Jsa For - SRP
Jsa For - SRP
Jsa For - SRP
Department: SAP JSA NO. Date: 29.03.2022
scaffolding dismentaling & erection of I section Contractor - M/s ushta infinity contruction
JSA Title Page 1
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New JSA Revision No. : 00 Revision date : -
Personal Protective Equipment
Required Nose Mask, Goggles, Cotton gloves, Leather Gloves helmet, Safety Shoe, Full body harness .
1.Remove of loose material, electrical cable before starting of dismantling. 2.Using nylon rope for material
handling. 3.Use of Plank for platform. 4.Dismentling inspection to be done before starting of activity. 5.Area
1-Fall of material 2.Fall of person 3.Collapse of
Scaffolding dismantling barricaded. 6.Tag & instruction board displayed. 7.Height test to be checked for engaged workers. 8.Proper
structure 4.Caught in between 5.Electrocution
communication. 9.Proper housekeeping.10 proper supervision . 11.Training to be conducted before starting of
activity.12.Support to be removed step by step 13.Use of required PPEs
1.Good quality of material to be used for scaffold erection. 2.)select proper base for scaffold. 3.provide cross
bracing ,side support & mid rail top rail. 4.Using nylon rope for material handling . 5.Use of plank for erection
1-Fall of material 2.Fall of person 3.Collapse of
time. 6.Proper communication. 7.scaffolding erect in presence of competent person. 8.Follow up tag system.
Scaffolding erection structure 4.Collapse of structure 5.Caught in
9.Regular inspection of scaffolding. 10.Height test to be checked for engaged workers. 11.Follow instruction
between 6.Electrocution
displayed. 12.Training to be conducted before starting of activity. 13.Proper supervision. 14.Use of required
Use of proper lifting equipments (such as electical winch, slings, d-shacles etc.) with proper valid load test
certificate, barricating the area below to restrict the movement of manpower, using full body harness with
double lanyard. Levelling of ground surface and loat test of slings and times the expected load. Use of nose
mask. Cutting set equipped with flash back arrester at both end, cylinder must be kept in upright position and
properly tied with chain, hose pipe and cutting torch must be in good working condition.Proper scaffolding and
life line must be provided . Welding machine should be in good condition with body earthed. ELCB/ RCCB
Entaglement with structure , electric shock, fire
should be provided in the machine. Plug top should be of proper rating as per requirement. Electrode holder
Gas cutting, Dismantling & Removal of I section at hazard, fall from height, fall of object, inhalation of
should be fully insulated. Welder should wear welding hand gloves and welding helmet.All Flammable &
117 MTR welding fumes, failure / toppling of lifting
inflammable material from the area should be removed. Sufficient number of water / sand buckets/ portable
machine.eye injury,Burn injury,Health injury
fire extinguishers etc. should be kept in the area of welding. Welder should watch the fire after 30 minutes of
completion of job.Special care should be taken if any gas cutting required to be carrying out on diesel
/chemical paint tanks or pipe lines. Job should be constantly supervised and all precautions should be
followed strictly.If possible screen shall be used to avoid health hazard of the persons who are working in that
area.Use trolley, flash back arrestor, NRV to gas cutting set.Do not play the cylinder. Trained person to do the
work.Medical should be check.Proper supervision. Use of PPEs.
1. Use proper platform for material unloading. 2.Machine connect to ELCB/RCCB. 3.Area barricaded.
4.Regular inspection done. 5.Third party inspection to be done. 6.SWL & equipment numbers displayed in
Erection of winch 1-Fall of material 2.Fall of person
local language near winch machine. 7.Shed provided for resting the workers. 8.Medical check up to be done.
9.Proper supervision. 10.Training to be conducted for all workers engaged in activity. 11.Use of required PPEs
1. Use proper platform for material unloading. 2.Machine connect to ELCB/RCCB. 3.Area barricaded.
1-Fall of material 2.Fall of person 3.Collapse of 4.Regular inspection done. 5.Third party inspection to be done. 6.SWL & equipment numbers displayed in
Winch operation
structure 4.Caught in between 5.Electrocution local language near winch machine. 7.Shed provided for resting the workers. 8.Medical check up to be done.
9.Proper supervision. 10.Training to be conducted for all workers engaged in activity. 11.Use of required PPEs
Use of proper lifting equipments (such as winch machine, slings, d-shacles etc.) with proper valid load test
certificate, barricating the area below to restrict the movement of manpower, using full body harness with
double lanyard. Levelling of ground surface and loat test of slings and crane hook at 1.5 times the expected
load. Use of nose mask. Cutting set equipped with flash back arrester at both end, cylinder must be kept in
Erection, Bolting & Hook up of new (FRP) I fall from height, fall of object, failure / toppling of
upright position and properly tied with chain, hose pipe and cutting torch must be in good working
SECTION at 117 MTR. lifting machine.
condition.Proper scaffolding and life line must be provided. Welding machine should be in good condition with
body earthed. ELCB/ RCBO should be provided in the machine. Plug top should be of proper rating as per
requirement. Electrode holder should be fully insulated. Welder should wear welding hand gloves and welding