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Teacher’s Manual, Class 7

Indiannica Learning Private Limited

(formerly known as Encyclopædia Britannica (India) Private Limited),
a subsidiary of Navneet Education Limited
New Delhi, India
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First Published 2019

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ISBN: 978-93-89077-25-4

Cover and title page: (magnetic compass): © Sergii Gnatiuk/,
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Published by Sumit Gupta, Managing Director

Indiannica Learning Private Limited
(formerly known as Encyclopædia Britannica (India) Private Limited),
a subsidiary of Navneet Education Limited.
The study of science instils the skills of logical, critical analysis, and reasoning in the
learners. Science plays an important role in our lives. It touches every aspect of our existence
as we are surrounded by a vast range of products of science and technology at every step.
Children like to learn about themselves and the world around them through observation and
experimentation. It is one of the noble aims of any education system to nurture this natural
instinct in children during their school years and even after. This is where good books play a
crucial role.
The Science Venture series, published by Indiannica Learning, is based on the latest ICSE
curriculum. This course includes textbooks for classes 3 to 8, which follow a learner-centric,
constructive, and interactive approach. Textbooks contain numerous activities, experiments,
and projects. The experiments, activities, and projects motivate learners to find out things by
doing rather than learning by rote. To supplement these textbooks, enrichment material has
been provided in the form of Science Venture teacher’s manuals.
The objective of the Science Venture teacher’s manuals is to aid teachers in planning
their lessons through transactional activities that integrate difficult concepts. The teacher’s
manuals also provide additional exercises and assignments to empower teachers to carry out
an effective teaching method.
The teacher’s manuals are designed to suggest the ideal pedagogy and methodology for
teaching. The teacher’s manuals ensure the objectives of educating learners by doing hands-
on activities and enforce critical thinking and analysis skills.
The methods followed in Science Venture teacher’s manuals provide the teachers with a
tool that they utilize according to the needs of the learners.
The Science Venture teacher’s manuals provide answers to all the exercises in the
We hope teachers will find Science Venture teacher’s manuals helpful in aiding the
learners achieve academic excellence and provide an opportunity to learners to apply their
pedagogical knowledge and skills in practice.

How Science Venture teacher’s manuals can provide an effective teaching-learning

The main objective of teaching science is to develop the following in learners—
• a sense of curiosity about the world
• critical thinking, creativity, and analytical skills
• ability to design innovative solutions to challenges and problems
• right values
As learners learn in different ways, the use of theory of multiple intelligences theory in class
will help the teacher achieve the expected learning outcomes. The experiments cater to all
learning abilities. Also, the instructions are simple and clear. Depending on the aptitude
of learners and the infrastructure available, a teacher may modify these activities for more
effective implementation.
A better understanding of the different components of teacher’s manuals will surely
help a teacher to improve teaching techniques and enhance classroom effectiveness. The
components of the teacher’s manuals include the following:
• L
 earning objectives and learning outcomes: The goal of these sections is to help
learners understand not only what they learn but also why this knowledge is important
for them. The learning objectives given at the start of each lesson plan will guide
learners towards the motive of the topic that needs to be taught, while the learning
outcomes indicate the parameters to appraise the understanding of learners.
• P
 lanning and preparation: It includes the materials required for the transactional
processes suggested in each lesson plan.
• T
 eaching instructions/strategies: With each chapter, essential teaching techniques
have been suggested to aid engaging and meaningful classroom interaction. Ways of
adapting these strategies to specific contexts have also been indicated.
• Reflection: This section is designed to help you think about your own practice and
improve your teaching techniques through evaluation, innovation, and modification.
• W
 orksheet: Asking questions is an integral part of classroom interaction. For more
effective use of this tool, the teacher’s manuals include a worksheet at the end of every

How to conduct activities

The materials required for transactional activities should be gathered before the class. You
may engage learners in group work to make learning relaxed and stress-free. Collaboration
also helps learners learn better and communicate among themselves. Learners also learn the
skill of active listening. They help each other to get a task done and their own understanding
increases in the process.
You may use a visual representation of how the facts, concepts, and ideas are interrelated.
It ensures better understanding and retention of the concepts. Moreover, this technique
is particularly helpful for visual learners. Use concept maps, flow charts, and diagrams as
frequently as possible. Also, encourage learners to do the same.
Experiments/activities in class should go hand in hand with the topics being taught. Once
the experiments/activities are done, worksheets can be distributed among the learners to
assess whether the concepts have been understood by every learner in class.

How to assess/inculcate scientific temperament

Learners should be encouraged to ask questions and seek answers. They will enjoy science
when they are given opportunities to learn through exploration. Field studies and projects
aid in hands-on learning. When learners research, gather data, and draw their own
conclusions, they feel like scientists. All these activities are the best way to assess scientific
temperament of learners.
How to use digital resources
The inclusion of digital resources has become an integral part of modern-day learning as
these get the interest quotient of the learners magnified manifold and help expand their
The Science Venture teacher’s manuals come with a wide range of digital support. All
components come with detailed user guidelines. However, here are some quick suggestions
on how to utilize the digital support for the teaching-learning process.
• C
 oncept animations: Use the concept animations provided as part of the teacher’s
resources to facilitate the understanding of various key concepts.
• I nteractive exercises: All the objective-type questions given in the coursebooks are
available in the form of interactive exercises. Use these for presenting the classroom
assessment process as a fun-filled experience. You may prescribe these activities to
learners for self-assessment too.
• T
 est generator: Use the test generator to create worksheets as well as test papers. You
can manually pick and choose the questions as well as edit them after exporting the data
to an editable Word file. Thus it provides a wide scope for customization.
We hope teachers will find Science Venture teacher’s manuals as an effective tool in
their efforts to find out young scientists among the learners.
Table of Contents

1. Physical Quantities and Measurement ................................................... 1

2. Force and Pressure: Motion ..................................................................... 10

3. Energy ....................................................................................................... 20

4. Reflection of Light and Colours ................................................................ 28

5. Heat and Temperature ............................................................................. 39

6. Transfer of Heat ....................................................................................... 49

7. Sound ......................................................................................................... 58

8. Electricity .................................................................................................. 71

9. Magnetism ................................................................................................. 81

Solution to Practice Paper 1 (Textbook) ................................................................ 90

Solution to Practice Paper 2 (Textbook) ................................................................ 93

Lesson Plans
1 Physical Quantities
and Measurement
Break-up of periods Number of periods: 3
Period 1: Volume
Period 2: Area
Period 3: Density and speed

Period 1 Pages 1–4

Learning objectives
• Learning about volume
• Understanding ways to measure the volume of objects of different shapes
•  earning about instruments that measure volumes such as measuring cylinders,
pipettes, and measuring cans

Planning and preparation

Keep the following materials ready—
•  odels or chart to represent different shapes and demonstrate how to calculate their
• a transparent tube or mug, a medium-sized stone, and water

1. Begin the lesson by brainstorming about certain questions as given below—
• How does a milkman measure milk?
• What is the unit in which we measure milk?
2. E
 licit responses from the students and discuss that a milkman measures milk in litres
using a can or mug-like container. Litre is the unit in which the volume of the milk is
3. D
 efine ‘volume’ and help students understand that almost everything we see around has
a volume.
4. Take example of a box and share the formula to calculate the volume of box, which is l ˜ b ˜ h.

5. N
 ow show the learners the models/chart or samples of objects of different shapes and
explain how the volume of these shapes can be calculated.
6. A
 sk the learners how they measure the volume of an object which do not have regular
shape. Elicit answers and correct them, wherever needed.
7. U
 sing the materials, explain how we can measure the volume of a stone. Refer the activity
given under the ‘Let’s Experiment’ section on page 3.
8. T
 hen discuss about some instruments (such as measuring cylinders) that we can use to
measure volume of different objects.
9. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook given on page 4. Provide support if needed.

Period 2 Pages 4–7

Learning objectives
• Learning to differentiate between area and volume
• Learning to define area
• Learning about ways to measure the area of different figures

Planning and preparation

Keep the following ready—
• objects of different shapes to demonstrate the measurement of their area
• a few leaves of different shapes and graph paper for a group activity
• the TRK CD, a screen, and a projector

1. Begin the class by asking some recap questions based on volume—
• How can we measure the area of different objects?
• Are area and volume the same?
2. E
 licit responses and define ‘area’. Establish that area and volume are different physical
3. S
 howing the objects and using Table 1.4, explain the formulae of calculating the area of
different objects.
4. N
 ow, explain how we can use a graph paper to measure area of the objects that have
irregular shapes.
5. N
 ow divide the class into groups of four to five students. Give one to two leaves to each
group and ask them to find out the area of the leaf.
6. A
 sk them to refer to the procedure given in the ‘Let’s Experiment’ section of the textbook
on page 5.

7. Once the students are done, ask them how did they calculate the area of the leaf given to them.
8. L
 et each group share about the task they just did. Encourage the other groups to ask
questions and understand.
9. A
 t this stage, show learners the video of ‘Measurement of Volume and Area’, given in the
TRK CD. Ask them to raise their queries.

Period 3 Pages 5–8

Learning objective
• Learning about density and speed

Planning and preparation

Keep the following materials ready—
• a bag containing 1 kg of salt, a block of 1 kg of aluminium, and a beam balance
• a thread, a measuring cylinder, water and a medium-sized stone, a spring balance

1. Begin the class by recapitulating about mass and volume.
2. E
 xplain the concept of density and the formula used to measure density, connecting mass
and volume to it.
3. W
 rite the formula on the blackboard and explain the relationship between the units of
density (kg/m3 and g/m3).
4. D
 iscuss the solved problems in the book and explain how we can use the formula to
calculate density of an object.
5. U
 sing the materials brought, demonstrate the activity given in the ‘Let’s Experiment’
section of the book and explain/prove how equal masses may differ in their volumes.
6. N
 ow, using stone and thread (as shown in Fig. 1.5), demonstrate how we can measure the
density of objects with regular and irregular shapes.
7. Now move on to discuss how we can measure speed. You may ask the following questions:
• How can we say if an object is moving fast or slow?
• What helps in identifying which car is moving slow and which one is fast?
8. E
 licit responses and discuss about speed, and also state the formula used to measure
speed and its units.
9. T
 hrough a few solved examples as given in the book, explain how we can calculate speeds
of different moving objects.
10. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook on page 9. Provide support if needed.
11. A
 sk them to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for this
chapter on the student app also.

12. Using the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• explain the concepts of measurement and units;
• define ‘volume’;
• measure the volume of regular objects;
• measure the volume of irregular objects;
• explain the measurement of volume of liquids using measuring cylinders;
• define ‘area’;
• measure the area of irregular shapes using graphical method;
• define ‘density’; and
• measure density of different objects.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) Which activities were helpful in making the students understand the concepts better?

b) How can the activities given in the textbook be made simpler?

c) Can some hands-on activities be introduced in the chapter?

d) How can I make the chapter more interesting and easier to understand?

A. Choose the correct options.
1. A
 boy, X, covers a distance of 10 m in 20 s and another boy, Y, covers the same distance
in 15 seconds. What can be stated about their speeds?
a) Speed of Y is less than X b) Speed of both X and Y are the same
c) Speed of X is less than Y d) Speed of both X and Y is zero
2. A piece of wood has mass of 150 g. What will be the density of wood if its volume is 200 cm3?
a) 0.75 g cm–3 b) 0.25 g cm–3
c) 1.25 g cm–3 d) 750 g cm–3
3. Volume of solid objects is usually expressed in
a) m2. b) mL.
c) m3. d) kg/m3.
4. Area of irregular objects is expressed in
a) m2. b) mL.
c) m3. d) kg/m3.
5. 1 m2 and 1 cm2 are related with a factor of
a) 10-2. b) 10-3.
c) 10-4. d) 10-6.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The volume of an object is the three-dimensional ___________ by it.
2. T
 he method of the ___________ is used to measure the volume of solids having irregular
3. The surface covered by an object is its ___________.
4. The mass of a unit ___________ of a substance is its density.
5. The speed of a body is the ___________ covered by it in a unit time.
C. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Density of irregular objects is measured using water displacement method.
2. Area of liquids can also be measured.
3. Speed is defined as the rate of change of distance.
4. Density of a block of iron is more than similar volume of foam.
5. Area of irregular objects can be measured using a graph paper.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a physical quantity?
2. How is volume of liquids measured?
3. Where are the bigger units of area used?
4. Define average speed of a body.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. c) 2. a) 3. c) 4. a) 5. c)
B. 1. space occupied 2. displacement of liquid 3. area
4. volume 5. distance
C. 1. F 2.
F 3.
T 4.
T 5.
D. 1. A
 physical quantity is defined as a quantity that can be measured. A physical
quantity consists of two parts—a numerical value and a unit. Length, mass, time,
and temperature are some of the physical quantities.
2. G
 enerally the volume of liquids is measured with the help of a graduated (measuring)
cylinder or beaker.
3. T
 he bigger units of area are used to measure bigger areas. For example, to measure
the area of a piece of a land, the units acres and hectares are used. To measure
much bigger areas, such as a city or a country, the unit square kilometre is used.
4. T
 he ratio of the total distance travelled to the total time taken by a body is known
as its average speed.

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 4)

1. Volume 2. volume 3. L3
4. 1000 ˜ 10-6 cm3 = 10-3 cm3 5. water displacement method

Page 9
1. Speed 2. kg/m3 3. m/s
4. 5/18 5. Average speed 6. Density, mass

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. c) Volume 2. b) Area 3. d) all of these
4. a) pr2 5. c) 2.5 ms-1
B. 1. m3 2. L3 3. kg/m3
4. Density 5. total distance travelled
C. 1. T 2. F 3.
F 5. F 6.

D. 1. Cubic metre 2. Density 3. Speed
4. Metre per second
E. 1. T
 he density of an object is defined as the mass per unit volume of that object. In the SI
system, the unit of mass is kilogram and that of volume is cubic metre. Thus, the SI unit
of density is kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3 or kg m–3).
2. S
 peed can be defined as the rate of motion. Speed is also defined as the distance travelled
by a moving body in one second.
3. T
 he volume of the objects having regular shapes can be measured by using defined
4. T
 he two-dimensional space covered by an object is known as its area. The SI unit of area
is square metre (m2).
F. 1. G
 raph papers are used to measure the area of irregular objects. Graph paper is a sheet
of paper that has a large number of squares formed by the intersection of vertical and
horizontal lines, collectively called a grid. All the lines are 1 cm apart. Thus, the area
of 1 square is 1 cm ˜ 1 cm = 1 cm2. It is further divided into 10 uniform vertical as well
as horizontal divisions, which are 1 mm apart. Thus, the area of one smaller square = 1
mm ˜ 1 mm = 1mm2.
2. Measurement of the volume of an irregular object:
a) Take a measuring cylinder half filled with water.
b) Note the initial reading of volume as V1.
c) Take a stone tied to a string, and immerse it into the water in the cylinder.
d) Note the new reading as final volume V2.
e) Let the initial volume be measured as V1 cm3 and final volume be V2 cm3.
Volume of the stone = (V2 – V1) cm3
3. S
 peed can be defined as the rate of motion. Speed is also defined as the distance travelled
by a moving body in one second. Speed is calculated as the ratio of the distance travelled
by an object to the time taken by it to cover that distance.
Distance travelled
Speed =
Time taken
When we travel by a car, we observe that on smooth, less dense roads we travel with
greater speed, but in traffic jams, on speed breakers, and during sharp turns, we travel
with less speed. Thus, during the journey, the speed of the car changes continuously.
Therefore, to measure the average speed of the car, we calculate the ratio of the total
distance travelled to the total time taken to cover it.
Total distance travelled
Average speed =
Total time taken

G. 1. Distance travelled = 2500 m
Time taken = 1 min = 60 s
Distance travelled 2500
Speed = = = 41.6ms-1
Time taken 60
2. Density = 5.1 g/cm3

Volume = 86 cm3
Density =
fi Mass = (Density) ˜ (Volume)
Mass = (5.1) ˜ 86 = 438.6 g
3. Mass = 115 g

Volume change = (20–10) mL
Mass 115 g
Density = = = 11.5 g/mL
Volume 10 mL
4. Volume = 25 cm3

Density = 0.25 g/cm3
Density =
fi Mass = (Density) ˜ (Volume)
Mass = (0.25) ˜ (25) = 6.25 g
5. Distance covered by car A = 100 m
Distance covered by car B = 200 m
Distance covered by car C = 300 m
Time taken by car A = 4 s
Time taken by car B = 5 s
Time taken by car C = 6 s
We know,
Distance travelled
Speed =
Time taken
Speed of A = 25 m/s
Speed of B = 40 m/s
Speed of C = 50 m/s
i. Car C has the highest speed.
ii. Car B will take 15 s to cover 600 m.
iii. 6 km

Analyze This
1. a) Area = 6 ˜ 6 = 36 cm2
b) Volume of the cube = 6 ˜ 6 ˜ 6 = 216 cm3
c) Density is 166.6 g/cm3.
2. The area of the leaf shown in the figure is 80 cm2 approximately.

2 Force and Pressure:
Break-up of periods Number of periods: 3
Period 1: Rest and motion; types of motion
Period 2: Types of motion (continued), distance, displacement, and speed
Period 3: Uniform motion; non-uniform motion; and mass and weight

Period 1 Pages 13–16

Learning objectives
• Learning about motion
• Knowing about different types of motion
• Learning about translatory, rotatory, and circulatory motion and their examples

Planning and preparation

• Keep a spinning top ready.

