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Introduction and history:

The National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Peru is the first, largest, oldest and
most representative of our country.

It was created in 1822 under the patronage of General Don José de San Martín to encourage our
national identity and to consolidate the foundations of the nation. It was actually the only one that Peru
had in the first hundred years of the Republic.


Its importance lies in the valuable heritage that it guards in its deposits and repositories, which keep
approximately 300 000 pieces that make up the legacy of our pre-Hispanic, colonial and republican

It’s a place where everyone, regardless of age or place of origin can discover, relive and appreciate the
experiences of our ancestors.


Its current schedule: From Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. (last admission at 3:30 p.m.),
including holidays.

What happened with it during the pandemic of COVID-19:

The museum faced multiple obstacles due to its closure in 2020 during the covid quarantine. It caused a
pronounced drop in visitors, an average 70%, which meant significant loses of income, approximately
50% compared to 2019. Also, during these years it’s faced other difficult challenges such as protecting
and preserving their collections, while ensuring staff’s and public’s health and safety, to go back to
holding exhibitions.


Museums and education maintain a close connection, since they’re places of learning, as well as a
source of first-hand information and resources. They contribute to the development of society from
various aspects.

As students and young people, it’s important we value this and we’re happy we can serve trough
promoting it and to get more visitors to it.


· physical anthropology
· ceramics
· lithic material
· organic material
· metals
· textiles
· documentary film
· colonial stuff
· republican material
· ethnographic material

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