R A.C. No. 9457: Jen Banc
R A.C. No. 9457: Jen Banc
R A.C. No. 9457: Jen Banc
- versus - ZALAMEDA,
x--------------------------------------------------------z~ ~-----x
This administrative case for disbarment arose from a Complaint filed
against respondent Atty. Reynaldo L. Herrera (Atty. Herrera) charging him
with violation of several provisions of the Code of Professional
Responsibility ( CPR) and the Rules of Court.
The Antecedents
Abner, however, claimed that Atty. Herrera did not secure any
authority from the heirs when he filed the motion and manifestation and
even omitted Job in the enumeration of heirs. 19 Nevertheless, the trial court
granted it. 20
On December 18, 2003, two years and two months after the writ of
execution was issued, Atty. Herrera filed a Compliance21 stating that he
received P91,280.00 22 from Belen's son. 23 On even date, a deed of
conditional sale Atty. Herrera drafted was executed between one Silvestre
Seva, Jr. (Silvestre), who claimed to be the attorney-in-fact of Belen, and the
Spouses Ricardo and Rosemarie Biag (Spouses Biag) involving 600 square
meters of the 16,320 square meters covered by TCT No. 6337. 24 Atty.
Herrera notarized the deed of conditional sale. However, it was only on April
7, 2005, or one year and four months after Atty. Herrera received the money
that he deposited it with the clerk of court. 25
Id. at 7.
Id. at 40--41.
Id. at 42.
Id. at 43--44.
18 Id. at 44.
19 Id. at 8, 351.
20 Order dated November 13, 2002. Penned by Acting Judge Nilo A. Malanyaon; id. at 153.
21 Id. at 47-48.
22 Id. at 49. The amount is computed as follows:
1"72,600.00 Principal off'33,000.00 pius interest of 12% since August 1990 to 2000.
11,880.00 Interest earned for 3 years (2000-2003)
5,000.00 Attorney's fees
1 800.00 Interest earned for 3 years
23 Rollo, pp. 155-156.
24 Id. at 57, 61, 67-68.
Id at 50.
26 Id. at 63-64.
Decision 4 A.C. No. 9457
(Fonnerly CBD Case No. 13-3883)
court on April 7, 2005. 1n an Order2 7 dated January 17, 2005, the trial court
granted the motion of Atty. Herrera. This prompted Belen to file a case
against Abner to compel him to surrender th.e owner's duplicate copy ofTCT
No. 6337. 28
Order dated January I7, 2005. Penned by Presiding Judge Jose C. Arcilla; id. al 65-66.
Id. at 72.-73.
id. at 70; 91; 110; 127.
Id. at 89; 100.
Id. at 69-70; 157-160.
32. Id. at 90;. 100.
Id. at 108-11 l; 360.
Decision 5 A.C. No. 9457
(Formerly CBD Case No. 13-3883)
[C.J For Violation of Section 27, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of
Court by "willfolly appearing as an attorney for a party to a case
without authority to do so." - the Commissioner finds the
respondent GUILTY as charged and recommends that he be penalized
with JDISBAR.lWENT in accordance with the Rules;
[D. l For Violation of Section 16, Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court
involving the duty of counsel to x x x to inform the court of the death
of his client - the Commissioner finds the respondent GUILTY and
recommends that he be penalized in accordance with the Rules;
The commissioner finds the presence of: (i) pattern of misconduct; (ii)
multiple offenses (ii) [sic] refusal to acknowledge wrongful the nature of
conduct; (iv) vulnerability of the victims who are senior citizens; and (v)
the substantial experience of the respondent in the practice of law (Roll
No. 28561), as AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE and recommends
that the same be considered for the imposition of penalty based on the
charges. 34
Whether Atty. Herrera must be held administratively liable for
indicating that the heirs of Am'elia were represented by Raquel
in the complaint for revival of judgment when it was not true;
Whether Atty. Herrera must be held administratively fiable for
his failure to timely inform the court about Gaudencio's death;
Whether Atty. Herrera must be held administratively liable for
filing pleadings in court without authority and despite the
. objections of the heirs of Aurelia and Gaudencio;
Whether Atty. Herrera must be held administratively liable for
failing to promptly account for the funds he received as a result
of the Compromise Agreement; and
Vv'hether Atty. Herrera must be held administratively liable for
failing to observe the rule on conflict of interest.
Our Ruling
Atty. Herrera failed to promptly infonn the court about the death of
Gaudencio who died on January 31, 2002. 41 Noticeably, it was the counsel
of Abner, Atty. Gumba, who first informed the court about Gaudencio's
death through the "Motion to Substitute Plaintiff Gaudencio Mangubat and
to Require the Provincial Sherflf to make Return of Execution" 42 that she
filed on September 10, 2002. It was only on October 30, 2002, or
approximately nine months from the date of death of Gaudencio, tbat Atty.
Herrera reported his death to the trial court. 43
id. at 38.
Id at40-41.
Id. at43-44.
Decision 9 A.C. No. 9457
(Formerly CBD Case No. 13-3883)
to file pleadings in their behalf. He thus also violated Section 27, Rule 138
of the Rules of Court which states:
Did you not find it irregular that you signed the Compromise Agreement
without the conformity of the other heirs of Aurelia?
