GEC 8 - Ethics
GEC 8 - Ethics
GEC 8 - Ethics
3. Amor Propio - A Spanish word that became part of THE MORAL AGENT
Filipino characteristic which is about self-worth or
self-respect that prevent a person from swallowing his Objective:
pride 1. To know how did our moral character develop.
2. Identify the different stages of moral development
4. Utang na Loob - A form of debt of gratitude for the
favored receive from an individual or from an Moral Character
institution which is embedded in one’s consciousness - refers to the existence or lack of virtues such
with the desire to reciprocate by means of loyalty or as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty and
return favor in another means. loyalty. The Greek “ethikos” (ethical) is the
adjective cognate with ethos (character), the
5. Filipino Hospitality - Is a Filipino characteristic highlighting is not mere distinctiveness or
which offers warm and generous accommodation to individuality, but on the blend of qualities that
visitors or strangers even at the expense of own make a person the sort of ethically admirable
inconvenience. individual he/she is.
- Wrong and right behavior
- Moral character therefore refers to having or • Obeys superior authority to make the rules
lacking moral virtue. especially if that authority has the power to
inflict pain.
MORAL DEVELOPMENT: LAWRENCE • Is responsive to rules that will affect his/her
KOHLBERG physical well-being
• Is motivated by the belief in the greatest WHAT WOULD YOU DO AND STATE YOUR
amount of good for the greatest number of REASON WHY?
• Believes in consensus rather than majority rule. LET US PRACTICE!
• Respects the rights of the minority especially Stage 1. Punishment and Orientation
individual rights. • Believes that change in law Ex. “ He shouldn’t steal the drug because he might get
is possible but only through the system. caught and be punished”
Stage 2. Action is based on one’s need Ex. “ It won’t
STAGE 6: Universal Ethical Principles. do any good to steal drug because his wife would be
- At this stage, people follow these internalized dead by the time he gets out of jail.”
principles of justice, even if they conflict with Stage 3. Good Boy/Good Girl Orientation
laws and rules. Ex. He should’nt steal the drugs because others will
- Kung ano ang nasa konsensya niya, dapat ‘yon think that he is a thief. His wife will not want to be
ang pairalin. saved by stealing.”
Stage 4. Authority Orientation
Ex. “ Although his wife needs the drug, he should not
• Believes that there are high moral principles
break the law to get it, His wife’s condition doesn’t
than those represented by social rules and
justify stealing. “ – traditional moral authority.
Stage 5. Social Contract Orientation
• Is willing to accept the consequence for Ex. “He should not steal the drugs. The druggist
disobedience of the social rule he/she has response is unfair but mutual respect of rights must
rejected. be maintained. “ (Social Contract)
• Believes that the dignitiy of humanity is sacred Stage 6: Ethical Principles
and that all humans have value Ex. “ He should steal the drugs but alert authorities he
has done it. He will have to face penalty, but he will
80% of the population are only until Stage 4. save human life. “ ( self chosen principle)
3. Applied Ethics
− Attempts to determine the ethically correct
course of action in specific realms of human
− Refers to the practical application of moral
consideration. It is ethics with respect to
real worldactions and their moral
considerations in the areas of private and
4. Virtue Ethics knowing the Good. To happiness. Aristotle
− A moral philosophy that teaches than an know the Good requires mentions four basic moral
an austere and virtues: courage,
action that is a virtuous person would temperance, justice, and
intellectually meticulous
perform in the same situations. Its emphasis prudence. He distinguishes
way of life.
on developing good habits of character and virtue as a virtue of
intellect and moral virtues
avoiding bad character traits or vices.
The phronesis is the
intellectual virtue of
practical wisdom which is
to act in accordance with
the right prescription. A
morally virtuous man is
someone who constantly
and habitually acts
according to moral virtue
and practical wisdom
Socrates and Plato’s Aristotle’s Ethics
Moral Philosophy − Aristotle’s complete picture of a morally virtuous
Socrates’ point is that “Self-realization” when man is someone who constantly and habitually
what is good has certain someone acts in line with acts according to moral virtue and practical
independence from the his nature or end (telos)
and realizes his full
wisdom, ideally exhibiting a lifetime of rational
whims of the gods’ living and avoidance of vice. His comprehensive
potential, he does moral
determination of the
and will be happy. notion of moral virtue is that it state of character
rightness of our actions “Aretaic” or virtue-based
and mores. He believed manifested in choice and in action, resting in the
wherein act-oriented
in the existence of ethics is focused mainly on golden mean.
objective ethical what we should do, that is, − The moral virtue is the golden mean between the
standards but admitted virtue ethics is interested two less extremes.
that it is not easy to basically in what we
− Base kay Aristotle, dapat alam mo kung sobra ka
specify them. Plato should be, that is, the
character or the sort of na sa isang attitude mo or kulang pa dahil
believes that those who
comprehend Goodwill person we should struggle masama yon dapat sakto langz
to become. Ethics for − Kailangan mo ng wisdom and right application
always do good actions.
Aristotle is the inquiry into
Bad actions are human good. This human para maattain yung sakto
performed out of not good is eudemonia or − Wisdom – applying of knowledge
− Human good is to attain happiness particularly when natural law is not
− Gumagawa tayo ng mabuti upang maligayahan, observed or followed
the end goal is happiness o Most human law is derived from moral law
• Human Law
o refers to positive laws. This human law
includes civil and criminal laws.
o It is also called Positive laws. It refers to
“the more particular determinations of
certain matters devised by human reason.
Human law reinforces the natural law IMMANUEL KANT
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
− is one of the most influential philosophers whose Maxim – general rule or principle which serve as a
contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, guide or action
ethics, and aesthetics had an impact on many
philosophical movements. He is the most Two Kinds of MAXIMS: (Classes of Maxim)
important proponent in deontological or duty- HYPOTHETICAL
based ethics. “Act only according to the maxim by − Only true under some conditions, and therefore
which you can at the same time will that it should not universally true or valid.
become a universal law.” o ex. I will allow you to go with your
friends if you will clean the house first.
KANT'S ETHICS o ex. I will give you my vote, if you admit
− He rejects that ethical judgements are based on that your father did commit crime
feelings. His ethical theory is based on moral against the Filipino People
judgments on reason alone. Reason is what
deems an action ethical or otherwise.
− Virtue is based on act, basta tama yung action
Objective is fix
Subjective has someone/thing to judge