Lesson Plan Correct and Consistent Condom Use
Lesson Plan Correct and Consistent Condom Use
Lesson Plan Correct and Consistent Condom Use
TOPIC: Correct and Consistent Condom Use TIME: 45 minutes
RANGE: 12–18
SUBJECT: Life Skills
By the end of this lesson learners will be able to:
1) Describe at least three obstacles to condom use and how these obstacles
can be addressed. [knowledge]
2) Describe correct steps for the use of a male, latex condom. [knowledge]
This lesson is enhanced when learners have the following background knowledge: Content from the
International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education—Key Concept 6 – Sexual and Reproductive Health;
6.1 – Pregnancy Prevention
Step 1)
Introduce the concept by explaining the following, “Today we will be discussing condom use and how to
use condoms consistently and correctly.” Ask the following questions and write down learners’ responses
on the chalkboard:
“What do you know about condoms?”
“Why is it important to know about condoms?”
Step 3) 5 minutes
Explain the activity by saying, “I have broken down all the steps involved in correct use of a male condom
and put each step on 10 separate pieces of paper. I will hand out these papers to some volunteers. Each
volunteer should work with one or two learners seated near them to figure out which column the step goes
in.” Point out the four columns on the board. Go on to explain, “The first column will include steps that should
be carried out well ahead of time. The next column will show the steps to be carried out immediately before
sex. The third column will include steps that may be involved during sex. The fourth column will display
steps to be taken after sex. Within the columns, try to put each step in order as well. You have five minutes.”
Step 4) 10 minutes
Stop the process after five minutes and bring the whole group together. Review each of the four columns
together with the learners ensuring the steps are in the correct order as indicated on the Correct Steps in
External or Male Condom Use – Teacher Answer Key. Make sure to rearrange any steps that were in the wrong
column or within a column, in the wrong sequence.
Once each of the 10 steps is in the correct column, go on to tell students about the female condom by
saying, “In addition to a condom worn on a penis, there is also a condom that can be worn inside the vagina.
[Teacher’s Note: If you are able to show a female condom, this is a great time to display it for your students
to see.] This condom is inserted into the vagina before sex with a partner and captures the semen inside the
condom so it does not get into the body. The condom should be removed after sex and thrown away. The
female condom, like the male condom, should only be used one time and can be obtained from some of the
same places where male condoms are available.”
Step 5) 5 minutes
Next brainstorm with learners five reasons why some young people don’t use condoms each time they
have sex. Ask whether these reasons are different if you are male or female and why. Write these reasons
or barriers on the chalkboard as your learners brainstorm the first five that come to mind. The list might
include barriers such as:
• Embarrassed to talk about or buys condoms
• Believe it is boys’ responsibility to bring condoms or that “good girls” don’t carry condoms
• Can’t afford to buy condoms
• Don’t think they are at risk for pregnancy or STIs
• Don’t think sex will feel as good with a condom
[Teacher’s Note: If you are doing this lesson with very young learners, you will need to help them brainstorm
these responses since they are likely to be too young to know why young people may not to use condoms.]
Step 6) 10 minutes
Have learners form pairs with someone seated near them and have each pair select one of the five barriers
from the chalkboard to work with. Explain the directions by saying, “You and your partner will come up
with one way that young people could overcome that barrier to using condoms. For example, if you select
“can’t afford condoms” as your barrier, you and your partner might suggest that a young person could either
borrow money or find a youth center that gives away condoms for free. So first select the barrier you want to
work with from the list on the chalkboard and then come up with a way that a young person could overcome
that barrier.” Give learners a few minutes to complete the task. [Teacher’s Note: If learners come up with a
lot of myths about condom use instead of barriers to their use, use the Teacher’s Resource about Condoms
to refute those myths as needed.]
Step 7)
When most pairs seem to be done, gather the attention of learners and ask for three volunteers to share the
barrier they chose and what ideas they had for ways young people could overcome those barriers. Write the
suggestions on the chalkboard. The suggestions for overcoming common barriers might include:
• Good communication between partners
• Knowing how to use a condom and where to get them
• Understanding the risks of unprotected sex (how you get pregnant and how you can acquire STIs,
including HIV)
1) Large class size—Teachers can conduct the activity on identifying solutions to barriers in small
groups instead of pairs or as a whole class.
2) Limited materials/technology—None
Adapted from: It’s All One, Activity 47 – Gender and Condom Use, pages 150–155, Copyright © 2009 The Population Council, Inc. Revised first edition,
printed 2011 and Source: NHS Choices - http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/teenboys/Pages/Condoms.aspx
Below is a list of common myths about condoms and the factual information to dispel the myth.
The following publication from UNFPA might also be helpful:
MYTH: It’s safer if you use two condoms.
TRUTH: Whether it’s two male condoms or a male and female condom, using two condoms is not
better than one as they are more likely to break. Only use one condom at a time.
MYTH: Condoms break easily.
TRUTH: No they don’t. To avoid a condom breaking, you need to put it on carefully and make sure
there's no air bubble at the end. Be careful of sharp nails, jewelry or teeth. If the condom won’t roll
down, it’s the wrong way round. Throw this condom away and start again with a new one as there
could be semen on the tip of the previous condom.
If a condom breaks and you’re not using any other contraception, go to a health center as soon
as possible and ask about emergency contraception. You may also need to get tested for sexually
transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV.
MYTH: Condoms are the only type of contraception I need to think about.
TRUTH: No they’re not. Condoms can provide protection from STIs and unplanned pregnancy. But
to get the best protection, it's better if you and your partner use a condom and another form of
contraception. There are lots of different types of contraception, including the implant, injectables,
the copper IUD coil, or the pill. It's worth exploring all options.
MYTH: You need extra lube. Vaseline is good.
TRUTH: No it’s not. A bit of extra lubrication is good but don’t use anything with oil in it as it can
dissolve the condom. That includes baby oil, Vaseline and hand cream. Lipstick has oil in it too. Use
a water–based lubricant, such as KY jelly from a pharmacy or supermarket.
MYTH: Condoms make me less sensitive.
TRUTH: Using a condom doesn’t have to spoil the moment. They can make some men last longer
before they come, which is good news for both partners. There are lots of different sizes, shapes,
colors, textures and flavors of condoms, so enjoy finding the one that suits you both best.
MYTH: Condoms cut off my circulation.
TRUTH: No they don’t. A condom can stretch to 18 inches round. There are many different shapes
and sizes that you can try.
MYTH: My girlfriend is on the pill, so we don’t need condoms.
TRUTH: Yes you do. The pill does not protect you or your partner from STIs, including HIV. Also, if
your girlfriend forgets to take a pill, has been sick or has been using antibiotics, the effectiveness
of the pill is lower and she could still get pregnant.