I cannot say, Your Honor, because I just rely on the manifestations of the
father [Gaudencio] that he will take [care of] everything for his children.
Yes, counsel, but we know for a fact that these are compulsory heirs of the
deceased Aurelia. So any document representing their ownership over any
property must include them. And it's up to you to give the legal advise
[sic] to the father.
I did not see too much important [sic] on that, Your Honor, because this is
just a revival of judgment.
But this is a Compromise Agreement. It will bind them. How it can [sic]
bind them if they did not agree? And now we have three heirs assailing
that Compromise Agreement already. Your manifestation was on [sic] the
death of Gaudencio was October 30, 2002, meaning the heirs. You omitted
one of the heirs, not only Abner but Job.
Because he was then abroad, Your Honor. 45
It is clear from the foregoing that Atty. Herrera simply brushed aside
the absence of authority to represent the heirs of Aurelia as he did not
consider this important, although property rights of the heirs are at stake. It
must be clarified that while Gaudencio may bind himself to the compromise
agreement through counsel, the same cannot be said about the other heirs of
Aurelia who did not give him authority to act on their behalf
The clerk of said court shall thereafter arrange for the remittance of the
deposit to _the account of the comi that issued the writ whose clerk of
court shall then deliver said paynient to the judgment obligee in
satisfaction of the judgment. The excess, if any, shall be delivered to the
46 Id. at 153-454.
Decision 11 A.C. No. 9457
(Fonner!y CBD Case No. 13-3883)
judgment obligor while the lawful fees shall be retained by the clerk of
court for disposition as provided by law. In no case shall the executing
sheriff demand that any payment by check be made payable to him. 47
The lawyer should refrain from any action whereby for his
personal benefit or gain he abuses or takes advantage of the confidence
reposed in him by his client.
Money of the client or collected for the client or other trust property
coming into the possession of the lawyer should be reported and
accounted for promptly and should not under any circumstances be
commingled with his own or be used by him.
Meanwhile, Rule 16.02 of the CPR mandates that a "lawyer shall keep
the funds of each client separate and apart from his own and those of others
kept by him.
Emphases supplied. italics in the original.
Rollo, at 35.
Id. at 47,458.
Id. at 50 and 95.
The amount is computed as follows:
1'72,600.00 Principal of ¥33,000.00 plus interest of 12% since August 1990 to 2000.
11,880.00 Interest earned for 3 years (2000-2003)
(5,000.00) LESS: Attorney's fees
(1,800.00) LESS: Interest earned for 3 years
Decision 12 A.C. No. 9457
(Formerly CBD Case No. 13-3883)
approximately one year and four months after he received the money. 51
Moreover, he did not inform Abner and Job about receiving the money and
merely kept it at his office. 52
2. That the defendant's [sic] heirs failed and refused to execute a Deed of
Conveyance or Deed of Sale to the defendants, despite of [sic] counsel
letter sent to the beirs x x x;
3. That likewise the plaintiffs['] heirs failed and refused to tum over the
owner's copy ofTCT No. 6337 issued to Gaudencio Mangubat hence
the undersigned counsei could not have the said title reconstituted and
transfered [sic] to the defendants. 54
Rollo, pp. 48-50; 458.
Id. at 353.
53 Id. at 63-64.
Id. at 63.
Decision 13 A.C. No. 9457
(Formerly CBD Case No. 13-3883)
A Final Note
In sum, Atty. Herrera committed the following acts: (1) indicating that
the heirs of Aurelia were represented in the suit by Raquel when it was not
true; (2) failing to timely inform the court about the death of Gaudencio; (3)
filing pleadings in court without authority and despite the objections of the
heirs of Aurelia and Gaudencio; ( 4) failing to immediately remit the money
he collected to the clerk of court or to the heirs; (5) moving for the surrender
of the owner's duplicate title and drafting and notarizing the deed of
conditional sale in favor of a party whose interest is in conflict with that of
the heirs of Aurelia and Gaudencio. The seriousness and gravity of these
infractions cannot be denied.
It is the paramount interest of this Court to ensure that only those who
possess and carry out the core values and exacting standards established to
preserve the honor and integrity of the Bar are allowed to practice law. In
this case, the collective conduct of Atty. Herrera tarnishes the integrity of the
legal profession and is in clear disregard of his sworn duties in the Lawyer's
Oath not to "delay any man's cause for money or malice" and to conduct
himself "as a lawyer according to the best of [his] knowledge and discretion
with all good fidelity as well to the courts as to [his] clients."
Lawyer's Oath that shows his indifference to the values a lawyer ought to
live by for his continued membership in the Bar. Atty. Herrera has been a
lawyer for over 43 years already. 57 At this stage of his professional career,
he is expected to have a profound understanding of the duties expected of
him and should demonstrate the moral fitness and probity demanded from
every member of the Bar. Accordingly, We impose the penalty of
Atty. Herrera was admitted to the Philippine Bar on April 21, 1978 (Roll No. 2856 I).
Decision 15 A.C. No. 9457
(Formerly CBD Case No. 13-3883)
Associate Justice Associa~!tice
e Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice