Marketing in Current Times

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Marketing in current times

Ensayo critico

Julian David Borda Velázquez - 95120

Paola Andrea Marín Rincón - 90091

Jonnathan Andrés Ayala Rincón - 87499

Jair Andrés Moreno Mejía - 87713


María Andrea Ramírez Morales

Universidad Ecci


Planned obsolescence is a controversial topic of conversation since different points of view

are presented at a social level, we find this topic in our daily lives, walking down the street, in
a shopping center or even in the comfort of our home. For example in our light bulbs, cell
phones, wireless chargers, among other devices or objects. But we rarely pay attention to
these things, however we never think about the start of the manufacture of our appliances or
elements that we use daily, because different production factories have set themselves the
task that we as consumers are dazzled by the idea that what is new is better, and others in
making our products short-lived in order to generate greater economic benefit without placing
our thoughts on the environmental impact that this generates.

We must start from the question: What is planned obsolescence? Well, this is a marketing
tactic where you determine how long a product is going to serve. It has been used since the
appearance of the electric light bulb to the present day. Normally it is seen as a negative
tactic, but we believe that it does have its positive side since it boosts both the economy of
companies and nations and supports the generation of jobs and innovations in the
technological part. Generating the creation of marketing in its entirety, due to today's
consumer society.

To fully understand the points of view that are presented regarding these, we must start by
looking at the social classes, since from this the different ideas of acquisition of articles with
greater or lesser obsolescence are born, since the economically less favored social classes
seek products that meet the need they present while a more favored social class seeks
products with greater added value regardless of how disposable the product is.

Every day we find questions regarding the products purchased as consumers, where most of
the time, we let ourselves be carried away with the visual or even by the ear before the word
offers, discounts, brands, and quality, in this case it is somewhat contradictory because for It
is attractive for people to find the famous phrase of the 3B (good, nice and cheap), but for this
we must focus on the aforementioned aspects, a particular case is the day without VAT, where
companies give promotions to acquire different products, that is there where we find that
sometimes a discount is not necessarily applied, it is just propaganda to influence people to
buy. This leads to one of the biggest criticisms, if it meets our need? or we are simply buying
it out of visual desire, the great influence that companies impose on us by providing products
that, without the need to know, we take for granted that they have high quality and if they
meet our requirements.

Starting from this fact, it can be visualized how the different objects that are used in our daily
lives will have a programmed obsolescence for a greater or lesser period of time, for
example, the first light bulbs that were produced were designed to work as long as possible.
Then a thinner filament was introduced that broke more easily so they had to be bought more
often. This is one of the main reasons why to use LED bulbs, also, the first stockings were
made with thicker threads and a more resistant intricate. By changing these characteristics,
the now inevitable tears or leaks in the stockings became common, which lead us to throw
them away and buy others.

Another issue to keep in mind about this type of obsolescence is knowing well what the
advantages and disadvantages of planned obsolescence are. In this aspect, we have that the
capitalist economy needs to be constantly growing in order not to collapse. Planned
obsolescence serves this purpose, due to the large amount of garbage that we are sold in
advertisements, notices, stores and even on the radio. On the other hand, with more demand
for products, more people can find work in the different parts of the production process, from
design to manufacturing. However, it does not mean that without this obsolescence there
could not be another great variety of jobs related to the same products. But by being present if
there is a greater demand in the market for the generation, manufacture, export and sale of
these. On the other hand, the constant production and sale of all kinds of products generates
all kinds of waste of different materials, both recyclable and non-recyclable. These residues
end up contaminating in one way or another, which is why it is important to reduce
consumption, according to the 3R theory of ecology. Adding the fact of the large
consumption of water and energy from various sources and natural resources in general, we
stop, the seas, trees and plants that ultimately end up as raw materials for products. Because
in this procedure the only objective would be the benefits of the manufacturer at the expense
of the consumer and the environment. In order to stimulate the increase in demand, the useful
life of the product is artificially manipulated, leaving aside criteria such as quality and

Programmed obsolescence on an environmental level is not that considerable, because the

idea of ​using and throwing away is not the best option given that the creation of many of the
products that are commercialized daily are made with raw materials and resources that it
provides us. nature and at the time of production, the demand for resources increases and
natural resources decrease, affecting the environment significantly, not only does it
deteriorate due to the inappropriate use of its resources, but it is also affected by the demand
for new products, leaving a large number of objects that do not end their useful life,
becoming harmful waste without being so, companies seek to have an increase in demand for
their products, but none of them is looking for a way to collect waste and update it so that
have a second chance and less waste is generated, since according to the UN only 20% of
waste is recycled properly, every time we see that that products are more disposable and we
can notice the increase in environmental damage such as notable climate changes because we
are at a point of no return.

We must take action on the matter to generate less consumption of these scheduled
obsolescence, the main thing to remember is to reduce. We are constantly bombarded by
advertisements that instigate us to consume a variety of items. But before buying, we can ask
ourselves if we really need, in this way the reduction in consumption and waste disposal will
be less, because we are buying what we need. Let us remember precisely that one of the
modalities of programmed obsolescence is not to generate a change in the product, but rather
a desire in the consumer. The vast majority of advertising does not sell a specific product, it
sells an ideal of life through a product, one of the brands that offers us this the most is Cola
Cola and its idea of ​happiness when it comes to selling us the product accompanied by a
United and happy family at the table. The biggest mistake of the consumer is not to buy, it is
to get carried away by the fallacies sold in an advertisement. Ultimately, we will always need
products to consume. There are responsible companies that have already echoed this problem,
incorporating the so-called "sustainable design" into their activity. Looking for these
companies and consuming what they have to offer helps, not only to directly reduce waste
and make us more responsible consumers, but also to encourage the expansion of these types
of companies.

In conclusion, the technological innovation of the last hundred years has been very important,
especially in the last decades. But at the same time it has harmed nature due to the
exploitation of its resources beyond its limits and returning to it an amount of waste that it
cannot bear. We have inevitably become a world of consumers, where programmed
obsolescence, together with the media, invites us to consume more and more products than
we really need, but these are the pillars of today's consumer economy. The logic of
consumption is among us, it is part of our society, which is why it is impossible to tear it out
of our lives, but from the place of consumer it is important to know this subject, with its
market strategies to be a conscious consumer.

Obsolescence generates great benefits, the greatest of which is to move the world economy,
but its great counterpart is that it generates huge amounts of garbage, which nobody wants, so
it ends up in landfills, destroying natural resources. The reasoning of the people who
implemented this concept seems indisputable. What if things were made that would last
forever? The time would come when all products would not have an "expiration date",
therefore it would no longer be necessary to manufacture another, having said this, a
catastrophe would be generated in the world economy and this would be would sink

Planned obsolescence is not totally sustainable since sales strategies such as the circular
economy should be presented since it seeks to optimize the manufacturing process and
present benefits for both manufacturers and consumers.



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