Dr. Alok Kumar is a professor of physics in New York who has authored over 60 scientific publications on topics like ancient Hindu science and the history of science in various cultures. In an interview, he discusses the significant contributions of ancient Indians to modern sciences, including developing the base-10 number system with place value and zero, an advanced system of medicine called Ayurveda, anatomical and surgical knowledge, and metallurgical extraction methods. He argues that ancient Indian scientific works by scholars like Aryabhata, Varahmihir, and Susruta provide as good of evidence for ancient Indian achievements as works from ancient Greek scholars. However, modern science syllabi still do not adequately recognize non-Western contributions.
Dr. Alok Kumar is a professor of physics in New York who has authored over 60 scientific publications on topics like ancient Hindu science and the history of science in various cultures. In an interview, he discusses the significant contributions of ancient Indians to modern sciences, including developing the base-10 number system with place value and zero, an advanced system of medicine called Ayurveda, anatomical and surgical knowledge, and metallurgical extraction methods. He argues that ancient Indian scientific works by scholars like Aryabhata, Varahmihir, and Susruta provide as good of evidence for ancient Indian achievements as works from ancient Greek scholars. However, modern science syllabi still do not adequately recognize non-Western contributions.
Dr. Alok Kumar is a professor of physics in New York who has authored over 60 scientific publications on topics like ancient Hindu science and the history of science in various cultures. In an interview, he discusses the significant contributions of ancient Indians to modern sciences, including developing the base-10 number system with place value and zero, an advanced system of medicine called Ayurveda, anatomical and surgical knowledge, and metallurgical extraction methods. He argues that ancient Indian scientific works by scholars like Aryabhata, Varahmihir, and Susruta provide as good of evidence for ancient Indian achievements as works from ancient Greek scholars. However, modern science syllabi still do not adequately recognize non-Western contributions.
Dr. Alok Kumar is a professor of physics in New York who has authored over 60 scientific publications on topics like ancient Hindu science and the history of science in various cultures. In an interview, he discusses the significant contributions of ancient Indians to modern sciences, including developing the base-10 number system with place value and zero, an advanced system of medicine called Ayurveda, anatomical and surgical knowledge, and metallurgical extraction methods. He argues that ancient Indian scientific works by scholars like Aryabhata, Varahmihir, and Susruta provide as good of evidence for ancient Indian achievements as works from ancient Greek scholars. However, modern science syllabi still do not adequately recognize non-Western contributions.
York at Oswego. He completed his PhD at Kanpur University. He has been the National President of the American Chapter of the Indian Physics Association during 1995-97 and President of Sigma Xi (Oswego Chapter) during 1995-96. He has authored more than 60 scientific publications in Atomic Physics, Chemical Physics, History of Science, and Science Education including the groundbreaking works Science of Ancient Hindus and A History of Science in World Cultures. His next significant work is titled Ancient Hindu Science: Its Transmission and Impact on World Cultures will be available in May 2018 in India. He was awarded the President Award for Creative and Scholarly Activity or Research, SUNY Oswego. In an interview to Organiser Correspondent Prashanth Vaidyaraj, Dr Alok Kumar provides rare insights into sciences of ancient Hindus and answers a wide range of questions on modern and traditional sciences, his work and research. Excerpts:
While most Indian students
today are aware of the contribution of ancient Greeks to modern science, exact contributions of ancient Indian scientists are largely unknown. Can you please briefly mention the major contributions of ancient Indians to modern sciences? Modern science and medicine would be unrecognisable, and far difficult and slow process to perform subtraction become much simpler in more primitive, without the immense mathematical operation in this a place-value notation. contribution of the ancient Hindus. Roman system. This is the reason Similar examples related to They invented everyday essentials that Copernicus discarded the Trigonometry, Algebra, plastic surgery, such as our base-ten number Roman mathematical system and body-mind system of Ayurveda, and system, with place-value notations, used the Hindu system in his book. metallurgical skills of the Hindus can and zero as a numeral. The ancient He provided the rationale of this also be cited, and are provided in my Hindus also developed a move; it was done to perform book, Sciences of the Ancient Hindus. sophisticated system of medicine calculations at a much faster rate. with its mind-body approach known The Hindu system is so advanced It is said that ancient Indians as Ayurveda; detailed anatomical and and, yet, so simple that children are had detailed knowledge of surgical knowledge of the human taught to write eleven as one