90 Day Starter Guide

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Published by Cassey Ho

©️ 2020 oGorgeous Inc.

All rights reserved. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may

not be re-sold or given away to other people. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or

modified in any form, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and

retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Table of Contents

Why Are You Going On a 90 Day Journey? 4

My 90 Day Journey 5
What You Can Expect 15
Calculating Caloric Needs 16
Calculating Calories for Weight Loss 18
Choosing the Right Activity Level 19
What To Do If You Fall Between Plans 20
Why No Grains, Dairy, and Added Sugar? 21
Is It Okay to Count Calories? 23
How Much Water Should I Drink? 24
Let’s Talk Sleep & Stress 25
What Happens if I Plateau? 26
How The 90 Day Journey Works 27
STEP 1: Declare your why. 27
STEP 2: Choose your Activity Level. 28
STEP 3: Take before measurements. 29
STEP 4: Food. Write it all down. 31
STEP 5: Workouts. You must have a plan. 32
STEP 6: Check in weekly. 33
Customize Your Journey 34
Meal Prep 35
#90DayJourney 36
What Happens After 90 Days? 37
Personal Message from Cassey 38

Why Are You Going on a 90 Day Journey?

I want you to think about why you’re holding this meal plan in your hands.
Think about what you hope to get out of this journey, what results you
expect and how you want to feel when these 90 days are over. Most
importantly, I want you to think about your Why. If you’re not exactly sure
what that is, then get ready to deep dive into yourself a little.
Actually, don’t start this journey until you do!

Your Why is the core of your

motivation to change. It’s
that final straw, the breaking
point, or the sigh of
desperation that motivated
you to click “purchase.”

Maybe you’re unhappy with

your lifestyle or you want to
work on your relationship with
your body. Maybe you just
want to feel better or

Maybe you’re finally ready to

commit to building your best
self inside and out. And
doing that not only takes
some serious courage, but
the willingness to make the
changes you’ve been
avoiding because they’re
scary or because your
ego says “meh, I don’t need
this.” However, deep down,
you know you need a change.

Maybe you even need the

challenge. Whatever your
Why is, remember this is for
you and no one else. If you
keep thinking of reasons to
do this for other people, keep
digging and find your Why. It’s
personal, and it’s important.

My 90 Day Journey

F inding M y Why

One day I woke up and decided that I needed to take back the life that I
wanted to live. Working out was once something that I enjoyed quietly as a
“regular person.” Blogging was once a safe place where I could truly spill my
honest thoughts. But that particular day I realized that everything that I did,
ate, or said was being constantly critiqued. Of course, that just comes with
being a public figure, but the public judgement of it all had made me a more
timid, scared person. I realized I was tip-toeing around sensitive personalities
and treating everything like it was so fragile. I started to say less and less, for
fear of offending people. I was losing my sense of self.

And after years of training

myself to be a quiet vanilla
cupcake, I completely lost
who I was and what
I stood for.

So that day, I decided that

compromising my
personality, my beliefs, and
my happiness was not
something I was willing to
sacrifice EVER - even if it
meant upsetting people and
losing thousands of

I knew I needed to embark

on a journey that would help
me get back to myself.


This was a personal journey I wanted to go on to get in the BEST SHAPE OF

MY LIFE - mentally and physically, on my terms. AND - I promised myself that I
would journal every single day for 90 days - my true feelings and thoughts,
uninhibited by other people’s opinions of me.


To be completely honest, one of the things that made me realize how lost I
had become was how my weakened emotional state had influenced the way
my body was changing. I stepped on the scale one day and weighed in heavier
than I had ever been. I realized then that I had been eating away at my
emotions - not paying attention to how I was filling my voids with food.

Of course, weight is
just a number.
AUG U ST 2 01 9
However, I just didn’t
feel like myself. Stress
over the years of
running a business,
taking care of other
people and not
having time to take
care of myself had
taken a toll on me. It
showed in the pimples
on my face, the whites
in my hair, and in the
extra weight I had

So, I decided it was

time to take my life
back. On MY terms. I
was going to do this for
ME, regardless of what
anyone else was going
to say.

Going into this, I did expect some people to question why I felt like I
needed to lose weight. But NEVER did I envision being labeled a
“disappointment”, a “terrible role model”, a “hypocrite”, someone
with a “mental illness” and a “dangerous disorder ” who was a
“disgrace to all women”. Magazines and large online publications wrote
about my “controversial” decision to lose some weight.

