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Chapter 1. Static electric field in the vacuum

phenomenon lightning due to man-made

phenomenon lightning in nature

GVC.TS. Lê Khắc Quynh

Mail: lekhacquynh@hpu2.edu.vn

Sđt: 0983104033
Huỳnh Tuấn Kiệt Flores
5000 “bio-batteries”, battery: 0,15V, 0,25Ω

Electrophorus electricus

Rsum = Ri/140 = 1250/140 = 8,92(Ω)

L = 2,5m, m = 20 kg

T = 3 ms, 150 times/h

E = 5000.0,15V = 750V
Oxi hóa mạnh
Problem 1. The charge, interactions between charges
1. 1. Electric charge. Law of conservation of charge
1.1.1. Electric charge:
- Including: 2 kinds of charge. It has
based on the physical history,
positive charge and negative
+ Glass bar when it is rubbed on silk is
called positive charge; the electric charge
appears on the ebonite bar when it was
rubbed on silk is called negative charge.
+ Charge with the same types sign
repel each other; charge with different types
sign attract each other.
+ Elemental charge: e = 1,6.10-19C
 Q = ± n.e
Elementary charge
- An atom is constituted by the positively charge nucleus in the center and
negatively charge electron moving around. A nucleus consitsts of two types of
particles: neutrons carry no charge and protons carry positive charge.
- An electron has the charge of -1.6×10-19 C and mass of 9.1×10-31 kg. Proton has
the charge of 1.6×10-19 C and mass of 1.67×10-27 kg. The mass of a neutron is
approximately equal to mass of a proton.
- The number of protons in the nucleus is equal to the number electrons rotating
around the nucleus, so the magnitude of negative charge is equal to the
magnitude of positive charge in the atom and atom is in the electriccally neutral
1.1.2. The law of conservation of charge
- Said: In an electrically isolated system algebraic total of charge is unchanged.
- In an electrically isolated system is a system in which there is no charge exchange with other objects
outside the system.
1.1.3. Coulomb’s law
- Point charge: point charge is an electrically charged object
which has very small size compared with the distance to the
point that we consider.
- Coulom’s law:
+ In 1785, Coulomb, a French scientist, first established
the law about the dependence of the interactive force between
point charge on the distance between them.

Or, more compactly

Comparison: Universal gravitational & Electrostatic force
1.2. Electric field. Electric field intensity
1.2.1. Electric field concept:
- There are 2 views about interactions between charges: long interaction and close
interaction. Modern physics eliminates long interactions.
- An electric field is a form of matter around charges and attached to charges.
Electric field Interacts electric force on the other electric charge placed within it.
1.2.2. Electric field intensity:

Does not depend on q0,

kqq0 Felec kq
Felec  2 r E  E  2 r
r q0 r Depend on: q, r
1.2.3. Electric field intensity of a point charge
1.2.4. Electric field intensity due to a system of many charges (The principle of
electric field superposition)
a) The system with many charges
IF system with 2 charges:
- The concept of electric field,

- The electric field intensity of the point charge.

- Present about the O-G theorem for electric field intensity

vector: in vacuum for normal form and differential form

- Present the electric field, electric potential and distribution of

charges in the electrostatic equilibrium.
- The concept of electric field,
- The electric field intensity of the point charge.
- Present about the O-G theorem for electric field intensity vector in vacuum for normal
form and differential form
- Present the electric field, electric potential and distribution of charges in the
electrostatic equilibrium.
- Dielectric polarization phenomenon,
- Polarization vector.
- The nature of dielectric polarization.
- Present the transformation of the electric field at the dielectric limited surface.
- Present the acting of the uniform magnetic field on the electric current flows through
closed curve.
- Present Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.
- Self-inductance phenomenon,
- The self-inductance electromotive force.
There are N point charges q which have the same sign and magnitude charges
and equally located on a circle, with N>2. Where should we put the charge Q
and how big should it be in order that the point charge system is balanced?
Consider two cases: N=3 and N=4.

volume Surface Length

Charge density
Charge density Charge density
1.2.6. An example of determining the electric field intensity

dq   dz  dE  2
dθ r
k dz
dE x  dE cos   2
cos 
-θo r

 E  E x   dE x  k   2
cos 
L r

 z
 tan    dz  x  o
x cos2  k k
 2

 E 
x  cos   2
sin o
cos    x 1

cos o
 r r2 x2
 1 L2
E 2
 
4 o x x 2  L 2 2 3 / 2
 
Uniform line of charge
Ex2: Ring of Charge

E-field at a height z above a ring of charge of radius R

Ring of Charge
Ex 3: Disk of surface
Ex 3: Disk of surface

If R >> z, that is if we have an infinite sheet of charge with charge density :

Ex4: Electric dipole
System of equal and
opposite charges separated
by a distance d.