and one metallurgical methods of body, including cataract surgery and (11), written side-by-side, from their extraction and purification of the so-called plastic surgery; earliest period when they also learn metals, including making of the metallurgical methods of extraction their native alphabet. Damascus blade. Our surgical and purification of metals, including In modern perspective, just sciences too were advanced. How the so-called Damascus blade; imagine reading the values of various can we resurrect the original knowledge of various constellations stocks in a newspaper. In a quick methods and gain from it to make and planetary motions that was good scan, you can recognise easily that better products in the future? enough to assign motion to the Earth; 1089 is greater than 951. All you Yes, the surgical tools of Sushruta, and the science of self-improvement need to see is that the first number the person who explained the so- popularly known as yoga. My book, has four digits while the second called plastic surgery during the Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, number has only three. This is pre-Christian era, could dissect a hair covers these topics in detail. enough for a quick comparison. In longitudinally. Similarly, King Poros, Just imagine the modern world contrast, in the Roman numerals, XC after losing the battle with Alexander without the mathematical revolution (90) is five times more in magnitude the Great, and receiving the gift of life of the ancient Hindus. The scientific than XVIII (18). This is not easy to from Alexander, was deeply in revolution during the European figure out in a quick glance. Also, gratitude. Alexander not only Renaissance was a result of this mathematical operations of bestowed life to him, but Porus also mathematical revolution that has its multiplication, division, addition and received his kingdom back. Porus origin in India. For example, we write wanted to give precious gifts to numbers using the Hindu numerals. Alexander to demonstrate his The uniqueness of this system lies in gratitude. Along with other items, the fact that the position of a numeral Porus gave 6000 pounds of steel to qualifies its magnitude. Tens, Alexander. The best steel in Persia hundreds, or thousands are not (Iran) was called foulade Hind, represented by different signs; they meaning steel of Hind. We can are represented by using digits in resurrect original methods, improve different positions. Notice that the on these methods, and produce better one is in the second place in 10 (ten), products only by first documenting our in the third place in 100 (hundred), history in India. This is the starting and in the fourth place in 1,000 point and we have not done that as (thousand). Also, zero as a numeral yet. My book, Sciences of the Ancient with no magnitude and simply a Hindus, is not the final answer on this location occupier was an enormous issue. It simply provides a new philosophical and scientific triumph. beginning to these efforts. Calculations in the absence of Hindu place-value-notation, where we write The history of science that is eleven as one and one, are quite taught in India, does not consider difficult to perform. This is the reason ancient traditional sciences that the Greek, Roman, and other worthy of the modern syllabus. numeral systems were discarded Rationalists ask for evidence for even in their own lands. For example origin of our achievements. Do we in the Roman system, eleven is have concrete evidence to prove written as ten and one (XI). It is quite the achievements of our ancient scientists? If yes, are they Since such studies of the ancient and The connection between religion acceptable to modern sciences? medieval foreign literature that deal and science in Hindu literature is an All modern syllabi in the history of with ancient India are almost non- interesting, and perhaps unexpected, science do consider ancient traditional existent, modern science texts still do variation from the Western model. sciences of the Greeks. It is only the not recognise Indian contributions in The sciences of the ancient Hindus non-Western contributions that are a coherent way. My book provides a were an essential and integral part of missing. Yes, we do have evidence new beginning to the issue. I have not their religion, as it was for the from the non-Western scholars that is received any specific criticism of my Mayans, Arabs, and Egyptians. The as good as we have for Pythagoras, assertions from other scholars. With disciplines of Astronomy, Thales, Democritus, and Socrates, to time, I assume that the contents of my Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, name a few from the Greek tradition. book, Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, Yoga, and Medicine were all practiced The works of Aryabhata, Kanada, will become a mainstream knowledge. to meet the needs of religion, as well Varahmihir, Brahmgupta, Charaka, My other book, A History of Science in as to fulfill natural curiosity. and Susruta are certainly par World Cultures: Voices of Knowledge, Narada, in Chandogya Upanishad, excellence. In my book, Sciences of is the next step in assimilating cultural considers Astronomy and the Ancient Hindus, I made special contributions of various civilisations Mathematics relevant to achieve efforts to avoid the ridicule of many that are acceptable to modern liberation (Moksha). Aryabhata, in