Effect of Plant Spacing On Yield and Fruit Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus)
Effect of Plant Spacing On Yield and Fruit Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus)
Effect of Plant Spacing On Yield and Fruit Characteristics of Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus)
ABSTRACT. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different plant
spacings on yield and fruit characteristics of okra (variety: Haritha). Treatments consisted
of four plant spacings (90 x 60 cm, 60 x 45 cm, 45 x 45 cm and 45 x 30 cm) among which
the spacing recommended (90 x 60 cm) by the Department of Agriculture served as the
control. Treatments were arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three
replicates. Fertilizer was applied per plant basis as per the Department of Agriculture
recommendation. Green fruits were harvested every two days and data on total yield
(kg/ha), length of fruit (cm), weight of fruit (g) and number of fruits per plant were collected
at each harvest. Total fruit yield, fruit length, fruit weight and number of fruits per plant
were significantly affected by plant spacing. When compared to the control, total fruit yield
increased by 35% and 160% at 45 x 45 cm spacing during the yala season and at 45x30 cm
during the maha season. In contrast, the fruit length decreased by 11.6% at 45 x 45 cm
during yala and by 11.3% at 45 x 30 cm during maha when compared to the control. During
yala, single fruit weight decreased by 16% at 45 x 45 cm and by 16.5% at 45 x 30 cm
spacing during maha when compared to the control. Number of fruits per plant decreased
while total yields increased when compared to the control as plant population increased
during both seasons. The study indicated that, a 45 x 45 cm spacing could be selected for
the yala season while, a 45 x 30 cm spacing is appropriate for maha season for higher
yields and quality fruits of okra.
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.), which originated in Asia and Africa, is one of the most
important warm season fruit vegetables grown throughout the tropical countries. It is also
recognized as one of the world’s oldest cultivated crops. It is a popular vegetable in Sri
Lanka which ranks fourth in cultivated extent among the low country vegetables (Anon,
2007). It shows a wide adaptability and is cultivated in various regions of the country either
as a home garden crop or on a commercial scale. It also shows vast potential for earning
foreign exchange.
The green, tender fruits of okra are rich sources of vitamins, calcium, potassium, and other
minerals. If the crop is managed properly, okra produces green fruits continuously for
several months. Factors which influence the crop yield include genetic and nutritional
factors and space available to plants. Appropriate plant spacing can lead to optimum fruit
Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka.
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Paththinige et al.
yield whereas too high or low plant spacing could result in relatively low yields and quality.
With increasing plant population, yield per unit area increases upto a certain limit, beyond
which it decreases as resources for plant growth become limited. Appropriate spacing differs
from one situation to another and according to AVRDC (1990), plant population for okra
varies from 30,000 to 120,000 plants per hectare depending primarily on the variety and
other management practices. Further, it was reported that optimum plant population is the
key element for higher yields, as plant growth and yield are affected by intra and inter row
spacing (Amjad et al., 2002).
Okra is a popular vegetable among the farmers of the dry zone of Sri Lanka due to favorable
climatic and soil conditions prevailing in the area and the ease in growing. The farmers of
the dry zone extensively cultivate okra as a monocrop in irrigated uplands as well as in rice
based cropping systems during the yala season and to a lesser extent in well drained
highlands during the maha season.
The okra variety “Haritha”, which is reputed to be tolerant to yellow mosaic virus disease
was selected for the study. The study was conducted at the Field Crops Research and
Development Institute, Mahailluppallama (agro-ecological region DL1b) during 2007 yala
and 2007/2008 maha seasons. Variations of rainfall and temperature during both seasons are
given in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1. Variation of rainfall and ambient temperature during the 2007 yala season
Spacing on yield and fruit characteristics of okra
Table 2. Variation of rainfall and ambient temperature during the 2007/2008 maha
Treatments consisted of four plant spacings (90 × 60, 60 × 45, 45 × 45 and 45 × 30 cm)
including spacing recommended (90 × 60 cm) by the DOA, as the control. Treatments were
arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates. The unit
plot size was 3 × 3.6 m. In each planting hole, 3 - 4 seeds were sown and after about 7 days,
seedlings were thinned out leaving only 2 plants per hole. Plant densities under different
treatments are given in Table 3.
Fertilizer was applied per plant basis as per the recommendation of the DOA (Anon. 2007)
and other management practices were followed as stated in the “Techno-guide” of DOA
(Anon, 2002).
