Gok Order COVID-19 4 7 2020
Gok Order COVID-19 4 7 2020
Gok Order COVID-19 4 7 2020
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droodd; BmoE :
glorlCr airo&orro0:
14) pe ut.eso6.ooabdd*ond, ,dOdS, dade daddd dod, aSorid.odo a dcQ odseddd:,
dades a-orlo o;qorld:.
15) pe o."ro.Eddu-ua., eeddg&. dadco eoaesojJcbrid dod, a3orld.odc
a-oriro odsedddJ, dsdee aJdorldo.
16) {oad u-oonadEr, dade dDddd dod, aioridndc.
17) $ood u-oojordEs, dadro goeaoJcdrrid dod, aiorJd.ndr.
18) $ood u-ooJord6r, da$an, dq6u-oOrjd dod. aiorid.iad:.
1e) $Ood u-ooSord6s, dadro dO0{ aroo dJq dOAd drlrrjd dcro6eo dofi, a3orld.odo.
2c-) {ood u-oonsd6r, d.bdee, 6{ged; eoeeeoi&dd dod, aiorid.rodo.
21) lood u-oonrd6r, da$o/e)ileo d.eu-ot d. do eoQraOrjd dod, aiorid.od:.
No; HFW 228 ACS2020
Karnataka Governmenl Secretariat,
Vidhana Soudha,
Bangalore, D ated 23.06.2020.
Whereas the State Govemment recognizes that the
State is threatened with the spread of
covlD-Ig epidemic, alteady declared as a pandemic by the World
Health organization. A
large number of persons affected by covlD-I9
are in the need of treatment, which at present is
being mainly provided by Public Health institutions (PHIs)
and it has become imperative to
involve private hospitals, nursing homes etc.,(herein after
referred as private Healthcare
Providers(PHPs)) registered under KpME Act, in
the treatrnent of such patients.
whereas the National Health Authority in its ofifice Memorandum
No. s-12015/20/2020-
NHA(I{N&QA), dated 04.04.2020 has directed to utilize
codes available in the Ayushman
Bharat-Arogya Karnataka (Ab-fuk) scheme for payrnents
and has allowed the State to decide the
cost of additional requirements like PPEs and other
consumables that would add to the package
include the HDU and ICU beds both with and without
ventilator The hospitals maY utilize
pati ents privatelY
the remaining 50% of COVID beds for admitting COVID-I9
making cash palT nent (non-insurance) shall be as follows
patients in
(3) The terms and conditions connected to the treatment of COVID-19
(vii) All the hospitals shall get empanelled through the online portal of tle Suvama
Arogya Suraksha Trust with desktop review of statutory documents by the SAST
on a fast forward basis.
(viii)Referral of a COVID -19 patient by a Public Health Authority will be treated as
Auto Authorization by SAST.
(ix) All COVID-I9 patients including those belonging to BPL and APL categories,
migrant labourers and interstate retumees not possessing PDS card shall be
considered as eligible in view ofthe unprecedented pandernic situation.
(x) There should be no compromise on the quality of medical services rendered to the
patiants referred by the Public Health Authorities and those admitted privately.
(xi) The Suvama Arogya Suraksha Trust will be the Nodal Agency for the settlement of
(4) Non-compliance to this Order will attract punishment under the relevant Sections of the
Disaster Management Ac! 2005 and the Indian Penal Code.
