Background of The Study: Citrofortunella Microcarpa (Calamansi) Belongs To The Citrus Family. It Is A Fruit

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Background of the Study

Stains are marks made on any surface or on a piece of clothing, usually it is hard

to remove. It is common "turn off" among people, having such can ruin someone's day.

Society can be rough on these things making bad impression on people. In worst cases

stains can cause people to have less respect for someone, it is viewed as something that

damages a person’s reputation. Nowadays, most of us rely on the different kinds of

commercial products such as stain remover to bring back the cleanliness and whiteness of

our clothes. However, most of the available commercial stain removers are synthesize in

the laboratory. It is a common knowledge in the 21 st century that products that synthesize

in a factory may contain harmful substance and its negative effects maybe unnoticeable.

Citrofortunella microcarpa (Calamansi) belongs to the citrus family. It is a fruit

tree native in the Philippines. The tree is low set, spreading and well branched. The

leaves are broad and oval and dark green to pale green on the upper and lower surfaces,

respectively. Calamansi pulp has a distinctive flavor described as a cross between lime

and orange. The flesh is juicy and acidic. It is a rich source of vitamin c (Philippine

Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development,


Bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi) is a multipurpose, drought resistant evergreen tree

with various therapeutic potentials. It belongs to family oxalidaceae. The plant has an

enormous medicinal value since most of the parts like leaves, barks, flowers, fruits, seeds,

roots or the whole parts are used as alternative medicine to treat a variety of diseases. It is

a good source of oxalic acid (De Lima VL, ,, 2001).

This study was derived from the notions that certain experimentation on particular

properties of calamansi and bilimbi can remove stain, this lead to the advent of idea of

the researchers to come up with the alternative stain remover out of the said materials.

Since it is evident that calamansi and bilimbi are common in Tawi-Tawi it makes an easy

access for these ingredients.

The researchers pursued this study because they wanted to contribute knowledge

on alternatively removing stains on clothes, provide other option to those who are allergic

to certain chemicals found in commercial detergent and those who wish to try a natural

way of clearing out stain. With this, many people will benefit from this study especially

to the people of Tawi-Tawi. Also, in the attempt to save our planet Earth to the harmful

effect of plastics this study will be of help, because the product of this study is eco-

friendly and it is zero cost too.

For these reasons, the researchers let calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract be

a substitute stain remover. Moreover, the researchers would like to know how feasible

and effective when calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract become a stain remover.

Conceptual Framework

Bilimbi and
Determine the
acceptability of the
Production of Stain Remover stain remover
 Scent
 Color
Feasibility of Bilimbi and Calamansi
Extract as Stain Remover
Treatment 1, Treatment 2
Treatment 3, Treatment 4
Determine the
effectivity of the
No Feasible stain remover on
different stains
 Fish blood
 Pen marker
 Soy sauce

Bilimbi and Calamsi Stain Remover

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework of the Study

As presented, the study begins with selecting the raw material for the research

then proceeds with the stain remover production. There are 4 treatments to be tested for

feasibility. The stain removers then are tested by the respondents to rate the acceptability

of the various treatments in terms of their physical characteristics such as scent and color.

The researchers at the same time assess the effectivity of the treatments on different

stains like fish blood, pen marker and soy sauce. Lastly, the researchers will have the

final product that is acceptable and effective.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi

fruit extract as an alternative stain remover. Specifically, it sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of the alternative stain remover made out of

calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract in terms scent and color among treatments:

1.1 Treatment – I: 50% Bilimbi extract and 50% Calamansi Extract;

1.2 Treatment –II: 25% Bilimbi extract, 25% Calamansi Extract and 50% water;

1.3 Treatment – III: 37.50% Bilimbi extract, 37.50% Calamansi Extract and

25% water; and

1.4 Treatment – IV: 12.50% Bilimbi extract, 12.50% Calamansi Extract and

75% water?

2. What is the level of effectivity of the alternative stain remover made out of

calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract among four (4) treatments when applied on

cloth with different stains;:

2.1 fish blood stain;

2.2 pen marker ink stain; and

2.3 soy sauce stain?


3. Is there a significant difference on the level of acceptability of the alternative stain

remover made out of calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract in terms scent and color

among treatments?

4. Is there a significant difference on the level of effectivity of the alternative stain

remover made out of calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract among four (4)

treatments when applied on cloth with different stains?


This study utilized the following hypotheses;

1. There is no significant difference on the level of acceptability of the alternative

stain remover made out of calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract in terms scent and

color among treatments.

2. There is no significant difference on the level of effectivity of the alternative stain

remover made out of calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract among four (4)

treatments when applied on cloth with different stains.


