ASM Reference

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Assembly Language Reference

Compiled by Dr. ME! LDS (Load Pointer using DS)

Effect Flags

Instruction: LDS des-reg, source Logic: DS LES, Load Pointer Using ES, is a comparable instruction that loads the ES register rather than the DS register. Example: ; var1 = array(25,00,40,20) var1 dd 25,00,40,20 .. .. ; Before LDS DX = 0000 DS = 11F5 LDS DX,var1 After LDS DX = 0025 DS = 2040 LES (Load Pointer using ES) LES des-reg, source Logic: ES LDS, Load Pointer Using DS, is a comparable instruction that loads the DS register rather than the ES register. -----------------------------------LODS LODS source_string Logic: Accumulator -----------------------------------LODSB Load String Byte LODSB Logic: al -----------------------------------LODSW Load String Word LODSW Logic: ax LODS can use REP/REPE/REPNE/REPZ/REPNZ to move several bytes or words -----------------------------------STOS STOS (store to string) moves a byte (or a word) from AL (or AX) to ES:[di], and increments (or decrements) DI depending on the setting of DF, the direction flag (by 1 for bytes and by 2 for words). NO OVERRIDES ARE ALLOWED. This performs the

same action (except for changing DI) as: mov ES:[DI], ax The allowable forms are: stosb stosw stos BYTE PTR ES:[di] stos WORD PTR ES:[di] ; or AL for bytes

; no override allowed ; no override allowed

-----------------------------------SCAS SCAS compares AL (or AX) to the byte (or word) pointed to by ES:[di], and increments (or decrements) DI depending on the setting of DF, the direction flag (by 1 for bytes and by 2 for words). NO OVERRIDES ARE ALLOWED. This sets the flags the same way as: cmp ax, ES:[DI] The allowable forms are: scasb scasw scas BYTE PTR ES:[di] scas WORD PTR ES:[di] ; or AL for bytes

; no override allowed ; no override allowed

-----------------------------------SET SET destination Logic: If condition, then destination SET Instruction SETB/SETNAE SETAE/SETNB SETBE/SETNA CF = 1 CF = 0 CF = 1 or ZF = 1 CF = 0 and ZF = 0 ZF = 1 ZF = 0 SF OF



Set if Below/Not Above or Equal Set if Above or Equal/Not Below Set if Below or Equal/Not Above


Set if Above/Not Below or Equal


Set if Equal/Zero Set if Not Equal/Not Zero Set if Less/Not Greater or Equal


SF = OF ZF = 1 or SF OF

Set if Greater or Equal/Not Less Set if Less or Equal/Not Greater


ZF = 0 or SF = OF Set if Greater/Not Less or Equal SF = 1 SF = 0 CF = 1 CF = 0 OF = 1 OF = 0 PF = 1 PF = 0 Set if Sign Set if No Sign Set if Carry Set if No Carry Set if Overflow Set if No Overflow Set if Parity/Parity Even Set if No Parity/Parity Odd


destination can be either a byte-long register or memory location. -----------------------------------MOVS

MOVS moves a byte (or a word) from DS:[si] to ES:[di], and increments (or decrements) SI and DI, depending on the setting of DF, the direction flag (by 1 for bytes and by 2 for words). You may use CS:[si], SS:[si] or ES:[si], but you MAY NOT OVERRIDE ES:[di]. Though the following is not a legal instruction, it signifies the equivalent action to MOVS (not including changing DI and SI): mov WORD PTR ES:[DI], DS:[SI] The allowable forms are: ; or BYTE PTR for bytes

movsb movsw movs BYTE PTR ES:[di], SS:[si] ;or CS, DS, ES:[si] movs WORD PTR ES:[di], SS:[si] ;or CS, DS, ES:[si] -----------------------------------CMPS CMPS Compare String (Byte or Word) CMPS destination-string, source-string Logic: CMP (DS:SI),(ES:DI) ; sets flags only if DF=0 SI -----------------------------------CMP CMP Compare CMP destination, source Logic: Flags set according to result of (destination - source) CMP compares two numbers by subtracting the source from the destination and updates the flags. CMP does not change the source or destination. The operands may be bytes or words. Compare in Key Generating Routines Registers are divided into higher and lower registers. for example: eax is divided into eah eal ah al (h=high, l=low) which looks like: 76 54 32 10 : Byte No. Each of the four (eah,eal,ah,al) represents one byte. (total:4 bytes = 32 bit) | || | eah | ah | eal al So if theres a compare ah,byteptr[exc] the ByteNo 3&2 are compared with the first two bytes of ecx (0&1) Lets look at the numbers to understand the whole thing a bit better. I take a fictional input like 123456 and the real serial 987654. eax: 3938 3736 (9876) ecx: 3132 3334 (1234) cmp al,byte ptr [ecx] ;compares 36 with 34 cmp ah,byte ptr [ecx+01] ;compares 37 with 33 shr eax,10 ;this prepares the next two numbers in ah,al ;shr 39383736,10 ------> 0000 3938 cmp al, byte prt[ecx+02] ;compares now (after the shift right) 38 with 32

