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Minh Phuong, Nguyen, 2008/03/04

Minh Phuong Nguyen - phuongnm.thcsnnhs@gmail.com
ISAKx Courses 2022 - 2023

Start here: ISAKx Application Part 1

Completed - 2022 Jul 13

ISAKx Application Form

Thank you for starting your application
process for ISAKx 2022 - 2023

Personal Information
First Name*


Middle Name


Last Name*



(No response)

1 / 30
Nickname (preferred name)


Date of Birth*

2008 Mar 4

Gender identity


Preferred Pronouns*

She / Her

Nationality Based on Passport*


Dual Citizenship Only - Nationality Based on Second Passport

(No response)

Birthplace - City*


2 / 30
Birthplace - Country*


Languages Spoken at Home and School*

Vietnamese & English

How did you first find out about ISAKx?*

UWC website/UWC National Committee

Please Specify*

I found out about this program while I was doing some research on the high school application on the

UWC ISAK Japan website.

Contact information
Permanent address
Street Address* no 36, lane 43, Doan Ke Thien street, Mai Dich
ward, Cau Giay district

City* Hanoi

Prefecture/State/Province (No response)

Postal Code* 122801

Country* Vietnam

3 / 30
Check here if you are not living at the Permanent Address listed above (for example, if you attend boarding

school away from home or live with a relative or host family)

No Responses Selected

Telephone number
Please provide a phone number which we can reach you.

Please include your country code.

Please select

Mobile phone

Phone number


Email address you use to receive and read emails*


If you are interested in more of UWC ISAK Japan's programs, you can get more information by

joining our mailing list. Once you sign up, you will receive important information and email

updates about how and when to apply. We will also keep you informed with our regular


I would like to join UWC ISAK Japan's mailing list*

Yes, I want to join

Academic information 4 / 30
Academic information
Have you previously applied to ISAKx Courses?*


Current school
Current School Name* Ulis Middle School

Current Grade Level* 9

Location - City* Hanoi

Location - Country* Vietnam

Type of School Other

Have you ever attended an English-speaking school (international school, bilingual school,

etc.) or a school outside your home country?*


If yes, how many years have you attended English-speaking school(s)?

5 / 30
From what age to what age did you attend English-speaking school(s)? Please describe.

(Ex: From age 7 to 9, I attended an international school in Japan.)

My current school is specialised in languages, especially in English. Therefore, I still count Ulis Middle

School as an English-speaking school. From age 11 to 14, I attended this school.

How comfortable are you in an English-speaking environment? Please select one of the options


I can talk, write, and discuss and suggest solutions for issues facing my community and country. I can

help other people express their ideas

Do you have any other information you would like to share about your schooling or academic



If yes, please provide details.

Ulis Middle School is a public school but it's self-financed.

UWC ISAK Japan Events

Have you attended any UWC ISAK Japan events?*


If yes, which events?

No Responses Selected

6 / 30
Thank you for completing this section. Once you are done, click the green "Mark as Complete" button

below. If you would like to edit your answers later, you will need to click the "More Options" menu (three

dots in the upper right corner) to do additional editing.

Complete your ISAKx Application Part 2

Completed - 2022 Aug 13

ISAKx Application Form

Short Answer Questions
At UWC ISAK Japan, we value diversity, and we accept
students from all over the world who have a variety of
perspectives and opinions. As you answer these questions,
please keep in mind that there are no right or wrong
answers. Feel free to express yourself and be creative. We
want to learn more about YOU!

Please answer the following questions in English, the word limit for each question is 300


7 / 30
1. After visiting our website and learning more about the courses, what motivates you to apply

to ISAKx Courses 2022 - 2023?*

What fascinates me is UWC’s top priority - education. Everyone at any age deserves to have the

opportunity to be exposed to quality education and financial issues should not be the hindrances on our

journey of learning. In these days and ages, I think this insight is very crucial to the development of our

society. And as a person of the community, it’s my part to somehow contribute in my very own little

ways. And while I was going through the UWC ISAK Japan website, I stumbled across ISAKx Courses. And

at that moment, I knew it was my time to seize this opportunity. Having the chance to take quality

courses online, including scholarships, is an excellent fit for my current situation. For me, studying freely

without any worries is one of my top life goals.

