Sage UBS Accounting & Billing Brochure
Sage UBS Accounting & Billing Brochure
Sage UBS Accounting & Billing Brochure
Sage UBS
Accounting, Inventory
and Billing.
Sage UBS
With more than 500,000 installations in Malaysia alone, we are now a household brand among Small Medium
Businesses (SMBs). Many institutions of higher learning prefer Sage UBS Accounting & Billing as part of their
course as it is simple to use and has comprehensive reports. This provides a continuous availability of fresh
and quality accountants for SMEs to expand their business.
The modules available in Sage UBS Accounting & The system enables companies to work easier
Billing include: and more efficiently with the following features:
• General Ledger • Wizard Setup to enable users a quick
• Debtors start in the set up processes.
Stay on top of your stock levels, provides all the information you need
to make smarter business decisions, fast.
Sage UBS Inventory & Billing makes stock control • SMS to provide flexibility on retrieving
easier by putting the control back into your hands. information directly from the system
It provides you with the flexibility to handle all types and sending it across to customers or
of inventory transactions and have instant updates suppliers with personal message attached.
and inventory status at your fingertips. • Option to alert customers immediately
Sage UBS Inventory & Billing performs as an when Delivery Order and Sales Invoice
invoicing system where you can print invoices are generated.
and delivery orders. • Bill of Material (BOM) template to build a
list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies,
Four types of stock valuation methods intermediate assemblies, sub-components,
are included: components, parts and the quantities of
• Fixed Cost each needed to manufacture an end item
• Monthly Average (final product).
• First in; First out (FIFO) • Bar Code consisting of a group of printed
• Moving Average and variously patterned bars and spaces
and sometimes numerals that is designed
Use our detailed inventory management to be scanned and read into computer
functions and features to hold need-to-know memory that provides price and registers
information about your items and stock: inventory information.
• Wizard Setup to enable users a quick
start in the set up processes.
• Task flows displayed for easy reference
and direct access to the required screen.
General Features
System Management
Auto Numbering
User Management
Data Management
Scheduled Backup
Recoding Facility
Transaction Management
Audit Trial
Information Management
Accounting Dashboard
Inventory Dashboard
RSS Feeds
The market leading
accounting software
in Malaysia, Brunei,
Singapore and other
ASEAN countries.
Over 500,000
installations done.
Accounting Features
Advanced Features
Multi Currency
Entry Method
Quick Entry
Task Row
Journal Entry
Recurring Entry
Receipt / Payment
Cheque Handling
Bank Reconciliation
Information Management
Fixed Assets
Accounts Consolidation
Inventory Features
Inventory Adjustment
Inventory Transfer
Inventory Issue
Item Assembly
Inventory Count
Inventory Attributes
Stock item
Non-stock item
Assembly Item
Serialized Item
Bar Code
User-Defined Fields
Billing Features
Purchase Processes
Purchase Order
Purchase Return
Sales Processes
Sales Order
Delivery Order
Sales Invoice
Cash Sales
Consignment Order
Price Management
Customer Pricing
Supplier Pricing
Sage Connect ID
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With Sage Cover, you do not need to worry about and bug fixes. The product are continually
keeping up to date with the latest version because added and enhanced with new features
it will be made available to you automatically. Each and functionality to meet new challenges
new version includes features that help your team in your business. And that means you can
maximize their productivity and performance. rest assured you’ll always have the current
And best of all, it cost significantly less on an functionality to simplify your tasks.
annual basis than sporadically purchasing new Protect your software with the
software licenses. latest security upgrades and
performance improved
With Sage Cover, you are entitle to a
full year of free upgrades where the
upgrades are designed in order to
address and fix issues encountered
by users. These upgrades improve the
overall performance and functionality of
the software. Moreover, they enable the
software to last longer by increasing its
life cycle.