Unit-6 Solutions Notes Class 9 Maths
Unit-6 Solutions Notes Class 9 Maths
Unit-6 Solutions Notes Class 9 Maths
QI. Why solutions ore important for us?
An$: We encounter many substances in our daily life such as air, soft drinks
juices, shampoo, petrol natural gas, diesel, kerosene, cough syrup and many
others these substances are solutions.
Most of the chemical reactions that take place in the bodies of living
organisms occur in aqueous solutions.
Brass, steel. German silver are also solutions. These solutions are widely
used for making cooking utensils, surgical tools, cutlery, musical instruments and
many other objects.
Q2. Distinguish between a solution, aqueous solution, solute and solvent and
give characteristics of a solution.
Ans: Solution:
of trace gases. In this solution oxygen, CO, and trace gases are solutes, since
they are present in lesser quantities whereas nitrogen is solvent, since it is present
in larger amount
Consider another example, if you dissolve 10 g sugar in 100 g of water you
will get sugar solution. Here sugar is solute and water Is solvent.
Aqueous solution:
Saturated solution:
Unsaturated solution:
Supersaturated solution:
Take 1 OOg water in a beaker. Add a teas spoon of sugar in it. Stir it, the
sugar will dissolve. Repeat the process the added sugar will again dissolve in it.
This means solution is unsaturated.
Now heat the solution, stirred, add more sugar, it will dissolve. Go on
adding more sugar and stir it. A stage will reach when no more sugar will
dissolve and will start settling down at the bottom of the beaker. This solution is
called supersaturated solution.
(a) (b)
Cryatalliutton from a supersaturated solution gf sodium thiosulphate
* Water
The maximum amount of sodium acetate that dissolves in IQOg of water at 0°C is
119g and 1 70g at 100°C.
(a) If you add 170g of sodium acetate in lOOg of water at 0°C, haw much will
(d) If the solution is cooled back to 0°C and no crystals appear. Is the solution
saturated, unsaturated or su persaturated ?
(a) n?g.
(b) Saturated.
(c) Supersaturated.
(d) Unsaturated.
Q5. List three main types of solutions?
For preparing nitric acid, mixture of NHs gas and oxygen gas is used. In oil
these cases a gaseous mixture or solution of gases is used in these solutions,
solute and solvent both are gases. The gas which is present in greater proportion
is solvent and the other gas is solute. We can identify this solution as gas in gas.
Carbonated drinks:
Carbon dioxide gas dissolves readily in water, for this reason it is used in
In food industrial, vegetable ghee by passing Hzgas through the oil. Finely
divided Ni is used as catalyst. Ni accelerates this process by absorbing H2gas on
its surface, producing a solution.
earth surface Ultraviolet radiation causes changes in the structure of the genetic
material like DNA. Long exposure to this radiation can cause cancer.
Solution of liquid in gas, liquid or solid solvents are also very common.
Fog is o solution of water vapours in air. Other examples of similar solutions
are clouds, mist etc. In these solutions' solute is in the liquid state and solvent in
the gaseous state.
Rectified spirit:
The metal mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. It
dissolves a number of metals ta give a solution called amalgam. A solution of
any metal in mercury is called an amalgam.
Dental filling:
Silver and tin amalgams are widely used to make dental filling, When silver
or tin is dissolved in mercury, it forms a semi solid amalgam that can be shaped
to fill a cavity. On standing it forms a hard solid and expands slightly. Therefore, it
tightly fits within the cavity. Thus, in amalgams solute is a liquid and solvent is
solid, we call such a solution as liquid in solid.
We must have observed smoke. It spreads In air forming solution that contains
solid carbon particles. In this solution solid particles are solute and air is solvent
call such a solution as solid In gas.
