"Sorry i couldn't remember many qns, and for being late "
"I typed it in tablet, remind me, ask me if any error, typos, i will clarify as much i
can, "
BPKIHS graduate 09
"2.patient with immune deficiency T and B cell combined, final diagnosis as ADA,,
adenosine deaminase deficiency done. Here defect will be synthesis of "
"4.white pupillary reflex shown in child picture genetic analysis conformed the
involved gene in family, this will regulate cell cycle at. "
"G1>S, S2>M,G0>G1"
"6.cv describing non localizing cns symptoms, dark colored skin lesion in arms,
altered sensorium, microscoanalysis showed large cells with intracellular
brownish pigmentation,cells will be positive for "
"2%,1%,3%,10%,11% "
"8.Radiilabelled linoleic acid used to assess if nutrients are necessary for body,
which of following most likely have this, "
"12. newborn baby born via SVD, HAS multiple congenital defects, facial
abnormality, mother has history of Recurrent abortions, most likely due to, "
"13.a man trapped in tall storeyed building on ER with altered sensorium, lab
reports given with increased venous oxygen content, due to "
"16. Patient with cv and diagnosis given PKU, ASKED what to evaluate next, "
"19.a patient started on medicine that decreaes mevalonate synthesis drug is, "
"22.cell triple knockout on CD 14, TCR AND. FcyRII, if there is defect in detection
of cell wall component of bacteria including LPS, IT is due to "
"23. Patient given HPV vaccination, her mother anxious if she will get disease
from the. Vaccination you councelled that she won't because it is "
"29.2 weeks following immunization patient presented with fever malaise, most
likely diagnosis "
31.uti caused by gram negative organism antibiotics given with good coverage it
will be
"37.3 years old baby on total parenteral nutrition via Central vein , no discharge
and erythema on cannula site culture of blood showed germ tube test positive,
most Plausible organism "
IgM Hbe +
HbsAg -
IgG HbsAg -
"44.patient with combined hep B and HIV INFECTION, drug that can be used for
both "
"47. Patient renal biopsy with pink material shown, with macroglossia,with
splenomegaly additional feature will be "
"40.patient follow up for multiple lung nodules, with proximal muscle weakness
that improves with use,it is most likely due to "
"41.patient with neck mass on biopsy cells with amyloid background seen, most
likely used parameter for follow up "
"45. Xray shown ischial tuberosity, defective muscles of this origin will affect
which movement of hip joint "
46..Bronchial biopsy with squamous cells islands and keratin pearls shown to
diagnose it
47.chest xray with bronchioles deviation shown towards rt right side involved
lymph node
"49.A drug that works on asthma was discovered, it was found to block
leukotriene receptor "
"50. Worker in industry that produces brakes, presented with pleural effusion and
diaphragatic calcification, most likely diagnosis, "
"53.long cv described with clue given patient has estrogen excess, asked which of
the following drug can be given to prevent estrogen production from androgens "
seen diagnosis
"57. 45 yrs female patient diagnosed as cervical carcinoma most important risky
factor will be, "
"58. Patient with past history of motor deficit, now has periventricular plaque,
also has oligoclonal bands on csf analysis, it is due to "
"60. A male patient with history of pelvic trauma, xaray reveled pelvis fracture,
most likely site of damage "
"63.18 weeks preg on regular anc visit usg confirmed of same gestational age,
multiple fibrotic bands in amniotic cavity seen, most likely complications in fetus
will be. "
I selected first one because i felt like it was amniotic band syndrome
"64. A couple presented with exibit shown in lady with. Severe acne, they won't
accept OCP and other contraception because of religious beliefs, "
"65.A couple diagnosed with tay sachs syndrome, who wont accept abortions
because of religious beliefs, to prevent the next child from getting disease what is
to be done IN addition to IVF and sperm donation "
66.a couple presented on ANC clinic with lady smoking regularly what is most
anticipated outcome
67. 2 questions
"GRAPHS shown PTH Vs Ca, which quadrants will be most likely seen in "
"Patient with high phosphorus and very low calcium on regular dialysis, "
"68. To reach renal artery when approached via femoral artey, which artey is to
be just crossed "
69. For csf tapping from subarachnoid space which are to be pierced sequentially
71.marathon runner didn't drank water in long running competition as she feared
she will have nausea and vomiting what will ADH do
"72.xray of upper chest, neck shown like birds beak, main mediator defective in
this disease is "
"74. A patient with motor and vocal tics described clearly, which receptor must
be blocked "
"76.9 year baby with suspicious trauma, when asked how she got these, she looks
at father and remains silent, father is apprehensive to each qns "
What to do next
"77.couple came to ER with child with fracture in rib in multiple stages of healing,
when asked to mother, she took the baby to father and father confronted
physician with rage for his suspicion on them what next, "
"78.you. Are female physician and your patient is known case of General anxiety
disorder on regular visit, and now patient does not have symptoms, you like him,
so does he, He Mentioned He Finds you attractive, he asks for the dinner what
next to say "
79.A terminal staged cancer patient is admitted to hospital how will you councel
the patient regarding all
"82.a patient came to clinic (neither to opd nor to ER) ON severe pain speaks
chinease what next to do to ask more about disease,his grandson speaks
mandarin but not present at clinic "
"83.17 years male child who has best grades all A+ UNTILL recently, now mother
complains he has impulsivity, inattention, memory problems what is most likely
cause "
"84.GI bleeding from hepatic flexure, in addition to right colic artery which artey
also to be clamped "
"With frequent waking every 2 hours, he adds in past he would goto bed at 10
and would have sleep till 5 6, what to do next "
87.hearing assessment given weber localized right ear and rinnes test bone
conduction greater than air right air defect is
"88.a case with spinal cord given with pic showing involvement of all tracts and
cords except dorsal column, what sensation will be spared "
89.cerebral aqueduct pic given and asked when this duct is obstructed which
chambers will be enlarged
"91.saggital section of brain stem given with clear ectopia of cerebellar tonsils,
what feature will be there "
"94. Cv of myocardial infarction given with graphs of cardiac enzymes given, asked
which one is most specific marker. "
"95.a patient with bulla that forms at trauma site, they are flaccid antibodies
deposition leads to separation of epithelium at which layer "
"96.malar rash patient with, ANA positive serology, proximal thigh muscle
weakness, with pic of dorsum of hand shown grotton papules, what do you want
to screen for at earliest. "
"97.a patient with knee pain known case of pagets disease. Under alendronate
therapy, xray revealed, codmans triangle, there is also history of breast.
Carcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, it is due to "
P53 mutation
"98.newborn baby with short height normal sized head, intelligence, most likely
cause is "
"100. A hiv patient presented with purplish lesion over different parts of body,
biopsy description, spindle shaped cells with vascular spaces seen most likely
diagnosis "
"101. A child presented with cystic mass in ant border SCM muscle, what is most
likely cause "
"102.mother presented with pustular lesion on back, no history given like below
except for family picnic and swimming in water park causal organism "
105.a patient undergone resection of terminal ilium and proximal colon for crohns
disease most likely complication expected in the patient
106.perianal area shown in picture and asked which nerve recieves sensory
information from this area
"107.ischial tuberosity shown in xray, when muscles from this origin point
damaged which group of muscles will not function aroun hip joint "
"108. Long cv with rotator cuff muscles described, which muscles among "
"111. A patient who works on asbestos factory presented with dyspnea, sob, xray
revealed bilateral fibrotic areas, which of following initiated this event "
"112.a classical history with fever and malaise for months, lymph node biopsy not
descibed, molecular analysis revealed t(14,18), what lead to tumor development "
"114. Many studies shown where p values for all of them is significant, only
difference was confidence interval, only one study was there that didn't included
1, i ticked the same "
"115.family history of endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer in mother, patient
is at increased of colonic cancer what is most likely explaination "
"116.A Male patient presented with bloody diarrhoea and abdominal pain not
improved with conservative therapy, biopsy revealed, neutrophils collection in
crypts,most likely diagnosis,"
"117.a patient on chemotherapy for lymphoma, intestinal biopsy taken, which will
most likely contribute to regeneration of epithelium, "
"121.pregnant lady presented with, altered liver markers and rash which of
following is most likeley used medicine "
"122. Action potential 2 graphs given ionic flow shown all sodium, potassium and
calcium given almost both graphs had similar ionic heights and action potential
width except for calcium and action potential which was larger in width in second
graph, qn asked "
"126. A patient's report for hiv came positive, he also has extramarital affairs in
addition to his spouse, what is best approach at this time "
"127.a study revealed association between risk factor and disease with
correlation Coefficient of 0.1 and p value 0.001, what can be said about the
association "
"128. Study done with alpha criterion of 0.05, calculated value is 0.001, clearly
said that calculated value is statistically significant this study is at risk of "
"129.a study was done to find any association between risk factor unknown and
CML, investigators took sample from all the patient that visited OPD IN medical
college, was double blinded and analysed whatis limitation of the study "
"130.OCP taking female came to obg opd with positive UPT /HCG test,"
"Past history is not significant except for positive PPD test 2 months ago, "
"131.a patient taking st johns wort as alternative therapy for Depression, most
likely interactions with other medicine is due to induction of "
"I am confused between 1 month and 3 month but it asked for how much time to
regenerate from basale layer, so i picked 1 month, if it would have asked, how
much time would it take to completely regenerate, i would have preferred 3
month "
"134.a child presented with high grade fever, which resolved on its own, he had
single episode of seizure, followed by rash most likely cause of the symptoms is "
"136. A sample from EBOLA epidemic area was analyzed for molecular anaylysis,
for it to replicate, what is, most essential enzyme, "
"137. A patient who presented with persistent itching since months, physician
visited his house and collected sample shown in pic, pic was of bed bug "
Hep C
138.an antibody and antigen titre shown where will be the maximum reaction
Lattice formation
"139. A patient was on ibuprofen and new medicine, after 2 weeks therapy he
developed chronic interstitial nephritis, whom to report first. "
Final thoughts
"Past qns are extremly helpful not because you will get same repeat questions,
but because you get to know familiar options that helps to rule out other options,
"I personally highly recommend doing remmbered questions, they just help
where uworld, first aid, pathoma, golijan,nbme misses to teach, or we fail to
learn, "
"when done in groups they are gold, please don't ignore them, it took much time
for me to realize that, "
1)Calculation of NPV
2) Calculation of Confidence Interval
3) Gaussian Curve, why is the curve bell shaped ? Cause the
sample size with 5000
4) Calculate Prevalence and Annual Incidence rate from (
previous question)
5) Attack rate, two attack rates were given,did not have to
calculate, just asked which food caused this outbreak. First row
showed that the people developed illness with food and second
showed people who developed illness without taking food.
