Guidelines RTBI BBI

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Technology Business Incubator (Biotechnology Business Incubator and Rural

Technology Business Incubator)

The main objectives are as follows:

a) Create new jobs and reduce unemployment particularly in rural and biotechnology
b) Promote entrepreneurship culture in Rajasthan
c) Grassroots economic development across Rajasthan state
d) Facilitate innovative business solution for un-met social needs
e) Promote innovation to further strengthen the competitiveness especially in rural
and biotechnology sector

Biotechnology and Rural Technology Business Incubation (BBI and RTBI) Model:

Biotechnology and Rural Technology business incubators are a powerful economic

development tool. They promote growth through innovation and application of technology,
support economic development strategies for small business development, and encourage
growth from within local economies, while also providing a mechanism for technology
transfer. The Technology Business Incubators would primarily focus on those technologies
which needs support for commercialization and further proliferation particularly in rural
and biotechnology sector. These can act as a growth driver in the low end spectrum of the
incubation eco-system.

Support & Setting up of Technology Incubation Centres( Rural& Biotechnology Sector) :

The Incubation Centres will be set up at twin levels, i.e. supporting existing incubation
centres operated currently at different recognized academic institutions /R&D
institutions/Technology Centres under different Ministries and Departments of the
Government of India or Institutions including State Government to set up such centre
dedicated to incubation and enterprise creation in the area of rural and biotechnology
based Industries and also new incubation centres to be set up by eligible private institutions
including Industry Associations, along with the Academic Institutions, R&D laboratories,
Universities, Government entities and Technology Parks. The existing incubators under
different organizations, academic institutions /R&D institutions/Technology Centres would
be required to provide built up covered space with electric power & water connections, any
other forward / backward linkages and required manpower resources for both the centres
to be created within the existing incubators and also for the new incubators.
A. Support for existing and setting up new Rural Technology Business Incubator (RTBI)
in rural sector

i. Support for existing Rural Technology Business Incubator

ii. Setting up of New Rural Technology Business Incubator


Rural Technology And Business Incubator (RTBI) will facilitate affordable technology
development appropriate to the rural context, Enabling startup entrepreneurs to build rural
inclusive business models, Mediating between urban enterprise and rural potential through
rural database and research, Building models of best practices in sector specific business
incubation and Focus sectors include Agriculture, Health, Finance, Education, Vocational
Training, Business, Processing, Manufacturing and Information and Communication
Technologies for rural India.

The core focus of RTBI will be Incubation. As an Incubator, RTBI’s objective will be to
identify, nurture and support entrepreneurs aspiring to evolve rural/social inclusive
business models leveraging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). RTBI looks
at strengthening and supporting entrepreneurs whose start-up aims to have a larger and
cascading impact on the rural and underserved populace. Developing depth and
understanding of the underserved segments by sustained efforts (including a variety of
independently funded initiatives) via grass root trials (involving technology creation,
business modelling, service design, etc.) in areas like agriculture, education, financial
inclusion, healthcare and livelihood etc.


The aim of RTBI will be to support rural and social inclusive start-ups, primarily those that
enable scalable products and services for the under-served and bottom-of-the-pyramid
B. Support for existing and setting up new Biotechnology Business Incubation (BBI)

i. Support for existing Biotechnology Business Incubator

ii. Setting up of New Biotechnology Business Incubator


Government of Rajasthan has declared Biotechnology Policy in the year 2015. One of the key
components of this policy is to generate employment, promote entrepreneurship among
youths in the area of biotechnology and allied sectors. It will be done by promoting by providing
financial support for new and existing BBI.

Funding (RTBI or BBI):

i. One-time grant of 50% of cost of Plant & Machinery excluding the land and
infrastructure or an amount up to INR 10 Lakh, whichever is less to be provided for
supporting existing incubation centres under various Departments or government
funded institutions to set up such centres dedicated to incubation and enterprise
creation in the rural technology business incubation or biotechnology business
incubation. This includes a provision of 10% towards refurbishment cost.

ii. One-time grant of 50% of cost of Plant & Machinery excluding the land and
infrastructure or an amount up to INR 30 Lakh, whichever is less to be provided for
setting up of new incubation centres by eligible agencies dedicated to incubation
and enterprise creation in the area of rural technology business incubation or
biotechnology business incubation. This will include a provision of 10% towards
refurbishment cost.
Guidelines for RTBI and BBI (Biotechnology and Rural Sector)

Eligibility for Proposal Submission:

a) The proposal is to be submitted by an Academic/Technical/R&D Institution [called Host