Significance of the study

There are beneficiaries who benefit from this study. One of these is the meat

vendors because meat vendors are susceptible to stains. It helps them in removing blood

stain on their clothes. It also helps them to save money instead of buying a branded

commercial stain remover.

Secondly, chefs will also benefit from this study because chefs are also

susceptible to stains. It will help them in removing stain on their clothes and also helps

them to save money instead of buying a branded commercial stain remover.

Moreover, common housewives will also benefit from this study especially if

their husbands are working in a messy place that susceptible to stains. It will help them in

removing stains on their husbands' clothes and also helps them to save money instead of

buying a branded commercial stain remover.

In addition, those that are allergic to a stain remover will also benefit from this

study. Commercial stain remover contains many chemicals that can cause poisoning and

skin damaging. Thus, this study will help them to reduce in exposing to the chemicals.

Furthermore, the local farmers will also benefit from the result of this study as

local farmers will be encouraged to engage in bilimbi and calamansi production, thus

promoting local produce.

And lastly, this would also help the future researchers in general field of


Scope and delimitation of the study

This study used the bilimbi fruit extract as one of the ingredients in making an

alternative stain remover. The second ingredient was calamansi fruit extract. Hence, there

were four (4) treatments. The feasibility of the product was tested in the Tawi-Tawi

School of Arts and Trades Science Laboratory.

The evaluation of the products done by applying the stain remover on the cloths

with different stains. The duration of the study was five (5) days for every trial and with a

total of fifteen (15) days for three (3) trials. The result of the study referred to the level of

acceptability and effectivity of the products.


Definitions of Terms

Acceptability - the quality of being satisfactory and able to be agreed to or

approved of, in this study it also the quality of being tolerated

and allowed as rated by the respondents of this study.

Bilimbi - With a scientific name of Averrhoa bilimbi, it is a fruit which

are very crunchy. It is a commonly known as bilimbi, cucumber

tree, or tree sorrel. It is a fruit-bearing tree of genus Averrhoa,

family. It is a closer relative of the carambola tree (starfruit). In

this study it is used as one of the main ingredient for the stain


Calamansi - It has a scientific name of Citrofortunella microcarpa it

belongs to the citrus family. It is a fruit tree native in the

Philippines. The tree is low set, spreading and well branched.

The leaves are broad and oval and dark green to pale green on

the upper and lower surface respectively. ). In this study it is

used as one of the main ingredient for the stain remover.

Effectivity - effectiveness of a product, produce a result that is wanted,

having an intended effect. The measured variable in this study,

thus the dependent variable.

Feasibility - the possibility that can be made, done, or achieved, or is



Stain - a mark made on a surface, a piece of clothing, etc.That is very

hard or impossible to remove. The variable independent variable

is being tested upon. In this study these are fish blood, pen ink

and soy sauce.

Stain remover - is a liquid or powder used to remove stains. The researchers'

A.K.A. termed stain remover made out of calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract. It

Alternative is manipulated to get the desired outcome, making it the

stain romover independent variable.



Related Literature

Description of Bilimbi

A. bilimbi (common name: Bilimbi) is a medicinal plant belonging to the

family Oxalidaceae. The genus Averrhoa was named after an Arab Philosopher,

physician and Islamic Jurist Ibn Rushd often known as Averroes (Quattrocchi U., 199).

A. bilimbi is closely related to Averrhoa carambola (carambola, starfruit). It originated in

the Southeast Asia and is claimed as a native of the West Malaysia and the Indonesian

Moluccas (Veldkamp JF. , 2004). It is cultivated throughout Malaysia, Indonesia,

Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India. It also extends to

other countries like the US, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica,

Puerto Rico, Tanzania, and Trinidad and Tobago. The other common names of A.

bilimbi are bilimbi, cucumber tree, tree sorrel, pickle tree (English); kamias, camias, and

pias (Philippines); ta ling pling (Thai); huang gua shu (Chinese); bilimbim, biri-biri,

limao de caiena, and azedinha (Brazil); vilimbipuli, irumpanpuli, and bilimbi (India); khe

tay (Vietnamese); taling pling (Thailand); and belimbing buluh and blimbing asam

(Malaysia) (Orwa C,, 2009).

Properties of Bilimbi

A. bilimbi is a small tree which grows up to 15 m high with sparsely arranged

branches. It has compound leaves with twenty–forty leaflets each and 5–10 cm long (De

Lima VL,, 2001). The leaves are hairy with pinnate shapes and form clusters at the

end of branches ( Lim TK., 2012). The tree is cauliflorous with 18–68 flowers in panicles

that form on the trunk and other branches. The flowers are heterotristylous with petal 10–

30 m long, yellowish green to reddish purple (Ganders FR., 1979). The fruits are

produced on the bare stem and trunk. The fruits are greenish in color with a firm and

juicy flesh which becomes soft on ripening (De Lima VL, ,, 2001). The fruit juice is

sour and extremely acidic. A. bilimbi holds great value in complementary medicine as

evidenced by the substantial amount of research on it.

