APMEC Handbook 11012022 Min
APMEC Handbook 11012022 Min
APMEC Handbook 11012022 Min
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All information is correct at time of publication.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
NoTSS 185
W1A2 Assessing Collaboration in Lifelong Learning – The Asia Pacific Perspective 186
1Lisa Sullivan, 2Dale Kummerle, 2Matthew Frese, and 3Celeste Kolanko
W1A3 Educating for Collaboration Beyond Ipe: Concepts, Claims, Culture, And System
Change 187
Kevin Tan, Nigel Tan Choon Kiat, Jai Prashanth Rao, Raymond Goy Wee Lip, Gormit Kaur D/O Bachan
Singh and Catherine Poey
W1A4 Formative Measures of Performance and Feedback Fallacies - A Case for Excellence
in Workplace Based Learning in Competency Based Medical Education (Cbme) 188
Vinod Pallath, Foong Chan Choong, and Jessica Grace Cockburn
W1A5 Knock Knock ….. Who’s There? Supporting Well-Being and Success for All 189
1Jo Bishop, 2Greg Radu and 3 Aviad Haramati
W1P1 From Lecture to Learning Tasks: The Use of 4c/Id to Develop Online Courses in Health
Professions Education 190
1 Astrid Pratidina Susilo, 1 Ardi Findyartini, and 2Jeroen van Merrienboer
W1P4 Tips and Tricks for Successfully Publishing Scholarly Work in an International Journal
On Medical Education 193
1Peter de Jong, and 2Sandy Cook
W1P5 Let's Engage Them Online: Students Engagment in an Online Learning Setting 193
Mahwish Arooj
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
W2A2: Who Are You? Defining and Redefining Your Identity as A Health Professions Educator 196
1Neil Osheroff, 1Kimberly Dahlman, and 2Chen Zhi Xiong
W2A3: Beyond Closed Doors: Maximising The Educational Impact of High Stakes Learner
Progression Decisions by Improving the Individual and The Institution 197
1James Kwan, 1Tracy Tan, 1Phua Dong Haur, 1Ng Wee Khoon, 1Faith L. Chia, and 2Subha Ramani
W2A4: Finding The Correct Blend to Engage Your Students On-Campus and Off-Campus
Using Instructional Design Principles for Designing Online Learning Experiences 198
Hasnain Zafar Baloch, and Rozhan Idrus
W2P1: Ownership Cycle: A Structured Approach in Grooming Struggling Learners for High
Stakes Assessments 199
1 Ashokka Balakrishnan, 1Soh Jian Yi, 2Daniëlle Verstegen, and 1Chen Fun Gee
W2P3: Building Effective Virtual Learning Platform at The Time of Pandemics in Clinical Setting 201
Manasik Hassan, Ahmed Alhammadi, Eman A Rahman Senan Al Maslamani and Magda Youssef
Health Professions’ Educators Leaders' Toolkit: Effective Leadership in Uncertain Times - What
Works and Why? (Session 1) 247
Diantha Soemantri, Ardi Findyartini, Nadia Greviana, Gita Sekar Prihanti and
Martina Sinta Kristanti
Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Online Course at APMEC 2022 (Session 1)
Ronald M Harden, Matthew C E Gwee, Dujeepa D Samarasekera, Tan Chay Hoon, 248
Koh Dow Rhoon, Goh Poh-Sun and Lee Shuh Shing
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 2 204
Future-Proofing Dental Education In Singapore 204
The Class of 2030 and Beyond: Future-Proofing A New Generation of Orthodontists
Amid Technology Trends 204
Kelvin Foong, Singapore
Using Clinical Portfolios as a Reflective Teaching Tool in Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery for Undergraduate Dental Education 204
Intekhab Islam, Singapore
Harnessing Digital Technology in Orthognathic Surgeries 205
Yong Chee Weng, Singapore
Symposium 3 206
Learning And Data Analytics 206
Health Informatics Pathway at NUS Medicine: Introducing Data Science into the
Medical Curriculum 206
Kenneth Ban, Singapore
Using Learning Analytics to Support Development of Complex Skills and
Competencies 206
Vitomir Kovanović, Australia
Learning Analytics for Personalised Learning: Getting the People, Processes and
Systems Aligned 206
Er Hui Meng, Malaysia
Learning Analytics and Institutional Research with LMS under the COVID-19 Pandemic
in Japan 207
Yoshikazu Asada, Japan
Symposium 4 208
Implications of Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Technology On Medication Education 208
Virtual Integrated Patient (VIP): An AI-Enabled Chatbot and Its Use in Medical
Curriculum 208
Judy Sng, Singapore
Anticipating Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Fine-Tuning its Relevance to Medical
Education 208
Suresh Pillai, Singapore
Harnessing Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education: The Way
Forward 209
Alfred Kow Wei Chieh, Singapore
The NUS-Med2Lab Platform on Clinical Reasoning – What Makes This Unique? 209
Soh Jian Yi, Singapore
Symposium 5 210
Refocusing Teaching-Learning Methods During The “New Normal”: Part Of Future Proofing
Healthcare Professionals
Virtual Simulation in Para-Clinical Teaching: An Adaptation from Military Surgical
Training 210
Thilanka Seneviratne, Sri Lanka
Adapting to Human Anatomy Virtual Teaching and Learning: The Students’
Perspective 210
Ma. Cristina Zulueta, Philippines
Honing the Students’ Communication Skills: Can This Be Done Virtually? 211
Viktor Riklefs, Kazakhstan
Reflective Practice: An Essential Part of Teaching-Learning in the New Normal 211
Rathi Saravanan, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 6 212
Communication Skills Training for Foreign Patients: Experiences from Korea, Hong Kong
S.A.R. And Japan
‘English Patient Encounter’ Elective Course for Undergraduate Medical Students:
Experiences and Lessons Learnt 212
Young-Mee Lee, South Korea
‘English Patient Encounter’ Practical Course for Practicing Physicians in
The Primary Care Setting 212
Hyunmi Park, South Korea
Communication Skills for Foreign Patients in English: Course Description and
Experiences from The Chinese University of Hong Kong 212
Alice Pik Shan Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R.
Communication Skills for Foreign Patients in English: Course Description and
Experiences from Nagoya University, Japan 212
Itzel Bustos Villalobos, Japan
Symposium 7 213
Intention, Interpretation And Response To Feedback In Healthcare Professional Education 213
Lecturers’ Intentions of the Feedback in Health Professional Education 213
Tong Seng Fah, Malaysia
Learners’ Interpretations of the Feedback in Health Professional Education 213
Mohd Nasri Awang Besar, Malaysia
Lecturers’ Responses of the Feedback in Health Professional Education 213
Paul Douglas Fullerton, Malaysia
Symposium 8 214
On A Camino: Learning To Serve 214
Serving Others: Starting Off the Journey 214
Toh Ying Pin Ann, Singapore
Wayfellows: Walking with Learners at Their Pace 214
Lois Yinghui Hong, Timor-Leste
Food for the Journey: Service Learning through Stories & Gamification 214
Pang Ningyi, Singapore
Waystations: Faculty as Guides on the Journey 215
Victor Loh, Singapore
Panel Discussion 1 216
Scenario Design: Best Practice and Tips for Meeting New Challenges
Tan Li Hoon, Singapore 216
Chong Shin Yuet, Singapore
Lee Sumin, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 14 227
Voices For Strong and Healthy Students and Junior Doctors 227
Health Workforce 2030: The Rights and New Challenges in Pandemic and Post-
Pandemic Medical Education 227
James Haley Young, Hong Kong S.A.R.…from IFMSA
Health Workforce 2030: Empowering Medical Student Rights Through Advocacy 227
Michelle Choa, Philippines…from IFMSA
Advocating for Students’ Health and Rights: The Malaysian Medical Students’
Approach 228
Woon Shi Sien, Malaysia…from UM MedSoc
A Multi-Level Approach at Ensuring Well-Being and Fostering Connections – The
Experience of Student Representatives from a Local Medical School in Singapore 228
Lim Yao Hui, Singapore...from NUS MedSoc
Symposium 15 229
Transforming Field Experiential Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Pharmacy
Educators’ Experience
Tele-Pharmacy for Home Medication Review: An Innovative Approach in
Experiential Learning During The COVID-19 Pandemic 229
Ernieda Binti Md Hatah, Malaysia
Enhancing Pharmacy Education Teaching and Learning Using a Technology Tool:
Adobe Spark 229
Mahmathi Karuppannan, Malaysia
Experiential Learning in Hospital and Community Pharmacy Attachment Through
An Online Platform 229
Norny Syafinaz Binti Ab Rahman, Malaysia
Symposium 16 230
Developing Distance & Distributed Learning During Pre- And Post- Covid Pandemic 230
Maintaining Quality and Standards for Distributed and Distance Learning (DDL) 230
Janet Grant, United Kingdom
Delivering Continuous Education and Training (CET) via Distance and Distributed
Learning: A NUSMed Experience 230
Chong Choon Seng, Singapore
Challenges and Opportunities of Distance & Distributed Learning in Limited-Resource
Countries 230
William May, Fiji
Shared Medical Education for the World 231
Tao Le, USA
Panel Discussion 2 232
The Impact of Human Touch in Technology....Future Approaches That Include
Humanistic Aspects of Technology in Educational Programming
Dale Kummerle, USA 232
Celeste Kolanko, United Kingdom
Matthew Frese, USA
Panel Discussion 3 233
Healthcare, Training and The Role Of Future Practitioner 233
Preparing the Future Graduates for Nursing Practice in the 21st Century 233
Jennifer Bao, Singapore
Communities of Practice for Future Health Professions Education 233
Nigel Tan Choon Kiat, Singapore
Medical Education for A Globalised World 233
Harumi Gomi, Japan
Healthcare, Training and Preparing the Future Practitioner for their Role 234
Wayne Hazell, Australia
Panel Discussion 4 235
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
SESSION 10 421
SESSION 11 430
SESSION 12 439
SESSION 13 447
SESSION 14 456
SESSION 15 465
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Salam Sejahtera
On behalf of the Organising Committee of the Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), it
gives me great pleasure to invite all of you to participate in the Asia Pacific Medical Education
Conference 2022, to be held in January of next year.
This exciting event will be hosted virtually by Universiti Malaya, together with the National University of
Singapore and our local partners, the International Medical University and the Academy of Medicine of
Universiti Malaya is honoured to be working with these partners to deliver the high calibre programme
expected by APMEC delegates.
The global pandemic of the past year has accelerated changes in medical education to an
unprecedented level. As we continue to prepare for an irrevocably altered future, we look to our past for
lessons and inspiration.
Hence the theme “Our Heritage, Our Strength: Future Proofing Healthcare Professionals – Trends. Issues.
Priorities. Strategies” is fitting as we seek to adapt in response to these new challenges.
Over five days, a variety of workshops and symposia, addressing teaching and learning, assessments,
continuing medical education, and leadership, will provide a structured platform for engaging discussions
with leading medical educationalists and other healthcare professionals from diverse cultures and
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
8.30am – 4.00pm
NoTSS (Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons) Masterclass
Lim Kean Ghee, Yeap Chee Loong, Simon Paterson-Brown, April Camila Roslani, Andre Das and Ainul
Syahrilfazli Jaafar
Lisa Sullivan, Dale Kummerle, Matthew Frese and Amal Khidir, Sohair Elsiddig and Samar Magboul
Celeste Kolanko
PCW1_A3: Educating for Collaboration Beyond PCW1_P3: Flourishing in Health Professions
IPE: Concepts, Claims, Culture, and System Education: A Positive Psychology Approach
Toh Ying Pin Ann, Marion Aw, Wong Lee Yuen,
Kevin Tan, Nigel Tan Choon Kiat, Jai Prashanth Victor Loh, Chen Zhi Xiong and Maleena Suppiah
Rao, Raymond Goy Wee Lip, Gormit Kaur D/O Cavert
Bachan Singh and Catherine Poey
PCW1_A4: Formative Measures of Performance PCW1_P4: Tips and Tricks for Successfully
and Feedback Fallacies - A Case for Excellence Publishing
in Workplace Based Learning in Competency Scholarly Work in An International Journal on
Based Medical Education (CBME) Medical Education
Vinod Pallath, Foong Chan Choong and Jessica Peter GM de Jong and Sandy Cook
Grace Cockburn
PCW1_A5: Knock Knock…..Who’s There? PCW1_P5: Let's Engage Them Online: Students
Supporting Well-being and Success for All Engagement in An Online Learning
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Judy McKimm, Paul Kneath Jones, Kirsty Forrest, Greg Radu and Jo Bishop
Er Hui Meng, Wong Pei Se and Vishna Devi Nadarajah Ashokka Balakrishnan, Soh Jian Yi, Daniëlle
Verstegen and Chen Fun Gee
PCW2_A2: Who Are You? Defining and Redefining PCW2_P2: Introduction to Data Science for
Your Identity as A Health Professions Educator Education Analytics
Neil Osheroff, Kimberly Dahlman and Chen Zhi Xiong Kenneth Ban
PCW2_A3: Beyond Closed Doors: Maximising the PCW2_P3: Building Effective Virtual Learning
Educational Impact of High Stakes Learner Platform at The Time of Pandemics in Clinical
Progression Decisions by Improving The Individual and Setting
The Institution
James Kwan, Tracy Tan, Phua Dong Haur, Ng Wee Manasik Hassan, Ahmed Alhammadi, Eman A
Khoon, Faith L. Chia and Subha Ramani Rahman Senan Al Maslamani and Magda
Ahmed Wagdy Youssef
PM (3.00pm - 6.00pm)
Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME)
Course (Session 1)
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Health Professions’ Educators Leaders' Toolkit: Effective Leadership in Uncertain Times - What Works
and Why? (Session 2)
Judy McKimm, Paul Kneath Jones, Kirsty Forrest, Greg Radu and Jo Bishop
PM (3.00pm - 6.00pm)
Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Course (Session 2)
Ronald M Harden, Matthew C E Gwee, Dujeepa D Samarasekera, Tan Chay Hoon, Koh Dow Rhoon,
Goh Poh-Sun and Lee Shuh Shing
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
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We look forward to welcoming you at our virtual platform from the comfort of your home and/or work. Take care
and stay safe.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Hong Wei-Han, Malaysia
Dr Jessica Grace Cockburn, Malaysia
Ms Nurashikin binti Moh Dat, Malaysia
Ms Yao Lu Yean, Malaysia
Mr Phillip Sim Zhi Liang, Malaysia
Ms Molly Kong, Malaysia
Mr Melvin Raj, Malaysia
Ms Lee Su Mei, Singapore
Dr Lee Shuh Shing, Singapore
Ms Emily Loo, Singapore
Ms Lee Ai Lian, Singapore
Mr Yeo Su Ping, Singapore
Mr Ang Chee Yen, Singapore
Ms Yvonne Chua, Singapore
Ms Aseenah Bee Binte Mohamed Ibrahim,
Ms Jillian Han, Singapore
Ms Lim Yih Lin, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wesam Abuznadah, Saudi Michelle Choa, Philippines Janet Grant, United Kingdom
Arabia Chong Choon Seng, Nadia Greviana, Indonesia
Eman A Rahman Senan Al Singapore Maryellen Gusic, USA
Maslamani, Qatar Chong Shin Yuet, Singapore Matthew C E Gwee,
Ahmed Alhammadi, Qatar Fremen Chou, Taiwan Singapore
Emily Ang, Singapore Sandy Cook, Singapore Aviad Haramati, USA
Mahwish Arooj, Pakistan Kimberly Dahlman, USA Manasik Kamil Hassan, Qatar
Yoshikazu Asada, Japan Peter GM de Jong, The Wayne Hazell, Australia
Marion Aw, Singapore Netherlands Eric S. Holmboe, USA
Gormit Kaur D/O Bachan Bonny Dickinson, USA Lois Yinghui Hong, Timor-
Singh, Singapore Diann Eley, Australia Leste
Dinesh Kumar Badyal, India Sohair Elsiddig, Qatar Intekhab Islam, Singapore
Ashokka Balakrishnan, Ardi Findyartini, Indonesia Paul Kneath Jones, United
Singapore Kelvin Foong Weng Chiong, Kingdom
Kenneth Ban, Singapore Singapore Amal Khidir, Qatar
Jennifer Bao, Singapore Kirsty Forrest, Australia Koh Dow Rhoon, Singapore
Jo Bishop, Australia Matthew Frese, USA Celeste Kolanko, United
Itzel Bustos Villalobos, Japan Goh Poh-Sun, Singapore Kingdom
Chen Fun Gee, Singapore Harumi Gomi, Japan Alice Pik Shan Kong, Hong
Chen Zhi Xiong, Singapore Raymond Goy Wee Lip, Kong S.A.R.
Faith L. Chia, Singapore Singapore Vitomir Kovanović, Australia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Alfred Kow Wei Chieh, William Pinsky, USA Tan Hee Hon, Singapore
Singapore Catherine Poey, Singapore Tan Li Hoon, Singapore
Martina Sinta Kristanti, Gita Sekar Prihanti, Indonesia Tracy Tan, Singapore
Indonesia Greg Radu, Canada tra, Singapore
Dale Kummerle, USA Subha Ramani, USA Teoh Chia Meng, Singapore
James Kwan, Singapore Jai Prashanth Rao, Singapore Toh Ying Pin Ann, Singapore
Tao Le, USA Viktor Riklefs, Kazakhstan Adrienne Janet Torda,
Lee Shuh Shing, Singapore Dujeepa D Samarasekera, Australia
Lee Sumin, Singapore Singapore Jeroen van Merrienboer, The
Young-Mee Lee, South Korea Rathi Saravanan, Singapore Netherlands
Lim Tow Keang, Singapore Thilanka Seneviratne, Sri Marta van Zanten, USA
Lim Yao Hui, Singapore Lanka Daniëlle Verstegen, The
Victor Loh, Singapore Shefaly Shorey, Singapore Netherlands
Samar Magboul, Qatar Judy Sng, Singapore Rashmi Vyas, USA
Kenneth Mak, Singapore Diantha Soemantri, Wong Lee Yuen, Singapore
William May, Fiji Indonesia Wong Mun Loke, Singapore
Judy McKimm, United Soh Jian Yi, Singapore Nicole Woods, Canada
Kingdom John Soong, Singapore Yong Chee Weng,
Jeanette Mladenovic, USA Lisa Sullivan, Australia Singapore
Thomas J. Nasca, USA Maleena Suppiah Cavert, James Haley Young, Hong
Ng Wee Khoon, Singapore Singapore Kong S.A.R.
Shirley Ooi, Singapore Astrid Pratidina Susilo, Magda Ahmed Wagdy
Amy Opalek, USA Indonesia Youssef, Qatar
Neil Osheroff, USA Tan Chay Hoon, Singapore Ma. Cristina Zulueta,
Pang Ningyi, Singapore Kevin Tan, Singapore Philippine
Phua Dong Haur, Singapore Nigel Tan Choon Kiat,
Suresh Pillai, Singapore Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Azlan
Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfurlah, Malaysia.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Mora Claramita
Professor and Head, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Professor Mora Claramita is Professor and Head of the Department of Medical Education at the Faculty
of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada. She is interested in doctor-patient
relationship, community-based education, interprofessional education, and had published papers and
books in this area of health professions education related to the cultural dimensions. Professor Claramita
graduated from Maastricht University, also an active general practitioner at the UGM clinic, and received
the Lyn Clearihan Award for the Best Paper in 2019 from Asia-Pacific Family Medicine Journal. Herewith is
her profile as a scholar in SCOPUS Author profile (h-index 2021: 10):
Other awards are FAIMER Fellow, 2014, Fulbright Senior Research Scholar, 2014, and Australian Fellowship
2016. Several colleagues of Health Professions Education from Asian region and more continents, and
Professor Claramita had written an edited volume regarding the issue of "Challenges and Opportunities
in Health Professions Education – Cultural Diversity" which are now visible on
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Richard Fuller
Director of Christie Education, Christie Hospitals NHS Trust / University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Professor Richard Fuller is the Director of Christie Education in Manchester, UK, with an innovative portfolio
of local, national and international education work focused on realising learner potential and improving
healthcare outcomes, in association with the Manchester Cancer Research Centre and major partners
including the University of Manchester.
This is underpinned by a substantial career in Health Professions Education (both nationally and
internationally) and the development of sector-leading curricula, programmes of study and assessment
systems in previous senior education roles at the Universities of Leeds and Liverpool which generated
exciting new initiatives in curriculum design, mobile technology, assessment and personalised learning
across health professions and the continuum of undergraduate and postgraduate practice. Richard
practices clinically as a Consultant Stroke Physician and Geriatrician.
Richard’s main research interests focus primarily on assessment, working with a cross institutional group of
research colleagues, which has led to over 200 key outputs (significant journal papers; invited and peer
reviewed presentations to learned societies and institutions; educational consultancy). This portfolio of
work centres on the ‘personalisation’ of assessment, to support individual learner journeys, drawing on
impact-based research including the application of intelligent assessment design in campus and
workplace-based assessment formats, assessor behaviours, mobile technology delivered assessment and
the impact of sequential testing methodologies. Richard publishes and speaks regularly at leading
international medical education conferences, and is an active PhD supervisor, with current students
focusing on assessment and curriculum research.
Richard holds a number of national/UK educational advisory roles, including acting as an assessment
expert for the General Medical Council, and leadership of the GMC's Tests of Competence Panel. Richard
is the current Chair of the ASPIRE to Excellence Panel in Health Professions Education Assessment, set up
by the Association of Medical Education in Europe (https://www.aspire-to-excellence.org/), and
additionally is a trustee, and member of the executive group of AMEE.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ronald M Harden
Professor of Medical Education (Emeritus), University of Dundee; and General Secretary and Treasurer,
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), United Kingdom
Professor Ronald Harden graduated from medical school in Glasgow, UK. He completed training and
practised as an endocrinologist before moving to full time medical education. He is Professor of Medical
Education (Emeritus) University of Dundee, Editor of Medical Teacher & General Secretary and Treasurer
of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Professor Harden was formerly Teaching Dean
& Director of the Centre for Medical Education at the University of Dundee.He is committed to developing
new approaches to curriculum planning, assessment and to teaching and learning. Ideas which he has
pioneered include the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) which has been universally
adopted as a standard approach to assessment of clinical competence, the spiral curriculum and the
SPICES model for curriculum planning and models for outcome-based education. He has published more
than 400 papers in leading journals. He is co-editor of A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers and the
Routledge International Handbook of Medical Education and co-author of Essential Skills for a Medical
Teacher, The Definitive Guide to the OSCE and Eight Roles of the Medical Teacher.
His contributions to excellence in medical education have attracted numerous awards including the
Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education. He was awarded by the Queen the OBE for
his services to medical education. He was recently awarded the Gusi Peace Prize for services to medical
education at a ceremony in Manila.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Erle Lim
Vice Provost (Teaching Innovation & Quality), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Associate Professor Erle Lim Chuen Hian is Vice Provost (Teaching Innovation & Quality) at the National
University of Singapore (NUS). Currently a Senior Consultant Neurologist at the National University Hospital,
Assoc Prof Lim has been Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education) since October 2016. He was
Assistant Dean of Education at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS from 2007 to 2010.
Assoc Prof Lim graduated from NUS in 1990, and obtained his Masters in Medicine (Internal Medicine) in
1997, also from NUS. In 2009, he was appointed Fellow to the Royal College of Physicians, Glasgow. He
trained in Neurology at the Singapore General Hospital, after which he completed his training in
Movement Disorders at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, under Professors C Warren Olanow
and Mitchell F Brin.
Assoc Prof Lim’s subspecialty interest is in Movement Disorders, focusing on the clinical applications of
Botulinum toxin, Parkinson's disease, Spasticity and Dystonia. He lectures on Neurology, Movement
Disorders and Education (Medical Education and Technology in Education) regionally and internationally
and teaches techniques of Botulinum toxin injection using electromyographic guidance to neurologists
and physiatrists, regionally and internationally. He sits on the specialist training committee in Neurology
and the Neurology MCQ Committee of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
In 2006 and 2007, Assoc Prof Lim was awarded both the faculty teaching excellence award and the
university's annual excellence teaching award. In 2007, he was awarded the university’s outstanding
educator award. He was Chairman of the Executive Council of the NUS Teaching Academy from 2010 to
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Rosmawati Mohamed
Master, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, Malaysia
Professor Dr Rosmawati Mohamed is a Consultant Hepatologist at the University Malaya Medical Centre,
Kuala Lumpur.
Internationally, she was appointed as Founding Co-chairperson of the WHO Strategic and Technical
Advisory Committee for Viral Hepatitis both at the global level and at the Western Pacific Region, Co-
chairperson, and Founding Committee Member of the Coalition to Eradicate Viral Hepatitis in Asia Pacific.
Locally, she is the Master, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (AMM) and serves in various committee of
the Malaysian Medical Council governing medical specialists’ recognition, training, and continuous
professional development.
She has worked tirelessly as a hepatitis and cancer advocate and organised nationwide campaigns on
World Hepatitis Day and World Hepatitis Day together with MOH specialists, Malaysian Oncological
Society and NGOs to increase public awareness on hepatitis and liver cancer.
Prof Rosmawati was instrumental in initiating the discussion which led to an agreement signed by Universiti
Malaya with University of New Mexico, US, to replicate Project ECHO (which stands for Extension for
Community health Outcomes) in Malaysia, to bring together specialists and frontline providers/ primary
care doctors and trainees NATIONWIDE to provide best practice care. The ECHO model is a FREE capacity
building and guided practice model that is proven to exponentially increase workforce capacity of
healthcare providers (Workforce Training Multiplier), provide rapid learning and best-practice
dissemination, reduce variations in care (by providing simple algorithm, adapt available international
guidelines to local context or modify from online learning tools), and provide healthcare access for rural
and underserved patients and reduced disparities.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Hiroshi Nishigori
Professor, Center for Medical Education, Nagoya University, Japan
Professor Hiroshi Nishigori graduated from Nagoya University School of Medicine in 1998 and became a
Fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (2004) and a Diplomate in Primary Care of the Japan
Primary Care Association (2011). He obtained a Master’s Degree in Medical Education from University of
Dundee in 2008 and completed PhD in Health Professions Education in Maastricht University in 2020. His
research interests include culture and medical professionalism (especially work ethic), Hypothesis-driven
physical examination (HDPE) and teaching and assessing behavioural and social sciences. He is working
as an editor of the Journal, Medical Education Japan, an executive member of the Japan Society for
Medical Education, and a core member of the Asian Pacific Medical Education Network (APME-Net). He
is also the Visiting Program-Leading Professor at the Medical Education Center, Kyoto University, Japan.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Professor Dr. April Roslani graduated in 1995 and received the Master of Surgery in 2003. In 2007, she
established University Malaya Medical Centre’s Colorectal Surgery Unit, which is now the largest in the
country, and a key stakeholder in colorectal training and services nationally and regionally. Until recently,
she was Head of the Department of Surgery, comprising six specialty divisions and six sub-specialty units.
As part of the hospital’s COVID-19 Task Force, she coordinated the surgical pandemic response. She
briefly took on the role of Deputy Director (Surgical) for Universiti Malaya Medical Centre, and is currently
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya.Her areas of expertise include surgery for colorectal cancer,
proctology, surgical training, and professionalism. She has been instrumental in driving the development
and implementation of the basic and advanced General Surgical National Curricula, including the
delivery of standardized courses, such as Train-the-Trainers, Train-the-Examiners, Non-Technical Skills for
Surgeons (NOTSS), Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP) and Science of Tissue Management
(SoTM), amongst others. As a local resource person, she has developed guidance for surgical
management of inflammatory bowel disease. Discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment and harassment
in the workplace, in addition to advocacy for women, are recent foci of her work.
She is the President for the Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons, and the Asia Pacific Federation of
Coloproctology, as well as the immediate Past-President for the College of Surgeons, Academy of
Medicine of Malaysia. She also chairs the National Conjoint Committee for Postgraduate Medical
Degrees. Through these and other related roles, she works towards advancing surgical standards, and
fairness in the workplace.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wesam Abuznadah
Chief Academic Officer, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Wesam vascular surgeon by training, His passion is to create sustainable learner- centred systems
(undergraduate & Postgraduate) that foster the learning environment promoting self-growth and lifelong
learning in surgical & other health professions education with a local, national & international impact.
These systems are built on the solid principals of medical education coupled with the proper governance,
policies, and procedure to assure practicality and continuous evaluation and improvements. Locally, He
was a founding member of the college of medicine at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for health
sciences establishing and leading the medical education department then as the associate dean for
academic affairs, during his tenure we worked on revamping and applying the PBL curriculum including
the surgery block which consistently teach till I left the institution. Nationally, He was lucky to be the
national educator for ATLS for Saudi Arabia & reign 17 and worked on the inauguration of ATLS in multiple
countries of the reign. Currently he is the Chief academic officer of the Saudi commission for health
specialities responsible for all the postgraduate training in health profession education across the
kingdom, spearheading it transformation efforts into a different governance and educational model. His
passion project during his tenure is to revamp surgical education across the kingdom through
collaboration with national and international bodies to improve the experience and the learning
environment of our trainers. Lately He was elected to lead the Saudi Association for health professions
education that focuses on promotions inter-professional education across disciplines. Internationally, He
is an active member of the ATLS community participating in multiple capacities, he is a contributor in the
student manual, authored and co-authored two chapter in the instructor manual and aided the ATLS
app development team aa the project manager. Moreover, currently the deputy chair of the senior
educator advisory board which he was a founding member since its inception. Currently He is the Chief
academic officer of the Saudi commission for health specialities responsible for all the postgraduate
training in health profession education across the kingdom, spearheading it transformation efforts into a
different governance and educational model.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Eman A.Rahman Senan Al Maslamani is a Senior Consultant of the Paediatric Infectious Disease at
Sidra Medicine. She is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Paediatrics at Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar
and the Program Director for the Transitional Year Residency Program and Paediatric Infectious Disease
Fellowship Program. Administratively, she is the chairman of Infection Prevention & Control Committee of
Hamad General Hospital, Chairman of the Exam Committee ACGME-I and assistant Program Director of
Paediatric Residency Program. She also represents Qatar in the Arab Board of Health Specialisation
(Paediatric). Dr Eman obtained her medical degree from Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain. She had her
Paediatric Residency Training and Paediatric Infectious Disease Fellowship Training at Hamad Medical
Corporation. As a practitioner, Dr Eman enhances health of infants, children, and adolescents by
promoting excellence in the diagnosis, management, and prevention of infectious diseases through
clinical care, education, research, and advocacy. Dr Eman had a role in the establishment and
implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in Hamad Medical Corporation and Sidra
Medicine. She also contributed in the development and implementation of Paediatric Sepsis Program at
Hamad Medical Corporation and Sidra Medicine.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ahmed Alhammadi
Attending Paediatrician, Associate Programme Director of Paediatrics Residency Training Programme,
Sidra Medicine – Qatar, Qatar
Chief, Division of General Academic Paediatric at Hamad Medical Corporation – Qatar and Sidra
Medicine - Qatar. Associate Programme Director of Paediatric Residency Programme, Assistant Professor
of Paediatrics - Weill-Cornell Medical College - Qatar (WCM-Q). Dr. Alhammadi completed his Paediatrics
Residency Training at British Colombia Children Hospital (BCCH) Vancouver – Canada, and a General
Academic Paediatrics fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children-Toronto – Canada; Dr. Alhammadi areas
of interest are medical education, faculty and professional development and cultural competency. He
is the co-founder of the Professionalism Course and Workshops conducted at HMC-Qatar. He is involved
and has led several medical education workshops locally, nationally, and internationally. Dr. Alhammadi,
Director of the new multidisciplinary programme in Qatar caring for children with technology-dependent
and medically complex conditions (Paediatrics Complex Care Programme) which offer coordinated
care that spans the inpatient and outpatient divide.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Emily Ang
Head & Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Prof Ang is head and professor at Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, NUS. She is a renowned clinician
and educator with more than 35 years of experience in nursing profession. She is internationally
recognised for her work in evidence-based practice. She received various award for her research, clinical
and leadership excellence including the President Nurse Award. She specialises in oncology nursing and
have been engaged in developing psychosocial interventions for various group of participants. She has
led different generations of nurses in Singapore, and she is one of the pioneers who has transformed
oncology nursing and nursing education in Singapore. Her research interests include Evidence based
healthcare, Leadership and management and Supportive cancer care.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Mahwish Arooj
Principal, University College of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Lahore, Pakistan
Prof Mahwish Arooj is the Principal of the University College of Medicine and Dentistry. She is also the
Director of the Medical Education Department. As Director of the Medical Education Department, she
ensures smooth curriculum implementation, good quality assessments, faculty development and a
supportive mentoring program. She also assures that the program and processes are evaluated to
continually bring improvements.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Yoshikazu Asada
Associate Professor, Jichi Medical University, Japan
Yoshikazu Asada is an associate professor of Medical Education Centre at Jichi Medical University in
Japan. He is an administrator of the Learning Management System (Moodle) at the university and has
worked on learning analytics with the data of Moodle. His research interests are instructional design,
game-based education, and technology enhanced learning, especially asynchronous education with
LMS. He also works as the officer of educational association in Japan, such as Moodle Association of
Japan and Japan Association for Simulation-based Education in Healthcare Professionals.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Marion Aw
Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore
Dr Aw is an Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (NUS
Medicine), National University of Singapore and a Consultant Paediatrician in the Department of
Paediatrics, National University Hospital (NUH). Her area of clinical expertise is in paediatric gastrointestinal
disease, hepatology and liver transplantation. She has an interest in nutrition and feeding issues in
children, and set up the Interdisciplinary Feeding and Nutrition Clinic at NUH in 2013. In recognition of the
rising trend of inflammatory bowel disease in children in SE Asia, she initiated the Paediatric IBD Regional
Network in 2017 and is the Chair of its EXCO. Dr Aw also serves as the Chair of the Paediatric
Gastrointestinal Subcommittee for the Asian Pan-Pacific Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology
Hepatology and Nutrition. Dr Aw is actively involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical
education. She is an Assistant Dean (Education) for the Medical School, as well as the Education Director
at NUH, overseeing all pre-employment placements and training (medical, nursing, allied health). She
currently serves on the Graduate Medical Education Committee as Chair of the Physician Health and
Resilience Subcommittee, and is actively involved in the School’s Longitudinal Mentorship Program for
Medical Students.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Gormit has more than 30 years of nursing experience and has worked in SGH, KKH and is currently posted
to SKH. She is the Director of Interprofessional Education (IPE) under College of Clinical Nursing, SingHealth
Academy. She has worked closely with the other members of the different colleges under SingHealth
Academy to champion IPE. As a member of the Interprofessional Collaboration Practice Taskforce, she
has facilitated on interprofessional education workshops and activities on asthma, sexual education, and
ward rounds in collaboration. She has also attended the Virtual Interprofessional Teaching and Learning
(VITAL) Workshop in collaboration with the University of Toronto.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Badyal contributed significantly to new competency based UG medical curriculum in India as
Member of Reconciliation Board of Medical Council of India. He is member National Medical Commission
(NMC) Task Force for Implementation of competency-based curriculum in India. His area of interest
includes faculty training for teaching learning & assessment, simulations, and competency-based
curriculum. He is Senior Editor, Indian Journal of Pharmacology. He is Faculty in International and National
Medical education programs and published >120 papers, written research modules and authored 2
books & contributed chapters in other. Received several awards & fellowships in medical education &
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ashokka Balakrishnan
Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, National University Hospital; and Associate Member, Centre for
Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Kenneth Ban
Phase I Director, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Kenneth obtained his BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and MBBS degrees from the National University of
Singapore (NUS) and a PhD in Cancer Biology from Stanford University. He completed his postdoctoral
training at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) Singapore before joining NUS Medicine. He
currently serves as the Phase I Director, overseeing the implementation of the medical sciences curriculum
for first-year medical students. He also serves as the Director of the NUS Medicine Bioinformatics Core
Facility and the Program Director for Health/Biomedical Sciences at the National Supercomputing Centre
Singapore (NSCC).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Jennifer Bao
Senior Assistant Director (Education), Chief Nursing Officer’s Office, Ministry of Health, Singapore
Ms Jennifer Bao is the Senior Assistant Director (Education) at the Chief Nursing Officer’s office, Ministry of
Health (MOH). She provides strategic direction for the establishment of the National Nursing Academy
(NNA) and works with various stakeholders and healthcare institutions to promote life-long learning in
every nurse and enable continuous professional development of nurses with quality workplace-based
training programmes. Ms Bao also supports the development of nursing education at national level,
including course admission policy, clinical training quality, curriculum review and nursing career
progression. Prior to joining MOH, Ms Bao had spent 17 years as an educator in the School of Health
Sciences, Ngee Ann Polytechnic. She is an advocator for the transformation of nursing education with ICT
innovations which make learning real and authentic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Jo Bishop
Associate Dean, Student Affairs Service Quality (SASQ), Bond University, Australia
As the Associate Dean, Student Affairs Service Quality (SASQ), A/Prof Bishop ensures that all students
reach their potential and are supported when required. What does support mean to her? It all too often
encompasses an array of complexity for the individual and as SASQ they provide a confidential,
personalised triage opportunity to ensure students feel safe and listened to. The current stats around
mental health are daunting but together we can support our own wellbeing and those around us to live
fulfilled lives.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Graduated from Universidad La Salle, Faculty of Medicine, specialised in the field of paediatrics in Mexico.
She completed her PhD at Nagoya University in paediatric oncology and completed her postdoctoral
training at UC Davis, USA at the department of dermatology. Currently working at Nagoya University as
Associate Professor in the department of International Affairs as well as in the Cancer Immune Therapy
Research Centre. Skilled in cancer Immunotherapy & Cancer Research. She is also focused in
international medical education at Nagoya university and delivers education to medical
undergraduates. She also implemented the joint on-line clinical cases discussion between the universities
of GAME-consortium.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Chen Fun Gee graduated from the Faculty of Medicine National University of Singapore in April 1981.
He completed his postgraduate training in Anaesthesia in Singapore in 1987. He underwent subspecialty
training in Critical Care Medicine at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney in 1990. With an interest in medical
education, Dr Chen underwent a 2-year Masters Health Professions Education course at Maastricht
University Holland and graduated in 2016.Dr Chen joined the Department of Anaesthesia National
University Hospital in 1986 and became an academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine, National University
of Singapore in 1989. He subsequently held positions as Director of Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Clinical
Director Anaesthesia, Vice Chairman Medical Board (Quality Assurance), Head of Department of
Anaesthesia (NUS and NUH and Director, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine. Dr Chen is a member of the Singapore Medical Council, the Singapore Specialist Accreditation
Board, and the Family Medicine Accreditation Board. He is the Co-Chair, Joint Committee of Specialist
Training and Chair, Joint Committee of Family Medicine Training. He sits in advisory panels in licensing
assessments in Advance Practice Nursing and Pharmacy Residencies. For his contributions in education,
he was awarded a Public Administration Medical (Bronze) during the Singapore National Day Awards
2016.Dr Chen’s research interest has been in the area of outcomes in critical care, airway devices,
medical simulation as well as assessments in medical education, in particular residency training
outcomes. He has been invited as a faculty internationally to talk on critical care management, use of
airway devices as well as medical simulation in medical education. Dr Chen has also served as an
anaesthesia examiner in postgraduate anaesthesia examinations in Singapore, Hong Kong, and
Malaysia. Dr Chen’s extracurricular interest is in jazz music. He is a student of the saxophone and electric
guitar and has performed publicly in D&Ds and celebratory events.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Zhi Xiong is Assistant Dean (Education) of NUS Medicine. He is Chairperson of Asia-Pacific Biomedical
Science Educators Association and Board Member of International Association of Medical Science
Educators. Zhi Xiong is Principal Investigator of Neurodevelopment and Cancer Laboratory at NUS Centre
for Cancer Research and Joint Scientist of KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Involved in the education
of medical, dental, pharmacy and life sciences students, Zhi Xiong is exploring ways to broaden health
professions education and promote transdisciplinary learning with specific interests in the role of medical
sciences in health professions practice, faculty development, student affairs and medical education
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Michelle Choa
Regional Director for Asia-Pacific, International Federation for Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA),
Michelle is a recent graduate of the Doctor of Medicine Program at the University of the East Roman
Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, Inc. in Manila, Philippines. She is currently serving as Regional
Director for Asia-Pacific for the International Federation for Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), one
of the world’s oldest and largest student-run organizations representing 1.3 million medical students from
around the globe. She was also the Liaison Officer to IFMSA for Asian Medical Students' Association –
Philippines (AMSA-Phil). She strongly believes that meaningful youth involvement in global health
constitutes an essential asset worth investing in. She also advocates for disability inclusion and the health
of people with disabilities.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Chong Choon Seng graduated from the National University of Singapore (MBBS) in 2004 and obtained
his Fellowship diploma from Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2013 and continued his fellowship
in one of the most prestigious cancer centres in South Korea, Samsung Medical Centre. As a Senior
Consultant in Colorectal Surgery, his clinical interest is Minimally Invasive Colorectal Cancer Surgery. An
established instructor for in many regional centres for cancer treatment. Courses include endoscopic
stenting and resection for cancers, transanal total mesorectum excision (taTME) for rectal cancers and
laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer. Locally, he is appointed as the representative for robotic
surgery in the division of colorectal surgery in NUHS. Internationally, he is appointed as a visiting expert
with Boston Scientific and a recognized collaborator in COLOR III trial. Appointed as an Assistant Professor
in surgery, Dr Chong is significantly involved in both the undergraduate and postgraduate medical
education. He has obtained numerous awards including Best teacher award, NUH Excellence teaching
award and nominated role model for students over several years. In 2018, he was awarded the Special
Recognition Award and the Dean’s Honour Roll for teaching excellence. In 2019, he was awarded the
NUH Eminent Teacher Award in recognition of his continual excellence in teaching efforts. Since 2019, he
has been appointed as Assistant Dean (enterprise), NUS to lead Continual Education and Teaching (CET)
and assist in executive matters in administration.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Chong Shin Yuet is a Senior Consultant at the Department of Anaesthesiology at Singapore General
Hospital (SGH). She is currently the Lead in Simulation in the Singhealth Anaesthesiology & Perioperative
Sciences ACP. She leads a core group of educators who conduct multidisciplinary in situ simulation crisis
management workshops for healthcare teams in operating theatres and ICUs within SGH and Seng Kang
General Hospital. They also run simulation workshops for nurses, medical students, residents, medical
officers and specialists, as well as train-the-trainer courses. She is also faculty for the Master Debriefer
course offered by the Debriefing Academy.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Sandy Cook
Senior Associate Dean, Office of Education, Duke-NUS Medical School, National University of Singapore,
Dr. Cook, Senior Associate Dean, Office Education at Duke-NUS Medical School (DNUS) and Deputy
Director of the Academic Medicine Education Institute (AM.EI), received her PhD from Cornell University.
Her Master’s and Bachelor’s, both from Ohio State University. Dr. Cook joined DNUS June 2006. She
facilitated the development of TeamLEAD, as the primary instructional strategy for DNUS basic science
year. She helped establish the AM.EI in 2012, a joint venture with Duke-NUS and SingHealth, designed to
promote excellence in education for Health Professional Educators. In 2016 received the Master Scholar
Award from the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Faith L. Chia
Designated Institutional Official, National Healthcare Group, Singapore
Dr. Faith Chia is a Senior Consultant in the Department of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, Tan
Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore. She is currently a council member on both the College of Physicians and
College of Clinician Educators, and also contributes as the deputy chair for National Healthcare Group
(NHG) DSRB E. Faith actively teaches both undergraduates and post-graduates and has been recognised
numerous teaching awards including the ACGME International Physician Leader Award in 2021. She is
Adjunct Assistant Professor with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and senior lecturer at the Yong
Loo Lin School of Medicine. She was previously the Programme Director for the NHG Internal Medicine
Residency Programme and is currently the Designated Institutional Official of NHG Residency.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Kimberly Dahlman
Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA
Kim Dahlman, PhD is an educator and cancer biologist who has demonstrated educational leadership in
curriculum and faculty development, foundational science integration, student assessment, and
program evaluation. Dr. Dahlman oversees the Integrated Science Course program at Vanderbilt. She
has been recognized for her outstanding educational contributions by election to the Vanderbilt
Academy for Excellence in Education and as President-Elect to the Association of Biochemistry Educators.
Recently she was awarded the Denis M. O’Day award for Team Implemented Curriculum from Vanderbilt
and the Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation from the International Association
of Medical Science Educators.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Peter GM de Jong
Editor-in-Chief, International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), The Netherlands
Peter de Jong is a strategic advisor and senior researcher in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning
at Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands, where he leads a team for the development,
implementation, and support of learning materials and where he provides strategic advice in the field of
technology enhanced learning. His research interest is in the field of Blended Learning in medical
education, especially the integration of Massive Open Online Courses into regular classroom teaching.
He authored several articles on the topic of the use of computers in education and online learning, and
presented almost 200 orals, poster and workshop presentations. Since 2007 Peter is involved in the
International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), an international organization with a
focus on advancing medical education through faculty development while ensuring that the teaching
and learning of medicine continues to be firmly grounded in science. Since 2010 he holds the position of
Editor-in-Chief of Medical Science Educator, the online journal of IAMSE published by Springer. Under his
leadership the journal has grown into one of the leading journals in the field of health professions
education. In his capacity of editor, he conducted numerous workshops, sessions and lectures on
scholarship and publishing. Since 2012 Peter chairs an international group of Editors of Health Professions
Education Journals.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Bonny Dickinson
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, and Director of Medical Education Research, Mercer University
School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Dickinson earned her PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from Tulane University and completed
post-doctoral fellowships at the National Institutes of Health and Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical
School. She is a graduate of the Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators in Health Professions and
earned a master’s degree in health professions education from the Massachusetts General Hospital
Institute of Health Professions. Dr. Dickinson begins her term as president of IAMSE in January 2022. Her
scholarship focuses on how the basic sciences are taught, the application of basic science knowledge
to patient care, and professional identity formation.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Diann Eley
Director of MD Research, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Australia
Professor Diann (Di) Eley is the Director of MD Research, Chair of the Medical Student Research sub-
Committee, Chair of the Low and Negligible Risk (LNR) Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), and
the MD Post Graduate Coordinator in the Faculty of Medicine. She is Deputy Chair of the UQ HREC
Committee-A. Di became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in 2018.
Di’s research career began with a Master's of Science degree (MSc) in reproductive physiology at the
University of Florida in 1978. She subsequently worked for nearly 20 years as a bench scientist in bio-
medical laboratories in Kenya and the UK. In 2000, she began her academic career after receiving a PhD
in health and exercise psychology at the University of Bristol. She moved to the School of Medicine at UQ
in late 2003.
The primary focus of Di’s research is medical education, research training and rural health workforce. Her
specific area of research interest deals with personality and its association with student well-being and
career decision making. Di is responsible for the development and implementation of the Clinician-
Scientist Track in the UQ Medicine Program which encourages student interest and experience in research
and facilitates medical students undertaking a higher degree by research (MD-PhD, MD-MPhil) alongside
their medical degree.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Sohair Elsiddig
Paediatric Consultant, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
Dr. Sohair Elsiddig works as a paediatric consultant at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) - Doha Qatar.
She graduated in 2008 from Omdurman Islamic University's Faculty of Medicine and completed her
paediatric residency training and Academic Paediatric Fellowship in HMC-Qatar. She is very active in the
field of medical education and simulation. She conducts many sessions and simulation workshops for
medical students in Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar, College of Medicine at Qatar University, and
paediatric residents in HMC program. Dr. Sohair is an instructor in the professionalism medical education
program and Continued Medical Education (CME) programs in HMC. Dr. Sohair has an interest in clinical
research she has considerable research activities and during the last few years, she published and
presented many original research papers in Peer-Reviewed Pub-Med journals and International
Paediatric Conferences.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ardi Findyartini
Associate Professor in Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Ardi Findyartini is a medical doctor graduated from Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) in
2002. She completed the doctoral programme in Melbourne Medical School Faculty of Medicine,
Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne in 2012. The highlight of her thesis on how
clinical reasoning is taught and learned in Australia and Indonesia motivates her to learn further on how
best practices in medical education can be implemented contextually. She is currently the Head of
Department of Medical Education, the Head of Medical Education Unit and the Coordinator of Medical
Education Cluster at Indonesia Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) at the Faculty of
Medicine Universitas Indonesia. She has been teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes
in medical education and mentoring students and graduates in conducting research in medical
education. With her team, she’s been very active in conducting workshops for faculty development in
undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in the FMUI and in other institutions in Indonesia for
the past 13 years and is a nominated panel member for ASPIRE excellence in faculty development since
2014. She authored and co-authored several international publications in peer reviewed journals and
conferences. She’s also been involved as the reviewer of national and international medical education
journals. Her research area of interest includes professional development, faculty development, clinical
reasoning and clinical teaching, inter-professional education, curriculum development, and socio-
cultural factors underpinning approaches in medical and health professions education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Kelvin Foong is a tenured Associate Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, NUS and a Senior Consultant
at NUCOHS. He graduated from NUS in 1988 with the Bachelor of Dental Surgery and with a PhD in 2005.
He obtained the Master in Dental Surgery in Orthodontics from The University of Adelaide in 1994 and the
Membership in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1996. A/P Foong has
been the Director of the NUS Orthodontics Residency Program since 2000. His educational inquiries
revolve around how students learn with technology and how to make this learning visible.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Kirsty Forrest
Dean of Medicine, Professor of Medical Education, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond
University, Australia
Kirsty has been involved in medical education research for over 15 years, and her research has been
translated through co-authoring and editing several best-selling medical textbooks including
‘Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice’ and ‘Healthcare Simulation at a
Glance’. Kirsty's passion for medical education extends beyond the undergraduate forum into the
graduate forum through her roles as member of the Education, Development and Evaluation Committee
and a lead facilitator for the educator program of Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
(ANZCA). She works clinically as a Consultant Anaesthetist at Gold Coast University Hospital and her
clinical research areas include medical leadership education and patient safety. Kirsty’s other leadership
roles, including as an Executive Member and Treasurer of the Medical Deans of Australia and New
Zealand and Chair of the Medical Education Collaborative committee.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Matthew Frese
General Manager, Med Learning Group, USA
Matthew Frese, General Manager for Med Learning Group, is responsible for the development and
implementation of the vision and mission of MLG’s continuing medical education programming. Matthew
has more than 17 years of experience in the Continuing Medical Education arena. Matthew specializes
in developing innovative approaches to continuing education and establishing unique partnerships to
provide continuing education and data solutions. Matthew has also served as a volunteer Site Surveyor
for the past 10 years for the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. Matthew holds a
B.A. in Psychology from Quinnipiac University and an M.B.A from Quinnipiac University School of Business.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Goh Poh-Sun
Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National
University of Singapore, Senior Consultant, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National University
Hospital and Associate Member, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Poh-Sun (MBBS(Melb) 1987, FRCR 1993, FAMS 1998, MHPE(Maastricht) 2012 and FAMEE 2017) practices on
the clinician educator tract (80/20 time allocation clinical/education) augmenting his education and
training time allocation with technology, and regular cumulative early morning focused scholarly efforts,
spent developing and evaluating the use of open access online digital repositories in clinical training, and
medical education faculty development, under a mastery training and deliberate practice framework.
He focuses his efforts on the challenge of transfer to practice, in the widest possible settings, through use
of reusable comprehensive digital content, iterative low cost proof of concept implementation
combined with collaborations and partnerships to scale, all anchored on a solid foundation of theory and
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Harumi Gomi
Professor, Office of Medical Education, and Center for Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine,
International University of Health and Welfare, Japan
Dr. Harumi Gomi graduated from Okayama University Medical School, Japan. She completed her
residency in internal medicine at Mount Sinai Beth Israel, New York, and fellowship in infectious diseases
at the University of Texas-Houston. She obtained her master’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins
University, and master’s degree in health professions education from Maastricht University.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Associate Professor Goy is a Senior Consultant Anaesthesiologist and Deputy Campus Education Director
(Postgraduate Education) at the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. He obtained his postgraduate
certification (Master of Medicine Anaesthesia, Singapore and Fellowship of the Australian and New
Zealand College of Anaesthetists) in 2003, and Masters of Health Professions Education (Maastricht) in
2017. His medical education research interests include reflective learning and practice, complex learning,
work-based assessment, and feedback. He is a member of the SingHealth Interprofessional Collaborative
Practice (IPCP) Taskforce.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Janet Grant
Professor, Centre for Medical Education in Context, United Kingdom
Janet is an educational psychologist and Director of CenMEDIC, London. She is an Honorary Professor of
University College London Medical School and Senior Scholar, Department of Medical Education at the
University of Illinois at Chicago. She is also Emerita Professor of Education in Medicine at the UK Open
University. Janet has mainly conducted policy research in medical education for the UK government and
professional and regulatory bodies. She focuses on policy research, regulation, educational
development, continuing professional development and curriculum in context. CenMEDIC runs an
international distance learning Master’s course on accreditation and assessment in health professions
education. Janet has been a regulator in both medical education and legal education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Nadia Greviana
Lecturer and Researcher in Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Nadia has a background as a dentist, obtained her DDS degree from Faculty of Dentistry Universitas
Padjadjaran. She started her journey as medical educationalist in 2019 upon obtaining her master degree
in medical education from Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia in which she actively teaches and
conducts research in the field. She is also a core researcher in Medical Education Center, Indonesian
Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) FMUI. Her main research interest in medical education
is assessment of professionalism, technology enhanced learning, mentoring, as well as student support
and wellbeing.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Lois is the Clinical Director of Maluk Timor, a Timorese NGO focusing on capacity building of primary care
in Timor-Leste. In this role, Lois oversees Learning & Development (Education and Research), Staff Health
and Volunteer Management. She has previously worked in Sierra Leone, delivering hospice care and
supporting programmatic interventions in Neglected Tropical Diseases. Lois believes that everyone should
have access to competent, compassionate healthcare. She is particularly interested in cross-cultural
communication, health literacy and narrative medicine.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Intekhab Islam
Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore
A/Prof Intekhab Islam is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of
Dentistry, NUS. He graduated with B.D.S. from India in 2001. He pursued specialty training in Oral and
Maxillofacial surgery from NUS in 2008. He went on to complete a PhD in Bone Tissue Engineering from NUS
in 2017. A/Prof Intekhab has been the recipient of the NUS Annual Teaching excellence award in 2016
and has won the award numerous times at the Faculty Level in Dentistry. His research interests include
using Virtual and Augmented reality for Simulation Training and for Undergraduate Dental Education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Maryellen Gusic
Senior Associate Dean (Education), Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University, USA
Dr. Maryellen E. Gusic has extensive experience in administrative leadership with a career and scholarly
focus in education and professional development. She is Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for
ECFMG/FAIMER (Intealth) and an inaugural member and Chair of the Executive Committee for the
National Academy of Distinguished Educators in Pediatrics. Dr. Gusic has presented over two hundred
peer-reviewed and invited professional development sessions at national and international meetings and
as a visiting professor. Her peer-reviewed educational publications and presentations have focused on
evaluating educational scholarship, promoting the academic advancement of faculty, measuring the
impact of professional development and mentoring programs and competency-based assessment.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Matthew C E Gwee
Emeritus Professor and Chairman, International and Education Programmes, Centre for Medical
Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health
System, Singapore
Professor Gwee is currently an Emeritus Professor in the Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School
of Medicine, National University of Singapore. He joined the medical school in 1965 and has served in it in
several capacities, including: Head, Dept. of Pharmacology, Vice-Dean of the then faculty of medicine,
Chairman, PBL Committee and several Committees responsible for the disbursement of funds to needy
students as well as educational scholarships to students. He has served in external organisations like WHO,
Ministry of Health and CASE. He was also appointed to the NUS Teaching Academy by the then Provost
of NUS. Professor Gwee also served as a Member of the University Committee on Educational Policy;
the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee; inaugural Co-Chairman of the Nursing Curriculum
Committee, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies; and Associate Director of the Centre for Development
of Teaching and Learning. Professor Gwee is a pioneer in the field of medical education in Singapore. In
1978 he pursued a Master of Health Personnel Education degree from the University of NSW on the award
of a Scholarship. He received the prestigious: MILES Award in the 3rd Asia Pacific Medical Education
Conference in 2006 in recognition of his many contributions to Mentoring, Innovation and Leadership
in Educational Scholarship; the Lifetime Achievement Award from APMEC 2015 and, the Lifetime
Achievement Award from the Association of Medical Education for Europe presented in Helsinki.
Professor Gwee served in numerous local, regional and international committees, Advisory Boards as well
as Editorial Boards, including Medical Teacher, Medical Education and the International Journal of
Medical Education. Professor Gwee has been invited as speaker/panellist for several gold standard
meetings in medical education in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Professor Gwee has served as a
Member of the Management Committee of the Association for Medical Education in Asia, and also as a
Member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators.
He has published several chapters in books, including: “Globalisation of Medical Education: An Asian
Perspective” (together with D Samarasekera and Tan Chay Hoon). He has also contributed to other book
chapters, the most recent (2018) is a chapter (“Large Group Teaching”) in the International Textbook
“Understanding Medical Education”. Professor Gwee also published two key papers in Special Issues to
commemorate the centenary year (2010) of the Flexner Report in the Journal of Medical Education
(“Medical and Health Care Professional Education in the 21st Century: Institutional, National and Global
Perspectives”) and the Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (“Role of
Basic Medical Sciences in 21st Century Medical Education.”).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Aviad Haramati
Professor, Georgetown University School of Medicine, USA
Aviad “Adi” Haramati, PhD, is Dr. Haramati is an award-winning physiologist and medical educator. He is
Professor of Integrative Physiology and Medicine, and Founding Director of the Center for Innovation and
Leadership in Education (CENTILE), at Georgetown University Medical Center, in Washington, DC. He
received a PhD in Physiology and came to Georgetown after 5 years at Mayo Clinic. His research interests
addressed renal and electrolyte homeostasis, but now he focuses on health professions education. Dr.
Haramati has advocated that mindful practices, together with group sessions, be integrated into the
curriculum for training health professionals in an effort to improve and learning and work environments at
academic health centers. Dr. Haramati is a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of
American Medical Colleges and he has been a visiting professor at over 100 medical schools worldwide.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Manasik Hassan is general paediatric consultant at HMC and a Clinical Lecturer in General Paediatrics,
College of Medicine, Qatar University. Dr Manasik received her medical training at Gezira University in
Sudan. She has worked as a general paediatrician at Hamad Medical Corporation since 2015. Dr.
Manasik’s areas of practice and interest includes inpatient medicine, participating in designing and
conducting clinical research, teaching, and supervising residents during their residency, putting great
effort in clinical and academic researchers and quality improvement projects in paediatric programs.
She has a wide variety of accepted abstracts and has presented workshops in multiple international
conferences. She is an instructor of different educational committee including communication,
simulation, quality and safety.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wayne Hazell
Associate Professor, University of Queensland, Australia
Associate Professor Wayne Hazell is passionate broadly for student/junior doctor clinical & medical
education development. Multiple education leadership roles over the years in NZ and Australia,
combined with a Masters in Clinical Education, have led to the Australasian College for Emergency
Medicine (ACEM) award for assisting formative years, ACEM service award 2018, the UQ Faculty of
Medicine ATE (Advanced Teaching Excellence) award. His current roles include Emergency Physician,
Supervisor EM Registrar & UQ resident in medical education, EM UQ student coordinator, Advanced
Hospital Practice student coordinator, UQ Site coordinator, The Prince Charles Hospital Northside Clinical
Unit. He also currently co-ordinate the UQ wide Critical Care Course.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Eric S. Holmboe
Chief, Research, Milestones Development and Evaluation Office, Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education (ACGME), USA
Dr. Holmboe is Chief, Research, Milestones Development and Evaluation Officer at the Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). He is Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the Yale
University School of Medicine and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He is Adjunct
Professor of Medical Education at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Paul was Deputy Director of Clinical Teaching prior to taking up the Programme Director role for the GEM
course in June 2011. He has a background in clinical examination and consultation skills teaching. Paul
jointly leads and teaches on the Swansea Masters’ course in leadership and teaches on a joint Masters in
education programme. His research interests lie predominantly, but not exclusively, in simulation,
assessment and innovative teaching methods. Publications include mental workload measurement
during student consultations, social learning theory, the predictive value of self-assessed clinical skills in
medical students and an evaluation of the use of experiential learning in teaching clinical skills to trainee
physicians. More recently he has co-authored a chapter on future visioning for health leadership in Curtis’
“Leadership and Change for the Health Professional” book as well as a case study in “The International
Handbook of Medical Education” book edited by Ron Harden et al.
Paul has a strong background in training, hospital management and leadership, gained from working in
senior clinical, advanced practice roles and more recently from running leadership workshops in
international conferences in Canada, Ireland, Singapore, Mexico, the UK and Saudi Arabia as well as
presenting posters related to medical education in conferences both in Britain and internationally.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Amal Khidir
Associate Professor of Paediatrics, Qatar
Dr. Khidir is the paediatric clerkship director and vice chair of the Institutional Review Board at Weill Cornell
Medicine - Qatar (WCM-Q). Graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Khartoum University, Sudan,
completed residency training at Howard University Hospital, Washington, D.C. and joined Howard
University as faculty. Completed Harvard Macy Institute Faculty Development Programme. Received
several teaching awards beside the COMSEP 2021 Research and Scholarly Award. Areas of interest are
medical education, professional development, and cultural competency. She is the co-founder of the
Professionalism Course and Workshops conducted at Hamad Medical Corporation. Led several medical
education workshops locally, nationally, and internationally.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Koh Dow Rhoon is an alumni of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and completed his undergraduate
training in medicine in 1981. He then went on to complete his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine,
Rheumatology and Immunology. He has been active in medical education for almost two decades and
has been the Vice-Dean (Education) from 2001 to 2010, driving medical education reforms in the school.
He is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Physiology and Visiting Senior Consultant in the
Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, National University Health System (NUHS). With PTAS,
Ministry of Health, he is leading the development of a common medical school standards as well as a
quality improvement framework for undergraduate medical education in Singapore. His current interests
are in curricular reforms, quality assurance and student learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Celeste Kolanko
President, Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), United Kingdom
Celeste Kolanko has a master’s degree in education and more than 20 years of experience in business
and education. She has worked the past 15+ years in Independent Medical Education (IME)/Continuing
Medical Education (CME), delivering large-scale, global programmes across a variety of therapy areas.
Celeste is President of the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) and is an active member of the
Good CME Practice Group (gCMEp), where she currently serves as a member of the Steering Group.
Celeste is Managing Director of Liberum IME, which was started to meet the needs of a growing European
market. She brings international IME/CME best practice experience to the group. Celeste has held other
senior leadership roles in both Europe and the USA, including Managing Director of PCM Scientific in the
UK and a senior leadership role at DIME, an accredited provider that achieved accreditation with
commendation under the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Kong graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and completed her training in
General Medicine and Endocrinology at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong. She had her overseas
training at the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine at University of California, San Diego,
United States. She became a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine in 2000, with accreditation
in Advanced Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. She is also a Fellow of the Royal
College of Physicians, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Dr. Kong is devoted in medical education from undergraduate to postgraduate levels. She is innovative
in deriving new platforms of medical education and is the founding director of Global Experience for
Medical Students (GEMS) and CUHK representative in GAME (Global Alliance of Medical Excellence) -TEI
(Transnational Education Initiatives) Project. She has repeatedly been awarded Exemplary Teachers'
Award for Junior Medical Clerkship and is the chairperson of Advanced Internal Medicine Specialty
Board, Hong Kong College of Physicians (2017-2021). She is the Editor-in-chief of Primary Care Diabetes,
and has published over 260 articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Associate Professor Kow is currently working as the Head and Senior Consultant at the Division of
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery at the National University Health System
Singapore. His main areas of specialty are Hepatobiliary Surgery, Liver Transplantation and Minimally
Invasive Surgery. A/Prof Kow also spends a large portion of his time on medical education, in teaching
medical students and residents as well as developing medical curriculum for the Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine. He has received numerous teaching awards at the hospital, faculty and the university over the
past 10 years, including two time recipients of the NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA). He is
a fellow at the NUS Teaching Academy.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Martina Sinta Kristanti (Sinta) is a nursing lecturer at Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Public
Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia. She was graduated from UGM (2005),
Master degree from Monash University (2008) and a Doctoral degree from Radboud University, the
Netherlands (2020). Her job covers area of teaching, research and publication as well as community
development. Every year, she is providing assistance for joint-students from medical, nursing and nutrition
programs for interprofessional education activities. She is the course coordinator for nursing education
program and is assigned as assessment team leader in Postgraduate Nursing Program, UGM. Her interest
is also on culture and art, in 2017-2019 she was elected as a Museum Ambassador of Yogyakarta,
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Vitomir Kovanović
Senior Lecturer, Education Futures, University of South Australia, Australia
Dr Vitomir Kovanović is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Analytics at University of South Australia Education
Futures. His research focuses on development of learning analytics systems to provide insights into student
learning and guide pedagogical interventions. Vitomir obtained his PhD at the University of Edinburgh,
the United Kingdom in 2017. Highly active in learning analytics research community, Vitomir served as the
Program Co-Chair for 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK’20) and
currently serves as an associated editor for the Higher Education Research & Development Journal (Taylor
& Francis) and Academic Editor for PLoS ONE Journal.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dale Kummerle
Past-President, Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), USA
Dr. Dale Kummerle is a pharmacist and has been involved in education his entire career, from starting his
career as a Nova Southeastern University Assistant professor, to educating healthcare professionals and
patients as a Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) Medical Science Liaison, to his role as BMS Department Lead for
Medical Education. Following his 20+ years at BMS, he was the Executive Director of Global Professional
Relations and Independent Medical Education at Merck & Co (MSD outside the US) and worked to
implement new global IME policies. He is now Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Medical
Education (GAME) and continues to work consulting on education strategy and lifelong learning. He has
4 years of international business experience in Europe and the Middle East, building and managing a
team of medical scientists across 14 countries. Dale’s lifelong passion for learning and teaching has
provided him with opportunities to lecture internationally, including North America, Europe, China, and
Japan, and including presentations at AMEE, APMEC, EU CME Forum, The Alliance for Continuing
Education of Healthcare Professionals (ACEHP) and the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME)
During Dale's career, he has gravitated towards professional association involvement, including a
national position with the American Pharmaceutical Association, Committee participation with the
Florida Pharmacists Association, president of the Broward County Pharmacists Association, the Alliance
Annual Conference Chair (ACEHP), and President of GAME. Dale is glad to be back actively speaking
internationally and now, as Executive Director of GAME, developing strategy to enhance lifelong learning
on a globally.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
James Kwan
Senior Consultant, Department of Emergency Medicine, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
James is Senior Consultant in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Tan Tock Seng Hospital in
Singapore. He holds academic appointments at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and Yong Loo
Lin School of Medicine. He is Chair of the Core Curriculum and Education Committee at International
Federation for Emergency Medicine. He was the Academic Lead in Emergency Medicine and
Assessment at the School of Medicine at Western Sydney University, Australia, prior to his move to
Singapore. James is passionate about medical education and has led curricular development in
undergraduate medical and postgraduate training programmes at national and international levels.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Tao Le
Associate Clinical Professor, University of Louisville, USA
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Lee Sumin
Senior Consultant, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore
Sumin is a paediatric anaesthetist with special interests in medical education, simulation and patient
experience. Current positions held include Core faculty with the SingHealth Anaesthesiology Residency
Programme (postgraduate), an examiner for the Master of Medicine (Anaesthesiology) Examinations,
and as Clinical Faculty at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (undergraduate), National University of
Singapore. She is involved in healthcare simulation at many levels, and believes in the power of it in areas
educational, human factors awareness, quality improvement and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Lee Shuh Shing is a medical educationalist in Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin
School of Medicine. Prior joining NUS, she was a Medical Educationalist attached to the Medical
Education Research and Development Unit (MERDU) in University of Malaya, Malaysia. After obtaining
her PhD in education, she has been actively involved in MBBS curriculum planning and provide staff
training in University of Malaya. Her main research interests are in teaching and learning approaches,
technology in teaching and learning, student learning and qualitative research.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Young-Mee Lee
Professor, Korea University College of Medicine(KUCM), South Korea
She is a family physician and medical education specialist. Her major interesting research fields in medical
education are; professionalism, communication skills education, and curriculum development. She is an
Editor-in-Chief of Korean Journal of Medical Education and a editorial board member of TAPS, and BMC
Medical Education. She is a project leader of the TEI (Transnational Educational Initiatives) of the GAME
(Global Alliance of Medical Excellence), which is a strategic international network of medical schools that
share a common interest in promoting innovative medical education and undertaking impactful
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Professor Lim was Head of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, NUHS from 1999-2012. He implemented the
Severe Community Acquired Pneumonia and Non-Invasive Ventilation for life-threatening COPD
Programmes for which he received National Medical Excellence awards in 2010 and 2014. He received
the Master Clinician Award from the NUHS in 2011. As Chair of the Singapore National Asthma Programme
he has won international recognition from the World Health Organisation's GINA (2015). He also chaired
the Ministry of Health workgroup on COPD integrated care and clinical practice guidelines (pub 2018).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Lim Yao Hui is third year medical student at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. As Honorary General
Secretary of the 73rd NUS Medical Society, his term revolves around mental wellbeing amongst medical
students. He strongly believes in the importance of a work life balance in maintaining mental well-being
and is keenly invested in the holistic wellbeing and professional development of medical students.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Victor W K Loh
Assistant Professor and Education Director, Division of Family Medicine, National University of Singapore,
Dr Victor Loh is a Senior Consultant Family Physician, Education Director of Family Medicine, and lead for
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) curriculum at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine/NUSMed. He is
a firm believer in harnessing innate student idealism and enthusiasm for learning. His research interests
include training in Person-centredness and the Social Determinants of Health, Youth Mental Health (YMH),
and positive Professional Identity Formation (PIF).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
William May
Dean, College of Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences, and Acting Vice-Chancellor, Fiji National University,
He is a Consultant General Physician, member of the Fiji Medical & Dental Councils. Dean of the College
of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Fiji National University and Acting Vice-Chancellor. He is a
member of the Board of Management of the Fiji Medical and Dental Council, a Board Member of the
Western Pacific Association of Medical Educators (WPAME). Member of the Internal Medicine Society of
Australia and New Zealand (IMSANZ), ex-Vice President of the Internal Medicine Organization of the South
Pacific Executive Committee (IMOP) and a member of both the Fiji Medical Association and the Fiji
College of General practitioners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Judy McKimm
Independent Healthcare Education and Leadership Consultant; and Emeritus Professor of Medical
Education, Swansea University Medical School, United Kingdom
Judy initially trained as a nurse, with an academic background in social and health sciences, education
and management. She has led curriculum development, implementation and accreditation of
undergraduate medical and postgraduate programmes. She has worked on over sixty international
health workforce, reconstruction and education reform projects, was programme director for the
Leadership Masters at Swansea and is Director of ASME’s and AMEE’s international Educational
Leadership programmes. She publishes widely on medical education and leadership and runs health
professions’ leadership and education courses and workshops internationally. Her most recent book is
Medical Education at a Glance (with Jill Thistlethwaite and Kirsty Forrest).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Jeanette Mladenovic
President, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), USA
Over her 35 years in academic medicine, Dr. Mladenovic has served in several leadership roles, all of
which have given her a broad understanding of the multitude of issues that shape the trajectory of
women’s careers in medicine and science. Prior to her current position, Dr. Mladenovic was Executive
Vice-President and Provost at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU).
Dr. Mladenovic graduated from the University of Washington and its medical school. She trained in
internal medicine and haematology at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Stanford University, and the University of
Washington, where she also served as chief resident.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thomas J. Nasca
President and Chief Executive Officer, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME),
Dr. Nasca is President and Chief Executive Officer of the ACGME. He was also President of ACGME-I until
its recent reorganisation and currently serves as the Chair of its Board of Directors.
Dr. Nasca is board certified in internal medicine and nephrology. Prior to joining the ACGME, he served
as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Thomas Jefferson University and as the Anthony and
Gertrude DePalma Dean of Jefferson Medical College.
Dr. Nasca is the recipient of numerous awards, including three Honorary Doctoral degrees. He was named
one of the 50 Most Powerful/Influential Physician Executives in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 by Modern
Healthcare. He has been a leader in a number of organisations with missions to advance excellence in
medical education, including President of the Council of the Association of Program Directors in Internal
Medicine (APDIM). He served on the American Medical Association’s Initiative to Transform Medical
Education and on the Committee to Evaluate the US Medical Licensing Examination. He was a member
of the Council on Graduate Medical Education of the Department of Health and Human Services and
the US Congress. He is a former chair of the ACGME Review Committee for Internal Medicine and is
currently co-chair of the National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being
and Resilience. He is the author of over 190 peer-reviewed articles, chapters, and other publications, and
has delivered more than 475 invited lectures on topics related to medical education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ng Wee Khoon
Consultant, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Dr Ng is a Gastroenterology consultant with special interest in advanced endoscopy, working in Tan Tock
Seng Hospital, Singapore. He was appointed as the National Healthcare Group Internal Medicine
Programme Director in 2018. He is a special interest in postgraduate and undergraduate medical
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Shirley Ooi
Senior Consultant, Emergency Medicine Department (EMD), National University Hospital (NUH), National
University Health System, Singapore
A/Prof Ooi is a former Chief of the Emergency Medicine Department National University Hospital (NUH),
Singapore and the inaugural Designated Institutional Official of the NUHS Residency programme (Aug
2009-June 2020). She has served in numerous national clinical training committees. She is currently the
Associate Dean and Medical Clinical Education Lead in NUH, a member of the Emergency Medicine
national examination committee, and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education -
International (ACGME-I) review committee. She has been involved in teaching Evidence-based Medicine
since 1997. She completed her Masters of Health Professions Education (MHPE) in 2017 and the Newfield’s
Coach certification programme in May 2021. Her passion is in teaching/mentoring/coaching for which
she has won multiple awards - the most prestigious being the 2013 National Outstanding Clinician
Educator award for her outstanding and immense contribution in nurturing and shaping future medical
leaders, and the development of the field of Emergency Medicine in Singapore, as well as the ACGME-I
Physician Leader Award in Feb 2020 for extraordinary accomplishment in international graduate medical
education. She has written four books entitled “Guide to the Essentials in Emergency Medicine 1st, 2nd
and 3rd editions” and “Medicolegal Issues in Emergency Medicine and Family Practice: Case Scenarios”.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Amy Opalek
Senior Associate, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research
Amy Opalek is a Senior Associate at FAIMER, where she plans and executes strategies for the
development and integration of various information resources related to international medical
education, accreditation, and regulation, including the World Directory of Medical Schools. Dr. Opalek
holds a B.A. in Psychology from Drew University and an M.S. in Library and Information Science and Ph.D.
in Information Science from Drexel University. Her research interests include international data standards
for health workforce information management, health professions regulation, and the characteristics of
international medical education programs.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Neil Osheroff
Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Neil Osheroff is Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, and
currently holds the John G. Coniglio Chair in Biochemistry. In addition to running his research laboratory,
he has been a medical school course director since 1990, co-leads the pre-clerkship phase, and serves
as the Past-Director of the Academy for Excellence in Education. He is a Past-President of the Association
of Biochemistry Educators, sits on the Steering Committee of the Asia-Pacific Biomedical Science
Educators Association, and currently serves as the President of the International Association of Medical
Science Educators. Dr. Osheroff has received awards for mentoring, teaching, curricular design,
educational leadership and service, and promoting diversity and inclusion. He is also a Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has published over 260 papers and has
presented more than 300 scientific and educational talks in 32 different countries.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Pang Ningyi
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of
Singapore, Singapore
Dr Pang Ningyi is currently developing a healthcare service for migrant workers at St. Andrew’s Mission
Hospital, Singapore. He is interested in emergency, family and community medicine, and believes in
achieving a holistic care of patients regardless of their financial or social statuses. He also lived in Nepal
and India while doing various community and medical work. He is passionate about training medical
students and enjoys journeying with them as they learn and grow.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Hyunmi Park
Research Professor, Korea University College of Medicine, South Korea
Hyunmi Park is part of the Medical Education Department at Korea University College of Medicine with
experience in undergraduate and postgraduate training and research. She is involved in curriculum and
virtual reality education platforms development for both clinical and soft skills. Hyunmi was raised in Spain
and educated in England gaining her medical degree at Birmingham University and her PhD in medical
education at Nottingham University. She combined her surgical training with four years as a teaching
fellow for Nottingham University medical students. She is also a trained colorectal surgeon specialising in
minimally invasive robotic cancer surgery.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Simon Paterson-Brown
Honorary Senior Lecturer, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Mr Paterson-Brown was appointed to a Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal post in the Royal
Infirmary of Edinburgh in January 1994 and retired in March 2021. His main clinical interest now involves
supporting the Scottish clinical collaborative (SCC) which is based in the Faculty of Remote, Rural and
Humanitarian healthcare (FRRH) within the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd). This
collaborative aims to support surgical services in remote and rural areas of Scotland. He is also a Hon
Senior lecturer in Edinburgh University and teaches on MSc programme in Patient Safety and Clinical
Human Factors. He is also part of the Faculty for the delivery of the NoTSS (Non-technical skills for surgeons)
programme delivered by the RCSEd.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dong Haur graduated from School of Medicine, National University of Singapore in 1999, and qualified as
a specialist emergency physician in 2006. He is currently working as a senior consultant emergency
physician in Tan Tock Seng Hospital Emergency Department and the program director of the Emergency
Medicine residency program of the National Healthcare Group. His area of interest includes acute
poisoning and management, education assessment and clinical decision making.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Suresh Pillai
Senior Consultant, Emergency Medicine Department, National University Hospital, National University
Health System, Singapore
Associate Professor Pillai is a specialist Senior Consultant Emergency Physician at the National University
Hospital (NUH) and also Director of the Centre for Healthcare Simulation at the Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine, NUS. He has been instrumental in introducing simulation training into medical undergraduate
training in the School. He has developed international award-winning Virtual Reality Simulation training
modules and runs the Virtual Reality Simulation Laboratory.
As a multiple award-winning educator, inducted into the School’s Roll of Honour in 2021, his
undergraduate interests are in professional competency, crisis resource management, patient safety,
professionalism and life support training. He serves as core faculty for the Emergency Medicine Residency
Programme in NUH where he provides expert consultations in Clinical Toxicology. He is also involved at
the MOH level in planning and policy making in Emergency Preparedness and Mass Casualty Incident
Management. Over the years, he has been actively involved in several overseas humanitarian disaster
relief missions.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Samar Magboul
Acting Consultant (Paediatrics), Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
Dr. Magboul graduated from Sudan-Al Neelain University, Faculty of Medicine in 2010 and completed her
paediatrics training in Qatar.
She had her Paediatrics Infectious Diseases fellowship for a year, and subsequently joined and completed
her Academic General Paediatrics fellowship training. She was the Chief Fellow of the Academic General
Paediatrics for two years. Dr. Magboul’s interests are clinical research and medical education along with
quality improvement.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Kenneth Mak
Director of Medical Services, Ministry of Health, Singapore
Associate Professor Kenneth Mak is Director of Medical Services at the Ministry of Health Singapore. In this
role, he oversees the provision of all health services in Singapore.
Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, Associate Professor Mak has been heavily involved in our
national efforts to control the outbreak in Singapore. As Director of Medical Services in MOH, he advises
the Multi-Ministry Taskforce as well as other governmental agencies in crafting our overall strategy for
managing the outbreak and oversees our public health response to combat spread of COVID-19 in our
community. Associate Professor Mak is a familiar face as he has appeared regularly in the media
conferences of the COVID-19 Multi-Ministry Taskforce.
Associate Professor Mak was previously Deputy Director of Medical Services (Health Services Group) in
MOH from 2015 to end-2019. He worked closely with the Regional Health Systems and healthcare
institutions in Singapore on care integration as well as on Singapore’s long-term healthcare transformation
Associate Professor Mak was trained as a general surgeon with subspecialty interests in hepatobiliary and
pancreatic surgery, as well as in trauma surgery. He maintains his clinical practice as a Senior Consultant
surgeon in the Department of Surgery, at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
William W. Pinsky
President and Chief Executive Officer, Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG),
William W. Pinsky, M.D., FAAP, FACC, is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Educational
Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and Board Chair of the Foundation for
Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), ECFMG’s non-profit
foundation. A paediatric cardiologist, Dr. Pinsky received his medical degree from Saint Louis University
School of Medicine and trained at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital. He also holds
an Honorary Professor title from the University of Queensland, Australia. Dr. Pinsky has served on the boards
of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and the Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education, as well as the Alliance of Independent Academic Medical Centres,
where he also served as President.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Catherine Poey
Senior Nurse Educator, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore
An experienced Nurse Educator and trained midwife, Catherine is responsible for the training and
education of the nursing staff in KKH. She had designed and implemented various training programs to
provide her nursing colleagues and junior staff with advanced knowledge and skills so that they may
develop into competent and confident healthcare professionals. She also has a special interest in
interprofessional education (IPE) and practice and is a passionate member of the IPE faculty in KKH. She
had facilitated in numerous interprofessional education workshops, such as the IPE Ward Rounds and the
Virtual Interprofessional Teaching And Learning (VITAL) Workshop in collaboration with the University of
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Gita graduated as a medical doctor from Faculty of Medicine University of Brawijaya in 2006, acquired
MMedEd title from University of Indonesia in 2010 and going to doctoral candidate in the same field in
University of Indonesia in 2021. She is now the head of Medical Education Unit in Faculty of Medicine
University of Muhammadiyah Malang and also responsible for the interprofessional module in University of
Muhammadiyah Malang. Her research interests are reflection, interprofessional education, and
curriculum development.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Greg Radu
Student Affairs Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University; and Chair, Student Affairs Committee,
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, Canada
Greg Radu is Student Affairs Dean and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Memorial University. He works
clinically as a Consultant Psychiatrist at St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital in St. John’s, Canada. He is a member
of the Psychiatry Examination Board with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and
Chair of the European Psychiatric Association’s Section of Psychotherapy.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Subha Ramani
Director, Program for Research, Innovations and Scholarship, Department of Medicine, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital; Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA; Honorary Professor of
Medical Education, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Dr. Subha Ramani, a general internist and educationalist, is Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard
Medical School. She completed a Masters in Medical Education at University of Dundee and PhD in
Health Professions Education at Maastricht University. Dr. Ramani holds educational leadership roles at
the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Macy Institute. She is a member of the AMEE Executive
committee, chairs the Fellowship Committee and directs the ESME-CT course. She has several peer
reviewed publications in medical education journals and scholarly interests include: mentoring,
feedback, clinical teaching, mind-set, emotional intelligence and application of theory to educational
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Jai Prashanth Rao is a Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon in the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI). He
was awarded his FRCSEd (SN) in 2013 and a Master of Science (Health Professions Education) from the
MGH Institute of Health Professions in 2015. Dr Rao is the Programme Director of the Singhealth
Neurosurgery Residency Programme and the Co-Course Director of the Brain and Behaviour programme
in Duke-NUS Medical School. His education interests are in online learning, simulation and interprofessional
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Viktor Riklefs
Vice-Rector for Academic Work, Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan
Viktor Riklefs, PhD, MHPE is the Vice-Rector for Academic Work of Karaganda Medical University
(Kazakhstan). He holds the degree of International Master of Health Professions Education awarded by
the Maastricht University (Netherlands) and PhD in Physiology awarded by the Ministry of Education and
Science of Kazakhstan. He is an active medical educator and researcher in assessment (progress test,
OSCE), simulation-based healthcare instruction, e-learning, virtual patients, active learning (PBL, TBL) and
curriculum development. He is also an active researcher of adaptation, stress, mind-body therapy, heart
rate variability and nonlinear analysis of electrophysiological signals.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dujeepa D Samarasekera
Senior Director, Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National
University of Singapore, National University Health System; and Senior Consultant (Health Professions
Education), Ministry of Health, Singapore
Dujeepa Samarasekera is the Senior Director, Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin
School of Medicine, and Senior Consultant (Health Professions Education) at the Ministry of Health
Singapore. Dujeepa has been involved in curriculum development, quality assurance and accreditation
and faculty development at both undergraduate and postgraduate level health professional courses.
He is the Course Director of the Masters in Health Professions Education – Singapore. Dujeepa leads the
School of Medicine Continuous Quality Improvement team at the deanery. He is the co-chair for faculty
development in the residency programme and a member of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee,
Graduate Medical Education Committee, Faculty Assessment Committee and Curriculum Steering
Committee at the School of Medicine and National University Health System.
At MoH level, Dujeepa is part of the Professional Training Assessments and Standards (PTAS) division and
provides expertise in the following areas - Undergraduate Medical Schools and Postgraduate speciality
training accreditation; development of Postgraduate Year 1 training and assessment framework; Nursing
curriculum framework (Nursing Executive Education Committee); Pharmacy and Allied Health
programmes to refine their training and evaluation programmes.