Day 1 was...really rough. I cried and cried and questioned my decision to make
this journey public. Was this a mistake? Did I completely ruin the brand I had
worked so hard to build up over the past decade?

But anytime my emotions took over, I went back to my Why.

I realized that Day 1 was just the beginning of a series of tests that were
positioned to challenge me mentally, emotionally, and physically. Was my Why
going to be strong enough to pull me past the intense negativity and public
shaming surrounding my 90 Day Journey?

I had to remind myself. You are doing this because you want to find your strength
again. To find YOURSELF again.

The start of my journey - as emotionally painful as it was - was EXACTLY what I


If finding my own personal strength meant losing what I’ve built and the
followers that went with it, so be it. I wasn’t going to sacrifice my
happiness and stunt my potential in order to satisfy other people’s
opinion of me.

Remember this:

if someone is


with your growth,

then guess what?

You’ve simply

outgrown them!

This mindset was what made the next 89 days of my journey so much
clearer and so much easier to navigate. Like I had stated in my very first
blog post announcing my 90 Day Journey - I was doing this FOR ME - on MY


When I started my journey, I wrote out all my stats: the weight, body fat
percentage, and muscle mass percentage that I started at, and where I
wanted to be after 90 days.

After doing years of internal work to realize that numbers had nothing to do
with my self worth, and that they were just data points, I felt ready to step on
the scale again and use it as a tool for measuring numerical progress.

If you’re currently
struggling with the scale,
don’t worry, you don’t need
to use it!

Other simple ways to

measure progress include:

- taking photos
- measuring your body
with a measuring tape
- or trying on a tight
dress or pair of jeans!

But you DO need to find a

trusted way of measuring
your progress. This will keep
you disciplined and focused.

You must be ready

to be 100% honest

with yourself.

Here’s the thing you must realize about progress, especially when it comes to
weight loss progress... IT WILL NOT BE A STRAIGHT LINE.

Th e re w ill b e u p s an d

th e re w ill b e d ow n s . You

m u st be p re p are d fo r

th at.

You c a n no t l e t t h e

n u m be r s af fe c t yo ur

m o o d.

You C A N N OT le t a

n u m be r r uin yo ur fo c u s.

You MU ST al low

for e rro r.

The reason why I made my journey 90 days long was because it was enough
time for me to be able to make mistakes, learn from it, test out a new
strategy, and still make progress towards my goal. My ability to constantly test
and tweak is the reason why I ended up not just reaching my goal, but
maintaining it.


WEIGHT: 136 lbs

(the heaviest I had
ever been)*

Body fat: 24.4%


WEIGHT: 120 lbs


Athlete level body fat

DAY 9 0 - E ND!

Weight: 118.6 lbs

BODY FAT: 20.6% DAY 1 DAY 90

*Reference, I am 5’5”.

DAY 1 DAY 9 0 DAY 1 DAY 9 0

H ow did I do t h i s?

Flexibility, experimentation, and compassion. These are the 3 things I want

you to practice on your journey.

FLEXIBILITY: Don’t be afraid to try new things that may not have
been on your plan originally. It is ok to let your intuition and your
curiosity guide you.

EXPERIMENTATION: Be ready to evolve your plan if it’s not

working. Constantly test and tweak!

COMPASSION: Allow yourself to make mistakes. It’s all a part of

the journey.

I started out doing keto which was good for the first month but then I
started getting headaches, feeling sluggish and got stuck in a plateau. So
I took out nuts and dairy and started eating more fruits and increasing my
carbohydrate intake. That was good for another month, but then I hit
another plateau. So I focused on sleeping more, which helped move my
progress along, but then I hit another plateau! So I started tracking
my caloric and macronutrient intake, which helped me reach my goals by day

You’ve got to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. It is constantly telling you things,

and if you want the answer, all you have to do is pay attention and keep
trying. To figure out what it’s trying to tell you, you’ve got to actively take
notes. Write everything down in your 90 Day Journal! Your sleep, your
mood, your food, your exercise, your digestion, your energy, your skin - like
literally EVERYTHING! By doing this, you’ll be able to go back and formulate
patterns and trends.

The coolest thing is that you’ll have this new found understanding of your

Because I journaled everything for 90 days, I now know EXACTLY what foods
bloat me, what I should eat to debloat quickly, how many sleep hours make me
sharp vs. cloudy, how my period affects my cravings, and what I need to eat to
lose fat etc. - I mean, it’s like I unlocked a User ’s Manual on my body! It is
honestly SO POWERFUL to know your body on that level.

