Science Investigatory Project Proposal
Science Investigatory Project Proposal
Science Investigatory Project Proposal
Declaration of the project and its idea and context to explain the goals and objectives to be reached and other relevant
II. INTRODUCTION information that explains the need for the project and states the aims to describe the amount of work planned for
implementation; refers to a simple explanation or depiction of the project that can be used as communication material
Scientific findings, conclusions or Averrhoa Balimbi (Kamias) contains Oxalic Acid, allowing us to use it as an alternative
Scientific Basis assumptions used as justification for the cleaner.
Based on study of Lisa Marie Barrios,because of the excessive amount of work people do
today, stains are the most prevalent concern. The researchers became interested in stain
removal after learning about the use of kamias. The research will assist us in identifying
Summarizes concepts and theories that serve the components of the plant we used for the study that, in contrast to the other
Theoretical Framework as basis for the data analysis and references we used, cannot have negative consequences. The Averrhoa bilimbi is related
interpretation of the research data to the carambola, but they differ in terms of their physical characteristics, fruit-bearing
habits, and intended purposes. It is primarily present in tropical nations like the
Philippines. Bilimbi extract aids in the removal of rust and bleach from clothes.
Statements of the general and specific (1) Determine the difference/similarities of Averrhoa Bilimbi (kamias) to other chemical
Objectives purposes to address the problem areas cleaner. (2) How long it takes to last or expire its ability to clean? (3) How does it differ in
of the project other cleaner in terms of: smell, effectivity, texture?
Refers to the following: (a) related researches that have been conducted, state-of-the-art or current technologies
from which the project will take off; (b) scientific/ technical merit; (c) results of related research conducted by
the same Project Leader, if any; (d) Prior Art Search
Kamias is an ethanolic fruit that contains oxalic acid. The study found out that kamias has
high oxalic acid content which removed the stain. The study concluded that Averrhoa
Related Literatures Bilimbi L is effective as an alternative stain remover, though some stains still require a
light scrub before they disappear.
IV. METHODOLOGY Description of the design and engineering solution proposed to address the problem
Variables are usually the things that change within one Kamias is an ethanolic fruit that contains oxalic acid. The study found out that kamias has
experiment or experimental trial, while parameters are high oxalic acid content which removed the stain. The study concluded that Averrhoa
Variables or parameters the values that change across experiments or Bilimbi L is effective as an alternative stain remover, though some stains still require a
experimental trials
light scrub before they disappear.
Evaluation Method and Includes the observation as a data collection The school was selected to be used in observation and evaluation of conducting the
method for evaluation; basic overview of
Observation observation experiments with the respondents.
Conceptual/Analytical A theoretical framework precedes a Data gathering is used to determine the effectiveness of using kamias extract as an
conceptual framework and has a general and
Framework visual representation of a topic alternative shoe cleaner.
Discusses the possible outcome of the
V. EXPECTED OUTPUT AND Since kamias contains oxalic acid and can be a cleaning agent, then it has a potential to
project, the target beneficiaries, socio and
POTENTIAL IMPACT be a shoe cleaner.
economic impact
Indicates the timeline of activities to be
accomplished in the conduct of the
De Sesto, O., Capua, S., & Manaois, F. (2019, March). Comparative Study On
Bleaching Effect of Kamias and Vinegar | PDF | Fermentation | Acetic Acid.
Retrieved February 9, 2023, from
Bolea, D. (2019, January 18). Acceptability of Kamias Fruit Extract as a
Main Ingredient in Stain Remover | Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research Abstracts. Retrieved February 9, 2023, from
List of reference materials such as journals,
VII. REFERENCES designs and patents, and online sources. It should D. Buan, G. F., Mateo, N. T., B. Lomod, M. G., Baladhay, A., Palomero, B.,
follow Chicago Manual of Style in referencing & Maria Cristina Tatel-Banot, L. M. (2019, April 1). A Feasibility Study about
Kamias Bleach Detergent Bar in Novaliches Plaza Mall | Ascendens Asia Singapore
– Bestlink College of the Philippines Journal of Multidisciplinary Research.
Retrieved February 9, 2023, from
Bolea, D. (2019, January 18). Acceptability of Kamias Fruit Extract as a
Main Ingredient in Stain Remover | Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary
Research Abstracts. Retrieved February 9, 2023, from
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