Warm Up: Discuss These Questions With A Partner

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Discuss these questions with a partner.

1. What food is your country most famous for?

2. Are there any foods from other countries that are popular in your own country?
3. What's the hottest (spiciest) food you 've ever eaten?

I 2A Slices of History
bread, rice,
and pasta
meat, fish, and
dairy products

fruit and
fats, oils, and

... Various types of food are grouped

Before You Read together as the slices of a pizza.

A. Discussion. Look at the picture and information above. Then answer the questions below.
1. Why do you think the slices in the picture are of different sizes? Which kinds of foods do you
think are healthy? Which foods can be unhealthy?
2 . What kinds of fast food are popular in your country? Do you know anything
about their history?

B. Predict. Read the title on the next page and the first sentence in each paragraph.
Check (.I) the questions that the passage probably answers.
o Who made the first pizza? o How many pizzas are eaten every year?
o When were tomatoes first used on pizza? o What is the most popular kind of pizza?

20 Unit 2 Favorirc Foods

Pizza is certainly one of the world's favorite foods.
But where does pizza come from? And who made
the first one?
In fact, people have been making pizza for a very long
5 time. People in the Stone Age l cooked grains2 on hot
rocks to make dough- the basic ingredient of pizza.
Over time, people used the dough as a plate, covering
it with various other foods, herbs, and spices. They had .. About five billion piZZas are served
around the world every year.
developed the world's first pizza.
10 In the early 16th century, European explorers brought
back the first tomatoes from the Americas. Tomatoes
are a standard ingredient in many pizzas today. At first,
however, most Europeans thought they were poisonousl
(in fact, only the leaves and roots' are ). For about 200
15 years, few people ate them.
Slowly, people learned that tomatoes were safe to eat, as
well as tasty. In the early 19th century, cooks in Naples,
Italy, started the tradition of putting tomatoes on baking
, The Stone Age is a IIef:Y early period of
dough. The flat bread soon became popular with poor tunafl hislay. v.tlere people used looIs and
20 people all over Naples. In 1830, cooks in Naples took weapons made 01 stone. not metal .
• Grains are the smaI, hard seeds 01 plants
another big step in pizza history-they opened the SI.x:h as wherat or corn.
- If somettw'lg is poisonous, a wiI harm or kI
world's first pizza restaurant. you ~ you swaIow a.
4 The roots of a plant are the parts of H that
Today, up to five billion pizzas are served every year grow l.Ilder the ground.
• A slice of something is a smal or thin piece
around the world. In the U .S. alone, about 350 slices 5 that has boon cui from a larger piece.
25 are eaten every second! People may not know it, but
every piece is a slice of history.
2A Slices of History 21
Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
Main Idea 1. What is the main idea of the passage?
a. The first pizza was made by Stone Age people.
b. In the past, some pizza ingredients were poisonous.
c. Naples, Italy, was an important place in pizza's history.
d. Pizza has a long history and has changed with time.
Detail 2. For Stone Age people, why was pizza similar to a plate (line 7)?
a. They put other foods on top of pizza dough.
b. Pizza could be cooked on hot rocks.
c. They used pizza dough again and again.
d. Pizza dough gets hard when it is cooked.
Paraphrase 3. In lines 16-17, the phrase safe to eat, as well as tasty could be
replaced by _ _ __
a. only sate when they taste good
b. safe to eat and they taste good
c . not safe to eat but they taste good
d. taste good if they are cooked well
Vocabulary 4. In line 17, 19th century could be replaced by _ _ __
a. 1700s c. 1900s
b. 1800s d. 2000s
Inference 5. Which statement is probably true?
a. Stone Age people liked tomatoes on pizza.
b. The first pizza was made almost 200 years ago.
c. The first pizzas in Naples didn't cost much money.
d. Tomatoes were popular in Europe in the 16th century.

B. Completion. Complete the chart below. Fill in each blank with one
word or number from the reading.

People made Tomatoes People in

the first pizza were brought pizza the U.S. eat
dunng the to Europe by were the
first to put
opened in slices of pizza
tomatoes on
Age. 1830. every second.

22 U ni t 2 Favorite Foods
Vocabulary Practice
\. Completion. Complete the information using words from the box.
Two words are extra.

covered ingredient serving traditional

developed learned step various

WhO made the first hamburger;!