I’m excited for you to unlock your personal User ’s Manual too. These next 90
days for you will be transformative in so many ways.

What You Can Expect From This 90 Day Meal Plan

If you commit to giving the next 90 days everything you’ve got, you can
expect to get in the best shape of your life, mentally and physically. You will
build muscle, endurance and confidence. You’ll feel better than you ever have
Most importantly, you will finally
understand your body. In other
words, you’ll take the time to see
what works for your body and
what doesn’t. I’m always telling
you that all bodies are different,
and what works for one person
may not work for another. Most
people don’t take the time to
figure this out, but it is very
important! After these 90 days,
you’ll get it.

You’ll know your body on a

deeper level and you’ll know
exactly how to give it what it

On the same note, you’ll learn

how to be flexible with your
body. And no, I don’t just mean
with stretching (although that’s
important too!). You’ll learn how
to adjust this plan to what your
body needs. It took a lot of time
and all sorts of diets to figure out
what was right for me when I was
on my 90 day journey. That’s why
it’s called a journey! Embrace it.
Learn from it. The more work you
put in and the more you pay
attention now, the easier it will
be later.

There will be frustrating times. ​You may not see the results you want, as
quickly as you want. You might mess up a recipe, or forget something at the
grocery store. You might struggle to find a convenient time to workout. You
might dread trying new foods. Maybe you’ll face a learning curve because
you’ve never cooked in your life. No matter who you are, something is probably
going to frustrate you at some point. Expect it, and learn how to work through it.

Calculating Caloric Needs

First, I want to make one thing clear: calories matter, but our lives should
not revolve around them. It is absolutely helpful to understand how
calories work with weight loss, and it’s important to learn how to figure out
what your body needs. There are several ways to calculate this, and although
some equations are more reliable than others, keep in mind that no
calculation will be perfect.

The most accurate way to estimate calorie needs is with the Mifflin-St. Jeor
equation. To avoid ripping your hair out with math, you can find a calculator
for this online. If you want to try the equation, here it is:

For Men: 10(weight in kg) + 6.25(height in cm) - 5(age in years) + 5

For Women: 10(weight in kg) + 6.25(height in cm) - 5(age in years) - 161

This equation will give you your basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is basically
the number of calories you burn at rest, not engaging in strenuous activity
throughout the day. Once you know your BMR, you can multiply it by an
activity factor to get a more accurate idea of how many calories you burn
every day.


1.2 ​- Choose this option if you work a desk job with little to no consistent
exercise each week. If you do squeeze in some exercise, you’re not usually
getting sweaty.

1.375​ - Choose this option if you’re lightly active, with 1-3 light workouts per
week, like going on a 30 minute walk or yoga. Your workouts usually make you
break a sweat, but you’re not super sweaty when you’re done.

1.55​ - Choose this option if you do moderate workouts 3-5 days per week that
get your heart rate up and leave you pretty sweaty.

1.725​ - Choose this option if you are very active, with hard exercise 6-7
days per week. Your workouts are challenging and always leave you nice and

For a 25 year-old female who is 5’ 5” and weighs 150 pounds, here is what the
equation for BMR would look like:

First, convert pounds to kilograms: 150 lb / 2.2 = 68.2kg

Then, inches to cm: 65 inches x 2.54 = 165cm

Next, just plug everything into the equation!

10(68.2kg) + 6.25(165cm) - 5(25 years) - 161 = 1427 calories​.

Let’s say this person walks 3 days per week, but otherwise doesn’t do any other types
of workouts. I’d use the “lightly active” activity factor of 1.375 and multiply that by the
BMR I got in the first equation.

So, 1427 x 1.375 = ​1962 calories​.

1962 calories is how many calories this person should consume if they want to
maintain their weight while being lightly active 3 days a week.

Calculating Calories for Weight Loss

Okay, so that’s your calorie target to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose
weight, you’ll want to be in a calorie deficit. Basically that just means you want to eat
fewer calories than you’re burning.

The key here though is to make sure you’re not cutting too many calories. Plan your
calorie deficit to be about 300 to 500 calories less than the calorie needs you just

So back to the example:

We left off with 1962 calories for weight maintenance. To lose weight, subtract 500
calories from that number to create a deficit.