Deviled Eggs/ potato salad
1)Two Heart Sounds MR and TR
2)ECG and CV suggestive of Atrial Fibrillation. What drug
should the patient be sarted on ? / Warfarin
3)Starling Curve with CV suggestive of severe Heart failure,
drug was given to increase contractility. What drug was that?
4) CV suggestive of Heart Failure. What the cause of S3 heart
sound? /rapid ventricular
filling phase
5) Wide fixed splitting of second heart sound. Diagnosis? ASD
6) Stenotic coronary artery, what changes can be seen post
obstruction? / increase in ca2+/plasma membrane damage
7) CV of cardiac rupture in a patient, what caused it?
Macrophages/ Neutrophils/fibrin
8)Picture of Pericarditis, had to identify the cause ???
9) CV of pregnant women, what can be seen in heart? DCM
10)CV of Athlete, severe pain in back right before pay-off then
suddenly collapses and low JVP and pulse. What's the cause?
11) CV of female patient develops vision problems which
resolves on its own. She also complains of pain when wearing
hat. What test should be done? ESR( Giant Cell Arteritis)
12)CV Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener). What
vessel involved? Small vessel vasculitis
13)Mechanism of action of Nitartes/Increases cGMP
14)CV of SVT, treatment which involves hyperpolarization ?
15) CV of Turner's syndrome with cystic hygroma, this mass
arises from ? Endothelium?/ lymphatic vessels/
1. CV of Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis Pathogenesis?/
Decrease in NO
2. Need to stop bleeding during cholecystectomy, what
artery should be ligated ? Rt Hepatic artery( Bascially
wanted to know where the cystic artery came from)
3. Hepatic Flexure ischemia of the colon and now they
wanted to do embolization, so which artery is should be
used? The choices involved all the branches of IMA and
Superior mesenteric artery. / Ileocolic artery
4. CV of Hepatic Carcinoma,portal hypertension, now the
patient will develop hypertension in which vessel?
Superior rectal/ other options did not involve portal
circulation vessels
5. Femoral Triangle, a female 16 years old develops mass in
the femoral region, the mass will be located in ? medial or
lateral to NAVEL
6. CV of Pancreatitis, what the enzyme that causes
autodigestion of the pancreas? /Lipase/
7. What's the function of the enzyme that causes the
autodigestion of pancreas in pancreatitis? Degrade
proteins, phospholipids, carbohydrates ?/ phospholipids
8. Pic of Achalasia with Vignette and asked about etiology
?Nitric Oxide?
9. Patient comes to the ER with bloody vomiting two time
today, previously she had similar episode but the vomitus
consisted of blood and food. She also complains of
epigastric pain. Where is the pathology in ? Pharynx/
nasopharynx/ esophagus/stomach/ duodenum
10. CV of Wilson's with Kayser-Fleischer ring picture.
What the pathology? Autosomal Recessive Genetic
11. CV and X-ray of Chronic pancreatitis, the patient has
repeated history of abdominal pain and sticky stool.
What's the pathogenesis behind the sticky bulky stool?
1. CV of boy with constipation. Picture of Basophilic
Stippling. What should be checked in ths patient? Heavy
Metal blood content
2. Patient has pneumonia and also has Cold IgM agglutinn.
Whats the organism ? Mycoplasma pneumonia
3. CV of bloody diarrhea, petechial rash on pharynx,
PBF shows schistocytes. What's the diagnosis?
/Microangiopathic anemia
4. Mechanism of action of Clopidogrel?
Nervous system
1. CV of Wegener's, what can be seen in light microscopy?
2. Picture showing Glomerulus with numerous leukocytes,
older patient has history of URTI and then started to have
hematuria and proteinuria. Whats deficient? And whats
the diagnosis?
3. SLE patient with nephrotic features, what's the diagnosis?
4. X-ray of right kidney stone with history of repeated pain in
flank with radiation to groin. What's the diagnosis? /
5. CV of mass in flank with Aniridia (absence of iris), what's
the gene involved?/ WT1
6. Pathogenesis of lithium involved Nephrogenic DI
7. Patient using diuretics develops hypokalemia what should
be added to that?
8. AT-II receptor blocker and how does it decrease GFR
initially ?
hypoglycemia in infant
walk is pale and lethargic, which drug if added will help him
–Leukovorin (methotreaxate-RA)
21 hydroxylase def
confidence interval
normal curve
prevalence rate
founder effect
HIV patient with CD4+ cells <100 and HCV positive. Wat to
Graves disease
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Exostin 1
I chose 1
remember other)
– metronidazole
first year, the % increases to 32% in next year and 43% in third
32%=11%of 200=22
3.In a village diz X prevalence was given , in another village same diz
X prevalence was given , asked about the its effect in positive
predictive valve in accordance to prevalence of diz X with lower
a) 5% b)0.5% c)50%.....
6.A study done , mean given ,SD given and says it follows bell graph
a d eed to fi d out a ge…. a ge at hes to optio ..
