Unit 5

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Discuss these questions with a partner.

1. How much time do you usually spend outdoors? What do you do?
2. What kinds of outdoor activities are popular in your country? Why are they popular?
3. Do you think it is important for people to spend time outdoors? Why or why not?

Before You Read

A. Labeling. Read the information below. Then label the picture above with the words in blue.
Baseball is played by two tcams, wi th nine players on each team. A player called a
pitcher throws a small round ball called a baseball . A player from the other team
known as the batter tries to hit the ball with a sti ck called a bat. If he misses the ball,
the person behind him (the catcher) catches the ball and throws it back. The umpire
decides if the throw is good. Teams get points by running and touching areas on the
ground called bases.
B. Scan. You are going to read about international baseball. Quickly scan the reading on the
next page (including the captions) to answer the questions below. Then read again to check
your answers.
1. What are some names of people mentioned in the passage?
2. What were those people's jobs?

54 U nit 5 Outdoor Act ivities

.. BaltefS k::fWo Suzt;Q (left) from
Japan, and Sammy Sosa from the
Baseball is sometimes called "the national pastime"l of the Dorrri:an Republic, both became
United States. But modern baseball is truly an international game . successful foreign stars in the u.s.
baseball league.
Baseball began in the U.S. in the early 19th century. The first
World Series was played in 1903. However, only American and " For starting
Canadian teams played in the series. T he first non-U.S. victoryl pitchers, we have
was by the To ronto Blue Jays in 199 1.
two Dominicans,
Since the early 1990s, managers ofU.S. teams have brought
one Italian, one
several foreign players to the U .S. game. Today, about 30
percent of players in American baseball come from foreign Mexican , and one
countries, including Puerto R.ico, Japan, South Korea, and Japanese. "
the Dominican Republic.
- Tommy Lasorda,
One of the first Asian players in the U.S. was Japanese pitcher Los Angeles Dodgers
Hideo Nomo. Nomo got a lot of attention from the media when manager, 1995
he joined the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1995. Soon, many other
U.S. teams were making contracts with players from
• A pastime is something you eoioY
other countri es. doing in your free time.
I A victory is success in a fight. Wi¥.
Today, world-class l baseball is available to more fans than ever or compet~ion.
before. In 1994, baseball became part of the Asian Games. • Someone or somettwlg that is
world-class is one of the best in
In 2006, 16 teams from around the world took part in the first the world.
• Global means COIlCefning or
World Baseball Class ic- an international series of professional including the whole world .
baseball games. Finally, baseball has become a truly global' pastime.
SA Baseball 55

Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice. Choose Ihe best answer for each question.
Main Idea 1. Another title for the article could be _ _ __
a. The History of the World Series
b. Baseball: An International Sport
c. The AlI·American Pastime
d. Baseball Has a Good Year
Detail 2. In what year did Toronto win the World Series?
a. 1903 c. 1994
b. 1991 d. 1995
Sequence 3. Which of the following happened first?
a. A non·U.s . team won the World Series for the first time.
b. The first World Baseball Classic was held.
c. Baseball was played in the Asian Games for the first time.
d. Hideo Noma started playing for the Dodgers.
Paraphrase 4. In line 19. the words took part could be replaced by _ _ __
a. played c. left
b. learneo d. won
Detail 5. Which place is NOT mentioned in the article?
a. South Korea c. Venezuela
b. Puerto Rico d. Los Angeles

B. Completion. Complete the diagram below. Fill in each blank with

one or two words from the reading.

invented Hideo Nomo first World

joins 5. _ __
in the
1. _ __ Dodgers in is played
century 3. in 2006

first U.S. teams baseb

2. _ __ now have is inclu(
played in more foreign in the A:.
1903 4. 6.

Ba seball's Changes Growing

History in U.S. International
in the U.S. Teams Interest

56 Unir 5 O utdoor Act ivities

Vocabulary Practice
•. Completion. Complete the information using
words from the box. Two words are extra.

attention join several

available manage teams
contracts percent

H o urs before a U .S. baseball game, players

trad itionall y put mud o n the bascbaJIs. Why?
Baseballs can be dangero us if pitchers are not
able to ho ld [hem well. In 1920, a player was
kill ed when a pitcher made a bad th row using
a clean , new basebal l. People tried
1. different ways to make
new baseballs easier to hold , but none worked
well. The n, in 1938, a man named Len a
Blackburn e fou nd an answe r to the pro blem .
Blac kburne was a playe r for various U .S.
... Balls are rubbed with mud before
baseball 2. , incl uding the every major league baseball game.
Chicago Whi te Sox and the Boston Braves,
and later we nt on to 3. the
White Sox in the late 19205. H e fo und that using n. ce rtain type of mud from the
Delaware R.iver in New Jersey- together with a special " magic " ingredient- helped to
make baseballs easier to ho ld. Blackburn e's idea got a lot of4. _ _ _ _ _ __ an d
many teams stan ed using Lena Blackburne Baseball Rubbing Mud. Now, the company
has 5. wi th all the majo r league baseball teams in the U .S. Since then,
people have tried o ther ways, but they always go back to mud . After ail , it works , and
there's lots of mud 6 . _ _ __ _ __

3. Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer.

t . If something is available, you easily get it.
a. can b. can't
2. A person who can speak a foreign language can speak _ _ _ _ one language.
a. only b. more than
3. If something is modern, it is _ _ __
Word Link
a. new b. old
We can add -er to some woros to
4. If you play in a team sport. you play it _ _ _ _ describe a person w ho does a certain
a. on your own b. with other people action or job , e.g. , manager, teacher;
writer, builder, researcher, designer;
5. If you join a club or event, you it. publisher, producer.
a.leave b. become part of

SA Baseball 57
.... Go hiking
in beautiful
Forest in Taean

the top of
Mountain in
the northern
part of Seoul.

Before You Read

... Go rock climbing
A. Matching. Look at the information above. at Insubong.
Match the words in blue with the definitions (1-6).
1. _ __ __ a large area where trees grow close together
2. walking outdoors on rough ground
3. moving toward the top
4. important: in the past
5. high area of land with steep sides
6. a building used to worship a god or gods

B. Scan. You are going to read about a hiking experience. Quickly scan the reading
to answer the questions below. Then read again to check your answers.
1. Does the writer like hiking?
2. What was unusual about his hiking experience in Korea?

l 58 Unit 5 Outdoor Activit ies

.I_ _ !",,_-==~
ravel writer Christopher Duffy hikes up a mountain-and gets a taste of Korean culture.
)n my first Saturday in South Korea, I decided to climb
tlount Bukhansan. I enjoy hiking, and everyone told
.1C about Bukhansa n National Park. T hey mentioned
:s beautiful forests, clean air, and historic temples.
~hey didn't tell me about the huge crowds that go
here every weekend!
liking is an activity that's generally done in groups in
:outh Korea. Mtcr following the crowd for an hour,
asked a group of hikers how far the summit l was. .to Bukhansan gets five million visitors r:Nery
yeal- the highest I"UTt>er of visitors per square
: he leader of the group was Mr. Choi. When Mr. meter of any national park in the world.
: hoi saw I was alone, he said, "You will hike with us."
[ hen he introduced me to his friends.
lYe hiked together for an ho ur until the group decided
o stop for lunch. I tried to get a sandwich from my
)3ckpack, but onc of Mr. Choi's friends said, "No, no, no.
{ou will eat with us." They provided a plate of pig's fect,
:ome kimchi, 2 and a couple of drinks. Afte r they shared
:heir meal with me, the group decided they had walked
;nough. T hey began walking back down the mountain.
[ con tinued climbing, and finally arrived at the summit.
~ man standin g on the mountaintop introduced himself , The summit of a mountain is the top of rt.
15 Mr. Kim. Together we shared a bottle of makgeolli, • Kimchi is a traditiOnal Korean dish macle
of vegetables.
1 traditional Korean drink, and admired 3 t he view. " If you admire something (or someone).
you ~ke and respect ~ (or hirnIhef).
:( In Korea, he said, "we say that the people YO ll meet

on t he mountain are the best people. " I thought about

my day on Bukhansan, and I knew he was right.
SB Outdoor Adve nture 59
Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
Detail 1. People did NOT tell the writer about the _ _ _ _ at Bukhansan.
a. crowds
b. temples
c. forests
d. clean air
Reference 2. The word its (line 5) refers to _ _ __
a. South Korea's
b. everyone's
c. Bukhansan National Park's
d. the crowd's
Vocabulary 3. The word a/one (line 12) means _ _ __
a. becoming tired
b. not with other people
c. very hungry
d. from another country
Main Idea 4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. It took a long time to get to the summit of Bukhansan.
b. The author enjoyed hiking with other people on Bukhansan.
c. The author tried makgeolli, a traditional Korean drink.
d. The author probably won't return to Bukhansan.
Inference 5. What is probably true about the writer?
a. In his home country, hiking is not usually done in big groups.
b. In his home country, most people have heard of Bukhansan.
c. He has been to Bukhansan a few times before.
d. He felt the climb up Bukhansan was very difficult.

B. Sequencing. What is the main idea of each paragraph in the reading?

Match each heading (a-d) with the correct paragraph.

