POP Group Eval Rubric

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Group Work Rubric

Your Name: _______________________________________________________

Please evaluate your group members using the guidelines in the chart below:

Category Exceeds Meets Making Progress Does Not Meet

4 3 2 1
Participating very frequently Participating frequently in Not participating as much Not participating in
in discussions/ written work discussions and written as I Could have/should discussion. Did not
on presentation work on presentation have. Sometimes offered do any work.
Participating useful ideas. Rarely offered

useful ideas.

On task the entire time. On task most of the time Frequently off task or Off task. Often is
On Task distracted. not a good team
Group members can count member.

on this person.

Respectful and considerate Respectful and Frequently distracted and Disrespectful and
all the time. considerate most of the inconsiderate. inconsiderate. I
time. may need to leave
Polite the group.

List your group members and rate them below, based on the 1-4 rubric above.
Name Participating On task Polite Comments
Example: 3.5 4
Jane Smith 3

What did you contribute to the group and to this project?




How would you rate yourself?

Participating On task Polite Comments

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