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Conceptual Frameworks of Ethical Dilemmas

Michelle Orange

Walden University

6053N, Interprofessional Organizational and System Leadership

August 1, 2018

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Conceptual Frameworks of Ethical Dilemmas

Nursing professionals face many different types of dilemmas and scenarios on a daily basis. One

of the most significant dilemmas nurses face on a daily basis is in regards to ethical dilemmas

and understanding the framework of ethical constructs. Many of us as the question what is ethics

and how does it affect me? Ethics is a standard for right or wrong and what individuals should

do in the positions of rights, obligations, benefits to society, impartiality, and particular qualities.

Marquis and Huston (2017) condense it down to being the moral behavior and values that a

person's actions are guided by according to right and wrong, oneself, and society as a whole.

However, ethics is not just following one's feelings as feelings can frequently veer from what is

truly right or wrong. Nursing management is not a profession that has a well-defined purpose or

regulations. Therefore to make ethical decisions that are appropriate, leaders must have solid

knowledge in regards to ethical principals and frameworks and use an approach that all trial and

error is eliminated [Mar17]. Accomplishing this, leaders must focus on models that are

established decision-making models and utilized the organizational processes to assist in this

decision-making course [Mar17]. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the ethical constructs

of ethics, moral, or legal standards into a conceptual framework, apply it to a dilemma

encountered at work and its implications, analyzing this situations moral, ethical, and legal

implications, and consider the leadership style identified in my self assessment and determine if

it facilitates or creates a barrier to the dilemma.

Conceptual Framework

Nurses face different dilemmas multiple times a day, and some may be the same type of

dilemma just presented in a different situation that calls to be handled differently. Facing these

dilemmas forces nurses to make difficult decisions on a daily basis. These decisions often are

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challenging, and results are shown in those that they interrelate with and care for on a daily basis.

Many ethical considerations have serious consequences, but one of the fast growing issues is

patient privacy. Patient privacy is a fast-growing dilemma that frequently presents in the

emergency department setting. The Emergency Nurses Association developed a code of ethics to

include exercising sound judgment in protecting the lives and privacy of our patients and their

families [McE12]. With social media being prevalent in today's world everyone is eager to whip

out the camera and snap a picture and post on a social media forum. Thus, maintaining patient

privacy, especially when they can not speak for themselves, one of the most critical issues.

Ethical dilemmas arise daily, that need to be addressed efficiently and appropriately

without personal values or beliefs interfering in the decision-making process. The ethical

frameworks do not solve the dilemma but serve as a means for the leader to develop a solution to

clearly define any personal values and beliefs [Mar17]. The most common frameworks

identified and utilized are utilitarianism, duty-based reasoning, rights-based reasoning, and


The utilitarian framework diminishes the needs and wants of the patient but focuses on

the greatest good for the greatest number of people[Mar17]. This framework is one of the most

common approaches utilized in the decision-making process. The utilitarian framework works

well with larger groups of people due to it teaches us to weigh the outcome of our actions

regarding good and bad. In other words, it forces us to look at too and to evaluate the good and

bad outcomes and chooses according to which will produce the greatest good for the greatest


The deontological framework is judges the action of the individual as right or wrong

regardless of the nature of the consequences [Mar17]. The deontological framework is further

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broken down into rights-based, duty-based frameworks, an intuitionist. Duty-based reasoning

defines that a decision has to be made to either act or not to act in a dilemma [Mar17]. Whereas,

rights-based reasoning that everyone has fundamental rights that he or she are entitled to without

interference from the outside [Mar17]. The intuitionist framework allows the manager to look at

each issue as separate entities. The intuitionist framework compares the comparative weights of

the goals, duties, and rights individually for every ethical dilemma [Mar17]. The downside of

this framework is that the primary way utilized to obtain the relative weights is intuition and his

or her feelings of what is believed to be precise for that specific dilemma or situation at that

specific time.

Dilemma in the Emergency Department

As the world progresses to mostly an electronic society with emphasis on social media, it

becomes more and more difficult to ensure patient confidentiality. A picture can be taken and

posted in less than thirty seconds and without you being aware it was even done. In the age of

growing technology, social media is at everyone's fingertips. Social media can enable a post to

spread rapidly and beyond an intended audience with one push of a button. With patients that

cannot verbally consent or sign photo consents, it becomes increasingly important to protect their

privacy even in regards to family and close friends.

This particular situation I advocated for a patient was a trauma patient that was severely

injured in a motor vehicle collision in which they were nearly scalped. As family and friends

began to arrive one of the first things they did was pull out their phones and began snapping

pictures of the patient. I quickly intervened and instructed them to delete the photographs and

put their phones away. I ensured that all photographs were deleted and gave them a copy of our

hospital policy in regards to photos and videos. They were angry at first, and I explained to them

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that all patients and families have the right to privacy and since the patient could not give

consent to the photos they were indeed violating their right to privacy. At this time, I instructed

them if they wished to stay with the patient their phones would remain put up while in the room

and if they received a call or text they were to leave the room to respond and answer. If they did

not comply, they would not be allowed in the room with the patient.

After this incident, our emergency department posted its official photograph and video

policy in the waiting room for visitors and patients to be informed of upon arrival. Posting our

policy was an effort to curb any future situations and inform our constituents before the initiation

of care and that we take their rights to privacy seriously. When patients are unable to consent for

themselves, it is our duty as health care professionals to advocate for them. Establishing limits

protects the patient and the healthcare providers from any harm or future repercussions

secondary to a breach in patient confidentiality. As healthcare providers, we must remain alert

for any family or patients that are recording their care [Lyo13].

Leadership Style

According to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, my personality assessment is that of the

guardian. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter states that guardians are given a temperament for

serving and maintaining things running smoothly. Guardians are fun to be with but take their job

duties seriously and are dependable and trustworthy. They are meticulous about schedules and

have an eye for proper procedure. Guardians are cautious about change but realize that change is

needed for the growth of the institution. Guardians are practical and down to earth, believe in

following the rules, cooperating with others, and believe in law and order. The guardian makes

up 40 – 45 percent of the population and does all the crucial and thankless jobs everyone else

takes for granted [Keind].

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This temperament assessment is almost an exact description of me. I feel that being a

guardian made me more verbal and adamant in ensuring that all the pictures were deleted in

protecting the patient's privacy. I did not back down from the policy set forth by my organization

nor the rights entitled to my patient and protected their right to privacy. The result was a win-

win situation for all involved.


The challenges in the healthcare realm are challenging and penetrating for providers and

leaders. As nurses and leaders, we have the never-ending obligation to protect our patients and

ourselves against any possible harm. There is not one easy solution to the everyday dilemmas in

the healthcare realm. Therefore, responding to the moral and ethical challenges presented daily,

it is essential for nurses and leaders to know moral conceptions and principles and have

developed specific moral thinking skills. Developing these features assist leaders in successfully

developing a plan of action for any ethical dilemmas that may rise.

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Keirsey. (n.d.). What is your temperament? Retrieved August 3, 2018, from

Lyons, R., & Reinisch, C. (2013, January - March). The legal and ethical implications of social

media in the emergency department. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 35(1), 53-


Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing:

theory and application (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

McElroy, S. (2012, February 2). Ethical considerations in emergency nursing. Retrieved August

1, 2018, from Advance Healthcare Network:


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