8.An ethics q was there saying a pt cannot speak English ,son can
speak both English and his native language,pt symptom explaind was
kind of not e e ge … at should u do …..a)ask so to t a slate.
b)get a hospital staff who can translate. c)get a professional
t a slato …
1.picture of blastomycosis
2.picture of Cryptococcus
6.q asked about which virus is envolped virus sorry guys don’t
e e e i uses a e …
3.chemotaxis :-C5a
5.C/V of SCID
. / of sepsis looks like DIC ith eutope ia … oth a te ia a d
candida was in option
1. Transudate (Light’s Criteria for pleural effusion)
2. SCC of lung ( Central tumour, hyperCa)
3. Sleep Apnoea
4. ARDS(Pulmonary congestion w/ Normal PCWP)
5. Lung CT in Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
6. Bronchiectasis (C/V of Kartagener, what would you expect)
7. What spirometric parameter inc in Emphysema (RV)
8. DVT
9. Oxygen disso curve
10. which lobe is more susceptible to aspiration while standing (Rt inf)
11. where are large particles >10micron trapped
12. Down’s synd (changes in AFP, hCG, estriol given)
13. Letrozole MOA
14. PCOS: inc oestrogen from adipose due to DHEA aromatisation
15. Pre-eclampsia dx
16. C/V of Klinefelter, karyotype?
17. HHAVOC symp, Dx? Menopause
18. which cell has Aromatase? Granulosa cell
19. pudendal n injury with perineal tear
20. inf PTH gland from 3rd pouch
21. stylopharyngeus supplied by IX
22. omphalomesenteric cyst is a derivative of
23. Fetal alcohol syndrome
24. organ morphogenesis error (Deformation )
25. had to recognise neural crest derivative from given options
26. holoprosencephaly gene mutation? Sonic hedgehog
27. hypercalciuria treatment? Thiazide
28. serum [H+]/[K+] change with thiazides
29. ATN : muddy granular cast
30. C/V of bladder cancer: identify the risk factor
31. pic of staghorn calculus and hx of UTI: which stone? amm mag phosphate
32. crescentic glomerulonephritis: Ab against which structure? GBM (Goodpasture)
33. had to recognise type of acid base abnormality
34. MOA of BNP
35. segment of nephron whose water permeability is adaptable? Collecting tubule
36. Calc of GFR(using creat)
37. Calc of RPF (using PAH)
38. St John’s Wort: enzyme inducer
39. how does Lithium cause DI
40. C/V of Dystonia. which drug? Haloperidol
41. Clozapine: Agranulocytosis
42. MOA of CNS stimulant
43. C/V of Opioid withdrawal
44. C/V of Person in preparation phase of behavioural change
45. Schizoid personality D/O
46. Antisocial personality D?O
47. Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy
48. Diff between obsession and compulsion
49. C/V of Atypical depression. MX? MAO inhibitors
50. C/V of Major depression
51. Countertransference
52. Q on parkinsonism
53. Q on Alzheimer
54. Craniopharyngioma ( BT hemianopia in child, which CNS tumour?)
55. Prolactinoma (BT hemianopia in adult, what is common)
56. Hereditary demyelination of motor and sensory neurons. (Charcot marie tooth?)
57. Lt homonymous hemianopia, where’s the lesion?
58. recognise foramen rotundum on a pic of skull showing cranial fossae
59. LMN features only, what’s affected? Anterior motor horn neurons
60. some question on nucleus gracilis i guess
61. CT of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
62. Couple of questions on Sub Arachnoid Hmg
63. hypertensive, tremor, hemiballism. which vessel involved? lenticulo-striate?
64. motor/sensory loss of upper limb . MCA territory
65. CN III palsy with Post comm artery aneurysm
66. fluent, comprehension intact, no repetition. Conduction aphasia
67. C?V of huntington’s. Caudate involved
68. CNS phagocytes. MIcroglia
69. C/V of syringomyelia, which fibres involved
70. C/V of meningomyelocele. what else can be expected.. Hydrocephalus?
71. Infliximab MOA
72. Albinism cause? dec tyrosinase activity (failed neural crest migration was also an option)
73. Thymoma (myasthenia graves assos with)
74. Anti jo Ab : polymyositis
75. C/V of Sarcoidosis, risk factor: ethnicity
76. ANA: SLE
77. nodes on PIP and DIP: OA
78. C/V of Paget’s dzs of bone, tumour shown on gross. Osteosarcoma
79. some question on hip trauma resulting in dec knee extension, i was confused between rectus femurs
and vastus lateralis
80. inability to extend thumb, which n injured? post. interosseous n? radial n was also an option but the pt
