithm

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Sumesh Harale Name: Abhijeet Singh Dhillon Name: Jay Nirmal Name: Neha Kunte

Email: Email: Email: Email:

haralesumesh@gmail.com asdhillon786@gmail.com jaynirmal15@gmail.com nehaghaisas88@gmail.com

Abstract: Modern Lifestyle has resulted in a significant increase in cardiovascular disease. The diagnosis and
treatment for this sum up to a huge amount. To overcome this problem many research have been made to reduce
the cost and deliver quick results. The study of existing systems has resulted in the discovery of the best data
mining classification algorithm among various other algorithms. The algorithms used for comparison were Naïve
Bayes, REPTREE, J48 and SIMPLE CART in which SIMPLE CART proved to be comparatively accurate. This
comparison was done on the basis of eleven attributes which were Patient Identification Number (replaced with
dummy values), Gender, Cardiogram, Age, Chest Pain, Blood Pressure Level, Heart Rate, Cholesterol, Smoking,
Alcohol consumption and Blood Sugar Level. Basically the existing systems have only done comparisons among
classification of algorithms. Based on the previous researches done, this paper would use “SIMPLE CART”
algorithm which will be tried to integrate in a web application for detection of cardiovascular diseases. The aim
of this real time web application is to produce quick and accurate results at low cost. This web application will be
developed on the Visual Studio Platform and SQL SERVER will be used for database management. The
technology used will be Asp.Net using MVC framework.

Paper ID Title
90 Comparative study of Nature Inspired Load Balancing Algorithms .

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Divya Kumawat Name: Aruna A. Pavate Name: Santosh Dodamani

Email: ddoraya@gmail.com Email: gavkare@gmail.com Email: san21.rvce@gmail.com

Abstract: Cloud computing is no more new form of computing. Most of us are using it in our day today life. It is
an internet based technology where on demand requests are fulfilled. Load balancing plays a crucial role in
cloud’s performance. The aim of load balancing is to decrease response time, increase throughput and fault
tolerance, with the help of proper resource utilization. Many researches are going on in the field of nature
inspired load balancing algorithm. This algorithms are also used with other algorithms in order to get better
performance .This paper reviews, describes and performs comparative study of nature inspired load balancing
algorithm such as ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm etc.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
91 Experience Report of Creation of an OER in Applied Mathematics Using ICT for
Effective Teaching Learning.

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Poonam Deshpande Name: Sharmila A.K. Name: Sugathan Velloth

Email: Email: sharmilasugathan@gmail.com Email: sugathanvelloth@gmail.com


Abstract:. This report is about the experience of creating and implementing an ICT based teaching learning process with an
Open Educational Resource of Applied Mathematics on MOODLE. MOODLE was used to host the Open Educational
Resource (OER) created using different technologies. The report also describes the investigation carried out to evaluate the
impact of the ICT based Learning on students in learning mathematics through MOODLE and a peer review of the
implemented system. This work was done under the guidance of workshop coordinators from Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT), Bombay during the AICTE approved FDP on - Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning.

Paper ID Title
92 Generation and modulation of electricity by rate of change of magnetic flux
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Kalpesh Phodkar Name: Akshay Gurav Name: Gaurav Name: Deepak Name: Namrata
Deorukhar Poojary Lade
Email: Email: Email:
Kalpeshphodkar02@gm guravakshay74@gmail.c Email: Email: lade.namrata114@
ail.com om gauravdeo200@gmail.co deepakpoojary1388@g gmail.com
m mail.com

Abstract:.. The system mainly focuses on the basic principle of conversion of rotational kinetic energy into
electricity. The empty axial of the train is converted into a non geared motor with the help of magnets and copper
wire. The movement of train wheels causes the rate of change of magnetic flux linked with the coil via magnets
to change, thus producing electricity. The free generated electricity can thus be stored or utilized at the very same
moment by supplying both the electricity to the train or battery. The emf generated is then transmitted wirelessly
through coil by magnetic flux wherein the two coils at resonance matched with same frequency are coupled,
when the vicinity is disturbed. Aim is to transfer the generated flux at a distance, fair enough wirelessly. The
system hence utilizes the otherwise wasted rotational energy, converts it into electricity and transfers it wirelessly
thus reducing the energy crisis.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
93 IoT Based Farm Monitoring

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Namrata Dlip Rasal Name: Sapana Vitthal Rathod Name: Jeslin Edison

Email: namrata.rasa197@gmail.com Email: sapanarathod01@gmail.com Email: jeslinedison@gmail.com

Abstract: The system “IOT Based Farm Monitoring” includes technique called drip irrigation. In drip irrigation
technique water is provided to the roots of the plant. Irrigation status is updated to the server using personal
computer and mobile.JAVA platform is used here to get information from ardiuno and to update the server. In
this system various sensors are used like temperature sensor, humidity sensor, PH sensor, also LCD is used to
display temperature, moisture and PH level. This system helps the farmers by updating data like best crops to
cultivate for the particular climatic and soil condition, fertilizers required for the crops etc. This system saves
time and water, also farmer can access this system from anywhere. This system overcomes all drawback previous
system. Application of this system is industrial farming, green house, drip chemigation.

Paper ID Title
94 Simulation of Fiber Optics using MATLAB

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Rajan Parikh Name: Neha Pithadiya Name: Rohit Petkar

Email: RAJANPARIKH13@GMAIL.COM Email: neha.pithadiya08@gmail.com Email: rohitpetkar.r@gmail.com

Abstract: The paper introduces a plan and reenactment of the optical way which incorporate straight and
nonlinear impacts utilising the MATLAB recreation apparatuses. The program incorporates a count a portion of
nonlinear impacts and a reproduction part where the flag is inspected in a constant. This program manages
diverse sorts of balance systems and with attributes of the optical environment.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
95 Smart Vehicle Security System

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Tushar Rana Name: Arpit Shah Name: Pranav Rana Name: Sumita Chandak

Email: Email: Email: Email: sumichandak2@gmail.com

tusharrana035@gmail.com arpitshah844@gmail.com pranavrana786@gmail.com

Abstract: An efficient automative security is implemented for anti-theft using an embedded system occupied
with a Global Positioning System and a Global System of Mobile. The client interacts through this system with
vehicles and determines their current locations and status using Google Earth. Using GPS locator the target
current location is determined and sent, along the various parameters received by vehicle’s data port, via SMS
through GSM networks to a GSM modem that is connected to PC or laptop. The Gps coordinates are corrected
using a discrete Kalman filter. To secure the vehicles, the user of a group of users can turn off any vehicle of the
fleet if any intruders try to run it by blocking the gas feeding line. This system is very safe and efficient to report
emergency situations as crash reporting or engine failure.

Paper ID Title
96 IOT based Waste Monitoring System

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Ashutosh Kamble Name: Mayur Kamble Name: Nikhil Khedekar Name: Pranesh Sakpal

Email: Email: Email: Email:

kambleashutosh1995@gmail.co mayurkamble1995@gmail.com nikhilkhedekar2012@gmail. praneshvishwassakpal@gmail.c
m com om

Abstract: Now a days we see that the garbage boxes are placed at the public places in the cities are overflowing
due to increase in waste every day. It creates unhygienic condition for the people surrounding, this leads in
spreading some deadly diseases and human illness, to avoid such a situation we are planning to design “IOT
based waste management system”. In this proposed system there are multiple dustbins located through the city or
the campus, these dustbins are connected to the our circuit through bus topology. All dustbins connected to the
main station and dustbins circuit acquire the level of waste and send to the main station and main station will plot
that data on main website.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Harsh Mehta Name: Raj Gite Name: Mukesh Mali Name: Rohan Raut Name: SangeetaJain
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
harsh199425@gmail.co raj007gite@gmail.com mmmukesh.mali38@g ronny99.rr@gmail.com
m mail.com mail.com
Abstract: It is important to understand that at every moment of time, supply and demand on the power system
must be balanced, otherwise blackouts can occur. If there is a significant imbalance in portions of the system,
both the frequency and the voltage are impacted. If there is more consumption than supply in an area, then, the
frequency and voltage drops. If there is more supply than demand in an area, then frequency climbs. Different
parts of the system can experience these same events simultaneously and can “swing” against each other, with the
transmission system acting as sort of a spring, and can cause a cascading blackout. Therefore, Islanding System is
used to avoid these incidents from taking place and causing damage to the grid system as well as to human life.
Islanding refers to the condition in which a distributed generator (DG) continues to power a location even though
electrical grid power from the electric utility is no longer present.

Paper ID Title
98 Haar wavelet and texton representation fusion based Iris recognition

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Poorva Sinkar Name: Sarvesh Tendulkar Name: Nikita Suvarna

Email: sinkar.poorva6@gmail.com Email: sarveshrocks23@gmail.com Email: nikitasuvarna97@gmail.com

Abstract: Iris recognition is a method of identifying people based on the unique patterns within the ring-shaped
region surrounding the pupil of the eye. The iris usually has a brown, blue, gray, red or greenish color, with
complex patterns that are visible on close inspection. Since it makes use of a biological characteristic, it is
considered a form of biometric verification. At present, the iris recognition techniques allow very high
recognition performances in controlled settings and with cooperating users. This makes iris a true competitor to
other biometric traits like fingerprints. Also, most of the existing approaches for iris recognition are designed for
images acquired in Near Infrared or Hyperspectral regions, which are not much affected by changes in
surrounding light conditions. Current research is focusing on designing new techniques which aim to ensure high
accuracy even on images that are captured in visible light and in adverse conditions. Iris classification aims to
recognize and identify iris among many that are stored in database. Image registration for database includes-
image pre-processing and feature extraction based on the texture. Feature extraction is done using fusion of haar
wavelet transform and texton representation. The query image is processed using the same technique and iris
identification (matching process) is done. The proposed method will be evaluated on the basis of amount of
accurate identification.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Saket Name: Sushant Devkar Name: Saurabh Name: Devang Name: Sathish
Chinchalikar Dhanmeher Somani Ranbhise
Email: Email:
Email: devkarsushant84@gmail. Email: Email: ranbhise1976@gm
saketc095@gmail.com com saurabh.29@live.com cooldevang25@gmail.c ail.com
Abstract: Web-based systems are nowadays popular in many different areas, with the users tend to deliver customized
information by means of utilization of recommendation methods. The recommendation techniques are collaborative,
content-base and by means of genetic algorithm are used in existing systems. They recommend user those items which are
based on past history and are designed to allow users to locate the preferable items quickly and to avoid the possible
information overloads. In this paper we presented a recommender system for audio files. This system is able to identifying
the n-number of user’s preferences and adaptively recommends music tracks according to user preferences.

Paper ID Title
100 Creating human perspective visual memory by Eye tracking

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Chanchal Agrawal Name: Suraj Jagtap Name: Deepali Maste

Email: chaanchalagrawal@gmail.com Email: jagtapsuraj333@gmail.com Email: deepalimaste@gmail.com

Abstract: Visual memory and especially eye tracking systems have been a major subject of research. Creating a
human perspective visual memory by eye tracking will help establish a more natural and improved human-
computer interface(HCL). A compact head-mounted device is made for the same purpose. Eye tracking system
detects pupil and generates focus coordinates using which human perspective vision is created. This artificial
human perspective vision is recorded and stores forming a visual memory. This system is a real-time system.
With its good speed, great accuracy and the compact system it results in a great overall product improving human
and machine interface.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
101 Autonomous Multicollision/Human detection And Navigation bot using distributed
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Shardul Sonone Name: Onkar Sarfare Name: Jay Shah Name: Yash Shetty
Email:Shardul.Sonone57@gmai Email:onkarsarfare92@gmail.co Email:jayshah9821@gmail. Email: Yashs110@gmail.com
l.com m com
Abstract:. Many software are designed to avoid collision of bots with objects, which require human controlling.
Previous devices used infrared sensors which detected objects and avoided collision with it. But it wasn’t able to
distinguish between object, human and non-human. Being limited sensing range of sensor sit wasn’t able to
navigate perfectly. The sensors are unidirectional sensors which senses in single direction. With new researches
in image processing, the project aims at building a bot/software which does not require human intervention for
controlling, distinguishing and navigation. This is achieved using image and video processing techniques. The
objects and humans havedifferent thermal heat signatures, hence using image processing we can identify
between objects and humans. If a cold spot is detected the thermal image will have shades of blue and if a hot
spot is detected the image will have shades ofred. If an object/human is detected using heat sensor, thermal image
will be taken and it will be processed and identified as human or object according toshades. And using
accelerometer of system we can navigate and avoid collision of bot with object or human. For objects and
humans we use image processing which are captured using camera. The sensing problem is overcome because
viewing angle of camera is more than the infrared sensors. The camera captures the object and humans along
with their heat signatures. Based of heat readings,the image is processed using some techniques and is then given
to the controlling system which controls the direction of bot and navigates through the area. This project is useful
for autonomous vehicles and devices. This bot candetect higher heat signatures and can help people in dangerous
locations. Thisbot can drive through rough terrain by avoiding obstacles based on heat readings.

Paper ID Title
102 Sentiment Analyses Using Twitter Data
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Kaustubh Chalke Name: Ria Dogra Name: Tanushree Shetty Name: Satish Ranbhise
Email:chalkekaustubh@gmail. Email:riadogra28@hotmail.co Email:tanushetty2501@gm
com m ail.com Email:ranbhise1976@gmail.com
Abstract:Analysis of any particular product or entity can be done using the wide collection of unstructured data
obtained from the Internet(World Wide Web). Many industrial and survey companies are using this data analysis
to take decisions. In this paper, we want to show how effectively, sentiment analysis can be done on the data
collected from the social networking website called Twitter, using Flume. Twitter is an online web application
containing rich amounts of data that can be a un-structured, semi-structured or structured data. The Twitter data
can be collected by using BIGDATA eco-system, using online streaming tool called Flume. In this project,
thetype of analysis we’re concentrating on is Sentiment analysis. using Hive and its queries to give the sentiment
data based on the groups that are defined in the HQL (Hive Query Language). Here we have categorized this
sentiment analysis into 3 groups of tweets that have positive, moderate and negative comments.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
103 Query Log Search Engine Optimization
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Shital Satpute Name: Sonali Tambe Name: Ashwini Shinde Name: Santosh Dodamani

Email: Email: Email:

shitalsatpute9@gmail.com tambe.sonali.urs8@gmail.com ashindeashwini@gmail.com san21.rvce@gmail.com

With the ever increasing enormity of information over the internet, finding relevant information to a particular
topic has become difficult. Search history analysis is the detailed examination of web data from different users
for the purpose of understanding and optimizing web handling. In this paper, we are trying to analyze user’s web
history and classify it into groups through optimization algorithms. The user’s search history contains browsing
history and submitted queries. In this approach, we are trying to classify search history into similar query groups.
The aim of this approach is to classify query into groups automatically and dynamically. The proposed system
combines word similarity with document similarity for purpose of website ranking, query suggestions.

Paper ID Title
104 E-MENU
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Shaurya Haridas Name: Arnav Shetty Name: Sandip Zade

Email: Hshaurya@gmail.com Email: arnavks@gmail.com Email: sandipzade5129@gmail.com

Abstract: Many times in hotel we have to wait for a waiter to give our order for food. This creates problem when
there is rush in hotel especially in festival seasons and generally on weekends. Main intention of our project is to
avoid such problems and to give solutions to such problems. In this project a Touchscreen panel will placed on
every table. Whenever customers come to their table then they will select the desired order menus from the
touchscreen. For example: suppose users have selected menu no 1, 5, 3 so on and once he/she is done then he/she
can press enter/confirm key. At this time information will be sent to the kitchen of the hotel. All this information
will be displayed on a computer display. For this purpose we have used a wireless RF transmitter at the customer
table side. And wireless RF receiver at the kitchen side. So orders will be directly sent to the kitchen and users
don’t have to wait for the waiter. On the same time all the customers will get a smart card for payment. After the
bill arrives payment is made by this smart card which is recharged by hotel itself when balance in it is over. As
soon as the payment is done the customer gets a notification in the form of a SMS sent on their mobile phones.
Our main objective here is to minimize the waiting time of the customers to place an order


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
105 Advanced ATM System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Divya Vaghela Name: Preksha Jain Name: Rashmi Iyengar Name: Janisha Kumar

Email: dv5959@gmail.com Email: Email: Email:

prekshasinghvi1995@gmail.co rashmiiyengar178@gmail.c janishakumar1620@gmail.com
m om

Abstract:Biometric authentication has been proven to be of high accuracy in user identification. To achieve
more accurate identification it is better to use which characterizes an individual. The various biometric features
that may be used for authentication includes fingerprint, palm print, handprint, face recognition, speech
recognition & eye biometrics out of which fingerprint has higher accuracy as compared to others mentioned. A
fingerprint is a combined formation of ridges and valleys. This system recognizes fingerprint to access bank
accounts of only those individuals whose fingerprint have been registered. In case of battery drain or a mishap
like complete power failure, stored fingerprints are retained. A prototype of ATM system based on a
microcontroller using fingerprint sensor module is implemented. The programming platforms that can be used are
MySQL and Visual Studio. This can be implemented as a hardware project as well as desktop application.

