P.7 Best Science Notes Term One - Teacher - Ac
P.7 Best Science Notes Term One - Teacher - Ac
P.7 Best Science Notes Term One - Teacher - Ac
VOCABULARY // New words.
• Skeleton
• Posture
• Hinge joint
• Ball and socket
• Pivot joint
• Gliding joint
• Voluntary muscles
• Involuntary muscles
It is a system that gives animals the ability to move. It is a composition of bones and
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Classifications of bones.
A bone is a hard tissue found in the body of most animals.
Bones are made up of two mineral salts called calcium and phosphorus.
Types of bones.
Bones are classified according to their shapes and sizes.
1. Long bones these are bones found in the legs and arms -e.g. femur, tibia,
fibula, (legs) humerus, radius, ulna. (arms)
NB: The femur is the longest and hardest bone in the human body.
The stirrup/stapes is the smallest bone in the human skeleton
They contain the white bone marrow used to produce white blood cells.
2. Short bones- e.g. metacarpals, metatarsals, phalanges, vertebra, etc
What makes up the bone?
They contain red bone marrow used to produce red blood cells.
Red blood cells are destroyed in the liver or spleen.
3. Flat bones -e.g. shoulder blade, cranium (skull), rib cage, and scapula.
4. Irregular bones -Bones of the neck vertebra, sacrum, tarsals and carpals
1. Briefly explain the term bone.
2. Write down the three types of bones in one’s body.
3. Why do babies have many bones than adults?
4. State any examples of each of the bones below
a) Long bones b) irregular bones
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• The skull protects the brain, the eyes, and the middle and inner ears.
• The vertebrae (backbone) protect the spinal cord.
• The rib cage, spine, and sternum protect the lungs, heart.
⇒ Axial skeleton
⇒ Appendicular skeleton
Axial skeleton
NB: The axial skeletal region forms the foundation of the skeleton
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• The skull
• The ribcage
• The pelvic girdle
• The limbs
A joint is a place in a body where two or more bones meet.
How is a joint adapted to a friction free movement?.
-It contains synovial fluid which reduces friction at the joint.
-The bones are covered with cartilage at the ends.
Structure of a joint.
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A Tendon is a tough fibrous tissue that connects muscles to bones.
A Ligament is a fibrous elastic tissue that joins a bone to a bone.
Cartilage: this is found around the joints that allows movements (Movable joints)
i) Movable joints
Movable joints. These are joints which allow movements of body parts
Immovable joint. These are joints which don’t allow movement of body parts. E.g
Suture joints in the skull.
Characteristics of immovable joints.
• Immovable joints don’t have cartilages
• They don’t have synovial membrane
• They don’t have synovial fluid
• They don’t have ligaments
Illustration of immovable joints
Types of joints.
There are four types of joints:
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• Ball and socket joints
• Hinge joint
• Pivot
• Plane joints/gliding joints.
1. Ball and socket joint. This is a type of joint which allows movement in all
Examples of ball and socket joints in the body.
• Shoulder joint
• Hip joint
A diagram of a ball and socket joint.
2. Hinge joint. This is a type of joint which allows movement in only one plane.
Examples of hinge joints
• Elbow joint
• Knee joint.
Diagrams of hinge joints.
3. Pivot joint. This is a type of joint which allows rotation of certain part of the
body onto other parts.
- A muscle is an elastic bundle of flesh under the skin that is attached to bones.
- A muscle is a special elastic tissue that contracts and relaxes to produce
There are two types of muscles.
i. Voluntary muscles.
ii. Involuntary muscles.
Voluntary muscles / skeletal muscles.
Voluntary muscles are muscles whose action is normally controlled by an individual's
Examples of voluntary muscles include;
i. Biceps (flexor) ii. Triceps (extensor)
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i. Cardiac muscles of the heart.
ii. Muscles of the eye lids.
iii. Muscles of the stomach and intestines
iv. Muscles of the reproductive system
v. Muscles of the blood vessels
vi. Muscles of the excretory system
Antagonistic muscles
These are muscles that work in pairs but have an opposite effect to each other.
1. How are joints important to a boy of 4 years?
2. What is a joint?
3. Write down one way joints are similar to muscles.
4. Write down any one example of a hinge joint.
5. Why is a shoulder joint said to be a movable joint?
6. State the substance in the human body that helps to reduce friction around
the joints.
7. What is a muscle?
8. State the two types of muscles in our bodies.
9. Why the triceps and biceps are called antagonistic muscles?
10. How are muscles useful in our bodies?
11. Cite any one disorder to the body muscle.
12. Which class of food is necessary for proper growth of bones
13. Write down one example of each of the following
a) Skeletal muscles b) Smooth muscles
14. What is the functional difference between ligaments and tendons?
15. State one disorder to each of the following
a) Ligaments b) tendons.
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16. Which part of the skeleton protects the following?
a) Brain b) spinal cord c) the lungs and heart
17. State one health habit that can keep one’s skeleton in a healthy working
Diseases and disorders of bones, muscles and the system(lesson seven)week two.
Disorders of the muscular skeletal system.
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Treatment of the infected people.
Leprosy this is caused by a bacterium called bacillus
Leprosy is spread through closely body contact with an infected person.
NB: Leprosy attacks both bones and muscles.
Health habits that help to keep the system in a healthy working condition
⇒ Calcium
⇒ Phosphorus
Sets of teeth.