such rationalists and focused on the science. his book Aryabhatiya, considers ancient and medieval accounts of the Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics Greek, Chinese, Egyptian, Arabian, Today both theoretical and and other sciences crucial to know and European literature to get practical sciences are on the path about the Supreme Being. Since information about Hindu science and of achieving new breakthroughs. science was a prescription to moksa, technology. As mentioned above, the Yet, the ultimate aim of science it became imperative for scientists to mosaic that emerges from these remains unknown. Can ancient find true knowledge. Thus, science foreign documents corroborates what sciences, especially ancient Indian could grow independently and my parents told me when I was a sciences, provide any clues as to scientists could investigate whatever child. India did have a prime past. where science is headed? they deemed fit. This led Al-Mas`udi (d. 957 AD), an Islamic historian Such knowledge is important in during the tenth century, to write that dealing with the unknown future we science and technology were deal with. Knowing what we were in established without the aid of the past helps us to understand what religious prophets in India. It was the we are in the present, and how we logic, intuition, and experience of will be in the future. If you don’t know diligent observers (rishis) that your history, then you are like a limb contributed to the domain of science. that doesn’t know it is part of a tree. Al-Mas`udi considered India as the Further, all countries celebrate their land of “virtue and wisdom.” great heroes, including the great scientific and mathematical minds of Your previous book, ‘Sciences of the past and present. Greece had the Ancient Hindus’, has a very Aristotle and Socrates, Italy had bold description on Amazon. It Galileo and Leonardo Fibonacci, says, “Modern science and England had Maxell and Newton, medicine would be unrecognisable France had Laplace and Fourier, and without the immense contribution India had Kanada and Aryabhata, of the ancient Hindus.” You have showing that the greatest minds of already listed our contributions the ancient Hindus could be a match above but how do modern for the world’s best scientists and scientists the world over view this mathematicians. Just imagine claim? Who are the prominent erasing the name of Pythagoras, scientists who concur with this and Aristotle, and Plato from the current in which area? philosophy texts because it is an old The knowledge I have shared in my past and, therefore, irrelevant! I am book, Sciences of the Ancient Hindus, using this argument since some is quite new to the mainstream rationalists in India use this against academia. Therefore, it is premature the sciences of the ancient Hindus. to summarise its impact. However, Will it be just and fair? The answer scientists who have read the book are is a clear and emphatic “no”. This is convinced of the validity of my exactly the case when we ignore our assertions. I am receiving positive could be taken forward so that it own heroes in India unjustly. input from my fellow historians of becomes a part of science Even in the West, just a thousand science. In the past, several other education and also public years ago, India was considered as scientists, including Robert knowledge. the leader in science and technology. Oppenheimer (father of atom bomb), Unfortunately, this is the nature of The first popular history of science Erwin Schrodinger (Noble Laureate in our pseudo-secular environment in book with a global view was written Physics), and Brian Josephson (Noble India these days. We should not label in Spain during the eleventh-century Laureate in Physics), who studied the studies of ancient sciences as Muslim Spain by Said al-Andalusi. ancient Hindu literature, have shared “saffronisation.” Instead people in He ranked different civilisations similar opinions. My book, Sciences of India should ask this question: Is it based on their excellence in science the Ancient Hindus, does provide a true? If yes, we must include sciences and technology. In his ranking, India large number of such corroborating of the ancient Hindus in academia to was defined as number one. It is this statements from other noted scholars. train our future generations to know knowledge of Europe that got about their heritage. It is done in the distorted during the colonial period of ‘Sciences of the Ancient Hindus’ Western education too; it is done in Europe unjustly and needs to be is a subject that has been most cultures. India is an exception in revised. neglected for long and is deemed this respect that we have not done In the context of teaching and controversial in main stream this so far. learning, avoiding our own heroes is academia and media here. Any The history of science is not the detrimental to the learning process. attempt to introduce our ancient history of events; it is the history of Celebration and recognition of our sciences in school syllabus is culture, intents, and a history of heroes in all disciplines serves as opposed as it is deemed as human minds. It tells us how various glue for a stable society. For this ‘saffronisation’. In this scenario, cultures recognised issues that they reason, most societies document please let us know how your work found crucial and resolved them. their own histories.