The fruit of bilimbi has high levels of oxalic acid, and therefore may be used to

remove iron-rust stain from clothes and to impart to brassware.

Description of Calamansi

The calamansi tree is evergreen and small, attaining a height of 2-7.5 m at

maturity. Its broadly egg-shaped leaves are dark green above and pale green below. The

small, white fragment flowers are grouped in clusters. The calamansi fruit is round, with

greenish yellow to orange skin which can be easily peeled. There are six to ten segments

in a fruit with an orange colored, very acidic juice and each fruit has 4-11 seeds.

Calamansi (citrofortunella microcarpa) belongs to the citrus family. It is a fruit tree

native in the philippines. The tree is low set, spreading and well branched. The leaves are

broad and oval and dark green to pale green on the upper and lower surface, respectively.

Calamansi pulp has a distinctive flavour described as a cross between lime and orange.

The flesh is juicy and acidic. It is a rich source of vitamin c.


Properties of Calamansi

Due to its varied uses, the calamansi is grown on a large-scale in the country. The

fruit is commercially processed into bottled concentrate, as a ready-to-drink juice in tetra

packs, and as a marmalade. The juice is also very popular as a flavor enhancer for native

dishes. As a cleanser and hygienic substance, it can be a stain remover, body deodorant,

skin bleach, and hair shampoo (Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural

Resources Research and Development, 2010).

Calamansi can be used for medicinal purposes. Rubbing the juice on insect bites

eliminates itching and irritation. It is taken orally as cough remedy, as a laxative to loosen

the bowels, and is combined with pepper to expel phlegm. The roots are used for

treatment at childbirth and leaves to cure gas pains. Calamansi is also popular as a potted

ornamental plant (Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources

Research and Development, 2010).

Calamansi has a properties of aromatic, antiseptic, carminative, deodorant,

refrigerant, antioxidant and many more. Its fruit has a bleaching property which is citric

acid that can remove rust metal and some dyes.

Related Studies

According to Patricia Mae Martinez with her slide show presentation (June 22,

2013) with her title "Effectiveness of kamias (bilimbi) as a stain remover", the researcher

concluded that the Averrhoa Bilimbi L. Is effective as an alternative stain remover",

"although it still needs a little scrubbing before some stains disappear".

According to Karen De Guzman with her group on their science investigatory

project with their title "Calamansi as Stain Remover" concluded that calamansi is a good

alternative source in removing stains in white dress.

These studies are similar to the present study, however, it differs from the others

in terms of variables, respondents and research instruments. The researchers would like to

know the effectiveness of bilimbi fruit extract if it mix to calamansi fruit extract as a stain



Research Design
This study utilized the quantitative experimental research design to describe and

quantify the acquired data from the respondents. It basically used four-group design for

the acceptability of the products and four-group design for the effectivity of the product.

Products (Treatments) Mixture (Composition)

Treatment – I 50% Bilimbi extract and 50%
Calamansi Extract
Treatment – II 25% Bilimbi extract, 25% Calamansi
Extract and 50% water
Treatment – III 37.50% Bilimbi extract, 37.50%
Calamansi Extract and 25% water
Treatment – IV 12.50% Bilimbi extract, 12.50%
Calamansi Extract and 75% water

Materials and Equipment

One (1) kilogram of bilimbi fruit, one (1) kilogram of calamansi fruit, one (1)

gallon of water, blender for extraction, two (2) graduated cylinder, (1) baker, (1) funnel,

cloths for separation, five (5) milliliter (ml) syringe, strainer, kitchen knife, fish blood

stain, pen marker ink stain, soy sauce stain, forty five (45) squared white cloth, ten (10)

plates, four (4) small basins, four (4) big containers for the extract, four (4) small

containers for the products.


Preparation of Materials

The needed materials were prepared in the work place. One (1) kilogram of

bilimbi fruit was chopped into small pieces using kitchen knife and blended it well. After

that, the extract of the bilimbi was extracted from its grated fruit with the used of

colander and then the extract were transferred to a container. At least one (1) kilogram

plastic bag of calamansi fruit were also needed. Afterwards, the fruits were sliced into

one half (1/2) per fruits with the used of kitchen knife. And then squeezed to get the

extract and were placed to a container. After that, the extract of calamansi extract was

separated from its seeds with the use of colander then was placed into a container.

