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Mecha World Series Guide

Experience points are not important, you may decide to start ALLEGIANCE
MECHA WORLD characters with more starting pips. Players need not expect Who does the station support?
SERIES GUIDE to play the same character between episodes, and they may
play old characters or former NPCs or old versions of
How is the station run?
Here you will find suggestions on how to create adventures An OVA will be between one and six episodes. How big is the station?
for your players to enjoy. I do not think it is good to be
prescriptive with how you and your friends should create
A single long session or several sessions that tell a single How many people live there?
adventures. There is no right way to do it so experiment and
self-contained story, movies let you tell a grand tale in a RESOURCES
find what works best for you.
condensed fashion. They should take about ten hours in total What does the station have of use?
Most of what is here builds alongside or on top of the play time and experience points are not particularly important,
excellent guidance found in the products that this is a hack STATION MOVES
you may decide to start characters with more starting pips.
of, Dungeon World and other Powered by The Apocalypse Create specific moves for the station if required.
Making a Series
Why does a faction and its members do what it does?
A single play session of between two and four hours (or
longer if that is your thing), give every episode a name! MISSION
What is the faction seeking to achieve?
A long-running set of adventures with an overarching plot will SCALE
use several factions, fronts, recuring characters, and themes. How big is the faction or how far is its reach?
You should expect to run between ten and twenty-four NOTABLE MEMBERS
episodes to complete a series with most episodes having a Who are interesting or notable members of the faction?
three-act story (introduction, escalation, resolution.) You may METHOD
also want to end an episode on a revelation or a cliff hanger. How does the faction try and get what it wants?
An OVA falls into one of three broad categories, side stories What does the faction have available to it?
to established Series or Movies that tell the story of FACTION MOVES
something not relevant to the main story. A pilot show for Create specific moves for the faction if required.
new idea or property that is untested in the market. An
exploration of a story that does not need a whole series.
Each episode will either be self-contained, or there will be a
Why does the station exist?
single plot linking all the episodes in the OVA.
Mecha World Series Guide
Are the space dwellers united? Scale
THE OUTBRAKE OF CIVIL What kind factions represent the space dwellers? They have a controlling presence throughout the system but
WAR Who are the doves? the further you get from Altar the smaller the presence
INTRODUCTION Who are the hawks?
Notable Members
Humanity has covered the Solar System; many now live in Are there smugglers?
Able Levon, CEO of the ACA.
vast spinning cylinders and have never visited the surface of Are there pirates?
a planet in their entire lives. However, they are still under the PLAYER HOOKS Diplomacy, trade restrictions, military might.
control of a central home world government, secret forces Which of you lives on the colony?
have been moving to arm the space dwellers and today is the Resources
Which of you has a parent/child living on the colony? Military, Police, Administration, Trade
day the spark that lights the fuse of war is struck.
Which of you is part of a rebelling faction? Faction Moves
The War starts when government forces attack a giant space
habitat where the players have some bond, the station is Which of you owes allegiance to the ruling factions? Refuse Entry.
home to some threat to the stability of the ruling factions. Which of you is working on the secret project? Deploy Carrier Group.
Only the players can bring this conflict to a close and save Which of you is delivering supplies to the station? Trade Interdiction.
humanity from the terrifying devastation that total war will Which of you is a popular celebrity on the station for an
THE WORLD QUESTIONS Which of you fought in the last war? Motivation
Are mecha common? Which of you is the child of a senior official in the ruling The ACA is weak and inefficient. Only the military can do what
What kind of mecha are there? faction? needs to be done.
What are they used for? Which of you has a precious person held captive? Mission
How long has humanity been living in space? Which of you is the captain of the ruling faction ship? Bring all of humanity under one organised efficient leadership.
How does the home world control the space colonies? Which of you disobeyed orders? Scale
What does the home world take that the space colonies The military are concentrated closer to Altar but have patrols
need? and bases everywhere.