cmp ah, byte ptr[ecx+03] ;compares now (after the shift right) 39 with 31 .. .. add ecx, 00000004 ;get next 4 numbers from input add edx, 00000004 ;get next 4 numbers from real serial ;"4" is added to both registers. This is obvious because after compering 4 ;characters we have to get the next ones by "shifting" the compared 4 away. why do ;we add 4 and not 10? With the help of one register we are able to compare 4 ;charaters because one char needs 1 byte and one register has 4 Bytes. -----------------------------------REP/REPE/REPNE The string instructions may be prefixed by REP/REPE/REPNE which will repeat the instructions according to the following conditions: rep decrement cx ; repeat if cx is not zero repe decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 1 repz decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 1 repne decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 0 repnz decrement cx ; repeat if cx not zero AND zf = 0 Here, 'e' stands for equal, 'z' is zero and 'n' is not. These repeat instructions should NEVER be used with a segment override, since the 8086 will forget the override if a hardware interrupt occurs in the middle of the REP loop. -----------------------------------FLAGS SF shows '+' for a positive number. PF shows 'O,' for odd parity. Every time you perform an arithmetic or logical operation, the 8086 checks parity. Parity is whether the number contains an even or odd number of 1 bits. If a number contains 3 '1' bits, the parity is odd. Possible settings are 'E' for even and 'O' for odd. SAL checks for parity. For (1110 0000) SF is now '-'. OF, the overflow flag is set because you changed the number from positive to negative (from +112 to -32). OF is set if the high bit changes. What is the unsigned number now? 224. CF is set if a '1' bit moves off the end of the register to the other side. CF is cleared. PF is '0'. Change the number to (1100 0000). OF is cleared because you didn't change signs. (Remember, the leftmost bit is the sign bit for a signed number). PF is now 'E' because you have two '1' bits, and two is even. CF is set because you shifted a '1' bit off the left end. CF always signals when a '1' bit has been shifted off the end. If you shift (0111 0000), the OF flag will be set because the sign changed. The overflow flag, OF, will never change; if the left bit stays the same. 'HARD' FLAGS IEF, TF and DF are 'hard' flags. Once they are set they remain in the same setting. If you use DF, the direction flag, in a subroutine, you must save the flags upon entry and restore the flags on exiting to make sure that DF has not been altered. -----------------------------------MOVSX

MOVSX destination, source Logic: destination -----------------------------------MOVZX MOVZX destination, source Logic: destination It is recommended that 16 bit data be accessed with the MOVSX and MOVZX if you cannot place the XOR on the outside of the loop. N.B. Do the "replacement" only for movsx/zx inside loops. -----------------------------------SBB SBB Subtract with Borrow SBB destination, source Logic: destination sbb eax, eax Consider the following code snippet: :0040D437 E8740A0000 :0040D43C F7D8 :0040D43E 59 :0040D43F 1BC0 :0040D441 59 :0040D442 40 call 0040DEB0 ;compares serials. sets eax=1 if bad; 0 if good neg eax pop ecx sbb eax, eax ;sets eax = -1 if bad serial else ;(eax = 0) pop ecx inc eax ;sets eax = 0 if bad serial ;(-1+ 1 = 0)

As a second example, consider the following code snippet: :004271DA sbb eax, eax :004271DC sbb eax, FFFFFFFF :004271DF test eax, eax sbb eax, eax :0040DEF6 D1E0 shl eax, 1 :0040DEF8 40 inc eax :0040DEF9 C3 ret ;eax=-1 (if not previously 0) ;FFFFFFFF = -1