Treatment I had a mixture of one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) stain remover made

from fifty (50) milliliter (ml) extract of bilimbi fruit and fifty (50) milliliter (ml) extract

of calamansi fruit. Treatment I contains one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) mixture of the

extract of bilimbi and calamansi fruit from the beaker then put it in a graduated cylinder

to label it and then transfer it in a one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) of above empty bottle


Treatment II had a mixture of one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) stain remover

made from fifty (50) milliliter(ml) extract of bilimbi and calamansi fruit and fifty (50)

milliliter (ml) if water. Moreover, the Treatment II, contains fifty (50) milliliter (ml)

mixture of the extract of bilimbi and calamansi fruit from the beaker and then put it in a

graduated cylinder to label it and then get a fifty (50) milliliter (ml) of water and put it to

another graduated cylinder and then the mixture and the water from graduated cylinder

are place and mix to a one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) or above empty bottle spray.

The treatment III has a mixture of one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) stain remover

made from seventy five (75) milliliter (ml) of mixture of the extract of bilimbi and

calamasi fruit extract and twenty five (25) milliliter (ml) of water. For the Treatment III,

contains seventy five (75) milliliter (ml) mixture from the beaker and put it in a graduated

cylinder to label it and then get a twenty five (25) milliliter (ml) of water and then the

mixture and the water are place and mix to a one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) or above

empty bottle spray.

Treatment IV has a mixture of one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) of stain remover

made from twenty five (25) milliliter (ml) mixture of bilimbi and calamansi fruit extract

and seventy five (75) milliliter (ml) of water. for Treatment IV, contains twenty five (25)

milliliter (ml) of mixture from the beaker and put it in a graduated cylinder to label it and

get a seventy five (75) milliliter (ml) of water and put it in a graduated cylinder to label it

and then the mixture of the water are place it mix to a one hundred (100) milliliter (ml) of

above bottle spray.

The researchers tested each treatment to 3 set-ups. All set-ups are white cotton

cloth tainted with different satins. Setup - I was stained with fish blood, Setup - II was

stained with pen marker ink and lastly Setup - III was stained with soy sauce.

Collection of Data

There were four (4) treatments. Each treatment was tested by the researchers to the

white cloth. Each cloth was put in a basin and then stained with fish blood, pen marker

ink and soy sauce using a syringe.

The parameters of the products were the scent and color. These were rated by the

respondents from 1-5. In scent, 5 means the odor is very highly acceptable, 4 means the

odor is highly acceptable, 3 means the odor is acceptable, 2 means the odor is least

acceptable and 1 means the odor is not acceptable. Hence, the same parameters were used

in rating the colors of the four (4) treatments.

In effectivity, 5 means the quality of the stain remover removed stains very highly

effective, 4 means highly effective, 3 means effective, 2 means least effective and 1

means not effective.

The product’s acceptability was assessed by the possible beneficiaries of this study

like the common housewives that are familiar to the researchers were chosen as

respondents. They were asked to sign consent and given evaluation sheets and asked to

return their responses as soon as possible.

In order to determine the acceptability of the products, the researchers made an

evaluation sheet that is rated by the respondents. Each statement describing favourable

response was assigned scores 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 with 5 is the highest. The response that was

described unfavourable response was scaled in the reverse order.


Evaluation of Data
To evaluate the acceptability of calmansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover utilized the following mean range:

Mean Range Interpretation

4.20 to 5.00 - Very Highly Acceptable
3.40 to 4.19 - Highly Acceptable
2.60 to 3.39 - Acceptable
1.80 to 2.59 - Least Acceptable
1.00 to 1.79 - Not Acceptable

Further, to evaluate the effectivity of calmansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as

an alternative stain remover utilized the following mean range:

Mean Range Interpretation

4.20 to 5.00 - Very Highly Effective
3.40 to 4.19 - Highly Effective
2.60 to 3.39 - Effective
1.80 to 2.59 - Least Effective
1.00 to 1.79 - Not Effective

And to determine the significant difference among variables tested, Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) was used in this study with the aid of SPSS (Statistical Software

Package for Social Sciences) version 17.



Table 1
Level of Acceptability of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an
Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Scent
Treatment Mean (Scent) Interpretation
I 4.73 Very Highly Acceptable
II 4.67 Very Highly Acceptable
III 4.13 Highly Acceptable
IV 3.93 Highly Acceptable

The table 1 above depicts the level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with

bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of scent. As depicted, the

treatment-I obtained the highest mean of 4.73 which can be interpreted as “very highly

acceptable” followed by treatment-II with the mean of 4.67, also interpreted as “very

highly acceptable”. While, treatment-III and treatment-IV are both “highly acceptable”

with the means of 4.13 and 3.93 respectively.