Is the home world the only official military force in space? Notable Members
Melinda Singh, Grand Space Admiral
Who runs the home world? Altar is a world on the brink of catastrophic collapse, the
Tabatha May, Grand General
What factions operate on the home world? mass exodus to space has helped buy time. The ACA needs
resources from space to restore the planet and do not believe Oswald Mayweather, Head of Military Intelligence
Why does the home world exercise control?
that they can trust those in space to do what is right without Method
What is the home worlds motivation?
their guiding hand. Military might.
Is there independent media?
Mission Resources
Who is arming the space dwellers?
The restoration of Altar. Military, Special Forces, Political Power
Mecha World Series Guide
Faction Moves Mission Method
Deploy elite strike team. Bring safety and prosperity to the space habitats via Terrorism, guerrilla warfare
Deep space listening posts. diplomacy. Resources
Secret Operative. Scale Resistance Cells, Illegal arms, Excellent Intel
At the start of the series, they are mostly civil action groups Faction Moves
and local politicians, occasionally senior civil servants, and Assassination Attempt
celebrities. Run supplies
Notable Members Deploy Capture Team
Freedom and Money!
Rahul Oro, opposition politician on Union Station.
Taiichi Stewarts, late night talk host.
To enrich its members and keep out of the clutches of both ACA Military Patrol Frigates
the ACA and the New Stellar Government. Method
The mainstay of ACA patrols built for dealing with pirates and
Rhetoric, Charm, Celebrity, Diplomacy.
Scale inspecting cargo they have a small complement of defensive
Small, they operate out of a few asteroid colonies and Resources mecha.
stations with a few dozen ships operating independently. Reputation, Influence, Money
Group, Organised, Inexperienced, Mecha
Notable Members Faction Moves
Damage - 1d6 MDmg, Long Range
Captain Akira, Captain of the pirate ship “Surprise” Gain Control of Station.
Hit Points – 10M
Boss Man, Runs the Gold Rum Pirate station. Press Conference.
Method Plea for Aid.
Launch Defence Squadron
Subterfuge and ambush of unarmed ships.
Retreat from battle
Report Engagement
Pirate Base, pirate ships, contacts, illegal goods Motivation
Faction Moves They have lost people to the ACA and are willing to do
Go to ground. anything to overthrow their rule. ACA Military Assault Barge
Mission Developed for getting close to hostile installations, bases,
Get rid of the ACA by any means necessary. and ships to deploy boarding forces.
Let’s Trade?
Scale Group, Chargers, Inexperienced, Fast, Atmosphere, Mecha
Disorganised and operating in cells of varying capability and Damage – 1d6 MDmg, Close Range
competence across the solar system. They have access to Hit Points – 12M
Motivation exceptional equipment and information. Moves
They have seen so much suffering in the space habitats that
Notable Members Ramming Speed
they must do something.
Richard Rusko, Veteran of the last war Breech Hull
Deploy Assault Squadron
Mecha World Series Guide
Damage – 1 MDmg, Short Range ACA Ace Pilot
ACA Fleet Carrier Hit Points – 10M An elite mecha pilot with the most cutting edge weapons the
Fleet carriers are several kilometres long and represent the Moves ACA can deploy.
ACA Military Control wherever they are found. Fleet carriers Defend the Carrier at All Costs Individual, Elite, Manoeuvrable, Mecha
have hundreds of mecha of all types and a large compliment Damage – 1D10 Mdmg, Close Range
Surround Enemy
of marines ready to be deployed at a moment's notice. They Hit Points – 6M
themselves are lightly armed but heavily armoured. Take Cover
Individual, Slow, Massive, Carrier, Mecha
ACA Assault Squad Avoid Damage
Damage – NA
A dozen aggressive mecha determined to destroy their Crippling Strike
Hit Points – 3S
enemies. Bypass Frontline
Group, Chargers, Manoeuvrable, Inexperienced, Mecha Declare Vendetta
Deploy Squadrons
Damage – 2 MDmg, Short Range
Anti Mecha Screen
Hit Points – 8M ACA Marines
Direct Allies Even in the age of giant fighting machines you still need
Lucky Blow infantry to hold territory. The marines provide that capability
ACA Carrier Escort Fleet to the ACA Military.