could extend wrist
81. peripheral neuropathy with vincristine
82. hmg cystitis with cyclophosphamide
83. TRAP positive hairy cell leukaemia
84. C/V of multiple myeloma
85. C/V and lab values of haemophilia
86. C/V of Acute intermittent porphyria. enzyme def Porphobilinogen deaminase
87. menorrhagic female, PBS shown: Fe def anemia
88. traumatic hemolysis, what do you expect to see: Schistocytes
89. Macrophage marker: CD14
90. Myeloperoxidase produced by
91. Sibutramine use
92. few questions on PPI
93. C/V of chronic pancreatitis, what to give: pancreatic enzymes
94. FAP: autosomal dom mutation in APC
95. C/V of peutz jeghers: hamartomas in GIT
96. Q on NEC
97. C/V of IBS
98. question on chronic gastritis
99. C/V of gastrinoma, what happens to pancreatic secretion?
100. C/V of direct inguinal hernia
101. pic of int hemorrhoid
102. arterial supply to splenic flexure of colon
103. content of hepatoduodenal ligament
104. CXR and C/v of cong diaphragmatic hernia
105. ret gene mutation in MEN
106. PTH level vs Ca++ level graph, which falls under normal? Osteoporosis
107. C/v of pseudohypoPTH, changes in Ca++ and PTH levels
108. Calcitonin produced in medullary ca of thyroid
109. C/V of de Quervain’s thyroiditis
110. C/V of pheochromocytoma
111. 21-OHase deficiency
112. where is aldosterone produced? show on histology section
113. how to prevent flushing with niacin? give prior aspirin
114. C/V of wegener’s granulomatosis. c-ANCA positive
115. C/V of Kawasaki. what else to expect? Coronary aneurysm
116. C?V of LA myxoma
117. S3: Systolic failure
118. S4: Diastolic failure
119. 5 days post MI, free wall rupture. mechanism?
120. C/V of aortic dissection
121. Couple of ECGs forgot which ones, seemed easy back then
122. Heart sounds: AS and MR, pretty obvious from history as well
123. transverse CT of thorax, identify aortic valve
124. wide Fixed splitting of S2 heard. ASD
125. Q on Starling curve change with heart failure
126. Q on endocardial cushion defect
127. Pheochromocytoma sx, what’s given prior? Phenoxybenzamine
128. Mx of atropine overdose. Physostigmine
129. partial agonist on dose-response curve
130. calculate half-life
131. Q on lineweaver-burke plot
132. C-kit mutation in GIST
133. Which is pro apoptotic? BAX
134. type of necrosis in brain infarct. liquefactive
135. Q on GVH disease
136. C/V of Burton’s agammaglobulinemia
137. C/V of CGD. test? dihydrorhodamine flowcytometry
138. Anti-thyroglobulin Ab in Hashimoto
139. Rheumatic fever, type of HS? II
140. Which inflammatory mediator causes fever? PGE2 was the only likely answer
141. Recurrent neisseria inf. C5-C9 def
142. lymphatic drainage of testes? para-aortic
143. MOA of HIV fusion inhibitor: blocks CCR5 attachment was an option
144. Acyclovir is analogous to what? Guanosine
145. Anti- HCV: Ribavirin
146. prevents viral release? Neuraminidase inhibitor
147. MOA of Caspofungin
148. Moa of Rifampin
149. MOA of Aminoglycoside
150. PDA assoc w? Cong Rubella
151. Osteomyelitis in pt with sickle cell dos. Salmonella
152. EBV infects B cells via? CD 21
153. Reassortment in viruses
154. cholangio ca assoc with? fluke
155. motile trophozoite on wet mount in pT with vaginal d/c: trichomonad
156. Ascaris treatment
157. diabetic with fungal inc showing non-septate hyphae. Mucor
158. Pic of tinea capitis: trychophyton
159. pic of coccidioidomycosis spherule ( larger than 10 micron): pt from california?
160. hx of atypical pneumonia, then anemia… cold agglutinins in serum
161. virulence factor of E. coli UTI: pili
162. Q on TB pathogenesis
163. mechanism of gas gangrene: alpha lecithinase
164. T/T of pseudomembranous colitis
165. which can grow on bile? Enterococcus
166. mechanism of transfer of Diphtheria toxin? spec transduction
167. TSST-1 mechanism
168. tetanus mechanism
169. botulism mechanism
170. medium for neisseria: VPN(Thayer Martin)
171. C/V of actinomycetoma
172. C/V of septic shock. induced by LPS
173. C/V of Tay Sachs
174. C/V of McArdle
175. C/V of Pompe
176. Q on glycogen reg by glucagon
177. Dihydrobiopterin reductase deficiency
178. Classic galactosemia
179. which enzyme produces peroxide? SOD
180. Fomepizole MOA
181. what to check in serum look for B12 def? Methylmalonic acid
182. Down syndrome due to meiotic nondisjunction
183. Q on Cystic fibrosis
184. C?V of Achondroplasia. Defect? FGF receptor
185. Pedigree chart of AR disorder
186. Prader-Willi due to uniparental disomy
187. Few Q on Southern blotting, had to infer results
188. Which step of collagen synth depends on Vit C? Hydroxylation of proline
189. Desmin is a marker for? muscles
190. I-cell disease
191. Q on tRNA wobble
192. Q on role of snRNP in splicing
193. Q on telomerase
194. Few q on developmental milestones
195. Few q on ethical situations, some looked straight forward, had to take a haunch on a few
196. ANOVA (to check diff b/w means of 3 or more groups)
197. inc sample size, what happens to power
198. Q on type 1 error
199. change in mean, median, mode with change in value of a data. ( had to calculate)
200. Q on gaussian curve
201. Calculate sensitivity
202. Phase III clinical trial
203. retrospective cohort( had to recognise type of study)
204. question on PTEN gene relation to cancer???
Exam is like NBME Not much longer questions Time was adequate Break time was
Confusing questions in ethics, biostats, up & down esp in renal & endocrine & CVS,
genetics & esp experimental questions
Questions were not as straightforward as written down, they are beating around the bush.
Past questions are useful.
Q with the first answer in the questions below is what I thought right and ticked.
Q with ??? in the beginning are ones where I had no clue to the answer & had wild guess.
