Icbgm 01 jg1
Icbgm 01 jg1
Icbgm 01 jg1
= @T @s
s v v
= M_ (2.1)
@T @T
dS = @u ; (2.8)
= S_ (2.2) @s v
{z v @s
} | {z } v
dV = c1v =T
= V_ = q (2.3)
the equation for the temperature can be determined
as follows:
According to physics, none of the six variables T , T
S , p, V , g, and Mcan ever become negative. A com- dT = ds dv (2.9)
partment can only be emptied. Once empty, nothing c @Tv v
further can be removed from the compartment. How- For an ideal gas, the above equation can be con-
ever, this can happen in a simulation due to numerical verted to the well-known caloric state equation:
inaccuracies. It may therefore be better to dene e.g.
the mass of a system (analogous for volume and en- c
ds = v dT + R
tropy) as T v
Unfortunately, a (thermal) equation of state is al-
Zt so needed. If available, the pressure can be directly
M = maxf; M_ dtg computed (p = p(M; V; T )). Lacking an equation of s-
tate, interpolation tables will have to be used instead.
In this case, the total dierential is not needed, as
where is a large enough number, such that divisions fT; pg = fT; pg(v; s) can be directly obtained by in-
by M will still result in stable solutions. terpolation1.
The three dierent aspects of stored (co-)energy Last not least, the equation for the free enthalpy must
must not be treated as independent storage elements. be determined. If a corresponding interpolation ta-
If this were true, i.e., if the the three aspects could ble is available, it may be easiest to use that table.
be modeled by three separate conventional capacitors, Otherwise, another total dierential may be used. Ul-
it would follow that: T = T (S ), p = p(V ), and timately, an equation g(v; s) is needed; however, since
g = g(M ). Evidently, at least the third of these e- T and p have already been computed, it may be more
quations is clearly in error, as a intensive variable (g) convenient to determine h(T; p), and then compute
must not depend on the mass. Assuming incompress- g = h T s.
uids, the temperature equation would be correct,
as ds = cp dT . However, this would limit the gener- Z T1
ality of the envisaged approach to modeling. For the h(p1 ; T1 ) = h(p0 ; T 0) + @h
dT +
pressure, the situation is similar. | {z
energy of f ormation
} T0
The reader may recall that any thermodynamical =cp
system can be completely described by two intensive +
Z p1
and one extensive variables. That is exactly what the p0 @p
proposed three state variables are. T1
Commonly a polynomial approach is used to deter-
T = T ( MS = s; M
= v) (2.4) mine the specic heat cp. The variables ; ;
; Æ are
mostly constant and tabulated for p = 1 bar.
This equation can be derived using the total dieren-
tial: cp (T; p
) = (p ) + (p ) T +
(p ) T 2 + Æ(p ) T 3
dT = @s
ds +
dv (2.5)
v s
1 As most tables are provided in the form v,s(T,p), it may be
Using one of Maxwell's equations: necessary to rst built T (p; v) and T (p; s) and nd the value of
p, for which T (p; v ) = T (p; s). This problem has an unique solu-
@T @p tion. To save time, this conversion should be done o-line once
= @s
(2.6) and for all, and not be implemented as part of the simulation
s v algorithm.
For p 6= p, Eq. 2.11 should be replaced by
of an ideal gas, are as follows:
Z T1
= M_ dS = S_ dt
=q (2.1 2.3)
h(p1 ; T1) = h(p0 ; T 0) + dT +
T0 @T
Z p Z p1 T dv
+ @h
dp +
dp dT =
ds R
p0 @p T0 p @p T1
p= (2.16)
2.3 Overall model V
To represent the relationships between the storage
ow) and potential (eort) variables, a new bond dh = cp dT (2.17)
graph element (Fig. 2) is introduced. It is called ca-
pacitive eld, or C-eld, and is introduced in the bond g =h T s (2.18)
graph as the CF-element2.
It is important to mention that specic material prop-
cv = cp R (2.19)
R = 0:2872 kgkJK
and cp = 1:004 kgkJK .
C C Conductive heat
ow Q_ can be represented in a bond
graph as a purely thermal phenomenon using bonds
g q
with T as eort and S_ as
ow variables. If the C-eld
M p
0 0
is exposed to such a heat
ow only, then M_ = q = 0
Figure 2: bond graph representation of the C-eld _ Q_
and dt = S = T . This is consistent with the second
fundamental equation of thermodynamics (balance of
erties shall be modeled within the C-eld only. All entropy without mass
other elements will be totally generic.