1962 - 500 = 1462 calories

The number you get with this deficit is the best place to start to lose 1 to 2 lbs per
week. Slow and steady is what we want here! If this seems like a big number of
calories to cut, remember that eating less isn’t the only way to reach that calorie
deficit. If you increase your normal exercise level, the extra calories you’re burning
count towards your deficit too.

Also - this number is an estimate, and it isn’t final.

If you set a 500-calorie deficit and you’re hungry and tired and grumpy, then it’s
probably not enough calories for you. Adjust your deficit to 300 calories and see how
you feel. You should always feel good, never deprived. These numbers are just
estimates to guide you. Use them, but pay attention to your body too.

Also keep in mind that as you lose weight, your maintenance calorie level and the
number of calories you need to stay in a deficit (if you want to keep losing weight)
will change. There’s not really a time frame for how often to do this. Just adjust as
needed. In other words, if you notice your weight loss slows dramatically or plateaus
altogether, it’s probably time to recalculate these numbers.

Choosing the Right Activity Level Meal Plan

Now that you have an idea of what your body needs, you can pick the best
meal plan for your journey. You’ll find meal plans for three different energy
levels to choose from. Each level provides a different number of calories to
fit your needs, based on your metabolism and activity level.


Activity Level 1: ~1200 calories/day

Activity Level 2: ~1500 calories/day

Activity Level 3: ~2000 calories/day

You can calculate an estimate

of what you need using the
equations in the section above.
On the same note, you’ll learn how
to start, but you will need to
experiment to figure out what
plan is best for you. ​D on’t just
pick the lowest plan thinking
you’ll accelerate your weight
loss​. Giving your body enough
calories is extremely important
to feel your best and make your
workouts worthwhile. So, take the
time to really figure out what your
body needs. Resist treating this
like a crash diet, because that’s
not what this journey is about!

So, after you choose which plan to start with, I want you to journal like
crazy to see how it’s working for you. Write everything down in your 90
Day Journal. Write about your energy level, your mood, your appetite, your
digestion, and any foods that bother you. Write as much detail as possible,
because this journal will become the road map to figuring out the best plan for
you. There’s a good chance your body may need more or less calories than
you think, or what any calculator may tell you! The calculators are a guide.
Your body will tell the whole story.

What Plan Do I Use if My Needs
Fall Between Activity Levels?
You have a couple of options here. If your calculated calorie needs are within
100 calories one way or another, you can round up or down accordingly.

So, if you’re the woman in our example, and your needs for a weight loss plan
are 1462 calories a day to lose about 1-2 lbs a week at your current activity
level, then you can safely choose the Activity Level 2 Plan which gives you meal
plans that come out to around 1500 calories a day.

Let’s say you calculate a number that is more like 1800 calories a day. The
Activity Level 2 Plan is too low...and the Activity Level 3 Plan is too high!
What should you do?

Simple! Just pick the Activity Level 2 Plan (~1500 calories) and add a healthy
150-200 calorie snack to your day’s intake.

You can find all of the nutrition information for every meal in your meal plan,
so don’t hesitate to swap things around. Make sure to pay attention to how the
food is making you feel and if you’re getting the results you want. If it’s not
working out, tweak!

Why No Grains, Dairy, and Added Sugar?

You’ll notice that I omitted grains, dairy, and added sugar from all of the meals
in this plan. That doesn’t mean that this meal plan is low-carb. Trust me, I’ve
got a lot of love for carbs and there are still plenty of them in this meal plan.
My carbs come from fruit, veggies (yes, veggies have carbs), legumes, quinoa
and nuts.

Grains, dairy, and added sugar are just foods that I decided to leave out during
my own 90 Day Journey because basically, they don’t make me feel my best.

Bread, dairy, rice, pasta etc. make me feel bloated.

Excessive sugar makes me feel tired and sluggish. And it makes my face break
out almost immediately!

Dairy just doesn’t work well with my body! The biggest things I’ve noticed
with dairy consumption are acne and indigestion, but overall I just feel better
when I stick with alternatives like almond or oat milk.

D o I avo id t h e se food s 1 00 % of the tim e? O f course not. But this jo urney

wa s a ll a bo u t fe e ling my b e st, so I dec ided to leave them out for 90 d ays .

However, your body may be different. And if for some reason you feel like the
lack of any of these foods is making you NOT feel your best, then by all means,
add it back in! You can easily tweak your recipes by swapping quinoa for brown
rice or coconut yogurt for greek yogurt!