1. B
 egin the lesson by discussing about motion and asking the learners how they decide that
a body is in motion or moving.
2. E
 licit responses from the learners and discuss that an object is said to be in motion when
it moves from one place to the other with respect to a stationary object.
3. A
 sk the learners to give some examples to describe the difference between objects at rest
and in motion.
4. A
 sk the learners to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook, given on page 14. Provide support if needed.
5. N
 ow, write some examples of motion on the blackboard such as the motion of light, motion
of a merry-go-round, the movement of fan, and so on. Ask them to explain the difference
between them and if these objects have the same type of motion.
6. Now, explain the fact that different objects show different types of motion.
7. M
 ake a flow chart on the board, and state the kinds of motion that you will teach the
learners next.

Types of motion








8. Discuss translatory, rotatory, and circular motion in the class.

9. G
 ive a few examples to substantiate the explanation. Explain that translatory motion is
also of two types—rectilinear and curvilinear motion.
10. E
 xplain the difference between rotatory and circular motion with examples. Explain that
the motion of a body is said to be in a rotatory motion if it rotates in a circular manner
about a fixed axis, and the axis of rotation passes from a point within the body itself,
whereas if a body revolves around another body in a circular path in the presence of a force
acting towards the radius of the circular path, it is called a circular motion.
11. A
 sk the learners to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook, on page 16. Provide support if needed.

Period 2 Pages 17–20

Learning objectives
• Learning to differentiate between oscillatory and vibratory motion
• Learning to differentiate between periodic and non-periodic motion
• Understanding the concepts of distance, displacement, and speed
• Knowing the difference between speed and velocity
• Learning about the relationship between speed, distance, and time
• Learning about the relationship between velocity, displacement, and time

Planning and preparation
Keep the following ready—
• a simple pendulum supported by a clamp and a stopwatch
• the TRK CD, a screen, and a projector

1. Begin the class by recapitulating about the types of motion.
• What is a circulatory motion?
• Which motion is demonstrated by a swing?
• When a stretched rubber band is pulled, which type of motion does it show?
2. Explain oscillatory, vibratory, periodic, and non-periodic motion with examples.
3. Using the materials (the pendulum), explain the oscillatory motion and define ‘oscillations’.
4. E
 xplain that motion of a simple pendulum is periodic as it repeats itself at regular intervals
of time.
5. A
 sk some questions to focus on the difference between periodic and non-periodic motion,
as given below:
• What is the difference between a moving housefly and a pendulum?
6. Explain the difference between periodic and non-periodic motion.
7. E
 stablish the relation of motion with speed. Discuss that during motion, an object moves
for a certain distance with a speed.
8. Define the terms ‘distance’, ‘displacement’, and ‘speed’.
9. E
 xplain the difference between distance and displacement, and state that an object may
move for a distance of 10 m but the result may be zero displacement.
10. E
 xplain the concepts of speed; average speed; the relationship between distance, speed,
and time; velocity and how they can be calculated.
11. U
 sing examples (refer page 20), explain the difference between velocity and speed. State
that velocity has a direction (it is a vector quantity) but speed does not (it is a scalar
12. A
 t this stage, show learners the video of ‘Types of Motion’, given in the TRK CD. Ask them
to raise their queries.

Period 3 Pages 20–25

Learning objective
• Learning about uniform and non-uniform motion
• Learning about mass and weight

Planning and preparation
• Keep a spring balance and a brick ready.

1. Begin the class by recapitulating about periodic and non-periodic motion.
2. N
 ow give examples such as the rising and setting of the sun and the occurrence of rain,
and explain uniform and non-uniform motion.
3. R
 ead the example/table given on page 21 to the students to make them understand
uniform motion. Read the example/table given on page 22 to the students to make them
understand non-uniform motion. Now explain the difference between uniform and non-
uniform motion.
4. Ask learners to attempt the numericals based on calculation of speed, distance, and time.
5. Move on and recap about mass and how it is measured.
6. T
 ake brick and tie a strong string around it. Now, using the spring balance, measure its
7. E
 xplain the difference between mass and weight and explain the units to measure them
(N, kgf).
8. A
 sk the learners to complete the exercises given at the end of the chapter. Provide support
if needed.
9. A
 sk them to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for this
chapter on the student app also.
10. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• explain the concept of rest and motion;
• explain various types of motion;
• differentiate between various types of motions;
• explain scalar and vector quantities;
• explain the concept of distance and displacement;
• solve problems calculating distance and displacement;
• explain the concepts of speed and velocity;
• calculate speed and velocity in given numericals; and
• explain uniform and non-uniform motion with examples.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) Which activities were helpful in making the students understand the concepts better?

b) How can the activities given in the textbook be made simpler?

c) Can some hands-on activities be introduced in the chapter?

d) How can I make the chapter more interesting and easier to understand?


A. State T for true and F for false statements.

1. T
 he state of motion of a body is determined by the change in its position with respect to
the surroundings.
2. All bodies execute the same type of motion.
3. A body can execute only one type of motion at a time.
4. Weight of a body can be equal to zero.
5. Displacement of a body is more than distance covered by a body.

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The strings of a sitar when plucked execute _________ motion.
2. Weight of a body is a _________ quantity.
3. Average speed is calculated for a body having _________ motion.
4. SI unit of weight is _________.
5. _________ is the actual length covered by a body.

C. Choose the correct options.
1. Which of the following is not a periodic motion?
a) Motion of a pendulum clock
b) Revolution of the earth around the sun
c) Motion of a body in a circular track with same speed
d) None of these
2. Which of the following is not a scalar quantity?
a) Mass b) Displacement
c) Speed d) Distance
3. Weight of a body
a) is a vector quantity. b) acts in downwards direction.
c) is measured by spring balance. d) becomes zero on the Moon.
4. A vector quantity is specified by
a) magnitude. b) direction.
c) both of these. d) none of these.
5. The SI unit of average speed is
a) m s-1. b) m s.
c) m s-2. d) no units.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F
B. 1. vibratory 2. vector 3. non-uniform 4. newton
5. Distance
C. 1. d) 2. b) 3. d) 4. c) 5. a)

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 14)

1. motion 2. rest 3. motion 4. motion
5. motion

Page 16
Rectilinear motion: March past in a parade, snooker ball on a snooker table, and car running
on a straight road
Curvilinear motion: Earth revolving around the sun

Check Your Knowledge
A. 1. a) 2. c) 3. d) 4. a)
5. d)
B. 1. m/s 2. Changes 3. different 4. 16.67
5. rectilinear and curvilinear
C. 1. F
 2. F 3. T (for continuous motion of an
escalator) 4. F 5. F 6. F
7. T
D. 1. Translatory motion 2. Rest 3. Gravity 4. Motion
5. Vector quantity
E. 1. c) 2. d) 3. a 4. e)
5. b)
F. 1. A
 spring balance works on the principle that when an object (load) is suspended from
the lower end of the spring, the spring gets stretched and the extension in the length
of the spring is measured by the pointer on the scale. This extension in the spring is
directly proportional to the force with which the object is attracted by the earth towards
its centre. Thus, we obtain the weight of the object (load) hung.
2. a) Rectilinear motion: A car moving on a straight road
b) Rotational motion: Potter’s wheel
c) Oscillatory motion: Simple pendulum
d) Periodic motion: Movement of planets around the sun
3. T
 he displacement of a body is defined as the shortest distance travelled by a moving
body between its initial and final positions.
Its SI unit is metre (m).
4. Distance = 2 km; displacement = 0.
5. T
 he mass of a body remains the same everywhere because the amount of matter in a
substance always remains unchanged.
6. T
 he state of a body depends on the person who is observing it. A body which is at rest for
one person may be in motion for somebody else.
G. 1. Speed is a scalar quantity, whereas velocity is a vector quantity.
2. W
 hen a body in motion travels equal distances in equal intervals of time, its motion is
said to be uniform. Thus, when a body is in uniform motion, it has a constant speed.
 or example, a body covers 2 m of its journey in 1 second, 4 m in 2 seconds, and 6 m in
3 seconds. Here the average speed of the body (2 m/sec) is equal to its speed during its
journey. So the body is said to be in uniform motion.
 hen a body travels unequal distances in equal intervals of time or equal distances in
unequal intervals of time, it is said to be in non-uniform motion. Thus, the speed of the
body throughout the journey is variable.

 or example, a body covers 2 m of its journey in 1 second, 5 m in 2 seconds, and 7 m in 3
seconds. Here the body does not cover equal distances in same time (1 second), so it has
a non-uniform motion.
3. Following are the different types of motions with their examples:
a) Translatory motion: an apple falling from a tree
b) Rotatory motion: motion of a potter’s wheel
c) Circular motion: the moon revolving around the earth
d) Oscillatory motion: motion of the bob of a pendulum clock
e) Vibratory motion: strings of a guitar
f) Periodic motion: motion of a clock’s hands
g) Non-periodic motion: movement of the wind
4. a)

Rectilinear Motion Curvilinear Motion

1) If the translatory motion of an object 1) If the translatory motion of a body is
is along a straight line, then the along a curved path, then the motion
motion is called a rectilinear (linear) is said to be a curvilinear motion.
2) A car moving on a straight road is an 2) A swinging stone in a circular motion
example of rectilinear motion. is an example of curvilinear motion.


Uniform Motion Non- Uniform Motion

1) When a body in motion travels equal 1) When a body travels unequal
distances in equal intervals of time, its distances in equal intervals of time or
motion is said to be uniform. equal distances in unequal intervals
of time, it is said to be in non-uniform
2) For a body in uniform motion, the 2) The speed of the body throughout the
speed is constant. journey is variable.


Periodic Motion Non- Periodic Motion

1) When a motion repeats itself after 1) The type of motion that does not
equal intervals of time, it is called repeat itself after regular or fixed
periodic motion. intervals of time is termed as non-
periodic motion.
2) For example, the movements of the 2) For example, the movement of a
earth. basketball player during the game.

5. A drill machine undergoes rotatory and translatory motions at the same time.
Translatory motion: When an object travels the same distance in the same time

interval, it is said to be in translatory motion.
Rotatory motion: The motion of a body is called rotatory motion if it rotates in a

circular manner about a fixed axis.

Mass Weight
The amount of matter contained in a The weight of a body is the force with
body is called its mass. which it is attracted by the earth
towards its centre.
It is constant and does not change with It changes from place to place as it
the place and position of the body. depends on the force of gravity.
It can never be zero. It can be zero when no force of gravity
acts on the body.
The SI unit is kilogram (kg). The SI unit is newton (N).
It is measured with the help of a simple It is measured with the help of a spring
beam balance. balance.


Speed Velocity
The distance travelled by an object in a The distance travelled by an object in
unit time is called the speed of the object. a unit time and in a given direction is
known as velocity.
It is a scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity.
It has both direction as well as It has only magnitude and no direction.

Total distance
1. Average speed =
Total time
So Total distance = Average speed ˜ Total time = 60 km/h ˜ 30/60 h = 30 km
2. Non-uniform motion
Total distance = 30 + 30 = 60 m
Total time = (1 + 1.75) ˜ 60 s = 165 s
Total distance
Average speed =
Total time
= 60/165
= 0.36 m/s

3. Distance = 3 + 4 = 7 km
Displacement = ÷(32 + 42) = 5 km
4. As W= mg
So 40 N = 5 ˜ g
g = 8 m/s2
For a body of mass 37 kg, W = 37 ˜ 8 = 296 N
The weight of the body in kgf is 37 kgf.
5. Time taken by the boy = Distance/speed = (500/1000) km / 5 kmph
= 1/10 h = 0.1 h = 0.1 ˜ 60 ˜ 60 s = 360 s
6. Displacement = AD = ÷(202 + 52) = ÷425 km
Distance = AB + BD = 25 km
Translatory: The motion of an apple falling from a tree
Rotatory: Spinning of a top
Circular: Earth revolving around the sun
Oscillatory: Child swinging on a swing in the playground
Vibratory: Striking the prongs of a tuning fork
Periodic: The periodic motion of the earth

Analyze This
a) Boy swinging: Oscillatory motion
b) Tuning fork: Vibratory motion
c) A man cycling: Rectilinear motion (if one is riding a bicycle on a straight road)
d) A child in a ride: Circular motion
e) The pendulum of the clock: Periodic motion

3 Energy

Break-up of periods Number of periods: 3

Period 1: Energy and different forms of energy
Periods 2 and 3: Different forms of energy (continued from previous class) and conservation
of energy

Period 1 Pages 31–34

Learning objectives
• Learning to define energy and its units
• Learning about the relationship between calories and joules
• Understanding the different forms of energy
• Learning to differentiate between kinetic energy and potential energy
• Understanding the effect of mass on kinetic energy of the object
• Learning to list examples of mechanical, kinetic, and potential energy from daily life

Planning and preparation

Keep a small stool or a table, two tubs filled with water, a small ball, one bigger ball, two
measuring scales ready.

1. B
 egin the class by explaining the meaning of energy. Also discuss the importance of energy
in the class.
2. E
 xplain that energy is the capacity to do work. Discuss that like any other quantity, energy
also is measured in specific units.
3. E
 xplain the meaning of ‘joule’ to the learners. Also describe how joule can be converted
into calories.
4. E
 xplain that energy around us is present in different forms. Make the following flow chart
to help the learners understand better.

Forms of Energy

Mechanical Light Sound Electrical Magnetic Chemical



5. E
 xplain the meaning of mechanical energy to the learners. Discuss that mechanical energy
is further classified into kinetic energy and potential energy.
6. Discuss the examples of kinetic energy and potential energy in the class.
7. P
 erform the activity given on page 32 of the textbook. With the help of this activity, explain
how mass affects the kinetic energy of an object. Explain that the heavier an object, the
more its kinetic energy.
8. D
 iscuss the factors on which the potential energy depends (the mass of the object, the
height at which it is kept, and the force of gravity) in the class.
9. Discuss and tabulate the differences between kinetic and potential energy on the board.
10. S
 hare few simple numerical problems based on the calculation of gravitational potential
energy and kinetic energy.

Periods 2 and 3 Pages 35–39

Learning objectives
• I llustrating examples of light energy, sound energy, thermal energy, electrical energy,
magnetic energy, chemical energy, and nuclear energy from daily life
• Differentiating between different forms of energy
• Explaining the conversion of energy from one form to the other

Planning and preparation

Keep a simple pendulum supported by a clamp and a stopwatch ready.

1. B
 egin the class by recapitulating the forms of energy learnt in the previous class. Ask the
learners to complete the ‘Learning Milestone’ section given on page 35 of the textbook.
2. N
 ow explain other forms of energy one by one to the learners. Give relevant examples to
make sure that the learners understand the concept and connect to it better.
3. W
 ith the help of a simple pendulum, explain how during an oscillation, kinetic energy
converts into potential energy and vice versa.

4. E
 xplain how energy can be converted from one form to the other. Use the examples of
electric bulb and electric bell to help the learners understand better.
5. Describe how energy transfer takes place in a hydroelectric power plant.
6. A
 sk the learners to complete the ‘Learning Milestone’ section given on page 39 of the
7. Show the learners the video on ‘Law of Conservation of Energy’, given on the TRK CD.

8. A
 sk them to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for this
chapter on the student app also.

9. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• define ‘energy’;
• classify energy into different forms;
• describe how energy can be converted form one form to another; and
• discuss examples involving the conversions of different forms of energy.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) Which activities were helpful in making the students understand the concepts better?

b) How can the activities given in the textbook be made simpler?

c) Can some hands-on activities be introduced in the chapter?

d) How can I make the chapter more interesting and easier to understand?


A. Choose the correct answers.

1. The potential energy depends upon
a) mass. b) height.
c) acceleration due to gravity. d) all of these.
2. The kinetic energy of a body changes by _____ times on doubling the velocity.
a) two b) eight
c) four d)
3. The energy stored in a stretched rubber band.
a) Gravitational energy b) Elastic potential
c) Kinetic d)
4. The energy stored in the nucleus.
a) Light b) Heat
c) Nuclear d)
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Doorbell produces ________ energy.
2. The sun gives us ________ and ________ energy.
3. The water reservoir of a dam stores ________ energy.
4. A pendulum works on the principle of ________ of energy.
C. Write T for true and F for false.
1. The potential energy depends on the velocity of the body.
2. A rotating fan possesses kinetic energy.
3. A lot of heat energy is produced in nuclear fission.
4. An electric torch converts electrical energy into heat energy.
D. Answer the questions.
1. Define ‘magnetic energy’.
2. Write the transformation of energy in a microphone.
3. Give examples of a chemical energy in our daily life.
4. Define ‘photosynthesis’.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. d) 2. c) 3. b) 4. c)
B. 1. sound 2. light, heat 3. gravitational potential
4. conservation
C. 1. F 2.
T 3.
T 4.
D. 1. M
 agnetic energy is defined as the energy possessed by a magnet that exerts a
magnetic force on magnetic objects placed around it.
2. I n a microphone, the sound energy is converted into the electrical energy.
Loudspeakers convert the electrical energy into sound energy.
3. C
 hemical energy is also stored in fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural
4. T
 he word ‘photo’ means light and ‘synthesis’ means to produce. Plants produce food
by the process of photosynthesis, which is synthesizing of food in the presence of

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 35)

1. ability, work 2. 4.2 3. Kinetic
4. elastic potential energy 5. Gravitational

Page 39
1. F 2. F 3.
4. F 5. F

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. b) 2. c) 3. c) 4. d)
5. c) 6. c)
B. 1. light 2. Joule 3. Electric bell
4. Elastic potential 5. Chemical 6. Transformation of energy
7. Nuclear energy, electrical energy
C. 1. b) 2. d) 3. a)
4. e) 5. c)

D. 1. F 2. F 3.
T 5. F 6. F
E. 1. elastic potential energy 2. gravitational potential energy
3. Solar cells 4. Light
5. sound
F. 1. The energy of a body is its capacity to do work.
 cientists deal with many units of energy such as joule, calorie, and erg. Joule and
calorie are the most commonly used units of energy.
2. O
 ne kilocalorie is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of
water by 1° C.
3. Mechanical energy can be classified into two forms—kinetic energy and potential energy.
 inetic energy: The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called kinetic
 otential energy: The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its changed position or
configuration is called potential energy.
4. Differences:

Potential energy Kinetic energy

a) This energy is possessed by a body a) This energy is possessed by a body
by virtue of its changed position or by virtue of its motion (translators,
configuration (shape). vibratory, or rotatory).
b) It is equal to the amount of the work b) It is equal to the amount of the work
done on the body to bring it to that that the moving body can do by virtue
changed stage. of coming to rest.