Paper ID Title
106 Duty Cycle scheduling and routing in path-connected-cluster Wireless Sensor Network
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Trupti Shah Name: Jyoti Golakia Name: Komal Mahajan

Email: trups13@gmail.com Email: rudani.jyoti@gmail.com Email: komalsmahajan@gmail.com

Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular due to their application in various fields such
as home health care, military surveillance, and environmental science. For long-term and low-cost monitoring
applications, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are commonly used. The key issue involved in wireless sensor
networks is the energy efficiency of sensor nodes. Because nodes in WSN are powered by small irreplaceable and
non rechargeable batteries. Existing research efforts show that clustering is an efficient method to prolong the
lifetime of WSN network. We observe that many WSN applications to achieve fault-tolerance use redundant
nodes. However, in the multi-hop communication redundancy is not required due to the low communication
traffic load. In this paper, we present a new scheduling method Duty-cycle Backbone Scheduling (DCBS). Our
proposed technique, DCBS, employs heterogeneous scheduling. In DCBS to preserve network connectivity,
backbone nodes work with duty-cycling and non-backbone nodes turn off radios to save energy. Our simulation
studies verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed DCBS technique, and shows that our proposed
technique is superior to the existing techniques.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
108 Web Browser Controlled Robot with Night Vision Camera
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Arun Dev Name: Shivam Soni Name: Hardik Panchal Name: Bhavesh Name: Pragya Jain
Sharma Shinde
Email: Email: Email:
Email: arun0302@live.com byhardikpanchal@yahoo Email: ljainpragya321@gma
arun030296@gmail.com .in bhaveshthecreator@g il.com

This paper describes an exploration in Web-Browser based control of robots. The objective of this paper is to
designed a Robot that has limitedautonomous competence, but which proves to be significantly more
productivethrough the use of occasional Internet-based human supervision along with its mobility on land and
Air(using Quadcopter)

Paper ID Title
109 Two Dimensional Augmented Reality
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Akshay Anarse Name: Mayuri Nikalje Name: Bhupesh Pachpande Name: Mohan Kumar

Email:akshayanarse@gmail.co Email:mayurinikalje@yahoo.c Email: Email: mohan841301@gmail.com

m om bhupeshpachpande@gma

Augmented reality is the new way of digitizing information.Augmented Reality involves visual perception of real
world entities.With augmented reality it has become possible to implement new innovations virtually to study
them.In this project we aim to provide a comprehensive way to control electrical loads using two dimensional
augmented reality concept. We intend do demonstrate the above concept by controlling actual electrical load in
real world by using an image.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
110 Reversible Watermarking on Database images using difference expansion method.
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Ajay Shelar Name: Abhishek Nanarkar Name: Sushil Raipelly Name:Nida Parkar

Email:ajaysanjayshelar@hotm Email:ahisheknanarkar45@gm Email:sushilrapelly@gma Email: nidapark@gmail.com

ail.com ail.com il.com

Proving ownership rights on outsourced relational databases is a crucial issue in today internet-based application
environments and in many content distribution applications. In the cancerology domain, we were brought to
make periodic mammography images to monitor tumour patients. MS SQL Database Management system
(DBMS) is a solution to manage these images with patient's data recorder. Knowing the large size of medical
images of mammograms, the MS SQL DBMS saves these images outside the MS SQL database using external
LOBs. The link between these images and MS SQL is done through the BFILE. At this level, two problems are
raised: the first problem is that access to these images can become impossible because the link is likely to be
broken. The second problem is security, the fact that the images are saved outside the MS SQL database, they do
not benefit from its powerful security. The protection of the integrity and confidentiality of data and patient
images are a necessity defended by laws and they must be preserved against any unauthorized access, alteration
or destruction. In this paper, we propose the method of reversible watermarking technique based on the difference
expansion to resolve these two problems and explore its use in search and retrieval strategy of images

Paper ID Title
111 Security employed using QR code for Banking system
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Phalesha Rawal Name: Ruthika Puthran Name: Lavanya Regunta Name: Riya Patil
Email: Email: reguntalavanya123@gmail.c Email:
phalesharawal25@gmail.com ruthikaputhran@gmail.com om riyapatil555066@gmail.com

Abstract:Security is a major concern in online banking systems which is competently achieved by diverse
internet technologies to fill the hole between real world and virtual world . Many kinds of authentication methods
have been developed such as one time passwords, smart card based system and also biometric features like iris
recognition , face recognition , voice recognition. Our paper is entailing all the detail information about
developing a security system for networked banking transactions using QR code. In the QR code a complex
password is stored whereas a regular camera equipped smart phone is used for scanning this QR code. The code
is scanned with the QR code scanner which can be an app or an in built feature. This scanning produces a string
which is the combination of IMEI number of a phone which is registered by the user and a randomly generated
number using a random number function. When the network is availed on the smart phone, the generated string
automatically gets entered into the login page on the screen which opens the homepage of the bank.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
112 Free Roaming Mobile Agent Security.
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Vishal Nerani Name: Nikunj Lapasia Name: Shubham Sartape Name: Pranit Revandkar

Email:vishalnerani@gmail.c Email:nikunjlap@gmail.com Email: Email:

om shubhamsartape@gmail.c pranitrevandkar03@gmail.com

Abstract:Security in free roaming agents is especially hard to achieve when the mobile code is executed in hosts
that may behave maliciously. Data security in free roaming agent without itinerary information may face more
complex attacks. This paper focuses on Data Security in free roaming Mobile Agents.Mobile agents migrate from
originating hosts to intermediate servers to generate and collect data, and return to the originators to submit
results after completing scheduled tasks. Free roaming mobile agents are free to choose their respective next hops
dynamically based on the data they acquired from their past journeys. Free roaming agents have no pre-defined
migration paths. They select their next hop at each hop they visit based on initial requirements and current
conditions. There are many security issues to be addressed in Data Security in Free Roaming Mobile for example
data confidentiality, non reputability, insertion defence and truncation defence etc. Generally security issues in
Mobile Agents are
1. Protection of the host from malicious code.
2. Protection of the agent from a malicious host trying to tamper the code and the agent data.
Agent security is divided into code security (tampering attack, etc.) and data security. Methods used in protect
data in mobile agents count on move forms. The move forms the agents are pre-defined itinerary and free


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
113 Crowd Density Management in Local Trains Using Micro-switches
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Prakash Choudhari Name: Shivendra Yadav

Email:prakashchoudhari1992@gmail.com Email: shivendra977@gmail.com

This project describes how “Crowd density can be managed in local trains using micro-switches”. Local Trains are used by
almost everyone in their day to day life. In this system all trains will have a sensor system to sense the crowd density in each
train compartment and it will displayed on a large indicator on the platform before the arrival of the train on the station via
ZIGBEE based wireless communication. So People can take a decision in advance whether to travel in the particular train or
leave it, then in which compartment that can be decided beforehand. Micro switches are used because of their low
manufacturing costs and long service life. This project will help to divide the crowd evenly throughout the train.

Paper ID Title
114 Arduino based autonomous Cleaner Robot
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Shubham Tiwari Name: Gaurav Rasal Name: Pramod Shukla Name: Ajinkya Mandavkar

Email: Email: Email: Email:

st171196@gmail.com gauravrasal436@gmail.com pramodshukla136@gmail.com ajinkyamandavkar@gmail.com

Abstract:Households of today are becoming smarter and more automated. Home automation delivers
convenience and creates more time for people. Domestic robots are entering the homes and people’s daily lives,
but it is yet a relatively new and immature market. However, a growth is predicted and the adoption of domestic
robots is evolving. Several robotic vacuum cleaners are available on the market but only few ones implement wet
cleaning of floors. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a Vacuum Robot for Autonomous dry
and wet cleaning application using mop . Vacuum Cleaner Robot is designed to make cleaning process become
easier rather than by using manual vacuum. The main objective of this project is to design and implement a
vacuum robot prototype by using Arduino Mega 2560 , Motor , Ultrasonic Sensor, and IR Sensor and to achieve
the goal of this project. Vacuum Robot will have several criteria that are user-friendly.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Rudra Dave Name: Beenal Goriya Name: Vaibhav Goilkar

Email:rudradave8@gmail.com Email:binalgoriya.bg@gmail.com Email :vaibhavgoilkar78@gmail.com

This project describes AT89S52 Microcontroller based design and implementation of energy meter using IoT
concept. The proposed system design eliminates the human involvement in Electricity maintenance. The Buyer
needs to pay for the usage of electricity on schedule, in case that he couldn’t pay, the electricity transmission can
be turned off autonomously from the distant server. The user can monitor the energy consumption in units from
an android app. Theft detection unit connected to energy meter will notify the user when theft occurs in energy
and it will send theft detect information through the server to the user’s Android mobile. The server performs the
IoT operation by sending energy meter data to android app. The Hardware interface circuit consists of AT89S52
Microcontroller, a computer as server, theft detection unit. The server performs IoT operation by sending energy
meter data to web page which can be accessed through the android app.

Paper ID Title
116 "Gas Accident Prevention With GSM Alert"
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Saurav Kumar Name: Aditya Mishra Name: Anurag Sharma Name: Kshitij Gharat Name: Jyoti Mali

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

sourabh.yadav611@gmail. 95aditya.mishra@gmail.c sharmaanurag639@g gharatkshitij10@gma jyorex@gmail.com
com om mail.com il.com

Abstract: Gas leakage tragedies and accidents have lead to heavy losses over the years. So it is very important to detect
any gas leakage and prevent any accidents. So we here propose a system to detect LPG/CNG gas leakage scenarios and
provide a security alert to intended users. We here propose to build the system using a MQ6 gas detection sensor and
interface it with 8051 family microcontroller along with GSM modem for alerting via an SMS. Our system uses the gas
sensor to detect any gas leakages. The gas sensor sends out a signal to microcontroller as soon as it encounters a gas
leakage. And we also used the Fire sensor to detect the fire level, Temperature sensor LM35 and LDR also used. The
microcontroller processes this signal and sends out a signal to the GSM modem with required message details. The GSM
modem now sends out an alerting SMS to the authorized people so that they may handle the issue.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
117 Overview of MAI Cancellation and Correlation Properties of Orthogonal Spreading Codes for
Novel MC-CDMA System
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Priyanka Raut Name: Priyanka Raut

Email: priyanka43me@gmail.com Email: priyankarautieee@gmail.com

In this paper, we present extensive review on different Multiple Access Interference (MAI) cancellation schemes for Multi-
Carrier Code Division Multiple Access-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MC-CDMA) for Next generation
wireless communication systems. This paper starts with the detailed structure of MC-CDMA system, their requirements, and
then proceeds to describe the Issues happen in MC-CDMA wireless communication systems by eliminating those issues with
help of novel interference cancellation schemes Multiple Access Interference (MAI) is the major challenge in the MC-
CDMA System due to Asynchronous Transmission and imperfect correlation property of the Orthogonal spreading codes
after passing subcarriers through the multipath fading channel which tend to destroy the Orthogonality among the users and
system performance is degraded. The goal of this paper is to highlights the various advanced interference cancellation
schemes; various aspects influencing the proper selection of Spreading Codes through capacity and BW expansion
improvement and made comprehensive comparison of all the schemes on the basis of their performance and fulfillments for
future wireless communication based MC-CDMA-OFDM System

Paper ID Title
118 A review on synthesis and utilization of graphene

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Dipa Patel Name: Pravin Nemade Name: Bhushan Sonawane

Email: gala.dipa000@gmail.com Email: drpnnemade@yahoo.co.in Email: sbbsam@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: The one-layer thick entity, graphene, associates solitary physico-chemical characteristics, extending
from its mechanical attitude to electrical and even thermal dynamism. Hence, correctly graphene is looked upon
as a miracle material by the world. In this review paper, in contemplation of the latest progress of semiconducting
graphene, some important synthesis and its emerging intelligent applications are highlighted. Emphasis is put on
the methods of production including exfoliation techniques, Chemical Vapour Deposition on various metals,
different ways of reduction of graphene oxide. Employment of graphene in multifarious devices like solar cell,
supercapacitor, thermoelectric devices, fuel cell and even its bioapplications are featured.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5
Name : Puneet Jain Name: Yash Kudalkar Name: Monty Ghosh Name: Srushti Name: Jyoti Mali
Email: Email: Email: Ambedkar
puneetjain852@gmail.com majinyash@gmail.com Pghosh251995@gmail Email: Email:
.com Srushti.ambedkar2@ jyorex@gmail.com
Abstract:. Recently technological and population development, the usage of vehicles are rapidly increasing and
at the same time the occurrence accident is also increased. Hence, the value of human life is ignored. No one can
prevent the accident, but can save their life by expediting the ambulance to the hospital in time. A new vivid
scheme called Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is introduced. The objective of this scheme is to minimize
the delay caused by traffic congestion and to provide the smooth flow of emergency vehicles. The concept of this
scheme is to green the traffic signal in the path of ambulance automatically with the help of RF module. So that
the ambulance can reach the spot in time and human life can be saved and the accident location is identified sends
the accident location immediately to the main server. The main server finds the nearest ambulance to the accident
zone and sends the exact accident location to the emergency vehicle. The control unit monitors the ambulance
and provides the shortest path to the ambulance at the same time it controls the traffic light according to the
ambulance location and thus arriving at the hospital safely. This scheme is fully automated, thus it locates the
accident spot accurately, controls the traffic lights, provide the shortest path to reach the location and to the
hospital in time

Paper ID Title

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name :Praniti Thanvi Name: Nikhita Sontakke Name: Shashwati Name:Zankhana Patel Name: Sachin
Email: Email: Waghmare Email: Gavhane
praniti.thanvi@gmail.com sontakke.nikita@gmail. Email:wshashwati@g zankhanapatel096@g Email:
com mail.com mail.com gavhane.sachin@gma
Abstract:. Sentiment analysis is to distinguish and group the assessments/ feelings/opinions in composed content.
Till date, English language incorporates the majority of the examination work around there. This paper represent
strategy to classify tweet sentiment using Naive Bayes technique based on three categories; positive, negative or
neutral. People have different opinions for single thing. So it is very difficult to evaluate reviews manually for a
particular thing. People usually misinterpret the reviews and finally come to wrong conclusion. So to deal with this
problem an attempt is made to propose software for analysing the tweets of people on political views by using
Adverb-Adjective-Verb-Noun combinations. Separate positive and negative condensed results are created which is
useful for the client in choice making.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
121 Innovative Approach of Process Control
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5
Name : Akshay Belose Name: Sanjeev Shukla Name: Nikhil Name: Nana Name: Niranjan
Email: Email: Gavhane Koyale Samudre
akshaybelose7@gmail.c shuklasanjeev280@gmai Email: Email: Email:
om l.com nikhil.gavhane17@hmail. nanakoyale@gmail.co nksamudre@gmail.
com m com
Abstract: The objective of this project is to demonstrate the operation of a system that allows monitoring and controlling
of process variables (PV) such as Temperature, Flow, and Level using LabVIEW. The main idea of process control is to
make a real time fully automated control system using LabVIEW .The graphical system design with LabVIEW is that it
offers easy and seamless integration with legacy and traditional benchtop, stand-alone instruments commonly found in
research labs. By using LabVIEW implementation is efficient. The corresponding Process variable values are measured and
converted into Digital Signals using NI-DAQ (Data acquisition card) and these are controlled in LabVIEW. The process
involves Storage Tank will store water required for the process operation. It will have only a low level sensor to detect
whether tank is dry to protect pump from dry operation which may damage the pump. System will be started & stopped
from the LabVIEW software .It will indicate in real time temperature and level values. The Control signal is sent back to
the process station via Ni-DAQ to the corresponding Controller. The application of Lab VIEW ranges from simple
laboratory experiments to large automation application. This process is trying to control proportional mixture of two fluids,
temperature, flow and level.

Paper ID Title

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Shweta Sharma Name: Dinesh Nadar Name: Sagar Khot Name: Saniha Kumar

Email: Email: doof4545@gmail.com Email: Email:

sharmashweta14@gmail.com sagarkhot22@yahoo.in sanihakumar@gmail.com
Abstract: Robust Trust Reputation Systems (TRS) provide actionable information to support relying parties
taking the right decision in any electronic transaction. In fact, as security providers in E-services, TRS have to
faithfully calculate the most trustworthy score for a targeted product or service. Thus, TRS must rely on a robust
architecture and suitable algorithms that are able to select, store, generate and classify scores and feedbacks. In
this work, we propose a new architecture for TRS in E- commerce application which includes feedbacks’ analysis
in its treatment of scores. In fact, this architecture is based on an intelligent layer that proposes to each user (i.e.
“feedback provider”) who has already given his recommendation, a collection of prefabricated feedbacks
summarizing other users’ textual feedbacks. A proposed algorithm is used by this architecture in order to
calculate the trust degree of the user, the feedback’s trustworthiness and generates the global reputation score of
the product.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
123 Optimizing the Complexity of Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Pawan Manoj Rathod Name: Ankit Bhupendra Vartak Name: Neha Kunte

Email: pawanrathod519@gmail.com Email: ankitvartak317@gmail.com Email: nehaghaisas88@gmail.com

Abstract: With the bird's eye view of many analyst’s attentions in the last few years to know how companies are
collecting and transmitting enormous amounts of information. As there are problems in transmitting a large
amount of data. This is a need of an hour to overcome the problems. The data can be compressed such as word
file or image file etc. to send the data efficiently. Compression should be done in such a way that there is no loss
of data. Image compression helps to overcome the problem of sending large images. In this DCT plays a crucial
role. In Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT) for compression of JPEG images, we have techniques of
Quantization and encoding. In this whole work, we have used Custom matrix multiplication algorithm for
reducing the complexity of matrix multiplication problem. The results obtained from the experiment when
comparing with Naïve matrix multiplication and Strassen’s matrix multiplication shows an increase in the
performance of DCT. As the performance have increased due to the less time and space complexity of Strassen’s
as compared to Naïve. As Custom matrix multiplication algorithm is having less time and space complexity as
compared to Strassen’s algorithm we are expecting to have more increase in performance. Peak signal to noise
ratio (PSNR), and different Compression Ratio (CR) for different images helps to differentiate between the

Paper ID Title
124 Video Classification using Embedded Audio
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Tejas Wadiwala Name: Suraj Yadav Name: Anand Yadav Name: Anish Sridhar Name:Shweta
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
tejaswadiwala@gmail.co sy15465@gmail.com yadavanand69@gmail.co anishsridhar10@gmail. shwetasharma14@
m m com gmail.com

Abstract: In recent times people have excess to a stupendous amount of videos through digital television and
largely through internet. With this there also arises the dubiety of what to view and what not to view. This has
given rise to the need for classifying videos. Many of the video sharing websites now support the system of
“tagging” the videos. These tags are given by the user when he uploads the video on the website or added by
website manager later some time. These tags thus help in classification of the videos into various genre or
categories such as sports, finance, movies, commercials, news etc. but this system of manual classification is not
efficient as it is practically impossible to tag all the videos available on the internet. Our project provides
automatic classification of videos.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
125 Arduino Based Auto-Reclosure For 3 Phase System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5
Name : Shyam Morzaria Name: Shreyas Surve Name: Uttej Devadiga Name:Arun Bhosikar Name: Rajeev
Email: Email: Email: Email: Valunjkar
morzariashyam96@gma surve_shreyas@yahoo.c uttejdevadiga@gmail.com arunbhosikar7@gmail.c Email:
il.com om om rajeevvalunjkar@h
Abstract: The paper aims to develop micro-controller based auto-recloser for the three phase supply system. The
project circuit breaker closes automatically after a brief interruption in the event temporary fault while it remains
in tripped condition in case of permanent fault.The electrical substation which supply the power to the consumers
i.e. industries or domestic can have failures due to some faults which can be temporary or permanent. These
faults lead to substantial damage to the power system equipment if faults are permanent and not cleared
immediately. If faults are temporary then faults adversely affect reliability , stability etc. Most of these faults are
temporary, therefore to improve reliability, stability of supply auto-reclosers are installed. We are proposing
micro-controller based auto-recloser.This system will be built using arduino and a data acquisition system to
detect type of fault and the microcontroller will record the severity of fault. After occurrence of the fault CB will
trip. After that Arduino micro-controller will check the system voltage and decide if fault is temporary. It will
close the CB and if fault is really temporary then system will continue to run normally. However, if fault persists,
Microcontroller will trip Circuit Breaker again. The micro-controller will repeat the process for predetermined
period.This mechanism will possibly replace the mechanical relays in the system and combine it with data
acquisition system which will increase system efficiency and reduce the cost of line equipments.

Paper ID Title
126 LabView Based Control Of Agricultural System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4
Name: Abhishek Singh Name: Pratik Takale Name: AshutoshChiplunkar Name: Priyanka Kadam
Email: Email: Email: Email:
SinghAbhi2495@gmail.com pratiktakale309@gmail.com ashutoshchiplunkar@gmail. kadampriyanka230@gmail.com
Abstract: With the rapid race of globalisation and an ever increasing global population, the agricultural field has
great importance and the need to artificially create the perfect environmental conditions is very essential.
Appropriate environmental conditions are necessary for optimum plant growth, improved crop yields and
efficient use of water and other resources. Automating the data acquisition process of the soil conditions and
various climatic parameters that govern plant growth allows information to be collected at high frequency and
with less labour requirements. We therefore need a system that is easy to install, simple to use. So we came up
with a LabVIEW based monitoring system which can monitor and record temperature, humidity, soil moisture
and sun light, which is constantly modified and can be controlled in future to optimize these resources so that the
plant growth and yield is maximized. The use of easily available components reduces the manufacturing and
maintenance costs. The ease of operation and use of the LabVIEW software makes it more suitable to this


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
127 Automatic Signal Transformer and Custom Filter Designer

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Sushant Mahadik Name: Karan Mali Name: Sameer Mohadika Name: Tejas Mulye
Email: Email: Email: tejas.mulye01@gmail.com
sushantmahadik79@gmail.com malikaran740@gmail.com sameer.mohadikar@gmail.c

Abstract: A user is given the ability to draw a transfer function on a touchscreen interfaced with the PIC, a
custom interpolation and interpretation algorithm is used to understand the essential pass and stop bands of the
users transfer function. These bands are used as the argument to either a Parks- McClellan or Fourier Transform
algorithm which creates the discrete time impulse response coefficients corresponding to the drawn frequency
response. With discrete time finite impulse response (FIR) filter coefficients a real time convolution is taken with
an analog to digital converter sampled input signal and then output to a 12-bit digital to analog converter. In this
way, a user can design their filter and see it implemented in real time.