Tender, green fruits were harvested at two day intervals as practiced by the farmers in the
area and the fruit length (cm), and fruit weight (g) were measured at each harvest. The
number of green fruits per plant and the total yield (kg/ha) were recorded. The data were
statistically analyzed using the SAS system and means were separated using Duncan’s
multiple range test (DMRT) at 0.05 level of probability.
Statistical analysis of the data generated during two seasons revealed that the interaction
between two seasons was significant. Therefore, the data of two seasons were considered
separately for interpretation.
Paththinige et al.
Table 4. Effect of different plant spacing on yield and fruit characteristics of okra in
the yala 2007
T1 T2 T3 T4
Character Pr > F C. V. (%)
(90 x 60 cm) (60 x 45 cm) (45 x 45 cm) (45 x 30 cm)
Total yield (kg/ha) 26875 b* 35519 a 36252 a 37358 a 0.0001 5.762
Fruit weight (g) 36.68 a 33.4 b 30.8 c 26.9 d 0.0001 3.817
Fruit length (cm) 24.9 a 22.7 b 22 b 20.57 c 0.0001 2.789
No. of fruits/plant 17.75 a 11.72 b 9.09 c 7.61 d 0.0001 6.610
* DMRT results: Means in each row having the same letter(s) are not significantly different at P≥0.05
Table 5. Effect of different plant spacing on yield and fruit characteristics of okra in
the maha 2007/2008
Character T1 T2 T3 T4
Pr > F C. V (%)
(90 x 60 cm) (60 x 45 cm) (45 x 45 cm) (45 x 30 cm)
Total yield (kg/ha) 14810 d* 24025 c 28658 b 38542 a 0.0001 0.988
Fruit weight (g) 34.37 a 33.03 b 30.24 c 28.7 d 0.0001 1.924
Fruit length (cm) 22.16 a 20.85 b 20.16 b 19.65 c 0.0011 2.851
No. of fruits/plant 15.22 a 12.43 b 11.6 b 9.36 c 0.0001 6.319
* DMRT results: Means in each row having the same letter(s) are not significantly different at P≥0.05
Total yield
Total yield (kg/ha) was significantly affected by the plant spacing both in yala and maha
seasons (Tables 4 and 5). The highest total yield was recorded at the closest spacing (45 × 30
cm) while the lowest yield was obtained from the widest spacing (90 × 60 cm). Total fruit
yield at 45x45cm during yala season was increased by 35% and total fruit yield at 45 x
30cm spacing in maha season increased by 160% when compared to the control (60 x 90
cm). Higher yields which were found at narrower spacing could be attributed to the
increased number of plants per unit area.
The total yield primarily depends upon the yield per plant and plant population. Therefore,
closer spacing up to a certain limit produces higher yields due to more number of plants per
hectare. Wider spacings lead to a lower number of plants per hectare and ultimately lower
yields. The possibility of producing higher green fruit yield per hectare with a closer spacing
has been reported by Singh (1990). However, as a rule, all crops tend to increase yield per
unit area as plant population increased, but only up to a certain limit (AVRDC, 1990).
In the yala season, though yields were remarkably high when compared to the control, no
significant differences were observed between the treatments 2, 3 and 4. It is well known
that, being a tropical plant, okra prefers warm growing conditions with sufficient moisture
levels for optimum growth. As these conditions prevail in the dry zone during the yala
season, they would have favoured the better growth of the okra plant irrespective of the
space provided. However, as okra grows well giving higher yields in the yala season, which
is warmer when compared to the maha season (Tables 1 and 2), fruit characteristics should
be considered in deciding an appropriate spacing for the yala season.
Spacing on yield and fruit characteristics of okra
Fruit weight
As shown in Tables 4 and 5, weight of the green fruit was significantly affected (p<0.05) by
the plant spacing. The heaviest green fruits were produced by the plants at the wider
spacings (90 × 60 cm), while minimum green fruit weight was recorded at the closest
spacing. This trend could be seen in both seasons, which indicates that, fruit weight was not
affected by the season but the spacing. Weight per fruit at 45 x 45 cm spacing in yala season
decreased by 16% and weight per fruit at 45 x 30 cm spacing in maha season decreased by
16.5% when compared to the control (60 x 90 cm). Unpublished survey data obtained prior
to the study revealed that market demand and consumer preference is higher for the fruits
with 28-30 g in weight. Hence, 45 x 45 cm spacing in yala season and 45 x 30 cm spacing in
the maha season are appropriate to harvest green fruits with a desirable fruit weight.