At the regional and international level Dujeepa is a member of the ASPIRE for Excellence panel at the
European Association for Medical Education to evaluate medical schools that have achieved excellence
in specific areas of faculty development, assessment etc. and Co-chair the Asia Pacific Scholar Network
(APMENet) in medical education. He is the present President of the College of Clinician Educators at
Academy of Medicine Singapore and also the President of the Western Pacific Association of Medical
Education which is the regional branch organisation of the World Federation of Medical Education in
charge of global medical school standards and accreditation. Dujeepa serves on the editorial advisory
boards of Annals of Academic Medicine Singapore, South East Asian Journal of Medical Education
(SEAJME), Korean Journal of Medical Education, Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions,
BLDE Medical Journal, and AMEE online journal MedEd Publish.
He serves in many international medical education organisations and has published widely in peer-
reviewed medical education journals as well as authored book chapters relating to Medical and Health
Professional Education. Dujeepa holds the fellowships of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, Academy
of Medicine Malaysia, Academy of Medical Educators in the United Kingdom, Royal College of Physicians
Edinburgh and the fellowship of Medical Educators Europe.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Rathi Saravanan
Team-Based Learning (TBL) Facilitator, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological
University Singapore, Singapore
Rathi Saravanan is a biomedical scientist by training and a passionate medical educator. She is currently
a Team-Based Learning (TBL) Facilitator and supports MBBS program curriculum development at the Lee
Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University Singapore. She is committed to
mentoring and guiding undergraduate and postgraduate students. She received Masters degree in
Biochemistry from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, PhD in Structural biology from School of Biological
Sciences, Nanyang Technological University Singapore and recipient of prestigious fellowships including
the Indian Institute of Science Young Fellow and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine Post-Doctoral
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thilanka Senevitratne
Consultant Paediatrician, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Graduated from faculty of medicine University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Continued postgraduate studies
in Paediatrics and child health. Received Doctor of Medicine in Paediatrics from University of Colombo,
Sri Lanka. Had further training in Paediatrics in the United Kingdom. Received membership of the Royal
College of Paediatrics and Child Health of UK. Currently serving as a consultant Paediatrician and senior
Lecturer attached to the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya.
Special research interests in Paediatric Asthma, Allergy, clinical pharmacology and simulation-based
medical education. Conducting simulation-based teaching for undergraduates. Vice president of the Sri
Lanka Association of simulation in health care and the social secretary of the Sri Lanka Association of
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Currently conducting studies in formal introduction of simulation
in the teaching of Pharmacology and integrating pharmacology and therapeutics with clinical teaching.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Shefaly Shorey
Assistant Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr Shorey is an Assistant Professor at Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, NUS. Her research programme
focuses on promoting family and women health. She has designed psychosocial and educational
interventions for varied group of populations. She has conducted both quantitative and qualitative
studies. Dr Shorey has received National and International competitive grants with a total value
amounting more than S$2.5 million. Dr Shorey has received various awards such as Outstanding Women
Researcher in Medicine and President’s graduate research fellowship for her research and academic
excellence. She is an award-winning educator and she has been invited at various National and
International conferences. She has published more than 130 peer reviewed papers in high impact factor
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Judy Sng
Senior Lecturer, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Judy Sng is the Education Director of Nursing Curriculum and Digital Transformation in the Department
of Pharmacology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. She joined NUS in
2014 on the educator track. Judy developed the Virtual Integrated Patient or the VIP, that is an AI-
enabled chatbot e-patient that allows the students to practice before they enter clinician practice. In
this session, she will share the journey of developing the VIP and how it is used in medical and nursing
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Diantha Soemantri
Associate Professor in Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Diantha graduated as a medical doctor from Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia in 2005, acquired
MMedEd title from University of Dundee in 2007 and PhD in the same field from University of Melbourne in
2013. She is now the head of Master in Medical Education Program in Universitas Indonesia and also
responsible for the multi- and interprofessional curriculum of Health Sciences Cluster. Since 2018, she is
appointed as the vice director of medical education of the Indonesian Medical Education and Research
Institute (IMERI). Her research interests are student assessment, reflection and feedback, interprofessional
education and collaborative practice, and professionalism development.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Soh Jian Yi
Senior Consultant, National University Health System, Singapore
Dr Soh completed his Paediatric training and Allergy and Immunology subspecialty training in Singapore.
His clinical work encompasses general paediatrics as well as various aspects of allergy, such as the
immunotherapy treatment programme for food allergies in Singapore. His research interests span
education as well as allergy and immunology. He has a special interest in teaching reasoning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
John Soong
Assistant Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
John is a Consultant within the Division of Advanced Internal Medicine at the National University Hospital
in Singapore. He is an Assistant Professor with the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of
Singapore. He was a Fellow in Medical Education with the London Deanery investigating the
multidimensional measurement of quality of Core Medical Training and undertook a study evaluating the
effect checklists on medical ward rounds. His research interests include novel digital learning platform,
clinical simulation and bedside clinical reasoning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Lisa Sullivan
Past President, Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), Australia
Lisa Sullivan is the founder and Managing Director of In Vivo Academy Limited, an Australian registered
not-for-profit education charity dedicated to the development and deployment of independent,
accredited continuing education across Australia, Asia and beyond. Lisa has a Masters from the University
of Queensland, Australia, evaluating the effectiveness of online, face-to-face and blended learning in
the delivery of CME/CPD to health care professionals, she is accredited by the Royal Australian College
of General Practitioners as a provider of Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development
(QI&CPD), and is a past president of the Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), a US based not-
for-profit leader in facilitating best practice and collaboration in lifelong learning translation into improved
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Astrid Pratidina Susilo is a researcher in medical education and an anaesthesiologist. She graduated as a
medical doctor from Universitas Airlangga and an anaesthesiologist from Universitas Indonesia, and had
a Master of Public Health and PhD in health profession education at Maastricht University the Netherlands.
Astrid is an academic staff in the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Surabaya Indonesia. Her research interest
is communication skills training, patient safety, interprofessional education, and pain education. She has
published books and articles in national and international journals. She used Four-Component
Instructional Design (4CID) in her studies in communication skills training and pain education, and has
actively introduced the models in several medical education courses.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Professor Tan serves as a Consultant Psychiatrist at National University Hospital and an Associate Professor
in Pharmacology of the National University of Singapore. She is a member of Centre for Medical Education
and is actively involved in faculty training in Curriculum Review, Problem-Based Learning and Feedback.
She worked closely with other medical educators in Educational Task Force, Professional Development,
Mentoring Programme, and Longitudinal Patient Programme in the School of Medicine, National
University of Singapore. Dr. Tan has received multiple University teaching awards from 2002 to 2017. She
has been named the National University of Singapore Faculty Outstanding Educator in 2016.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Kevin Tan
Senior Consultant Neurologist & Education Director, National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore
Dr Kevin Tan is a Senior Consultant Neurologist at the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) and Associate
Professor at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore and Duke-NUS Medical
School. He completed his Fellowship in Neuroinfectious Disease and Neuroimmunology at Johns Hopkins
University (2008) and Master of Science in Health Professions Education at MGH Institute of Health
Professions (2016). His clinical expertise is in neuroinflammatory diseases and neurological infections. He is
currently Education Director, NNI. His medical education interests are team-based learning, innovations
in teaching and assessment, clinical reasoning and interprofessional education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Nigel Tan is currently a senior consultant with the Department of Neurology at the National
Neuroscience Institute (NNI), Singapore. In the clinical arena, Dr Tan is a neurologist with an interest in
epilepsy. In the area of health professions education, Dr Tan graduated with a Masters in Health
Professions Education (MHPEd) from the MGH Institute of Health Professions in 2013. He is currently Group
Director Education (Undergraduate) for Singapore Health Services (SingHealth), overseeing pre-
professional education across medical, nursing and allied health in SingHealth. He is also directly involved
in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching with all 3 Singapore medical schools in Singapore, and
neurology residency programmes. Internationally, Dr Tan is a member of the Genetics Literacy Task Force
of the International League Against Epilepsy. His research interests cover both neurology and education.
His current neurology research interests focus on improving Genetic Literacy in epileptologists and
neurologists, co-editing the Genetic Literacy series in Epileptic Disorders with Dr Daniel Lowenstein. In
education, his research focuses on the use of team-based learning for neurology, and assessing clinical
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Tan Hee Hon, BDS, MDS, obtained his BDS (Singapore) in 1989 and MDS (Prosthodontics) in 1995. He
lectures and supervises the undergraduate students and postgraduate residents on Prosthodontics and
Orofacial Pain / Temporomandibular Disorders. He is the Coordinator, Orofacial Pain Program, Orofacial
Pain / Temporomandibular Disorders Clinic, at the National University Hospital and served as the Chairman
and Member of Dental Specialist Accreditation Committee (Prosthodontics). He is an active clinician and
had presented extensively on Prosthodontics and Orofacial Pain.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Tan Li Hoon
Senior Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, Changi General Hospital, Singapore
Dr Tan is a senior consultant anaesthetist from Chang General Hospital, Singapore. Her foray into medical
education began with an appointment as core faculty of the SingHealth Anaesthesiology Residency
Programme, a post she continues to hold. She is also an examiner for the Master of Medicine
(Anaesthesiology) Examination administered by the Division of Graduate Medical Studies, and an Adjunct
Assistant Professor at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Her career goal
is to improve patient safety through training and system changes, hence her involvement in education,
assessment, simulation, crisis resource management training and quality improvement projects.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Tracy Tan
Senior Consultant, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Dr Tan is a senior consultant from the Department of Renal Medicine at Tan Tock Seng Hospital and is the
Program Director for the Renal Medicine Senior Residency Programme at the National Healthcare Group.
She serves as an adjunct assistant professor at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, and a clinical
senior lecturer at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and plays an active role in undergraduate and
postgraduate teaching.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Prof Yik-Ying Teo, or commonly known as YY, is the second Dean of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public
Health at the National University of Singapore. Trained as a mathematician at Imperial College and
completed his MSc and DPhil at Oxford in statistical genetics, YY returned to Singapore in 2010 after
working for four years as a Lecturer in Oxford and concurrently a researcher at the Wellcome Trust Centre
for Human Genetics. Prior to his Deanship, he was the Founding Director for the Centre for Health Services
and Policy Research, and also the Director for the Center for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and
Research. He is presently a member on the Council of Scientists for the International Human Frontier
Science Program, as well as a member governing board member of the Regional Centre for Tropical
Medicine and Public Health Network for Southeast Asia.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Teoh Chia Meng is a Respiratory Physician at the National University Hospital. He is presently a core
faculty member for the hospital’s Internal Medicine residency programme.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ann is a clinician educator from the Department of Family Medicine, from NUS School of Medicine. She is
actively involved in communications training, social determinants of health curriculum and medical
humanities within undergraduate medical education. She also serves within the ENRICH committee and
in the Longitudinal Patient Experience programme. She is passionate about nurturing students and
cultivating safe spaces for student’s well-being and professional identity formation. I’m her clinical work,
Ann works as a physician in the home care setting delivering family-centred care to children with life-
threatening and life-limiting illnesses in the community. She also serves as a volunteer physician and
advocate for vulnerable groups in the community. Poetry and creative art have been a means for her to
process her experiences as a doctor and she hopes that others might find these modalities useful as well.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Associate Professor Adrienne Torda is a Nationally and Internationally recognised leader in the fields of
Medical education, educational innovation and academic leadership. She is also a strong advocate for
equity, inclusivity and diversity in academia. Adrienne has multiple educational awards and fellowships
and was recently awarded a citation for outstanding achievement at the 2020 Australian Awards for
University Teaching (AAUT). As well as a passion for teaching, Adrienne is also a senior Infectious Diseases
physician and is nationally recognised in her disciplinary leadership roles.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Professor van Merriënboer holds a chair in Learning and Instruction at the School of Health Professions
Education (SHE) of Maastricht University, the Netherlands. He is one of the most cited authors in the fields
of Instructional Design and Educational Technologies and his books Training Complex Cognitive Skills
(1997) and Ten Steps to Complex Learning (2018) had a major impact on the development of the
educational sciences and medical education. His research is nowadays mainly conducted in health
professions education and contributes to the further development of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and
Four-Component Instructional Design (4CID).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Marta van Zanten is involved in various initiatives supporting FAIMER’s mission, including research on
quality assurance processes of international medical schools, the impact of accreditation on student
outcomes, and the role of international medical graduates (IMGs) in the U.S. workforce. Additionally, Dr.
van Zanten assists in the advancement of the World Resource, an organisational knowledge base on
systems of medical education, accreditation, certification, and regulation. Dr. van Zanten holds a B.A.
from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. She also holds an M.Ed. and a Ph.D. in public health
from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Daniëlle Verstegen
Programme Director Master of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Daniëlle M L Verstegen is Programme Director of the Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE)
programme and project leader of the university-wide PBL MOOC project. She is also involved in national
and international research projects on, for example on integrating palliative care in undergraduate
curriculum and developing education for (cross-border) patient handover. She studied Cognitive Science
(Radboud University Nijmegen, 1992) and holds a PhD in Instructional Science (Utrecht University, 2004)
entitled ‘Iteration in instructional design’. Her area of expertise lies in instructional design, the use of e-
learning and online learning in the context of Problem-Based Learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Rashmi Vyas
Senior Associate, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research
Dr. Vyas contributes her expertise in medicine, health professions education and understanding of
international culture to FAIMER programs and its research and scholarship activities. She applies her
extensive experience to oversee the FAIMER Global Programs, geared towards health care education
and workforce development in collaboration with international partners.
Prior to joining FAIMER, Dr. Vyas was a professor at Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, India. She
has led education innovations such as the distance learning postgraduate diploma in family medicine,
integrated learning, and early clinical exposure. She was the convener for the National Medical
Commission (NMC) regional and nodal centres for national faculty development in medical education.
She served on the expert committee for development and implementation of basic and advanced
courses in medical education for NMC.
Dr. Vyas received her M.B.B.S. and M.D. degrees from India. She holds a master’s in health professions
education from UI Chicago, USA.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Associate Professor Wong Lee Yuen is a Senior Consultant at Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Khoo
Teck Puat Hospital.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Mun Loke oversees the planning and management of the BDS programme including curriculum design
and quality assurance. He actively teaches in the undergraduate Dental Public Health and Behavioural
Science modules. His interest in Geriatric Dentistry led him to co-develop a new Graduate Diploma in
Geriatric Dentistry introduced in 2019. With his passion in dental education and curricular innovations, he
has been instrumental in the previous BDS curriculum review and is leading the current one. He is presently
a Fellow with the NUS Teaching Academy and a Council Member of the South East Asia Dental Education
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Nicole Woods
Director, The Institute for Education Research (TIER), University of Toronto, Canada
Nicole N. Woods, PhD is Director of The Institute for Education Research (TIER) at University Health Network
and Education Scientist at The Wilson Centre, University of Toronto. Dr. Woods leads an internationally
recognised research program in uses methods and principles from cognitive psychology to advance
medical education theory and practice. Her research has significant implications for education across
the developmental continuum and for a variety of health disciplines. A Fellow of the Karolinska Institute
Prize for Medical Education Research since 2019, Dr. Woods is currently an Associate Professor in the
Department of Family and Community Medicine at University of Toronto.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Yong obtained both his Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Masters of Dental Surgery (Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery) from the National University of Singapore. During his BDS training, Dr Yong received
several academic distinctions and was frequently on the Dean’s List. He received the TP Dental Surgeons
Award, University Medals and TRICE award for his achievements. He was subsequently given the
opportunity to pursue postgraduate training under the Academic Medicine Development Award
(AMDA). During his MDS(OMS) training, Dr Yong received the Henry TL award for being the best student
with a distinction grade.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
James is a fourth-year medical student studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the Global
Physician-Leadership Stream. He currently serves as the Medical Education External Affairs Development
Assistant for the International Federation for Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), which is one of the
world’s oldest and largest student-run organizations representing 1.3 million medical students from around
the globe. He strongly believes that medical students are the strongest proponents for adapting their
medical education to the needs of their community and a better health system and should be equipped
with a mindset to learn globally and act locally.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Magda received her medical training at Cairo University –Egypt and she has worked as a senior
general paediatrician at Hamad Medical Corporation since 2006 till 2017, then moved to Sidra medicine.
Dr Magda’s areas of practice include: inpatient medicine, patient safety and detection of adverse
events; and she was appointed to chair the paediatrics quality and patient safety Committee. Dr Magda
has strong interests in medical education and supervises residents in clinical setting. She is an author and
co-author of different workshops including; communication, and professionalism.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ma. Cristina E. Zulueta, MD graduated from medical school at UERMMMCI, College of Medicine where
she also completed her residency in obstetrics and gynaecology. She continued to serve her Alma Mater
as a faculty of the Department of Human Anatomy for 15 years, department head for 2 years and College
Secretary for 9 years prior to her appointment as Dean in LCUP. She has a master’s degree in Public Health
major in Clinical Epidemiology. Her passion to be an academician prevailed over her clinical practice as
an obstetrician-gynaecologist, she is now enrolled to the Doctor of Philosophy Major in Educational
Leadership and Management program of LCUP Graduate Studies. She is a Fellow of the Philippine Society
of Anatomists Inc. (PSAi) and has been elected President for 2022. Dr. Zulueta’s interests and expertise are
in the areas of improving teaching-learning and assessment of the disciplines of human anatomy.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Norny Syafinaz Ab Rahman, PhD, is currently an Assistant Professor in the Pharmacy Practice Department,
Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). She is a registered pharmacist and
had been practising in hospital and community pharmacy settings before she joined academia. She is
also a consultant pharmacist in Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Medical Centre (SASMEC)@IIUM. Her research
interests include tobacco control and cessation, pharmacy education (experiential learning), drug
utilization, and qualitative study design. During the COVID-19, she had made a few
modifications/interventions in her coordinated course ie. Community Pharmacy Posting; an experiential
learning course which require students to do attachment in a Community Pharmacy.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Rafidah bt Atan
Professor and Intensivist, Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Rafidah is academic staff with Universiti Malaya and provides clinical service as intensivist at the University
Malaya Medical Centre. She is passionate about teaching and has been deeply involved in teaching
subjects such as patient safety, evidence-based medicine, respiratory physiology, and acute care
medicine. Her PhD is in intensive care, and she holds two graduate certificates in medical education; in
clinical simulation and higher education respectively. She is a great believer in the use of immersive
simulation as a learning tool as well as engaging learners in day-to-day clinical work.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Nasri received his clinical training in Hospital Kuala Lumpur before he was posted to a district
community clinic. He completed his Masters in Medical Education in 2011 and pursued his PhD in 2013.
During his PhD, he presented his work on feedback in Workplace-Based Assessment (WPBA) focusing on
intention, interpretation, misinterpretation and its solution in various Education Conference in European
countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy and United Kingdom. After completing his PhD in 2017, in addition
to Formative Assessment, his interest expanded to include Summative Assessment and curriculum
development. His current project is developing an online Smart Question Bank and Online Assessment.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Hasnain has more than twenty years’ hands-on experience in implementing e-Learning, blended
learning, mobile Learning and Open and Distance Learning (ODL) for higher education. He has passion
for new educational tools & technologies, social collaboration strategies, and the impact they have on
learning. He has done research on e-Learning, mobile collaborative learning, hospital management
system, student information system, social media, Web 2.0, educational gaming, role-play simulation,
virtual classroom, Learning Management system, engagement tools, MOOCs. Hasnain holds the Master
of Science (Computer Science) from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. He is working as a
manager (eLearning), module coordinator and facilitator in several programmes at International Medical
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
AP Dr Chong Mei Chan, PhD, is Head and Associate Professor in Nursing at University of Malaya. She is an
active researcher in the field of Gerontology Nursing, Maternal and Child Health, and E-learning for over
20 years. She has been a frequent contributor to community on health promotion and social participation
activities. She is currently the board member of Malaysian Nursing Board. Dr Chong has received national
and international competitive grants with a total value amounting more than USD$250,000. She is currently
supervising 20 PhD candidates by research and has published more than 80 articles in peer review journal.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Jess earned a PhD in Pathology and Molecular Medicine from Queen’s University, studying the RET
proto-oncogene. This was followed by a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at McMaster University, designing
predictive breast cancer gene signatures. During her time in cancer research, she recognized the
importance of evidence based medicine (EBM). She then completed a Bachelor of Education from the
University of Calgary to focus on the role of education in EBM. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in the
Medical Education and Research Development Unit (MERDU) within the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti
Malaya, studying the development of EBM competencies.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Andre Das
Senior Consultant Surgeon, Hospital Kajang, Malaysia
Dr Andre Das is Senior Consultant Surgeon at Hospital Kajang, Selangor, where he is responsible for the
management of the department of Surgery including the training and certification of House Officers,
Medical Officers and Junior Surgeons including the gazettement of newly graduated surgeons. He also
serves as Honorary Lecturer and Examiner for undergraduate medical students, at the Medical Faculty,
University Putra Malaysia. Last but not least, he is an Examiner for Conjoint Board for Masters in Surgery
Malaysia and ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Course Director at American College of Surgeons.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dato’ Dr. Jiffre bin Din is a senior consultant surgeon who is currently practicing in Ministry of Health (MOH)
hospital in Kuantan, Malaysia. He is a graduate from University Kebangsaan Malaysia, specialised as a
true-blue General Surgeon, a dying breed among the many new surgical based specialties. Despite busy
with service in public hospital, he is passionate in postgraduate training motivated by his trainees’
difficulties in passing their exit examination. Starting with many questions of five Ws and one H, he has
gone further to become the MOH coordinator for Master of Surgery programme and become a conjoint
board member of examiners for Master of Surgery. He even has completed Master (Msc) in Medical
Education from University of South Wales, United Kingdom in 2020. He believes every doctor should possess
the essential competencies to become a competent trainer. He is one of the core-writer for the ‘Training
the Trainer’ (TtT) guide for National Postgraduate Medical Curriculum and is a member of the TtT steering
committee. Apart from saving lives he has a keen interest in Malaysian history and saving many local fine
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Er Hui Meng
Dean (Teaching and Learning), International Medical University, Malaysia
Prof Er is the Dean of Teaching and Learning at IMU. She obtained her PhD in Science from the University
of Sydney, and Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education from the University of Dundee. She has
vast experience in curriculum design, development, and implementation of health professions
programmes. She chairs the teaching and learning committee in the university and works closely with the
academic programme teams in developing policies and guidelines for teaching, learning and
assessments, overseeing their implementation and quality assurance. She is also a fellow of the IMU Centre
for Education which organises and conducts faculty development programmes.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Foong Chan Chong, obtained his Ph.D. in Education from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, and has been
a faculty member at the same institution since 2013. He developed, and now becomes Programme
Coordinator for Master of Medical Education. He is also Programme Quality Assurance Expert at the
institution. At the Faculty of Medicine, he functions as the Lead for Programme Evaluation, and Personal
and Professional Development theme coordinator for the undergraduate medical programme. He is a
fellow of Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Paul Fullerton is an Associate Professor (Paediatrics) at the Clinical School Johor Bahru and at Segamat.
He teaches Paediatrics for Years 4 and 5, and Medical Ethics for Years 3 and 4. He is also involved in
supporting the Year 5 students when they are in their compulsory placements in Melbourne, and serve as
a liaison person between the Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Australian
campuses. He is the Chair of the Year 5 Assessment Working Group and involved in the final year
components of the new MD program.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Graduated from University of Sheffield UK in 1997. Completed housemanship and basic surgical training
in the UK and attained Membership Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh in 2002. Joined UKM in 2003 and
completed the Masters in General Surgery in 2007. Currently, Associate Professor and Consultant
Neurosurgeon in UKM Medical Center. Interest in neurotrauma, stroke intervention and chronic pain
intervention. Additional interest in clinical teaching, supervision, and assessment. Attained Graduate
Certificate in Clinical Teaching from Melbourne University in 2016. Currently teaching faculty in NOTSS,
Director for the National Train the Trainer Course in Surgery and Member of the Neurosurgical Conjoint
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Adeeba Kamarulzaman
Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Professor Adeeba Kamarulzaman is a Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Universiti Malaya
and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Yale University. She was the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UM
from 2011 to 2019. She is presently Chair of the UMMC COVID19 Task Force and is a member of several
state COVID 19 Task Forces and is a member of the Malaysian National Recovery Council.
Professor Adeeba has played a leading role in the response to the HIV epidemic in Malaysia and globally
and is currently the Chairman of the Malaysian AIDS Foundation and President of the International AIDS
Society, is a member of the WHO Science Council, UNAIDS Advisory Group and WHO Academy’s Quality
Committee. Her achievements have been recognised through several national and international awards
including an Honorary Doctor of Laws from her alma mater, Monash University, for her contributions to
medicine and as a health advocate.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Professor Dr Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman is the Deputy Dean of Postgraduate studies and Consultant
Geriatrician at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya. She was awarded a PhD in Epidemiology and
Population Health in July 2010 from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her research
interests lie in Frailty, Sarcopenia, falls, dementia as well Ageing in HIV populations. She is currently Chair
of the postgraduate National Postgraduate Curriculum writing team for Internal Medicine. All these
various clinical and academic roles have helped cement her commitment to the development of clinical
services, ageing research and medical education in Malaysia.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Jalina Karim
Senior Lecturer, Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr Jalina Karim is a Senior Lecturer at the Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Mahmathi Karuppannan
Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM),
Puncak Alam Campus, Malaysia
Dr Mahmathi Karuppannan is a senior lecturer at Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
and has been servicing since 2006. She obtained her PhD degree in pharmacy from University of
Nottingham, United Kingdom in 2012 and a master’s degree in clinical pharmacy from University of
Science Malaysia in 2005. Her expertise is in field of clinical and pharmacy practice particularly adverse
drug events, medication safety, pharmacy education, complementary and alternative medicine, and
community pharmacy. Dr Mahmathi has been the program coordinator for master’s in clinical pharmacy
for 7 years and currently is the head of department of pharmacy practice.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Lee is a Senior Lecturer at Department of Nursing Science UM. She was a practicing coronary care
nurse prior joining academic institutions since year 2000. She is actively involved in research activities with
keen interest in mHealth, technology in learning, coronary nursing, aged care especially in long-term care
facilities, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of questionnaire, health literacy, nursing education and
non-communicable diseases. Among several research projects undertaken include local adaptions and
implementation of WHO’s iSupport for dementia and mHealth project on development of electronic
activity tracking system with a team of UM collaborators and international partners to build a hybrid
cardiac rehabilitation program.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Lim is professor in surgery at the International Medical University and president of the College of
Surgeons, Academy of Medicine, Malaysia. He graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1983. He
obtained his FRCS Edinburgh in 1989.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Ernieda Hatah is an associate professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(UKM). Her speciality is clinical pharmacist services, particularly medication reviews. She has been
involved in the design and implementation of experiential learning clinical medication review training at
her faculty since 2015. Her medication review teaching innovation won the Congress and Innovation
Competition in Teaching and Learning in 2019 and 2021. She has been invited to speak and facilitate
training for medication review services at both local and international universities and organisations. She
owned two copyrights for medication review tools, as well as several research agreements with industries
for service development and training.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Associate Professor Dr Nilesh Kumar Mitra has been teaching anatomy to medical and health science
students since last 26 years. Dr Mitra has worked as curriculum coordinator of IMU MBBS program for many
years and played significant role in development of curriculum map with clinical skills integration and
initiation of online Moodle-based assessment in IMU. Presently he is the Director of Learning Resources
Centre of IMU and Associate Dean, Technology Enhanced Learning in IMU. His publications include online
assessment, multi-media tools in PBL and application of e-learning tools in skills-based activities.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Prof Vishna is an experienced medical educator and biochemist at the International Medical University
in Kuala Lumpur. A graduate of 3 universities across 3 countries, she values diversity as a strength in any
institution. She leads the educational strategies, new programme development and international
partnerships at IMU as Pro Vice Chancellor for Education and Institutional Development. She is very
fortunate to work with a collaborative, committed and talented multidisciplinary team at IMU, and would
like to emphasise that it’s the values of its people that will carry forward an institution during this
unprecedented time. She has published and presented research papers in both biomedical sciences
and medical education, supervises research students and reviews for indexed and international journals.
Her areas of research in health professions education is in Faculty Development, Assessment and
Innovative Teaching Learning Methods.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Vairavan Narayanan
Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
He completed his Neurosurgical training in University Malaya Medical Centre, Addenbrookes Hospital,
Cambridge and National Neurology and Neurosurgery Hospital, London. He was appointed a Consultant
Neurosurgeon in UMMC in 2012. He is trained in the highly specialised field of Complex Brain Tumor and
Epilepsy Surgery.
His main research interests lie in investigating the pathophysiology and modulating mechanisms of
acquired brain injury in a wide spectrum of diseases from traumatic brain injury to neuro oncology and
epilepsy surgery. He is part of a larger research interest group that applies advanced imaging and
molecular medicine to study these pathological problems. He has also taken up the study of advancing
medical and surgical education in the current challenging environment by applying innovations via
surgical simulation and internet-based e-technology.
Dr Vairavan is an active academic, having supervised many clinical and research Masters and PhD
candidates. He is widely published and holds multiple University, National as well as International grants.
He is the Department of Surgery coordinator for surgical research and education as well as the post
graduate Head of Neurosurgical training.
Dr Vairavan’s primary interest is to be a clinician scientist, contributing to the growing medical knowledge
as well as to share this knowledge with both his students and the general medical fraternity at large.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Vinod Pallath
Associate Professor, Medical Education and Research Development Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Vinod Pallath, a Medical Microbiologist by training, obtained his Ph.D. in a topic of Medical Education
from Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India. He has academic experience of 20 years till
date. Along with the academic responsibilities at Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, he also
functions as Deputy Head, e-learning committee, Lead for Faculty Development, and member of the
Academic Quality Assurance Committee responsible for undergraduate medical program. He is also a
member of Malaysian Medical Council special working committee for WFME recognition. He is a fellow
of Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) and Co
Faculty and Co Facilitator for FAIMER Competency-based Medical Education (FACE) professional
development programme.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Bhavani Pathmanathan
Lecturer, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Ms Bhavani Pathmanathan, BSc (Hons) Applied Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy), has over 20 years of
experience in her field as a Physiotherapist where she has over 11 years of experience involving direct
patient care and over 10 years of experience related to teaching physiotherapy students. As a clinical
physiotherapist, she has experience working in an acute hospital care facility and a Rehabilitation
Hospital facility. Her experience involves working in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. She has taught
physiotherapy students in multiple learning facilities in Malaysia and has a unique insight on the different
curriculum systems.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
G R Letchuman Ramanathan
Professor, Clinical School Johor Bahru, Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr G R Letchuman Ramanathan is presently the Professor of Medicine in the Clinical School Johor Bahru,
Monash University Malaysia since May 2021. Prior to that he was the Senior Consultant Physician and
Endocrinologist in Department of Medicine, Hospital Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. He was the National Head of
the Ministry of Health Internal Medicine Services since October 2014. Besides his regular duties as an
Internal Medicine Consultant, he also ran the Endocrine, Diabetes and Obesity Clinics. He is frequently
called to give lectures and conduct case discussions in national conferences in internal medicine
particularly in the field of diabetes. He actively trains medical officers to sit for their postgraduate exams.
After obtaining his postgraduate qualifications, he has been involved in many studies both local and
international, mainly in diabetes related areas, as well as in endemic goitre prevalence studies and in
health system research especially on patient safety. He is invited regularly to give talks on ‘Good Clinical
Practice’. Currently he is the President of the College of Physician and a Fellow of Academy of Medicine,
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Professor Dr Har Mohan Pal Singh, is a dedicated medical educationist, with a long experience of
teaching, curriculum design, assessment, research, and writing. A passionate clinical teacher with
excellent diagnostic and therapeutic skills. He is innovative for developing novel protocols and teaching
styles. He has experience of conducting workshops and addressing as speaker in various forums. An
inspirational leader, innovative educator, and a creative medical researcher with exceptional
managerial skills. Have keen interest in medical education-based research, and student-centred
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Tang Li Yoong
Senior Lecturer, Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia
Dr. Tang Li Yoong is a Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Programme Coordinator of the Faculty of
Medicine, UM. Her areas of expertise include Renal Nursing, Research & Statistics, Nursing Education and
Clinical Nursing. She has vast experience in supervising students in clinical area and nursing research. She
is appointed as Assessor by Nursing Board Malaysia that enables her to engage in curriculum evaluation
and accreditation visits to various public and private institutions. Her ongoing research projects include
Online Learning for Nursing Education (PV039-2021), and Psychosocial Approach and Behavioural
Intervention in Preventing the Spread of Infection in Hospital ICU (TR001A-2020).
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr Tong is an academic family physician from the Department of Family Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia. He is the current Assistant Dean for Teaching and Citra. During his term as Head of Department
in 2012, together with his team, he has developed a structured formative assessment and utilised work-
based assessment as the main guiding principle. Minicex, POCA, 360o assessment and reflective writings
are the main components. He currently heads the Interprofessional Education (IPE) unit for UKM
undergraduate Medical Program. He has written about student’s reflections on interprofessional
education and in a book chapter about UKM’s experiences in developing IPE.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Nadiah Wan
Chief Executive Officer, Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara, Malaysia
Ms Nadiah Wan was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara in 2017 at
age 32 and also serves as Executive Director and Group Chief Executive Officer of TMC Life Sciences
Berhad since February 2019. She was appointed as a Director of the Institute of Corporate Directors
Malaysia in 2021.
Prior to joining Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara, Nadiah worked in Sunway Medical Centre as Chief
Operating Officer (Clinical Services) after being promoted from Director of Business Development and
Corporate Communications in October 2016. She started her career at The Boston Consulting Group in
2007 as an Associate Consultant.
Nadiah holds an MSc in Public Health (Nutrition) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, UK and was awarded the Hecht Bequest for Best Student in Public Health (Nutrition) upon
graduation. She pursued her undergraduate studies in Biochemical Sciences at Harvard College (AB cum
Laude, ’07) while conducting research at Boston Children’s Hospital with grants from the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute.
She is a mother of one who is passionate about transforming healthcare delivery and spends her free time
juggling her other commitments as a WEF Young Global Leader and Vice-President of the Harvard Club
of Malaysia. She is also fond of finding new places to eat, exploring new destinations and collecting more
books than she can read.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wong Pei Se
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, International Medical University, Malaysia
Dr Wong Pei Se is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and the Associate Dean of Teaching and
Learning (T&L) at International Medical University. Her research interests include interprofessional
education and skills training. In her current role as Associate Dean of T&L, she is involved in faculty
development as well as the development of university guideline for peer observation of teaching.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Woon Shi Sien is a 4th year medical student at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. He currently serves as
the Chairperson of the Society of MMA Medical Students (SMMAMS), a national medical students’
organization under the Malaysian Medical Association. He was the Vice President for External Affairs of
the University of Malaya Medical Society (UM MEDSOC) for the term 2020-2021, where he actively
advocated for student involvement in his faculty. He has an interest in public health and medical
education. He was previously a delegate in the 71st WHO Western Pacific Regional Committee Meeting
and the 74th World Health Assembly.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Dr. Yeap obtained his medical degree (MBBS) and Master of Surgery (MSurg) degree from the University
of Malaya, Malaysia. With a profound interest, he underwent further training at the world-renowned Royal
Infirmary of Edinburgh, United Kingdom as a senior clinical fellow in the advanced upper gastrointestinal
surgery. It was in Edinburgh that he was introduced the importance of non-technical skill in improving
surgical outcome in clinical practice.
He is a member of the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (AM), was conferred the Fellowship of the Royal
College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FRCSEd), as well as the Fellowship of the American College of Surgeons
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
10 years in creative work, Mr Fadzil is a goal and team-oriented designer/developer with experience in
working for the business and higher education industry. He is well-versed in UI/UX design, instructional
design, VR/AR development, project management process, and problem-solving.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
10.15 am - 11.15 am
11.30 am -12.30 pm
2.15 pm – 3.15 pm
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm
11.00 am – 12.00 pm
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
3.00 pm – 4.00 pm
4.15 pm – 5.15 pm
9.00 am -10.00 am
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Notss (Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons) Masterclass
Lim Kean Ghee, Yeap Chee Loong, Khong Tak Loon, April Camila Roslani and Andre Das
Workshop Description
This is a one-day Masterclass for surgeons and trainees with an interest in training, who already have some
knowledge of human factors, and how these can influence surgical performance. Short lectures, video
scenarios, interactive sessions and audience feedback systems will be used to discuss the non-technical
skills which underpin good surgical performance, how these can be observed and rated, in addition to
the use of feedback.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Workshop Description
The Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) is a global leader in facilitating best practices and
collaboration in life-long learning translation into improved healthcare. One focus for GAME to achieve
its vision has been addressing barriers and developing solutions for collaboration in lifelong learning. In
small group workshops at the European CME Forum and AMEE, GAME presenters asked participants to
explore how to collaborate, considering GAMEs core values of inclusivity, credibility, integrity and
transparency. Three topics were specifically investigated, including 1) how to incorporate the core value
of transparency into collaboration, 2) barriers that inhibit collaboration across stakeholders, and 3)
resources needed for collaboration in lifelong learning. From the engagement of previous learners, GAME
has produced a white paper on these topics. Missing, though, from previous discussions was how to
measure the success of a collaboration in CPD from the Asia Pacific perspective. Through interactive
discussions, the experienced GAME presenters will guide the participant to create an assessment tool that
they can use to measure success of their own collaborations in the three areas.
Attendees will be assigned to breakout rooms for small group interactivity. Initially, there will be a 30-
minute background presentation on the findings from the GAME white paper on Collaboration in Lifelong
Learning. Three 30-minute (1.5-hour total) breakouts of small discussion groups will explore 3) the Asia
Pacific perspective on collaborations, 2) non-traditional collaborations, and, 3) assessing collaborations
in CPD. The last group session will follow as a 25-minute group discussion to share learning from across
breakout groups.
Workshop Objective
Participants will come away with an understanding of how the core values of inclusivity, credibility,
integrity and transparency impact collaborations in CPD. After interactive discussions with presenters and
each other, participants will have shared their perspectives on collaboration in CPD, explored some non-
traditional collaborations, and come away with a plan on how to assess successful collaborations in CPD.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Educating for Collaboration Beyond Ipe: Concepts, Claims, Culture, and System
Kevin Tan, Nigel Tan Choon Kiat, Jai Prashanth Rao, Raymond Goy Wee Lip, Gormit Kaur D/O Bachan
Singh and Catherine Poey
Workshop Description
Interprofessional education (IPE) is an increasingly popular education model that aims to educate
healthcare professionals to be better collaborators by enabling them to learn with, from and about each
other, in order to deliver improved team-based collaborative patient care. However, historical “waves”
of IPE have fallen short of meeting this goal. IPE alone is a necessary but insufficient solution for system
change. We must look “beyond the lamppost” (Paradis and Whitehead 2018) and embrace an
education for collaboration model that is more rigorously supported by evidence that addresses
workplace system and structures. The most efficacious models will combine undergraduate and
uniprofessional education for collaboration with practice-based interventions.
The 4-hour interactive workshop will be facilitated by experienced clinician educators, Kevin Tan, Nigel
Tan, Jai Rao, Raymond Goy, Gormit Kaur and Catherine Poey. Through short lectures, participants will first
learn cutting-edge thinking about education for collaboration and the history of IPE. They will then be
invited to reconsider the key concepts that underpin most IPE through interactive sessions. Finally, with
support from the facilitators, they will workshop a research proposal on their area of specialty, and clearly
define the core concepts – teams, teamwork, and educational intervention – that frame their proposal.
The aim of the workshop is to engage learners in critical thinking about what they mean when they talk
about teams, teamwork, and education for collaboration, so that they can: (1) more accurately select
the concepts that reflect the reality they are trying to study; (2) more diligently select evidence that
supports the claims they are making; (3) more rigorously interpret what their research tells them about
clinicians, the organization of their work, and how they can learn to work effectively together.
Workshop Objective
By attending the workshop, the attendees will be able to:
Summarise the history and context of interprofessional education, in global perspective.
Explain the key conceptual frameworks and misunderstood assumptions used when discussing
interprofessionality and education for collaboration.
Explain why interprofessional education may not automatically lead to interprofessional
collaborative practice.
Identify how implementation of interprofessional collaborative practice may be influenced by
factors such as power, hierarchy, trust, systems and structures.
Apply conceptual frameworks in the design of a research study for interprofessional education
and collaborative practice.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Workshop Description
Performance measures or assessment in CBME has the prime purpose of guiding and driving learning. The
assessment for learning or formative assessment has feedback as the essential component in ensuring
competency development. Feedback is said to play an essential role in improving the performance and
developing behavioural excellence in workplace. In essence, the assumption is that, if feedback is
provided and received in the right way and at the right time, it should create opportunities for behavioural
modifications resulting in excellence among trainees and in general among the health professionals at
workplace. But in reality, research has shown that the feedback always does not lead to excellence in
performance at workplace, although it can be said that the feedback leads to adequacy in
performances. Competency development is a continuum, which anyone does not attain once and for
all, and should continue through professional development during his/her career.
This workshop tries to analyse the feedback during workplace based learning through the lens of
‘feedback fallacies’ given in the literature. It is an attempt to enhance the efficacy of workplace based
learning leading to excellence in performance, instead of mere performance improvement.
Workshop Objective
On completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Review the existing feedback practices during workplace based learning in the context of CBME.
Discuss feedback fallacies and related assumptions.
Reflect on the effectiveness of feedback practices in promoting excellence in performance.
Propose the best practices for feedback during formative performance assessments to promote
excellence in workplace based learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Knock Knock ….. Who’s There? Supporting Well-Being and Success for All
1Jo Bishop, 2Greg Radu and 3Aviad Haramati
1Australia, 2Canada and 3USA
Workshop Description
The facilitators will introduce the need for supporting learner well-being and why it must be a focus.
Challenges to learner well-being includes personal and environmental factors, these domains explore the
learner journey and transitions, length and challenges of programmers respectively.
The role of the education providers in promoting well-being will be explored along with evidence based
support framework that can be utilised in the learning environment, such as:
general support that is easily accessible, transparent and timely,
preventative support such as activities that help with resilience and personal and professional support
sessions and
extra support for the specific needs of the individual, personalised and offered early
The facilitators will particularly focus on the roles of faculty and peers in student support; the evidence
based staff development framework will explore difficult conversations and provide sufficient tools for
delegates to feel confident in the strategies discussed. The likely student concerns that present will be
reviewed with activities and role-play including study, relationships, financial, physical illness, mental
health. Case-based scenarios will explore how delegates have responded previously and how best to
triage with local guidelines and policies in mind.
The session will conclude with how the delegates are currently focusing on their own well-being, with
increases stressors and demands of the higher education and work environment. Practical advice will be
shared and delegates armed a sense of purpose, meaning and connection.
Workshop Objective
The objective of the workshop is to briefly review the current literature on supporting learner well-being
and discuss frameworks and practical approaches for those who educate and may be confronted with
and required to respond to distressed learners whilst maintain their own well-being.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
From Lecture to Learning Tasks: The Use of 4c/Id to Develop Online Courses in Health
Professions Education
1Astrid Pratidina Susilo, 1Ardi Findyartini, and 2Jeroen van Merrienboer
1Indonesia and 2The Netherlands
Workshop Description
During the COVID-19 pandemic, academic institutions have been struggling to shift their face-to-face
courses into online ones. Engaging students in online lectures is not an easy task. Teachers-students’
interactions are changing. Teachers often find it difficult to ensure students’ active participation in the
classroom. 4C/ID (Four Components Instructional Design) can be used to structure online courses to
improve students learning. The main assumption of 4C/ID is that good education is built from four
interrelated components. The first component is learning tasks, which provide a backbone of the
educational program. The learning tasks are whole-tasks, which are based on professional authentic
tasks. The second component is supportive information that helps students to perform the problem-solving
and reasoning aspects of the learning tasks. The third is procedural information that helps them perform
the routine aspects of the learning task. Finally, the fourth component is called part-task practice. Part-
task practice might be necessary to provide additional practice for the routine aspects of learning tasks.
More information about 4C/ID can be accessed at https://www.4cid.org/.
In line with the principles of 4C/ID, this workshop will also give learning tasks for the participants to develop
their own courses using 4C/ID. Participants are encouraged to bring their own project beforehand,
develop their project after listening to lectures, and obtain feedback from peers and facilitators.
Workshop Objective
This workshop aims to provide basic insights on how to use 4C/ID to develop an online course in health
professions education. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about 4C/ID, and the
implementation in an online learning process. They will then try to develop a course based on 4C/ID and
obtain feedback from their peers and the facilitators.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
Teaching in clinical settings is challenging especially with incoming learners/trainees of different medical
education backgrounds and levels. Learners may struggle at different aspects like knowledgebase,
clinical skills, attitude, or behaviour. Supervisors/educators need to recognize struggling learners, identify
underlining challenges that negatively impacted their performance or behaviour. Supervisors are also
faced with the need to coach the learner, give constructive feedback, and develop tailored remediation
plan. Moreover, COVID globally affected the healthcare systems adding additional challenge for
learners, especially the struggling ones. Workshop will support attendees to complement their professional
development to support struggling learners. Robust system and processes in intuitions is crucial for the
success of this support.
Workshop includes brief interactive didactics and hands-on exercises; attendees are invited to reflect,
discuss, and share their experiences. Didactics address adult learning theory, approaches to struggling
learners, and designing remediation plan. Hands-on interactive exercises offer attendees opportunity to
navigate the problem and how to address it using scenarios (written and videos). Through role paly
attendees will demonstrate giving constructive feedback and team up with the learner to design a
tailored plan. Last activity addresses and reflects on institutional approach to support learners and
remediation process. Virtually, activities will be instructed using polls and chat for attendees to share their
input, and breakout rooms to discuss scenarios and conduct role paly exercises.
Emphasis of workshop are to 1) discuss and highlight learners’ challenging behaviours, 2) reflect on
challenges shared by attendees, 3) demonstrate effective feedback strategies to help the learner
change their performance, 4) empower the trainees to support their struggling peers, and 5) work on
designing or refining the system used to support the learners.
International Competency-based Medical Education: http://gocbme.org/icbme-site/index.html
Kalet A, Guerrasio J, Chou CL. Twelve tips for developing and maintaining a remediation program
in medical education. Med Teach. 2016 Aug;38(8):787-92.
Workshop Objective
By the end of this workshop the participants should be able to:
Recognize the struggling learner/trainee, challenging behaviour, and the effect of COVID-19
pandemic on learners.
Describe approaches to address the challenges.
Apply constructive feedback and prepare a SMART plan with the learners.
Prepare and develop senior trainee to support struggling learners.
Evaluate the existing system to support/remediate the learners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
This experiential workshop will introduce educators to the concept of well-being based on a positive
psychology framework and its application to health professions education. Educators who attend the
workshop will learn about the benefits of integrating positive psychology concepts and how principles of
positive psychology can be applied to teaching and learning in interesting and engaging ways.
Workshop attendees will experience easy-to-implement positive psychology activities that they
implement could use for their learners.
Workshop Objective
The objective of this workshop is to equip health professions educators with applied knowledge and skills
for supporting the well-being of their well-being and that of their learners. This workshop aims to not only
equip educators to survive but beyond that to thrive and flourish.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Tips and Tricks for Successfully Publishing Scholarly Work in an International Journal on
Medical Education
1Peter de Jong, and 2Sandy Cook
1The Netherlands and 2Singapore
Workshop Description
In publishing scholarly work, not only the writing skills of the author are important. At least as important is
choosing the right strategy in submitting the work to the most appropriate journal. It is also useful to know
how the Editorial Office and Editorial Board of a journal handle the manuscripts received. Knowledge of
these last two aspects can significantly increase the chances for acceptance of the manuscript.
The workshop will give the attendees more insight in the editorial processes of a journal and several
concrete strategies to increase the chances of acceptance of their work. First an overview of several
journals for Medical Education will be presented and the differences in focuses will be discussed.
Presenters will showcase the internal procedures of one of those journals to explain the attendees what is
happening behind the scenes of a journal. Characteristics of several manuscript types available will be
discussed and some general advice will be given in order to make the process of submission as successful
as possible.
During the session the participants will get a few breakout room assignments on topics like barriers in
publishing, article formats and writing strategies. With the discussions the several steps in submitting a
manuscript will be clarified. Based on the brainstorm exercises and actual experiences from the audience,
the presenters will provide tips and recommendations. At the end of the workshop the participants will
have a better understanding of scientific publishing and the way in how a manuscript should be
Workshop Objective
In publishing scholarly work, it is important choosing the right strategy in submitting the work to the most
appropriate journal. The session will give the attendees more insight in the editorial processes of a journal
and several concrete strategies to increase the chances of acceptance of their work.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Wednesday, 12th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
Most of the teachers are struggling with low student engagement in online sessions. Engagement is an
important factor in achievement. No matter how well organized the lesson is, students learn only when
they are engaged. In order to ensure better learning, we need to ensure that the students are actively
involved and engaged in the teaching and learning experience.
In this workshop we will share different ways that would enhance student engagement in an online
teaching and learning environment.
Workshop Objective
By the end of the workshop the participants will be able to:
Discuss different softwares for student engagement
Comprehend the different levels of student engagement
Apply principles of student engagement during online teaching.
Appreciate how to use different online softwares to enhance student’s engagement.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Workshop Description
Along with the rapid change in higher education environment, there is a need for faculty not only to
continue developing good practices in face to face teaching, but also building pedagogical and
technological skills for online teaching. Studies have shown that peer review is an effective platform for
faculty to exchange views on teaching technique, disseminate good teaching practices and promote
faculty development and improvement. Teaching observation is widely promoted as an approach for
enhancement of quality of teaching and learning process in higher education establishments.
Nevertheless, the subjective nature of teaching and observer bias are among the factors that could
reduce the effectiveness of teaching observation. In order to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness
of peer observation of teaching programme, the practical aspects of the implementation must be
considered in the planning. Besides, it is crucial that the peer observation tools are clear and transparent,
with specific and measurable indicators.
Workshop Objective
Introduce peer observation of teaching models.
Propose practical approaches for implementation of peer observation of teaching programme.
Develop peer observation tools for teaching and learning activities.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Who Are You? Defining and Redefining Your Identity as A Health Professions Educator
1Neil Osheroff, 1Kimberly Dahlman, and 2Chen Zhi Xiong
1USA, and 2Singapore
Workshop Description
The development of professional school curricula that include highly integrated courses and active
learning methodologies has significantly impacted the career paths of many scientists and clinicians
involved in the educational process. Over the past decade, there has been a seismic shift away from the
traditional health professions teacher, whose duties were often limited to the role of lecturer or course
organizer, to a professional educator with a more complex skill set. Nevertheless, the “gold standard” for
defining educational excellence at many institutions remains student evaluations of teaching sessions,
with little regard for other valuable educator accomplishments. This workshop will explore how changes
in health professional curricula have induced the shift from health professions teachers to educators, how
that shift has altered the professional identity of faculty members, and how it is likely to further alter
professional identity in the future. Participants will identify and discuss the skills that should be expected of
a “modern” health professions educator and what should be the standards for educator excellence. This
information will be leveraged to help participants identify their educator strengths and opportunities for
improvement and future growth.
The workshop will begin with an interactive large group session that explores how the professional identity
of health professions educators has changed as a result of modern curricula. This will be followed by an
interactive discussion regarding the roles of the modern health professions educator. Three small group
activities will follow:
Attendees discuss standards for assessing educator excellence. This discussion will be followed by
a report back to the large group.
Participants will self-identify areas of educator strengths and weaknesses and plans for
improvement. They will then share and request feedback about their self-reflections.
Participants will identify potential new roles for health professions educators as curricula move
evolve in the future.
Workshop Objective
This interactive workshop will provide practical information and a framework that participants can use to
assess their current roles, potential future roles, and excellence as educators. Following this workshop,
participants will be able to:
Describe their professional identity and how it has changed as a result of integrated health
professional curricula.
Define the different roles of health professions educators.
Describe best practices and potential standards to assess educator excellence.
Self-identify their educator strengths and weaknesses and determine strategies for improvement.
Identify potential new roles that will help future-proof their careers as health professions
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Beyond Closed Doors: Maximising The Educational Impact of High Stakes Learner
Progression Decisions by Improving the Individual and The Institution
1James Kwan, 1Tracy Tan, 1Phua Dong Haur, 1Ng Wee Khoon, 1Faith L. Chia, and 2Subha Ramani
1Singapore, and 2USA
Workshop Description
Groups such as progression review committees or clinical competency committees are tasked with
making high stakes summative decisions in both undergraduate and postgraduate health professions
education. Such committees are responsible for ensuring that learners have met the requirements to
progress to the next stage of their training and that graduates of their programs are ready for appropriate
levels of independent practice. In addition to making these decisions, such committees are also
responsible for providing feedback and coaching to promote learning and growth among their learners,
and at a systems level, for improving the quality of the education program. However, there are significant
gaps in how feedback data are utilised to promote individual learner development and practice change
while concurrently applied at a systems level for quality improvement of the educational program.
Therefore, it is essential that faculty leaders receive training in sharing feedback from progression review
committees with individual learners aiming for growth and ongoing development as well as quality
improvement of the education program at a systems level, while also using the data to diagnose any
deficiencies within the training program so that required system-level changes can be implemented.
We will use a combination of educational strategies to maximise the interaction and engagement of
participants in a virtual environment:
Mini-didactic presentations
Small group exercises
Skills practice
Workshop Objective
Analyse key challenges and formulate potential solutions for learner remediation, and ensure
that the educational system that maximally supports learner development.
Apply effective feedback and coaching principles and practice these skills in small group
exercises using sample scenarios.
Apply best practices in systems design for quality improvement of the education program.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Finding The Correct Blend to Engage Your Students On-Campus and Off-Campus
Using Instructional Design Principles for Designing Online Learning Experiences
Hasnain Zafar Baloch, and Rozhan Idrus
Workshop Description
Online, Open and Distance learning is becoming an integral part of healthcare education. Educators
need to meet the needs of diverse learners and design and develop online learning experiences that are
engaging, promote interaction, motivate learners, and above all facilitate learning on campus and off-
campus. This workshop is to introduce participants to the basics of instructional design and development
of online learning experiences with a hands-on component to explore different tools to plan, design and
develop online learning activities and designing of online modules.
In this workshop, we will be exploring the framework of Technology (the Convergence of Technology,
Pedagogy and Content) and how to design online activities using different tools to engage learners.
Workshop Objective
Identify the importance of instructional design in developing online learning activities/module.
Identify appropriate instructional strategies for effective course delivery.
Find correct blend to achieve Learning objectives.
Explore appropriate tools.
Plan an online learning activities including the assessment and the feedback.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
The workshop is designed to be conducted in four parts.
The first part is the introduction to the characteristics or traits that are generally predictive of learners who
struggle with assessments that are high stake. Data will be shared from study done in exploring the
attributes that predict success in high stake encounters.
The next part is the core concept of "Ownership Cycle" described by its founder Dr Jian Yi Soh; explaining
the concepts of three components namely the ownership of reality, communication and action. Further
insights would be provided on the resilience factors for learners when they pursue this journey.
The third segment of the workshop focuses on the practical application of the concepts in guiding the
leaners through the path of self-discovery, realisation of present state and self-regulation towards the high
stake hurdle.
The last part of the workshop is designed to address practical difficulties when applying these concepts,
common pitfalls when attempting to engage learners with poor insight, handling those with avoidance
from academic support services offered. These will include sharing of practical experiences from various
context of the facilitators from the Masters and PhD Programs of Maastricht, Netherlands and from
postgraduate programs is medical and procedural specialities in Asia.
The workshop will conclude with further clarifications of the concepts with invited illustrations from
contextual scenarios from the workshop participants.
Workshop Objective
Understanding the characteristics of struggling learners when facing high stakes assessments.
Introduction to concept of Ownership cycle, components and approaches.
Practical application of ownership cycle in helping learners to overcome difficulties.
Sharing experiences from 3 different contexts of high stakes examinations and patterns of failures.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
With the increasing digitalization of education, data that is being generated and collected has the
potential to provide insights for guiding student learning through analysis of data from various sources
including admissions, student class engagement and assessments.
In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn about fundamental concepts in data
science that can be applied in analysing education data. Using an open-source data mining and
machine learning tool, participants will have the opportunity to work on synthetic education datasets
through a series of case-based scenarios. Through hands-on exercises, participants will learn the basics of
data cleaning/visualization and two broad approaches in machine learning: (1) unsupervised learning
for uncovering patterns and (2) supervised learning for prediction.
Workshop Objective
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Describe the types of questions that could be addressed by analytics.
Perform basic data cleaning and visualization of datasets.
Perform basic analysis for uncovering patterns and predicting outcomes.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Building Effective Virtual Learning Platform at The Time of Pandemics in Clinical Setting
Manasik Hassan, Ahmed Alhammadi, Eman A Rahman Senan Al Maslamani and Magda Youssef
Workshop Description
New global situation of COVID19 pandemic mandate the transition of medical education and teaching
from physical to rapidly expanding technology based teaching (virtual learning) creating challenging in
effecting a successful learning platform in busy setting.
Virtual learning and learning platform define as a range of integrated web-based applications that
provide teachers and learners with information, tools, and resources to support and enhance educational
delivery and management.
Constructing an effective virtual learning platform need multiples phases and strategies to
accommodate it into the daily busy clinical practice.
Workshop Structure
Participants will be engaged in several activities:
Interactive didactic introduction highlights the history; definition of virtual learning platform and
important needed elements and it is significance in the virtual teaching and education in the
clinical setting.
Engagement in discussions and reflections on video-clips in how to create and build the virtual
platform and identify necessary fundamentals needed for it is successful.
In small groups table discussion; participants will identify barriers to implement virtual learning
platform in a daily busy clinical environment
At the end we will share some measures to assess the effectiveness of virtual learning platform on
patient outcomes and learners’ behaviours, skills and knowledge.
Workshop Objective
Define the virtual learning platform and the components with highlighting it is importance in the
virtual teaching and education.
Identify benefits and challenges to implement it in a busy clinical setting.
Describe different strategies and steps to build virtual platform and how to assess its effectiveness.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Welcome Ceremony
Professor Dr April Camilla Roslani
Dr Dujeepa Samarasekera
Chairpersons, Organising Committee
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Azlan
Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfurlah
Chancellor, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Plenary 1
Hall 1, 1.30pm
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 1
HALL 1, 10.15AM
Virtual Platform for Clinical Reasoning Using Interactive Clinical Scenario-Based Cases
Virtual simulation is technology aiming to recreate real-life situations allowing students or doctors or nurses
to acquire skills and competencies in a safe environment. During COVID 19 situation, the learners need
to re-skill in changing the clinical environment within a short time. To improve clinical reasoning and
diagnostic skills, a virtual environment needs to engage learners in authentic goal-directed work activities.
Apart from the introduction of the learner to the patient’s chief complaint, narratives and discussions on
pathophysiology and investigation tools supporting recall and appraisal by the learner help to re-enact
clinical practice settings.
The facilitators have been constructing interactive clinical cases in a virtual platform to improve clinical
reasoning since 2016.
The symposium is targeted at medical doctors, nursing tutors and clinical lecturers, who are interested to
create character-based interactive clinical cases in a virtual environment.
Studies on clinical intuition of medical students, trainee doctors and trainee nurses emphasize on
processes which are fast incorporating automatic association between the presenting complaint and
other associated information and implicit learning processes regarding clinical reasoning, physical
examination findings, investigation results and applying decision making principles. The online platform
operation should make the learner know his/her role in the virtual process.
Scenario-based learning and gamification have shown great results for improving diagnostic skills. The
challenging part in designing the clinical scenario is an appropriate level of challenge and keeping the
curiosity of the learner with embedded assessment. The virtual environment could provide great
learning spaces, with key elements and ingredients of the learning experience. With engagement and
fun, knowledge retention will be longer by incorporating scenario-based and gamification elements.
The Methodology on Designing Microlearning Simulated Cases for The Best Learning Experience
Mohd Fadzil Zainal Anuar, Malaysia
Senior Multimedia Designer, International Medical University, Malaysia
Microlearning is best presented by mainly focusing on converting a large chunk of content into
multimedia elements such as image, audio, video and illustration. In IMU, we focus on utilising a
microlearning approach in our virtual cases to engage our students and provide our students with
simple to complex decision making in medical practice. We will walk you through the methodology,
process, and workflow of creating a virtual clinical case.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 2
HALL 2, 10.15AM
Future-Proofing Dental Education in Singapore
The Class of 2030 and Beyond: Future-Proofing A New Generation of Orthodontists Amid Technology
Kelvin Foong, Singapore
Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore; and Senior Consultant,
National University Centre for Oral Health Singapore, Singapore
According to Wikipedia, “future-proofing is the process of anticipating the future and developing
methods to minimise the shocks and stress of future events.” In orthodontics where patient care is the
primary responsibility in clinical practice, future-proofing an orthodontist means equipping the clinician
with cognitive capabilities and skill sets to maintain high quality patient care amid a rapidly evolving
practice landscape.
Two questions come to mind: when and how should the community of orthodontists prepare its future
generations in the face of an increasing role of digital dentistry in clinical practice and a greater
demand for orthodontic services from an adult and older patient population who are more educated
but have chronic medical issues? This lecture will explain that future-proofing the new generation of
orthodontists starts with the present. It will also discuss what university-based postgraduate orthodontic
programmes, professional orthodontic societies, orthodontic departments within hospitals, and the
community of private practice clinicians can do, individually and collectively, to future-proof the new
generation of orthodontists. This lectures posits that the basic specialty training (BST) phase in university-
based postgraduate orthodontic programmes will remain as the standard of educational practice to
produce a competent practitioner and suggests “Interdisciplinary Learning” (different from “multi-
disciplinary”) as an additional pillar of learning to the already rigorous BST course. Beyond the BST
phase, the lecture will share how a “whole of community” approach can also help bring about a
future-proofed generation of orthodontists.
Learning Objectives
1. How the Orthodontics Residency Programme at the National University of Singapore produces
competent clinicians who can independently plan treatment and manage a wide range of
malocclusions with high quality outcomes.
Using Clinical Portfolios as a reflective teaching tool in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Undergraduate
Dental Education
Intekhab Islam, Singapore
Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore
The scope of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is very diverse and broad. Undergraduate Dental students
often have to strike a balance between exposure and knowledge.
Clinical log books have been used traditionally to track progress during training. While these log books
provide a good quantitative summary of a student’s progress, there is little room for qualitative
reflection and feedback. Clinical Portfolios provide the undergraduates with a structured platform to
reflect on clinical cases they have been exposed to during their attachment to the Dept of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery. This also allows them to identify areas for self-directed learning to improve clinical
skills as well as allows faculty to observe and guide the longitudinal development of the
undergraduate’s clinical skills. Learning points can be identified to improve the management of
subsequent cases.
This presentation will focus on the use of Clinical portfolios to enable reflective learning in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery for undergraduate dental education.
The development of rubrics to enable critical appraisal as well as the advantages of adapting an E-
portfolio will also be considered.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Planning orthognathic surgery is a basic skill that all maxillofacial surgery trainees must learn. Training
programs of the 21st century must also move along with the times and adopt new technologies in their
practice. Implementation of a digital workflow will certainly bring upon significant benefits to both the
surgical service and training.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 3
HALL 3, 10.15AM
Learning And Data Analytics
Health Informatics Pathway at NUS Medicine: Introducing Data Science into the Medical Curriculum
Kenneth Ban
Phase I Director, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
The increasing digitalization of healthcare data has opened the doors to new data-driven approaches
that build on the remarkable progress in the fields of data science and AI/machine learning.
To prepare students for emerging competencies in this data-driven age of medical practice, NUS
Medicine designed and implemented a foundational pathway to introduce students to core concepts
and skills in informatics and data science. This pathway aims to empower our students to explore and
work on data science projects that leverage healthcare data to derive new insights for improving health
and patient outcomes in this talk, I will briefly describe our experience in introducing data science into
the medical curriculum, the challenges we faced, and our plans for the future.
Significant changes in society and the way we live and work highlight the need for more flexible and
innovative ways of teaching and learning. Today’s uncertain global economy requires learners who can
flourish in complexity and who are competent problem solvers and critical thinkers. While such skills – often
referred to as 21st-century skills – have attracted significant attention of practitioners, researchers and
policymakers, their teaching and assessment pose a significant challenge. Traditional approaches for
teaching and assessment do not allow for a degree of personalisation necessary to monitor the
development of these skills, especially for marginalised and under-represented populations. With the
growing adoption of digital technologies – further accelerated by COVID-19 – there is a vast amount of
data collected by schools, educational departments and governing bodies that can be utilised for this
purpose. Learning analytics, a field focusing on utilising such data for understanding and improving
learning and teaching processes, has recently attracted significant attention showing promise in
supporting student learning across a wide range of domains. The digital data about students, their
aspirations, competencies and learning progress can be effectively used to provide a holistic overview
of student learning, measure their learning development and provide information necessary for timely
support and intervention. In this presentation, I will provide an overview of how learning analytics can be
used to support student learning and the development of complex skills and competencies.
Learning Analytics for Personalised Learning: Getting the People, Processes and Systems Aligned
Er Hui Meng
Dean (Teaching and Learning), International Medical University, Malaysia
In the personalised learning approach, learners take ownership of their learning journey according to their
strengths, needs, interests and pace of learning. This shifts the learners from being consumers to active
partners in education and supports self-regulated learning. To optimise the learning outcomes and
experiences in personalised learning, learning analytics is increasingly used for analysis of relevant
educational data of academic and non-academic origins, to provide meaningful insights that guide
learners and teachers in their decision-making. It is imperative that the educators and technologists work
hand in hand to generate appropriate use cases that are contextual to the organisation and academic
programme in the development of a learning analytics platform. Data maturity and quality determine
the feasibility. Besides data digitalisation, it is necessary to align the data source systems, processes as
well as stakeholders to capitalise the values of learning analytics. We embarked on a pilot project to
develop a learning analytics platform at our institution to support personalised learning for medical and
pharmacy programmes. The lessons learned will be shared at the symposium.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Learning Analytics and Institutional Research with LMS under the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
Yoshikazu Asada
Associate Professor, Jichi Medical University, Japan
There have been few examples of online medical education as an entire medical education curriculum,
although there have been examples as single courses or classes in Japan. However, because of the
COVID-19 pandemic, many universities have emphasized online-based education, both synchronous
and asynchronous.
Although it was the emergency response to COVID-19, it should be evaluated for continuous use of online
education. In Japan, sometimes the word “learning analytics” and “institutional research” are used
separately; the former for micro level such as the formative feedback for students, and the latter for
macro level such as the program evaluation. Both are important for improving of the education.
Since the asynchronous online learning generally uses Learning Management System (LMS), the learning
records will be gathered easily. Thus, in this presentation, the speaker mainly shows a case study of
analytics based on the asynchronous online education using Moodle, such as (1) data collection, (2)
data visualization, and (3) the prediction of learning outcomes.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 4
HALL 1, 11.30AM
Implications of Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Technology On Medication Education
Over the past 20 years, a revolution has taken place in the use of health care simulation. Technological
advances in computational power, graphics, display systems, tracking, interface technology, haptic
devices, authoring software, and artificial intelligence (AI) have supported the creation of low-cost, user-
friendly virtual reality (VR) technology and virtual patients (VPs).
Artificially intelligent VPs interact verbally and nonverbally, while more sophisticated VPs approach by
engaging in rich conversations, recognizing nonverbal cues, and reasoning about social and emotional
factors, and evaluating learners’ mental models in clinical decision-making. Students interact with VPs
(computer representations of patients that can speak and answer learner questions) in ways that mimic
real and standardized patient encounters. VPs provide a safe, effective means by which learners practice
clinical skills and reasoning before interacting with patients. VR technology is also used in teaching patient
safety as well as navigating the human body to learn about its structure, function, and basic
pathophysiology in an immersive way. In this symposium, each of the speakers will talk about the VPs and
VR technology they have developed, how VPs and VR are implemented in their teaching, and identify
promises and perils posed by both VPs and VR in medical education.
Virtual Integrated Patient (VIP): An AI-Enabled Chatbot and Its Use in Medical Curriculum
Judy Sng
Senior Lecturer, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Like how training pilots fly aircrafts on flight simulators before taking to the skies, the Virtual Integrated
Patient (VIP) seeks to complement medical education by providing medical students with a safe space
to practice their clinical skills anywhere and anytime. This allows them to gain confidence before stepping
into an actual clinical environment.
Equipped with a random patient generator, students are exposed to different clinical cases. They are
tasked to identify symptoms based on asking the virtual patient questions that would lead them to make
an appropriate diagnosis. One remarkable feature of the VIP is its artificial intelligence (AI) conversational
technology. A chatroom with a virtual patient is set up, where learners can converse with him or her like
how a consultation session with a doctor would be like on a messaging app. This includes patients
detailing how they are feeling and why they have come for a consult. Information collected from the
conversations between the patient and the doctor are compiled into datasets subsequently to enable a
smoother AI-learning experience. In this talk, I will discuss the technology and how it was used in the
medical and nursing curriculum.
Anticipating Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Fine-Tuning its Relevance to Medical Education
Suresh Pillai
Senior Consultant, Emergency Medicine Department, National University Hospital, National University
Health System, Singapore
The power of Artificial Intelligence in clinical medicine is evolving but the potential use of AI in healthcare
education is still in its infancy. This presentation will explore how AI can be used to enhance medical
education to justify the relentless pursuit of introducing yet another new technology in medical education.
The challenge is to balance its value while retaining the ability to navigate complex aspects of
healthcare. The question remains – will it produce better doctors in the future?
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Harnessing Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education: The Way Forward
Alfred Kow Wei Chieh
Assistant Dean (Education), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National
University Health System, Singapore
Medical education and training are at a crossroads as we are facing challenges wrought by science and
technology as well as societal change. The curriculum is increasingly out of synch with new needs in
teaching content and medical practice. At the same time, with the 4 th Industrial Revolution involving big
data, AI and Machine Learning set to transform the future of healthcare practices, medical education
will certainly be affected.
The path to significant curricular reform is difficult because of a variety of factors, including deeply
entrenched values, the natural resistance to change, and the accreditation process. Indeed, even the
very definition of what it means to be a professional is changing with profound implications for the future
role of the physician and the sacrosanct doctor-patient relationship.
But the pandemic has forced educational institutions to evolve rapidly to meet the challenges in
maintaining quality education and also to explore new and innovative methods to move forward.
Together with AI and machine learning hitting the shores of medical education, we must find a strategy
to embrace this while ensuring that they are assimilated appropriately in the education and training of
future healthcare professionals. The core values and fundamental principles of medical training must not
be lost in the process. And yet, we must not be afraid of the new horizon of AI and ML arriving in medical
education, but to know them and use them well, as Sun Tzu said, “If you know the enemy and know
yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”
Clinical reasoning is much-talked-about but hard to define, and even harder to teach, as evident from
teachers' experience and the literature. Yet the importance of this topic cannot be understated, since it
guides the effectiveness of learning in the formative years, and serves as a complement, backup, and
can be part of the heuristics/pattern-recognition that experienced healthcare workers use. We will
describe and demonstrate how AI combined with clearly defining reasoning itself, makes the Med2Lab
platform unique in framework, evaluation, and feedback, and what this means for real-world clinical
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 5
HALL 2, 11.30AM
Refocusing Teaching-Learning Methods During The “New Normal”: Part of Future
Proofing Healthcare Professionals
As we have struggled on the best teaching methodology virtually because of the pandemic, we were
able to re-evaluate the content of what we have been teaching our medical students in the past. In our
evaluation, we wanted to ensure that what we are teaching will be important in their future practice of
medicine. Even with numerous virtual applications available, are the teachers still needed to facilitate
learning given the present generation of students?
As teachers, it was also a great challenge to teach skills especially that of communication skills. Can this
really be taught virtually?
On the big lack in empathy with the present generation of medical students, will qualitative research or
reflective practice be part of the intervention?
In this symposium, the speakers will seek to address these questions given the capability and limitations of
the countries represented by the different speakers. It is high time that we refocus and realign our
teaching methods to truly produce clinically competent, empathetic and resilient doctors!
Having to teach and train medicine without real patients is a real pain for teachers and students alike.
Though we were pushed to this end with the Covid-19 pandemic, this has been the case in military surgery
since the advent of that particular specialty. Those who were trained in civilian surgery always found
them to be the square pegs in round holes when they were put to operate in austere war situations. As a
solution to this problem it is some time now, that simulation has been in wide use in the training processes
of military surgery. In this regard simulation has progressed to virtual simulation, virtual reality and
augmented reality.
We incorporated virtual simulation to teach para-clinical students who were sent off from clinical settings
with the advent of the Covid pandemic. Limited exposure to patients invariably limit the clinical
knowledge gain, hence the importance of virtual simulation in this regard. Here in my presentation, I will
be discussing our journey through virtual simulation.
Adapting to Human Anatomy Virtual Teaching and Learning: The Students’ Perspective
Ma. Cristina Zulueta
Dean, College of Medicine, La Consolacion University Philippines (LCUP), Philippines
With all Philippine medical schools on Flexible Learning modality, online platforms had to be utilized and
all teachers had to be trained to adapt to the “new normal” of teaching and learning. Eighty percent of
the students had difficulty dealing with home comforts and/or discomforts since teaching and learning
was done virtually. Internet connectivity was a primary concern of both the students and faculty even
when online platforms were utilized and subscribed to by most medical schools. Interactive lectures
supplemented by actual videos of dissection and histologic slides maximally promoted learning for the
students. These medical students belong to the so-called “digital natives”; but the study clearly showed
that even with virtual applications, the professors/faculty are still important to facilitate learning even of
a highly visual course.
Of the teaching modalities missed by the students, cadaveric dissection ranked first followed by face to
face classes and small group discussions, both of which were noted to promote critical thinking and
enhance teamwork and cooperation among students.
Technology can never replace great teachers; but technology in the hands of great teachers can be
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
It is assumed that the physician is competent to treat disease, but there is increasing focus both on the
treatment of the patient in a more holistic manner, and improved communication with the patient.
Physicians recognize it is important to acquire new information and technical skills as part of their
professional activities, but frequently have paid less attention to learning how to communicate
effectively, particularly in challenging situations, such as helping patients make choices, disclosing errors
or breaking bad news.
In the framework of FOR21 Erasmus+ CBHE project (2021-2024), 6 universities in Kazakhstan, Russia and
Uzbekistan will implement virtual patient methodology in teaching basic and advanced communication
skills with the assistance from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Leeds and University of Oulu.
Technologically, FOR21 promotes the use of virtual patients to provide authentic immersive ways of
developing critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills as practice-based element of medical education.
At this, the virtual learning is complemented by tutor expertise and peer team-work through flipped
classroom methodology. The developed communicative competence will also be assessed through
conversations with standardised patients after the learners reached the safe level of skills to practice.
Reflection is the process of developing an increased awareness and meaning of the self and the situation.
Reflection is a core component of teaching and learning in medical education, playing a critical role in
fostering empathy, identity formation and professionalism. Reflective practice has been shown to assist
practitioners to better analyze and respond to stressful and often-challenging circumstances. The COVID-
19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis that has disrupted all aspects of our normal life. Globally,
educators and learners have been pushed to quickly adapt to new modes of teaching and learning.
Flipped classrooms, online teaching and virtual patients have become the new normal, minimizing
disruption to medical education. Nonetheless, healthcare institutions and medical schools across the
globe are still struggling to cope with the uncertainty and everchanging situations in teaching and
learning settings across the continuum of medical education. This highlights a need, more so than ever,
to adopt reflection as a deliberate practice to ensure quality medical education is achieved.
In this talk, I shall present some recent developments in reflective approaches and successful case studies
with the objective to support as well as encourage medical educators and future doctors to better
process, adapt, educate, learn and thrive in the new normal.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 6
HALL 2, 2.15PM
Communication Skills Training for Foreign Patients: Experiences from Korea, Hong Kong
S.A.R. And Japan
1Young-Mee Lee, 2Hyunmi Park, 3Alice Pik Shan Kong, and 4Itzel Bustos Villalobos
1Professor, Korea University College of Medicine (KUCM), South Korea, 2Research Professor, Korea
University College of Medicine, South Korea, 3Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Department of
Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R., and 4Associate
Professor, Nagoya University, Japan
Globalisation has resulted in dynamic international movements leading to increasing number of foreign
patients who impose challenges to doctors from all medical disciplines.
The differences in ethnicity, language and culture of the foreign patients presenting to medical institutions
can be very eclectic. Foreign patients include higher education students, expatriates and manual
workers from both developed and developing countries. English is a commonly used international
language which serves as a good tool of communications between patients and doctors from different
Traditional medical curriculums in many countries and cities focus on nurturing doctors to serve their local
populations, and training on communication skills to address the diversity of patients from foreign
countries has been lacking. There is an urgent need to improve the gap in medical education in order to
optimise patient care from all backgrounds.
‘English Patient Encounter’ Elective Course for Undergraduate Medical Students: Experiences and
Lessons Learnt
Young-Mee Lee, South Korea
‘English Patient Encounter’ Practical Course for Practicing Physicians in The Primary Care Setting
Hyunmi Park, South Korea
Communication Skills for Foreign Patients in English: Course Description and Experiences from The
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Alice Pik Shan Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R.
Communication Skills for Foreign Patients in English: Course Description and Experiences from Nagoya
University, Japan
Itzel Bustos Villalobos, Japan
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 7
HALL 3, 2.15PM
Intention, Interpretation and Response to Feedback in Healthcare Professional
1Tong Seng Fah, 2Mohd Nasri Awang Besar, and 3Paul Douglas Fullerton
1Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, 2Medical Lecturer, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Malaysia, and 3Associate Professor, Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash
University, Malaysia
Giving and receiving effective feedback is crucial, yet it remains one of the most challenging
interpersonal communication skills to master within healthcare professional education. Feedback is an
integral part of the learning process to enhance learners’ learning. Unfortunately, there are no specific
instructions for educators to adopt a particular feedback guideline or model when providing feedback
to the learners. The traditional conceptualisation of feedback, which identifies and corrects errors, might
be a feasible approach. In general, a feedback process can be divided into feedback approaches,
feedback techniques, and feedback strategies. Educators might adopt a dialogic approach using an
open-ended self-reflection technique with various feedback strategies such as learners’ plan for
improvement, self-rating, praise, educator's plan for improvement, inform rating, justification of rating and
invite inquiries. However, effective feedback is essentially an effective communication process where
educators need to examine their intention, learners’ interpretation of the message transpired and
learner’s response to feedback.
Exploring the educators’ intentions is crucial in the feedback process. Overall, the intentions are for
improving learners’ learning, but different feedback strategies adopted by educators may have different
specific intentions under the general aim. Educators may not be aware of such specific intentions. There
is limited research focusing on these specific intentions in feedback.
Previous research revealed that some educators assumed feedback is well received. Unfortunately,
learners interpret the feedback approach, technique, and strategies used by the educators prior to
accepting the feedback. During the process, learners may expand, omit or filter the feedback given by
their educators. There are possibilities that the learners do not fully interpret educators’ intentions, thus,
resulting different degrees of acceptance of the feedback given. Further, an educator may assume that
the learner correctly interprets their intention without considering the learner's viewpoint of the feedback
Learner response to the feedback varies. The action taken by a learner depends heavily on their
acceptance and interpretations of the feedback. Feedback misinterpretation causes the learners to
respond differently to the educator’s original intentions. Thus, learner exposure to the educator’s intentions
can enhance the effectiveness of the feedback session.
Changing the paradigm among educators regarding feedback should start with viewing feedback from
a broader perspective. The first part of the feedback process begins with the educator’s intentions before
he/she chooses the feedback approach, which will determine the feedback technique and strategies
adopted during the feedback session. Conversely, receiving feedback, as the second part of the
feedback process starts with the learner’s interpretations before the appropriate response occurs.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 8
HALL 1, 3.30PM
On A Camino: Learning to Serve
Nurturing an attitude of empathy and service lies at the heart of medical education. This symposium
presents innovative approach towards service learning within medical school, viewing the nurturing of
attitudes as an outward journey to discover the needs of others and an inward journey to discover the
one’s way of being in order to be most effective in serving others. The first speaker will describe innovative
approaches used in curriculum design and implementation in service learning based on a constructivist
approach and anchored on Carl Roger’s Framework of Person-centeredness. The second speaker will
describe faculty as guides on this journey that students take, the importance of the way of being of the
teacher and how educators can grow individually and as communities that guide and rally around our
students. The third speaker will share about inspiring students to see the individual in the community and
how an emphasis of connectedness is crucial as a cornerstone of local and global service learning. The
fourth speaker will share about the application of gamification in teaching students about vulnerable
populations, and how faculty mentorship in student community involvement is crucial in effective service
Service learning is a crucial part of medical education, through service learning students experience
authentic deep learning that inspires meaning and anchors them back on the purpose of medical
training. This speaker will share about the design and implementation of an innovative approach to
curriculum design and implementation in service learning -the Camino design, which has its foundation
Carl Roger’s Framework of person-centeredness. Through the Camino design, learners and teachers form
a community that travels together towards growth for serving others both externally and internally. Stories
will be shared about how this method of curriculum delivery not only impacted the lives and hearts of
students but also touched and shaped the lives of faculty.
The third speaker discuss the challenges and approaches to teaching global health principles to a mixed
(non-medical, pre-clinical and clinical) cohort of students. Students engaged with the concepts of global
development at individual, community, local and global levels. This speaker will share about how these
elements can be taught in a cohesive manner that activates students’ prior learning, emphasizing key
mental models while engaging with individual attitudes and quandaries. This presentation shows how
‘connectedness’ and ‘community’ are cornerstones to weave and spiral service learning and nurture
compassion in a growing community of learners. This will end off with a case study demonstrating
application of these principles to the design, implementation and outcomes of a workshop on global
health service.
Food for the Journey: Service Learning through Stories & Gamification
Pang Ningyi
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of
Singapore, Singapore
This presentation will share about how gamification is a powerful tool applied towards service learning.
Through gamification, students not only learn about the real-world needs of vulnerable people groups
but also develop perspective taking, and a deeper understanding of the complexity of daily life that
patients face. The application of narratives interwoven with games helps students to understand the
humanity behind the patients they serve and the knowledge presented. From this presentation, listeners
will take home practical strategies and tips for applying gamification and narratives to their day to day
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
This presentation shares about the importance of mentorship through service learning to anchor and
shape student’s growth in terms of values and character. The use of the ‘self’ of the teacher in teaching
and learning is also explored and faculty can adopt strategies to facilitate safe spaces for students to
process, reflect, learn and grow within a community founded on relationships and trust. We will also share
student’s feedback about having safe spaces to process and discover more about themselves as serving
leaders impacted their perspectives and touched their hearts.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 1
HALL 1, 2.15PM
Scenario Design: Best Practice and Tips for Meeting New Challenges
Simulation based education is based on the principle of experiential learning accompanied by debrief
and reflection. A well-designed scenario is key to an effective learning experience. The panel will share
best practices and practical tips in selection and design of simulation scenarios, and in particular some
ways to deal with challenges due to unexpected circumstances.
1. Best Practices and Practical Tips for Scenario Design for Simulation-Based Education.
2. Creation and Adaptation of Scenarios for The Virtual Space
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Plenary 2
HALL 1, 9.00AM
In Harmony with The Local Wisdom: A Way Forward for Health Professions Training
1 Mora Claramita, and 2Hiroshi Nishigori
1Professor and Head, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and
Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, and 2Professor, Center for Medical Education, Nagoya
University, Japan
One of the successes and often celebrated evolution of health professions training is the integration of
basic medical and clinical sciences for delivery and assessments. This success is somewhat measured in
the way health professions training is delivered across the globe, where schools try to adapt and
conform to globally agreed standards and best practices. The growth in health professions scholarship
and opportunities for professional development and recognition is another indicator of the advances in
health professions training. Nevertheless, with success comes some reflection of whether what is being
practiced now, the best solution for local and contextualized training. Has the excitement to be a
global community of health professions educators put at risk the local practices and wisdom which may
benefit the community being served? This plenary puts forwards the argument that local wisdom needs
consideration and weight in the training of health professionals. The speakers will offer perspectives and
evidences from their own professional experience to posit that being in harmony, is a way forward for
health professions training.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Plenary 3
HALL 1, 2.15PM
So We Want Our Students to Be Able to Practice Medicine in 2050: Future-Proofing Is
Ronald M Harden
Professor of Medical Education (Emeritus), University of Dundee; and General Secretary and Treasurer,
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), United Kingdom
“In the long run we will neither need nor want professionals to work in the way that they have done in the
20th Century and before” (Suskind and Suskind, 2015).
Medical education, it has been suggested, has a regrettable history of producing doctors fit for the past
and perhaps for the present, but not for the future. To prepare our graduates for lifelong practice as a
doctor they need to be future-proofed. This will require a radical change in direction in how we train our
We need to rethink concepts around medical competence and the meaning of the term “a competent
physician”. We need to recognise in our teaching and assessment programme the importance of
adaptability, resilience, grit, tolerance, and coping with uncertainty, creative problem-solving and
responding to unexpected events.
