10 11648 J Ijsqa 20220801 13
10 11648 J Ijsqa 20220801 13
10 11648 J Ijsqa 20220801 13
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Received: June 29, 2022; Accepted: July 29, 2022; Published: August 10, 2022
Abstract: Haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most important food legumes of Ethiopia and it is considered as
the main cash crop and the least expensive source of protein for the farmers in many lowlands and mid altitude of the country.
Low production and productivity, which is mainly associated with lack of access for improved varieties, was one of the major
problems. Therefore, to overcome the above stated problems and to acquaint smallholder farmers with new technologies of
widely grown pulse crops production, well-performed, adaptable and high yielding haricot bean varieties. Seven haricot bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties and one local check were evaluated in 2019 and 2020 cropping seasons at Dugda, Lume and
Adami Tulu districts of East Shoa zone, Mid rift valley of Oromia. The trial was laid out in the randomized complete block
design with three replications. Combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant variability among varieties for all
the parameters studied such as days to heading, days to maturity, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, plant height and
seed yield.. The varieties Awash-2 and Sikiya were found to be high yielding varieties with mean seed yield levels of 24.02
and 23.35 qtls ha-1, respectively. Therefore these two varieties are recommended for future use in the study area and similar
Keywords: Haricot Bean, Seed Yield, Variety, Evaluation
1. Introduction
Haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important pulse world [3]. It is produced primarily in tropical low-income
crop in Ethiopia and in theworld. The crop ranks first countries, which account for over three quarters of the annual
globally while it stands second next to faba bean in Ethiopia world production.
[6]. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an annual Haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the most
herbaceous plant domesticated independently in ancient important food legumes of Ethiopia and it is considered as
Mesoamerica and in the Andes, and now is grown worldwide the main cash crop and the least expensive source of protein
for both dry seeds or as a green bean. The importance of the for the farmers in many lowlands and mid altitude of the
common bean cannot be over emphasized. Apart from country. In Ethiopia, population is growing in more rate than
providing the subsistence needs such as food to many people the agricultural production does. To feed this increasing
in the world, beans are also sold in local markets and urban population the agricultural production should grow
areas to provide cash to farmers and traders [12]. Of the five accordingly with the same pace or even more. Pulses crops
domesticated species of Phaseolus, the common bean (P. are the most important crops in the national strategy of food
vulgaris) is the most widely grown, occupying more than self-reliance and foreign exchange earnings. Therefore, to
85%ofproduction area sown to all Phaseolus species in the increase the productivity of the farmers, it is crucial to
International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis 2022; 8(1): 18-21 19
increase the awareness of farmers towards the usage of did not reach the smallholder farmers living in mid rift valley
different improved technologies that increase their parts of Oromia. Therefore, toovercome the above stated
production and accelerate food security through proper problems and to acquaint small holder farmers with new
implementation [10]. The national average productivity of technologies of widely grown pulse crops production, well-
haricot bean is about 18.22 tons ha-1 for white haricot bean performed, adaptable and high yielding haricot bean varieties.
and 16.79 tons ha-1 red haricot bean [2].
Access to new and improved agricultural technologies is 2. Materials and Methods
limited in East in the study area, most probably due to lack of
allowance of our center to do any research on pulse crops Description of the study area: The experiment was
including haricot bean and others [11]. Currently there are conducted at Adami Tulu, Dugda and Lume Districts.
several new varieties released in our country which are Experimental materials and design: The eight newly
expected to be best for our mandate areas [6]. So far, the released determinate type haricot bean varieties were used.
national and regional research institutions in the country have The Randomized Complete Block Design with three
released many varieties for commercial Production [1]. replications was used. Experimental unit comprised five rows
However, these technologies did not tested for their of 3 meters length with row-to-row distance of 40 cm and
adaptabilitypotential under mid rift valley part of Oromia and plant-to-plant distance of 10 cm.
Table 1. Lists and descriptions of haricot bean varieties used in the experiment.
Table 2. Mean Square values from ANOVA for Haricot bean Parameters.
WhereCV=Coefficient of Variation, R2= R-Square, DF=Degree of freedom, DH= Days to heading, DM=Days to maturity, PH=Plant height in cm,
NPB=Number of primary branches, PP=Number of pods per plant, SPP= Number of seeds per pod, Yld= Yield in quintals per hectare.
Where DH= Days to heading, DM=Days to maturity, PH=Plant height in cm, NPB=Number of primary branches, PP=Number of pods per plant, SPP=
Number of seeds per pod, Yld= Yield in quintals per hectare
Table A1. Mean Values of each Haricot bean varieties at each years and Locations.
Table A2. Mean Values of each Haricot bean varieties at each years and Locations.
2019 2020
A/Tullu Dugda Lume A/Tullu Dugda Lume Com. Mean
1 Awash-1 24.32 26.24 24.54 22.08 20.42 18.49 22.68
2 Awash-2 24.92 26.32 20.36 24.66 24.39 23.47 24.02
3 Awash Mitin 19.54 28.38 14.51 22.45 19.85 17.78 20.42
4 DAB-277 15.90 22.13 14.27 18.47 11.30 17.85 16.65
5 Derash 17.23 17.89 11.74 20.15 15.30 15.96 16.38
6 Gorossa 13.81 21.82 15.81 20.09 14.14 17.22 17.15
7 SCR-26-26 22.74 25.39 22.74 21.51 25.51 22.24 23.36
8 Zo-Asho 19.81 27.25 16.47 23.43 14.43 21.68 20.51
Env. Mean 19.78 24.43 17.55 21.61 18.17 19.34 20.15