Fruit length
The plant spacing had a significant effect on fruit length and was longest at the widest
spacing. The results of the present study are in accordance with Singh (1990) who reported
that maximum fruit length was obtained at wider spacings due to the abundance of growth
factors such as space and moisture which have been favored towards the low plant
populations. Unpublished survey data obtained prior to the study revealed that, fruits with
18-20 cm length have the highest market demand and consumer preference while
postharvest losses are minimal when compared to large sized fruits. Hence, considering
fruits with desirable length, 45 x 45 cm spacing level is appropriate for the yala season while
both 45 x 45 cm and 45 x 30 cm spacings could be considered for the maha season.
Yield of green fruits per plant significantly decreased with the decrease in inter and intra
row plant spacing in yala and maha seasons. With the wider spacings, fruit yield per plant
was high and maximum per plant fruit yield was obtained with the widest spacing (60 x 90
cm). Number of fruits per plant at 45 x 45 cm spacing in the yala season, though the yield
was highest, decreased by 48.8% when compared to the control (60 x 90 cm). Similarly,
number of fruits per plant at 45 x 30 cm spacing in the maha season also decreased by
38.5%. Although every plant received almost similar amount of nutrients in this experiment,
it can be assumed that plants given a wider spacing had less competition for moisture and
light as compared to plants given closer spacing. Therefore, the lateral growth of the plant
has been favored and tends to produces plants with many lateral branches at wider spacing.
As a result, number of fruits per plant increased. A decrease in branch number as plant
population density increased was reported by Wu et al., (2003). Further, Bisen et al., (1994),
Birbal et al., (1995) and Olasantan (2001) have reported higher number of green fruits per
plant at wider spacing.
The results of the present study revealed that, with the increasing plant density of okra, the
total fruit yield increased. The length of green fruits, weight per green fruit and number of
green fruits per plant decreased in favor of preferred fruit characteristics. This is attributed to
competition between plants for available resources at higher populations which in turn
affects the growth and the yield components. The two spacings (90 x 60 cm) and (60 x 45
Paththinige et al.
cm) during both seasons have given comparatively low total yields and the harvested green
fruits also did not match the preferred marketable characteristics.
Data from the yala season revealed that, although length of fruits harvested at the 45 x 30
cm spacing was within the range of higher consumer preference, single fruit weight and per
plant productivity (Table 5) were very low compared to 45 x 45 cm spacing. Further, there
was no significant difference among total yields obtained from 45 x 45 cm and 45 x 30 cm
spacings. Hence, the 45 x 45 cm spacing level could be considered appropriate for the yala
season to obtain higher yields with marketable fruit characteristics as moisture stress could
limit productivity during the yala season at higher population densities.
In contrast, during the maha, though it is not the major growing season, spacing of 45 x 30
cm produced considerable high yield while producing fruits with desirable length and single
fruit weight compared to 45 x 45 cm spacing. Higher yields obtained at 45 x 30 cm spacing
(Table 5) could be attributed to the high moisture availability, a characteristic feature of the
maha season in the dry zone, which has favored the higher plant population.
Economic benefits
Parameter % increase
90 x 60 cm 45 x 45 cm Difference
Fertilizer cost (Rs./ha) 72915.00* 194439.00* 121524.00 166.7
Labor cost (Rs./ha) 70000.00 75000.00 5000.00 7.1
Total cost (Rs./ha) 142915.00 269439.00 126524.00 88.5
Yield kg/ha 26875 36252 9377 34.9
Income (Rs./ha) 403125.00** 652536.00*** 249411.00 55.7
Profit (Rs./ha) 273935.00 383097.00 109162.00 38.6
Spacing on yield and fruit characteristics of okra
Considering all parameters tested and the crop management practices involved, 45 × 45 cm
spacing is suitable in the yala season while 45 x 30 cm spacing is appropriate in the maha
season to obtain high yields and desirable fruit characteristics. However, in facilitating crop
management practices like fertilizing, weeding and harvesting, 45 × 45 cm spacing would be
ideal for both seasons, since yield given at this spacing is still higher than the yield recorded
by using the present DOA recommendation. Further, increasing plant density by narrowing
plant spacing, increases the productivity (34.9%) and profitability (38.6%) of Okra.
The support given by all the staff members of the division of Agronomy, in the Field Crops
Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama, is appreciated.
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