♣ Permanent teeth
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This is the first set of teeth a person develops. They begin falling off at the age of six
years and by thirteen years they are already replaced by a permanent set of teeth.
Lower jaw 4 2 4 10
Upper jaw 4 2 4 10
Total 8 4 8 20
This is a second set of teeth a person develops. Permanent set of teeth lasts for the
rest of our lives. And they are 32 in number.
Regions of teeth
1. Crown
2. Neck
3. Root
1. The crown: This is the hardest part of a tooth used for chewing, biting and
tearing food.
3. The root: This is a part of the tooth which is sunk into the socket of the jaw.
Types of teeth:
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There are four types of teeth.
1. Incisors
2. Canines
3. Premolars
4. Molars
Sources of electricity.
-Cells i.e. Dry cell, Simple cell, chemical batteries, solar cell accumulators.
- Running water
-The sun.
-Fossil fuels.
Types of cells
1. Primary cells e.g.), Dry cells, a simple cell(wet cell)
2. Secondary cells/accumulators/storage cells. E.g. lead batteries, solar cells.
The dry cell.
Dry cell
A dry cell is an electric cell.
It stores chemical energy.
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The energy needed to push an electric current through a electric circuit is called
voltage. Voltage is measured in volts.
A dry cell stores chemical energy which is later changed to electric energy.
Calculating voltage.
7 dry cells= ?
=10.5 volts
An electrodes is a piece of metal that allows electric current to pass through it when
placed in an electrolyte.
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The bulb connected across the cell, begins to glow but after only a few minutes it
becomes dimmer until it finally lights off.
Disadvantages of using a wet cell.
The sun
The sun produces light which is converted into solar electricity using solar cells.
A number of solar cells put together form a solar battery.
Solar electricity is used for lighting and cooking.
Fossil Fuels.
Fossil fuels used in production of electricity are coal, petrol and diesel.
Coal / oil can be burnt to produce Thermal electricity.
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It is burnt to produce to produce nuclear energy.
Uranium stores chemical energy.
The wind turns windmills to produce electricity.
Current electricity
This is the electricity where there is flows of electrons.
The diagram showing the flow of current/ electricity/ electric current.
1. Direct current (DC) - The current flows in one direction. I e from the source to
the appliance. Sources: chemical batteries and dry cells.
2.Alternating Current (AC) - current flows in two directions. I e from the source to
the appliance and the back.E.g. that one produced at Nalubale dam in Jinja,
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Forms of electricity.
1. Write down the types of electricity
2. State any two forms of electricity
3. Draw a diagram to show flow of electricity
4. What type of electricity is commonly used by most urban areas in Uganda?
5. Briefly explain the term alternating current.
Insulators of electricity.
These are materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them easily.
Examples of insulators;
i. Rubber, plastic, dry wood, dry paper, dry cloth, air and porcelain
Importance of insulators
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Electric circuit (lesson five)
An electric circuit is a path through which an electric current flows.
Components of an electric circuit.
A switch.
A torch bulb
A conductor (wire)
Dry cells
The conducting wire.
1. How are insulators different from conductors of heat?
2. Give any two examples of insulators.
3. How are insulators important in our daily life?
4. State any two components of an electric circuit.
5. Why is wood said to be bad conductor of electricity?
A simple Electric circuit. (lesson five week two)
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The conducting wire
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1. Reflector: Directs lights into a parallel beam of light.
2. Bulb: It produces light.
It changes electric energy to heat then to light.
3. Dry cells: It is the source of electric energy.
4. Glass envelope: It protects the bulb and reflector.
5. Switch: Breaks and completes the circuit at the users wish.
6. Cover and springs: Keep the dry cells tightly together.
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4. Which gas is commonly used in electric bulbs?
5. Give one reason why the glass of a bulb is transparent?
Short circuits.
A short circuit is a path of low resistance towards flow of current through circuit.
Causes of short circuit
This is static electricity in nature.
When a positively charged cloud meets a negatively charged cloud, a huge spark
is formed and may pass to the ground.
During the passage of lightning, the surrounding air is heated strongly, expands
suddenly and then contracts quickly as it cools.
This air vibrates to produce the sound called thunder.
Advantage of lightning.
Lightning fixes nitrogen into the soil.
Preventing effects caused by lightning.
Avoid sitting under tall trees when it is raining.
Install lightning conductors on buildings.
How lightning conductors reduce risks to the building.
They provide route for electrons to pass into the ground without damaging the
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An illustration
The charge does not flow. Charge flows through the conductor from
3 one place to another.
Protons (+) and electrons (-) Only electrons flow.
4 are both necessary for this
type of electricity.
uses of electricity
Run machines like radios,
For running engines of machines in factories.
It is quick.
It is clean.
Easy to use.
Conserves the environment.
Disadvantages of electricity.
It is expensive to install.
Electricity can shock.
It can burn buildings.
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Avoid over loading the socket.
Avoid repairing the appliance when not trained.
Avoid pushing metallic objects into sockets.
Never open anything that uses electricity if not an expert.
Never touch an electric wire that has fallen from an electric pole.
Never take shelter under tall trees during thunderstorm.