2. What is a local or global issue that you are concerned about? What do you think needs to be

done to solve it?*

Educational equity has always been a subject of interest to me. Equity means offering individualized

support to students that address barriers like poverty or limited transportation, etc. While equality means

treating everyone fairly even if they have different circumstances. Education is the seed of life, therefore,

everybody needs to have the access to be educated. This is a long-lasting problem and there’s a long

way to go to reach our goal. From my research, there are three main points regarding the solutions:

Design, Practices, and Resources. Firstly, in designing the school system, there are some basic guides to

follow: Limit early tracking and streaming and postpone academic selection; Manage school choice to

contain the equity risks; In upper secondary education, provide attractive alternatives, remove dead

ends and prevent dropout; Offer second chances to gain from education. Secondly, we also need to put

our ideas into practical action, here are a few steps that we can follow: Identify and provide systematic

help to those who fall behind at school and reduce year repetition; Strengthen the links between school

and home to help disadvantaged parents help their children to learn; Respond to diversity and provide

for the successful inclusion of migrants and minorities within mainstream education. Lastly, in teaching,

the right use of resources is what makes the lessons special, here are some guidance to make that idea

comes true: Provide strong education for all, giving priority to early childhood provision and basic

schooling; Direct resources to the students with the greatest needs; Set concrete targets for more equity,

particularly related to low school attainment and dropouts.

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3. What makes you really happy?*

The thought of having the chance to discuss my opinions with other people is something I have always

dreamed about. Even though I would prefer to read a book while wandering in my mind, the most

exciting process is sharing our knowledge with others. It makes me so happy just think about the chance

to learn different perspectives and their traits of thoughts.

Complete your ISAKx Application Part 3

Completed - 2022 Aug 13

ISAKx Application Form

Course Motivation
Course Interest

Please indicate your preference of which course(s) you would like to be enrolled in. Priority will be given

to your highest rating, as you can select multiple courses as your 1st or 2nd choice etc.

Be aware when selecting "I can't / don't want to" this may result in us being unable to offer you a spot in

ISAKx due to limited availability.

Perspectives in Literature (Fall) 3rd

Intercultural Understanding and Empathy (Fall) 2nd

Politics, You and Today's World (Fall) I can't / don't want to follow this course

Climate Change and Biodiversity (Fall) 4th

Science, Progress and Society (Winter) 1st

Politics, You and Today's World (Winter) I can't / don't want to follow this course

Stories and Self-Exploration (Winter) 2nd

Nature, Language and Society (Winter) 3rd

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Explain your course choices in a maximum of 500 words

All the courses that UWC ISAK Japan has to offer sound so interesting that I find it difficult to choose. Just

by reading the titles alone, I can really myself enjoying them already. However, there are a few courses

that make a special place in my heart. I rate the courses based on my accessibility to these subjects in

my home country. For "Science, Progress and Society", which I rate as my first choice, I think it's quite

rare for me to find any teachers in my country that openly talk about this subject. And resources about it

are limited too. Our education system has made a clear barrier between natural science (Biology,

Chemistry, Physics,...) and social subjecs (History, Literature, Geography,...). And I think that's why it's

hard for people to see the connection between science and society. Personally, I really enjoy learning

science when it's related to social topics. A part of me finds it very interesting and I'd love to dive more

into this subject. With "Intercultural Understanding and Empathy" and "Stories and Self-Exploration",

which I rate as my second choice, these two courses focus on social topics and self-help. The young

community of my country is very upbeat and catches on to these kinds of subjects quickly. Therefore, I

also have the chance to be exposed to them but I think the quality that comes along with the knowledge

is not sufficient. The community wouldn't dive deep into these topics because they need a high level of

understanding. That's why I think it'd be great if I can learn more about the subjects. The courses that I

rate as my third choice are mainly about languages and literature. I think the concept is very interesting

and I also enjoy reading and writing as well. But in my situation, I'm fortunately enough to have a greater

access to learn these topics so it's not my top priority. For the fourth choice, I choose "Climate Change

and Biodiversity". It's a common but extremely important issue and thankfully, our country is putting a

lot of efforts in educating children about it. Therefore, I always have a large amount of resources to

research about this topic. Lastly, I decide to not apply for the "Politics, You and Today's World". I

understand that it's an inseparable part of the society but it's just not my cup of tea for the time being.

Maybe in the future, I'll take it into my account.

Please indicate the option that fits your situation*

I want to enrol into one course in the Fall Semester and one course in the Winter Semester

Additional information

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Is there anything that you would like to add to your application that you feel would help us

better understand you and your motivation for joining ISAKx Courses 2022-2023?

If yes, please describe.