Table 2
Level of Acceptability of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an
Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Color
Treatment Mean (Color) Interpretation
I 4.80 Very Highly Acceptable
II 4.47 Very Highly Acceptable
III 4.07 Highly Acceptable
IV 3.73 Highly Acceptable

The table 2 above depicts the level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with

bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of color. As depicted, the

treatment-I obtained the highest mean of 4.80 which can be interpreted as “very highly

acceptable” followed by treatment-II with the mean of 4.47, also interpreted as “very

highly acceptable”. While, treatment-III and treatment-IV are both “highly acceptable”

with the means of 4.07 and 3.73 respectively.

Table 3
Overall Level of Acceptability of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an
Alternative Stain Remover
Treatment Mean Mean Weighted
(Scent) (Color) Mean Interpretation
I 4.73 4.80 4.77 Very Highly Acceptable
II 4.67 4.47 4.57 Very Highly Acceptable
III 4.13 4.07 4.10 Highly Acceptable
IV 3.93 3.73 3.83 Highly Acceptable

As for the overall level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit

extract as an alternative stain, it is depicted on table-3 above. As depicted, the treatment-I

obtained the highest weighted mean of 4.77 which can be interpreted as “very highly

acceptable” followed by treatment-II with the weighted mean of 4.57, also interpreted as

“very highly acceptable”. While, treatment-III and treatment-IV are both “highly

acceptable” with the weighted means of 4.10 and 3.83 respectively.

Table 4
Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative
Stain Remover in terms of Soy Sauce Stain
Treatment Mean (Soy Sauce Interpretation
I 4.70 Very Highly Effective
II 4.50 Very Highly Effective
III 4.50 Very Highly Effective
IV 4.70 Very Highly Effective

The table 4 above depicts the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi

fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of soy sauce stain. As depicted, both

treatment-I and treatment-IV obtained the highest mean of 4.70 interpreted as “very

highly effective”. While, treatment-II and treatment-III are both “very highly effective”

with the means of 4.50.

Table 5
Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative
Stain Remover in terms of Fish Blood Stain
Treatment Mean (Fish Blood Interpretation
I 4.10 Highly Effective
II 4.00 Highly Effective
III 4.10 Highly Effective
IV 4.30 Very Highly

The table 5 above depicts the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi

fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of fish blood stain. As depicted, the

treatment-IV obtained the highest mean of 4.30 interpreted as “very highly effective”.

While, treatment-I and treatment-III are both “highly effective” with the mean of 4.10.

Further, treatment-II obtained the lowest mean of 4.00, which can also be interpreted as

“highly effective”.

Table 6
Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative
Stain Remover in terms of Pen Marker Ink Stain
Treatment Mean (Soy Sauce Interpretation
I 2.20 Least Effective
II 2.20 Least Effective
III 2.40 Least Effective

IV 2.80 Effective

The table 6 above depicts the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi

fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of pen marker ink stain. As depicted,

the treatment-IV obtained the highest mean of 2.80 interpreted as “effective”, then

treatment-III obtained a mean of 2.40 which means “least effective”. While, treatment-I

and treatment-II are also both “least effective” which both obtained a mean of 2.20.

Table 7
Overall Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an
Alternative Stain Remover
Treatment Mean (Soy Mean (Fish Mean (Pen Overal
Sauce Blood Marker Ink l Interpretation
Stain) Stain) Stain) Mean
I 4.70 4.10 2.20 3.67 Highly Effective
II 4.50 4.00 2.20 3.57 Highly Effective
III 4.50 4.10 2.40 3.67 Highly Effective
IV 4.70 4.30 2.80 3.93 Highly Effective

As for the overall level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract

as an alternative stain remover is depicted on table-7 above. As depicted, the treatment-

IV obtained the highest overall mean of 3.93 interpreted as “highly effective”. While,

treatment-I and treatment-III both obtained a weighted mean of 3.67, interpreted as

“highly effective”. Further, treatment-II obtained the least weighted mean of 3.57 which

means “highly effective”.

Table 8
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Level of Acceptability of Calamansi Mixed
with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Color


Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 7.000 3 2.333 7.717 .000

Within Groups 16.933 56 .302

Total 23.933 59

The table-8 above shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the level of

acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover

in terms of color. As shown, the ANOVA confirmed that there is a significant difference

on the level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of color since the p-value obtained is 0, which means

highly significant. Hence, the hypothesis which states that there is no a significant

difference on the level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of color is hereby rejected.