Topical questions
1. Briefly explain the term electricity.
2. Why electricity is called a form of energy?
3. Give any one way in which electricity can prevent deforestation.
4. Why is it important to properly handle electric appliances?
5. Draw a symbol of an electric bulb.
6. Suggest any one way in which we can prevent our electric appliances from being
destroyed by electricity.
7. State any one difference between conductors and insulators.
8. Why are electric wires carrying current from the source raised some meters high
from the ground?
9. Cite any one disadvantage of using electricity in the environment
10. Draw a diagram to show the flow of current.
11. Cite any one danger of lightning to the environment.
12. State the static electricity in nature.
13. Briefly explain how to overcome the dangers of caused by short circuits in the
14. Why is the filament of an electric bulb coiled?
15. How is a fuse important in an electric circuit?
A magnetic field: Is any region around a magnet where the lines of flux/force act.
♣ Magnetic fields originate from north pole and end at the south pole.
♣ The lines of flux do not intersect with each other.
♣ A line of force/flux is continuous i.e starts from the north pole and ends in the
south pole.
♣ There is no force within the magnet itself.
An illustration
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What are magnetic materials?
Are materials that can be attracted by a magnet.
♣ Non magnetic non – metallic materials: These are non metals which cannot
be attracted by a magnet. Examples include; plastics, rubber, glass, wood, clay,
papers etc
NB: The above properties can be used to state the law of magnetism as seen
as indicated below.
The law of magnetism states that, like poles repel while unlike poles attract
each other.
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3. When a magnet is freely suspended by a piece of thread, it will always rest in
the north – south direction
6. Lines of flux in a magnetic field run from north pole to south pole.
7. Magnetism can pass through non – magnetic materials like glass, wood, paper,
zinc etc
8. Broken pieces of magnets retain their north poles and south poles.
Properties of magnets
Like poles of a magnet repel.
Unlike poles attract each other.
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Magnetism passes through non magnetic materials like wood and paper.
N N _______________________
N S ________________________
S S _______________________
S N ________________________
Types of magnets.
a) Artificial magnets
These are magnets made by people.
artificial magnets are divided into two:
i) Permanent magnets
ii) Temporary magnets
Permanent magnets:
These are magnets that keep/retain their magnetism for a longer period of time e.g
bar magnets, horse shoe magnets, magnetic compass needle and cylindrical magnets.
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Examples of artificial permanent magnets and their shapes.
Bar magnet; This is a bar of uniform cross section. It may be rectangular or
Needle magnet; It has a thin point at both ends and balanced at the centre.
Temporary magnets: These are magnets which lose their magnetism easily. Examples
of temporary magnets are electro magnet, shortly induced magnets
Electro magnet
b) Natural magnets
They don’t lose magnetism.
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Examples of natural magnets.
The Earth; It is a huge natural magnet. Its magnetic field is weak, that is why
you can’t feel it.
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Stroking by single touch:
Note. The end after the stroke becomes the opposite pole of the magnet being
By electrical method
This is a method of making magnets using electricity
A magnet made by using electricity is electro- magnet.
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Electro magnets are made stronger by;
Demagnetizing a magnet
• It is making a magnet lose its magnetism.
• It is weakening or destroying a magnet.
Ways of demagnetizing a magnet
• Hammering/hitting strongly.
• Strong heating.
• Leaving a magnet in an east-west direction for a very long time.
• By keeping the magnets with like poles together.
• By passing an alternating current through a magnet.
• Leaving it to rust.
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Appliances that use magnetism
Magnetic compasses.
Magnetic tapes.
Appliances that use both electricity and magnetism..
Mobile phones
Electric bells
An Electric bell(lesson eight and nine) week three
How it works
A dynamo is a device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
A dynamo uses a permanent magnet and a coil of wires on electro magnets
During the turning, the mechanical energy is turned into electric energy.
The type of current electricity produced is A.C
They change Mechanical energy to electric energy.
Uses of dynamos and generators
Provide electricity for light.
Provide energy to run machines.
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Provide energy for cooking
Generators are used in hospital theatres incase power goes out.
Topical questions
1. How is magnetism different from magnets?
2. State the any one law of magnetism
3. How are magnets important to the following?
a) Doctors b) pilots c) teachers
4. Cite one item that uses both magnets and electricity.
5. How are magnets found in radios important?
6. In four sentences, briefly explain how an electric bell works.
7. Write the term AC in full.
8. What is the importance of the hammer found on an electro magnet?
9. State one way of making magnets.
10. In which one way can a p7 child make a magnet lose its magnetism?
11. Briefly explain how strong heating a magnet can make it lose its magnetism?
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• Resource Hydro
• Tidal Fossil
• Coal Petroleum
• Bio gas Bio fuel
• Wood fuel
This is anything that people uses to satisfy their needs.
It is anything that provides people with useful energy.
1. Renewable resources. – Things that can be replaced naturally when used up.
The sun is the main source of heat and light as forms of energy on earth.
Hydro electricity:
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It is the form of electricity produced by the power of running water at a fall.
Tidal energy
This is the form of energy got from water tides on the sea shores.
Tides are periodic rises and falls of large bodies of water.
The tides are caused by gravitational interaction between the earth and the moon.
Importance of water as an energy resource to people and environment
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Other products from petroleum.
Plastics, polythene paper, tar, dye, detergents, Vaseline, mattresses, grease,
paint, fertilizers, etc
Other products from coal
Paints, fertilizers, perfumes.