Doctors have to be trained to care for patients with whom they are not familiar through ongoing self-
directed learning, the medical school programmes should equip the student with the skills required for
lifelong learning.
Students should be actively engaged in future-proofing the training programme. They should learn how
to manage and control themselves with self-awareness, choosing their mindset consciously, and
controlling their focus.
The COVID crisis provides the opportunity to rethink our education programme and how we future-proof
our students. We should be passionate about future-proofing our students and take steps to allow them
to respond to as-yet unknown needs and opportunities. In every crisis, suggest the Chinese proverb “there
is an opportunity”.
Future proofing should not be a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice and should be achieved.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 9
HALL 1, 9.45AM
Towards A Standardised Postgraduate Medical Education Curriculum in Malaysia
Malaysia’s growing ageing population has seen a chronic shortage of medical specialists for decades.
Initial reliance on foreign certification through the Royal Colleges of the UK evolved into the subsequent
development of the local Masters in Medicine programs since the late 1970s. This structured,
professional training program that’s anchored by academic institutions has produced more than 3000
specialists in 23 different specialty programs. These programs however face considerable challenges in
providing specialist doctors in sufficient numbers and quality to match demand. One of the factors that
have been identified is the need to provide services by trainee doctors to clinics and hospitals
nationwide balanced with the requirement to provide training in the early years of postgraduate
professional development. Through the National Postgraduate Medical Curriculum Project, we aim to
build on, and strengthen, the existing postgraduate training pathways by establishing a National
Curriculum for all medical specialties and fields of specialist interest. Each curriculum emphasises
competency-based training, work-based assessments and training of trainers as critical factors to ensure
that all trainee doctors are trained to the highest standard thus guaranteeing patient safety and quality
of care.
The Specialty Education Subcommittee of the Medical Education Committee was set up in 2018. The
members of the committee were appointed by the President of the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC)
and it compromised academics from the public & private universities and representatives from the
Ministry of Health. The task given was to produce the minimum standards for MMC to recognize a
specialist programme. It is to be generic for all disciplines while being aligned with the Malaysian
Qualification Framework and Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation. The seven areas covered
in the final document were programme development & delivery; assessment of trainee learning; trainee
selection & support services; trainers; educational resources; programme management and
programme monitoring & quality improvement. After one year of work, the standards were presented in
a stakeholder meeting and eventually adopted by MMC. Subsequently, each discipline-specific
standards were produced. The challenges faced were aligning the specialist’s needs across the nation
while maintaining quality training. The areas of contention were the definition of trainers; the minimum
criteria for a center to be recognized for training and the concept of patient: trainee ratio.
It is a basic right to expect and receive the best healthcare that ensures patient safety and quality of
care. Thus, training for the experts who deliver it is a vital component of that care. As patient
expectations rise the training system must change to meet or surpass those expectations. The
challenges to the system would be to achieve not just the needed numbers of trained specialists but
those who are equipped with the essential core values and skills that make them competent specialists.
In the era of competency-based curricula, views on completion of training is based on assessment of
having achieved specified competencies rather than “time served”. Competency-based training
requires demonstration of successful completion of workplace activities while summative examinations
remain part of the demonstration of completion of training.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
These activities encompass knowledge/skills required to attain upon exit; in addition to core values that
define professional behaviours/attitudes which are challenging to capture. Examples given of Essential
Learning Activities (ELA), define a set of specialty specific activities that trainees must be able to
perform “unsupervised” at a various point throughout the programme; with concrete examples of
positive and negative behaviours to communicate standards at which the activity should be
e-Portfolio is a self-contained system for recording and documenting the supervised learning events and
journey of trainees on Postgraduate Medical Training Programmes in Malaysia. It will hold the certified
and validated evidence of the trainees Learning, Competency levels and Experience from the start to
the successful completion or exit of the programme. E-Portfolio provides a secure online system to
facilitate a more effective and structured approach in managing the trainees’ journey along the PG
Medical programmes, and the tracking, monitoring and assessment of their journeys from the point of
enrolment until graduation. It is independent of any specific University/Training Facility in Malaysia and is
designed around the National Postgraduate Medical Curriculums. It is intended to help promote and
facilitate the objectives of the unified curriculum and the standardisation of training for Medical
Specialists in Malaysia in line with the NPMC and aligned with the national strategy for healthcare. It is
further envisaged that Medical Specialists may elect to continue using the system after graduation and
throughout their careers to record relevant experience etc. as part of their Specialist e-Passport.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 10
HALL 2, 9.45 AM
Services and Data Resources for Medical Education and Training Around the World
Medical education and training are becoming increasingly globalized. Organizations that credential,
certify, license, or employ physicians, in addition to individuals such as current and prospective students
and physicians in training and practice, all need to be reliable, up to date and accurate information on
medical education and training worldwide. As part of its global mission, the Educational Commission for
Foreign Medical Graduates and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education
and Research (ECFMG|FAIMER) promotes excellence in international health professions education by
providing services and developing data resources that contribute to our understanding of the world’s
health professions education and training systems. The purpose of this symposium is to describe
ECFMG|FAIMER services and resources, including updates to certification and advocacy efforts for IMGs,
the World Directory of Medical Schools, the Directory of Organizations that Recognize/Accredit Medical
Schools, and the development of the Resource for Global Health professions Education and Regulation
(REGHER). The symposium will conclude with a discussion of data collection challenges and plans for
potential future enhancements to these ECFMG|FAIMER services and resources.
Over the past 60+ years, ECFMG has certified over 400,000 international medical graduates (IMGs).
ECFMG certification is required for entry into postgraduate medical education programmes) in the United
States. The requirements for ECFMG Certification include passing examinations in medical sciences and
an evaluation of IMGs’ clinical and communications skills. The suspension and eventual discontinuance
of the former United States Medical Licensing Examination ® (USMLE®) Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS) due to the
COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated some changes to the ECFMG certification process, including the
implementation of “Pathways” which allow IMGs to meet the clinical and communication skills
requirements for ECFMG Certification. The Pathways were first offered to IMGs participating in the 2021
Match and they have been expanded for the 2022 Match. In a future state, ECFMG will also mandate
that medical students and graduates will only be eligible for certification if they graduated from a
recognized, accredited, medical school. Both the Pathways and accreditation requirement initiatives
are examples of ECFMG|FAIMER’s efforts to provide assurances to the U.S. public. This session will also
describe recent ECFMG|FAIMER initiatives and advocacy on behalf of IMGs, with a particular focus on
organizational efforts since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The World Directory of Medical Schools and the Directory of Organizations that Recognise/Accredit
Medical Schools
Marta van Zanten
Senior Associate, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research
The World Directory of Medical Schools is a joint venture of the World Federation for Medical Education
(WFME) and FAIMER. It is the mission of the World Directory to list all of the medical schools in the world,
with accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information. The World Directory helps prospective
students and medical regulatory authorities make informed decisions about medical schools and their
graduates and informs researchers and the public about the characteristics of current and past
programs. The directory contains information on approximately 3,500 currently operational medical
schools around the world, including contact information, known affiliations, and curriculum and
enrollment details.
The purpose of accreditation systems is to enhance the quality of medical education and training and
ensure that graduates are ready to begin postgraduate training or practice as physicians. The FAIMER
Directory of Organizations that Recognize / Accredit medical schools (DORA) contains information on
over 100 accreditation authorities around the world. A variety of accreditation systems are used globally,
and the incidence, governance, and scope of authority varies widely. DORA can be used as a resource
for investigating outcomes and effectiveness of accreditation based on various models of governance
and scope and can inform recommendations for best practices.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Resource for Global Health professions Education and Regulation (REGHER) is ECFMG|FAIMER’s
developing organizational knowledge base, a centralized resource that contains information about the
systems of medical education, accreditation, certification, and regulation in countries around the world.
Our goal is to create a robust and comprehensive resource to serve licensing and governmental
authorities, training program directors, aspiring medical students, students seeking international learning
opportunities, physicians in postgraduate training, migrating health professionals, and others. Each
country-level entry of the online guide will provide general information about the country’s health system,
undergraduate medical education, postgraduate medical education, accreditation of undergraduate
and postgraduate medical education, and professional regulation. Collaboration with in-country experts
will help ensure the accuracy and robustness of the resource. Possible future enhancements include
providing similar data on other health professions.
Postgraduate medical education (PGME), or that training that occurs in the clinical environment with the
purpose of leading to competence in generalist and/or specialty medicine is more variable throughout
the world than the primary undergraduate education of students that leads to the medicine degree. This
presentation will describe the challenges to be considered when attempting to gather data and
understand the organization, oversight, experiences, and physician expertise of those who complete their
PGME in various regions of the world. As physicians migrate and as there is a need to better understand
the workforce needs of communities needed to improve health, acknowledging and recognizing these
differences is critical. While standards for PGME in some countries are quite detailed, general standards
should importantly focus on those aspects of training that are generalizable and have been shown to
impact physician competency.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 11
HALL 3, 9.45AM
Nursing Education Past and Future
Shorey, 2Emily Ang, 3Chong Mei Chan, 4Lee Wan Ling, and 5Li Yoong Tang
Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
2Head & Professor, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
3Head & Associate Professor, Department of Nursing Science, Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia, 4Senior
Lecturer, Department of Nursing Science, Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia, and 5Senior Lecturer,
Department of Nursing Science, Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia
The most significant change in nursing over the last ten years has been nursing education. More
universities have offered specialized degrees, while training has become more formal and complex; at
the same time, education has become more accessible. In this one-hour-long seminar, the renowned
academics from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia and the National University of Singapore, Singapore will share
how nursing education has evolved globally with specific examples from their universities and countries
by large. In this seminar, the participants will leave with deeper insights on the “What and How” around
nursing education offered by the two leading nursing schools from South-East Asia.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 12
HALL 2, 11.00AM
Scholarship to Prepare Professionals for Their Future Role in Education
Scholarship is an important element in the promotion and tenure of faculty, and it will become even more
important in the future. In this presentation, Dr Eley will elaborate on which options faculty have to have
their scholarly activities count for promotion and tenure.
In health sciences education research, very different research methods are being used with regard to
bench research. While most faculty are trained in quantitative methods, in education research often
qualitative and mixed methods are being used. Also, instead of using models, the educational researcher
often uses different educational theories or ‘lenses’ to look at a phenomenon. Dr Dickinson will introduce
the audience to this different approach.
Once a scholar has performed some evaluation or research, the results need to be made public and
reviewed by peers. There are different venues to publish the results of scholarly work, like oral and poster
presentations at conferences, and of course publication in a journal. The presenter will give an overview
of options to share results and will discuss in more detail the options in journal publishing.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 13
HALL 1,1.00PM
Advancing Bayesian, Metacognitive and Group Decision Making at Bedside Rounds
Recent advances in the fields of cognitive neuroscience (1 & 2) and complex decision making (3) may
have important, practical implications on how we live and work. But they appear to have little impact
on the medical education and clinical reasoning of physicians which is beset with basic errors and high
variabilities in probabilistic thinking. (4) We describe, with case examples, how we have applied these
advances during routine bedside rounds with medical students and residents to: (i) promote Bayesian
thinking, (ii) improve with metacognitive feedback and (iii) make better decisions in groups.
1. Lim TK. The predictive brain model in diagnostic reasoning. TAPS 2021, 6(2), 1-8.
2. Stephen M Fleming. Know Thyself: The Science of Self-Awareness (April 27, 2021)
4. Morgan DJ et al. Accuracy of Practitioner Estimates of Probability of Diagnosis Before and After
Testing. JAMA Intern Med. Online April 05, 2021.
Recent advances in the science of metacognition suggest that (1) it is a self-appraisal capability,
which, (2) is not related to general intelligence (i.e. IQ), (3) may be measured quantitatively, (4) is not
domain knowledge specific and (4) may be improved by timely feedback and training. We describe
with case examples how we have applied these principles to promote metacognitive thinking in
medical students and residents during routine bedside rounds.
Carpenter J, Sherman MT, Kievit RA, Seth AK, Lau H, Fleming SM. Domain-general enhancements of
metacognitive ability through adaptive training. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2019 Jan;148(1):51-64.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The new understanding of noise versus bias in judgement under uncertainty (1) and social
metacognition (2 & 3) may be applied to improve clinical decision making.
We describe an integrated plan for better decision making in clinical teams by implementing a hygiene
toolkit to reduce variations and by promoting cultural learning using natural language to broadcast
metacognitive cues for better informed group decision making during bedside rounds and multi-
disciplinary conferences.
2. Lupyan G, Clark A. Words and the World: Predictive Coding and the Language-Perception-
Cognition Interface. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2015; 24:279-284.
3. Heyes C et al. Knowing ourselves together: The cultural origins of metacognition. Trends in
Cognitive Sciences. 2020; 24: 349–362.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 14
HALL 2, 1.00PM
Voices for Strong and Healthy Students and Junior Doctors
To futureproof healthcare professionals moving forward, particularly after the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, we must learn how to train and educate medical students to not only become more
competent doctors, but also psychologically healthier ones.
In this symposium, we hope to objectively explore the variations in healthy educational environments
across the Asia-Pacific - what makes certain institutions engender stronger healthcare professionals,
whereas others may falter? From this, we aim to examine how we can safeguard safe spaces and the
rights of medical students in jurisdictions that do well, how to change this pervasively negative culture in
areas that aren’t doing so well, and overall, how to advocate for decent learning conditions. It is with this,
that we can fundamentally shift the weaknesses of our culture into its strength.
Health Workforce 2030: The Rights and New Challenges in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Medical
James Haley Young
Medical Education External Affairs Development Assistant, International Federation for Medical Students’
Associations (IFMSA), Hong Kong S.A.R.
The year 2021 has been designated by WHO as the International year of Health and Care Workers due to
the special circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Huge demand for healthcare service since the
outbreak has jeopardized the rights and welfare of health workers. With medical students and junior
doctors making up a substantial portion of the health workforce, it is paramount that their rights are
The Asia-Pacific region has always been known for its strict and rigorous education system, which may
result in high-stress environments in both medical schools and teaching hospitals. Contextual factors also
come into play, as local and national cultural influences affect how educators and students interact both
within and beyond the hospital. Guaranteeing rights to all health workers (along with medical students),
including a safe and decent work environment and freedom from all kinds of discrimination, coercion
and violence, is integral in futureproofing health education and the healthcare industry at large.
Before we can attain student-centred education, the rights of medical students must be addressed first
to ensure that the boundaries for both students and faculty are well demarcated. IFMSA will continue to
advocate for decent working conditions for students to ensure that the environment, education and
resources are appropriate and available for all students of various backgrounds, irrespective of their
gender, race and class.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Advocating for Students’ Health and Rights: The Malaysian Medical Students’ Approach
Woon Shi Sien
Chairperson, Society of MMA Medical Students (SMMAMS), Malaysia
As we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have experienced drastic changes in our medical
education and school life along with a whole new set of challenges. It has become increasingly apparent
that students’ health and rights need to be upheld to maintain psychological wellbeing and foster a
positive learning environment.
The University of Malaya Medical Society* places great emphasis on developing a healthy relationship
with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya and serves to represent student voices to the
management so that students’ needs are met.
The Society of MMA Medical Students** provides a platform for Malaysian medical students to come
together to share, analyze and work in the development of their medical education through capacity
building and advocacy.
In this presentation, we aim to explore the student-led initiatives and advocacy efforts at the faculty and
national levels.
*The University of Malaya Medical Society (UM MEDSOC) is the representative body of medical students
in the University of Malaya, Malaysia.
**The Society of MMA Medical Students (SMMAMS) is a national medical students organization under the
Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), Malaysia.
A Multi-Level Approach at Ensuring Well-Being and Fostering Connections – The Experience of Student
Representatives from a Local Medical School in Singapore
Lim Yao Hui
Honorary General Secretary, Medical Society, National University of Singapore, Singapore
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the medical school experience differs greatly from what it
was before: peer-to-peer interaction and traditional bedside teaching are restricted in view of pandemic
precautions, with technology-enabled education starting to claim centre stage. Treading unfamiliar
territory with this rapidly-evolving version of medical education brings with it not only academic
challenges, but psychosocial hurdles too.
Hence, we would like to take this time to review initiatives and measures in place that have benefitted
medical students in fostering a safe environment to navigate the trials of medical school and the working
world in healthcare beyond it. These initiatives range from school-based efforts, to student-led initiatives;
we also highlight the close collaboration between students and faculty via the NUS Medical Society, the
students’ representative organisation, to ensure the thoughtful tailoring of initiatives to truly address
students’ needs. We conclude with a scoping out of issues that remain to be addressed but are
nonetheless crucial: the issues of under-represented students, as well as the broader stigmatising culture
against mental health within the healthcare profession.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 15
HALL 1, 3.00PM
Transforming Field Experiential Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Pharmacy
Educators’ Experience
1Ernieda Binti Md Hatah, 2Mahmati Karuppannan, 3Norny Syafinaz Binti Ab Rahman
1Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, 2Senior Lecturer,
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Puncak Alam
Campus, Malaysia, 3Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, International Islamic University Malaysia,
The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted the way of teaching and learning of students worldwide
especially for hands-on practical courses. This includes the clinical clerkship and pharmacy practice
component within the Pharmacy undergraduate programme. Previously, the teaching and learning
usually occurred as face-to-face and hands-on sessions, but unfortunately experiential learning could not
be conducted during the pandemic. The affected curricular components included clinical attachments
in hospital wards, clinics, patients’ home visits and community pharmacy. Other areas included the face-
to-face teaching and learning of pharmacy practice courses such as pharmacovigilance. The
symposium will cover discussion of the pharmacy educators’ experience of accommodating changes
made for these components during the COVID-19 pandemic. This dire situation has paradoxically
provided an opportunity to reconstruct the healthcare education system and to establish better practices
in academia; ones that are more suited for the present generation of learners and for future practice.
Tele-Pharmacy for Home Medication Review: An Innovative Approach in Experiential Learning During The
COVID-19 Pandemic
Ernieda Binti Md Hatah, Malaysia
Enhancing Pharmacy Education Teaching and Learning Using A Technology Tool: Adobe Spark
Mahmathi Karuppannan, Malaysia
Experiential Learning in Hospital and Community Pharmacy Attachment Through an Online Platform
Norny Syafinaz Binti Ab Rahman, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 16
HALL 1, 4.15PM
Developing Distance & Distributed Learning During Pre- and Post- Covid Pandemic
Maintaining Quality and Standards for Distributed and Distance Learning (DDL)
Janet Grant
Professor, Centre for Medical Education in Context, United Kingdom
In recent times, attention has turned to presentation of course materials for students who are not located
on the medical school campus. The focus has largely been on the conversion of materials to an online
format. As a short-term, firefighting measure, this seems appropriate. However, if this approach becomes
more widely embedded in the curriculum, than a new process of curriculum management is required.
A course in which learners are predominantly located away from the central institution, can be described
as distance or distributed learning (DDL).
Ensuring and maintaining effective quality for distributed and distance learning requires its own approach
to planning and course design, to design of each element of the course, to support for both teachers
and learners and, most importantly, to management of the whole process.
A change to DDL requires a new identity for the medical school, even though the methods of teaching
and learning are not entirely new to them, and students have always been distant from the central
campus on clinical rotations. But DDL is a step change where not only the students, but the institution itself
is distributed across different locations.
In response to the changes that have recently occurred, the World Federation for Medical Education,
has developed standards for distance and distributed learning in medical schools. These standards are
principles-based, setting out the areas that must be designed and managed in a DDL institution. Exactly
how that is done is a function of local choice, so each standard is accompanied by guidance and key
The areas that a DDL school must consider include the character of the DDL provision, course design,
course production, assessment, student support, academic and clinical staff support, course
management and the quality assurance system itself.
Delivering Continuous Education and Training (CET) via Distance and Distributed Learning: A NUSMed
Chong Choon Seng
Assistant Dean (Enterprise), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
CET is essential for healthcare professionals. With a constantly evolving field of knowledge and advances
in medical technology, these learning efforts cannot be halted by our inability to have classroom classes
during a pandemic like COVID19. When faced with the abrupt cessation of classroom classes, adoption
of online learning was challenging but also came with an opportunity for NUS Medicine to develop its
needed capabilities that help to address other issues like upscaling of education efforts with increase
demand, providing equitable access to healthcare education and defining standards for deliverables of
online teaching. Many unanswered questions still exist today, but as we draw lessons learnt from our
counterparts in business school, we share our own unique journey from NUS Med for CET courses.
Fiji suffered from the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2021. While online learning was
already in existence in our medical school for decades, the pandemic gave us an opportunity to pivot
our distributed learning capacity and capability to suit our purposes and meet the needs of our learners.
There was minimum time to react and upskill faculty to respond to a need to ensure business continuity.
In limited-resource settings, the socio-economic status of our learners is an added layer of challenge that
we had to breakthrough and ensure equity in accessing health professional education in a time of need
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
and uncertainty. One of the most challenging dilemmas was maintaining the best clinical experience for
students in clinical areas and sustaining the required level of engagements from students and faculty for
seven months.
It’s either we focus on the problem or we see new opportunities that enabled us to evolve and survive.
Learning from counterparts were valuable but tailoring the lessons to suit our setting was another story. In
health professional education there are collaborators and stakeholders that we maintain as partners in
achieving our goals. Clear communications with our Ministry of Health, regulatory bodies and University
leadership team was crucial in the midst of uncertainty.
We engaged student in every step of their learning. Flexibility with assignments and assessment due dates
without compromising quality was a hallmark of how we navigated the crisis. It was imperative that we
modified our processes to be more agile and respond to our situation regularly.
This talk will highlight our experiences, how we managed and the new opportunities learnt after seven
months of battling the second wave of COIVD-19 in a resource-limited health professional training
Medical education often occurs in silos with minimum collaboration among schools. This duplication of
efforts appears wasteful, particularly during a global pandemic. We discuss the development of a shared
medical curriculum ecosystem that can empower a global community of educators to democratize
access to quality education even in limited-resource countries, promote interprofessional education and
help address the international shortage of health care workers. We will describe our early experiences in
developing a shared educational community of practice led by an international consortium of medical
student organizations and how this may inform future directions in scaling shared, open access education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 2
HALL 4, 9.45AM
The Impact of Human Touch in Technology....Future Approaches That Include
Humanistic Aspects of Technology in Educational Programming
1DaleKummerle, 2Celeste Kolanko, and 3Matthew Frese
Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), USA, 2President, Global Alliance for
Medical Education (GAME), United Kingdom, and 3General Manager, Med Learning Group, USA
The Bain and Company Asia-Pacific Front Line of Healthcare Report 2020, explored a new framework for
healthcare delivery with research that revealed four universal opportunities that stakeholders can pursue
as they look to reinvent their healthcare systems. Singapore, one of the world’s most advanced
healthcare markets, delivers measurably better outcomes at a fraction of the cost in the US, with
increasing use of technology and preventive behaviors. Two of four identified opportunities which may
benefit Singapore involve technology: Increasing consumer access to digital tools and platforms and
supporting physicians with new technologies. Self-diagnosis apps, long-term illness management tools
and increasing connectivity with electronic health records, not to mention physician artificial intelligence
clinical decision support tools, will become increasingly utilized and potentially overwhelming in the next
10 years. We will discuss the future of these technologies and how to prepare consumers (patients and
healthcare workers) for their eventual integration into all aspects of health and lifelong learning, making
sure the human touch is not lost.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 3
HALL 5, 9.45AM
Healthcare, Training and The Role of Future Practitioner
Preparing the Future Graduates for Nursing Practice in the 21st Century
Jennifer Bao
Senior Assistant Director (Education), Chief Nursing Officer’s Office, Ministry of Health, Singapore
Evolving healthcare trends and major advancement in Singapore’s healthcare system and changes in
clinical environment requires transformation of nursing education and fundamental shift of teaching and
learning strategies with innovative solutions. Nursing education at all levels will need to prepare graduates
not only the core skills and competencies, but also the critical soft skills before they enter the diverse
workforce and progress to further study.
The primary goals of nursing education before nurses receive their licences remain unchanged. Nurses
must be able to collaborate effectively with other healthcare professionals to deliver safe and quality
care to help patients cope with their medical conditions and meet individual’s complex needs. At the
same time, nursing education also needs to be transformed to prepare graduates to seamlessly transit
from academia to practice and resume the reconceptualised roles and responsibilities in different
practice settings with an increase demand in community care and public health needs. By virtue of
nurses’ close relationship with patients, understanding of care model and processes and practice in wide
range of settings, nurses have the potential to lead and implement changes, adapt to the new norm and
strive for excellence in healthcare system. Singapore nursing education needs to keep pace with the
ever-changing healthcare landscape, address the challenges and disconnects between academia and
clinical practice, develop robust and diverse nursing training programmes, build nursing clinical and
research capabilities, so that our next generation of nurses will be ready to realise the vision for healthcare,
function as leaders in the transformed healthcare system and contribute to the future economy.
Might a social learning theory help us think differently about health professions education? Communities
of Practice (COP) have existed for hundreds of years; the term however was introduced 30 years ago by
Lave and Wenger. I will try to introduce the idea of COPs, and explore the relevance of COPs for us as
health professions educators. I will also attempt to explore how COPs might influence us health professions
educators in terms of thinking about curriculum, faculty development and identity formation. I will also
provide an example of an initiative to build a COP in our context.
Education for health professionals has been changing so rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a
trigger. We are now able to do the best practices in health professions education much more easily than
ever to improve the difficulties in it. Meanwhile climate changes, space medicine/space environment,
artificial intelligence, or data science are the most striking examples for the current challenges and
opportunities in health professions education. In an extensively globalized world, not only focusing on the
local/national health, but also the wholistic approach and viewpoints to achieve “global health” on this
planet will be valued more and more. Local/national solutions of the healthcare problems may not be
sufficient, and global or worldwide solutions should be considered from the beginning such as the case
of COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation will discuss the balance between local/national vs.
international/global aspects in health professions education to nurture competent health professionals in
the new era with or post-COVID-19. Mutual understanding and respect would be the key aspects in the
view of global health.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Healthcare, Training and Preparing the Future Practitioner for their Role
Wayne Hazell
Associate Professor, University of Queensland, Australia
How we educate, train and prepare our healthcare practitioners is very dependent on generational,
cultural, socioeconomic, systemic and practice setting factors as well as accuracy of future workforce
and health care delivery predictions. However, some of the issues and problems that are emerging now
are ones that medical education may be able to play a part in solving.
Given this background the speaker will be presenting an overview of personal thoughts based largely on
current observation of Australasian practice whilst combining this with some evidence-based medical
education principles. Some examples of education techniques already being utilised will be illustrated as
examples. Some questions will be raised & addressed? Does there need to be a paradigm shift in some
areas of medical education? Has the pendulum swung too far and if so, what is a balanced approach?
What needs to be inserted into curriculums that may not already be there? Where are our graduates or
junior doctors currently having difficulties or what are the settings of repetitive mistakes in their learning
and practice? How can we best prepare graduates for work? What challenges will the future practitioner
face? What problems are not addressed rapidly by looking at your smartphone and where can this go
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 4
HALL 1, 11.00AM
Responding to Disruptive Forces Without Compromising the Quality of Postgraduate
Medical Education Training in A Pandemic World: Lessons Learned and A Blueprint for
The Future
1Thomas J. Nasca, 2Wesam Abuznadah, and 3Kenneth Mak
1Presidentand Chief Executive Officer, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME),
USA, 2Chief Academic Officer, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Saudi Arabia, and 3Director of
Medical Services, Ministry of Health, Singapore
Disruptions reverberating from COVID-19 have had a profound global impact, affecting societies and
individuals in multiple areas and ways. In particular, the pandemic has caused substantial disruption to
and has had major implications for educational and health systems worldwide. However, COVID-19 has
also presented organizations with significant opportunity for educational innovation and creativity which
has enabled them to build the resiliency into their educational and clinical systems necessary to meet the
future needs of learners, faculty, and patients.
4. Innovations Implemented to Meet Future Needs of Faculty, Learners, Patients, and Societies.
These leaders will address what training for the physician of the future should look like in the aftermath
of the pandemic, emphasizing what it takes to structure and evolve post-graduate training to enable
the nimbleness and creativity necessary to “future-proof” their trainees and graduates during
potential disruptions
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 5
HALL 2, 3.00PM
Transforming The Busy Professional to A Clinician Educator: The Way Forward
1Foong Chan Choong, 2Rafidah Atan, 3Jiffre bin Din, and 4Shirley Ooi
1Associate Professor, Medical Education and Research Development Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti
Malaya, Malaysia, 2Professor and Intensivist, Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine,
Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, 3Senior Consultant Surgeon, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Malaysia, and
4Senior Consultant, Emergency Medicine Department (EMD), National University Hospital (NUH), National
Teaching and learning of healthcare professionals has long been done through apprenticeship
programmes. In clinical medicine, this relates to a gradual release of clinical responsibilities to meet
learning objectives. Given that clinical work is prioritized, particularly in countries like Malaysia where
caseloads are heavy, opportunities to practice alternate teaching methods are reduced. As the country
and medical education progress towards more modern practices, like competency-based education
and workplace-based assessment, the next generation of clinicians will need to balance clinical patient
management with holistic teaching practices. Here, the panel will explore the evolving tools,
infrastructure, and strategies to empower and transform a busy professional to a clinician educator.
The Educational Theories of Adult Learning - What Does the Busy Clinician Absolutely Needs to Know?
Foong Chan Choong, Malaysia
Skill-based Teaching for the Busy Clinician- See One, Do One, Teach One?
Jiffre bin Din, Malaysia
Characteristic of an Effective Clinician Educator - The Learner's Perception of the Busy Clinician
Shirley Ooi, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Plenary 4
HALL 1, 10.15AM
Use of Technology to Enhance Learning
Erle Lim
Vice Provost (Teaching Innovation & Quality), National University of Singapore, Singapore
Technological advances have resulted in educators exploring their use to engage and teach their
students better. Some have resulted in game-changing improvement in learning outcomes, whereas
some are more flash in the pan, whilst being very expensive. The recent (and ongoing) pandemic has
meant that teachers have had to explore distance learning, whilst rethinking how to enable the
experiential element that is so important in the training of future healthcare workers. In-person learning,
which is essential, also has to take into account the use of safe distancing measures.
Richard Fuller
Director of Christie Education, Christie Hospitals NHS Trust / University of Manchester, United Kingdom
The potential for an increasingly connected, global network of educators and learners presents an
exciting opportunity to transform educational outcomes for all. However, the recent pandemic has
highlighted that the use of technology in workplaces and educational programmes has highlighted an
increasingly ‘digital divide’. This section of the plenary will introduce concepts of digital equity and
highlight its importance for teachers, learners, patients and institution and a need to think beyond
‘devices and bandwidth’ if we are to leverage technology to truly narrow the digital divide, and enhance
learning for all.
Rosmawati Mohamed
Master, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, Malaysia
The use of technology is growing in acceptance and popularity in medical education particularly as a
result of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. With an explosion of medical advances and
rapidly changing healthcare delivery, many educators find it difficult to relay the most up to date and
evidenced-based information. In addition, the material being taught in postgraduate medical education
and professional development is often complex, underscoring the need for medical educators to
transform learning into an innovative, more collaborative and comprehensible active learning by
participants in order to provide evidence-based care for their patients.
Using video-conferencing technology to train, mentor, and support postgraduate students and primary
care providers, project ECHO (which stands for Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a high-
impact, lifelong learning learner-centric and guided practice model which mentors specialist-in-training
and primary care colleagues to leverage case-based discussions to manage complex patient cases
through regular virtual meetings called TeleECHO clinic sessions. The goal of these sessions is to build a
community of learning, and mentoring network which leverages the expertise of a multidisciplinary team.
The ECHO model has been shown to amplify the capacity of health care providers to provide best
practice care by training and mentorship of non-specialists and differentiated triage strategy to assess
level of care needs and specialist referral for those with complex problems. Primary care or community
providers have an opportunity to learn from a team of educators/ specialists to ensure widespread
dissemination of best care practices to reduce healthcare disparities in areas where there is a need for
increased access to specialty care, particularly in rural and underserved population.
In addition to creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment, this effective e-learning
technology has been shown to enhance clinician professional satisfaction with increased retention,
comprehension and development of critical thinking that relates to professional practice situations.
Mentoring is a vital resource when trying to achieve the required competence with sustainable and
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
accessible professional development even in remote locations with web-based conferencing. The “all
teach, all learn” ECHO model provides a professional learning community, also referred to as communities
of practice, which can be created among experts with a similar interest who would benefit from learning
from and with others.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Symposium 17
HALL 1, 9.00AM
Advancing Systems of Assessment Through an International Learning Community: The
Regional Hub Faculty Development Initiative
Most faculty and CCC members have not received sufficient training and development in assessment
theory and methods. To meet this need, the ACGME created the International Regional Hub Faculty
Development Assessment Program. This program functions as an international learning community with
19 faculty development hubs in 7 different countries. Since 2015, the hubs have provided courses
reaching over 700 participants from over 2 dozen countries, including virtual courses during the
This symposium will provide an overview of the mission, vision, insights, and core content of this
international learning community in assessment. Two regional hub leaders from Singapore and Taiwan will
share their key lessons learned to help participants learn to create their own assessment learning
Creating a Learning Community in Assessment: Lessons from the ACGME International Regional Hub
Faculty Development Initiative
Eric S. Holmboe
Chief, Research, Milestones Development and Evaluation Office, Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education (ACGME), USA
This introductory section will provide a brief history of the regional hub program and its mission and vision.
The core assessment topics and components of the regional hub model will be described, along with
guidance on how audience participants can create their own learning community to advance effective
assessment practices. Lessons learned in how to sustain a regional hub and enable professional
development among the members will be presented. Resources available through the hub program will
be described. A handout about the regional hub program will be provided to participants electronically.
1. Describe the key characteristics of an effective learning community to advance assessment.
2. Discuss key challenges in programmatic assessment and how a learning community can support
improvement in assessment practices and programs.
3. Discuss the core components of programmatic assessment supported by the regional hub model.
Singapore embarked on major reforms in graduate medical education (GME) over 10- years ago. The
transformation continues today with additional changes to the GME system in the process. These changes
highlight the importance of assessment, especially with the introduction of Milestones and now a planned
evolution to Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). The TTSH regional hub has provided three assessment
courses to date, including courses with direct observation practice at a simulation center. This section of
the symposium will describe the local Singaporean lessons to date and the importance of faculty
development in assessment to advance CBME in Singapore.
1. Describe the impetus for implementing a regional hub assessment program
2. Describe early lessons from the first three assessment courses.
3. Describe how the regional hub program can support local leaders.
4. Discuss next steps for faculty development in assessment
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Like many countries, Taiwan has also embarked on major reforms in graduate medical education (GME).
The transformation in Taiwan has been led by a combination of medical specialty societies and medical
schools. The Taiwan Society for Emergency Medicine (TSEM), along with the Taiwan Society of
Anesthesiology (TSA), combined forces to serve as co-leads for their faculty development hub program.
The effort resulted in the launch of a national CBME week in 2019, reaching hundreds of interprofessional
faculty from across the country. This section of the symposium will describe the national lessons from
Taiwan to date and the importance of faculty development in assessment to advance CBME in Taiwan
using a collaborative inter-specialty approach.
1. Describe the impetus for implementing a nationally-focused hub assessment program
2. Describe lessons from the national CBME week approach
3. Describe how the regional hub program has supported professional development for its hub leaders.
4. Discuss the next steps for faculty development in Taiwan.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 6
HALL 2, 9.00AM
The Role of Medical Science Teachers in Future-Proofing Health Professionals
1ArdiFindyartini, 2Nicole Woods, and 3Neil Osheroff
1Associate Professor in Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia, 2Director, The Institute for Education Research (TIER), University of Toronto,
Canada, and 3Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA
Curricula worldwide are being transformed into integrated programs. Delivering health professions
education is becoming more interprofessional, interdisciplinary and student-centric. For the health
profession school, this may sometimes require going beyond its walls. At the same time, there is increased
scrutiny on the role of medical sciences in health professions. Yet, the concern about the relevance of
medical sciences for health professionals’ practice is age-old. Is what we are teaching sufficient? Is the
way we are teaching undermining its importance? Beyond clinical context, what else needs to be
integrated that will future-proof health professionals? How can medical science educators ready and
equip themselves to lead this change? For the panel discussion, we have invited international leaders in
health professions education to address these questions and more with the audience.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 7
HALL 3, 9.00AM
Implementation of Competency-Based Medical Education
1Rashmi Vyas, 2Dinesh Kumar Badyal, and 3Maryellen Gusic
Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, Changi General Hospital, Singapore, 2Professor & Head,
Department of Pharmacology, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India, and 3Senior Associate Dean
(Education), Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University, USA
Medical education worldwide is experiencing a paradigm shift from the traditional time based to the
competency based medical education (CBME), as a model to reform health care systems and enhance
quality of patient care (Griffiths et al., 2019; Frank et al., 2010). Competency based medical education is
defined as an outcome-based approach to the design, implementation, assessment and evaluation of
curricula organized by framework of competencies (Frank et al., 2010). A key challenge in implementing
Competency-based education involves a paradigm shift in the culture of assessment to assessing the
development of the learners’ competencies (Caverzagie et al., 2017; Griffiths et al., 2019). An
understanding of implementation of CBME in medical schools will guide the medical faculty and policy
makers on assessing the learner competencies. Competency assessment will help level the playing field
to better understand the Knowledge/ Skills/ Attitudes of physicians.
The purpose of this panel is to discuss the global trends for implementation of CBME.
FAIMER Competency-Based Education (FACE), Professional Development Program for Global Health
Professions Educators
Rashmi Vyas, USA
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Panel Discussion 8
HALL 4, 9.00AM
Heritage and Futureproofing: Medical Education in The 21st Century
1Adrienne Janet Torda, 2Teo Yik Ying, and 3Nadiah Wan
1Associate Dean, Education and Innovation, UNSW Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney, Australia, 2Dean,
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore, and 3Chief Executive
Officer, Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara, Malaysia
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world inside out, discussions on what medical education
of the 21st century should look like had begun. Over the last two years since the pandemic has forced us
to examine the need to transform medical education even further. COVID-19 has put a demand on the
health profession like no other disease - no discipline was spared in mounting an effective response - from
acute medicine in all its disciplines to public health. The pandemic highlighted the syndemics of infectious
diseases and non-communicable diseases and the importance of social determinants of health. Data
science and digital technology became essential tools for an effective pandemic response. In amidst all
of this, medical education had to adapt from in person learning to virtual lessons. So, what have we learnt
in the last two years and how can we transform ourselves to meet these challenges now and for the
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Sunday, 16th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
Dental education has increasingly adopted a competency-based approach where specific clinical
competencies are identified as being pivotal for a newly qualified dentist to demonstrate. A period of
pre-clinical simulation training is often the mainstay of the conventional pedagogical approach in clinical
education. It is assumed that such pre-clinical exposure will translate into clinical application as students
transition into the clinical years of their training. A seamless and linear transition from pre-clinical to clinical
training is rare or almost non-existent. This workshop will address some of the reasons for this and explore
how common barriers in clinical education can be mitigated and overcome. Other key success factors
for clinical dental education will also be considered. This includes the effective use of feedback and self-
reflection to engender a spirit of independent and active learning in the clinical student will be discussed.
Through interactive discussions and sharing of experiences from a clinician’s perspective, the workshop
will allow participants to contribute towards the development of possible strategies for effective teaching,
learning and assessment in the clinical phases of dental education. While the focus will be on dental
education, the key workshop take-aways will also be applicable and relevant in the broader context of
healthcare professions training.
Workshop Objective
This workshop:
Highlights common challenges and barriers encountered in clinical training.
Offers fresh perspectives on clinical training from the perspectives of experienced clinicians.
Outlines possible ways to mitigate and overcome these challenges and barriers.
Provides an opportunity for an interactive and collaborative development of a possible
pedagogical approach for effective clinical education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Sunday, 16th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
Overview of interprofessional education: In light of Interprofessional Education (IPE) principles, the WHO
statement (2010) - that “If we can work together then why can’t we learn together?” - has ardently
excited global educationists with the intention to improve healthcare. IPE goals can be met in many ways
including planned collaborative learning experiences. Due to pandemic circumstances, most teaching
activities are being done virtually, hence we propose an innovative method of online teaching, in which,
we blend the IPE with OSCT (Objectively Structured Clinical Teaching) in a virtual flipped mode and to
teach outside the hospital setting with standardized patients. The advantages of such a teaching
approach include to give participants the opportunity to educate themselves and to develop an
understanding of their unique professional responsibilities. Furthermore, this technique will enable the
formation of cohesive teams amongst cross-disciplinary learners and prepare them for the future
healthcare workplace.
Workshop Objective
To give first-hand experience of designing interprofessional teaching in virtual mode.
How to form IPE teams with common learning outcomes.
How to organise a virtual IPE in flipped mode with OSCT.
How to train the SPs and give / take effective feedback.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Sunday, 16th January 2022, 1.30pm - 5.30pm
Workshop Description
Interprofessional education has been implemented in health professions education to enhance
interprofessional collaboration capacity of medical and health professions students when working in
healthcare settings. Reflective skill is one of the core competencies in interprofessional education,
covering both individual and team reflections. While its development and assessment has been
embedded in the interprofessional education, it is argued that the reflective skills should include personal,
(uni)professional and interprofessional aspects. The argument stems from the fact that personal and
professional identities influence on how ones view themselves as members of the team, consider their
professions’ contributing roles and interact with others (interprofessional identity). The interprofessional
identity is necessary for the development of interprofessional responsibility, so that each individual will
take part in the collaboration. Therefore, it is important to consider the three contexts of reflection in
supporting the development of reflective skills towards interprofessional competence.
This workshop will discuss the personal, professional and interprofessional identity formation and their
relevance to personal, professional and interprofessional reflective skills to overcome barriers in
interprofessional education and interprofessional collaborative practice, such as stereotyping,
interprofessional communication, etc. This workshop will employ participants-centered approach using
various methods to understand the different layers of reflection in the interprofessional education context
and how it can be developed through teaching and assessment. A role play on how to conduct
reflective dialogue for the development of interprofessional identity will also be covered in this workshop.
Workshop Objective
This workshop aims to discuss interprofessional identity as a critical component in interprofessional
education and interprofessional collaborative practice, by deconstructing the three layers of reflection
on personal, professional and interprofessional identities. The workshop will also engage participants to
reflect on the teaching and assessment at the curriculum and microteaching levels through analysis of
current practice, case studies and role plays on reflective dialogue.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Thursday, 13th January 2022, 8.30am – 5.30pm (Session 1)
Sunday, 16th January 2022, 1.30pm – 5.30pm (Session 2)
Workshop Description
In rapidly changing, fluid and complex environments, leaders need to be able to navigate what are often
choppy waters, whilst facilitating self-care, ensuring their teams and learners are safe and essentially
keeping the 'show on the road'. A key component of addressing these challenges is being able to
develop and sustain strategies that help people and organisations respond effectively to change and
crisis, even to thrive.
This workshop aims to provide an introduction to contemporary theories and practices in leadership,
management and followership in health professions’ education and healthcare through a consideration
of models and approaches to change, crisis and uncertainty that successful and effective leaders have
found helpful, particularly during the pandemic. In the workshop, we will explore these and work with you
on thinking about strategies to help you be more effective in leadership situations.
Topics include:
Leadership, management and followership: exploring the differences and interrelationships
between each of these approaches
Theory in practice: how an understanding of key theories, models and concepts help us to be
more effective
Leaders as change agents: an introduction to change models and their approaches;
Adaptive leadership for complex systems: VUCA and RUPT; how to use these approaches in
leadership and management
Change and complexity: models and frameworks that help stimulate and generate change in a
complex world
Inclusive and person-centred leadership; putting people at the heart of what we do; working
with diversity and how to recognize and address unconscious bias
Identifying and developing personal qualities for effective leadership: the Immunity to Change
Developing and communicating the vision: creative ways of setting a vision for change and
communicating this to others.
Workshop Objective
As a result of participating in this workshop, delegates will be able to:
Define some key concepts in leadership, management and followership
Identify specific skills, behaviours and activities in relation to uncertainty, change and crisis that
promote effective leadership and management
Apply change theories and models to your own practice and that of others
Develop and communicate a vision for change
Apply theories to your own practice and that of others
Construct a leadership development plan
All involved in health professions’ education, management and clinical practice will benefit from this
workshop, designed to be applicable to people at different levels working within organisations, to
students and professionals in training. The course has been designed by a highly experienced,
international faculty to meet the needs of those who are in leadership or management positions, however
junior or senior, who would like to develop their personal leadership qualities and improve their practice.
All our courses are theory informed; practice driven; context specific, interactive, supportive and fun!
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
ESME Course
With the increasing professionalisation of medical education, the need for healthcare professionals to
have training in teaching is widely recognized. Whilst many institutions worldwide offer Diploma and
Masters courses in medical education, there is a lack of accredited basic level courses. The ESME
Programme has been designed to meet the need for an entry level teaching qualification and will be of
particular interest to teachers who are engaging with health professions education for the first time. It will
also be valuable for more experienced teachers who have been given some new responsibilities or
assignment relating to teaching or assessment, or who wish to have an introduction to the theory
underpinning the practice of teaching. It has been designed in the context that all health professionals
are likely to have some responsibility for teaching at undergraduate and/or postgraduate levels. ESME is
accredited by AMEE and approved by an international Advisory Board.
Details of the range of ESME courses available face-to-face and online are given on the AMEE website
Monday, 20th December 2021 to Wednesday, 12th January 2022 - Self Study
A flipped classroom approach will be adopted, with participants asked to prepare for the ESME course
by reviewing the resources provided. The programme and the resources will be available from 20
December. These include a series of short video recordings by Professor Ronald Harden, selected
chapters from the 3rd edition of his book Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher, and other selected
references. An e-copy of the book will be provided.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Participants and tutors meet again on the Zoom platform with Professor Harden for a live discussion about
the issues raised by participants relating to the final two course modules on teaching and learning and
Course Director: Professor Ronald Harden, formerly Director of the Centre for Medical Education,
University of Dundee, United Kingdom, and currently General Secretary/Treasurer of AMEE and Editor of
Medical Teacher
Faculty Members:
Professor Matthew C E Gwee, Emeritus Professor and Chairman, International & Education Programmes,
Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National
University Health System
Dr Dujeepa D Samarasekera, Senior Director, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System
Associate Professor Chay Hoon Tan, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, and Associate
Member, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore;
and Consultant Psychiatrist, National University Hospital, National University Health System
Associate Professor Poh-Sun Goh, Associate Professor, Diagnostic Radiology, and Associate Member,
Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National
University Health System
Associate Professor Dow Rhoon Koh, Associate Professor, Physiology, and Associate Member, Centre for
Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National
University Health System
Dr Lee Shuh Shing, Medical Educationalist, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore, National University Health System
Please note: In addition to the ESME course fee, participants are required to register for APMEC 2022, pay
the registration fee, and pay to attend one or two pre-conference workshops of their choice.
For more information please contact courses@amee.org
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
10.15 am Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
Cathy Huilin Lu, Canada
Dawn Poh, Malaysia
Calandra Li, Canada
Hu Yan Vernice Chan, Hong Kong
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Workplace Learning and a 360° Multi-Source Feedback Activity for Clinical Preceptors
1Lu CH, 2Antao V, 2Meaney C, 2Dudycha D
1Temerty Faculty of Medicine, 2Department of Family and Community Medicine, Temerty Faculty of
Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
Clinical preceptors are challenged with handling the multiple responsibilities of providing patient care,
supervising medical learners, while working on personal/professional growth. Faculty development (FD)
programs exist to support preceptors in improving skills in various areas such as teaching. Basics for New
Faculty (BASICS) is one such accredited FD program at the University of Toronto's Department of Family
and Community Medicine. Workplace learning methods have an important role in professional
development and involve key components that foster wellness such as role-modeling, reflection, and
learning from peers or mentors. The 360-degree/multi-source feedback model incorporates these key
components and involves providing preceptors with data on their workplace performance from multiple
perspectives. The goal of this model is to allow preceptors to receive effective evaluation that stimulates
self-reflection and improvement. This study reviews the development and implementation of a multi-
source feedback activity for clinical preceptors in BASICS 2020-21, which was adapted to an online
platform during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 2020-21 iteration of BASICS was adapted to seven days of virtual sessions from October 2020 to March
2021, including activities to be completed between sessions. Participants were new clinical preceptors.
Participants were given a multi-source "360 Feedback" activity and were asked to have an observer give
feedback on a teaching encounter. Materials were provided to guide reflection and feedback, including
a Self-Assessment Tool and an Observer Assessment Tool. As part of the program, participants completed
pre-test and post-test assessments, and provided feedback through anonymized questionnaires.
Quantitative data were analysed, and qualitative feedback was reviewed for themes.
Overall, 84.2% (32/38) participants completed the post-test assessment. Participants adapted well to the
virtual learning platform, with 92.1% (35/38) reporting they were very or somewhat satisfied with the
program. Of 19 respondents who provided feedback for the 360 Feedback activity, 15 noted difficulties
with completion. Barriers to completion included time and space constraints, and lack of learners or
opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Potential facilitators included administrative support with
organising logistics around observed teaching encounters. Most participants acknowledged the value of
the activity and noted their enthusiasm to complete it when they had the opportunity to do so in the
future. Those who completed the activity noted a better understanding of current teaching skills through
self-reflection, valuable insight from learners on teaching behaviours, and the importance of seeking
feedback as a role-model for learners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has driven medical students to take the lead with an alternative method to
adapt and survive the disruption for clinical professional development. The Newcastle University Medicine
Malaysia (NUMed) traditionally utilises the in-person Modified Objective Structured Long Examination
Review (MOSLERs) assessment to measure clinical competence in an integrated approach. MOSLER
assesses five major domains of clinical competence across multiple stations. Effective communication
was one of the key assessment domains selected for virtual revision, with the aim to upskill communication
skills amongst Year Four medical students. The aim of this study was to evaluate the medical students'
perception regarding the student-led MOSLER Peer-to-Peer (MOSLERP2P) stations.
This evaluative study explores the Year Four student's perception with the MOSLERP2P as the first virtual
clinical practice revision session. The cases were selected and modified from the online resources based
on the curriculum learning outcomes. There were three clinical stations with peer doctor, peer patient
and peer examiner simulated roles. Each student participant alternated the roles following completion of
each station, with doctors receiving verbal or written feedback from examiners and patients based on
the five assessment domains. Each round took approximately fifty minutes and all documents pertaining
to the station documents were distributed through a Google Drive link prior to the session. The MOSLERP2P
participants were emailed with google feedback forms to rate their perceived strengths and weaknesses
encountered from each MOSLER station. The students were grouped according to the answers provided.
A thematic analysis identified four overarching themes evident across all groups, suggesting the key
concepts that contributed to MOSLERP2P. These were logistics and coordination, effectiveness of peer-
to-peer feedback, quality of MOSLER cases and online clinical learning. The theme logistics and
coordination consisted of station flow and structure, timing for each station, grouping lists, communication
with participants and clarity of roles. The second theme on effectiveness of peer-to-peer feedback was
significant to students' learning and underpinned the revision sessions. The theme on quality of MOSLER
cases was pertaining to clarity of tasks, relevance to curriculum and learning outcomes, depth of
challenge and complexity, variation of cases, and completeness and accuracy of cases. The final theme
on online clinical learning shed light on the use of Zoom as a learning platform and the consequences of
internet connectivity.
This present study has determined that one of the strategies central to develop communication skills as
one of the clinical learning domains during the COVID-19 pandemic is the MOSLERP2P method. This
innovative idea is capable of cultivating self-direction and developing an independent, proactive
approach to clinical development using peer to peer learning. MOSLERP2P has demonstrated to be a
key tenet in providing an enriching clinical learning experience during these challenging times. The
integrated online MOSLER P2P is a potential learning tool which can be used to upskill communication
and perhaps could be used adjunct to in-person clinical teaching.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The incoming Canadian cohort of medical students is comprised mainly of individuals from Generation Z
(Gen Z; born between 1997-2012), with over 50% of applicants identifying as female. Gen Z women
learners share similarities with preceding generations of women but possess different lived experiences
that influence their career and personal aspirations. While systemic barriers continue to exist for all women
in medicine, the women being introduced to these challenges are now part of a generation described
as increasingly tech-savvy, socially aware, and diverse. This study explored the unique needs, values, and
experiences of Gen Z women medical students and the impact of these factors on mentorship
Semi-structured audio-recorded interviews were conducted (February-May 2021) with 15 Gen Z women
medical students from 14 different English-speaking Canadian medical schools. An iterative constant
comparative team approach was utilised to explore emergent themes. Data collection occurred in
tandem with analysis and continued until no new information was gathered. Verbatim transcripts were
coded into categories, then grouped into themes using a using descriptive analysis.
Participants emphasised the importance of tailored mentorship that considered the mentee's identity
and intersectionality through factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and other
lived experiences. These socially aware Gen Z women learners described how current society had
afforded them more opportunities for expression and empowerment, which gave them a sense of feeling
advantaged over older generations. At the same time, participants paradoxically expressed feelings of
powerlessness (e.g., hesitation to reach out to busy physicians; not sharing opinions that were different
from a mentor for fear of repercussions or being judged). Participants commented on tensions they
experienced when interacting with physician mentors from older generations, especially during
conversations on social justice issues. They also described experiences of biased mentorship specific to
their gender that differs from how they perceived their male counterparts to be treated. Participants
shared their ideas about characteristics of an ideal mentor (e.g., approachable, flexible, knowledgeable)
and offered suggestions as to how medical schools can foster meaningful longitudinal mentoring
Mentorship is an integral part of career and personal development for all medical trainees. The growing
number of women learners in Canadian medical schools necessitates a re-evaluation of mentorship
delivery to account for the diverse needs and experiences of Gen Z women students. Mentors of such
learners must adapt in response to the needs of these new trainees while finding a way to integrate Gen
Z ideals, goals, and conventions into the mentorship they provide.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Within medical education, near-peer teaching (NPT) has gained traction as an effective pedagogical
tool involving students teaching their junior peers. While the benefits of established NPT programmes have
been widely reported, few studies have specifically explored students' attitudes and perceptions towards
an NPT programme in its earliest phase of implementation, with consideration of the learning culture in
which NPT arises. An understanding of the interaction between learning culture - the collective beliefs
and values that underpin an institution's learning environment - and students' perspectives towards NPT
may have critical implications for optimising the efficacy and sustainability of NPT programmes.
This study aims to examine medical students' attitudes and perceptions of a newly implemented NPT
programme in relation to their learning culture, thus explore the potential scope of NPT within medical
A qualitative methodology was adopted. The study involved second and fifth-year medical students from
a single institution in Hong Kong, who had participated in a novel NPT programme as peer learners (PLs)
and peer teachers (PTs) respectively. 9 PLs and 3 PTs, recruited via purposive sampling, participated in
semi-structured interviews after the five month-long teaching period. Interviews were recorded and
transcribed for thematic analysis. Two researchers independently identified and coded recurrent themes,
which were revised with differences resolved by consensus.
Three major themes were identified relating to aspects of learning culture that influenced students’
perspectives towards NPT: students’ (1) learning priorities, (2) self- and peer-evaluation as PTs or PLs, and
(3) perceived norms of interactions between students.
Differences between PTs' and PLs' learning priorities, in terms of their orientation towards examination
performance versus clinical expertise, were shaped by their learning contexts and ultimately affected
their perception of NPT's academic value as either an examination revision tool or a bridge facilitating
the transition from preclinical to clinical learning. Students' tendency to evaluate themselves and each
other based on the perceived extent of their knowledge led them to doubt NPT's pedagogical legitimacy,
compared to formal teaching by lecturers and clinicians deemed as trustworthy knowledge-providers.
Furthermore, students' individualistic learning approach, amid a competitive learning environment
lacking adequate support systems, negatively impacted their psychosocial wellbeing, hence view of
NPT's social role as a platform for inter-cohort collaboration.
The learning culture of a medical student body significantly influences students' attitudes and perceptions
of a NPT programme in its initial phase of implementation. This study demonstrates that the specific
sociocultural context underlying medical education is a crucial consideration in the development of NPT
programmes to ensure their efficacy and sustainability. Although NPT can bridge the preclinical and
clinical years of medical education intellectually and interpersonally, concerns about teaching quality
and NPT's legitimacy as a pedagogical tool are potential barriers to students' acceptance of and
participation in NPT. Further research is needed to examine the longitudinal interactions of learning culture
and students' perceptions of NPT and draw comparisons across different cultural and disciplinary contexts.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic changed many aspects of society, including medical education programs, as
a result of Movement Control Orders and SOP. Medical curriculum modifications had to accommodate
social distancing measures to ensure the safety of learning environments in hospital wards and clinics.
Additionally, courses focusing on the development of theoretical competencies were relocated to virtual
platforms while practical and clinical modules have been delayed or extended. Students have been
required to adapt to these modifications. The purpose of this study is to analyse undergraduate medical
student wellbeing and perceptions on educational modifications made during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A quantitative survey was designed to study preclinical and clinical medical students in Malaysia about
their online learning experiences and career preparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey
was crafted using AMEE Guide No.87 and included items with Likert scale responses and with feedback
from local experts. It was distributed through Society of Malaysian Medical Association Medical Students
(SMMAMS). Responses were assessed for internal validity and reliability using Principal Components
analysis (PCA) and Cronbach's alpha. Trends in responses were evaluated using hypothesis testing such
that significance was set to p<0.05. Qualitative responses were coded and reviewed using thematic
Responses were received from 442 students, representing 23 accredited Malaysian medical schools. Of
these, 273 students were preclinical and 171 were clinical. Both groups of students indicated that minimal
practical clinical skills could be learned through online learning on average (2.00(±1.05) and 1.77(±0.82)).
Also, both indicated that a couple of features in the modifications of medical education due to the
pandemic were worse than before, 1.92(±0.69) and 1.73(±0.87) respectively. In terms of overall satisfaction
for delivery of medical education during Covid-19 pandemic, the preclinical students (2.59±1.01) were
more satisfied compared to clinical students (2.04±1.00) but expressing that they felt little prepared for the
profession (2.43(±0.87) and 2.08(±0.80)). Interestingly, clinical students (3.68±1.14) expressed greater
concern on their ability to secure housemanship after graduation based on the modifications made
during the pandemic compared to preclinical students (3.03±1.19). Students provided qualitative
responses that help to understand these responses, such that three overarching themes were identified
including: challenges with student involvement in medical curricula modifications, interruptions to the
medical school syllabus and student concerns for overall health.
Modifications made to medical education during the pandemic affect students in different ways,
particularly depending on their phase of training. While both preclinical and clinical students report that
only minimal practical skills are able to be learnt via online learning, clinical students are less satisfied with
overall delivery of medical education and more concerned with their preparedness for the profession
compared to preclinical students. These modifications are related to lowered feelings of preparedness
for the profession. This indicates that more attention is needed to fill any gaps that have been created
due to the modifications made during the pandemic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
To develop the programme, the team consulted 20 individuals with disabilities through focus group
discussions and one-on-one consultations. These individuals were recruited through organisations and
support networks for individuals with disabilities, as well as through snowball sampling. Among these
individuals, 6 were chosen to be standardised patients and/or panellists for the programme.
The workshop addressed common misunderstandings towards patients with disabilities, then adopted the
FRAME mnemonic as a guide for communication. The formative OSCE allowed students to consult
standardised patients in a mock clinical encounter. The panel discussion addressed the healthcare
experiences of three panellists, while introducing students to the social versus medical models of disability.
A retrospective cohort study was conducted after the completion of the pilot programme. Participants
were asked to complete a pre- and post-programme survey. Questions were categorised into domains
pertaining to communication skills and perceptions of individuals with disabilities. Additionally, the
standardised patients were tasked to evaluate the students' performance in the OSCE via the
Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure to complement the students' self-reported
measures of communication skills.
15 clinical year medical students participated in the program. Using paired sample t-tests, there were
statistically significant improvements in the participants’ self-reported confidence and skill in
communication (p<0.001) and empathy for individuals with disabilities (p<0.001).
These statistically significant improvements were supported by the ratings from standardised patients
during the OSCE. Of the 15 participants in the programme, 10 took part in the OSCE and 5 were student
observers. 8 ratings were valid based on the CARE Measure. The average score given to students during
the OSCE was 46 out of 50.
The pilot program consisting of a workshop, OSCE and panel discussion has created an effective platform
for medical students to improve on their communications skills and empathy towards individuals with
disabilities. Further work needs to be carried out to explore the possibility of scaling up this program and
how such modes of teaching could be translated and applied to not only other healthcare disciplines
but also interprofessional teams of students.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The recent trend of patient-centered practices called for newer approaches to patient involvement in
medical education. However, there is no published literature regarding the role of patient support
organisations beyond recruitment for patient sharing. This study aims to identify the learning benefits of
partnerships with patient support organisations through the development and evaluation of a student-
driven learning collaboration with patients, their respective patient support organisations, and doctors.
A novel Illness Journeys in Ophthalmology course for medical students was developed by a tripartite
collaboration between patients, doctors, and medical students. It aimed to consolidate research and
communication skills, as well as enable a holistic understanding of the patient experience. The course
content was informed by real patient needs articulated by seventy-six patients in response to an online
questionnaire disseminated by twelve patient support organisations.
This was a mixed method quantitative - qualitative study. Participants were invited to complete pre-and
post-course questionnaires on self-rated confidence in research and communication skills on a 6-point
Likert scale (strongly agree, agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, disagree, strongly disagree)
and open-text questions to identify what participants learned. The pre- and post-course self-rated scores
were compared using descriptive statistics. A focus group comprised of six randomly selected course
participants was convened to explore students' perceptions of patient involvement in medical education.
The semi-structured interviews were transcribed, and content analysis was conducted independently by
two investigators. Themes were identified by consensus.
Out of thirty-four medical students who participated in the course, thirty-one completed all the
questionnaires (91%). Post-course data showed a positive perception of the course, the modal responses
were "Agree" in all statements covering domains of research skills, communication skills, and awareness
and understanding of illness experiences. However, there was a decrease in self-rated confidence for
research and communication skills after the course that may be due to students recognising gaps in their
skills and knowledge through the course as discussed in the follow-up focus group interview. Student's
open-text responses indicated they learned to understand patients' illness experiences, recognise gaps
between healthcare provision and patient needs, manage disease in a hospital versus a community
setting, and enhance their learning in the medical curriculum.
Six medical students participated in the semi-structured focus group interview. Qualitative analysis
revealed five major themes that support the learning benefit of collaborating with patients in this course:
skills development, evaluating the effectiveness of various modes of learning, enhancing the existing
medical curriculum, improving patient care, and acknowledging own limitations.
This study demonstrated the diverse range of learning benefits gained from a medical student-patient
partnership. Our experience showed that patient support organisations can play a role in patient
recruitment, course design, and providing learning and service opportunities for medical students. This
enhances the medical curriculum by enabling students to develop a holistic understanding of patient
needs, consolidate and apply their research and communication skills, and bridge the existing service
gaps of patient support organisations in the community. Future undergraduate curricula should explore
the feasibility of partnering with patient support organisations to enhance student learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A number of medical student suffering from stress is tremendously increasing, which affects physically and
psychologically. Emotional quotient (EQ) and resilience quotient (RQ) play the key roles in effective
management, in term of building up encouragement for oneself when having stress. The aim is to
investigate the relationship of EQ, RQ, and stress level.
This cross-sectional study was collected data among the 1st to 3rd year medical students (n=373) from
Srinakharinwirot University in December 2020. A 3-part-self-screening questionnaire was consisted of
Suanprung stress level test (SPST-20), emotional quotient test, and resilience quotient test, which are
designed by the department of Mental Health, Thailand.
The prevalence of severe stress, high stress and moderate stress among preclinical medical students were
9.92%, 32.17% and 34.05%, respectively with no significant difference in gender. The normal and high level
of RQ were 60.59% and 25.74%, whereas the normal and high level of EQ were 47.72% and 41.82% with no
significant difference in gender. The analysis of Pearson correlation illustrated the significantly inverse
associations between EQ and RQ with stress level (r=0.334, p<0.01 and r=0.307, p<0.01, respectively). In
addition, RQ has a significantly positive relationship with EQ (r=0.858, p<0.001) in the aspects of goodness
(r=0.656, p<0.001), smartness (r=0.783, p<0.001), and happiness (r=0.8193, p<0.001).
EQ and RQ have inverse effects on stress level. The higher EQ and RQ students have the better they can
cope with stress. Therefore, medical schools should provide efficient programs to improve students' EQ
and RQ sufficiently. Intellectual abilities get one into medical school, but emotional abilities and resilience
get one to become a good doctor. Inevitably, medical students need academic skills to be successful;
however, a curriculum that improves their EQ and RQ are essential in shaping well-rounded doctors.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
10.15 am Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Viola Antao, Canada
Genevieve Padilla-Evangelista, Philippines
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Interruptions in undergraduate clinical clerkship during the COVID-19 pandemic have reduced the
confidence and preparedness of residents beginning their post-graduate training. Graduates returning
to clinical practice are aware of their professional responsibility and the potential risks of COVID-19 to the
healthcare system. Faculties, reviewing resident competency acquisition under the pandemic conditions,
are aware of the need to address trainee-specific issues and impacts by working directly with graduates
in the co-creation of new expectations and procedures. However, these details have not been
qualitatively elucidated to derive new perspectives. We bridge this gap by exploring the thoughts and
perspectives of residents, to establish the support needed. Carefully considering and addressing these
issues will help plan for residency under the pandemic conditions.
An exploratory qualitative case study was conducted with 51 residents (25 female and 26 male, mean
age 26.5 years), who had experienced interruptions in clinical training due to the pandemic and had just
started their postgraduate training. Qualitative data were collected through 6 focus groups and 12
individual follow-up interviews. The focus groups aimed to clarify the participants' perspectives on their
transitional experiences. The key questions were
1) 'What are your expectations and concerns about post-graduate clinical training, having experienced
the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic in undergraduate medical education?'
2) 'Based on your situation, what kind of support do you think is necessary for the residents' transition, given
their experience of interruptions in clinical training?' In addition, 12 semi-structured follow-up interviews
were conducted-within two months of the focus group interviews-to obtain further information about the
transition. A thematic analysis was undertaken, and data were categorised using the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) framework.
Graduates beginning their residency were aware of their professional responsibilities and independence
during their transition. They faced the contradiction of needing close supervision while their supervisors
managed the pandemic conditions. Residents felt that the interruption in their training had helped them
develop an attitude of independent learning. Conversely, they emphasised the importance of
developing relationships with colleagues and supervisors during the transition and wanted direct
observation and detailed feedback from their supervisors during procedures. Residents who had just
started their clinical rotations required a clear training policy and an extensive manual to compensate
for the lack of experience in each speciality. Further, they believed that instruction from their supervisor
on how to gather information efficiently and support from fellows of similar age would help them develop
as residents.
The residents' experiences were not necessarily negative, some had even developed a positive mindset
when entering the clinical field. As new residents begin their training in future clinical settings, faculties will
need to adopt previous findings on the transition to residency and build positive relationships between
residents and supervisors. These findings are a guide for medical faculties reflecting on interactions with
new residents and planning future clinical internships. Future studies should explore how the potential
strengths and concerns of residents-identified through this study-are being utilised beyond the current
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Faculty Development Initiatives and Outcomes to Support Faculty and Leadership with
Wellness and Resilience during Covid
1Antao V, 2Lockyer M, 3Markovski M, 4Roberts M, 5Ivankovic M, 6Vlahos D
1Department of Family and Community Medicine, 2Department of Family and Community Medicine -
Michael Garron Hospital, 3Department of Family and Community Medicine - Southlake Family Health
Team, 4Department of Family and Community Medicine - Sinai Health System, 5Department of Family and
Community Medicine - Emergency Medicine Division, 6Department of Family and Community Medicine -
Scarborough Health Network, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
Encouraging wellness and resilience (WR) among health care providers is fundamental to sustaining both
health care and medical education. Physician burnout is widespread and multifactorial, including work-
life conflicts and energy intensive responsibilities, which are well documented prior to COVID and
compounded during the pandemic. Supporting Faculty in their roles as clinician teachers, educators and
researchers is a core tenet of Faculty Development (FD). During the pandemic this required ensuring
Faculty adapted to virtual teaching and learning, while also creating opportunities to address their
personal and professional concerns.
The Department of Family and Community Medicine at University of Toronto adapted four core FD
initiatives to prepare and support Faculty to address the numerous challenges and transitions that ensued.
The presentation will highlight the initiatives, outcomes specific to fostering WR, and lessons learned. The
multi-layered approach included initiatives for undergrad/ postgraduate teachers, and Faculty in
leadership roles.
1) For all Faculty: A WR module was created as one of four core modules generated by our postgraduate
accreditation series. The module was designed to ensure that Faculty were aware of resources available
to both their learners and themselves and were able to navigate the resources available within DFCM,
the Faculty of Medicine and external bodies such as the Ontario Medical Association. The module was
disseminated to 14 academic units, and viewed by over 100 faculty attending virtual presentations, and
is now housed on a website for Faculty to access as needed. It has been viewed 343 times.
2) For Leaders: Leadership BASICs is a program designed to support Faculty in Leadership roles. The
program was adapted to address leadership challenges and opportunities. The series of 3 workshops
included a) rapid strategy development b) maintaining flow during challenging times and c) Leadership
for wellness -how to institute system level changes. Leaders were challenged to think of wellness gaps
within their respective areas, consider drivers of burnout and develop blueprints for system level change.
Fifty leaders attended the 3 sessions combined. The intended outcome of the series was to stimulate
leaders to think about the opportunities that also arise during challenging times and how to best support
Faculty on micro, meso and macro levels.
3) For new Teachers: The BASICs program designed for new teachers was adapted to a virtual format
and sessions such as feedback and assessment were disseminated virtually. Integrated into the program
were new sessions on clinical virtual teaching, virtual assessment and WR.
4) For Faculty Development leads: DFCM FD leads provide support to over 1800 faculty. Fostering their
resilience during this time was key. A train the trainer approach was adopted over four sessions
demonstrating the value of WR tools including Balint groups, narrative writing and values systems.
Initiatives designed to enable WR are important at all times but particularly vital for Faculty during times
of challenge and transition. Our FD initiatives were adapted to integrate core content and time relevant
resources. Outcomes and lessons learned regarding virtual adaptation and WR will inform future Faculty
Development initiatives and supports.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Medical students are becoming increasingly engaged in their own education. The Medical Student
Alliance for Global Education (MeSAGE) is a consortium of 8 international organizations representing over
1.3 million medical students from over 130 countries. MeSAGE is using a platform called ScholarRx to
develop curriculum "bricks," which are modular, integrated health science learning units. We hypothesize
that an international, student-led initiative could develop and distribute open-access bricks on a global
Based on the needs assessment, MeSAGE identified needs in 5 domains: sexual and reproductive health
and rights (SRHR); diversity, equity and inclusion; digital health; student as educator; and social
accountability. MeSAGE has published the SRHR collection, while other domains are currently under
development and will be launched on a rolling basis in 2021. The SRHR collection has been accessed by
more than 1,500 international learners to date at no cost. We expect to conduct the program evaluation
analysis of the SRHR collection and report findings in late 2021.
MeSAGE is a student-led global medical curriculum alliance capable of developing and distributing high-
quality curricular content. MeSAGE bricks may help address curricular gaps identified by students in the
modern-day medical curriculum.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) is key to ensuring safe and quality care for patients. However, IPC
intervention outcomes have been variable. Calls have been made to use systems theory to examine
complex interactions in healthcare. Using networked ecological systems theory (NEST), this study aimed
to uncover facilitators and barriers impacting the interactions between nurses and doctors in the National
Neuroscience Institute (NNI), a tertiary healthcare centre. Specifically, we looked at how multi-level
factors of particular healthcare environments directly and indirectly influenced their interprofessional
interactions in a complex and dynamic way.
Our study used a qualitative design combining observations and interviews. Field observations of clinical
teams were done to capture individual and team behaviours. This was followed by purposively
interviewing the teams' healthcare professionals (HCP) to examine their experiences and perceptions in
an in-depth and nuanced manner. Data were analysed using template analysis.
Between April 2019 and March 2021, 57 HCP working in inpatient wards and outpatient clinics
participated in the study. We conducted 52 hours of observations involving 55 HCPs; 17 individual semi-
structured interviews lasting between 40 minutes and an hour were conducted. The most important IPC
facilitators appeared to be exosystemic institutional support and doctors' willingness to engage in IPC in
the microsystems. This combination of factors was most clearly observed in the disease-based programs
in the outpatient setting, which fostered patient-centred interactions among different HCP. Significant
barriers included macrosystemic entrenchments such as the intraprofessional composition of medical
rounds in the inpatient setting. However, microsystemic IPC efforts could be fostered by using
communication technologies such as chat groups to connect all nurses and doctors involved in the care
of specific patients.
NEST can be used to unveil barriers and facilitators that affect how nurses and doctors perceive and
experience collaborative practice. The identification of these factors, including organisational structures,
institutional policies and interactional aspects, could help policymakers devise and implement IPC plans
that are effective for their particular settings.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Virtual consultation (VC) is a flourishing digitalised platform for healthcare delivery. The VC is a much
sought-after strategy to address the need to provide continuous healthcare during the COVID-19
pandemic and its use is predicted to stay even after the pandemic. Similar to a physical consultation,
physicians are required to possess essential competencies to safely and effectively practice medicine
through virtual consultation. Albeit the growing interest in VC utilisation, the literature documented a lack
of a systematic training in VC for the undergraduate medical curriculum. An effective approach would
be to systematically frame the VC competencies and to operationalise them by creating entrustable
professional activities (EPAs). The EPAs are professional tasks that are entrusted to a trainee to be
executed unsupervised once competencies to execute these activities have been demonstrated. This
EPA concept was designed to link competencies to clinical practice. In this study, we aim to develop a
VC EPAs based competency framework for undergraduate medical education.
This study was divided into two phases (1) the development of the competency profile and (2) the
development of EPA framework. A literature review and research group discussion was initially undertaken
to develop a list of VC competencies and the VC EPAs. This list was distributed online to a Delphi panel of
30 stakeholders consisting of medical practitioners and medical students. The Delphi panels were asked
to indicate on a 5-point Likert scale the importance of the competencies presented and agreement on
the mapping of the competencies to the relevant EPAs. A consensus was considered reached when 80%
agreement was achieved for each of the item discussed. Panel members were also asked to include
other VC competencies that they think may be relevant to the EPAs. Three (3) rounds of Delphi was
employed to generate the VC EPA framework.
The list of 19 competencies, representing VC knowledge, skills and attitudes were developed from
literature review and discussion among research group. These competencies formed the basis of
developing the five (5) EPAs which were compiled into a Delphi questionnaire and was distributed to the
Delphi panel members.
We found that effective application of clinical knowledge and skills through virtual platform,
communication skills in a digital environment, ethical awareness applied to VC, technical proficiency and
professional supportive attitude towards patients are the crucial competencies in VC. Although some of
the competencies listed were fundamental competencies that were needed for a generic consultation,
these competencies were equally important and applicable in a VC context. The new or novel VC
competencies included those that were inclined towards proficiency in VC technology use,
observational physical examination, ensuring effective management of a patient at distance and those
that included professional supportive attitudes and patient safety in a VC.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in the way undergraduate medical
education is conducted including psychiatry teaching. Situated cognition and situated learning theories
propose that teaching and learning, respectively, are situated in experience which are highly disrupted
and affected by the pandemic. There is less data on the impact of pandemic on perception of
educational environment (EE) within psychiatry undergraduate programs. Thus, we sought to examine
and compare the ratings of EE and learning processes (motivation, engagement, equipping,
appreciation of psychiatry) between the 2020 (during pandemic) and 2019 (before pandemic) cohorts
of students and hypothesised that perception of the EE would impact on overall rating of the psychiatry
The Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) was administered to fourth-year medical
undergraduate students undergoing a psychiatry rotation before (2019) and during the pandemic (2020).
Students also completed five additional items evaluating various learning processes and overall rating of
the posting. The relationships between the perception of the EE, learning processes, and overall rating of
the psychiatry rotation were assessed using group comparisons between the 2020 and 2019 cohorts,
correlation, and mediational analyses.
Altogether, 84 (response rate 93.3%) and 269 (response rate 89.7%) medical undergraduates participated
in the study from 2020 and 2019 cohorts respectively. The 2020 cohort had higher scores on the total
DREEM (p = .032), academic self-perception DREEM subscale (p = .002), felt more engaged (p = .043) and
better equipped (p = .003) compared with the 2019 cohort. Overall DREEM and subdomain scores were
significantly correlated with various learning processes. The direct effect of total DREEM and overall rating
of psychiatry posting was significant in mediational analyses.
Our results highlighted that students' perception of the EE remained highly positive during the pandemic
and impacts overall experience of the psychiatry posting. Undergraduate psychiatry training should
continually seek to enhance the EE so as to optimise learning through better motivation and engagement
of learners even during the pandemic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The disruption to hospital routines and the shutdown of academic institutions affected medical education.
Coupled with the limited supply of personal protective equipment, the medical interns' opportunities to
train by the traditional rule-based method in the hospital were lost. Educators had to craft strategies
deliberately rooted in the clinical setting while mitigating the risk for infection and addressing the limited
supply of personal protective equipment.
The objectives of this initiative were to formulate a program that will augment the clinical experiences of
medical students and to use available technology to ensure ongoing education during the Covid-19
An innovative solution was formulated and implemented in the St. Luke's Medical Centre College of
Medicine-William H. Quasha Memorial (SLMCCM-WHQM) named Virtual Clinical Teaching and OR
Initiative (ViCTORI). The initiative consisted of live-streaming actual operations performed and conducting
bedside rounds using an action camera (GoPro) and a mobile phone camera.
A total of 21 procedures and three bedside rounds conducted by the faculty of the Department of
Surgery were live-streamed using the cameras mentioned above through a video conferencing platform
to seventy-two 4th and 5th-year level medical students who rotated in the department from February 23,
2021, to March 23, 2021. Ninety-four percent of student observers (n=72) find their overall experience with
the virtual activity excellent. Ninety-seven percent find it more convenient than the actual observation of
procedure and bedside rounds. While 55% see the activity as more effective than the actual, 3% said it
was less effective as "nothing compares to being present in the surgical field and doing rounds face-to-
face." Nevertheless, 99% percent of the students answered that they would participate in the same
activity again. Among the patients who answered the survey (n=16), 75% had an excellent experience
joining the activity, and that all of them (100%) would most likely participate again.
The ViCTORI initiative creates better clinical workflows as more students join rounding activities and
observe procedures. Live-streaming surgery provided an avenue for more interactive student learning
than watching recorded videos or listening to lectures. The video conferencing feature allows surgeons
to demonstrate relevant structures, anatomy, and details of the procedure and discuss the critical points
of the case with the students. For questions, immediate feedback was made possible. The real-time
faculty-student interaction, including those with the other members of the health care team, maximized
teaching and learning.
ViCTORI is not a replacement for actual clinical experiences, but it improves education by creating
platforms for distributing knowledge and practicing skills. It also allows for better engagement with the
faculty and the specialty to evaluate surgical patients and familiarize them with telehealth practice. It
accomplishes the exposure to actual patient care to as many remote learners as possible and can be
applied to various cases and specialties. Future direction includes evaluating the efficacy of this virtual
activity and the students who participate and expand its use wherever demonstrable teaching methods
are necessary for medical education even after the in-person internship resume.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
11.30 am Hall 3,
Virtual Conference
Kazuya Nagasaki, Japan
Thanh Tam Pham-Duong, Vietnam
Calvin Lam, Singapore
Marcelo Amaral Mali, Timor Leste
Kai Siang Chan, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Effect of Resident Duty Hours on Resident Education and Well-Being: A Multi-
Center Cross-Sectional Study in Japan
1Nagasaki K, 2Nishizaki Y, 3Shinozaki T, 4Kobayashi H, 5Tokuda Y
1General Internal Medicine, Mito Kyodo General Hospital, and 4Department of Primary Care and Medical
Education, Faculty Of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2Department of Medical Education, School
of Medicine, Juntendo University, Japan, 3Department of Information and Computer Technology, Faculty
of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 5Director, Centre for Teaching Hospitals, Muribushi
Okinawa, Japan
A new upper limit of duty hours (DH) for physicians, about 60 hours per week, will be set in Japan from
2025. Postgraduate residents will be limited to more extended hours than general physicians 80 hours per
week from an educational perspective. However, there is insufficient evidence on the association
between DH and educational outcomes and the well-being of residents in Japan. Using the General
Medicine In-training Examination (GM-ITE) and training environment questionnaires, we evaluated the
impact of DH on education and well-being among Japanese residents.
This multi-center, cross-sectional study included GM-ITE examinees of the 2019 and 2020 academic years.
Immediately after the examination, questionnaires were administered to survey their training environment
and ask their self-reported average weekly DHs for the entire training period. Using the data from 2019
GM-ITE, the association between DH and two educational outcomes, GM-ITE score and self-study time,
were examined using a random intercept linear model and a proportional odds regression model. In
addition, using the data from 2020 GM-ITE, the association between DH and three well-being outcomes
burnout, depression, stress, and satisfaction were examined using a proportional odds regression model.
These analyses were adjusted with associated variables.
A total of 5593 residents (50.7% PGY-1, 31.6% female, 10.0% university) from the 2019 exam and 6045 (50.8%
PGY-1, 31.9 % female, 11.3% university) from the 2020 exam participated in the study. As a result, DH of
less than 60-65 hours per week was independently associated with lower GM-ITE scores, while DH of more
than 60-65 hours per week did not improve performance. DH and self-study time showed a similar
relationship. From the well-being perspective, proportions of burnout and depression were significantly
higher among residents with DH > 90 hours per week. The proportion of residents reporting high stress was
positively correlated with DHs. Resident satisfaction did not correlate with DHs.
DH of less than 60-65 hours per week was independently associated with poor educational outcomes. In
addition, there was no apparent increase in burnout or depression unless they worked an excessive
amount of DH, 90 hours or more. In making policy decisions during resident DH, it is important to recognize
that shorter DH is not always better. We need to make balanced decisions that address both education
and well-being of residents.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
While courses such as PROMPT are an established form of multi-professional and multi-disciplinary training
involving nursing and medical staff from anaesthesia, obstetrics and neonatology to improve
coordination for obstetric emergencies in the labour ward, there is an increasing recognition that similar
training should be extended to other medical departments regarding the management of critically ill
pregnant women in other settings. As women who are older and who have chronic medical conditions
are increasingly enabled for pregnancy due to improved medical and fertility care, this has increased
relevance. Towards that goal, the REACT course was set-up as a tripartite collaboration between the
Obstetrics & Gynaecology (O&G), Anaesthesia and the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) along while
partnerships with relevant disciplines.
REACT is an acronym for "Recognising maternal physiology", "Escalate Seniority", "Associate with Relevant
Disciplines", "Coordinate between Care Parties" and "Taking Charge". These have been identified as
common pitfalls where interdisciplinary care is needed and is use as a recommended framework on how
to process cases in scenarios such as trauma, non-eclamptic fits, pre-eclampsia, severe sepsis, and
maternal collapse. Important principles in our programme include
1) Using high-fidelity simulation and observational learning by non-participants (goldfish bowl technique)
as the primary means of learning. Additional learning is combined with debriefing via a learner-directed
"flipped classroom model" and goal-directed didactics.
2) Multidisciplinary participation involving nursing and clinical staff of different seniorities from O&G,
Anaesthesia and SICU as well as relevant medical and surgical disciplines (e.g., Neurology, General
Surgery, Emergency Medicine) to exercise escalation procedures, communications and collaboration
between different care parties and alignment of treatment and delivery goals.
3) Local relevance with a high premium placed on ensuring the applicability of lessons and professional
guidelines to local hospital-based practice
4) Long-term commitment with a goal to generate a syllabus for subsequent iterations as well as the
distillation of lessons learned regarding pitfalls in interdisciplinary coordination into standard operating
5) Regular frequency of every three to four months. Each session involves two multidisciplinary teams,
taking take turns to participate and observe over two simulation sessions. The simulation typically takes 30
minutes with debriefing and additional learning taking another 30 minutes.
In our first year, we have completed three sessions and are planning a third one and have obtained high
levels of feedback with 100% of participants citing that scenarios were very relevant and that they were
more comfortable dealing with critically-ill pregnant women. 64% stated they scenarios were highly
realistic. A similar proportion would strongly recommend this programme to colleagues.
