Job Safety Analysis: Date:27-05-2022

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Work permit no
Job to be AMNS / Contractor
performed by
Type of Risk HIGH
Low /
Medium / High
General Usage of suitable PPE's, Hot work permit system, Preventive measures to be taken during
Instructions work at height and lifting activities, Electrical power hand tools, Gas cutting, welding
before start of machines, Hazards with live power cables and fall from height.
the work
Person Activities Potential Hazard Required Control measures
1 Hot Work Fire, Burns, Cutting Spark 1. Remove all combustible materials from
and Eye injury the pace of welding or gas cutting or any
kind of hot work activities.
2. Keep adequate capacity of Fire
extinguisher nearby in order to control or
stop fire in case of emergency.
3. The Welding arc or the setup should be
dry and free from the water and work piece
earthing should be maintained.
4. Flash back arrestors or NRV should be
maintained, and hose condition and torch
condition should be maintained for the
whole gas cutting setup. Mr. M. Venu Gopal
5. Cylinders should be stored in shadow (Manager Projects
area. and Technical
6. Rolling of the cylinders should be avoided. services)
7. Good housekeeping and proper (Mechanical)
ventilation should be maintained at the
8. Proper cutting wheel should be used as
per the cutting machine specification and
the cutting wheel should be guarded.
9.Deployed stand by person
10.Periodical inspection of gas cylinders,
lekage of gas with soap water.
2 Manual All the Lifting tools and Equipment’s Mr. M. Venu Gopal
Handling, Lifting Back muscle injuries, (cranes/ fharan/hydra, chain blocks, lifting (Manager Projects
Shifting and hernias, arms, wrist, foot belts and slings) should be inspected. and Technical
Mechanical injuries, spinal injuries. Guide rope should be used with a proper services)
handling safe distance. (Mechanical)
All the workmen should be trained with
manual handling techniques and all the
rigging activities. Reductions of manual
handling by mechanical aids. Lift and carry
heavy loads correctly by keeping the load
close to the body and lifting with the thigh
muscles. Don't twist the body, never
attempt to list or carry loads if you think
they are too heavy. Take frequent breaks.
Only TPi and green tag lifting gears used.
Provide full body harness and fall arrest Mr. M. Venu Gopal
system when working above height of 1.8 (Manager Projects
Fall of man and material meter Provide adequate training. Inspect and Technical
from height. before use of scaffolding. Assess the nature services)
Work at Height of fall hazards in the work area. Procedures (Mechanical)
Unsafe working platform
3 and working condition. for erecting, maintaining, dissembling and
Unsafe access to reach inspecting fall protection systems.
the height. Scheduled inspections and checking Use of
guardrail systems, personal fall arrest
systems, safety net systems, warning line
systems, safety monitoring systems and
controlled access zones. The role of each
worker in the safety monitoring system.
Limitations of mechanical equipment during
shed maintenance work Procedures for
handling and storing equipment and for
erecting overhead protection. Workers’
roles in fall protection plans. The
requirements of the fall protection
4 Electrical Works Electrocution hazards and The DB of the electrical source supply Mr. M. Venu Gopal
failure of the Electrical should be enclosed and overloading of the (Manager Projects
equipment and electrical supply should be avoided. All the cables and and Technical
fires. Fall from other equipment’s should be insulated and free services)
elevation, burns. from damages. Periodic inspections and (Mechanical)
maintenance. Using LVSD (low voltage
safety devices) whenever possible. Examine
the working area to check for potentially live
structures or components and wet areas.
6 Poor lighting Slip Trip Fall Accident Provide sufficient lighting Night shift should Mr. U. Srinivas
(NIGHT WORKS) following poor visibility comply with standard mentioned above All Reddy
and task details Poor cables should anchored on high level than (Manager Projects
signals man height Regular maintenance and and Technical
inspection services)
7 Housekeeping Fire Slip trip fall Sharp Daily housekeeping Segregation of waste Mr. M. Venu Gopal
edges Loss of material Proper disposal of waste, Proper utilization (Manager Projects
Injury Ill health of material Items should be stored correctly and Technical
with no parts protruding onto walkways. services)
Electrical cords should not be on the floor, (Mechanical)
Tools should have designated areas Storage
and bins for waste should be readily
available and be easy to empty Structured
programs that focus on organization,
cleanliness and Standardization can be
introduced to the workplace to assist with
this. Cleanliness can be maintained
Housekeeping can be eliminated from the
source e.g., leaks, etc.
Required PPE:
Goggles, Gum boots, Steel stood shoes, Safety helmet, Dust mask, Welding Face shield etc.


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