Paper ID Title
128 Next Generation Network 5G

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Ashmita Shetty Name: Amruta Mhatre Name: Gayatri Sawale

Email: gayatrisawale10@gmail.com
Email: ashmitas1120@gmail.com Email: 23.amruta.m@gmail.com

Abstract: Technology has reached the point where it is necessary to project a new network, 5G that can offer
efficiency, higher speeds and a converged fiber-wireless topology. It is intended to offer high speed wireless
access for data access speeds up to the Internet by using very-wide-bandwidth radio channels to 10Gbps. Factors
that customers imply to need as quickly and as much are: ubiquitous coverage, high mobility, low latency,
enormous number of devices and low cost/energy consumption is discussed in papers written on the same subject
. This paper aims to offer a solution to achieve speeds, low latency and coverage for massive access in an urban


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
129 New genration Gi-Fi(Gigabit wireless)
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Amruta Mhatre Name: Ashmita Shetty

Email: 23amruta.m@gmail.com Email: ashmitas1120@gmail.com

Abstract: Gi-Fi or gigabit-wireless refers to communication at data rate of more than 1 billion bits (gigabit) per
second. The term GI-FIrefer to faster versions of the IEEE 802.11 standards marketed under the trademark Wi-Fi.
Atransceiver integrated on a single integrated chip that operated at 60GHz on the CMOS process. It allows
wireless transmission of video and audio data upto 5 Gbps, 10 times the present maximum wireless transfer rate,
at 1/10ththe cost. Researchers selected the 57–64 GHz unlicensed frequency band as the millimetre-wave range
of the spectrum allowed high constituent on-chip integration as well as the incorporation of very small high gain
arrays. The existing 7 GHz of band results in very high data rates, up to 5Gbps to users at indoor environment,
typically within a range of 10 metres.

Paper ID Title
130 Flexible AC Transmission System using TCR

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Jai Damania Name: Shoeb Shaikh Name: Hardik Save

Email: hardik.save786@gmail.com
Email: jaidamania5@gmail.com Email: shoeb.shaikh000@yahoo.com

Abstract: Modern electrical power systems are being expanded continuously and are upgraded to cater the want
of ever growing electrical power demand. However in recent years, electrical energy developers have faced both
the financial difficulties as well as the environmental difficulties in expanding the power generation and
transmission. These situations have forced power designers to look for advanced techniques system to enhance
controllability, stability, and power transfer capability of ac transmission systems which are FACTS devices used
to control power flow in the transmission grid to relieve congestion and limit loop flows. FACTS using Thyristor
Controlled Reactance is thus used either when charging the transmission line or when there is very low load at
the receiving end.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
131 User Categorization Based on Trust Analysis for Reputation System in E-Commerce
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Reena Mahe Name: Seema Kolkur

Email: mahereena@yahoo.com Email: kolkur.seema@gmail.com

Abstract: In e-commerce applications, users prefer to give reviews, feedbacks about the products they have used.
Currently most reputation systems directly depend on user's ratings and calculate the score for the product.
However the reliability of these scores needs to be verified as some users may have intentions to falsify the
product positively or negatively and they can give false feedbacks which can affect the buying decisions of
potential users. Therefore there is a need to improve current reputation systems by providing trustworthiness of
the users, feedbacks and the products. In this project work, a new architecture has been proposed which detects
genuinity of users. This detection is done through one questionnaire. Every user (feedback provider) is redirected
to some set of questions reflecting different features of the product. User is genuine if his opinion about product
matches with majority of users. Only those feedbacks are considered which are given by genuine users. This trust
analysis system helps to categorize users based on genuinity and generate the global reputation score of the

Paper ID Title
132 Gesture Controlled Multi-Disciplinary Gadgets
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Yash Name: Neeraj Name: Pratik Name: Jay Choksi Name: Jyoti
Chaudhari Abhyankar Haware Dange
Email: Email:
Email: Email: Email: jayc23495@gmail.com jyotidange.2112@g
ychaudhari30@gmail.co neerajajitabhyankar@gm hawarepratik@gmail.co mail.com
m ail.com m

Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for controlling mouse movement using a real-time camera. Most existing
methods involve changing mouse parts such as adding more buttons or changing the position of the tracking ball. Instead,
we propose to modify the hardware design. Our method is to use a camera and computer vision technology, such as image
segmentation and gesture recognition, to control mouse tasks (left and right-clicking, double-clicking, and scrolling) and we
show how it can perform everything current mouse devices can. This paper illustrates how to build this mouse control


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
133 Students Placement Prediction Model Using Logistic Regression
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Manoj Shukla Name: Pranay Name: Jay Torasakar Name: Rakesh Prabhu Name: Deepali
Rambade Maste
Email: Email: Email:
shuklamanoj134@gmail. Email: Email: rakesh.prabhu.81@gmail deepalimaste@gma
com pranayrambade1995@g jaytorasakar8@ .com il.com
mail.com gmail.com

Abstract: This paper represents an introduction with implementation model as an extension to our previous paper, Logistic
Regression Analysis as a future predictor system. Logistic model designing plays a key role in order to get correct
predictions. This process includes selection of tuples for training data and their known outcome. This paper details the steps
involved in actual designing and development of such model.

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5
Name : Shruti Bore Name: Yogeshwari Name: Mayur Nehete Name: Venkat Akula Name: Sinora
Email: Gowda Email: Banker
shru95@hotmail.com Email: Email: avenket04@gmail.com Email:
yogeshwarigowda22@g mnehete3@gmail.com ghosalkar9@gmail.
mail.com com
Abstract: Picture book is a highly aesthetic genre, in which words and pictures together tells a story. Meanings in
picture books are inextricably constructed by art and text. Picture books are different from the traditional story
books in which pictures are used to supplement a text. Story books could be understood without reference to
them. Illustrations undoubtedly explain the story to the readers, but some storybooks can be understood without
them. Real-world videos often have complex dynamics and methods, for generating open-domain video
descriptions and they should allow both input (sequence of frames) and output (sequence of words) of variable
length. To approach this problem, we propose a novel end-to-end sequence-to-sequence model to generate text
for videos. For this we are using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), specifically LSTMs, which have
demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in image to text generation. Our LSTM model is trained on video-
sentence pairs and learns to associate a sequence of video model is trained on video-sentence pairs and learns to
associate a sequence of video frames to a sequence of words to generate a description of the event in the video
clip. Our model naturally is able to learn the temporal structure of the sequence of frames as well as the sequence
model of the generated sentences, i.e. a language model.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
135 Wireless Institute Food Ordering System With Auto-Billing
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name : Snehal Akhade Name: Pallavi Shinde Name: Ruchita Name: Sonal Name: Meenakshi
Gadekar Divekar Saraon
Email: Email: Email:
akhadesnehal08@gmail. pallavi1711995@gmail.c Email: Email: meenakshi.saraon
com om ruchitagadekar@gmail.c sonaldivekar04@gmail.c @gmail.com
om om

Abstract: In this new age of technology we are developing new solutions to ease our life by digitizing various processes
and wireless technology is the most important factor behind it. The wireless technology has many advantages and has lead
to the convenience of users. The project aims to provide a smart and fast way to order the food within an institute. The
menu items will be available to the user at his desk from where the food can be ordered. The customer uses a simple input
interface to order the food. The ordered food will be seen on the display screen at canteen. Also, the payment can be done
using a smart card. This saves time, quarrels over change and long queue.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
136 Turbo Product Codes Used ln Wireless Communications
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Deven Rawool Name: Rajas Raut Name: Atharva Rane Name: Akshay Name: Varun
Ramakrishnan Mishra
Email: Email: Email: Email:
rawooldeven@gmail.com rajasraut95@gmail.com atharvaprane@gmail.com Email: varun7smile@gmail.com
Abstract: Any communication system will be having an encoding and decoding, error correcting block, at the
transmitter and receiver side respectively. Multimedia wireless applications are very popular, mainly due to high
data rates. Turbo Product Code (TPC) used for encoding is an effective technique with reasonable decoding
complexity. Original information is encoded and sent over a specific channel using different types of
modulations. A wireless data transmission scheme that combines and encode techniques into one processing step
can be used for various applications. The forward Error Correcting Code (ECC) are a new class of codes that can
achieve exceptional error performance and energy efficiency at low Signal to Noise ratio (SNR). The
simulationresult of estimate BER show that implementation of RS/Convolution codes/non-Convolution
codes/Linear Block codes with under QPSK/BPSK/QAM technique is highly effective to combat inherent
interface in wireless communication system. For that decoding of Turbo Product Code (TPC) using different
algorithm and BER performance rate is substantially improved by increasing number of iteration used in
decoding process.

Paper ID Title
137 Detection of Threats in Mobile Apps: A Survey

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Supriya Mandhare Name: Snehal Kathale Name: Chanda Chouhan Name: Supriya Solaskar

Email: Email: Email: Email:

mandhare.supriya24@gmail.co snehal.kathale@gmail.com chanda.chouhan@gmail.co supriya147s@gmail.com
m m

Abstract: Smartphones are gaining popularity, creating new application areas as their capabilities increase in
terms of computational power, sensors and communication. Emerging new features of mobile devices give
opportunity to new threats. The most major threat of Android users is malware infection via Android application
markets. General countermeasures to smartphone malwares are currently limited to signature-based antivirus
scanners which efficiently detect known malwares, but they have serious shortcomings with new and unknown
malwares creating a window of opportunity for attackers. Many methods are available to detect malware in
mobile applications. But this doesn‘t offer a one-stop-shop solution to all types of problems. This paper includes
survey of static and dynamic methods used for detecting threats in mobile apps.technology used will be Asp.Net
using MVC framework.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
138 Electric Resistance Spot Welding: A State of Art
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Pravin Dhawale Name: Mahesh Kulkarni

Email: rajdeep_215@rediffmail.com Email: mrmlkulkarni@gmail.com

Abstract: Resistance spot welding processes are widely used in the vehicle manufacturing and in other appliance
industries. It is different from other welding processes as filler material is not required. It is the most suitable for
steel & steel alloy but recent researches made it suitable for aluminium and titanium. Computer numeric spot
welding machines are able to give high production rate with low cost and reduced manpower. Mathematical
model developed by using Finite element modeling method regression analysis and ANOVA were used to
investigate the effects of various welding process parameters (Electrode pressure Weld current Weld time etc) on
weld strength excellent mechanical properties with minimum distortion. Optimum welding parameters are
determined by different optimization techniques.

Paper ID Title
139 Electric Resistance Spot Welding: A State of Art
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Poorna Pimpale Name: Pranali Pawar

Email: poornapimpale@gmail.com Email: pranalii.pawar@gmail.com

Abstract: The concept of "BIG Data" that is emerging rapidly concerns the vast amount of data or information
that is being processed, analyzed. The advancement of "BIG data" has also proven to be beneficial in the field of
Digital Forensics. Also with the evolution of this technology crimes committed within the digital domain are
increasing. The dimensions of digital evidence has grown to large extent which has subsequently affected the
digital forensics. The analysis of such large volumes of digital data is a problem. Thus the current analysis tools
cannot cope with the increasing demand of digital BIG data analysis. In this paper, a review of a generic Forensic
Cloud Environment (FCE) which facilitates the digital analysis of BIG data in forensics is presented


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Aniruddha Kadam Name: Tushar Zanje Name: PradipYadav Name: GaneshVidhate Name: PriyankaSharma

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

akrocks9022@gmail.com tusharzanje123@gmail.co pradipnyadav@gmail. ganeshvidhate795@gm atharva.priyanka@gmail.c
m com ail.com om

Abstract: BLDC motor are used frequently in many industrial applications nowadays, because of their following
advantages such as this motor have a longer life with less maintenance required. This motor has capability of providing
less noise also it is spark free, with high torque and energy efficient. BLDC motor have permanent magnet rotor and
stator windings are wound such back emf is generated which is rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular in nature. In this
paper the Fuzzy Logic is used for speed control of the BLDC motor. As we get the precise or accurate value by fuzzy
logic and accuracy is more compared to other controllers also the fuzzy has become more effective, reliable controller.
This controller is designed to observe the variation of speed and to make the motor stable when load is varied. Fuzzy
logic is not only way to reason with ambiguous concept but it seems to be most precise function To make this logic
implement successfully the simulation model is done in matlab program. The advantage of simulation in matlab is that,
we can get the result of speed of speed controller in BLDC motor by varying loads in it, and we can control it and the
controlled result can be displayed in terms of graphical method which helps to detect the change in speed and can be
used for implementation. Fuzzy logic gives better disturbance rejecting capabilities and smaller overshoot in speed

Paper ID Title
141 A Low Complex Algorithm for DVC using Cross Layer based rate control method

Name: Sumita Chandak

Email: sumichandak2@gmail.com

Abstract: Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is an emerging video coding technology that utilizes the distributed source
coding principles to build very low complex video encoders.Motivated by this idea, for the Wyner-Ziv codec a
algorithm is introduced in which after DCT only DC coefficients which contain maximum energy of respective blocks
are transmitted. And for the conventional codec JPEG algorithm is modified. The proposed algorithm improves around
19% in PSNR and shows significant improvement in data rate.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
142 Wireless Surface Leveller Using Accelerometer.
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Amey Name: Akash Mishra Name: Saurabh Nene Name: Aditya Divekar Name: Jyoti Dangea
Narvekar Email:
Email: Email: adityadivekar786@gmail.com Email:
Email: akashmishra370@gmail.com nenesaurabh4@gmail.com jyotidange2112@gmail.com

Abstract: In this project, we are using a pair of FRDM Kl25Z board which works on high-performance ARM cortex
M0+ processor working at a frequency of 48MHz along with nRF24l01p modules that are basically Transceivers and
multiceivers pairs used for wireless communication in our project. We will use accelerometer MMA8451Q which is a
Capacitive sensing accelerometer on FRDM Kl25Z board. The accelerometer used here is to get the values of x, y, z-
axes. These values are the relative values and not the absolute one. They are relative with Earth's G-force. As we
incline the board i.e. change the inclination of the board at the transmitter side, the values of x, y, z-axes taken by
accelerometer will change. The values range from -2 to +2 but this range is not appropriate for our further
programming. Hence the values are scaled for better precision. Using the nRF24l01p modules these values are sent to
the receiver. The values received at receiver side are stored and according to the values the board is programmed to
provide electrical signals to the mechanism. The mechanism consists of two motors namely a Servo motor and a
Stepper motor. The Servo motor is connected to the surface for its inclination. The stepper motor controls the rotation
of the base corresponding to Y-axis inclination. By controlling the signals given to the motor we can incline the surface
to the standard direction at any angle.

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Pratik Bhagwatl Name: Ganesh Chavhan Name: Dipesh Name: Sushant Name: Varun Mishra
Galande Chougule Email:
Email: Email: varun7smile@gmail.com
pratikbhagwat4@gmail.com ganeshchavhan61@gmail.com Email: Email:
dipeshgalande@gmail.co tig181sc@gmail.com

Abstract: In today‘s competitive world it is very difficult to look over the menial day to day work by taking time from
our busy schedules . We can use technology in resolving such problems. In this world of internet it has become very
easy to shop several things sitting at home itself. With the concept of IOT(internet of things) we can take internet
shopping to whole new level. Our circuit will sense the required material and automatically shop it from the predefined
url by emulating the human actions on a particular device connected to the internet.interface in wireless
communication system. For that decoding of Turbo Product Code (TPC) using different algorithm and BER
performance rate is substantially improved by increasing number of iteration used in decoding process.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
144 Analysis of Energy Detector for Spectrum Sensing in Multiuser Environment
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Kavita Bani Name: Vaishali Kulkarni

Email: kavita.bani@gmail.com Email: vaishali.kulkarni@gmail.com

Abstract: Cognitive Radio (CR) is a form of wireless communication in which a transceiver can intelligently
detect which communication channels are in use and which are not, and instantly move into vacant channels
while avoiding occupied ones. Spectrum Sensing can detect unused spectrum and sharing it, without harmful
interference to other users; an important requirement of the cognitive-radio network is to sense empty spectrum.
Detecting primary users is the most efficient way to detect empty spectrum. Here Energy detector(ED) is used for
spectrum sensing for its low complexity. Energy detector is implemented for single, double and multi user
environment with the help of Matlab /Simulink. Spectrum and Scope output show the results of the all users with
specific threshold level.

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Meenakshi Saraon Name: Praveen Ubale Name: Kartikeya Name: Tushar Sul Name: Yash
Rahate Sakre
Email: Email: ubale6@gmail.com Email: Email:
meenakshi.saraon@gmail.co Email: sultushar07@gmail.co yashsakre@gmail.com
m kartrahate@gmail.com m

Abstract: One of the major reason for car accidents is Drowsy Driving.The main objective of our project is to
design a system which monitors drowsiness of a driver using an eye blink sensor and issues an audible alarm
through a buzzer if he/she was sleepy.By eliminating the time between when an accident occurs and when the
emergency services are dispatched to the accident location can decrease mortality rates, and save lives .One way
of eliminating the delay between accident occurrence and emergency services dispatch is to use in-vehicle
automatic accident detection and notification systems, which upon sensing that a traffic accident has occurred
will immediately notify an emergency number.For accident detection piezoelectric sensor is used and for
notifying the emergency services we use a GSM connection..


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
146 IOT based Water Monitoring System
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name ParagWarungase Name: Anuj Worlikar Name: JatinMhatre Name: DonaSaha Name: GauriSalunkhe

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

paragwarungase@gmail.com anujworlikar7@gmail.com jatinmhatre27@gmail.com donasaha00@gmail.c aparnakadam151@gmail.co
om m
Abstract: The quality of water varies from place to place, depending on the condition of the source and the
treatment it receives. The traditional method of testing Turbidity, PH & Temperature is to collect samples
manually and then send them to laboratory for analysis. However, it has been unable to meet the demands of
water quality monitoring today. So a set of Monitoring of Turbidity, PH & Temperature of Water quality has
been developed. The system consists of Turbidity, PH,water level & Temperature sensor , single-chip
microcontroller data acquisition module, information transmission module, monitoring center and other
accessories. Turbidity, PH & Temperature of water are automatically detected under the control of single chip
microcontroller all day. The single chip gets the data, and then processes and analyzes them. If the water quality
is abnormal, the data will be sent to monitoring center and alert the public at the same time using IOT
environment. It is convenient for management to take corresponding measures timely and be able to detect real-
time situation of water quality remotely. The proposed paper has realized the automation of water quality
monitoring intelligence of data analyzing and networking of information transferring. It is characterized by
advantages of shortcut, accuracy and using manpower and material resources sparingly. The use of other
technologies have high cost associated with installation and calibration of a large distributed array of monitoring
sensors. The existing technology will be suitable for particular area but it is not suitable for large system. By
focusing on the above issues our paper proposes a low cost system for real time monitoring of the water quality
in IOTenvironment.