Attack Support Units
Fleet carriers are never alone, they have dozens of other Group, Versatile, Personnel
vessels that help provide utility and protection if somehow Exploit Weakness
Damage – 3 Harm, Long Range
the fleet carrier is directly attacked.
Harm Levels – 6
Group, Defenders, Support, Mecha ACA Special Forces Squadron
An elite mecha force deployed to deal with the most difficult Moves
Damage – 1d10 MDmg, Long Range
of situations. Secure Position
Hit Points – 20M
Group, Elite, Ambushers, Co-Ordinated, Mecha Check Documents
Damage – 1D6 MDmg, Long Range Breech Strong Point
Intercept Mecha
Hit Points – 12M
Defend the Carrier at All Costs
Moves Station Customs Agents
Reinforcements Arrive Almost every station, port and patrol ship will have people
Ambush Enemy
whose job it is to maintain the rules about trade and travel.
Disable Target
ACA Defence Squad Individual, Official, Experienced, Personnel
A group of a dozen defence focused mecha, the ASA use both Underhand Tactics
Damage 2 Harm, Stun, Close
bipedal mecha and space fighters in this role.
Harm Levels – 2
Group, Defenders, Manoeuvrable, Inexperienced, Mecha
Mecha World Series Guide
Inspect Cargo and Documents Smuggler Squad Moves
Issue Fine A collection of ramshackle mecha that the smugglers tend to Surprise Attack
File Report use to do salvage work, when the going gets tough though Reveal Identity
they can be deployed to help the ship escape.
Report Information
Group, Deceptive, Mecha
Civilian Security/Law Enforcement EXAMPLE EPISODE ONE – AN END TO PEACE
While crime is low throughout the stations there are still many Damage – 1 MDmg Close Range
Introduction, a slice of the characters daily lives, university
instances where the law is needed, and security needs to be Hit Points – 6M students going to classes and hitting the game centre, cadets
insured. Moves receiving training, an experiment arriving at the concourse of
Group, Official, Personnel Find a Weak Spot an unknown station, a gambler in a casino, etc…
Damage – 2 Harm, Stun, Close Dummy Target Rising Action, unknown forces attack the station the scale of
Harm Levels – 4 Jam the Airwaves the destructive capability of mecha, and the consequences of
total war are laid bare as characters respond.
Resolution, players escape the station on another player’s
Detain Suspect Criminal Gang
ship, one player has gained access to an unknown mecha.
Collect Evidence A group of ne'er-do-wells who make their living on the wrong
side of the law. They can be useful or a threat depending on EXAMPLE EPISODE TWO – DESPERATE ESCAPE
Request Backup
the situation. Introduction, the players are engaged in a battle with
Group, Personnel, Disorganised unknown forces.
Smugglers Ship Rising Action, the ship has been damage and needs to get to
Able to hide contraband and sneak past ACA customs Damage – 2 Harm
port while avoiding further attacks.
inspectors is specialist work and these ships have been built Harm Levels – 5
Resolution, the players discover they were being attacked by
to excel at it. Moves
an ACA special forces unit attempting to remove loose ends.
Individual, Stealthy, Fast, Mecha Robbery
Damage – 1 MDmg Short Range Trade contraband
This seed seeks to create a familiar story line for you to enjoy
Hit Points – 8M Gang Territory and experiment with where young heroes attempt to
Moves understand why their world has been destroyed and grizzled
Deceive Sensors ACA Special Agent veterans try to make sure they have a future.
Escape Patrol The ACA has many branches that utilise secret operatives The setting can easily be adapted to any play style with the
Deploy Smuggler Squad who may strike without warning or inform the ACA of risks. players taking on the role of ACA Special Forces, Taizen
They tend to work alone but be highly trained. terrorists, Pirates, or any other setting during a war.