5. N
 uclear energy is released when a heavy nucleus splits into a light nuclei (nuclear
fission), or when two light nuclei combine to form a heavy nucleus (nuclear fusion).
6. N
 uclear energy is utilized for constructive purposes like generating electricity and also
for destructive purposes like making atomic bombs.
7. a) Kinetic energy
b) Mechanical energy
c) Elastic potential energy
d) Chemical energy
e) Gravitational potential energy
G. Answer in details.
1. The energy of a body is its capacity to do work. The SI unit of energy is joule (J).
Another commonly used unit of energy is calorie.

2. M
 echanical energy is a form of energy that gets stored in any body by virtue of its state
of motion, or by its position, or both. Moving cars or bodies raised to some height have
mechanical energy stored in them.
Mechanical energy is measured in joules (J).
3. T
 he energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called kinetic energy. Every
object that is under motion has kinetic energy.
The kinetic energy of a body depends on the following factors:
a) The mass of the body—The heavier the body, the more kinetic energy it has.
b) The speed of the body—The bodies moving faster have more kinetic energy.
4. T
 he energy possessed by a body by virtue of its changed position or configuration is
called potential energy. It is referred to as the stored form of energy. For example, a
stretched spring, a rock on a cliff, and a coconut hung on a tree possess potential energy.
Potential energy can be further classified into two different forms:
Gravitational potential energy: When a body is raised upwards, its potential energy
increases. Thus the energy possessed by the body due to the force of gravity is called
gravitational potential energy.
Elastic potential energy: When we stretch a spring, its shape changes. Thus, energy
gets stored in it by changing its shape. A stretched spring, a stretched rubber of a catapult,
and a stretched ribbon of a bow possess elastic potential energy. The energy possessed
by a body by virtue of its changed configuration (shape) is called elastic potential energy.
5. Different forms of energy:
a) Light energy: Light energy is a form of energy that provides the sensation of vision
to our eyes. It helps us to see objects.
b) Sound energy: Sound is a form of energy. It is produced due to the vibrations of an
object. We all hear varieties of sounds around us in our daily lives.
c) Thermal energy: The sensation of hotness or coldness is due to a form of energy
called heat energy or thermal energy.
d) Electrical energy: The energy possessed by the position or by the motion of charges
(electrons and protons found in an atom) is known as electrical energy.
e) Magnetic energy: The energy possessed by magnets is called magnetic energy.
6. Mass = 20 kg
Height = 10 m
g = 10 m/s
P.E. = mgh = 20 ˜ 10 ˜ 10 = 2000 J = 2 kJ
7. a) Kinetic energy gets doubled.
b) Kinetic energy becomes nine times.

8. A
 ll the forms of energy follow the law of conservation of energy, according to which
energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it only transfers from one place to another
or changes from one form to another.
9. A
 n oscillating pendulum is one of the best examples to understand the interchange
of kinetic and potential energy. When the bob is undergoing oscillations, it rises to
a certain height h during its extreme positions where the velocity of the bob is zero.
Therefore, it is said to possess only potential energy. As the bob is in a raised position,
its kinetic energy is said to be zero. At its mean position, the bob’s height is zero, so its
potential energy is zero. But it has some velocity, so it has kinetic energy. This kinetic
energy helps the bob to reach the other extreme position. The periodic transformation
of mechanical energy helps the bob to oscillate with the same amplitude. The sum of
kinetic and potential energy remains constant.
10. Please refer to Fig. 3.12 on page 38.
11. In a thermal power plant, the chemical energy of coal gets converted into heat energy
on burning. This heat energy then boils the water and converts it into steam. The steam
has some motion and hence kinetic energy. This helps in rotating the turbine, thus
transferring its kinetic energy. The turbine in turn rotates the windings of the generator
which generates potential energy. The generator then produces electrical energy.
Kinetic energy (mathematical formula: mv2),
Potential energy: It is the energy possessed by virtue of position,
Mathematical formula of GPE is: mgh,
I t is further divided into two forms: elastic potential energy, gravitational potential

Analyze This
a) Kinetic energy
b) Potential
c) At position A, P E = E ; K.E. = 0
At position B, P.E. = K.E. = E/2
At position C, P.E. = 0; K.E.= E
d) The total energy remains E at every point in the path of the ball.

4 Reflection of Light
and Colours
Break-up of periods Number of periods: 4
Periods 1 and 2: Reflection of light and the laws of reflection
Period 3: Formation of an image by a plane mirror; applications of a plane mirror
Period 4: Speed of light in a medium; light and colours

Periods 1 and 2 Pages 45–49

Learning objectives
• Understanding the concept of reflection of light
• Learning about the laws of reflection
• Understanding the types of reflection with examples

Planning and preparation

Keep the following materials ready—
• Plan a visit to the school physics laboratory.
• Arrange for a model to aid the demonstration of the laws of reflection in the laboratory.
•  rrange for a laser pointer or light box, some PlasticineTM, a white sheet of paper, and
a protractor.
• Bring the TRK CD, a screen, and a projector.

1. Begin the class by asking the learners about light and its importance.
2. T
 hen ask them some questions focussing on the prior knowledge of the concept of reflection
of light and the formation of image on a mirror. For example—
• What happens when light falls on an opaque object?
• What happens when light falls on a polished surface such as a mirror?
• What do we see when we stand in front of a mirror? Why?
• Can we see our image in darkness?

3. Explain the concept of reflection of light and why and how we see our image on a mirror.
4. E
 xplain how the reflection of light is observed in a mirror or any other polished surface,
but is not observed on unpolished surfaces such as wall or ground.
5. Ask the learners to do the activity given in the ‘Let’s Experiment’ section.
6. N
 ow, move on to discuss about plane mirrors and explain the process of lights rays falling
on the surface, getting reflected, and the appearance of the image. Draw a ray diagram, as
given in the textbook (Fig. 4.4), and explain it in detail.
7. U
 sing the same ray diagram, introduce the terms associated with the reflection of light
such as ‘incident ray’, ‘reflected ray’, ‘normal’, ‘angle of incidence’, and ‘angle of reflection’.
8. Introduce the fact that reflection of light is governed by certain laws called laws of refection.
9. U
 sing the set-up meant for proving the laws of reflection, explain and demonstrate the
laws of reflection. For this, divide the class into groups and help the learners to observe
the laws of refection. Help them to see the rays in the set-up.
10. Help the learners to conduct the activity on page 48 (to verify the laws of reflection).
11. Move on and discuss by asking the following questions—
• What do you think will happen if the light falls on a polished but rough surface?
• Will you be able to see an image? Why or why not?
12. E
 xplain the types of reflection—regular reflection and diffused, or irregular reflection.
Draw the diagrams to describe them. Define ‘optics’.
13. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook, given on page 49. Provide support if needed.
14. Show learners the video ‘Reflection’ at this stage using the TRK CD.
15. Ask the learners few questions to assess the knowledge gained by them.

Period 3 Pages 49–52

Learning objectives
• Learning about the formation of an image by a plane mirror
• Understanding the formation of real and virtual images
• Learning to differentiate between real and virtual images
• Understanding images formed by a point and an extended source of light
• Learning about the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror
• Learning about the uses of a plane mirror

Planning and preparation

• Keep a plane mirror ready.
• Choose a volunteer among the learners.

1. Begin the class by recapitulating about reflection of light and image formed by a mirror.
2. E
 xplain how the images are formed in a mirror if the types of sources of light are point and
3. D
 raw the ray diagrams with labels to explain both the cases, looking at the textbook. (It is
a new concept for the learners; hence, ask them their doubts and solve them.)
4. N
 ow, place a plane mirror in front of the class and ask a volunteer to come forward and
stand in front of the mirror. Now, ask him or her to perform some actions such as—
• raising his/her left hand
• bringing his/her right foot forward
• rotating his/her waist in a clock-wise direction
5. Ask few questions based on the activity such as—
• Which hand of the image got raised when you raised your left hand?
• I n which direction the image moved when you rotated your waist in a clock-wise
6. D
 iscuss about the types of images and lateral inversion. Introduce the terms and explain.
Ask students to share some examples to ensure that they have understood.
7. A
 sk the students to attempt the activity given under the section ‘Let’s Experiment’ given
on page 50. Ask them to write the given letters in their laterally inverted forms.
8. A
 lso, you can ask the students to write those letters whose images won’t be any different
from their real form/appearance and do not show lateral inversion as in the case of letter H.
9. D
 iscuss about the characteristics of images formed by a plane mirror and uses of plane
mirrors in real life.
10. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook, given on page 52. Provide support if needed.

Period 4 Pages 52–55

Learning objectives
• Learning about the speed of light in a medium
• Understanding the connection between light and the colours that we see
• Learning about the uses of primary and secondary, or composite colours
• Understanding how we see different colours when light falls on different objects

Planning and preparation
Keep the following materials ready—
• a colour card to show primary and secondary colours
• three torches; a white screen; cellophane sheets of red, blue, and green colours
• the TRK CD, a screen, and a projector

1. Begin the class by recapitulating about reflection of light and image formed by a mirror.
2. I ntroduce the fact that light travels with a certain speed. The speed of light in different
mediums is different.
3. Move on and ask some brainstorming questions, such as—
• How are we able to see different colours?
• Can we see colours in the absence of light?
4. E
 xplain that when light falls on an object, some of it gets bounced by the particles in
the object called the pigments while some of it gets absorbed. The reflected pigments or
colours are perceived by our eyes and we are able to see the colours.
5. Now explain the primary and secondary colours by reading out from the textbook.
6. S
 how them the colour charts, and explain how primary colours can be used to create
secondary colours. Discuss why these are called primary colours and others secondary
7. D
 emonstrate the activity given under the ‘Let’s Experiment’ section of the book to show
how secondary colours are formed.
8. N
 ow explain the concept of colour subtraction. Explain that the reflection of light of a
certain colour by an object is called colour subtraction.
9. E
 xplain that a transparent object allows a certain colour to pass through and absorbs the
rest of the colours from the light. This is called colour subtraction.
10. Explain how objects appear of different colours when light falls on them.
11. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook, given on page 55. Provide support if needed.
12. E
 ncourage students to complete the exercises given at the end of the chapter. Ask them to
clear their doubts.
13. A
 sk the learners to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for
this chapter on the student app also.
14. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• explain the phenomenon of reflection of light and its associated terminology;
• describe the formation of an image by a plane mirror;
• state different characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror;
• list some applications of a plane mirror in daily life;
• demonstrate the formation of different colours of light; and
• differentiate between primary and secondary colours.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) W
 hich of the activities or experiments demonstrated in the class brought out the
desired response from learners?

b) W
 hich activities can be modified to facilitate teaching and retention of the concept?

c) What other teaching strategies I could use to make the class further engaging?

d) What can I do to make the overall lesson more interesting?


A. Choose the correct options.

1. Which colour is formed by mixing blue and red?
a) Yellow b) Cyan
c) Magenta d) Green
2. An object is 3.0 m in front of a plane mirror. Its image is
a) virtual, inverted, and 3.0 m behind the mirror.
b) virtual, erect, and 3.0 m in front of the mirror.
c) real, erect, and 3.0 m behind the mirror.
d) virtual, erect, and 6.0 m behind the mirror.
3. Which of the following letters will appear the same when viewed through a mirror?
a) A b) B
c) C d) D
4. The speed of light in vacuum is
a) 3 ˜ 107 m/s. b) 3 ˜ 108 m/s.
c) 3 ˜ 10-8 m/s. d) 2.25 ˜ 108 m/s.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Red, blue, and green are _________ colours.
2. T
 he image that is formed when reflected rays actually intersect each other is called the
_________ image.
3. T
 he image that is formed when diverged reflected rays appear to meet at a point behind
the mirror is called the _________ image.
4. The size of the image formed by a plane mirror is _________ to the size of the object.
C. State T for true and F for false statements.
1. Regular reflection gives clear images.
2. The image formed by a plane mirror is laterally inverted.
3. The size of the image is double the size of the object in a plane mirror.
4. Light rays cannot travel only through a transparent medium or vacuum.
D. Answer the following.
1. A
 light ray is incident on the mirror by making an angle of 34° with the plane of reflection.
What will be the angle of reflection?
2. W
 hen sunlight falls on the glass of your watch, the light gets reflected. What type of
reflection is this?
3. What are complimentary colours?
4. Give two applications of plane mirrors.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. c) 2. b) 3. a) 4. b)
B. 1. Primary 2. Real 3. Virtual 4. Equal
C. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F
D. 1. The angle of incidence = 90o–34o = 56o.
According to the laws of reflection, angle of incidence = angle of reflection.
Hence, the angle of reflection = 56°.
2. Regular reflection
3. A
 pair of colours that on mixing and on projecting on a screen can produce a resultant
of white light. These colours are called complementary colours.
For example, blue + yellow = white.
So blue and yellow colours are complementary to each other.
4. Some of the uses of plane mirrors in our daily lives are as given here.
a) Plane mirrors are used as dressing mirrors.
b) Army soldiers use plane mirrors for signalling.

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 49)

1. silver nitrate 2. regular reflection 3. normal
4. plane mirrors 5. angle of incidence

Page 52
1. F 2. F 3. F
4. F 5. T

Page 55
1. a) 2. b) 3. b)
4. d)

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. b) 2. b) 3. c)
4. b) 5. d) 6. b)

B. 1. same plane 2. regular 3. red
4. RAC 5. periscope, kaleidoscope
C. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
5. F 6. F 7. F
D. 1. e) 2. d) 3. b)
4. a) 5. c)
E. 1. S
 tagnant surfaces of water act as regular reflecting surfaces. So we can see our own
reflection in a stagnant pond.
2. T
 V cells have only three colours—red, blue, and green. These are called primary colours.
When these primary colours are mixed, the other colours called secondary or composite
colours are produced.
3. T
 he colour of an object is based on the reflection and absorption of light in a selective
manner. A red rose appears black in green light because the green colour falling on it
is absorbed by the rose. However, it appears red in white light because it reflects the
constituent red colour (of the white light) and absorbs the rest of the colours.
4. T
 he image by a mirror is laterally inverted with respect to the object. The word
AMBULANCE is written laterally inverted on the front of the ambulance. Owing to
this, the person driving ahead of the ambulance vehicle can see the word AMBULANCE
written in a normal way in the side mirror and give way to the ambulance.
5. A
 blue mug has contrasting colours when it is seen in white and red lights because
when white light falls on it, the mug reflects a blue constituent of the while light and
absorbs the rest of the colours. However, when red light falls on it, the surface of the
mug absorbs all the red light. So it appears dark.
F. 1. T
 he plane mirror is a rectangular glass plate that is silvered at one end by using silver
2. The bouncing back of light rays into the same medium is called the reflection of light.
3. T
 he colours that cannot be obtained by mixing any other colour and can produce other
colours are called primary colours. Red, blue, and green are primary colours.
4. C
 olours that are produced when two primary colours are mixed in equal proportions are
called secondary colours. Yellow, magenta, and cyan are the three secondary colours.
5. I mages that are formed when reflected rays actually intersect each other are called real
images. These images are inverted with respect to the object.
6. T
 he phenomenon in which the right and the left side of an object get interchanged in its
image after reflection is called lateral inversion.
7. I f the angle between the incident ray and a plane mirror is 90∞, the angle of reflection is
equal to the angle of incidence, therefore, when a ray strikes the mirror at 90∞, the ray
reflects back in the opposite direction on the same path—that is, at 90∞.

G. 1. a) The ray of light that falls on the reflecting surface is called the incident ray.
 ) The ray of light that bounces back through the reflecting surface into the same medium
as that of the incident ray is called the reflected ray.
Refer to Fig. 4.4.
2. The laws of reflection of light are as follows:
 ) The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal at the point of incidence lie on the
same plane.
b) The angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence.
Thus ∠i = ∠r

Regular reflection Diffused reflection

a) This type of reflection occurs when a) This type of reflection occurs from
light rays strike a regular plane and a rough surfaces.
smooth polished surface.
b) It helps to form clear images of high b) This type of reflection produces
dimensions. uneven and dull images.

