7v7 Attacking Improve Building Up in Opp Half A
7v7 Attacking Improve Building Up in Opp Half A
7v7 Attacking Improve Building Up in Opp Half A
GOAL: Improve building up in opponent's half in order to create chances U9–U10 / 7 v 7 / 12 players
PLAYER ACTIONS: Spread out, create 1 v 1s and 2 v 1s, pass or dribble forward MOMENT: Attacking
KEY QUALITIES: Decision-making, reading the game, initiative, proactive play DURATION: 90:00 min
ORGANIZATION: Mark out two 32 x 20-yard fields, each with two mini goals. Teams
play 3 v 3. Free play, kick-ins. Play for 30 minutes with two breaks.
GUIDED QUESTIONS: 1) How do you find an opening? 2) What should you do if you see
an opening?
NOTES: First break: Coach asks questions, players continue playing to discover
answers. Second break: Players share answers with coach and each other.
KEY WORDS: Opening, take opponents on, head up, pass/dribble, go!
GUIDED QUESTIONS: 1) How do you find an opening? 2) What should you do if you see
an opening? 3) How do you create an opening?
ANSWERS: 1) Look at the opponent’s position. 2) Pass or dribble through it. 3) Make
the opponent move.
NOTES: Start with the Core Activity after the first Play Phase. If it’s too difficult,
switch to the Less Challenging Activity. If it’s too easy, switch to the More Challenging
Activity. Spend a total of 30 minutes in the Practice Phase.
ORGANIZATION: Same as core activity, except teams play 2 v 1 + GK. All players
(including the keeper) rotate every 2–3 minutes.
KEY WORDS: Opening, take opponents on, head up, pass/dribble, go!
GUIDED QUESTIONS: 1) How do you find an opening? 2) What should you do if you see
an opening? 3) How do you create an opening?
ANSWERS: 1) Look at the opponent’s position. 2) Pass or dribble through it. 3) Make
the opponent move.
NOTES: Start with the Core Activity and decide whether the level of challenge is
appropriate for the players. Switch to this Less Challenging Activity if the Core
Activity is too difficult. Spend a total of 30 minutes in the Practice Phase.
PRACTICE (More Challenging): 4 v 3
KEY WORDS: Opening, take opponents on, head up, pass/dribble, go!
GUIDED QUESTIONS: 1) How do you find an opening? 2) What should you do if you see
an opening? 3) How do you create an opening?
ANSWERS: 1) Look at the opponent’s position. 2) Pass or dribble through it. 3) Make
the opponent move.
NOTES: Start with the Core Activity and decide whether the level of challenge is
appropriate for the players. Switch to this More Challenging Activity if the Core
Activity is too easy. Spend a total of 30 minutes in the Practice Phase.
OBJECTIVE: To move the ball forward, create chances and score goals.
KEY WORDS: Opening, take opponents on, head up, pass/dribble, go!
GUIDED QUESTIONS: 1. How do you find an opening? 2) What should you do if you see
an opening? 3) How do you create an opening?
ANSWERS: 1) Look at the opponent’s position. 2) Pass or dribble through it. 3) Make
the opponent move.
NOTES: Play according to the Laws of the Game and the standards of play found in the
U.S. Soccer Player Development Initiatives.
1. Organized: Is the activity organized in the right way? 1. How did you do in achieving the goals of the training session?
4. Challenging: Are the players being challenged? (Is there the right 2. What did you do well?
balance between being successful and unsuccessful?)