Individual, Deceptive, Intelligent, Undercover, Personnel
Damage – 2 Harm
Harm Levels – 3
Mecha World Series Guide
How did they find us? Test Them
INTRODUCTION Who is part of an elite military squad? EXAMPLE ADVERSARY
Humanity has taken its first faltering steps into the stars; the
Who is part of the press corps? Insectoid Warriors
home world is a tense place as global superpowers glare at
Who has family in a town near where the enemy landed? A winged four legged creature the size of a house with claws
one another. The development of bipedal mecha leading to a
Who is an undercover agent for the invaders? that slice through plassteel and a jaw that can crush a
significant escalation in tensions as they reset the clock on
Who was prepared for this to happen? mainline battle tank.
weapons development in a similar fashion to nuclear and
fusion weapons before them. Who is part of some faction's secret service? Group, Mecha, Hivemind, Aggressive
Today though, all that stops mattering. Today they fall to Who is a liaison officer? Damage – 1D6 MDmg Hand Range
Earth and the only thing anyone can do is desperately fight to Who is a promising office? Hit Points – 10M
survive and the players will be at the spear tip of that fight. Moves
Who fought in the last war?
THE WORLD QUESTIONS Who has already met the enemy? Receive Reinforcements
What is your home world? Earth? Alternate Earth? Some other Frenzied Fight to the Death
Who can communicate with the enemy?
planet? Protect the Queen
Who lifts everyone's spirits?
Are bipedal mecha common?
What kind of bipedal mecha are there? Insectoid Tanks
For what are they used? Military? Construction? Everything? Huge slow moving mountains of hate filled flesh covered in
Motivation thick armoured plating.
Are there other kinds of robots, androids, or bioroids?
Humanity must evolve to a new level to survive.
Has humanity made any installations in space or on local Single, Mecha, Hivemind, Aggressive
planets? Damage – 1D10 MDmg Short Range
They attempt to create situations where humanity unites to
Who are the superpowers? Hit Points – 16M
fight a common foe.
What is their relationship? Moves
What are the superpowers like? Global Secret Organisation Earthquake
THE INVADERS Notable Members Regeneration
Who are the enemy? Are they completely unknown? Harah Hanabi, Special Operations Agent Crushing Blow
What do their weapons look like? Method Hurl Debris
What is their objective? Subterfuge, Espionage, Technology
Do they announce it? Resources
How do they fight? Agents, Influence, Assets
How have they arrived? Faction Moves
Make them Disappear
Mecha World Series Guide
What factions of nobles are there? Method
THE DARK AGE Is there a single central religion? Brutality, Absolute rule, Technology
INTRODUCTION What is the immediate threat the characters are facing? Resources
Humanity once achieved feats of unappareled greatness Knights, Land, Agents
covering the stars in technology so amazing it seems like Faction Moves
Which of you was press ganged into the noble's services?
magic. Crossing the space ways in a blink of an eye, creating Oppress the Serfs
matter from energy, living in vast cities in the sky held up by Which of you is part of a noble family?
Embark on a Campaign
particle lifters, there was nothing that was not achievable it Which of you has visited every corner of the kingdom?
seemed. But then something happened, and it all ended, for Betray an Ally
Which of you was born a slave?
millennia upon millennia the knowledge has been lost. It is a Which of you is a noble hostage that keeps the peace? EXAMPLE ADVERSARY
galaxy of stark contrast some plough the fields with cattle Armoured Knight
Which of you is a proud knight?
pulled devices and burn dung or charcoal to keep their hovels A large powerful machine from the ancient past piloted by a
Which of you has stolen something of immense value?
warm in the shadow of those who pilot vast machines of war royal knight. Most are equipped with haphazard equipment.
for nobles that fly through the sky on anti-gravity skimmers. Which of you is a diplomat from a foreign kingdom?
Individual, Mecha, Noble
THE WORLD QUESTIONS Which of you is renowned for their art?
Damage – 1D6 MDmg Short Range
How is your pocket of humanity? A single world? The solar Which of you is a leader of resistance?