The hamburge r is o nc ofrhe best-loved foods in the world. In the
U.S . alone , people cat morc than 14 billion (14,000,000,000 ) burgers
every year! But who made the fi rst onc? No one knows for ce rtain, but
the re are 1. stories aboll t where this fava rite food
comes frain.
In the 12005, Mon golian soldiers 2. to soften meat
by placing it under the saddle ofthei .. horses whi le ridi ng. Then they
ate the meat- without cooking it. It was the first kind of "" mcat patty."
Hundred s of years later, people in the town of H amburg, Germany,
developed "Hamburg steak"- a dish of salty meat on rOllnd bread .
They brought this 3 . German food with them
when they came to live in America in the 1900s.
The "hamburger" that we know today really starred in the USA. In
1885, a man fro m Wisconsin named Charles Nagreen had the idea of
4. meatballs between pieces of bread. That way,
people cou ld ca t them while walking. In the same year, a man
in H amburg, New York, sold sandwic hes usi ng po rk as the main ... A monk at Shaolin temple
in China carries a take-out
5. . One day, he did nor have enough po rk and burger meal. Today the
decided to use beef. Without knowing it, he had 6 . ___ _ _ __ hamburger is a global food ,
But where did the first
a new type of food - onc that is now eaten by millions arou nd
burger come from?
the worl d.
, A saddle is a seal for a rider. usually made of leather (arWnal skin). wtlich is placed on a horse's back.

9. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer. Usage
1. If you are poor, you have _ _ __ __ money. Learn means "to get information
about something": We learned
a. a lot of b. only a little about pizza in this unit.
Teach means "to give someone
2. If something is standard, it is _ _ _ _ __ information about something":
a. usual b. not usual He teaches Engfjsh to children.

3. A tradition is _ _ _ _ __ way to do something.

a. a new b. an old
4. If you cover something, you put another thing _ _ _ _ __ it.
a. under b. over
5. When something develops, it _ _ _ _ __
a. changes b. stays the same
2A Sl ices of H istory 23
2B SUg!~ Spice
Scotch bonnet



5,500SHU lhe Dorset ..

naga is one of
the world's hottest
(spiciest) chi lies. But
there is a type of chili
that is even hotter . ..
Dorset naga

"~'eel bell World 's
pepper hottest ,
O SHU ... Scientists use Scoville heat units (SHU) to
rate a pepper's ~heat level." The higher the
rating, the spicier the pepper.
Before You Read
A. True or False. What do you know about chili peppers? Read the information
above and answer true (T) or false (F).
1. The Dorset naga is the world's hottest chilL T F
2. The Scoville is a type of chili pepper. T F
3 . Jalapeno peppers are hotter than Scotch bonnets. T F
4 . Sweet bell peppers have a very low heat level. T F

B. Scan. Quickly scan the passage on the next page. What is the name of the world's
spiciest chili pepper?

24 Unit 2 Favorirc Foods

You may have experienced the feel ing-your mouth
feels like it's on fire and the heat causes your eyes to
water. You've just eaten one of nature's spiciest foods-
the chili pepper!
5 Chili peppers, also called chiLies, are fou nd in vario us
dishes arou nd the world-from Indian curries to T hai
tom yum soup to Mexican enchiladas. Chilies come from
the capsicum plant, and they are U: hot" because they
contain an ingredient called capsaicin . "Every time I have a
10 Eating a hot chili can be painfu l, but the capsaicin may cold or flu I just munch
be good for your health . It opens you r nose so yo u can
breathe better. It may even be good for losing weight: on some chi lies and I
capsaicin makes you feel less hu ngry and makes your feel better."
body use more calories. I -Anandita Dutta Tamuly,
15 We can measure the capsaicin in chilies wi th Scoville world champion chili eater
heat units (SHU ). A fairly spicy green pepper has aboll t
1,500 uni ts. The worl d's hottest chili, the Naga Jolokia
("G host Pepper" ), has more than a million!
The Naga Jolokia is produced in the Assam region of
20 India. Recently, Anandita D utta Tamuly, a 26~year~ 0Id
mother fro m Assam , broke a world record by eating 5 1
of these hot peppers-in just two minutes!
"I found eati ng chilies was a great way to stay healthy," , Calories are units used to measure the
says Tamuly, who began eating chilies when she was a energy value 0( focd .
• If you munch focd. you eal a by chewing
25 child. "Every time I have a cold o r fl u I just munch2 on it slowly.
some chilies and I feel better. To be ho nest,3 I barely • If someone is ho nest , they say the truth.

notice them now."