Intravenous solution:
Preparation of alloys:
For example, pure gold is very soft, therefore cannot be used for making
Jewelry. To make it harder, copper is added to the gold. This produces a solid
solution of gold that melts at lower temperature than pure gold. Therefore, it is
easier to cast
Most commercial metals are examples of solid solutions of various metals called
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
What are the physical states of solute and solvent in each of the following
solutions? Also identify the type of solution.
(Cone. H2SQ4)
Ans: i. Percentage %
ii. Molarity M
Commercially available solutions that contain the maximum available
concentration of solutes are referred as concentrated solutions. For example,
commercially available concentrated H1SO4 is 98% and cone. HCI is 37%. This
10 % m/m concentration:
10 % v/v concentration;
But if you dissolve 10 cm3 of alcohol in sufficient water to make 100 cm3 of
solution, the solution will be 10% v/v.
If you dissolve lOg NaCI in sufficient water to make 100 cm3 solution, the
resulting solution will be 10% m/v.
It is the mass of the solute dissolved per 100 parts by mass of solution,
. M Mass of solute
% by mass — =------------------------ xlOO
M Mass of solution
It is the mass of the solute dissolved per 100 parts by volume of solution
M Mass of solute
% by mass X100
V Volume of solution
Volume of solution
% by mass — = X100
M Mass of solute
It is the volume of the solute dissolved per 100 parts by volume of solution.
v Volume of solute
% by mass — = -------------------------- x | (JO
Volume of solution
If you dissolve 0.85 g NaCI in sufficient water to make 100 cm' solution, the
resulting solution will be 0.85% m/v.
QI4. If you read label on the bottle of concentrated H2SO4 you will notice 98%
H2SO4 by mass and also 18M H2SO4 What does 18M stands for?
Ans: This means there are 18 moles of H2SO4 in each dm3 of solution. Similarly,
cone. HCI is 37% and 12.1 M HCI. This means there are 12.1 moles of HCI in each
dm3of solution.
Formula of Molarity:
Urea (NH2CONH2) is a white solid used as fertilizer and starting material for
synthetic plastic. A solution contains 40 g urea dissolved in 500 cm3 of
solution. Calculate the molarity of this solution.
To calculate the molarity, you need the number of moles of solute (which
are not given] and the volume of solution in dm3. Convert volume of solution 500
Cm3 to dm3 Determine moles of solute from its mass using its molar mass.
Mass of urea = 40 g
= 60 g/mole
40 G
Mass of urea =----------- — = 0.667
60 g/mole
moles of solute
Molarity =------ ----------------
dnrr of solution
Molarity =--------
QI 7. Example 6,1: Calculating molarity from males of solute and volume of
To calculate molarity, you need moles of solute which are given and
volume of solution in dm3. But volume is given in cm. So, convert cm3 to dm3 by
dividing with 1000. Use formula to calculate molarity.
moles of solute
Now, Molarity = ——
dm3 of solution
Molarity = =0.083 M
(c) What is the molarity of o 50 cm3 sample of potassium chlorate solution that
yields 0.25 g residue after evaporation of the water.
(a) 1.5 males of this compound dissolved in 250 cm3 of solution
Molarity (M) = ?
Number of moles
Molarity(M) =
Volume of solution in dm3
Molarity (MJ = ?
75 1000
Molarity (M) -
Molarity (M) =
(c) What is the molarity of a 50 cm3 sample of potassium chlorate solution that
yields 0.25 g residue after evaporation of the water.
Molarity (M) = ?
0.25 1000
Molarity (M) =
122.5 X 50
Molarity (Mi =
Molarity means number of moles per dm3 of solution. So, 0.25M. NaOH
means 0.25 moles of NaOH dissolved per dm3 of solution. You need to convert
moles of solute to mass using molar moss.
= 40 g/mole
mass of solute
Moles of solute =
molar mass of solute (g/moles)
mass of NaOH
0.25 moles =
40 g/mole
= 10g
To calculate the molarity, you need moles of solute per dm3 of solution
Moles of solute are not given. But mass of solute per dm3 of solution is given
Convert mass of solute into moles by using its molar mass.
