Magalhaes Et Al. 2020
Magalhaes Et Al. 2020
Magalhaes Et Al. 2020
Keywords: Agroforestry systems can minimize heat stress and improve cattle welfare, but the influence of the forest
Heat stress component in microclimatic changes in the southern Amazon remains unclear. This study aimed to compare the
Microclimate thermal comfort indices in grass monoculture and integrated systems. The three systems were pasture under full
Black globe temperature
sunlight (PFS), integrated (triple-row) livestock-forestry (ILFT), and integrated (single-row) livestock-forestry
Tropical farming systems
Animal husbandry
(ILFs), across four seasons, for two years, from June 2017 to June 2019. We assessed photosynthetically
active radiation (PAR), air temperature, relative humidity, black globe temperature, and wind speed. Thermal
comfort indices such as temperature-humidity index (THI), black globe temperature-humidity index (BGHI), and
radiant thermal load (RTL) were calculated based on microclimate data daily-collected from 8:00 to 16:00. The
ILFT mean THI (76.8) was slightly lower than ILFS and PFS. The BGHI and RTL values decreased as shading
increased (PFS > ILFs > ILFT). The most challenging heat stress conditions for grazing animals occurred pre
dominately during winter and autumn. In conclusion, the presence of trees in pastures of the southern Amazon
improved the microclimate and, consequently, the thermal comfort indices. Agroforestry systems can foster an
environment with a more suitable thermal comfort or less restrictive to animal performance, which contribute to
mitigating global climate change for forage-livestock systems in Brazilian Amazon.
1. Introduction negatively affects the welfare and productivity of the animals (Aggarwal
and Upadhyay, 2013; Tripon et al., 2014; Karvatte et al., 2016).
The Amazon biome covers nine nations and is the largest biological Although the effects of climate change and global warming present
diversity reserve of the world. The Brazilian Amazon has continental extreme challenges worldwide, it is still possible to alleviate heat stress
dimensions and includes transitional areas such as the Cerrado/Amazon to a significant extent through the provision of shade (Leme et al., 2005).
ecotone, which covers 4.9% of the national territory. Much of this area is Shading in the pastures provides a barrier to solar radiation and,
located in the Central Brazil, where mechanized agriculture and forage- although not directly related to air temperature, plays an essential role
livestock production are the dominant systems. The state of Mato Grosso in reducing thermal discomfort in animals (Souza et al., 2010; Domi
supports the largest cattle herd in the country, accounting for almost 30 ciano et al., 2018). In this context, an integrated crop-livestock-forestry
million head of cattle, which represents 13.6% of the Brazilian herd (ICLF) system may be an alternative to improve beef or dairy cattle
(IBGE, 2019). Despite the importance of Mato Grosso’s livestock pro welfare.
duction, a large proportion of the animals is exposed to direct sunlight Many indexes had developed to determine the adequate heat load
because of the limited number of trees in the pastures. This extensive and thermal comfort of livestock, including temperature-humidity index
grass monoculture model could not reduce the heat stress, which can | THI (Thom, 1958), the black globe temperature-humidity index | BGHI
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C.A.S. Magalh~
Received 26 March 2020; Received in revised form 28 May 2020; Accepted 29 May 2020
Available online 5 June 2020
0306-4565/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
C.A.S. Magalh~
aes et al. Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (2020) 102636
(Buffington et al., 1981), and the radiant thermal load | RTL (Esmay, anemometers (Windsonic, Gill, Lymington, Hampshire, UK - Accuracy:
1978). Among them, the radiation is considered one of the most critical � 2% of reading). These sensors were installed 1.7 m (thermo-hy
thermal factors affecting animal welfare. Based on the need for under grometers and black globe), 1.9 m (PAR) and 2 m (wind speed) above
standing the microclimate conditions in forage-based systems and their the soil surface. The sensors were connected to a CR3000 datalogger
impact on the thermal comfort indices throughout the year, we hy (Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah, USA) programmed to sample read
pothesize that integrated systems will improve animal welfare when ings every 5 s and to record mean hourly values. In the ILF systems,
compared with grass monoculture. In order to test this hypothesis, we sensors were located at five positions in the north-south transect
developed integrated systems containing palisadegrass pastures in the perpendicular to the eucalyptus rows (east-west) as follows: (i) ILFT -
Southern Amazon Brazilian and compare their (i) microclimatic condi under the canopy in the center of the triple-row grove and at 7.5 and 15
tions and thermal comfort indices, and (ii) the space-time dynamics of m from the edges of the grove in each direction (north and south faces);
the indices with that obtained in grass monocultures across seasons. (ii) ILFS – under the canopy in the center of the single row and at 11 and
18.5 m from the edge of the tree row, on the north and south faces
2. Methods (Fig. 1). In the PFS system, sensors were placed in a single position at the
center of the plot.