Also see how eax, as a Reg Flag, is set equal to 1 in the following code snippet: 1000243E 10002441 10002442 10002444 10002445 10002446 mov al,byte ptr[esi] pop edi sub al,37 ; if al is 37 (7 decimal), the result = 0 pop esi pop ebx cmp al,01 ; if at this point al is less than 1, the Carry Flag is set ; To end up with Reg Flag (eax = 1), al must be less than 1 10002448 sbb eax,eax 1000244A neg eax

1000244C ret Note that al at address :1000243E must be = 37 (7 decimal) to make eax = 1 at :1000244A. But what is the meaning of the following three code pieces? 1): Segment: _TEXT DWORD USE32 00000018 bytes 0000 0004 0006 0009 000c 000f 0012 0014 0015 0016 0017 2): Segment: _TEXT DWORD USE32 0000001c bytes 0000 0001 0003 0004 0007 0009 000b 000c 000f 0011 0013 0015 0017 0019 001a 001b 3) Segment: _TEXT DWORD USE32 00000016 bytes 0000 0004 0006 0008 0009 000d 000f 0011 8b 44 24 04 f7 d8 19 c0 40 8b 4c 24 04 f7 d9 19 c9 f7 d9 _example3 mov eax,+4H[esp] neg eax sbb eax,eax inc eax mov ecx,+4H[esp] neg ecx sbb ecx,ecx neg ecx 55 8b ec 53 8b 55 08 f7 da 19 d2 42 8b 5d 08 f7 db 19 db f7 db 89 d0 03 c3 5b 5d c3 _example2 push ebp mov ebp,esp push ebx mov edx,+8H[ebp] neg edx sbb edx,edx inc edx mov ebx,+8H[ebp] neg ebx sbb ebx,ebx neg ebx mov eax,edx add eax,ebx pop ebx pop ebp ret 8b 44 24 04 23 c0 0f 94 c1 0f be c9 0f 95 c0 0f be c0 03 c1 c3 90 90 90 example1 mov eax,+4H[esp] and eax,eax sete cl movsx ecx,cl setne al movsx eax,al add eax,ecx ret nop nop nop

0013 03 c1 add eax,ecx 0015 c3 ret Well, they mean the SAME - the following simple function: int example( int g ) { int x,y; x = !g; y = !!g; return x+y;

} First code is made by HighC. It IS OPTIMIZED as you see. Second piece is by Zortech C. Not so well optimized, but shows interesting NON-obvious calculations: NEG reg; SBB reg,reg; INC reg; means: if (reg==0) reg=1; else reg=0; NEG reg; SBB reg,reg; NEG reg; means: if (reg==0) reg=0; else reg=1; And it is WITHOUT any JUMPS or special instructions (like SETE/SETNE from 1st example)! Only pure logics and arithmetics! Now one could figure out many similar uses of the flags, sign-bit-place-in-a-register, flag-dependent/influencing instructions etc... (as you see, HighC names functions exactly as they are stated by the programmer; Zortech adds an underscore at start; Watcom adds underscore afterwards; etc..) The third example is again by Zortech C, but for the (same-optimized-by-hand) function: int example( int g ) { return !g + !!g; } I put it here to show the difference between compilers - HighC just does not care if you optimize the source yourself or not - it always produces the same most optimized code (it is because the optimization is pure logical; but it will NOT figure out that the function will always return 1, for example ;)... well, sometimes it does!); while Zortech cannot understand that x,y,z are not needed, and makes a new stack frame, etc... Of course, it could even be optimized more (but by hand in assembly!): e.g. MOV ECX,EAX (2bytes) after taking EAX from stack, instead of taking ECX from stack again (4bytes)... but hell, you're better off to replace it with the constant value 1! Other similar "strange" arithmetics result from the compiler's way of optimizing calculations. Multiplications by numbers near to powers of 2 are substituted with combinations of logical shifts and arithmetics. For example: reg*3 could be (2*reg+reg): MOV eax,reg; SHL eax,1; add eax,reg; (instead of MUL reg,3); but it can be even done in ONE instruction (see above about LEA instruction): LEA eax, [2*reg+reg] reg*7 could be (8*reg-reg): MOV eax,reg; SHL eax,3; sub eax,reg -----------------------------------SUB SUB Subtract SUB destination,source Logic: destination SBB if you need to subtract numbers that are larger than 16 bits, since SBB subtracts a borrow from a previous operation. You may subtract a byte-length immediate value from a destination that is a word; in this case, the byte is sign-extended to 16 bits before the subtraction. -----------------------------------CBW Convert Byte to Word