4. C
 onsider a point object O placed in front of a plane mirror MM’ with a vertical distance
OB. The incident ray OP from P strikes the plane mirror making the angle of incidence i1.
 he other incident ray OQ strikes the mirror surface with angle of incidence i2. They are
rendered along PP’ and QQ’ with angles of reflection r1 and r2 respectively. By the laws
of reflection, –i1 = –r1, –i2 = –r2.
The reflected ray when produced behind the mirror appears to be coming from a point O’.
 hus the image in case of a plane mirror is formed by extrapolating the rays in the
backward direction. Such type of images cannot be captured on a screen and are called
virtual images.
 lso the distance between the object and the reflecting surface is the same as the distance
between the image and the reflecting surface.
5. Some of the uses of plane mirrors in our everyday lives are as follows:
• Plane mirrors are used as dressing mirrors.
• Army soldiers use plane mirrors for signalling.
• A
 rchitects and interior designers use plane mirrors to give false dimensions to a
room so that the room appears larger.
• They are used in construction of optical instruments like periscope and kaleidoscope.
• They are used in solar cookers to reflect the beam of light from the sun to the vessel.

6. Aim: To verify the laws of reflection
Materials required: Laser pointer or a light box, plane mirror, some PlasticineTM,

white sheet of paper, and a protractor
a) P
 lace a sheet of paper on a table or a wooden board. Secure its position by using an
adhesive tape or thumb pins.
b) N
 ow place a mirror vertically on it (as in the given diagram). Secure its position with
c) D
 raw a perpendicular to the surface of the mirror on the sheet of paper using a
d) N
 ow point a ray of light towards it using a laser pointer or a light box. This ray of
light, on reaching the reflecting surface of the mirror, gets reflected in a particular
e) Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection using the protractor.

Angle of incidence Angle of reflection

45o 45o
60o 60o
75o 75o

Conclusion: Angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.

7. Characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror are as follows:
• The image is virtual and erect.
• The size of the image is equal to the size of the object.
• The image is located behind a mirror at a distance equal to the distance of the object
from the mirror.
• The image is laterally inverted with respect to the object.
8. W
 hen two primary colours are mixed in equal proportions, secondary or composite
colours are produced. Yellow, magenta, and cyan are the three secondary colours. When
red and green colours are mixed and projected on a white screen, yellow colour is formed.
red + green = yellow
 hen green and blue colours are mixed and projected on a white screen, cyan (peacock
blue) colour is obtained.
green + blue = cyan
When blue and red colours are projected on a white screen, magenta colour is obtained.
blue + red = magenta

9. T
 he colour of an object is based on the reflection and absorption of light in a selective
 hen white light falls on an object, it reflects all the colours of white light. The object
will appear white. For example, a piece of white paper appears white in sunlight because
it reflects all the colours of light. On the contrary, when all the colours are absorbed
by an object, it appears black. For example, a piece of black cloth when seen in white
light appears black because it absorbs all the colours of light. When only one colour is
reflected by an object, the object appears to have that colour reflected by the object.
For example, a red rose appears red in sunlight because it reflects only red colour and
absorbs the rest of the colours. For diagram, please refer to Fig. 4.12.
H. I t is a form of energy that enables us to see objects around. Bouncing back of light when
it falls on a smooth, shiny material.
Types: Regular reflection, Diffused reflection
Produced by: Regular plane and smooth polished surface
Produced by: Uneven and dull images.

Analyze this
The colour of the rays that will get reflected by a yellow sheet will be yellow. Only green light
will pass through the filter as the green filter allows only green light.

5 Heat and
Break-up of periods Number of periods: 4
Periods 1 and 2: Heat as a form of energy, measurement of heat, concept of temperature, and
measurement of temperature
Periods 3 and 4: Thermal expansion in solids, liquids, and gases, effects of heat

Periods 1 and 2 Pages 60–65

Learning objectives
• Describing heat as a form of energy
• Explaining the flow of heat from a hot body to a cold body
• Describing the units to measure heat
• Describing different temperature scales and their interconversions
• Differentiating between heat and temperature
• Differentiating between laboratory thermometer and clinical thermometer

Planning and preparation

•  eep the following things ready in the physics laboratory ready for performing an activity:
a small iron block, distilled water in a beaker, Bunsen burner, tongs, and stirrer
•  ring ice cubes, clinical thermometers, and laboratory thermometers to the class (depending
upon the number of learners in the class).

1. Begin the class by discussing about heat as a form of energy and its importance in daily life.
2. P
 lan a visit to the physics laboratory. Perform the experiment given on page 61 of the
textbook in the lab. With the help of this experiment, explain how the transfer of heat
occurs from a hot object to a cold object.
3. Explain that heat is measured in joules (J) and calories (cal) to the learners.
4. Discuss the relationship between joules and calories in the class.
5. T
 hen, explain that heat and temperature are often discussed together but they both are

6. Describe that temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness of an object.
7. Explain the differences between heat and temperature and tabulate them on the board.
8. A
 sk the learners to rub their palms. Then, give an ice cube to each learner and ask them to
hold it in their palms. With the help of this activity, explain that the transfer of heat will
occur till the two objects are at the same temperature.
9. E
 xplain the scales used to measure temperature—the Celsius scale, the Fahrenheit scale,
and the Kelvin scale—to the learners.
10. E
 xplain the relationship between these scales. Also discuss a few numerical problems in
the class on how to express temperature on different scales.
Temperature scale 1 Temperature scale 2 Their relationship
Celsius Kelvin T (K) = 273 + t (oC)
Celsius Fahrenheit 5
t (oC) = [t (oF) – 32]

11. N
 ow divide the class into groups and give each group a clinical thermometer and a
laboratory thermometer to observe. Ask the learners to record their observations in their
exercise books. Discuss these observations on the class.
12. Explain how clinical and laboratory thermometers are different from each other.
13. A
 sk the learners to complete the ‘Learning Milestone’ section given on page 65 of the

Periods 3 and 4 Pages 67–71

Learning objectives
• Explaining the effects of heat on objects
• Explaining thermal expansion in the three states of matter
• Describing the applications of thermal expansion in daily life
• Explaining the changes in the states of matter due to heat
• Differentiating between boiling and evaporation

Planning and preparation

Keep the following things ready in the physics laboratory ready for performing different activities.
•  metal ball that can easily pass through a ring, a ring whose diameter is slightly
bigger than the diameter of the ball, stand, string, and burner
•  lass flask/Beaker, cork with a hole, capillary tube, wire gauze, burner, tripod stand,
some drops of blue colour, and water
• Bottle, boiled water in a trough, and deflated balloon

1. Begin the class by recapitulating the topics learnt in the previous class.
2. Ask the following questions to the learners.
• State some uses of heat in daily life.
• What effects can heat produce?
3. E
 licit responses from the learners and discuss that heat brings about different changes in
different states of matter.
4. D
 ivide the class into groups of five. Take the learners to the physics laboratory after
discussing about the rules and precautions to be followed in the laboratory.
5. P
 erform the activities given on pages 66–68 of the textbook on thermal expansion. Ask the
learners to record the observations in their exercise books.
6. D
 iscuss these observations when back in the class. With the help of this discussion, explain
the concept of thermal expansion in different states of matter to the learners.
7. Discuss some applications of thermal expansion in daily life in the class.
8. D
 iscuss the effect of heat on the states of matter. Explain to the learners how solids,
liquids, and gases change their form when heated.
9. Explain the differences between boiling and evaporation to the learners.
10. Show the learners the video on ‘Effects of Heat’, given in the TRK CD.
11. A
 sk the learners to complete the ‘Learning Milestone’ section given on page 69 of the
12. A
 sk them to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for this
chapter on the student app also.
13. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to—
• describe heat as a form of energy;
• discuss how flow of heat from a hot body to a cold body;
• state the units used for measuring heat;
• differentiate between heat and temperature;
• differentiate between laboratory and clinical thermometer;
• describe the thermal expansion in the three states of matter;
• discuss the applications of thermal expansion in daily life;
• describe the changes in the states of matter due to heat; and
• differentiate between boiling and evaporation.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) Were the learners able to understand the concept of heat?

b) Which activities were helpful in making the learners understand the concepts better?

c) Can some other activities be introduced in the chapter?

d) Can the activities in the chapter be made simpler?

e) How can I make the topics in the chapter easier and more interesting for the learners?

A. Choose the correct options.
1. Which process requires release of heat energy?
a) Evaporation b) Freezing
c) Boiling d) Sublimation
2. On which factors thermal expansion of solids does not depend?
a) Temperature rise b) Original size of the solid
c) Melting point of the solid d) Material of the solid
3. Which process requires absorption of heat energy?
a) Solidification b) Freezing
c) Boiling d) Condensation

4. The upper fixed point in the Fahrenheit scale is
a) 100o C. b) 212o F.
c) 373o C. d) 32o F.

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Heat is a form of _________ that we can feel.
2. The SI unit of heat is _________.
3. Some other common units of heat are _________ and _________.
4. The measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called its _________.

C. State T for true and F for false statements.

1. Temperature is generally measured in degree Celsius (°C) or degree Fahrenheit (°F).
2. The SI unit of temperature is Celsius.
3. The device used to measure the temperature of an object is called a thermometer.
4. The lower fixed point at which ice melts is known as the boiling point.

D. Answer the following questions.

1. Define ‘thermal expansion’.
2. Explain some advantages of using mercury as a thermometric fluid.
3. Differentiate between heat and temperature.
4. Explain the Celsius scale.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. b) 2. c) 3. c) 4. b)
B. 1. energy 2. joule 3. calorie and kilocalorie
4. temperature
C. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F
D. 1. I t is seen that when certain materials are heated, there is a change in their
dimensions. This change in the dimensions of a material or an object upon heating
is known as thermal expansion.
2. T
 he advantages of using mercury in the capillary tube of a thermometer are given
• M
 ercury is a silvery white liquid and is easily visible for facilitating accurate
• M
 ercury expands uniformly and at a significant rate for a small rise in the

• Mercury does not stick to the walls of glass capillary tubes.
• Mercury has a high boiling point of 357°C, which makes it non-volatile.

Heat Temperature
a) Heat is the total (combined) kinetic a) Temperature is the average
energy possessed by all the molecules kinetic energy possessed by the
within a body. molecules within a body.
b) The SI unit of heat is joule (J). b) The SI unit of temperature is
Kelvin (K).
c) The quantity of heat is measured by c) Temperature is measured with
using the method of mixture. help of a thermometer.
d) Heat is a form of energy. d) Temperature is a regulating factor
for flow of heat.

4. T
 he Celsius scale was invented by Swedish scientist Anders Celsius. The temperature
in Celsius scale is read in degree Celsius (oC). In this scale, the freezing point of
water, also known as lower fixed point, is marked as 0°C and the boiling point of
water, or the upper fixed point, is 100°C. The scale is divided into 100 equal degrees.

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 65)

1. 104 2. 4184 3. 1.052
4. 4.184 5. 10-7

Learning Milestone (Page 71)

1. Metre 2. Kelvin 3. Graphite
4. Sublimation 5. Oxygen

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. c) 2. a) 3. d)
4. c) 5. b)
B. 1. Thermal 2. expands 3. rises
4. Temperature 5. Kelvin 6. hot body, cold body
7. 32, 212

C. 1. T 2. F 3. F
4. F 5. T 6. F
D. 1. d) 2. a) 3. f)
4. c) 5. b) 6. e)
E. 1. Mercury or alcohol is used as a thermometric liquid.
2. C
 linical thermometers have a kink because it facilitates the maintenance of the level of
mercury even after the thermometer is removed from the patient’s mouth.
3. The SI unit of heat is joule (J). Heat is also measured in calories.
1 calorie = 4.186 J ~ 4.2 J
4. O
 ne kilocalorie is equivalent to the amount of heat required by 1 L of water to raise its
temperature through 1°C (or 1 k).
5. Temperature is the measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
6. C
 hange in temperature, change in size, and change in the state of a body are the three
effects of heat.
7. T
 he change in the dimensions of a material or an object upon heating is known as
thermal expansion.
F. 1. According to the kinetic theory of matter, matter is composed of atoms and molecules.
 hen a body is heated, the kinetic energy of the particles (atoms or molecules) within
it increases and we say the temperature of the matter has increased. But when we
cool a body, the kinetic energy of the particles decreases and the body becomes cold.
Thus, temperature is actually a measure of the average kinetic energy possessed by the
molecules of a body.
 eat flows from a body at a higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature. This
process continues till both the bodies attain the same temperature. For example, when
a hot iron block is immersed in water, the temperature of the water rises, and the water
molecules start moving with greater kinetic energy.
2. Differences between heat and temperature are as follows:

Heat Temperature
a) Heat is the total (combined) kinetic a) Temperature is the average
energy possessed by all the molecules kinetic energy possessed by the
within a body. molecules within a body.
b) The SI unit of heat is joule (J). b) The SI unit of temperature is
Kelvin (K).
c) The quantity of heat is measured by c) Temperature is measured with
using the method of mixture. help of a thermometer.
d) Heat is a form of energy. d) Temperature is a regulating factor
for flow of heat.

3. The three temperature scales are Celsius scale, Fahrenheit scale, and Kelvin scale.
 elsius scale: The temperature in Celsius scale is read in degree Celsius (°C). In this
scale, the freezing point of water, also known as lower fixed point, is marked as 0°C and
the boiling point of water, or the upper fixed point, is 100°C. The scale is divided into
100 equal degrees in between the two points.
 ahrenheit scale: The temperature in this scale is represented as degree Fahrenheit
(°F). The lowest point of the scale is 32°F (freezing point of water) and the upper point
fixed is 212 °F (boiling point of water). Between the lower and the upper points, 180
divisions are marked.
 elvin scale: The Kelvin scale is the SI unit of temperature. It is measured as Kelvin
and denoted by K (not °K).
4. a) A doctor gives a jerk to the thermometer before using it because the thermometer is
reset with the help of three to four jerks for the next recordings.
b) When transmission wires are connected between the electric poles during winters,
precautions are taken to keep them sufficiently tight so that they have space to
expand in summers.
c) When railway tracks are laid, care is taken so as to leave a small gap between two
successive railway tracks. This is done so that the railway tracks have space for
expansion and they do not bend sideways.
5. Mercury is used as thermometric liquid because of the following reasons:
a) Mercury is a silvery white liquid, and is easily visible for facilitating accurate
b) Mercury expands uniformly and at a significant rate for a small rise in the temperature.
c) Mercury does not stick to the walls of glass capillary tubes.
d) Mercury has a high boiling point of 357°C, which makes it non-volatile.
e) The vapour pressure of mercury in the tube is negligible.
f) Mercury enables the thermometers to measure even low temperatures as it has a low
freezing point of –18°C.
6. Differences between laboratory and clinical thermometers are as follows:

Laboratory thermometer Clinical thermometer

a) It is used to measure the temperature a) It is used only to measure the body
of a wide range of objects such as temperature of human beings.
solids, liquids, and gases.
b) It is graduated from –10°C to 100°C. b) It is graduated from 34°C to 42°C.
c) It does not have a kink. c) It has a kink in its glass capillary
d) It resets automatically to the room d) It has to be given a few jerks to reset
temperature. it.

7. a) Melting: The process in which a substance in its solid state changes into a liquid state
with the absorption of heat at a fixed temperature is known as melting.
b) Boiling: The process in which a substance in its liquid state changes into its gaseous
state with the absorption of heat at a fixed temperature is known as boiling.
c) Freezing: The process in which a substance changes into its solid state from its liquid
state by the rejection of heat at a fixed temperature is known as freezing.
d) Evaporation: The change in the state of a substance from its liquid state to gaseous
state by the absorption of heat at a temperature lower than the boiling point of a
substance is called evaporation.
e) Sublimation: The process in which some substances change from their solid state
directly into their gaseous state with the absorption of heat at a fixed temperature is
known as sublimation.
f) Condensation: The process in which a substance changes into its liquid state from its
gaseous state by the rejection of heat at a fixed temperature is known as condensation.
8. The following activity proves that gases expand on heating.
Aim: To observe the effect of heat supplied to gases
Materials required: Bottle, boiled water in a trough, and deflated balloon
i. A deflated balloon is tied to the neck of a bottle. We can observe that the air in it has
very less volume.
ii. Then the balloon is placed in a trough containing hot water.
 bservations: The balloon soon becomes inflated. The volume of the air after being
heated is much more than its original volume.
Conclusion: Gases expand vigorously on heating.
9. Some applications of thermal expansion in our daily life are as follows:
a) When a bridge is constructed, one of its ends is fixed into ground. But the other end
rests freely on the rollers. Although the iron girders expand when the temperature
rises in summer, they adjust themselves freely, and the bridge does not collapse.
b) When transmission wires are connected between the electric poles during winters,
they are kept sufficiently tight so that they have space to expand in summers.
c) While railway tracks are laid, a small gap is left between two successive railway
tracks. Because of this gap, the railway tracks have space for expansion, and they do
not bend sideways.
d) The tyres of vehicles burst during summers when they are overfilled with air. It
happens because gases expand tremendously during summers when they are heated
by the burning rods.

e) A pressure cooker is based on the expansion of gases with a rise in the temperature.
In a pressure cooker, water changes into steam on boiling. The steam further expands
on heating. This creates a huge pressure on the food that has to be cooked. This helps
to cook food in a faster and easier way.
G. kinetic energy
thermometer—mercury or alcohol

Analyze this
1. The picture shows thermal expansion in liquids.
 he molecules in liquids are loosely packed in comparison to solids and hence they
have more intermolecular space. So when liquids are heated, the intermolecular space
increases to a greater extent as compared to solids. Thus liquids expand more than
solids do.
2. a) B will have more temperature.
b) Kinetic energy of the molecules of B is more.
c) T
 emperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy possessed by the molecules
of a body.

