2023 Search For Outstanding LPMCs Guidelines
2023 Search For Outstanding LPMCs Guidelines
2023 Search For Outstanding LPMCs Guidelines
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the 2023 SOLPMC Guidelines in Annex A forms part of
this Resolution.
Certified Correct:
RPMC Secretary
Attested by:
RPMC Chairperson
NEDA Region IV-A Building, Barangay Milagrosa, Calamba City, Laguna 4027
Telephone: (049) 502-0229 | Telefax: (049) 502-0289 | Email:
RDC Website: http://rdccalabarzon.gov.ph | cPMS Website: http://rpmes4a.com
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Development Council
Region IV-A (Calabarzon)
Guidelines on the
2023 Search for Outstanding Local Project Monitoring Committees
The annual Search for the Outstanding Local Project Monitoring Committees (LPMCs)
aims to motivate, strengthen and sustain the LPMCs in monitoring development
projects. The Search is also an avenue to identify model LPMCs and the best practices
in project monitoring.
The Search will cover all LPMCs at the local level, with the following categories:
a) provincial; b) city; c) 1st-3rd class municipalities; and d) 4th-6th class municipalities.
The 2022 accomplishments of the LPMCs will be assessed.
The LPMCs must meet the following minimum points to be shortlisted for Search:
a) 70 points for the provincial level; and b) 60 points for city/municipal level.
The evaluation shall be based on the following criteria.
Provincial Category
The Provincial PMC will be assessed based on the number of organized LPMCs
in their respective provinces. Copies of the Executive Orders of the City/Municipal
PMCs will serve as supporting documents.
b) conducted training/s – served as a resource person in M&E and RPMES
trainings for LPMCs and other stakeholders in the province and
In terms of evaluating training, the members and/or the C/MPMC Secretariat must
have attended training/s related to project monitoring and evaluation during the
year being evaluated. Eight trainings hours will be considered as one training
Attached in Annex E and F are the desk and field monitoring plan templates.
Period Deadline
First quarter April 29, 2022
Second quarter July 29, 2022
Third quarter October 31, 2022
Fourth quarter January 31, 2023
d. Operation and Implementation (35 points). This refers to the functionality of the
LPMCs that includes the conduct of committee meetings based on the LPMC EO
and quarterly field inspections. The LPMCs will be assessed based on the number
and percentage of projects inspected in their field monitoring plans during the year
being evaluated. These projects should be listed in the LPMC’s Field Monitoring
Plan. The findings and agreements during field inspections should be documented
using the RPMES Form 7 (Project Inspection Report).
Attached are the Search’s selection process (Annex A), minimum documentary
requirements (Annex B), and detailed scoring by criteria (Annex C).
Evaluation Period
The evaluation will be conducted from February to April 2023. Attached is the
proposed timeline for 2023 SOLPMC.
Evaluation Committee
The Evaluation Committee will be composed of technical staff from DILG, DBM,
NEDA, OP-PMS, and three RDC-Private Sector Representatives. The chairmanship
of the Committee will rotate every year among DILG, DBM, and NEDA. For the 2023
Search, NEDA will be the Chair. The Committee will recommend the LPMC awardees
to the RPMC for endorsement to the Regional Adhoc Committee on Awards.
Outstanding LPMC. The LPMC with the highest score per category will be awarded as
Outstanding LPMC. The Outstanding LPMC will be awarded gift certificates and
plaque of recognition while the other nominees will be given certificates of merit and
Hall of Fame. The LPMC which has been an Outstanding LPMC for three consecutive
years will be given a Hall of Fame Award and will receive a bronze marker.
Sustainability Monitoring Award. The Hall of Famer LPMC will be annually assessed
and awarded based on the Search’s assessment criteria to check if it has sustained
its LPMC activities. A minimum score of 90 points is required to be given a plaque for
Sustainability Monitoring Award.
If the Hall of Famer LPMC will not be able to meet the minimum score for the
Sustainability Monitoring Award, the concerned LPMC will be awarded a certificate of
merit and will join again in the regular category of the Search in the following year.
The awarding ceremony will be held during the 2023 second quarter meeting of the
Regional Development Council.
Annex A
Selection Process
Shortlisting of Nominees
1. The Secretariat will review the survey forms and supporting documents submitted
by the LPMC nominees based on the Search’s scoring by criteria (Annex B).
2. The LPMC nominee must meet the minimum points to be shortlisted for the Search:
a) 70 points for the provincial level
b) 60 points for city/municipal level.
3. The Secretariat will recommend the shortlisted nominees for validation of the EC.
2. The EC will rank the nominees based on the Search scoring by criteria and
validated documentary requirements.
Selection of Awardees
1. The Secretariat will present the final list of nominees to the Evaluation Committee.
2. The EC will review the results and recommend the final awardees.
3. The Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee will present the final list of awardees
to the RPMC for endorsement to the RDC AdHoc Committee on Awards.