2.1. Site of study and climate Considering that the highest temperatures in the southern Amazon
occur during the day, mean values of the climatic variables were ob
The experimental period was from June 2017 to June 2019 at tained daily between 08:00 and 16:00 during winter (21 June – 20
Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, located in Sinop, Mato Grosso state, Brazil September), spring (21 September – 20 December), summer (21
(11� 510 S, 55� 350 W; 384 m elevation). The soil was a Rhodic Hapludox December – 20 March) and autumn (21 March – 20 June). Rainfall data
(Soil Survey Staff, 2014), while the climate is tropical wet and dry (Aw) during the experimental period was obtained from a recording station
according to the Ko €ppen classification with rainfall concentrated in the located 500 m from the experimental site.
summer/autumn and water deficiency in winter/spring. The mean Thermal comfort indices [THI, BGHI and RTL (W m 2)] were
values of annual rainfall and temperature are 1974 mm and 24.7 � C, calculated based on the weather data according to equations (1)–(3):
respectively (Souza et al., 2013).
THI ¼ Ta þ 0:36 Tdp þ 41:5 (1)
2.2. Experimental systems
BGHI ¼ Tg þ 0:36 Tdp þ 41:5 (2)
abundance as a monoculture pasture within the region (Carvalho et al., Tr ¼ 100 2:51 Vv Tg Ta þ 0:5
2019). The systems were (i) pasture under full sunlight (PFS) – grass
monoculture grazed by Nellore steers (beef cattle); (ii) integrated (tri where Ta is the air temperature (K), Tg is the black globe temperature
ple-row) livestock-forestry (ILFT) - comprising eucalyptus trees (Euca (K), Vv is the wind speed (m s 1), and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
lyptus urograndis clone H13) planted in triple-row groves with 3.0 m (5.6703 10 8 W m 2 K 4).
intra-row spacing, 3.5 m inter-row spacing and 30 m between groves Space-time analyses of the dynamics of PAR, THI, BGHI, and RTL in
(overall density of 270 trees ha 1) integrated with grazing pasture as in the three systems throughout the seasons were performed using ArcGIS
PFS. Selective thinning was performed five years after the establishment 10.5 software (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands,
of the system leaving only 50% of the trees (135 trees ha 1), but California, USA) using the natural neighbor method.
maintaining the configuration of triple rows. The last system (iii) was a
integrated (single-row) livestock-forestry system (ILFs) - comprising
eucalyptus trees planted in single rows with 3.0 m intra-row spacing and 2.4. Statistical analysis
37 m between rows (overall density of 90 trees ha 1) integrated with
grazing pasture as in PFS. The forest and pasture components covered, Data were analyzed considering a completely randomized experi
respectively, 25 and 75% of the total area in both ILF, because initially mental design with repeated measures in time (season of the year) and a
they were planted as described in the IFLT system, and after the pruning 4 � 3 factorial arrangement (season � systems). For the statistical an
and thinning, the forestry area remains without grass. alyses, days were considered as a random effect. Analysis of variance
was performed through the F test with P < 0.05 and means were
2.3. Microclimate monitoring and estimation of thermal comfort indices compared through the Tukey test with P < 0.05, using the MIXED pro
cedure of SAS (Littell et al., 2006). To identify the potential of integrated
In three experimental units (one per system), recording stations were systems to reduce areas with high values of thermal indices, the relative
installed to collect weather data during the experimental period and reductions (%) were calculated from the threshold values (THI > 79,
them performing the evaluations in the present study. In order to BGHI > 87, and RTL > 700 W m 2) in each ILF system and PFS.