= 56 g/mole
mass of salute
Mass of KQH=
molar mass of solute (g/mole)
= 0.1 mole
Thus, solution contains 0.1 mole of KOH in one dm3 of solution, so molarity
of solution is O.IM.
Molarity (M) = ?
Mass of solute _______ 1000_______
Molarity (M) = --------------------------------x
Molar mass of solute Volume of solution in
. . . .. .... 25 1000
Molarity (Ml = — x ——
' ' 40 1000
Molarity (M) = —
Mass of solute = ?
Mass of solute
I o Mass of solute
Molarity (M) = ?
10 1000
Molarity (M) =
6.5U104 X1000
Molarity (Mi =
Molarity (M) =
volumetric flask has a long neck with an etched line. This line indicates the exact
volume, when the flask is filled to this line. Volumetric flasks of capacity 1 dm3,
500 cm3, 250 cm3 100 cm3, cm3 can be used. Suppose you use a 100 cm
volumetric flask. First find the mass of KMnO4 to give 100 cm of 0.2 M KMnC4
Now convert moles of KMnOj into mass using molar mass of KMnOj
158 g/mole
To prepare 0.2M KMnOJn 100 cm volumetric flask, fallow the following steps.
Figure shows these steps.
b. Add this solid into a beaker, add some water to dissolve it,
c. Transfer this solution to the 100 cm volumetric flask and add more water.
d. Keep adding water until the volume of solution rises to the etched line and
(Blue vitriol).
Now convert moles of KMnO4 into mass using molar mass of KMnCU
= 39 +55 +64
= 158 g/mole
mass of KMnO4
Moles of KMnO4
molar mass of KMnOfl
mass of KMriO4
0.1 mole
158 g/mole
(b) Add this solid into a beaker, add some water to dissolve it.
(c) Transfer this solution to the 500 cm3 volumetric flask and add more water
(d) Keep adding water until the volume of solution rises to the etched line
(Blue vitriol).
Now convert moles of CUSO4.5H2O into mass using molar mass of CuSCUSHiO.
mass of CuSOr5H2O
Moles of CuSO<.5H2O =
molar mass of CuSO4.5H2O
mass of CuSO4,5H?O
0.00625 mole
(bl Add this solid into a beaker, odd some water to dissolve it.
(c) Transfer this solution to the 25 cm volumetric flask and add more water
(d) Keep adding water until the volume of solution rises to the etched line
Find the volume of given cone HLSO4 to be diluted to 250 cm-' to make 01
M1V1 - M2V2
M1V1 = M?Vj
’ M,
_ 0.1x250
= 1.39 cm3 *
Transfer 1.3? Cm' of IBM H2SO, to a 250 cm volumetric flask and dilute it by
adding water up to the mark and mix. Resulting solution is 0.1M H2SO4.
3, Commercial acetic acid is 17.8 molar. How can you convert this into 0.1 M
acetic acid?
Mi Vi = M2V2
= 4.13 cm!
M1V1 = M2V2
M|V| = M2V2
' M,
_ 2-5
= 1 cm3
1. Commercial acetic acid is 17.8 molar. How can you convert this into 0.1 M
acetic acid.
Solution: Molarity of given Acetic Acid = Mi = 2.5 M
MiVj = M2V2
v _ W,
= 5.62 cm3
We can convert 17.8 molar of commercial acetic acid into 0.1 M acetic
acid by adding water up to the mark and mix in a 1000 cm3 volumetric by
Q22. Define solubility. How does nature of solute and solvent determine the
extent of dissolution?