Logic: if (AL If the sign bit of AL is 1, then all bits in AH will become 1 too (negative number). If the sign bit of AL is 0, then all bits of AH will also become 0. Note: This instruction will set AH to 0FFh if the sign bit (bit 7) of AL is set; if bit 7 of AL is not set, AH will be set to 0. The instruction is useful for generating a word from a byte prior to performing byte multiplication or division. -----------------------------------CWD Convert Word to Doubleword Logic: if (AX -----------------------------------CDQ Convert Double to Quad Logic: EDX:EAX -----------------------------------IMUL, MUL MUL Integer Multiply, Unsigned Multiplies two unsigned integers (always positive) Integer Multiply, Signed Multiplies two signed integers (either positive or negitive)


Syntax: MUL source ; (register or variable) IMUL source ; (register or variable) Logic: AX


64-bit multiplications are handled in the same way, using EDX:EAX instead. IMUL has two additional uses that allow for 16-bit results: 1) IMUL register16, immediate16 In this form, register16 is multiplied by immediate16, and the result is placed in register16. 2) IMUL register16, memory16, immediate16 Here, memory16 is multiplied by immediate16 and the result is placed in register16. In both of these forms, the carry and over flow flags will be set if the result16

is too large to fit into 16 bits. INTEGER MULTIPLY The integer multiply by an immediate can usually be replaced with a faster and simpler series of shifts, subs, adds and lea's. As a rule of thumb when 6 or fewer bits are set in the binary representation of the constant, it is better to look at other ways of multiplying and not use INTEGER MULTIPLY. (the thumb value is 8 on a 586) A simple way to do it is to shift and add for each bit set, or use LEA. Here the LEA instruction comes in as major cpu booster, for example: LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA LEA ECX,[EDX*2] ; multiply EDX by 2 and store result into ECX ECX,[EDX+EDX*2] ; multiply EDX by 3 and store result into ECX ECX,[EDX*4] ; multiply EDX by 4 and store result into ECX ECX,[EDX+EDX*4] ; multiply EDX by 5 and store result into ECX ECX,[EDX*8] ; multiply EDX by 8 and store result into ECX ECX,[EDX+EDX*9] ; multiply EDX by 9 and store result into ECX

And you can combine leas too!!!! lea ecx,[edx+edx*2] ; lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*8] ; ecx unsigned numbers MOV AL, BYTE1 MUL BYTE2 ; two bytes; result in AX MOV AX,WORD1 MUL WORD2 MOV AL, BYTE1 SUB AH, AH MUL WORD1 RET C10MUL ENDP D10IMUL PROC ; Multiplication of signed numbers ; two words; result in DX:AX

; one byte and one word; result in DX:AX

MOV AL, BYTE1 ; one byte by another byte; result in AX IMUL BYTE2 MOVE AX, WORD1 ; one word by another word; result in DX:AX IMUL WORD2 MOVE AL, BYTE1 ; one byte by one word; result in DX:AX CBW IMUL WORD1

RET D10IMUL ENDP -----------------------------------IDIV, DIV DIV Divides two unsigned integers(always positive) IDIV Divides two signed integers (either positive or negitive) Syntax: DIV source IDIV source

;(register or variable) ;(register or variable)

Logic: AL IMUL and MUL by dividing the number in AX by the register or variable given. The answer is stored in two places. AL stores the answer and the remainder is in AH. If the operand is a 16 bit register then the number in DX:AX is divided by the operand and the answer is stored in AX and remainder in DX. (See also Division.) INTEGER DIVIDE In most cases, an Integer Divide is preceded by a CDQ instruction. This is a divide instruction using EDX:EAX as the dividend and CDQ sets up EDX. It is better to copy EAX into EDX, then arithmetic-right-shift EDX 31 places to sign extend. The copy/shift instructions take the same number of clocks as CDQ, however, on 586's allows two other instructions to execute at the same time. If you know the value is a positive, use XOR EDX,EDX. For examples of Division, consider the following code snippets: BYTE1 DB 80h BYTE2 DB 16h WORD1 DW 2000h WORD2 DW 0010h WORD3 DW 1000h MAIN PROC NEAR CALL D10DIV CALL E10IDIV RET MAIN ENDP .. .. D10DIV PROC