determine THI, BGHI and RTL indices, the microclimate variables air
temperature (� C), black globe temperature (� C), air relative humidity 3. Results
(%), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; μmol photons m-2 s-1)
and wind speed (m s 1) were monitored continuously in each of the The lowest THI values were observed in the winter, while the highest
systems. For this, the following sensors were used: thermo-hygrometers values were observed in the spring and autumn (Table 1). The mean THI
(HC2–S3, Rotronic, Bassersdorf, Swiss - accuracy: � 0.8% RH, � 0.1 � C), value of ILFT was slightly lower (P < 0.0014) than those in the ILFS and
installed in multi-plate shelters, thermocouples copper-constantan (ac PFS, which were similar. Mean BGHI and RTL values decreased in the
curacy: 0.4%) inside a black hollow metallic globe, PQS-1 quantum order PFS > ILFs > ILFT (P < 0.001).
sensor (Kipp & Zonen, Delft, Netherlands - accuracy: � 4 nm), ultrasonic The incidence of PAR was higher in the winter in comparison with
C.A.S. Magalh~
aes et al. Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (2020) 102636
Fig. 1. Configuration of the integrated livestock-forestry in single rows (ILFS) showing the north-south transect and the positions of the microclimate sensors; view
of ILFT.
meters from the trees in facing north. In contrast, in the low PAR
Table 1
transmission periods of autumn and winter, the lowest PAR transmission
Mean values of comfort indices calculated for the four seasons between 8:00 to
values were observed in facing south in the afternoons, when shade
16:00 in three agricultural systems located in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
projection covered all space between the tree groves in the case of ILFT.
Seasons PFS ILFS ILFT Mean values PAR transmissions varied from 61 to 75% in ILFT and from 78 to 82% in
THI ILFS. In the ILF systems, the highest PAR transmission values occurred in
Winter 76.6 Ba 76.5 Ba 76.3 Ba 76.5 C the spring and the lowest in autumn.
Spring 77.5 Aa 77.4 Aa 77.2 Aa 77.4 A
Space-time maps of THI (Fig. 3) revealed that for all seasons and in
Summer 77.1 Aa 76.8 Ba 76.7 Aa 76.9 B
Autumn 77.4 Aa 77.4 Aa 76.8 Ab 77.2 A all systems, the maximum value of this index was lower than 83. In the
Mean values 77.2 a 77.0 a 76.8 b spring, there were situations in which the THI values in ILF systems were
higher than in the PFS system.
Winter 84.6 Ba 83.6 Bb 82.4 Bc 83.5 B Values of BGHI afforded a better representation of the level of
Spring 85.4 Aa 83.7 Bb 83.3 Ab 84.1 A thermal comfort provided by the three systems throughout the seasons
Summer 85.6 Aa 83.4 Bb 83.2 Ab 84.1 A (Fig. 4). Within the monitoring period from 08:00 and 16:00, BGHI
Autumn 85.8 Aa 84.6 Ab 82.9 Ac 84.4 A
values in the PFS system remained above 79 for 7 h in the winter, for 8 h
Mean values 85.4 a 83.8 b 83.0 c
in the spring and summer, and for 7.6 h in the autumn. In contrast, both
RTL (W m 2) ILF systems provided shade zones with lower BGHI values in all four
Winter 708.0 Aa 667.0 Ab 645.3 Ac
673.4 A
PFS, pasture under full sun; ILFS, integrated livestock-forestrysingle-row in winter, with the most substantial mean reductions in the thermal load
configuration, ILFT, integrated livestock-forestrytriple-row configuration; THI, being recorded for ILFT (10%) and ILFS (7.7%) during autumn (Fig. 5).
temperature-humidity index; BGHI, black globe temperature-humidity index; Values of RTL greater than 700 W m 2 were not observed in the ILF
RTL, thermal radiation load. systems in the spring and summer, whereas in the PFS system, thermal
Mean values bearing different superscript capital letters (columns) and lower loads remained above 700 W m 2 for almost 4 h each day, especially
case letters (rows) are significantly different at 5% probability, according to the between 12:00 and 15:00.