Uses of uranium
It is used to make atomic bombs.
It is used as fuel in nuclear powered sub marines.
Uranium is burnt to produce atomic electricity.
Geothermal energy
It is got from hot springs// thermal springs where steam is trapped to turn
turbines to produce electricity.
Animals like oxen are used to plough land.
Some animals like the donkeys are used for transport.
Some animals are used as source of food.
Some animals like oxen and ass are used to pull carts.
They are source of food.
They are source of wood fuel.
They are source of building materials.
They are used as shelter by some animals.
How to conserve plant resources.
Through a forestation.
Use fuel saving stoves.
Use other //alternative sources of fuel like biogas.
Educate people about the advantages of plants in the environment.
Wind as energy resources.
Used for winnowing
Used to turn wind mills to produce electricity.
Used to sail boats
Helps to disperse seeds
Used in pollination.
Used to fly kites.
Speed up evaporation and hence increases the speed to dry things.
Plants (wood fuel, food) as energy resources.
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The waste plant materials.
1. Cow dung.
2. Plant materials.
3. Animal urine.
1. In which one way do plants depend on?
a) Cattle b) human beings c) goats
2. Mention any one advantage of using biogas over using firewood.
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3. How is a biogas digester important in the production of biogas?
4. Cite any one thing used in the making of biogas.
5. Write down any three ways how animals depend on non living things in the
6. In what way can a farmer use the residue left after making bio gas.
7. State any two uses of biogas to human beings.
8. Why is wind said to be a form of energy?
9. How does use of biogas contribute towards the control of environmental
10. What danger caused when biogas containers are kept near the reach of young
Properties of friction.
i. There is more friction with rough surfaces than with smooth or slippery ones.
ii. The greater the load, the greater the friction force (weight increases friction)
iii. Whenever friction occurs heat is produced.
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2. It helps when writing.
3. It helps when sharpening objects.
4. It helps when walking.
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ii. Using ball bearings; these are round metallic balls they reduce friction by
keeping moving parts separated.
It is a device that simplifies work.
A complex machine
It is a machine that is made up of many parts and simplifies work.
When two or more simple machines (tools) are put together a complex machine is
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Examples of complex machines
Tractor, Bicycle, Sewing machine, Car, Aero plane etc.
Simple Machine.
Parts of a lever
Classes of levers.
There are three classes of levers depending on the position of the fulcrum(f), Load(l) and
First class levers
Fulcrum/pivot is between the load and effort
In this class, the effort arm is longer than the load arm.
The longer the effort arm, the smaller the effort applied.
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The advantage of the first class lever is that less effort is used.
2 pincers 6 pliers
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9 scales
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The advantage of using this class is that the effort moves through a shorter distance
Examples of third class levers
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5 Table knife 6. Tweezers
The formula PLE or FLE can help to determine the class of lever
1. A man weighs 60 kgf. He sits 1.5 metres from the fulcrum of the see saw. How
far from the fulcrum will the boy whose weight is 30 kgf sit in order to balance the
Let the man be the effort and the boy be the load.
Let the load be x metres.
X 1.5m
2m 3m
60Kgf X kgf
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Let the boy be the effort and the girl the load.
Let the girl’s weight be y
Then, Load x Load arm=Effort x Effort arm
y x 3m =60Kgf x 2 metres.
3y =120
3 3
y = 40kgf
3. A weight of 120 grams at a distance 3cm from the fulcrum is balanced by a weight
of 30g on the other side. Find the distance from the 30kg weight to the fulcrum.
4.Using a see-saw shown below, find the length of the wooden plank AB.
A 2m B
5kgf 3kgf
4m 2m Xm
4cm 2cm 3c m
15kgf 5kgf X
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3. Find the weight at X
3m 2m 2m 4m
Mechanical Advantage is the ratio of the load to effort. i.e. M.A = Load/effort.
M.A is the number of times a machine simplifies work.
M.A has no units since it is a ratio.
Friction lowers M.A.
John used a slope to raise a load of 60kgf from the ground to the higher level as
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shown below.
c 60kgf
4m 5m
M.A= Load
= Distance effort moves
Distance load moves
Work is a product of force and the distance moved.
Work=Force x Distance moved.
Work done by the effort=effort x effort arm.
Work done by the load= load x load arm.
The unit of work is a joule.
The unit of force is the Newton.
The standard unit of distance is the metre.
1 kgf = 10N
1 joule(of work) is done when one newton (of force) moves through one metre( of
1 joule=1 N x 1 m
1 joule=1 Nm
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Examples of wedges
3 Nail. 7 Needle.
4 A wedge
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A screw is an inclined plane wound round
We use it to make our work easier.
1.Lifting very heavy things e.g. screw jack.
2. It makes movement upstairs easier e.g. using a spiral staircase
2 Screw nails
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3 Screw drivers 7 Brace
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A pulley is a wheel with grooved rim that rotates freely about an axle through a
A rope or chain passes over the pulley and is prevented from slipping by the grooved
1. Single fixed pulley
2. Single movable pulley.
3. Block and Tackle system.
The effort applied is equal to the load.
It changes the direction of force
By applying the down ward force, work becomes easier.
The M.A of a single fixed pulley is one (1).
If a load of 30kgf is to be raised using a single fixed pulley, find the effort needed
M.A =1
M.A = load/Effort
1 = 30/E
E x 1 = 30
E = 30kgf.