6 Transfer of Heat

Break-up of periods Number of periods: 3

Period 1: Transfer of heat by conduction
Periods 2 and 3: Transfer of heat by convection and radiation

Period 1 Pages 76–79

Learning objectives
• Describing heat as a form of energy
• Understanding how the flow of heat takes place from a hot body to a cold body
• Learning about different temperature scales
• Describing conductors and insulators
• Explaining some real-life applications of conduction

Planning and preparation

• Arrange for a set-up in the laboratory to demonstrate the flow of heat through conduction.
• You will need the following things for the experiment:
 Steel ruler, paperweight, wax, iron pins, candle, and table
 Rods made of glass, iron, copper, wood, and plastic of the same thickness
 A
 trough containing the same number of holes on one side as the number of rods taken
and hot water
 Test tube, a lump of ice wrapped in wire gauge, burner, and water
 Clinical and laboratory thermometer

1. B
 egin the class by having a discussion on heat as a form of energy and its importance in
life. Elicit importance of heat in our life and ask questions, such as the following:
• What is heat?
• How can it be measured?
• How does heat flow?

2. Explain how heat flows from one object to the other in different ways.
3. I ntroduce that heat transfer takes place in different states of matter in different ways.
Introduce the terms ‘conduction’, ‘convection’, and ‘radiation’ and explain them in detail.
4. E
 xplain that transfer of heat from one molecule to the other molecule in any state of
matter is called conduction. Share that it is mostly seen in solids the solid state of matter.
5. D
 ivide the class into groups of 4–5 learners. Discuss some precautions to be followed while
in the laboratory.
6. W
 ith the help of the laboratory assistant, show the set-ups for experiment given on pages
77, 78, and 79 of the textbook. Ask the learners to observe the experiments and record data.
7. N
 ow ask the learners to share their observations one by one. With their responses, explain
how heat transfer was taking place in different substances.
8. D
 iscuss that in the third set-up, water—being a bad conductor of heat—does not allow
heat from the burner to reach the ice.
9. Demonstrate activity on page 79 and explain that air is a bad conductor of heat.
10. N
 ow, ask learners to share some real-life situations where conduction can be seen. With
the help of learners’ responses, explain some real-life applications of conduction, such as
in summers ice is wrapped in a gunny bag as it does not conduct heat.

Periods 2 and 3 Pages 67–85

Learning objectives
• Explaining the transfer of heat by conduction and radiation
• Learning about the formation of sea breeze and land breeze in coastal areas
• Describing the applications of convection and radiation
• Understanding the structure and working of a thermos flask

Planning and preparation

•  rrange for a set-up in the laboratory to demonstrate the experiments on convection. You
will need the following things for the experiment:
 T
 ripod stand, wire gauze, Bunsen burner, beaker, water, and crystals of potassium
 Two metal cans, two thermometers, and white and black paint
• Bring the TRK CD, a screen, a laptop, and a projector.

1. Begin the class by asking some brainstorming questions such as:
• How do you think heat transfer takes place in liquids?
• How does water start to heat up during boiling?

• How does the heat from the sun reach us?
2. E
 licit responses from the learners and discuss that heat transfer in liquids mostly takes
place through convection and in gases through radiation.
3. Divide the class into groups of five learners. Take the learners to the physics laboratory.
4. D
 emonstrate the activity on convection to the learners and show how potassium
permanganate rises when the water was heated (refer to the ‘Let’s Experiment’ section on
page 80 of the textbook).
5. N
 ow explain the formation of the sea and land breeze. Discuss how the transfer of heat
from land to sea and vice-versa takes place and causes a breeze.
6. S
 hare some real-life applications of convection such as in air conditioners, chimneys in the
kitchen, and coolers.
7. A
 sk the learners to complete the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the textbook, given on
page 81.
8. Now ask questions based on radiations, such as the following:
• How do we feel when we sit near the fire?
• How do you think heat reaches us when we sit near a heater in the winter season?
9. With more such questions, discuss ‘radiation’ in detail.
10. H
 ere, show them the set-up of metal cans (as given in the ‘Let’s Experiment’ section given
on page 83 of the textbook) and explain how heat from the sun reached the metal cans and
raised the temperature of the water kept in the black can.
11. Discuss that black surface is a better absorber of heat.
12. E
 xplain some real-life applications of radiations, such as wearing dark-coloured clothes in
winter and light-coloured clothes in summer.
13. Ask the learners to share some differences between conduction, convection, and radiation.
14. Note important points and discuss the difference between the three modes of heat transfer.
15. D
 iscuss how a thermos flask behaves as an insulator and does not allow heat to pass
through and keep the material inside hot and cold.
16. Show learners the video ‘Methods of Heat Transfer’ at this stage using the TRK CD.
17. C
 onduct a rapid-fire round of questions from the topics learned to assess the knowledge
gained by learners.
18. U
 sing the TRK CD, play the interactive exercises of this chapter on screen. Call learners
one by one and ask them to attempt the objective-type questions.
19. A
 lso ask them to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for
this chapter on the Student App.
20. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets as
a home assignment.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• explain the mode of transfer of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation;
• differentiate between good and bad conductors of heat;
• explain about convection currents and formation of land and sea breeze;
• differentiate between radiators and absorbers of heat;
• state some applications of transfer of heat; and
• summarize the working of a thermos flask.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) Which activities were helpful in making the learners understand the concepts better?

b) Can some other activities be introduced in the chapter?

c) Can the activities in the chapter be made simpler?

d) How can I make the topics in the chapter easier and more interesting for the learners?


A. Choose the correct options.

1. An example of bad conductor of heat is
a) steel. b) copper.
c) mercury. d) plastic.
2. Which of the following is an application of convection?
a) Wearing dark-coloured clothes in winters
b) Using metal utensils for cooking
c) Installing air-conditioner near the ceiling
d) None of the above
3. Black surfaces are
a) good radiators of heat. b) good absorbers of heat.
c) poor absorbers of heat. d) good absorbers and radiators of heat.
4. A thermos flask does not allow the transfer of heat by
a) radiation. b) conduction.
c) convection. d) all the three.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The heat is radiated from a hot body in all ________.
2. All ________ are good conductors of heat.
3. Water is a ________ conductor of heat.
4. ________ is the mode of transfer of heat in liquids.
C. Write T for true and F for false.
1. Convection is the fastest mode of heat transfer.
2. Thermos flask can keep hot things hot but not cold things cold.
3. A wooden spoon feels colder than a steel spoon in winter.
4. Hot objects radiate heat.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Define good and bad conductors of heat.
2. Explain the process of the formation of convection currents.
3. Give any two applications of convection.
4. Give any two applications of radiation.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. d) 2. c) 3. b) 4. d)
B. 1. directions 2. metals 3. bad 4. Convection
C. 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T
D. 1. S
 ubstances that allow heat to pass through them easily, and as a result get heated
very quickly, are known as conductors of heat. Metals such as iron, aluminium, and
zinc are good conductors of heat.
 ubstances that obstruct the flow of heat by not allowing heat to pass through them
easily are called insulators, or bad conductors, of heat. Some of the bad conductors
of heat are wood, plastic, paper, wool, glass, cotton, all gases, and liquids.
2. W
 hen a liquid is heated, the molecules at the lower part of the liquid get heated
up. These molecules move upwards and are replaced by cold denser molecules. This
way convection currents are set up in a liquid. This process continues until the
whole liquid attains the same temperature. This is known as a convection current.
3. The following are the two applications of convection:
• V
 entilators and windows are placed at the top of the room. The warm air rises
upwards and gets replaced with cool air. The warm air escapes through the
ventilation system.
• C
 himneys are fitted in factories having furnaces so that hot gases, smoke, dust,
and fumes—released as waste from the furnaces—can escape through them.
4. The following are the two applications of radiation:
• W
 e wear white or light-colour clothes during summers as light-colour clothes
reflect a large amount of heat and absorb less heat.
• W
 e wear dark-colour clothes during winters as black and dull surfaces absorb
large amounts of heat. This helps us to stay warm during winters.

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 81)

1. steel ruler 2. air conditioner 3. gunny bags
4. glass tumbler

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. c) 2. b) 3. c)
4. b) 5. c)

B. 1. conduction, convection, radiation 2. Conduction
3. Mercury 4. Metals
5. Shiny, polished
C. 1. F 2. F 3. F
4. F 5. T
D. 1. c) 2. a) 3. e)
4. b) 5. d)
E. 1. Conduction 2. Convection 3. Radiation
4. Conductors 5. Insulators
F. 1. S
 ubstances that allow heat to pass through them easily and consequently get heated
very quickly are known as conductors of heat.
2. Metals such as iron, aluminium, and zinc are good conductors of heat.
3. S
 ome bad conductors of heat are wood, plastic, paper, wool, glass, cotton, and all gases
and liquids.
4. D
 uring the night, the land cools much faster as compared to the surrounding sea. The
air above seawater, on becoming less warm and less dense, rises upwards. The air above
land, which is cooler in comparison, rushes to take its place, thereby forming a land
5. I t is observed that black and dull surfaces are good absorbers of radiations, whereas light,
shiny polished surfaces are good reflectors. Thus, good radiators are good absorbers.
G. 1. I n conduction, heat energy gets transferred by no actual displacement of the particles.
This mode of heat transfer takes place in all the three states of matter—solids, liquids,
and gases. This mode of heat transfer is more prominent in solids because the molecules
of solids are tightly packed, and they lie very close to each other. Hence, it is easier for
the vibrations to pass from one end to the other end in solids.
2. The following are some applications of conduction:
• C
 ooking utensils such as cookers and pans are made of metals as metals are good
conductors of heat, and they allow uniform and quick heating of the goods. The
handles of the cooking vessels are made of wood or ebonite as they are good insulators.
• I n summers, ice is wrapped in a gunny bag or kept in an ice box because a gunny bag
has small holes that trap air in them. Since air is a bad conductor of heat, it does not
allow heat to enter the gunny bag.
3. Experiment:
i. Fix a circular holder on the upper part of a test tube.
ii. Fill the test tube with water.
iii. Drop a lump of ice wrapped in a wire gauze into the water till the test tube tilts.
iv. Heat only the upper part of the test tube (surface of water) using a burner.


Observation: The water on the surface agitates vigorously and yields steam, but the
lump of ice at the bottom does not melt.

Conclusion: Water being a bad conductor of heat does not allow heat from the burner
to reach the ice kept below.
4. a
 ) In conduction, heat is transferred by vibration of the particles of the medium. Heat
gets transferred when bodies with different temperatures are in direct contact. On the
other hand, in convection heat is transferred by actual movement of the particles of the
medium. In convection, heat gets transferred by formation of convection currents in a
vertically upwards direction.
I n solids, the transfer of heat takes place from molecules to molecules through conduction.
However, in liquids and gases the intermolecular spaces are very large and hence the
transfer of heat by mutual vibration of molecules is not possible.
I n liquids and gases, molecules are free to move, so the transfer of heat is accomplished
by the actual movement of molecules.
b) Convection and radiation
I n convection, heat cannot be received as convection currents move vertically and not
sideways. The transfer of heat from a source of heat directly, without any intervention
of a medium for propagation in all the directions, is called radiation.
5. I n liquids and gases the molecules are free to move, so the transfer of heat is accomplished
by the actual movement of molecules. When a liquid is heated, the molecules at the
lower part of the liquid get heated up. These molecules move upwards and are replaced
with cold denser molecules. This way convection currents are set up in a liquid. This
process continues till the whole liquid attains the same temperature.
6. L
 and and sea breezes arise in the coastal areas due to convectional currents. During the
daytime, the land gets heated much faster as compared to the surrounding sea. The air
above land becomes warm. In comparison, the air above the sea is cool and dense. Thus,
the cold air, in the form of sea breeze, rushes towards the land.
 uring nights, the conditions are reversed. Land becomes cooler much faster than the
surrounding sea. The air above seawater, on becoming less warm and less dense, rises
upwards. The air above land, which is cooler in comparison, rushes to take its place,
forming land breeze. Sea and land breezes have a moderating influence on the climate
of the coastal areas.
7. T
 he transfer of heat from a source of heat directly, without any intervention of a medium
for propagation, in all directions is called radiation.
 hen heat radiations fall on a body, some of them are absorbed and some are reflected.
The absorption of heat radiations is indicated by the rise in the temperature of the body.
There are certain characteristics of bodies or materials that make them good absorbers
of radiations. It is observed that black and dull surfaces are good absorbers of radiations,
whereas light, shiny, and polished surfaces are good reflectors. Good reflectors absorb
very less radiations. Good radiators are good absorbers.

8. Few applications of convection are the following:
 ) The heaters and blowers are kept near the floor of the room so that warm air may rise
upwards to heat the entire room.
 ) In a refrigerator, the freezing compartment is kept at the top so that cool air emitted
from it sinks to the bottom and keeps the things kept in the refrigerator cool. Meanwhile,
the warm air rises upwards and forms convection currents. The rising warm air gets
cooled by the cool air that comes out of the freezing chest.
9. A
 ThermosTM flask has a dual-walled glass bottle made of thin glass kept inside a metal
or plastic case. The outer cover is insulating in nature. There is a vacuum between glass
walls, which means there are no particles present in that space. The surface of the inner
wall is made shiny and silvery. The air between the double walls is removed to create a
vacuum. The mouth of the flask is closed by a non-conducting material such as a cork or
a plastic stopper.
I n a thermos flask, the flow of heat due to conduction and convection is prevented by
the vacuum between the glass walls. As we know, a material medium is necessary for
conduction and convection of heat to take place. The silvered surface reflects the heat
back, thus reducing the heat exchange due to radiation. The insulating body, the cork
stopper, and the rubber support further prevent any leakage of heat due to conduction.
Thus, in a thermos flask, all three modes of heat exchange are prevented, which helps
in keeping hot things hot and cold things cold for a long period of time.
Conduction, Radiation
Good conductors (examples): Metals, Mercury
Bad conductors (examples): Wood, Glass, Insulators
Convection does not take place in Solids.
Good absorbers: Black surfaces
Good reflectors: Shiny surfaces

Analyze This
1. a) The balloon will deflate.
b) Convection
2. N
 o, heat can only travel through good conductors such as the pair of steel scissors and
iron bar.

7 Sound

Break-up of periods Number of periods: 5

Period 1: Sources of sound
Period 2: Production and propagation of sound
Period 3: Sound as longitudinal wave
Period 4: Characteristics of sound
Period 5: Reflection and absorption of sound

Period 1 Pages 89–91

Learning objectives
• Learning to define ‘sound’ as a form of energy
• Learning about different sources of sound
•  earning to differentiate between natural sources of sound and human-made sources of

Planning and preparation

Bring a tissue paper box with one hole, a rubber band long enough to spread around the box,
and two pencils/markers of same size to the classroom.

1. Start the class by asking students the following questions—
• What is sound?
• Name few wind and string instruments.
2. E
 ncourage the learners to participate and give response. Write the keywords or key points
that form their response on the blackboard. Summarize all the responses by writing the
definition of sound on the board—that is, ‘Sound is a form of energy that produces the
sensation of energy in our ear.’
3. From the definition, ask the learners a few questions—
• How does the sound energy reach our ears?
• What are the sources of sound?

4. A
 sk students to name the sounds that we hear in our daily lives. (Expected responses
should be honking of vehicles, chirping of birds, sound from televisions and mobile phones,
and so on.)
5. T
 ell them to work in groups of four, and list down the natural sources of sound and human-
made sources of sound.
6. D
 iscuss their responses and draw a table on the blackboard divided in the categories of
natural and human-made sources of sound.

Natural Human-made
Chirping of birds Honking
Sound of animals Musical instruments such as tabla and guitar
Thunder Machines such as home appliances, fan, air
Blowing wind and flowing stream Explosions

7. E
 xplain that the sound that is created anywhere through any medium travels through air
and reaches our ear. The sound could be too loud, too shrill, or too dull.
8. T
 ell them that sound is produced by a larger number of sources, and list down the main
sources of sound that are given in the textbook.
9. B
 egin with the topic of musical instrument and demonstrate the making and working of a
string instrument. You are free to give a fancy name to the musical instrument—such as
rubber-box guitar. Steps to make the instrument are given below—
•  ake an empty tissue box that has just one hole on the top. If it is not available, make
a box with one big hole on the top by using cardboard.
• Take a rubber band and stretch it around the box and the hole.
•  ow, take two equally sized pencils or markers. Place them side by side on the top of
the hole.
• Pull and release the rubber band and tell students to hear the sound carefully.
• Pass the rubber-box guitar among the learners for their hands-on and better experience.
10. T
 ell students that in the above activity the rubber band acts like a string. Ask them to
name a few more string instruments. Write their responses on the board such as guitar
and sitar. Explain the concept of string instrument.
11. N
 ow, take the cap of a pen and produce a whistle-like sound and with the help of this
activity introduce them to the wind instrument. Ask them to give examples of wind
instrument. Expected responses are flute and shehnai. Explain a wind instrument.
12. A
 sk the learners to listen to the third type of sound you’ll be going to produce. Tap or knock
on the table. Introduce the concept of percussion instrument and explain their working
using examples.

13. Now explain different sources of sound—different types of musical instruments.
14. Explain with the help of the video how human beings produce sound.
15. A
 sk them if they like any kind of sound that is created in their surroundings. Ask them
to list a few that they don’t like at all. Write their responses on the blackboard. Expected
responses are honking of vehicle, whistling of pressure cooker, sound of fan, sound of
generator, and so on.
16. I ntroduce the concepts of noise and unpleasant sound, and explain the sound produced by
17. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the book
on page 91. Provide support if needed.

Period 2 Pages 91–92

Learning objectives
• Understanding the production and propagation of sound

Planning and preparation

Bring to the classroom materials required to carry out the activity given on pages 91 and 92.