Analysing the fp=qg-bond properties, it may be no- Heat
ow only occurs between two connected C-
ticed that a system loses energy for a positive volume elds at dierent levels of temperature. The heat
ow and gains energy for a negative one. In order to from the C-eld located at the higher temperature to
avoid this asymmetry, the authors of this paper de- the C-eld located at the lower temperature is pro-
cided to dene the pressure as negative. For example, portional to the dierence of temperatures and to the
the equation of state of the ideal gas is written as heat transfer coeÆcient :
R T = p V . In this way, the balance of the C-eld
becomes: Q_ = (T1 T2 )
= T S_ + p V_ + g M;
_ (2.14) The entropy
ows can be graphically depicted as
dt shown in Fig. 3.
This equation can be graphically interpreted as the
sum over all bonds connecting to the C-eld. CF1 CF2
S_ 1
2 = GCD T (3.3)
3 3
p1 p2
Ø q 1 q Ø
whereas the secondary sides compute the power
ow .
continuity across the mGS-elements: T1 ∆ S1x
q ∆ p .
T2 ∆ S2x
S_ 1
mGS 0 mGS
S_ 1x = 2 T1 (3.4)
∆ p q
as expected.
The conductive heat
ow of Fig. 3 can be represented Figure 6: Icon-representation of g. 5
by a new macro bond element, the CD-element, as
shown in Fig. 4.
The attentive reader may have discovered that a
T1 T2 triple bond, a so-called bus-bond3, (Fig. 7) was used in
. CD . the iconized representation (Fig. 6). As no mass
S1 S2 takes place during pressure equilibration, the mass
ow is set equal to zero.
The equations of the DVA-element can be summa-
Figure 4: Iconized conduction element rized as follows:
If one of the two C-elds is located outside the sys-
tem, that C-eld can be replaced by a one-port SE- =0 M_ (4.1)
element. Alternatively, the external C-eld can be ne- q = GDV A (p2 p1 ) (4.2)
glected, replacing the CD-element by a one-port SF-
3 The literature mentions vector-bonds and multibonds as
means to describe sets of bonds. However, these are used for
the compact treatment of threedimensional mechanics, where-
4 VOLUME WORK AND EQUILI- by each strand denotes one space dimension. In order not to
BRATION OF PRESSURE (DVA) confuse these dierent concepts, the authors of this paper de-
cided on a dierent notation, borrowed from digital electronics,
where multiple signal paths are connected into a signal bus. The
Ideal volume exchange does not pose any problem, as bus-bond connects multiple power paths of dierent type into a
it is reversible and therefore does not generate entropy. single power bus.
For these reasons, the authors decided to model
ow phenomena as pure mass
ows, i.e., with
g as eort, and introduce the bus-bond as a conve-
nient means to keep the accompanying volume and
. entropy
ows together with the mass
ow component
in a compact power bus.
Figure 7: Bus bond Will this make the use of activated bonds to de-
scribe information
ows unnecessary? Unfortunately,
q (p2 p1 ) this is not the case. Mass carries additional properties
S1 =
2 T1 (4.3) that may be needed in the computation of the mass
ow characteristics, such as the density, , and the
q (p2 p1 ) total entropy contained in a C-eld, S . These infor-
S2 = (4.4)
2 T2 mation paths will emanate from a C-eld and end at
the neighboring R-eld downstream, i.e., they will stay
fairly local. This is consistent with the fundamental
5 CONVECTION: THE R-FIELD principle of network theory [5], and could provide a
hint for a future merger of these two ways of modeling
5.1 Introduction physical systems.
So far, the paper only discussed entropy and volume
ows, but did not use the third cut of the C-eld: the Before the concept or the R-eld is derived in detail,
ow. Unfortunately, mass
ows are not indepen- two additional notations need to be explained:
dent (as entropy and volume
ows could be), because ;
mass has a volume and is carrying enthalpy. Obvious- describes a bus-zero-junction. Dierent busses can
ly, it would have been possible, to model this by usingp connect to a bus-zero-junction, whereby the nor-
a single bond (eort: (internal energy) u = g +T s+ ; mal rules of zero-junctions shall apply to each s-
ow: M_ ), but in that case, a vector of information trang separately. If a regular bond (either thermic
consisting of T p s would have to accom- of hydraulic/pneumatic) is connected to a bus-zero-
pany the power
ow, such that the internal energy junction, it will be treated like a bus-bond with the
bond could be decomposed into its components again other two bus-
ow variables set to zero.
further down the road.