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Development Council
Region IV-A (Calabarzon)
Annex B
a) City/Municipal Category
Organization Executive Order of the LPMC Executive Order – document signed by the Local Chief Executive
for the Organization or Reconstitution of Local Project Monitoring
Training attended Certificate/s of training attended Certificates of training attended (e.g. participation, attendance,
appreciation, etc.) - document proving the attendance of the
C/MPMC member/Secretariat to a training related to project
monitoring and evaluation
2. Planning Copies of approved work and Work and Financial Plan – covers all the activities of the PMC
financial plan, desk and field approved by the PMC Chairperson. It serves as the basis for
monitoring plans, and RPMES the fund allocation for the operating requirements of PMC.
Form 1 submitted within the first Monitoring Plans (MP)
quarter of the year being evaluated: Desk MP – covers all the P/Ps that will be desk monitored by
PPMC to RPMC the PMC for the year
C/MPMC to PPMC Field MP – covers all the P/Ps that will be monitored/inspected
Proof of transmittal of RPMES by the PMC in the field for the year
Form 1 to PPMC/RPMC (e.g. letter RPMES Form 1 (Initial Project Report) –contains the basic
or email with date of transmittal) information on on-going program/projects—both ODA and
locally funded—that are being implemented by the agency,
GOCC or LGU. It will contain such information as name of
project, funding source, location, total project cost, project
schedule, mode of implementation, physical and financial
targets for the year and budget requirement.
Proof of transmittal – document showing that the RPMES Form
1 was submitted to the PPMC/RPMC within the first quarter of
the year being evaluated
3. Operation and Implementation
Quarterly meetings Highlights of meetings Highlights of meeting – contains the details of meeting (e.g.
Attendance sheet or certificate of date, location), agenda, agreements and recommendations
attendance signed by LPMC discussed during LPMC quarterly meetings
Secretary Attendance sheet – contains the title, location, date and list of
Photo documentation attendees (name, designation, etc.) of the meeting
Certificate of attendance – document containing the list of
attendees (name, agency/office) of the meeting signed by the
LPMC Secretary
Photo documentation – photos taken during the meeting
Quarterly field inspections Accomplished RPMES Form 7 RPMES Form 7 – output report that provides the highlights of
(Project Inspection Report) the project inspection, validation of the actual accomplishments
Attendance sheet or certificate of provided in progress reports, and discussion of relevant issues
attendance signed by LPMC encountered during the inspection
Secretary Attendance sheet – contains the name of project/s inspected,
Photo documentation location, date and list of attendees (name, agency/office, etc.)
Copy of approved Field MP of field inspection
Certificate of attendance – document containing the information
of the field inspection (name of project subjected to field
inspection, location and date) and list of attendees (name,
agency/office) of the field inspection signed by the LPMC
Photo documentation – photos taken during the field inspection
Field MP – covers all the P/Ps that will be monitored/inspected
by the PMC for the year
4. Quarterly Reports Copies of RPMES Forms 5 and 6 RPMES Form 5 – output report of the PMC on financial and
(RPMES Form 5 and 6) submitted one month after each physical status of project implementation by area (in the region,
quarter of the year being evaluated: province /city or municipality), sector, and agency.
PPMC to RPMC RPMES Form 6 – output report of the PMC on projects
C/MPMC to PPMC encountering delays indicating actions taken
Proof of transmittal of RPMES by/recommendations of the development council.
Forms 5 and 6 to PPMC/RPMC Proof of transmittal – document showing that the RPMES
(e.g. letter, email) Forms 5 and 6 were submitted to the PPMC/RPMC one month
after each quarter of the year being evaluated
5. Premium
Problem-Solving Session Accomplished RPMES Form 8 RPMES Form 8 – output report that details the important
(Problem-Solving agreements reached during problem-solving session or
Session/Facilitation Meeting facilitation meeting
Conducted) Attendance sheet – contains the information (e.g. name of
Attendance sheet or certificate of project subjected to PSS, location, date) and list of attendees
attendance signed by LPMC (name, agency/office, etc.) of the problem-solving sessions
Secretary Certificate of attendance – document containing the information
Photo documentation of the PSS (name of project subjected to PSS, location and
date) and list of attendees (name, office/office) signed by the
LPMC Secretary
Photo documentation – photos taken during the PSS.
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Development Council
Region IV-A (Calabarzon)
Annex C
Scoring by Criteria
Provincial Category
ITEM Points
1. Organization and training 25
1.1 Percentage of Active LPMCs in Province (MOV: LPMC EOs) 15
100% active LPMCs 15
76-99% active LPMCs 12
51-75% active LPMCs 8
1-50% active LPMCs 4
1.2 M&E Trainings (1 training = 8 hours) 10
training conducted (PPMC/Secretariat as resource person)
>1 training 7
1 training 4
none 0
training attended
>1 training 3
1 training 1
none 0
2. Planning 15
Work and Financial Plan, Monitoring Plan (1 Desk MP and 1 Field MP), and 15
RPMES Form 1
any 2 of the above documents 10
any 1 of the above documents 5
no document 0
Note: RPMES Form 1 must be submitted to the RPMC within the first quarter of the year being
evaluated. RPMES Form 1 submitted beyond the prescribed deadline will be given a partial
score of 2 points while those that were not submitted to the RPMC will not be considered.