Hit Points – 20M
system? A few star systems? Which of you serves a lord more powerful than even the
Is there still inter planetary travel? How? Who by? merchants and nobles?
Withdraw to Safety
Is there still inter systems travel? How? Who by? Which of you is a member of the priest hood?
Support Artillery
Why is the battlefield still ruled by bipedal mecha? EXAMPLE FACTION
Issue Proclamation
Can noble nations still produce other weapon platforms like THE HOUSE OF RYAN
tanks, planes, and rifles? All of them or just a few that have Motivation
access to special machines? Dragon
Only nobles can rule the serfs, we must gain more power for
A terrifying genetically engineered monster that roams the
How is remaining technology cared for? How has it survived the family!
the millennia? Mission
Single, Mecha, Aggressive
How desperate is life for most people? Exploit the populace to make the house more powerful to
extend its reach. Damage – 1D12 MDmg Long Range
How decedent are the wealthy?
Scale Hit Points – 25M
Is there more than one noble nation? How do nobles interact?
How do they wage war? Regional power Moves
Is there a trade nation? Notable Members Deflect Attack
Augustus Ryan, current head of the House Nuclear Fire Breath
Is there a resistance? What does it want?
Lilith Ryan, youngest daughter of Augustus Sonic Howl
Where are the noble's palaces?
Nero Ryan, middle son of Augustus notable mecha pilot.
Mecha World Series Guide
How are the people fed? Resources
THE ARK What happens when people die? Knowledge, Position
Humanity had to flee its home world and is now scattered Win Council Vote
Which of you is the child of the current leader of the fleet?
across the stars in ark fleets never to meet one another again Support Ally's position
Which of you Who just got the position they always wanted?
to maximise the chance of survival. These fleets contain the
Which of you does not have enough to make ends meet? Discover Important Resource
last of home, the last of its people, culture, animals,
knowledge, hopes, fears, and dreams. Your fleet though is Which of you has the weight of a great legacy on their EXAMPLE ADVERSARY
about to pass through deadly territory and only the players shoulders? Kergian Assault Squad
can navigate the fleet to safety. Which of you knows more about the past events than they A group of alien armoured suits their grotesque visage
know? striking fear into the arks inhabitants bear down with one
Which of you can feel the presence of the enemy when they thing in mind, final extermination.
What happened that forced the human race to flee their are near? Group, Bioweapons, Mecha
home? Is it relevant to the current threat? Which of you has trained since birth to fight? Damage – 1D6 MDmg Short Range, Messy
How long have the fleets been travelling? Which of you puts brain before brawn? Hit Points – 6M
What is the population of the fleet like? Which of you is a clone of a past hero? Moves
What is it like living on the fleet? Which of you sees a different solution? Summon Swarm
What state are the ships in the fleet like? EXAMPLE FACTION Rips and Tear Apart
What kind of industrial capacity does the fleet have? THE NAVIGATORS Suicide Run
How long has it been since the fleet last resupplied? How Motivation
often does it stop to resupply? Can it? To survive we must find a safe path. Ripping Swarm
How is the fleet governed? Mission A hoard of vicious clawing, ripping monsters when seen at a
How is the fleet crewed? To avoid conflict and find a world to live on. distance could be mistaken for a gas cloud.

Is there a separate military with their own ships and bipedal Scale Swarm, Mecha, Aggressive
mecha? Notable Ark Faction Damage – 1D4 MDmg Hand Range
How does the fleets economy work? Notable Members Hit Points – 7M
How do people get work? Doh 001103, Principle Astrogator of the fleet Moves
Are there vast open spaces and canister colony ships or are Mai 221102, Head of Theoretical Physics at the institute Regenerative Swarm
they cramped ships with anti-gravity? Rah 452113, Educational Technician Consume Target Alive
Are there large garden ships? Method Breach Armour and Feed
Are there dedicated ships to carrying genetic material or Debate, Reason, Passion
cryogenically suspended citizens?

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