Metroskate Bloodbath Digi

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+Upon entering Metroskate West, every character

+ Roll 1d10 on a table and resolve the outcome.
is infected by The Tone (see below). It will prevent + If a number that has already resolved is
them from exiting the building and continuously rolled, resolve the next highest number on the
try to overcome them. Deaf and hearing impaired table. For this instance, 01>00.
characters are immune to The Tone. + It is recommended that characters that have
+Enemies always attack when able and always hit. not yet resolved a roll take priority over those
+Areas are obscured by a dense artificial fog. that have, if possible.
+Skating grants characters a bonus movement WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?
action. Flip a coin. If Heads, start with skates.
01 Clutch
+Both copies of The Tone must be stopped/ of human eyes formed into a fist.
destroyed to clear the infection and escape. 1 HP, 1 DMG
02 Swarm
+At 10:00pm, The Tone completes The Ritual and The of swooping laser bats.
Rink explodes exposing a vast, howling chasm 2 Hp, 3 DMG
which resonates viscerally destroying the bones of 03 A Cowboy? What? 3 HP, 2 DMG (Ranged)
every person in the roller rink and infecting every
living being in a 2-mile radius. 04 Neon Green Vines Grab 2 HP, Hold
05 From Above, A Squid?! 2 HP, 3 DMG
Y 19 SPE
FA C I L IcTim e n # 8 91 76 06 Goblin made of gum 2 HP, 2 DMG, Sticky
WB Spe
“ T h e To n
e” 07 Plush Toys. With Knives. 1HPx5, 2 DMG
08 Teenage
TED: Skater wielding 2 Machetes,
SUBMIT 89 festooned with glow bracelets. 2 HP 5 DMG
0 1 /1 4 /1 9
m b e rs
09 A
p a n y n u ff a d e e p Huminoid, Bipedal Shark Wearing Roller
T IO N : at a com o
E X T R A C : “A te c h n ic ia n s is te n t to n e u p — — — — — Blades. 4 HP, Attempts to Bite - 5 DMG
W e n d e ll p ic ke d th is c o n C o o rd in a te s —e fa c il it y ’s Large antropomorphic snacks (Hot Dog,
o u tp o s t d io te le s c o p e : a d c a s t it to th m a te s o n ly 00 Popcorn, Soda) with murderous intent
s p a c e ra n ic ia n th e n b ro s h if t. A R C e s ti
T h e te c h ily it w a s th ir d s .” weilding nunchucks. 3HP, 3 DMG/Each
PA . L u c k d o z e n c a s u a lt ie
about a TO C O L : ITEMS
TA I N M E N T P R Ol.
ON co
ENDED C 2 n d p ro to 01 Baseball Bat
R EC O M M 1 9 d a ta v a u lt - To n e
h y p o th e s is o n ts re s u lt e d in 02 Derby Skates (+1 Attack Action)
g s
a w o rk in s . L a b te
AUTUMN, 1998 B e lo w is s a n d p ro p a g a te ie s . 03 WB ID Badge + WB Specimen Log #89176
fu n c ti o n as u a lt
e n (1 7 ) c
TWO NIGHTS AGO S e v e n te 04 Ear Plugs
Corbin Durkins, a DJ at Metroskate West, F E C T IO
Energy Bar (Restore HP)
stumbles upon a Tone while exploring his wide- TO N E I N o n ta c t n s in a ll h o s ts , 05
te /O n C
band radio. The Tone immediately infects the E 1 - I m m e d ia id h a ll u c in a ti ore a ti n g Arcade Tickets - Roll (232)
S TA G e c a u s e s v iv tiv e ly a n
dc h iv e - m in
d 06
young DJ, taking control of his mind, plotting T h e To n n g v is io n s e le ck ” th e h o s t. T h ew s th e s e Skate Disinfecting Spray + Lighter
obscu ri tt a c ce a ll o 07
out how to infect others. Corbin begins s ” th a t “A te ll ig e n ts .
recording tapes of The Tone to take with him and “C re a tu ref T h e To n e ’s in a re d b y a ll h o s Pocket Knife
n a tu re o
n s to b e s h 08
spread its gospel to others. a ti o
h a ll u c in re a ts Air Horn (Breaks Infection for 30 sec)
THIS EVENING e fe a t” a to ry th 09
E 2 - U p o n “D To n e s h a ll u c in th e h o s t’ s
S TA G The to ta ke s IR Scope (See Through Fog)
Corbin arrives at Metroskate for his shift at b in g to r access h e To n e 00
S u c c u m h e To n e g re a te r fu n c ti o n s . T to w a rd s T h e
7:45pm, walks into the sound booth and a ll o w s Tu s n e s s a n d m o tos to u ti li z e it s ts a n d
patches a Walkman with a recording of The Tone c o n s c io H o s t a n d b e g infe c ti n g n e w h o
into the board, setting it to loop. o v e r th e n d s , u s u a lly in
He presses play. To n e ’s eh in g th re a ts . THE TONE WILL RETURN
d is p a tc d by
8:30 PM a a ff e c te
t fr o m a n a reti o n if th e
You and your friends have just arrived at N OT E : e2 h o s fe c e.
g a S ta g if y th e in T h e To n Written and Designed by Logan Dean
Metroskate West to have a great time. You open R e m o v ine w il l o n ly n u ll re m o v e d fr o m a c k lo o p ”.
The T o n is a ls o “f e e d b Liminal Horror created by Goblin Archives
the door to chaos, The Tone fills your ears. or Host s u lt in a
P ro g e n itto d o s o w il l re Copyright © 2022 MegaCorp Games
Fa il u re
ROOM Laser lights burst through the heavy artificial fog. The Tone is quieter in the office corridor. Two doors
VESTING A loud, but warm tone fills your mind. After a are to either side: Office and Sound Booth. The
ROOM moment, you hear the sound of skates on wood Office door is barricaded. A significant push can
nearby. Ahead, through the fog that obscures your move the chair that is propped behind the door
view, you can barely see the RINK. The door behind but causes Mr Dirk Trotter, the owner, to fire his
you has no handle and appears to be one-way.
Weird. There’s no one in the ticket booth but it is
covered in blood. Like, a lot of blood.
pistol at the first person to enter the room [10%
chance to hit]. Dirk will listen if talked to and invite
characters in. Office is soundproof and has
LASER TAG [Roll What The Fuck Is That ] shielded Dirk from the tone. If Dirk leaves the
LOBBY The seating area in front of the skate rental is Office, he will begin firing the gun at
littered with bags. [Roll Item] [Roll What The Fuck Is That]
Skate Rental: Randy Evans lies hunched over with Sound Booth is locked but could be forced open by
a screwdriver in his ear. Skates are available. force. The lock is nothing fancy. Dirk and Corbin
Pro Shop: [Roll Item] have keys. Inside is a 16-channel mixing board
BATHROOMS haphazardly connected to a few tapes decks and
2-RINK CD players. A bright yellow Walkman is connected
Dozens of people of all ages skate in small groups to channel 6 which is peaking. Removing/stopping
ARCADE holding hands and making concentric circles. They the tape without first stopping Corbin results in
are staring up into the disco ball that beams
4 pinpoints of light down into their bleeding,
unblinking eyes. The rink is slick with blood being
the Skaters ceasing their actions and screaming
(shrieking?)as blood erupts from their mouths.
This does not end unless The Tone is reinstated.
smeared and dragged into macabre glyphs under
the wheels of the skaters. 6-LASER TAG LOBBY
This is The Ritual. Arrows on the ground lead through the lobby to
After a moment of observation it is apparent that the Briefing Room where stuttering televisions
3 each circle of people is creating a separate tone.
Noticing this causes The Tone to shift in your mind.
stumble through an explanation of how the wars
of the future are fought with lasers. The Vesting Room
2 [Roll What The Fuck Is That]
contains 12 vests (+1 Armor) with Laser Pistols
attached. Each Pistol has enough power for 10
RINK shots. A laser hit causes the vest to vibrate and
Acrid smoke pours from the kitchen as the deep become nonfunctional for 5 seconds. At the north
fryers break down an employee slumped over end of the room is the entrance to Laser Tag Arena.
them. Six people, Tone-controlled, stand around
5 the center of the dining area, pulling and cutting
Smoke and neon light fill the space. The Tone