Table 9
Post Hoc Tests on the Level of Acceptability of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit
Extract as an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Color
Color (Tukey HSD)

95% Confidence Interval

Mean Difference
(I) Treatment (J) Treatment (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Treatment-I Treatment-II .06667 .20079 .987 -.4650 .5983

Treatment-III .60000* .20079 .021 .0683 1.1317

Treatment-IV .80000* .20079 .001 .2683 1.3317

Treatment-II Treatment-I -.06667 .20079 .987 -.5983 .4650

Treatment-III .53333* .20079 .049 .0017 1.0650

Treatment-IV .73333* .20079 .003 .2017 1.2650

Treatment-III Treatment-I -.60000* .20079 .021 -1.1317 -.0683

Treatment-II -.53333* .20079 .049 -1.0650 -.0017


Treatment-IV .20000 .20079 .752 -.3317 .7317

Treatment-IV Treatment-I -.80000* .20079 .001 -1.3317 -.2683

Treatment-II -.73333* .20079 .003 -1.2650 -.2017

Treatment-III -.20000 .20079 .752 -.7317 .3317

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

The table-9 above shows the Post Hoc Tests on the level of acceptability of

calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of

color. As shown, the hypothesis is rejected on multiple comparisons such as treatment-I

vs. treatment-III with significant difference of 0.049, treatment-I vs. treatment-IV with

significant difference of 0.001, treatment-II vs. treatment-III with significant difference

of 0.049 and treatment-II vs. treatment-IV with significant difference of 0.003.

Table 10
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Level of Acceptability of Calamansi Mixed
with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Scent


Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 9.733 3 3.244 7.570 .000

Within Groups 24.000 56 .429

Total 33.733 59

The table-10 above shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the level of

acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover

in terms of scent. As shown, the ANOVA confirmed that there is a significant difference

on the level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of scent since the p-value obtained is 0, which means

highly significant. Hence, the hypothesis which states that there is no a significant

difference on the level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of scent is hereby rejected.

Table 11
Post Hoc Tests on the Level of Acceptability of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit
Extract as an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Scent
Scent (Tukey HSD)

95% Confidence Interval

Mean Difference
(I) Treatment (J) Treatment (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Treatment-I Treatment-II .33333 .23905 .508 -.2996 .9663

Treatment-III .73333* .23905 .017 .1004 1.3663

Treatment-IV 1.06667* .23905 .000 .4337 1.6996

Treatment-II Treatment-I -.33333 .23905 .508 -.9663 .2996

Treatment-III .40000 .23905 .347 -.2330 1.0330

Treatment-IV .73333* .23905 .017 .1004 1.3663

Treatment-III Treatment-I -.73333* .23905 .017 -1.3663 -.1004

Treatment-II -.40000 .23905 .347 -1.0330 .2330

Treatment-IV .33333 .23905 .508 -.2996 .9663

Treatment-IV Treatment-I -1.06667* .23905 .000 -1.6996 -.4337

Treatment-II -.73333* .23905 .017 -1.3663 -.1004

Treatment-III -.33333 .23905 .508 -.9663 .2996

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

The table-11 above shows the Post Hoc Tests on the level of acceptability of

calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of

scent. As shown, the hypothesis is rejected on multiple comparisons such as treatment-I

vs. treatment-III with significant difference of 0.017, treatment-I vs. treatment-IV with

significant difference of 0 and treatment-II vs. treatment-IV with significant difference of


Table 12
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with
Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Soy Sauce Stain

Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups .400 3 .133 .279 .840

Within Groups 17.200 36 .478

Total 17.600 39

The table-12 above shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the level of

effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in

terms of soy sauce stain. As shown, the ANOVA confirmed that there is no significant

difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of soy sauce stain since the p-value obtained is 0.840,

which means not significant. Hence, the hypothesis which states that there is no a

significant difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit

extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of soy sauce stain is hereby accepted.

Table 13
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with
Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Fish Blood Stain

Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups .475 3 .158 .358 .783

Within Groups 15.900 36 .442

Total 16.375 39

The table-13 above shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the level of

effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in

terms of fish blood stain. As shown, the ANOVA confirmed that there is a significant

difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of fish blood stain since the p-value obtained is 0.783,

which means not significant. Hence, the hypothesis which states that there is no a

significant difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit

extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of fish blood stain is hereby accepted.

Table 14
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with
Bilimbi Fruit Extract as an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Pen Marker Ink

Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 2.400 3 .800 3.130 .037

Within Groups 9.200 36 .256

Total 11.600 39

The table-14 above shows the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the level of

effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in

terms of pen marker ink stain. As shown, the ANOVA confirmed that there is a

significant difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit

extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of black ink stain since the p-value

obtained is 0.037, which means highly significant. Hence, the hypothesis which states

that there is no a significant difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with

bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of pen maker ink stain is

hereby rejected.