Institute (HI)] and other institutions with a proven track record in promotion of
technology based entrepreneurship particularly in the area of biotechnology and rural
technology sectors. The host institute is supposed to have adequate expertise and
infrastructure to support incubation activities.
b) In case, the host institute is other than an academic institution, it should be a legal
entity registered in India with the clear purpose and objective of promoting research,
innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. It would be desirable to have partnership
with at least one academic institute of repute/ technical institutes of
repute/institutions/government bodies engaged in promotion of innovation and
c) The financial support for establishing a RTBI or BBII would be extended to a not-for-
profit legal entity registered as a society/trust/section 8 company. DST encourages TBI
to collaborate with an industry, an academic institution and with other institutions of
repute focusing on innovation, research, commercialization and startup promotion. DST
Rajasthan will not support for-profit incubators at present.
d) The host institution should be in existence for at least 3 years. This will not apply to
entities created by the central government or Rajasthan State government.
e) A pure R&D proposal for academic pursuits and industrial consultancy will not be
eligible for support.
f) The proposals which are not complete or do not meet eligibility criteria will not be

Submission of Proposal

(One hard copy + soft version in MS word document) in the prescribed proforma which is
available at along with the necessary enclosures in the
prescribed proforma. It is to be sent to the following addresses: -

Department of Science and Technology
4 Floor, Minisecretariat
Banipark, Jaipur 302016
Enclosures to be submitted with the proposal by the institutions other than the
Publicly Funded Institutions:

1. Registration Certificate of the Host InstituteCopy One Copy

2. Memorandum of Association and Article of Association of the One Copy
Host Institute
3. Audited Statement of Accounts for the last three years One Copy
4. Annual Reports for the last three year OneCopy
Appraisal and Approval:

The proposals would be evaluated on the basis of merit and capability of the Host
institution/candidate for promoting the TBI’s in the areas of Biotechnology, Rural sector.

The following broad parameters will be used for evaluation of the proposals –

a) Preparedness of Host Institute (HI)

b) Team proposing at the HI and capability of HI in promoting startups and innovations in
Biotechnology and Rural Sectors.
c) Approach and Methodology to be adopted, innovative content and pipeline of potential
d) Assessment of realization potential of projected milestones, co-funding and
sustainability of Biotechnology and Rural TBI (BBI & RTBI).

The financial support to the incubator would be limited to three years after which it should
become self-sustainable. Continuation of support will be entirely performance oriented and
subject to approval. The performance will be monitored both at quantitative and qualitative
aspects. In case of significant shortfall in the progress, the support may also be terminated mid-

Pre-requisites for Release of Funds:

Once the proposal for incubators is agreed in-principle by DST Government of Rajasthan, the
process for release of funds would be taken up after ensuring the following preparatory actions
by the existing incubators and new incubators: -

1. Proof of Registration of RTBI or BBI as not for profit society/trust or a section 8

company. This applies to both - existing incubator or by the
Institution/Agency/Entity/Trust who would set up the new incubator.
2. Earmarking of a “dedicated” minimum of 5000 sq. feet of built up space for hosting
the RTBI or BBI under this scheme.
3. Creation of a separate interest bearing bank account under the name of registered
RTBI or BBI as the case may be.

(i) After in-principle approval of the Department of Science and Technology

Government of Rajasthan, for supporting a RTBI or BBI, the grant for RTBI OR BBI
would be released only after ensuring that all pre-requisites have been fulfilled.
(ii) The RTBI OR BBI will be administered by a Governing Body/ Board chaired by the
Head of the Host Institution. The Governing Body of the RTBI or BBI should meet
every six months to review progress of RTBI or BBI and provide policy guidelines for
the operations of RTBI or BBI. HI and RTBI or BBI should ensure that the operations
of RTBI or BBI are in line with the sanctioned proposal and activities are tailored to
attain projected milestones. Adequate autonomy and flexibility should to the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of the RTBI OR BBI for making speedy & transparent
(iii) RTBI or BBI is a specialized facility, hence for its proper day to day operation and
management, competent manpower must be recruited. Each RTBI or BBI would
have a dedicated CEO & a compact team with domain knowledge and management
expertise, working full time for RTBI or BBI.
(iv) The RTBI or BBI would evolve a transparent system for selection of incubatees. The
incubatees should be admitted fulfilling the admission criteria. RTBI or BBI should
execute appropriate agreement with incubatees. The residency period and the exit
policy may also be defined clearly in the agreement
(v) Structure of RTBI or BBI: The RTBI or BBI should have a capacity to incubate at least
30 ventures at a time. It should have common facilities, labs, meeting rooms, video
conferencing facility, high bandwidth net/WIFI, co-working space, recreational
facilities, etc. Emphasis should be put in creating proper visibility of the RTBI or BBI
through display boards in and around campus, and in social media. RTBI or BBI
should work on building its in-house capabilities in conducting Accelerator/Startup-
Resonators programs, funding startups, creating a mentor pool etc.
(vi) Each RTBI or BBI is required to have a web-site of its own with details of its
incubatees and should update it on a regular basis (at least quarterly).

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