1. Arrange a recapitulation exercise and ask—
• What is sound?
• What are the sources of sound?
• How is sound produced?
2. T
 o help the learners understand how sound is produced, conduct a small activity. Ask
students to put their two fingers on their throat and hum a song. Demonstrate the activity
for better results. Once the activity is done, ask them what they felt.
3. Encourage the learners to share their experiences.
4. Conclude the activity by stating that sound is produced by vibration in a body.
5. A
 sk students to work in the groups of four and identify the sources that vibrate and produce
sound. Help them by taking them back to the rubber-box guitar activity. Ask them what
they observed about the movement of rubber when it was producing sound.
6. Write their responses on the blackboard.
7. E
 xplain to the learners that sound is produced by a vibrating object. State the examples of
sitar, guitar, and violin for the better understanding of the concept.
8. Perform the activity on page 91 in the class to explain the concept of production of sound.

9. W
 rite the name of the topic ‘Production and Propagation of the Sound’ on the blackboard
and tell about the propagation of sound.
10. B
 ased on the discussions held on previous day, some of the students may come ahead and
share that the sound is propagated by air to our ear. Appreciate them for their response.
11. A
 sk them if they know anything about vacuum. For better understanding, explain to them
the concept of vacuum.
12. A
 sk them what air contains that helps the sound to propagate. Help students in deriving
the answer that air has numerous particles in it. These particles help the sound energy
to propagate and reach our ears. Now, ask them if we can hear sound in the vacuum. Tell
them to support their response by a logical reason.
13. A
 sk them to name one thing that air has but vacuum does not have. Help students derive
the answer—particles. Now again ask if we can hear sound in/through the vacuum.
14. E
 laborate that sound needs a medium for propagation. State an example of the sun. Tell
them that the sun is a huge ball of fire, and it may also produce a lot of sound; but as
entire space has no air, hence no particles are available for the propagation of sound. So,
we cannot hear the sound produced by the sun.
15. A
 sk them whether they know which of the two have more particles—air or any liquid.
Help them recall the arrangement of particles in the states of matter they have studied in
their previous classes. Help them derive the answer—liquid.
16. Help them understand that sound propagates faster in liquid than air.
17. R
 epeat the above comparison activity for liquid and solid in the same manner. Help them
understand that speed of sound is highest in solids, then in liquids, and then in air.
18. E
 laborate on the above-mentioned characteristics and perform the activity, given on page
92 of the textbook, in the classroom.

Period 3 Pages 92–93

Learning objectives
• Understanding that sound is a longitudinal wave
• Learning about the characteristics of longitudinal waves
• Learning about the terms associated with sound waves

Planning and preparation

Bring a slinky spring and a ribbon to the classroom.

1. Ask the learners what they understand by term ‘wave’.
2. A
 sk a few students to come in the front and tell them to draw a wave on the board. Help
them if required.

3. A
 sk them if they have ever thrown a pebble in a pond. Ask them have they ever seen the
circular line propagating on the surface of water.
4. T
 ake a slinky spring and lay it on a table. Hold one end and pull the free end of the spring and
flick it back and forth once in the direction of the spring. Ask students to observe it carefully.
5. Ask them if they saw in which direction the disturbance moved.
6. T
 ie a ribbon to the middle of the slinky spring. Ask students to watch carefully what happens
to the ribbon when the end of the spring is flicked. Ask students to describe the motion.
7. F
 rom the activity, help them notice the disturbance move parallel to the direction in which
the spring was pulled. Tell them that ribbon in the activity represents one particle in the
medium. The particles in the medium move in the same direction as the wave.
8. Define the terms ‘wave’ and ‘longitudinal wave’.
9. I ntroduce the terms ‘compression’ and ‘rarefaction’ and explain with the help of diagrams
on the blackboard.
10. Write all the new terms on the board—wavelength, time period, frequency, and amplitude.
11. E
 xplain each term one by one. Tell them the distance between two waves is called
wavelength. Explain the concept of amplitude by labeling it on the board.
12. E
 xplain the terms ‘period’ and ‘frequency’. Also state them the relationship between the
two terms.
13. E
 xplain the activity given on page 92 and tell them to do it at home under the supervision
of an adult.

Period 4 Pages 94–95

Learning objectives
• Learning about the characteristics of sound wave
• Learning that loudness depends on the amplitude
• Understanding that pitch depends on the frequency
• Learning about the speed of sound in different mediums

Planning and preparation

Bring materials required to carry out the activity given on page 92 to the classroom.

1. Recall the concepts covered in the previous classes.
2. P
 resent a problem to them and ask them to note the case very carefully. A friend whispers
to you in a class in a voice so softly that you have to lean very close to hear what he or she
is saying. Later that day, your friend calls you from across the football field. You are able

to hear him clearly even from a few meters away. What made so much of difference in the
ability to hear clearly?
3. Encourage students to speak out.
4. I ntroduce the term loudness and explain it well by making the graph of soft sound and a
loud sound on the board.
5. T
 o introduce ‘pitch’, tell them to hear another case very carefully and answer the questions.
‘A marching band is parading down the street. We can hear it coming from several
distances away. When different instruments finally pass by us, their distinctive sounds
can be heard. Clearly, some sounds are higher or lower than the others. Do you know why?
6. Encourage them to state their responses and justify them by giving evidences.
7. Introduce the term ‘pitch’ and explain it by drawing graphs on the board.
8. Describe the concept of quality of sound in the classroom. Introduce decibel and hertz.
9. W
 ith the help of examples of sound produced by bat, sound by us (humans), and sound
produced during an earthquake, define ‘ultrasonic’, ‘audible’, and ‘infrasonic’ sound.
10. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section, given on
page 95 of the textbook. Provide support if needed.
11. W
 rite down the speed of sound in different medium on the board. Correlate that sound
needs a medium to travel, so the speed of sound is maximum in solids, as discussed in the
previous class.

Period 5 Pages 96–98

Learning objectives
• Understanding the concept of the reflection of sound
• Understanding the concept of absorption of sound

Planning and preparation

Bring materials required to carry out the activity given on page 96 and 98 to the classroom.

1. Recall the concept of reflection of light. Apply the same concept to sound.
2. Explain the laws of reflection of sound and write them on the blackboard.
3. Explain the activity given on page 98.
4. D
 ivide the class into convenient groups to conduct the activity. Group size of 4 to 8 students
is recommendable. Ask them to share their observations.
5. W
 rite their observations on their notebooks. Summarize their observations by writing a
conclusion. Discuss the conclusion to help them understand the laws of sound.

6. A
 sk them whether they ever have experienced the reflection of sound. Give them hints to
encourage them speak their experience. [Hints: I often hear my voice back when I speak
in a big open hall, and I have also heard my voice coming back from the cliff of a hill on
shouting loudly.]
7. Describe the concept of echo based on reflection of sound.
8. A
 sk them if there is any application of reflection of sound. [They may not be aware with
the term RADAR and SONAR but they may be able to talk about their applications.]
9. A
 sk them how a ship—that is somewhere in the middle of a sea—calculates its distance
from the sea floor or finds out if there is some submarine or huge aquatic animals under
the ship. Similarly, raise a few similar questions for airplane flying in the air.
10. I ntroduce the terms ‘RADAR’ and ‘SONAR’ and explain them their functioning. Make
sure they understand the formula and try to give a few oral calculations to strengthen the
11. State some other applications of reflection of sound in daily life.
12. A
 sk students if they have watched any movie in a theatre. Ask them they must have seen
movies in their homes as well. Ask them if they have observed that sound from a television
at home can be heard in the other rooms as well but sound from a theater is not audible
outside the hall or in other halls. Ask them the reason.
13. I ntroduce the concept of absorption of sound and build a discussion on it. Explain the
absorption of sound and the formation of a soundproof box.
14. P
 erform the activity, given on page 98. Divide the classroom into five groups and give them
the required materials to make a soundproof box. Test your box using an alarm clock.
15. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook, given on page 98. Provide support if needed.
16. A
 sk the learners to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for
this chapter on the student app also.
17. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• describe sound as energy and its various sources;
• describe the production and propagation of sound waves;
• explain that sound is a longitudinal wave;
• explain characteristics of sound waves;
• state the speed of sound in various mediums;
• explain the concept of reflection of sound; and
• explain the concept of absorption of sound.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) W
 hich of the activities or experiments demonstrated in the class brought out the
desired response from learners?

b) W
 hich activities can be modified to facilitate teaching and retention of the concept?

c) What other teaching strategies could I use to make the class further engaging?

d) What can I do to make the overall lesson more interesting?


A. Choose the correct options.

1. In which medium will sound travel the fastest?
a) air b) water
c) milk d) iron rod
2. Which sound among the following will be heard by a human being?
a) 16 Hz b) 23,000 Hz
c) 15,000 Hz d) 2 Hz
3. In recording studios, the walls are covered with thick foam and curtains. Why?
a) This is because foams produce nice sounds.
b) This is because walls will absorb sounds if not covered with foams.
c) This is because foams absorb extra sounds.
d) This is because foams will absorb sounds coming from outside.

4. Why does blowing into a horn makes sound?
a) It heats the air inside. b) It reflects the air inside.
c) The air in the horn is cooled. d) It causes the air inside to vibrate.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. S
 ounds get reflected only when the size of a reflecting surface is _________ than the
wavelength of sound.
2. _________ waves are used in SONAR devices and ultrasonography.
3. Sound waves follow laws of _________.
4. The sound in our home appears less loud because of its _________.
C. Write T for true and F for false statements.
1. Sound travels fastest in liquids.
2. Sound travels in air in the form of a longitudinal wave.
3. The audible range for a human ear lies between 2 Hz and 20 Hz.
4. Higher the pitch, shriller is the sound.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the laws of reflection of sound.
2. What do you understand by pitch of sound wave?
3. Describe the terms wavelength, frequency, and time period of a wave.
4. Explain how sound is produced.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. d) 2. c) 3. d) 4. d)
B. 1. greater 2. Ultrasonic 3. reflection 4. absorption
C. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T
D. 1. The laws of reflection of sound are as follows—
a) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
b) The incident sound, the normal, and the reflected sound lie in the same plane.
2. T
 he sound of a flute appears shrill, while the sound of a tabla appears damp. It is
so because the pitch of the sound of a flute is higher than the sound of a tabla.
 he pitch depends on the frequency of vibration. Higher the frequency, higher is the
pitch. Thus, shriller is the sound. The voice of a woman is shriller than the voice of
a man. The voice of a child has a higher pitch than that of an adult.

3. Wavelength: The distance travelled by a wave when its particles complete one
vibration around its mean position is called wavelength. It is denoted by the symbol
lambda (λ). It is measured in metre as the SI unit.
Time period: The time taken by a vibrating body to complete one vibration around
its mean position is called time period. It is represented by the letter T and is
measured in seconds.
Frequency: The number of vibrations made by vibrating particles of the wave in
one second is called frequency of the wave. It is denoted by letter f or n and the SI
unit is Hertz (Hz) or s–1.
4. S
 ound is produced by the vibratory motion of a body. The to and fro motion of a body
is called the vibratory motion. When the string of a guitar is struck, it vibrates.
These vibrations cause a disturbance in the air around the string. The disturbances
travel in the air and eventually reach the ears of the observer. This makes the
sound of the guitar audible.

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 91)

1. e) 2. a) 3. d)
4. b) 5. c)

Page 95
1. vibrates 2. energy 3. pitch
4. quality of sound 5. amplitude

Page 98
1. Bats 2. Sound 3. absorbers
4. more 5. increases 6. reflection

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. c) 2. c) 3. b) 4. d)
5. a) 6. d) 7. b)
B. 1. longitudinal 2. larynx 3. Hertz 4. amplitude
5. frequency 6. 20 Hz–20,000 Hz 7. vibrations
C. 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F
5. T 6. F

D. 1. Hertz 2. Decibel 3. Frequency 4. Flute
E. 1. The larger the surface area of vibration, the more will be the loudness of the sound.
2. A high-pitched sound has higher vibrations than a low-pitched sound. (Refer to Fig. 7.8.)
3. A female voice is shriller in comparison to a male voice. The pitch of a female voice is high.
4. T
 he minimum distance required between the source of sound and the reflecting surface
to hear an echo is 17 m.
5. We feel the vibrations because the vocal cords in our throat vibrate to produce sound.
F. 1. a) Wavelength: The distance travelled by a wave when its particles complete one
vibration around its mean position is called wavelength.
b) Time period: The time taken by a vibrating body to complete one vibration around its
mean position is called time period.
c) Echo: It is the reflection of the sound by a distant obstacle after the original sound has
d) Pitch: It defines the shrillness of a sound wave. The pitch depends on the frequency
of vibration. The higher the frequency, the higher is the pitch. Thus, the sound is
e) Frequency: The number of vibrations made by the vibrating particles of a wave in one
second is called the frequency of that wave.
2. To construct a soundproof room, the following conditions have to be satisfied:
• T
 he roof must have two regular layers of inner polystyrene and an outer coating of
the plaster of Paris material.
• The walls of the confinement must be covered with wood.
• The floors should be covered with thick carpets and mats.
• The doors and windows should have thick curtains.
• A
 thick stripping of glass doors and windows is effective to prevent the exit and
entry of sound.
3. L
 oudness is the characteristic of a sound that helps to differentiate between a loud
sound and a faint sound having the same pitch and quality. The amplitude of the sound
is directly related to the loudness of the sound. The greater the amplitude, the louder
will be the sound and vice versa.
 vibrating tuning fork produces a weak sound. But when a drum is struck, it produces
a loud sound. It happens so because the amplitude of vibration of the membrane of the
drum is more than the amplitude of vibration of a tuning fork.
4. T
 he quality of different sounds of different sources is distinct from each other. The
quality depends on the waveform of vibration.
 uality is a characteristic by which sounds produced by different sources can be
distinguished from each other—the ones having the same loudness and pitch.

5. The following are the laws of reflection:
a) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
b) The incident sound, the normal, and the reflected sound lie in the same plane.
 aterials such as a metallic sheet, plywood, mirror, tile, and marble are some examples
of good reflectors of sound.
(Refer to Let’s experiment on page 96)
6. S
 imilar to light, sound waves get reflected after striking a surface. When sound waves
strike a hard surface, they get reflected by following the laws of reflection. Materials
such as a metallic sheet, plywood, mirror, tile, and marble are some examples of good
reflectors of sound.
 n the other hand, when sound waves strike a soft surface, they get absorbed. The
examples of materials absorbing sounds are clothes, carpets, curtains, ThermocolTM,
paper, and wooden furniture. This property of sound absorption is used in soundproofing.
7. M
 usical instruments produce a pleasant sound. They are further classified as wind
instruments, string instruments, percussion instruments, and reed instruments.
a) Wind instruments
 ind instruments produce a sound when air is blown into them. The sound in these
instruments is created by a stream of air that flows through them. Usually, the air
comes from the musician’s mouth.
b) String instruments
 hese instruments have a set of strings. These instruments produce a sound when the
players pluck, strike, or rub with bows the stretched strings attached to them to make
them vibrate.
c) Percussion instruments
 hese instruments produce musical sounds when the membranes on them are struck,
shaken, scraped, plucked, or rubbed. Some of these instruments have bodies that vibrate
to produce a sound.
d) Reed instruments
 hese instruments have metal reeds, and the air is blown into the reeds to produce
sound with great variations of metal reeds.
8. S
 ound travels at different speeds depending on the properties of the medium it is
travelling through. Sound waves travel the slowest through gases, faster through
liquids, and the fastest through solids.
In gases, molecules are very loosely packed and hence the density of the medium is low.
Experimentally, the speed of sound in air is found to be 332 m/s.
 ound travels faster in liquids than in gases since molecules in liquids are more tightly
packed than in gases.

 ound travels the fastest through solids as molecules in solids are much closer together
than those in a liquid or gas. This allows sound waves to travel more quickly through it.
Sound travels at a speed of around 5,000 m/s through solids that have a high density.
G. Source of sound: An alarm clock and loudspeaker
Sound is produced by vibrating motion of a body.
Sound travels as a longitudinal wave: Compression and Rarefaction
Good reflectors of sound: metallic sheet, plywood, mirror, tile, and marble
Good absorbers of sound: Black and dull surfaces

Analyze This
1. a) A
b) A
c) A
d) A
2. a) The laws of reflection of sound are as follows:
i. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
ii. The incident sound, the normal, and the reflected sound lie in the same plane.
b) When both the tubes are aligned at the same angle.

8 Electricity

Break-up of periods Number of periods: 4

Period 1: Electric current
Period 2: Electrical potential and electric resistance
Period 3: Sources of electric current
Period 4: Electric circuits

Period 1 Pages 103–106

Learning objectives
• Recalling the previous knowledge on electric current and electrical charges
• Learning about the concepts of electric current, its SI unit, and its measurement
• Differentiating between conductors and insulators

Planning and preparation

• Arrange for a model of an atom from the chemistry laboratory.
• Bring the materials required to carry out the activity on page 106 to the classroom.
• Keep the TRK CD, a projector, and a screen ready.

1. I nitialize the topic and make learners realize the importance of electricity by asking them
how their life would be different if there is no electricity.
2. C
 ollect their points on the blackboard and recall their previous knowledge on electricity.
Ask them to define ‘electricity’.
3. A
 sk them if they are aware with the term ‘charges’. If not, give them a brief introduction.
Ask them whether they know where the charges exist.
4. I ntroduce the term ‘atom’ to the learners. Using the model of the atom, explain its structure
and show the location of a proton, an electron, and a neutron. Also, explain the force of
attraction between electrons and protons in an atom.

