Partial Image Encryption Using Format-Preserving Encryption in Image Processing Systems For Internet of Things Environment
Partial Image Encryption Using Format-Preserving Encryption in Image Processing Systems For Internet of Things Environment
Partial Image Encryption Using Format-Preserving Encryption in Image Processing Systems For Internet of Things Environment
Concomitant with advances in technology, the number of systems and devices that utilize image data has increased.
Nowadays, image processing devices incorporated into systems, such as the Internet of things, drones, and closed-circuit
television, can collect images of people and automatically share them with networks. Consequently, the threat of inva-
sion of privacy by image leakage has increased exponentially. However, traditional image-security methods, such as pri-
vacy masking and image encryption, have several disadvantages, including storage space wastage associated with data
padding, inability to decode, inability to recognize images without decoding, and exposure of private information after
decryption. This article proposes a method for partially encrypting private information in images using FF1 and FF3-1.
The proposed method encrypts private information without increasing the data size, solving the problem of wasted stor-
age space. Furthermore, using the proposed method, specific sections of encrypted images can be decrypted and recog-
nized before decryption of the entire information, which addresses the problems besetting traditional privacy masking
and image encryption methods. The results of histogram analysis, correlation analysis, number of pixels change rate, uni-
fied average change intensity, information entropy analysis, and NIST SP 800-22 verify the security and overall efficacy of
the proposed method.
Partial image encryption, format-preserving encryption, FF1, FF3-1, IoT
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2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
masking involves methods such as blurring, mosaic privacy masking methods, image encryption methods,
masking, removal, and deformation. Blurring of a spe- and format-preserving encryption. Section
cific area in an image makes it difficult to recognize ‘‘Contribution’’ introduces the advantages of the pro-
objects. Mosaic masking is a technique that blurs a spe- posed method. Section ‘‘Proposed method’’ describes
cific area of a picture by weighting it in a tile form. the proposed new method for encrypting parts of
Removal and deformation involve deleting data in a images using format-preserving encryption. Section
specific area or modifying data using arbitrary values. ‘‘Experiment evaluation’’ compares the encryption
These privacy masking techniques all involve overwrit- results with traditional image security. Sections
ing data in the original image. Although they are fast ‘‘Performance’’ and ‘‘Optimal block size’’ measure the
and efficient because of the low performance load encryption/decryption speed and derives the optimal
involved, they make it impossible to recover the origi- encryption block size, respectively. Section ‘‘Security
nal data.21 This results in the problem of such methods evaluation’’ presents the results of security analyses and
only being applicable with images that do not need to other comparisons of the proposed method with exist-
be recovered, unless the original image is stored sepa- ing image-security techniques. Conclusions are pre-
rately. There are two methods of encrypting image sented in section ‘‘Conclusion.’’
data: (1) full encryption, which encrypts the entire
image using the likes of block-cipher-based and chaos-
map-based encryption, and (2) partial encryption, Related work
which selectively encrypts only the sensitive parts of an
image. Because of the nature of image file structures, it Closed-circuit television camera system model
is difficult to encrypt only a portion of an image using A closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera system takes
image full encryption. Therefore, encrypted images can- a picture of an image and stores it as data in a manner
not be recognized by users because all of the data must that a user can see. In a CCTV system, a CCTV camera
be encrypted—not only the data that would result in is connected to an image recorder. A digital video
privacy violations if revealed. Private information in an recorder (DVR) processes the codec algorithm and
image is defined as a visible face, part of the body, or analog image that fit the image sent from various types
vehicle registration number that could be used to iden- of CCTVs into the type and form that fits the intended
tify an individual. When using a block cipher, which is purpose. The video is stored on a hard disk in the
typically used to encrypt text data for image encryp- DVR machine and is transmitted to a video storage ser-
tion, the size of the encrypted image can be increased ver using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-encrypted com-
by padding. In particular, for an image, when the munication. The video storage server encrypts and
amount of data increases due to padding in every stores all the video sent from the DVR to protect pri-
frame, storage space may be wasted. In this article, we vate information. Control room operators and external
propose a partial image encryption method using users can see the images saved in the data storage ser-
format-preserving encryption that can protect informa- ver with appropriate user authentication. Figure 1
tion requiring privacy and utilize images while over- shows a schematic illustration of the CCTV camera
coming these problems. Format-preserving encryption system model.