168 questions could be recalled. Will post if any new ones pop
Best of luck
1. Patient invites the doctor for dinner to her house? 1. Refuse, but thank for invitation.
2. Accept but in neutral place like restaurant, but not house
2. Attending physician asks for gastroenterologist opinion for a women admitted for
pneumonia who has pain abdomen now? 1. Provide opinion 2. Ask the attending
physician to reconsider Dx
3. Trisomy fetus, parents decide to keep the child whatsoever? 1. Autonomy
4. ???? Woman with husband lost job recently, now with head abnormal movements,
doing many jobs at a same time? 1. Conversion disorder 2. Malingering 3. Factitious
5. data given, calculate relative risk of hypercholesterolemia persistence in treated
group compared to the placebo group.
6. metanalysis analysis interpretation.
7. Confidence interval is ……; what to be done to increase precision? 1. Increase sample
8. If the criteria of PSA decreased from 5 to 3 ng, changes in specificity and sensitivity?
9. Research studies described, need to identify as case control.
10. Research studies described, need to identify as cohort study.
11. Healthy college student enrolled for antiHTNsive drug trial, which phase? 1. Phase I
12. Doctor receives fixed amount of money, does not depend on the number of time the
patient visits the doctor? 1. Capitation
13. 18 year diabetic daughter brought by mother, mother secretly tells physician that
the daughter does not take insulin regularly & eats candies, response by physician;
but daughter tells that her sugar is normal and she is taking the medication
regularly? 1. Can’t discuss with you unless your daughter consents according to
HIPAA 2. Congratulate daughter for adherence
14. developmental milestone for 9 month old, motor, social, verbal cognitive? 1. Normal
15. nurse with red hands on dorsum, cycling ….. ? 1. Apply sunscreen on hand
16. narcolepsy CV, EEG changes? 1. Decreased REM latency
17. another question on CV narcolepsy, EEG? 1. REM begins in 30 minutes
18. young male living with other 2 mates, eats junk food, do not like to cook like other
roommates, persistent high BP in 3 readings 1. Prescribe antiHTNsive 2. Ask if
interested in exercise and healthy diet plans
19. falling grades in school, mother thinks ADHD, father had ADHD, 1. Ask other
questions for other causes of falling grades in school 2. Treat for ADHD 3. Diagnostic
workup for ADHD
20. friend died in front of patient eyes 3 months back, now have feeling of palpitation,
sweating whenever reminded of the patient 1. Classical conditioning 2. Negative
reinforcement 3. ……
21. CV of RCC, which lab finding is possible? 1. Hb 20gm%
22. CV of flank pain & tenderness, RBC, few WBC but no cast or fever? 1. Ureteral
23. CV of limb shortening in a newborn with thunk on abduction of hip? 1. DDH
24. Cleft lip & palate? 1. Malformation
25. Ectopic location of palatine tonsil, derivative of ? 1. Second pharyngeal pouch
26. Which H prevents lactation during pregnancy? 1. Progesterone
27. CV of pneumonia, healed, what after 3months in lung biopsy? 1. Normal finding
28. ??? Fetal Hb gets O2 from maternal Hb d/t (very difficult indirect options- not easy
as low 2,3 BPG)? 1. maternal deoxyHb more stable than deoxy HbF 2. Deoxy HbF
more stable than maternal deoxy Hb 3. Maternal carboxyHb more stable than fetal
carboxyHb 4. Fetal carboxyHb more stable than maternal carboxyHb
29. right shift in O2 Hb dissociation curve? 1. Hypercapnia
30. maxillary sinusitis with polyp formation in ? 1. Middle meatus
31. CV of mesothelioma, occupation? 1. shipyard
Genetics & biochem:
1. CV of McArdle disease
2. 6 transmembrance domains with ATP binding domain, where is this protein found.
1. Ion channel 2. Protein synthesis, etc.
3. CV of I cell disease, which sugar residue is not phosphorylated? 1. Mannose
4. Mannose phosphorylated, where does the protein accumulate normally? 1.
5. HPV causes Ca cervix by Tumour suppressor gene inactivation & cell cycle
6. Pedigree: AD disease, one parent disease, risk of disease in a child? 1. 50%
7. Pedigree: multiple members of family tree with varying Cancers mainly cerebellar
hemangioblastoma, RCC, gene involved VHL
8. 3 nucleotide deletion, effect on protein? 1. Loss of a single amino acid 2. Change in
AA sequence distal to deletion site
9. CV of Lesch Nyhan syndrome, E defect? 1. HGPRT
10. VLCFA metabolism site? 1. Peroxisome
11. ADPKD CV with berry aneurysm, gene defect? 1. Polycystin
12. ADPKD in son with high creatinine but ADPKD in father with normal creatinine,
cause? 1. Variable expression
13. Child with T2 hyperintense lesion in brain, seizure & with lactic acidosis, cause
mutation in mitochondrial DNA
14. CV of folate deficiency, methylmalonic acid normal? 1. Folate
15. CV with elevated methlymalonic acid elevated? 1. Vit B12
16. Biotin deficiency d/t avidin in raw egg, which pathway affected? 1. Alanine to
17. CV of cystinuria, defect in ? 1. AA transporter
1. CV of galactosemia, meningitis organism? 1. E coli
2. CV of pulmonary TB, renal TB gross specimen provided, asked organism? 1. M Tb
3. AIDS case with bone marrow image showing fungus, looked like 1. Histoplasma 2.
Coccidiomycosis (no information about the geographical location)