;Division of unsigned numbers

MOV AX,WORD1 ;division of one word by one byte DIV BYTE1 ;quotiont in AL, and the remainder in AH MOV AL, BYTE1 ;division of one byte by one byte


;quotiont in AL, and remainder in AH

;division of a doubleword by one word

;division of one word by another word

;Division of signed numbers


;division of one word by a byte

;division of one byte by another byte

;division of a doubleword by another word

;division of one word by another word

-----------------------------------LEA Intel's i80x86 has an instruction called LEA (Load Effective Addressing). It calculates the address through the usual processor's addressing module, and afterwards does not use it for memory-access, but stores it into a target register. So, if you write LEA AX,[SI]+7, you will have AX=SI+7 afterwards. In i386, you could have LEA EDI, [EAX*4][EBX]+37. In one instruction! But, if the multiplier is not 1,2,or 4 (i.e. sub-parts of the processor's Word) - you can not use it - it is not an addressing mode. LEA means Load Effective Address. Syntax: LEA destination,source

Desination can be any 16 bit register and the source must be a memory operand (bit of data in memory). It puts the offset address of the source in the destination. The way we usually enter the address of a message we want to print out is a bit cumbersome. It takes three lines and it isnt the easiest thing to remember mov dx,OFFSET MyMessage mov ax,SEG MyMessage mov ds,ax We can replace all this with just one line. This makes the code easier to read and it easier to remember. This only works if the data is only in in one segment i.e. small memory model. lea dx,MyMessage mov dx,OFFSET MyMessage


Using lea is slightly slower and results in code which is larger. Note that with LEA, we use only the name of the variable, while with: mov si, offset variable4 we need to use the word 'offset'. LEA's generally increase the chance of AGI's (ADDRESS GENERATION STALLS). However, LEA's can be advantageous because: * In many cases an LEA instruction may be used to replace constant multiply instructions. (a sequence of LEA, add and shift for example) (See also INTEGER MULTIPLY.) * LEA may be used as a three/four operand addition instruction. LEA ECX, [EAX+EBX*4+ARRAY_NAME] * Can be advantageous to avoid copying a register when both operands to an ADD are being used after the ADD as LEA need not overwrite its operands. The general rule is that the "generic" LEA A,[B+C*INDEX+DISPLACEMENT] where A can be a register or a memory location and B,C are registers and INDEX=1,2,4,8 and DISPLACEMENT = 0 ... 4*1024*1024*1024 or (if performing signed int operations)

-2*1024*1024*1024 ... + (2*1024*1024*1024 -1 ) replaces the "generic" worst-case sequence MOV X,C ; X is a "dummy" register MOV A,B MUL X,INDEX ;actually SHL X, (log2(INDEX)) ADD A,DISPLACEMENT ADD A,X So using LEA you can actually "pack" up to FIVE instructions into one Even counting a "worst case" of TWO OR THREE AGIs caused by the LEA this is very fast compared to "normal" code. What's more, cpu registers are precious, and using LEA you don't need a dummy "X" register to preserve the value of B and C. -----------------------------------LOGIC There are a number of operations which work on individual bits of a byte or word. Before we start working on them, it is necessary for you to learn the Intel method of numbering bits. Intel starts with the low order bit, which is #0, and numbers to the left. If you look at a byte: 76543210 that will be the ordering. If you look at a word: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 that is the ordering. The overwhelming advantage of this is that if you extend a number, the numbering system stays the same. That means that if you take the number 45 : 76543210 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 (45d) and sign extend it: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 each of the bits keeps its previous numbering. The same is true for negative numbers. Here's -73:

76543210 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 (-73d) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 (-73d) In addition, the bit-position number denotes the power of 2 that it represents. Bit 7 = 2 ** 7 = 128, bit 5 = 2 ** 5 = 32, bit 0 = 2 ** 0 = 1. {1}. Whenever a bit is mentioned by number, e.g. bit 5, this is what is being talked about.