is an algorithm that is suitable for encryption of data
that have a fixed length or format and characteristics
that do not increase the length of the cryptogram. Privacy masking techniques
Therefore, it is possible to encrypt only the private
information in an image, and because the data size does Privacy masking techniques, such as blurring, mosaic
not increase, the encrypted data can be stored effec- masking, removal, and deformation, protect sensitive
tively without wasting storage space. The proposed or personal information by changing some data in an
method does not result in an increase in the amount of image so that the original information cannot be seen.
data due to the application of padding when encrypting When these methods are used, it is difficult to recover
only part of an image. In addition, the proposed the original image. Blurring and mosaic masking tech-
method permits encrypted images to be recovered, niques blur the original image so that it cannot be prop-
addressing a problem associated with privacy masking. erly recognized. Removal and deformation methods
Furthermore, it allows encrypted images to be recog- delete original image pixel values or overwrite original
nized by encrypting only private information. This arti- image pixel values with different values using arbitrary
cle describes the proposed method and presents the values. Privacy masking methods do not permit recov-
results of comparisons of the method with existing ery of the original image because the original image
video security methods. The remainder of this article is data are modified. Another disadvantage of such meth-
organized as follows. Section ‘‘Related work’’ gives an ods is that the original image must be inferred, although
overview of image processing systems, traditional the exact original is unknown.
Jang and Lee 3
encryption. Privacy masking incurs a problem in that it large image can adversely affect image recognition. In
cannot be decrypted. The image full encryption method contrast, the proposed method allows encryption of just
encrypts all the pixels so that the image cannot be the license plate and the person in the car. Therefore, it
recognized at all until after decryption, and once is possible to collect images while solving the problem
decrypted, information requiring privacy cannot be of invasion of citizens’ privacy. In addition, privacy
protected. Traditional image partial encryption masking is not decrypted, but the proposed method has
encrypts a large rectangular range that includes the area the advantage of allowing the decryption and use of an
requiring protection. This incurs a problem in that even encrypted area as needed (such as in the case of a crime
non-sensitive parts of the image are encrypted. In addi- committed in the street). The format-preserving encryp-
tion, the use of a block cipher causes problems because tion used for encryption can encrypt even short-length
it produces an image file that does not conform to the data without padding. Therefore, there is no increase in
structure determined by padding. The proposed method the amount of data due to padding.
performs encryption by targeting a pixel range that spe-
cifically covers an area that the user wishes to encrypt.
There are various methods for detecting objects to be Proposed method
encrypted in images, such as the use of deep learning,
Partial image encryption using format-preserving
OpenCV, or software.36,49–51 The data can be recog-
nized and used normally except for the encrypted area, encryption
such that images can still be used while protecting pri- This article proposes an image partial encryption
vate information. For example, if the traditional image method based on format-preserving encryption. It was
partial encryption was used to partially encrypt the implemented and tested using FF1 and FF3-1. The pro-
license plate of a parked vehicle, and the person inside, posed method, which can be used to select and encrypt
as captured by CCTV, the entire image or the vehicle’s a portion of an image while preserving the data size,
license plate and the person to be encrypted must be consists of three steps: (1) selection of the encryption
encrypted with a rectangle. Encrypting an unnecessarily area, (2) encryption of image pixel values using format-
Jang and Lee 5
preserving encryption, and (3) storage of encrypted Table 1. Definition of fields and functions used in the
image pixel values. First, to select the area to be encryption/decryption process of the proposed method.
encrypted in a video, the area that corresponds to pri-
Notation Description
vate information that can identify an individual, such as
a face, a part of a body, or a vehicle number, must be n Number of pixels in the selected area
identified. The X and Y coordinate values of all pixels in PixelnX X coordinate of the selected pixel data
the selected area are checked, and the pixel values are PixelnY Y coordinate of the selected pixel data
stored in the byte array. For example, a red–green–blue Pixelnvalue Value of the selected pixel data
(RGB)-format image stores three bytes of pixel values SelectPixel All Q concatenated data
per pixel, while a gray-format image stores one byte of m Length of SelectPixel divided by 24 bytes
PixelArraym Byte array divided into 24-byte units for encryption
pixel values per pixel. The proposed method can be and decoding
applied to both RGB- and gray-format images. The l Byte length of PixelArray
pixel values stored in the byte array are encrypted using Cm Result of encrypting/decoding PixelArraym
format-preserving encryption. When encrypting using EncPixelnX Value obtained by encrypting and decoding Pixelnvalue
format-preserving encryption, data can be divided by Tn Tweak values required for encryption
t Length of T
block size. In this article, the block size is set to 24 bytes K AES 128-bit secret key used for encryption
for FF1 and 32 bytes for FF3-1. Details of the block size ½Xs Representation of X as a byte string of s bytes
setting are described in section ‘‘Optimal block size.’’ AESK (X) Function for AES encryption of X using key K
The encryption process requires plain text, a key, and a PRF(X) Function to perform initialization vector operation
tweak. The plain text is the pixel value of the selected for CBC process
HTD(X) Function to convert hexadecimal data to decimal
area, and the key uses a 128-bit AES key. The tweak
uses the X and Y coordinates of all of the pixel data in DTHr (X) Function to convert decimal data to hexadecimal
the block to be encrypted. Format-preserving encryption data of length r
use a tweak in the encryption and decryption process,
unlike ordinary block ciphers. If the pixel values are AES: advanced encryption standard; CBC: cipher block chaining.