4. Skin rashes, diarrhea in 2 yr old child CV of salmonella, exposure to 1. Pet turtle 2.
Shelter home
5. CV of influenza, RNA –ve sense virus with 8 segmented genome influenza virus
6. CV of sepsis, d/t ? 1. LPS
7. Post cataract surgery, Gm +ve rods? 1. Bacillus 2. Actinomyces
8. ??? autoclave kills but bleach does not? 1. HSV 2. MRSA 3. M Tb 4. C difficile
9. CV of nasal packing & TSS? 1. TCR beta with MHC II binding
10. CV of cavitory tuberculosis, cytokine involved? 1. IFN gamma
11. CV of promiscuous female with joint pain, image showing Gm –ve cocci? 1.
12. CV of Indonesia visit, voluminous watery diarrhea with no mucus or blood on stool
examination? 1. V cholera
13. CV of drinking bottle water, nice food, walking in forest, on fresh and salty water,
presenting with diarrhea but generalized lymphadenopathy? 1. S mansoni 2. V
14. Image of roundworm, mode of transmission? 1. Feces contaminated food
15. Rash in palm and soles, promiscuous male, walking in forest, LAD in epitrochlear,
cervical, etc 1. T pallidum 2. Coxsackie 3. Rickettsiae
16. CV of DKA, black eschar on sinus and eye swelling, etc, slide showing 1. Rhizopus
17. Travel to Vietnam, now has fever, hepatosplenomegaly, images shown 1. Malaria
18. CV of infectious mononucleosis, look for? 1. Antibody against sheep or horse RBC
19. CV of post transplant immunosuppression, antibody against B lymphocytes? 1. CMV
2. EBV
20. CV of fever followed by rash, virus related to? 1. VZV 2. Parvo virus
21. CV of pityriasis rosea, next inv? 1. KOH 2. Biospy
22. Anti smooth cell antibody +ve, anti HAV IgM +ve, anti HBS Ab? 1. Autoimmune
hepatitis 2. HAV 3. HBV
23. HIV enters body through which receptors? 1. CCR5
1. Self antigens injected into thymus, what? 1. Destruction of self reactive lymphocytes
2. ??? Recurrent meningococcus infection, deficiency in? 1. C5 2. C6
3. CV of ampicillin tubulointerstitial nephritis, culprit is ? 1. Ampicillin
4. ??? CV of drug induced interstitial nephritis, mediator is? NO TGF-BETA provided 1.
TNF alpha
5. bacteria killed by ROS d/t action of E? 1. NADPH oxidase 2. SOD
6. CV of RA with image showing swan neck deformity, specific? 1. Anti CCP Ab
7. ??? CV of lymphoma with underlying immunological disorder with low all Ig, man 34
yr old? 1. CVID
8. tumour- specific immunity by? 1. CD8 T 2. Natural killer
1. Cellulitis case, 0.9% NaCl infused, changes in serum Na, Na excretion, GFR,
2. Diabetic patient with lab values s/o low sodium and high K, low HCO3, changes in
renin & aldosterone? Renin low, aldosterone low
3. Graph of hormonal levels in pregnancy, identify the HCG graph.
1. Chance of infarction in pulmonary embolism? 1. 10%
2. DVT with cerebral embolism? 1. PFO
3. Experiment, want cell growing without apoptosis, need? 1. BCl-2
4. Experiment, need more growth in cell, need to add gene for ? 1. Telomerase
5. Low APGAR score at birth, later child developmentally retarded? 1. Perinatal
6. CV of thalassemia? 1. Mutated beta globin chain from each parent
7. ECG: ST elevation in II, III, aVF, but also in V3, V4, bradycardia, Hx like ACS? 1. MI
8. ECG: Peak T waves, electrolyte change? 1. Hyperkalemia
9. Murmur: preconception evaluation of 22 yr F? 1. Normal
10. Murmur: young female with episodes of palpitation and SOB? 1. MVP
11. Cellular swelling d/t 1. Decrease Na efflux d/t low action of NaK ATPase
12. Image of adenomatous polyp as in NBME? 1. Adenomatous polyp 2. Sessile
13. Image showing lip with petechiae, CV of HHT, finding? 1. AV malformation in GIT
14. ???? Cystic fibrosis patient, spirometry finding? 1. Low FEV1/FVC 2. High FEV1 3.
Low FRC 4. Low RV
15. CV of Down syndrome at birth? 1. Trisomy 21
16. Parathyroid taken out during thyroidectomy, hypocalcemia, calcium tablet given,
but no improvement until vit D is given as well? 1. Vit D increases Ca absorption
from GIT
17. ?? Weight reduction surgery, kidney stone? 1. Oxalate
18. CV of nephrolithiasis with no stone in X ray abdomen, type of stone? 1. Uric acid
19. Gout, inflammation is due to? 1. Release of neutrophil lysosomal enzymes
20. 4 month child with recurrent hypoglycemia, treated with glucose or glucagon only
to recur after some hours, no ketones in blood? 1. Increase release of insulin 2.