Ans: Solubility:
the maximum amount of the solute in grams that can dissolve in 100 grams of
It has been observed that non-polar covalent solutes are soluble in non
polar covalent solvents while ionic and polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents.
nature of both. The ionic and polar compounds like NaCI and HCI are more
soluble in water than non-polar covalent compounds like CS2 and CCU.
solvents like CCUand benzene, etc. iodine is freely soluble in CCU because both
the solute and the solvent are non-polar and their intermolecular attractions are
of the same order. Waxes and tots are soluble in benzene and not in water.
carbon tetrachloride (CCU), have their dipole moments very close to zero. So,
Non-polar substances like CS2 and CCU are immiscible in polar solvents like
On the other hand, polar covalent substances like water (H2O) have
like C4H6 and CCk are immiscible in polar solvents like H2O. This Is due to the
reason that the attraction of a water molecule is much greater for one another
solution in a pre-weighed china dish. Place china dish on the burner and heat it
slowly till water evaporates completely. Cool china dish and weigh it Calculate
starts settle down at the bottom because solution has already become
Q23. How does the change of temperature affect the solubility of certain
compounds in water?
AgNOs and KI etc. Heat is absorbed when solutions of these substances are
formed in water.
When these substances are dissolved, the vessel cools down. The reason is that
during dissolution the heat of solvent and the vessel is taken up in the process of
solution formation. Whenever temperature of such solution is increased,
Ca(OH)2, etc., dissolve in water with the evolution of heat. Their solubilities
temperature. The reason is that a very small amount of heat is absorbed during
Q24. It is a well-known fact that "like dissolves like". Give various examples to
support your answer.
It has been observed that non-polar covalent solutes are soluble in non
polar covalent solvents while ionic and polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents.
nature of both. The ionic and polar compounds like NaCI and HCI are more
soluble in water than non-polar covalent compounds like CS2 and CCU.
solvents like CCU because both the solute is non-polar and their intermolecular
attractions are of the same order. Waxes and fats are soluble in benzene and
not in water.
So non-polar substances like CaHa and CCU are immiscible in polar solvents
like H2O. This is due to the reason that the attraction of a water molecule in
much greater for one another than the attraction between water and benzene
(CH] molecules.
Q25. Explain the solubility and solute-solvent interactions with the example of
hydrogen bonding between water and methanol molecules.
Methanol readily dissolves in water. Water molecules are polar Two Fl
atoms bonded to an O-atom ore slightly positively charged and O-atom has a
slightly negative charge. Water molecules form hydrogen bonds with one
another. Methanol molecules are also polar and exhibit hydrogen-banding. This
intermolecular forces. They can form hydrogen bonds with each other. Thus,
Similarly, glucose, whose molecule has many -O-H bonds, is very soluble in
Q26. Explain the solubility and solute-solvent interactions with the example of
attraction of Na+ and Cl* ions far water molecules.
attracted to sodium ions and the positive end of water molecules is attracted to
chloride ions. These attractive forces are strong enough to overcome the strong
attractions that exist between ions in NaCI. Thus, sodium chloride dissolves
Ans: Gasoline and oils do not dissolve in water. Cook into the nature of
gasoline and oil molecules. Gasoline and oil molecules are non-polar in nature,
the attraction between a water molecule and oil or gasoline molecule is very
weak, so these liquids are insoluble in water. But Gasoline and oil, which have
1. Sodium Chloride and glucose both are soluble in water. But the Solubility of
NaCI is greater than glucose. Explain why?
2. In which liquid at each of the following pairs you would expect KCI, an ionic
solid, to be more soluble.
Ans: a. H^O due to its high dielectric constant (polar nature), breaks the crystal
lattice in between K+l and Cl-1. Therefore, KCI dissolves in H2O.
According to the general principle “Like dissolve like".. As water is polar solvent
and carbon tetra chloride (CCI4) is non-polar, therefore, KCI will not dissolve in
1, Sodium Chloride and glucose both are soluble in water. But the Solubility of
NaCI is greater than glucose. Explain why?
Ans; The solubility of sodium chloride in water is far greater than that of
glucose. This is due to the fact that the attraction of sodium (Na+) and chloride
(Cl-) ions with water is greater than that of glucose molecules with water.