Paper ID Title
147 Sensorized Self-balancing Electric Vehicle
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name IshaDoshi Name: KosaKapadia Name: Kiran Kamble Name: PriyankaRane Name: Suvarna More
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
ishaa.doshi.7@gmail.c kosa.kapadia@gmail.co kikikamble@gmail.com priyankaranevjti@gm suvilas@gmail.com
om m ail.com
Abstract: This Review Paper focuses on a battery powered Electric vehicle which self-balances with the help of
sensors. It is designed for personal transportation but has its applications in security and military fields as well. A
machine is designed with an electronic control system to make an inverted pendulum remain upright. Inverted
pendulum is our system which will be used in a machine. By dynamically driving a motor which moves the axle
along a track according to the motion of the vehicle, the vehicle will be prevented from falling from the upright
position. As the system is unstable, control algorithm is developed and implemented digitally with the help of
microprocessors (Arduino) and different sensors. With the increasing trend in global warming, this electric
vehicle curbs the use of fuels and thus greenhouse gases. Cycles have limitations when being used indoors or for
senior citizens for travelling uphill. Thus electric vehicles with minimum human mechanical efforts are being


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
148 Smart reading assistance

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Pratik Pawar Name: Riya Kolge Name: Deepak Hegde Name: Purushottam Musale

Email: Email: kolgeriya@gmail.com Email: Email:

pawarpratik1994@gmail.com hegdedeepak17@gmail.com musalepl13@gmail.com

Abstract: A Majority of the people in India are visually impaired and blind. This gives rise to the need for the
development of devices that could bring relief to them. This project aims to study the technology of image
recognition with speech synthesis and to develop a cost effective, user friendly image to speech conversion
system with help of Matlab.The project has a inbuilt small camera that scans the text printed on a paper, converts
it into audio format using a synthesized voice for reading out the scanned text quickly translating books,
documents and other materials for daily living, especially away from home or office (TTS). Finger tracking based
a virtual mouse application has been designed and implemented using a regular webcam. Not only has it save
time and energy, but also makes life better for the visually impaired as it increased their independency

Paper ID Title
149 Maglev Train
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Sanket Name: Anjesh Singh Name: Yash Oza Name: Rushikesh Name: Priyanka
Pednekar Awad Tripathi
Email: Email: Email:
Email: anjesh4ever@gmail.com yashoza3@gmail.com Email: imsankett@gmail.com
pednekarsanketd@gmail.co rushikeshawad504@gm
m ail.com

Abstract: Increasing demand of transportation due to large population and growing cities, the normal
transportation system is not suffice to soothe the needs of metropolitan cities. Which gives rise to more
sustainable mode of transportation with the help of electromagnetism and superconducting magnets, the
MAGLEV train. Magnetic levitation abbreviated as maglev is an advanced technology of levitation that uses
magnetic forces for the propulsion of vehicles rather than using wheel, bearing and axels. The magnetic forces
are assigned to lift and propel the vehicles along the guideway. The Maglev trains promises drastic improvement
in the transportation services. The phenomenal technology of magnetic levitation provides non-reliance over the
frictional forces, thus providing quieter and smoother operation such as acceleration and deceleration.
This paper is a study of the real-world feasibility of maglev trains as a transportation system.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
150 Security issues in Semantic Web

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Prof. Rajesh Gaikwad Name: Dr. Dhananjay Dakhane Name: Prof. Mahendra Patil
Email: rssv06@gmail.com Email: onlymahendra007@gmail.com
Email: ddakhane@gmail.com

Abstract: The modern organization in order to gain competitive advantage generates valuable information using
semantic web and then this becomes their assets. These assets need protection from outside world or intruders.
There is widespread use of internet in semantic web for business gains and the negative aspect of this is security
failures and threats to information. This paper discusses how security is gain in Semantic Web and their various
aspects in terms of access control and trust.

Paper ID Title
151 Automated farming with interfaced robot

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Deepali Wagh Name: Akash Ghoderao Name: Ashish Nikalje Name: Garima Gurjar

Email: Email: Email: Email:

waghdeepali35@gmail.com aakashghoderao0@gmail.com nikaljeashish@gmail.com gurjargarima@gmail.com

Abstract: In India,agriculture plays important role for food production by using various new technologies.The
main objective of our project is to yield higher growth of crops by reducing the efforts of farmers.In this project it
is possible to control supply of pump by cell phone from any place of the world. . In recent times, the farmers
have been using irrigation technique through the manual control in which the farmers irrigate the land at regular
intervals by turning the water-pump ON/OFF when required. This process sometimes consumes more water and
sometimes the water supply to the land is delayed due to which the crops dry out For this IC8870 is used to
convert Dual Tone Multi Frequency(DTMF) signal into binary signal.By this project we can make efficient use
of time by using microcontroller IC89C52 which is used to interfaced IC8870and ULN2003.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
152 Regenerative Braking
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Ameya Jadhav Name: Shreyash Jadhav

Email: ameyajadhav.ace@gmail.com Email: shreyashjadhav112@gmail.com

Abstract: Energy has become a largest question nowadays. Today as the sources of fossil fuels such as petrol,
diesels are decreasing and so their cost is rising. Hence there is a need to find an alternative energy which can be
used in automobile for transport purposes. So the car companies have started developing hybrid electrical
vehicles [HEV]. But manufacturing of such cars is costly as compared to internal combustion engines [ICE]
vehicles. So the use the electrical vehicles is limited due their cost. The other problem of electrical vehicle is that
as the battery drives the vehicle so the battery requires lot of charging to run for longer distances. So the other
emphasis was on generating the electrical energy/current from the vehicle itself to store in the battery itself to be
used later. So that some amount of energy can be saved. There are two mechanism by which we can generate the
electric energy/current using the braking system of the hybrid electric vehicle [EV] that will be explained below.

Paper ID Title
153 Automatic Phase Changer: A Review

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Vipula Tippa Name: Ankita Kedar Name: Karuna Nikum

Email: vipula.tippa@gmail.com Email: kedarankita18@gmail.com Email: knikum@yahoomail.com

Abstract: Power stability in developing countries creates a need for automation of electrical power generation.
This automation is required as the rate of power outage becomes predominantly high. Most industrial and
commercial processes being dependent on power supply, if the processes of change-over are manual, serious time
is not wasted but also creates devices or machine damage from human error during the change-over connections,
which could bring massive losses. This change over switch box separate the source between the generator and
public supply when there is power supply outage from public supply, someone must go and change the line to
generator. Thus, when power supply is restored someone must put OFF the generator and then change the source
line from generator to public supply.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
154 Intuitive user interface for projection based systems

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Purav Bhardwaj Name: Abilash Nair Name: Mahalaxmi Palinje

Email: puravbhardwaj@hotmail.com Email: abilash.nair0310@gmail.com Email: mbhat505@gmail.com

Abstract: User Interfaces(UI) undergo evolution with the advent of new technologies and consumer product
paradigms. In this paper we expound on a modality in current trends of user interfaces for projection based
systems. These systems extend the touch sensitive experience to any/all surfaces and are not limited to a
prescribed set. The interactive experience also encompasses communication through gestures and tangible object
through meaningful data extrapolation. This user interface forms a part of a larger "Sentient Surfaces" that use
raw depth information and advanced machine learning algorithms to extrapolate meaningful data. Through
concatenated techniques such as posture recognition and palm rejection we make the interactive experience more
seamless and perceptive.

Paper ID Title
155 Real time Driver‘s Eyes status detection using Viola-Jones Object Detection Framework

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Snigdha Bangal Name: Satish Bangal Name: Vijaya Sagvekar

Email: snigdhaw@gmail.com Email: satish_bangal@hotmail.com Email: vijayasagvekar@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper presents improved algorithms for face and eyes detection and mouth in an image. Viola
Jones technique and PERCLOS for eye and face detection techniques respectively are widely used. Viola Jones
gives accurate face and eye detection but consumes more time whereas PERCLOS technique to understand the
eye status consumes less time but lacks in accuracy. Our design is hybrid of both these techniques which
increases accuracy while consuming less time. Viola Jones and other methods can accurately detect faces but in
case of facial features detection their accuracy decreases. The focus in this research is mainly on increasing
accuracy in detection eyes and their status (close or open) while consuming less time. Lastly we have discussed
experimentation results using Viola Jones and PERCLOS for face and eyes detection.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
156 Keylogging-resistant Visual Authentication

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Nitin Patil Name: Ganesh Rane Name: Sushan Poojary

Email: nitinpatil0000@gmail.com Email: ganeshrane13@gmail.com Email: sushanpoojary@gmail.com

Abstract: The design of secure authentication protocols is quite challenging, considering that various kinds of
rootkits reside in PCs (Personal Computers) to observe user‘s behaviour and to make PCs untrusted devices.
Involving human in authentication protocols, while promising, is not easy because of their limited capability of
computation and memorization. Therefore, relying on users to enhance security necessarily degrades the
usability. On the other hand, relaxing assumptions and rigorous security design to improve the user experience
can lead to security breaches that can harm the users‘ trust. In this paper, we demonstrate how careful
visualization design can enhance not only the security but also the usability of authentication. To that end, we
propose two visual authentication protocols: one is a login protocol, and the other is a password-based
authentication protocol. Through rigorous analysis, we verify that our protocols are immune to many of the
challenging authentication attacks applicable in the literature. Furthermore, using an extensive case study on a
prototype of our protocols, we highlight the potential of our approach for real-world deployment: we were able to
achieve a high level of usability while satisfying stringent security requirements.

Paper ID Title
157 Development of CNT Based Matrix for Mechanical Shielding Application

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Sujoy Ghosh Name: Vaibhav Gajbiye Name: Subarna Ghosh Name: Garima Gurjar

Email: Email: Email: Email:

sujoyghosh17@yahoo.in vaibspy@rediffmail.com subarna_ghosh39@yahoo.c gurjargarima@gmail.com

Abstract: Recent advancements in the field of Nanotechnology has basically led to improvement in the structural
properties of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs). These CNTs have been found to possess superior mechanical properties
than their metal and ceramic matrix counterparts. This paper is aimed at suggesting an alternative to the use of
traditional metal or ceramic matrix by using finely dispersed CNTs for penetration resistance against high
momentum external impact.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
159 Effectiveness of Association Rule Mining for Learning Efficiency Analysis


Name: Jayshree Jha

Email: jha_jj@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a promising interdisciplinary research area that deals with the
development of methods to explore data originating in an educational perspective. EDM uses multiple
computational approaches to analyze educational data in order to study educational questions. Different data
mining algorithm has been applied in this domain. One of the most widely used techniques in EDM is association
rules mining. This research paper surveys the most significant studies carried out in EDM using Association Rule
Mining algorithm. Through the analysis of these studies it has been establish that there is shortfall in research
related to learning efficiency analysis of cognitive tutor using association rule mining. This paper examined the
effectiveness of Association Rule Mining algorithm on improving the learning efficiency in the Cognitive Tutor
prospectus. Association Rule Mining is used to identify the initial difficulty of knowledge Component (KC) and
also the learning rate of these KCs. In order to quickly find all frequent patterns, an improved algorithm for
mining association rules based upon Apriori is used.

Paper ID Title
160 Design of two Wheel Self Balancing Robot using pid Controller

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Vishal Gupta Name: Pankaj Chowdhary Name: Ajay Jadhav

Email: guptavishal840@gmail.com Email: pankajchowdhary17@yahoo.in Email: ajayjadhav22.95@gmail.com

Abstract: In this project is to design and implementation of PID based two wheeled self-balancing robot to solve
the inclination angle problem to balance the movement of robot and to implement in real time. We are designing
the code and implement an efficient self-balancing PID algorithm using the embedded controller and to
implement in real time. Accelerometer is fitted on the robot to measure the angle of tilt during load imbalance. It
gives a summary of the work done in the fields of mechanical design, electronics, software design, system
characterization and control theory. This wide array of fields necessary for the realization of the project holds the
project up as a leading example in the field of mechatronics. Here special focus will be on the modelling of the
robotic system and the simulation results of various control methods required for the stabilization of the system.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
161 Cinema Seat Preview
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Shubham Kamble Name: Bhavik Kasundra Name: Sajan Khair Name: AkshayBahutale Name: AshmitaShetty

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

kambleshubham985@gmail. bhavikkasundra46@gmail.co sajan.khair007@gmail.co akshaybahutale12@gm ashmitas1120@gmail.co
com m m ail.com m

Abstract: The past few years have shown the growth in three-dimensional (3D) content and stereoscopic 3D
displays.These displays aim to provide realism through an illusion of depth to the viewers. The system developed
is composed of a head tracking system that detects the position and movement of the user and a 3D graphics
feedback mechanism that changes the perspective as seen by the viewer. In the system, the origin and directional
vector of the camera coordinate system is dependent on the head position of the viewer. The x, y and z
coordinates of the head position in the real-world coordinates will be computed by the tracking system with the
center of the video capture as the origin. From this coordinate, the camera in the camera coordinate system will
be adjusted accordingly with its distance from the near plane as the same distance from the user to the display.
This couples the head of the user in the real-world to the camera viewing the virtual-world, thus changing the
perspective and provide the illusion of depth through motion parallax. The implementation of the system contains
two major parts: locating the position of the user's head and changing the 3D view perspective on the display. A
mobile application was created and tested that uses the following design and implementation.

Paper ID Title
162 Web Based Lan Monitoring
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name Tushar Gaikwad Name: Tejal Ramteke Name: Saurabh Tambe Name: Viraj Sawant Name: Rajesh Gaikwad

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

gaikwadtushar1996@gmail.c tejalramteke06@gmail.com saurabhtambe01@gmail.c viraj310@live.com onerajeshgaikwad@gmail.co
om om m

Abstract: The most highly demanding task in the field of IT industries is the efficient computer network
management. There are many urgent issues or requests related to such networks which network manager needs to
solve immediately for avoiding the any kind of interruptions. But sometimes, network managers may be situated at
different places, so in such cases there is not possible to resolve any urgent issues with the office network tasks.
Thus in order to solve such problems in this project we describes the architecture of a novel tool for network
management using GSM/GPRS mobile devices. In a concern, computers are grouped together to form a network.
To manage and control the activities of the network while in office is an easy task. But, while you are outstation /
away from office, how do you go about with monitoring and controlling of network? Instead of depending on third
party information, you can always have your cell phone serve the purpose. Just load the project in your cell phone,
login anytime to the application and see who is busy with what in the office. Consider the LAN setup where the
entire computer is connected with the central server and that server continuously sends the data the web server
where we have the web site. The user of application can call the web site from the mobile phone and see the various
activities of the users.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
163 Design of Two Wheel Self Balancing Robot using pid Controller

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Vishal Gupta Name: Pankaj Chowdhary Name: Ajay Jadhav

Email: guptavishal840@gmail.com Email: pankajchowdhary17@yahoo.in Email: ajayjadhav22.95@gmail.com

Abstract: In this project is to design and implementation of PID based two wheeled self-balancing robot to solve
the inclination angle problem to balance the movement of robot and to implement in real time. We are designing
the code and implement an efficient self-balancing PID algorithm using the embedded controller and to
implement in real time. Accelerometer is fitted on the robot to measure the angle of tilt during load imbalance. It
gives a summary of the work done in the fields of mechanical design, electronics, software design, system
characterization and control theory. This wide array of fields necessary for the realization of the project holds the
project up as a leading example in the field of mechatronics. Here special focus will be on the modelling of the
robotic system and the simulation results of various control methods required for the stabilization of the system.

Paper ID Title
164 Car Pooling with security

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Yashasvi Shetty Name: Siddhant Varude Name: Neha Singh

Email: yashasvishetty@gmail.com Email: siddhantvarude@gmail.com Email: neha0chaudhary@gmail.com

Abstract: arpooling is when two or more persons share a ride in one of their personal cars. Carpooling reduces
pollution since we have less cars on the road. It‘s also economic since the travel expenses are shared among the
riders. Finding people to share a ride with is the challenge of carpooling as it is difficult to find a person going to
the same place as you at a given time. Many websites have been developed to help people meet to share rides.
Those applications enable users to create and share their trip and find passengers. The drawbacks of those
applications are they do not contain any security system for the passengers and also they don‘t have live tracking of
driver on the maps. The purpose of this project is to develop an application that tries to overcome the disadvantages
of the other available applications. It is also a real-time application: any person taking part of a trip can check-in the
meeting point to let the other persons know he/she has arrived to the meeting point. The main objective of the work
presented throughout this report is to develop an enterprise-class server that represents the backbone of the
application and ensure its compatibility with widely used operating system i.e Android. Moreover, an example of a
client Android application is developed for the users to access the services of the application from handheld devices
and serve as a companion during travelling.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
165 Effect of distributed generation on design of commercial Electrical system

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Sneha Sable Name: Akshay Kassa Name: Tani Kunjumon Name: Rajeev Valunjkar

Email: Email: Email: Email:

snez.95sable@gmail.com akshaykassa595@gmail.com tanikunjumon616@yahoo.c rajeevvalunjkar@hotmail.com

Abstract: As the energy demand increases every year, use of distributed generators (DGs) has increased
overtime to meet these increasing demands. The customer who is connected to the network may face various
technical and commercial issues. We are exploring these possible issues in this paper.

Paper ID Title
166 Colour Based Cryptography

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Dinesh Sharma Name: Rohit Prasad Name: Gunraj Bedi

Email: dinesh95shrama@gmail.com Email: rohit050695@gmail.com Email: bedigunraj@gmail.com

Abstract: In the increasing concern of the data security ,most commonly method is encryption of messege to cipher
text message ,which are based on various strategies to encode.traditional method is to convert the message to cipher
text by substitution , swapping ,transposition etc. Transposition cipher is a method of encryption by which the
positions held by units of plaintext (which are commonly characters or groups of characters) are shifted according
to a regular system, so that the ciphertext constitutes a permutation of the plaintext. Whereas ,we are using an
innovative cryptographic substitution method. where we proposed to generate a stronger cipher than the existing
substitution algorithms. This method emphasizes on the substitution of characters, numbers and special symbols
with color blocks. This algorithm of substitution is based on Play Color Cipher.As there are n decillion of color with
wide range of shades are available so the complexity for the attacker increase and that gives the assurance of strong


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
167 Secure cloud storage using aes

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Susmeet Tumbare Name: Akash Vaidya Name: Pritesh Shah Name: Archita Dad

Email: Email: Email: Email:

susmeettumbare@gmail.com akshaykassa595@gmail.com pritshahlecha@gmail.com architadad@gmail.com

Abstract: As Cloud computing matures, it's increasingly vital that enterprise IT decision-makers understand the
potential advantages of utilizing the cloud. As cloud providers begin to really stabilize operations, a powerful
business proposition is emerging. Instead of spending millions of dollars on powerful servers and storage arrays,
companies can now rent the experience of them without actually buying the physical infrastructure. The cloud-
based document management systems focuses to get functionalities like: reduced costs, off-site backups and
better accessibility. Apart from hat, the aspect of file security is another important feature of cloud-based
document management systems. AES algorithm is a new generation of the symmetric data encryption standard. It
provides strong security, high-performance and high-efficiency and therefore AES can meet the requirements of
accounting information security.

Paper ID Title
168 Smart attendance using image processing

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Prashant Tirlotkar Name: Aniket Khamkar Name: Kedar Chitrakathi Name: Rohit Jadhav

Email: Email: Email: Email:

pptpptms@gmail.com a.khamkar26@gmail.com kedarchitrakathi290@gmail.com rohit12ja@gmail.com
Abstract: As Cloud computing matures, it's increasingly vital that enterprise IT decision-makers understand the
potential advantages of utilizing the cloud. As cloud providers begin to really stabilize operations, a powerful
business proposition is emerging. Instead of spending millions of dollars on powerful servers and storage arrays,
companies can now rent the experience of them without actually buying the physical infrastructure. The cloud-
based document management systems focuses to get functionalities like: reduced costs, off-site backups and
better accessibility. Apart from hat, the aspect of file security is another important feature of cloud-based
document management systems. AES algorithm is a new generation of the symmetric data encryption standard. It
provides strong security, high-performance and high-efficiency and therefore AES can meet the requirements of
accounting information security. Our project is based on ―REAL TIME ATTENDANCE SYSTEM USING
IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUE‖. The concept of our project is to provide real time attendance of students
in the class to the faculty‘s data base. For this we make use of ―Image Processing‖ using ―MATLAB‖ as a
platform. Here, in image processing we capture the image using a camera which is situated exactly on the top of
class entrance. This camera will capture image of its nearby surrounding and only detect the facial part of that
particular image and send this image information to our processing systems. Now as per the algorithm which we
are using for image processing and detection, this captured image will undergo various filtering and masking
techniques in order to obtain the desired suitable image format. Then our algorithm will compare the input image
with the reference points and detect the desired image and eventually detect the student and send the attendance
of this student to database of faculty via IOT.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
170 IoT Based Industrial Automation
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4
Name: Apurva Zope Name: Mayuri Jambhale Name: HajraKhan Name: Nimisha Name: Akansha Bhargav
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
apurva.zope@gmail.com mayurijambhale143@gmail. hajrakhan1646@gma nimishakorde@gmail minidimi@gmail.com
com il.com .com
Abstract: All running technologies have been on the verge of getting replaced by a great system that provides
very specific, efficient and quick access and controlling for the devices as per user demand. That is nothing but
IoT that stands for ‗Internet of Things‘. It deals with bringing control of devices over internet. The internet of
things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings and other items— embedded with electronics,
software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects to collect and exchange data. In
2013 the Global Standards Initiative on Internet of Things (IoT-GSI) defined the IoT as "the infrastructure of the
information society." The IoT allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network
infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based
systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit. Our project aims at connecting the
unconnected, evolving the machine to machine communication. Being at one place user will get access over all
the machinery in the industry. It makes the whole system automated. We propose efficient industry automation
system that allows user to efficiently control industry appliances/machines over the internet. In industries to
reduce manual overhead we have implemented Internet of Things (IoT) in Industry to monitor as well as to
inform the responsible person to take appropriate measures partially fulfilling our requirements. Artificial
Intelligence is used to control and monitor the industry. IoT is not a technology basically it is an ―Ecosystem with
Industry Specific Implication‖.