Don’t think of this as
restrictive, because I
promise you will not feel
restricted or hungry on this
plan if you listen to your
body and follow the most
appropriate meal plan for
your body. Both Breanna
Woods, R.D, (the Registered
Dietitian who co-created,
tested, and approved the
meals in this plan) and I
purposefully omitted
commonly inflammatory
foods out of this meal plan
because we wanted you to
focus on feeding your body
with gut friendly, whole,
natural foods. Our goal is
to help you enjoy the most
nourishing foods with the
most insanely simple and
delicious meals!

Finally, if going dairy free,

added sugar free, and grain
free for 90 days seems
really intense - just take it
in 30 day chunks. It takes a
few weeks to build a solid
habit, so I encourage you to
allow your taste buds the
time to re-adjust to the new,
fresh foods you’ll be eating.

You’ll find that you won’t need extra sugar to make things taste sweet. You’ll be
able to actually taste the natural sweetness of your fruits and vegetables!

But once again, it is up to you to take notes, assess, and tweak! If you have a
hunch that you need a little more or less of something - go ahead and
experiment! Your 90 Day Journey is all about testing, trying, and truly
understanding how your body reacts to different foods!

Is It Okay to Count Calories?

That depends. If you use calorie counting as a tool, then it’s okay. I know it is
very easy to become obsessed with the numbers. And I don’t want you to
become obsessed, but this can easily happen when you’re not in a stable place
mentally and emotionally with numbers and their relationship to your self

In my personal experience, when

I didn’t have a healthy
relationship with my body,
counting calories only made me
feel worse. I’d feel guilty for
going over my “calorie goal,” and
I felt like my life revolved around
the numbers.

(Plus, did you know that most

nutrition labels aren’t even totally

Overall, I think it’s helpful to

understand the basics of what is
calorie dense.

However, I think it’s a tool that

should only be used to learn
information about our food, so we
can understand how it fuels our

Your 90 Day Meal Plan is equipped

with macronutrient information
(carbs, fats, protein) as well as
calorie count, to aid you in
better understanding what works
for your body, and what doesn’t.
Pay attention. Your body is
talking. You’ve just got to listen.
Jot everything down - your mood,
your energy levels, your digestion
details - all in your 90 Day
Journal. It’s extremely valuable
information that will help you
understand your body better.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

Don’t even try to go through this journey without prioritizing hydration! Do

whatever you can to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. If you struggle with
drinking water, try:

• Adding flavor with cut fruit

• Tracking your water intake in your 90 Day Journal
• Buy a pretty water bottle (many options on popflexactive.com)
• Setting goals for how many cups of water you want to drink per hour

Even if you’re drinking 64

oz (900ml) per day, it’s a
good idea to check your
hydration level by making
sure your urine is almost
clear and lime-colored. If
it’s a deeper shade of
yellow, go grab more

M ay b e i t s o u nd s craz y to
l ook at yo u r urin e, b u t
hydrat i o n i s extremely
i mpo r t a n t .

Hydrati o n i mp rove s
you r m ood , h e l p s yo u
sle e p, f l u s h e s o ut
tox i n s, l u b r i c ate s yo ur
join ts , h e l p s yo u r
org a n s f u n c t i o n we ll
a nd ge ts n ut r i e nt s in to
the ce l l s.

Wate r i s s o good for d ig estion a nd m eta bolism . It works m ira c le s fo r yo u r

s k i n. I t h e l p s you feel less h u n gry be tween m e a ls. The re fore, HYDRAT E !

Let’s Talk Sleep and Stress

I f yo u wan t to see you r b od y cha nge, you ne ed to know it ’s not all abo u t
diet a n d exe rci se. You n eed to m a na ge sle ep a nd stre ss too.

I f yo u ’re n o t g ettin g en ou g h sleep, you’re going to be running on less

e ne rg y. You ’ l l b e mo re te mp te d to skip a workout or get takeout for
din n e r. Fe e l i ng tired cou ld also le ave you re a c hing for m ore proce ssed
s na c k s o r co f fee.

Also, d i d you k now sl e e p me sses with your horm ones? It’s true ! Yo u r b o d y
p rod u ce s mo re cortisol w h en yo u la c k sleep. Cortisol is a stress hormo n e
t hat s i g n al s you r b od y to h old o nto ene rgy, m e a ning you won’t burn
c a l o r i e s a s e f f icien tly. In oth er words, skipping sleep is self-sa bota g e. Aim
fo r e i g h t h o u rs of sleep every night.