3. Quarterly reports 25
3.1. quarterly status reports (RPMES Forms 5 & 6 submitted to RPMC) 20
4 quarterly reports 20
3 quarterly reports 15
2 quarterly reports 10
1 quarterly report 5
no quarterly report 0
Note: To institutionalize the coordination of project implementation and monitoring at the local
level, the RPMES Forms 5 and 6 must be submitted to the RPMC one month after each
quarter during the year being evaluated. Quarterly reports submitted beyond the prescribed
deadline will be given a partial score of 2 points each while those that were not submitted to
the RPMC will not be considered.
3.2. reports in RPMC meetings 5
presented LPMC accomplishment report in 4 RPMC meetings 5
presented LPMC accomplishment report in 3 RPMC meetings 3.75
presented LPMC accomplishment report in 2 RPMC meetings 2.5
presented LPMC accomplishment report in 1 RPMC meetings 1.25
no report in RPMC meetings 0
4. Operation and implementation 35
4.1 Quarterly meetings 10
4 LPMC meetings 10
3 LPMC meetings 7.5
2 LPMC meetings 5
1 LPMC meeting 2.5
no LPMC meeting conducted 0
4.2 Field inspection 25
4.2.1 Number of Projects Inspected in Field MP 15
> 35 projects in Field MP inspected 15
25 – 35 projects in Field MP inspected 10
24 projects on the minimum in Field MP inspected 5
< 24 projects in Field MP inspected 0
4.2.2 Percentage of Projects Inspected in Field MP 10
76 – 100% of projects in Field MP inspected 10
51 – 75% of projects in Field MP inspected 6
1 – 50% of projects in Field MP inspected 4
no field inspection activity 0
5. Premium 5
Problem-Solving Session (PSS) 5
• >2 PSS conducted 5
• 2 PSS conducted 4
• 1 PSS conducted 3
City/Municipal Category
1. Organization and training 25
1.1 Organization 15
organized with complete mandatory members 15
organized with incomplete mandatory members 8
not organized 0
1.2 M&E Trainings Attended (1 training = 8 hours) 10
>1 training 10
1 training 6
none 0
2. Planning 15
Work and Financial Plan, Monitoring Plan (1 Desk MP and 1 Field MP), 15
RPMES Form 1
any 2 of the above documents 10
any 1 of the above documents 5
no document 0
Note: RPMES Form 1 must be submitted to the PPMC within the first quarter of the year.
RPMES Form 1 submitted beyond the prescribed deadline will be given a partial score of
2 points while those that were not submitted to the PPMC will not be considered.
3. Quarterly reports (RPMES Forms 5 & 6 submitted to PPMCs) 25
4 quarterly reports 25
3 quarterly reports 20
2 quarterly reports 15
1 quarterly report 10
no quarterly report 0
Note: To institutionalize the coordination of project implementation and monitoring at the
local level, the City/Municipal PMCs shall submit the RPMES Forms 5 and 6 to their
respective Provincial PMCs one month after each quarter during the year being evaluated.
Quarterly reports submitted beyond the prescribed deadline will be given a partial score of
2 points each while those that were not submitted to the PPMCs will not be considered.
4. Operation and implementation 35
4.1 Quarterly meetings 10
4 LPMC meetings 10
3 LPMC meetings 7.5
2 LPMC meetings 5
1 LPMC meeting 2.5
no LPMC meeting conducted 0
4.2 Field inspection 25
4.2.1 Number of Projects Inspected 15
> 24 projects in Field MP inspected 15
13-24 projects in Field MP inspected 10
12 projects on the minimum in Field MP inspected 5
<12 projects in Field MP inspected 0
4.2.2 Percentage of Projects Inspected in Field MP 10
76 – 100% of projects in Field MP inspected 10
51 – 75% of projects in Field MP inspected 6
1 – 50% of projects in Field MP inspected 4
no field inspection activity 0
5. Premium
Problem-Solving Session 5
>2 PSS conducted 5
2 PSS conducted 4
1 PSS conducted 3
Annex D
Tentative Timeline for 2023 Search for Outstanding Local Project Monitoring Committee
Activity Period/Date
Approval of 2023 Search Guidelines November 4, 2021 RPMC
Dissemination of the 2023 Search November 15-19, 2021 RPMC
Guidelines to LPMCs
Call for Nomination (dissemination of January 17-20, 2023 Evaluation
invitation letters and survey form) Committee
Submission of LGUs accomplished February 14-17, 2023 LPMCs
survey forms
Processing of survey forms February 21-24, 2023 Evaluation
Shortlisting of nominees March 7, 2023 Evaluation
Site/Virtual Validation of shortlisted March 21-24, 2023 Evaluation
nominees Committee
Final Selection of Awardees April 4, 2023 Evaluation
Endorsement to RDC through RDC May _, 2023 RPMC
Adhoc Committee on Awards
Awarding (Second Quarter RDC Full June _, 2023 RDC
Council meeting)
Annex E
Desk Monitoring Plan
Name of Project Date Started Target Completion Date Location Project Cost Funding Source
Annex F
Field Monitoring Plan