The REACT course has the potential to fill a gap in the critical care education amongst both nursing and
clinical staff from intensive care, obstetrics, emergency medicine and other relevant medical and surgical
specialties through the use of high-fidelity simulation based training as well as observational "fishtank" and
learner-directed "flipped classroom" learning. It should be conducted regularly in all tertiary hospitals
which provide care to pregnant women.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Similar to other medical training institutions in Vietnam, the previous studies neither investigated
perspectives nor the impacts of The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on Nursing
education and practice. Concentration on the perception of nursing students and examiners towards
OSCE is urgent to apply and improve OSCE in the Vietnam context. Besides improving effectiveness, these
data are crucial to ensure OSCE's learning objectives and feasibility to the clinical setting. This is also one
of the six quality assurance elements of the OSCE according to the guidelines of The Association for
Medical Education in Europe. This research aimed to determine the perception of nursing students and
examiners toward the OSCE, evaluate the homogeneity in their perception, evaluate the association
between OSCE performance with nursing students' gender, ethnicity, and perception toward the OSCE,
and identify hindrances to nursing students in OSCE.
The cross-sectional study was carried on 108 Nursing students and 11 examiners in OSCE at University of
Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, December 2020. The modified Pierre's questionnaire (2004)
was used as a survey tool at the end of the OSCE. Demographic variables were analysed by descriptive
statistical methods. Median, IQR, and Chi-square test was performed for Likert scale. The Mann-Whitney
U test, Kruskal Wallis test, and Spearman correlation were used for inferential statistics. The qualitative
content collected from three open-ended questions was coded and processed in Nvivo version 10 by
thematic analysis. Finally, Pareto analysis identifies hindrances and priority solutions.
Nursing students believe that the OSCE helps to be aware of the level of information needed, which is fair,
reveals the weaknesses of students, covering many areas of clinical skills. The quality and organization of
the OSCE are highly appreciated by students. Validity - reliability of the exam is mostly commented on
from "average" to "to great extent". The examiners have 8/13 perspectives that are consistent with
students. It is worth noting that they both showed concern about the stress aspect of the OSCE. Gender
and ethnicity unaffected the results of the OSCE whilst 3.1% and 7.3% variation in OSCE performance is
associated with the difference in students' perception of the allocated time for each station and the
instructions in OSCE. The presence of lecturers at the station, time pressure, fear, stress, and confusion, the
authenticity of the context, equipment, simulation manikins, standardized patients, and fatigue due to
waiting are the main hindrances of nursing students in OSCE.
Most nursing students and examiners have a positive perception of the OSCE. Time pressure and clarity
of instructions have a weak association with OSCE performance. In addition, the correlation and
qualitative analyses also identified stress, fear, fatigue, revising activities before OSCE, the authenticity of
stations, presence of lecturers at the station, the students' waiting time might become Construct-irrelevant
Variance (CIV) that threaten the validity of OSCE performance. The examination briefing for nursing
students, examiners, and standardized patients should be conducted certainly. Nursing students and
examiners suggest enhancing the authenticity of stations; and rating via cameras in OSCE.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
There is a perceived impact on the supervisory relationship when a new graduate requires extended
workplace supervision when transiting into practice. Such a phenomenon is increasing within the
Singaporean Speech Therapy community. Limited research is available about how preceptees feel, as
well as extending supervision in the context of an employer-employee as opposed to that of a student.
This study therefore aimed to explore the impact on the supervisory relationship between preceptors and
preceptees in the context of extended supervision in the workplace.
A grounded theory approach was used to explore five preceptors' experiences of extending a new
graduate's supervision and five preceptees who undergone extension. Participants were recruited using
theoretical sampling, and semi-structured were conducted. Analysis was undertaken using iterative,
constant comparative techniques, and reflexive processes.
Results demonstrate an impact on both the self and the supervisory dyad/triad within the supervisory
relationship. Two core categories emerged from the findings: 'negotiating within' the self, and 'balancing
outcomes' within the supervisory dyad/triad. Relationships between the self and dyad/triad were
observed, with an inward vulnerability of preceptors and preceptees individually due to the extension
resulting in a reinforced negativity in the supervisory relationship. Conversely, an outward focus of both
preceptors and preceptees individually resulted in an enforced positivity in the relationship. The success
of the supervisory relationship moving forward from extending workplace supervision depended whether
the resulting enforced positivity was more dominant than the reinforced negativity. Trust between the
preceptor and preceptee was particularly crucial in mediating this process.
This study presents a framework of how preceptors and preceptees negotiate these events in the
workplace. It also contributes to the understanding of the importance of trust between a preceptor and
preceptee, due to the permanency and longer-term nature of the supervisory relationship, compared to
the transient and time-bound relationship between a preceptor-student.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
We hypothesized that despite the gains made in training, systemic constraints limit the role and
contribution of graduated Family Medicine Programme (FMP) in strengthening the primary healthcare
system. To date, 49 doctors have enrolled in this postgraduate family medicine diploma. Previous research
has identified challenges in rural health worker retention and identified trends in the expressed
preferences of health workers. There are no studies that specifically explore the lived work-life experiences
of post-graduate Family Medicine diploma level doctors, nor their current assumed roles in an evolving
healthcare system. Our study explored the work experience of doctors serving in rural primary care in the
context of their training experience in the FMP.
Qualitative semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with 25 postgraduate
family medicine doctors working in primary health care centres, throughout Timor-Leste. The participants
were selected by purposive sampling. Audio recording and targeted review of the data generated by
these interviews were done in order to draw out key themes from the discourse provided by the
participants. Data was codified and thematically analysed.
Despite structural constraints and systemic challenges, the themes which emerged from our participants
were generally positive, adumbrating strengthened professional identities and internal as well as external
resources. Doctors reflected that the FMP training experience empowered them with a range of clinical
skills and imparted an improved sense of confidence in managing and referring cases appropriately.
Threats to the sustainability of the programme were identified, such as skill decay, perceived irrelevance
of some training components to work, and systemic limitations. Some respondents described nascent and
informal communities of learning as a means for continued professional development, in a national
context in which this is lacking. Future iterations of the programme should ideally take into consideration
these important features as a crucial part of planning human resources for health in this young nation.
In contrast to our hypothesis anticipating a focus on systemic constraints and previous research
highlighting challenges of rural workforce retention, salient themes emerging from our study are rather
that of thriving and adapting with the new skill sets and confidence gained from experience in the FMP
Care must be taken to address threats to the sustainability of the programme, such as skill decay,
perceived relevance to work, and systemic limitations. More research is needed to understand what
actions would best support the continued development of communities of learning in primary care.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
How Do the Formal and Informal Curricula Impact on Undergraduate Final Year
Medical Students' Preference for Surgical Careers?
1Chan KS, 2Vardanyan R, 2Arjomandi Rad A, 2Leedham-Green K, 3Shelat VG
1MOH Holdings, Singapore, 2Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, 3General
Surgery, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Existing studies exploring choice of career options do not address significant aspects of the medical
curriculum and demographic differences. As the shift towards primary care continues and a trend
showing decreasing interest in surgical specialties, this may be of concern in the future. We aim to provide
an up-to-date evaluation of the impact of the medical school curriculum on interest in surgical careers in
final year medical students between two medical schools.
This is a bi-institution cross-sectional survey of final year medical students from Lee Kong Chian School of
Medicine (LKCMedicine) and Imperial College London (ICL) from November 2020-February 2021. A 27-
item survey on demographics, formal curriculum (anatomy and surgical teaching), informal curriculum
and personal qualities were collected using a Likert scale of 1 to 7. Formal curriculum was defined as the
actual course of study, planned contents, teaching and syllabus including clinical teachings. Informal
curriculum was defined as opportunistic and unplanned instructions occurring during the formal
curriculum including what is deliberately taught but informally and not necessarily to everyone and the
ideological and sublimal messages of both the formal and informal curriculum such as unconscious cues
and biases, role modelling and opportunities for informal engagement. Reliability analysis and linear
regression were used. Correlation of 0.2-0.39 was defined as weak, 0.40-0.59 as moderate, 0.6-0.79 as
strong and 0.8-1 as very strong correlation. Mann-Whitney U test was used for analysis of differences in
non-parametric populations.
There were 79 responses (LKCMedicine n=36, ICL n=43). There were 19 (52.8%) males and 19 (44.2%) males
from LKCMedicine and ICL respectively. Our survey showed high reliability (Cronback's alpha >0.800).
Students from LKCMedicine were less likely to choose a surgical career compared to students from ICL
(Likert scale median 2.5 vs median 6, p=0.033). The anatomy curriculum did not have any significant
correlation on preference for surgical career in students from LKCMedicine, but however, had positive
correlation for students from ICL; students who enjoyed anatomy teaching sessions (R2=0.179, p=0.003),
felt that quality of teaching sessions were great (R2=0.117, p=0.014), felt more engaged compared to
their peers (R2=0.159, p=0.034) and felt that the institution made attempts to link conventional textbook
anatomy to clinical anatomy (R2=0.123, p=0.012) were more likely to have interest in a surgical career.
Factors with the strongest and statistically significant correlation were students who felt fulfilled when able
to make use of hands-on experience and dexterity skills (LKCMedicine: R2=0.378, p<0.001; ICL: R2=0.365,
p<0.001), sense of fulfilment when able to solve seemingly unsolvable problems (ICL: R2=0.352, p<0.001),
and feeling successful only if the student develops technical or functional skills to high level of
competence (LKCMedicine: R2=0.142, p=0.013, ICL: R2=0.201, p=0.002).
The impact of anatomy teaching on preference for surgical career is noted in ICL but not in LKCMedicine
due to use of cadaveric dissection compared to prosections. However, correlation is weak. Further large
prospective studies should be carried out. Curriculum review should be regularly conducted to optimise
the demand for surgical specialties.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Debriefing clinical simulation experiences has been identified as the most important step in clarifying and
consolidating insights and lessons from simulations. At ATCS centre, the facilitators use the Promoting
Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation (PEARLS) debriefing framework and Debriefing
Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH)© instrument to provide instructions and example educator
behaviours to assist in evaluating and developing debriefing skills. Our study aims to assess and compare
the debriefing competence of novice and well-trained educators.
Every ATCS simulation educators must have attended at least one faculty development course including
debriefing training. Six of them are simulation experts and the nine others without prior formal debriefing
expertise attended a 4-hour Simulation-Based Medical Education (SBME) seminar targeted on debriefing.
Each group had to debrief for the same 97 second-year medical students in formative OSCE using PEARLS
debriefing script and were evaluated debriefing competence with the student-version DASH score by
their respective learners. The DASH-SV is based on a seven point effectiveness scale and asks students to
rate educators on the six elements and the behaviours associated with each element. The Wilcoxon
signed-rank test was used to compare scores of two groups of educators.
Internal consistency of the questionnaire is 0.946 (Cronbach's Alpha). A significant difference in all items
of the DASH score was noted between two groups of educators. The well-trained educators scores are
significantly greater than the novice ones with regard to "establishing an engaging learning environment"
(6.0 ± 0.7 vs. 5.7 ± 0.8, P=0.001); "maintaining an engaging learning environment" (6.2 ± 0.8 vs. 5.8 ± 0.8,
P<0.001); "structuring the debriefing in an organized way" (6.1 ± 0.8 vs. 5.7 ± 0.8, P<0.001); "provoking
engaging discussions" (6.0 ± 0.7 vs. 5.6 ± 0.8, P<0.001); "identifying and exploring performance gaps" (6.0
± 0.8 vs. 5.6 ± 0.8, P<0.001); and "helping trainees to achieve or sustain good future performance" (6.0 ±
0.8 vs. 5.6 ± 0.8, P<0.001). The well-trained educators showed advanced debriefing skills. The novice
educators with a short-term course had good behaviours to facilitate learning within the context of the
debriefing conversation. Further training will help them in choosing and using skilfully different
conversational techniques and educational strategies to maximize the impact of debriefing. The alpha
coefficient for the six items is over 0.9, suggesting that the items have relatively high internal consistency.
However, a high estimate of alpha may be indicating the presence of systematic errors. Observational
error is one of the typical causes of systematic error and maybe related to the unfamiliarity of learners
with the scale and drift occurred when they checked the same scores without thinking.
The well-trained educators have enough debriefing competence to conduct effective debriefing
sessions to promote an engaging learning environment and achieve learning objectives and goals. The
others need further intensive simulation training courses to comprehend and apply the principle,
techniques and strategies of debriefing in their performance. Besides, briefing before scenarios should be
reviewed and revised to enhance readiness, psychological safety and engagement for learners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
During these unprecedented times, many classes were moved online. Medical curriculum is not an
exception. Besides the medical 'science' that could be learnt through reading, our medical students are
required to learn the 'art' in medicine - interviewing the patients. Interviewing is a practical skill that can
only be learned by doing. The experience of interviewing cannot be replaced by the amount of reading.
However, the chance of face-to-face interviews with standardized patients (SP) has been limited. Till date,
there is still lack of a proper platform to allow our students to practice interviewing with a real patient
virtually. Therefore, Virtual Integrated Patient (VIP), a system equipped with a random virtual patient (VP)
generator, free-text natural language processor and a straightforward interface, was developed. This
study aims to shed light on the effectiveness of VIP on helping the students to learn interviewing the
The VIP was introduced to a class of nursing students in their second year, out of 94, 61 nursing students
had utilized the platform. A survey was administered, and 53 students returned their questionnaire. This
survey investigated the usability and efficiency of the system, and their valuable takeaways after using
VIP. The platform had integrated social determinants for each patient. The students provided feedback
on what social determinants they received, and feedback on what they believed would improve their
81% of students agreed that "the integration of treatment plans will be beneficial to them when they use
VIP and they would continue using the platform. A total of 45 students (85%) reported that they could
deduce the actual diagnosis quite closely using the platform. Some of the social determinants detected
by students successfully were lifestyle modification, such as eating and drinking habit, education level,
sexual activity, occupation, people the patients staying with, past medical condition and family history.
They commended the concept of the platform and commented that this is applicable in real life.
Function wise, they noted that the cases were fun and informative. An improvement that students would
like to see is having more details on how to proceed with physical examination, provide treatment plans
and be allowed to save their cases midway so that they could continue where they left off. The
experience could be further improved if the platform was less buggy, and they could have a practice
session on how to phrase their questions before jumping into a case.
By incorporating more features that has been suggested by the students, and with the aim of getting
more realistic experience, the VIP will demonstrate its usability and ability to fill in the gap of current
curriculum using its free-text analysis feature. Majority of the students agreed that the platform is beneficial
to them and they will continue using the platform. Through the practice, the students also practiced
investigating social determinants that were integrated for each patient. Students would also like to learn
to phrase their questions in a proper manner, which could be incorporated into the platform next time.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
11.30 am Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
Jessica Cockburn, Malaysia
Jeng-Cheng Wu, Taiwan
Sinead Kado, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Impacts on Malaysian Medical Student Wellbeing and Experiences during the Covid-
19 Pandemic
1Cockburn J, 2Tan CY, 3Poh SCDC, 2Tan DJ, 1Foong CC, 1Hong WH
1Medical Education and Research Development Unit (MERDU), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya,
Malaysia, 2Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, 3Faculty of Medicine, Newcastle University
Medicine, Malaysia
In 2020, medical schools were facing the challenges of a global pandemic due to the widespread
transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Despite early control of COVID-19 in Malaysia, cases began steadily
increasing in early 2021, causing a delayed strain on healthcare. During this time, Malaysian medical
schools turned to virtual learning environments to conduct lectures, PBL sessions, and tutorials. Despite the
validity of online learning, there is less known about the overall emotional and educational strain on
medical students during this time, particularly given the unique dynamics of long term control followed
by a sudden rise in COVID-19 cases. As such, the primary goal of this study was to measure the well-being
and educational experiences of medical students across Malaysia one year into pandemic-related
modifications and SOPs.
A quantitative survey was designed to ask Malaysian medical students about their overall wellbeing,
autonomy in educational decision making, student experiences, and position on changes to graduation
timing. The survey was crafted using AMEE Guide No.87 and with feedback from local experts, as piloting
was not possible given the need for timely distribution. Upon ethics approval, the survey was distributed
to all Malaysian medical students using contacts from the Society of Malaysian Medical Association
Medical Students. Responses were assessed for internal validity and reliability using Principal Components
analysis (PCA) and Cronbach's alpha. Trends in responses were evaluated using hypothesis testing such
that significance was set to p<0.05.
The survey was distributed between April-May of 2021 and 442 students representing 23 accredited
medical schools responded, meeting power estimates. Preclinical and clinical students provided details
about gender, ethnicity, income, number of close contacts, and prior COVID-19 diagnosis. Validation
and reliability analysis reduced the items from (KM=0.802, α=0.622). Eight resulting components trended
towards themes relating to: mental health, social concerns, communication with programme leaders,
timing of modifications, depth of learning, and student-centred learning. Of these, gender was related to
mental health, student-centred learning, and delayed graduation, while stage was related to student-
centred learning and delayed graduation in addition to concerns about depth of learning and timing of
modifications (p<0.05 for each). Interestingly, ethnicity was related to differences in opinions about
delayed graduation and income was related to social concerns (p<0.05)
This study is the first of its kind to survey all medical students in Malaysia for research purposes, providing a
strategy for future studies. The themes relating to mental health, social concerns, and teaching and
learning modifications indicate that students have been affected by many personal and educational
experiences. Significantly, students indicated a moderate level of generalized anxiety or depression and
some concern about the depth of learning given modifications made during the pandemic. There were
no major trends associated with online learning environments, suggesting that these experiences were
independent of the COVID-19 situation. Moving forward, it will be important to consider the emotional
health of students and address concerns about the quality of their learning during the pandemic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Messaging apps like Viber, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp have emerged as valuable digital
facilitators for communication and learning. These services have become practically indispensable
during this pandemic, when lockdowns in the Philippines have created vacuums in basic services and
human resource allocations. There were times when hospital services were suspended or were operating
with minimal personnel, especially when said personnel have to be quarantined or confined due to
Covid-19. Clinical settings in which critical decisions have to be made for obstetric and gynaecologic
patients with the use of ultrasound have been greatly facilitated by the use of such apps. This has created
a serendipitous opportunity for remote teaching and learning to take place for trainees and even trainers
in our ultrasound fellowship training. Limitations in bandwidth have made these apps more accessible
and easier to use. We hope that our study is able to encapsulate the effectiveness and practicality of
using such apps during these times of social distancing and lockdown protocols.
This is a descriptive study of how we gradually incorporated virtual teaching-learning activities in OB-
Gyn ultrasound fellowship training after face to face interactions were prohibited or limited. All OB-
Gyn patients sent for emergency ultrasound during March 2020 until March 2021 were seen by the
ultrasound fellows who used the Viber and Facebook Messenger apps' recording and photo features to
submit their scans and initial reports to the supervising faculty consultants. In turn, the consultants check
the recordings and photos and either agree with the findings, or request for more views and even do a
live chat (e.g., FaceTime, etc.) with the fellow to guide them thru certain sonographic landmarks or to
check further details. This method was only done if informed consent was obtained from the patients and
their relatives. Initial reading is given to the requesting physician. Clinical outcomes were followed up and
discussed during periodic Zoom audits. Self-evaluation rubrics were given to the fellows for guidance and
improvement of the curriculum.
Concordance of actual results with ultrasound findings were tabulated and reviewed. As expected, the
more challenging emergency cases required longer live chat time between the trainee fellow and the
faculty consultant, and submission of more photos and videos. However, supervision and guidance of
ultrasound fellows during the actual scans were possible and effective. In addition to the shortened
turnaround time and decreased lag time in diagnosis to management, confidence of both fellows and
consultants in the virtual set up gradually improved, although actual physical presence is still recognized
as the ideal.
This study has shown how messaging apps have evolved from simple communication between chat
groups to important clinical tools in limited resource settings with low bandwidth. We acknowledge the
paramount importance of being comfortable with new technology and learning to adapt to the
demands of the times. We must evaluate the value of incorporating these into our curriculum, and the
impact it could have not just on academic institutions but also on patient-doctor relationships, in light of
telemedicine becoming the new norm.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Anatomy and Physiology are the basic sciences taught in the undergraduate nursing curriculum, which
imparts the knowledge for effective clinical practice as a nurse. Comprehensive Health Assessment is also
one of the core components taught in the nursing curriculum. Traditionally, both the components are
taught as a modular curriculum. The students bring their knowledge and skills from different modules into
their practice during their clinical attachments. Studies show nurses who exhibit strong clinical practice
skills often find it difficult to see the linkages between the two modules, which in turn fails to translate their
knowledge into clinical practice. The aim of the study is the development, implementation and
evaluation an Integrated Modular Anatomy and Healthcare Assessment program in an Undergraduate
Nursing Course in preparing the first-year student nurses for their clinical practicum. This research study
aims to help study students' learning experiences and knowledge towards an Integrated Anatomy and
Physiology with Comprehensive Health Assessment module with focus on their level of knowledge, interest
in Anatomy and its application to Comprehensive Health Assessment.
The study was conducted in a local university in Singapore which has a BSC Nursing program and the
students of Year 1 undergraduate in Nursing (Three-year Nursing Program) were chosen for this study. A
Mixed Method Explanatory Sequential model was used for this study. For the quantitative part, an
experimental pre and post-test design was used to explore first year Bachelor of Nursing students'
experiences with integration of Anatomy and Comprehensive Health Assessment (CHA). The intervention
program was designed and implemented to see the effect of the integration. For the qualitative method,
thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcribed scripts of the focus group discussions.
Quantitative methods using Wilcoxon Signed ranked test results showed that the students' approaches to
studying Anatomy and Physiology changed after the integration. Significant statistical difference was
found between Semester 1's scoring (Median = 3.00) and Semester 2's scoring (Median = 3.00) for Factor
4 (T = 326, Z = -2.186, P = 0.029), which indicated that the students rated Factor 4 higher after the
integration program, than they did in before integration. Factor 4 refers to Students approaches to
Learning Anatomy. There was significant increase in average mark of the cohort after the integration. The
student nurses demonstrated a significant improvement (t = 5.78, p < 0.00001) in the results between the
two modules pre and post integration. The thematic analysis results had few themes that supported the
quantitative results and students felt that the integration helps them translate their knowledge into
The study provided evidence on the effectiveness of the Integrated program in enhancing the students'
knowledge and visualizing the linkages. A key success of the Integrated program was the integration of
the two modules into one module for better cognitive integration. The limitation of the study is that this
study uses cohort study rather than longitudinal study, which would have helped to understand the results
of integration when students go into clinical practice to see the transfer of knowledge.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Using Natural Language Process Techniques and Data Visualization Methods for
Analyzing the Learning Effects of Patient-Physician Communication Teaching
1Wu J, 2Hou W, 3Liao F, 4Chang Y, 5Tsai H
Departments of 1Urology/Education, 2Geriatric Medicine/Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
3Education, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taiwan, 4Graduate Institute of Data Science, 5Master
Program in Long-Term Care /School of Gerontology Health Management, College of Nursing, Taipei
Medical University, Taiwan
Patient-physician communication is an essential clinical skill. It serves as a prerequisite in one of the five
categories of high-stakes Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) at Taiwan National Medical
Licensure Examination Part Two. However, the performance of patient-physician communication skill was
not perceived satisfied, and the overall competency-based scores were the lowest of the OSCE among
our medical students in the previous examination results. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a patient-
physician communication training course, analyse the trainees' interview transcripts by word cloud, and
eventually evaluate the learning effects of clinical consultation skills of holistic care in the first-year
clerkship of the medical students.
A total of 103 medical students in the first-year clerkship, from one medical school in northern Taiwan,
were invited to participant in the training program. The patient-physician communication program
included lectures for the core concept about the communication, case-based small group discussion,
student presentation, debriefing with the teachers, role play for patient-physician communication, hands-
on demonstration, and theme/keywords abstraction. The Natural Language Process (NLP) techniques
and data visualization methods were used to analyse the patient-physician communication learning.
Each student conducted an 8 to 10-minute holistic interview to their patient in the primary care. The
transcripts of interviews were generated. The content of the transcripts was scored by the course
instructors and considered as the learning results. We divided the patient-physician holistic interviews into
three groups (i.e., high., median, and low) according to the scores. Subsequently, a further investigation
about the different degree of four aspects in holistic interviews between the high and low-score groups
were studied, including students delivering the physical, psychological, spiritual, and social-economic
considerations for the patients in the communication.
As the experimental results, the students in the group with high scores generally had more dialogues with
patients and indicated a better performance in showing care about the need of four dimensions when
delivering holistic care. Advancingly, the spiritual and social-economic considerations were emphasized
in the high-score group. are. The considerations mainly revolved around daily or family life, as well as
patients' supporting system in using the spiritual and religious practices. In contrast, the conversations in
the low-score group probed into the psychological and social-economic aspects in delivering holistic
considerations. Their themes were around symptoms and physical reactions, as well as discussing working
planning and transportation methods with patients.
This study revealed our patient-physician communication training program for holistic care could provide
an effective teaching and learning approach in developing students' skills of doctor-patient
communication and clinical consultation when delivering holistic care in practice.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Non-Technical Skills ('NTS') are defined as the cognitive and social skills, and it is a generic term for
communication skills, teamwork skills, and situational awareness skills. It is recognized as common skills that
all medical professionals should have no matter what their specialty. Because it was cleared that most of
medical incidents were caused by communication error rather than technical error in recent reports,
communication skill is one of the most important skills of NTS in team medical care. Both logical thinking
and logical conversation skills are required for all medical professionals in the accurate communication
without misunderstanding of medical information. Health sciences students are required to learn about
patient safety as compulsory subject in their professional curriculum in Japan. Nevertheless, education of
non-technical skills is not required, and there are no reports on the level of non-technical skills of health
science students in Japan. The aim of this study is to measure the level of logical thinking and logical
conversation skills of health science students and to reconsider the content of patient safety education
in health science student education.
The subject of this study is health science students of third grade taking Medical Risk Management (Total
601 persons), who major in nursing (243 persons), clinical radiation (110 persons), clinical laboratory (128
persons), physical therapy or occupational therapy (120 persons). Language art tests for NTS developed
by Tsukuba Language Technology Institute was used for evaluation of logical thinking skills and logical
conversation skills. Self-written answers were scored based on information extraction and sequence of
explanation rules in language arts. We performed skills tests twice, statistical analysis was performed using
PSPP. This study has been approved by the research ethics committee of Hirosaki university graduate
school health sciences, and it was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K21737 and JP16K13513.
The percentage of correct answer in all students was 7.7% at the first test, and 10.5% at the second test.
The percentage of correct answers each specialized field at first test and second test was 8.6% / 9.5% for
nurse, 5.5% / 14.6% for clinical radiation, 8.6% / 14.7% for clinical laboratory, 6.7% /4.2% for physical therapy
or occupational therapy, respectively. There was no significant difference among each medical specialty.
Health science students showed low scores in logical thinking skills and logical conversation skills
regardless of their major profession. They gave answers only according to their own experiences, and it
was indicated that they lacked a basic understanding of NTS such as logical thinking and logical
conversation. The results of this survey indicate that health science students need to learn strongly about
NTS in terms of team medicine and patient safety education. It is considered necessary to establish a
basic non-technical education program in health sciences education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Introduction to Health Profession (IHP) is a short course that was introduced in the new medical curriculum
in 2021. The objectives of this one credit course is to promote understanding of basic concepts of human
interaction in healthcare quality; and soft skills which include leadership, communication, negotiation,
cooperation and teamwork. With the advent of the COVID 19 pandemic, the course had to be delivered
virtually. The objective of IHP lessons is to introduce to the freshmen medical undergraduates, the value
of self-directed learning, accountability and teamwork in healthcare delivery.
IHP course aims to introduce the medical student to the real world and value systems of the health
professional especially in areas relating to communication skills, medical ethics and teamwork. Initially the
course was designed to deliver the lessons in the conventional face- to- face manner. Due to the
pandemic and movement control orders, the whole course was then converted to an online mode as
the students were scattered throughout the world in their home countries or in quarantine centres. The
IHP course consists of both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. The original curriculum content was
maintained. The lessons promote self-directed learning and personal accountability in completing
knowledge checks and encourage teamwork to complete assignments for group presentations and
group tasks. The teaching learning modalities consisted of synchronous interactive behavioural sciences
workshops, asynchronous lectures and collaborative teamwork to simulate and record the roleplay based
on the scenarios on crisis management. In addition, gamification was used in the form of progress
mechanics in collecting badges on successful completion of knowledge checks and competing
collaborative teamwork activities. There was a synchronous seminar with various speakers from different
health professional teams and oral group presentation by the students on their view of an effective health
care system. The seminar and oral presentation were conducted by the students to unearth their talents
in the soft skills of leadership, teamwork, communication and organisational skills.
98% of the students were satisfied that the IHP course met the learning outcomes of value of teamwork,
effective communication, understanding professional behaviours and being adaptable and resilient. 93%
agreed that the activities were enjoyable and 94% agreed that the activities were educational. 92% were
satisfied that the IHP group activities enabled them to make connections and network amongst
themselves in spite of being in different places globally. 82% developed insight on personal characteristics
during the groupwork and the synchronous interactive behavioural sciences workshops. This was reflected
in their module evaluation feedback.
In conclusion, we found that the virtual delivery of the IHP course was successful in terms of practicality
and usefulness in promoting communication, collaborative work, experiential learning and team work
through the synchronous interactive sessions and asynchronous sessions involving self-directed learning
and teamwork. In the end students were empowered to take charge of their own learning of both
content and development of interpersonal skills. The networking in the collaborative group activities
eased the isolation due the pandemic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Most communication skills training programs in Medical and Radiation Oncology and Palliative Medicine
at National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) have until now relied upon face-to-face in-person
interactions to teach Medical Officers (MOs) on verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. To
overcome COVID-19 related restrictions, a new real-time online course was initiated to address this gap.
Drawing on the findings of a systematic scoping review of communication skills training programs in post-
graduate medicine, this program focused on training on communicating prognosis, discussing extent of
care, exploring emotions and breaking bad news using the Zoom platform held over 5 days spread over
3 months.
On the first day of the course each MO participated in a video-recorded interaction with standardised
patient (SP). On the second, third and fourth training days MOs attended an Online lecture and a video
illustrating a negative scenario for each topic. A trained member of faculty and 6 MOs were then assigned
to breakout rooms where a structured small group discussion on the video and the core principles
surrounding each topic was carried out. In each session, this was followed by a video of a positive
demonstration of an interaction for that topic that was followed by a large group debrief session.
On the fifth day of the course the MOs participated in video-recorded interaction with an SP. Faculty then
provided feedback on the MO's pre- and post-course videos using the Gap Kalamazoo assessment tool.
Despite the lack of traditional face-to-face in-person interactions, faculty and MOs found the course
useful with MOs reporting improvement in their own communication skills and confidence scores backed
by objective improvements in general communication skills, eye contact and assessment of SP's non-
verbal cues. The online nature of the course also allowed full attendance without restriction to active
participation in the discussion sessions.
We believe that, effectively structured, this online program can be expanded to cover other elements of
communication and even be extended to other specialities with the employment of trained and
dedicated faculty members.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A growing need to support medical education in the Pacific resulted in a series of five-day medical
education workshops. We pondered: How do Pacific clinicians translate knowledge and skills gained to
their educational practice and what support do they need in their remote low-resource settings? Current
medical education literature also advocates for exploration of the translation into practice phenomenon
in different educational contexts to further contemporary understandings. Therefore, a social
constructivist based, qualitative case study was conducted exploring this phenomenon to inform faculty
development in remote low-resource settings.
An explanatory (how change occurred) and instrumental (informing best practice) qualitative case study
explored each clinicians' unique learning journey. Nine clinicians were recruited through purposive
sampling. We collected data through reflective journals, individual interviews, review of written lesson
plans and video recordings of teaching sessions over four months. Interviews were transcribed verbatim
and all data sets were analysed using Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis. Each case was analysed
individually before searching for common themes.
The results were first captured in narrative portraits and although each clinician had an individual journey,
six shared themes were identified and included: 1) Perception of the workshop; 2) Evolving teaching
philosophy; 3) Changing practice; 4) Teachers' perception of responses from the students; 5) Inhibitors to
change; and 6) Enablers of change.
Our study results were supported by the international literature on faculty development, including the
importance of considering clinicians' prior educational experiences, cultural organisational influences,
communities of practice, and enablers and barriers to changing educational practice when designing
faculty development. However, clinicians in remote low-resource settings, like the Pacific, also require
contextual support through the provision of relevant flexible learning, culturally sensitive feedback, and
promoting reflective practice to facilitate sustainable educational change.
Workshops can initiate clinicians' educational journey but ongoing support of faculty development is
required in the Pacific. Therefore, we recommend that established medical education units assist through
sustained collaboration to develop culturally and contextually situated flexible education programs that
promote reflection and communities of practice, whilst also providing culturally acceptable and valuable
feedback. Workshops begin the educational change journey, but the question still remains: How can we
better collaborate to support medical education development in remote low-resource settings?
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
11.30 am Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Anbarasi K, India
Tran Thuy Linh, Vietnam
Christie Anna, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Intersection of History, Science, and Technology: Specialized Museum for Dental
1Anbarasi K, 2Mohamed K
Departments of 1Oral Medicine and Radiology, 2Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences,
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, India
Background: "Museum"- the word conveys to the place of learning and study. Museum education means
that museums provide a learning situation in which all the elements necessary for promoting learning are
present. Museum education enables students to delve deeper to understand the concepts of evolution
and translate the understanding creatively and effectively to approach the future with structure
knowledge in the respective domains. We present our experience in instituting a first-of-its-kind specialty
museum education in a dental college and emphasize their role in education.
This study aims to set up a non-profit, student-centred dental museum and analyse the museum's diverse
benefits in dental education.
Research questions
1.What is the most significant effect of specialty museum education on student's learning
2.How do the students and dental educators perceive the use and educational importance of the dental
3.Do the museum preparatory activities contribute to new concept learning
The qualitative data analysis revealed that dental students perceive that specialty museum education
as a scaffold for their learning process. The student's reflection singled out that the museum's visual and
tactile experience of historical dental instruments inspired them to create futuristic devices. The students
and dental educators perceived that specialty museum education promotes deep understanding and
structure knowledge on the core subject. The volunteers also perceived that the incredible amount of
activities and time management in the museum setup overwhelms and goes crazy.
Through this project, we experienced that setting up a specialty museum is an exciting task and that
specialty museum education supports future-focused learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A shortage of specialist paediatric surgeons in Malaysia led to the establishment of a local national run-
through Master of Paediatric Surgery 4-year postgraduate training programme in 2004. Since its inception,
53 graduates have successfully completed training. The aim of this study was to identify
sociodemographic factors that impacted the training experience of postgraduate trainees. A secondary
objective was to identify pressure points during training to inform targeted support strategies for current
and future trainees.
We conducted an anonymised online survey in June 2021. Eligible participants were graduates from the
run-through programme. On-time completion of postgraduate training was defined as successful
programme exit in 8 semesters. Participants were asked for sociodemographic data, both current and at
the time of training. Likert scale responses were required for questions regarding adequacy of support
received for health, finance, and personal issues during training. A free text response question soliciting
suggestions for programme improvement was included, and participants were asked to indicate
willingness to be contacted by the study team in the future. Data are reported as median (range).
Categorical variables were compared using chi-square tests, continuous variables were compared using
Mann-Whitney U tests, with p<0.05 significance.
Of 53 eligible participants, 52 (98%) completed the survey; majority (n=27, 52%) were aged 36-40 years,
24 (46%) were female. Most (n=43, 83%) were Ministry of Health employees. At time of entry into training,
median age was 30 years (range 24-39). Marital status was similar between genders at entry, but female
trainees were more likely to be unmarried on exit (p=0.001), and less likely to have children while training
(p=0.017). Of the 6 female and 18 male trainees who had children while training, 5 (5/6, 83%) female and
8 (8/18,44%) male trainees planned to do so (p=0.10). The majority felt advice given regarding parental
leave (6 female, 9 male) and managing training while having children (6 female, 10 male) were poor.
Thirty-seven (71%) completed training on time. Rates of on-time completion and successful passing of
examinations at first attempt were not significantly impacted by gender, marital status, or parenthood.
Twenty-seven (52%) opted into post-survey contact. Thematic analysis of free text answers revealed that
lack of hands-on experience was the most common concern, in both recall of own training and in
experience with current trainees. Study limitations include its cross-sectional nature preventing analysis of
trends over time, and small sample size.
Factors related to marriage and parenthood significantly associate with gender amongst paediatric
surgery specialists in Malaysia despite both genders being well represented in the specialty, highlighting
pressure points in training requiring targeted strategies for trainee support. Adequacy of hands-on training
is a concern, indicating the need for educational innovations such as simulation models.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (UMP) is the first school in Vietnam to organize
Interprofessional Education (IPE) since 2019. Studying stereotypes among healthcare professionals,
especially about nursing, is necessary for better education and collaboration.
We aimed to study students' stereotypes about nursing, in comparison with those of rehabilitation,
physician, and pharmacist.
An online survey was sent to 102 healthcare students, including medical, nursing, rehabilitation, and
pharmacy students, before a 2-week IPE course in September 2020. We asked the students about general
information, interprofessional attitude using Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS), and
stereotypes using Stereotypes Rating Questionnaire (SSRQ). SSRQ consists of nine questions for each
profession, with 5-level Likert scale and a "Do not know" option.
A total of 90 students responded (response rate 88%). The SSRQ scale when students assessed nursing has
Alpha Cronbach=0.84. The students were 20 - 22 years old, 57% were female. There were 12 third-year
nursing students (13%), 7 third-year rehabilitation students (8%), 36 medical students (40%), and 35
pharmacy students (39%). The SSRQ scores of healthcare professions were 37.1±4.0 for nursing, 37.6±4.5
for rehabilitation, 39.9±3.8 for physician, and the 38.7±3.7 for pharmacist. Nursing's SSRQ score was
significantly lower than the score of physician or pharmacist. Nursing was rated high in practical skills,
ability to be a team player, interpersonal skills, professional competence, confidence, academic ability,
but lower in ability to make decisions, ability to work independently, and leadership ability. We did not
find the association between stereotypes about nursing and interprofessional attitude.
While nursing is an indispensable force in the healthcare system, nursing's abilities were assessed lowest
by healthcare students. Further research is needed on the potential effect of IPE to overcome the existing
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The flipped classroom (FC) is one of many innovative online learning strategies adopted in medical
education that has become highly relevant during the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. While its
innovativeness promotes active participation and higher-order thinking among students, there are
concerns about its effectiveness in terms of knowledge retention and transfer. Currently, there are no
studies involving the medical biochemistry curriculum that evaluate the effectiveness of FC. Thus, we
conducted a study that aimed to estimate the average treatment effect (ATE) of FC on carbohydrate
metabolism module examination scores through analysis of observational data from two different
freshman batches of the Doctor of Medicine program using propensity-score matching (PSM).
This was a historical control study involving observational data from two freshman batches duly enrolled
at the De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute-College of Medicine, Dasmariñas City, Philippines.
Class 2021 (n=250) served as the traditional lecture (TL) group while Class 2022 (n=264) served as the FC
group. The use of FC with Class 2022 came as a response to calls for implementing innovative teaching
strategies in the medical biochemistry curriculum. Student data on relevant covariates (age, sex, National
Medical Admission Test or NMAT score, undergraduate degree) and the outcome variable (carbohydrate
metabolism module examination scores as percentage) were obtained respectively from the Dean's
Office and the Biochemistry Department following ethics approval. Item analysis indicated that the
examinations given to each batch are comparable in difficulty level. Univariate analysis was performed,
and summary statistics were computed for all variables. Propensity scores were then calculated using
logit regression conditional on the aforementioned covariates. Afterwards, 1:1 nearest-neighbour PSM
was performed to produce an estimated ATE measure afforded by FC (as adjusted mean difference in
examination scores between the two batches), balancing on the covariates.
Mean examination score was 60.97% (SD=14.88%) in the TL group and 67.98% (SD=17.93%) in the FC group,
yielding a crude mean difference of 7.01% (95% CI: 4.16%, 9.88%; p<0.001). The FC group, however, had
a significantly higher mean NMAT score (80.80% vs 75.77%; p<0.001). Additionally, significant imbalances
in undergraduate course distribution were noted between the two batches. Nearest-neighbour matching
using the calculated propensity scores effectively balanced the two groups on the covariates
(standardized difference <10%), producing 514 matched student-pairs that received either TL or FC.
Following PSM, the FC group was found to have a significantly higher adjusted mean examination score
compared with the TL group (ATE as adjusted mean difference = 5.62%, 95% CI: 2.54%, 8.72%; p<0.001).
In this study, we were able to demonstrate FC to be beneficial over TL, as reflected by the estimated ATE
of a significant increase in the adjusted mean examination score by 5.62 percentage points relative to TL.
Our results hope to boost faculty confidence in implementing and promoting this online teaching
approach in their own fields of expertise, particularly in light of this current pandemic crisis, wherein FC
offers a viable online avenue for higher-order learning that does not necessitate students to be physically
present on campus.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
An Alternative Virtual Clinical Posting Program for Nursing Students during the Covid-
19 Pandemic
1Anna C, 2Lee C, 2Loo C, 3Su LW, 2Ong C, 2Chen YC
Services, 2Nursing Services, HQ, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics, Singapore, 2Primary Care
Academy, Singapore
The Nursing Services of National Healthcare Group Polyclinics (NHGP) conducted an alternative virtual
clinical posting programme for nursing students. The use of patient journeys was incorporated as the main
methodology. The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of an alternative methodology for
clinical training where on-site clinical postings is not feasible due to a pandemic environment.
Three batches, consisting of thirty-one second year nursing students, participated in the alternative
clinical posting program conducted via a virtual platform. Six primary care specific topics and an
introductory session on NHGP was collaboratively selected to be taught virtually using patient journeys to
facilitate the students' understanding of primary care nursing. The topics were: Introduction to Primary
Care at NHGP, Tele-wound Monitoring, Directly Observed Therapy, Diabetic Retinal Photography,
Diabetic Foot Screening, Childhood Immunisation and Childhood Developmental Assessment. Two nurse
educators taught the sessions with one administrative staff supporting each session. Each student group
size ranged between six to nine students. Videos, photos, graphics, real-life examples and lectures were
used to aid learning and engagement. To test the students' understanding, we used quizzes, polls and
To evaluate the students learning experience from the sessions, we asked the students three questions via
an online form at the end of each session. The evaluation questions focused on three aspects: content
delivery, student engagement and facilitation of learning. A four-point Likert scale, 1=Strongly Disagree,
2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, was utilised. We then extracted and analysed the evaluation
ratings and free text feedback of all sessions. A total of fifteen sessions were conducted and the overall
average evaluation score was 3.78 (out of 4.0).
Three themes surfaced from analysis of the free text feedback. Firstly, the sessions were found enjoyable
and greatly appreciated by students. Secondly, the sessions were engaging with interesting topics, and
thirdly, the sessions were informative with clear and detailed explanations. Areas for improvement cited
by the students included: better audio quality, use other online platform, more activities and avoid using
virtual backgrounds. We also compared this overall average evaluation rating score with the overall
evaluation rating from an on-site clinical posting of a previous batch of students from the same school
and level. The on-site clinical posting overall average evaluation score was a perfect 4.0.
Reflections from the two nurse educators included a keen desire to engage students through this maiden
journey hosting a virtual clinical programme to transfer knowledge coherently using a variety of teaching
tools. The team also faced challenges, which included network bandwidth instability, creating virtual
experiential learning experiences with limited resources, and, forming an authentic bond with the students.
The perfect evaluation ratings for the on-site clinical postings prove that on-site clinical training and
experiences remains the undisputed gold standard. However, the positive feedback and commendable
ratings for the alternative virtual clinical program suggests that, as an alternative approach to support
clinical trainings during a pandemic, it is advantageous and tenable.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
As the landscape of undergraduate public health education undergoes pivotal changes, experiential
learning gains widespread traction to fulfil its new demands. This systematic review and meta-synthesis
aims to 1) identify the different activities pertaining to experiential learning (ELAs) used in public health
undergraduate education, and 2) compare and assess the effectiveness of ELAs to not only students, but
other stakeholders involved in the experiential learning partnership.
Computerised and manual searches using multiple databases were performed by two independent
reviewers. A total of 33 studies published in the past two decades were included in the review, of which
25 reported quantitative evaluation results, and 22 reported qualitative evaluation results. The
quantitative outcomes measurements were too heterogeneous to be pooled together for meta-analysis.
We however conducted a meta-synthesis on the qualitative evaluation results using the thematic
synthesis approach and inductive analysis by Sandelowski and Barroso 2006. The included studies were
of moderate to high quality according to the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool 2018.
There is a wide variety of classroom-, community- and work-focused ELAs used in public health
undergraduate education. Compared to the other disciplines, community-focused ELAs are unique to
undergraduate public health as these programmes generally strive to educate students to improve the
health of communities. Some ELA types (i.e. service learning, internships) appear to be more commonly
applied in the studies reviewed, but the presence of other less common ELA types (i.e. photovoice,
deliberative pedagogy) indicate the versatility of experiential learning to be applied and adapted to
many situations. Using experiential learning to teach public health was not only limited to public health
students, but also involved other undergraduate healthcare students (e.g. medical and nursing students).
This review's analysis of quantitative and qualitative data indicates that ELAs were perceived to be highly
positive by students, faculty, and community/external agency members. Despite this, it is important to
address the challenges faced by students. One common challenge highlighted in the meta-synthesis is
the mismatch in expected knowledge, skills, or efforts between faculty and student. Moreover, continuous
evaluation of ELAs should be encouraged. The review indicated that only about a third of the studies
reported evaluation results spanning at least two years. In addition, this review has unveiled the limited
evaluation results from perspectives other than students, such as for faculty and communities/ external
agencies. Moreover, the meta-synthesis did not pick up any themes or subthemes pertaining to negative
experiences of faculty towards ELAs. While it is understood that students are the direct recipients of the
ELAs, there is clearly a need to consider the perspectives of these other important stakeholders in the
evaluation of ELAs.
Our review revealed various ELAs used in public health education to teach a range of undergraduate
healthcare disciplines. While ELAs were perceived to be largely positive by various stakeholders, future
public health undergraduate education programmes should consider addressing the various challenges
faced by students, performing continuous evaluation of their ELAs along with assessing the perspectives
of other stakeholders such as faculty, and community/external agency members.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
One of the barriers to pain management is the lack of health professionals' knowledge and skills to assess
and manage pain. Pain education is introduced in different places across the undergraduate medical
curricula for example in the classes of physiology, pharmacology, musculoskeletal disorder, cancer, or
emergency medicine. While studies in different countries showed that the pain-related competence of
health professionals are not yet adequate, only limited studies explored the challenges in pain education
from both students' and teachers' perspectives. Our study aim to measure the level of knowledge of
medical students and explore the challenges of pain learning in the perspectives of students and teacher.
We conducted a mixed method study in a private medical school in Indonesia. In the quantitative phase,
4th year medical students filled out a validated questionnaire of Knowledge and Attitude Survey
Regarding of Pain (KSARP). The results were presented to students and teachers in the qualitative phase.
We conducted two FGDs with teachers and two FGDs with students, each group consisted of 8-10
participants. They discussed challenges in pain education and strategies to overcome the challenges.
40 out of 44 (91%) filled out the questionnaire. Mean score of KSARP is 18.67 (SD 3.31), less than 50% correct
answer, showing that 4th year students did not have adequate pain knowledge. FGDs showed
challenges in pain education are related to the scattered pain curricula, lack of students' self-directed
learning, learning style differences, online learning during pandemic, and conventional educational
methods. Participants suggested to strengthen deep learning and reflection skills of students, developing
innovation in educational methods, improve learning from clinical cases, and facilitating early clinical
exposure possibly with real patients.
Challenges in pain education is the reflection of challenges in the medical curriculum. To improve pain
learning, basic principles in medical education should be adopted in the curriculum development and
education delivery; and the culture of student-centeredness should be continuously supported.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
2.15 pm Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
Pathiyil Ravi Shankar, Malaysia
Steven Green, United Arab Emirates
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Pathology is a basic medical science studying the basics of diseases. Reaching the "Creation" level of
students` higher cognitive functions in the basic sciences is hard to achieve. Moreover, students perceive
them as "theoretical" sciences with less motivation to learn. Based on the autonomous motivation theory;
increasing students` self-efficiency feeling and increasing the relevance of learning, will foster students`
motivation to learn. Project-based learning (PtBL) is an inquiry-based approach based on constructivism
theory in which learners construct a product based on the assembling of prior knowledge and experience
with newer activities. A meme is an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is
copied and spread rapidly by internet users. Using PtBL to turn medical knowledge into memes by
medical students-as a method of enhancing their learning, boosting their motivation to learn and their
creation- was not tried before.
The First-year Pathology students of the 2019 and 2021 batches at the Faculty of Medicine, Helwan
University were enrolled in the Memes` PtBL (1477 students). Students were requested to work in teams to
create medical meme pictures and funny videos from the learned pathology topics of the Locomotor
module that simplify the scientific material for the non-medical community (2-3 pictures or one
video/team). Topics included inflammatory, metabolic, and neoplastic bone and joint diseases. Students
were informed that their work will be shared on social media (Facebook) as an online awareness
campaign after being assessed by the instructor. Students rated their satisfaction on a 5-point Likert scale
and gave written feedback about their perception of the Memes` project. Analysis of the quantitative
data and a breakdown analysis of the written feedback was done independently by the authors.
All students' teams produced creative funny memes that exceeded the requested number by 3-10 times
from each team. The work clarified different aspects of diseases in a creative simple humorous and light
way. The work was shared under the hashtags #WorldHealthDay and
#EnjoyPathologyLearningAtHelwanMedicalSchool. The feedback response rate was 66.9%. Students’
satisfaction was 91.4% with 93.3% rated the learning benefit gained from creating memes and 85.9% rated
the learning benefit from watching their colleagues` memes as excellent and very good. Written
feedback showed that most of the students felt more self-efficient being able to create new things and
simplify the information in a funny way, besides targeting to help the community in their first academic
year. They perceived the project as engaging, challenging, fun, and made them focus on the disease-
important details. Additionally, students` of the 2021-batch reported that it broke the learning boredom
they feel being learned distantly in most of the course due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the
students` quotes "It was a funny experience I enjoyed a lot", "It broke down the boredom of distant
learning", & "I enjoyed the experience a lot, I wish all subjects use it to make learning funnier".
The Memes` PtBL enhanced students` learning and stimulated creation as a higher cognitive function. It
engaged and autonomously motivated students in their learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Service learning is powerful in nurturing empathy and compassion in medical students and is key to
professional identity formation. Through service learning, students meet persons from diverse backgrounds
and discover perspectives in a real world, grounds up manner. Whilst service learning may increase
students sense of social justice and social responsibility through knowledge imparted and students are
equipped with skills to advocate for equity, there is also an important need to pay attention to cultivating
attitudes of service and deepen student’s resilience as they reach out with compassion. This presentation
describes the use of the novel 'Camino' framework to underpin service learning.
A 3-week summer school was conducted during for undergraduate medical students during the school
holidays to equip students with knowledge skills and attitudes to serve vulnerable communities. During this
summer school, students were exposed to the needs and perspectives of persons from various
disadvantaged people groups through patient's narratives, case-based discussions and interdisciplinary
round tables. The curriculum was designed using a novel conceptual framework of a 'Camino' (also
known as pilgrimage) as the underpinning framework, and faculty facilitating the summer school
positioned as 'guides' on the journey. This concept was introduced to students in pre-summer school
preparation where students and faculty guides were invited to consider what they would bring on a
pilgrimage to learn to serve others. Each day of summer school learning started with an 'arrival' session
where students connected with each other and their faculty guides as a community of like-minded
individuals eager to learn about how to serve those in needs. At the end of each day, students gathered
in 'safe space' session where they discussed and shared about their thoughts, feelings and responses to
what was learnt. The summer school concluded in a gathering where students connected with each
other one last time and shared a 'gift' to the community through a creative art form which was symbolic
of a 'sending off' as they went their separate ways.
Students appreciated the 'Camino' model of curriculum design as it allowed them not only to appreciate
the needs of others but to also learn more about themselves individually and as a community as they
served. Students gave feedback that the arrival and safe spaces segments were their top 3 favourite
teaching and learning activity during the summer school as they were allowed to express their own
responses to what was learnt and also were given an opportunity to be present and bear witness to each
other's experiences as a community. Students also appreciated the warmth of the faculty guides who
role modelled the ability to be authentic and vulnerable in the learning space to facilitate relationship
building and a sense of community and belonging.
The 'Camino' conceptual framework is an innovative curriculum design application that facilitates the
nurturing of a community of learnings and allows social interactions and collaborations crucial to adult
learning. Further research may be undertaken to apply 'Camino' model to other aspects of medical
education like professional identity formation.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Japanese medical education, which operates on a six-year pre-graduate curriculum after high school,
has a "liberal arts curriculum" in which medical students take courses in foreign languages, biology,
physics, chemistry, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics. In recent years, this curriculum
has been shrinking as medical education has become more bloated. This study investigates the current
status of liberal arts education in Japanese medical education as of 2021.
We analysed the "Current Status of Medical Education Curriculum" report published every two years by
the Association of Japan Medical Colleges. The period was from 2011 to 2019. We surveyed the number
of course credits in liberal arts education, the grade levels taking courses, the grade levels starting
professional education, compliance with the Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education (developed
by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a matter that should be common
to all universities), and the sufficiency of human resources.
The number of credits for liberal arts education decreased from 48 in 2015 to 38.4 in 2019. In 2011, 100% of
1st grade (80 of 80 institutions), 65% of 2nd grade (52 of 80), 30% of 3rd grade (24 of 80), 20% of 4th grade
(16 of 80), 1.25% of 5th grade (1 of 80), and 0% of 6th grade (0 of 80) were enrolled in liberal arts education.
In 2019, 100% (80 of 80) for 1st grade, 60% (48 of 80) for 2nd grade, 36.25% (29 of 80) for 3rd grade, 17.5%
(14 of 80) for 4th grade, 6.25% (5 of 80) for 5th grade, and 1.25% (1 of 80) for 6th grade. As for the
professional education, in 2011, 72.5% (58 of 80) of 1st grade and 27.5% (22 of 80) of 2nd grade started
their studies, while in 2019, 82.5% (66 of 80) of 1st grade and 16.25% (13 of 80) of 2nd grade started earlier.
Regarding the Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education, 88.75% (71 of 80) of the institutions followed
or followed partially in 2011, and 92.5% (74 of 80 schools) in 2019. The number of schools that said they
were insufficient human resources did not change from 42.5% (34 of 80) in 2011 to 42.75% (35 of 80) in
Although the trend of starting professional education earlier and reducing the number of credits for liberal
arts education has been recognized, the number of institutions that incorporate liberal arts education in
the upper grades is gradually increasing. In recent years, there has been a movement internationally to
incorporate education other than classical medicine, such as behavioural science and social science,
into medical education. We plan to survey the future to determine what type of education falls under
the category of liberal arts education in Japan and to discuss prospects.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Due to the ongoing pandemic teaching-learning at the university has shifted online. History of medicine
and general studies courses are offered to undergraduate health sciences students. During the history of
medicine course, a research project about pandemics was initiated. Various pandemics throughout
history ranging from different plague outbreaks, syphilis, influenza, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and the ongoing
coronavirus outbreak among others were chosen. Non-communicable conditions like obesity and
diabetes were also included. Students in groups of eight researched the allotted pandemic and prepared
a twenty-minute presentation. They also designed a poster to present information to the public. The
presentations were assessed by faculty members. This study aimed to measure students' engagement
with the History of Medicine course by using topics of current interest, specifically pandemics to leverage
the interest generated by the ongoing pandemic.
A questionnaire was administered to two cohorts of first-year undergraduate medical and dental students
who took the course to analyse their engagement with the topic and their educational and social
learning opportunities. The questionnaire was developed by the authors through consensus and a
thorough review of the literature. A similar questionnaire was also used to obtain feedback from faculty
assessors. The statements were grouped into three sections, interest in contemporary topics, educational
learning opportunities, and social learning opportunities. The scores for three sections and the total score
were calculated and compared among different subgroups of respondents. Free text comments from
the respondents regarding reasons why they were motivated/not motivated and strengths of the project
and suggestions for improvement were invited.
A total of 111 of the 218 students (50.9%) participated in the study. The median interest in current topics
score was 28 (maximum score 35) while the score for educational learning opportunities was 33 (maximum
score 40). For social learning opportunities, the median score was 16 (maximum score 20). The median
total score was 77 with a maximum possible score of 95. The findings indicate that including topics of
current interest allows students to fully engage in their learning. There were no differences in scores among
subgroups of respondents. While students lost the opportunity to have face-to-face interactions, they
remained engaged in the learning experiences as the topic was relevant and interesting, they developed
knowledge and skills in research and from a social aspect, enhanced communication through teamwork.
Nine of the fourteen faculty assessors (64.3%) participated in the survey The median scores for interest in
current topics was 13 (maximum score 15). Regarding educational learning opportunities, the score was
14 (maximum score 15). The median scores for social learning opportunities and perception were 13 and
8 (maximum scores 15 and 10). The total score was 49 (maximum score 55).
Structuring the project to include teamwork and enabling the students to enhance research and
presentation skills were useful tools for engagement. Leveraging current topics and integrating them in a
meaningful manner into the learning allows students to remain engaged despite uncertainties. The study
can stimulate research in the usage of current issues in other subjects.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
With the pure online transition of Health Professions Educational institutions during this time of the
pandemic, Learning Management System (LMS) platforms have facilitated the teaching and learning
process. MS Teams is found to be a very useful alternative online platform to physical learning spaces
because of its easy-to-learn and collaborative features. However, despite the multiple advantages of
LMS use, concerns such as less student-teacher interaction, social isolation, and connectivity issues
(Abbasi, et. al., 2020) persist. Functionalities are also not fully utilised to their full capability. As higher
education institutions (HEIs) continue to invest in LMS, they have the responsibility to ensure that the new
learning environment facilitates in promoting the university's mission and vision in ensuring quality teaching
and learning. Thus, it is necessary to obtain the feedback of students on how the use of MS
Teams facilitates learning.
This study determined the features of MS Teams that facilitated or helped in students' learning. It also
explored how the features of MS teams facilitated the process of learning based on students'
This is a Descriptive Phenomenological Qualitative Research Study that explored how MS Teams' features
facilitated students' learning. Purposive sampling was employed where students who are officially
enrolled in Physical Therapy Course using MS teams as Platform were invited to participate. Participants
who wished to join requested the team owner to be part of the MS Teams entitled Research Studies. Once
accepted, participants posted their answers to the questions in the MS Teams Use for Learning Channel's
"Post" discussion board where exchange of communications was open for 2 weeks.
Out of the 47 students who requested to join the MS Teams Research Studies, 31 participants answered
the questions in the channel's "Post". The MS Teams Features that facilitated students' learning are the
Record feature, Meet, Files, Class Notebook's Content Library, Chat, Assignment Tab, Calendar, Channel
Tabs, Notifications, Post and Planner. Five themes emerged after thematic analysis which explain how MS
Teams' features facilitated learning. These include being an organised platform, accessibility of contents,
engaging modules, collaboration and communication features, and a tracking mechanism that made
students more involved, organised, and responsible in their learning.
MS Teams as a Learning Management System provides an effective online learning environment that
supports the Community of Inquiry framework in online teaching and learning. MS Teams provided
functionalities that allowed faculty members to develop an instructional plan that engages students in
their learning, allows tracking mechanism (teaching presence), provided collaboration &
communications (social presence), and engaging & supportive learning activities (cognitive presence).
These features are considered by the students as facilitators of learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The cases were gathered using qualitative methods informed by research paradigms of interpretivism
and phenomenology. During single in-depth interviews conducted with 42 physiotherapy clinicians
practising in Singapore, across different healthcare settings, participants were asked to recall and
described everyday ethical challenges they encountered. Inductive content analysis was used to
analyse the interview transcript data.
Ethical issues occurred within and across 3 spheres of work: micro, meso and macro spheres. Ethical issues
at the micro sphere centred around physiotherapist-patient relationships, physiotherapist clinical
interactions with colleagues, and also included therapists' feelings of emotional and moral distress. In the
meso sphere, ethical challenges were related to decisions, resources or influences arising from the
organization or institutional realm. In the macro sphere, ethical cases developed or were influenced by
cultural, sociological, religious, economic, and political factors. Many of the identified ethical issues
straddled more than one ethical sphere such as the culturally accepted practice of deferring an older
patient's autonomy to the family or the family member who is paying for the medical expenses or the way
an organisations' performance indicators drive clinicians' behaviours to practise defensive medicine.
Identifying how, why, and when ethical challenges occur in everyday physiotherapy practice across
different workplace contexts in Singapore provides a bank of ethics case studies that can be used for
ethics education purposes. The case examples derived from empirical research identify and bring to life
the meaning of health ethics as it occurs in everyday practice. Such cases can be used to encourage
students to better 'see' and understand the ethical dimensions of their future practice and to begin to
formulate skills of ethical competence, which include recognising and being able to weigh up different
ethical values to justify clinical and ethical responses in everyday practice. Collating the ethical issues of
physiotherapy clinical practice as they are interpreted and experienced by physiotherapists in an Asian
context and culture is an important pedagogical tool to equip healthcare educators responsible for
teaching clinical ethics.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Anti-MMI - A Case for SPITFIRE: Single-Panel Interview for Technical Skills, Feedback
Response, Interest, and Real-Life Ethics
Green S
Department of General Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology Institute, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates
The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) has replaced the standard panel interview in many locations due to its
ability to give consistent and reliable results while avoiding groupthink. However, reliability does not
guarantee validity. Our anaesthesia residency program was concerned with specific factors that are
difficult to ascertain in 6-8 minute stations that are used in the MMI. We hypothesized that an extended
Single Panel Interview for Technical skill, Feedback response, Interest, and Real-life Ethics (SPITFIRE) would
address those concerns.
Our team devised a 90-minute interview format focusing on the following areas: Interest in the specialty,
professional behaviour, technical competencies, ability to respond to feedback, and commitment to the
program. Interest in the specialty was determined by standard interview questions over 15 minutes.
Professionalism questions based on real-life scenarios given over 15 minutes. Technical questions consisted
of clinical and basic science questions that would be expected knowledge of any medical student, and
these were given 30 minutes. In addition, 15 minutes was given for basic dosage calculation questions to
test math abilities. During technical and professional behaviour portions of the interview, applicants were
given ongoing feedback and how they responded was recorded. To ensure commitment to the specialty
and the program when applying, we spent 10 minutes of the interview giving a scripted speech about
the high expectations of our program. 5 minutes was allowed for candidates to ask questions. The
opening 15 minutes (interest in the specialty) was free-form; the remainder consisted of standardized
questions agreed upon by the interviewers ahead of time. The interview panel consisted of 4 members-
at least 3 of these members were present for every interview. Interviews were recorded so that members
not present could review the interview later if needed. Interviewers scored candidates independently
according to present criteria and assigned an alphanumeric ranking, first by objective quartiles which
had predefined criteria (A-D; A=top candidates, D=Do not rank), and then a subjective numeric ranking
within that quartile (A1 ranking higher than A3, etc).
20 interviews were offered. 4 Interviews were cancelled by the applicants. 16 applicants were interviewed
for 3 positions. 4 applicants admitted to gross misconduct during the professionalism portion of the
interview, and persisted in displaying this conduct despite feedback. These applicants were removed
from the rank list. The remaining 12 applicants were ranked according to pre-set criteria. No candidates
met criteria for the "A" quartile. The top 3 candidates ranged from B1-B3, candidates 4-6 ranged from B3-
B9, and the bottom 6 ranged from C5-C8. The 4 unranked candidates were all ranked D1-10. There was
unanimous agreement between interviewers in quartile rank in 13/16 cases, with 3 candidates having 1
interviewer who ranked one quartile higher or lower.
The SPITFIRE method allowed us to effectively identify applicants who openly admitted to gross
misconduct and not rank them, while stratifying the others according to interest and technical ability. The
high but not perfect consistency between interviewers suggests this method was reliable but also that
interviewers maintained some independence, avoiding groupthink.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Basic surgical skills are essential for physicians. Medical schools are responsible for teaching and ensuring
proficiency of these skills in their undergraduates while students are responsible for self-directed practice.
Feedback is an effective strategy in developing psychomotor skills; by providing learners with information
of their current performance and how to improve and enhancing motivation, which is a key to deliver
these contents successfully. This study aimed to compare 2 methods of feedback: verbal face-to-face
feedback after direct-observation (F2F-feedback) versus electronic-written feedback after videotape-
observation (VDO-feedback) of students' performance, in term of effectiveness in improving students'
suturing skills, retention of skills, effects on motivation, learning strategies, and satisfaction.
Fifty-eight medical students in the 3rd (n=30) and 4th (n=28) year of curriculum were trained to perform
vertical mattress suture using small group teaching (range 1-3 sessions). Then, during the next 6 weeks
before final examination (OSCE), they practiced on their own using a take-home suture practice kit.
Students were randomized into group1 VDO-feedback (M:F= 21:8) and group 2 F2F-feedback (M:F=20:9).
Two feedbacks were provided once every 2 weeks. Performance checklist (Cronbach's Alpha 0.72) was
used to assess suturing skill at 4 timepoints; pre-learning, post-learning, OSCE (2 weeks after last feedback),
and retention phase (2 week later). Questionnaire was used to assess motivation, learning strategies, and
feedback satisfaction (Cronbach's Alpha 0.83).
Small group teaching led to significant improvement of suture performance score as expected. After in-
class learning, further significant improvement of skill was still found in both types of feedback (p<0.0001).
Both groups could similarly retain skill for at least 2 weeks after OSCE (or 4 weeks after the last feedback),
without additional practice. There were no different of performance score between two groups at the
point of OSCE and retention test. Self-efficacy, test anxiety, and cognitive strategies scores were
significantly increased in both groups (p<0.05). Extrinsic motivation score was increased only in VDO-
feedback group. No difference in median number of stitches practiced, mean time of practice, and
satisfaction to feedback intervention.
VDO- and F2F-feedback could improve surgical skill performance, enhance skill retention, increase
students' confidence, and optimize learning anxiety, and support cognitive and metacognitive strategies.
Even though, the 2 interventions are different in ways of data acquisition, form of message delivering,
time to feedback (asynchronous vs. synchronous) and context (online vs. onsite), they have similar
"effective characteristics ", i.e. personalization, customization, timeliness and non-punishing. VDO-
feedback may be alternative to F2F-feedbacks for basic surgical skill training, in the situations when
limitation for simultaneous meeting of teacher and students occurs. These include busy clinical teachers,
students in clinical years with tight schedule, institute with limited teaching space and need of social
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
2.15 pm Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Fei Li, China
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
With the increased exposure to frail and vulnerable older patients coupled with recent advances in anti-
ageing and regenerative medicine, medical students may develop the tendency to view the ageing
negatively. Age-related biases in medical students might include seeing ageing as a frustrating process
of decline, infirmity and decay, or assuming older adults are inherently "end-of-life" patients. In China, a
recent cross-sectional survey reported that first-year medical students had more favourable attitudes
toward older adults than senior students would, suggesting that attitudes on ageing might have been
affected by knowledge in the medical school. In Hong Kong, data showed that general public and
healthcare professionals would prioritize the young than the old when it comes to allocating healthcare
resources. This phenomenon is perhaps even more worrisome at a time that the COVID pandemic has
exacerbated intergenerational tension.
Recently, the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030), adopted by consensus in the UN
General Assembly on December 14, 2020 (Resolution 75/131), is also calling for international action to
"change how we think, feel and act towards age and ageing".
In 2019-20, a total of 71 Year 4 MBBS students and 14 older adults participated in a 3-hr mandatory photo-
elicitation Workshop as part of a "Campus Ageing Mix Project for University Students" (GIE-CAMPUS) and
implemented under a longitudinal Medical Humanities (MH) Curriculum at The University of Hong Kong.
The Workshop was intended to elicit stereotypical views and unconscious biases, to evoke personal
experiences, and to enable insight into participants' previously unexplored age-related beliefs.
We designed the Workshop based on intergroup contact theory and a student-driven approach to
learning, inviting students to contribute real-life images which illustrated their personal perceptions of the
human ageing process, followed by in-depth intergenerational exchange with senior volunteers. Prior to
class, students were asked to take photos from their daily in response to the trigger question "What is
Ageing?". In class, intergenerational small-group discussions were convened to jointly uncover hidden
assumptions and to reconstruct meanings of the photo prompts.
Student attitudes towards older generation and the process of ageing were assessed before and after
the workshop using Chinese version of Kogan's Attitudes toward Older People (KAOP), a popular scale
that consists of 34 items regarding impression of older people. After class, these student attitudes toward
"being old" have significantly improved (100% response rate). Myriad topics, from "beauty of ageing",
"polypharmacy", "loneliness", "autonomy", to "healthy ageing", were covered during class time.
A limitation was that senior volunteers participating in this teaching initiative were all well-educated,
healthy, financially independent older adults with no functional disability. Students could mentally
compartmentalize these senior volunteers and frail older patients in the wards.
The workshops offered a unique space within the MBBS curriculum for medical students to reflect upon
their own personal perceptions of the human ageing process and their prior exposure to topics of ageing
in the medical school.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Clinical clerkships is an important stage of medical training and has substantial impacts on career choice,
but how the clinical clerkships affects medical students' career choice remains unclear. This study aims to
understand the influence of clinical clerkships on the career choice of medical students in one of the top
medical schools of China.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 Chinese medical students and transcripts were
analysed according to the Bland-Meurer model.
Medical students had new feelings and perceptions on the work content, workhours, night shift, risk of
work and other work characteristics of the medicine profession after clinical clerkships and these new
perceptions will affect their career choice. This result further extends the Bland-Meurer model. It is found
that new perceptions can weaken or strengthen interests in different specialties and thus have different
paths of impacts on medical students' career choice. For medical students who choose the specialty
before the clerkship, these new perceptions have weakened their interests towards the chosen specialty,
increased their dissatisfaction with it, and even stimulated negative responses among medical students.
In contrast, medical students who do not choose the specialty before the clerkships have further clarified
their choice of career with their interests of specialty fluctuating during the clerkships.
Clinical clerkship enriches and updates the perceptions of career among medical students. Perception
of work characteristics during the clinical clerkships affect medical students' career choice directly, and
it can also influence career choice through an indirect way, in which subjective interest plays a mediating
role. This is an extension to the Bland-Meurer model. More attention should be paid to the work
characteristics that influence students' interests in respect to medical career choice, and a better match
of interests with specialty characteristics can improve the efficiency of medical human resource planning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare institutions to hold continuous professional development
(CPD) activities virtually to curb the spread of COVID-19. Virtual CPD activities have become the 'new
normal' and replaced traditional face-to-face (F2F) sessions. Since the start of the pandemic, our
department has been using WhatsApp Messenger to conduct journal club (JC) discussions. However, to
date, there is a dearth of literature on the impact of using such text messaging applications for CPD
activities on the learning experiences of healthcare professionals.
This study aims to determine the impact of the shift to using WhatsApp platform for our JCs on learning in
our department.
Multidisciplinary focused groups were formed comprising of interested individuals from the regular JC
attendees to allow the research team to better understand the educational quality of the Whatsapp JC
and educational issues. Participation was voluntary and attendance in the focus group was taken as
implied consent. Common issues and themes were generated during the focus group to guide the
development of a questionnaire.
Using this questionnaire, we anonymously surveyed participants' learning experiences in the WhatsApp
JC compared to the traditional F2F JC to explore if their experiences were consistent with the theoretical
assumptions about learning on a text messaging platform.
The results were reviewed by the study investigators and shared with the department to obtain consensus
on planned future improvements of the JC sessions.
A total of 17 staff responded to our survey. Overall, as compared to F2F JC, 12 respondents (70.6%)
reported being able to join the JC more regularly on this platform. More than half of the respondents felt
that it was more conducive to discuss certain topics than F2F JC and did not find it difficult to engage in
the discussion.
More than half of respondents also found it easier to participate and express their opinions in the JC
discussion, this may also have allowed more junior doctors to participate as compared to F2F JC. Thirteen
(76.5%) of participants also felt that their questions posed were answered and 9 (52.9%) of respondents
did not feel ignored during the sessions.
However, 2 respondents (11.8%) found it challenging to access the WhatsApp JC group as our system
administrator only included participants who responded to her email. Five (29.4%) respondents found it
difficult to follow the discussion at times.
Seven (41.2%) respondents felt that a JC facilitator would help their engagement in the session. The
majority found it to be a viable alternative platform to meet their learning needs.
Most participants felt that WhatsApp JC was able to facilitate their learning. However, a minority felt F2F
JCs retained some advantages over WhatsApp JCs. Thus, a hybrid format of WhatsApp and F2F JC
sessions may be piloted in the future to enable us to draw on the advantages of each and allow
participants to optimise their learning experiences based on their individual needs and preferences.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Group Education, National Healthcare Group, Singapore, 2Training, Learning and Systems Branch, 3Life
Support Training Wing, 4SAF Medical Training Institute, Singapore Armed Forces, SAF Medical Training
Institute, Singapore, 5Keio-NUS CUTE Centre, National University of Singapore, Smart Systems Institute,
Current day reality simulation systems may allow for the creation and replication of high-fidelity mass
casualty scenarios for first responders. The Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) algorithm is one of
the most used mass casualty triage algorithms and is in curriculum at the SAF Medical Training Institute
(SMTI). This study tests hypothesises that both extended and virtual reality simulations are superior to live
simulation for training medics at the SMTI to perform mass casualty triage using the START algorithm.
Using a mixed methods design, 150 medics from the Emergency Medical Technician course in September
2021 will be randomised into 3 groups (A, B and C). On day 1, all groups will undergo a didactic lecture,
and complete a pre-course questionnaire and assessment. Next, groups A, B and C will undergo live,
extended, and virtual simulation training respectively. Participants will be provided with a wearable
device that measures heart rate, skin temperature, electrodermal activity and skin conductivity as a
surrogate measure of stress levels experienced. Post-course questionnaires will be administered after the
conclusion of training. After a 10-day washout period, all 3 groups will undergo a post-course assessment.
The pre- and post-course assessments comprise a 20-question theory test and 3 triage scenarios. Post-
course questionnaires include the General Self-Efficacy Scale, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Task Load Index, and the Simulation Design Scale. Primary outcomes measured include
triage accuracy (TA), appropriateness of interventions (AI), triage speed (TS) and self-efficacy (SE).
Secondary outcomes include training realism, cognitive load, and user satisfaction.
Data collection is currently ongoing. Study outcomes will be analysed primarily for the per-protocol
population and repeated, for sensitivity reasons, for the intention-to-treat population. Previous simulation
research suggests that the primary outcomes of TA, AI and TS are compatible with the normal distribution.
This will be assessed using the Kolgomorov-Smirnov test as a test of normality. Data will be analysed using
SPSS (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). P values of less than 0.05 will be considered statistically significant. For normally
distributed data, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used to analyse differences in the
means of TA, AI, TS and SE between the three independent groups. The paired samples t-test will be
used to analyse differences in paired means (i.e., pre-, and post-course assessments) for the same
individual. For non-parametric data, the Kruskal Wallis test will be used to analyse differences in the
means between the three independent groups, and the Wilcoxon sign rank test will be used to analyse
differences in paired means for the same individual. Secondary outcomes such as training realism and
cognitive load will also be analysed with the one-way ANOVA.
We posit that mean scores for TA, AI, TS, and SE will be significantly higher in Groups B and C (extended
and virtual simulation trainings, respectively) then Group A. We also postulate that training realism,
cognitive load, and user satisfaction are equivalent in all three groups. We look forward to sharing our
results at the APMEC 2022 if given the opportunity.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Interprofessional practice (IPP) is served by multidiscipline team to provide holistic care. The healthcare
matrix (HCM) is a good tool to learn holistic care. Here, we investigated the viewpoints of medical
educators and trainees for application of HCM in IPP training.
IPP training meeting have been held regularly for several years in our hospital. All medical staff were
welcome to attend the training meeting. Recently, IPP training meeting was scheduled on June 29, 2020.
A focus group interview was made after the IPP training meeting to assess the application of HCM.
Qualitative research was made based on observation records and verbatim transcripts of the interview.
Twenty-nine medical staff were joined the one-hour training meeting. Four participants (2 medical
educators and 2 trainees) with first-time attending IPP training meeting agreed to be interviewed after
the meeting. A focus group interview lasted for an hour. The results revealed that rethinking the limitations
of professionalism and improving the ability of the caring patients were reported by all of them. The
advantages of HCM application in IPP training were: increasing the effectiveness of combined care was
described by medical educators, and checking and solving problems correctly was described by
trainees. However, the short meeting time was complained by all.
The using of HCM in IPP training for holistic care is recommended. However, the training time should be
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Diagnostic Imaging, 2Emergency Medicine, National University Hospital, National University Health System
(NUHS), Singapore
The reliance on radiology in patient diagnosis and management can only be expected to increase in the
coming years with the expanding breadth of available imaging techniques. Despite this, many studies
have found radiology teaching to be underrepresented in undergraduate curriculum, particularly in the
clinical years where radiology is not a stand-alone subject. In National University of Singapore Yong Loo
Lin School of Medicine (NUS YLLSoM), students receive approximately 45 to 50 hours of dedicated
radiology teaching between years one to four of medical school, before starting their fifth and final year.
This study aimed to assess the current knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions, of medical students at the
start of their fifth year in NUS YLLSoM, to radiology.
A survey was developed after a focus-group discussion and literature search on undergraduate radiology
education. It was then reviewed by a group of residents and a radiology senior consultant for editing and
approval. The survey consisted of both single and multi-select multiple choice questions. A Likert scoring
system was used to assess respondents' attitudes and perceptions. Questions on knowledge involved
matching radiological images and terminology to their respective imaging modalities, as well as patient
safety. Student demographics were also recorded.
Out of 92 fifth-year medical students from NUS YLLSoM, 81.5% (n=72) responded to the online survey.
The two most common teaching methods the students reported receiving were didactic lectures (94.7%,
n = 71) and problem-based learning (53.5%, n = 40). 24% (n=18) had participated in E-learning for
radiology education. 21.3% (n=16) respondents had rotated through a radiology department for at least
two weeks as a medical student elective.
45.3% (n=34) found radiology to be either very or extremely interesting. While 92% (n=69) of students
acknowledged that radiology was important to clinical care, 62.7% (n=47) described having a very poor
to average understanding of radiology. Only 34.7% (n=26) felt comfortable with ordering the appropriate
imaging study for their patients.
At least 84% (n=63) were able to match a radiological image or term to their correct modality. Questions
on patient safety in radiology garnered correct response rates ranging between 18.7 % (n = 14) and 53.3%
(n = 40).
Dedicated radiology teaching, especially during clinical years, is important for medical students as they
would be directly involved in patient care as junior doctors. The early and continuous exposure to
radiology in the first four years at NUS YLLSoM has likely contributed significantly to an appreciation of the
subject, and a basic familiarity with advanced radiology modalities.
Our survey reveals that there exists a knowledge gap in the practice of radiology as evidenced by the
reported proficiency and performance in questions related to patient safety. This would be important to
address as it may lead to medical errors resulting in increased inefficiency and potential serious reportable
events in hospitals. Further studies on effective interventions to integrate this component into the existing
radiology curriculum are required.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Scholarly Project has emerged as an essential component of the modern undergraduate medical
curriculum. Key goals of the Scholarly Project are to foster self-directed learning and develop oral and
written communication skills, with the ultimately aim of training better physicians who have an early
experience of working under a scientific project during their undergraduate education. The University of
Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (UMP) launched a one-year Scholarly Project for all fifth-
year medical students in the 2020-2021 academic year. This medical student population is the first to learn
the revised undergraduate medical curriculum at UMP and the first class to experience the Scholarly
Project. This quasi-experimental study investigated the impact of this Scholarly Project on participants'
perception of their medical research skills and how they improved in the 2020-2021 academic year.
The research skills to be assessed were based on fourteen different research skills. Medical student surveys
were administered during the first week of the Scholarly Project and students were asked to rate their
current level of performance for each skill on a 5-point scale; surveys were repeated at midterm and
during the last week of the Scholar Project module. Self-rated scores for each skill at baseline (before
project commencement), at midterm, and at the completion of the Scholarly Project were compared
using a paired t-test (Student's t-test), with p<0.05 defined as statistically significant.
Of 384 students participating in the Scholarly Project, 194 (50.5%) completed the survey; the majority (60%)
were male, 75.5% were team members, 13.9% were team leaders and 10.8% had the role of secretary. At
the midterm assessment, scores for five of the fourteen research skills had improved significantly from
baseline: 'Make use of scientific literature', 'Identity a specific question', 'Observe and collect data', 'Relate
results to a "bigger picture'"', and 'Orally communicate research project'. At the end of the Scholarly
Project, self-rated scores for the following eleven research skills had improved significantly from baseline:
'Make use of scientific literature', 'Identify a specific question', 'Formulate a hypothesis', 'Design an
experiment or a test', 'Observe and collect data', 'Reformulate the hypothesis', 'Relate the result to the
"bigger picture"', 'Orally communicate research projects', 'Write a research for publication', and 'Think
Although the findings may have been subject to potential non-response bias and social desirability bias,
the survey results showed that the Scholarly Project had a positive impact on the research skills of fifth-
year medical students at UMP. Therefore, we suggest maintaining the Scholar Project as part of the new
reformed undergraduate medical curriculum in Vietnam.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
An important requirement of a surgical residency is the ability to train residents into competent and
confident surgeons. However, the acquisition of microsurgical skills is a particularly unique challenge.
Hence the Suture Parameters for Training Assessment (SParTA) tool, was developed for use in this area.
Trainees can use it to evaluate their own microsurgical skills and improve from there without requiring a
skilled microsurgical trainer present. It adopts a scoring system judging microsurgical suturing based on 6
parameters such as area, spacing, angle, alignment, length, and missing sutures (if any) which are easily
identified from photographs imported into SParTA software and scored. A better performance is indicated
with a lower score, with the best possible score being 0.
44 participants underwent a microsurgical course in 2018. The SParTA program was used retrospectively
to judge the suturing on day 1 and 4. Eventually, only 29 of 44 participants with 6 complete microsurgical
strips done on day 1 and day 4 were included. They were instructed to cut microsurgical suture strips
(Digital Surgicals, Singapore) perpendicularly and to place 9 interrupted sutures using 11-0 Nylon. This
process was repeated in 3 different orientations, 45 degrees to left and right and 0 degrees in neutral.
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. The SParTA scores for all 44 participants on both
days ranged from 22 to 116, with a mean of 49 (+/- 16.8) in a normal distribution pattern. A paired T-test
was used for comparison of the SParTA scores of 29 participants on day 1 and day 4, in the 3 different
orientations. There was a statistically significant improvement seen in the right oriented strips in the overall
score for the strips on the fourth day of the course, with p=0.011, and a mean of 28 (+/- 12.4) on day 4 as
compared to 58 (+/- 15.2) on day 1. Some improvements were also seen in the mean of the left and
neutrally oriented strips, however with no statistical significance. The mean improved slightly 51(+/- 15.6)
on day 1 to 42.5 (+/- 11.4) on day 4 for the left orientation, and 48 (+/- 14.6) on day 1 and 46 (+/- 16.3) on
day 4 for the neutral orientation.
Despite a short duration of microsurgical course and the retrospective nature of the SParTA scoring in our
study, even minute improvements were reflected. Interestingly, the statistically significant improvement in
the right oriented strips may be attributed to most participants being right-handed. These results are
encouraging and with the use of SParTA, microsurgery trainees can potentially use this to continually track
progress and obtain valuable feedback. SParTA can discriminate against specific parameters of the
sutures, identifying lapses which can be further worked on during training.
We believe that the SParTA tool has much potential for microsurgical training, serving as a tool for surgeons
to track and continually progress in microsurgery.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.30 pm Hall 3,
Virtual Conference
Wendy Teo, Singapore
Pin-Hsiang Huang, Taiwan
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
With the growing empowerment of women and increasing number of females enrolling into medical
schools, gender disparity in Medicine has become an important topic of concern. A recent systematic
review by Lim et al in 2021 showed that gender bias continues to be a problem in surgery. Whilst this
observation was predominantly the experience of women in surgical training and mainly based on studies
from USA and Europe, we sought to explore the perceptions of gender bias in surgery and choice of
surgery as a career amongst medical students in an Asian context.
Using an encrypted end-to-end online platform, an anonymized survey was disseminated to third, fourth
and fifth year undergraduate medical students studying in Singapore's Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
(National University of Singapore) and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (National Technological
University). This questionnaire was modelled after a similar survey designed by Cronin et al in 2019 - for
which basic statistical descriptors and tests were applied to analyse respondents' attitudes towards a
career in surgery.