St re ss k i n d o f works alon g th e sa m e lines. When you’re stressed, you ’re

mo re l i ke l y to re a ch fo r co mfo rt foods and you m ight feel too drain e d to
wo r k o u t or co o k yo ur me a l s. Cortisol com es bac k into play, and li m its
h ow ma ny c a l o r i e s yo ur b o d y burns. There ’s a lot m ore sc ie nce to t h is, b u t
he re ’s t h e p o in t: man ag in g you r stre ss is im porta nt to get the m ost o u t o f
t hi s j o u r n ey.

What Happens if I Plateau?

Go into this journey expecting some kind of plateau at some point. It’s just
bound to happen! After some time goes by, your body’s calorie needs are
going to change. Your muscles will be stronger, so you’ll need to find ways to
challenge yourself to build more muscle and burn fat. Your body will evolve,
which means your journey needs to evolve. The plateaus are just your signal to
make the necessary changes. Basically what I’m saying is, it’s normal! Use it as
a tool.

If you’re feeling stuck for too long or you notice that your measurements
aren’t changing, dive into your 90 Day Journal and investigate. Look for ways
you’re lacking consistency, or areas where change might be needed.

H e re a re s o me q ue st i o ns to
a s k yo u rs el f.

A n swe r h o n estly:

- A re you n ot sl e e pi n g
e nough?

- A re you n ot dr i n k i n g
e nough wate r ?

- A re you n ot e ati n g e n ou g h
calorie s?

- A re you e ati n g too m a ny

calorie s?

- A re you wor k i n g ou t too

m uch?

- A re you n ot wor k i n g ou t
e nough?

If you take the time to journal and write down every detail about your food,
your workouts, your moods, your energy levels etc., I am confident that you
WILL figure it out! Although this part of the journey is the most frustrating, it’s
totally necessary in order to learn and understand
your body.

How the 90 Day Journey Works


Before you start your journey, declare your goals! Big or small,
write them down in your 90 Day Journal. Remember that this
journey is for you and you alone. So, think about what you want
to get out of the next 90 days.


Choose the Activity Level 1,

Activity Level 2 or Activity
Level 3 meal plan.

Every meal plan includes

breakfast, lunch, dinner and
one snack. The meals are
almost totally the same
across the activity levels,
with small additions to add
calories as needed. The
Activity Level 3 plan also
adds an extra snack. All of
the meal plans are grain,
dairy, added-sugar, and
refined carbohydrate-free.

Like I said before, you

should pick a plan based on
a calculation of your calorie
needs. However, this number
is only an estimate and may
likely change. If the plan you
start out with doesn’t feel
right, don’t feel bad about
switching. That’s why there
are three options to choose
from! You s​ hould not​ feel
hungry, fatigued or grumpy.
You should feel good. On
the other hand, you can also
switch to a lower level plan if
a couple of weeks go by and
you’re not seeing results.
Listen to your body!

The meal plans include nutrition info and macros for each day. Keep
in mind that these numbers are there just for your reference. You
don’t have to do any tracking or counting! Also, these numbers will
most likely vary depending on what brands you use, etc.


In your 90 Day Journal, record your:

• Starting weight
• Starting body fat %
• Starting muscle mass %
• Chest measurement
• Waist measurement
• Hip measurement
• Arm measurements
• Thigh measurements






Also, take your Day 1 before pictures:

• Wear a bikini or sports bra with booty shorts

• Take a front shot
• Take a side shot
• Take a back shot
• Write down what time you took this photo in your 90 Day

Keep your before picture outfit around, as you will want to wear
the same thing for your after photo. Make sure you take your Day
90 photo at the same time and same angle as your Day 1 photo.
This will allow you to see the most honest side by side progress
shot possible.

Use my pics as your own pose inspo


Step 4: Food. Write it all down.

Write what you eat, how you feel when you eat, and how you feel
after you eat.


Do you have any bad or

uncomfortable symptoms
like bloating after a meal?

Do you notice you’re

sneaking in extra snacks
on the days you’re feeling

How is your energy level?

How is it compared to
yesterday? Better? Worse?

Write it down so you actually

see what is happening in your
body. This will help you
understand the foods that
fuel your body the best, as
well as the foods that maybe
don’t work so well for you.
This information will help with
accountability too.