OFFICE entrails from a patron with plastic utensils and

sending them to The Rink where they are worked resonates warm and full. You feel happy. You want
ENTRY into the already viscous layer of gore coating the to fall asleep here. No. This isn't right. A growl
floor. They continue their grisly task unless from above as Corbin drops into view clad in glow
disturbed, leading them to scream and attack sticks, wielding a boombox. He presses play. The
(1 HP, 1 DMG). Behind the kitchen is the hall to Tone is unleashed at deafening levels. Lasers fill
the Office/Sound Booth. A fire extinguisher is
mounted behind the counter.
the air. Every turn, 50% chance a laser hits,
disabling a laser tag vest and laser gun.
[Roll What The Fuck Is That x3]
4-ARCADE Finally, Corbin attacks [HP 4, DMG 5], his head
A number of arcade cabinets and pinball grows and vibrates, pulsing in the glow of the
machines line the western wall of the arcade. A

SKATE lasers. Shooting Laser pistols into Corbin’s bulging

small prize counter has some objects in a glass eyes (70% chance to hit) causes his head to grow.
STOR. case. [Roll Item] Doing this Four (4) times, causes his head to
After rooting around behind the counter, an explode in a plume of gore. The Tone resonates
arcade cabinet (Area 51) explodes, sending wood strongly for a moment, a thrum on a cosmic guitar
STORAGE/BATHROOMS roll 1d6 and silicon in all directions. A green plastic light
On an even # [Roll Item] string, as it’s host dies and it dissipates.
gun crashes through the case.
On an odd #[Roll What The Fuck Is That] [Roll What The Fuck Is That]

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