A total of 232 responses were gathered and evaluated. 47% (n = 109) were male and 53% (n = 123) were
female. Of the male respondents, 31.2% deemed a career in Surgery as their top choice, while 26.6%
chose Internal Medicine, and 19.3% chose Primary Care. Among the female respondents, Internal
Medicine dominated as the top choice (31.7%), whereas 28.5% chose Surgery, and 13.8% chose Primary
Care. When considering surgery as a career, males were significantly more influenced by salary (p < 0.001)
whereas females were significantly more influenced by possibility of parental leave (p = 0.003). Females
were also more likely to feel intimidated during their surgical postings compared to males, though this was
statistically not significant (p = 0.337).
Our study demonstrates that Singaporean female medical students do indeed feel less inclined towards
a surgical career, with reported stressors of feeling intimidated or anxious in their surgical attachments.
Whilst motivating factors were different between the two genders, good working hours were important to
both genders. Our findings hence mirror that of the global climate of medical students and call us to
examine the detracting factors from surgery for female medical graduates.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The SParTA Score: A Novel and Objective Self-Scoring Model for Microsuturing
Teo W, Chong A, Lim JX, Bte Mohd Yusoff SK, Le Thi LA, Liao J
Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery Department, National University Hospital, National University
Health System (NUHS), Singapore
Surgical skills training using simulation helps novices acquire the technical skills required for clinical
practice. Simulation training requires assessment tools which are objective, reliable and easily
administered in order to assess and guide both training and practice. We describe the Suture Parameters
for Training Assessment (SParTA) tool, a novel and objective self- scoring model for micro suturing
assessment and examine the intra and inter-rater reliability of this novel scoring system.
The SParTA scoring system is based on important suture parameters that are easily measured on image
analysis, namely suture length, suture angle, suture alignment, suture interval, overlap of sutured ends and
number of missing sutures. 26 representative samples of a standardized microsurgical suturing strip were
used for validation, with the samples being independently assessed by expert evaluators using SParTA
tool. In order to assess inter- and intra-rater validity, two different expert evaluators assessed the strips at
first instance, followed by a repeat assessment by one of the two assessors after 7 days respectively.
SParTA scoring system showed excellent reliability with intra-rater Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)
of 0.95 and inter-rater ICC of 0.93.
The SParTA scoring system provides an objective and highly reliable assessment for microsurgical training
and more importantly, it can be carried out by a trainee independently without the need for a formal
assessor. It provides real-time feedback on suturing performance and targets specific areas of weakness
based on the different scoring parameters. The results can be used to track performance over a period
of time as well. Since the SParTA scoring system is based on image analysis and mathematical parameters,
it can also be easily adapted for other forms of suturing tasks.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Medical education in Vietnam is currently undergoing major transformation with support from the Ministry
of Education and Training (MOET) and Ministry of Health (MOH). At the same time, new medical schools
are emerging with the number of student’s enrolment annually.
VinUniversity is a newly established school to open undergraduate medical program (UME) from 2020.
While developing curriculum, there was little information available about the procedural skills that a
medical graduate should achieve upon graduation. The MD Education team therefore designed this
project to identify with consensus, a list of essential procedural skills and appropriate clinical placement
where these skills can be best learnt.
Firstly, a list of procedural skills was identified by investigating government documents, existing curriculum
in eight local medical schools and scientific literature review. In phase one, the list was presented to a
group of 20 residents and specialists working in Vietnam in form of face to face workshop where the
participants through consensus identified the skills. In phase two, the final list is circulated to all general
practitioners, specialists and residents working in hospitals using online survey tool. Respondents are
requested to identify the essential skills using Linkert scale and in which discipline/rotation they can be
best learnt. The data is collated and analysed by SPSS IBM V20
There is total 207 recipients equivalent to 60% responded and approximately 20 minutes each consumed
to finish the survey. Distribution of respondents contained the largest number of specialists and residents
(90.8%). A comprehensive list of 46 procedural skills has been embedded in the curriculum, which can be
used by the other medical schools in Vietnam. 18/46 skills are grouped by discipline predicting the rotation
where they can be taught. 28/46 skills have multiple options for the teaching plan.
The list of the procedural skills essential for UME with the allocation in discipline will help to avoid the
redundant of resources and unnecessary efforts. Follow up with the list of procedural skills identified,
student's evaluation and assessment methods will be established accordingly, and the curriculum
designed will be practical and best fit in the undergraduate level. Our next goal will be to have an idea
how many attempts on average will be required of a medical graduate to achieve desired competency
for each listed procedure through observation.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Transitioning to primary care is a highly stressful process for nurses due to the diverse roles and
responsibilities required. Despite the global shift of health services requiring more nurses in primary care,
there is a dearth of literature regarding their transition experiences. This study aims to explore the
perceptions and experiences of nurses transitioning to primary care.
A qualitative descriptive design was used. This study was undertaken in a public primary care institution in
Singapore, involving five polyclinics. Nineteen nurses, who were transitioning to primary care within the
past one year, participated in the semi-structured face-to-face interviews. They comprised newly
graduated nurses, experienced nurses from diverse healthcare settings, and those who have recently
upgraded from enrolled to registered nurse. Interviews were analysed using thematic analysis through an
inductive and theoretical approach. Rigour was established through an audit trail, peer examination, and
member checking.
Three themes of Idealistic assumptions, Role realignment and Seeking enlightenment emerged. Idealistic
assumptions describe the nurses' initial disorientation to the unfamiliar primary care setting and the sudden
awareness of enlarged responsibilities. Role realignment describes the nurses' attempts to fit in by
embracing the new environment and suppressing their true emotions. Seeking enlightenment describes
the support received coupled with their ownership to learn which led to a smoother transition to primary
care. The nurses' response to the transition could be attributed to the lack of exposure to primary care;
low levels of resilience reported amongst nurses in Singapore; the wider culture of acceptance and
tolerance in Singapore; and the misconception that primary care has lacklustre opportunities for career
advancement. From the findings of this study, key implications have emerged. These include primary care
institutions that can consider redesigning induction programmes by (1) providing performance
expectations which bring clarity to their roles and expectations required; (2) incorporating learning
activities and support that build resilience in new nurses. The nursing academia can also consider
reviewing the nursing curricula through increased exposure to primary care and enhanced authenticity
of primary care simulation-based or virtual reality scenarios. Policy maker can further revise recruitment
campaigns and the career framework for primary care nurses.
This study captured the unique perceptions and experiences that nurses face when transitioning to
primary care in Singapore. It was evident that the transition posed a tremendous challenge to all due to
the mismatch of expectations from both nurses and the organisation. Therefore, primary care institutions,
nursing academia and policy maker should take these findings into consideration to better enhance the
transition experiences of nurses to primary care.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Background: Decision-making process requires the use of intuition and/or analysis skills and based closely
on the context of the judgement tasks. How nursing students make clinical decisions and the factors
affecting their clinical decision-making (CDM) skills need more attention, especially in developing
countries such as Vietnam.
Aims: To survey clinical decision-making skills and its related factors in Vietnamese Bachelor of Nursing
A descriptive cross-sectional study in which the Vietnamese translations of the Nursing Decision-Making
Instrument Revised 2014 (NDMI-R14) was used to assess CDM skills of one hundred and eighty-nine 3rd
and 4th years nursing students at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam
through purposive sampling in June 2021. A higher score reflects intuitive clinical decision-making and
conversely, analytically.
The average CDM score of nursing students was 68.56 (±3.58) in which 67.7% of students made clinical
decisions combining analysis - intuition (quasi - rationality) and 32.3% of students used only analytical skills.
There was a low negative correlation between the CDM score and either students' extra-curricular
activities points (r = - 0.203, p < 0.01) or their grade point average (GPA) (r = - 0.184, p < 0.05). There was
a statistically significant negative correlation found between the CDM total score and students’ clinical
learning environment (r (187) = - 0,161, p = 0,027).
The majority of nursing students make flexible decisions (either analysis or intuition) in clinical contexts. A
variety of clinical-integrated teaching methods and skill-enhancing extracurricular activities should be
encouraged to help develop analytical thinking and student learning outcomes. Further prospective
cohort, qualitative, or experimental studies should be conducted to strengthen the evidence for CDM-
related factors and evaluate changes and effectiveness in making clinical decision over time.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine (HKUMed)
implemented a blended learning approach in the preclinical MBBS curriculum as a means to modernize
instructive methods. Throughout the two years of implementation and evaluation, we found that E-
learning in medical education was optimal in a blended learning format where didactic online lectures
were well-integrated with hands-on training. Rich online interactions provided immediate learning
feedback. Student-educator partnership was also put in place to facilitate student-centered
improvements to the medical curriculum. Here, we evaluate students' experience and study processes to
assess the impact of HKUMed's blended learning initiatives.
This study was carried out over two academic years, 2019/20 and 2020/21. We evaluated the following:
(1) comparison of students doing blended learning and traditional learning; and (2) student learning using
a blended learning approach over a two-year preclinical curriculum. A revised study process
questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) was used to assess students' surface/deep learning at the start and end of every
academic year. Learning experience (LE) questionnaire (18 items) was administered over the domains of
learning engagement (6 items), outcomes of learning approach (5 items), and appropriateness of
blended learning approach (7 items). In-depth interviews were carried out to understand the context of
students' responses to the R-SPQ-2F and LE questionnaires.
The R-SPQ-2F analysis indicated that Year 1 students (N=65(2019/20), N=36(2020/21)) maintained their
deep approach to learning (p<0.02) but Year 2 students (N=24(2019/20), N=21(2020/21)) became neutral
(p>0.05) across the academic year, regardless of learning approaches employed. Interview data further
confirmed that Year 2 students did more rote learning as a response to the intensity of the Year 2
curriculum. The LE questionnaire showed that students doing blended learning (N=46) have deeper
interest in their subject (p<0.005), increased autonomy in learning (p<0.02), a more positive perception of
workload (p=0.005) and learning feedback (p<0.005) compared to students who did traditional learning
(N=16). Both groups' perceived development of skills and knowledge were similar for both learning
approaches (p>0.05). However, peer interactions were perceived to be lacking via online interventions.
Throughout this study, students partnered with educators to improve the online discussion forum
accessibility, involve near-peers in facilitating discussions and develop a forum moderation system. While
these changes enabled more helpful learning feedback from near-peers and teachers, peer
collaboration on such online platforms is less evident. In-depth interviews revealed that in-person rapport
building was necessary for peer interaction and collaboration to occur. The online component of
blended learning also enabled self-directed learning which yielded positive outcomes such as perceived
higher learning efficiency, reduced stress, and deep learning. Learning was further deepened by in-
person activities i.e. practicals, problem-based learning, workshops. However, clearer instructional
scaffolding is needed to clarify learning outcomes and integrate various disciplines in real life situations.
Blended learning in HKUMed enabled students to build connections with community and maintain
positive learning experiences. Student-educator partnership throughout the last two years enabled such
success and will be continually employed to build student-centered learning approaches.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1National Yang-Ming University, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, 2Office of Medical Education,
Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Australia, 3School of Medicine, National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 4Institute of Pharmacology, 5Department of Medicine, School of Medicine,
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
World medical university ranking systems are commonly utilised as parameters of academic excellence.
On the other hand, regulations for academic promotion in medical schools are measures to enhance
academic performance of faculties. However, the association between ranking system and regulations
of academic promotion is yet to be explored. This study aims to understanding the similarities and
differences between world ranking systems and regulations in medical schools in Taiwan.
Methodology of nine world university ranking systems (QS Rankings, Times Higher Education, Academic
Ranking of World Universities, U-Multirank, CWTS Leiden Ranking, NTU Ranking, Webometrics Ranking, U.S.
News Universities Rankings, U.S. News the Best Global Universities Rankings) and the regulation details for
academic promotion of twelve medical schools in Taiwan.
Reviewing the ranking methodologies and regulations, a total of 162 items were collated. Both world
ranking systems and regulations put emphasis on publications, industrial collaboration, Nobel or Fields
awards, conference participation, performance of collaborated teaching hospitals, and student
teaching. Distinct features from ranking systems are the number of citations of publications the income
related to research and professional development, whilst medical school regulations put more emphases
on project and society leadership, educational promotion, and national service roles. A trend for crediting
in medical education was noted in the regulations such as performance in bedside and clinic teaching,
innovative medical teaching, and clinical examination participation. Researchers had disagreement
among 13% of items in regulations per medical school.
An increased trend for research reputation has been examined by number of citations and leaderships
in societies. However, the system has not yet developed approaches other than citation indices to
determine importance and novelty of research. Although educational promotion is listed, not much
relevant credits were given due to lack of convincing parameters. Promoting medical education can be
credited, but the regulations for providing relevant evidence is a challenge. Researchers had relatively
high disagreement over many items in regulations, suggesting ambiguity of regulations. More transparent
and explicit items should be listed in both methodology and regulations. Large proportions of ranking
system and item of promotion regulations emphasise publications, industrial collaborations and
conference participation. Future system may develop parameters regarding to novelty of research, and
credits of medical teaching, and international leadership.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
In the UK, it is a national requirement for staff involved in the transfusion process to regularly complete a
structured blood transfusion education programme. However, despite there often being adequate
training and knowledge amongst staff, errors still occur. A national review of transfusion-related incidents
found that the leading cause of such incidents were 'human factors' related. The World Health
Organisation defines human factors as "the study of all the factors that make it easier to do the work in
the right way". A key part of human factors are non-technical skills: cognitive, social and personal resource
skills that complement technical skills and knowledge to enhance performance. Simulation-based
education has been proven to be an effective method for developing a variety of non-technical skills
and improve understanding of human factors. To this end, we piloted a simulation-based educational
intervention for Foundation Year 1 (FY1) doctors, focused on the decision-making processes and other
human factors involved in transfusion and management of transfusion reactions.
We developed two separate one-hour teaching sessions on the identification and management of
transfusion reactions for FY1s. For each session, the group were shown a series of pre-recorded simulated
scenarios with subsequent facilitated small group discussion. The scenarios were designed to highlight
varying human factors issues and focused on common transfusion reactions FY1's are likely to encounter,
including transfusion associated circulatory overload and febrile transfusion reactions. Candidates were
given specific points to consider when watching each video, non-technical skills behavioural marker
prompt sheets and human factors models were also available to aid discussion. Pre- and post-teaching
questionnaires were distributed for evaluation purposes.
Teaching was delivered to FY1s across two different hospital sites. Knowledge and confidence levels were
evaluated pre and post session. Pre-session questionnaires were completed by an average of 12 FY1s at
each site. On average, 9 FY1s attended each session and post-session questionnaires were completed
by 97% of attendees. Following the two sessions, 88% of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed
they felt confident identifying the impact of human factors in the workplace. Confidence in managing a
patient who has become pyrexial during a transfusion improved from 63% to 94%, whilst confidence in
determining when it is safe to restart a blood transfusion in a pyrexial patient improved from 25% to 76%.
Confidence in managing a patient who becomes acutely breathless during a transfusion improved from
38% to 100%. 100% of respondents stated they would apply information from the teaching in their
workplace. Free-text comments indicated that the FY1s found the group discussion particularly useful,
with several comments indicating an increased awareness of human factors.
This teaching provides an adaptable model for delivering simulation-based education on blood
transfusion for healthcare professionals, particularly in settings with limited resources. We have shown that
pre-recorded simulation can be an effective tool for delivering teaching on human factors and non-
technical skills, in addition to technical skills and knowledge related to the transfusion process.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.30 pm Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
Fion Yun Yee Tan, Singapore
Chee Ken Chan, Malaysia
Kenny Yao Choong Ng, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Combination of Teddy Bear Hospital and Virtual Reality Training Increases Empathy of
Medical Students
1Tan FYY, 1Thng JZH, 2Aw MMHY, 3Hu S
1Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2Paediatrics, Khoo Teck
Puat-National University Children's Medical Institute, National University Health System, Singapore,
3Discipline of Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, National University Health System,
The Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH) can serve as a platform for medical students to learn how to communicate
and empathise with children. Additionally, virtual reality (VR) can be used to portray a child's viewpoint.
This study aims to assess how TBH and VR can improve learning outcomes for medical students.
A cohort study was conducted on 20 medical students taking part in TBH sessions. The medical students
did a Pre-, Post- and 1-year Post-intervention Jefferson Scale of Empathy to assess their empathy levels.
They also completed a 1-year Post-intervention quantitative and qualitative survey on their experience.
There was a significant increase in Jefferson score compared to Pre-intervention (116.95 ± 8.19) for both
Post-intervention (121.65 ± 11.03) and 1-year Post-intervention (123.31 ± 8.86). More than 80% believed
that participating in TBH improved their confidence and ability to interact with children, while 50% felt that
VR scenarios helped prepare for the TBH. Thematic analysis of qualitative responses described (1) Personal
development, (2) Insights into interacting with children, and (3) Structure and curriculum.
TBH improved empathy and communication with children among pre-clinical medical students and the
use of VR can be used to augment sessions.
The Impact of Recurrent Waves of Covid-19 on the Mental Health of Medical Students:
A Cross-Sectional Study
1Chan CK, 1Lam TY, 2Seevalingam KK, 2Rajandram R, 2Kuppusamy S
1Facultyof Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, 2Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti
Malaya, Malaysia
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant distress to the people's mental well-being worldwide,
including Malaysia. Due to the demanding nature of their medical training, medical students are
particularly prone to mental health issues as compared to the general population. As there are recurrent
waves of COVID-19, repeated lockdowns (or movement control orders, MCOs) have been imposed
nationwide. This has caused disruptions to medical education, so it is unsurprising that Malaysian medical
students are deeply affected. Currently, there is a lack of local research exploring the mental health
impact of the pandemic towards medical students. This study aims to investigate the effect of recurrent
waves of COVID-19 on the mental health of medical students in Malaysia and identify the contributing
A cross-sectional study was conducted at a local medical school over a one-month period during the
third wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Malaysia. All medical students enrolled in the school were chosen
for the study. To assess the mental health status of medical students, participants were asked to complete
the self-administered Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) questionnaire, which was
disseminated to them online. Chi-squared test to determine statistical significance between
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
demographic variables against depression, anxiety and stress scales of the DASS-21 was performed.
Variables found to be statistically significant (p<0.05) were further analysed using multinomial regression.
A total of 616 responses were obtained (response rate: 81.2%). It was found that 40.6%, 45.0% and 27.1%
of students showed symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress respectively. Ethnicity and year of study
were significantly associated with anxiety and stress (p<0.05). No significant associations were found
between the demographic factors and depression. In terms of anxiety, Malay students were more likely
than Chinese students to have extremely severe (OR: 2.779, 95% CI: 1.523-5.069, p<0.01), severe (OR: 2.006,
95% CI: 1.045-3.850, p<0.05) and moderate anxiety (OR: 1.865, 95% CI: 1.153-3.016, p<0.05). Preclinical
students had greater predisposition for showing extremely severe (OR: 1.974, 95% CI: 1.074-3.628, p<0.05),
severe (OR: 2.185, 95% CI: 1.073-4.449, p<0.05) and moderate anxiety (OR: 3.021, 95% CI: 1.775-5.141,
p<0.01), as compared to clinical students. As for stress, students from the Malay ethnicity (OR: 3.778, 95%
CI: 1.757-8.127, p<0.01) and Others (OR: 7.767, 95% CI: 2.354-25.625, p<0.01) had a higher chance of
suffering from severe stress, as compared to students of Chinese ethnicity. Furthermore, preclinical
students were more predisposed to facing mild stress (OR: 3.061, 95% CI: 1.515-6.185, p<0.01), as
compared to clinical students.
Our study demonstrates that the recurrent waves of COVID-19 and MCOs have resulted in varying levels
of depression, anxiety, and stress among medical students. Anxiety and stress were significantly
associated with ethnicity and year of study. Although our data may not be reflective on the overall
medical student population in the country, our students are unique as this cohort is from the only tertiary
hospital with teaching facilities that is invested in battling COVID-19 in Malaysia. Universities should
maintain an interactive platform for students wishing to seek psychological support for their depression,
anxiety, and stress-related issues.
Spiritual health is the intersection of student well-being and spirituality and is suggested to be the
foundation of a set of interlocking dimensions of overall health and well-being. It is distinguished from
related concepts-humanism, values, morals, and mental health-by its connection to that which is sacred
or transcendent. Empirical inquiries into its role in medical students' well-being remains lacking. The study
fills this lacuna by examining the influence of spiritual health on medical student well-being and
approaches to the self-management of well-being.
This mixed-method quantitative-qualitative study with explanatory sequential design was conducted at
an undergraduate medical school in Hong Kong from Jan to May 2021, involving both self-completion
questionnaire surveys (N = 352) and individual semi-structured interviews (N = 10). The questionnaire survey
consisted of the Satisfaction with Life Scale, as a proxy for well-being and the validated Spiritual Health
and Life-Orientation Measure to measure spiritual health. Spiritual health was operationalized as four sets
of relationships, namely Personal (relating to self), Communal (relating to others), Environmental (relating
to nature) and Transcendental (relating to transcendent being e.g., God). Medical students from all years
of study were invited to complete the survey. The scores of four domains of spiritual health were cross
tabulated with perceived medical student stress scores and life satisfaction scores. Hierarchical multiple
regression was performed to compare the four domains' contribution to life satisfaction. From survey
participants who expressed interest in sharing their perspectives, interviewees were purposefully selected
to represent a range of background characteristics and degree of religiosity. Interviews to explore
students' well-being management in times of distress were transcribed and underwent thematic analysis.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Life satisfaction was significantly correlated to personal and environmental aspects of spiritual health.
Spiritual health uniquely explained 11.4% of the variation in medical students' life satisfaction scores even
when the effect of perceived stress was controlled (F = 9.25, p < .001). Among four domains, personal
domain of spiritual health was a highly significant positive predictor of life satisfaction (B = -0.62, p < .001).
Self-management of well-being by medical students comprised practices that fell into ten categories,
from which reliance on three sources were identified: Self (personal), Others and Transcendent. All relied
on Self while reliance on Transcendent was only reported by participants with higher religiosity. They also
adopted more categories of well-being management practices (7 out of 10) than those who were
atheists (4 out of 10).
Medical students' approaches to self-care incorporated aspects of spiritual health in the form of personal,
communal, and transcendental relationships, showing that spiritual health is foundational to medical
students' well-being. However, sole reliance on the personal domain of spiritual health may be
inadequate and not sustainable as it can lead to emotional depletion. Medical educators need to
facilitate students' spiritual health by incorporating more domains of spiritual health in student wellness
services, specifically relational harmony with other people and Transcendent(s). In the medical education
field, which prepares students for dealing with human vulnerabilities and future challenges, learners'
spiritual health is the priority.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Department of Medicine, and 3Institute of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao
Tung University, Taiwan, 2Office of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales,
Australia, 4Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan
A robust and effective faculty recruitment and promotion (FRP) system is crucial for promoting scholars'
general welfare and nourishing a healthy academic culture in any academic institutes including medical
schools, which demand even more prudent considerations in light of an extraordinary stake to society.
Many studies have critically examined the criteria used for FRP in western universities; however, studies
examining the FRP system in Asian universities are lacking. Here, we surveyed the FRP policies
implemented by Taiwan's medical schools, evaluated their pros and cons, and provided
recommendations for potential refinement.
We obtained the FRP documents from 12 medical schools in Taiwan and analysed their use of traditional
(e.g., the journal impact factor, the number of papers, etc.) versus non-traditional criteria (e.g., open
access, data sharing, etc.) for FRP according to a published methodology. The influence of the journal
impact factor (JIF) on the FRP process was quantified by comparing its relative weight between papers
with two extreme JIFs. To better understand the research impact and international standing of each
school, we resorted to the Leiden Ranking, a public bibliographic database, to rank universities by the
number of papers and the proportions of papers within the top 10% or 50% citation.
Compared with an international cohort of biomedical institutes, all of Taiwan's medical schools focus
more on the quantifiable quality of the research. Most of the medical schools utilized a "CJA" score that
integrates the category, JIF or ranking, and authorship of a paper to evaluate the research performance
of the faculty. In this system, the JIF is the most influential factor and the only one related to the quality of
the paper. The CJA score for an article with a JIF of 20 can be up to three times the threshold for promotion
to an assistant professor. In contrast, the CJA score for a manuscript with a low JIF can be as low as 4% of
the threshold. The emphasis on JIF is based on that since the JIF represents the average citation of the
journal, the higher the JIF, the more citations the paper will obtain. However, our analysis shows that
Taiwan's medical schools have lower-than-average citation counts despite a competitive rank in the
number of publications.
The JIF plays an unrivalled role in determining the outcome of FRP in Taiwan's medical schools, mostly via
the CJA system. However, under such a heavy incentivization of publishing in high-JIF journals, the actual
numbers of citations published by researchers in Taiwan's medical schools trail behind those by their
counterparts in the west. The questionable effectiveness of the current system in elevating the
international standing of Taiwan's higher-education institutions calls for a re-examination of the FRP
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
To combat the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Malaysia, a Movement Control Order (MCO) was started on 18th
March 2020. Restrictions on travel and entering hospital compounds were a couple of the measures
imposed to reduce the infection risk. Medical education in Malaysia was inevitably affected and
modifications were required. Modifications in medical education were made to conventional teaching
and learning methods, directly affecting the learning experience of medical students. Importantly, the
perceived role of medical students in making decisions about the modifications is not well understood
and likely impacts student autonomy and satisfaction. This study aims to gauge the level of medical
student involvement in decision making during the pandemic in their respective medical programs and
to understand their perspectives on the effectiveness of the implemented modifications.
A quantitative survey was designed to measure all undergraduate medical students in Malaysia about
their overall wellbeing, autonomy in educational decision making, student experiences, and position on
changes to graduation timing. Specifically, respondents were asked to report on their level of involvement
in deciding the modifications of their medical program using a Likert scale, where '1' indicates no
involvement and '5' indicates complete involvement. The survey was crafted using AMEE Guide No.87
and with feedback from local experts, in lieu of validative piloting given the urgent nature of the study.
After ethics approval, the survey was distributed to all Malaysian medical students using contacts from
the Society of Malaysian Medical Association Medical Students. Responses were assessed for internal
validity and reliability using Principal Components analysis (PCA) and Cronbach's alpha. Trends in
responses were evaluated using hypothesis testing and spearman's correlation such that significance was
set to p<0.05.
The survey was distributed during April-May of 2021 and 442 students representing 23 accredited medical
schools responded, meeting power estimates. Students reported that they were mostly not consulted
about program modifications during the pandemic, mean = 2.48 (±1.03), compared to pre-COVID-19
scores, mean = 2.62 (±1.08). Specifically, clinical students reported that they were less involved in the
modifications of their medical program during COVID-19, mean = 1.96 (±0.92) compared to pre-COVID-
19, mean =2.77 (±1.14). Additionally, communication and student involvement was correlated to students'
reported depth of learning (⍴ = 0.317, p< 0.000).
Generally, students felt that they were not involved in modifications in decisions regarding modifications
to their medical programs, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. This could impact their perceived
depth of learning, as they were correlated in our study. This may be due to the discordance between
medical students' preferred learning methods and the modifications. Medical schools need to improve
the engagement, communication, and involvement of medical students when modifying medical
programs to ensure that they are suitable for the students in addition to maintaining the quality of medical
education and the learning objectives.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Family Medicine and Primary Care/ Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education, Li Ka Shing
Faculty of Medicine, 2Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong S.A.R.
The evolution of medical education has seen near-peer teaching (NPT) become an increasingly popular
pedagogical tool to supplement formal medical curricula. However, NPT has largely remained as a face-
to-face activity, yet to shift to a virtual learning modality unlike many other components of formal medical
education. While the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted several NPT programmes to be abruptly
converted online, there is no existing literature that evaluates online learning in the context of NPT
The aims of this study were to examine the nature of interactions between peer learners (PLs), peer
teachers (PTs) and subject content in NPT sessions conducted solely online, and to explore the
advantages and disadvantages of online NPT.
Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews of 9 PLs and 3 PTs who participated in
a 5-month long NPT programme for medical students in Hong Kong. The interviews were recorded and
transcribed, and two researchers performed thematic analysis by independently identifying and coding
recurrent themes.
The three themes that emerged from the qualitative data include: the nature of interactions in online NPT;
the conceptualization of online "interaction" by PLs/PTs; and the advantages and disadvantages of online
NPT. Students appreciated the comfort and convenience of online NPT, and peer learners were highly
engaged during the tutorials. However, interaction - especially between students - was hindered.
Students either preferred to learn passively without making visible contributions to the conversation or
participate only when anonymity and privacy were guaranteed. Such learning behaviours may be
attributed to personal or cultural factors including the subjective sense of distance felt by the learner, their
personality, and cultural norms of knowledge-sharing behaviour. Conflicting expectations between PLs
and PTs regarding teaching and learning in online NPT were apparent, with a majority of PLs anticipating
PTs to take sole responsibility for driving interactions in NPT by teaching in a didactic manner, in contrast
to PTs who expected the learning to be a collaborative effort with shared responsibility held by both PLs
and PTs.
This study has highlighted the opportunities and challenges of implementing NPT online, especially with
regards to facilitating meaningful student-student, student-teacher, and student-content interactions.
Given that NPT aims to provide social support to students in addition to academic guidance, NPT may be
best delivered via a blended learning approach combining traditional face-to-face and online
modalities. This would maximise its social and academic benefits while taking advantage of the efficiency
and flexibility offered by online learning, thereby ensuring sustainability of the NPT programme. Further
research is necessary to compare online and face-to-face NPT and examine the underlying variables that
shape the learning environment and nature of interactions in both mediums of instruction.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The World Health Organization stipulates that there are 466 million people worldwide with disabling
hearing loss. In Malaysia, there are an estimated 34,000 individuals who have hearing loss. The Deaf
community is defined as a group of individuals who share a common set of unique cultures, values, social
beliefs, and experiences through their years of using Sign language. They are a minority population who
often have lower health compared to the general population. Reasons for this include barriers in
accessing materials related to healthcare, lower levels of literacy and encountering physicians who are
not well equipped to communicate with the Deaf Sign Language Users (DSLU). As physicians are the
primary health providers to those with illnesses, they should strive to improve their communication with
DSLUs to ensure that they are not marginalized. Moreover, as health is a universal human right, physicians
should strive to improve their cultural competence when dealing with minorities. This study aims to
determine the healthcare challenges and barriers to communication of physicians when serving DSLUs.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to gauge the knowledge, experiences, and perceptions of
physicians. The study was done online, where WhatsApp was used to circulate the questionnaire via the
snowball sampling method. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were shown to be satisfactory.
A total of 76 physicians' responses were recorded and the data collected were analysed using IBM SPSS.
Physicians were shown to have low levels of knowledge with regards to Deaf culture, sign language and
resources for DSLUs. Many felt ill-equipped during their training in medical school to handle Deaf patients.
The majority of the physicians (58 %) agreed that sign language should be taught in medical schools.
Generally, physicians felt (71 %) that the healthcare facilities are not DSLU friendly. On the other hand, a
reasonable number (36 %) felt satisfied with the care that they have provided to the DSLUs. Most agreed
that communicating with DSLUs is challenging. Issues of fear of misdiagnosis and misprescribing due to
mishaps in communication were noted. The resources around them to aid communication with DSLUs are
often not utilized to optimal levels, which can hinder their therapeutic alliance. The majority of the
physicians agreed that DSLUs receives less than optimal healthcare from the healthcare system
Our findings indicate that physicians faced communication challenges and were ill-prepared to serve
DSLUs. Medical schools should attempt to incorporate Deaf cultural competency training in their
curriculum. This will ensure medical schools produce culturally competent physicians, who will make the
healthcare system more "Deaf-friendly". The Deaf community needs to receive adequate healthcare and
doctors should strive to overcome any existing barriers to communication.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Wolfson Medical School Building, University of Glasgow,
United Kingdom
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, policies and treatment guidelines have seen a rapid and
frequent change. The COVID-19 Evidence Retrieval Service (CERS) team comprising students, librarians,
doctors, and EBM experts aimed to uphold the practice of evidence-based medicine by keeping our
local clinicians updated on the latest evidence on COVID-19 according to their specific needs.
A secondary objective was to promote EBM to medical students by involving them in the design,
implementation, and evaluation of the CERS, particularly on how to conduct literature search, critical
appraisal and translating the information into easily digestible information. This abstract details how our
primary and secondary goals were achieved.
CERS was initiated and supported by a multidisciplinary team of qualified EBM practitioners, medical
officers, senior medical students, and academic librarians across different academic institutions. This
service was conceived with a literature review and weekly team meetings facilitated optimisation of the
workflow and scope of work. The service was launched across public hospitals in Malaysia on the 21st of
March 2020 with support from provided from the Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya.
The service comprised of three teams - support team, evidence retrieval team and EBM expert panel. The
support team mapped clinical queries onto the PICO framework which the evidence retrieval team used
to search for relevant scientific publications using various databases and the EBM expert panel selected,
appraised, and summarised the most appropriate evidence which the support team then
communicated to the respective clinician who asked the question. A list of answered clinical queries
were also uploaded online onto https://umlibguides.um.edu.my/covid19.
The fifty clinical queries appraised were broken down into the following categories: immunity (2), definition
& classification (3), transmission (4), healthcare system research (4), prognosis (8), treatment (8), diagnosis
(9), prevention (12).
Formal feedback was sought from users who engaged with the service with 11 out of 12 users report
feeling satisfied or very satisfied with the service in addition to rating the quality of answers high or very
high. A further 75% (8/12) respondents reported that using this service made significant changes to their
clinical practice.
The medical students trained up have used their skills learnt - literature searching and critical appraisal
skills - while providing this service to complete and publish their research across various specialties in
different peer-reviewed journals. Further leadership skills learnt have also enabled them to make strong
contributions during their clinical placements by presenting cases in multi-disciplinary team meetings.
They have also begun the process of setting up evidence-based medicine in their respective universities.
Our experience has reinforced that an integrated evidence-based retrieval service is feasible and useful
to support healthcare workers - both future and current - and policymakers in making informed decisions
by doing a systematic appraisal while training the next generation of evidence-based practitioners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.30 pm Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Thilanka Seneviratne, Sri Lanka
Hong Thuy Phuong Huynh, Vietnam
Safiatu Lopes, United Kingdom
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical undergraduates face a significant limitation in clinical
exposure. Though the theory components in education is continued as online teaching, the retention and
understanding of medical teaching in clinical context is hampered by the lack of clinical exposure.
Therefore, virtual simulation based teaching is an invaluable tool in giving experience closer to the clinical
environment. This is specially so when teaching clinically relevant matters. In this crossover study we aim
to compare the use of virtual simulation versus standard interactive online lectures to teach medication
errors and safe prescribing in the stream of Pharmacology.
Fourth year medical undergraduates of Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya participated in the
study. Students were randomized into two groups. Each group consisted of 60 students. Teaching for both
groups was done using zoom platform. Teaching on safe prescribing and medication errors was done
using interactive lecture based method to Group 1. Group 2 received teaching on the same topic with
the use of virtual simulation. A set of simulated case scenarios using standardized patients were used to
teach Group 2. Retention of knowledge on safe prescribing and medication errors in both groups was
assessed with an on line test after 2 weeks. As per the crossover study design, students in Group 1 had
simulation based teaching after 2 weeks and vice versa for Group 2. Student perceptions on teaching
methods were assessed using a questionnaire via google forms.
120 students participated in the teaching. Out of them, 99 students participated in the post test. Mean
score obtained by the Group 1 (interactive lecture) was 56.60% while Group 2 (virtual simulation) scored
76.04 %. The virtual simulation group had scored higher with a difference of means that is statistically highly
significant (p= 0.0025). Results of the feedback after the crossover; 89.8% mentioned that subject matter
could be understood clearly with virtual simulation based teaching.
The fact that virtual simulation imparts significantly higher knowledge retention versus standard lecturing
shows an important future direction in online medical education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
As a university of applied learning, we believe in going beyond the traditional instructional approach
where educators offer students direct answers. Beyond timetabled hours, there exist many opportunities
to engage students through coaching to develop good learning habits and accountability, for example
during feedback sessions, group projects, research assignments and placements.
We aim to train our educators to engage students holistically by finding coachable moments to have
coaching conversations. In this abstract, our objective is to evaluate and share our faculty development
effort on coaching.
We develop our faculty through regular workshops on fundamental coaching skills and techniques, called
"Coaching As an Educator". This two-day workshop is heavily practice-focused so that faculty get
practice using contextualised scenarios with students in academic and work settings (e.g., clinical
placement). With feedback and group sharing in a safe learning environment, it gives everyone the
opportunity to practice, reflect and take away practical tips so that they can apply the knowledge and
skills with their students right after the workshop.
To ensure that participants are equipped with the coaching fundamentals, a short quiz is administered.
For demonstration of coaching skills, each participant is assessed via two short coaching sessions covering
student scenarios in academic and workplace situations. Each session involves the participant (coach
trainee), standardized student (coachee), and an assessor, who observes the session and gives feedback
insights after each session.
The coaching workshop kicked off in October 2020 and in 9 months, we have trained 75 participants. The
mean average score on Coaching Knowledge is 77%. For Coaching Mindset and Approach (pre- and
post-workshop survey: 8 questions on 5-point Likert scale), we see a consistent positive shift. Key takeaways
include i) knowing what coaching is about (mean change from 3.2 to 4.4), ii) improve confidence to
coach students in academic and work matters (mean change from 3.4 to 4.2).
An example of a reflection statement was "I now feel that I may be able to understand the needs of my
students better and also to facilitate my interactions with them to become more efficient in terms of time
and also more goal-oriented". Another example was "This workshop brings about deep reflection on the
way I teach, advise, and help students in their university journey. There are lots of learning points to take
away and it builds on the soft skills such as communication and empathy as well."
In summary, faculty demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities via quiz, pre-post coaching mindset
surveys, reflection reports and peer observations. We have learnt critical elements for faculty
development on coaching to be effective. These include fundamental knowledge, relevant scenarios,
practice in safe learning environment, formative assessment and feedback. Ongoing support is needed
for faculty to sharpen their coaching skills through community of practice after the workshop. Formal
studies are needed to evaluate the impact of coaching on students.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
COVID-19 has had a tremendous effect on medical education. Medical Education and Research
Development Unit (MERDU), a unit that manages a medical programme has switched most of the
physical assessment into online assessment with the aim to encourage student's learning as well as to
evaluate their achievement. The online platforms that have been used to conduct all the assessments
are Microsoft Teams (MST), ClassMarker and Spectrum (University Malaya's official e-learning platforms)
as the alternative platforms to carry out the assessments.
Before the pandemic, all the assessments were conducted physically on-site. However, the pandemic
has caused disruptions which require all the assessments to be made online. All students take their written
assessments online via ClassMarker where each was proctored manually. In comparison, there are two
different clinical examinations for different stages; pre-clinical years (i.e. Objective Structured Clinical
Examinations (OSCEs)) and clinical years (i.e. Virtual Clinical Assessments (VCAs)). For online OSCEs,
students are required to submit their clinical examination video based on the given scenarios one day
prior to the exam. And during the exam day, live online interactive history taking sessions are conducted
with both students and examiners via Microsoft Teams. Meanwhile for clinical years, all VCAs were
conducted online via Microsoft Teams.
Challenges faced during the implementation of online assessment include connectivity issue, resistance
to adapt to new assessment format, insufficient equipment for assessment, fatigued examiner, laborious
hour to set up and test the platform for online assessment, inadequate training of examiners on how to
conduct assessment online, and student honesty.
Various efforts were taken to mitigate challenges faced by the examiners and students. These
modifications have allowed the programme to continue despite the current pandemic situation ensuring
no delay in graduation. An E-proctoring tool is introduced by the university as an enhancement tool in
ensuring the student's reliability, validity and integrity.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
SingHealth Urology Residency is a 6-year program with the first 3 years as a Junior Resident (JR) and
subsequent 3 years as Senior Residents (SR). SR are entrusted with heavier responsibilities as trainee
urologists in several realms of clinical practice, education and research activities. This step up to SR is
stressful and demanding. To ensure a smoother transition, we have been organizing the SingHealth
Urology Residents Bootcamp (SURB) annually since 2018. Our SR shared their experiences with JR through
theme-based lectures, forum discussions, and hands-on simulator practices.
Our primary aim is to assess the satisfaction and confidence of our JRs in transitioning after participating
in the SURB 2020.
The secondary aim is to assess the satisfaction of SR facilitators and their commitment toward future
In view of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the SURB 2020 was run virtually over a 5-hour session using
zoom platform without any hands-on activities to allow for social distancing. It involved 6 JR participants
and 6 SR facilitators. Four didactic lectures of 15-minute duration were delivered on topics of survival on
call, resident education, clinical services and research activities. Following each, a forum discussion
between JR and SR was conducted for open discussions. A week after the SURB, an anonymized
electronic satisfaction survey was administered to JR and SR groups, and feedback collated using
objective and subjective responses.
JR participant scores were satisfied for most questions with a neutral score for the recommendation of
SURB to other peers and confidence on transitioning to SR. Disagreement was seen for the question on
extending the duration beyond 4 hours. SR facilitator scores were in agreement for most questions with
neutral scores when comparing virtual platform with face to face, hands-on simulator and having SURB
Virtual SURB 2020 has provided our JR with increased satisfaction in most domains however more measures
is required for them to improve their confidence in transitions to SR.
Facilitators also generally showed satisfaction with virtual SURB however having the previous face to face
and simulation training showed preferential for future blended SURB.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A Reflection Journal: What Nursing Students Learn from the Community Internship
during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ho Chi Minh City?
Huynh HTP, Tran LTK
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Medical Technology/ Centre for Medical Education,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The COVID-19 pandemic explosion occurred in Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC) since June 2021 required a
transform of undergraduate nursing education. Teaching methods were changed in response to the new
situation of social distancing. Final year nursing students, therefore, studied online and joined the national
preventive program of screening positive cases for COVID-19 as community internship in replacement of
clinical practice at hospitals. In order to formatively assess students' learning and practice, the reflective
journal writing was used with the expectation to promote reflective learning. Based on this, the study was
conducted in which reflective diaries of nursing students were analysed for the purpose to understand
levels of reflection journal develop students' working competence and what they think about such
learning experience in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Gibbs's cyclical model of reflection were applied for reflective journal writing. The fourth-year students
were required to describe what happen, to express how their feeling, to evaluate what was good and
bad, to analyse what made sense of the situation, and to figure out their action plans that they would do
to flexibly respond to such situation. Online meeting through MS TEAM happened weekly for reviews and
discussion of feedback surrounding reflective diaries between clinical instructors and students. These
reflective diaries were then analysed for the aim of the study.
A total 89 fourth-year nursing students were recruited to assist healthcare workers in the community.
Students were assigned to label coding, entering data and collect nasopharyngeal specimens for
COVID-19. During four weeks of practice in the community, students draw a multi-colour picture of
COVID-19 prevention in HCMC through the lens of insiders. Variety of activities were described, emotion
was expressed, enthusiasm was shown, and lessons were learned throughout the reflective process. Skills
were also effectively improved such as communication skills, time management and collaborative
practice. Four-hour interaction once a week was the time students express their further concerns with
feedback from clinical instructors contributed to stimulating students' thinking and self-directed learning.
Finally, several students considered that writing reflection journal can release their stress and fatigue.
Reflection journal provided opportunities for students to share their stories, to self-analyse them and to
make their own action plans. This suggested an effective formative assessment to develop students'
working competence through reflective learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Using the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) Alongside National School Qualifications
to Predict Medical School Performance
Lopes S, Mcelwee S
Admissions Testing Service, Cambridge English Language Assessment, Cambridge Assessment,
Cambridge University Press & Assessment, United Kingdom
BMAT is an admissions test that is used, in the UK and internationally, for entry to medicine and related
biomedical courses. To ensure that individuals selected for medical study will cope with the demands of
training, selection assessments must be valid, fair and defensible. In particular, establishing predictive
validity of selection methods is vital. This analysis examines the degree to which BMAT predicts on-course
performance for one university cohort during medical training, compared to national school
qualifications in the United Kingdom.
Exam results for the first and second year of medical training were gathered from six cohorts at a UK
university and were linked with BMAT and high-school qualifications (i.e. contextualised GCSEs and A-
Levels). Descriptive statistics, correlations and regressions were conducted, to explore the relationships
between BMAT scores, school achievement and end of year marks.
BMAT scores predicted end of year marks and likelihood of getting Class I grades, beyond the extent to
which school achievement (GCSEs and top three A-Level grades) predicted performance. Section 2
(which assesses scientific knowledge and application) was the strongest predictor. Overall, national
school qualifications and BMAT scores accounted for a small proportion of variance in medical study
performance (15.5% in Year 1 and 8.0% in Year 2). Due to high range-restriction in this particular sample
and subsequent attenuating effects, the reported effect sizes have mostly likely been under-estimated.
In this study, some BMAT section scores predicted additional incremental variance in early medical school
performance above high-school achievement. Admissions tutors working in contexts similar to this study
(e.g. where the applicant pool is already highly selected) may wish to rely on scores from admissions tests
more heavily than they did previously. Additionally, with the current challenges brought on by COVID-19
(which has disrupted learning and recently prevented students from sitting their national school
examinations), BMAT scores can be introduced into the selection process as a reliable and standardised
measure of scientific aptitude and critical thinking skills that are shown to be necessary for successful
progression in medical school.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Many undergraduate anatomy students show insufficient understanding of core anatomical concepts
perhaps due to inadequate engagement with study resources. For instance, the partial or complete
absence of the active learning method of student dissection may increase the risk of failure and the
probability of graduating doctors with inadequate anatomy knowledge. However, other hands-on
learning methods appear promising as augmentation. Engagement might be enhanced by designing
prime cognitive activities alongside radiological images and technology-enhanced anatomy teaching
environments to boost active learning and deep understanding. In light of this push towards active
learning methods, this study aims to investigate stakeholders' perceptions of playdough modelling
experiences to inform anatomy teaching and promote learning.
Individual semi-structured interviews were carried out with four anatomy teachers and two students
allowing unique insights into the hard-to-measure construct of stakeholders' perceptions to better
understand their playdough learning experience in context of teaching effectiveness. Previously, there
had been limited qualitative research in connection with multiple anatomy stakeholders to understand
their perceptions for designing evidence-informed teaching activities using playdough. Reflexive
thematic analysis was used with the aim of shedding light on these respondents' views. Three hours long
audio-recordings of participants' interviews were examined and rich insight into their experiences was
obtained to inform future learning in anatomy and beyond.
The findings suggested that most participants found their experience of learning anatomy using
playdough positive and agreed that it has relevance and potential for anatomy teaching. The simplicity
of use, economy and multisensory learning stimulation were the most important factors contributing to its
allure. Respondents reported playdough modelling encouraged creativity, problem solving, and original
thinking. Arguably, a single perfect teaching method catering for all different situations, related to multi-
modal, diverse learners in todays' technology enhanced environments is unlikely to exist. Since, every
method has its shortcomings, the participants acknowledged the necessity for new and diverse teaching
methods to work collaboratively for achievement of required learning outcomes. On the other hand,
student issues like variable artistic ability and time shortage for application of the playdough learning tool
were considered manageable by designing effective modelling implementation techniques.
Nonetheless, organisational support was viewed fundamental for success.
The data highlighted that simpler, active methods of instruction like playdough may also be employed
alongside technology enhanced methods, to promote anatomy understanding and visualisation. The key
benefit of this style of learning seems to be the active involvement of learners in a playful and fun way,
satisfying and promoting focus, which in turn is a likely conduit to enhanced performance and results.
The playdough experience was perceived as an inviting relaxed engagement whilst the lack of
complexity also helped deeper understanding. This seemed to allow learners' focus to remain on the
concept being taught without becoming lost in the finer details. It is hence suggested that well designed
playdough modelling activities may provide a purposeful, efficient and engaging technique for
conveying relevant anatomical ideas in a cost-effective manner.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
In medical education, patient and public involvement (PPI) has been critical, especially in clinical settings.
Patient-centred sessions, student observation and involvement in on-the-spot visits are examples of
clinical education learning activities. However, there is no framework to guide patient and public
participation in medical school teaching and learning activities. As a response, the focus of this research
is to determine the extent, practice and implications of PPI in health professions education literature.
The authors used the PRISMA-ScR framework to perform the scoping review. CINAHL, Cochrane Library,
EbscoHost, Google Scholar, ProQuest, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science are some of
the online databases we use. The keywords of search are "health education" OR "health profession
education" OR "medical education" OR "medical sciences education" AND "public" OR "patients" OR
"community" AND "involvement" OR "participation".
One thousand eight hundred eighteen citations were retrieved for screening, and only 31 articles were
accepted for final review. From the 31 studies, six central themes were identified. The themes were
1) Patient perceptions on patient and public involvement (PPI) in medical education,
2) Students perceptions on PPI in medical education,
3) Enablers and barriers on PPI in medical education,
4) Impacts of PPI in medical education
5) Medical faculty responses to highlighted issues on PPI for the improvement of the medical program,
6) Responses and suggestions on PPI in medical education.
Involvement of patients and public in health professions education show positive perception amongst
the educators, patients, public and the learners in the domain of willingness, experiences and attitude. In
enhancing PPI implementations, enablers and barriers have been identified. This review also highlights the
positive and negative implications of PPI in medical education and responses and suggestions. Higher
education providers' responsibility is to evaluate, improve, and facilitate PPI for better medical education
in the future.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.30 pm Hall 2,
Virtual Conference
Tuan Anh Pham, Vietnam
Germaine Liu, Singapore
Takeshi Kondo, Japan
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Harden introduced 11 levels of integration in the medical curricula. Many medical schools face a lower
integration level in the basic medical preclinical years. The higher the level of integration perceived by
students, the higher the students fully appreciate the relationship between basic disciplines, and their
relevance to practise which leads to a better learning experience and outcomes. The first 2 academic
years curriculum in the Faculty of Medicine, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt consists mainly of basic
medical sciences with a multidisciplinary integration level and some interdisciplinary themes. To increase
the level of integration and the relevance of the curriculum for students in the basic sciences years; we
adopted project-based learning (PtBL) approach. Project-based learning is an inquiry-based approach
based on constructivism theory. It starts with a problem and is applied to small teams. We used "Clinically-
relevant Team-based integrated research project-tasks" as PtBL for students in the first 2 academic years.
The level of integration in the tasks was interdisciplinary. We assessed students’ perceptions of the
approach used.
We created interdisciplinary integrated research project tasks for 4 human body system-based modules.
The tasks consisted of integrated cases that were clinically sound and followed each module's objectives.
They were based on melting objectives from all disciplines together in each case (40-65 tasks/module).
Disciplines’ instructors revised and modified the cases. To finish the project, students were requested to
analyse the assigned cases and use reasoning to create the differential and provisional diagnoses based
on their understanding of pathology. The project also required them to discuss and relate the condition
to the disrupted anatomy, histology, physiology, and biochemistry, suggest/contraindicate specific
treatment plans (i.e., pharmacology), and create a preventive one (i.e., epidemiology). The instructors
acted as advisers. Students worked in teams/tasks for 3 weeks to write and deliver their projects at the
end of the modules. An online survey was introduced to assess students’ perceptions of the learning
approach used with Yes/No and 5-point Likert scale questions (Cronbach’s alpha 0.77). Results were
analysed. Significance is at P <0.05.
Many deficient and unrelated topics in the curriculum were discovered and reported during the projects’
design to be modified in the future for a higher integration level. The survey was completed by 694
students (52% response rate). Most of the students (84.6%) were satisfied by the integrated PtBL tasks, and
57.9% preferred substituting learning by traditional lectures completely by PtBL. Most of the students
ranked the relation between basic sciences (85.9%) and the relation between basic/clinical sciences
(78.8%) in the tasks as very good and excellent. Students’ understanding of the relationship between
disciplines after the PtBL (mean 3.66, SD ± 0.92) was higher compared to their understanding before it
(mean 3.46, SD ± 0.91), (P=0.000).
Using the PtBL "Clinically-relevant integrated research project tasks" helped to identify both the defects
and the interrelated topics of the curriculum and elevated the integration level from multidisciplinary to
interdisciplinary. The learning method is well perceived by students. It can be used as a complementary
learning method to enhance curricular integration.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Center for Advanced Training in Clinical Simulation (ATCS) at University of Medicine and Pharmacy
at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (UMP-HCMC), was established in 2017 to support the implementation of its
competency-based medical training programme. In view of multiple obstacles to acquire a
commercially available audio-visual monitoring system, the technology division (TD) of ATCS has
developed an in-house and low-cost but fully functional audio-visual (A-V) system to support all training
and assessment activities.
This study is conducted to evaluate the usefulness, functionality, and benefits of an in-house and low-cost
A-V system to support all training and assessment activities of a medium-size clinical simulation centre,
including facilities for 14 OSCE stations, faculty observation, orientation, and debriefing.
The TD of ATCS was tasked to test and acquire commercially available A-V equipment, and to develop
a software package that possess essential functions for managing, scheduling the training activities, and
assessing the learners' performance. We conducted a survey collecting and analysing feedback of 44
expert faculty examiners (FE) who were familiar and had used the system for at least six months. We sent
a questionnaire consisted of 12 questions to be rated according to 4-point Likert scale of the following
areas: 1) User-friendliness; 2) Quality of the A-V system; 3) Benefit for users in Training/Assessment activities.
All 44 surveyed FE returned their questionnaires. The majority of FE recognised the strength of the A-V
system in allowing them to observe deficiencies of learners (86%), to provide feedback, and/or replay in
debriefing (91%). They also rated highly regarding the system technical quality: video (98%), and audio
(82%). In addition, FE also recommended: 1) add more cameras to cover larger area of the OSCE room;
2) provide private and secure access for learners to review their training sessions.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
There are several state-of-the-art and commercially available A-V systems for managing all activities of
the simulation center. However, these systems are expensive and require the use of proprietary hardware
and high annual maintenance fee. For a medium size simulation center, the expense for the installation
of such a system can easily cost over one million US dollars which is a major limiting factor for most
simulation centers in the developing countries.
Our study demonstrates the possibility of using off-the-shelf A-V equipment together with an in-house
developing software package to fulfil most essential functions for the training and assessment activities of
a medium-size clinical simulation center. To enhance the quality and maximise the benefits of the system,
we must collect and analyse feedback of all users.
Virtual Ward Rounds: How Effective Are They in Undergraduate Geriatric Medicine
Liu G, Lim Z, Aziz Merchant R, Chen ZM
Medicine, National University Hospital, National University Health System (NUHS), Singapore
COVID-19 has disrupted medical education globally. Universities and hospital administrators face the
unenviable task of maintaining or even expediting the training of new doctors while minimising all non-
essential patient contact and clinical services. COVID-19 disproportionately affects older adults, who face
higher risks of morbidity and mortality as well as increased social isolation and mental health
consequences. We describe how virtual ward rounds have been used as an educational tool to positively
affect the attitude and knowledge of medical students in Geriatric Medicine.
The Geriatric Medicine Student Internship Programme (SIP) is a three-week structured internship for final-
year medical students at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Since February 2020, tight restrictions
have been progressively put in place to ensure the safety of patients and members of the healthcare
team including medical students.
3. Virtual consultant-led ward rounds: Many students find the complexity of geriatric patients
overwhelming. Virtual ward rounds were designed to offer students the opportunity for in-depth discussion
of actual clinical cases that they have been individually managing over a secure video platform.
Students were asked to fill in an anonymous questionnaire after the completion of their internship
100% of students (n=23) agreed or strongly agreed that virtual ward rounds (VWRs) improved their
knowledge and that they were able to learn about patient-centred care and clinical reasoning through
VWRs. With regards to change in attitudes, 100% of students feel that VWRs improved their perception of
older adults and their issues and all of them felt more confident in making ethical decisions. 74% of
students (n=17) felt that virtual ward rounds were as effective as bedside ward rounds.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Qualitative feedback was collected to further understand the efficacy of virtual compared to bedside
ward rounds. Students generally felt while virtual ward rounds allowed students the "opportunity to learn
more in depth about the cases since there is hardly sufficient time to go through it in detail during the
ward rounds itself", the added benefit of bedside ward rounds was the ability to "assess patients during
the round itself".
Redesigning an already successful training programme to fit within the requirements of a pandemic "new
normal" of repeated lockdowns and social distancing presents a unique opportunity to adopt innovative
and flexible educational tools. Our results show that virtual ward rounds can be effective in imparting
knowledge and changing attitudes of medical students in Geriatric Medicine. However, the challenge
to educators who have been providing high-quality bedside teaching is to provide equally high-quality
"webside" teaching, including the development of core clinical skills and attributes, while also maintaining
high clinical governance standards including patient privacy and confidentiality. Ongoing research is
needed to further evaluate and develop tools e.g., hybrid classroom to improve these outcomes and
build our pandemic-ready educational infrastructure.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
With the greying population, doctors have to manage increasingly complex older patients with frailty and
multiple comorbidities that require transdisciplinary collaboration. The Learning Oriented Teaching in
Transdisciplinary Education (LOTTE) elective was conducted by Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) to expose
medical undergraduates to the concept of interprofessional collaboration through observation and
presentation of complex clinical cases. In this 4-week elective program, its teaching-learning activities are
underpinned by the Learning Oriented Teaching (LOT) theory to improve learning at the cognitive,
affective, and metacognitive levels with shared guidance between students and faculty. This qualitative
study aims to evaluate the student and faculty experience and perception of LOTTE.
Fourth year medical students from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore and KTPH clinical faculty
who participated in KTPH LOTTE from March to April 2021 were recruited for this study. Students were
attached to two subspecialties (surgical and medical) to maximise learning opportunities and follow the
patient journey from 'Start to Finish'.
At the cognitive level, students were encouraged to take ownership of learning, do literature review, and
present cases. Faculty critiqued and helped students to refine learning objectives and identify pertinent
clinical aspects for elaboration and learning.
At the affective level, students were motivated to present cases on Zoom videoconferencing to
classmates as they learned through active doing and attained peer recognition of their good effort. The
teacher highlighted the importance of peer learning through discussing authentic, complex cases that
required transdisciplinary holistic patient care.
At an interactive self and peer learning level, students used tools such as the Kahoot! game-based app
for peer teaching to optimise learning and increase participation.
End of posting feedback scores by students were collected and semi-structured one-to-one interviews of
students and faculty will be conducted and analysed using thematic analysis.
Thirteen out of 15 students submitted end of posting scores. The average score for the elective was 3.7/4.
Feedback from students includes: (1) Exposure to wide variety of clinical conditions; (2) Excellent teaching
culture; and (3) Good hands-on experience. Qualitative interview with students and faculty will be
conducted to understand their experience with LOTTE.
Medical graduates face an increasingly complex healthcare landscape where management of co-
morbidities may be beyond one's expertise. LOTTE may be helpful to promote transdisciplinary
collaboration for holistic management of complex geriatric patients and nurture the development of
independent learning in medical undergraduates.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
In the current era of curricula based on competencies in residency training programmes, capability is
now recognised as an important element of professional practice. Capability here refers specifically to
how residents are able to integrate and adapt their existing competencies to new, complex, challenging,
and/or changing situations. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is a classic example.
Hence, in order to identify how we can better train residents to further support their capability
development, this study explored what Infectious Diseases senior residents learnt and how they learnt as
they adapted to working in this unpredictable and challenging outbreak of a novel, highly infectious
This qualitative study was based in the Infectious Diseases Senior Residency Programme across the three
training institutions in Singapore, namely the National University Hospital, the National Centre for Infectious
Diseases, and the Singapore General Hospital. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted
between February and March 2021. The data were thematically analysed using template analysis
Nine ID senior residents participated in the study. They highlighted four dominant themes from their
experiences during the unfamiliar COVID-19 situation. They learnt to engage uncertainty in a meaningful
way by initially relying on prior training and using their metacognition. When the situation is beyond their
depth, they were able to recognise when to ask for help. Their learning was further enhanced by the
collaboration between multidisciplinary health professionals, timely effective communications, strong
leadership, and also intrinsic motivation from their personal interest in ID. They learnt and adapted largely
through observation of how senior faculty approached and managed the COVID-19 situation.
Even though the COVID-19 pandemic presented a huge challenge of a rapidly evolving, unfamiliar, and
uncertain situation, the ID senior residents were able to adapt their existing competencies to the new,
changing situation through close supervision and mentoring by senior faculty as well as observation of
how senior faculty performed. As the field of medicine will be ever-unpredictable and challenging, the
results help to inform current competency-based residency training programmes on how to better
incorporate more capability-focus curriculum to aid residents in becoming capable, reflective, and
lifelong learners i.e., capable clinicians.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Faculty development (FD) for preparing medical doctors to teach in clinical environments is an essential
component to make an effective clinical learning environment. Sometimes, FDs are required to fulfil
program requirements for accreditation. However, long restraint hours required by traditional FD format
like workshops and seminars is not affordable for busy clinical educators. In addition, there is a trend from
time-based curriculum to competency-based curriculum in FD.
In Japan, supervising doctors teaching residents are expected to have enough ability and experience to
teach in a clinical environment. The FD for clinical supervisor teaching residents (FD) requires sixteen hours
of learning. It had been held over two nights on site to ensure enough competencies for teaching.
Institutions teaching residents are required to have enough teaching staff who finish the FD. Novel
programs of the FD to release supervisors from this restraint was expected.
To define the competencies to be acquired through the FD, Harden's eight roles of the medical teachers
were used. Teachers of each session mapped which roles the participants would learn in their session. We
adopted a flipped classroom in which assignments in asynchronous online learning were used in
discussion in the class. Discussion sessions were also moved online to allow participants to attend from
their own workplace. Therefore, the FD started with asynchronous sessions with assignments, and then a
synchronous session was held. The time used for asynchronous sessions were calculated through pilot
implementations by planning members, and included in sixteen hour of learning time. Assignments were
issued sequentially five weeks prior to discussion sessions, and the synchronous sessions were held from
5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2020 to Saturday, November 14, 2020 for 45 participants.
By allocating time to the asynchronous sessions, the synchronous session was reduced from 16 hours to 9
hours. Since the participants could choose which time they worked on the assignment, time of submissions
were distributed at various times. Facilitators gave constant feedback for learners' progression, thus all
participants submitted assignments on time. Submitted assignments had enough quality. However, there
was not enough discussion in the asynchronous sessions. All participants completed the course by
submitting all the assignments. The synchronous session was held with rich discussion. Most comments from
participants were positive to the new flipped classroom format, although some participants said that it
was difficult to have discussion especially in asynchronous sessions.
The online flipped classroom utilising assignments has a potential to significantly reduce the time
constraints on busy clinicians. Moreover, this transformation promotes the transition from time-based
curriculum to competency-based curriculum. However, the design to promote discussion also in
asynchronous sessions are required for this model.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) is a student-centric learning method where selected students (peer leaders,
PLs) assume the role of teachers after proper training to teach their fellow-mates. On the basis of role of
PAL in improvement of critical thinking, psychomotor skills and cognitive development, we aim to develop
a peer-learning model in lab sessions of GIT module with the objective to train and develop PLs who can
then transmit the acquired knowledge to the peer learners (Pls). The objectives were: i) to develop
experiential learning model for teaching of basic sciences with assistance from peers ii) to develop PAL
model in undergraduate medical education at Aga Khan Medical College for enhanced learning iii) to
evaluate the effectiveness of PAL in teaching undergraduates and assess the viewpoints of facilitators,
PLs and Pls.
To achieve the three objectives a mixed method study protocol was designed which started with; the
description about PAL, process of recruitment of PLs, aims and objectives and phases of model
development presented to the whole Year I MBBS class. i) After pretest and initial orientation, a training
workshop was organized for the consented students(n=14). They were divided into two groups; A and B.
Facilitators taught concepts of Physiology practical to PLs of Group A and of Pharmacology practical to
PLs of Group B respectively. Then PLs of Group A taught PLs of Group B and vice versa with shuffling of
students. This faculty lead workshop selected MBBS students for Peer Leadership. ii) Ten shortlisted PLs were
trained during the workshops and pre-run of experiment. Year-1-students were divided into control group
(A: taught by staff) and experimental group (B: taught by PLs); knowledge was assessed using "Kahoot".
iii) Three FGDs were conducted to acquire opinion of facilitators (3), PLs(10) and Pls(9) regarding the whole
exercise. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS 23 while qanlitative analysis was thematic analysis.
The mean age of PLs was 19.5±0.85 years, and Pls was 19.08±0.81 years with 35(56.5%) males and 27(43.5%)
females. The post-PAL session on Kahoot showed a significant difference in the performance by Group A
and Group B. In Physiology lab session, the mean scores of group B were 3.403/5 whereas group A scored
3.000/5 (p=0.012). Similarly, in the Pharmacology lab session assessment, group B secured significantly high
scores than group A (3.8/5 & 3.319/5, respectively) (p = 0.0009). FGD indicated that the Pls found PAL
useful as PLs were more accessible than lab staff, leading to enhanced understanding of the subject. The
model developed better leadership and communication skills in PLs with enhanced understanding and
clarification of different concepts by both.
Peer-Assisted Learning was found to promote active experiential learning and better understanding of
knowledge between both groups of students, by creating an informal student-friendly learning
environment. The model flourished professional attitude and leadership qualities in PLs. It enhanced
psychomotor skills and cognitive development not only in PLs but also stimulated that in the learners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
11.00 am Hall 3,
Virtual Conference
Lisa Sullivan, Australia
Giap Ta Quoc, Vietnam
Pei Shan Yeo, Singapore
Jia Hui Chin, Malaysia
Sok Mui May Lim, Singapore
Renee Yip, Hong Kong
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
What Works and What Doesn't in Smoking Cessation: Patients Tell All!
Sullivan L
Executive, In Vivo Academy Limited, Australia
The proportion of daily smokers in Australia has remained the same and the number of successful smoking
cessations have decreased. Primary care providers (PCPs) are time-poor and likely not familiar with the
latest recommendations on smoking cessation. They are also not confident about their roles in smoking
cessation and skills in counselling. The goal of our educational activity was to update the PCPs' knowledge
on the new recommendations around advice-based support and best practice in pharmacotherapy
and strategies to increase successful quit attempts. Upon completion of the activity, invited learners -
general practitioners, practice nurses, and pharmacists - were expected to be able to:
List the recommendations from the "Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals"
published by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in late 2019
Explain the rationale behind the changes in the smoking cessation recommendations
Assess a patient's need for pharmacotherapy based on the Pharmacotherapy Treatment Algorithm
Implement a system in practice to identify patients who smoke and offer them advice and treatment
(or referral), including continued follow-up towards successful long-term cessation.
1-hour live/archived webinar, with presentations based on latest evidence and patient insights,
practical advice from experts
Evaluation and immediate-post-test: to assess whether the learning objectives were met (self-
reported) and whether knowledge and competence improved; and to assess the learners' intent to
Follow-up 3 months-post: to assess the long-term effects of the activity with knowledge retention and
improved competence translating to actual change in practice
A total of 25 learners participated in our activity: 41% were GPs, 31% were practice nurses, and 18% were
pharmacists. Analysis of the responses to the pre- versus post-tests revealed a significant improvement in
knowledge (186% improvement around new recommendation in the smoking cessation guidelines and
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
67% in the use of smoking cessation aids) and competence (102% improvement in choosing the
appropriate treatment based on the treatment algorithm). Of the 17 learners who completed the long-
term follow-up, almost all indicated that they made changes to their practice: now follow up patients to
ensure successful long-term cessation (82%), now prescribe/advise on nicotine replacement therapy
(76%), now refer smokers to tobacco treatment specialists or programmes. It is estimated that because of
this activity, 550 patients who smoke are impacted per fortnight by learners in this activity.
Using a patient-centred approach to smoking cessation, with presentations and discussions around
practical strategies, downloadable materials, and quick monthly refreshers after participating in the
educational activity proved to be effective in improving knowledge and competence and in making
actual changes in practice, possibly affecting the health of patients who smoke.
Research and Building a Simulation Patient Model of Abdominal Wall's Pain Points
Ta Quoc G, Le Vinh T, Mai Duc D
Materials and Equipment Supplies, Vietnam Military Medical University, Vietnam
The medical skills training requires trainees to have early access to and practice on many clinical diseases.
Nowadays, medical skills training centers are an effective and attractive teaching and practice
environment for medical staff as well as students. However, most of the simulation equipment has to be
imported from other countries at a high price. Therefore, proactively building simulation patients having
appropriate features would meet the requirements of medical training. Furthermore, mastering the
technology and procedure of building simulation patient models and other simulation equipment would
help to be proactive in developing the model's technical features as well as in operating and
This study was performed on a silicone patient model with abdominal points attached with pressure
sensors to determine force and position of doctor's abdomen assessment. This pressure is converted to an
electrical signal and processed by a signal processing circuit communicated with LabVIEW simulation
software. Therefore, the model has the ability to interact like a real patient with doctors.
The authors successfully built a silicone patient model which has 8 pain points on abdominal wall. The
model has real-time reaction with different pain thresholds, pain levels, and pain positions.
The simulation patient model helps trainees to practise skills and mastering the assessment of some pain
points on the abdominal wall. Successfully building a simulation model which has pain points on its
abdominal wall is also the basis for building other clinical diseases simulation models.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Student volunteers were provided with written and video-recorded instructions to perform a graded
exercise test in a remote setting and subsequently provide their collected data for discussion in an online
lecture with all students. The effectiveness of this remote practical in promoting students' motivation and
learning outcomes achievement were then assessed using a mixed methods design. Continual
Assessment (CA) results on relevant topics were also investigated. 61 (out of 81; 75%) students in the
module - Human Physiology: Cardiopulmonary System responded to self-report questionnaires and 49
(out of 81; 60%) consented to the use of their CA results for this study.
Results revealed that all students were moderately motivated and attained strong achievement of
learning outcomes. When compared to students who did not volunteer for the hands-on component of
the remote practical, students who participated in the hands-on component perceived a stronger
understanding on how heart rate responds to increasing exercise intensity and reported significantly (P <
0.05) higher self-efficacy in explaining the practical procedures to their peers. Students who participated
in the hands-on component and did not participate in the hands-on component exhibited similar mean
marks (7.3 ± 1.84 vs 7.3 ± 1.32; P = 0.940), suggesting that the follow up analysis and discussion of the
tabulated data with the entire class in a virtual lecture was sufficient to bridge the learning gap between
the two groups of students. Qualitative analysis further revealed that experiential learning and real-life
data analysis were the central reasons supporting the effectiveness of the remote practical, with the
former emerging as the top theme for the participating group and the latter for the non-participating
Despite the unsupervised nature of the remote practical, students generally did not view the remote
practical as an additional academic burden and would instead recommend it to future students. Overall,
our study highlights the potential of remote practicals as viable alternatives to traditional practicals in
exercise prescription and cardiovascular physiology teaching.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Internal Medicine (IM) residency program is one of the largest residency programmes offered by the
National Healthcare Group (NHG), Singapore. Our bi-annually Clinical Competency Committee (CCC)
meeting is our essential standardised evaluation tool to assess our residents to progress them to the next
stage of training. We aim to evaluate each of the resident’s performance holistically through various
assessments, including monthly clinical performance, multi-source feedback from different healthcare
family groups, case discussions, and procedural logs.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program's CCC members and core faculty across the different
participating sites will gather physically every 6 months over a 3-hour long meeting to evaluate our
residents with charts and evaluation forms printed out. However, this was hampered by the need for social
distancing and site segregation.
The CCC co-chairs and program coordinators put together efforts to streamline this process and translate
the meeting virtually over the last 18 months.
We had conducted our CCC meetings virtually thus far with some process refinements along the way
since early 2020 when Singapore was declared DORSCON Orange.
These included converting the resident's evaluation forms into electronic charts with visual cues through
colour coding, tabulation, and graphs to enable the faculty to pick up areas for improvement or
discussion at a glance online. We had to move away from physical copies of charts. The team had gone
through several renditions of charts to make online viewing intuitive and easy to follow for each meeting
that consisted of discussion for more than 100 residents.
Measures were also put into place to ensure that the online meeting platform, Zoom, was secure for the
purpose of this high-stake meeting.
Our method of CCC meeting conducted allowed CCC members, core faculty, and chief residents to
participate in the meeting regardless of site of practice or while working from home.
The feedback and experience from each meeting gave us room for improvement for the next meeting.
We gradually moved from having the 2 CCC co-chairs and 3 administrative support staff onsite within the
same physical meeting room with adequate social distance to that a fruitful meeting of all 5 participants
joining the online session remotely at the time of the CCC meeting. The aesthetics of the residents'
performance charts were also modified along the way to improve the ease of viewing and to identify
residents in difficulty.
The virtual CCC meetings thus far had been very fruitful. The faculty had felt that not the online conduct
of the meetings had improved the efficacy of our meetings compared to our pre-pandemic days. The
experience was not diluted despite taking it virtual.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Examiner training is essential to ensure the trustworthiness of the examination process and results. We
identified the Anaesthesiology examiners' training needs to standardise examination techniques and
standards across seniority, subspecialty, and institutions. Key areas identified included areas to be tested
(Performance Dimension Training, PDT), examiner calibration (Form-of-Reference Training, FORT) using the
rubrics created for the viva examination, and factors affecting validity of the results e.g., sources of biases.
The delivery of the programme was through a fully online platform due to pandemic constraints, assisted
with lectures and facilitated discussions. The aim of this study was to identify the factors affecting the
success of this workshop.
Success was measured using the Kirkpatrick framework: reaction by a course feedback form, knowledge
by improvement in scores in the pre and post-test scores, and behavioural change observed in the
examination vetting session, which was smooth, efficient as examiners were focused on the items to be
assessed and were able to identify and agree on criteria for passing.
We identified the factors attributed to this intervention's success through semi-structured personal
telephone interviews based on the MOAC (motivation, opportunities, abilities, and communality)
The success of this intervention is due to 4 main reasons: motivation, opportunities, abilities, and
communality. Though not all examiners attended the training session, all were committed to the idea of
a fairer and transparent examination and motivated to ensure ease of the process. The opportunities
identified were enabling the examiners to attend the training by ensuring protected time, prioritising
content according to the most pressing needs, and having credible facilitators during training. The
learning opportunities were enriched by the Faculty Development team comprising a clinical consultant
with medical education qualification, a medical educationist, technical support team, and an
anaesthesiologist. Abilities of the Chief Examiner to lead the team to focus on the dimensions to be tested
and calibrated while managing expectations and the ability of the examiners to give and accept
feedback, communicate, and be adaptive to the proposed changes were crucial in ensuring the
success of the intervention. Communality was also an identified factor, as all involved (examiners and
faculty developers) realised the importance of training.
Success of any faculty development programme must be defined and the factors affecting it must be
identified to ensure engagement and sustainability of the programme.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
How Does Studying From Home via Online Classes Affect Medical Students' Study
Habits during the Lockdown
1Chin JH, 2Ariyananda PL, 3Tan YY, 3Athif AL, 3Raman RK, 3Zalman MH
1ClinicalSciences, School of Medical Sciences, International Medical University, Malaysia, 2Department
of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, International Medical University, Malaysia, 3School of Clinical
Science, International Medical University, Malaysia
Since imposition of a lockdown in Malaysia which is called Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18, March
2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our medical school delivered most of its classes online to cater
students who were at home. Our aim was to identify the study habits of medical students while attending
online classes from home and to determine whether medical students used the online resources to
practise clinical skills and to develop clinical reasoning.
It was an online, cross-sectional study, using SurveyMonkey Questionnaire® which was pre-tested with a
pilot study, and we analysed data from 323 medical students from all semesters using IBM® SPSS®
statistical package.
All students had either a laptop or a tablet and a smart phone. 93% had Internet and Wi-Fi connections,
but the internet connection was stable only for 59.4% and only 64.7% had uninterrupted power supply.
Factors which were conducive to studies such as adequacy of illumination, adequacy of workspace, and
comfort factor (prepared meals and clean laundry) were reported as 91%, 96.6%, and 75.8%, respectively.
Demotivating factors with respect to online studies such as inadequacy of e-learning resources, lack of
access to real patients, monotony in studying, lack of support from peers and mentors were noted in
25.7%, 56.3%, 70.6%, and 50.5%, respectively. Other issues which could impair their study performances
that we identified were inability to access educational resources physically, lack of face-to-face
supervision of teachers, and deterioration of self-discipline seen in 41.1%, 23.6%, and 62.2%, respectively.
80.5% reported inability to learn clinical skills properly online, compared to 57.3% with respect to clinical
There is a substantial minority of students who are not equipped to carry out online learning effectively
and this is a matter of concern. Availability of good access to internet, suitable software, computers, and
trained users are essential pre-requisites for successful online learning. Although clinical reasoning can be
learned satisfactorily online, acquisition of clinical skills is better achieved in authentic clinical settings. It is
a good practice to have synchronous classes with techniques to enhance student engagement when
teaching online.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Oral Interactive Assessment for Occupational Therapy Students Involving Persons with
Academic Group, Health and Social Sciences, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
In a first year Occupational Therapy module, students are taught about children's developmental
milestones and what is considered typical development. Students are great in answering multiple choice
questions and short answer, but when it comes to applying the knowledge during clinical placements in
later years, they cannot answer the parents' questions comprehensively and concisely.
Oral interactive is an excellent way to assess both students' knowledge and competency to articulate
their reasoning verbally. The objective of the study is to examine if oral interactive is an effective way of
assessing students with intention of preparing them for clinical experience in later years.
With 103 students, we changed our assessment format from traditional paper-based assessment to 10
minutes oral interactive assessment done online. We hired and trained persons with disability as
standardised "parents" so that they can "act" as parents with concerns and questions the students about
milestone. These standardised "parents" were trained to repeat, rephrase, or prompt in a consistent and
systematic manner based on students' responses, bearing in mind the allocated time. The professors
concentrated on assessing the quality of the answer.
It was important for students to be prepared for this assessment through practice during the tutorials and
watching examples of how questions were answered. They were guided in preparing to answer questions
integrating developmental theories, research in the area and practical suggestions to parents' presenting
Following the assessments, students who performed poorly were coached by watching the recording of
their assessments and asked to demonstrate or explain how they might do differently.
Of the students 97% of students surveyed felt that "this type of assessment has real world relevance", and
93% agreed that oral interactive assessment enabled his/her to gain professional skills. Interestingly, 55%
felt more anxious preparing and doing assessment in this format, compared to other types of oral
assessment (e.g., presentation). The assessment was able to differentiate students' ability. With 103
students assessed, the grade ranged from A to F. Upon reflection, many students discovered that they
needed more practice, rather than only understanding the textbook knowledge and having a mental
Oral interactive assessment enabled authentic assessment experience for our students. It also provided
work opportunities for persons with disability to be assessing and educating our students. Considerations
need to be made for whether the person with disability has adequate stamina to sit for long period of
time to complete assessments over the two days. More complex form of oral interactive assessment that
involves asking clients empowering questions can be used in later years of the candidature.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The goal of the abstract is to be able to have a discussion over the past year with COVID environment
and how as Women (Asian) leaders in the field of medical education have been able to forge ahead
with partnerships in our various regions (Japan, China, APAC).
The changing environment within the area of medical education has forced many if not all to rethink the
current model of providing education to fill those gaps in care. We no longer can follow the traditional
models and learned to be more flexible/adaptable to new methods of delivery and collection of data.
We have been made more aware of the cultural, socio-economic, and geographic differences among
the markets that we support. As women leaders in this area of education, we have been working together
to make a difference through our partnerships and grants programs.
It is well known that there are many cultural differences across the markets and working within (either men
or women) requires understanding and flexibility. But as women, we need to be even more aware,
flexible, and adaptable. As per an Oliver Wyman report from 2019 "women tend to care more about the
"why" and enrolling an audience. Men care more about the" what." Both approaches are valid. Women's
communication style may be why they're perceived as more supportive and encouraging than men.
Men's decisiveness can empower teams to drive quick action". "Health care leaders traditionally have
been men and the medical field is still a gendered profession in that for a very long time it was male
dominated," as noted by Linda Kaboolian, PhD, Harvard. T. H. Chan School of Public Health. It is an
awareness that must be kept in mind as we work with our peers.
It is always with an understanding of the nuances of each region we work while prioritizing research across
therapeutic areas, health equity, and capacity building in collaboration with key stakeholders. We work
to identify the top funding priorities across APAC, China, and Japan.
We have launched successful grants in areas such as oncology and rare disease. As well as facilitating
best-in-class collaborations and partnerships with such organizations as Global Bridges (Mayo); BMJ (British
Medical Journal); RCNi (Royal College of Nursing) and Duke. To do so, there were many strategic
discussions between Pfizer and the organization to ensure that the gaps (education; research; practice)
we were filling would ultimately benefit the patients through our competitive grant programs.
Flexibility, adaptability, communication, and strong leadership skills are essential in navigating through this
new setting now and in the future. Our collective experience working as a virtual team as well as
collaborating with external partners to support innovative programs throughout COVID has resulted in
filling identified gaps in care.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
11.00 am Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
Thanh Tu Duong, Vietnam
Phua Hwee Tang, Singapore
Kai Siang Chan, Singapore
Nur Lisa Zaharan, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Student Feedback, Challenges and Options for Increasing the Number of Student
1Duong TT, 2Hoang TN, 2Le ML, 3Ly HT, 4Huynh TQ
1Department of Histology and Pathology/ Quality Assurance Unit, 2Quality Assurance Unit, 3Department
of Surgery/ Quality Assurance Unit, 4Department of Paediatrics/ Quality Assurance Unit, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Student Feedback is used as part of the University's quality assurance procedures and is intended to
monitor the effectiveness of module, the quality of academic staff as well as condition of facilities and
infrastructure that related to the module. The purpose of the student feedback is to improve the quality
of learning and teaching. However, in Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho
Chi Minh city, the number of students that have done the feedbacks has remained relatively low. In this
report, by statistically analysing the results of student feedbacks, we pointed out the difficulties and the
possible solutions.
Students that participated to the feedback were 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students. Microsoft Form
Online system was used for collecting student feedbacks. This online survey was designed in the form of
multiple-choice questions in which each question has 4 options ranging from 1 point to 4 points
corresponding to the level of completely disagree, disagree, agree and totally agree, respectively.
Questions in the survey concentrated on valuation of module, academic staff and facilities and
infrastructure. There are two main kinds of questionnaire forms: the form for pre-clinical modules and the
form for clinical modules. The data then was recorded and analysed by Microsoft Excel Worksheet.
The average percentage of students participating in the survey was 55.22% (students in first year: 55.38%;
in second year: 54.2%; in third year: 60.37%; in fourth year: 60.91%) lower than the standard of 75%. In first-
year group, percentage of responded students ranged from 40% (Mathematics) to 81.23% (English for
specific purpose). 25% and 89.03% of second-year students answered questionnaires of Surgery and Ho
Chi Minh Thought, respectively. Highest and lowest response rates for feedback of third-year students
were 49.75% (Musculoskeletal System) and 72.41% (Nutrient), respectively. The percentage of fourth-year
students that completed the survey was lowest in Environmental Health (31.38%) and highest in Internal
Medicine (65.69%).
Student Feedback plays important role in quality assurance procedure. However, the rate of student
feedback is still low. There are several factors that impact on number of student feedback must be
particularly considered. We suggest some solutions to increase the rate of feedback. Firstly, role of Quality
Assurance Unit as well as those of students should be highlighted in quality assurance system. Second one
is to increase interaction with students through several channels such as website, Facebook. Final solution
is to encourage students to participate in surveys with reward policies.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Ultrasound skills are particularly important in KKH where most of the on-call requests are for urgent
ultrasound scans. Posting duration can be 3 or 6 months. Project was carried out to determine the baseline
confidence and skills of trainees in performing ultrasound and how these change by the end of the
Doctors who underwent KKH radiology posting in 2020 and 2021 were captured in this project with signed
consent obtained from all individuals. Confidence in performing ultrasound at beginning and end of
posting are scored on a 5-point Likert scale. Scores of 1 to 2 indicate low confidence, 3 neutral and 4 to
5 high confidence. Ultrasound performance at beginning and end of ultrasound training was assessed by
senior sonographers on a 5-point scale, 5 reflecting best performance, minimal threshold for competency
being 3. Demographics of the residents, year of training and duration of posting were also captured.
From Jan 2020 to June 2021, 29 doctors underwent our training program, 22 males and 7 females.
These were composed of 3 medical officers and 26 residents (10 residents in their 2nd year of residency,
14 in their 3rd year of residency, 2 in their 4th year of residency).
Five residents did posting of 3-month duration while 24 did posting of 6 month duration. Most residents
(59%, 17) start the posting with neutral confidence, 34% (10) with high confidence and 7% (2) with low
confidence in performing ultrasound. At end of posting, all have high confidence in performing
Average confidence increased from 3.28+/- 0.59 (median score 3) at start of posting to 4.07 +/- 0.26
(median score 4) at end of posting (p<0.01).
Average performance scores increased from 1.52 +/- 0.63 (median score 2) at start of posting to 3.61 +/-
0.57 (median score 4) at end of posting (p<0.01).
Performance scores was 2.00 (median score 2.00) for those with low confidence, 1.6 +/-0.62 (median
score 2.00) for those with neutral confidence, increasing to 3.03 +/- 1.13 (median score 4.00) for those with
high confidence (p<0.02).