5. E
 xplain electrically charged particles (positive and negative) and how they exist with each
other in an atom. Explain how the force of attraction reduces with an increase in the
distance between an electron and a nucleus.
6. O
 nce they have a clear understanding about positively and negatively charged particles,
ask them what they understand by ‘electric current’.
7. W
 rite the formula of electric current on the board. Through the formula, explain two
important learnings of this chapter—the definition of electric current and the SI unit of
electric current to the learners.
8. E
 xplain to them how a unit is divided into smaller units and also give them numericals
based on the conversion of a unit into simpler units to solve. You may give some sample
numericals such as:
• convert 10 ampere into milliampere
• convert 50 ampere into nano-ampere
9. A
 sk them if they know how to calculate the amount of electric current passing through a
device. Introduce the instruments ‘galvanometer’ and ‘ammeter’. If possible, show these
devices to them. Explain the working of these devices.
10. E
 xplain to them the examples given in the book by solving the problems on the blackboard
and discussing the same.
11. A
 sk the learners about the precautions we must take while handling electrical appliances.
Tell them the important points that electric wires shouldn’t have any cuts, or they shouldn’t
touch any electric wire with bare hands.
12. H
 elp them to understand and observe that all the materials do not carry current or allow
to pass current through them. Some of the materials are good at carrying current, such as
metallic wire, whereas some materials are bad at carrying current, such as rubber and clothes.
13. I ntroduce the terms ‘conductors’ and ‘insulators’. Explain how conductors and insulators
allow the flow of charge through them.
14. C
 onduct a rapid quiz and ask the learners to give examples of the conductors and insulators
from their surroundings. Encourage them to share their responses.
15. D
 emonstrate the activity in the ‘Let’s Experiment’ section given on page 106 of the textbook.
Tell the learners to complete the table and fill in the conclusion in the provided space.
16. S
 how learners the video of ‘Electric Current and Its Sources’, given in the TRK CD. Ask
the learners to raise their queries, if any.

Period 2 Pages 106–107

Learning objectives
• Learning about electric potential and electric resistance

1. R
 ecall the concepts covered in the previous classes about electric current, structure of
atom, and the electric charges.
2. D
 raw a positive and a negative charge on the blackboard. Now tell them a positive charge
is pulled towards the negative charge due to the force of attraction.
3. T
 ell the learners that the electrons move from a region of lower potential to a region of
higher potential. By convention, the electric current moves in the opposite direction, which
means it moves from a region of higher potential towards lower potential. The difference
in the electric potential is known as voltage.
4. E
 xplain the SI unit of voltage. Tell them that an ammeter is used to measure the amount
of current. Similarly, a voltmeter is used to find the difference in the electric potential at
two points.
5. T
 o describe electrical resistance, ask the learners what they understand by term ‘resistance’.
Present a situation before them and ask a question based on it—There are two roads to
go back home. A road is under construction so a lot of pebbles are spread everywhere on
it. The other road is recently constructed. It is very smooth and clean. Both the routes are
equal in distance from your home. Which of the two roads might you take more time to
reach home and why?
6. Through this example, help them understand the concept of resistance.
7. Explain the text given under electrical resistance.
8. A
 sk the learners to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook on page 107. Provide support if needed.

Periods 3 and 4 Pages 107–112

Learning objectives
• Learning about electric circuits
• Learning about different sources of electric current
• Learning about electric cell and electric batteries
• Understanding the concept of a dry cell—its construction and working

Planning and preparation

•  eep a cell, a thin wire, safety pins, a cardboard, a cell, and a torch bulb ready to demonstrate
an electric circuit.
• If possible, arrange for a model of an electric circuit.
• Keep the TRK CD, a projector, and a screen ready.

1. Ask the learners about other sources of electricity they may have at their homes.
2. E
 ncourage them to speak. Provide them hints—such as invertor, generator, and cell to
facilitate the discussion.
3. E
 xplain to them that any electrical appliance cannot work without a continuous flow of
electric current. Cells and batteries are the most common sources of electric current that
are used to run a variety of electrical appliances.
4. S
 how them different types of cells that you have brought. Explain to them about different
types of cells that are used, based on the requirement of an electric device.
5. A
 sk them the difference between a cell and a battery. Tell them the arrangement of two
or more cells is called a battery. Give examples of the mobile phone batteries and invertor
6. A
 sk them if they have ever used a rechargeable cell. With this, introduce the concept of
primary and secondary cells.
7. M
 ake a flow chart on the sources of electric current on the blackboard, and explain about
electric cells, batteries, pencil cells, AA cells, AAA cells, dry cells, and rechargeable
secondary cells (refer to page 108 of the textbook).
8. I ntroduce the three main parts of a dry cell—cathode, anode, and electrolyte. Explain the
terms clearly, as all the terms are new to them.
9. D
 raw the structure of a cell on the blackboard, and show the flow of charge when the cell
is connected to an electrical appliance such as a bulb.
10. E
 xplain the significance of zinc in the inner layer, and that of the electrolyte as the moist
paste of ammonium chloride and carbon in the dry cell. Also explain to them the reactions
and the flow of charge inside the electric cell.
11. I ntroduce the terms ‘electricity mains’, ‘direct current’, and ‘alternate current’. Ask them
whether they have heard about D.C. or A.C. Also ask them if they know anything about them.
12. M
 ake the graph of A.C. and D.C. on the blackboard and help them understand the benefits
of A.C. over D.C.
13. Now ask some brainstorming questions to the learners such as—
• How does an electric bulb glow?
• How does electric current from the switch reach the bulb?
• Why does the bulb not glow when the switch is off?
14. W
 ith this, explain that an electric circuit helps electricity to flow from the source to the
output device such as a bulb.
15. E
 xplain about some common components of an electric circuit and draw their symbols on the
16. E
 xplain that all these make an electric circuit. Tell them as it is difficult to make a drawing of
all these to represent a circuit, we use their symbols and make a diagram of an electric circuit.

17. N
 ow, using the materials, make an electric circuit and show it to the learners. Show how
a switch can make or break a circuit. Introduce ‘open’ and ‘close’ circuits.
18. Discuss about series and parallel circuits and how they are different.
19. A
 sk the learners to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
textbook, given on page 112. Provide support if needed.
20. S
 how learners the video of ‘Components of an Electric Circuit’, given in the TRK CD. Ask
the learners to raise their queries, if any.
21. A
 sk them to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for this
chapter on the student app also.
22. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• explain the concept of electric current;
• list the components of an electric circuit;
• draw series and parallel circuits;
• explain that a battery is a series of combination of cells;
• differentiate between open and closed circuits; and
• explain the significance of conductors and insulators in an electric circuit.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) W
 hich of the activities or experiments demonstrated in the class brought out the
desired response from learners?

b) W
 hich activities can be modified to facilitate teaching and retention of the concept?

c) What other teaching strategies could I use to make the class further engaging?

d) What can we do to make the overall lesson more interesting?


A. Choose the correct options.

1. The continuous path for the flow of electric energy is called an
a) electric cell. b) electric switch.
c) electric circuit. d) electric buzzer.
2. Electrical energy flows from this terminal of the source of electric current.
a) Negative terminal b) Positive terminal
c) Either of them d) None of them
3. I n a simple electric circuit, we have two open-ended wires. What material should be
connected in-between the wires to make the circuit conducting?
a) Glass rod b) Eraser
c) Iron nail d) Pencil
4. Which one out of these is not a conductor?
a) Metal coin b) Iron nail
c) Safety pin d) Wooden ruler
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The metal used as a filament of a bulb is __________.
2. The metal disc is the __________ terminal of an electric cell.
3. A device that is used to make or break an electric circuit is called an __________.
4. Our body is a __________ of electricity.
5. We must take precautions while dealing with __________.
C. State T for true and F for false statements.
1. A circuit can have one or more electric appliances connected together in any combination.
2. Electric wires cannot be represented by using electric symbols.
3. A simple paper clip or a safety pin can act as a switch.
4. Our body can allow electricity to pass through it.
5. In the switch ON position, a circuit is termed as an open circuit.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What are direct and alternative currents?
2. What is a battery?
3. What is an electrochemical cell?
4. How electrical resistance comes into being?

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. c) 2. b) 3. c) 4. d)

B. 1. tungsten 2. positive 3. electric switch

4. good 5. electricity

C. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T

5. F

D. 1. T
 he electric cells produce current that flows only in one direction. This type of
current is named as direct current (D.C.). The electricity that is supplied to our
homes comes through the electric mains. Electricity in the mains is produced on a
large scale at power stations from where it is sent to the local stations through high-
tension wires. From local power stations, electricity is distributed to our homes.
The electric energy supplied through the mains carries a voltage of 220 volts and
carries alternating current (A.C.).

2. A
 combination of two or more dry cells is used in making a battery. A battery can
also be primary and secondary. A primary battery is made up of primary cells. These
types of batteries cannot be recharged after they are used once. The secondary
battery is made up of secondary cells and can be recharged easily. Secondary
batteries are used as car batteries or inverter batteries.

3. A
 n electrochemical cell or electric cell is a simple device that provides electric
current. It converts the chemical energy stored within the cells into a more usable
electrical energy.

4. I n any material, the electrons that are in the outermost orbit are free to move under
the effect of external force in the form of voltage, whereas the atoms remain affixed
in their position. The electrons during the course of their movement in a material
often collide with the immobile atoms of the material. This impedes the motion of
the electrons, thus hampering the flow of current. A material thus offers resistance
to the path of the electric current.

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 107)

Conductors: Steel kettle, soft drink can, copper coin
Insulators: Rubber, fabric, paper, wool, cork

Page 112

1. 2.

 he first circuit represents a series connection, and the second one is representing a parallel

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. c) 2. b) 3. b)
4. d) 5. c)
B. 1. primary 2. electrical energy 3. conductors
4. battery 5. parallel
C. 1. F 2. F 3. T
4. F 5. F
D. 1. Electrons 2. Protons 3. Series connection
4. Electric circuit 5. Cell and a battery
E. 1. d) 2. a) 3. e)
4. b) 5. c)
F. 1. a) An ammeter is used to measure the magnitude of electric current in a circuit.
b) A
 voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference between any two points in a
c) A galvanometer is used to detect the presence of current and its direction of flow.
2. Electric battery, cells
3. A cell which cannot be recharged once completely used is called a primary cell.
4. A secondary cell is the one that can be electrically recharged to its full strength again.
5. Refer to Table 8.3.
G. 1. A
 n atom contains electrons, protons, and neutrons. The protons and neutrons are found
inside the nucleus of an atom, whereas the electrons circle around the nucleus of an
atom. The nucleus of an atom is positive in nature as it houses the positively charged
protons. The electrons carry a negative charge.

 his movement of electrons generates an electric current. The rate of flow of the electric
charges per unit time is known as an electric current. The SI unit of charge carried by
a body is Coulomb (C) and that of time is seconds (s). The SI unit of electric current is
ampere, denoted as A.
2. Electric potential difference is the force that pushes the electrons through any conductor.
 he flow of electrical energy requires a driving force. This force is offered by the electric
 he difference in the electric potential is known as voltage. The SI unit in which the
potential difference is measured is volts—represented by V.
3. T
 he obstruction offered by a material to the flow of electric current through it is known
as electrical resistance. The resistance of a material is measured in ohms.
4. T
 he arrangement in which a battery is connected to a bulb by using wires is known as
an electric circuit (Fig. 8.9). It provides a continuous conducting path for the flow of an
electric current.
The following are the basic requirements for making a simple electric circuit:
a) sources of electric current such as a cell and a battery
b) conducting wires to connect all the components and to form continuous loops
c) electrical appliances to convert electrical energy into some other form of energy
d) switch to stop or allow the flow of electric current according to requirement
5. T
 here are special materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them. Such
types of materials are known as insulators. Thus, insulators are the materials through
which an electric current cannot flow. Plastic, wood, and glass are some examples of
 n the other hand, the materials that are required to complete an electric circuit and
through which electricity can flow easily are known as conductors. Most of the metals
such as silver, copper, iron, and aluminium are good conductors of electric current.
6. Refer to Fig. 8.7.
 onstruction: A dry cell consists of a zinc container as an outer covering. The inner layer
of the zinc container is covered with a porous paper lining. An electrolyte in the form of
a moist paste of ammonium chloride {NH4Cl}, zinc chloride {ZnCl2}, and some amount of
carbon is filled in the container. A graphite rod is placed at the centre of the cell. It has a
brass cap attached to it. It is dipped in manganese dioxide {MnO2} contained in a muslin
cloth, surrounded by the electrolyte. The zinc container acts as a negative electrode
(anode), and the graphite rod acts as a positive electrode (cathode). The electrolyte is
prevented from getting dry by sealing the top with an asphalt seal.
 he muslin cloth is porous in nature and helps in carrying out the reaction between
ammonium chloride and manganese dioxide. The positive terminal is the brass cap at
the top, and the negative terminal is at the base.

7. I n a series connection, all the appliances are connected one after the other. In this
connection, the positive terminal of one appliance is connected to the negative terminal
of the other, and so on. All the appliances are thus in line. In a series connection, all
the appliances work simultaneously when they are switched on and stop working
simultaneously when they are switched off.
I n a parallel connection, the appliances or devices are arranged in parallel. The positive
terminals of all the appliances are connected together, and so are the negative terminals.
Even if one of the devices becomes faulty in a parallel circuit, the other devices work
efficiently. In a parallel connection, the connected devices work independently as they
have individual switches.
H. Nucleus contains protons; carry positive charge
Orbits contain electrons, carry negative charge; motions of these makes electric current

Analyze This
1. As the cells are connected in series, the net potential difference is 4.5 V.

9 Magnetism

Break-up of periods Number of periods: 4

Period 1: Introduction to magnetism and the laws of magnetism
Period 2: Properties of a magnet
Period 3: Electromagnetism; electromagnets and their applications
Period 4: The electric bell

Period 1 Pages 116–118

Learning objectives
• Recapitulating the previous knowledge on magnetism
• Understanding the laws of magnetism

Planning and preparation

Bring materials required to carry out the activity on page 117 to the classroom.

1. Ask learners few questions on the topic of magnets—

• What is magnet?

• How does it look like?

• What you do with a magnet?

2. Collect their points on the blackboard and recall the previous knowledge on magnetism.

3. Keep a bar magnet and a few magnetic and non-magnetic materials on a table.

4. S
 how the learners the magnet and ask them about the materials that a magnet attracts.
What are these substances?

5. Collect their responses.

6. E
 xplain to them the concept of magnetic and non-magnetic substances by demonstrating
the following activity.

•  ake a bar magnet and take it close to all the materials kept on the table such as iron
nails, iron boardpins, a duster, and a chalk.
•  how them the materials that get attracted by the magnet. Keep all these materials
on one side of the table.
•  ow, show them the materials that are not attracted by the magnet. Put these
materials on the other side of the table.
7. Ask them the difference between the materials.
8. Ask the learners about magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
9. A
 sk them if they are familiar with the term ‘magnetism’. If yes, then ask them to share
their knowledge. If not, explain to them the meaning of magnetism.
10. A
 sk them whether they think magnets are natural or human-made. Give them sufficient
time to think and respond. Tell them to give reasons to justify their responses.
11. I ntroduce the terms ‘haematite’ and ‘lodestone’ and explain the occurrence of magnet in
the nature.
12. Ask the learners to sit in groups and perform the activity given on page 117.
13. D
 emonstrate the directive property of magnetism and also demonstrate the law of
attraction and repulsion of magnets. Show them the demarcation of two poles (either by
colour or by words) on a bar magnet.
14. Explain the laws of magnetism in the classroom.

Period 2 Pages 118–119

Learning objectives
• Learning about the laws of magnetism
• Understanding that repulsion is a sure test for magnetism

Planning and preparation

• Bring materials required to carry out the activity given on page 118 to the classroom.
• Also bring few magnetic materials and two bar magnets.

1. Recall all the properties of magnetism and write the key points on the board.
2. Divide the class into small groups, and help them perform the activity given on page 118.
3. T
 o recall the laws of magnetism, explain to them there are always two poles in a magnet.
Even if a magnet is broken down into two or more pieces, all the new pieces have two poles
at their ends.

4. A
 sk them what happens when we bring two magnets closer. (The expected answer is that
they attract and become one.)
5. S
 how them two bar magnets. Take the north pole of one magnet close to the south pole of
the other. Show them the attraction between the two magnets. Now, take the north pole
of the one magnet close to the north pole of the second magnet. Call two to three students
and tell them to perform the activity.
6. Ask them their responses. Write down their observations on the board.
7. Explain to the learners that repulsion is a sure test for magnetism.
8. Discuss the experiment given on page 119 and ask them to conclude it.
9. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
book, given on page 119. Provide support if needed.

Period 3 Pages 119–121

Learning objectives
• Understanding the concept of electromagnetism
• Learning about the principle, construction, working, and applications of an electromagnet
• Learning about the differences between an electromagnet and a bar magnet

Planning and preparation

Bring the materials required to carry out the activity, given on page 120, to the classroom.