Paragraph Heading
1. (from line 2) a. Going to Bukhansan National Park
2. (from line 8) b. Words from a Man on a Mountaintop
3. (from line 14) c . A Meal on a Mountain
4. (from line 21) d. Meeting Mr. Choi and His Friends

60 Unit 5 Ou tdoor Activ ities

Vocabulary Practice
Completion. Complete the information using
words from the box. One word is extra.

activity couple general leader provide

arrive enjoy introduce mention

Hiking on Hawaii 's PU' lI Kukui mountain is a ve ry special leisure

1. -one that vcry few people arc able [0
2. _ _ _ __
'" Many of the plants and trees
in Maui's Pu'u Kukui Nature
If you 3. H awaii to most people, they will most Reserve are found novvIlere
likely think of hotels and beaches with lots of tourists. Parts of else 00 Earth.
Hawaii arc, in 4. , like that. But the western parr
of Maui , Hawaii's second largest island , is closed to tou rists. It is a private scientific area
owned by the Maui Land and Pineapple Co mpan y. Other than researchers and scientists,
only 12 peop le can visit each year.
To get to hi ke on Pu'u Kukui, you first need to win a contesr. 1 Th en you take a helicopter
ride to [J1 C private area. After hiking for a 5. of kilometcrs, you finall y
6. at the top of Pu'u Kukui. From the mountaintop, you can see a
magnificent view of fores ts, mountains, and sea.
Randy Ba rtlett is the 7. of the hikes in Pu' u Kukui. H is jo b is to
8. hikers to the vari ous unusual plants an d to explain why each one is
important. Many of the plants can be found nowhere else in the world. That's why so few
people have the chance to experi ence this beautiful land.
, A contes t is a competition Of game.

Words in Context. Complete each sentence with the best answer.

1. If you share something, you use it _ _ __

a. alone b. together
2. If you enjoy hiking. you _ __ _ going for a walk.
a.like b. don't like
3. When you arrive somewhere. you _ _ _ _ the place.
a. get to b. leave
4. When you mention something. you _ _ _ _ it. Usage
a. talk about b. don't talk about Use enjoy with the -ing form
5. When you provide something. you _ _ _ _ it. of the verb:
I enjoy watching baseball.
a. give b. take My brother enjoys hiking.

5B Outdoor Advcnturc 61
Dubai World Cup
A. Preview. Read the information below. Then match each
word in blue with a definition.

Horse racing is one ofrhe world 's most popular sports.

O ne of the greatest racehorses of all time was Secretariat.
In 1973, he ran the Kentucky Derby in less than two
minuees, breaki ng the track record. In a later competition, .t. The Kentucky Derby is one of the rTlOl
he became the fastest racehorse eve r by running at nea rly famous-and oldest -horse races in 1
U.S. The race has been held fNery ye.
60 kph,t or 37.5 mph. (The fastest human athlete runs at about since 1875. The world's richest horse
43 kph , or 27 rnp h ). Secreta ri at was part of a stable owned by race- the Dubai World Cup-is more
recent: the first race was held in 1996
Penny C hcnc ry, onc of the few female racehorse owners at that time .
• k ph • kbneters per h(u; mph • miles per hoo...-

1. a person who does a sport, such as running

2. a group of racehorses owned by the same owner;
also a building in which horses are kept
3. an event in which people find out who is best at a certain activity
4. a piece of ground that is used for races

B. Summarize. Watch the video, Dubai World Cup . Then complete the
summary below using words from the box. One word is extra.

activity available inc luding provided

arrive enjoy manager team
attention foreign m odern tradition
C. Think About It.
It's still dark, but there is already a lot of 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the
1. Do you believe it i
race track in Duba i. Racehorses start to 2. as early
OK to use animal:
as 5:00 A.M. They are gettin g ready for the Dubai World Cup.
in sperts like hors
In the morning, the 3. of the stable and his racing?
4. of trainers work with the horses. The train ers 2. What are the oldE
give each horse a lot of ca re and 5. _ _ _ _ _ __ . Each horse is sporting events ir
6. _ __ _ _ _ _ wi th special ice boots and is give n a cool wash. your country?
Which provide th.
Horse raci ng is a very o ld 7. _ _ __ __ _ in Arabia, and many
most money?
Arab people today still 8 . watchin g ho rse races.
During the Dubai World Cup , [he large, 9 . _ _ _ __ __
stadium 1 has many people, 10. _ _ __ _ __ both local and
11 . ____ _ __ horse racing fans.
To learn more about
• A stadium is a large sports l ieId with seats all around 11. outdoor activities, visit
62 Uni t 5 Outdoor Activi ties

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