Paper ID Title
171 Analysis of Energy Detector for Spectrum Sensing in Multiuser Environment
Author-1 Author-2
Name: Ishwar J.Dhangar Name: Dr. Manojkumar Chopra
Email: ishwardhangar2001@gmail.com Email: mkchopra62@yahoo.co.in
Abstract: Air-side heat transfer and friction characteristics of five kinds of fin-and-tube heat exchangers, with
the number of tube rows (N = 12) and the diameter of tubes (Do = 18 mm), have been experimentally inves-
tigated. The test samples consist of five types of fin configurations: crimped spiral fin, plain fin, slit fin, fin with
delta-wing longitudinal vortex generators (VGs) and mixed fin with front 6-row vortex-generator fin and rear 6-
row slit fin. The heat transfer and friction factor correlations for different types of heat exchangers were obtained
with the Reynolds numbers ranging from 4000 to 10000. It was found that crimped spiral fin provides higher heat
transfer and pressure drop than the other four fins; fin tube heat exchangers are mostly employed to gas to liquid
heat exchangers; it is an effective way to reduce the air side thermal resistance which often accounts for about
90% of the overall thermal resistance. Fin and Tube heat exchangers are widely used in various engineering fields
such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, refrigeration, automobiles and air intercoolers. Thus the study of
behavior of fin and tube heat exchangers becomes quite necessary. . The heat transfer and friction factor
correlations for different types of heat exchangers were obtained with the Reynolds numbers ranging from 4000
to 10000. It was found that crimped spiral fin provides higher heat transfer and pressure drop than the other four
fins. The air-side performance of heat exchangers with the above five fins has been evaluated under three sets of
criteria and it was shown that the heat exchanger with mixed fin (front vortex-generator fin and rear slit fin) has
better performance than that with fin with delta-wing vortex generators, and the slit fin offers best heat transfer


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

performance at high Reynolds numbers. Based on the correlations of numerical data. . The heat transfer
performances for optimized vortex-generator fin and slit fin at have been com-pared with numerical method.
Paper ID Title
172 MEMS Accelerometer Based Gesture Recognition For System Security and Remote
User Notification

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Omkar Gaikwad Name: S. K. Gabane Name: Jayant Mahajan

Email:omkargaikwad1993@gmail.com Email: nasamudre@gmail.com India Email: mahjayant@gmail.com

Abstract: This project is based on the MEMS based accelerometer used for hand gesture recognition for security
purposes. This aims to provide a security to any system consisting of confidential data. Thus in this project we
will be using MEMS accelerometer which is the central component of this project. This will intake the gesture as
an input from the user. The input will then be given to the Matlab program which has the security code in it. This
program will be used to map the stored data/templates of the specified user in the system. If the template is
matched then the access will be given to the person else not. For the templates to be stored there is a need of use
of database MySQL which will store N number of templates in the database. Here if any suspicious or non
specified person tries to access the system the person will not be allowed to access the system. Its log will be
generated in the database where the details of the person and the event will be stored i.e. gesture of the person,
number of times the gesture been made, time for which the person was on the system and so on. Also after 3-5
unsuccessful attempts for login the system will be locked and the intimation of the same will be given to the
existing user through the GSM module as a SMS on its mobile phone. Thus the user is able to access the system
or is informed by the system at remote places as well.

Paper ID Title
173 Comparative Study of ARQ & HARQ Techniques in 4G LTE
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Nilesh Gode Name: Varun Mishra

Email: nileshg6716@gmail.com Email: varun7smile@gmail.com

Abstract: LTE technology is the most reliable mobile broadband technology to provide an excellent user
experience. This paper do the comparative study of ARQ & HARQ type‘s mechanisms after simulation with
Scilab, Paper gives short Introduction about ARQ and HARQ. It plays major role in Multipath MIMO and
OFDM System also It is the core feature that provides robustness in LTE and Advance LTE networks


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
175 CCTV based traffic control system

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Akashkumar Name: Rishab Name: Kunal Patil Name: Pradeep Name: Meenakshi Saraon
Prajapati Pugalia Kumar

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

akashprajapati184@gm rishabpugalia85@gma kunalpatil78640@gmail pradeepku275@gmail.c meenakshi.saraon@gmail.co
ail.com il.com .com om m

Abstract: Traffic Lights were first placed at intersection of George and Bridge Street in year 1868. This system
is then developed by American Traffic Signal Company in year 1914. Since there traffic light is used at every
junction all over the world for controlling the traffic congestion. Now a day‘s Traffic lights work on fixed timer,
which will repeat itself after completion of one cycle. Traffic lights are basically used to control the flow of
traffic at the junctions of roads. But due to increasing number of vehicles traffic congestion and road accidents
are the major issues occurring at traffic junctions, especially in metropolitan cities. In India there is a death of one
person in every four minute due to road accident.
This paper identifies various problems faced on the Indian roads like congestion and accidents at junctions and
gives some statistics related to number of accidents and deaths occurring at traffic junctions. Also proposes a
Traffic Control System model to overcome these problems. This model is capable of detecting vehicles that are
not following traffic rules and providing information to the owner of vehicle through SMS. Also with the help of
CCTV cameras 24X7 surveillance is also possible. This system will interrupted when emergency vehicle comes
in any of the lane. After giving path for emergency vehicle, process will be continued.

Paper ID Title
176 Real-time breath processing based wheelchair using GSM unit
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Praneet Jadhav Name: Tanu Sharma

Email: jadhavpranit2112@gmail.com
Email: tanusharma107@gmail.com

Abstract: Data mining is a powerful technology whichfocuses on the most important information in the data
collected. Various Data mining techniques are used for knowledge discovery from databases. One of the most
important data mining or text mining technique is Clustering. Clustering is used to group similar objects together
to find necessary structures in data, and organize them into meaningful subgroups. This article discusses about
various.similarity measure techniques used for clustering. The novel method varies from the existing one as it
uses only single view point for clustering whereas Multi-Viewpoint based similarity measure uses many different
viewpoints. In MultiViewpoint the two objects measured are assumed not to be in the same cluster. In
Hierarchical Clustering with Multiple view points, we use two measures for intercluster and intracluster relation
between objects. The former clustering process focuses on partitional clustering of multi viewpoint documents,
which are not focused on sparse and high dimensional data.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
177 Recommendation Generation on Extracted Web Data Using Cosine Similarity
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Priyanka Patil Name: Anuradha G.

Email: patil.priya1989@gmail.com Email: tanusharma107@gmail.com

Abstract: A online databases can be queried and/or updated through World Wide Web (WWW). Online
databases are also called as web databases. Online databases generate result pages in the form of response to
queries posted by users. Such Result pages are called as Query Result Pages (QRPs). Nowadays, many analytical
applications necessitate the automatic extraction of data from these query result pages. The extracted result from
query result pages is very important for many web applications. This is because the QRP is a consolidation of
related data which is in fields of database. While trying to extract QRPs initially the webpage data which is in the
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format is converted to Extensible Markup Language (XML) format using
web harvest tool. The data is in XML format is semi-structured or unstructured data. The alignment of this
unstructured data into structured format is done using cosine similarity approach. The aligned data records are
used for text mining purposes.

Paper ID Title
178 NFC the Contactless Connection

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Neha Nayak Name: Prithvi Kunder Name: BhagyeshKurlekar Name: Raj Dedania

Email: Email: Email: Email:

nehanayaksm15@gmail.com kunderprithvi@gmail.com bhagyeshkurlekar@gmail.co 23.amruta.m@gmail.com

Abstract: NFC- Near field communication is a proximate range technology which has been proliferating in the
recent times. It is based on the principle of RFID i.e. Radio Frequency Identification which makes use of short-
range radio waves and magnetic induction to establish immediate contact between an electronic device and NFC
tags[1]. In our paper, we are going to design a program such that a person's records can be accessed in merely a
fraction of second by using the link in his NFC-tag. This link will lead to a secure online platform which has the
records stored and updated daily. This concept will benefit people to a great extent as it means reducing the
unending and frustrating pile of paperwork and filing. NFC opens some new and exciting possibilities in this
technology-oriented world.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
179 Anonymous and Confidential Database Securing through Privacy Preserving Updates

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Poonam Joshi Name: Reena Somani Name: Sejal Dmello

Email: reena.jagetia@gmail.com Email: reena.jagetia@gmail.com Email: dmello.sejal@gmail.com

Abstract: Suppose Census Bureau receive private information of clients then the census bureau must publish
anonymized version of data. So anonymization is done for privacy. Today we are living in the Big Data world. In
this, data privacy and confidentiality is the major issue. Many algorithms are used for data privacy and
confidentiality, which are not well-organized because resulted dataset can be simply linked with public database
so it reveals user identity. Suppose person-X having his own k-anonymous database and person-Y wants to insert
a tuple.So, the problem is to check after inserting a tuple whether database retains its k-anonymity or not. If
allowing person-X to read content of tuple directly, it breaks the privacy of person-Y and on the other hand
database confidentiality violated once person-Y has access to the contents of the database, so privacy and
confidentiality of the database are considered to be a major challenges. If the database is not anonymous with
respect to a tuple to be inserted, the insertion cannot be performed and updation is not possible. There are various
anonymization technique provides privacy preserving which can be used such as data encryption, randomization
and k-anonymity. Proposed system uses two manipulation techniques, suppression and generalization which are
used to check that if new tuple is being inserted to the dataset it does not affect anonymity of database. When new
tuple is being inserted, updation of database is done easily. It deals with privacy in anonymous database and on
devising private update techniques to database systems that supports notions of anonymity.

Paper ID Title
180 Location Based Feed Aggregator

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Prathamesh Name: Krupesh Halvadiya Name: Mamta Hate Name: Kajol Jain
Email: Email: Email: mamtahate@gmail.com Email:
prathameshsb.pb@gmail.com krupeshrh@gmail.com mamtahate@gmail.com India

Abstract: News and information can be gathered from different sources and moreover the fact that the world is
now growing digitally ahead helps the user gather more data from different sources over the internet without
spending much on buying the hard copy of newspapers, magazines etc. But to get such feeds from various
sources even on the internet is a big task and involves spending the time to find the correct information. This is
when the proposed Feed Aggregator comes in handy where the user will receive news from various sources
without spending time on visiting each website. People need information about their present location so that they
are up to date with the current scenario of the place they are living at. Getting a feed based on the user specified
location and categorizing them according to the current need is what the Location Based Feed Aggregator will


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
181 Prevention of coldboot attack on linux systems

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Siddhesh Patil Name: Ekta Patel Name: Nutan Dhange

Email: Siddhesh.s.patil@gmail.com Email: epatel98.ep@gmail.com Email: nutan10_dhange@yahoo.com

Abstract: Contrary to the popular belief, DDR type RAM modules retain stored memory even after power is cut
off. Provided physical access to the cryptosystem, a hacker or a forensic specialist can retrieve information stored
in the RAM by installing it on another system and booting from a USB drive to take a RAM dump. With
adequate disassembly and analytic tools, this information stored in the RAM dump can be deciphered. Hackers
thrive on such special-case attack techniques to gain access to systems with sensitive information. An
unencrypted RAM module will contain the decryption key used to access an encrypted file system. Bits of data
are stored in capacitors where a charge or a discharge denotes a 0 or a 1. Even on withdrawal of power from the
RAM module, the capacitors still retain their values for a certain time frame. This window of time is highly
vulnerable to a cold boot attack, and it can be extended by using proper cooling techniques. The very first
demonstration of a cold boot attack was given by Alex Halderman and a team of researchers at Princeton
University. Since then, Cold boot attacks have been widely demonstrated even on modern Android handsets with
the use of a custom recovery. We go through various flaws present in modern RAM technology and take a look at
some of the counter-measures that ensure safety. This paper presents an approach to design a preventive
technique that will reduce the possibility of a cold boot attack.

Paper ID Title
182 Real Time Traffic Light Signal Control

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Nrupesh Patel Name: Deepam Patel Name: Nakul Patil Name: Bhavna Arora

Email: Email: Email: Email:

nrupesh.patel3@gmail.com deepampatel1995@gmail.com nakulpatil52@gmail.com a12.bhavna@gmail.com

Abstract: Traffic congestion has become a major problem in every large city of the world. To ensure a reliable
transportation system it is important to have an intelligent traffic control system. Different techniques have been
proposed to acquire traffic information. Most of the work detects edge of the vehicles and counts the number of
traffic on the road. However the disadvantage of the method is that counting the number of vehicles may give
faulty results when spaces between the vehicles on the road are very small (i.e. two cars very close to each other
may be counted as one vehicle). We propose a method that finds out total amount of pixels in an image which
corresponds to the amount of area of occupied by vehicles on the road rather than finding number of vehicles.
The greater the amount of area occupied by vehicles on the road the greater the amount of traffic congestion. This
way every kind of vehicles can be accounted for traffic density. Using this traffic data we propose a model for
traffic signal control depending on the amount of traffic on the road. Time allocated for each road is made
variable by weighing its time allocation depending on the traffic density.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
183 Dual Axis Solar Tracker

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Abhishek Surti Name: Sameer Salunke Name: Hanan Mansoori

Email: sameer.salunke041@gmail.com Email: hannanmansoori.2010@gmail.com
Email: surtiabhishek94@gmail.com

Abstract: solar energy is becoming one of the important energy in the future as a great renewable energy source.
Solar cells vary its performance under temperature changes. Change in temperature affects the power. So it is
very necessary to improve the efficiency of the solar PV cells. Efficiency can be increased either by changing PV
material, concentrating solar rays or using solar tracking system. In this study we use for two axis solar tracking
systems using electromechanical devices, in which a controller detects the Sun apparent position, and controls the
position of the structure supporting the panels toward the sun. This work studies the solution of two axis solar
tracking system based on solar maps, which can predict the exact apparent position of the Sun, by the latitude‘s
location, thereby avoiding the need to use sensors or guidance systems. To accomplish this, it is used a low-
power microcontroller, suitably programmed, to control two electric motors to ensure that the panels supporting
structure is always oriented towards the sun.

Paper ID Title
184 Industrial Revolution And Artificial Intelligenge

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Chanda Chouhan Name: Supriya Mandhare Name: Snehal Kathale

Email: Chanda Chouhan Email: mandhare.supriya@gmail.com Email: snehal.kathale@gmail.com


Abstract: of the many assorted and riveting challenges weface today, the most intense and important is how to
understand and figure out the new technology revolution, which entails nothing less than an alteration of
humanity. We are at thebeginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the waywe live, work, and relate
to one another. In its scale, scope andcomplexity, what I believe that the fourth industrial revolution iscontrasting
anything humankind has experienced before. AIdrivenautomation will continue to create wealth and expand the
economy in the coming years, but, while many will help, thatgrowth will not be priceless and will be
accompanied by changesin the skills that workers need to succeed in the economy, andstructural changes in the
economy. Aggressive policy action willsbe needed to help.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
185 Testing of Copper based microchannel heat sink inspired by leaf venation pattern for electronic
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Sanket Vartak Name: Shwetali Ghogare

Email: spvartakedu@gmail.com Email: shwetali.ghogare@gmail.com

Abstract: A number of microchannel heat exchanger (MCHS) designs are an alternative to dissipate the large
heat fluxes generated inside electronic devices. Natural leaf patterns based microchannel heat sinks are the area
of current interest due to combination of innovative cooling technology for large amount of heat from a small
area and attaining the uniform temperature distribution condition. Branching in microchannel causes the
hydrodynamic boundary layer development to be reinitialized at the leading edge of each secondary channel;
effectively decreases the boundary layer thickness, enhances the heat transfer performance and incurs negligible
pressure drop penalty. Its cooling effectiveness is compared with conventional straight microchannel heat sink
through experimental and numerical approaches for the Reynolds number ranging from 300 to 600 with excellent

Paper ID Title
186 Role of teacher in teaching english to non-native speakers of indian origin
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Dr.Ritu Sharma Name: Rajendra Mahajan

Email: ritu.sharma2703@gmail.com Email: raj.raaz85@rediffmail.com

Abstract: A number of microchannel heat exchanger (MCHS) designs are an alternative to dissipate the large
heat fluxes generated inside electronic devices. Natural leaf patterns based microchannel heat sinks are the area
of current interest due to combination of innovative cooling technology for large amount of heat from a small
area and attaining the uniform temperature distribution condition. Branching in microchannel causes the
hydrodynamic boundary layer development to be reinitialized at the leading edge of each secondary channel;
effectively decreases the boundary layer thickness, enhances the heat transfer performance and incurs negligible
pressure drop penalty. Its cooling effectiveness is compared with conventional straight microchannel heat sink
through experimental and numerical approaches for the Reynolds number ranging from 300 to 600 with excellent


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Dr.Ritu Sharma Name: Rajendra Mahajan

Email: ritu.sharma2703@gmail.com Email: raj.raaz85@rediffmail.com

Abstract: Today's educational climate is increasingly diverse. Students from various cultures feel hard to learn
English and its proficiency. The thirst of English language learning needs some solution. The language lab plays
a key role to learn the foreign language in a comfortable atmosphere. With a view to ensure global competencies
in our students, the colleges have established a digital language lab to help the students to develop and refine their
communicative skills in English. The language lab enables individual and group study under the guidance of the
instructor. Opportunities for spontaneous as well as directed communication in the target language are provided
in the lab. Authentic audio/ visual materials in digital format are used for the purpose. Internet resources for
language learning are also utilized for language practice. This paper focuses on the various features of the
language laboratory and its importance to increase the students‘ employability.

Paper ID Title
188 Big Data Analytics:A review

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Snehal Name: Jyoti Name: Komal Name: Chanda Name: Supriya Mandhare
Kathale Golakia Mahajan Chouhan
Email: Email:
Email: Email: Email: chanda.chouhan@gmail mandhare.supriya24@gmail.
snehal.kathale@gmail.c rudani.jyoti@gmail.co komalsmahajan@gmail .com com
om m .com

Abstract: In this paper we discussed an overview of big data analytics and what is the need of that. Big data is
the data set which is big in volume, variety, velocity, value and varacity.Big data is mostly useful for the
industries and in marketing for handling the larger datasets and management. We studied the different tools
which is helpful for big data.It arises the many challenges and opportunities for the researchers and the
developers.Big data is randomly changes our economic environment.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
189 Challenges in Cloud Security

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Reena Somani Name: Gayatri Sawale Name: Poonam Joshi

Email: reena.jagetia@gmail.com Email: gayatrisawale10@gmail.com Email: pnmjoshi2@gmail.com

Abstract: Cloud computing is a technology that gives a on-demand access and convenient to the eclectic and
various services through a shared pool of configurable computing resources. Recent advances have given rise to
the popularity and success of cloud computing. Cloud computing provides many benefits in terms of low cost and
accessibility of data. Anyhow, when the business application to a third party and outsourcing the data causes
the security and privacy issues to become a critic concern. Cloud Computing also attracts the attentions of
attackers and raises many security concerns. One main concern of using the cloud is data privacy and security
especially for users with sensitive data that would be detrimental to the client if it were stolen. cloud security is
an emerging sub-domain of network security, computer security and more vastly information security. It points
to a broad set of technologies, policies, and controls deployed to protect data, applications, and the associated
infrastructure of cloud computing. This paper we discussed deployment and service model, various security
challenges in cloud and security issues and control mechanism in cloud security and also focused on cloud
security technologies. Hence In this paper cloud security concerns and security requirements are addressed.