Chief Secretary to Government &
Chairman, State Executive
Committee, SDMA
To:The Compiler, Karnataka Gazette, Bangalore for publication in the Special Gazette
Annexure 1- COVID 19 Private Hospitals
Sl. No. Name District Address Phone number Mail id
Extensaio Area Mahaveer Road Bagalkot Dist
1 Dhanush Hospital Bagalkote 8354226533 dhanushpat@rediffmail.com
Bagalkot 587101
M S Kerudi Hospital And Opp Axis Bank Extension Area Bagalkot
2 Bagalkote 9980393733 kerudibgk@gmail.com
Research Centre Bagalkot 587101
166A 1A Near Old Ib Extension Area Bagalkot
3 Shanti Hospital Bagalkot Bagalkote 7829990797 shantichbgk@gmail.com
Baragi Hospital Bagalkot Rajeevgandhi Circle
4 Baragi Hospital Bagalkot Bagalkote 8354225335 gsbaragihospital@gmail.com
Near Durga Vihar Bagalkot 587101
Main Road Near Basaveshwar Circle
5 Venkatesh Hospital Bagalkote 8350271236 ajitvk@yahoo.co.in
Mahalingpur Bagalkot 587312
Daddenavar Hospital And Laxmi Nagar Near Rural Police
6 Bagalkote 8354221888 daddenavarhospital@yahoo.co.in
Research Centre StationBagalkot
VithalS Vantage Building Deepam Colony
7 Ashirwad Hospital Bagalkote 9008663093 chimsaga@gmail.com
Near Rotary Circle Bagalkote 587101
Dr R G Karudagimath
8 Memorial Nursing Home Bagalkote Tippu Nagar Station Road Badami Bagalkot 8357220191 sunilkarudagimath@hotmail.com
Bendigeri Layout Extension Area Bagalkot
9 Dr Katti Hospital Bagalkote 9845378505 kattihospital@gmail.com
Spandana Multispeciality
10 Bagalkote Pm Nadagouda RoadVinayak Nagar Bagalkot 8354226688 siddappasm02@gmail.com
Dr A R Belgali Surgical Clinic And Maternity
Dr A R Belgali Surgical Clinic
11 Bagalkote Home Vidyanagar Mudhol Road Mahalingpur 8350270005 drbelagalihospital@gmail.com
And Maternity Home
Baglakot 587312
Arogyadham Hospital Gokak Road
12 Arogyadham Hospital Bagalkote 8350270839 drchannalmlp@gmail.com
Mahalingpur Bagalkote 587312
Sai Aadhar Hospital Cts No 4018 4026 A1 D
13 Sai Aadhar Hospital Bagalkote 8350280720 saiaadhar2010@gmail.com
789 Yadwad Road Mudhol 587313
Sanjeevini Children And Eye
14 Bagalkote Near Lion S School Extenssion Area Bagalkot 8354221121 girishbanagar@rediffmail.com
Riti Life Care
15 Riti Life Care Hospital Bagalkote HospitalJayalaxminagarMahalingpur Taluk 8350270916 drmanc7@gmail.com
Patil Medicare Multispeciality
16 Bagalkote Behind Kerudi Hospital Bagalkot 587101 8354221933 patilmedicarehospital@gmail.com
Hospital Bagalkot
Bests Kuntoji Multispeciality Plot No D1 Sector No 20 Near Kalabhavan
17 Bagalkote 8354235577 kuntojihospital@gmail.com
Hospital Navanagar Bagalkot
Sl. No. Name District Address Phone number Mail id
18 Guled Ortho Care Hospital Bagalkote Extesion Area Near Kerudi Hospital Bagalkot 8354224033 guledhospitalbgk@gmail.com
Shakuntala Multispeciality
19 Bagalkote near railway station bagalkot 587101 8354220303 shospital3@gmail.com
20 Ashraya Hospital Bagalkote 8354233211 ashrayahosptalbgk@gmail.com
Kerudi Multi Speciality Hospital Rotary Circle Navanagar Road Bagalkot
21 Bagalkote 9880729833 sbkerudi@gmail.com
Bagalkote 587101
SNMC HSK Hospital Navanagar Bagalkote
22 Snmc Bagalkote Bagalkote 8354235400 snmcmedbgk@yahoo.co.in
Trishaladevi Super Speciality Eye Hospital