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The pulley moves with the load.
Each of the ropes share a half of the effort needed.
The rope moves twice as far as the load.
The M.A advantage of single movable pulley is 2 (two)
Effort applied is half the load force. (It reduces the effort needed)
Example. If a load of 30kgf is to be raised using a single movable pulley, Find the
effort needed.
M.A = 2
L = 30kgf
E =??
M.A = L/E
2 = 30/E
2 x E = 30
2E = 30
2 2
E =15kgf.
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A gearwheel is a special form of the wheel
It has teeth around its edge.
These teeth interlock with the teeth of another gear wheel.
When one turns it causes the other one to turn.
If A has 30teeth and B has 15 teeth, how many rotations does B make in one
30divided by 15
=2 turns.
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• Excretion
• Ureter
• Urinary system
• Wastes
Excretory system that collects waste products in the body cells and removes
them from the body.
It is the process by which harmful materials are removed from the body.
Note: Urea, inactive hormones, excess salts and water are waste products in Urine.
Water and salts are waste products in sweat
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It contains melanin that determines skin colour and hair colour.
Melanin also protects the skin against strong radiation from the sun.
NB: When you lack melanin, you become an albino
On the finger nails are cells called keratin that helps to produce toes and finger
It is the inner layer of the skin.
Parts of the dermis.
Capillaries, Sweat glands, Hair follicle, Sebaceous glands, Sweat duct, Pore,
Erector muscles, Nerves, Subcutaneous fat .
Uses of some parts of the skin.
Hair: For keeping the body warm.
Sweat glands: They produce and store sweat
Absorbs sweat from blood.
Pore: It lets sweat out of the body.
Capillaries: Transport food and oxygen to all parts of the skin.
Sebaceous glands: Produce an oily substance called sebum.
Sebum protects, lubricates and water proofs the skin, helps repel water, damaging
chemicals and microorganisms.
Erector muscle: It keeps the hair standing.
Nerves: Conduct sensations of pain and touch.
Subcutaneous fat: It contains fat cells where fat is stored.
Vasodilation- widening of arterioles to allow blood flow to the skin surface.
Vasoconstriction- arterioles become narrow to reduce the flow of blood to the
skin surface.
Furry mammals and birds fluff out fur of feathers to improve insulation and
reduce heat loss from the body.
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Production of goose pimples in man.
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Structure of the kidney
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Good habits for the kidney
Doing daily physical exercises.
Avoid holding back urine for a long time.
Go for medical examination in case of long time back pains
Drink boiled water.
Why do we urinate frequently on a cold day than a hot day?
On a hot day, you sweat a lot, therefore there is less work of kidneys
On a cold day, there is less or no sweating as the pores are half or fully closed.
So, the kidneys take over the work of removing excess water from the body.
Why do you pass out of urine when you drink a lot fluids?
Kidneys keep a constant amount of water in the blood.
Why is the left kidney located slightly higher than the right kidney?
The right kidney is found under the liver which is the largest internal organ
than the left kidney which is under the spleen.
Kidney stones.
Kidney failure
Nephritis: this is an inflammation of the kidney
The Lungs remove carbon dioxide and water from the body.
Lungs are both excretory and respiratory organs.
As air goes through the nose it is warmed, moistened and cleaned. (filtered)
When we breathe through the mouth we take in cold air which may affect our
Gaseous exchange takes place in the alveoli.
It is the largest internal body organ.
Function of the liver.
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Stores iron.
It reduces on excess amino acids in the body (deamination)
Manufacture of plasma proteins.
It burns fats to forms glucose and release energy.
It converts poisonous compound into harmful substances (Detoxication)
It stores vitamin A, D and B12
It produces heat.
Circulation to and from the liver.
Hepatic artery: It supplies oxygenated blood to the liver.
Hepatic portal vein: It supplies blood with digested food from the stomach and
intestines to the liver.
Hepatic vein: Caries deoxygenated blood from the liver to the venacava.
Diseases of the liver.
Hepatitis: Caused by a virus spread by contaminated water.
Cirrhosis: Hardening of liver tissue as a result of alcoholism.
Abscesses There are pus filled sacs on the liver.
1. How are the following important in our bodies:
a) Kidneys c) liver
b) Lungs
2. State any two excretory organs.
3. Write down any one waste material from the body.
4. Why is it important to keep our bodies clean?
5. State any one disorder of the following:
a) Skin b) kidneys.
6. State any two ways of keeping the following in good working conditions
a) Skin b) lungs c) liver
7. Why is the skin called an excretory organ?
8. Write down any two diseases of the following:
a) Skin b) lungs
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Topic 6: Light Energy
• Beams Translucent
• Opaque Shadows
• Eclipse Solar
• Lunar Periscope
• Optical
• Spectrum Prism
1. Natural sources of light.
2. Artificial sources of light.
Light travels faster in materials less dense than air e.g. warm and slowly in materials
that are denser than air e.g. glass, water.
Propagation/properties of light.
1.Light travels in a straight line
A ray is a path taken by light.
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iii. Convergent beam
Transparent objects
These are materials that allow all light to pass through them
Examples of transparent materials
1. Clear glass
ii. Clear still water.
iii. Air.
Translucent materials
These are objects which allow little light to pass through them.
We can’t see through translucent objects because they scatter light passing through
Examples of translucent materials.
1. Frosted glass
ii. Ground glass.
iii. Coloured glass.
iv. Oiled paper.
v. Smoky air.
vi. Thin cloth.
vii. Tracing paper.
Effects of translucent objects on light.
They allow little light to pass through them.
They diffuses the light
Opaque objects
An opaque object is that which does not allow any light ray to go through it.
Examples of opaque objects
1. A wall.
2. A hard paper.
3. Wood.
4. Stones.
5. Human Body
6. Metals.
Effects of opaque objects in light
They obstruct light and form shadows.
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A shadow is a region of darkness caused by obstruction of light.
Formation of a shadow
a) Shadow formed from a point of source of light.
A total shadow is formed.
Is a total/ partial blocking of sunlight when the earth/moon is between the other
bodies. The sun, the moon and the earth are the bodies commonly involved in the
Types of eclipse
i. Solar eclipse
This is the eclipse of the sun.
It occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth (SME)
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Is the bouncing back of light.
It occurs in shiny rough surfaces
The reflections are irregular
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• People can watch football match over the heads of the crowd using a periscope.
• Soldiers can see enemies without exposing themselves to them using periscopes.
• Submariners can see ships on the surface of the sea using periscopes.
• Mirrors are used on vehicles to see traffic behind and avoid causing accidents.
• Torches, car headlamps have concave reflectors.
• Solar cookers use a concave mirror to focus sunlight on spot and use it for
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• Some shaving mirrors are concave as they magnify the image.
Plane mirrors.
Curved Mirrors
These have their reflecting surfaces form a hollow sphere.
Types of curved mirrors
Concave mirrors: It is coated on the outside of the spherical surface.
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They are used as driving mirrors because they a clear view of the traffic behind.
They are instruments used to see objects overhead.
It is used by soldiers, sub mariners etc.
A ray of light from the object strikes mirror one at 45 degrees and then turned
through 90 degrees to strike mirror two until the object is seen by the observer.
Illustration of a periscope.
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Pinhole camera
It works on the principle that light travels in a straight line.
Refraction of light
Refraction means the bending of a light ray as it moves from one transparent medium
to another.
Principle/law of refraction.
i. The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal all lie on the same plane.
ii. A ray of light travelling along the normal will not get refracted and will pass
Effects of refraction
i. Fish in water appears shallower than they are.
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Prisms and Light spectrum.
The slowest ray bends least.(red) and it has a long wave length.
The order of the colours of the spectrum from top to bottom is Red, Orange,
yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
It can be memorized in the sentence Richard Okello Your Girl Benita Is
It is a natural spectrum in the sky.
It is formed when light rays from the sun pass through rain drops.
The inner colour of the rainbow is violet.
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The outer colour of the rainbow is red.
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I - Angle of incidence
R - Angle of refraction
Angle i is greater than angle r.
Qn. What happens to the ray of light when it moves from one medium with fewer
molecules to another one with more molecules?
-Its speed slows down.
-It bends towards the normal
Qn. What happens to the ray of light when it moves from one medium with
molecules to another with fewer molecules?
-Its speed increases.
-The light ray bends away from the normal.
Primary colours
Secondary colours.
Complementary colours.
Primary colors of light are the colours got without mixing any other colour.
Secondary colours are the colours formed by mixing two primary colours.
Examples of secondary colours are Yellow, Magenta and cyan.
i.e. Red + Green = White
- Red + Blue = Magenta
- Blue + Green =Cyan
Complementary colours. Are the two colours of light which when mixed give white
Examples of complementary colours are
Blue + Yellow = White
Red + Cyan = White
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Green + Magenta = White
Red + Green + Black = White light.
Lenses are optical instruments used to focus or defocus.
The surface of the lens may be convex, concave, plane or a combination of these.
Lenses are used in materials like; cameras, microscopes, binoculars.
Types of lenses
Convex (converging) lens
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The effect of lenses on beams of light.
Convex (converging) lens.
It refracts light to meet at one point (focal point)
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Parts of the camera and their functions.
It is used to look at distant objects.
It is used to look at very small objects e.g. bacteria, amoeba, cells etc.
It casts images from films and slides to the screen.
It consists of a source of light, a concave reflector and a condenser.
The condenser focuses the rays through the film or side.
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It has the rods (light sensitive cells that are responsible for dim light) and the
cones (light sensitive cells that are responsible for bright light)
x. Optic nerve: It transmits light messages to the brain.
xi. The eye lids: Prevent foreign bodies from entering the eye
xii. Eye rashes: Prevents water and other particles from entering the eye.
xiii. Fovea: It gives the most accurate interpretation of an image.
xiv. Blind spot: Has no light sensitive cells. If part of an image falls on it no
impression is recorded in brain.
xv. Ciliary body: It contains blood vessels which supply blood to the eye.
xviii. Choroid: a black pigment under the sclera that prevents internal reflection in
the eye.
xv. Tear glands: produces a solution that keeps the eye moist and washes dust fro m
xvi. Sclera: It is a tough, non elastic and fibrous coat round the eyeball
It distributes the fluid over the surface of the eye and prevents it from drying up.
i. It is upside down/inverted.
ii. Smaller than the object/dimished.
iii. The image is real.
Normal vision.
In normal vision, the image of the object seen is formed on the retina.
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Compare a mammalian eye and a lens camera.