1. I nitialize the session with recapitulation of the two types of magnets—natural and human-
2. A
 sk the learners if they know how magnets were made by humans. To brainstorm about
the concept, give them two topics to think and answer. Questions are as follows—
• Can you create a magnet using electricity? How?
• Can you create electricity using magnets? How?
3. Introduce the concept of electromagnetism, and explain the production of electromagnets.
4. E
 xplain to them the activity given on page 120 and help them understand it. Demonstrate
the activity, if possible. Later, discuss the conclusion of the activity.
5. I ntroduce the concepts of temporary and permanent magnets. Ask them what they know
about temporary and permanent magnets.
6. Discuss the strength of current that flows through the electromagnets.
7. Explain the principle, construction, and working of an electromagnet in the class.
8. E
 xplain the factors on which the strength of an electromagnet depends. Make the learners
understand how the amount of current and number of turns of coil are directly proportional
to the magnetic effect.
9. Describe the right-hand thumb rule and tell the learners to repeat the same with you.
10. State some of the applications of an electromagnet in our daily life.
11. W
 rite down on the board the differences between an electromagnet and a bar magnet and
tell the learners to write the differences in their notebooks.

Period 4 Pages 121–122

Learning objectives
• Learning about the electric bell—a very common application of an electromagnet
• Learning about the principle, construction, and working of an electric bell

Planning and preparation

Read pages 121 and 122.

1. Draw the diagram of an electric bell on the board.
2. E
 xplain each component of an electric bell one by one as students are not familiar with
the concept. Make sure they understand the function of each part of the electric cell—
U-shaped electromagnet, iron armature, contact screw, gong, and tapping key.
3. E
 xplain the working of an electric bell. Repeat it to strengthen the learning. Give an
assignment on electric bell to the learners the next day in class to gauge the learning.
4. A
 sk the students to complete the task given in the ‘Learning Milestone’ section of the
book, given on page 123. Provide support if needed.
5. A
 sk them to go through the digital content and attempt the interactive exercises for this
chapter on the student app also.
6. U
 sing the Test Generator (TG) component of the TRK, create worksheets for this chapter
and share them with learners. Ask learners to attempt the questions of the worksheets.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the last period, learners will be able to—
• explain the concept of magnetism;
• explain the laws of magnetism;
• state the definition of electromagnetism;
• describe the principle, construction, and working of an electromagnet;
• state a few applications of electromagnets; and
• explain the principle, construction, and working of an electric bell.


At the end of the chapter, think back on your classroom experience of teaching the chapter
and record your responses to the following:
a) Which activities were helpful in making the students understand the concepts better?

b) How can the activities given in the textbook be made simpler?

c) Can some hands-on activities be introduced in the chapter?

d) How can I make the chapter more interesting and easier to understand?


A. Choose the correct options.

1. An electric bell contains a/an
a) electromagnet. b) ring magnet.
c) bar magnet. d) horse-shoe magnet.
2. Which of the following is not true about an electromagnet?
a) The strength of an electromagnet can be varied according to our requirement.
b) The polarity of the electromagnet can be changed according to the requirement in
the electric circuit.
c) The electromagnet can be demagnetized according to our choice.
d) An electromagnet is a permanent magnet.
3. If we decrease the electric current flowing through an electromagnet,
a) the magnetic field will not be produced. b) the magnetic field will be weaker.
c) the magnetic field will be stronger. d) the field lines will not be circular.

4. The south pole of a bar magnet
a) repels the north pole of a horseshoe magnet.
b) attracts the south pole of another bar magnet.
c) attracts the north pole of a horseshoe magnet.
d) attracts a piece of wood.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Soft materials get ___________ more easily than hard magnetic materials.
2. A freely suspended magnet always comes to the rest in the ________ direction.
3. Magnets can occur naturally in the form of iron ore, called_________.
4. Natural magnets are also known as __________.
C. Write T for true and F for false statements.
1. Horseshoe magnet is a permanent magnet.
2. The poles of a magnet are separable.
3. Like poles repel each other, whereas unlike poles attract each other.
4. All magnets have north and south poles.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. Define ‘magnetism’.
2. State the laws of magnetism.
3. Define ‘electromagnetism’.
4. Explain the factors on which the strength of electromagnets depends.

Answers to exercises in the worksheet

A. 1. a) 2. d) 3. b) 4. c)
B. 1. demagnetized 2. north–south 3. haematite
4. lodestone
C. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
D. 1. Magnetism is a property of a magnet by which it attracts magnetic objects.
2. Laws of magnetism:
a) A magnet attracts all magnetic materials such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. This is
known as the attractive property of a magnet.

b) A freely suspended magnet always comes to the rest in the north–south direction.
This is known as the directive property of a magnet.
c) Poles of a magnet cannot be separated at all. When a magnet is broken into a
number of pieces, each piece behaves as a separate magnet with its own set of the
north pole and the south pole. Thus poles of a magnet coexist.
d) Magnets induce magnetism.
e) Like poles of a magnet repel each other whereas unlike poles attract each other.
3. T
 he branch of physics that deals with the magnetic effects of electric current and
the type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles is
known as electromagnetism.
4. T
 he strength of the current flowing through electromagnets depends upon the
following factors:
a) Magnitude of the current: More the magnitude of the electric current flowing
through the wire wrapped around the iron nail, stronger will be the electromagnet.
b) Number of the turns around the iron nail: More the number of the turns
around the iron nail, more will be the strength of the magnet thus formed.
c) Material of the core: Soft materials get demagnetized more easily than hard
magnetic materials.

Answers to exercises in the textbook

Learning Milestone (Page 119)

1. Magnets 2. haematite 3. magnetism
4. repel 5. coexist

Page 123
1. T 2. F 3. T
4. T 5. T 6. T

Check Your Knowledge

A. 1. b) 2. b) 3. c)
4. b) 5. c) 6. b)

B. 1. lodestone 2. north-south 3. Hans Christian Oersted
4. hammer 5. electromagnetism
C. 1. F 2. T 3. T
4. F 5. F
D. 1. Electromagnets 2. Magnets 3. Permanent magnets
4. Gong 5. Electromagnet
E. 1. W
 e can differentiate by using a bar magnet. A magnetic material will be repelled by a
bar magnet.
2. Like poles of a magnet repel each other, and unlike poles attract each other.
3. I t is present in front of the poles of an electromagnet and provides spring action for
circular movement of the hammer attached to it.
4. We can remove impurities from iron ore by using magnetic separation.
5. It is used in an electric bell and an electric motor.
F. 1. Refer to Fig. 9.4.
2. Logical sequence:
b) → e) → d) → f) → c) → a) → g) → h)
3. Difference between temporary (electromagnets) and permanent magnets:

Permanent/Bar magnet Electromagnet

• The magnetic field produced is • The magnetic field produced is
permanent. temporary as it lasts as long as the
current flows through the coil.
• It is made of soft iron and alnico. • It is made of steel.
• The strength of the magnetic field is • The strength of the magnetic field
strong and can be changed. is generally weak and cannot be
• The polarity of the magnet is fixed. • The polarity of the magnet can be
reversed by reversing the direction of
the current.

4. The functioning of an electric bell is as follows:

 hen the switch is pressed, it completes the circuit. As current starts flowing through
the coil, the U-shaped iron turns into an electromagnet. This electromagnet now attracts
the iron armature towards itself. When the armature gets displaced, the hammer
attached to it strikes the gong to make a sound. This breaks the connection between
the contact screw and the spring. As a result, the current stops flowing through it. The
electromagnet gets demagnetized, and the iron armature moves back to its original
position. The circuit is complete again. The cycle repeats as long as the switch is pressed.

Refer to Fig. 9.6.
5. Magnets induce magnetism. This can be understood better with the help of an activity.
Aim: To study that magnets induce magnetism
Materials required: Vertical stand, bar magnet, and iron nails
i. Mount a bar magnet vertically using a vertical stand.
ii. Now try to bring an iron nail close to the lower end of the magnet.
iii. You will notice that it gets stuck to the magnet with its head.
iv. Now bring the head of another nail near the pointed end of the nail. It will also get
v. Repeat this experiment several times, and you will find a chain of iron nails.
Observations: The bar magnet induces magnetism on the other iron nail with its near
end having the opposite polarity as that of the magnet. For example, if the magnet has
a North Pole at its lower end, the head of the first nail has south polarity.
Conclusion: The iron nail becomes a magnet when a bar magnet touches it. With this,
the pointed end of the iron nail behaves like a magnet and attracts other magnets.
6. P
 oles of a magnet cannot be separated at all. When a magnet is broken into a number of
pieces, each piece behaves as a separate magnet with its own set of the North Pole and
the South Pole. Thus, poles of a magnet coexist.
7. The following are the properties of a magnet:
 ) A magnet attracts all magnetic materials such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. This is
known as the attractive property of a magnet.
 ) A freely suspended magnet always comes to a rest in the north-south direction. This is
known as the directive property of a magnet. The end that points towards the north is called
the North Pole, whereas the end that points towards the south is called the South Pole.
c) Like poles of magnets repel each other, whereas unlike poles attract each other.
 ) The poles of a magnet cannot be separated at all. When a magnet is broken into a
number of pieces, each piece behaves as a separate magnet with its own set of the North
Pole and the South Pole. Thus, poles of a magnet coexist.
e) Magnets induce magnetism.

Analyse This
a) The object in the picture is a magnetic compass.
b) It works on the principle of directional property of magnets.
c) It is used for navigation purposes.
d) The red tip of a freely suspended needle will always point towards the north.

Solution to Practice Paper 1

Section I

A. 1. c) 2. a) 3. d) 4. b)

B. 1. density 2. gravity 3. potential 4. Joule 5. elastic

C. 1. T 2.
T 3. F 4.
F 5. T

Section II

A. 1. The density of iron is more than that of foam of the same volume.
2. Mass of an object is a fundamental quantity and hence it remains the same in all
3. When white light (contains all colours) falls on a red shirt, only red light gets
reflected. On the other hand, all other colour wavelengths get absorbed. Hence only
red light reaches our eyes and the shirt appears red.
B. 1. The volume of irregularly shaped objects is measured with the help of a measuring
cylinder using the liquid displacement method. When a solid is partially or wholly
immersed in a liquid, it displaces some amount of liquid. The volume of the liquid
displaced is equal to the volume of the solid. For calculating the volume of the liquid
displaced, we note down initial and final liquid levels.
2. When we travel by a car, its speed is more on smooth, less dense roads. But its speed
is less in traffic jams, on speed breakers, and during sharp turns. Thus, during a
journey, the speed of the car does not remain constant; it changes continuously.
Therefore to find out the average speed of the car, we need to calculate the ratio of
the total distance travelled to the total time taken by the car to complete it.

Total distance travelled

Average speed =
Total time taken
3. Distance = 150 m
Time = 60 sec

Distance 150
Speed = = = 2.5 ms−1
Time 60
4. The following are some of the common examples of rotatory motion:
• Rotational movement of the blades of a fan around its axle
• Rotation of a spinning top about the axis passing through its centre
5. A body is said to be at rest if it does not change its position with respect to a fixed
point in its surroundings. On the other hand, a body is said to be in motion if its
position with respect to a fixed point or an object in its surroundings keeps changing
with time.
Potential energy Kinetic energy
a) This energy is possessed by a body a) This energy is possessed by
by virtue of its changed position a body by virtue of its motion
or configuration (shape). (translatory, vibratory, or
b) It is equal to the amount of the b) It is equal to the amount of the
work done on the body to bring it work that the moving body can do
to that changed state. by virtue of coming to rest.
C. 1. A graph paper is used to measure the area of irregular objects. A graph paper is a
sheet of paper that has a large number of squares formed by intersection of vertical
and horizontal lines—collectively called a grid. All the lines are 1 cm apart. Thus the
area of 1 square is 1 cm × 1 cm = 1 cm2. The area thus found is further divided into
10 uniform vertical as well as horizontal divisions, which are 1 mm apart. Thus the
area of one smaller square = 1 mm × 1 mm = 1 mm2.

Mass Weight
a) T he amount of the matter a) The weight of a body is the force
contained in a body is called its with which it is attracted by the
mass. earth towards its centre.
b) I t is constant and does not change b) It changes from place to place as
with the place and position of the it depends on the force of gravity.
c) I t can never be zero. c) It can be zero when no force of
gravity acts on the body.
d) T he SI unit is kilogram (kg). d) The SI unit is newton (N).
e) I t is measured with the help of a e) It is measured with the help of a
simple beam balance. spring balance.

Speed = 3 km/h = 0.833 m/s
Distance = 600 m

600 m 150
Time taken = = = 720 s
0.883 60
4. If we stand in front of a plane mirror and observe our image in it, we will notice that
it is equal to our own size. If we wave our right hand, we will notice that our image
seems to wave its left hand. Thus the phenomenon in which right and left sides of an
object get interchanged in its image after reflection is called lateral inversion.
5. When two primary colours are mixed in an equal proportion, secondary or composite
colours are produced. Yellow, magenta, and cyan are secondary colours. When
red and green colours are mixed and projected on a white screen, yellow colour is
formed. When green and blue colours are mixed and projected on a white screen,
cyan (peacock blue) colour is obtained. When blue and red colours are projected on a
white screen, magenta colour is obtained.
The potential energy stored in a stretched string-arrow system gets converted into the
kinetic energy of the arrow, and the arrow moves forward because of this kinetic energy.

Solution to Practice Paper 2

Section I

A. 1. d) 2. c) 3. d) 4. b) 5. c)
B. 1. ice 2. Conduction 3. Hertz 4. Battery 5. weak
C. 1. T 2.
F 3.
T 4.
T 5.

Section II

A. 1. The molecules of gases are freely suspended and are always in motion. So when
gases’ molecules are heated, they move farther leading to expansion in gases.
2. Mercury is very sensitive to the exposure of heat. The volume thermal expansion
factor of mercury is very high.
3. Cooking pots and pans are made of metal as metals are good conductors of heat.
4. Electric cables are made of copper because copper is a good conductor of electricity.
B. 1. The process in which a substance in its solid state changes into a liquid state with
the absorption of heat at a fixed temperature is known as melting.
There are certain characteristics of bodies or materials that make them good
absorbers of radiation. It is observed that black and dull surfaces are good absorbers
of radiations, whereas light, shiny, and polished surfaces are good reflectors. Good
reflectors absorb very less radiations. Good radiators are good absorbers.
3. Pitch depends on the frequency of vibration. Higher the frequency, higher is the
pitch. Thus shriller is the sound. The voice of women is shriller than the voice of men.
The voice of a child has a higher pitch than that of an adult. (Refer to the Fig. 7.8)
4. A switch is an electrical device used to stop or allow the flow of electric current
according to the need.
C. 1. Heat Heat
•  eat is the total (combined)
H •  emperature is the average
kinetic energy possessed by all kinetic energy possessed by the
the molecules within a body. molecules within a body.

• The SI unit of heat is joule (J). •  he SI unit of temperature is
Kelvin (K).
•  he quantity of heat is
T • Temperature is measured with
measured by using the method the help of a thermometer.
of mixture.
• Heat is a form of energy. •  emperature is a regulating
factor for flow of heat.

2. Celsius scale: Celsius scale was invented by Swedish scientist Anders Celsius. The
temperature in Celsius scale is read in degree Celsius (°C). In this scale, the freezing
point of water, also known as lower fixed point, is marked as 0°C and the boiling
point of water, or the upper fixed point, is 100°C. Celsius scale is divided into 100
equal degrees.
Fahrenheit scale: Fahrenheit scale was invented by German physicist Daniel
Fahrenheit. It is a unit of temperature in the FPS system. The temperature in this
scale is represented as degree Fahrenheit (°F). The lowest point of the scale is 32°F
(freezing point of water) and the upper point is 212 °F (boiling point of water). In
between the lower and the upper points of this scale, 180 divisions are marked.
Kelvin scale: Kelvin scale was invented by British scientist William Thomson, also
known as Lord Kelvin. It is the SI unit of temperature. It is measured as Kelvin and
denoted by K (not by °K). In Kelvin scale, the melting point of ice is 273 K and the
boiling point is 373 K. The lowest value of temperature that can be measured with
Kelvin scale is 0 K, known as absolute zero.
Conduction Convection Radiation
The presence of a The presence of a The presence of a
medium is necessary. medium is necessary. medium is not necessary.
It is a slow process. It is faster than It is the fastest in all
conduction. three processes.
Heat is transferred Heat is transferred The particles of the
by vibration of the by actual movement medium do not play any
particles of the of the particles of the role in transfer of heat.
medium. medium.
Heat gets transferred Heat gets transferred Heat gets transferred by
when the bodies with by formation of radiations.
different temperatures convection currents
are in direct contact. in a vertically upward

4. Musical instruments produce pleasant sound. They are further classified as wind
instruments, string instruments, percussion instruments, and reed instruments.
a) Wind instruments: Wind instruments produce sound when air is blown into
them. The sound in these instruments is created by a stream of air that flows
through them. Usually, air comes from a musician’s mouth. Flute and trumpet
are wind instruments.
b) String instruments: These instruments have a set of strings. They produce sound
when players pluck, struck, or rub with bows the stretched strings attached to
them to vibrate. Sitar and guitar are string instruments.
c) Percussion instruments: These instruments produce musical sounds when the
membranes on them are struck, shaken, scraped, plucked, or rubbed. Some of
these instruments have bodies that vibrate to produce a sound. Drum and tabla
are percussion instruments.
d) Reed instruments: These instruments have metal reeds. Air is blown into reeds
to produce sound with great variations. Saxophone and mouth organ are reed
5. In a parallel connection, the appliances or devices are arranged parallelly. The positive
terminals of all appliances are connected together and so are the negative terminals.
Even if one of the devices becomes faulty in a parallel circuit, the other devices work
efficiently. In a parallel connection, the connected devices work independently as
they have individual switches. (Refer to Fig. 8.11 (b))
The image shows thermal expansion in liquids. As the temperature rises, the liquids


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