Direction of d: negative to positive charge

H2O molecular

+2e -2e
Chapter 1. Static electric field in the vacuum

1.1. The charge, interactions between charges

1.2. Electric field. Electric field intensity

1.3. Electric flux, Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem

1.3. Electric flux, Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem
1.3.1. Electric flux
a. Electric field lines

4 basic features of Electric field

- Through each point , there is only
one, so electric field lines does not
- It is directed line: direction of E-Line
- It is an unclose line
- Density of electric field lines showed
the magnitude of the electric field The images of Electric field lines
Uniform electric field
Vector electric field intensity at all point has the same :
Direction, magnitude,
Electric field lines: parallel, equidistant

Do you know?
Electric field near the ground

dN: the number of electric field lines

Flat capacitor
In the room, E
E = 100 V/m  200V/m Electric flux

 E  E.S  E  E.S  E.S.cos 

 E (W b )
Choose the correct answer?
a)  E1 >  E2
 E  E.S  E.S.cos 
b)  E1 <  E2
c)  E1 =  E2
d) Don’t know
Non-uniform E-field & surface
1.3.2. Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem
a) Integral Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem Form

( the total number of E-field (N) lines crossing the surface)

Choose the correct answer?

The total flux through the below spherical surface is

1. positive (net outward flux).

2. negative (net inward flux).
3. zero
4. I don’t know
Applying Gauss’s Law

1. Based on the source Q, identify regions in which to calculate E

2. Choose Gaussian surfaces S: Symmetry
3. Calculate
4. Calculate qin charge enclosed by surface S

5. Apply Gauss’s Law to calculate E

b) Differential Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem form

Area  Volumetric

(Differential Gauss-Ostrogradsky
theorem form )
1.3.3. Displacement current vector
Present about:
- The concept of electric field,
- The electric field intensity of the point charge.
- Present about the O-G theorem for electric field
intensity vector in vacuum for normal form.
- The O-G theorem for electric field intensity vector in
vacuum for differential form.
1.3.4. Application of Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem

Gauss-surface ???

- E-field directs radially outward from the

- Gaussian surface S in the shape of a
cylinder, making up of a curved surface S1,
Cylindrical symmetry and the top and bottom circles S2, S3.
Cylindrical symmetry
Gauss-surface ???
In a spherical region with radius a, center O1, uniformly distributed electric
charges, the volume charge density 𝝆, there is a spherical hole with radius b,
the center O2. The distance between O1 and O2 is 𝒅. Note that the distance
between O1 and projection of M on direction O1O2 is 𝒍.
Calculate electric field intensity 𝑬 at any point M in hole.
Calculate electric potential V at any point M in hole.
Calculate electric field intensity 𝑬 at any point M in
Calculate electric potential V at any point M in hole.

- We have: 4
 a 3
VM = V1M – V2M. Convention V∞ = 0, a 2
V1a  3 
40a 30
From: 
dV1  E1dr1   r1dr1
  2 2  2 2 a 2 r12
, We have: a

 dV1   
30 r
r1dr1 V1a  V1M 

r1  a  V1M  V1a 

r1  a   
20 60
V1M 1

b2 r22   2 2
Similarly, we have:
V2M   So: VM  V1M  V2M 
 
a 2  b2 

r1  r2 
20 60
r12  h 2  2

r2  h  (  d)   
 
2 2 2
So: VM  a 2  b2  d 2  d  3(a 2  b 2 )  d(d  2 ) 
20 60 60  
Hence: 1
 r2
 d(2  d)
There is a positive point charge q. The distance from the charge q to
the center O of the metal sphere (radius R) is d (d> R). Determine the
acting force of the sphere on the charge q in cases the sphere is
1.4. Electric dipole in E-field
1.4.1. Uniform E-field
Dipole in an external E-field