Baseline confidence score of 3.2 +/-0.45 (median 3) for those who did 3 month posting did not differ
significantly from the score of 3.3 +/-0.62 (median 3) for those who did 6 month posting (p=0.7).
Baseline performance score of 1.6 +/-0.55 (median 2) for those who did 3 month posting did not differ
significantly from the score of 1.5 +/-0.66 (median 1.5) for those who did 6 month posting (p=0.7).
Those who did 3-month duration had 0.8-point increase in confidence, same as those who did 6 months
posting (p=0.9) and 2.4-point increase in performance scores which is close to the 2.0 achieved by those
who did 6 months posting (p=0.3).
Ultrasound training results in increased confidence and improved ultrasound skills, irrespective of 3- or 6-
month posting duration.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Did the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic Cause Stress and Negatively
Affect Training of Post-Graduate Year 1 Doctors in Singapore?
1Chan KS, 2Shelat VG, 3Chia FL
1MOH Holdings, Singapore, Departments of 2General Surgery, 3Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology,
Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
The first wave of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic struck Singapore in February 2020
with a nationwide lockdown in April 2020. Major reforms were made to clinical postings. The student
internship programme which served as a bridge for final year medical students to transit into clinical
practice, was truncated. We hypothesise that the COVID-19 pandemic caused stress and negatively
affected training in post-graduate year 1 doctors (PGY1s).
This is a single institution cross-sectional study of PGY1s in August 2020. Demographics, thoughts towards
the COVID-19 pandemic on training and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) were collected; 0-13 indicates low
stress and ≥27 indicates high stress. Logistic regression was performed to analyse the correlation between
PSS scores and the opinions/thoughts of PGY1 doctors. Linear regression was performed to analyse the
impact of the phase of training (first vs second vs third posting) on the PSS score. Coping strategies were
also identified.
There were 54 responses (response rate 71%). Majority (79.6%) were in their first clinical posting. Thirty-five
(64.8%) PGY1 doctors were posted to the Department of General Medicine, 10 (18.5%) to the Department
of General Surgery and 9 (16.7%) to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Majority (88.9%) felt that
work-life balance was adequate during the pandemic. Eleven (20.4%) felt that the pandemic negatively
affected their training. Mean PSS score was 2.85 ± 2.49 and 2.67 ± 2.18 in the overall cohort and PGY1s in
their first clinical posting respectively. Logistic regression did not show that a higher PSS score (which
reflects a higher level of stress) is correlated with (a) the opinion that work-life balance is inadequate (B =
-0.272, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.49 to 1.18, p = 0.224); (b) a fear for family's and/or relatives' health
and well-being (B = -0.033, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.20, p = 0.765); and (c) not wanting to manage COVID-19
patients directly (B = -0.079, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.15, p = 0.484). Linear regression of the posting number (i.e.
first, second or third posting) did not reveal any correlation with PSS score (B = 0.136, 95% CI -0.44 to 1.30,
p = 0.327). Qualitative data on coping strategies centred around: (a) good social support (n = 25/54,
46.3%); (b) recreational activities such as exercise, sports and cooking (n = 21/54, 38.9%); (c) adequacy
of rest and/or leave (n = 5/54, 9.3%); and (d) positive attitude (n = 3/54, 5.6%).
There was a positive response towards work-life balance and overall low level of stress despite starting
their career during the pandemic. This may be due to wellness initiatives of PGY1 program and good
coping strategies. Majority felt that the pandemic did not negatively affect training which may be due
to longer teaching hours with reduced clinical load.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
In 2019, the University of Queensland began a major review of its MD Program. As part of stage one the
project team implemented a series of engagement workshops with two aims: to garner key stakeholders
input to inform the vision, graduate attributes and high-level curriculum design; and to engage key
stakeholders as collaborators in the curriculum development process.
A series of stakeholder workshops were held. A brief outline of the drivers and rationale for change was
followed by small-group interactive discussions focussing on three questions: What are the major future
challenges in relation to healthcare?; What are our current strengths as a Medical Program, as a university
and as a health community?; What are the important future graduate attributes for our graduates?
Sessions were audio recorded, transcribed and field notes kept. A thematic analysis was conducted. In
parallel a literature review was conducted and exemplar medical programs across the globe explored.
Over a period 15 months more than 40 workshops were held across 17 sites with more than 1000 people
participating. More than 100 written submissions were received and 5814 people and organisations
contacted. Analysis demonstrated general agreement that major change was needed and there was
good alignment between feedback received from stakeholder workshops, written submissions and the
key findings from the current state analysis as outlined above.
In particular, the passion and commitment of our medical community to the education of future medical
doctors and to make a positive contribution to healthcare was universally evident.
The resulting vision was: To nurture and educate future medical graduates who are clinically capable,
team players, kind and compassionate, serve responsibly and are dedicated to the continual
improvement of the health of people and communities in Queensland, Australia and across the globe.
As set of six roles of the all-round high-quality doctor was developed from the data:
1. Safe and effective clinicians who are clinically capable, person-centred and demonstrate sound
clinical judgement
2. Critical thinkers, scientists and scholars who have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the
social and scientific basis of medicine, applying evidence and research to support clinical decision
3. Kind and compassionate professionals who are sensitive, responsive, communicate clearly and act
with integrity
4. Partners and team players who collaborate effectively and show leadership in the provision of clinical
care and health-related education and research
5. Dynamic learners and educators who continue to adapt and have a commitment to lifelong learning
6. Advocates for health improvement who stand with people and are able to positively and responsibly
impact the health of individuals, communities and populations.
Stage 2 is underway with local stakeholder engagement at a high level as we work together on more
detailed curriculum design and organisation stage.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A deliberate stakeholder engagement strategy implemented from the start of a major curriculum renewal
is helpful in facilitating a collective discussion about the direction and underpinning values of an
innovative medical curriculum and to ongoing collaboration in the change management of
implementing a new medical program.
The rapid changes in teaching and learning delivery in health profession education, even without the
disruption caused by COVID-19 pandemic, has prompted the faculty to re-look at its programme
educational objectives and learning outcomes. A tracer study on the graduates' performance in the
workplace was therefore, carried out to look for necessary evidences to justify the needed changes that
conforms to the MQF 2.0 Framework and future proofing the future graduates. As a medical faculty which
integrated Naqli and Aqli knowledge in the medical curriculum, a thorough look at the benefit and
challenges of this integration is crucial.
A qualitative methodology employing face-to-face individual semi-structures interviews and focus group
discussions was chosen in the initial stage of the study. The arrival of COVID19 pandemic had delayed
the data collection process in the beginning. The unavoidable transition from face-to-face to online semi-
structures interviews and focus group discussions eventually provided many benefits to the study and
enable data collection completion. The stakeholders involved in this study is the graduates and their
workplace supervisors.
The graduates and the supervisors unanimously thought the current curriculum is adequate in providing
the graduates with the cognitive and practical skills for day-to-day practice. The curriculum
enhancements proposed by the graduates were related to skills in the affective domain. Since graduates
from our university are known for their Naqli and Aqli knowledge, they were always being referred to in
their place of practice for issues relating to the Muslims' medical fiqh and ethical issues. It was therefore
unsurprising that they proposed more input into the Naqli and Aqli knowledge integration topics. These
inputs need to be taught in English, preferably by medical doctors so that the students could appreciate
its relevancy to their medical practice. The homogeneity of the faculty's student cohort did not pose a
significant challenge for the graduates to understand the multiracial needs of their patients. The exposure
they received during clinical rotations in the hospital is adequate for doctor-patient communication
relating to disease management. The graduates however suggested more exposure on understanding
the specific needs of every race and how this could impact patient management. While some supervisors
perceived some graduates from the faculty were less proactive, the supervisors agree that the graduates
were able to carry out the responsibilities given and shine in their leadership skill. On being perceived as
less proactive, the graduates argued that not every supervisor encourages pro-activity, so they rather
wait until the right opportunity came to them.
Despite technological advances in teaching learning activities and patient care, future ready medical
graduates should also excel in the affective domains. Excellent communication skills with ethical and
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
professional practice, will still be important attributes of future ready medical graduates in inter-
professional practice, who are able to provide holistic physical and spiritual patient care. The realignment
of the faculty's programme learning outcomes will therefore be made based on the findings of this tracer
Social media platforms are an integral part of life. In the past, many universities have employed common
media sites as educational tools such as blogs, podcasts, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. A recent
PEW research indicated, 71% of young adults use Instagram. Instagram is a free photo and video-sharing
social networking service with 2.5 million users in Singapore.
We created a public educational profile on Instagram @Revise_medicine. The students could follow
@Revise_medicine without seeking any approval. During the academic year 2019, the Instagram profile
was shared as an additional resource. It was optional to follow the Instagram account as the mainstream
educational resource and communication tool was still a learning management system (Blackboard™).
No monetary or academic incentives were offered to encourage participation and engagement. The
@Revise_medicine page contained regular posts (3-4 times a week) using pictures, facts in brief, diagrams
and bite-size information on anatomy & physiology. Pathophysiology and pharmacology topics were
added to create awareness on how anatomy & physiology builds up knowledge for subsequent years.
Each month at least two quizzes were posted on weekends where students could participate actively.
The varied format was used for these quizzes, such as poll, MCQ, fill in the word type of question. At the
end of the semester, an online survey was sent to students regarding their experience of using Instagram.
Out of the cohort of 350 students, 184 responded to the survey. 81% of the students utilized the "Like"
function under Instagram feed, and 60% saved the post as a resource for revision. 58% of the students
participated in the quizzes conducted over the weekends. Going forward, students opted to see study
tips related posts (85%), diagrams (82%) and clinical case studies (61%). Only 0.5% of students responded
with the likely possibility of unfollowing the educational Instagram account. The comments received from
the students were highly favourable and encouraging for the educator who belongs to the digital
immigrant community. They enjoyed the interaction and engagement using Instagram. Majority of the
comments were describing Instagram as a helpful and interesting tool for learning. Though we are unable
to determine how many students out of 350, followed the Instagram page, since the students use their
personal details.
Instagram is an underutilized platform to engage students. The significant advantage of using Instagram
as an educational resource is the ease of accessibility and widely accepted social media. It is feasible to
engage students with bite-size information not restricted to the curriculum. Though popular, one needs to
be careful and stringent to scrutinize each post for accuracy of content and misinformation, since the
information lacks peer review. Going forward, usefulness of such educational resource can be assessed
for academic performance and level of student engagement.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The aim of this study was to explore the current status of clinical teachers training and identify the training
needs of clinical teachers in China, in order to provide valuable implications for curriculum developers
and teachers in developing teacher training programmes and provide a reference for further clinical
teachers training in China.
The date collection was based on the Training Satisfaction Questionnaire of Clinical Teachers in China,
from December 2019 to June 2021, which was designed by National Centre for Health Professions
Education Development (NCHPED). The participants were clinical teachers in 31 provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities in China. A total of 2111 questionnaires were collected, and 1717 were valid
questionnaires, with an effective rate of 81.3%.
Among the 1717 clinical teachers, 65.40% (1 123/1 717) were female; 44.67% (767/1 717) were taught for
more than 15 years; the difficulties the participants faced mostly were how to integrate theory with
practice in teaching. 37.62% (646/1 717) often or always felt the pressure of teaching; 50.96% (875/1 717)
occasionally participated in teaching training and had a strong demand for training. The top three
demands were teaching methodology and skills, frontier teaching philosophy, communication skills.
The participants are mainly female with highly clinical experience. There are problems in the lack of
teaching philosophy, which makes it hard for participants to integrate theory with practice in teaching. It
is recommended that establish individualised, flexible and diverse forms of training, and the training
contents design is recommended that focus on the integration with practical cases or best practices.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Evaluation feedback reports for teaching and learning activities involving the Pharmacology Department
in Stage 1 and 2 of the Universiti Malaya Medical Program (UMMP) session 2020/2021 were collected
(n=45). A group of students took turns providing their evaluation each week, organised by the Medical
Education and Research Unit. Pharmacology was involved in lectures (n=33), combined lectures (n=4),
interdisciplinary seminars (n=6) and tutorials (n=2). Information obtained included rating of the
effectiveness of the online teaching activity in Likert scale (1=poor, 2=below average, 3=average,
4=above average and 5=excellent), and specific feedbacks on "what did you like and why" and "what
changes would you suggest". A total of 790 feedback responses were screened for specific
pharmacology-related comments.
Overall, the students rated the online teaching sessions highly, with a mean rate of 4.70 and standard
deviation (SD)= 0.16 (lectures 4.71, SD=0.15, combined lectures 4.69, SD=0.05, seminars 4.61, SD=0.21 and
tutorials 4.70, SD=0.19).
Most feedbacks were general, focusing on content, delivery, and lecturer's styles. The majority of classes
utilised online quizzes (75%) and were reflected positively in the individual feedbacks. Specific comments
on quizzes included "The live session is very lively because Dr has prepared the Edpuzzle and Quizizz.
Undeniably, the quiz has managed to make the memorisation of pharmacology to be less difficult" and
"I like the way that doctor begin the live lecture with Quizizz as this helps me better in understanding and
memorising the complicated medication names and their mechanism action". Other teaching aids such
as case-based learning, videos, and journal articles were also well-received, with feedback such as "Prof
has prepared case studies for us and required us to do some tasks. This will really help us on understanding
the drug better". Students also appreciate time-tested methods of mind-maps, narration, summaries and
emphasising important concepts. Examples of those feedbacks include "unique techniques on
memorisation ie. mnemonic for memorising drug names and creating a 'storyline' for the drugs truly aids
in memorisation" and “Dr used mind maps in order to make the memory of the drugs involved easier to
retain. Keep up the good work!".
Students preferred interactive online pharmacological teaching with quizzes and other teaching aids to
enhance their understanding of concepts and memorisation of important drug names.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
11.00 am Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Chia-Hung Chen, Taiwan
Weeming Lau, Malaysia
Matilda Lee, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
We plan a 8-week curriculum for Interprofessional Education (IPE) in Community for final year students at
the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City for academic year 2021 - 2022. The
curriculum aims at promoting the four IPE core competencies: respect values/ ethics, assure roles/
responsibilities, communicate interprofessionally, exercise teamwork for interprofessional practice in
community healthcare settings.
Experiential learning is the key teaching format. We group students from medicine, pharmacy, nursing,
rehabilitation, and public health into 8-member interprofessional teams. We pair each interprofessional
team with a community healthcare unit. We ask each team to identify a specific health problem in their
site, plan a feasible project to resolve that problem, implement it and report the results of their health
intervention. We request each student to carefully watch and thoughtfully interpret all events happening
during their journey to destination under interprofessional view. We assure student give feedback to peers
on how specifically they perform IPE competencies in community. We group faculty into 4-member
interprofessional team. One interprofessional faculty team help and give feedback to four
interprofessional student teams.
Formative assessment is the main tool to promote learning. Each student is to give weekly anonymous
online feedback to three team members, he/ she also give online self-feedback using international IPE
questionnaire validated in Vietnam. Faculty give individual in person feedback to student as needed. We
assessment the plan and results of students' projects twice in 8-week curriculum. The assessors include
faculty, healthcare professionals working directly with students and patients receiving care from students
(if possible) in community sites using pre-standardized rubrics of assessment. Students receive
comprehensive feedback on their project quality and interprofessional performance.
For curriculum evaluation, we design a universal curriculum evaluation to field test the planned curriculum
for further improvement in the following years.
As interprofessional education in community setting has never existed in Vietnam and many countries,
we hope our planned curriculum can go through test of reality and becomes a good illustration of
curriculum for Interprofessional education in community, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Comparing the Photography Skills between the Students Who Studied in the University
and Technical-Vocational Education System
Chen C
Department of Medical Education/Radiology, Ditmanson Medical Foundation, Chia-Yi Christian Hospital,
The purpose of this study is to assess the difference in radiography skills taking by radiologic internship
students who studied in the university education (UES) and technical-vocational education system (TVES)
by using anthropomorphic phantom (PIXY).
Between 2016 and 2018, the radiologic internship students who trained in our hospital were enrolled in this
study. The students were categorized into 2 groups based on the education system: UES and TVES. Quality
of photography through PIXY was scored by clinic teachers before and after training for all students. Six
parts of body were examined: head/neck, chest, abdomen, spine, upper extremities, and lower
extremities. Quality of photography through PIXY was compared between the students who studied in
A total of 26 students (14 in UES and 12 in TVES) were enrolled. Mean score was slightly higher among the
students who studied in UES than TVES before PIXY training; however, there was no statistical difference
(head/neck: 3.00/2.92, chest: 3.43/3.33, abdomen: 2.96/2.92, spine: 3.33/3.36, upper extremities: 3.52/3.28,
lower extremities: 3.43/3.28). Except the part of lower extremities (4.57/4.36, p=0.04), there was no
difference between those who studied in UES and TVES after training (head/neck: 4.00/4.17, chest:
4.79/4.58, abdomen: 4.39/4.46, spine: 4.45/4.50, upper extremities: 4.52/4.50).
The quality of radiography taking by students either studying in UES or TVES was comparable. The result
can be provided as a reference for medical educators. Clinic skills should be trained equally regardless
of education level.
"The Professional for Tomorrow's Healthcare" (PTH) model developed by the National Healthcare Group
(Singapore) is a conceptual framework that encapsulates the important attributes needed by healthcare
professionals (HCPs) to navigate the increasingly complex healthcare system (Chew et al., 2015). The PTH
model reads: PTH = E [K1 + K2 +F + L], i.e., E= Ethics, K1= Professional Knowledge, K2= Cross-cutting
knowledge and skills, F=Future-oriented thinking and L= Leadership. Our colleagues have access to a
plethora of courses and training programmes, which aim to develop these attributes.
With the unpredictable Covid-19 pandemic landscape calling on the need for future-oriented thinking
(FOT) skills as HCPs use past knowledge to solve new challenges, we are keen to find out how our
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Occupational Therapists develop FOT in the workplace. This is because FOT skills are not overtly addressed
in our department's formal training programme. Since engaging in transformative learning and reflective
practice develops FOT, we hope to gather insight on concrete activities to maximise these learning
opportunities and facilitate the development of FOT skills.
This study aims to gather insights from Occupational Therapists (OTs) on FOT and how FOT can be
facilitated at an organisational level.
We used an exploratory qualitative study design. All 62 OTs in a restructured hospital with at least 1 year
of working experience were invited to attend a 1-hour focus group session. The participants were then
allocated into groups of 4-5 based on purposive sampling. Data were gathered via semi-structured
interview questions, transcribed and analysed using Grounded theory-like approach and Transformative
Learning Theory (TLT). We coded and analysed the data independently, and subsequently triangulated
to identify emergent themes.
6 focus groups were conducted with 29 participants. They shared that FOT could include being visionary
with the ability to set goals, resourceful, adaptable, resilient, reflective, as well as being a team-player
and a good communicator. They identified some situations which required FOT, such as work
improvement and clinical projects, therapeutic intervention and discharge planning, clinical rotations,
setting up new clinical services, conducting research and the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
Some suggested methods to develop FOT includes building a continuous improvement and professional
development culture, providing graded exposure to different situations, encouraging reflection, knowing
local and global trends, providing adequate resources, having clarity on expectation, having open
communication and providing options.
Our findings are congruent to the TLT, which acknowledged the importance of developing a future
workforce capable of reflecting critically, collaborating with others and adapting to changing situations.
FOT was perceived to involve attributes in other competencies like L and K2. An organisational culture
shift is also required to support and facilitate the effective development of FOT skills. Our study's key
limitation is its reliance on participants' recollection. FOT skills may help OTs to navigate through the
complex healthcare system, so as to provide better patient care. Future implementations may include
redesigning the training methodology by exposing OTs to different levels of projects and situations,
grading the level of support provided and encouraging reflections after projects.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, medical education has evolved to take place virtually, over
videoconferencing applications such as Zoom. Despite Zoom popularity, there is no established guidance
on how education should be conducted over videoconferencing in a way that it retains the basic
decorum and professional standards expected in conventional teaching. The expected set of rules and
standards of behaviour which speakers and attendees should abide by during videoconferencing -- a
concept which we describe as "Videoconferencing Etiquette", could be developed. There is also a
paucity of literature describing how Zoom® Videoconferencing sessions should be delivered optimally for
medical education purposes. This study aims to analyse behaviours and attitudes exhibited by
postgraduate healthcare professionals (HCPs).
An audit of lectures delivered over Zoom by various departments under the Division of Medicine from
January 2021 to May 2021 was performed. Didactics, department, HOMO teachings were randomly
selected for audit. Login/Display names of participants were observed. The level of traineeship (HO, MO,
Junior Resident, Senior Resident) was also observed. The proportion of participants who had logged in
with appropriate display names displaying name/MCR number were noted. The number of punctual, late
participants, number of participants who put and maintained their videos 'on' were observed. The
appropriateness of the videos was also reviewed. Punctual participants were defined as participants who
joined the meeting promptly at the start time, late participants were defined as participant who joined
after 15 minutes into the session. The act of maintaining videos on was taken means to assess participants'
level of engagement and attentiveness during the lecture.
Sixty-two sessions, comprising of sessions in continuous medical education (CME), postgraduate exam
teaching (PACES), resident didactic teaching ("IM teachings"), journal clubs and department specific
teachings (clinicopathological challenges, histology meetings) were randomly audited over 4 months
within the time frame of 1 Jan 2021 to 30 April 2021. In total, 1005 participants had attended these sessions.
The mean duration of these teachings was 60 minutes. Of these, 760 (75.6%) were junior staff members.
Most attendees (654; 65.1%) were punctual, whilst 91 (9.0%) participants were recorded to be very late.
A high percentage had appropriately labelled login names (672 out of 760; 88.4%). In terms of quality
indices, only 180 (17.9%) individuals had turned on their videos during the sessions. Fifteen out of 62 (24.2%
of all sessions) had neither the presenter nor participants switching on videos. Averaged appropriateness
of video was 91% per session.
Most junior trainees exhibited appropriately labelled login names, likely due to regular reinforcements by
administrative staff and residency trainee committee. However, the low rate of switching on videos
appears to be a systemic phenomenon. Low video switch on rates may represent suboptimal etiquette
during videoconferencing, and strategies may be directed to improve visuality of attending participants.
Future studies can also be directed at finding out the degree of responsivity, and level of participation
within these virtual lectures, and if there is any correlation with videos being switched on.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
COVID-19 pandemic has led to substantial changes in pharmacy curricula, including the limited
requirement for face-to-face interaction normally entailed by Objective Structured Clinical Examination
(OSCEs). Lecturers of Bachelor of Health Science (Pharmacy) students at Universiti Brunei Darussalam
(UBD) also embraced the need of shifting the pharmacy skill teaching to digital platform as part of social
distancing requirement. MyDispense® is an online pharmacy simulation that allows students to develop
and practise their dispensing skills which has been developed by Monash University.
The aim is to determine if MyDispense® was the appropriate technology to teach dispensing skill in a
community practice setting in the undergraduate pharmacy programme. To implement the technology
and evaluate outcomes.
Faculty built the infrastructure, learned the programme, developed learning units, and pilot tested the
learning units. Additional learning units were added to additional courses after the pilot test. Evaluation
of the technology included a short survey to all the students and informal conversations with faculty.
Students indicated a high level of satisfaction with the learning technology and demonstrated
reasonable usage of the practice and graded assessments. Faculty comments indicated further
integration of the technology in the curriculum was warranted. Additional courses and learning units were
identified and developed.
MyDispense® was effective in teaching prescription and dispensing processing in the community setting.
In addition, learning units were developed to teach students how to provide over-the-counter medication
recommendations to patients. Sufficient faculty and staff resources are critical to successful
Let's Zoom for Peer Learning in Clinical Skills during the Pandemic!
Lau W
Department of Medicine & Health Sciences, Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine & Health Sciences,
Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic was associated with a massive paradigm shift in educational pedagogy
in the medical programme. With the national lockdown in place, face to face tutorials that were vital to
achieve competency in clinical skills became impossible. All formal teaching, learning and assessments
were facilitated virtually. However, using technology over long periods also had negative impact on
teachers and students' health and well-being.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
One way to resolve this would be to have shorter but regular informal sessions, where effective learning is
maintained and sustained, for example, engaging informal peer-learning sessions.
The aim of this pilot project was to promote independent peer learning in clinical skills within a virtual
environment with a focus on achieving competency in history taking attributes.
Thirteen students were invited to participate in the informal weekly history-taking activity for 6 weeks. This
was conducted on a voluntary basis at the students' convenience.
Students were required to form small groups to role play a specific history taking as part of the task. Each
group consists of a student-interviewer (1), student-patient (1) and student observers (varying between 4-
6). Each student-patient was provided with a specific role play. Student-interviewer was informed of the
task. Student-observers were provided with all details of the case (patient).
The task involved i) student-interviewer taking a history followed by presenting a summary of the case to
their peers. ii) all student-observers giving immediate verbal feedback to both the student-interviewer and
student-patient. The session was conducted and recorded on the Zoom platform. iii) tutor reviewing all
sessions and provided further feedback to all students.
At the completion of the activity, students were invited to complete an anonymous online survey
All 13 students took turns to complete the various tasks - interviewer, patient and observer. Each student
had at least one opportunity to be a student-interviewer and student-patient but many times as student-
observer. Most spent an hour for the task.
All students felt that the time spent for the peer-learning activity was moderately-extremely valuable. All
students prepared for the role plays with about 80% studying and improvising their patient-roles. Both
feedback providers and recipients rated the quality of peer feedback highly. Close to 90% of the students
felt that they improved as feedback providers after observing how feedback was given by their peers. A
similar number felt that they have taken more care with using appropriate words as feedback providers.
None experienced having received peer feedback that was deemed inappropriate, irrelevant, and not
beneficial. When asked to describe the activity, it was "fun", "engaging", "challenging", "time-consuming"
etc. When asked on the likelihood on participating in future similar peer-learning activities, all responded
The inaugural online peer learning activity in clinical skills was a roaring success. The students gained
competencies in history taking, presenting a professional summary and in provision of peer feedback.
There is planning to extend this pilot to the whole cohort in future, that will involve collaboration between
different groups, rather than intra-group.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The delivery of post-graduate medical education has changed drastically since the Covid-19 pandemic
started. While Virtual Education (VEd) has become the backbone of medical education in order to
overcome limitations imposed by social distancing and team segregation, the effectiveness of a fully
online learning environment is unclear. This study aims to understand the attitudes of Medical Oncology
fellows of the National University Cancer Institute, Singapore, towards VEd.
Oncology fellows (n=7) were given a 29-question survey with questions on accessibility, comfort,
perceived quality and effectiveness, and preferences of in-person versus virtual learning. The survey was
conducted electronically and anonymously, comprising of a mix of multiple choice, rank on a scale, and
free text questions. VEd session types studied were topic review/ journal clubs (TR/JC), post-clinic
conferences (PCC), multidisciplinary tumour boards (MTB) and scientific conferences.
The response rate was 100%. 71.4% reported that it was easy/ very easy to attend internet meetings,
however 85.7% had experienced technical difficulties [network connection difficulties - 100%, browser
compatibility issues - 33.3%, problems with joining via mobile apps - 33.3%]. Majority (71.4%) felt
comfortable participating in meetings; 71.4% felt that the overall quality of their experience was good or
excellent. 71.4% reported that knowledge acquisition during virtual didactic lectures was the same or
more when compared to in-person lectures, but 71.4%reported being less focused.
Effectiveness for learning was good across all session types [TR/JCs - 57.1% good, 42.9% neutral; PCCs -
14.3% excellent, 28.6% good, 57.1% neutral; external PCCs - 42.9% excellent, 42.8% good, 28.6% neutral;
MTBs - 28.6% excellent, 42.8% good, 28.6% neutral]. VEd sessions were just as or less intimidating versus in-
person sessions [TR/JCs - 71.4% the same, 28.6% less; PCCs - 42.9% the same, 57.1% less; MTBs - 57.1% the
same, 42.8% less]. The use of virtual meetings did not negatively affect the availability and approachability
of faculty. Most fellows report that scientific conferences [local - 71.4%, international - 71.4%] were made
more accessible. A similar response was given for MTBs (more accessible - 71.4%, the same - 28.6%). 85.7%
reported that VEd did not lead to burn out. 1 fellow felt that due to easy accessibility, more sessions were
made available, often with overlapping topics and time slots. Another fellow reported that it was difficult
to balance online attendance with other commitments due to distractions. 57.1% would prefer to revert
to in-person education sessions when possible. Responders opined that although VEd made meetings
more accessible and easier to attend, it could not replace certain features of in-person sessions (e.g.,
human interaction, engagement, faculty presence).
VEd was a necessity due to restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. It was easy to use, provided
good quality and effective education, accorded superior accessibility, and did not lead to burn-out.
Despite its positive qualities, most would prefer to revert to in-person education sessions for more
interactive and effective learning. Post pandemic, efforts should be made to blend VEd and more
intimate in-person sessions when developing the curriculum to ensure fruitful Medical Oncology fellowship
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Communication skills training (CST) remains poorly represented and prioritized in medical schools
despite its importance. A systematic scoping review (SSR) of CST is hence proposed to better
appreciate the current variability in the structuring, content and assessments of CST programs and
guide their future design in medical school curricula.
Krishna's Systematic Evidence Based Approach (SEBA) was adopted to guide this SSR of teaching and
assessment in CSTs. After independent database searches, two research teams independently
conducted concurrent thematic and content analysis of the included articles. Resultant themes and
categories from the analysis were compared and combined to provide a more holistic perspective of
the data. These were compared against tabulated summaries of included articles to create funnelled
52,300 papers were identified, 150 full-text articles included, and four funnelled domains were identified:
Indications, Design, Assessment, and Barriers and Enablers of CST.
Although variable in approach, content, and assessment, CST in medical schools consistently employ
spiral curricula to instil competency-based topics of increasing complexity throughout medical school
Drawing upon evidence, CST should be integrated into the formal curriculum, providing students with
protected time to ensure content and learning objectives are met at appropriate junctures in medical
school. Acknowledgment of the presence of core topics that serve as foundations upon which
advanced topics are taught emphasises the need for a spiral, stage-based program. This should build
upon gathered knowledge and enhance through experiential practice, effective oversight with
feedback in the clinical arena, and supported reflections/ debriefs. This underscores prevailing
competency-based practices where assessments are used to guide teaching and inject progressive
complexity in knowledge and skills built around Miller's Pyramid. Such vertical integration must occur
alongside horizontal integration, which is achieved through understanding the socio-cultural influences
on CST and contextualisation during clinical clerkships.
Amidst evidence suggesting that communications skills erode over time, their time-sensitive nature
becomes clear. Longitudinal training beyond medical school with consistent revision and multimodal
assessments are thus needed. This often involves role modelling, supervision and reflective practice,
hinting at the influence of CST on the development of professional attitudes and links communication
training with professional identity formation (PIF) - the 'Is' level of Miller's pyramid posited by Cruess and
colleagues. This further emphasises the need for personalised, longitudinal feedback and support.
The need for such coordinated oversight of CST emphasizes the central role of the host organization to
ensure extensive support and cultivation of an conducive learning culture. Support should be given in
terms of administrative, faculty and financial support. Coordinated, multisource and longitudinal
assessments capture both the student's developing communication skills and resultant changes in
attitudes and professional identity. Efforts should also be directed to feedback and remediation
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
processes to ensure that poor communications and display of poor professionalism are rectified
proactively. The use of portfolios to capture longitudinal progress, log student reflections and curate
achievements of targeted competencies should hence be further explored to effectively monitor each
student's holistic development.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1.00 pm Hall 3,
Virtual Conference
Minh Ky Nguyen, Vietnam
Yuan Kit Christopher Chua, Singapore
Ashiley Annushri Thenpandiyan, Singapore
Vidya Kushare, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
An understanding of emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies including expert systems, robots,
natural language processing, machine and deep learning, data governance, basic statistics, and data
visualization is necessary for doctors. AI will also impact education and the applications can be broadly
divided into four domains - profiling and prediction of different parameters, assessment and evaluation
of student and faculty performance, adaptive systems, and personalization of learning and intelligent
tutoring systems. AI can strengthen both surgical care and radiological services. The objective of this study
was to explore the medical student's knowledge of AI, perceptions on the role of AI in medicine and the
teaching-learning of AI competencies in medical education in a Nepalese medical college.
A cross-sectional study was conducted using the online questionnaire used in a Canadian study after
obtaining permission from the authors. The questionnaire consisted of three sections. The first obtained
demographic information from the participants, the second part focused on their knowledge about AI
and the last part examined their perceptions about AI in medicine. The data is being collected from 8th
July to 31st July 2021. Informed consent was obtained online. Ethical approval was obtained from the
institutional review committee. Pretesting was carried out among 20 respondents who were also asked if
they had any difficulty in completing the questionnaire. Content validity in the Nepalese context was
obtained from medical educators in the country. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to
analyse the data.
An interim analysis was done on 18th July and a total of 126 students had responded. Females were in
majority, 75 (59.5%) and more than half of the participants were interns, 55 (43.7%). One hundred and
nineteen (94.4%) participants had not undertaken any additional training in AI, machine learning or deep
learning. The statement AI will reduce the number of jobs available for doctors was agreed by 71 (56.3%)
respondents. AI will/already did impact choice of specialty selection was agreed by majority of
participants. AI training should begin as an undergraduate medical student was agreed by 97 (77%)
respondents. Majority agreed that AI would analyse patient information to reach a diagnosis, read and
interpret diagnostic imaging, formulate personalized treatment plans to patients, monitor patient
compliance, perform surgery, provide documentation, assist hospitals in planning and quality
improvement and select the best population health interventions. The agreement that AI can provide
personal counselling and empathic care to patients was lower. According to respondents the technology
would have the capability to replace a human professional in these tasks 26-50 years from now. Ninety-
seven respondents (77%) disagreed that their medical education is preparing them adequately to work
using AI tools and 101 respondents (80.1%) disagreed that the Nepalese healthcare system is adequately
prepared to deal with challenges which will be initiated by AI.
Medical students believed AI will soon be widely used in medicine and were interested in obtaining AI
competencies. They believed the Nepalese healthcare system is still not adequately equipped to
incorporate AI. Employment, ethical, and social challenges will have to be addressed.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Expanding the Horizons for Medical Students: The First Elective Exchange Program in
Vietnam amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic
1Nguyen MK, 2Duong DK, 3Vuong TNL, 4Tran CT, 5Le DD
1Human Anatomy, 2Center of Medical Education, 3Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 4Neurology, 5Palliative
Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The Local Health Elective (LHE) module is an innovative subject in the new medical curriculum of the
University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (UMP). The module allows medical students to
experience different academic environments at other Vietnamese education facilities to explore new
cultures, strengths, challenges and understand the impact of socio-economic and environmental
determinants on people's health and healthcare systems. Aims: We reported here the module design and
implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also reported the results of the course evaluation.
The idea of LHE was conceived at the same time with medical elective abroad (MEA) in early 2020. We
conducted a survey the student's interest and expectations to adjust the plan and the learning goals.
Both LHE and MEA were introduced to the 5th-year medical students in September 2020. We recruited
the students by application based on multiple criteria: GPA, English proficiency, research skills, social skills,
and by in-person interview. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we could not do the MEA and its applicants
were offered to join LHE. The LHE module consisted of theory and practice sections. The latter required
students to learn in the facilities of partner universities. We kept the practice time flexible and took
advantage of a safe window to send the students to other institutions in Vietnam for 2 weeks. The
assessment scheme comprised host preceptor evaluation, a final report and presentation at a virtual LHE
Colloquium. A course evaluation survey was sent to the students by email. The survey included 5-point
questions on course contents, evaluation method, host institution environment, student satisfaction open
Forty-one students joined the LHE in 6 placements from 3 fields: medical practice in other provinces,
psychology-social work, and bioengineering. All students completed the module except one student who
dropped out due to a health issue. We received 25-course evaluation responses; the rate was 62.5%. The
overall satisfaction score was 4.2 ± 0.1. About the course content, all feedbacks scored above 4 points,
except the reference documents did not meet the student's requirements (3.6 points). The method of
evaluation was adequate at an average of 4.1. Regarding the module assistance, the facility condition
and the learning environment were assigned at a level of 4.2 points. The students felt optimistic about
their achievements and considered their satisfaction at an average of 4.2 points.
Although the pandemic COVID-19 posed a great challenge for the LHE curriculum, adaptability in the
organizational work and student's activeness has brought great success to this innovative LHE module.
This pioneering LHE module also expands student horizons and enhances collaborations between UMP
and other universities in Vietnam.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Comparison of In-Class Learning Engagement of PGY1 Interns during On-Line and In-
Person Teaching using a Modified Classroom Observational Tool
1Chua YKC, 1Ng WPK, 2Yap ES, 3Lye PSP, 1Vijayan J, 3Chan YC
1Division of Neurology, 3Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, National University
Hospital, Singapore, 2Department of Haematology-Oncology, National University Cancer Institute
Singapore, National University Health System, Singapore
In-class engagement enhances learning and can be measured using observation tools. Covid-19
pandemic has shifted in-person teaching to teaching via video-conferencing. To understand its impact,
we modified a tool to observe in-class engagement of instructors and students, comparing in-person with
online teaching and different class types.
Previous video recordings of in-person teaching and online teaching of identical topics were observed
using a modified tool. Sessions were of 2 different class types - case-based learning (CBL) and lecture-
based instruction in a large classroom (LLC).
The scores of a 5-point 'In-class Engagement Measure' (IEM) for students are
(1) no response,
(2) answers when directly questioned,
(3) answers spontaneously,
(4) questions spontaneously,
(5) initiates group discussions.
A total of twelve sessions were observed, consisting of in-person and online teaching sessions of 6 topics.
There were 3 topics of CBL and LLC each. For instructors, there were no significant differences in
percentage time of no engagement or IEM scores when comparing in-person and online teaching. There
was less percentage time of no engagement and higher IEM scores for CBL compared with LLC. For
students, there was higher percentage time of no engagement with online teaching of 2 topics.
Instructors' engagement remained the same, but students' engagement was reduced with online
teaching. Different class types were also determinants, with more in-class engagement observed in CBL
than LLC. 'Presenteeism', where learners were logged on but not engaged was common. More effort is
needed to engage students during online teaching.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A Scoping Review on the Needs and Solutions for Training GPs in the Provision of Child
1Thenpandiyan AA, 2Chang J, 2Cheong G, 3Phua GLG, 4Lee ASI, 5Krishna LKR
1Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Singapore, 2Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National
University of Singapore, Singapore, 3Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore / Division of Supportive and
Palliative Care, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 4Division of Cancer Education,
National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore, 5Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore Division of
Supportive and Palliative Care, National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore Division of Cancer Education, National Cancer
Centre Singapore, Singapore Palliative Care Institute Liverpool, Academic Palliative & End of Life Care
Centre, University Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore, Singapore PalC, The
Palliative Care Centre for Excellence in Rese, Singapore
Background: General Practitioners (GPs) are often first and the last line of healthcare delivered for the
sick child. Despite this, effective training for GPs in paediatric care may be neglected in undergraduate
and postgraduate training. There currently lacks a framework for continued and updated training for
community paediatric training in our local setting. Aims: This scoping review aims to establish existing
training needs, source for effective programmes that offer potential for use, and make recommendations
for existing GP training.
A systematic review was performed to review existing literature on training gaps, and both successful and
unsuccessful implementations to meet the specific need for community child health training. PUBMED,
EMBASE, Cochrane and Google Scholar databased were searched.
Out of 4840 articles reviewed, 64 were included. Concurrent thematic and content analysis was split into
5 broad themes: Current gaps impeding solutions, ideas for cross-discipline collaboration, policies on an
individual and specialty level, and domains requiring further training.
Family physicians are uniquely poised to perform the roles demanded in surveillance, preventive care
delivery and referral, and hence, providing continuing education and training is vital to effectively train
for holistic community child health. Training frameworks also have to integrate the changing paediatric
needs landscape with effective curricula in order for care delivery models to improve qualitatively.
Preliminary evidence suggests that multi-component interventions, regular outcome measurements and
routine intervention studies should be inbuilt into training to allow for long-term relevance. Moreover,
cross-specialty partnerships between specialty paediatrics and community-based general practice
should be pursued. With the current shift to a primary-care focus in Singapore, these findings are important
groundwork for the creation of continuing professional development models for GPs for longitudinal and
holistic community child health.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
To investigate the implementation of a mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX) based program and
to assess the clinical performance of undergraduate nursing students.
This was a semi-experimental randomized controlled trial conducted from April 2020 to December 2020
with 97 (intervention group = 48, control group = 49) undergraduate nursing students, who performed their
clinical practice in the gynecology and obstetrics department of a teaching hospital. Participants in the
intervention group underwent a mini-CEX-based training program, and the control group students
received a group discussion and routine skills training program. Both groups attended a theoretical course
of gynecology and obstetrics nursing with the same instructor each week for four weeks.
The results indicated that over time there were significant differences in the mini-CEX scores of all the
domains, between the intervention and control groups (P < 0.05). The difference between the mean
values of the pre- and post-test scores of the two methods for both the intervention and the control groups
was significant (P < 0.05).
This study demonstrated that the mini-CEX-based program was effective in improving the undergraduate
nursing students' clinical performance in the gynecology and obstetrics department. However, more
studies should be done to confirm whether the program is effective in other clinical courses and over a
longer period of time.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Vertical Integration of Anatomy and Women's Health for Year 5 Medical Students - A
Synchronous Cross-Campus Online and Hands-On Blended Learning.
1Kushare V, 2Madanlal K, B, 3Dominic NA, 2Pamidi N, 2Selvaratnam L, 2Sen A
1Medicine & Health Sciences, 2Anatomy, Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Monash
University Malaysia, Malaysia, 3Women's Health, Clinical School Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Vertical integration refers to integrating basic and clinical sciences to enhance student learning.
Integration of anatomy and clinical medicine in the preclinical years is practiced in most medical
institutions. The knowledge of anatomy gained in the early years may not be optimized in the clinical
years. Combining clinical teaching with a refresher session on relevant areas in anatomy may fill this gap.
We designed a distant synchronous cross-campus virtual anatomy review session and hands-on
episiotomy workshop to integrate basic and clinical sciences and promote long term learning.
The pre-clinical (JCSMHS, Sunway) and clinical campus (CSJB, Johor Bahru) are located in different states
about 300km apart. The Anatomy team from JCSMHS, Sunway campus and Department of Women's
Health, Clinical School, Johor Bahru, collaborated to embed a virtual anatomy refresher component to
the already ongoing face to face episiotomy workshops, with the support of the technical team.
This face-to face episiotomy workshop was conducted at the Clinical Skills Lab, CSJB in small groups of
Year 5 medical students. A 30-minute virtual presentation on perineal and pelvic anatomy reviewing the
core concepts that is relevant to the episiotomy workshop was remotely conducted by the anatomy
team in an e-learning lab Monash Anatomy and pathology eLearning(MAPEL) lab at the Sunway
campus, followed by hands-on training on episiotomy. To evaluate the student's knowledge, pre and
post-tests were conducted through online quiz in the form of Poll everywhere and responses recorded.
Embedding relevant perineal and pelvic anatomy into the episiotomy workshop, in the form of a remotely
conducted virtual lecture together with hands-on demonstrations using models and specimens at CSJB
allowed students to review and reinforce what they have learnt in their pre-clinical years.
This just-in-time review approach allowed them to focus on applying only pertinent knowledge to the
hands-on session and subsequently when dealing with real-time episiotomy repair on future patients.
Based on tutor feedback, observed student's engagement and online quiz-Poll everywhere responses, it
appears this strategy of reviewing relevant anatomy during the workshop will promote a better
understanding of the applied clinical anatomy.
Study limitations were related to internet connectivity and latency. Another major setback is that currently
the face-to-face workshop has been put on hold due to the ongoing pandemic.
Although this is a pilot study, short refresher anatomy sessions even held virtually and remotely are
necessary and useful for students to review, understand and apply the principles of basic sciences
allowing for development of good clinical skills and ultimately safe patient care.
However, further studies and student feedback is needed to evaluate the impact of this strategy in
student learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Hands-on experiential learning in applying ethical principles in the clinical setting is inadequate as ethical
issues are rarely touched on at the bedside modules in medical education. As a result, students
graduated from medical school has an insufficient understanding and experience in handling bioethics
issues. To meet these needs, we adopted a new teaching approach using a documentary video explicitly
illustrating a real critically ill patient requiring long-term invasive ventilation support. Multiple facets of the
decision-making process, including the patient's value of life, religious belief, family's expectation and
cultural factors in the society were displayed. An online discussion forum was conducted to explore
students' attitudes towards ethical issues.
The online teaching session was conducted on 14th October 2020. There were 206 final year medical
students participated in the teaching activity. The teaching session comprised of multiple clips of the
documentary video recorded at the patient's home. The videos clips illustrated the conversation between
the patient and the doctor, or the patient's family with the doctor about the end-of-life decision making.
Students' attitudes towards the value of life, the goal of medicine and four ethical principles were
explored by requesting students to respond to our predesigned open or closed-end questions.
When being questioned about their value of life, majority of the students wrote down "happiness", "love",
"dignity", "family" and "connection" as their views toward the value of life. They responded similarly but
emphasized on the "comfort" and "painfree" when they responded to the value of life of the sick patient
shown on the video. The teaching session last for 110 minutes, and students liked this new teaching format
in bioethics. The strategy employed in the development of the new teaching approach, students'
understanding of the ethical concept after the teaching and students' evaluation of our new approach
will be showcased in our presentation.
Experiential learning can be implemented in bioethics teaching for medical students. Topics other than
end-of-life care can be enriched by the visual or audio illustration of the clinical encounter between
health care workers and real patients.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Nursing Education (NE) department, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore, envisions to advance
nurses' clinical knowledge, skills and competencies in the mental and physical health of patients and to
advance nursing standards and practices through the provision of high-quality, evidence-based
continuing nursing education programmes. Traditionally, the internal training and assessment process for
nurses' professional development was done through multiple contact points by various managers and
educators in a non-structured manner. It led to varying learning needs and training support and
incomplete evaluation of nurses' required competencies.
This study aimed to develop a holistic conceptual framework to align the required competencies,
evaluation methods, continuous learning needs assessment (LNA) tracking and customised remedial
training support for nurses to function effectively in the mental health setting.
A transformation movement has taken place in two phases. In phase one, the team reviewed the existing
training roadmaps, processes, work instructions, courses and relevant literature. Five discussion sessions
were conducted, and six elements of evaluation and assessment gaps were identified. The holistic
educational framework covering all aspects of the nursing job scope was developed with eight domains,
including clinical practice & standards (mental health), (medical cares), ethos & values, communication
& teamwork, patient safety & quality, information technology, research & EBP, leadership &
management. The available and required educational activities were then re-categorised to match the
nurses' learning needs. Competency assessments were revised, and Entrustable Professional Activities
(EPA) were developed for overall and individual skill-sets. A referral programme, Preceptlink, was
developed to support nurses fallen out of the required standards, who will be coached and supervised
by an assigned subject content expert till standards are met. Integrated with the NEF, a new LNA process
named SIT tool (Score, Interpret Track) was developed, which auto-generates a radar graph via scoring
rubrics to aid users in interpreting their results better.
In phase two, a pilot of the NEF was implemented in selected wards. Feedback was collated from the
users and incorporated into the amendment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, modified road-shows and
training sessions were conducted both synchronously and asynchronously online to create awareness
and prepare for the change process. The NEF was then implemented organisation-wide. Modular on-site
coaching and support and eLearning were provided to nurses for adapting to the NEF. Process evaluation
at a 6-month time-point showed 99.67% of the nurses had completed the eLearning course, EPA and
competency assessment. An ongoing audit was planned to ensure the sustenance of the
The new NEF was developed to transform nursing education and competency elements and process. It
also serves as a tool to reflect and understand which area of training needs is required for the nursing
workforce in IMH. Adopting the NEF, it is expected that nurses would be able to strengthen their individual
and team competencies that directly influence their quality of patient care, pushing towards clinical
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
excellence. The NEF also help enhance the efficiency of the organisational training for nurses and the
collective competencies of nurses working in the mental health setting.
Saturday, 15th January 2022,
1.00 pm Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
Antonio Jr Laude, Philippines
Lynee Li Ying Teo, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The COVID pandemic necessitated a rapid change in how we deliver learning to large Biomedical
Science and Medicine classes. We had fortuitously been gradually moving our large (800 students)
Introductory Physiology course towards a more blended online and live mode since 2019, aiming to
increase flexibility for students. One of our initial approaches was to replace live " tutorials" (of 100 students)
with online interactive activities that reiterated and quizzed key lecture content. Due to COVID we were
also forced to replace some face to face practical classes with remotely delivered activities and transition
all our on-stage lectures to live or pre-recorded videos supported by synchronous online Q&A sessions. In
this presentation we evaluate aspects of our blended learning approach, and describe our efforts to
deliver course material in 2021 as online topic chunks, or "Physio-Bites".
Physiology 1A is an introductory course for about 800 Science, Medical Science, Engineering, Optometry
and Life Science students at the start of the 2nd year of their degree. It is taught in four broad areas of
Cell Physiology, Muscle Physiology, Blood and Cardiovascular System, and Neurophysiology. The
traditional 12-week face-to-face delivery style consisted of 3 lectures per week, and a practical and
tutorial every 2nd or 3rd week, respectively. Between 2019 and 2021 the course transitioned into a 9-week
blended learning approach, with online activities delivered via the Moodie Learning Management
System. After completing the online tutorials, students could rank different aspects via an optional and
anonymous Qualtrics-based survey, using Likert scales and with optional open responses (UNSW Ethics
approval: HC183043). In 2021, learning material for some topics was delivered as Moodle e-books, as
described below. Students could select to provide feedback on e-books via a brief questionnaire, and
insights into the effectiveness of this style was also gained via end of course student evaluations
We focus here on the Cell Physiology and Muscle components of the course, which included interactive
feedback tutorials developed as H5P activities via the LMS (Moodle). Student engagement was
encouraged by a small mark upon achieving a threshold grade (>90%) with unlimited attempts. Student
feedback was very positive, over 94% of respondents (2019-2021; Cell Physiology, n=254; Muscle, n=108)
agreed or strongly agreed the tutorials improved their understanding of the topic, and >90% felt it was an
efficient way to review the topics. Interestingly, a significant proportion (about 30%) would still prefer face-
to-face tutorials. In 2021 the two course topics were delivered as e-books, with traditional lectures split
into chapters containing written material interspersed with learning outcomes, images and links to videos,
tutorials and quick review questions. Lectures were 10-20 minute, pre-recorded "Physio-Bites". Optional live
Q&As (with prompt Slido quiz questions}. Student feedback was generally very positive, and lecturer
satisfaction scores increased from 2019 and 2020.
The interactive adaptive tutorials provide a flexible and effective way for students to cover the required
learning outcomes related to lecture content, although some students still prefer direct engagement.
Small "Physio-Bites" seem an effective way to deliver remote learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 5Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Aims: We aimed to describe students' attitude regarding IPE and IPCP using Interprofessional Attitude
Scale (IPAS).
University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (UMP) has been the only Vietnam's health
science university to include IPE in its curriculum since 2019. An online survey, including general information
and IPAS, was sent to 305 healthcare students, including medical, nursing, rehabilitation, and pharmacy
students, before each 8-week IPE courses from September 2020 to January 2021. IPAS was translated and
validated in an unpublished study by our team. The instrument consists of 27 items with 5-point agreement
score ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "Strongly agree". IPAS consists of 5 sub-scales: Teamwork, Roles,
and Responsibilities; Patient-centeredness; Interprofessional biases; Diversity and Ethics; and Community-
centeredness. All-scale and sub-scale scores were averaged out over the score of 5.
A total of 283 students responded (response rate 93%), the Cronbach alpha was 0.88. The students were
20 - 22 years old, 67% were female. There were 35 third-year nursing students (12%), 23 third-year
physiotherapy students (8%), 111 medical students (39%), and 114 pharmacy students (40%). The all-scale
IPAS score was 4.05±0.36. Subscale scores were 4.09±0.47 for Teamwork, Roles, and Responsibilities;
4.25±0.46 for Patient-centeredness; 3.12±0.73 for Interprofessional biases; 4.36±0.45 for Diversity and Ethics;
and 4.06±0.48 for Community-centeredness. There was no difference in all-scale score or sub-scale scores
among groups of health professions.
Healthcare students reported positive attitude regarding IPE and IPCP with high IPAS score. Lower score
for Interprofessional biases subscale warrants further IPE effort to help student recognize interprofessional
biases and stereotypes.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
United Kingdom
Professionalism, defined as a set of humanistic attributes and behavioural standards, helps shape doctors
and their relationship with patients. Its formation is a dynamic and longitudinal process, influenced by the
physician's sociocultural norms. Professionalism helps nurture the therapeutic relationship, by promoting
trust, mutual respect and empathy. It is a mindset that extends into the realm of research and education,
which in turn shapes the next generation of physicians. This study aims to design a program to nurture
professionalism amongst physicians in Singapore, while also taking into account Singapore's sociocultural
background. Such contextualisation is necessary given Singapore's unique family centric practices,
healthcare funding system and medical education curriculum inspired by both the US and British training
This study used a 3 phased approach. Firstly, a systematic scoping review (SSR) was conducted using
Krishna's Systematic Evidenced Based Approach (SEBA) to identify key elements in programs to nurture
physicians' professionalism. Secondly, a content-valid questionnaire was created using data from the SSR.
Thirdly, the questionnaire was administered to 6 local senior clinician educators as part of a Modified
Delphi Approach.
124 articles were included. Definitions, training domains, and key topics in nurturing professionalism were
identified, as well as current strategies and challenges faced. The key domains were "competency and
assessment", "competing interest and priorities", and "self-directed learning and reflection". A 67-item
questionnaire was formulated based on the aforementioned findings. All items within the sections
'communication and challenging scenarios', 'virtues' and 'self-care and reflection' met the 70% inclusion
threshold to be included in the proposed postgraduate professionalism curriculum. Unlike previous studies,
role modelling, 'lectures on the expectations for professional behaviour', 'portfolio that documents
professional behaviour and participation in on-the-job experiences that build professionalism and
reflection', 'regular evaluation in the professionalism domains', and 'establish feedback portal where
physicians can identify their learning gaps and request for more training' were excluded.
Professionalism entails a lifelong commitment to building clinical competency, while instilling humanistic
and altruistic values. Our proposed strategy includes communication and challenging scenarios, ethics
and legal scenarios, professional attributes, virtues, self-care and reflection, teaching methods,
assessment methods and institutional support. This study furthers the current understanding of medical
professionalism, whilst describing current best practices in nurturing professionalism. Although the
proposed postgraduate curriculum was formulated in a Singaporean context, its more holistic approach
remains applicable to countries with similar healthcare systems or other countries in the region.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Postdoctoral researchers, in both clinical and biomedical fields, comprise a vital part of the ecosystem of
higher education in medical schools, where they play important roles in advancing scientific discoveries
as well as teaching activities in medical schools and research-oriented graduate and undergraduate
biomedical education. Existing evidence demonstrates teaching professional development programs for
current faculty enhance participants' teaching behaviours and effectiveness. However, professional
learning and strategies to develop postdoctoral scholars into proficient educators remain poorly
characterized. The aim of this scoping review is to evaluate and synthesise evidence of professional
teaching development for postdoctoral scholars pursuing biomedical and medical education.
Arksey and O'Malley's (2005) methodological framework for conducting scoping reviews. Guided by
PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR), databases including PubMed, ERIC, Embase, Scopus,
ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar were independently searched for publications from 2000 to 2021.
In the initial database search, 18300 articles were identified, and 29 studies met the inclusion and exclusion
criteria and were selected for evaluation.
Different domains, including the individuals, institutions, and communities, are important for a successful
professional teaching training of postdoctoral scholars. Strategies for planning an education framework
were identified:
4) Teaching practices
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Perceptions and Group Dynamics from Individual and Group Learning in Different
Laboratory Settings among Medical Technology Students
1Laude AJ, 2Atienza M
1School of Medical Technology, Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila, Philippines, 2National Teacher Training
Center for The Health Professions, University of The Philippines Manila, Philippines
Laboratory experiments in Medical Technology schools are made individually or in groups to learn
technical skills. The nature of student participation and group dynamics in the laboratory setting have not
been well-studied. The study explored students' perception of individual work, working in groups of three,
working in groups of six and described the group dynamics when performing laboratory experiments
when working in groups.
A counterbalanced experiment design was used. Thirty six third-year students enrolled in an
undergraduate medical technology program in the Philippines participated in the study. They were
instructed to learn in three settings: individual work, working in groups of three and working in groups of
six; and were rotated in six laboratory experiments. An adopted questionnaire was used to collect
students' perception while an adopted observational scheme for roles and interaction diagram was used
by a trained data collector to observed students working in groups while performing laboratory
experiments. Frequencies were used to determine students' perception in the three laboratory setting
and the behaviour of members when working in groups. Percentages and the mean were used to
determine the communication interaction of students when working in groups of three and six.
Students who performed individual work 36 (50%) perceived that doing experiments alone was more
useful compared to group work while students who were working in groups of three 44 (61%) and working
in groups of six 28 (39%) perceived that group work was useful. Students from the individual work 42 (58%)
and students working in groups of six 38 (53%) prefer individual work over group work. Students from the
individual work 46 (64%) and students working in groups of six 42 (58%) perceived that they perform better
in experiments when they perform individual work. However, students working in groups of three 41 (57%)
perceived that they achieved better in examinations by learning or working in a group. Students working
in groups mainly performed the roles as an information giver, performer of task, opinion seeker, starter and
direction giver. They also actively listened and served as standard setter in the group. Students working in
groups of three had a mean of 67 verbal exchanges with their group members compared with a mean
of 33 verbal exchanges when they were working in groups of six.
Working in groups is useful in performing laboratory experiments and helps students achieve better. Task
function and maintenance roles are similar in working in groups of three and six, while students working in
groups of three interact more. Balancing individual work and strategizing working in groups when doing
laboratory experiments is encourage.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Examiner training is essential to ensure the trustworthiness of the examination process and results. This study
aims to develop and validate the Malaysian Primary Anaesthesiology examiner's core entrustable
professional activities (EPA) to facilitate examiner training. We describe the novel concept of using the
entrustable professional activities (EPA) framework for examiners.
In a three-staged (problem identification and general needs assessment, EPA development and EPA
validation) mixed-method study, examiner training needs, essential examiner tasks and competencies
required to perform them were identified through triangulation of information from document review,
focus group discussions and three rounds of Delphi questionnaires. These tasks were then described in the
EPA framework and validated by a panel of experts.
Seven EPAs were identified as essential and were described using the EPA framework. These EPAs were:
constructing questions with answer key and rating rubrics according to guidelines, vetting examination
questions, rating candidates' performance, conducting a viva examination, constructive participation in
decision-making meetings, writing an examiner report and giving feedback regarding candidates'
performance to respective universities. The competencies required to perform them were classified as
task-related and professional competencies. Task-related competencies consist of subject matter
expertise, examination technique, medical education knowledge, examination system and process
knowledge, communication, and teamwork. Professional competencies include agency, reliability,
integrity, humility and benevolence. Activities that would support examiner entrustment and
credentialing include active clinical practice, attending task-specific examiner training, and observing
the examination process. All seven EPAs met our criteria for scale-level content validity index acceptance
of 0.80.
Our findings confirmed the need for examiner training for the Malaysian Anaesthesiology Primary
examination. We identified and described seven EPAs performed by Primary Anaesthesiology examiners,
with their essential competencies and features. This information can be used for examiner recruitment,
training and certification by the Malaysian Anaesthesiology Specialty Conjoint Board to ensure the quality
of the Primary examination.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Communication barriers remain a problem for Deaf Sign Language Users (DSLU) to connect with the
hearing world, and they often face health inequality and disparity in healthcare settings. Sign language
is a visual-gestural language unique to DSLU and does not equate to a spoken language with a written
form. This deprives DSLU from accessing health information and leads to problems of lower educational
and health literacy levels. In general, most healthcare professionals (HCPs) lack cultural competency in
providing care for DSLU. The inability to communicate with HCPs effectively has resulted in DSLU avoiding
healthcare services, rendering them with lower health outcomes. Furthermore, the communication and
linguistic focus of cultural competency, especially on Deaf culture, have been inadequately
accentuated in most medical schools. Unless these issues are addressed, DSLU will continue to face
communication difficulties, health inequality and health disparity in healthcare settings. Our study aims to
understand the medical students' knowledge and perception of Deaf Culture and the healthcare
challenges faced by Deaf in Malaysia.
A cross-sectional study was conducted on 142 medical students from various Malaysian universities (2019-
2020). Data were obtained via an online survey, comprising 39 closed-ended items and distributed via
the snowball sampling method. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were shown to be
satisfactory. IBM SPSS Version 27.0 was used to analyse the data.
A high percentage of incorrect responses on Deaf culture among students indicated their lack of
knowledge of the community. A large majority (90%) of them, however, were aware that one needs to
face and speak directly to a DSLU when using a Sign Language Interpreter (SLIs). Almost all students (99%)
agree that incorporating Deaf culture training into the medical curriculum will facilitate communication
with DSLU. A large number of students perceived that the Malaysian Healthcare facilities were not "Deaf-
friendly". 76% of the students felt that DSLU currently receive "less than the best'' care due to
communication barriers. The majority opined that the healthcare centres should have a designated
healthcare staff member who is trained to help DSLU patients (94%) and that it is the responsibility of the
healthcare facilities to provide SLIs for DSLU (87%). 83% of the students have had less than 5 interactions
with a DSLU in the past year. Interestingly, 53% of students have had exposure to Deaf culture, mainly
through workshops, while 19% had learnt the Malaysian sign language. The majority of the students were
also aware of the varied methods of communication used by DSLU.
Our findings indicate that medical students have poor knowledge of Deaf culture. Furthermore, students
believed that the lack of cultural competency training at medical schools, as well as the inability of the
healthcare system to serve DSLU effectively, has contributed to the healthcare challenges faced by the
DSLU. Our findings emphasize the necessity to provide learning opportunities and integrate Deaf culture
workshops into the medical curriculum in an effort to train students to be culturally competent physicians.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Medicine, Division of Family Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore,
Singapore, 2Medicine, Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Faculty development is crucial to ensure the delivery of high quality medical education. Within the NUS
Division of Family Medicine, the community of practice sits at the centre and foundation of faculty
development. Underpinning this is social constructivism theory which proposes knowledge development
and training resultant from social interaction shared amongst various individuals within a group. This
presentation shares about how the community of practice of passion family medicine educators acts as
a vehicle to shape undergraduate family medicine education.
Monthly get together sessions titled 'Family Medicine Medical Education Rounds' were organized
surrounding topics of interest to the educators within the department. During each session, an overview
on the topic was given based on current evidence after which a lively discussion would be facilitated
with various tutors exploring on how the information learnt could be applied to their teaching in
undergraduate medical education.
Key to these sessions is the opportunity to nurture junior educators who are be socialized into the family
medicine education fraternity and meet senior faculty mentors who are instrumental in guiding their
growth as educators.
On top of these education rounds, faculty development training workshops were conducted on separate
occasions areas to upskill educators in diverse areas of training or where the community of educators
expressed interested a refresher course e.g. motivational interviewing.
Qualitative feedback from faculty showed that the Family Medicine Medical Education rounds helped
to generate a sense of camaraderie amongst the faculty within the department. It also allowed faculty
members to keep up to date with cutting edge education innovation to improve their teaching methods.
Whilst conducting the education rounds over zoom allowed participants to log in conveniently after a
busy clinic, some attendees hoped that sessions could be conducted face to face to allow for
intermingling and a greater sense of connectedness.
Further plans to nurture and grow this community of educators are being explored. Some of these include
expanding the reach of the platform to involve family physicians who are involved in post-graduate
training and also residents who have an interest in education. Other approaches being explored are
creating teamlets to ensure that junior faculty members receive the mentoring and support as they
develop within education and for social gatherings to be conducted to increase the sense of belonging
and community.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1.00 pm Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Michael (Siu Hong) Wan, Australia
Lilusha Ranwala Kaludewa, Singapore
Elrey Inocian, Philippines
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Using Team Based Learning (TBL) Approach to Improve Acquisition of Clinical Applied
Anatomy Knowledge in Graduate-Entry Medical Students
1Wan MH, 2Sinha S, 2Thiagarajan P
1Medical Education Unit, School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame Australia, Australia, 2School of
Medicine, University of Notre Dame, Australia
Team Based Learning (TBL) approach has been used in many disciplines to improve learning outcomes
and promotes development of professional competencies. The School introduced the TBL format in
Anatomy tutorials in Year 2 anatomy teaching since 2018. Before each TBL, students are given an
advanced assignment followed by an Individual Readiness Assurance Test (IRAT). Tutors then clarify,
review and further discuss on the topic in a small team environment. This could enhance students learning
and improve engagement. The aim of this study was to review the summative examination scores of the
cohorts to see if there were significant improvements in the student's outcome after the introduction of
Apart from the introduction of the new TBL approach in the tutorial sessions, other teaching activities and
contents in Anatomy had not changed throughout the studied years. From 2017-2019, a subset of
anchoring anatomy MCQ questions was incorporated into the Year 2 end of year summative MCQ
paper. As these anchoring items were the same across the 2 consecutive years, they allowed a direct
comparison of the cohort performance across the 3 years. A set of 9 anchoring MCQs and a set of 7
anchoring MCQs was used between 2017/8 and 2018/9 respectively. The mean scores of these items
were calculated. Student T-test was used to look for any statistically significant differences in the cohort
performance across the 3 years.
The mean scores for the second-year students in 2017 and 2018 were 75.4% and 83.2% respectively
(P=0.042). The mean scores for the second-year students in 2018 and 2019 were 87.6% and 91.1%
respectively (P=0.021). The results were both statistically significant (P<0.05).
With no major changes to the other components of the teaching in applied clinical anatomy for the Year
2, the introduction of the TBL approach in the tutorial teaching seems to have a significant impact to the
examination performance of the medical students. Other medical schools may consider adopting TBL
approach as a useful adjunct for anatomy learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) is the mainstream of current medical education. The
Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) plays an important role in systematic and programmatic
assessment. Our previous study has proposed that the CCC workshop could effectively promote the
CCC-related knowledge and self-efficacy. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online courses
have been substituted to the onsite classroom. Therefore, this paper aims at exploring the effectiveness
of online faculty development course.
In March 2021, experts from the US, Singapore, and Taiwan were invited to launch a half-day online faculty
development course in International Clinical Competency Committee Conference and World Café. Pre-
and post-tests of 12-item CCC-related knowledge evaluation have been evaluated as the learning
A total of 176 healthcare professions have accomplished the course and 72.7% (128 out of 176) have
completed the course evaluation. The mean age of participants was 44.1 years old, 54.7% (70 out of 128)
was male, 61.7% (79 out of 128) was physician, 32% participants (41 out of 128) was less than 10-year
working experience, and 57% (73 out of 128) had previous CCC-related learning experiences. The
average of pre-test knowledge score was 6.30 ± 2.39 while the post-test improved to 8.93 ± 2.47 which
demonstrated 2-3 items improved in knowledge assessment. Further subgroup analyses revealed that
aged over 40 years old had greater knowledge improvement (mean difference: 2.78 vs 1.77, p=0.048)
than the corresponding counterpart. However, there were no significant subgroup improvement
between different gender, working experience, medical professionals, or CCC course experience.
We concluded that the faculty development course in online International Clinical Competency
Committee Conference and World Café could be effective in CCC-related knowledge items, especially
for healthcare professions more than 40 years old.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Covid 19: Impact on Final Year Sri-Lankan Medical Students in Kursk State Medical
University Russia. The Challenges and Concerns
Kaludewa LR
Antenatal Diagnostic Centre and Antenatal Monitoring Clinic, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KK Women's
and Children's Hospital, Singapore
The Corona virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic has brought additional challenges other than the
standard challenges of final year students on their final 3 months of the medical school as foreign students.
As some students from the final year Sri Lankan students returned back to Sri Lanka to complete the rest
of the studies as well as the final examination. The international faculty of the Kursk State Medical
University(KSMU) Russia has implemented a online system called "Moodle" and conducted different
training sessions for medical students including 1st year to 6th year(final year) and conducted a separate
session for final year state examination. I aimed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on final year medical
students who has completed the state examination in June 2020 and their challenges, concerns and the
emotions as they were away from the university from 17th March 2020. Moreover I evaluated the
developed resilience as the studied and completed the undergraduate period during the pandemic
A questioner was made and sent to all the final year Sri Lankan medical students via email with the total
number of 25 questions. Questioner includes open ended questions for "challenges faced", "concerns"
and "emotions". The survey was voluntary and anonymous. Participants were asked to rank the training
for the "doodle", user-friendliness, any additional time consumed for the training worth the outcome?,
difficulties faced and the help system of the university which was provided. They were also asked to share
how they think that the system could be improved.
31 students were participated with the response rate of 100%. Main challenges included coping with
change, dealing with disappointment, and lack of reliable information from the university and the
assurance. Perceived insecurity over their qualifications due to disrupted student clinical training and
modified final examinations was another challenge since everyone was planned to go back to Sri Lanka
and do the licence exam in Sri Lanka to practice medicine in the motherland. Major concerns interns had
in starting work included clinical incompetency and managing new responsibilities. Pandemic-specific
concerns include risks of infection to self and family. Majority (70.0%) had mixed emotions. More than half
(57.4%) had high perceived stress. 36% of the students returned to Sri Lanka from the first possible rescue
flight and they had additional concern on final exam as they were away are there any physical
appearance needed and no flights to go back, and stress of repeating exam due to lack of group
discussions and practical sessions. Moreover all those 35% had the emotional aspect on unable to
physically participate to the Graduation ceremony. Encouragingly, majority felt prepared for the state
examination after the training sessions (86%) and felt confident to manage stress (83.3%). Also 93% of them
was positive towards newly implemented system and 7% expected more user-friendliness.
Final years in this pandemic have additional challenges and concerns, on top of usual stressors faced.
Despite high perceived stress, they have high resilience and positive towards the university implemented
system. Moreover happy regarding the outcome.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Traditionally, mentoring happens as a one to one unique relationship between an experienced person as
mentor and less experienced person as mentee. However, very few structured group mentoring
programmes have been formally developed in easing the challenging transition from an Assistant Nurse
Clinician to a Nursing Officer.
The study aims to evaluate the effect of structured group mentoring in the Nurse Leader Role Transition
(NLRT) Programme for the newly promoted Nursing Officers on their confidence level.
A non-structured group mentoring inclusive of monthly seminars (2017 and 2018) were compared with
structured group mentoring alone (2019 to 2021) where in both models, experienced mentor is assigned
to a group of not more than eight Nursing Officers. The non-structured mentoring group received monthly
over a period of 11 months included interactive seminars on identified topics namely leadership
development, staff/team performance, staff development, managing challenging behaviours,
professional development and resource management. This is followed by a two-hour long mentoring
session related to the seminar or any topic raised by the mentees. The monthly structured group mentoring
focuses on pre identified topic each month and the mentees will prepare and bring forth questions for
discussion related to the topic as part of the structured group mentoring approach over a period of nine
Prior to commencing and at the completion of the NLRT programme, the mentees were asked to rate
their confidence level on a scale of 1 to 10.
There were 35 (100%) and 34 (100%) responses from mentees of the non-structured group mentoring and
structured group mentoring programme respectively. The confidence levels for the non-structured group
mentoring improved from 4.9 to 7.73 prior to and at completion of the programme respectively with a
mean difference of 2.83. Whereas the confidence levels for the structured group mentoring programme
improved from 4.64 to 7.91 prior to and at completion of the programme respectively with a mean
difference of 3.27. There is a 16% improvement in the confidence level in the group with structured
mentoring over the group with non-structured mentoring.
Structured group mentoring programme was found to be effective in increasing the confidence level of
the mentees compared to the non-structured group mentoring with seminars. Structured group mentoring
on its own has provided essential support for the newly promoted Nursing Officers to transit into their role
confidently. It has the potential to narrow the transition gap of the Assistant Nurse Clinician to a Nursing
Officer and enable the mentees to foster bond, develop close working and networking relationship with
one another.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 pandemic may have an impact on the mental health and
well-being of the Physician Licensure Exam (PLE) takers. Thus, the psychological responses of these aspiring
physicians to the ongoing crisis must be explored. This study aimed to determine the incidence and
severity of major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and the level of perceived stress
among the March 2020 PLE takers whose examination was interrupted by the declaration of the COVID-
19 pandemic but will be completing the second half of the exam on September 2020, and the takers of
the November 2020 licensure exam.
This study utilized a cross-sectional descriptive survey study design using three sets of standardized
questionnaires- the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) to assess incidence of major depressive
disorder and its severity, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) to assess incidence and severity of
anxiety disorders, and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) to assess the level of stress of the PLE takers. These
questionnaires were administered online using an online survey platform. Results were analysed using
descriptive statistics.
A total of 732 PLE takers responded to the survey. Three-hundred nine (n=309, 42.2%) were March 2020
PLE takers who will be completing the exam on September 2020 and 423 (57.8%) were November PLE
takers. The overall incidence of major depressive disorder among the PLE takers was 44.1% (n=323) with
majority having moderate level of depression 195 (26.6%). Meanwhile, the overall incidence of
generalized anxiety disorder among the PLE takers was 50.3% (n=368) with majority having moderate level
of anxiety 277 (37.8%). Comparing the two batch of takers, there was a significantly higher incidence of
major depression among the November PLE takers (n=255, 60.1%) compared to the September PLE
completers (n=68, 54.4%) (p-value= <0.00001). Similarly, there was also a significantly higher incidence of
generalized anxiety disorder among the November PLE takers (n=223, 52.7%) compared to the September
PLE completers (n=144, 46.6%) (p-value= <0.0001). However, there was no significant difference in the
perceived level of stress between the two batches (p-value= 0.883558) with 514 (70%) of the PLE takers
reporting moderate level of perceived stress.
There was a high incidence of major depression and generalized anxiety disorder among PLE takers
during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a significantly higher incidence among the November 2020 takers.
Majority of the PLE takers experienced moderate level of depression, anxiety, and perceived stress.
Counselling and other forms of psychological interventions are needed to help the PLE takers cope with
the mental stress brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Applying medical evidence to patient care, which is guided by Knowledge Translation (KT) and Evidence
Based Medicine (EBM) frameworks, is being increasingly expected in medical practice. In addition to
guiding practice, KT and EBM models provide information about how their intrinsic competencies should
be developed through medical education. At this point however, KT/EBM competencies have not been
well evaluated in undergraduate medical programmes, including the Faculty of Medicine Universiti
Malaya undergraduate medical programme (MBBS). By measuring these KT/EBM competencies, it is
possible to identify opportunities to emphasize their development in MBBS students. The goal of this study
is to validate quantitative instruments that can be used to measure KT/EBM competencies in the MBBS
An instrument was designed to determine current level of competencies across the MBBS themes of Basic
Clinical Science, Population Medicine, Patient Doctor, and Personal and Professional Development.
Appropriate questions were developed using the AMEE guide No. 87. A survey was developed to include
the opportunity for participants to self-report on KT/EBM competencies by indicating their current level of
Knowledge Skills, and Attitudes (KSA) in relation to Bloom's taxonomy levels for each of the MBBS themes.
Participants are also required to indicate the level of the competencies which are evident in their
educational experiences during the MBBS. Additionally, questions pertaining to perceptions about EBM
and translatability of the MBBS components were developed. Upon completion, the questionnaire was
pre-tested to medical students external to UM for qualitative feedback. After modification, the
questionnaire was distributed to external medical students for validation. A Principle Component Analysis
(PCA) and reliability study (Cronbach's α) were performed to identify valid items for the final survey before
distribution to the MBBS student body.
After distribution to six medical students for pre-testing and collection of 20 responses for validation, a
questionnaire containing six subsections was developed. Final subsections include: "Demographic
Information", "Your Current Competencies", "MBBS Programme Competencies", "Student Perceptions of
EBM", and "Translatability of the MBBS Programme". Competency assessment is captured using matrices
of the MBBS Themes against Bloom's taxonomy indicators (aware, understand, apply, analyse, create).
Upon ethics approval, the survey was distributed to students of the UMMP, providing a broad indication
of how much these competencies and perceptions develop between each Stage.
Despite the need for KT/EBM competencies in medical doctors, there is currently little research about the
development of these competencies in undergraduate medical programmes. This study used robust
methods to design and develop a quantitative survey that reflects the current competencies of medical
students. Results indicate the current levels of competencies in students in each year of the MBBS,
indicating the progression as students transition between Stages. This provides an important indicator to
programme developers about the progression of these competencies throughout the MBBS programme.
In the future, distributing a similar survey to academic staff will provide a benchmark for which student
competencies should be aligned.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Many medical schools across the world have leveraged the use of SP methodology in the training and
assessment of their healthcare students. In Singapore, SPs are highly involved in delivery of both
undergraduate and postgraduate medical and nursing curriculum. For an effective case portrayal that
meets the set learning objectives, it is important to provide SP with relevant information in their case
template so that they can fully understand the patient that they will portray. The aim of this study is to
evaluate the views of SPs on what information is important for them to understand the case and to portray
the role effectively.
This was a prospective cohort questionnaire study. Electronic questionnaires were sent to all (n=194)
active SPs in our database. Inclusion criteria was prior participation in SP training sessions. Questionnaire
responses were recorded on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 and free text to certain questions collected qualitative
One hundred and three SPs responded and age ranges in years were as follows: 21-30 (4%), 31-40 (7%),
41-50 (15%), 51-60 (27%), 61-70 (40%) and > 70 (8%). Majority were female (62%), 15% have been an SP for
less than 1 year, 22% 1-3 years, 25% 3-5 years, 27% 6-10 years and 12% more than 10 years. More than 50%
of respondents did more than 10 SP assignments per year.
The top 5 aspects of the case template rated as extremely important in order of frequency were
description of symptoms, information you should share only if asked specifically, how symptoms evolved
over time, questions you should ask and severity of symptoms. Approximately 40% of respondents rated
name of character and 20% rated demeanour/dressing and occupation as not very important.
More than 80% thought that no information should be added nor removed from the existing case
From the qualitative comments, details that were frequently missing from the case template included
details of medications taken e.g. frequency, name and dose, timeline of symptoms, dressing, patient's
fears and expectations and what the student might say. Medical jargon and conflicting information in
different parts of the template were confusing for them. The SPs also felt that the number of times the role
needs to be repeated and the actual diagnosis should be included.
SPs are generally satisfied with the information currently provided to them and value the description of
the patient experience. They appreciate guidance in information that should be shared only of
specifically asked, so that they are able to meet the learning objectives of the case. Suggestions for
improvement include avoiding jargon and including segments on the progression of symptoms as well as
details on medications that are taken. This information is useful for case writers when preparing for learning
activities involving SPs.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Effective novice mentoring (NM) in medicine is built upon personalised and enduring mentoring
relationships between mentee, mentor and the host organisation that facilitate the provision of
academic, clinical, research and personal-emotional support. However, despite its pivotal role, NM
remains poorly understood in medical educations. Subsequent varied practice, unstructured assessments
and inadequate support of the program have raised the spectre of the misuse of mentoring relationships,
bullying and even exploitation. A Systematic Evidence Based Approach guided SSRs (henceforth SSRs in
SEBA) is proposed to better understand NM.
18933 abstracts were reviewed, 174 full text articles were evaluated, 58 articles were included and four
funnelled domains including definitions, relationship and NM ecosystem were identified and formed the
scaffold for the synthesis of the discussion.
The data suggests that NM relationships exist within a mentoring ecosystem. The mentoring ecosystem
suggests that mentoring relationships form when micro-environments containing the mentee's, mentor's
and host organization (henceforth stakeholders) coalesce and influence one another. The course of the
mentoring relationship is guided by the mentoring framework through competency based mentoring
stages, shepherded by the codes of practice and the aligned expectations and roles and responsibilities
of the stakeholders and overseen and assessed by the host organization. This understanding will help
design and oversee NM programs.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.00 pm Hall 3,
Virtual Conference
Manasik Hassan, Qatar
Caitlin O'hara, Singapore
Yanjun Chen, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Virtual Learning in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic: Perception, Attitude and Barriers
among an ACGME-I Pediatric Training Program, Qatar
1Hassan M, 2Alhammadi A
1Paediatric, Hamad General Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar, 2 Paediatric, SIDRA Medicine,
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational activities were halted due to the increased
risk of exposure and transmission of disease. With time, and since the situation became stable, it was
decided to resume educational activities in our residency and fellowship programs. This was done through
virtual learning modalities, namely Microsoft teams and other programs, which has become a
cornerstone in our educational journey. Our aim is to study the perception of paediatric residents and
fellows with regards to virtual learning methods during the COVID-19 pandemic. To find what is considered
an advantage or disadvantage for the use of such learning modalities. Identify the barriers and
challenges of virtual learning faced by paediatric trainees as part of the paediatric education during
pandemic of COVID-19 disease
A cross sectional study using online survey conduction between 11-12 /2020. It was shared with 82
participants, including paediatric residents and fellows, in an ACGME-I accredited centre. The survey
evaluates the trainees' previous experience in virtual learning before COVID-19 pandemic, their IT
(information technology) skills, the difficulties they faced during this form of activity, their input with regards
to the advantages and disadvantages of using of using virtual learning. In addition to barriers to learning.
Total of 82 responses were collected, 59 residents and 23 fellows, male: female ratio 0.8:1, resident level1
(22%), resident level2 (23%), resident level3 (14%), resident level4 (12%), Fellow (28%). 25 (31%) indicated
that they have previous experience with virtual learning, while 57(69%) does not. 51(62%) of them had
well IT and 28 (34%) had fair IT skills and only 3 (3%) had poor IT skills. When participants asked about the
advantages of virtual learning modalities; they stated the following: 82% easy access to online materials,
67% added flexibility and self -pace learning, 55% better time management, 48% comfortable
environment for teaching and learning, 44% broader global networking, 33% gaining new technical skills
and 26.8% improve virtual communication and collaboration. Of the disadvantage’s trainee stated as
follow: 78% reduced interaction with the presenters, 48% selected social isolation, 37% had lack of self-
motivation/self-learning skills, and 16% selected require advance information technology skills. The final
question regarding the preference of learning modality, 48% prefers blend of both, 29% preferred internet-
based learning modality and remaining 23% preferred face-to-face learning experience. In regard to the
difficulties faced with virtual learning, 57 (70%) believe that virtual learning environments' distractions is a
major impediment to this modality of learning. 18 (24%) think time constraint with virtual learning as major
obstacles. 18 (24%) indicate absence of training program/intuitional implementation strategy and
support. 12 (6%) had lack of IT skills and support. 5 (3%) cost and internet accessibility was the least
obstacle to virtual learning.
Paediatric trainees believe that virtual learning modalities are beneficial in training especially during
pandemics and prefer to use it; however, due to the few disadvantages and barriers needed to be
address so training program leaders can work on improving it, it's preferred to be used in conjunction with
typical face-to-face didactics whenever it's applicable.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Increasing attention has been given to the role of medical humanities in both clinical care as well as in
medical education. Not only are the medical humanities able to foster a more humanistic clinical
practice, but they also build professional social accountability by orienting their learners and scholars
toward the intersections between medicine and social issues. Curriculum research thus far has found that
most medical humanities curricula is delivered by educators in a didactic or seminar-based format.
'MedTalks' is a student-initiated and student-led discussion group for the medical humanities. It aims to
nurture greater empathy and action among the healthcare providers of tomorrow, by providing a safe
platform for medical students to discuss the medical humanities as well as social issues relating to
Since the inception of 'MedTalks' in May 2020, over fifteen hour-long online discussions have been run by
the group. Sessions usually have between five to fifteen attendees each, collectively reaching over fifty
different students spanning all years of their medical study and all three local medical schools in
Discussions are varied in scope, with several broad subtypes: 1. Introductory discussions which provide a
first step towards exploring a discipline in the medical humanities (e.g. "An Introduction to Medical History"
or "An Introduction to Medical Anthropology"); 2. Sessions which address key ideas, concepts and theories
(e.g. "Social Determinants of Health", "Intersectionality and Medicine" and "Stigma and Health"); 3. Sessions
which focus on a group of patients (e.g. "Disability and Medicine", "History of Psychiatry in Singapore"); 4.
Discussions about medical practice (e.g. "Empathy in Medicine", "The Culture of the Medical Profession").
Prior to discussions, the participants are sent recommended reading materials or videos to browse.
Discussions and dialogues are facilitated by the student co-founders of the initiative. A welcoming and
safe environment is created, allowing students the freedom to decide on their preferred level of
participation in the discussion.
Preliminarily, students have given positive feedback about the sessions, citing 'MedTalks' as a "safe space"
where fellow medical students can "take up issues that perhaps might seem controversial, or [which]
might not really be discussed in day-to-day clinical practice". Students have also found 'MedTalks' to be
a good "stepping stone" to educate themselves about important topics which are new to them, and to
crystallise their thoughts and values.