2B Sugar and Spice 25
Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
Gisl 1. What is the reading mainly about?
a. how to measure the capsaicin in chilies
b. dishes that are made with chi lies
c. interesting facts about chilies
d. weight loss and chilies
Reference 2. In line 2. the word it refers to
a. the feeling
b. your mouth
c. the chili pepper
d. the heat
Detail 3. How many SHU are in the Naga Jolokia chili?
a. just over 50
b. between 1,000 and 2,000
c . a little less than 1 ,000,000
d. over 1,000,000
Vocabulary 4. In line 21, someone has a world record if they _ _ __
a. eat more Naga Jolokia chilies than anyone else
b. make a recording of someone eating Naga Jolokia chilies
c. eat two or more Naga Jolokia chilies very quickly
d. make the best-tasting dish using Naga Jolokia chilies
Paraphrase 5. In lines 26-27, the phrase I barely notice them now could be replaced
by _ _ __
a. I really feel the heat of the chilies now
b. I sometimes forget to eat chilies now
c. I usually don't eat hot ch ilies now
d. I almost don't feel the heat of the chilies now

B. True or False. According to the passage, are the sentences below

true or false? Circle T (true), F (false), or NG (not given in the passage).
1. Capsaicin helps you breathe better. T F NG
2. Capsaicin makes you feel happier. T F NG
3. Capsaicin makes you feel hungrier. T F NG
4. Capsaicin helps you fall asleep at night. T F NG
5. Capsaicin makes chili peppers "hot. " T F NG

26 Unit 2 Favorite Foods

Vocabulary Practice
I. Matc hing. Read the information
below and match each word in
red with a definition.
Most of us have experienced the
taste of sugar, but how Illany of
us know where it comes from?
The man in the picture is standing
in fro nt of a field of sll garcane,
a plant which produces sugar. It
only grows in hot countries like
Brazil because it needs lots of
water and ·s un light. After they collect the plants, workers in factories brea k the
long stalks to gct the sweet juice Otlt. Then they cook the juice in big; pots.
This causes rhe sugar to co me out ofdlC juice.

1. to cut into two or more pieces

2. to make something happen
3. to sense, feel, or be affected by (something)
4. to create or make (something)
5. a living thing that is green and grows in the ground

I. Co mpletio n. Complete the information using words from the box. One word is extra.

health plant recent

measure produce stay units

C hocolate comes fi'om a 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ called the

cacao tree. The tree grows mainly in Mrica and Latin
America. Cacao trees have fruit with beans inside. Workers
pick the fruit and take the beans out to be dried, cooked,
and turned into chocolate.

People from Switze rland eat the most chocolate in the

wo rld. In a 2. year, people in Switzerland .. Dried cacao beans in Polynesia
ate about 10 kilograms (22 pounds) per person! are made ready for shipping to
other countries.
In some ways, eatin g sweet foods like chocolate can be good
for your 3 . . But eating too many sweet ord Partnership
products can cause problems. Suga r and chocolate have a lot
Use break with:
of food energy. We can 4. this energy in bn;,ak your feg (or arm , etc.),
5. called calories. If you want to bmak a record, break a rule ,
bn*lk a promise.
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fit, you need to be careful about
how many calories you take in each day.
2B Sugar and Spice 27

A Taste of Mexico
A. Preview. What do you know about
Mexican food? What ingredients are
used in Mexican dishes?

B. Summarize. Watch the video.

A Taste of Mexico . Then complete
the summary below using words from
the box.

experience standard
learning stay .. oaxaca is famous IQ( its traditiooal
poor step danCeS. as weI as its traditioflal food.

recent traditional
served various

Man), visitors travel to O ax aca in Mexico to

1. its culture. It may be a
2. state, but it is rich in history and art.
Oaxaca is fam ous for its 3 . dances and o ld
buildings, and most of ail, its food. In 4. _______
C. Think About It.
years, many foreigners have become interested in
1. Susanna Trilling says
5. how to make Oaxacan food. They
Oaxacan food is lOver
6. in Oaxaca for several months and go to
complex." In other w
cooking school there. it has many ingredier
and traditions. Do ye
Th e first 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Oaxacan cooking is makin g think that the best ki
mole. Mo le is a sauce with chili peppers and of food are "comple>
8. spices. It is a 9. _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. If you could go to a
ingredie nt in many Oaxacan d ishes, and is ofte n cooking school, WhE
10. with chicken, meat, and other foods. kind of cooking wou
you want to learn?


To \earn more about

Mexican food, visit

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