 Dipole moment:

 Force by the E-field equal and

opposite in direction
=> Total force on dipole:
Dipole in E-field

 direction: clockwise
 Magnitude:
Energy Consideration

Negative sign here because

torque by E-field acts to decrease 
1.4. Electric dipole in E-field
1.4.2. Non Uniform E-field

F tends to more strong electric field

Applications: Microwave oven

Direction of
field change 2.45
1.5. Work of electrostatic field force, electric potential, potential difference
1.5.1. Work of electrostatic field force


+ r1

IF: Q1, Q2, …..
1.5.2. Electric potential, potential difference

If we choose: C=0



(Potential difference)
Electric Potential of Continuous Charge Distribution
For any charge distribution, we write the electrical
potential dV due to infinitesimal charge dq:
Example 1: Potential For dipole
Example 2: A rod of length L located along the x-axis has a total charge Q
uniformly distributed along the rod. Find the electric potential at a point P
along the y-axis a distance d from the origin.
 = Q/L P
dq = dx d dq

dq dx dx
dV  k k x
r x 2  d2 L
V   dV
L dx Q L dx
V k k  P
x 2  d2 L 0 x 2  d2 r
d dq

kQ  L  L2  d 2  x
V ln   x dx
L  d 
 L

Include the sign of Q to get the A good set of math tables will have the integral:
correct sign for V.
What is the direction of V? 
x d
2 2 
 ln x  x 2  d 2 
Example 3: Electric Potential of Continuous Charge Distribution
Find the potential V at point P a distance x away from the line of charge.

 dq
dV  k
 dz
dq   dz  V   dV  k   x 2  z2

 r  x 2
 z 2


 
V  k   k  ln z  x 2  z 2

x z
2 2 L
L 
 2

L L
x   

2 2
V  k  ln
L L
x2    
2 2
Example 4: Electric Potential of Continuous Charge Distribution
Find the potential V at point P on the axis of the ring

 dq
dV  k r
2 R
 k
dq   ds  V   dV 
 2  ds
 R z 0
 r  R 2
 z 2

k 1   2 R 
V 
R z
2 2 4 0 R 2  z2
Example 5: Electric Potential of Continuous Charge Distribution
Find the potential V at point P on the axis of the disk
1.5.3. Throughput of an electric field vector

IF: A ≡ B (L is the closed curve)

Throughput of an electric field vector

1.5.4. Equipotential surface
All points on equipotential curve are at
same potential

Equipotential Curves

Each curve represented by

V(x,y) = constant

Equipotential surface and the electric

potential and the relationship between
contour lines and the elevation
described by a topographic map
Equipotential surface of a point charge
An equipotential surface is a surface on which the electric potential is
the same everywhere

 No work is done by the electric force from +q

as another charge is moved along the
equipotential surface path by A to B to C
 Work is done by the electric force from +q as
another charge is moved between the
equipotential surfaces defined by the path
from A to D

V r   k
Equipotential surface & Electric field

 The E-field created by any

distribution (or group) of
charges is everywhere
perpendicular to the associated
equipotential surface
 The E-field points in the
direction of the decreasing
Equipotential surface & Electric field

 The E-field created by any

distribution (or group) of
charges is everywhere
perpendicular to the associated
equipotential surface
 The E-field points in the
direction of the decreasing
1.6. Relation between electric field intensity and electric potential
Example: potential and
 V electric field between
E   grad V E x   x
 two parallel conducting
 V plates
E y  
 y
 V
Ez   V
 z E ,
or V  U  Ed
For spherically symmetric charge
distribution: dV
Er   Flat capacitor
1.7. Potential energy of system of charges

1.8. Poisson's equation and laplace equation
𝐸 = −𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑉

In three dimensions:
V V V  V ˆ V ˆ V ˆ 
Ex   , Ey   , Ez   . or E    i+ j  k
x y z  x y z 

 E x E y E z  
DiVE   +  
 x y z   0

 2V 2V 2V  

 DiVE   +    - (Poisson's equation )
 x y z  0

 2V 2V 2V 

IF:  0 
 +    V  0 (Laplace equation)
 x y z 
p is directed from the negative charge to the positive one

A physical dipole consists of two equal and opposite point

from the negative charge towards the positive charge

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