Paper ID Title
190 Review on Document Clustering Using Various Similarity Measures
Author-1 Author-2

Name: KomalGothwal Name: VarshaSalunkhe

Email: komalmaher17@gmail.com Email: varshasalunkhe12@gmail.com

Abstract: Data mining is a powerful technology whichfocuses on the most important information in the data
collected. Various Data mining techniques are used for knowledge discovery from databases. One of the most
important data mining or text mining technique is Clustering. Clustering is used to group similar objects together
to find necessary structures in data, and organize them into meaningful subgroups. This article discusses about
similarity measure techniques used for clustering. The novel method varies from the existing one as it uses only
single view point for clustering whereas Multi-Viewpoint based similarity measure uses many different
viewpoints. In MultiViewpoint the two objects measured are assumed not to be in the same cluster. In
Hierarchical Clustering with Multiple view points, we use two measures for intercluster and intracluster relation
between objects. The former clustering process focuses on partitional clustering of multi viewpoint documents,
which are not focused on sparse and high dimensional data.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
191 5G Technology and How It Will Boost IOT: A Survey
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Neha singh Name: Neha Kunte Name: Sinu Mathew

Email: Email: Email:
neha0chaudhary@gmail.com nehaghaisas88@gmail.com sinumathew19@gmail.com

Abstract: In the near future smart devices will operate on ultra fast data speed with a peak of about 1000GB per
second and that will be possible due to Fifth-generation (5G) broadband Technology. By 2020 it is assumed that
the number of digital devices will increase dramatically to around 50 billion and much of which will be
connected.The 5G technology will provide better bandwidth , cloud based storage, less jitter due to built in
computing intelligence which will handle the data and series of connected devices and services efficiently[1]. In
this paper we will see how 5G technology is different from 3G and 4G technology and how 5G is useful in
various emerging applications of IoT like health care,Trafficcontrol,Infrastructure, Automative and Mobility etc.

Paper ID Title
192 Home Gateway Designing using Intelligent Network
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Charmi Chaniyara Name: Bhavesh Pandya

Email: charmijaviya@gmail.com Email: varshasalunkhe12@gmail.com

Abstract: Digital Home Network is a home network means all the home appliance and home wiring is connected
to each other with some network. It is a new application technology which gives services inside a single home or
between multiple homes. Home Networking is of three types: Home appliances, Information equipment,
Communication equipment. Home networking equipment can exchange information with outer networking using
home gateway. Home network should have broadband network function, public network function and
compositive multi-service and multi-application, etc. in future.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
193 Internet Forensics: Review

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Gayatri Sawale Name: Reena Somani Name: Ashmita Shetty Name: Amruta Mhatre

Email: Email: Email: Email:

gayatrisawale10@gmail.com reena.jagetia@gmail.com ashmitas1120@gmail.com 23.amruta.m@gmail.com

Abstract: Now a day's use of internet is increasing rapidly so cyber crimes are also growing explosively. As the
cyber crimes are raising so field of Internet forensic is emerged. People who do such things do not leave any
forensic evidence. Such Cyber crimes are in huge area such as piracy to identity theft and beyond. Internet
Forensics involves collecting and examining all evidences of digital crime which include network traffic, network
devices, storage devices, mobile devices etc. This paper we discussed various attacks that happened for attacking
vulnerable site, for identity theft to reduce the performance of system so legitimate user can't get access. In this
paper, I have proposed a tool which is the combination of digital forensic which performs investigation and
crime data mining. The proposed system is designed for finding pattern of cyber attacks, for finding motive and
counts of attacks types happened during a period. Hence the proposed system enables the system administrators
to reduce the system vulnerability.

Paper ID Title
194 Internet Forensics: Review

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Vidhi Suvarna Name: Suveena Save Name: Nikita Singh Name: Devednya Vyas

Email: Email: Email: Email:

vidhisuvarna9@gmail.com suveenasave@gmail.com nikitassingh110@gmail.com devednyavyas@gmail.com

Abstract: This is a simulation based project built in LabVIEW to perform two segments of an industrial
operation, where one segment is a example of the ON/OFF Controller for appropriate mixing of fluids and
another is the PID controller for the Tank level controlling.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
195 GSM based Distribution transformer Monitoring System

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

PrathameshShetye SiddhantGaikwad Jay Khut Raj Mehta Kavita Bani

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

prath88.shetye@gmail. sid0795.sg@gmail.com jaykhut95@gmail.com rajmehta10121994@gmail. kavitabhatu@gmail.com
com com

Abstract: GSM based Distribution Transformer Monitoring System is about design and implementation of a
mobile embedded system to monitor and record key parameters of a Distribution transformer like load currents,
oil levels and ambient temperature. The idea of on-line monitoring system integrates a global service mobile
(GSM) modem, with a standalone single chip microcontroller and different sensors. It is installed at the
distribution transformer site and the above parameters are recorded using the analog to digital converter (ADC) of
the embedded system. The obtained parameters are processed and recorded in the system memory. If any
abnormality or an emergency situation occurs the system sends SMS (short message service) message to the
mobile phones containing information about the abnormality according to some predefined instructions
programmed in the microcontroller. This mobile system will help the transformer to operate smoothly and
identify problems before any catastrophic failure.

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Akshay Varekar Name: Riddhish Rane

Email: akshay.varekar95@gmail.com
Email: riddhishr95rane@gmail.com

Abstract: Smartphones are becoming more preferred companions to users than desktops or notebooks. Knowing
that smartphones are most popular with users at the age around 26, using smartphones to speed up the process of
taking attendance by university instructors would save lecturing time and hence enhance the educational process.
This paper proposes a system that is based on a QR code, which is being displayed for students during or at the
beginning of each lecture. The students will need to scan the code in order to confirm their attendance. The paper
explains the high level implementation details of the proposed system. It also discusses how the system verifies
student identity to eliminate false registrations.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
197 Artificial Intelligence - How communication with machine will evovle

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Mahendra Patil Raj Dedania Niryan Valia Romil Dodhiwala Rajesh Gaikwad

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

onlymahendra007@gm onlymahendra007@gma onlymahendra007@gm romildodhiwala@gmail.co onerajeshgaikwad@gmai
ail.com il.com ail.com m l.com

Abstract: Artificial intelligence involves two basic ideas. First, it involves studying the thought processes of
human beings. Second, it deals with representing those processes via machines (like computers, robots, etc.).
It can be defined as a branch of Computer Science. Machine Learning, like Natural Language Processing can
be enhanced using the Artificial Intelligence. Once developed an AI(Artificial Intelligence) machine, it can
develop new processes and learning habit similar to a human. In this paper we are going to understand how AI
can develop human like communication. And future possibilities of this development.

Paper ID Title
198 A Bivariate Mathematical Normal Distribution To Analyze Experimental Conditions from
Melatonin Data
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Akanksha A. Desai Name: Dr. S. Lakshmi

Email: desaiakankshaa@gmail.com Email: lakshmi291082@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: The problem of generating Bivariate Normal Distribution is drawing the attention of the reliability
analyst. Amongst these approaches the modelling approach is very appealing and of great interest. Here we have
used the Bivariate Normal Distribution for the application by extending distribution through characterization
approach. In this respect the accurate determination of circadian phase is necessary for research and clinical
purposes because of the influence of the master circadian pacemaker on multiple physiologic functions.
Melatonin is presently the most accurate marker of the activity of the human circadian pacemaker. Current
methods of analysing the plasma melatonin rhythm can be grouped into three categories: curve-fitting, threshold-
based and physiologically-based linear differential equations. To determine which method provides the most
accurate assessment of circadian phase, we compared the ability to fit the data and the variability of phase
estimates for different markers of melatonin phase derived from these methodological categories. We conclude
that melatonin data set characteristics, including amplitude and completeness of data collection, differentially
affect the results depending on the melatonin analysis method used.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
199 4D Password Scheme

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Archita Dad Name: Bhavna Arora Name: Nida Parkar Name: TejalRachh

Email: Email: Email: Email:

architadad@gmail.com a12.bhavna@gmail.com nidapark@gmail.com tejal.rachh2008@gmail.com

Abstract: There exists many validation schemes at present,all have few disadvantages. So recently,the 3-D
password model was announced. The 3-D password is a multi factor validation pattern. It can combine all
existing validation pattern into a single 3-D virtual situation. However the 3-D password model is still in its early
phase. Scheming different types of 3-D virtual environments, determining on keyword spaces,and also
understanding user response and the involvements from such platforms may result in increasing and refining the
user knowledge of the 3-D password. Also,assembling attackers from diverse experiences to break the system is
one of the forthcoming mechanism will clue to system enhancement and also ascertain the difficulty of breaching
a 3-D password. The paper presents a study of the 3-D password and an method to toughen it by way of adding a
Fourth dimension, that deals with gesture recognition and time recording, and that would help support the
authentication model totally. Hence there is a effort to off era 4-D password as a one-up method to the 3-D

Paper ID Title
200 Analysis of Dynamic Logic for SET
Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Mahalaxmi Palinje Name: Barnana Dutta Name: Ashok Yadav

Email: Email: Email:
mbhat505@gmail.com dutta.barnana@gmail.com yadavashok101@gmail.com
Abstract: Dynamic logic circuits are appealing to use in circuit design because they are generally smaller and
faster than static circuits .Compared with static logic, the dynamic logic requires fewer transistors to implement a
given logic function and can offer considerable faster switching speeds and play important role in the design of
many applications such as microprocessors, digital signal processors and dynamic memory High-speed integrated
circuits frequently utilize dynamic logic circuitry to realize faster and smaller designs than corresponding static
CMOS logic circuits. The use of these circuits in space is desirable, but not much work has been performed in
assessing their vulnerability to ionizing particles present in the space environment. Single-event transients
(SETs), or glitches that originate in logic circuits, are one of the most important categories of soft errors. The
charge required to store (or potentially disturb) a digital logic signal decreases as feature sizes in advanced
devices decrease. As a result, the soft- error rate has become a significant reliability issue for highly scaled
technologies. Radiation-induced single event upsets (SEUs) pose a major challenge for the design of memories
and logic circuits in high performance microprocessors. This paper presents study of effects of SET on dynamic
logic circuits and the three SET hardened dynamic logic circuits proposed in [12].Simulation is carried out using
one basic dynamic logic circuit and the results confirm that the proposed three schemes mitigate SET‘s


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
201 Analysis of different CMOS full Adder Circuits Based on Different Parameter for Low

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Akansha Bhargava Name: Gauri Salunkhe Name: Ashok Yadav Name: Jyoti Jeetendra Gurav

Email: Email: Email: Email:

minidimi@gmail.com aparna151@gmail.com yadavashok101@gmail.com jojitagurav@gmail.com

Abstract: The demand for portable consumer electronics products is increasing at extremely high rate in recent
years; therefore development of low-power VLSI circuits is essential. To achieve this objective a lot of
innovative work has been done in this field, many innovative designs for basic logic functions have appeared.
Various adders are used for implementing these logic functions which are most important components in digital
design. The performance of these full adders can be measured in terms of propagation delay, power dissipation
and power delay product.
In this paper the performance of eleven different 1-bit full adder cells based on different logic styles are
evaluated. The framework includes evaluation performance of different logic styles including an input test pattern
which are analyzed with respect to power, delay and power-delay product.

Paper ID Title
203 Augmented Reality: Tracking Methods

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Archita Dad Name: Bhavna Arora Name: Nida Parkar Name: TejalRachh

Email: Email: Email: Email:

architadad@gmail.com a12.bhavna@gmail.com nidapark@gmail.com tejal.rachh2008@gmail.com

Abstract: Augmented reality has been an interesting area of research for the last two decades or so. This paper
presents a brief overview of the recent literature on tracking methods used in Augmented Reality applications,
both for indoor and outdoor environments.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
204 A Review on Li-Fi Technology

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Jyoti Dange Prajakta Pawar Meenakshi Saroan Tanu Sharma Nikita Ramrakhiani

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

jaiswalshilpa05@gmail. prajupawar5@gmail.c meenakshi.saraon@gm tanusharma107@gmail. niki.ramrakhiani@gmail.com
com om ail.com com

Abstract: Li-Fi technology invented in Wireless communication to provide the connectivity within network
environment. Li-Fi is light-fidelity. It is introduced by German Physicist Herald Haas. It works on principal that
data transmit through illumination by LED light bulb that having the intensity faster than the human eye can
follow just like infrared r emote controls but with more power. D -LIGHT which is invented by HAAS produce
data rates faster than 10 megabits per second producing a faster average broadband connection .LED has wide
area of application It can use the lighting capability to transmit the data from one to another. Wi-Fi technology
solve some bottleneck of data transmission with LI-FI. Here we explore the future scope of this new technology
for using visible light as the carrier in data transmission and networking.

Paper ID Title
205 A Critical need for Application of DWM in Educational Domain

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Nida Parkar Name: Bhavna Arora Name: TejalRachh Name: Archita Dad

Email: Email: Email: Email:

nidapark@gmail.com a12.bhavna@gmail.com tejal.rachh2008@gmail.com architadad@gmail.com
Abstract: Datawarehouses can serve the purpose of extraction of information for data-driven decision support
systems. Single view of information is provided using warehouse and data across the organization is
standardized . Decision makers can use the data stored in data warehouses. Application of a data warehouse for
educational institute is the less focused area since educational institutes are non-profit and service oriented
organizations. In current day scenario where education has been privatized and become competitive, institutes
needs to be more organized and need to take better decisions. The overall enrollments of students in Institutes are
increasing to a count of thousands as a result of increase in the number of branches and intake. The management
of these institutes face challenges of meeting the diverse needs of students and complex academic process.
Therefore frequent improvements in operational strategies based on accurate, timely and steady information are
required to overcome the difficulty of these challenges. For any educational institution the expense of building a
data warehouse is costly as it requires data warehouse tools for building data warehouse and data mining tools for
extracting data from data warehouse. The current day study provides open source tools to build data warehouse
and extract useful information using data warehousing and data mining. In this paper we have explored the need
of data warehouse for an educational institute to manage data in organized manner. The study may help better
decision making regarding managing large scale of data for educational institutes worldwide.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
206 Comparative Analysis of Different Wavelets for Image Denoising

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Shilpa Jaiswal Name: Sweta Jha Name: Divya Sharma Name: Manoj Mishra Name: Name: Barnana Dutta

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

jaiswalshilpa05@gmail. sweta.jha2786@gmail. divya13jan@gmail.com mishramr11@gmail.co dutta.barnana@gmail.com
com com m

Abstract: In this paper Comparative Analysis of different wavelets have been presented for image denoising.
Wavelets Transform are used to overcome the drawbacks of Fourier Transform & short Fourier Transform.
Fourier Transform can perform frequency analysis but cannot provide time analysis. Short time Fourier
Transform can provide frequency & time analysis but selection of window size is a big problem. Wavelets are
used to overcome these problems and are capable of providing efficient time and frequency analysis. So different
wavelets are used to determine an image like Haar , Sym and Coif, All wavelets have been compared and
analyzed based on Mean, Median and S.D. All wavelets have been designed and simulated using methods. The
comparison results have been shown in simulated and tabular form.

Paper ID Title
207 Performance Evaluation of PAPR Analysis for confined Beamforming MIMO OFDM

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Shilpa Jaiswal Name: Sweta Jha Name: Divya Sharma Name: Manoj Mishra Name: Name: Barnana Dutta

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

jaiswalshilpa05@gmail. sweta.jha2786@gmail. divya13jan@gmail.com mishramr11@gmail.co dutta.barnana@gmail.com
com com m

Abstract: HPA is usually operated at or near the saturation region. OFDM signal amplitudes is very wide with
high PAPR. HPA will introduce inter-modulation between the different subcarriers and introduce additional
interference into the systems due to high PAPR of OFDM signals thus increases the BER.High precision DAC
supports high PAPR with a reasonable amount of quantization noise, but it might be very expensive for a given
sampling rate of the system. A low-precision DAC would be cheaper, but its quantization noise will be
significant. A better solution is to reduce the PAPR of the transmitted signal with some manipulations of the
OFDM signal itself.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
208 Human accidents on roads detection using silicon chips

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name:

Raj Paynaik Ameya Parab Ameya Parab Deepali Maste

Email: Email: Email:

rajpainaik123@gmail.com Email: ameyaparab26@gmail.com jadhavakki62@gmai.co deepali.maste@gmail.com

Abstract: The emerging new technology in our world,within the next few years the world will be in new
dimension leaving mathematics back and computer mathematical evolving in the world. The whole new world
will be computerized with the technology within our finger tips of our hand. As the sand becoming the operating
part i.e silicon chips, which is the next generation of our future world, the silicon chips will become smaller nano
particle. We discuss here the technology from which silicon chips will evolve and it will remove the difference
between human and computer. Silicon Nano Chips becoming new emerging photonics in the market with low
cost effective and low power.

Paper ID Title
209 Interface Trap Analysis of HIGH-K MOSCAP

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Barnana Dutta Shilpa Jaiswal Sweta Jha Divya Sharma Manoj Mishra

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

dutta.barnana@gmail.co jaiswalshilpa05@gmai sweta.jha2786@gmail.co divya13jan@gmail.com mishramr11@gmail.co
m l.com m m
Abstract: Considerable challenges are encountered with polysilicon gate as the channel length and gate-oxide
thickness is aggressively reduced in case of CMOS devices when scaled into submicron regime. Metal gates and
alternative gate dielectrics with high permittivity shows promising results to overcome the limitations like high
gate resistance, high gate tunneling leakage current and boron penetration into the channel region. Therefore,
there is immense interest in electrical characterization of a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitor structure
with high-K dielectrics. Here capacitance-Voltage (C-V) characteristics of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)
capacitor is plotted for high-k dielectric materials such as, Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), Hafnium Oxide (HfO2),
Titanium Oxide (TiO2), Yttrium Oxide (Y2O3) as oxide material, Si as substrate and compared it with
conventional SiO2 based MOS device. The MOSCAP structure was simulated to obtain the C-V characteristics
using TCAD. From the results various parameters such as threshold voltage, flat band voltage, interface trap
density etc. were calculated. The simulation results were then verified with the reported experimental values.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
210 Low Noise Amplifier for 1-10GHz Application

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Barnana Dutta Shilpa Jaiswal Sweta Jha Divya Sharma Manoj Mishra

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

dutta.barnana@gmail.co jaiswalshilpa05@gmai sweta.jha2786@gmail.co divya13jan@gmail.com mishramr11@gmail.co
m l.com m m
Abstract: In this paper low power consumption amplifier is presented. Signal amplification is one of the most
basic & important circuit functions in modern RF & Microwave systems. Initially microwave amplifiers are
made up of tubes, such as Klystron & Travelling wave tubes, or solid state reflection amplifiers based on the
negative resistance characteristics of Tunnel or Varactor diodes. However due to the dramatic improvements &
innovations in solid state technologies that have occurred since the 1970‘s most RF & microwave amplifiers
today use transistor devices such as Si BJT, GaAs, Si MOSFET, GaAs MESFET or GaAS GaN HEMT‘s. Low
power consumption amplifier is versatile demanded in modern technology, modern technology want such type of
amplifier which gives low power consumption with less reflection, in this paper presented series and shunt
feedback topology with pole zero compensation method for designing of low power consumption amplifier, the
primary characteristics of LNA is its noise figure, generally we put a filter circuit before the amplifier for the
protection of the amplifier. The scaling of the components increase, increase its number, the similar area of an
chip decreases its sub-threshold voltage with its increase in the leakage power consumption.. The Power
consumption is based on the number of elements and routing of components and its process fabrication. In this
paper we are going to developed method to reduce leakage power consumption with reduction of reflection.