I think the most important thing that everyone needs to know about me is that I enjoy discussing

different perspectives. That's why I get bored real fast if the conversation drifts to small talks. It's

understandable if people think I'm not a friendly person and I'm just someone who tries to be a brainy

kid. But that's ok. I think rather than judging people based on our opinion only, maybe it'd be better if we

can communicate and try to respect each other. By doing so, wouldn't it make our lives more


Confirmation Signature
The electronic signature below and its related fields are treated by UWC ISAK Japan like a

physical handwritten signature on a paper form. I certify that all information submitted in the

admission process is factually true and honestly presented.*

Responses Selected:

I agree

Electronic Signature*

Type name of applicant

Minh Phuong Nguyen


2022 Aug 13

Upload your profile photo

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Completed - 2022 Jul 13

At ISAKx, we pride ourselves on getting to know each student individually. We have found that having a
picture of you helps us connect with you in a more personal way. Please use the Attach File button below
to upload a photo of yourself that you feel expresses who you are.

Once you have uploaded your photo, please make sure to click the "Mark as Complete" button.

If you would like to change the picture you have uploaded, use the "More Options" menu (3 dots in the
upper right corner) to delete the photo you have selected and upload a new one. Once you submit your
application, you will not be able to make further changes.

Note: loading pictures larger than 2.5MB is NOT recommended. This upload may take up to a minute or
more depending on your Internet connection speed.

Attach File " Mark as Complete"

3 "Reset"



Filename: 20220622_141754.jpg Size: 1.6 MB

Upload a video

Video assignment
All applicants need to submit a 2-3 minute video (taken with a cell phone or camera) in order to complete
the application.

※ If you cannot record or upload a video in your country, please contact us at info@isakx.com.

How to Record Your Video

Please use English to express yourself. *

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Your entire video should be a minimum of 2 minutes and no more than 3 minutes!

We strongly encourage you to be yourself, and not read from a script or say a memorized
speech! Even if your English is not perfect, we would like to be able to see the real, natural you!

Before submitting your video, please check your video to see if your voice is clear.

Video Content

Tell us about yourself. We would like to get to know who you are! You can talk about something
like...(you do not have to talk about all of these, they are just prompts!)

Your creative interests.

What you like to do in your free time.
Challenges you've faced.
Times you failed and learned an important lesson.
Times you succeeded in a difficult pursuit.
Tell us about a story that inspires you
Share your favourite (remote) learning moment
Anything else that makes you a great match for an ISAKx Course.

We want to learn about YOU, not about your video editing skills. You can select a place where you feel
comfortable to complete this assignment. You may also want to walk around to show us your town. Feel
free to be creative!

How to Submit Your Video

Step 1: Record your video using a video camera, smartphone, tablet PC,
and etc.

Step 2: Once you have recorded your video, you will need to upload the
video file or a link to your video to complete this application task.

Step 3: Upload your video by the following options.

Upload your video to YouTube and share the YouTube link (use the
original URL which is listed on the top of the screen) with us.
Upload your video to Vimeo and share the Vimeo link with us.
Upload your video file. (We recommend .avi, .MOV or .mp4 format)
Make sure that your video is listed as UNLISTED and not as PRIVATE. If it
is PRIVATE we can not see it!

13 / 30
Step 1:

Step 2: Step 3

Step 3: “Upload a Video” ”ATTACH FILE” “LINK TO

”ATTACH FILE” (.avi, .MOV., mp4 )


Parents: Complete parent/guardian form

Completed - 2022 Jul 13

Parent Form
Parent / Guardian Form
Parent/Guardian Information 1



First Name*

Thu Thuy

14 / 30
Last Name*



(No response)

Japanese parents: Please write your name in Japanese.

(No response)

(No response)

Relationship to Applicant*


Has Legal Custody of Applicant*


15 / 30
Parent/Guardian email*



Office staff

Name of Company

Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (SBIC)

Parent/Guardian Information 2



First Name

Manh Huy

Last Name


16 / 30

(No response)

Japanese parents: Please write your name in Japanese.

(No response)

(No response)

Relationship to Applicant


Has Legal Custody of Applicant


Parent/Guardian email


17 / 30

Technical staff

Name of Company

ETC Technology Systems Joint Stock Company

Is there anything unique about your child or your family situation that you have not had a

chance to address?*


Financial Assistance
Completed - 2022 Jul 13

Form for "Financial Assistance"

18 / 30
Financial Assistance

True Diversity is a hallmark of a UWC education. We believe transformational leaders can only become

transformational if they can appreciate a diverse range of perspectives. This is why we are committed to

offering need-based financial assistance to our students.

At ISAKx we offer need-based financial assistance (FA) to students who are not able to afford the full

fee cost. Financial assistance ranges from partial scholarships up to full scholarships. The financial

assistance does not need to be repaid.

All of our financial assistance is need-based, which means it is awarded based on a family’s ability to pay

for fees. We do not offer academic or merit-based scholarships.