Table 15
Post Hoc Tests on the Level of Effectivity of Calamansi Mixed with Bilimbi Fruit Extract as
an Alternative Stain Remover in terms of Pen Marker Ink Stain

Multiple Comparisons

Ink (Tukey HSD)

95% Confidence Interval

Mean Difference
(I) Treatment (J) Treatment (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Treatment-I Treatment-II .00000 .22608 1.000 -.6089 .6089

Treatment-III -.20000 .22608 .813 -.8089 .4089

Treatment-IV -.60000 .22608 .055 -1.2089 .0089

Treatment-II Treatment-I .00000 .22608 1.000 -.6089 .6089

Treatment-III -.20000 .22608 .813 -.8089 .4089

Treatment-IV -.60000 .22608 .055 -1.2089 .0089

Treatment-III Treatment-I .20000 .22608 .813 -.4089 .8089

Treatment-II .20000 .22608 .813 -.4089 .8089

Treatment-IV -.40000 .22608 .304 -1.0089 .2089

Treatment-IV Treatment-I .60000 .22608 .055 -.0089 1.2089

Treatment-II .60000 .22608 .055 -.0089 1.2089


Treatment-III .40000 .22608 .304 -.2089 1.0089

The table-15 above shows the Post Hoc Tests on the level of effectivity of

calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of pen

marker ink stain. As shown, the hypothesis is rejected when treatment-IV is compared to

treatment-I and treatment-II with a p-value of 0.055.



This study aimed to determine the acceptability calamansi mixed with bilimbi

fruit extract as an alternative stain remover. Specifically, it sought to answer the

following questions: What is the level of acceptability of the alternative stain remover in

terms of the following physical characteristics among treatments: scent and color?; Is the

alternative stain remover made out of calamansi and bilimbi fruit extract effective when

applied on the clothes with different stains: fish blood stain, pen marker ink stain and

Datu-puti soy sauce stain?; and is there a significant difference between calamansi mixed

with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain among different treatments.?


Furthermore, the researchers hypothesized that the level of acceptability of the

alternative stain remover in terms of its physical characteristics such as its scent and color

is moderate, the alternative stain remover made out of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit

extract is effective when applied on cloths with stains.

Moreover, this study used the bilimbi fruit extract as one of the ingredients in

making an alternative stain remover. The second ingredient was calamansi fruit extract.

Hence, there were four (4) treatments.

The first treatment was composed of one hundred (100) percent (%) of an

alternative stain remover made from fifty (50) percent (%) of bilimbi fruit extract and

another fifty (50) percent (%) of calamansi fruit extract. On the other hand, the second

treatment is one hundred (100) percent (%) of an alternative stain remover made from

fifty (50) percent (%) of both pure extracts mixed with fifty (50) percent (%) of water.

While, the third treatment is one hundred (100) percent (%) of an alternative stain

remover made from seventy five (75) percent (%) of both pure extracts mixed with

twenty five (25) percent (%) of water. The fourth treatment is one hundred (100) percent

(%) of an altetnative stain remover made from twenty five (25) percent (%) of both pure

extracts mixed with seventy five (75) percent (%) of water.

In addition, there are three set-ups. The first set-up is the cloth with fish blood

stain. The second set-up is the cloth with pen marker ink stain. The last set-up is the cloth

with Datu Puti soy sauce stain. The evaluation of the products done is by applying the

stain remover on the cloths with different stains.


The study was conducted at the Tawi-Tawi School of Arts and Trades Science

Laboratory. The duration of the study is five (5) days for every trial and with a total of

fifteen (15) days for three (3) trials. The result of the study referred to the level of

acceptability and effectivity of the products.

This study utilized the quantitative experimental research design to describe and

qualify the acquired data from the respondents. This study used four-group design for the

acceptability and effectivity of the product.


Based from the results, the following are the prominent findings of this study:

1. In terms of scent, the study found out that the Treatment I obtained the highest

mean of 4.73 which can be interpreted as “very highly acceptable” followed by

Treatment II with the mean of 4.67, also interpreted as “very highly acceptable”, while,

Treatment III and Treatment IV are both “highly acceptable” with the means of 4.13 and

3.93 respectively.

2. The study also found out that in terms of color, Treatment I obtained the

highest mean of 4.80 which can be interpreted as “very highly acceptable” followed by

Treatment II with the mean of 4.47, also interpreted as “very highly acceptable”, while,

Treatment III and Treatment IV are both “highly acceptable” with the means of 4.07 and

3.73 respectively.

3. On the overall level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit

extract as an alternative stain remover, the study revealed that Treatment I obtained the

highest weighted mean of 4.77 which can be interpreted as “very highly acceptable”.