Paper ID Title
211 Magnetic Levitated Windmill

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Pranav Anilkumar Mayur Mahamuni Mahendra Waykole Indrajit Singh Priyanka Tripathi
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
pranavanilkumar1@gma mayurmahamuni2530 mahendrawaykole30@gm singhindrajit215@gmail.c poojamishra1112@gm
il.com @gmail.com ail.com om ail.com
Abstract: Magnetic levitation is a method by which an object is levitated with magnetic fields. The principal
advantage of a maglev windmill from a conventional one is, as the rotor is floating in the air due to levitation,
mechanical friction is totally removed. That makes the rotation possible even at very low wind speeds. Maglev
wind turbines have several advantages over conventional wind turbines. For instance, they‘re able to use winds
with starting speeds as low as 1.56 meters per second (m/s). Also, they could operate in winds exceeding 40
m/san chip decreases its sub-threshold voltage with its increase in the leakage power consumption.. The Power
consumption is based on the number of elements and routing of components and its process fabrication. In this
paper we are going to developed method to reduce leakage power consumption with reduction of reflection.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
212 Context Aware Mobile Services

Author-1 Author-2

Name: Name:
Nileema Pathak Amruta Pokhare

Email: Email:
nileemap@gmail.com amrutapokhare09@gmail.com
Abstract: Mobile applications require intensive computing power and software platform support for application
execution. Using mobile cloud computing, the resources in terms of computing power, storage and platform
support required to execute these applications are made available to mobile users through the cloud platform.
Mobile devices allow access to cloud services anywhere and anytime. Mobile cloud services can give
information about a user‘s location, feeds, status and required services to improve user experience. Most of real-
time decisions are mainly based on access to real-time data or information that can support the decision-making
process. In this paper we study the various services that can be provided through the context aware mobile
applications using mobile cloud computing.

Paper ID Title
213 Modulation Techniques in ISM Band


Name: Apeksha Waghmare

Email: Apeksha.chandra@gmail.com

Abstract: Now-a-days huge amount of information is communicated using radio communications systems
through radio frequencies(ISM Band). Both analog radio communications systems and digital or data radio
communications system are used. However one of the fundamental aspects of any radio communications
transmission system is modulation, or the way in which the information is superimposed on the radio carrier. In
order that a steady radio signal or "radio carrier" can carry information it must be changed or modulated in one
way so that the information can be conveyed from one place to another. There are very many ways in which a
radio carrier can be modulated to carry a signal, each having its own advantages and disadvantages.
This document describes the process of modulation and its need in ISM Band. It also explains the different types
of modulation techniques used in ISM Band which include Frequency Hopping Spectrum (FHSS), Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) & Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).This document
gives a brief introduction about Spread Spectrum and its use in ISM Band.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
214 Estimation of Software Reliability by Sequential Testing with Simulated Annealing of
Mean Field Approximation


Name: Nidhi Gupta

Email: nidhi.g.0901@gmail.com

Abstract: Various problems of combinatorial optimization and permutation can be solved with neural network
optimization. The problem of estimating the software reliability can be solved with the optimization of failed
components to its minimum value. Various solutions of the problem of estimating the software reliability has
been given. These solutions are exact and heuristic, but all the exact approaches are of considerable theoretical
interest. In this paper, we propose the simulated annealing technique of mean field approximation for finding the
possible minimum number of failed components in the sequential testing. These minimum numbers of failed
components are depending upon the selection of time intervals or slots. The selection of time intervals or slots
satisfies all the necessary constraints of the problem. The new energy function with the mean field approximation
is also proposed. The constraint parameter for annealing schedule is also be defined dynamically that is changed
with the selection of time interval or slot on each iteration of the processing. The algorithm of the whole process
shows that this approach can generate the optimal solution.

Paper ID Title
215 Ring Shape Microstrip Antenna for Multi-band Response
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Priyanka Verma Name: Amit A. Deshmukh

Email: priyanka6429@gmail.com Email: amitdeshmukh76@rediffmail.com

Abstract: Design and analysis of multi-band dual polarized ring shape microstrip antenna embedded with
rectangular slot in 1000 MHz frequency range is proposed. The ring shape patch demonstrates fundamental mode
TM11 and higher order mode TM21 modes. Placement of rectangular slot in ring-shape patch degenerates TM11
and TM21 resonant modes of the equivalent circular patch into dual orthogonal modes to yield multi-modal
response. Further the rectangular slot optimizes the input impedance at degenerated resonant modes and also
alters the surface current distribution to realize bandwidth of 1 to 2% at each of the frequencies. The suspended
configuration of proposed dual polarized antenna is also optimized, which gives more than 1.5 to 4 dBi of
broadside gain across various frequencies.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
216 Application of Soft Computing in Electrical Engineering

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Priynka Sharma Deepshikha Shrivastava Suvarna More Sangeeta Jain Priyanka Tripathi
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
atharva.priyanka@gma deepshikha.shrivastava suvilas@gmail.com sangeetajain.pune@gmail. poojamishra1112@gm
il.com @pccoer.in com ail.com

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of soft computing techniques to solve
problems in electrical engineering. Artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, and genetic algorithms, are the
three most important elector of soft computing. Soft computing approach in electrical engineering is for fault
diagnosis, conditioning, monitoring, parameter optimization, modeling and control of linear and non linear
system. Soft computing techniques are particularly appropriate to support these types of decisions because these
techniques are very efficient at handling inaccurate, uncertain, hazy, curtailed and subjective data..

Paper ID Title
217 Comparison between WDR & ASWDR Techniques using Image Compression with
different Wavelet

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Prof.Prajakta Pawar Name: Prof.Kunal Shriwas Name: Mrs.Jyoti J. Gurav Name: Mr.Ashok Yadav

Email: Email: Email: Email:

Indiaprajupawar5@gmail.com kunalshriwas@gmail.com jojitagurav@gmail.com yadavashok101@gmail.com

Abstract: In this paper, two different Wavelet based Image Compression techniques are compared. The
techniques involved in the comparison process are WDR and ASWDR. The above two techniques are
implemented with different types of wavelet codecs. Wavelet difference reduction (WDR) has recently been
proposed as a method for efficient embedded image coding. This method retains all of the important features like
low complexity, region of interest, embeddedness, and progressive SNR. ASWDR adapts the scanning procedure
used by WDR in order to predict locations of significant transform values at half thresholds. Here, there are two
types of Wavelet transforms are applied on the images before compression. They are DD 2+2,2 Integer Wavelet
transform and Daub 9/7 Wavelet transform. The quality of the reconstructed images is calculated by using three
performance parameters PSNR, MSE and SNE values. The images yield high PSNR values and low MSE values.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
218 DIGI Drone

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Tabassum Choudhary Name: Rubina Choudhary Name: Namrata Sankhe Name: Manisha Khutade

Email: Email: Email: Email:

kayesha.ak73@gmail.com rubinakhan101@ymail.com namratasankhe80@gmail.com Manishakhutade77@gmail.com

Abstract: Drone Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) are expected to serve as aerial robotic vehicle to perform
task on their own automated system. Drone or more formally, unmanned aircraft system (UAS), are poised to
revolutionize to domestic aviation landscape, raising complex question in terms of air space safety. However,
over the last decade‘s confluences of Integral rapid maturing technologies have a dramatic increase in the
innovation and automation of (UAVs).Technological advances have reduced the cost and increase the
performance. The goal of this project is to build, modify and improve an existing drone kit to obtain stable flight,
gather and store GPS data and perform auto commands such as auto – landing with FPV (First Person View)
Drone technology, LED flight indicator, GPS module and micro SD card adaptor were interfaced with the drone
kit. Currently the drone can properly stabilize itself, determine its GPS location and store the log data with these
we will try to reduce the cost and build with advance features of Drone like Physical strength, Robustness, Light
weight, Good Vibration Damping and High dimensional Stability.

Paper ID Title
219 Under Ground Cable Fault Detection Over IOT

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Durgesh Pathak Mithil Rathod SandeepVishwakarma Harindar Maurya MahalaxmiPalinje

Email: Email: mithilrahod4 Email: sandeep210595 Email: Email:

durgesh.s.pathak @gmail.com @gmail.com harindarmaurya1995 mbhat505 @gmail.com
@gmail.com @gmail.com

Abstract: Underground cable system is a common practice followed in urban areas. While a fault occurs due to
many reasons in the cable, at a time of removing or repairing process, there is difficulty in locating the exact
location of the fault. The system proposedin this paperis used to find out the exact location of the fault and
display it to the dedicated website over internet using wi-fi module, giving prior information to the authorized
person at other end.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
220 A Study on Open Source Server Technologies


Name: Renuka Nagpure

Email: renupardikar22@gmail.com

Open source technology (OST) is an often-misused term; too often, users often think open source is synonymous
with free. With the relatively recent rise of the Internet‘s influence on production and development of software,
open source has become a popular vehicle to obtain widespread use and support of some very popular software
titles. This study paper is to introduce 10 new technologies for open source servers that will compiled a diverse
list of projects and applications for developer to discover and explore. Many of these products are free of cost or
close to it.

Paper ID Title
221 Wireless Sensor Network Based Health Monitoring System for Cattle

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Barnana Dutta Shilpa Jaiswal Sweta Jha Divya Sharma Manoj Mishra

Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:

dutta.barnana@gmail.co jaiswalshilpa05@gmai sweta.jha2786@gmail.co divya13jan@gmail.com mishramr11@gmail.co
m l.com m m

Abstract: With the exponentially increasing demand in dairy productivity farm automation is of major concern
these days.There is a need of technology which would result in reduced cost and labour inputs with increased
farm productivity, and to meet the above said requirement cattle health monitoring should be given a priority.
The aim of this study is to prioritise the routine monitoring of health of dairy cattle using non invasive, low cost
sensor technology which would monitor various health parameters of the farm cattle. As it is a complete wireless
and portable health monitoring system, it can be a valuable remote monitoring tool for cattle health care service
providers by reducing the cost of their services. The proposed monitoring system includes the infrastructure,
hardware, software and representative physiological measurements. We will be able to continuously assess the
health of individual cattle by aggregating their health monitoring data, and reporting the results to owners and
local health service providers.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
222 Study of human identification techniques fingerprint, iris, hair pattern recognition


Name: Ritu Sharma

Email: ritusharma585@gmail.com

Abstract: Fingerprint identification makes use of the automated method of identifying or confirming the identity
of an individual based on the distinguishing characters of two fingerprints. Fingerprint identification is one of the
most recognized biometrics, and it is by far the most used biometric solution for authentication on computer
systems. . Androgenic hair patterns are a stable biometric technology, Medical research results have implied that
and also have advantage to overcome the lack of blood vessel patterns and skin mark patterns. Iris recognition is
an automated method of biometric identification that uses mathematical pattern-identification techniques on
video images of the irides of an individual‘s eyes, whose complex random patterns are unique and can be so
bserved from some distance.This paper deals with the comparison of these methods.

Paper ID Title
223 Performance Evaluation and Improving Semantic Web Services Discovery for Advanced
Manufacturing Collaboration in Cloud Platform

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Prof. Rajesh Gaikwad Name: Dr. Dhananjay Dakhane Name: Prof. Mahendra Patil
Email: rssv06@gmail.com Email: onlymahendra007@gmail.com
Email: ddakhane@gmail.com

Abstract: Advances in manufacturing systems consist of efforts to create collaborative networks for enterprise
integration and information interoperability. To achieve collaboration and sharing effectively, various networking
technologies have been proposed. The web has emerged as a basic entity for interconnecting man and machine
and almost all parts of the enterprise community are being reshaped to exploit the opportunities that it
offers.There are various other tools and techniques apart from Web Technologies, that have attracted research
communities for representing data in ways that both machines and humans can understand. Semantic web, the
second-generation web technology, is enriched by machine-processable information to support the users in their
tasks. This paper analysis the vision of the semantic web and describes ontologies and agile methods to find
solutions for Advanced Manufacturing on Cloud.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
224 Automatic Detection Of Potholes And Humps On The Road

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Mahesh Jala Name: Ajay Chauhan Name: Shubham Kapate Name: Prathamesh Lakhan

Email: Email: ajayc546@gmail.com Email: Email:

mahesh2661@gmail.com shubhamkapate@gmail.com Prathameshlakhan@gmail.com

Abstract: one of the major problems indeveloping countries is maintenance of roads. Identification of pavement
distress such as potholes that helps drivers to avoid accidents and vehicle damages. This project discusses
methods that have been developed and proposes a cost effective solution to identify the potholes on roads and
provide timely action to avoid accidents or vehicle damages. Ultrasonic sensors are used to identify the potholes
and obstacles on the road. When the pothole is detected its depth is displayed on the LCD.

Paper ID Title
225 Interactive Voice Response System For College Automation

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Renuka Nagpure Prathamesh Mhatre Kalpita Shirodkar Pratik Mandhare Rajshree Deshmukh
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
renupardikar22@gmail.c mhatreprathamesh27 kalpi121195@gmail.com pratik47mandhare@gmail rajshreedeshmukh03@
om @gmail.com .com gmail.com

Abstract: The interactive voice response (IVR) system serves as a bridge between people & computer by
connecting the telephone network with instructions. The telephone user can access the information from
anywhere at any time simply by dialing a specified number and following an automated instruction when a
connection has been established. The IVR system uses pre-recorded or computer generated voice responses to
provide information in response to an input from a telephone/mobile caller. The input may be given by means of
touch-tone or Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signal, which is generated when a caller presses a key of
his/her telephone set, and the sequence of messages to be played is determined dynamically according to an
internal menu structure (maintained within the IVR application program) and the user input. Our project allows
the user to know the student‘s attendance, marks and fees structure quickly through the telephone line without
the intervention of the college authority.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Mrs.Dhanashree Pannase Name: Ms. Meenal Pannase

Email: dhanashreepannase@gmail.com Email: meenalpannase@gmail.com
Abstract: A Vehicular Ad-Hoc systems (VANETs) are tools of the trade that advantages headed for vehicles as
nodes in a keep time with to formulate a on the wing network. VANET turns aside taking object vehicle directed
toward a transmission router, allowing vehicles of each disparate to held on like bulldog and formulate a absorb
by all of a as a matter of fact wide kind. VANETs are blown up for enhancing the driving stake and commiserate
of automotive users. The VANETs boot supply broad pretty services a well known as Intelligent Transport
System (ITS) e.g. warranty submissions. Numerous of warranty applications constructed in VANETs are
incomplete real-time attachment with fancy reliability. One of the hobby trials is to conceal degradation of air
mail passages in dense commercial good network. Many of enquiries about to be that becoming heavy traffic
approach algorithms are wholeheartedly notable to supply pragmatic operation of a network. Whereas, close but
no cigar of congestion gat a handle on something algorithms are not originally applicable in VANET. In this
complimentary we spell priority based congestion behave algorithm as incorporate to discourage congestion in
VANETs innate environment. We by the same token study the work of genius of approaching priority based
congestion behave algorithm for VANET in difference overflowing scenarios. The efficiency of the approaching
priority based congestion act algorithm is considered over the hardware and conclusions will be naked on .net.
This new stamp is alleviated congestion in consolidate, increases the throughput and communication
consignment bulk and by the same token made a long story short delay. This schema is furthermore sophisticated
network effectiveness build consignment of packets.Keywords: Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)
Microcontroller, Bluetooth IEEE 802.11, .net, packet delivery ratio.

Paper ID Title
227 Hand Gesture Recognition And Voice Conversion System For Speech Impaired

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Darshan Keny Nilesh Kamtekar Akshay Mehta Mousumi Karmakar Mohan Kumar
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
darshankeny5151@gmai nileshkamtekar@gmai amakshaymehta@gmail.c mousumi9595@yahoo.co mohan841301@gmail.
l.com l.com om m com
Abstract: Human beings communicating and know each other through thoughts,ideas. The best way to represent
your idea is through speech. Some people don't have the ability of speech, the only way to communicate with
other peoples is through sign language. In data Glove based systems,a person sign's during communication are
transferred to the computer using hardware which is developed on hands. This information of sign is compared
with the database that contains all the signs added initially to the system. After match is found, the data is
transferred from text to sound converter system where the data is converted to sound.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
228 Ring Shape Microstrip Antenna for Multi-band Response
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Priyanka Verma Name: Amit Deshmukh

Email: priyanka6429@gmail.com Email: amitdeshmukh76@rediffmail.com

Abstract: Design and analysis of multi-band dual polarized ring shape microstrip antenna embedded with
rectangular slot in 1000 MHz frequency range is proposed. The ring shape patch demonstrates fundamental mode
TM11 and higher order mode TM21 modes. Placement of rectangular slot in ring-shape patch degenerates TM11
and TM21 resonant modes of the equivalent circular patch into dual orthogonal modes to yield multi-modal
response. Further the rectangular slot optimizes the input impedance at degenerated resonant modes and also
alters the surface current distribution to realize bandwidth of 1 to 2% at each of the frequencies. The suspended
configuration of proposed dual polarized antenna is also optimized, which gives more than 1.5 to 4 dBi of
broadside gain across various frequencies.

Paper ID Title
229 Secure Online Encryption with Partial Data Identity Outsourcing: An Exemplar for Cloud
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Rajani Sajjan Name: Dr. Vijay Ghorpade

Email: rajanisajjan78@gmail.com Email: vijayghorpade@hotmail.com

Abstract: Day by day it is becoming necessary and feasible to use cloud storage due to its flexible and secure
services. As more number of users are adopting cloud data services different types of threats are troubling them.
In such scenario available Cloud Service Provider‘s security services may seem insufficient to keep user‘s data
safe. User level security mechanism helps to improve security and user‘s trust in adopting the cloud data
services. In our system we have implemented online data encryption mechanism. It is used at user level in which
data to be uploaded to cloud storage is encrypted at the time of uploading. Online data encryption helps to fasten
the process and saves user‘s time. To provide better data access control we have used a strong data security
technique in which user‘s data identification credential and salt is used. Data identification credential, partial
element of cipher key, is outsourced to cloud for further use in data decryption process. Decryption process is
performed at the user level with the help of salt and one time password. In this system user is kept free from key
storage and management task as well as it incorporates advanced and more secured technology of containers to
store data in cloud. This paper incorporates the detailed analysis of results obtained


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
230 Review on Classification over Semantically Secure Encrypted Data
Author-1 Author-2

Name: VarshaSalunkhe Name: Komal Gothwal

Email: varshasalunkhe12@gmail.com Email: komalmaher17@gmail.com

Abstract: Data Mining is a broad area now days due to the need of knowledge discovery on a very large scale.
One of the techniques used in data mining applications is the Classification. The rapid development of web
services made web users to use these services on larger extent. As a result, there is a huge amount of
heterogeneous data. This data needs to be extracted for various real time and other type of applications like bio-
logical research, scientific research, banking and among government sector. Cloud Computing has been an
emerging trend to store, access and retrieve data on a large scale. This mining of data over cloud uses encryption
algorithms to maintain security. This article studies various encryption methods and classification techniques
over semantically secure encrypted data.

Paper ID Title
231 Home Gateway Design based on Intelligence


Name: Yogini Bazaz

Email: yoginibazaz@gmail.com

Abstract: Home networking is called as Digital Home Network. It means that PC, home entertainment
equipment, home appliances, Home wirings, security, illumination system were communicated with each other
by some composing network technology, constitute a networking internal home, and connect with WAN by home
gateway. It is a new network technology and application technology, and can provide many kinds of services
inside home or between homes. Currently, home networking can be divided into three kinds: Information
equipment, Home appliances, Communication equipment. Equipment inside home networking can exchange
information with outer networking by home gateway, this information communication is bidirectional, user can
get information and service which provided by public networking by using home networking internal equipment
through home gateway connecting public network, meantime, also can get information and resource to control
the internal equipment which provided by home networking internal equipment .Based on the general network
model of home networking, there are four functional entities inside home networking: HA, HB, HC, and HD. (1)
HA (Home Access) - home networking connects function entity; (2) HB (Home Bridge) – Home networking
bridge connects function entity; (3) HC (Home Client) - Home networking client function entity; (4) HD (Home
Device) - decoder function entity. There are many physical ways to implement four function entities. Based on
these four functional entities, there are reference model of physical layer, reference model of link layer, reference
model of IP layer and application reference model of high layer.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
232 IOT Based Robotic Arm

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Kaustubh Gawli Parinay Karande Pravin Belose Tushar Bhadirke Akanksha Bhargava
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
kaustubhgawli@gmail.c parinaykarande@gmai pravin.belose31@gmail.c mousumi9595@yahoo.c akankshabhargava@live.
om l.com om om com

Abstract: The ongoing revolution of Internet of Things (IoT), together with the growing diffusion of robots in
many activities of everyday life, makes IoT-aided robotics applications a tangible reality of our upcoming future.
Accordingly, new advanced services, based on the interplay between robots and ―things‖, are being conceived in
assisting humans. Nevertheless, the path to a mature development of IoT-aided robotics applications requires
several pivotal issues to be solved, design methodologies to be consolidated, and strong architectural choices to
be discussed. This project discusses technological implications, open issues, and target applications in the IoT-
aided robotics domain.