Think of your 90 Day

Journal as a best friend who
is rooting you on, but also
isn’t afraid to let you know
you’re giving into a bad habit.
When you see your habits on
paper, you can work on them.


If you’re using the

Blogilates Workout
Calendar, OR the BODY
by Blogilates app, look at
the upcoming week so you
know what’s coming.

Choose a time each day to

work out.

Write it in your planner

and commit to it.

Planning ahead helps you

stay on track and keeps
you from wasting time.

After your workout, whip

out that 90 Day Journal
again and make a note
about how you feel. You
want to note the workouts
that energize you, and any
you made.

You managed to do all of

the burpees in your
workout without a break?
That’s great! Write it down
and celebrate that. I’d even
write down how much time
you’re waiting between
eating and working out
because this can affect your
energy level during your


Your 90 Day Journal has a

place for you to track your
weekly progress in a chart
and in a graph. Fill those
out. It is important for you
to see how your progress
is going. Is your current
plan helping you head in a
direction that is going
towards your goal or
farther away from it?
Based on these numbers,
I want you to be open to
flexibility and

Try switching your Activity

Level meal plan for a week
to see what happens! You
have three to choose from,

Try sleeping more.

Try switching up your


Try taking out foods that

you think bothers you.

Remember, the key is the

test and tweak!

Also, don’t forget to fill

out your weekly recaps in
your 90 Day Journal! This
is a safe place for you to
reflect on your weekly
goals and where you can
improve. The best thing
you can do is to be honest
with yourself.

Remember to Make This Journey Yours

Ke e p i n mi n d th at th is p lan is ba sed off of what I ate on my 90 Day

Jour n ey. A l l o f ou r jou rn eys are de eply pe rsona l! My v ision for this pl an is
t hat yo u ’l l u se it as a b aselin e and a s a guide. The m ea ls a re a ll
comp l e te l y bu ilt w ith w h ole, h ea lthy foods, a nd they will ge t you on t rac k.
But t h at d o e sn ’ t mean you h ave to stic k to every single de ta il for yo u r
j our n ey to b e su ccessf u l.

Read th at a ga i n.

Yo u d o n ’t h ave to follow every single de ta il during your journey.

I wa n t yo u to tweak an d exp eriment with these pla ns a s m uc h a s yo u n eed

to, u n t i l s o m eth in g clicks so yo u’re m eeting your goa ls AND fe eling g reat . I f
i t fi t s yo u r b od y’s n eed s, I’ m all for it.

The g o al h e re is to learn to liste n to your body. That’s why the journ al is so

i mpo r t an t ! Wh eth er you r en erg y fe els low, or your weight isn’t budg in g in
t he d i re c t i o n you wan t, ju st kee p tra c k of what you’re e ating, pinpo in t t h e
c ul p r i t , an d ad ju st. I d id th is d uring my e ntire journey ! It’s a m a zing w h at
p ay i n g a l i t t l e atten tion can d o! You’ll let go of the pressure of “diet i n g ” an d
l e a r n to g i ve you r b od y exactly what it needs.

Th is m i n d s e t w i l l ma ke yo ur
jo u r n ey s u stai nab l e.

I f yo u ’re l i ke me, you ’ ve learn ed the

ha rd way t h at d iets d on ’ t work. That’s
b e c a u s e 9 9 % of th e time, th ey’ re not
s ustai n ab l e. On e of th e reason s I’m
mo st exc i te d to sh are th is w ith you is
s o yo u can f i n ally exp erien ce
s ome t h i n g t h at sticks. Follow in g this
p l a n wh i l e ad ju stin g it alon g th e way
to m ake yo u r jou rn ey YO UR S is what
ma ke s t h i s p lan d if feren t f rom any
“d i e t ” yo u ’ve tried b efore. Th is
j our n ey w i l l c h an g e n ot ju st your body,
b ut yo u r e n t i re life. M y 90 Day Journey
b ooste d my con f id en ce so mu ch that it
ha s i mp rove d my p rod u ctivity, my
re l at i o n s h i p s , my career, an d my overa ll
ha pp i n e ss fa ctor in life!

Ke e p i n m i n d th at w h ile we d id everything we could to prov ide you w i t h t h e
mo st a ccu rate n u trition in formation in this m e a l pla n, it’s ve ry possi b le t h at
t he n u mb e r s w ill vary a little. Things like produc t types, differe nt bran d s,
e tc . may s l i g htly ch an g e th e n u trition inform ation for a ny given re c ip e.
The se n u m b e rs are th ere to g u ide you a nd it’s best to consider them as
e st i m ate s !

