Ln.10 SKELETON-Movement and Locomotion - Notes
Ln.10 SKELETON-Movement and Locomotion - Notes
Ln.10 SKELETON-Movement and Locomotion - Notes
1. Name the parts of the skeleton where the following are located:
Transverse process, glenoid cavity, shoulder-blade, acetabulum.
A. Part of the skeleton Location
Transverse process Neural arches in the vertebra
Glenoid cavity Pectoral girdle
Shoulder-blade Shoulder girdle
Acetabulum Pelvic girdle
2. Name any two parts of your body where the supporting skeleton is
made of cartilage instead of bone.
A. Cartilage is a connective tissue that is usually found in close
association with the bone. The two parts of the body where the
supporting skeleton is made of cartilage instead of bone are:
Tip of the nose
Walls of trachea
External ear
7. Some people in old age complain of stiff joints. What do you think
could be a possible reason for it?
A. Some people in old age complain of stiff joints because of the decline
in the amount of synovial fluid between the bones. Joints such as
knee joint, shoulder joint necessitate to be securely held in their
positions in order to be lubricated well. These joints possess synovial
fluid which is a lubricating (loosening) fluid which act as a cushion
between the bones and taking away friction while movements.
As we get older, the movements of the joints tend to get stiffer with
reduced flexibility as the synovial fluids decreases and the cartilage
gets thinner. Furthermore, joints tend to get stiffer as the ligaments
also shorten and lose some flexibility.
8. Name the different types of joints? Give one example of each type.
A. The different types of joints are as follows:
Immovable joints – Example: Bones of the skull box
Partially movable joints - Example: Joints between the ribs and
breast bone
Freely movable joints - Example: Hip joint
Gliding joint – Example: Ankle bones
Pivot joint - Example: Joint between axis vertebrae and atlas
Hinge joint - Example: Joint between finger bones and toes
The above given questions are important questions.
Write the above 1 to 11 Q&A in your BIOLOGY class work.
Question 11 – Diagrams- Freehand, no colouring, use only pencil
to draw; label the parts-using pencil and scale.
You must also learn the entire lesson from the text according to
the scope of the syllabus because it is important from the
examination point of view.