Technical Data: HP Dry System
Technical Data: HP Dry System
Technical Data: HP Dry System
4. Installation
Refer to current Viking Technical Data describing individual components of the Viking HP Dry System. Technical Data describing the
Viking Deluge Valve, and other system components are packed with product and in the Viking Engineering Design Data book.
Also, refer to applicable installation standards, codes, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction.
Important Settings: (Refer to Figures 1 - 12)
1. Provide a minimum or maximum pneumatic air pressure to anti-flood device (E.1) for system water pressures to 250 psi (17.2
bar) maximum.
a. Set release system air pressure supervisory switches to activate at 5 psi less than the set pneumatic supervisory air pressure
on pressure drop.
b. Air supervisory switch should be wired to activate an alarm to signal a “low air” pressure condition. Activation of an alarm to sig-
nal a high pressure condition may be installed. Refer to applicable installation standards and Authority Having Jurisdiction.
2. Alarm Pressure Switch (C.1) should activate when pressurized to 4 to 8 psi (0.27 to 0.55 bar) on pressure rise. Alarm pressure
switch (C.1) should be wired to activate the water flow alarm.
Air Supply Design:
The air supply compressor should be sized to establish total required air pressure in 30 minutes. The air supply must be regulated,
restricted, and maintained automatically. The air supply must be regulated to maintain the pressure desired in the system piping. The
air supply must be restricted to ensure that the automatic air supply cannot replace air as fast as it escapes when a sprinkler on the
system operates.
It is a required practice to provide an inspectors test connection on the system piping. The inspectors test connection should be
equipped with a shut-off valve (normally closed) capable of being opened to simulate the opening of a sprinkler on the system. Locate
the connection and the valve at the highest, most demanding, location of the system piping. Test connections, provided on dry pipe
systems, should terminate in an orifice equal to the smallest orifice sprinkler on the system piping. The inspectors test connection
may be used to verify that the automatic air supply cannot replace air as fast as it escapes when a releasing device operates. Refer to
paragraph 6.A Inspections, Tests and Maintenance.��
Form No. F_010300 Revised page replaces page 132 a-w dated November 30, 2007.
(Updated to new PORV and Release Trim.)
Dry 132b October 1, 2008
The Viking HP Dry System is available through a network of Domestic, Canadian, and International Distributors. See the Viking Corp.
Web site for your closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation.
For details of warranty, refer to Viking’s current list price schedule or contact Viking directly.
9. Ordering Instructions
To order a complete HP Dry System, order the Deluge Valve, Conventional Trim, System Check Valve and HP Dry System Release
Trim together.
Dry 132d October 1, 2008
F.1 G.2 A. Valve
F.1 A.1 Deluge Valve
Piped to B. Deluge Valve Convential Trim
Point A (See Deluge Valve Trim Charts)
B.1 Priming Valve (Normally Open)
F.3 B.2 Strainer
B.3 1/16" Restricted Orifice
B.4 Spring Loaded Check Valve
B.5 Alarm Test Valve (Normally Closed)
F.4 B.6 Auxiliary Drain Valve (Normally Closed)
F.6 B.7 Drip Check Valve
F.4 B.8 Drain Check Valve
F.7 F.5 B.9 Alarm Shut-Off Valve (Normally Open)
F.4 B.10 Pressure Operated Releif Valve (P.O.R.V.)
B.11 Emergency Release
B.12 Priming Pressure Water Gauge and Valve
B.13 Water Supply Pressure Gauge and Valve
B.14 Drain Cup
B.15 Flow Test Valve (Normally Closed)
C. Water Flow Alarm Equipment
E.2 C.1 Alarm Pressure Switch and/or
C.2 Water Motor Alarm (Strainer Required)
C.3 Strainer
E.1 D. Riser
D.1 Water Supply Control Valve
D.2 L-1 or K-1 Check Valve
B.12 B.3
D.3 Sprinkler System Main Drain
B.10 B.2 D.4 System Pressure Gauge and valve
E. HP Dry Release System
B.1 E.1 Anti-Flood Assembly
TO SYSTEM E.2 Air Pressure Gauge and Valve
E.3 Check Valve
D.4 F. Air Supply
Point A
F.1 Tank Mounted Air Compressor
E.3 F.2 Air Supervisory Pressure Switch
B.7 (Compressor On/Off Control Switch)
D.3 F.3 Soft Seat Check Valve
F.4 Shut Off Valve
TO DRAIN B.8 (Indicating Ball Valve recommended.)
B.15 F.5 D-2 Air Maintenance Device & By-Pass Trim
F.6 Dehydrator
TO DRAIN B.9 F.7 Air Supervisory Pressure Switch
---- OR ----
D.1 For Riser Mounted Air Compressor:
F.1 F-1 Riser Mounted Compressor, Including:
F.2 Air Supervisory Pressure Switch
B.5 (Compressor On/Off Control Switch)
B.13 B.6 F.3 Soft Seat Check Valve
F.4 Air Pressure Supervisory Switch
WATER SUPPLY Piping included with trim
TO DRAIN Piping required but not included
Form No. F_010300 Revised page replaces page 132 a-w dated November 30, 2007.
(Updated to new PORV and Release Trim.)