2, In which liquid of each of the Following pairs you would expect KCI, an ionic
solid, to be more soluble.
(a) HjO or CCU (b) CHaOH or Benzene.
a. H2O due to its high dielectric constant (polar nature), breaks the crystal
According to the general principle "Like dissolve like”. As water is polar solvent
and carbon tetra chloride (CCI4) is non polar, therefore, KCI will not dissolve in
According to the general principle "Like dissolve like". As KCI is Ionic and
benzene (C$HJ is non polar, therefore, benzene will not dissolve in KCI.
solvent and benzene {CaH*) is non polar, therefore, benzene will not dissolve in
polar solvent and CCL are also non polar therefore, benzene and CCI are
polar solvent and oil are also non polar, therefore, benzene and oil are miscible.
Q2S. Explain the effect of temperature on solubility with the help ot solubility
more than 34.7 g of KCI at 20°CJ it will not dissolve. However, if we increase
temperature it will readily dissolve. Keep on adding more KCI and increase
crystallize out. This means temperature has a profound effect on the solubility of
io 10 30 -io SO to -0 so 90
TriiptraiUft CCi
Variation of solubility with temperature
Solubility of ionic compounds:
in temperature.
Heat water in a beaker, you will see small bubbles form at the side of the
beaker before the water boils* These bubbles are composed of air. Since, air is
less soluble in hot water than in cold water, air comes out of water in the form of
temperature. You might have observed In a home aquarium, that the fish shows
signs of stress on a hot day. This is because less oxygen from air dissolves in the
warm water.
4. Identify from the graph the compound whose solubility is little affected with
increase in temperature.
Ans: 83QC
Ans: 80 g
4. Identify from the graph the compound whose solubility is little affected
with increase in temperature.
Ans: NaCI
Ans: Colloids:
Fog and dust particles suspended in air are colloids Milk, butter, cheese,
jam jellies halva, mayonnaise, are other examples of colloids.
Colloids differ from true solution in scattering light. True solutions cannot
scatter light.
Properties of colloids:
Colloids are generally opaque but some are transparent as well. The size
of colloidal particles vanes from 1-103 nm (nm = 10*9m], These particles can only
be seen under electron microscope Colloids can scatter light.
Science Tidbits
Many medicine bottles contain an insoluble solid in water. The bottle has
to be shaken before use to produce a suspension, so that the solid is spread
evenly throughout the bottle and the patient takes the correct amount of the
Ans: Suspensions:
A mixture of black board chalk in water. Smoke mud, emulsion, cloy, sand
in water
Properties of suspension:
Q32, Compare the true solution, colloidal solution and suspension in all
2. Particles size vary from 0.1 Particles size is Particles size vary
to 1 nm greater than 103nm from ] to 103 nm
3. Particles are invisible by Particles are visible Particles are invisible
naked eye ordinary by naked eye by naked eye and
microscope as well as in ordinary
electron microscope. microscope but
visible under
Most of the substances we need for our existence are solutions. The air we
breathe is a gaseous solution containing N2. Oz COi and rare gases. The water
we use for drinking, cooking and washing is not pure. It contains dissolved gases
and many minerals that are essential for our health. Intact natural water is a
liquid solution. Beverages, vinegar, soft drinks etc are liquid solutions.
Commercial products such as window cleaners, sanitary cleaner, shampoo,
gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc are also liquid solutions. Most medicines are
dispensed in solution form. We also use many solid solutions in our daily lives.
Gold is □ solid solution of gold containing some copper. Brass and steel used for
making utensils, musical instruments, buses, cars, trains etc are solid solution of
metals Ports of aeroplane are mode of solid solution of metals such as Al and
Mg. Dental fillings are liquid solutions of metals in mercury.
Key Points
Aqueous solution;
Supersaturated solution:
Called a colloid: