Deluge Valve 6in
Deluge Valve 6in
Deluge Valve 6in
Fig. 2
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York10523
When a fire is detected, a releasing device vents the exceeding the rated pressure of the system. In an indoor
push rod chamber to atmosphere through the installation where standard room temperatures are
chamber’s outlet. Since the pressure cannot be exceeded, a pressure relief kit may be needed. Pressure
replenished through the inlet restriction as rapidly as it relief kit, P/N 6503050001, can be installed into the pushrod
is vented, the push rod chamber pressure falls chamber’s releasing line to limit the pressure to 175 psi
instantaneously. When the push rod chamber (12,1 bar).
pressure approaches approximately one-third of the Reliable Model DDX Deluge Valves with associated trim
supply pressure, the upward force of the supply sizes 4" (100 mm), 6" (150mm) and 165mm, are rated for
pressure acting beneath the clapper overcomes the use at a minimum water supply pressure of 20 psi (1,4 bar)
lever-applied force thereby opening the clapper. and a maximum water supply pressure of 250 psi (17,2
Once the clapper has opened, the lever acts as a bar). Water supplied to the inlet of the valve and to the push
latch, preventing the clapper from returning to the rod chamber must be maintained between 40°F (4°C) and
closed position. Water from the supply flows through 140°F (60°C).
the Deluge Valve into the system piping. Water also Detection and Actuation
flows through the Deluge Valve’s alarm outlet to the
alarm devices. In general, the Reliable Model DDX Deluge Valve
After system shutdown, resetting the Model DDX can be released by any Reliable UL Listed or FM
Deluge Valve is quite simple. Doing so only requires Approved device that opens sufficiently to vent the
pushing in and turning the reset knob at the rear of the push rod chamber in response to a fire. The releasing
valve (see Fig.2). The external reset feature of the device is simply connected to the push rod chamber’s
Model DDX Deluge Valve provides a means for simple, outlet. When the releasing device operates and vents
economical system testing, which is one essential the push rod chamber, the Deluge Valve opens.
facet of a good maintenance program. The external Typical releasing devices include hydraulic manual
reset feature does not, however, eliminate another emergency stations, M odel F1-FTR Fixed
important facet of good maintenance, namely, periodic Temperature Detectors on wet pilot lines, dry pilot
cleaning and inspection of the internal valve parts. actuators, and solenoid valves. Model F1-FTR
In the event that water builds up inside the valve due Detectors perform both Deluge Valve releasing and
to condensate from the air supply system, or water left fire detection functions with wet pilot lines.
inside from valve system testing, a drain is available for The use of a solenoid valve for Deluge Valve
venting. After closing the main supply valve, a small releasing enables various types of electrical fire
valve over the drain cup can be opened slightly until detection devices to be used. Typical detection
the water inside the valve body and the main pipe devices include electrical emergency pull stations,
column has drained. thermal detectors, and ionization or photoelectric
Whenever ambient temperature conditions are high, the smoke detectors. Electrical detection and releasing
water temperature in the Model DDX Deluge Valve’s equipment used in Supertrol Electrical Systems is
pushrod chamber could possibly increase, thereby described in Bulletins 707 and 708, for both deluge
increasing the pressure in the chamber to values and preaction systems.
Fig. 3
Model DDX Deluge Valve Description The Dry Pilot Trim (see Fig. 5) is used when dry pilot
sprinklers are used as the fire detection means. This trim
1. Rated working pressure: set includes the Model LP Dry Pilot Line Actuator, air and
Valve & System - 250 psi (17.2 bar). water pressure gauges, low air pressure switch (for Dry Pilot
2. Factory tested to a hydrostatic pressure of Line), air pressure relief valve, connections for the air supply
500 psi (34,5 bar). (Valve only) and pilot sprinkler lines, a two-inch main drain, alarm test,
3. End and trim connections: push rod chamber connections, push rod chamber
· ANSI/AWWA C606 grooved inlet and outlet pressure gauge, and the Model B Hydraulic Manual
Emergency Station. Table A provides the recommended
Groove Dimensions air pressure when the dry pilot trim set is used as the
Valve Outlet Groove Groove
Outlet actuation means.
Face to
Size Diameter Diameter Width
Groove Table A
4" (100 mm) 4.500" (114 mm) 4.334" (110 mm)
Water Pressure psi Pneumatic Pressure to be Pumped
3 " 8
5 " 8 (bar) into Sprinkler System, psi (bar)
165 mm 6.500" (165 mm) 6.330" (161 mm)
(10 mm) (16 mm)
6" (150 mm) 6.625" (168 mm) 6.455" (164 mm) Maximum Not Less Than Not More Than
20 (1,4 ) 10 (0,7) 14 (0,9)
· Threaded openings Per ANSI B 2.1 50 (3,4) 12 (0,8) 16 (1,1)
· Valve Exterior's Color: 75 (5,2) 13 (0,9) 17 (1,2)
100 (6,9) 15 (1,0) 19 (1,3)
Valve Size Color 125 (8,6) 16 (1,1) 20 (1,4)
4" (100 mm) 150 (10,3) 17 (1,2) 21 (1,4)
6" (150 mm) 175 (12,1) 18 (1,2) 22 (1,5)
165 mm Red 200 (13,8) 19 (1,3) 23 (1,6)
225 (15,5) 21 (1,5) 25 (1,7)
4. Face to face dimensions: 250 (17,2) 22 (1,5) 26 (1,8)
· 4" (100 mm) — 14" (355 mm) Note: During system set-up, a higher pneumatic pressure may
· 6" (150 mm) & 165 mm — 16" (406 mm) be required in order to properly set the Model LP Dry Valve
5. Shipping weight:
Valve Size Weight The Electric Actuation Trim (see Fig. 6) is used when
4" (100 mm) 64 lb. (29 kg) electric detection and releasing are desired. This trim
6" (150 mm) & 165 mm 95 lb. (43 kg) set includes a solenoid valve (175 psi (12,1 bar) or 250
psi (17, 2 bar) rated), two-inch main drain, alarm test
6. Friction loss (Expressed in equivalent length of Schedule
supply pressure gauge, push rod chamber supply
connections, push rod chamber pressure gauge, and
40 pipe, based on Hazen & Williams formula with C = 120 the Model B Hydraulic Manual Emergency Station are
and a flow velocity of 15ft/sec (4.6 m/sec)): also included. Detailed description of electrical
Valve Size Equivalent Length operation can be found in Bulletins 707 and 708.