AND AND destination, source Logic: destination stores the result in destination. There are five different ways you can AND two numbers: 1. 2. 3 4. 5. AND two register AND a register with a variable AND a variable with a register AND a register with a constant AND a variable with a constant

That is: variable1 db ? variable2 dw ? and and and and and cl, dh al, variable1 variable2, si dl, 0C2h variable1, 01001011b

You will notice that this time the constants are expressed in hex and binary. These are the only two reasonable alternatives. These instructions work bit by bit, and hex and binary are the only two ways of displaying a number bitwise (bit by bit). Of course, with hex you must still convert a hex digit into four binary digits. The table of bitwise actions for AND is:

1 1 0 0

1 0 1 0

-> -> -> ->

1 0 0 0

That is, a bit in the result will be set if and only if that bit is set in both the source and the destination. What is this used for? Several things. First, if you AND a register with itself, you can check for zero. and cx, cx (This can also be used to set the flags correctly before starting.) If any bit is set, then there will be a bit set in the result and the zero flag will be cleared. If no bit is set, there will be no bit set in the result, and the zero flag will be set. No bit will be altered, and CX will be unchanged. This is the standard way of checking for zero. You can't AND a variable that way: and variable1, variable1 is an illegal instruction. But you can AND it with a constant with all the bits set: and variable1, 11111111b If the bit is set in variable1, then it will be set in the result. If it is not set in variable1, then it won't be set in the result. This also sets the zero flag without changing the variable.

AND ecx, 00000001 00000000 ecx, our Target Indicator. 00000001 is simply the value "1", our Source Indicator with which ecx is ANDed. -------00000000 Our result is "0" because no bit PAIRS are set. The result of AND would only be "1" if the first bit of ecx would be set to "1". AND is also used in masks. ------------------------------------

TEST Test destination, source Logic: (destination and source) CF It sets the flags only. There is a variant of AND called TEST. TEST does exactly the same thing as AND but throws away the results when it is done. It does not change the destination. This means that it can check for specific things without altering the data. In other words, Test performs a logical and on its two operands and updates the flags. Neither destination nor source is changed. test ebx, ebx ; Is ebx zero? jz ---; If yes, then jump

For speed optimization, when comparing a value in a register with 0, use the TEST command. TEST operates by ANDing the operands together without spending any internal time worrying about a destination register. Use test when comparing the result of a boolean AND command with an immediate constant for equality or inequality if the register is EAX. You can also use it for zero testing. (i.e. test ebx,ebx sets the zero flag if ebx is zero) TEST is useful for examining the status of individual bits. For example, the following code snippet will transfer control to ONE_FIVE_ARE_OFF if both bits 1 and 5 of register AL are cleared. The status of all other bits will be ignored. test al,00100010b ; mask out all bits except for 1 and 5 jz ONE_FIVE_ARE_OFF ; if either bit was set, the result will not be zero NOT_BOTH_ARE_OFF: .. .. ONE_FIVE_ARE_OFF: .. .. TEST has the same possibilities as AND: variable1 db ? variable2 dw ?

test test test test test

cl, dh al, variable1 variable2, si dl, 0C2h variable1, 01001011b

will set the flags exactly the same as the similar AND instructions but will not change the destination. We need another concrete example, and for that we'll turn to your video card. In text mode, your screen is 80 X 25. That is 2000 cells. Each cell has a character byte and an attribute byte. The character byte has the actual ascii number of the character. The attribute byte says what color the character is, what color the background is, whether the character is high or low intensity and whether it blinks. An attribute byte looks like this: 76543210 XRGBIRGB Bits 0,1 and 2 are the foreground (character) color. 0 is blue, 1 is green, and 2 is red. Bits 4, 5, and 6 are the background color. 4 is blue, 5 is green, and 6 is red. Bit 3 is high intensity, and bit 7 is blinking. If the bit is set (1) that particular component is activated, if the bit is cleared (0), that component is deactivated. The first thing to notice is how much memory we have saved by putting all this information together. It would have been possible to use a byte for each one of these characteristics, but that would have required 8 X 2000 bytes = 16000 bytes. If you add the 2000 bytes for the characters themselves, that would be 18000 bytes. As it is, we get away with 4000 bytes, a savings of over 75%. Since there are four different screens (pages) on a color card, that is 18000 X 4 = 72000 bytes compared to 4000 X 4 = 16000. That is a huge savings. We don't have the tools to access these bytes yet, but let's pretend that we have moved an attribute byte into dl. We can find out if any particular bit is set. TEST dl with a specific bit pattern. If the zero flag is cleared, the result is not zero so the bit was on. If the zero flag is set, the result is zero so that bit was off

test dl, 10000000b test dl, 00010000b test dl, 00000100b

; is it blinking? ; is there blue in the background? ; is there red in the foreground?