Meal Prep

I ’d e n co u rag e you to p lay arou nd with m e a l pre pping to save yourse lf so me

t i me! Th e m e als rep eat th rou g hout the we ek a nd the rec ipes a re sup er
s i mp l e to d o u b le or trip le. If you spe nd a little ex tra tim e on the we eken d
b atch co o k i n g ( a lot of p eop le like to grocery shop a nd m e a l pre p o n
Sund ay ) , yo u ’ ll save you rself f ro m hav ing to cook a s often when thing s are
c ra z y b u sy d u rin g th e weekd ays.

Yo u c an b u y a b u n ch of
t up p e r ware i n b u lk an d h ave eve ry
b re ak fa st , l u nch , an d d in n er rea dy
to g o s o yo u ’ ll sp en d ZE R O time
d ur i n g t h e we ek cookin g . Some
p e op l e l i ke to stock th eir f rid g e
wi t h p re - p o r tion ed meals in mason
j a r s o r co n t a in ers. It’s a n ice way
to s ave t i m e a n d alleviate stress
t hro u g h o u t t he week.

I f a f u l l me al p rep sou n d s way too

d a un t i n g , yo u cou ld always p rep
s ome i n g re d i en ts to make cooki ng
t he re st o f t h e week a lot q u icker.
Thi n g s l i ke :

• Wa s h i n g /cu ttin g veg g ies

• Co o k i n g a larg e b atch of q u inoa
• Co o k i n g a larg e b atch of
c h i cke n , g rou n d tu rkey, etc.
• Po r t i o n i n g ou t you r sn acks

F i nd i n g as many little ways to save

t i me a n d make you r meals
conve n i e n t i s a h u g e p art of
ma k i n g yo u r j ou rn ey su stain ab le!


Use the hashtag

#90DayJourney & post
pictures & videos of
your meals and
workouts so that other
people can follow along
and root you on!

Also, don’t forget to

leave some love,
& encouragement for
your fellow 90 Day
Journeyers too!

What Happens After 90 Days?

Remember those goals you declared on Day 1? If you flip to the

final pages of your 90 Day Journal, you will see that there’s a
finale page where you will list Day 1 goals and compare them
against your Day 90 results. This page is the summary of your 90
Day Journey! It will be exciting to fill out to see how much
progress you’ve made. Did you achieve your goals or is there more
work to be done? It’s okay if you need more time!

Remember, practice compassion with yourself. Your journey is


After yo u r 9 0 days a re com p le te, yo u r n ext ste p is to fig u re out

yo u r per so n a l ba l a n ce fo r m a in t a in in g t h is h e a lt hy life st y le. By
th i s po i n t , you sh ou l d h ave a re al l y co mp re h e n s i ve
unde rst a n di n g of you r bo d y b e c au s e yo u ’ve t ake n d e t ai l ed
note s th rou gh ou t you r j o u rn ey an d h ave re co g n i ze d p at ter ns ,
t he re fore, u n l oc k i n g you r b o d y ’s U s e r ’s M an u al !

If yo u ever f i n d yo u r sel f
feel i n g lo st a n d o f f t ra c k
agai n , yo u c a n a l ways
referen ce yo u r 9 0 D ay
Jo u rn al . It ’s yo u r h i sto r y,
yo u r ex per i en ce, yo u r
j o u rn ey! Yo u r bo dy sh o u ld
n o l o n ge r be a so u rce o f
co n fu si on a n d
fru stratio n .

Your 9 0 D ay J ou r n ey wi l l
gif t you th e powe r of
unde rsta n di n g h ow you r
body wo r k s.

After the 90 days, whether you reach all your goals or just
some of them - one thing is for sure - you will grow on this
journey no matter what. Your growth and your commitment
to 90 days of working on yourself is huge, and not
something a lot of people are willing to do. That being said,
make sure you give yourself a giant hug and plenty of
recognition for every single accomplishment you achieve
along the way, big or small.

Your life i s goi n g to c h a ng e i n t h e n ex t 9 0 d ays . I ’m s o

excite d for you !

N ow, go c h oose th e Ac ti v i t y Leve l M e al Pl an t h at s u i t s you

be st! S ee you ove r th e re.


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