The Model B Hydraulic Manual Emergency Station is
4" (100 mm) 14' (4.27 m)
a standard item in all trim sets. However, the Model A
6" (150 mm) & 165 mm 29.4' (9 m) Hydraulic Manual Emergency Station, described in
Bulletin 506, is also available as an option.
7. Installation position: Vertical All Model DDX Deluge Valves are listed by
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc, and certified by UL for
Trim Descriptions Canada (cULus) and certified by Factory Mutual
The trims for the Reliable Model DDX Deluge Valve A p p r o v a l s , o n l y wh e n u s e d w i t h t h e v a l v e
are arranged for rapid, easy, and compact attachment, manufacturer’s trim sets.
and serve as connection points to Reliable Model C
Mechanical Alarms and other devices.
The available Model DDX Deluge Valve trim sets are:
· Wet Pilot Trim
· Dry Pilot Trim
· Electric Actuation Trim,
The Wet Pilot Trim (see Fig. 4) is used when wet pilot
sprinklers or hydraulic manual emergency pull boxes
are used for detection and releasing. This trim set
provides a two-inch main drain, alarm test, supply
pressure gauge, push rod chamber pressure gauge,
push rod chamber supply connections, Model B
Hydraulic Manual Emergency Station, and a
connection for releasing devices.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Ordering Information · Trim — Wet Pilot Trim, Dry Pilot Trim, or Electric
Specify: Actuation Trim. Each trim set is available in individual
· Valve Model & Size — 4" (100 mm) Model DDX Deluge parts, in time-saving, segmentally assembled kit forms,
Valve (P/N 6103040026), 6" (150 mm) Model DDX or fully assembled to the Model DDX Deluge Valve with
Deluge Valve (P/N 6103060024), 165mm Model DDX or without a control valve). The Electric Actuation trim is
Deluge Valve (P/N 6103060028) available with a 175 psi (12,1 bar) or 250 psi (17,2 bar)
rated solenoid valve.
Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/ Control Valve 6505040205 6505060205 Not Available
UL/FM Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/o Control Valve 6505040206 6505060206 6505065206
Pressure Segmentally Assembled (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001108
Switch Individual Parts (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001107
ULC Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/Control Valve 6505040208 6505060208 Not Available
Approved Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/o Control Valve 6505040209 6505060209 6505065207
Switch Segmentally Assembled (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001110
Individual Parts (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001109
175 psi Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/ Control Valve 6505040205 6505060205 Not Available
(12,1 bar) Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/o Control Valve 6505040206 6505060206 6505065206
Solenoid Segmentally Assembled (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001108
Valve Individual Parts (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001107
250 psi Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/ Control Valve 6505040215 6505060215 Not Available
(17,2 bar) Fully Assembled to DDX Valve w/o Control Valve 6505040216 6505060216 6505065216
Solenoid Segmentally Assembled (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001508
Valve Individual Parts (DDX Valve Sold Separately) 6503001506
Note: For metric installations, a 2" NPT x R2. ISO 7/1 x Close Nipple (Reliable P/N 98543401) is sold
separately as an adapter for the single drain outlet of the trims.
· Additional equipment — Air compressors, electric detection, actuation equipment, and mechanical sprinkler alarms
must be ordered separately. These devices are described in Bulletin 707.
Installation Dimensions in Inches (mm)
Valve A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R
4" 5 6 41
9 1
2 14 29 3
22 4 3
30 4 8 1
13 4 5 1
2 8 12 2 1
2 6 1
4 12 11 14
(100mm) (133) (171) (241) (356) (737) (578) (781) (216) (349) (140) (216) (64) (159) (305) (286)
(150mm) 6 4
1 73 4 10 12 16 30 233 4 313 4 8 12 133 4 5 12 8 12 13 12 3 14 83 4 12 12 12 14
(159) (197) (267) (406) (767) (603) (806) (216) (349) (140) (216) (343) (83) (222) (318) (311)
& 165mm
The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other
similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable.
Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and reputable sprinkler
contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries.
Manufactured by
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
(800) 431–1588 Sales Offices
(800) 848–6051 Sales Fax Revisions indicate updated or new data.
(914) 668–3470 Corporate Offices
EG. Printed in U.S.A. 7/06 P/N 9999970269 Internet Address