Do you need to apply for financial assistance for ISAKx Courses 2022 - 2023?*

Yes, I want to apply for full financial assistance

Financial Assistance Details Form

In Progress - Last edited: 2022 Aug 13

Financial Assistance Request Form

If you are not applying for financial assistance, you
do not need to complete this form.


Financial information must be listed either in Japanese Yen (JPY) or US Dollars (USD).

Currency in your country*


What currency will you be using for your financial information?*


Exchange Rate Used for Calculations

If your home country currency is not JPY or USD, list the exchange rate you are using to convert your

currency to JPY or USD.

Example: 1 SGD = .734 USD

Currency Converter: https://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/

1000000 VND = 42.6384 USD


Parent/Guardian 1

Last Name* / Le

First Name* / Thu Thuy

Country of Residence* / Vietnam

Employer* / Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (SBIC)

Job Title/Position* / Office staff

Parent/Guardian 2

Last Name / Nguyen

First Name / Manh Huy

Country of Residence / Vietnam

Employer / ETC Technology Systems Joint Stock Company

Job Title/Position / Technical worker

How many family members are solely dependent on your family income? Please specify the

number of children and adults*

There are 1 children and 3 adults. There are 2 family members solely dependent on my

family income.

21 / 30
Current annual school fees for the applicant paid for by parents*


School fees for other siblings paid for by the parents (do not include the applicant):

Child 1

Age / 19

School Name / University of Greenwich (Hanoi, Vietnam)

Annual Cost / 2852.51

Child 2

Age / (No response)

School Name / (No response)

Annual Cost / (No response)

22 / 30
Child 3

Age / (No response)

School Name / (No response)

Annual Cost / (No response)

Child 4

Age / (No response)

School Name / (No response)

Annual Cost / (No response)

Annual costs for extracurricular activities, lessons, cram school, etc. for the applicant*


Total annual costs for extracurricular activities, lessons, cram school, etc. for siblings*



23 / 30
Parent/Guardian 1: Annual work income for 2021 (after taxes)*

Parent/Guardian 1: 2021 (※)

Parent/Guardian 2: Annual work income for 2021 (after taxes)*

Parent/Guardian 2: 2021 (※)

Rent earned (annual)*


Annual payments from government (subsidy, unemployment, etc.)*

Do you (the parents/guardians) own the main family home? *


24 / 30
What is the total annual amount spent on rent / mortgage for the main family home?*

Do you (the parents/guardians) own other properties?*


Total savings in all family bank accounts*

Business owners: Total business assets not included above*

Do you own a car?*




Monthly expenses for daycare / child care*

Monthly living expenses (including food, water/electricity, etc.). Do not include rent or school



Other debt or expenses not included above. (Describe below)*

Description of other debt or expenses

(No response)


26 / 30

Annual fees for club memberships (golf course, tennis club, sports club, etc.)*

Average annual amount spent for holidays/travel*

Has your family traveled outside your home country in the past 3 years on holiday?*



If you would like to provide more details about your family's financial situation, please do so


(No response)

27 / 30

Please state the maximum amount you feel that your family can contribute toward ISAKx fees.

(Do not include expected contributions from others.)*



Will anyone else (grandparents, donors, etc.) be contributing toward program fees?*


Upload supporting documentation

28 / 30
Supporting documentation:
If you are applying for financial assistance, you must upload a tax return (official

statement of income earned and taxes paid) from 2020 or 2021 (with key information

translated into English or Japanese) with your Financial Assistance Application. If both

parents are working, you must include documentation for both parents.

If you live in a country that does not require a tax return, you must submit an official

2021 income statement from your employers, translated into English or Japanese. The

letter should include the parent’s total annual income, including bonuses.

If you have any children attending university and you are paying university fees, please

include documentation that verifies the annual fees you pay.

You may also include other official documentation that explains your financial situation.

The more information that you can provide, the easier it is for us to evaluate your

financial need.

Once you have uploaded the documents, click the green “Mark as Complete” button. If

you wish to add additional documents, use the “more options” menu (3 dots in the

upper right corner) to delete or edit your uploaded documents. Once the student has

submitted the online application, you will not be able to make additional edits.

Important: All financial information and documents will be

held in strict confidence, and reviewed by the Financial
Assistance Committee only.


2021 2020

“Mark as Complete”

Upload supporting documentation

29 / 30
Upload supporting documentation
You can upload multiple files.


We declare that the information we provided is complete and true. We understand that failure to accurately

report our family financial situation may result in the withdrawal of any financial assistance awards.

No Responses Selected

Type Name of Student*

(No response)

Type Name of Parent/Guardian*

(No response)

30 / 30

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