Trishaladevi Super Speciality
23 Bagalkote Krishna Barrage Road Rabkavi Bagalkot 8353230004 drpadmajeet@gmail.com
Eye Hospital
24 Bagalkote JOSHIGALLI OPP IB BAGALKOTE 8351273505 mahanteshhospital@gmail.com
OrthoCare Multispeciality Near Bramhanand Math Yaragatti Road
25 Bagalkote 8353231982 orthocarehospitalrabkavi@gmail.com
Hospital Rabkavi Rabkavi tq Rabkavi Banhatti
Sharada Ortho Speciality Beside Deshpande Petrol Pump Basav Nagar
26 Bagalkote 8350280141 sharadahospitalmudhol@gmail.com
Hospital Ranna Circle
27 PADMA HOSPITAL TERDAL Bagalkote PADMA HOSPITAL PADMA NAGAR TERDAL 8353255063 padmahospital063@gmail.com
Shri Banashankari Eye Hospital Mahaveer Road Opposite Water Tank
28 Bagalkote 9855645666 shravanmasurkar@gmail.com
Bagalkot Bagalkot
Arogyadhama Hospital unit of Shivanagouda
Arogyadhama Hospital unit of
29 Ballari Hospital Pvt Ltd Behind Post Office Near 8123690929 sgarogyahospitalsg@gmail.com
Shivanagouda Hosp Pvt
KSRTC BusStand
Jindal Sanjeevani Multi Speciality Hospital
Jindal Sanjeevani Multi
30 Ballari Vijaya Vittal Nagar Toranagallu Village Bellary 8395242222 jsh@jsw.in
Speciality Hospital
Citi Hospital 52 A Near Lic Office Dam Road
31 Citi Hospital Ballari 8394231713 drsaliya2005@yahoo.co.in
Hospet Bellary 583203
Shri J G Co Operative Hospital Society Ltd Dr
Shri J G Co Operative Hospital
32 Belagavi Gangadhar Nagar Ghataprabha Gokak 8332286243 samcojgbelgaum@gmail.com
Society Ltd
Belagavi 591307
Vijaya Ortho And Trauma Centre Opp Bims
Vijaya Ortho And Trauma vijayaorthoandtraumacentre14@gmail.c
33 Belagavi Behind B D Jatti College Ayodhya Nagar 8312432999
Centre om
Belgaum 590001
Belgaum Childrens Hospital Pvt Belgaum Childrens Hospital Pvt Ltd Shanbhag
34 Belagavi 8312425556 bchpl.belgaum@gmail.com
Ltd Chambers Kirloskar Raod Belgaum 590002
Sl. No. Name District Address Phone number Mail id
Yash Hospital Critical Care Yash Hospital Critical Care Centre 4924 3
35 Belagavi 8314215333 yashhospitalbgm@yahoo.com
Centre Mahadwar Road Belagavi 590001
4833 15B 3Rdfloor S S Empire Civil Hospital
36 Saideep Eye Hospital Belagavi 9945447572 drsandeepatil@gmail.com
Road Belgaum 590001
Karnatak Health Institute Karnatak Health
37 Karnatak Health Institute Belagavi 8332286231 khi.1935@gmail.com
Institute Ghataprabha Belagavi 591306
Jayaratna Eye Hospital ghataprabha belgaum
38 Jayaratna Eye Hospital Belagavi 8332286118 dramrutp@rediffmail.com
Ajit Nursing Home 640 Chikodi Road Raibag
39 Ajit Nursing Home Belagavi 8331225603 #N/A
Raibagh Belgaum 591317
40 2 Laxmi Nagar Main Road Vadagavi
40 Shri Sai Hospital Belagavi 8312496444 drdodamani@gmail.com
Ssjmect Ashirwad Nursing And
41 Belagavi ATHANI GOKAK MAIN ROAD HARUGERI 9901793767 drjambagils@yahoo.com
Maternity Home
Dr B B Ghodageri 145 K Main Road Gokak
42 Dr B B Ghodageri Belagavi 8332226750 ghodageri.bb@gmail.com
Belgaum 591307
S4 Hospital Gokakshivaji Circle Yaragatti
43 S4 Hospital Gokak Belagavi 9449424000 s4hospital@yahoo.com
Roadbelgaum 591307
Shri Dhanvantari Nursing Shri Dhanvantari Nursing Home Near Bus
44 Belagavi 8339254003 pramodmutalik@hotmail.com
Home Stand Athani Road Ainapur Belagavi 591303