In addition, attendees valued the sense of community created through the initiative; they felt comforted
to know that there were other students with an interest in the medical humanities too, finding themselves
building relationships with fellow attendees that extended beyond the discussions.
Student-led discussion groups provide a platform for medical students to engage with topics that may
seem out-of-reach, but which are nonetheless important to a patient-centred clinical practice and social
engagement. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the medical humanities, there is potential to include
students from other faculties in both the attending and facilitation of discussions in the future.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Assessing the Educational Needs and Improving the Training of Internal Medicine
MOPEX Medical Officers
1Chen Y, 2Khatri P, 3Aw MM
Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, Jurong Health Services, Singapore, 2Medicine, Alexandra Hospital,
National University Health System, Singapore, 3Paediatrics, Khoo Teck Puat National University Children
Medical Institute, National University Health System, Singapore
Compared to an Internal Medicine Residency Programme, the teaching programme for a Medical
Officers Posting Exercise (MOPEX) posting is often less structured. Designing a teaching programme for
MOPEX medical officers (MOs) poses challenges due to heterogeneity of the MOs from previous training
experiences, pre-existing skills and personal motivations. There is limited data evaluating the educational
needs of this group of physicians who form a large proportion of our workforce. This study aims to assess
the educational needs of MOs who are not in a Residency Programme.
MOPEX MOs posted to the Department of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital (AH) from January 2020 to June
2021 were invited to participate in an anonymous online questionnaire on FormSG. This surveyed their
views on various aspects of the posting, including (1) learning objectives, (2) didactic and interactive
teachings, (3) feedback, and (4) career development opportunities (supervision, and other skills and
training). The questionnaire collected responses on a 5-point Likert scale and also included qualitative
25 out of 52 (48%) MOs responded to the questionnaire. 96% had worked in Internal Medicine in the past
2 years. 40% had Internal Medicine and 44% had Family Medicine as their intended career paths.
Learning objectives were perceived to be relevant (92%) and well communicated at the beginning of
the posting (76%).
All respondents felt that there were sufficient didactic teachings. Suggestions for improvement included
providing reading materials and adding sessions on communication skills and from allied healthcare. Most
respondents felt that interactive teaching from team seniors were sufficient (88%). 96% felt that their
clinical reasoning skills had improved and 100% felt more confident of managing general medical issues
through the posting.
Majority reported receiving sufficient feedback about their daily work from team registrars and
consultants (92%), and formative feedback from their designated posting supervisor (92%). 100% felt they
usually agree with the feedback provided, and 96% felt that the feedback had been valuable in helping
them to improve as a physician.
For supervision in career development, 68% agreed to have an assigned supervisor, while 28% wanted to
be given a choice whether they would like a supervisor. There were frequent suggestions to match MOs
with supervisors based on the MOs' career specialty interests. A third of respondents qualified that they
would like their supervisor to advise on career paths.
For other skills and training, 80% were keen for guidance on portfolio building, with highest interest in
research projects (40%), followed by case reports/ clinical images (28%) and quality improvement projects
(20%). 72% were keen to attend courses and workshops outside of clinical work (e.g. procedural skills
training, ICU courses), yet only 36% agreed that they had been able to utilise their Training Leave (TL), with
64% having taken 0 days of TL in the preceding year.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
While current teaching and feedback methodologies are adequate, there is a need to improve on
career development opportunities for MOPEX MOs. This serves to allow them to develop their interests
and provide guidance in weighing their career options in various clinical fields.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the unprecedented use of online platforms for education of
healthcare professionals around the world. While online platforms are convenient and can reach a wider
audience across institutions and borders, issues with attention, interaction and engagement have been
identified. In Singapore, in line with institution segregation policies at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,
in-person teaching sessions for physicians were moved entirely online. Even with the relaxation of
segregation measures as the pandemic was brought under control in the country, online teaching
platforms seem to be here to stay. As such, the purpose of our study was to survey Internal Medicine
physicians' attitudes towards these online platforms and what changes, if any, could be made to improve
the use of online platforms for medical education.
This was a multi-site study. An online survey was disseminated to the Internal Medicine Departments of
three tertiary hospitals in Singapore in October 2020.
52 physicians from the Internal Medicine Departments of the three tertiary hospitals in Singapore
responded to the online survey. There was a good spread of years of experience practising as a physician.
The most commonly used online platform was Zoom (100%), followed by Microsoft Teams (21%) and
Google Meet (6%). The majority (62%) used online teaching platforms two to three times a week. 90%
reported that online teaching platforms allowed them to attend more teaching sessions than previously.
77% wanted cross institution education sessions to continue with 81% finding these cross institutional
sessions had improved their learning. 81% wanted at least half their teachings conducted online in the
future post-pandemic. Half or more respondents listed reducing the need to travel, ability to attend
teaching sessions when not on duty and the availability of a greater variety of teaching sessions as the
main advantages of online teaching sessions.
However, only a small proportion felt that they interacted with presenters better and were able to focus
more on online platforms compared to in-person teaching (25% and 36% respectively). 46% of
respondents felt that participants were more likely to be distracted on online platforms.
Our survey found that the majority of physicians are in favour of these online platforms and support their
use even after social distancing measures are relaxed. Only a small proportion of physicians felt that they
were able to focus better, and that online platforms allowed them to interact more than in-person
teaching. Several studies have suggested including polling to enhance audience engagement and
consider pre-recorded teaching sessions to allow flexible attendance to improve focus during these
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Given that online teachings are likely here to stay, further study is warranted to identify factors leading to
the success and enhancement of efficacy of teaching on online platforms. Information technology
infrastructure including connectivity, hardware and software for online teaching must continually be
addressed and further study of educators' and residents' attitudes, perceptions and barriers towards
online teaching are needed.
Given the vital role of interprofessional cooperation and logical thinking in medicine-related professions
and significant effect of contract bridge as intellectual sports in cultivating spirit of contract, team spirit
and logic thinking ability, contract bridge was developed, implemented and assessed as an elective
course for students in Zunyi Medical University.
A two-credit, 36-hour elective course of contract bridge, including three stages of teaching from simple
to complex: bridge of winning tricks, mini-bridge, and contract bridge was developed by mainly referring
to the teaching design of China Contract Bridge Association. Bridge knowledge and theory were
presented in the traditional classroom PPT method to students who chosen the course by themselves and
practical teaching, namely bridge bidding and card playing exercises, was mainly carried out with the
help of the mobile phone APP "Synrey (Xinrui) Bridge Academy". A pre course and post course
questionnaire were administered to the students on effects of contract bridge in improving sense of
cooperation and logic thinking ability along with a short course review.
1893 students, mainly major in clinical medicine, nursing and pharmacy, had chosen the course since
2018. 1398 students (approximately 74%) finished the course, among them, 80% of the students said that
they have initially learned to play bridge, 85% are very satisfied or relatively satisfied with the course, and
94% believe that learning and playing bridge are of great value in cultivating a sense of cooperation and
logical thinking.
Contract bridge can be taken as an elective course in cultivating the sense of cooperation and logic
thinking ability of students in medical universities.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Back in 2013, Universiti Malaya rolled out the new University of Malaya Medical Programme (UMMP). Prior
to that, selection of applicants into the medical school was conducted by the national student admission
management division based on merit marks from students' pre-university CGPA and extra-curricular
activities. There were no structured interviews and admission tests to standardise the admissions criteria.
University of Malaya is a public-funded institution. Hence, a medical degree needs to take account of
social costs and the quality of medical graduates who will serve the community. BMAT was introduced in
2013 as an admissions test and was formally accepted in 2016.
A correlational study was conducted on seven cohorts of students who were admitted into the medical
school from year 2013 until 2019. Using Spearman's rank correlation, students' BMAT scores for Section 1
(Aptitude and Skills) and Section 2 (Scientific Knowledge and Applications) were correlated with the
knowledge-based written assessments in Year 1 and Year 2 respectively.
There were significant correlations between students' BMAT scores for Section 1 and Section 2 and their
written assessments in Year 1 and Year 2. The results echo past studies.
BMAT can be used as one of the selection tools for prospective students into medical school with a variant
of other admissions criteria.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Managing different types of cardiac arrest is essential learning for final year medical students before their
graduation. The virtual practise of leading a resuscitation team in web-based video games to manage
an urgent situation of sudden cardiac arrest in the ward can likely enhance students' technical and non-
technical skills in resuscitation. The focus of two different types of cardiac arrest, asystole/pulseless electric
activities (PEA) arrest and ventricular fibrillation (VF)/Pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) cardiac arrest,
are intrinsically different. While searching for the cause of cardiac arrest is the primary goal in asystole/PEA,
prompt electrical and pharmacological interventions are the keys to success in VT/Pulseless VT.
Teaching method: The animation in the web-based video game can simulate the ward environment and
the sequence of events during different types of cardiac arrest. The programming can produce different
consequences in response to different decisions made by the students in the web-based video game.
We have produced two scenarios of in-hospital resuscitations for the students to practice before
attending the face-to-face simulation teaching in cardiac arrest management.1. Management of
asystole and Pulseless electrical cardiac (PEA) arrest. Web-based videogame, which requires the students
to finish all the tasks promptly, will be produced. Students must perform all the resuscitation steps to
maintain cardiac output (chest compression with adequate speed and depth and drug administration
to restart the heart) and oxygenation (manual ventilation with good chest rise and appropriate rate). The
process and effect on the patient of all the steps will be displayed in the game. Besides supporting the
patient, students must evaluate the patient to find out the cause of the cardiac arrest simultaneously.
Students can only win the game if all the crucial steps of resuscitation are completed on time.2.
Management of Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) and pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT) cardiac arrest. The
design of the second micromodule will be the same as the first one except that student are additionally
required to start electrical therapy promptly and safely to win the game and save the patient. Evaluation
Method: The web-based CPR games are incorporated in the e-learning system with other flipped
classroom e-learning activities designed for our acute medicine course. Their activities in finishing these
two scenarios were logged in our e-learning platform. Students were encouraged to finish the electronic
questionnaire to evaluate the games.
Two hundred and twenty-eight final year medical students attempted the CPR game during the acute
medicine course. One hundred and one of them passed the asystole, and 134 of them passed the VF/VT.
Eighty-three of them passed both scenarios. One hundred and forty-seven of them completed the
evaluation, and most of the evaluations are positive.
Web-based CPR game is a valuable teaching strategy in preparing students for face-to-face simulation-
based teaching. Similar games can be designed to teach other crisis scenarios in clinical medicine.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Third and fourth year medical students posted to National Healthcare Group Polyclinics for their Family
Medicine posting completed an online learning module on the social determinants of health mounted
on Google Classroom during their posting. The first part of this module comprised reference articles on
social determinants of health and a set of lecture slides on social determinants of health for students to
acquire knowledge.
Following completion of the reading material the students would be assigned to complete a gamebook
comprising 2 clinical scenarios on childhood obesity and hypokalemia from poor oral intake in a geriatric
patient to illustrate the influence the social set up has on a person's health and apply the knowledge
gained. Selection of different clinical decisions during the course of each clinical scenario would lead to
different end points. Students completed an 8-question pre-and post-module questionnaire as well as a
feedback form at the end of the module.
43 students completed the online learning module. Mean assignment scores increased from 5.10 (95% CI:
4.71 - 5.49) to 6.98 (95% CI: 6.64 - 7.31) at the end of the learning module (p<0.0001). 93.1 % of students
felt that the gamebook was interesting and fun. 93% of students felt the gamebook helped them
understand how social determinants of health were applicable to clinical practice. Students felt the
gamebook was a really interesting concept that was very easy to go through and learn with. Another
student requested for more cases. Others felt the reference material could have been reduced.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.00 pm Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
K. Anbarasi, India
Cindy Lee, Singapore
Brian Juin Hsien Lee, Singapore
Mary J Marret, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Training and assessment for the care and attitude domain (sympathy, empathy, compassion, dignity,
autonomy, characterisation by value, and patient safety) are challenging for the clinical teachers and
often fragmented in the current patient-centered care and student-centered learning model. We ask
how to introduce humanistic ideals into clinical teaching while simultaneously carrying out specific
instructive and technical tasks.
To design and implement person-centered care (PCC) framework for postgraduate training and achieve
holistic learning outcomes.
1. To develop a conceptual framework describing and linking the key PCC features and affective domain
2. To design an integrated assessment model to assess the performance of postgraduates when they
practice the PCC model.
3. To implement the PCC model with an integrated assessment tool for prosthodontics specialty graduate
dentists in facial prosthesis therapy training and report the outcomes.
Action research was conducted in facial prosthesis therapy training at the Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
Department of Sri Ramachandra Faculty of Dental Sciences. We designed the PCC framework after a
thorough literature analysis by focusing on the structure (organisational characteristics), process (person
and health care provider interactions), and outcome (value of the PCC model related with person-health
care provider- organisation). An Integrated formative assessment rubric was developed by merging the
expected learning outcomes with affective domain levels (receiving, responding, valuing, organisation,
and characterisation), moderated, and used. Performance evidence was gathered from multiple
sources. Rubric assessment was carried out for the participants individually throughout the study period
and the final report was generated by consolidating the scores of the individual participant. The study
was approved by our Institutional Ethics committee.
We promoted PCC practice in the facial prosthesis training (artificial replacement of an eye, ear, nose,
or other portion of the face) for postgraduates and the impact was recognised from the consolidated
report of the integrated formative assessment. The framework we adopted is well structured (in contrast
to many PCC models with a lack of implementation structure) and supported the hassle-free shift to PCC.
The consolidated assessment report revealed the following salient findings. All the participants showed
consistent effort and improvement in humanistic dialogue. Interpersonal unity is well improved.
Shared decision-making and reflection showed the practice of logical reasoning for real-life
accomplishment. The difficulties encountered include client communication, personal preferences
interfering with organisational goals, clinical teacher satisfaction, and time management.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
We recognised the PCC model needs revision based on the organisation's culture and the care provided.
Through the study process, it would not be possible to fit one framework for all types of treatment and at
all specialties.
Work in progress
We are currently in the process of framework and assessment validation to do the needful revisions,
develop quality indicators, and evaluate the tool for PCC to report the progress and quality improvement
in an authenticated manner.
Nurturing Nurses through the Use of an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)
Lee C, D/O Money Samuel CA, Chua WK, Chen YC, Loo CJZ
Nursing Services, National Healthcare Group Polyclinic, Singapore
Individual Professional Development Portfolio (IPDP) was designed and introduced to nurses from a public
primary care institution in Singapore to facilitate their professional development and career progression.
It comprises their career and development goals, self-assessment, and self-reflection to understand their
learning journey to take ownership for their learning and growth. IPDP document also serves as a
communication tool between nurses and their supervisors. It is implemented in tandem with the
Orientation Process, Learning Needs Analysis, and Total Performance Management systems. All nursing
supervisors identified IPDP champions and ground nurses attended the training session on the support
framework and components of the professional portfolios prior to its implementation. The IPDP champions
were nurses assigned to guide and provide peer support to a group of 4 - 6 nurses in completing their
IPDP. In addition, the champions were given more training in facilitating reflective thinking and giving
constructive feedback.
This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of IPDP from nursing supervisors', IPDP champions', and
nurses' perspectives.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken using an online questionnaire with a Likert Scale to
survey the nursing supervisors', IPDP champions', and nurses' perspectives on the effectiveness of IPDP
after the nurses have completed their IPDP. Eighty-five ground nurses, seventeen IPDP champions, and
fourteen nursing supervisors responded to the survey. Data were subjected to descriptive analysis, and
differences in attitudinal responses between groups were calculated.
The majority of the ground nurses (n = 85) agreed that 'IPDP helps take ownership and develop self-
awareness of professional strength and weakness (68.2%), 'IPDP helps to reflect and record learning
growth' (70.6%), 'IPDP helps my reporting officer (RO) have a better understanding of my career
development plans and learning needs' (64.7%), 'provided guidance on how to reflect systematically and
record my reflections' (64.7%), 'provided with constructive feedback to make meaningful inputs' (58.8%).
Most of the nursing supervisors (n = 14) found it useful to be trained on 'providing constructive feedback
(78.6%) and 'facilitating reflection' (78.6%). However, only 50% reported that their nurses-initiated
conversations on their development needs. Most nurses in all three groups (ground nurses, nursing
champions, and nursing supervisors) concurred that 'IPDP is a useful tool to track learning progress' (68.2%,
88.2%, 64.3%, respectively). As compared to the other two groups, 20% more IPDP champions believed in
the usefulness of IPDP in tracking learning progress.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Many of the respondents reported a positive impact from using IPDP. Creating their professional portfolios
allows nurses the opportunity to exercise self-awareness, reflection, and evaluate their professional
practice positively. Equipping the nursing supervisors and IPDP champions with skills to provide
constructive feedback and facilitating reflection is critical to effectively support ground nurses' use of IPDP
for their continual growth and development and facilitate the success of IPDP initiative. The findings will
guide future planning and implementation of staff development portfolios and the design of supporting
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Applications for medical school admission and entry into residency programmes are competitive. The
motivation to pursue a career can be captured in the concept of career anchors: the aspects valued or
prioritised by an individual. We present the results of a study to identify career anchors among junior
doctors in their first-year post-graduation.
The top three highest-scoring career anchors observed were 'Service and Dedication to a Cause' (mean=
5.17, SD= 1.29), 'Lifestyle' (mean= 5.1, SD= 1.15) and 'Technical and Functional Competence' (mean= 4.2,
SD= 0.76). The lowest scoring career anchors were 'General Management' (mean= 3.14. SD= 1.04) and
'Entrepreneurial Creativity' (mean= 3.11, SD= 1.04). The most prevalent dominant career anchor was
'Lifestyle' (n=23, 53.5%), followed by 'Service & Dedication to a Cause' (n=17, 39.5%). None of the PGY1
doctors had 'General Management' as their dominant career anchor, and only one had 'Entrepreneurial
Creativity' as a dominant career anchor.
'Service and Dedication to a Cause' and 'Lifestyle' were the most dominant career anchors for PGY1
doctors. Training and support efforts for junior doctors would benefit from reflecting these priorities in their
design and implementation.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Although the impact of culture on individuals' emotions has been well-investigated in psychology, only a
few studies examining the influence of culture on the learners' emotions have been reported in health
professions education.
The present study is a secondary analysis of the validation study for the Japanese version of Medical
Emotion Scale (J-MES) which consists of 20 items assessing discrete emotions of medical students. Forty-
one second-year medical students completed the J-MES before, during, and after the computed based
clinical reasoning activity. We then conducted exploratory factor analysis using Promax rotation to
examine the factor structure of the scale using the observed emotion scores of the J-MES for each time
point (before, during, and after a task). Factor extraction was based on scree-plot investigation, and an
item was accepted when the factor loading was ≥ .35.
For emotions before the task, the first factor accounted for 26.44% of the variance. Based on the seven
items with the highest loadings on this factor (i.e., happiness, enjoyment, hope, curiosity, pride, surprise,
gratitude), we interpreted this factor as representing a positive valence dimension. The second factor
accounting 13.78% of the variance was interpreted as the negative other-agency emotions based on
the four items with their highest loadings (i.e., anger, disappointment, frustration, boredom). The third
factor explaining 10.48% of the variance was considered as the negative self-agency emotions with the
items showing the highest loadings (i.e., shame, hopeless, sadness).
For emotions experienced during the task, the first factor accounted for 26.35% of the variance based on
the six items with the highest loadings (i.e., shame, fear, hopeless, anxiety, sadness, disappointment), and
this factor was interpreted as the self or situation-agency emotions. The second factor explaining 20.35%
of the variance was considered to be representing the positive valence dimension based on the eight
items with the highest loadings (i.e., happiness, pride, hope, enjoyment, curiosity, surprise, relief, gratitude).
The third factor explained 8.76% of the variance. Based on the four items with the highest loadings on this
factor (i.e., boredom, anger, confusion, frustration), we interpreted the factor as the negative other-
agency emotions.
For emotions after the task, the first factor accounted for 32.02% of the variance. Based on the nine items
with the highest loadings (i.e., anxiety, hopeless, sadness, shame, confusion, fear, disappointment,
boredom, anger), we interpreted the factor as the negative valence dimension. The second factor
accounting 19.81% of the variance was interpreted as the positive valence dimension based on the ten
items with the highest loadings (i.e., happiness, hope, curiosity, gratitude, pride, enjoyment, relief
compassion, surprise, relax).
While the situation-agency emotion components were also found in the Medical Emotion Scale study
conducted with Canadian subjects, the self- and other-agency were found to be unique components of
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
emotions among Japanese medical students. Future studies examining cultural differences in learners'
emotions between Japan and other nations in the medical education context are needed.
Studies shown that self-regulated learning is an important predictor of academic performance. There is
still a need to go further in medical education on finding out which factors of self-regulated learning can
improve academic performance and how factor encourage or discourage students to exploit their self-
study in specific situation.
Preparing for medical licensing exam can be seen as a chance for students to use their self-regulated
learning. In China, most of the medical students can only take the exam in their residency training, that
means they have to rely more on themselves. The study expects to describe the true picture of student
preparing for high stake exam.
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors influencing medical students' preparation of medical
licensing exam (MLE), and find out the facilitating factors that could support students to make full use of
the preparation phrase.
All the participant in this study are from the same school, which is a top medical school in China, the
Peking University Health Science Center. The passing rate of medical licensing exam keeps in a high level
in this school.
About 30 clinical professional medical students were invited to participate this study. The data were
collected by author with semi-structure interview one-by-one. During the interview, the students explained
their usage of strategy in the preparation phrase and be encouraged to reflect about the reason that
drive them use their own strategy.
The results presented the current situation in common and the individual facilitating and hinder factors.
Self-regulated learning offers an appropriate framework to analyse the data, the author expect that there
will be both facilitating and hinder factors in the behaviour and environment aspects. For personal
behaviour, the result will explain the relationship between time, location and material effected by
personal choice and exam performance. For environment aspect, the result will describe the affect
through policy, learning environment, daily task on exam performance.
Choosing high passing rate students as the sample can reveal the key point of how student use their self-
regulated learning as their strategy and meanwhile find out the factor that can support students self-
regulated learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Medical students work hard on preparing for the medical licensing exam, and the support provided by
environment can also be an important factor for students to achieve better results. This study
recommended that medical colleges could help students to improve their motivation level for exams,
and provide support for students with different needs by policy, such as: offering a quiet learning
environment, advocating the use of multiple learning methods (for example: group learning) and
appropriately increasing review time. By changing the environment, students would be encouraged to
make full use of the preparation phrase and achieve better performance.
The topic of child maltreatment spans across multiple disciplines within medicine and extends beyond to
fields such as law and sociology. For the teacher, communicating this breadth through a single lecture
without sacrificing clarity is a daunting task. For the medical undergraduate, grappling with abstract
concepts combined with lack of opportunities for reinforcement through direct patient encounters during
clinical rotations contribute to the challenge of learning. This presentation explores how transition to the
virtual platform during the pandemic facilitated learning of this complex and multi-dimensional topic.
In place of a single face-to-face lecture, pre-recorded slides and text documents were uploaded onto a
virtual platform to enable asynchronous learning. This was followed by a scheduled time for live online
discussion with the teacher. Design and delivery of content underwent a complete overhaul. Slides of
sub-sections were recorded as individual PowerPoint files of short duration, incorporating stories and case
histories for illustration as well as short quizzes to facilitate understanding of key concepts. A supplementary
text file with the same information was provided to aid learners who prefer reading and enable quick
revision in the future.
Preparation of content in this new format required considerable initial investment of time and acquisition
of new technical skills. This was rewarded with improved interaction and engagement with students
following this transition. Students found the case illustrations and quizzes stimulated their interest and
facilitated understanding.
The combination of asynchronous and synchronous methods on the virtual platform facilitated learning
of a complex topic. Some of these elements should be retained and combined with face-to-face
discussions when conditions permit.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The care of acutely ill children requires quick and decisive actions. Paediatric nurses require a basic level
of skills in this area to function competently. This study aims to study the efficacy and acceptability of a
simulation-based course to provide nurses with an experiential learning opportunity in acquiring
emergency management skills.
The course begins with lectures followed by skills stations where nurses practice skills required for
resuscitation such as bag mask ventilation, assisting with intubation, preparing emergency drugs and the
use of a defibrillator. This is followed by small group simulations and debriefing with their nursing faculty.
Participants were assessed on their performance at this session. Participants from the course were
recruited to attend a second simulation session involving paediatric residents where they were also
debriefed after the scenario and assessed based on the same tool.
After both simulation sessions, faculty assessed the participants using a tool developed for this purpose.
This tool was developed in consultation with both nursing and medical faculty involved in the assessment.
Critical actions and evaluation skills were evaluated on a Likert scale of 1 to 4. Each score was anchored
by specific descriptors. Rater trainer was conducted prior to commencing the study. Course evaluation
and the assessments from both simulation sessions were evaluated. Paired t-test was used to compare
means. The study was approved by the institutional review board.
20 courses were conducted between 2014 and 2016 involving 178 nurses from the paediatric outpatient
clinic, general ward, ICU and OT. 51 participants consented to and 36 completed the study. Barriers to
completing the study were mainly scheduling issues to attend the second simulation session during
working hours, unfamiliarity with the simulation location and fear of embarrassment when performing in
an inter-professional team.
Comparing first and second simulation assessments, the mean score increased from 70.1% to 84.5% (p
<0.05). In terms of course evaluation, 156/167 would recommend the course to others. 58/127 responses
reflected simulation as the most useful aspect of the course.
Simulation-based education may initially seem intimidating. We found that paediatric nurses found it
useful and acceptable as a method for learning. Simulation experience also allows for improvement in
performance in an inter-professional team when resuscitating in a simulated paediatric emergency. The
main barrier to simulation-based inter-professional training appears to be scheduling.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
High technology environment reshapes human ways of communication and learning. It brings an
evolution of the education ecosystem and calls to reflect on how to train the future nursing leaders in a
fast-evolving healthcare industry. Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) are master prepared registered
nurses and play the essential roles in advocating for and leading sustainable models of healthcare. As
the only Master of Nursing (MN) programme trains APNs in Singapore, we collaborate with other
healthcare stakeholders and technology developers to develop, pilot and evaluate the innovative
teaching pedagogies to enhance our students' abilities and enable them to be self-regulated learners.
The MN programme are collaboratively developing and adopting multiple innovative teaching strategies
and embeds them into the MN curriculum being it for teaching, assessment and clinical practicum. For
reaching for physical examination learning, the demonstration and instructional teaching videos were
developed and adopted to complement the physical laboratory teaching. For teaching for clinical
history taking and clinical communication, the virtual integrated patient (VIP) was piloted to allowing
students to practice history taking and communication from visual patients in conjunction to zoom
practice with standards patients and physical encountered round-robin training. In addition, Med2lab
was adopted and implemented to coach our students' clinical questioning and reasoning techniques by
receiving validated feedbacks on their clinical reasoning both via virtual platform and in person. Further
to these, the programme is collaborating with Microsoft to develop Q-bot to generate artificial intelligent
(AI) aided learning and is working with bunch of clinicians to develop PRESCRIBE mobile game to train
safe prescribing to ease the students' learnt pharmacology knowledge to be translated into clinical
practice. Furthermore, the programme is also working with vendors to design the clinical e-portfolio
platform by integrating the entrustable professional activities (EPAs) to capture the students' learning data
to allowing students to document their learning progression and enable self-regulated learning.
The students have evaluated and feedback about their learning experiences with the above-mentioned
innovative teaching and learning modalities, their experiences and perspectives were a mixture of
positive and negative. Their feedbacks have been given tremendous insights for developers to further
modify and improve their products to ensure its primary aims are achieved. in addition, by implementing
and evaluating all the innovative teaching technologies, the faculties are realising the individual students
are having different learning needs in regards to their past learning experience and working background,
which provide opportunities for the MN programme to achieve the training goals by narrowing the gaps
between teaching supply and learning demands.
Technology development requires time, money, content and evaluation, it should never be one single
discipline efforts, it requires collaboration to give a life to the innovation product. Select appropriate
partners who can understand and channel for feedback are important to allow students truly immerse in
and benefit from the innovative teaching technology. Teaching technology will replace some of the
teaching contents, and some teaching faculties inevitably, however, it gives faculties time to focus on
the key value of education to nature self-regulated leaners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
3.00 pm Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Lean Heong Foo, Singapore
Yu-Fang Chung, Taiwan
Sik Loo Tan, Malaysia
Eusni Rahayu Mohd. Tohit, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) plays an important role in improving patient's safety, and
effective interprofessional education (IPE) is a prerequisite for IPCP in clinical setting. University of Medicine
and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City (UMP HCMC) is the first university in Vietnam that has included IPE in
the curriculum for undergraduates of Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Nursing -
Medical Technology from the school year 2019 - 2020. This paper aims to describe what we have done
to develop and adapt IPE module based on students' learning experiences.
During one year before the implementation of IPE course, the core group of lecturers from the 3 relevant
faculties had discussed and made consensus on educational model, learning objectives and activities
based on learning experiences from other universities that have implemented IPE. We had agreed to
organize 5 consecutive courses for a total number of about 1000 students per school year. Learning-
through-experience model with 360-degree feedback were chosen to apply in IPE. In our planning, case-
based interprofessional group discussion with debriefing was the main learning activity in IPE class that
could be modified during implementation, if needed, according to the dynamic of learning process.
Upon implementation, we had observed that student reactions were different from our expectation.
Students from the 3 faculties with different curriculum and different background on clinical practice had
encountered difficulties in collaboration. As most students did not know how to work together, especially
through group discussion only, they were not interested in the existing learning activity. This observation
had made faculty (IPE teams) to discuss and modify learning activity as soon as possible. Right in the first
course, we had decided to add 2 activities:
(2) case-based simulation with standardized patients for student to work together.
Students' feedback results were very positive after adjusting the teaching-learning activities with
satisfaction rate above 90%. With student-centred approach, we had collected students' feedback using
qualitative and quantitative questionnaires at the end of each course to identify areas for improvement
in IPE. Based on these results in combination with lecturers' observation, IPE teams had analysed the
strengths-weaknesses of IPE module and then, had made effective adjustments after each course. During
2 years of implementation, we have made continuous adaptive process toward diversifying learning
activities, such as using video, educational games to motivate students in IPE class. The quantitative results
of students' surveys after each IPE courses always showed satisfaction rate over 95%. Besides, qualitative
results showed that students had less and less suggestion for adjustment in IPE module. Some of previous
suggestion have no longer appeared in qualitative survey.
Implementation of a new subject like IPE at UMP HCMC has encountered difficulties with initial results
different from expectation. Adapting based on student-centred approach is a good solution to gradually
improve this subject.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The FEP course runs over a six-week period. It includes five weeks of online learning beginning with a self-
assessment, one and a half days of live event and then one week of online follow-up, which includes a
post-course self-assessment. The intended learning outcomes of the FEP include: prepare and present a
lecture, moderate a small group discussion, instruct in practical exercises, motivate learners, encourage
interaction, receive and give feedback, evaluate and improve one's own teaching, work with outcomes
in teaching strategies, set reasonable expectations of a teaching or learning activity, use information
about learners e.g. learners' needs and cultural context in the educational process and manage time
and logistics.
We evaluated the effectiveness of the course using feedback gathered from the participants. Feedback
from a convenience sampling of 103 graduates (with 100% response rate) from six FEP courses conducted
from 2016 to 2019 was analysed. Achievement of course outcomes was measured using three categories
ranging from "not achieved" to "fully achieved". Faculty effectiveness, content relevance and overall
course impact were assessed using five categories ranging from "not at all effective" to "very effective".
Eighty percent or more of graduates agreed that the following outcomes were fully achieved: prepare
and present a lecture, moderate a small group discussion, instruct in practical exercise, encourage
interaction, work with outcomes in teaching strategies, set expectations and evaluate one's own
Seventy-five to seventy-eight percent of graduates agreed that the following outcomes were fully
achieved: motivate learners, receive and give feedback and manage time and logistics.
Sixty-six percent of graduates agreed that the following outcome was fully achieved: using learner's
information in the educational process.
Ninety-five to ninety-eight percent of graduates agreed that the faculty, the course content and the
overall course impact were very effective.
We conclude that the FEP is useful in meeting the teaching needs of the AO faculty. Continued
improvements will be useful in increasing the impact and maintaining the relevance of the AO Faculty
Education Program.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
An oral health module was introduced in the Duke-NUS medical school curriculum in March 2020 for Year
4 Duke-NUS medical school students. It covered basic dental anatomy, common dental conditions, how
to perform an oral examination and oral hygiene instructions. A flipped classroom approach was used to
conduct the module with pre-reading and a half-day virtual workshop.
Pre-module and post-module online anonymous surveys were conducted for Year 4 cohort of medical
students via the Duke-NUS learning management system. The surveys were comprised of seven questions
related to personal oral hygiene habits and eight questions related to level of confidence in managing
patients with oral conditions based on a 5-point Likert scale (1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree).
Responses were collated for descriptive analysis.
Pre-module and post-module survey response rates were 100% (N=52) and 96.2% (N=50) respectively. Pre-
module survey results revealed 48 students (92.4%) were brushing their teeth at least twice a day. Almost
half of the cohort (46.2%; 24/52) were not using any interdental aids as part of their personal oral hygiene
regime. Twenty-two students (42.2%) had not visited a dentist for more than a year. After attending the
module, the number of students who agreed they were confident in describing an oral condition to the
dentist increased from 3 to 39. Thirty-one students also agreed they were comfortable in identifying or
diagnosing patients with oral conditions after attending the module compared to 5 students before the
module. The number of students who agreed they were confident in performing oral examination rose
from 4 to 37 after attending the module. In addition, majority of students (86%; 43/50) were more aware
of oral conditions that require an urgent referral to the dentist in comparison with only 9.6% (5/52) students
before the module.
The survey results demonstrate an improvement in perception of this cohort of medical students'
awareness in the management of patients with oral conditions. The inclusion of an oral health module in
the medical curriculum can provide holistic training to medical students and improve their confidence in
identifying patients with oral conditions that require dental management.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A key component for skill development and retention is regular and deliberate practice, that
subsequently requires assessment, guidance, and feedback. There are many training models for
microsurgery described, but many lack a simple and accessible way to assess performance. Hence, we
describe and evaluate the Suture Parameters for Training Assessment (SParTA) tool, a set of 6 objective
mathematical parameters, including suture length, suture angle, suture alignment, suture interval, and
wound area, which facilitates real-time feedback and self-practice for microsurgical training.
Twenty-six completed microsurgical suture strips (Digital Surgicals, Singapore) from our database were
picked to represent the spectrum of performance. The samples were assessed using 3 scoring systems
including SParTA, DS Micro Trainer system (DS Microtrainer® system, Digital Surgicals Pte Ltd) (Lahiri 2016),
and End Product Intimal Assessment tool-EPIA (Kim 2019). Subsequently, 5 experts ranked the same
photographs of the suture strips using a 4-point scale: 1-very poor 2-poor, 3-good, 4-very good, and the
average expert score is utilized as the gold standard for validation of the scoring systems. The scores from
3 different scoring systems were compared against expert evaluations.
There were strong positive correlations between expert score and SParTA (r = 0.89, p=0.00), and between
expert score and DS Micro Trainer (r = 0.78, p = 0.00). A weaker positive correlation was observed for EPIA
(r = 0.56, p= 0.03). A stronger correlation was also observed between SParTA and DS Micro Trainer (r = 0.81,
p = 0.00) than with EPIA (r = 0.66, p = 0.00).
SParTA provides high validity and stronger discrimination of differences, when compared to DS Micro
Trainer and EPIA assessment systems, in the task that are important to expert evaluators. SParTA's
parameters were chosen to reflect suturing characteristics that directly reflect the quality of work done.
Beyond the score and parameter sub-score, it provides useful detailed information with real-time
feedback that guides training and practice.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Virtual Training System on Nursing Training - The Perspectives of Nursing Instructors from
General Wards and Intensive Care Units
1Chung Y, 2Chang L, 1Lin T
1Department of Nursing, Ditmanson Medical Foundation, Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan, 2Clinical
Medicine Research Center, Medical Education and Research Administration, Ditmanson Medical
Foundation, Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan
The Virtual Training System (VTS) (on Clinical Decision Making) was used in our hospital since June, 2020.
Here, we presented the differences in the VTS learning experience of nursing instructors between general
wards (GW) and intensive care units (ICU).
The VTS training courses for nursing instructors were provided between November and December, 2020.
After each training course, 5 open-ended questions containing learning experience and suggestions will
be asked. A qualitative analysis was conducted from the feedback of the questionnaire. The learning
experience of nursing instructors was compared between the GW and ICU.
A total of 35 nursing instructors (21 from GW and 14 from ICU) were joined the training courses. Each
training course lasted for 1.5 hours. All instructors agreed to answer the anonymous survey after the
training course. The results of qualitative analysis were listed in the following. "VTS provides a strongly
immersive environment" was reported by the nursing instructors from GW. "VTS offers a highly interactive
effect" was described by the nursing instructors from ICU. However, both of them considered that VTS can
provide a systemic assessment for nursing trainees, and promote reflection on clinic practice.
VTS can provide a systemic evaluation for trainees and encourage reflection. VTS is good tool for nursing
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Silent Mentor Program for Undergraduate Medical Education and Research
1Tan SL, 2Wong L, 1Abbas AA, 3Sia TE, 1Saw A
1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National Orthopaedic Center of Excellence for Research &
Learning (NOCERAL), 2Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Practice, Department of Social and
Preventive Medicine, 3Unit of Silent Mentor Program (SMP), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya,
The Silent Mentor Programme (SMP) is a new medical pedagogy for medical education for medical
students, postgraduates and medical professionals. In SMP, deep freezing preservation is used to
preserved the Silent Mentors, which is more suitable for surgical skill training and medical research. The
SMP was first started Tzu Chi University, Taiwan in 1996. In 2012, Universiti Malaya initiated this program for
training of basic surgical skills for the undergraduate medical students and for medical research. The
trainings for the undergraduate medical students include 6 standard procedures such as endotracheal
intubation, central venous line (CVL) insertion, chest tube insertion, Steinmann Pin insertion and basic
suturing skills. This study summarized the descriptive analysis on the undergraduate medical education
and medical research conducted during the SMP workshops, at the Universiti Malaya in 2018 and 2019.
The total number of training programs for medical students, postgraduates and medical professionals in
the year 2018 and 2019, at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya were analysed. Besides, the total
number of research projects conducted during the SPM sessions were also analysed.
In total, eight SMP training programs were conducted, four each in 2018 and 2019, which consists of 15
professional courses, 25 hospital training workshops and 8 undergraduate training programs/ workshops.
Among these, the undergraduate training programs, have benefited 27 foreign faculties, 131 local
faculties, 1 foreign participant and 305 local participants. Whereas for the research, it has aided as a
research resources for 8 projects, which involved 3 foreign faculties, 14 local faculties and 4 local
researchers. Besides surgical skills training, this program aims to inculcate the medical students with
excellent ethics and humanity, via home visit interaction with the Silent Mentors' family members, and
learnt the life history of the Silent Mentors as a person, not as a cold cadaver. A total of 8 research projects
were applied to utilize the Silent Mentors (SMs) as their study subjects. Among these, 5 were from UM, one
from a research team from Korea and one from Cancer Research Malaysia (CRM). Among these, 75%
were research projects of clinical Masters students.
In conclusion, this SMP program has been a popular medical pedagogy, benefited a wide range of
medical professions via humanistic medical education, apart from as a good source of a research
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
To present insights and practice points from a systematic review of the literature in coaching in medical
(health professions) education; and personal observations and reflections on practice as an alumnus of
a recent formal (ontological) coaching training program.
The purpose of this oral communication is to engage in the Scholarship of Integration and Application, to
present usable insights from a systematic literature review, and personal observations and insights from
reflective practice both during a formal coaching training program, as well as as an internal coach
assigned to medical students at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.
Coaching is a distinct role, and set of skills, that can add value to, and expand an educator's toolkit in
health professions education. Understanding and applying both theory/a foundation in background
knowledge and formal training in coaching skills is important.
Coaching is a distinct role, requires formal training, and forms part of the spectrum of practice we engage
in health professions education - as teachers, instructors, supervisors, mentors, guides, and coaches.
Clinical Pathology App and Design Thinking Skills (DTS) Task Book Experiential Learning:
Students' Perspectives
Mohd.Tohit ER, Abd Ghani F, Samsudin IN, Zakariah SZ, CP Thambiah S, Seman Z
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Learning in 21st century requires not only critical, analytical thinking and problem solving; it is also coupled
with excellent interpersonal skills and resilience. Clinical Pathology (CP) is a new module introduce in the
revised curriculum in Doctor of Medicine program. Outcomes of this module require learners' to be able
to apply knowledge of pathology into real world setting through case-based learning. In depth learning
of pathology requires learners to identify appropriate test, choose the appropriate specimen and sample
containers, provide relevant information, and interpret laboratory results accordingly with consideration
of various factors that may influence patients' results. Continuous exposure to the learning process will
provide excellent experiential learning which will be helpful in their future career. However, there are
possible instances where learners' exposure is restricted like in pandemic situation like current COVID-19.
Hence, a CP application for smartphone infused with Augmented Reality (AR) for basic introduction in
pathology together with DTS Task book was designed for students as a handy companion for guidance
in pathology in dealing with their day-to-day encounter with patients during their clinical postings with
minimal facilitation from pathologists.
A pilot study was executed amongst Year 3 medical students in Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences,
UPM, Serdang, Malaysia. Students were divided into small group of either 4 or 5 facilitated with a
pathologist. Each group underwent four hybrid sessions (physical and online meeting) in a span of two
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
months using the CP app and guide from the Task book provided. In brief, phases involved introduction
to clinical pathology consisting of modified Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in
pathology and tour of laboratory, case definition and laboratory work out, interpretation of laboratory
tests and variables influencing results, flowchart of investigations based on respective case and reflection
of the whole process. Each student presented their own case in the small group and developed their own
prototype of either flowchart/mind map on investigations of their cases. These were then presented in the
final phase of DTS in a simulated grand ward round. Students were asked to evaluate their experiential
learning using modified questionnaire adapted from validated experiential learning questionnaire.
Twenty students from Medicine and Surgery posting participated in the pilot study which was conducted
from 27th April 2021 to 26th June 2021. In general, students were very satisfied with experience was
applicable to their future career, made them think of tangible ways to solve cases, use learning
experience taught, valuable and prepared them for other experiences. Majority (80-95%) agreed with
the setting of the experiential learning and were stimulated with the learning process as it involved more
than listening. They also found it enjoyable; however only 65% were emotionally invested in the learning
Students benefitted and developed more confidence in CP after they underwent experiential learning,
and it was very useful for their future learning experience not only in CP but in other discipline and their
future career.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
4.15 pm Hall 2,
Virtual Conference
Clement Chia, Singapore
Olivia Ngan, Hong Kong S.A.R
Seow Chong Lee, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to ingenuities in the medical education worldwide. Despite the
challenges and disruption posed by the pandemic, several successful initiatives were implemented in the
Department of Paediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine in Kuwait University leading to progress in the
medical education during this time. Like the rest of the world, all schools and universities in Kuwait were
closed with the emergence of the pandemic, March 1, 2020, and not until August 9, 2020, when the
education was resumed in the Faculty of Medicine at Kuwait University after implementing multiple
adaptive techniques to successfully complete the curriculum. At the Department of Paediatrics, the
clinical training in the teaching hospitals was modified to decrease the chances of COVID-19 exposure
by both decreasing the number of medical students per group to 2-3 instead of 4-5 students, and
minimizing the time spent in the hospitals to 2.5 instead of 4-6 hours. Further, e-learning was introduced for
the first time in Kuwait University via Microsoft Teams platform to replace the traditional teaching and
adapt with the limitations faced.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction of sixth-year medical students with the modified
teaching pattern of paediatrics during the pandemic to analyse the effects of existing changes with the
education and identify new educational principles and practices.
A self-administered questionnaire conducted on Microsoft Teams forms was emailed to 120 students
attending their paediatric rotation between August 2020 to March 2021. The questionnaire evaluated the
clinical hospital teaching and e-learning. The responses were recorded on Likert scale.
The response rate was 83% (33 males and 67 females). Results showed that 90% of the students agreed
that shortened bedside teaching to 2.5 hours was adequate; it was rated as: effective (90%), focused
(90%), able to see and examine more patients (86%). Small group teaching was reported to be effective
by 96% of the students. Sixty eight percent of the students agreed that e-learning has helped them focus
more. The interactive e-tutorials were reported to add to the student clinical learning (88%). Eighty nine
percent of the students preferred implementing the same teaching modalities adopted within paediatric
department during the pandemic in other clinical departments at the Faculty of Medicine.
This study demonstrates the successful impact of e-learning and modified clinical training on the medical
education at the Department of Paediatrics, in the Faculty of Medicine at Kuwait University. Majority of
the sixth-year medical students were satisfied with the modification of the curriculum. The pandemic has
highlighted a huge potential of e-learning methods and online meetings in improving the overall teaching
and learning experience as well as bringing educators and learners together with no difficulties.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Traditionally final year medical students transitioning to house officers receive workshops and hands-on
medication prescription sessions in preparation for clinical practice. However due to the restrictions and
need for social distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic, we used online platforms to conduct an interactive
workshop for final year Duke-NUS medical students focused on medication prescription, errors and
We conducted two workshops one month apart using the ZOOM platform. Needs analysis and learning
objectives had been determined based on prior curriculum and previous workshops. Session one
comprised a three-hour workshop that started with an interactive problem and case-based discussion of
two clinical scenarios covering common medication orders, errors and rationalisation. Live polling was
done using an external poll generator which included multiple choice questions, open-ended questions
and questions with options to click on different areas of an image. Images were used to simulate real-
time ordering of medications on the hospital system and students were asked to click on areas of the
medication order set they thought were appropriate when ordering different medications. This was
followed by a pharmacist-led live discussion on good medication prescription practices and a
collaborative interactive session on medication reconciliation performed using the "breakout room"
function on ZOOM into rooms of 8 persons. Session one ended with a consolidation and review of errors
made. FAIR principles were incorporated to make learning more effective. Session two occurred a month
later, with a similar case-based discussion where selected questions from the prior session were repeated
to assess student's learning. The live chat room was available during both sessions for clarification and
questions along the way which were answered by facilitators.
There were a total of 59 students. 58/59 (98.3%) of students responded to the post workshop survey. On a
Likert scale of 1-4 (A Little =1, A Great Deal = 4), majority expressed satisfaction when asked if the content
appeared useful for their medical education and training with a mean score of 3.09 and when asked if
instructors created an environment conducive to learning with a mean score of 3.16. There were 5
questions repeated in the second session. On reviewing these, there was overall improvement in the
percentage of correct answers, which suggested learning (level 2) based on the Kirkpatrick model.
Strengths of the workshops included the ability to accommodate a large group of students in one sitting,
availability of facilitators for live discussion of cases, the ability to take multiple questions at a time via the
in-app chat-box with minimal disruption which also allowed for seamless discussion.
Our experience shows that even within the pandemic constraints on in-person teaching, a realistic
simulation of some of the working tasks of a house officer is still possible. The mode of teaching allows the
students to experience the tasks in prescription that they will face as a house officer, even though they
are physically remote from the ward. We note that this is a logistically efficient means of delivering
teaching which can be employed in future.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Telegram Education for Surgical Learning and Application (TESLA): A Mobile App-
Based Learning Vehicle for the New Norm
1Chia C, 1Lu J, 2Tudor Car L,3Soon M
1Department of General Surgery, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore, 2Department of Primary Care and
Public Health, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 3Lee
Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
COVID-19 has disrupted medical education with reduced opportunities for face-to-face interaction and
patient contact. Online learning circumvents these restrictions and are increasingly used. This study aims
to assess the usage and students' perceptions of learning efficacy of an app-based messaging platform,
Telegram, in surgical education.
A Telegram channel for surgical education, TESLA, was created on 16 October 2020 and medical students
from Lee Kong Chian and Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine who rotated to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital,
Department of General Surgery were invited to join the channel. Daily Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
quiz on real-life authentic clinical problems were posted and explanations and further learning resources
are provided. A flipped classroom model was also implemented with the channel disseminated before
the start of subsequent students' surgical rotation. Data such as channel subscription, post sharing and
viewership rates were collected. A semi-structured interview with volunteer participants to assess their
learning experience will be conducted with thematic analysis.
There are 943 subscribers to TESLA from 16th October 2020 to 11th July 2021. Average viewers per post
was 648. Average participation rate per question was 68.3%. Average shares per post was 36. Peak
viewership is during 0700-0800 and 1200-1400 hours. The results of the qualitative interview will be collected
and analysed.
Preliminary data shows good participation rate and engagement. Peak viewership during morning
commute periods and lunch breaks suggests that students could be capitalizing on 'micro-moments' to
practice asynchronous learning. TESLA is a useful mobile app-based learning platform for online learning
in the new norm.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Andragogy or the theory of adult learning is relevant to medical education, especially in the clinical
internship learning context. This setting focuses on the students, the faculty, and patients interacting
together while developing competencies as future practitioners. Medical interns are active adult learners,
enhancing their development of knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes, and pursuing professionalism.
Within the internship context, students and faculty, as well as other post-graduate trainees like residents
and fellows engage in a series of case-based discussions (CBDs). This study seeks to identify the basic
principles of andragogy while medical interns participate in CBDs. The study also determines selected
demographic factors associated with the andragogic principles.
Respondents included 80 interns selected by convenience sampling when they rotated at the
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences in a tertiary referral hospital. The study used a
combination of descriptive quantitative and qualitative research design. A valid instrument using the
Adult Learning Principles Design Elements Questionnaire (ALPDEQ) was used to measure the medical
intern's andragogic orientation. ALPDEQ consists of 28 items and rated using a 5-point scale where 1:
Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4: Agree, and 5: Strongly Agree. A direct,
non-participant observation of case-based discussions, conducted at the department was also
conducted by the researcher and research associate.
The occurrence of andragogic principles specifically motivation, experience, need to know, readiness
and self-directedness were observed during the conduct of case-based discussion among medical
interns. The scores obtained by direct observation by the researcher and research assistant were
compared through Kappa analysis. Moderate agreement was observed in the principle of experience
with a kappa = 0.55. This was followed by the principle of self-directedness with 0.36 showing fair
agreement. The two raters showed slight agreement in the principles of motivation and need to know
with Kappa = 0.07 and 0.05 respectively. Poor agreement was seen in the principle of readiness at kappa
= -0.22.
Interns' ALPDEQ mean ratings were 4.60 for motivation (SD=0.42), 4.55 for experience (SD=0.48), 4.59 for
need to know (SD=0.40), 4.44 for readiness (SD=0.50), 4.60 for self-directedness (SD=0.44), and 4.79 for end-
of-rotation (SD=0.34). There was no association between principles of andragogy, and demographic
factors such as age, gender, civil status, medical school, preparatory medical course and place of origin.
The study proved that CBDs provide medical interns adequate venues to be self-directed and apply the
principles of andragogy. CBDs are effective strategies where interns work in teams, search for knowledge,
in a workplace-based setting. Further studies exploring CBDs with consultants and other departments will
help facilitate improvement in the internship program and enhance additional educational outcomes in
the field of adult learning in medicine and health professions education as a whole.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Walking Through Time and History in the Teaching of Medical Humanities and Ethics
Ngan O
CUHK Centre for Bioethics, Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R.
Why should we learn about the historical events that affect the modern practice in medicine?
Understanding the importance of history allows medical students to observe the linkages, relevance, and
shared struggles between the past and present. The case studies provided by history offer an opportunity
to question the archives and give a different meaning to the relevant medical practice details. Another
advantage of knowing what has happened before empowers us to change individual behaviour,
organisational culture, or social system where wrongdoings in science have occurred due to procedural
insensitivity or limited guidelines.
The didactic teaching approach led to a misperception that learning in humanities is restricted to a
curriculum hierarchical leadership. The top-down, passive teaching approach driven from faculty
members to students inhibits the awareness that medical humanities and ethics learning is closely relevant
to students' everyday lives.
This project involves a teacher-student collaboration aiming to bring learning outside of the classroom.
The objectives are to: (1) bring attention to the historical events of medical ethics, and (2) recognise the
evolving nature of values and social norms that inform current practice.
The team selected few major historical events that laid an essential foundation for modern medical
practice. To produce a vivid description, the project produces few videos as supplementary materials to
enrich knowledge prior to the class. In the parallel arm, the student team leads the parallel arm to
connect to the topic and other contemporary issues using social media platforms and student-led
publications. A feedback loop was incorporated to engage teachers, students writers, and the student
The teacher-student works draw learning interest by adding relatedness and relevance in the teaching
content, helping students see how it fits their current and future practice. The teacher-led developed
materials offer a ground for students to explore a multifaceted view of medical humanities and ethics,
which has an instrumental value in cultivating physicians' characters and provides alternative ways of
perceiving the globe. The student-led elements make teaching relevant to the class and connect with
what they already know. The project exposes students to social science and orients their ethical practice
within the cultural-social contexts, along with an understanding of the sciences.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Medical school teaching and training has been impacted significantly due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Amidst a global pandemic, adapting to new norms through building knowledge about COVID-19,
learning safety measures to protect oneself in clinical environments or exploring new roles in pandemic
relief efforts has become important for medical students. Here, we analyse the levels of COVID-19
awareness and knowledge on self-protection against COVID-19 amongst medical students of a tertiary
hybrid-COVID centre whilst looking into their roles in pandemic relief efforts.
Medical students from the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya were administered a prospective online
survey from November to December 2020 amidst a re-emergence of COVID-19 cases that led to a
second nationwide lockdown. All students were confined to off-campus online learning. Demographic
data together with opinions of the participants' awareness and preparedness towards facing the
pandemic were recorded. A descriptive analysis and chi-square test were performed and a p-value of
<0.05 was considered significant.
A total of 643/759 (81.2%) students responded. Majority of students were well-informed about the
pandemic (87.5%; n=539). Most students did not have an opinion when asked about the personal
protective equipment (PPE) provided to them in the hospital (44.8%; n=276), though a majority agreed
that COVID-19 prevention strategies were well adhered to in the hospital (61.8%, n=381). Only a small
number of students were actively involved in COVID-19 related projects (3.6%; n=22). Despite this, a large
proportion of students felt ready to serve on the frontlines (77.4%; n=477) and agreed that authorities
should encourage their participation in COVID related activities (58.4%; n=360). Ethnicity, year of study
and average monthly household income were significant factors towards opinions about COVID-19 in
relation to
This study showed that ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and year of study could potentially affect medical
students' adherence and interpretation of COVID-19 protocols as well as their response as a medical
student towards the pandemic. Despite a low medical student participation rate in COVID-19 related
activities, students were very willing to make active contributions towards pandemic relief efforts, electing
to serve on the frontlines voluntarily.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Minor Tweaks to Tutorial Presentation Altered Students' Perceptions of "The Cell" Mass
Lee SC, Yeong FM
Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Undergraduate medical students start their medical studies by learning basic sciences. In the section on
"The Cell", different aspects of cellular structure and processes are first taught by various lecturers, after
which a mass tutorial session is held. The objectives of the tutorial session are to review the concepts learnt,
apply concepts to solve real life problems, and illustrate connections across the topics. In this exploratory
study, we aim to understand students' perceptions of the tutorial sessions held in 2019 and 2020.
To understand Phase I students' perceptions from the tutorial sessions, we examined student reflections
after mass tutorials in 2019 and 2020. The mass tutorials (mediated by Poll Everywhere) were co-
conducted by the lecturers of the block. Each lecturer posed several questions linked to their topics, using
a mix of recall and application questions. Students answered after discussing among themselves. After
the class responses were revealed, lecturers explained the solutions to their questions. Similar tutorial
questions were used in both years. After each tutorial, two anonymous, voluntary Poll Everywhere
reflection questions were posted. The two questions were: 1. "What were the key points you learned in this
session?", 2. "Any questions?". We coded the responses from question 1 into various categories and
quantified them. Each response could be coded more than once. The counts for each outcome were
expressed as a percentage of all counts coded from the responses. Based on the categories, we
compared the tutorial organization in 2019 and 2020 to understand students' perceptions.
Students' responses to question 1 could be classified into five main categories in decreasing percentage
counts: recall contents, prepare for assessments, consolidate knowledge, apply knowledge, and link
concepts. Compared to 2019, we noted observable increases in percentage of responses under "link
concepts" and "apply knowledge" with a concomitant decrease in "recall contents" in 2020.
To further understand the possible reasons for the change in students' perceptions, we examined the
tutorial slides for 2019 and 2020 and noted the following changes:
i) A summary slide detailing the different aspects of the cell was inserted at the start of the tutorial.
ii) There were more lecturers who incorporated lecture slides into their explanations instead of merely
explaining verbally. These slides, used by colleagues in their respective lectures, were presented after
showing the class responses.
Surveying students' reflections at the end of mass tutorial proved to be informative as we learned that
students perceived the session to be useful for learning about content, preparing for assessments,
consolidating knowledge, applying, and linking concepts. We noted that the number of students'
comments could be shifted more towards "applying and linking concepts" simply by including summary
and relevant lecture slides when explaining the answers. This likely helped students visualize links between
different topics, and how lecture contents may be applied to physiological and clinical scenarios. This
could be especially beneficial for Phase I students who are relatively inexperienced. Hence, we propose
that with minor tweaks, we can more effectively scaffold students' learning.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Online learning can be defined as learning that take place partially or entirely over the internet. Online
learning environments allow students to learn through a web-based interface where the course materials
are made available online and students interact with their peers and instructors through online
communication tools. During the era of COVID-19 pandemic, online learning became escalated. It is
important to know about our students experiences on online learning and the study was conducted.
Objective of the study is to determine the perceptions of clinical year medical students on online learning
environments during COVID-19 pandemic, to determine the differences in perception between gender,
academic year and postings completed.
A cross sectional study was conducted at University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Selangor, Malaysia in
2020. The study population were clinical year medical students (Year 3 to Year 5) studying at University
Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia during academic year 2020/2021. Validated Online Learning
Environment Survey (OLES) was used as tool to conduct the study. The OLES consisted of nine scales:
Computer Usage (CU); Teacher Support (TS); Student Interaction & Collaboration (SIC); Personal
Relevance (PR); Authentic Learning (AL); Student Autonomy (SA); Equity (EQ); Enjoyment (EN); and,
Asynchronicity (AS) which can further be classified into four domains Support for learning, Quality of
learning, Usability of online learning tools and Enjoyment in online learning.
There were 84 clinical year students (Year 3,4,5) participated in the study with the response rate of 61.3%.
Total 82 (97.6%) students were aged between 21 to 25 years and 63.1% were female students. Overall
mean scores of perceptions on the support of online learning is highest (4.15) while overall mean score of
perceptions on enjoyment of online learning environment is lowest (3.48). There were no significant
difference between gender and students perception on online learning environment. But the Year 5
students enjoyed more on online learning environment compared to Year 3 and Year 4 (P=0.027) and
regarding usability of online learning tools, the students who completed the surgery and family posting
(p=0.036) had higher mean score compare to students completed other postings. Overall rating of mean
scores of the students on online teaching experiences was 3.74 out of 5 which mean between good and
very good.
In conclusion, there were challenging experiences for all clinical year students and clinical lecturers to
adopt teaching learning experience online during movement restriction period and limited accessibility
to hospitals and clinics during COVID-19 Pandemic. UTAR clinical lecturers made differences in teaching
clinical year students during COVID-19 pandemic time and it was recommended to use different
instructional designs in online teaching and learning for the students to have effective online learning
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
4.15 pm Hall 3,
Virtual Conference
Mun Loke Wong, Singapore
Abeykoon Paveetha, Sri Lanka
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Clinical placements and bedside teaching are highly regarded in preparing students for the objective
structured clinical examination (OSCE). However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical placements
have faced significant disruption. Faculties have responded with a transformative adoption of online
technology-based learning. Online videos are now the favoured OSCE revision resource over the
traditional textbook. However, not all YouTube videos are of high educational quality.
This study aimed to understand how medical students decide which YouTube videos to use for third year
OSCE revision purposes.
This study recruited ten medical students in third year and above. The data was collected using novel
qualitative methods, which were piloted before use. Participants were not only interviewed using semi-
structured interview techniques but also requested to demonstrate on YouTube how they select physical
examination videos for OSCE revision. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and thematically
Two key themes were identified related to the value of YouTube videos and factors influencing medical
students' video choices. Students considered YouTube OSCE videos essential for learning. The ease and
convenience of YouTube videos, as well as their benefit for learning through modelling behaviour, was
highly valued. Furthermore, videos in a clinical environment, with medical student demonstrators and
simulated patients represented an authentic OSCE setting and were considered key learning aids.
However, participants expressed concerns about learning content that was beyond the level required
for their third year OSCEs.
This study pinpoints elements of OSCE revision videos that students find helpful and identified factors that
are barriers to learning. These findings can be used to guide medical educators in developing and
recommending YouTube OSCE videos that meet student preferences for learning whilst also fulfilling the
curriculum requirements.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The objective of this study is to investigate which is the most difficult item for the trainees of physical
therapy by pre-assessment using mini-objective structured clinical examination (OSCE).
Ten trainees applied for 18-week training program of physical therapy since August 2021. Three 3-minute
video films related to the exam were given before pre-assessment. Mini-OSCE containing 3 stations was
used as a pre-assessment to evaluate ability of clinical practice before training. Three stations for exams
were focused on history taking, operative skill and health education separately. The score percentages
of each station were compared.
Nine female and 1 male trainees were enrolled in the exam. The score percentage of history taking
(33.3%) was significantly lower than operative skill (43.7%) and health education (65.0%) (p =0.0014).
History taking seems the most difficult item for the trainees of physical therapy before entering clinical
Pre-assessment using mini-OSCE is a good tool to identify the clinical ability of trainees before starting
internship. Clinical practice should be trained comprehensively, particularly history taking.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) is crucial for a healthcare institution and healthcare professionals to
work together for better patient healthcare outcomes. For effective IPC, supportive management
practices, improvement to culture and attitudes of healthcare professionals are some World Health
Organisation's (WHO) recommended practices.
The purpose of the Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) seeks to identify the current attitudes and perceptions
towards IPC in the department. This aids in identifying performance gaps and Interprofessional Education
(IPE) intervention required to improve the culture and attitudes of healthcare professionals (HCPs) within
the department to bridge these performance gaps.
The radiology HCPs surveyed included doctors, nurses, radiographers, and administrative staff. The survey
is partially adapted from the UWE Interprofessional Questionnaire and was chosen to understand staff's
current attitudes and perceptions towards IPC. Survey responses are self-reported, and it ranges on a
Likert scale (1=Strongly disagree to 5=Strongly agree). The Questionnaire consist of a few sets of validated
scales that measure some core competencies of IPC, including communication, teamwork,
interprofessional interaction, and interprofessional relationships.
There was a total of 15 respondents for the survey. Respondents expressed open communications
amongst professions (73.3%) and that they were comfortable working in groups (80%) and putting forth
their opinions in a group setting (60%). However, only 40% of respondents were comfortable expressing
their opinions knowing that others may not be agreeable. Respondents also agreed that different
healthcare professionals have stereotypical views of one another (60%), and the relationship between
healthcare professionals were influenced by status hierarchy (86.7%). About half the respondents were
primarily neutral (53.3%) or disagreed (26.7%) that all HCPs obtained equal respect. In terms of
interprofessional communication, half the respondents agreed open communication was easy with other
healthcare disciplines (46.7%). Overall, most respondents agreed that they had a good understanding of
various professional roles in healthcare (80%), feels respected (80%), are confident (73.3%) and were
comfortable in their interpersonal relationships with people from other healthcare disciplines (86.7%).
The results demonstrate that there is generally good, respectful interprofessional relationship, amongst
HCPs. However, interprofessional communication with other healthcare disciplines is an area that could
be further improved. Respondents were generally at ease when expressing opinions amongst HCPs.
However, some reservations were observed in voicing opinions when it goes against the grain. The results
also seem to demonstrate deep-seated perceptions of stereotypes, hierarchy status, and respect
differences experienced by the HCPs.
In conclusion, establishing equality, inclusion, and interprofessional communication has been identified
as part of LNA for targeted IPE intervention. This would benefit the department and organisation as part
of learning needs for IPC and better patient outcome respectively. Further work remains to be done to
evaluate the impact IPE on IPC improvement in terms of culture and attitudes of HCPs regardless of status
hierarchy and roles within the department.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) is a 4-year full-time programme which aims to equip its graduates
with the knowledge and skills to independently manage the oral health needs of their patients. Towards
this end, the last two years of the BDS course predominantly focuses on clinical care where students treat
a wide range of dental conditions under close staff supervision.
The transition from school to the workplace can be challenging and presents a steep learning curve for
the students when they first start work. To smoothen this transition and flatten the learning curve, the
Transition to Independent Practice (T.I.P) Clinic was piloted for a cohort of 54 final-year BDS
undergraduates in 2021.
The T.I.P Clinic simulates real-world primary dental care practice which many of the graduates will work
in immediately upon graduation. As part of T.I.P Clinic workflow, the students had to manage new patients
whom they have never met. The students had to examine the patients, understand their needs, diagnose
their dental problems, plan the treatment, and render the necessary care to the patients within a
stipulated time.
This study presents student feedback on this pilot T.I.P Clinic initiative and explores key learning themes
arising from the students who participated in the clinic.
At the end of the T.I.P Clinics, the final-year students completed a Reflection Exercise anchored on the
Gibbs' Reflective Cycle. Through this exercise, the students described
b. what went well and what did not go so well during the clinical sessions, and
The reflections were then analysed, and common themes were identified.
24 students consented for their reflections to be analysed. The students experienced a range of emotions
as they began their T.I.P Clinic postings. These ranged from positive emotions such as excitement at the
prospect of managing a patient they had not seen previously to a sense of freedom at being able to
manage the patient on their own. Understandably, some of them also expressed apprehension about
managing the patient given that it was an unknown case to them. For some of the students, the
experience affirmed and encouraged them as they were able to satisfactorily manage the cases with
less supervision. The key learnings from the T.I.P Clinic included the need to address the patient's chief
complaints in an empathetic and efficient manner. The students also began to appreciate the
significance of the softer skills such as communication which are essential for positive patient rapport.
Overall, the students found the T.I.P Clinics to be a positive experience.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
This pilot T.I.P Clinic initiative provides useful insights on how the clinical training phase of the BDS course
can be designed to intentionally incorporate a similar training initiative to simulate real-life practice
experience. In so doing, this will enhance the students' learning experience and smoothen the transition
from dental school to workplace for the students.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced academic institutions to move many of their face-to-face teaching
and learning activities online, due to the need for physical distancing to curb rapid spread of the virus in
populations. University of Malaya medical students, particularly the pre-clinical students, were no
exception to this. Teaching and learning activities of pharmacology has been largely didactic, with most
of the slots being lectures, and a few theme sessions and tutorials. The Medical Education Research and
Development Unit (MERDU) had instructed that all lectures be prepared beforehand as pre-recorded
voiced over lecture slides to allow for more flexibility for students so even if they had troubles going for the
synchronous face-to-face sessions, they would still be able to follow the sessions asynchronously. It was
also hoped that this might encourage the switch from the traditional didactic lectures to a more
engaging active learning during the synchronous sessions. This study aimed to see if students appreciated
the changes made for online learning and if the changes could be maintained after the MCO is over.
The total number of respondents were 790 and 774, for 2018/2019 and 2020/2021 cohorts, respectively. A
total of 45 teaching sessions were included for each cohort. The average score comparison between
2018/2019 and 2020/2021 was statistically very significant (p<0.00005, mean 4.44±0.25 and 4.70±0.16).
Minimum and maximum scores were also improved (4.33-5 for 2020/2021 and 3.79-4.83 for 2018/2019).
Out of the 45 slots, 7 had reductions in scores, with 4 of them having changes in teachers from the first to
the second session. 40 out of 45 sessions had either quizzes or case-based learning during their
synchronous sessions. Students expressed that the quizzes and discussions during the online synchronous
sessions helped them understand the topics better, while the lecturers noted positive interactions with the
On the whole, it can be said that the changes made to accommodate online teachings had resulted in
a positive learning experience for the students for pre-clinical pharmacology teaching. With these results,
it is likely that the changes implemented namely, pre-recorded lectures to support flexible learning as well
as interactive discussion/quiz approach during face-to-face sessions may be adopted as mainstay of
pharmacology teaching in the future.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Perception of Self Satisfaction and the Factors Affecting the Academic Perfromance
of Medical Undergraduates of University of Peradeniya
Abeykoon P, Amarathunga C, Alahakoon A, Abesekara C
Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Virtuous academic performance is the primary goal of both the undergraduate students and the Faculty.
Performance is directly related to the perception of self-satisfaction (SS). Hence, to optimize student
performance, it is vital to know the student's perception of SS on academic performance and explore the
identified factors associated with their performance and suggestions to modify the learning experience.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was done for three academic years of medical students of the
University of Peradeniya. Batch A had commenced their clinical training, Batch B finished the basic
science stream and awaiting to start the clinical, whereas Batch C was in the preclinical period. The data
were gathered on a pre-tested self-administered questionnaire. Since the perception of satisfaction on
academic performance is a subjective entity, descriptive indicators of performance were used, which
circuitously assessed the satisfaction. This included, the relationship between efforts and the achieved
results, the ability to learn necessary skills, teamwork, effective communication, idea on the relevance of
subjects in the program they follow.
Factors to their understanding may have been associated with their performance like fluency in English,
distance from home, learning method, self-centered learning, teaching method, aims and goals,
extracurricular activities, economic status, easy access to technology, social factors like group studying
and relationships, the structure of the general time table and examination and time-lapse from A/L to
university entrance and selection of medicine as a career was gathered by direct questions. These were
analyses for each batch and in both satisfied and unsatisfied groups.
The majority in Groups A and B were not satisfied with their overall performance (58.14% and 61.3%),
whereas Group C had a lower unsatisfied (33.18%). Group C was confident with the effort they put in with
the comparative results. (48.08%) However, the majority of all batches think that they can learn the
necessary skills, the ability to work in teams and good communication skills. The majority of them believed
the subject matters are relevant, and learning medicine is self-decided. It was exciting to see that of all
three batches among the satisfied and unsatisfied performances categories, the same factors were
identified as the top five factors connected to the performance: More self-centred learning method as
compared to A levels, fluency in the English Language, clear goal, distance from home and access to
technology and social media. However, only among the batch with a satisfied majority have group
studies come up as a factor.
Suggestions identified were to provide more guidance in academic activities, improve language skills,
and conduct motivational programs.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The common factors identified with the satisfied and unsatisfied groups demonstrate that satisfaction was
primarily based on correctable factors. Even though most efforts by policymakers are directed on the
teaching methods, the most influential factor that affects performance and satisfaction seems to be the
learning methods (self-centred), which should be intervened effectively.
Online teaching and assessing are not new, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, these methods has
become major methods in many universities. In 2020, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh
City (UMPH) had changed teaching methods into online teaching to adapt with the pandemic. In 2021,
not only teaching but also assessing have accelerated changes to adapt with social distancing status.
The aims of this study are evaluating the adaptability of faculties and students with these online methods
through comparing the database of 2 years, analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the online
formats as well as the application platforms. We also address difficulties and challenges experienced in
the implementation process and provide some solutions to improve the efficiency of online teaching and
Descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on faculties and students (undergraduate and post-
graduate learners) who have been participated in online teaching in UMPH processed from February to
April, 2020 and in online teaching and assessing processed from May to July, 2021.
We took the feedback of participants at the end of April 2020 and at the end of July 2021 using online
The satisfaction level for online teaching and assessing of students and faculties are over than 3 (out of
5). Two most popular applications were Zoom and Teams, with teaching formats such as lecture, case-
based learning, team-based learning and seminar. Besides, there are various online assessing formats
such as multiple choices questions, oral examination, case-based questions have been conducted in
mid-term and final exams. In 2021, the study shows better applicability of students and faculties with online
teaching as well as new step in applying the technology in online assessing.
The pros and cons of these applications and teaching and assessing formats were discussed based on
the responses of participants. Then, we suggest some solutions to develop online teaching and assessing
by improve instruments, techniques and formats.
According to the survey and analysis, we consider that online teaching and assessing are completely
feasible and a beneficial choice not only in the pandemic but also in the future. However, there are still
some difficulties needed to be overcome in order to achieve higher efficiency.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
4.15 pm Hall 4,
Virtual Conference
Thilanka Seneviratne, Sri Lanka
Thos Harnroongroj, Thailand
Crystal Cheong, Singapore
Meow-Keong Thong, Malaysia
Sulayman Musa Ayub, United Kingdom
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Using Break-Out Rooms in Zoom Makes Student Experience Closer to Real Classroom
1Seneviratne T, 2Somaratne K, 1Dileepa D
1Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2Surgery, DBH Theldeniya, Sri
During the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching of pharmacology for the medical undergraduates of faculty
of medicine, University of Peradeniya was moved in-toto to an on-line platform. Having zoom learning
experience closer to real classroom experience by maintaining student interactions, is a challenge to
teachers when the teaching is solely done using on line platform. This is specially so when teaching large
groups of students. Therefore using options to enhance student interactivity is essential in order to get a
better learning experience. We use breakout rooms in zoom sessions to overcome this hurdle and the aim
of this study was to assess the effect of using break-out rooms in zoom sessions.
Two batches of students who were doing pharmacology during December 2020 to June 2021
participated in the study.
Tutorial discussions were conducted as live sessions using Zoom platform. To enhance student interactions
during discussions, breakout room option was utilized. Students were grouped into 15 to 20 students using
pre assigned breakout room option. Discussions within the groups were facilitated by the tutor joining the
each room separately. At the end of the discussion time of 15 to 20 minutes all the students were asked
to join the main session and overall discussion continued with the presentations from each group. At the
end of the semester student perceptions on using breakout rooms was assessed using a questionnaire via
google forms.
173 students participated in the study. Mean number of zoom sessions attended were 4. Majority of the
students mentioned that Group discussions encourage fellow student interactions (85%) and help learning
with peers (85%). Also, they mentioned that it is a good way for interactive learning during teaching
sessions via zoom (83%).
82% mentioned that the number of students in each group was adequate and time given for the student
discussion sessions was adequate. However, 34% had frequent internet disturbances during the group
discussion time.
Overall, students mentioned that using breakout rooms gave them experience closer to real classroom.
Using breakout rooms during online teaching enhance student interactions and gives them experience
closer to real classroom.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Orthopaedic training was challenging. The learners needed to develop the knowledge, skill and attitude
in the 4-year limitation. Kolb experiential learning cycle was one of the effective learning philosophy in
health science education. The learners could be categorized into 4 learning styles based on the used
learning processes. These learning styles were adaptable based on the learning experiences and
maturity. Knowing the learning preferences or the positive learning style which was correlated to good
academic achievement and critical thinking could help the learners succeeded their training.
Aims: To report the Kolb learning style incidence in Orthopaedic residents, and the relationship to
academic achievement and critical thinking
The 2 most common learning styles in Orthopaedic residents were assimilating (37.5%) and converging
(25.0%), followed by accommodating (22.9%) and diverging (14.6%). Subgroup analysis revealed no
difference of learning styles between senior (3rd and 4th year) and junior (1st and 2nd year) residents, p
= 0.43. No statistically significant difference of baseline demographic data as age, sex and grade point
average of Medicine degree between each learning style as p = 0.061, 0.54 and 0.85, respectively. No
statistically significant difference of academic achievement scores among learning style as p = 0.35 and
0.38. There were statistically significant difference of critical thinking score-disposition in each style, p =
0.018 and 0.023. The converging style had the highest critical thinking score and the assimilating style had
the highest critical thinking disposition.
The 2 most common converging-assimilating styles were the learning styles which had the relationship
with good critical thinking skills. For application, the Orthopaedic learning atmosphere should encourage
reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation of the Kolb experiential
learning such as promoting of the critical reflection in the learning experiences, applying more simulation
learnings and the development of the entrustable professional activities, to facilitate critical thinking in
the residents that might assist them succeed in the training.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
There is an increasing shift away from 'patient-centred' care towards 'person-centered' care within
healthcare at the individual and systems level. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a tool that is widely used
in primary care practice to facilitate behaviour change in patients. At the heart of motivational
interviewing are key person-centered tenets of 1) Partnership 2) Acceptance 3) Compassion 4)
Evocation. MI skills and techniques are increasingly being introduced as part of communications skills
training within the undergraduate medical education curriculum. By doing so, medical students are not
only equipped with the knowledge and skills to facilitate person-centered conversations but are also
anchored on the person-centered attitudes that underpin MI.
MI techniques and approaches are taught to year 3 medical students within their family medicine posting.
A three-pronged approached is used to implement the curriculum 1) Self-directed learning using webcast
lectures and choice reading materials 2) Interactive workshop with role play 3) Simulated clinic sessions
where students demonstrate MI skills through interaction with simulated patients.
To ensure consistent quality delivery of medical education, faculty development training is carried out
through a yearly workshop to introduce new faculty to MI and also to act as a refresher course for
experienced faculty. At the heart of these workshops is a community of practice of faculty who 'walk the
talk' and are passionate about the spirit of MI. These workshops allow experienced faculty to impart
wisdom and pearls of teaching MI to faculty who are new to MI. Apart from the yearly workshop new
faculty undergo preceptorship sessions with experienced MI faculty and are coached to facilitate MI
training for students within the simulated clinical training.
The spirit of MI resonates with medical students and consistent feedback shows that students feel that the
skills learnt are applicable to their interaction with patients. Students appreciate the mode of delivery of
training which allows them actual skills-based practice sessions and a safe space to demonstrate what
they have learnt and receive feedback. The enthusiasm of students over the years have led to senior
students introducing MI to junior year students as part of student-led community involvement project
training with the help of MI-experienced faculty.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Anterior rhinoscopy is an important part of the head and neck clinical examination for general
practitioners and otolaryngologists alike. However, it is a challenging skill to train medical students in due
to patient discomfort and limited visualization for those not actively performing the examination.
Suboptimal clinical rotations, such as when students have limited patient contact or are disallowed from
performing nasal examinations during the COVID-19 pandemic, further compound the problem. The
nasal cavity simulator was utilized as a cost-effective and realistic training tool to fill this gap.
Our aim was to determine if teaching anterior rhinoscopy using the nasal cavity simulator was a useful
training tool for medical students undergoing their otolaryngology rotation during the COVID-19
Four nasal cavity simulators were created after reviewing 30 computed tomography (CT) scans of
patients with normal and abnormal anatomy of the nasal septum and inferior turbinates. Three scans with
common abnormalities (caudal nasal septal deviations and inferior turbinate hypertrophy) and one with
normal anatomy (straight nasal septum without inferior turbinate hypertrophy) were selected to produce
realistic simulators via 3D printing, elastomeric casting techniques and silicone colorants.
Between Oct 2020-Feb 2021, students underwent the standard virtual teaching session, followed by two
additional hands-on sessions utilizing the simulators.
The virtual session involved a live lecture on anatomy and a pre-taped recording of anterior rhinoscopy
on a patient. Several days after the virtual session, students commenced their 5-day clinical attachment
and attended the hands-on sessions (on Days 1 and 5).
Students were assessed on their anterior rhinoscopy technique on Day 1. They then underwent a group
tutorial on nasal cavity anatomy and the technique, following which they were individually asked to
describe the anatomical features of the four simulators. Education was given as needed following the
assessment. On Day 5, students were retested on their anterior rhinoscopy technique and diagnostic
abilities. On both days, students were asked to fill in a pre- and post-session questionnaire rating their
learning experience, and their confidence in performing anterior rhinoscopy and diagnosing the nose.
Forty-one students participated in the training sessions. There was no association found between the
students' confidence levels in identifying normal and/or abnormal anatomy and correct diagnosis of the
normal and/or abnormal simulators. On Day 1, 44.4% and 69.4% of students demonstrated correct
handling and positioning of the nasal speculum respectively; this rose to 96.4% and 100% after in-person
training. On Day 5 (the final day of the rotation), 95.2% said they "agree" or "strongly agree" that the session
on Day 1 was valuable to them. Nearly all (97.6%) stated they "agree" or "strongly agree" that every
medical student should undergo this program.
The nasal cavity simulator is a valuable resource for students learning anterior rhinoscopy, especially when
patient encounters are limited. In-person hands-on training is superior to virtual training. Self-perception
of individual technique and knowledge does not correlate well with actual technique and knowledge.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Malaysian National Postgraduate Medical Curriculum (NPMC) project used Entrustable Professional
Activities (EPAs) as an assessment tool of entrustment before a trainee is accepted into a formal
postgraduate training program. This was to allow all stakeholders to collaborate on a competency-based
curriculum, with the objective to train more medical specialists and create new learning space in
Malaysia. EPAs as observable activities of a health care provider are awarded once the learner can be
trusted to perform the activity effectively and safely without supervision. The skills assessed in EPAs could
effectively complement the existing theory tests for candidates and to provide a snapshot of their
professional values. Competency-based training and assessment are time consuming and labour-
intensive. Hence EPAs may be used with relative ease in the workplace environment thus creating new
learning spaces. We aim to test the feasibility of EPAs as an entrance assessment tool for potential trainees
in postgraduate paediatric training program in Malaysia. The secondary aim was to perform a
benchmarking analysis of the NPMC with the USA and Ireland programs.
There were 63 responses (42 candidates; 21 assessors) taking an average 25 minutes per assessment.
Nearly 60% candidates agreed the preparation for the EPAs was not difficult, 90% felt confident that they
could perform the activity independently and all felt that the items assessed were appropriate for their
stage of learning. All assessors agreed the objectives were clear, that the items were relevant, and that
the assessment was easy. The sessions was not disruptive to their hectic schedule of daily tasks. EPAs which
required case-based discussion may be challenging due to lack of patient. An alignment analysis of the
AAMC 13 EPAs (USA) and the 7 Irish intern EPAs showed the Malaysian EPAs were comparable in 11/13
milestones, with the exception of handover and discharge of patient.
This study confirmed the feasibility and acceptability of having EPAs as an assessment tool for entry into
postgraduate training and creating new learning space in the work place. Benchmarking study showed
it was aligned and comparable to international requirements.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
In the COVID-19 pandemic, education in the health profession was disrupted. Many institutions were
unprepared for the abrupt move to adaptive mixed learning, mostly virtual learning. This review is
intended to discuss the utilisation of tele-learning and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on pandemic
health care education.
The authors used the PRISMA-ScR framework to perform the scoping review. CINAHL, Cochrane Library,
EbscoHost, Google Scholar, ProQuest, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Web of Science were the
online databases used to search for relevant articles. "Health education" OR "health profession education"
OR "medical education" OR "medical sciences education" AND "COVID-19" or "pandemic" are the search
terms that were used.
Sixty-six articles from 2943 screened literature that meets two key themes were selected for final
evaluation: i) tele-education in health profession education during the pandemic and ii) the impact of
the COVID-19 pandemic on health profession education. The analysis of the first theme was divided into
five sub-themes: i) tele-education approach during the pandemic, ii) medical students' & health
professionals' responses to tele-education during the pandemic, and iii) tele-education benefits during
the pandemic, iv) challenges of tele-education during the pandemic and v) medical students'
preference to tele-education. The analysis of the second theme was divided into three sub-themes: i) the
pandemic's impact on medical students' education and career, ii) the pandemic's impact on health
professionals' education, training, and future trade, and iii) the pandemic's impact on medical students
and health professionals' health and mental wellbeing. For the first theme, tele-education is now regarded
as an acceptable and valuable methodology to deliver education.
There are various types of online applications for synchronous and asynchronous delivery. Both good and
negative responses were received from the students who experienced the dramatic changes to tele-
education. Tele-education benefits include increased self-confidence, enhanced independent learning,
teaching and learning activities (TLA) flexibility, and improved technical skills. On the other hand, its
drawbacks include deficient access to high speed broadband services, internet cost, lack of motivation,
lack of confidence, lack of valuable gadgets, lack of hands-on training and communication problems.
For the second theme, the pandemic has caused a significant impact on medical students. The disruption
in their training hours and clinical exposure made them lose interest and passion. Getting infected with
the virus is also a significant concern. Major stressors to the students during the pandemic include self and
family members unemployment, lack of accessibility to educational technologies and remote delivery
platforms, lack of PPE, lack of future opportunities for a better quality of life.
Despite significant challenges and constraints, tele-education or virtual education is becoming a wise
option among health profession students and instructors. The pandemic has increased the need for TLA
adaptation using educational technologies and encourages educators to experiment with novel
educational approaches.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
'See One, Do One, Teach One': Balancing Patient Care and Surgical Training in an
Emergency Trauma Department
Ayub SM
Surgery, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
'See one, do one, teach one' refers to learning new skills through a three-tiered approach. It reflects a
traditional teaching style whereby once a skill has been observed, the student/trainee is expected to
perform the procedure followed by the ability to teach it. The model was developed by Halsted with the
purpose of giving responsibilities to trainees, however this concept has become less acceptable due to
patient safety concerns. Technology has supported this shift in education; students in established medical
schools commonly practice procedures using a variety of simulations before meeting patients.