Tukey test (P < 0.05).
The monthly average values of each thermal comfort index at noon in
local time represent the most critical thermal conditions for animals that
the other seasons (Fig. 2). The average incidences of PAR in the PFS occur in winter. For RTL, the end of autumn is also a challenging time
system were 1057, 957, 924, and 923 μmol s 1 m 2 for winter, summer, (Fig. 6).
spring, and autumn, respectively. Thermal comfort improvement in the ILFS and ILFT systems can be
PAR transmission values were established in order to assess the assessed based on the reduction of areas that are most critical to animal
amount of PAR transmitted through the tree canopies in the studied performance, i.e., those with indices above the maximum thresholds
systems, which can have an impact on forage production and thermal (Table 2).
stress. During the high PAR transmission periods of spring and summer, The most substantial reductions in critical areas with BGHI >87
the lowest levels were recorded in the mornings under the trees or at few occurred during the spring and summer for the ILFS and ILFT systems,
C.A.S. Magalh~
aes et al. Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (2020) 102636
Fig. 2. Space-time dynamics of the incidence of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) between 8:00 to 16:00 in three agricultural systems located during four
seasons, in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Abbreviations: PFS, pasture under full sun; ILFS, integrated livestock-forestrysingle-row configuration, ILFT, integrated
livestock-forestry triple-row configuration.
Fig. 3. Space-time dynamics of the temperature-humidity index (THI) between 8:00 to 16:00 in three agricultural systems located during four seasons, in Sinop,
Mato Grosso, Brazil. Abbreviations: PFS, pasture under full sun; ILFS, integrated livestock-forestrysingle-row configuration, ILFT, integrated livestock-forestry triple-
row configuration.
with reductions in the latter reaching some 90%. Regarding RTL, the 4. Discussion
critical areas (>700 W m 2) were reduced considerably in both ILF
systems during winter and autumn, especially in spring and summer Seasonal oscillations in air temperature reached up to 3.3 � C
(100% reduction). Yet, the most challenging heat stress conditions for regardless of the system, and the maximum values were within the range
grazing animals occurred predominately during winter and autumn. considered tolerable to Zebu cattle (Silva, 2008). Some researchers have
reported smaller variations (~2 � C) in agroforestry systems established
C.A.S. Magalh~
aes et al. Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (2020) 102636
Fig. 4. Space-time dynamics of the black globe temperature-humidity index (BGHI) between 8:00 to 16:00 in three agricultural systems located during four seasons,
in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Abbreviations: PFS, pasture under full sun; ILFS, integrated livestock-forestrysingle-row configuration, ILFT, integrated livestock-
forestry triple-row configuration.
Fig. 5. Space-time dynamics of the radiant thermal load (RTL) between 8:00 to 16:00 in three agricultural systems located during four seasons, in Sinop, Mato
Grosso, Brazil. Abbreviations: PFS, pasture under full sun; ILFS, integrated livestock-forestrysingle-row configuration, ILFT, integrated livestock-forestry triple-row
C.A.S. Magalh~
aes et al. Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (2020) 102636
Fig. 6. Dynamics of the thermal comfort indices in grass monoculture during the year (average of two years), at noon in each month in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Abbreviations: THI, temperature-humidity index; BGHI, black globe temperature-humidity index; RTL, radiant thermal load.
C.A.S. Magalh~
aes et al. Journal of Thermal Biology 91 (2020) 102636