Another possibility would have been to adopt the This nomenclature is helpful for detail graphics. It
notation of Brown [4], who introduced a convection represents the temperature-zero-junction of the CF-
bond, whereby the power bond is given by fh,M_ g with element named CFi (p, g will work analogously).
0 0
T. 1 T2
1 .
can conclude: g1
. .
S ∆T q ∆ p M ∆g
= (5.3) RS RS RS
S_ = S
T2 T2 T2
(5.4) 0 T2
where is the mass fraction. ∆S
To determine the
ows leaving the R-eld, it is known Figure 11: The R-eld schematic
M_ out M_ in (5.5) 3 3
Ø 1 Ø
because no mass is stored in the R-eld. More d- 3 3 3
q ∆ (Α∗p)
T. 1 T2
1 0 1 .
S2 ∆ (Α∗p)
G * cos α 0 q
Sw 0 0 Sw R
p1 p2 GY: M
1 RS
q q
∆v F 1
Figure 13: The R-eld, considering both
ow direc-
∆F v 2
tions. F1
v 1
v 2
=Av (5.1)
p p
0p 1
0p qRF
qDV A = RDV A (p2 p1 ) (4.2)
1 q1 q1 2
q = qRF + qDV A (5.9)
∆ p
_M = qRF (5.2)
q ∆ p T2
. 0T
_Si = 1 T1
p1 p2
T2 + q (5.10)
∆v F 1 ∆F v 2
ST_ +S_ 2 T2 + S_
1 else
S + S_ forM_ < 0;
S_ 2 = ST_ 2+S_ 1 T12 _ (5.13)
2 else
5.5 Special case: C-eld with constant References
Let us consider once more the example of the set [1] Francois E. Cellier (1991), Continuous System
(g. 10) where a part of the system (M; ~ V~ ; S~) has Modelling, Springer-Verlag, New York.
been cut o. The remaining system will be character- [2] Peter C. Breedveld (1984), Physical Systems The-
ized by fT, p, V = V V~ , M = M M~ , S = S S~g.
ory in Terms of Bond Graphs, Ph.D. dissertation,
Thinking of a leaking pipe or gas cylinder, the volume University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
of which remains constant, a second setp is needed, in
which the volume V of the remaining gas is expanded
[3] Jean U. Thoma (1975), \Entropy and Mass
until it equals the volume V that the gas had occupied Flow for Energy Conversion," J. Franklin Institute,
initially. The energy needed for this expansion must 299(2), pp. 89{96.
come from the inside of the C-eld. This can be ac- [4] Forbes T. Brown (1991), \Convection bonds and
complished by making use of a controlled
ow source bond graphs," Journal of the Franklin Institute,
that creates exactly the amount of volume that has 328(5/6), pp. 871{886.
left . Considering the remaining energy balance (no
ow) [5] Ernst Dieter Gilles(1997), \Netzwerktheorie ver-
fahrenstechnischer Prozesse" Chemie Ingenieur
Technik (69) 8|97 pp. 1053{1065, VCH Verlags-
0 = P + Q_ (5.14) gesellschaft mbH, 0009-286X/970808-1053.
it is found that the
ow source must be connected [6] Jurgen Greifeneder, Francois E. Cellier (2001),
as a two port element to the temperature-entropy-cut \Modelling Multi-phase systems," ICBGM'2001,
of the C-eld. The energy needed will thus be gener- Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
ated by a (reversible) entropy
ow within the C-eld,
leading to a reduction of temperature in the pipe or [7] Jurgen Greifeneder, Francois E. Cellier (2001),
gas cylinder, which is consistent with physical knowl- \Modelling Multi-element Systems and Chemical
edge. Reactions, Using Bond Graphs," in preparation.
0 .
. T Sq
∆S T
CF SF: q~ = q
C ∆q
p q
g C
. p
g 0 M 0 q
. p
0 M 0
The elements introduced in this paper enable the mod-
eler, to describe simple thermodynamical systems de-
scribed by conduction and convection. The methodol-
ogy introduced so far only deals with mono-elements
and mono-phase systems. The description of multi-
phase and/or multi-element systems is left to two com-
panion papers [6] and [7].