Eye Camera
Lens focuses light on the retina Lens focuses light on the film
Iris controls light intensity. Diaphragm controls light intensity
Eyelids block light from entering the eye The shutter blocks light into the camera
The images are formed on the retina The images are formed on the film
The pupil allows light into the eye The aperture allows light into the eye.
The choroid prevents internal reflection The black inside parts prevents internal
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The parts of the eye and Camera with similar functions.
Eye Camera
1. convex Lens convex Lens
2. Iris Diaphragm
3. Eye lid Shutter
4. Retina Film
5. Pupil Aperture
6. Choroid The black inside part of the camera.
Eye diseases
1. Conjuctivitis (Red eyes/pink eyes)
It is caused by bacteria or viruses.
It is spread by finger and face towels.
Signs and symptoms
2. Trachoma
Cause; It is caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia.
Spread; It is spread by houseflies, hands and face towels.
Is where a person can see distant objects clearly but not nearby objects.
Wear spectacles with convex lens.
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iii.Astigmatism. (distorted vision at all distances)
It is a condition in which one is unable to see both vertical and horizontal objects
clearly at the same time.
Astigimation is common during old age.
Causes of astigmation.
Having irregular cornea.
Wearing glasses with cylindrical lenses.
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• Dependence
• Agro forestry
• Pollarding
• Lopping
• Coppicing
• Welfare
It the way things benefit from each in the environment.
It refers to things surrounding people.
Components of the environment
They are divided into two groups:
i. Living things eg plants, animals
ii. Non living things eg water bodies, air, soils
How plants depend on animals.
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iii. Some tall plants provide shade to small trees.
iv. Some plants protect small trees against strong wind.
Agro forestry.
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Animals get food.
Crops get manure.
The farmer can get double income.
Animals give carbon dioxide to crops.
Crops provide oxygen to animals
Rearing and caring for animals, growing crops and trees on the same farm.
Tree growing
Indigenous trees
These are trees that have been growing in Uganda for many years.
Examples include.
Exotic trees:
They include;
Cypress, Pine, Cedar, Mango, Black wattle, Eucalyptus, Jack fruit tree and
Ficus tree.
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Starting a tree nursery bed.
Hardening off seedlings.
A seed bed
It is a large piece of land where seedlings are planted for further growth.
a) Choose a good site, clear the land and dig deep to make the soil fine.
b) Add manure in the nursery bed and mix it well with soil.
c) Furrow the soil using a stick and plant the seeds you have selected.
d) Cover the prepared area with mulches,provide a shade and water.
NB:Remove the shade when the seedlings are about to be transplanted.
Shelter is removed.
Watering is reduced.
The garden conditions are rain, sunshine and pests.
It is the process of moving seedlings from the nursery bed to the main field.
(seed bed)
It should be done in the evening when the weather is cool and wet to prevent the
plants from losing a lot of water due to transpiration of water.
Advantages of pruning.
Thinning: The removal of excess or poorly growing seedlings from the garden.
Advantages of thinning.
Why staking?
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Weeding: the removal of unwanted plants in the garden.
How bad are weeds?
Hide pests.
Weeds compete with crops for sunlight and other soil nutrients.
Some weeds are poisonous to plants and live stock. E.g. tick berry bush.
Increase the cost of farm management.
Advantages of weeds
Leguminous weeds fix nitrogen in the soil and increase soil fertility.
Weeds can be used as animal feeds.
Source of herbal medicine.
Weeds rot to form manure.
Weeds can be used as mulches.
Early planting.
Spraying with pesticides.
Use of birds to eat lady birds. (Biological method)
Crop rotation.
Plant clean materials.
Crop diseases.
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Factors that affect crop production
1. Coppicing-Cutting of the whole tree but leaving room for it to sprout again.
2. Pollarding- The cutting of the top part of a tree allowing new branches to
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Advantages of Starting and managing a school/home wood project.
For charcoal.
For fire wood.
For medicine.
For timber.
To make electricity and telephone poles.
For increase/produces a pleasant smell when burnt.
Wood for firewood.
It is split, dried and then kept in a shed.
Trees store much water inside their cells.
When is split water evaporates from it.
Wood for electricity and telephone poles.
Poles are treated with chemicals known as wood preservatives.
A strong salt can act as a wood preservative.
The bark is first removed then soaked.
Wood for timber
Trees are cut into different pieces.
The pieces are put under shade to dry at slow pace.
It is the putting of pieces of timber under shed to dry at slow pace.
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If timber is dried under direct sunshine it gets twisted/out of shape.
The twisting of the pieces of timber is referred to as warping.
Reasons for seasoning timber.
To prevent it from splitting.
To prevent it from warping/bending.
Record keeping
Farm records:
These are written information showing different out puts and inputs on a farm.
It is a club in a school in which members learn practical skills about keeping animals
and growing crops.
1. What is agro forestry?
2. Suggest any one importance of keeping animals and growing crops on the same
piece of land at the same time?