Paper ID Title
233 IOT based Home Automation

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Tejaswini J Surabhi Patil Somnath Sadaphule Prathamesh Patil Akanksha Bhargava
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
tejaswinihtc@gmai.com simiptl1@gmail.com sadaphulesomnath100@g pratham4647@gmail.co Akankshabhargava@live
mail.com m .com

Abstract: Today we are living in 21st century where automation is playing important role in human life. Home
automation allows us to control household appliances like light, door, fan, AC etc. It also provides home security
and emergency system to be activated. Home automation not only refers to reduce human efforts but also energy
efficiency and time saving. The main objective of home automation and security is to help handicapped and old
aged people which will enable them to control home appliances and alert them in critical situations.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
234 IOT Based Cattle Health Monitoring System

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Sweta Jha Amruta Taral Komal Salgaonkar Shraddha Salgaonkar Vaishnavi Shinde
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
sweta.jha2786@gmail.co taral.amruta612@gmai ksalgaonkar11@gmail.co shaddu716@gmail.com vaishnavishinde96@gma
m l.com m il.com

Abstract: The key point to increase the farm productivity is health of cattle. Many dairies contain large number
of cattle‘s. Therefore it is too difficult to take care of them and to monitor routinely the health of dairy cattle. So
this work is very adamantine to the owner of dairy and regional authorities. The main aspect of health monitoring
system is to check continuously the health of individual of cattle, easily diagnosis and treatment of sick cattle as
early as possible. In that system we use sensor technology which maps the special aspects of animal behavior like
temperature, heart rate etc. this data is aggregating and reporting to the health care center. This reduces the
minimal health inspection and long term animal healthcare cost.

Paper ID Title
235 Protection of induction motor and monitoring using zigbee.

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Roshan Shirke Shahnavaz Jaydeep Kasundra Tushar Shivgan Rajeev Valunjkar
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
roshan00shirke@gmail.c saiyyeds786@gmail.c jskasundra600@gmail.co tusharshivgan29@gmail. rajeevvalunjkar@hotmai
om om m com l.com
Abstract: Induction machines are used worldwide in many suburban, commercial, engineering and utility
applications. They transform electrical energy into mechanical energy. An induction motor may be part of a fan
or pump or connected to some other form of mechanical equipment such as a winder, a conveyor belt or a mixer.
Induction motors have existed for many years but were always limited in their application because it was difficult
to control the speed of the motor. Nowadays induction motors are the preferred choice among the industrial
motors due to their rugged construction, the absence of brushes, the modern power electronics, and the ability to
control the speed of the motor. Induction machines are used as actuators in many industrial processes. Although
induction motors are reliable, they are subjected to some undesirable stresses, causing faults resulting in failure.
Monitoring of an IM is a fast up-coming technology for the detection of initial faults. It avoidsunpredicted failure
of an industrial process. Monitoring techniques can be classified as the conventional and the digital techniques
This paper proposes a wireless control and monitoring system for an induction motor based on Zigbee
communication protocol for safe and economic data communication in industrial fields. A module of transducers
and sensors monitors the parameters of induction machine and transmits the data through Zigbee Protocol.
Microcontroller based system is used for collecting and storing data and accordingly generating control signal to
stop or start the induction machine through computer interface developed with Zigbee.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
236 Security Considerations for Infrastructure as a Service Cloud Computing

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Archita Dad Name: Bhavna Arora Name: Nida Parkar Name: TejalRachh

Email: Email: Email: Email:

architadad@gmail.com a12.bhavna@gmail.com nidapark@gmail.com tejal.rachh2008@gmail.com

Abstract: Cloud computing is current buzzword in the market. It is paradigm in which the resources can be
leveraged on per use basis thus reducing the cost and complexity of service providers. Cloud computing promises
to cut operational and capital costs and more importantly let IT departments focus on strategic projects instead of
keeping datacenters running. It is much more than simple internet. It is a construct that allows user to access
applications that actually reside at location other than user‘s own computer or other Internet-connected devices.
There are numerous benefits of this construct. For instance other company hosts user application. This implies
that they handle cost of servers, they manage software updates and depending on the contract user pays less i.e.
for the service only. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authenticity, and Privacy are essential concerns for
both Cloud providers and consumers as well. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) serves as the foundation layer for
the other delivery models, and a lack of security in this layer will certainly affect the other delivery models, i.e.,
PaaS, and SaaS that are built upon IaaS layer. This paper presents an elaborated study of IaaS components‘
security and determines vulnerabilities and countermeasures. Service Level

Paper ID Title
237 Development Of A Model For Recognition Of Ergonomic Considerations Required For
Structuring Of CAD Packages To Improve Usability And User Productivity
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Sachin Kallurka Name: Dr. D. N. Raut

Email: sskallurkar@aissmscoe.com Email: dnraut@vjti.org

Abstract: The knowledge of ergonomics is not new to the man. The development of ergonomic concepts can be
seen applied from the Stone Age to the era of industrial revolution. Today is the age of Information Technology
revolution. Every aspect of human life is getting automatized. The use of computer technology and application of
it in everyday life has become common. The use of various software is becoming popular for diversified areas.
The (CADD) Computer Aided Drafting and Designing is one such area which is very popularly being applied to
solve important industrial problems. The study aims to determine what ergonomic considerations are important to
improve two aspects of user‘s comfort, usability and user productivity. The definition of these two terms is very
well described in literature. The study aims to improve usability and fatigue productivity (especially eye fatigue)
through experimental study with eye movement tracker. The literature defines a specific behavior of fatigue
against productivity. The study is concerned about this eye fatigue productivity for an average expert user for the
desired CADD packages.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
238 Security of NFC


Name: Shreya Parikh J

Email: sshreya3187@gmail.com

Abstract: Security is an important aspect for the success of Near Field Communication technology. Due to high
interoperability, protection of the NFC data requires combination of suitable mechanism and popular collection
of standards.NFC does not provide reliable security against privacy protection or protection against a device
being vulnerable to coincidental reception of malicious data. Since no kind of authentication is involved before
an NFC transaction, transfer of malware applications could also be a major threat to the user. Hence a secure
NFC Application to implement the available features of NFC not only efficiently but also securely is more than
important to make the fullest use of this technology.The paper reviews two system which focuses on protection
of the data transferred between two NFC enabled devices using combination of RSA and AES and another
combination which uses combination of AES and Deffie Hellman encryption algorithms and trying to secure the
transferred data from various possible attacks.

Paper ID Title
239 Early stage detection and preventive measures for sudden Cardiac Arrest

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Shrusti Shah Sayali Salve Harshita Singh Sweta Jha Rishabh Raina
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
shrustishah1395@gmail. salvesayli23@gmail.c harshitasingh60213@gma sweta.jha2786@gmail.c rainaa0277@gmail.com
com om il.com om

Abstract: In the described paper; the differential based algorithm is used. This method analyzes different
samples of heart pulses and based on above mentioned technique it will classify which kind of pain victim is
suffering from.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
240 Iot based air and sound pollution monitoring system

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Rajat Sankhe Pravin Shirodkar Avinash Nangare Abhishek Yadav Aparna Kadam
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
rajatsankhe@gmail.com pravinshirodkar7@gm avinashnangare827@gmai abhishekyadavr1996@g aparnakadam151@gmail
ail.com l.com mail.com .com
Abstract: Air and sound pollution is a growing issue these days. It is necessary to monitor air quality and keep it
under control for a better future and healthy living for all. Here we propose an air quality as well as sound
pollution monitoring system that allows us to monitor and check live air quality as well as sound pollution in a
particular areas through IOT. System uses air sensors to sense presence of harmful gases/compounds in the air
and constantly transmit this data to microcontroller. Also system keeps measuring sound level and reports it to
the online server over IOT. The sensors interact with microcontroller which processes this data and transmits it
over internet.

Paper ID Title
241 The Potentials to reach goal of make in India, in global perspective , endrepreneurial competency
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Sachin Kallurkar Name: Vishnu Sonawane

Email: sskallurkar@aissmscoe.com Email: vysonawane@aissmscoe.com
Abstract: The knowledge of ergonomics is not new to the man. The development of ergonomic concepts can be
seen applied from the Stone Age to the era of industrial revolution. Today is the age of Information Technology
revolution. Every aspect of human life is getting automatized. The use of computer technology and application of
it in everyday life has become common. The use of various software is becoming popular for diversified areas.
The (CADD) Computer Aided Drafting and Designing is one such area which is very popularly being applied to
solve important industrial problems. The study aims to determine what ergonomic considerations are important to
improve two aspects of user‘s comfort, usability and user productivity. The definition of these two terms is very
well described in literature. The study aims to improve usability and fatigue productivity (especially eye fatigue)
through experimental study with eye movement tracker. The literature defines a specific behavior of fatigue
against productivity. The study is concerned about this eye fatigue productivity for an average expert user for the
desired CADD packages. The issues are involved in the international arcade, to accept ―Make in India‖ campaign
as it is prospected. The article tries to brief about some of criteria‘s which can be directed towards the goal and
relative achievements of the same. Certainly as the time requires, there has to be a scientific way which can
elaborate the significance of it. The paper highlights on the accepted wisdom established during a training course
at Indian Institute, this summer. Mostly the facts discussed are with referral to the research opportunities and
established work in the area of entrepreneurial competency. Trustworthiness and affiliation motivation observed
between entrepreneurs today are the probable paths to arrive at the desired goals of startup concept. The desired
growth is conceptualized as a possible combinatory of technology and Exponential curve. The author observed
that earlier work, few decade before, has completely given a different perspective to current requirements.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
242 Sign language to letter and voice conversion using S2LV glove.

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Rishabh Singh Name: Mayank Ukarde Name: Komal Prabhe

Email: Email: Email:
1995rishabh.singh1012@gmail.com trytolearn88@gmail.com komalprabhe@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper describes a sign to letter and voiceconverter (S2LV). The S2LV aims at eliminating the
barriers incommunications between people who have disabilities, and those who don‘t. The S2LV is a smart
talking glove which can be usedby any deaf and/or mute person regardless of his/her age/gender.It is affordable,
portable and light in weight. The S2LV is designed to detect the motions of the hand and translate the signs
to letters and voice with a relatively high degree of accuracy(about 96%). It also interfaces with a smartphone
application togenerate a voice. In this way, the S2LV solution will be able tohelp blind people as well as those
who are not able to read letters(analphabetic person). This system can help people withdisabilities find jobs
which require voice communications.

Paper ID Title
243 Dual Axis Solar Tracking System

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Sonali Sakhare Taki Kunjumon Neelam Vartekar Siddhi Vichare Manoj Mishra
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
sonalisakhare7@gmail.c takikunjumon@gmail. nilamvartekar@gmail.co siddhivichare07@gmail. manojmishra@gmail.co
om com m com m

Abstract: As population is increasing globally, we are very concerned for Electricity. There are various ways of
electricity generation like Hydro power plant, Nuclear power plant, Windmill plants and also Solar power plants.
The former two are Non Renewable source of energy; hence we cannot depend only on such technology. Also
Harnessing Energy from Hydro and Nuclear is equally difficult. The latter two are Renewable source of Energy;
nowadays we have lots of power plants established on Solar and Wind Technology. Our project aims at Dual axis
or Dual direction tracker. The Solar panel used in this system can adjust its direction both in X-Y co-ordinates.
This helps better directivity with Sun rays, thus increasing the efficiency of the solar system.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
244 Survey of Cloud Computing Platforms

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Shweta Thummar Pooja Sawant Binal Sondagar Urvi Parmar Sejal D'Mello
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
shwetathummar1.st@gm pooja.sawant3004@g sondagarbinal18@gmail.c parmarurvi095@gmail.c dmello.sejal@gmail.com
ail.com mail.com om om

Abstract: This Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm aimed at running services over the internet
to provide scalability and flexibility. The advantages in using the cloud for start-up and small businesses that lack
infrastructure have been shown to far outweigh the disadvantages. Cloud platform services, also known as
Platform as a Service (PaaS), provide a computing platform or solution stack on which software can be developed
for later deployment in a cloud. Many IT companies are involved in the cloud research and they do provide
different cloud computing services to users. This paper focuses on comparison of different Cloud Computing
Platforms: Eucalyptus, OpenNebula, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine.

Paper ID Title
245 Soft computing technique for categorization of unstructured web data

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3

Name: Sonali Deshpande Name: Mahendra Patil Name: Archana Boob

Email: sonali21.deshpande@gmail.com Email: mahendrapatil@atharvacoe.ac.in Email: archanaboob7@gmail.com

Abstract: The World Wide Web has huge amount of information that is retrieved using information retrieval tool
like Search Engine. It becomes tedious for the user to manually extract real required information. The detection
of common and distinctive topics within a document set, together with the generation of multi-document
summaries, can greatly ease the burden of information management. In the present work, a technique is proposed
called Soft Computing Technique for Categorization of Unstructured Web Data that creates the clusters of web
documents using fuzzy clustering which focuses on this problem of mining the useful information from the
collected web document. We have used FCM (Fuzzy C mean) clustering algorithm and HCM (Hard C Mean)
algorithm. FCM clustering is a clustering technique which is separated from hard C mean that employs hard
partitioning. Such that a point can belong to all groups with different membership grades between 0 and 1. The
evaluation of the performance is done by validation measures and it is evaluated by F-measure, entropy, and
purity measure and time complexity. It is found that fuzzy clustering algorithms yields better results than hard
clustering algorithms.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
246 The state of 3D printing
Author-1 Author-2

Name: Denis Alexandre Racicot Morales Name: Amrata Joshi

Email: dalexandre12@gmail.com Email: Joshi amratajoshi07@gmail.com

Abstract: 3D printing is a very interesting technology that has caught the public attention a few years ago, with
the introduction of affordable models to the consumer market. The idea of having a machine that could produce
your own objects was a new opportunity that consumers had never been given. Since then models have become
cheaper and more capable but their presence in homes doesn‘t seem to grow. Could it be that 3D printing has no
real use for consumers? Would that explain why it is ―limited‖ to the ―Do it yourself‖ (DIY) world?

Paper ID Title
247 Renewable energy based wireless power transfer

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Shraddha Ojha Name: Tanuja Panda Name: Shweta Parab Name: Jyoti Dange

Email: Email: Email: Email:

shraddha.ojha8@gmail.com tanujapanda112@gmail.com parabshweta60@gmail.com jyotidange.2112@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper is making an attempt at the transfer of electrical energy from one place to another,
wirelessly avoiding quotidian methods of power transfer. The phenomenon incorporated in here is to transfer
power using a renewable source over a range, without the use of wired medium. Solar panels are incorporated in
this system as they play a key factor in providing a renewable source of energy on contrary to non-renewable or
AC source supplies. The panels convert light into electrical energy and are stored in batteries. This energy is then
passed on to the transmitter, which basically transmits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, through one
inductor at the transmitting end and another at the receiver end. The receiver decodes the transmitted EM wave to
its original form, producing the same voltage as applied at the transmitting end. The main aim of the paper is to
provide a sustainable solution to the problem of usage of nonrenewable sources of energy. The solar energy
which is an abundant form of energy can be put to maximum use provided the techniques for harnessing it are
appropriate. This paper has mainly focused on combining both the technologies together, as this would be a
major advancement in the field of technology of using a renewable and a wireless technology together. If we can
overcome these constraints, then we could implement this technology in various applications such as airports,
home appliances, office environment and any other public spaces.


International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

Paper ID Title
248 Adaptive Filter In Hearing AID For Impaired People

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4 Author-5

Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:

Nagesh Saini Abhishek Sharma Swapnil Desai Chirag Gambha Gauri Salunkhe
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:
shwetathummar1.st@gm billusharma4@gmail.c swap.12334@gmail.com chiraggambha2@gmail.c aparnakadam151@gmail
ail.com om om .com

Abstract: Hearing of a person may get affected due to various factors such as age, genetic disorders illness,noise
, physical trauma etc. which is resulting in a hearing loss. Hearing aids are devices used by hearing impaired
persons to minimize the hearing loss. They cannot completely overcome the perceptual distortions caused by a
hearing loss but assist the user to interpret speech. In this project, the simulation of the simple digital hearing aid
was developed using MATLAB programming language. The implementation of this configurable digital hearing
aid (DHA) system includes noise reduction filter, frequency shaper and amplitude compression. This digital
hearing aid system is design to adapt for mild and moderate hearing loss patient since different gain can be set to
map different levels of hearing loss.

Paper ID Title
249 Early Warning System For Heart Disease

Author-1 Author-2 Author-3 Author-4

Name: Name: Name: Name:

Sanketh Divadkar Akash Kanojia Harminder Minhas Saurabh Nawalkar
Email: Email: Email: Email:
sankethdivadkar@gmail.com akash9967300247@gm Vinny.minhas94@gmail.com saurabhnawalkar8@gmail.com

Abstract: These days, some people are dying due to lack of care or knowledge about their health. This is mostly
happening because,they don't have effective monitoring devices. This situation can be minimised by increasing
the efficiency of health care by transferring information from patient to doctor or clinic through IOT. The Internet
Of Things (IOT) is a device which gathersand shares information directly with transmitter and receiver,this
enables the doctor to collect record and analyze new data streams faster and more accurate.

An ever increasing demand for Technical Education in Maharashtra as a whole and in
Mumbai in particular, has created fierce competition. As a result many meritorious
students are deprived of the opportunity of taking engineering education. A large number
of students are required to migrate from Mumbai to some other University. This results
not only in extra expenditure for the parents but also leads to depression amongst the
students. After careful observations, through Survey of different institutions ‘The Atharva
Educational Trust’ has decided to come forward forthe noble cause of technical Education
and open the new Technical institution which will impart technical education in High –
Tech areas like Computers, Information Technology and Electronics &
Telecommunication, Electronics Engineering.

‘The Atharva Educational Trust’ believes in producing well discipline, practical oriented,
highly knowledgeable Engineers to serve not only for themselves butforthe society and
nation. To makethis dream come true the Trust has developed the infrastructure first and
proved their merit in getting recognition from Govt, of Maharashtra & A.I.C.T.E. New
Delhi, the body for promoting technical education of high quality in India established by
Govt, of India.

The Atharva Educational Trust’ owns spacious campus in Malad, where an ideal
educational ‘Atharva College of Engineering’ campus has grown in leaps and bound in
short span of time. The Institute has started functioning from the academic year 1999-2000
& has achieved good results in the University of Mumbai since then. The institution has
developed laboratories with sophisticated equipments. Learned, disciplined and qualified
staff is going to be another attraction for the students in this institution.

 Atharva was established in the year 1999 for the noble cause of Engineering education
in western suburbs.
 Presently caters to the need of 800+ students in various branches.
 ISO 9001:2000 Certified Institute.
 ISO approved by American Quality Assessors (India) Private Limited & Accredited By

AET’s Educational Complex is set up on a gigantic and spacious campus of 6 acres situated
in the heart of Western suburbs at Malad with convenient access by bus / train. With
classic architecture & interiors, beautiful green landscaping and ambience, state-of-the art
infrastructure and other sophisticated equipment, AET Complex is the perfect setting of a
professional environment with a friendly touch to the scene.


Approved by AICTE, DTE & Affiliated to University of Mumbai Excellence In Education……

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