Followed by Treatment II with the weighted mean of 4.57, also interpreted as “very

highly acceptable”. While, Treatment III and Treatment IV are both “highly acceptable”

with the weighted means of 4.10 and 3.83 respectively.

4. In terms effectivity on soy sauce stain, the study showed that Treatment V

obtained the highest mean of 4.90 which can be interpreted as “very highly effective”

followed by Treatment I and Treatment IV with the mean of 4.70, also interpreted as

“very highly effective”, while, treatment-II and treatment-III are both “very highly

effective” with the means of 4.50.

5. In terms of effectivity on fish blood stain, the study showed that Treatment IV

obtained the highest mean of 4.30 interpreted as “very highly effective”. Treatment I and

treatment III are both “highly effective” with the mean of 4.10. Further, treatment-II

obtained the lowest mean of 4.00, which can also be interpreted as “highly effective”.

6. On the effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative

stain remover in terms of pen marker ink stain, the study revealed that Treatment IV

obtained the highest mean of 2.80 interpreted as “effective”, and then Treatment III

obtained a mean of 2.40 which means “least effective”. While, Treatment I and treatment

II are also both “less effective” which both obtained a mean of 2.20.

7. As for the overall level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit

extract as an alternative stain remover, it was found out that the Treatment IV obtained

the highest mean of 3.93, interpreted as “highly effective”. Treatment I and Treatment III

both obtained a weighted mean of 3.67, interpreted as “highly effective”. Further,

Treatment II obtained the least weighted mean of 3.57 which means “highly effective”.

8. The ANOVA confirmed that there is a significant difference on the level of

acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover

in terms of color since the p-value obtained is 0, which means highly significant.

Therefore, “the hypothesis which states that there is no a significant difference on the

level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain

remover in terms of color” was rejected.

9. The ANOVA confirmed that there is a significant difference on the level of

acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover

in terms of scent since the p-value obtained is 0, which means highly significant.

Therefore, the hypothesis which states that “there is no a significant difference on the

level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain

remover in terms of scent” was rejected.

10. The ANOVA confirmed that there is no significant difference on the level of

effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in

terms of soy sauce stain since the p-value obtained is 0.840, which means not significant.

Therefore, the hypothesis which states that “there is no a significant difference on the

level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain

remover in terms of soy sauce stain” was accepted.

11. It was also confirmed by the ANOVA that there is a significant difference on

the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain

remover in terms of fish blood stain since the p-value obtained is 0.783, which means not

significant. Futher, the hypothesis which states that “there is no a significant difference

on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative

stain remover in terms of fish blood stain” was accepted.

12. The ANOVA proved that there is a significant difference on the level of

effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in

terms of black ink stain since the p-value obtained is 0.037, which means highly

significant. Therefore, the hypothesis which states that “there is no a significant

difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of pen maker ink stain” was rejected.


The researchers concluded that Treatment I is “very highly acceptable” in terms

of scent and color which is composed of one hundred (100) percent of an alternative stain

remover made from fifty (50) percent of bilimbi fruit extract and another fifty (50)

percent of calamansi fruit extract than other treatments. It also obtained an overall quality

as “very highly acceptable”. Moreover, Treatment IV is “very highly effective” in

removing the soy sauce stain which is composed of a mixture of one hundred (100) %

stain remover made from twenty-five (25) percent mixture of Calamansi and Bilimbi and

seventy-five (75) water. Therefore, Treatment I has a pleasant smell and color. It is also

concluded that the most effective stain remover among treatments is Treatment IV.

Furthermore, the hypothesis which stated that “there is no significant difference

on the level of acceptability of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of color and scent” was rejected. While, the hypothesis

stated that “there is no significant difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi

mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an alternative stain remover in terms of soy sauce

stain” was accepted. On the other hand, the hypothesis stated that “there is a significant

difference on the level of effectivity of calamansi mixed with bilimbi fruit extract as an

alternative stain remover in terms of fish blood and pen marker ink stain” was rejected.


Based on the findings and conclusion presented, the following recommendations

are suggested:

1. Meat vendors, chefs, common housewives and those that are allergic to

detergent use the calamansi and the bilimbi extract as an alternative stain

remover because they are effective in removing stains on clothes.


2. Common housewives and those who have a bilimbi tree at their backyard are

encourage to not remove the bilimbi plant, instead use it in removing stains on

their clothes.

3. The local farmers are encouraged to cultivate calamansi and bilimbi trees to

create access to these stain removing agents.

4. Finally, to future researcher to conduct a similar research to corroborate or

rebut the result of this study.


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