If we look at the zero flag, this will tell us if that component is on. It won't tell us if the background is blue, because maybe

the green or the red is on too. Remember, test alters neither the source nor the destination. Its purpose is to set the flags, and the results go into the Great Bit Bucket in the Sky. -----------------------------------OR The table for OR is: 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 -> -> -> -> 1 1 1 0

If either the source or the destination bit is set, then the result bit is set. If both are zero then the result is zero. OR is used to turn on a specific bit. or dl, 10000000b ; turn on blinking or dl, 00000001b ; turn on blue foreground After this operation, those bits will be on whether or not they were on before. It changes none of the bits where there is a 0. They stay the same as before. or ebx, ebx ; Is ebx zero? jz ---; If yes, then jump To have 1 in ecx: or ecx, 00000001

-----------------------------------XOR The table for XOR is: 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 -> -> -> -> 0 1 1 0

That is, if both are on or if both are off, then the result is zero. If only one bit is on, then the result is 1. This is used to toggle a bit off and on.

xor dl, 10000000b ; toggle blinking xor dl, 00000001b ; toggle blue foreground Where there is a 1, it will reverse the setting. Where there is a 0, the setting will stay the same. This leads to one of the favorite pieces of code for programmers. xor ax, ax zeros the ax register. There are three ways to zero the ax register: mov ax, 0 sub ax, ax xor ax, ax The first one is very clear, but slightly slower. For the second one, if you subtract a number from itself, you always get zero. This is slightly faster and fairly clear.{2} For the third one, any bit that is 1 will become 0, and and bit that is 0 will stay 0. It zeros the register as a side effect of the XOR instruction. You'll never guess which one many programmers prefer. That's right, XOR. Many programmers prefer the third because it helps make the code more obsure and unreadable. That gives a certain aura of technical complexity to the code. Exchanging A and B without temporary variables could be done by xor A,B; xor B,A; xor A,B (i.e. A=A^B; B=A^B; A=A^B) sequence and it WILL work on ANY processor/language supporting XOR operation.

-----------------------------------NEG and NOT NOT is a logical operation and NEG is an arithmetical operation. We'll do both here so you can see the difference. NOT toggles the value of each individual bit: 1 0 -> 0 -> 1

NOT destination Logic: destination Two's complement NEG subtracts the destination operand from 0, and returns the result in the destination. This effectively produces the two's complement

of the operand. The operand may be a byte or a word. NEG negates the value of the register or variable (a signed operation). NEG performs (0 - number) so: neg ax neg variable1 are equivalent to (0 - AX) and (0 - variable1) respectively. NEG sets the flags in the same way as (0 - number). Note: If the operand is zero, the Carry Flag is cleared; in all other cases, the Carry Flag is set. -----------------------------------MASKS To explain masks, we'll need some data, and we'll use the attribute byte for the monitor. Here it is again: 76543210 XRGBIRGB Bits 0,1 and 2 are the foreground (character) color. 0 is blue, 1 is green, and 2 is red. Bits 4, 5, and 6 are the background color. 4 is blue, 5 is green, and 6 is red. Bit 3 is high intensity, and bit 7 is blinking. What we want to do is turn certain bits on and off without affecting other bits. What if we want to make the background black without changing anything else? We use and AND mask. and video_byte, 10001111b Bits 0, 1, 2, 3 and 7 will remain unchanged, while bits 4, 5 and 6 will be zeroed. This will make the background black. What if we wanted to make the background blue? This is a two step process. First we make the background black, then set the blue background bit. This involves first the AND mask, then an OR mask. and video_byte, 10001111b or video_byte, 00010000b The first instruction shuts off certain bits without changing others. The second turns on certain bits without effecting others. The binary constant that we are using is called a mask. You may write this constant as a binary or a hex number. You

should never write it as a signed or unsigned number (unless you are one of those people who just adores making code unreadable). If you want to turn off certain bits in a piece of data, use an AND mask. The bits that you want left alone should be set to 1, the bits that you want zeroed should be set to 0. Then AND the mask with the data. If you want to turn on certain bits in a piece of data, use an OR mask. The bits that you want left alone should be set to 0. The bits that you want turned on should be set to 1. Then OR the mask with the data. Go back to AND and OR to make sure you believe that this is what will happen.

-----------------------------------JUMPS Hex: Asm: Description: jump if not equal jump if equal jump if above jump if not above

75 or 0F85 jne 74 or 0F84 je 77 or 0F87 ja 0F86 jna 0F83

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