Within trauma departments in resource-poor settings these facilities are not readily available.
Subsequently, doctors rely on the three-tiered teaching approach. As a student within the trauma
department at Chris-Hani-Baragwanath Hospital, Johannesburg, my confidence and procedural
competences developed rapidly through this hands-on teaching method.
Through personal experiences as a student, I have grown to appreciate the importance of structured
teaching techniques with passionate supervisors in order to learn new surgical procedures. This project
aims to highlight my experiences as a student within this teaching concept in a trauma unit with input
from current literature. Further exploring the advantages this method holds in surgical training alongside
important concerns raised by the medical community. It will be of benefit to students within similar trauma
departments; providing them an opportunity to reflect upon important ethical issues and their
The teaching method will be divided into each individual tier with an overall summary at the end. At each
tier Johns' model of structured reflection will be utilised alongside current literature, providing an
opportunity to reflect upon the experiences internally and externally. The three tiers are: see one, do one
and teach one.
Valid arguments are made for the implementation of this teaching method in trauma as it fosters a culture
of peer-assisted learning. Various teaching models support methods whereby students actively take part
in the learning process. In understaffed departments, this method provides the quickest way to up-skill
students/trainees to support trauma units. As a student this teaching method enhanced my surgical skillset
and confidence; going from one who was taught to one who was teaching others after a few weeks of
Nevertheless, it is essential that patient safety is not compromised for surgical training. Ethical concerns
such as patients misunderstanding the proficiency level of the medical professional and the possibility of
patients being reduced to surgical practice risks more harm than benefit. This method also relies on an
individual's teaching technique being suited with a particular student's learning style. Supervisors must be
willing to develop a close relationship with the student to encourage asking for assistance if completing
a procedure is difficult.
The teaching method is appropriate for trauma units with high caseloads as it enhances opportunities for
trainees to develop procedural skills and support the department. However, adaptations to this teaching
method are necessary in order to balance surgical training with patient wellbeing. These adaptations
must place a stronger emphasis on simulation and supervision prior to independent practice.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Family Medicine Academic Project (FM Project) was introduced into the curriculum of the Phase III
Family Medicine posting in Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM) in 2018. The aim of the project was
for students to learn about the principles and practice of Family Medicine through active observations of
consultations in primary care. During the posting, as students sat in with their clinical tutors to see patients
in the polyclinic and General Practitioner (GP) clinic, they collected clinical information relevant to the
consultation, according to stipulated topics based on principles of the practice of Family Medicine. These
topics were Reason for Encounter and Diagnosis, Rational Prescribing, Investigations, Referrals, Work and
Relation to Health, and Prevention and Health Promotion. At the end of the posting, groups of 2 to 3
clinical groups each, one assigned to each topic, analysed the data and presented them for discussion.
Feedback was regularly sought and given by students and supervisors, and the project modified
accordingly. Some of the changes included the removal of the topic of Investigations, and the addition
of Diabetes Mellitus management as a topic. In the previous academic year, there had been further
feedback from the students, including the significant stress and burden felt in collecting the data. Prior to
the beginning of this academic year, a workgroup was formed to revise and revamp the FM project to
better implement it to meet its aim and objectives.
A workgroup consisting of 4 Academic Scholars attached to the Department of Family Medicine was
formed to review the current FM Project, and feedback from the students and supervisors in the past
academic year. Comments taken into consideration included concerns about the large amount of
clinical information needed to be collected for each consultation, as well as ambiguity about the
objectives of the project, both among the students and the supervisors and tutors.
The workgroup implemented several revisions to the FM project to address the issues raised. The main
changes include:
1. Collecting of clinical information for each topic separately, to reduce the amount needed to be
collected for a consultation.
2. Setting a quota of cases to collect for each topic, to be collected at any time during the posting, to
allow for more flexibility.
3. A briefing before the posting, to the supervisors and tutors involved in the FM project, to clearly describe
the objectives, and the requirements, of the project, to better equip them to guide and assist the students.
Student feedback from the first batch of medical students will be collected and shared in this
The FM project is an important curricular piece in the Phase III Family Medicine posting for YLLSoM students,
which has evolved over the years since its inception. Several significant changes have been implemented
this academic year in response to continuing feedback, to better reach its aim and objectives.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
4.15 pm Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Suresh Selvaraj, Singapore
Chou Chuen Yu, Singapore
Erwin Palisoc, Philippines
Teresa Diana Bongala, Philippines
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is a performance-based examination that can be
used to assess the history-taking skill of medical students. Although there are features of the OSCE
contributing to its greater reliability, there are more errors introduced into the observed scores that will
diminish its reliability. The reliability of an OSCE addresses the question of how the OSCE is used and has
never been reported in Vietnamese medical education programs. The objective of this study was to
determine the inter-rater reliability of a summative OSCE in measuring the history-taking skill of second-
year medical students (MS-2).
The examiners met before the administration of summative OSCE to standardize the procedures and the
validity of checklists and global rating scales. A seven-station summative OSCE was administered to all
388 MS-2 to assess their performance including history-taking skill. Examiners were instructed to not
communicate during the exam to maintain the independence of their scoring and assessed students'
performance via an audio-visual system. Two weeks later, another core-group educator used the same
checklist and recorded videos to retest 59 borderline examinees' performance at that station. To
determine interrater reliability in the scoring of 59 examinees, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
estimates and their 95% confident intervals were calculated using SPSS statistical package version 20
based on a single-measurement, consistency-agreement, 2-way random-effects model. The Cohen's
Kappa statistic also was used to test interrater reliability for pass/fail decisions based on the mean checklist
score of borderline examinees.
The ICC was 0.21 with a 95% confident interval was -0.05 - 0.44, showing a poor level of agreement for
faculty in assessing the history-taking skill of MS-2. The Kappa was 0.15 also indicating no agreement in
making a pass-fail decision. Only 4/17 items (23.53%) of the rating scale had a moderate to a good level
of agreement with the highest value was 0.77 (0.64 - 0.86). The low value of ICC and Kappa indicated
that there is no agreement between raters in scoring history-taking skill of MS-2 and making pass-fail
decisions. A low ratio of checklist items' agreement implied an indefinite instruction and an unfeasible
rating scale. A higher than anticipated failure rate may be explained as an inappropriate standard has
been set for the station; or technical problems such as ambiguity in the instructions or difficulty with the
performance of the SP; or the station are not an appropriate assessment of the expected learning
outcomes; or the teaching and the training program are deficient.
In the process of development and implementation of OSCE to assess clinical competence, our one
could be a valuable but not reliable tool for assessing history-taking skill because of inadequate
preparation. Our future OSCEs should have sufficient time for the preparation and strictly follow the steps
necessary to successfully deliver an OSCE, especially proposals for each station. Further investigations
should be conducted to assess decisively different forms of reliability such as stability reliability, alternate-
form reliability, and internal consistency reliability.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Anatomy Learning by Elective Dissection; Final Year Allied Health Science Students
Perception and Outcomes
Selvaraj S, Mohamad Mohamad Abdelkader T, Ponnampalam G
Health and Social Sciences Cluster, Health and Social Sciences Cluster, Singapore Institute of Technology,
Anatomy education has long been considered to be essential in the allied health professions. For safe
practice, allied health professionals must have substantial anatomical knowledge. Many allied health
science schools teach anatomy using prosected and plastinated specimens as well as digital images.
Cadaveric dissection has been an excellent teaching method for retaining anatomical knowledge for
the long term. The aim of this study is to explore the knowledge acquisition and perceptions of an elective
dissection of the musculoskeletal system course for final year allied health science students.
In the 2020 programme, 30 final year allied health science students (20 Physiotherapy and 10-Diagnostic
radiography) chose elective dissection of the musculoskeletal system course. They carried out dissections
over an 8-week period. 10 students dissected one cadaver. The pre dissection demonstration was done
on an anatomage table and dissection targets and handouts were given to the students prior to each
dissection session. Students were assessed through multiple-choice questions at the beginning and end
of the course. At the end of the course, students completed a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale
and one open-ended question. A paired-sample t-test and descriptive statistics were used to analyse the
data questionnaire data.
Student test results improved significantly from pre-course to end-of-course. The analysis of the
questionnaire data revealed that students had very positive opinions of the course, and they indicated
a link between anatomy and their clinical cases. Students welcomed the idea of implementing elective
dissection courses for their junior batches.
Small group elective dissection has been found to be an effective learning tool for anatomy. and
correlates with the various clinical conditions. This course will facilitate allied health science students to
correlate the anatomical basis of various clinical conditions learned during their clinical years and clinical
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The medical humanities are a powerful tool to facilitate anchoring and re-connection with one's own
humanity to enable clinicians to hold a compassionate space for those they serve. There has been
increasing interest in the medical humanities in the local medical education scene amongst students and
faculty alike. However, contextualizing the medical humanities in a manner that is authentic for our local
learners needs to be explored. Community service and engagement is a significant part of the NUS School
of Medicine tradition, a pilot workshop was conducted to apply the medical humanities as a tool to equip
students to serve the community with deeper compassion.
A medical humanities workshop was embedded in a service-learning module NUS school of medicine.
This summer school was conducted during the medical school holidays and aimed to help medical
students appreciate the needs of vulnerable people groups and equip them to serve these communities.
The medical humanities workshop was held in two parts, part one was entitled 'To See the Suffering' and
'To Be with Suffering. This workshop was conducted over zoom for undergraduate students and used and
interactive and experiential approach. Constructivist theory underpins the pedagogy of this workshop
and various forms of the humanities and creative arts were used to help students connect with the
affective aspect of learning whilst spiralling upon knowledge and skills that were taught in the rest of the
summer school.
The workshop was well received by medical students with students expressing that the workshop had
impacted them greatly. Even though the workshop was conducted over zoom, majority of the students
felt the mode of delivery was effective. Themes from qualitative feedback included: 1) The call empathize
and attune to our patient's suffering 2) The application of skills to come alongside with patients who are
suffering 3) The importance of self-care as we serve the suffering 4) The use of creative arts and humanities
to make meaning of suffering 5) The importance of supportive discussion spaces to make meaning and
process encounters with patient's suffering.
This pilot workshop is a demonstration of how the applied medical humanities could be contextualized
and adapted for the local undergraduate medical education context to facilitate empathy and
compassion in student learners and to infuse the knowledge, skills and attitudes taught with the heart and
art of medicine.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Healthcare professionals' empathetic behaviours during treatment are associated with better care
outcomes but could decrease during the clinical training period. While there is a need to develop
empathy, perspectives on empathy among healthcare professionals and medical students are not well
understood in a multicultural East-Asian context and there is a lack of localised scales to measure
empathy beyond the Jefferson Scale of Empathy. This qualitative study seeks to inform the development
of such a scale in the Singapore healthcare setting.
A modified grounded theory (GT) approach involving focus groups, data collection and analysis was
done simultaneously to understand the construct 'clinician empathy' through which the scale's items were
developed. Healthcare professionals, students with clinical experience, and patients were recruited from
two hospitals and two educational institutions.
Fourteen focus group discussions were conducted involving a total of 69 participants (21 healthcare
professionals, 21 medical students, 18 nursing students and 9 patients). A portrait of clinician empathy
emerged consisting of 7 themes: values, perspective taking, affective relating, warmth, thoughtful
consideration, involving engagement, endearing communication. 34 sub-themes were translated into a
list of 70 scale items.
Findings suggest certain cognitive-emotive-behavioural tendencies abound for individuals who reported
frequently experiencing empathy in the clinical setting such as engaging in perspective taking, relating
to patients authentically, feelings of warmth, considerate to the bio-psycho-social needs of patients,
deep engagement to understand so as to help/comfort, communicating endearingly and empathetic
valuation. These empathetic manifestations indicate measurability and scale items are currently being
pilot tested and validated.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Level of Stress, Mindfulness, and Clinical Performance of Clinical Clerks and Post-
Graduate Interns on Clinical Rotations in Selected Health Care Institutions: Basis for a
Proposed Stress Management and Mindfulness Program
1Palisoc E, 2Go R
1Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, 2Arts and Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, Manila Central
University, Philippines
Coping with stress appears to be one of the greatest challenges, medical students are facing especially
in this fast-paced generation. The inability to cope successfully with the enormous demands of medical
school and clinical rotations in the hospital may lead to a cascade of consequences at both personal
level affecting their intra- and interpersonal lives; and at a professional level, influencing their effectiveness
as healthcare providers by diminishing the quality of medical services to their patients. This study will help
medical students adopt a more balanced and humanistic approach to both their own lives and their
future patients' lives. Hence, the main aim of this study is to determine the level of stress, mindfulness, and
clinical performance of clinical clerks and post-graduate interns on clinical rotations in selected
healthcare institutions.
This study employed the quantitative descriptive-correlational method of research design. A researcher-
made questionnaire was prepared and administered in four (4) selected health care institutions with one
hundred and ten (110) clinical clerks and post-graduate interns as respondents.
The results revealed that respondents' age ranged from 23 to 31 years with a mean age of 25.71 years.
Majority of the respondents are females (55.5%) and most of them are single (83.6%). The average overall
level of stress of the respondents was 2.35 which means mild level of stress. With regard to mindfulness
assessment, the mean responses were around three (3), which means that they agreed in all areas of the
five (5) facets of mindfulness such as observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner
experience, and non-reactivity to inner experience. Likewise, the overall clinical performance of all interns
was also assessed based on standard evaluation tool. Their grades ranged from 76 to 91% with an
average grade of 85.35%. However, forty percent (40%) of the respondents had a grade of 81-85%. With
regard to the association between the demographic profiles and the level of stress of the respondents,
only sex and religion yielded significant relationship with the level of stress of the respondents. In terms of
sex, a higher proportion of females with moderate to severe stress was noted as compared to males. In
terms of the association between the socio-demographic profiles and the clinical performance of
respondents, only clinical department of rotation and religion yielded significant relationship with clinical
performance. This study also found an inverse relationship between the level of stress and mindfulness of
the respondents, which means that as their level of stress increases, their mindfulness decreases.
Based on the findings obtained particularly on the respondents' level of stress which varies depending on
the level of mindfulness of the respondents, a mindfulness program will be developed which comprises of
a series of activities for all clinical clerks and post-graduate interns. The locale of this study may consider
implementing it in the institution so as to promote physical, spiritual, family, and mental health for all
clinical clerks, and post-graduate interns to alleviate the stress that they are experiencing while rotating
in different clinical departments in various health care institutions.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a global pandemic of unprecedented proportions.
To contain the disease, many countries have instituted social distancing policies. In Malaysia, a Movement
Control Order (MCO) (partial lock-down) was enacted on 18th of March, 2020. University Malaya Medical
Centre (UMMC) is the main teaching hospital of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (UM). UMMC
was designated as a hybrid COVID-19 hospital (meaning the hospital treated both COVID and non-
COVID patients) on the same day. Following the first MCO in 2020, Malaysia has experienced successive
further waves of COVID-19 cases with surges in January and May 2021, necessitating further lock-downs.
Surgical services were cut down to a bare minimum and limited to emergency cases to minimise the risks
to healthcare workers and the likelihood of cross-infectivity. All elective surgical and endoscopic
procedures were reduced. Non-life threatening cases presenting to the Emergency Department were
stabilised and diverted away to other hospitals. In addition, about 50% of the general surgery trainees (16
out of 37 trainees) were re-deployed to assist in the Emergency Department, COVID wards and swab
teams due to the sudden surge of COVID-19 cases. All these measures had severe repercussions on post-
graduate General Surgical (GS) training. The post-graduate GS training programme in UM is a four-year
programme leading to the award of a Master of Surgery degree on successful completion of the
programme. This is a work-based centred programme involving rotations in the various surgical and
general surgery sub-specialities. We aim to quantify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on post-
graduate surgical training in our centre.
A single-centre, questionnaire-based study, examining eleven variables including six main components
(ward duties, on-call duties, out-patient clinics, endoscopy, open surgery and laparoscopic surgery) of
post-graduate GS training before (September 2019-February 2020), and during the MCO (March-May
2020). The variables being evaluated are estimated hours spent on the core training and total patient
contact in the clinic and on-call duties. Subsequently, sub-group analysis was performed to identify the
year in training most severely affected by the pandemic.
There were 37 in-house trainees at different levels of the programme (Y1 n=8, Y2 n=1, Y3 n=13 & Y4 n=14)
in the study period. 100% of subjects responded to the questionnaire. All measured components of GS
training showed a drastic reduction in the duration of both training time (including the time spent and the
total number of procedures performed) and patient contact. All components showed p-value of <0.05.
Sub-group analysis revealed that the most severely affected trainees were those in the final two years of
the programme, and the least affected were those in their first year.
The GS post-graduate training programme had been severely affected during the COVID-19 pandemic,
negatively impacting the quality and volume of training. Although alternative teaching methods have
been instituted to mitigate these factors, the efficacy of these methods have yet to be assessed. The
long-term effect on the quality of surgical training is as yet indeterminate.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
We set out to create a voice-based "tutor" who would be able to ask students pertinent questions in a
conversational manner. The questions can be asked in a quiz or a scenario style. The quiz style will be
aimed more at recall of factual knowledge while the scenario-style questioning is aimed at offering
learners an opportunity to solve problems. This would also be aimed at giving learners a chance to
practise decision making and thought process. We designed the conversational tutor to be encouraging
and able to provide feedback where possible. We aimed to explore if such a voice-based learning
resource is feasible and how the students might perceive its utility for learning
With the help of NUS IT, we developed a firebase content management system, which will allow us to
input questions in either a quiz or scenario style. To facilitate this, we first had a mindmap of possible
combinations of answers to a question and we divided the answers to "correct", "wrong" or "maybe". We
designed follow up questions to help students advance from "maybe" answers to the "correct" answer as
much as possible before providing the correct answer. The questions are then fed to google assistant (TM)
which is the medium which students access the conversation tutor "Dr Morpheus".
We rolled this out to all students who came through the anaesthesia posting during AY 20/21. After the
initial technical glitches, we ensured that all students had access to "Dr Morpheus" and tracked their
usage. We also sent out a survey to seek their feedback on the use of Dr Morpheus as a learning medium.
Only 25 out of 143 students who were provided access to google-assistant based tutor "Dr Morpheus"
logged in actively. Out of this small group, about 9 of them registered more than three login counts. Most
students who logged in used both the quiz and scenario. The survey result suggested that time constraint,
too little content and discomfort with voice recognition as the main reasons for the low usage of this
learning resource. However, the small number who used the resource felt that the quiz and scenario were
effective and could possibly help in their learning of airway management. They also rated the quality of
the conversation positively.
We are likely seeing very early adopters of voice-based conversational style learning resources that are
not commonly used in main stream education yet. There are still challenges with voice recognition
technology although such learning resources may be useful with richer content development.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Conducting a Large Scale Summative Virtual OSCE during the Covid 19 Pandemic in
a University Medical Center
Bongala TD
Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Centre,
On December 2020, with the rate of COVID-19 reproduction rate having gone down to 1.06 in Metro
Manila but with vaccination rate at zero percent, face to face classes were still not allowed. The
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial
Medical Center, planned and conducted the first large scale virtual OSCE. It involved four hundred forty
students enrolled in Level III Obstetrics for the academic year 2020-2021.
These students previously underwent synchronous and asynchronous lectures for four and a half months
in Obstetrics and for eighteen weeks, they had preceptorial (small group discussion) with a faculty of the
department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The instructional design for the preceptorial sessions were
given to the students and the faculty and included the expected learning outcomes, teaching learning
activities included role playing and history taking. During the small group discussions, the students also
had demo return demo, or were asked to submit videos and feedback given by their preceptors and
evaluated based on a rubric that was provided to them. At the end of the course, the Virtual OSCE was
It is the aim of this paper to show how a large scale virtual OSCE may be conducted by medical schools
despite the pandemic
A week prior to the Virtual OSCE, the students and the faculty were oriented. The questions and the
stations were based on a test blueprint that were given to them. The materials that students had to
prepare OSCE were enumerated. The placement of gadgets for zoom monitoring and performance of
tasks were demonstrated. The faculty were oriented on the evaluation tools.
The Virtual OSCE was conducted using the Zoom videoconferencing application and Canvas LMS. There
were eighteen faculty members and ten residents who participated in the OSCE. Students were allowed
to have five minutes per station. There were four stations, two of which were delivered through Canvas
and two were performance stations evaluated based on the rubric provided to the faculty. The four
stations were history taking, and physical examination, interpretation of a laboratory result and
prescription writing. In between the Canvas stations and "performance" stations there was another station
created in a zoom breakout room where the students were told what materials they will use for the next
stations. Standardized patients for history taking were post graduate medical interns who were given the
clinical scenario and a script.
The students were evaluated using the rubric they were being assessed during their activities in the small
group discussions. The MPL was evaluated using the modified Angoff method.
Of the four hundred and forty students, there were four hundred and thirty-eight who completed the
Virtual OSCE. There were two students who had experienced disconnection while answering the stations
in the learning management system. They were able to retake the make-up examination an hour after
conclusion of the regular OSCE.
The Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation, an integral part of the evaluation of learning of medical
students may be administered successfully.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
9.00 am Hall 5,
Virtual Conference
Nguyen Xuan Long, Vietnam
Su Ann Khoo, Singapore
Kenneth Tan, Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Improve Thread Tying Skills by Surgical Thread Tying Training Simulation Model at
Vietnam Military Medical University
1Long NX, 2Thi Xuyen N, 2Thanh Binh NT, 2Xuan Hai D
Departments of 1VMMU Political Commissar 2Practical and Experimental Surgery, Vietnam Military Medical
University, Vietnam
Practical Surgery is a basic medical subject which aimed at equipping knowledge and basic practical
skills in surgery such as suturing, tying, etc. These are very important skills, but with limited duration, we can
only be imparting and instructing students on basic hand-tie methods, no simulation of the surgical field.
This leads to confusion for students when they come to practice and assist in surgery at the hospital. We
have researched and created the "Simulation model for training thread tying techniques in surgical
training" to improve the skills of thread tying in surgery for second-year students at the Military Medical
The study was conducted on 70 medical students, randomly divided into 02 groups to practice lesson 1:
"Basic ties in surgery" of the Department of Practical Surgery, Military Medical University. Group 01 (n = 30):
the set is tied according to the old method. Group 02 (n = 30): thread binding on the surgical thread tying
model created by the team. Group 02 using the practice model of thread tying, the scores of the
evaluation criteria for thread tying skills (the student's posture, hand posture when tying the thread, the
perfection of the ties) tended to change increase. The students' thread tying skills have changed from
average to high level, during 4 lessons, with this change confirming the effectiveness of the surgical thread
tying model.
Thread tying skills of trainees in group 02 have increased to a high level (measurement average = 8.24),
while group 01 tying skills still only stops at an average level (mean test = 6.06). Group 02 used the
experimental model of thread tying, with a fairly strong growth. Research results show that students are
interested in tying skills only when there are appropriate models of learning tools. 93.3% of the students
felt excited after the test (while those in group 1 were 54%, 6.6 points and 63%).
The learning method that uses the thread tying model helps to promote the students' practical ability on
thread tying skills. Using this model facilitates self-study, research, training and improves students' interest,
results and learning quality.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Enhancing the Quantity and Quality of Feedback through Faculty and Electronic Tool
1Khoo SA, 1Tyebally A, 2Foo YY
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of Medicine, KK Women's and Children's Hospital,
Singapore, 2AcademicMedicine Education Institute (AMEI), Scholarship Committee, Duke-NUS Medical
School, Singapore
Feedback is critical for the development of medical trainees. However, despite numerous feedback
channels mandated by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education International
(ACGME-I), trainees have persistently reported that they receive neither sufficient feedback nor feedback
of good quality. We sought to address this problem by designing a faculty development (FD) program to
train supervisors to provide sufficient and good quality feedback. Concurrently, we developed a web-
based electronic tool (accessible via smart phones and computers) called Cusjo. We aimed to evaluate
the impact of the FD and Cusjo on the quantity and quality of feedback provided.
This mixed-method study is sited at KKH's department of emergency medicine. Cusjo is designed to be
user-friendly: it has four categories of drop-down boxes: 1. names of feedback providers; 2. names of
feedback recipients; 3. the setting (e.g. clinical, educational, research, administrative); and 4. the
feedback domain (based on ACGME-I's six core competencies). A free text entry allowed the provision
of qualitative feedback.
Faculty development sessions were held quarterly (during department meetings) to train supervisors to
provide quality feedback. Training was designed based on the analysis AT and KSA made of the
feedback provided by the faculty. Three criteria informed their analysis: the number and quality of
feedback provided, and the breadth of feedback ACGME-I core competencies covered.
Quantitative analysis was performed on the quantity, quality and domains of feedback collected over
time. The qualitative study via focus group interview is still currently ongoing.
A total of 1334 pieces of feedback were collected and graded from 1 August 2017 to 4 July 2021. In a 2-
point comparison of the first 5 months of feedback from the initial launch of Cusjo to the recent 5 months,
there is noticeable improvement in the quantity of feedback from an average of 12.2 to 23.1 feedback
submissions per month. There is also good improvement in the quality, with an increase of average score
from 3.32 to 3.65 per feedback, using the Global Usefulness rating scale. The qualitative feedback
received for the trainees in the 6 domains of ACGME-I core competencies is also more varied.
The use of an electronic tool with carefully designed faculty interventions have been shown to improve
the quantity and quality of feedback for the trainees.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The use of narratives has been shown to increase perspective taking and inspire person-centred attitudes
towards care of patients. Narrative medicine has been instrumental to help learners and clinicians to
cultivate the art of healing within medicine by weaving together the cognitive and affective aspects of
medical education. Of recent years, there has been increasing interest in narrative medicine and
medical humanities at large in the local medical education community and such elements have been
increasingly integrated into the local undergraduate medical education curriculum.
A pilot workshop was conducted during the medical school holiday for undergraduate medical students.
This workshop was entitled 'The Power of Story' and conducted in two parts, 'Honouring our Patient's
Narratives' and 'Honouring Our Own Narrative'. The two parts of the workshop was conducted sequentially
with the aim to help students reflect on the common humanity and shared human experience of
physicians and patients. Part one of the workshop emphasized the use of narratives to anchor medical
practice and clinical learning to ensure that the humanity of our patients is honoured in what is said and
done. Part two of the workshop reminds all that physicians are human too. The humanity that physicians
share with patients that allows compassion and empathy to manifest also place physicians vulnerable to
on multiple levels. The workshop culminates on the importance of honouring our shared humanity to
facilitate sustainable compassionate practice across multiple layers of the healthcare system.
The workshop was well received by medical students with students expressing that the workshop had
impacted them in their learning. Even though the workshop was conducted over zoom, majority of the
students felt the mode of delivery was effective. Themes from qualitative feedback included: 1)
Importance of cultivating compassion towards self and others 2) Importance of deep listening and
accurate empathy 3) The importance of self-care 4) Appreciation of circles of care where one could
share one's journey with others.
Further plans to integrate narrative medicine within the local NUS undergraduate medical education
curriculum is being explored. In the pipeline are also plans to conduct workshops and training for faculty
members so that the 'salt and pepper' approach could be used to 'season' the medical school curriculum
to allow the narrative medicine and the medical humanities to imbue medical training with compassion
and rekindle the spark of humanity.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Background: The challenges faced by newly graduated practitioners in their transition from
undergraduate study to practice is a persistent theme in professional practice literatures. The main
discourses of these experiences include the (in)competence of skills and the difficult relationships.
However, there is a lack of understanding about how this transition happens in the authentic practice
Aim: To explore how newly graduated nurses (novices) become (transition into) members of a ward
Community of Practice.
Settings: A medical surgical ward of a tertiary hospital in Singapore. This setting represents 80% of the ward
type in Government hospitals.
Participants: Four novices and nurses in the ward were considered as a Community of Practice. Novices
are the newly graduated nurses with less than one year of practice in the same clinical area.
Methods: Data was collected using observation and focused group discussions. Data types include field
notes, memos, researcher reflective diaries and interview transcripts. The researcher's insider and outsider
positions in the research and the reflexive processes of the data collection, analysis, literature review were
Transition can be viewed as an ongoing dynamic negotiation of performative competence and identity
in a Community of Practice. Social cultural elements fabricate the rules of the day to day practice were
identified. These elements were categorised as the Dimensions of Regime of Competence, which are the
characteristics of the clinical community of practice. These dimensions have elastic boundaries which
allow some flexibility in practice. Members' interrelations and the degree of trust are revealed through the
negotiations among members over the managing of tasks that are Prized above others in that Community
of Practice. Each member negotiates a "Participation Space", which allow them certain degree of
freedom in decision making. This "Participation Space" indicates the level of performative competence
in the management of Prized Tasks each member has and is a product of ongoing negotiation among
community members. This explains the various performance abilities of practitioners in different situations
though all of them have obtained all the necessary official competencies of the organisation.
A conceptual 'Participation Matrix' is formed. Participation Matrix links all the concepts, Dimensions of
Participation, Prized Tasks, Relational Position and Participation Space, together and explains the
dynamics of these concepts. Participation Matrix provides an additional tool to understand dynamic
participation in a Community of Practice with a nuanced understanding of member dynamics in their
social cultural context. Participation Matrix can be used to prepare yet to be professionals, to analyse
workplace participation, and to develop workplace teaching and learning policies. All nurses in a
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Community of Practice, both novice and experienced, can be seen as in a dynamic negotiation of their
membership. Future studies can be considered with longer duration and in cross specialisations.
Participation Matrix can be adopted and tested in future studies.
The main reason leading to the irrational medication by the public is people's lack of knowledge and
awareness of rational use of drugs, especially for college students who have a high rate of self-use of
drugs. The rational drug use education in college students should be worthy of our attention. We
investigated the current situation and differences of cognition and behaviour of rational medication
among college students in different colleges and universities and understand the students' favourite way
of receiving education providing useful reference for college students' rational drug use education.
A questionnaire survey was carried out on the students in 6 colleges and universities in Zunyi City, China
by convenience sampling. The questionnaire focused on the cognitions and behaviours of
undergraduate students on rational drug use. Statistical analyses on demographic information and
answers to questionnaire questions were carried out with SPSS 18.0.
A total of 865 valid questionnaires were recovered from 923 questionnaires sent out, with an effective
recovery rate of 93.7%. There was no significant statistical difference in the overall evaluation of rational
drug use cognition between the two types of students with significant statistical differences in some items
(P< 0.05). The average score of rational drug use behaviour of medical students was lower than that of
non-medical students. (P< 0.05). There was an obviously positive correlation between the scores of
cognition and behaviour on rational drug use in college students. The majority of college students
believed that it is necessary to popularize the knowledge of rational drug use on campus and students'
favourite way to acquire knowledge about rational drug use was to attend related lectures or elective
The cognition and behaviour of rational drug use in college students need to be improved. Professional
medical education may exert a positive impact on rational drug use in college students, thus, it is
necessary to popularize the knowledge of rational drug use in college students, especially in non-medical
colleges and universities.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The year 2020 unfolded with high levels of community transmission of COVID-19 in Malaysia. Consequent
utilisation of a significant proportion of health care personnel as well as clinical facilities for the care of
COVID-19 patients precluded the conduct of a large-scale clinical examination as an exit barrier
The need to avoid further delays in the progression of medical students in their final year of training and
the inability to predict when it would be possible to safely conduct a clinical examination involving
patients provided the impetus to devise an alternative method of assessment.
Key considerations in the design of a modified clinical assessment were the need to conduct a valid
assessment, the requirement for adherence to existing Standard Operating Procedures to lower the risk
of viral transmission, ensuring safety of all stakeholders and avoidance of last-minute postponement or
cancellation of examinations due to changes in the prevailing circumstances. Full vaccination was a pre-
requisite for everyone participating in this assessment.
The existing assessment with an observed long case which students were familiar with, was adapted to a
case scenario. History-taking and communication skills were assessed with a role player. This was followed
by a discussion on the appropriate examination and management strategy facilitated by specific trigger
questions. Clinical images in the form of still photographs and videos were used to assess recognition and
interpretation of physical signs. Diagnostic and clinical reasoning skills within the given scenario were
assessed based on interpretation of history, physical signs and investigation results. Training of role players
was conducted virtually.
A three-day face-to-face clinical examination for 121 students was conducted in mid-August 2021 by 62
examiners at multidisciplinary laboratory facilities in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. An
online mandatory briefing was conducted for all examiners the day before the start to orientate them to
the format and the use of a pre-determined and validated marking rubric. Vetted case scenarios from
medical-based (internal medicine, paediatrics, primary care medicine) or surgical-based (surgery,
orthopaedic surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology) categories were used. Students were randomly
assigned to either category. Students who failed were re-assessed with a case in the other category on
the third day.
Quality assurance was ensured with 4 external examiners participating in the assessment process. Another
2 external examiners who were unable to be physically present evaluated the assessment process by
reviewing a sample of video recordings of the examination. Examiners provided positive feedback on the
assessment format. Students have also been asked to provide feedback.
This form of modified clinical assessment is feasible and may be a suitable medium for clinical assessment
in such a context where there are multiple constraints.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Introducing medical students to the clinical environment has been shown to improve student learning
motivation and to contextualise basic sciences learning in the preclinical years. We piloted PCP-FP, a
curriculum for students to have attachments to family practices in the first year of medical school to
enhance students' understanding of patient perspectives on health, the role of the physician in the
community, and to link classroom knowledge to daily practice.
300 medical students were posted to 20 family practices in their first year for two sessions of clinical
exposure each lasting 3-4 hours. They were supervised by family physicians who introduced them to basic
clinical skills such as history taking and clinical examination, and basic procedural skills such as blood
pressure measurement and height/weight measurement. Family physicians helped students link lecture
topics to clinical practice. Feedback was gathered from tutors and students after each session and at
the end of the pilot.
Students expressed that they were able to observe healthcare needs in the community, and how they
were addressed by the family physician. They gained a better understanding of the patient-doctor
relationship. They had opportunities to take a brief history and perform a physical examination, and they
had the opportunity to observe clinical signs. The facilities in primary care were adequate for their training,
and there was sufficient commitment from the tutors to teach. Students found exposure to clinical
practice in hospitals, polyclinics, family practices and home visits meaningful and impactful.
Introducing early medical students to healthcare in the community provides students a unique
perspective to the patient journey. Exposure to family practice helps broaden their perspective on health
and healthcare, and shapes their development into passionate patient advocates of the future. The
results of this pilot are encouraging and support development of a broader clinical exposure in the pre-
clinical years.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Health professions education (HPEd) is an essential academic discipline that aims to upscale and
transform health care and medical practice, which, in turn, improves health outcomes for patients,
communities, and populations. However, due to constraints in time, priorities, and budget, which are
compounded by biological hazards, disasters, and inadequate telecommunication infrastructure,
continuing professional development activities in health professions education are not readily accessible
by health professions educators. This presentation aims to describe the process of developing online
modules for continuing professional education for health professions educators in the Philippines. The
process entails needs assessment, module development, module implementation, and initial program
The project utilized a multi-phase mixed method design wherein the phases on module development and
module evaluation both entailed an explanatory sequential approach with quantitative and qualitative
data collection procedures. The first phase, module development, included the online needs assessment
survey followed by a focused group discussion (FGD) from which the CPD modules was developed. The
second phase, module evaluation, utilized the first two levels of Kirkpatrick's model and included two
satisfaction surveys and pre-test/post-test followed by another FGD.
The study is currently ongoing. Based on the results of the survey and focused group discussions, two
modules were developed within the contexts of HPEd: one on online clinical teaching in the health
sciences and another on assessment of learning online. These modules would be composed of
synchronous and asynchronous sessions that would be made available to participants for four months via
a virtual learning platform.
A systematic, theoretically grounded, and needs-based approach in developing CPD activities in HPEd
offers a cost-effective and a participatory process in developing and offering CPD activities for health
care professionals. This project hopes to initiate the normalization of providing high-quality CPD activities
online in order to make HPEd more accessible, affordable, safe, and needs-focused.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Louis Tong, Singapore
Hsiao-Lan Chen, Taiwan
Chih-Ming Lin, Taiwan
Nisha Jha, Nepal
Resti Rahmadika Akbar, Indonesia
Eusni Rahayu Mohd.Tohit, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Nurul Atira Khairul, Malaysia
Nasrin Habib, Malaysia
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Development of the Online Basic Ocular and Visual Science Course: What We
1Tong L, 1Leong YY, 1Abdul Latif N, 2Teo C
1Eye-Academic Clinical Program, Duke-NUS Medical School; Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore,
2OcularSurface Research Group, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore;
Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore
A well-designed online tutorial can be more effective than traditional textbook teaching for science
process skills. An aim of this program is to ensure that employees with diverse backgrounds have at least
a minimal working knowledge of ocular sciences, regardless of their prior research domain and training.
We describe the development of the online ocular and visual science course, some early outcomes from
learners, and lessons learned from the point of view of curriculum development.
The e-learning system went live on 19 Apr 2019 and was made compulsory for all new hires of the
Singapore Eye Research Institute. The scientific content included images, videos, text, voice narration and
supplementary pdfs. This was an interactive asynchronous learning system supplemented with 100
assessment questions. The multiple choice questions were of various types. Fourteen modules on various
aspects of ocular sciences (including anatomy of the eye and orbit, ocular infections, genetics, myopia,
and so on) were developed by faculty members and uploaded to the wiz-learn Learning Management
System. Candidates accessed the modules through the SingHealth E-learning system, through secure
login usernames and passwords.
Pre-release freeform feedback from users indicated that the course material was easy to navigate (5\7
users) and all (7\7) users found that "I have gained better knowledge and understanding of various eye
diseases and conditions from attempting the modules and quizzes." The results of the first fifty scientific
staff and six non-scientific (eg. administrative) staff are examined. At the time of completion of the course
(when a certificate was awarded) the scientific staff scored 80+/- 3.0%, allowing for questions to be
reattempted in the event of incorrect answers. Among the fourteen modules, the highest overall scores
were in the Ocular Infections module (91.8 +/- 14.5%) and the lowest in the Ocular Anatomy II module
(64.1 +/- 25.1%). For the scientific staff, these percentages were 92.5 +/- 14.1 and 66.2 +/- 23/3 respectively.
The test candidates worked in ten different research groups; the highest scores were obtained by staff
from the Artificial intelligence and digital innovations research group, and the lowest from the Ocular
epidemiology research group, but even in this group, the average scores at the time of completion were
above 60%. One research platform recruited research coordinators rather than post docs, and it is likely
that better performing groups included post-doctoral candidates and those with a background in
laboratory sciences.
The results of the first seventy participants who completed the online course successfully were
encouraging. The modules are being updated yearly to make them more current and interactive, and
more topics such as generic research skills and neurology will be added. More links to external sites and
YouTube videos will be included. During the COVID-19 pandemic and post pandemic times, blended
learning using such online courses will play a vital role in staff education and faculty development.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Department of Medical Education, 2Clinical Medicine Research Centre, Medical Education and
Research Administration, Ditmanson Medical Foundation, Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan
The teaching of consultation video was not used widely for the training of medical students and post
graduate year (PGY) trainees. Here, we invested the advantages of consultation video teaching for PGY
Between September and October, 2020, the PGY trainees who received one to one teaching by
consultation video were included. The video was recorded few days before teaching when the trainees
saw the patients in the teaching clinic. After teaching, an interview was asked by a researcher. The
verbatim transcripts of the interview was analysed by qualitative method.
Seven PGY trainees (1 female and 6 males) agreed to be interviewed. The average time was 13 minutes.
The results by qualitative analysis were listed in the following: 1. The consultation video provided a
comprehensive understanding of trainees' consultation for both educators and trainees. The video
objectively demonstrated the ability of the trainees' consultation including the individual's attitude during
the consultation, the domains and skills of the consultation, the expression of verbal and body language,
and personal styles. 2. The teaching arrangement after teaching clinic provided enough time to discuss
the consultation in detail with the trainees. The face to face and one to one discussion with enough time
provides the learning in depth for trainees, such as learning holistic care through consultation techniques.
The one to one teaching of consultation video after teaching clinic with enough time provides the
comprehensive understanding and learning in depth for trainees. The training of consultation video can
be promoted for PGY trainees.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Using of Flipped Education and One to One Teaching with In-Depth Discussion in
the Training Course for Neonatal Respiratory Care
1Chen H, 1Lu H, 2Hsu C, 1Wang C
1Divisionof Respiratory Therapy, Chest Division of Internal Medicine Department, 2Department of Medical
Education, Medical Education and Research Administration, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi
Christian Hospital, Taiwan
The flipped education is widely used in the medical education. However, one to one teaching with in-
depth discussion is not common. Here, we investigate whether flipped education and one to one
teaching with in-depth discussion improves the learning effect for neonatal respiratory care.
Between December 2019 and November 2020, the post graduate year (PGY) trainees of respiratory
therapists trained in our division were enrolled in this study. Flipped education was used by watching 8
videos before attending the one-month training course for neonatal respiratory care. A complete 2 days
one to one teaching with in-depth discussion by an experienced educator was performed in the
beginning of the training course. Self-assessment of learning was recorded by 6-point Likert scales and
compared between the beginning and end of the training course.
A total of 10 PGY trainees of respiratory therapists (7 females and 3 males) were enrolled in the study. The
self-assessment of learning effect was significantly improved after the training course. The average scores
of self-assessment of learning effect in the beginning and end of the training course were 2.78 and 4.05
(p <0.001).
The learning effect after flipped education and one to one teaching with in-depth discussion was
significantly improved for neonatal respiratory care. It can be promoted in the medical education for
respiratory therapists.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
What Are the Additional Advantages of Applying "World Café" in Medical Education?
1Lin C, 2Chang L, 3Chen C, 4Chao W, 5Lee M
1Department of Laboratory Medicine, 2Clinical Medicine Research Centre, Medical Education and
Research Administration, 3Department of Medical Education, Medical Education and Research
Administration, Ditmanson Medical Foundation, Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan, Departments of
4Dietetics and Nutrition and 5Family Medicine, Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital, Antai Medical Care
Corporation, Taiwan
The "World Café" has been widely used in medical education. However, are there any additional
advantages? Here, we investigate what are the additional advantages of applying "World Café" in
medical education by qualitative analysis.
After the "World Café" training course 2 months ago, the "World Café" workshop was held on January 22,
2021. The time of the workshop was 3.5 hours. All medical staff were welcome to attend the workshop.
During the workshop, 4 topics related to medical education were discussed. A focus group interview was
conducted after the workshop. A qualitative method was used to analyze the verbatim records of the
There are 23 medical staff participated in the workshop. Eight participants (4 medical educators and 4
trainees) who attended the workshop for the first time agreed to be interviewed after the workshop. The
interview time was 40 minutes. The qualitative analysis revealed that the advantages of the "World Cafe"
were: 1. Provide a platform for brainstorming. 2. Promote an opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange. 3.
Offer a way for consensus. In addition, we found that the "World Cafe" can also provide opportunities for
role learning (learn the leadership from table leaders) and self-breakthrough (provide an encouraging
environment for shy staff).
With the additional advantages of role learning and self-breakthrough, the "World Cafe" should be
promoted in the medical education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Medicine Research Centre, 2Department of Medical Education, Medical Education and
Research Administration, Ditmanson Medical Foundation, Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Taiwan
Microteaching is recently used in the learning and improving teaching skills for teachers. However,
microteaching may not be operated due to crowd restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we
demonstrate a modified microteaching to train instructors, and present a preliminary result by qualitative
A modified microteaching was used since May, 2021. The instructors were required to prepare a 30-minute
lesson before class. A maximum of 3 trainees was allowed in the class. A senior and experienced medical
educator (expert) was on-site observed and a video was recorded during the lecture. On the second
day, one (expert) to one (instructor) in-depth discussion was conducted by repeatedly watching the
videotape. Seven domains of teaching skills were assessed by the expert. After discussion, if the instructors
agreed to be interviewed, an interview was performed by a third-party researcher. The verbatim
transcripts of the interview was studied by qualitative analysis.
Between May and June 2021, the modified "microteaching" was applied to 3 instructors. However, only
one instructor agreed to be interviewed. The qualitative analysis found that the modified method through
a one to one in-depth discussion and repeatedly watching the videotape could 1. find out the teaching
blind spots, 2. improve the ability of designing and writing lesson plans, 3. master the teaching in the right
direction, and 4. heighten the ability to assess the students' learning. In addition, the instructor considered
that the teaching contents will be more logical and theoretical in the future after the training of the
modified microteaching.
The modified microteaching through a one to one in-depth discussion and repeatedly watching the
videotape demonstrated a good learning result. It can be used to train instructors, particularly for crowd
restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Department of Anatomy, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore,
2Department of Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgical Centre, National University Hospital, National University
Health System (NUHS), Singapore
The repair of inguinal hernia with either open or laparoscopic approaches are common practices these
days. In the context of laparoscopy, the posterior inguinal anatomy is often difficult to understand for the
medical students. We aim to highlight some difficulties that confronts medical students in their endeavour
to appreciate what the surgeons are doing in the operating theatre.
Via a survey of the medical students, we asked what are the top 3 questions that confounds their learning
after reviewing an anatomical model, a surgical video, and a recommended manuscript.
A total of 16 NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine students responded. Preclinical (n=11) and Clinical
(n=5) provided both quantitative and qualitative data. Preliminary findings suggested that preclinical
students were more familiar with the theory aspect of the inguinal canal anatomy than the clinical
students (p>0.05). However, in terms of surgical approaches knowledge, the reverse is true (p>0.05). After
reviewing the above modalities to understand the surgical anatomy of inguinal hernia, the questions
asked by the medical students were very varied, with no clear trends. Interestingly, more Pre-clinical
students showed curiosity towards the subject. However, all the students were unable to critically
analysed the video and manuscript.
This research should trigger more conversations between anatomists, surgeons and medical students. E.g.
Are the teaching objectives vertically aligned for optimal outcome? Innovations in surgical approaches
and new techniques may require anatomists to teach it differently using different perspective (anterior
versus posterior). This holds true for different surgical disciplines as well (orthopaedics etc.). We now realise
that there are inherent fragmentations in medical education. Much depends on the teachers that the
medical students meet during their postings.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Assessment of First Year Medical and Dental Students' Readiness for Interprofessional
1Jha N, 2Palaian S, 3Shankar PR, 4Poudyal S
1Pharmacology and 4Community Dentistry, KIST Medical College, Nepal, 2Pharmacy, College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Ajman University, Ajman, United Arab Emirates, 3IMU Centre for
Education, International Medical University, Malaysia
Interprofessional learning (IPL) is important for a healthcare professional for collaborative practice and for
improving patient outcomes. IPL allows students of different healthcare professions to understand the
strengths of different disciplines and highlights the benefits of collaboration. It also develops and improves
teamwork and communication strategies.
IPL training had significant influence on students' understanding about collaborative work between
different health professionals and resulted in improved attitudes towards teamwork. Providing quality care
to patients is increasingly becoming a team effort. IPL is not common in Nepal, a developing country in
South Asia. Since there is shortage of skilled health workforce in Nepal, it is important to include health
personnel from different disciplines in a team.
This makes it important to have a multidisciplinary approach and improved collaboration between the
medicine, dentistry, and other health care professions. IPL had positive impact on medical and dental
students' role regarding interprofessional collaboration. Thus, assessment of readiness of medical and
dental students for interprofessional learning provides important insights for its implementation. This study
was done to assess the readiness of first year medical and dental students for interprofessional learning at
a medical college in Lalitpur, Nepal.
A cross-sectional study design was used, and the data was collected using the standard Readiness for
Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) Questionnaire from 15th June to 30th June 2021. Informed consent
was obtained online, and data was collected using an online questionnaire. Ethical approval was
obtained from the institutional review Committee of KIST Medical College and Teaching Hospital.
Pretesting was carried out among 20 respondents. They were also asked if they had any difficulty in
completing the questionnaire. Face validity in the Nepalese context was obtained from medical
educators in the country. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data.
The overall response rate was 83 out of 109 students (76%). Majority of participants (70; 84.3%) had no
previous experience of interprofessional learning. Majority of respondents were females, (47; 56.6%). More
participants belonged to the age group of 21 years and above, (50; 60.2%). Self-financing students were
77, 92.8%. Majority were from medical stream, (69; 83.1%) followed by dental stream, (14; 16.9%). The
median total teamwork and collaboration score was 13 (maximum score 45). The scores for negative and
positive professional identity were 7 and 8. The maximum possible scores were 15 and 20. The median
score in the domain roles and responsibilities of professionals was 8 (maximum score 15). The scores for
negative professional identity and the total scores varied significantly among age groups p≤0.001.
Attitudes and readiness towards IPL showed significant differences among students according to certain
demographic characteristics. The scores were low compared to previous studies. Our study was done
only among first year students. IPL has been shown to lead to better interprofessional collaboration. IPL is
not common in Nepal and studies in other institutions in the country are required.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2Malay Studies, Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences, 3Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National
University of Singapore, Singapore
Cultural competence is defined as the ability of providers and organizations to effectively deliver health
care services that meet the social, cultural, and linguistic needs of patients.
While race is a commonly used category in clinical contexts and public health in Singapore, little has
been written critically about this practice in the local context, if at all. In this project, I review existing
global literature on the use of race in medical education, and use my experiences to analyse examples
of cultural competence of race in medical education.
There are two main components to this project. First, a review of the global literature on the use of race
in medical education and allied health in written learning materials of case examples, lecture slides, exam
question banks, in clinical settings of case presentation and studies that assess understanding of race and
cross-cultural care.
Second, an autoethnography of the uses of race in my medical school experiences. I write about
experiences that I have bore witness to, or have participated in discussions of race in medical education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
A search for secondary sources in search databases such as PubMed, and Google Scholar was
performed. Due to paucity of relevant results in countries aside from America, a medical librarian at the
Medical Library, National University of Singapore was consulted, and search for literature on ethnicity
outside of the United States was comprehensive.
I discuss case studies from my experiences: Deconflating Race and Religion in psychiatry and surgery,
Deconflicting dialogue on the impact of Race on practitioner's biases in psychiatry, Education on Race
as Social construct.
Race can be discussed in sensitive manner in medical education settings. Overcoming inertia in
discussing race can be the first step in establishing cultural competence, to allow medical professionals
to serve racially heterogenous groups.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Effectiveness of Learning Skills Lab Using Videos Teaching Neuropsyatric Skills
1Akbar RR, 2Pitra DAH, 3Anissa M
Background: One of the learning methods in the medical faculty is the skills lab. The limited-time in learning
compared to the limited skills that must be mastered, makes both instructors and students have to make
time effective. Various studies suggest the advantages of video as an effective medium, so that time is
more effective for skill lab training.
Research objective: The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the learning skills lab using
teaching videos compared to instructor demonstrations.
This research is a true experimental with post-test only control. The sample of this research is the second-
semester students who undergo the topics of physiological reflex, sensory and motoric examination. The
number of samples is the total sampling which is then divided into 2 groups. Group A is the treatment
group and group B is the control group. After the treatment, the students' skills were assessed using a
Based on the independent t-test, p-value < 0.001, there were significant results using teaching videos and
the demonstration from the instructor. Based on the mean scores, the mean score group A 80.28 ± 7.1
and group B 85.22 ± 6.4. The average value is higher than that of the instructor demonstration.
There was a significant result using the teaching videos method and demonstration method in learning.
The average value of students with instructor demonstrations is higher than the value with teaching
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Campus, International Medical Campus, 2Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, International
Medical University, Malaysia, 3School of Medicine, International Medical University, Malaysia
The COVID-19 global pandemic has led to the closure of non-essential institutions across the world.
Consequently, medical education has been severely crippled, and clinical operations have been
severely interrupted.
Many studies have been published since the beginning of the pandemic, expressing views of medical
schools and faculty members about their adjustments to this change. Few, however, have assessed
medical students' perceptions, who are the protagonists in medical education. The aim of this study is to
develop and validate a questionnaire that will aid medical institutions in identifying how clinical students
perceive changes to their medical education curriculum because of the pandemic.
The initial questionnaire was developed 8 months after the Malaysian government declared the country's
first movement control order. The questionnaire was developed over 3 phases: identification of
challenges, content validation and establishment of reliability. The initial questionnaire consisted of 24
The content validity was evaluated by 3 internal experts and 4 external experts before pilot testing was
initiated. Data collection for pilot testing took place over 3 months. Online surveys were distributed to
clinical phase students at the International Medical University (IMU). Randomization of participants was
carried out using the RAND () function on Microsoft Excel. Out of 363 students, 240 were selected to
participate in this study. However, only 213 students, ages ranging 18-28 years old responded to the survey
sent to their individual emails. The construct validity of the questionnaire was analysed using exploratory
factor analysis. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach's alpha.
There were 213 participants, 125 (58.7%) were female and 88 (41.3%) were male. Local Malaysian students
made up majority of the sample (n = 193, 90.6%), with 20 (9.4%) international students. Most of the
participants (n = 106, 49.8%) lived at home with family members, while 94 people (44.1%) lived with peers
away from home and 13 people (6.1%) rented alone.
A test of normality revealed a skewness of -0.394 based on the data obtained. The significance of Bartlett's
test of sphericity was 0.000, and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin was 0.779. Varimax rotation technique was used to
perform an orthogonal rotation. Seven components were discovered using exploratory factor analysis
(EFA), with a total percentage of 59.57%.
The Cronbach's alpha for the first 24-item questionnaire was 0.761. Two questions were eliminated from
the questionnaire, leaving 22 items with a Cronbach Alpha of 0.815 based on standardised items.
The aim of the development and validation of the questionnaire was to identify the perspectives of
clinical students to the changes in the curriculum delivery of their medical education because of the
pandemic. The original questionnaire with 24 items was validated to a unidimensional questionnaire, with
a total of 22 items. Medical institutions will be able to obtain feedback on the perspectives and challenges
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
faced by medical students during the pandemic using this questionnaire and be able to assess the
effectiveness of their adapted curriculum and consequently, identify areas for improvement.
Nurses in the maternity ward commonly provide postnatal care activities such as diapering, bathing,
documenting baby intake and output. Therefore mothers/caregivers have limited opportunities for
hands-on to care for their babies during their stay in the maternity ward. A survey among
mothers/caregivers has showed that they are keen to participate in caring for their babies, but they
lacked knowledge, skills and confidence in performing the postnatal care activities such as diapering.
The nursing leaders has decided to adopt Behavioural Insights as an education intervention to improve
knowledge and confidence of the mother/caregivers' to engage with their baby through postnatal care
activities. Behavioural Insights can influence the mothers/caregivers' to make choices and response such
as undertake active participation in parenting activities.
The project aims to examine the effects of 'Behavioural Insights' on mothers/caregivers' confidence in
caring for their new-borns postnatal care activities in the maternity ward.
The project occurred in three phases over a period of 12 months. A pre-implementation and post-
implementation audit are used to evaluate the effect of the implementation. The hospital engaged BI
trainers to train a group of nurses as champions to apply Behavioural insights as the educational
intervention to improve parental participations in postnatal care. The champions then trained all the
postnatal ward nurses. The champions developed education materials and standard scripts using the
framework 'easy, attractive, social, and timely' to engage parental care activities.
During the implementation phase, the nurses used these resources to educate the mothers/caregivers
during the educational sessions. Mothers/caregivers' received patient education materials that include
video-based training and a book to learn how to change diaper and documenting baby's intake and
output in charts. The standard scripts are used to guide ward nurses to educate mothers/caregivers to
perform diapering and recording intake and output. Standard scripts used are (a) descriptive social norms
- "Most caregivers prefer to perform ADLs for their loved ones"; (b) simplify task - Making it easy to find
things; (c) reduce ambiguity - set expectations from the start; (d) personalise message to draw attention
and Reciprocity - Messages "from the baby".
Data were collected from 900 mothers/caregivers at pre-implementation and post implementation
audits. After the implementation, there was an improvement in mothers/caregivers' parental care
activities from 40% to 80%. In the pre-implementation and post-implementation audits,
mothers/caregivers s involved in diapering increase from 42.5% to 81% and recording of baby's intake
and output in charts increase from 37.2% to 78.75%.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Behavioural Insights as an educational intervention has shown to improve the transition and
empowerment in mothers/caregivers' to learn parenting activities. Standard script has guided nurses to
educate mothers/caregivers' effectively. Mother/caregivers' have increased knowledge, skills and
confident in baby care and have thus led to increase mothers/caregivers' participation rate. The used of
education materials such as video and book ensure information are accessible to mothers/caregivers,
had a significant impact on increasing level of confidence in performing diapering and recording baby
intake and output in charts.
1Department of Anatomy, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, 2Department of Computer Science, Faculty
of Computer Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore
In this digital age, the incorporation of science and technology into medical education is increasingly
prevalent. We gamified the learning of basic sciences - such as anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry -
in order for medical students to recognise its relevance in an early phase of their education. This was done
in collaboration with the NUS Faculty of Computer Science. We aim to investigate the effectiveness of
such a platform in helping medical students to understand and interpret tests such as ECG, CXR etc. in a
timely manner.
A gamification website was created that serves to simulate a dynamic clinical setting, which will
challenge the doctor-in-training, in tackling different virtual patients (VP) against time. These VP had
manifestations pertaining to cardiac problems, and players had to decide what to do with them
promptly, and to order the relevant tests. Furthermore, players had to interpret the findings from the CXR,
ECG, blood tests result, etc. These data were captured via a survey, to ascertain their efficiency in
diagnosing the problem such as Atrial Fibrillation (AF) and Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI). Scores were
assigned accordingly.
A total of 8 NUS YLLSoM pre-clinical students responded and provided both qualitative and quantitative
data. Our preliminary findings showed that the majority of the players (62.5%) found the game helpful in
familiarizing medical students with diagnosing conditions. It was found that the time limit for each question
was generally too brief. Although the objectives of the game require more clarity, students still see the
potential of the game as a valuable learning tool for practice in diagnosing and triaging.
Early exposure to clinical scenarios is arguably beneficial for medical students, in preparing them for a
career in healthcare. Especially in pandemic circumstances where such exposure is limited, the use of a
gamification website is advantageous, in achieving similar outcomes remotely. It is our hope that this
study will provide more impetus to further understand the benefits of gamification and technology in
medical education.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Evaluation of Clinical Pathology App and Design Thinking Skills (DTS) Task Book -
Facilitators Perspectives
1Mohd.Tohit ER, 1Abd Ghani F, 1Samsudin IN, 2Zakariah SZ, 1CP Thambiah S, 1Seman Z
Departments of 1Pathology and 2Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra
Malaysia, Malaysia
Independent learning with minimal facilitation is the way forward in 21st century learning. Educators must
adapt to the exponential change and paradigm shift in technology and learner's mindset. Clinical
Pathology (CP) is a new module introduce in the revised curriculum in Doctor of Medicine which require
learners to apply knowledge of pathology to real world setting through case-based learning. Continuous
exposure to the learning process will provide excellent experiential learning which will be helpful in their
future career. Learners today are very much technology -driven and requires information instantly. Hence,
a Clinical Pathology application for smartphone infused with Augmented Reality (AR) for basic
introduction in pathology together with DTS Task book was designed for students as a handy companion
for guidance in pathology when dealing with their day-to-day encounter with patients during their clinical
postings. Minimal facilitation from teachers/pathologists when learners used these materials to enhance
learning in this module.
A pilot study was executed amongst year 3 medical students in Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences,
UPM, Serdang, Malaysia. One pathologist was assigned to facilitate each student group consisting of
either 4 or 5 students. Each group underwent four hybrid sessions (physical and online meeting) in a span
of two months using the Clinical Pathology app and guide from the Task book provided. In brief, phases
involved introduction to clinical pathology consisting of modified Objective Structured Clinical
Examination (OSCE) in pathology and tour of laboratory, case definition and laboratory work out,
interpretation of laboratory tests and variables influencing results, flowchart of investigations based on
respective case and reflection of the whole process. Each student presented their own case in the small
group and developed their own prototype of either flowchart/mind map on investigations of their cases.
These were then presented in the final phase of DTS in a simulated grand ward round. Facilitators were
asked to evaluate the teaching and learning materials used in this pilot study.
Five pathologists were involved in the pilot study with twenty Year 3 medical students from Medicine and
Surgery posting. The study which was conducted from 27th April 2021 to 26th June 2021. In general,
facilitators felt the materials used were adequate and achieved the outcomes of the module. The study
exposed the limited knowledge of learners in Pathology and at the end of project, students have better
understanding of the module with minimal supervision. Using personalized case-based approach,
students were able to relate better since students were directly involved in the case. There was suggestion
to make the content less wordy and put in more flow chart for each task.
Learning materials used in the study were adequate and achieved learning outcomes outlined for this
module. Personalised case based learning enhance students 'understanding of the module. Minimal
supervision helped to create independent learning and increase confidence amongst learners.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Medicine, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines
Manila, Philippines
There remains a huge gap between the availability of mental health professionals and the mental health
care needs in the country. Collaborative practice is an innovative strategy for boosting the health
workforce inadequacy and improving health outcomes. A collaborative-practice ready workforce can
be made possible through interprofessional education. This project is an attempt to heed the call of the
World Health Organization to build upon already existing health systems toward promoting
interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPEC) and strengthening our health system. Good
collaboration in mental health care has been found to enhance the quality of patient care, improve
patient treatment compliance and increase work satisfaction and motivation among professionals. More
globally, studies have confirmed that it reduces health care costs. The Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioural Medicine of the University of the Philippines College of Medicine has an existing
multidisciplinary team and provides exposure to interprofessionalism to health science students. In
multidisciplinary teams, patient care is provided by professionals from various disciplines who each
develop an independent assessment and treatment plan, and then share this plan and desired patient
outcomes with other members of the healthcare team. Collaborative practices take cooperation one
step further by engaging a team to take on complex or emergent problems and to solve them together.
The development and implementation of interprofessional collaborative interventions among the
members of the multidisciplinary team will potentially benefit service users, mental health professionals,
health science students and ultimately, the mental health system. The current project aims to seek the
participation of the multidisciplinary team and service users through the use of questionnaires and
focused group discussions in arriving at a working definition of interprofessional collaborative practice
based on a shared understanding and in jointly exploring approaches to interprofessional education that
are most applicable and appropriate for mental health care in the context of the setting.
Actively pursuing an understanding of context is envisioned to help enhance competencies among the
existing members of the multidisciplinary team and enable them to meaningfully contribute to the
content and process of teaching-learning activities with staff and student rotators toward ultimately
creating a self-perpetuating cycle. The current project aims to strengthen interprofessional education
and collaborative practice competencies by embedding them in already existing activities. In this
manner, there will be minimal if any, new demands on time and other resources.
The output of this presentation is envisioned to be useful for curriculum development, program
development, organizational development and further research.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Biochemistry Unit, Faculty of Medicine and Defence Health, National Defence University Malaysia,
Online learning has become the main method of education during the COVID-19 pandemic globally. It
has given challenges to the faculty as well as students in adapting this new norm of education. Among
some of the challenges students may face are: adaptation to a new norm versus traditional classroom
learning, technical issues such as poor Wi-Fi reception and availability of a good computer, computer
knowledge, time management and self-motivation. The aim of this study was to explore the perception
of year one medical students of National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM) regarding advantages
and disadvantages of online learning during Pandemic Covid-19.
The topic of discussion was posted as a forum via Microsoft Team platform to year one medical students
(N=51) in April 2021.
The response rate was 73 % (37/51). Majority of the students (76%) found that online teaching gave them
the advantage of recording the lectures which can be viewed later many times and during revision for
examination. Family support at home such as food that was made ready, and the comfort being at home
with family were also an advantage to them (38%). Some reported that lecturer's slides can be seen
clearly compared to in classroom setting (24%). The major disadvantages reported were as follows:
distraction from family members who made noise during lectures and expected them to do house chores
(57%); less socialization and communication with peers (68%), poor wifi reception (30%), less motivation
and less focussed (30%). A few reported of the lack of exercise, sitting too long causing backaches and
too much screen time that affected their eyes (22%).
From the faculty side, we felt that not all students were listening to the online lectures and some may be
even be sleeping or doing something else, knowing that they may see the recorded lectures later. One
obvious development seen among the students was that they were less shy to ask questions during online
learning. When the pandemic is over, will the e-learning be continued? That will be a major concern
among teachers in schools and universities, where teaching paradigm may shift to make an impact on
education worldwide post pandemic.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The fundamental basis to being a good physician lies in being well versed with medical knowledge,
clinical skills, and moral values. One of the most common clinical skill that front line junior doctors are
expected to profess is intravenous (IV) cannulation. Locally, IV cannulation skills are taught during
undergraduate curriculum with sporadic to practice during clinical postings. However, the extent of
practice may be insufficient and lacking in areas, as medical students transition from practicing on
mannequins to real life patients. Furthermore, nurses and phlebotomists perform majority of IV
cannulation, thereby reducing the opportunities of junior doctors to learn. In order to enhance learning
and acquire skills, medical schools have integrated laboratory skills training into their curricula.
Mannequins are routinely used to train medical students. However, translatability of skills to clinical
practice is not widely studied. We discuss the reflections of junior doctors on their cannulation skills and
suggestions to improve their training.
The PGY1 office has a social media texting platform "WhatsApp" broadcast group with all the PGY1
doctors for seamless communication. An anonymous survey google form link was disseminated via the
"WhatsApp" to PGY1 doctors (or interns' equivalent) who have completed at least one clinical rotation of
four months after graduation. Participation in survey was voluntary, identifiers were not collected, and the
form was restricted to two single best answer questions and one optional blank to fill in for any qualitative
comments (Table 1). No incentives were offered, and survey was open for a total of 6 hours with one
"WhatsApp" reminder message at 4 hours from index message. Informed consent was stated in the form
whereby completion of the survey was accepted as consent.
The response rate was 33% (n=27/81) within the six hours. Six PGY1s (22.2%) were very comfortable and 11
PGY1s (40.7%) were just comfortable with IV cannulation skills (Figure 1). When asked for their opinion on
whether the hospital should organize IV cannulation training, three PGY1s (11.1%) chose the option
"Wasting time, no need", and three PGY1s (11.1%) chose the "very much needed, compulsory" (Figure 2).
Open-ended responses for the question: "Any comments on IV cannula training from your experience?"
yielded nine response (33.3% of the responders), and verbatim responses are shown in table 1. Overall,
three themes emerged: supervised cannulation at start of PGY1, mannequin are not realistic, and on job
Majority of PGY1s are confident in IV cannulation skill at the start of first clinical posting. New innovations
such as teaching with ultrasound guidance IV cannulation, use of animal models and re-training for those
who wish to hone their skills can be considered. Mannequin training may not be realistic, and optional
supervised on job training at the beginning of first clinical posting is welcome.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The concept of "assessment for learning" has been widely defined as a form of assessment that facilitates
the improvement of students' learning. In an undergraduate setting, the concept is mostly applied on
formative assessment as a form of repeated measurement followed by direct feedback. The adaptation
of this concept needs to be considered through a sociocultural lens, especially in a hierarchical culture
such as Indonesia. This study aimed to explore how the student's and teacher's in the undergraduate
program change their paradigm to the "assessment for learning" concept in formative assessment
We conducted a qualitative approach with Participatory Action Research (PAR), with two cyclical
processes of reflection. In 1st cycle, four FGDs (N=33) on students, and two FGDs (N=15) on teachers were
done. In between cycles, we develop the intervention such as interactive workshops, online-continuing
discussions, and implementation of formative assessment during Emergency Block (6 weeks). The FGDs
were done after the intervention (2nd cycle) with the same groups.
In the first cycle, we interpreted the contested themes from students and teachers namely (1) A
"summative perception" of formative assessment, 2) The hierarchical relationships in providing feedback,
and 3) The "teacher-centered" feedback delivery. In the second cycle, the results showed the gaps and
challenges in changing the paradigm. We identified three themes of paradigm changes: (1) "Formative
is the assessment of knowledge" to "the assessment of thinking skills and professionalism"; (2) Feedback
"derived in group and one direction explanation" to "individually driven and a dialogic form"; (3) Formative
assessment result is "score-minded" to "the improvement of thinking skills and process-minded". Besides,
we found the themes of challenges in these paradigm changes, such as (1) the good practice in "how
to" assess and feedback dialog in cultural context; (2) students' self-reflection skills; (3) student and
teachers' collaboration.
We conclude that there is no simple way to implement the new paradigm of assessment, especially
related to cultural adaptation. We recommend this participatory approach to be a crucial part of the
assessment paradigm changes.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Efforts and Challenges in Continuing Clinical Teaching and Learning Activities during
Covid-19 Pandemic
Khairul Anhar Holder NA, Moh Dat N, Alwi NSM, Aziz A, Hong WH, Foong CC
Medical Education and Research Development Unit (MERDU), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya,
Cities were locked down one after another amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, teaching and
learning activities in medical schools continued to produce tomorrow's doctors in the new normal. As a
contingency plan, our institution changed most teaching and learning activities for clinical years to online
mode, and simultaneously there was obligatory on-site teaching at the teaching hospital. For online
education, students and clinical teachers had to utilize the Learning Management System of the
Clinical placements were halted several times to prevent infections at the cost of human life. Clinical
immersion sessions involving patient contact and procedural skills were replaced with virtual learning,
noted that clinical learning might be compromised when it was substituted with virtual learning. The
accreditation bodies had also set teaching standards for the medical degrees to adhere to during this
new normal. These adaptations were vital in ensuring the continuity and quality of the medical graduates.
Before the pandemic, students were allowed to enter wards without direct supervision from clinical
teachers. Students were encouraged to enrich their clinical experiences through clerking patients on their
own time. Strict precautionary steps were taken during the pandemic where students were not allowed
to be in wards without strict supervision. The QR code was generated and posted in every entrance of
the ward to keep track of their whereabouts. Clinical department coordinators had to roster the students
with strict guidelines (patient RN, wand and bed number, academic staff involved, time in, time out)
Required case clerking and case presentations was also re-adjusted to ensure optimum training with
minimal contact with patients.
There were additional patient care duties for the clinical teachers. In addition, clinical teachers needed
to identify COVID-19 free patients, ensured proper safety precautions, and supervised smaller groups of
students in wards. Moreover, students had reduced opportunities to practice clinical skills, additional time
used for completing QR-code, feeling anxious of uncertainty, and increased risk of exposure to COVID-
19. These disruptions might have also affected student's preparedness and confidence. There were also
last-minute changes in timetable. Besides, COVID-19 outbreak amongst students caused delays as these
students needed to be quarantined.
Students are expected to stay within their circle of "bubble" to reduce infection risk. Once the students
are fully vaccinated, they are hopefully able to participate more actively in the medical training and
observe and learn appropriate knowledge and skills to deal with challenging situations in wards.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Medicine, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines
Manila, Philippines
There remains a huge gap between the availability of mental health professionals and the mental health
care needs in the country. Collaborative practice is an innovative strategy for boosting the health
workforce inadequacy and improving health outcomes. A collaborative-practice ready workforce can
be made possible through interprofessional education. This project is an attempt to heed the call of the
World Health Organization to build upon already existing health systems toward promoting
interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPEC) and strengthening our health system. Good
collaboration in mental health care has been found to enhance the quality of patient care, improve
patient treatment compliance and increase work satisfaction and motivation among professionals. More
globally, studies have confirmed that it reduces health care costs. The Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Medicine of the University of the Philippines College of Medicine has an existing
multidisciplinary team and provides exposure to interprofessionalism to health science students. In
multidisciplinary teams, patient care is provided by professionals from various disciplines who each
develop an independent assessment and treatment plan, and then share this plan and desired patient
outcomes with other members of the healthcare team. Collaborative practices take cooperation one
step further by engaging a team to take on complex or emergent problems and to solve them together.
The development and implementation of interprofessional collaborative interventions among the
members of the multidisciplinary team will potentially benefit service users, mental health professionals,
health science students and ultimately, the mental health system. The current project aims to seek the
participation of the multidisciplinary team and service users through the use of questionnaires and
focused group discussions in arriving at a working definition of interprofessional collaborative practice
based on a shared understanding and in jointly exploring approaches to interprofessional education that
are most applicable and appropriate for mental health care in the context of the setting.
Actively pursuing an understanding of context is envisioned to help enhance competencies among the
existing members of the multidisciplinary team and enable them to meaningfully contribute to the
content and process of teaching-learning activities with staff and student rotators toward ultimately
creating a self-perpetuating cycle. The current project aims to strengthen interprofessional education
and collaborative practice competencies by embedding them in already existing activities. In this
manner, there will be minimal if any, new demands on time and other resources.
The output of this presentation is envisioned to be useful for curriculum development, program
development, organizational development and further research.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, International Medical University, Malaysia, 2Education, IMU
Centre of Education, International Medical University, Malaysia
Anatomy instructors are increasingly developing web-based learning resources to fulfil the learning
objectives of specific programmes and to replace the existing learning environment of anatomy
laboratory sessions. The learning time of the anatomy topics has been reduced with the advent of
integrated system-based curriculum. The web-based resources can cater for increased number of
students and accommodate the shorter learning time. Online guided practical to identify the anatomical
structures helps to reduce the extraneous cognitive load and promotes interactive learning with greater
The objective of the study was to assess the quantitative change in the performance score in the gross
anatomy practical by replacement of face-to-face demonstration with an e-learning tool.
For this study, two consecutive cohorts (02/2018 and 01/2019) of semester 2 Chiropractic students from
Head and Visceral Anatomy module were selected. Both the cohorts of students went through two
laboratory sessions using teacher-led identification and two laboratory sessions using e-learning tool-led
identification. The quasi-experimental one-group pre-test and post-test design were employed
longitudinally in 02/20218 and 01/20219 cohorts. Teacher-led demonstration was used for first two sessions.
E-learning tool was used in the next two sessions. Structured OSPE-based pre-test and post-test were held
before and after the sessions. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test selected percentage of students showing
improvement in the post-test score. Pearson correlation coefficient between pre-test and post-test scores
was also done. A short questionnaire assessed the use of e-learning tools by the students.
The percentage of the students in the 02/2018 cohort, scoring higher in the post-test compared to the
pre-test increased to 85.4% and 83.3% (P< 0.05) in the two sessions using e-learning tool, compared to 62%
and 70% (P< 0.05) in the two sessions using teacher-led identification. The similar percentage in CH1/2019
cohort, scoring higher in the post-test compared to the pre-test increased to 95% (P< 0.05) in the two
laboratory sessions using e-learning tool, compared to 81% and 70% (P< 0.05) in the two laboratory sessions
using teacher-led identification. Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed that the mean difference between
the post-test and pre-test score was higher in the e-learning tool-led practical sessions. The mean positive
ranks of the e-learning tool-led sessions were higher than the similar ranks of the teacher-led sessions,
indicating a higher difference between the post-test and pre-test score in the sessions using e-learning
tools. A lower R2 coefficient was observed between post-test and pre-test scores in sessions with e-
learning tool. Perception analysis indicated that the e-learning tool allowed the students to revise the
identification of anatomical structures themselves (mean response 3.68 and 3.72) and at their
convenience (mean response 3.68 and 3.8).
Improved learning process in the practical sessions using e-learning tools was indicated as the e-learning
tool was able to raise the post-test score in a higher percentage of students. For this study, we did not
include any possible determinants like the personal study by any student seeking additional help from
any other resources. It can be concluded that the e-learning tool used in this study helped the
chiropractic students to identify the anatomical structures.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Combination of SGT (Small Group Teaching) and PAL (Peer Assisted Learning)
Approach to Facilitate Learning Among MBBS Students from a Private University in
Malaysia During Pre-Clinical Years
1Habib N, 1Habib DN, 2Rashid DM, 3Afrose DT
Departments of 1Physiology and 2Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Quest International University, Malaysia,
3Community of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, Malaysia
Didactic lecture promotes passive learning and fails to motivate students. Small group learning has been
widely recommended as it helps to refine understanding of complex issues, to solve the problems,
develop critical thinking and apply knowledge to new situations. PALS - a "peer assisted learning" mode
where in students discuss in groups and learn from each other. They get motivated and set a platform,
which encourages them to communicate and do problem-solving. The present study was aimed to
evaluate the effectiveness of small group teaching (SGT) and peer assisted learning (PAL) approach
among pre-clinical medical students.
Small groups of students were selected for this study out of the big batch of students pursuing the 2nd
year MBBS program at AIMST University who were undergoing "respiratory system" block. At the end of
lecture-based sessions, a few topics were selected for SGT- PAL session. A total of 30 students were chosen
randomly for this SGT PAL session for 3 topics of the respiratory module. They were divided into 3 small
groups of 10 each. Students were asked to complete the pre-test questions on the selected topics and
they have then explained the topics selected for this session. The topics selected were partial pressure of
gases, O2 saturation and Cheyne stokes breathing. Students had SGT PAL on those selected topics. Then
they completed the post test questions on the same topic. Responses obtained for the pre- test and post-
test questions were analysed using SPSS using paired t-test and the perceptions on their own
understanding using marginal homogeneity test, both showed a significant improvement.
The difference in perception pre-test and post-test was found to be statistically significant using marginal
homogeneity test (p < 0.01). The mean value of scores of pre-test questions were compared with mean
value of scores of post test questions using paired t test. It showed a significant improvement in post test
scores (p <0.05). The present study reveals a satisfactory outcome when we compare pre-test responses
with those of post-test on level of understanding of the topics after SGT-PAL as compared to pre SGT after
a lecture session. The results had shown an overall significant improvement in understanding of the topics
after the small group teaching (SGT) session (p < 0.01 in marginal homogeneity test).
Small group teaching and peer assisted learning (SGT-PAL) approach certainly helps students to improve
their understanding of important concepts, consolidates their learning, they do well in their assessments
and are better prepared to apply knowledge during clinical years. We hope that SGT- PAL approach
along with other methods will be adopted more widely and recommend SGT-PAL approach as a
complement to other teaching-learning methods in existing curricula.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
1Dean'sOffice, 2Medical Education Research & Development Unit (MERDU), Faculty of Medicine, Universiti
Malaya, Malaysia
With the emergence of COVID-19, all pre-clinical year students were not allowed to enter campus due
to the national lock down. Social distancing was demonstrated as an effective preventive strategy while
arrangements are made for students to be vaccinated. Universiti Malaya implemented full virtual
teaching and learning activities for Year 1 students to avoid deferment in their studies. Subsequently, Year
1 students had no physical orientation week and did not have the opportunity to experience study life on
campus. Students only met their classmates online and were unable to create physical bonding among
themselves. These disruptions might have caused mismatch in their expectations and confusion as
budding medical students.
At the end of Year 1, students performed a written reflection on their learning experience, guided by
Kolb's reflective cycle (i.e. experience, reflect, conceptualise, apply). They described either a good or
bad experience, expressed feelings, indicated lessons learnt, and suggested implications to begin Year 2
The analysis showed that students were juggling to balance their studies and life at the same time.
Whereas, some of them were grateful for the opportunity to enjoy solitudes in the comfort of being at
their own home. The most common feedback was they felt unmotivated and lost focus as a possible result
of being away from campus. As online teaching and learning continued, some of them drifted in anxiety
and FOMO (Fear of missing out). Hence, these students were adapting a complete virtual campus as
Year 1 medical students.
Meanwhile, students were not exposed to hands-on physical examination, and hence they might have
low confidence level. On the other hand, these students had more screen time as they needed to revise
all the teaching materials using their electronic devices. Over-screen time might adversely affect the
students' behaviours and their academic understanding, and it could result in poor academic
performance. Students might also experience negative psychological outcomes (e.g. lack of motivation,
anxiety, stress, depressive symptoms).
The plan is for Year 1 students to obtain online COVID Preparedness Certificate (CPC) before they are
allowed to come back to the physical campus in continuing their medical studies.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Time Session
12.30-1.30pm Zumba Fitness Exercise, Mindfulness Therapy, Malaysian Culture Videos and The
Rimba Ilmu Virtual Tour (Social Activity Room)**
**Note the videos and virtual tour will be available throughout the day and this is just
a suggested time for viewing.
1. Zumba Fitness Exercise (Live session on Saturday only)
o A session with our Sports Medicine specialist, Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Nahar Azmi
from Universiti Malaya Medical Centre. This session aims to help you loosen the stress
and energize you for the next session. You are welcome to join us live on Saturday.
o This session will be recorded and free to watch on Friday.
o Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and international music with dance
moves. Zumba routines incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow rhythms
— to help improve cardiovascular fitness.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Categories Descriptions
Malay Joget
traditional Joget is a traditional Malay dance that originated in Malacca. It was influenced by
dance the Portuguese dance of Branyo which is believed to have been spread to Malacca
during the spice trade. The dance is one of the most popular folk dances in Malaysia
and normally performed by couples in cultural festivals, weddings and other social
functions. The tempo of Joget music is fairly quick with the feeling of teasing and
playing between the partners.
Inang Lama
The Inang Dance is a modern version of the traditional folk dance, the Mak Inang
Dance. The Mak Inang dance was created during the Malacca Malay Sultanate. It
is often performed at social gatherings. This dance is danced according to the tempo
of the tambourine, violin and drums. While dancing, the dancers waved colorful
Lotus Dance
In Chinese culture, the lotus flower symbolises purity and transcendence and
elegance. The lotus flower dance is usually performed to the traditional-style music
"Pu Du".
The dance Affection for Lotus Flower expresses human appreciation of the noble and
elegant temperament by way of analogy.
Folk dance
Folk dances are an integral part of rural and tribal folk. Over the centuries, these folk
dances have spread out to not rural parts of the country. These folk dances have
evolved over centuries and are associated with festivities of one kind or the other.
Attractions in This category highlights the best tourism places in Malaysia, a journey into Royal Belum
Malaysia Rainforest, one of the oldest in the world, the best cuisines in Malaysia, and also the
making process of one of the most popular snack in East Malaysia, keropok lekor.
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Conference Secretariat
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
The Organising Committee would like to thank the following for their generous contributions, support
and participation:
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Azlan
Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfurlah
Chancellor, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
Distinguished Speakers
Workshop Facilitators
Abstract Reviewers
Trade Exhibitors
Support Staff from Dean’s Office, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Shairil Rahayu Binti Ruslan Jiffre Bin Din Susan Pelea Nagtalon Md
Vishna Devi V Nadarajah Norafizan Binti Mohd Ali Neila F. Batucan
Tan Chee Yang Siti Suriani Abd Razak Maria Lilia Reyes
Suhaila Sanip Alicia Yeo Teresa Diana B. Bongala
Hong Wei-Han Cheng Wen Li Redante D. Mendoza
Elsa Haniffah Mejia Mohamed Vikneswari Selathorai Lourdes Nena A. Cabison-Carlos
Christina Tan Phoay Lay Nurul Atira Binti Khairul Anhar Holder Kevin R. De Asis
Pathiyil Ravi Shankar Benjamin Dak Keung Leong Ma Lucila M Perez
Mohd Nasri Awang Besar Lakshmi Selvaratnam Antonio Jr F. Laude
Rukhsana Hussain Malik Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman Maria Vanessa Thomasita L.
Alam Sher Malik Roy Joseph Cenabre
Allan B. Carpela
Er Hui Meng Sun Jung Myung
Ma. Cristina E. Zulueta
Wong Pei Se Peter Chang Chung Meng
Maximino De Guzman Bello Iii
Hasnain Zafar Baloch Yvonne Tay
Joselito F. Villaruz
Foong Chan Choong Sharon Ong Gek Kim
Ma Socorro G Manaloto Md Fpogs
Jessica Grace Cockburn Wendy Ang Swee Tee
Evangeline Dela Fuente
Vinod Pallath Roslina Abdul Manap
Imelda Dizon Rivera
Bhavani Pathmanathan Lynee Teo Li Ying
Michelle Angelica Choa
Har Mohan Pal Singh Loke Xin Rui
Michael Sy
Jalina Karim Ng Khoon Leong
Norbert Lingling D. Uy
Ryan Leow Rozhan Idrus
Agnes A. Alba
Khoo Kah Seng
Vinna Marie T. Quinones
Christina Liew Siaw Cheok MYANMAR
Erman C. Fandialan
Tan Ding Jun Wunna Tun
Raphael Angelo C. Madarcos
Shana Lee Ye Phyo Aung
Jacqueline D. Bernabe
Shireen Anne Nah Han Yien Thazin Han
Carolynn Pia J. Bagain
Noorjahan Haneem Binti Md Hashim
Catherine C. Reportoso
Clement Yong NEPAL
Pia Teresa C. Chua
Geraldine Song Huiling Nisha JHA
Anna Karenina V. Causapin
Nur Lisa Zaharan
Maria Lilybeth R. Tanchoco
Paul Douglas Fullerton Pete Ellis
Yasmin Anum Mohd Yusof Kenneth Clark QATAR
Ernieda Hatah Eman Al Maslamani
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022
Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2022