Project: Marjan Increment Program Package-10 Owner: Saudi Aramco
Project: Marjan Increment Program Package-10 Owner: Saudi Aramco
Project: Marjan Increment Program Package-10 Owner: Saudi Aramco
Sr. Instrument/Device Unit Qty Unit Rate (SR) Remarks
18 Axis Displacement Tester 0 to 25m & 0 to 0.5 mm) Each 1 Calibration
100 Capacitance Meter Each 1 Calibration
74 Centesimal Indicator Each 1 Calibration
84 Clip On Ground Resistance Tester Each 1 Calibration
81 Creep Age Switch Tester Each 1 Calibration
40 Depth Caliper Each 1 Calibration
71 Dial Test Indicator Each 1 Calibration
45 Digital Illuminator Each 1 Calibration
44 Dry Well Calibrator Each 1 Calibration
66 Durometer Each 1 Calibration
93 Electric Quantity Analyzer Each 1 Regret
82 Equipotential Connection Tester Each 1 Calibration
70 External Micrometer Each 1 Calibration
2 Frame Level Each 1 Calibration
Frequency Conversion Resonance high voltage testing
78 equipment Each 1 Calibration
49 Hypodermic Needle Pressure Gauge Each 1 Calibration
68 Inside Micrometer Each 1 Calibration
69 Internal Micrometer Each 1 Calibration
65 Laser Line Level Each 1 Calibration
73 Level Indicator Each 1 Calibration
48 Loop Insulation Resistance Tester Each 1 Calibration