3. Suggest one method of properly harvesting trees.
4. Why is it important to treat wood for electric poles before planting them?
5. How are young farmers clubs important in schools?
6. Why is it important to keep records on farms?
7. Give any one reason why it is important to keep trees.
8. Write down any one disease that affects bananas.
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9. How important are the following farm practices important on a farm.
a) Thinning b) staking c) pruning
10. How are vermins different from vectors?
11. Why is it important for farmers to plant their crops in nursery beds?
12. State any three crops that can planted in a nursery bed.
13. State one thing done to seedlings in a nursery bed that are about to be
14. Why watering seedlings important when they are in a nursery bed
15. Mention any one characteristic of exotic trees.
It is a group of people living or working together having common needs, interests and
Community Health
It refers to the essential health conditions in which individuals and families
within a community live.
Examples of communities
1. A home
2. A school
3. A town
4. A village
Examples of common health and social problems in communities;
1. Smoking
2. Alcohol and drug abuse
3. Poor sanitation standards
4. Malnutrition
5. Disease outbreak
6. Anti Social behavior
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Types of common sickness in a home.
1. Immunisable diseases
2. Deficiency diseases
3. Communicable diseases
4. Self inflicted diseases
5. Sexually Transmitted diseases
6. Hereditary (genetic) diseases
These are diseases which can be prevented through immunization.
Immunisable diseases are in two categories;
1. Childhood immunisable diseases e.g. polio, measles, tuberculosis, tetanus,
whooping cough (pertussis), diphtheria, hepatitis B, Haemophilus Influenza b.
2. Non childhood immunisable diseases e.g. typhoid, meningitis, cholera, yellow
fever, small pox, german measles (rubella) e.t.c.
These are diseases that are caused by lack of some food values in our daily diet.
Examples of deficiency diseases
Deficiency disease Due to lack of
Night blindness Vitamin A
Beriberi Vitamin B1
Pellagra Vitamin B2
Scurvy Vitamin C
Rickets Vitamin D
Infertility Vitamin E
Poor blood clotting (haemophilus) Vitamin K
Goitre Iodine
Marasmus Carbohydrates
Kwashiorkor Proteins
Anaemia Iron
These are diseases which can be spread from one infected person to a healthy person.
They are caused by germs
Examples of communicable diseases
Bacteria Virus Protozoa Worm Fungal
Gonorrhoea HIV/AIDS Malaria Round Athletes foot
Syphilis Measles Sleeping Tape worms Ring worm
Trachoma Polio Amoebic Flat worms
Diphtheria Influenza Thread
Bacillary Common cold Hook worms
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These are diseases which people get due to poor health life styles. E.g. Smoking,
alcoholism, over eating, lack of exercises, prostitution etc.
1. Lung cancer
2. Sexually Transmitted Infections.
3. Emphysema
4. Obesity
These are spread through having unprotected sexual intercourse with infected
2. Gonorrhoea
3. Syphilis
4. Genital warts
5. Candida
These are diseases that are passed on from parents to off springs through genes.
Examples include;
1. Proper sanitation.
2. Family planning
3. Good nutrition.
4. Brushing the teeth after every meal
5. Doing daily physical exercises.
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1. Proper sanitation
2. Proper waste disposal
3. Keep our homes and water sources clean.
4. Proper feeding.
5. Avoid drug abuse
6. Abstain from sex if not married
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Oral sex
What is population?
This is the number of people living in an area or country
Health concerns.
These are health problems that affect the us and need immediate solutions.
Poor sanitation.
Anti social behavior.
Poor water supply.
Inadequate food.
Poor sanitation.
It is the improper disposal of human waste and other waste products into the
Indicators of poor sanitation.
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Poor disposal of industrial wastes.
These are diseases which spread by vectors which spend part of their life cycle in
1. Construct wells.
2. Cut bushes around wells
3. Fencing the water sources
4. Treating water
Inadequate food
This is the situation in which a family or community members lack enough food
Food security
Chronic fatigue.
Low concentration at work.
Poor spirit of doing things.
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Loss of interest at work
Health education.
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It is the making of the community get aware of the matters concerning diseases and
how to prevent them.
Ways of educating people
Through Songs, plays, storytelling.
Through Radios, newspapers, talks
School pupils pass information to their parents, brothers, sisters and relatives.
This is the study of the changing numbers of births, deaths and diseases in a
Information can be collected from hospitals and by going to homes.
Importance of demography
To plan for the community services e.g. health centres, markets and water.
The government is able to know the general health of people.
Housing information
This is the finding out of the number of people who sleep in permanent or temporary
houses to estimate the poverty line of the people.
The introduction of vaccines into the body to produce anti bodies against certain
Collecting information on immunization
Information includes.
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People involved in carrying out immunization.
Days and time on which immunization is done.
Importance of immunization
Health surveys
A health survey is a strategy of finding out health problems and solve them.
The information obtained from a healthy survey is called health data
The health survey is carried out by village health committee and government officials.
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Caring for those in poor health.
Getting health information from technical personnel and distributing to the
1. State any one type of common sickness in a community.
2. What is a health parade?
3. State one cause of common illness in our communities.
4. Why is it important to collect information about immunization in our
5. State any one activity done during a health survey.
6. How are health clubs useful in our community?
7. Cite any one importance of health surveys in our community.
8. Why is it importance of health education to children ion schools?
9. Write down any two examples of water borne diseases.
10. What are anti social behaviours?
11. Give any two examples of antisocial behaviours.
12. How can antisocial behaviours be controlled in our community.
13. Write any two indicators of poor sanitation in a home.
14. Briefly explain the term health.
15. State any two ways we can contribute towards the reduction of proper
functioning of our health.
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