Glucose 6 phosphatase def
21. H causing passage of food from stomach to duodenum? 1. Gastrin
22. CV of multiple gastric ulcer, Biopsy negative for H. pylori, next inv? 1. CT of abdomen
2. H pylori testing
23. CV of moribund patient, pain RUQ with Murphy sign +ve, next inv? 1. USG
24. CV of hyperchylomicronemia, defect in? 1. LPL
25. Multiple rashes on torso, lymphocytes show cerebriform nuclei? 1. Mycosis
26. CV of farmer, nonsmoker, anemia, macrocytosis, low platelet? 1. MDS
27. Tumour invasion helped by? 1. Loss of cadherin
28. Lung cancer with keratin pearls, associated finding? 1. Renal stone, constipation
29. Metastatic lung cancer, with facial plethora, dilated chest wall veins, spread to? 1.
Upper portion of Rt lung
30. CT image: thrombus in left pulmonary artery, decrease blood flow to ? 1. Left lung 2.
Left atrium 3. Left ventricle
31. RTA with bleeding from spleen, embolization needs cannulation of which artery? 1.
Celiac trunk 2. Common hepatic artery
32. Variceal bleed with schematic image showing need for artery ligation at proximal
end of lesser curvature? 1. Left gastric A
33. HCC on left lobe of liver, needs chemoembolization through which vessel? 1. Left
hepatic artery 2. Portal vein 3. Rt hepatic artery
34. CV of stress incontince
35. Another CV of stress incontinence
36. HIV patient with dementia features but with altered consciousness, hallucination? 1.
Delirium 2. HIV dementia
37. CV of Tourette syndrome, drug? 1. Haloperidol
38. Graph of starling curve, change in point from normal to where if aortic aneurysm
rupture? 1. Same curve but down and near to zero
39. SABE, multiple rashes on palm and soles, not painful d/t ? 1. Septic emboli
40. CV of sarcoidosis with rash on nasal bridge with hypercalcemia? 1. sarcoidosis
41. CV of wegner with nasal septum erosion & saddle nose deformity, hemoptysis, lung
nodules, ? 1. ANCA
42. Surgery of PDA, post surgery change in pitch of voice, which pharyngeal arch
derivative is injured? 1. Sixth
43. CV of 21 hydroxylase deficiency
44. CV of internuclear ophthalmoplegia bilateral? 1. MS
45. TEF repair which N injured? 1. Recurrent laryngeal N
46. Mass in rectum, which LN? 1. Inferior mesenteric LN (no internal iliac in option) 2.
Superficial inguinal
47. CV of varicocele, thrombosis of which vessel? 1. Renal vein 2. Renal A
48. CV of esophageal rupture with pneumomediastinum
49. Commonest location of diverticula? 1. Sigmoid colon
50. CV of meckel diverticulum, i.e. detected by pertechnetate scan? 1. Gastric mucosa 2.
Pancreatic mucosa
51. CV of hemophilia
52. CV warfarin skin necrosis d/t ? 1. Factor C deficiency
53. CV of multiple myeloma, Dx? 1. Urine electrophoresis 2. Total urinary protein
54. CV of polycythemia vera
55. CV of osteopetrosis, defect in ? 1. Osteoclast
56. Osteosarcoma gross structure, predisposing condition? 1. Paget
57. CV of gout, crystal? 1. MSU
58. CV of Lambert myaesthenic syndrome? 1. Difficult release of Ach
59. CV of bullous pemphigod, separation of? 1. Stratum basale from basement
60. CV of holoprosencephaly, gene defect in ? 1. SHH
61. Gross anatomy picture of sagittal brain with CV of lower limb paralysis in a newborn
? 1. Chiari II
62. Injury to left solitary tract, deficient? 1. Taste sensation ipsilateral
63. CV of parkinsonism? 1. Lewy body, apoptosis of dopaminergic neurons
64. Gross brain structure of brain showing rt MCA, if occluded deficient ? 1. Lt hand
weakness 2. Unable to speak
65. MRI showing T2 high signal on posterior part of the spinal cord on both sagittal and
axial images, which pathway injured? 1. Dorsal column
1. Identify nerve in gross brain specimen, trigeminal.
2. CV of trigeminal neuralgia
3. CV of hamstring pull during sports, which bony structure avulsed? 1. Ischial
4. CV of pop sound during basketball layup, unable to ? 1. Stand on toes
1. CV of lups, drug causing? 1. Hydralazine
2. Plague drug used which acts by protein synthesis inhibition? 1. Streptomycin (other
options did not inhibit protein synthesis)
3. Tinea pedis picture given, DOC MOA? 1. Squalene monoxidase 2. Chitin synthase
4. ?? Which drug for osteoporosis with least DVT risk? 1. SERM 2. Bisphosphonate 3.
Estrogen 4. Progesterone
5. which drug used for long term anticoagulation? 1. Drug inhibiting epoxide reductase
6. trichomoniasis drug MOA? 1. DNA disruption
7. bronchodilator drug using GPCR other than Beta agonist? 1. Anticholinergic
8. CV of opioid withdrawal, drug to administer? 1. Clonidine
9. CV of opioid overdose with pin point pupil, RR=4/min, drug? 1. Naloxone
10. CV to identify partial agonist?
11. From the dose response curve, identify the most potent competitive antagonist.
12. Excess sweating requires which neurotransmitter? 1. Ach
13. CV of urge incontinence, drug used? 1. Antimuscarinic
14. Child drinks liquid from garage, given dimercaprol, which poisoning? 1. Hg
15. CV of sulfamethoxazole use f/b rash, bulla in mucosa, why? 1. SJS
16. Pulmonary fibrosis, drug? 1. Bleomycin
17. Methotrexate therapy, which organ function to monitor? 1. Liver