encrypted using the same tweak, one can visually infer
the original image because the same pixel value becomes
the same cipher text. In this case, the correlation between as the pixel values of the existing X and Y coordinates.
pixels may be vulnerable to known and selective plain As Figure 4 shows, only the area selected as the private
text attacks.52,53 To solve this problem, the tweak must information in the original image is encrypted. In addi-
be a constantly changing value. The proposed method tion, the private information can be encrypted and pro-
uses tweak as the value obtained by concatenating the X tected, and users can use encrypted images.
and Y coordinates of the pixel value to be encrypted.
The final step in the process is encrypting of all the pixel Application scenario
values in the selected area. The decryption process is the
The proposed method can be used in various applica-
reverse of the encryption process. Table 1 summarizes
tions such as CCTV camera systems and image drone
the fields and functions used in the encryption/decryp-
systems. Figure 5 is an activity diagram of a scenario in
tion process of the proposed method. Figure 3 shows the
which the proposed method is applied to a CCTV cam-
entire process of encrypting pixel values in an RGB-for-
era system.
mat image using the proposed method. Algorithm 1
As shown in the figure, a CCTV camera shoots the
shows the process of dividing the pixel value into prede-
video, which is then transmitted to the storage server.
termined block units before the encryption process of
The server encrypts the privacy information of the
the proposed method is applied. Algorithm 2 calculates
video received from the CCTV camera using the pro-
tweak T values used in fpeEncryption and fpeDecryption.
Algorithms 3 and 4 detail the fpeEncryption and posed method and stores the video in the server.
fpeDecryption processes of the proposed method, respec- Security officers and general users can view the videos
tively. Figure 4 presents an example of the encryption with privacy information encrypted by connecting to
process used in the proposed method. the server or over the Internet. Figure 6 shows a CCTV
As shown in Figure 3, we select the X and Y coordi- camera system incorporated with improved security
nates and the pixel values of the privacy information in and applicability provided by the proposed method.
the image. Then, a PixelArray is created by concatenat-
ing the selected pixel values in 24 bytes. PixelArray val- Experiment evaluation
ues are computed with the fpeEncryption and
fpeDecryption functions, respectively, according to
Experimental results
encryption/decryption. As a result, the pixel data The proposed method was applied to images (6.1.01,
EncPixel value encrypted in the generated C are stored 4.1.02, 5.2.08, house, 5.3.01, and 2.2.02) from the USC-
6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
SIPI database of various formats and sizes. Figure 7 Comparison with traditional image-security methods
shows the original image, while Figures 8–10 show the The proposed method was compared with the tradi-
results of full image encryption using AES, FF1, and tional image-security methods to assess the possibility
FF3-1, respectively. Figures 11 and 12 show the results of decryption, the degree to which file sizes increase,
of encrypting only the information requiring privacy in and the possibility of recognizing encrypted images.
the image using the proposed method. The following problems arise when the traditional
image-security approach is applied to an image pro-
cessing system. Privacy masking prevents decoding
Increasing data size in videos because the original data are lost by modifying pixel
A video is data in which multiple frames are collected. values. Full image encryption using a block encryption
When a captured video is encrypted in real time, the method, such as AES, does not permit encryption of a
image data size may increase due to padding. Table 2 part of an image; the entire image must be encrypted.
summarizes the increase in the data size over time when Therefore, the image cannot be used until decoding is
all the frames of a captured video are encrypted in real performed, and private information is exposed when
time. The data size increases as a result of the addition the decoding is performed. In addition, because of the
of 16 bytes padding data to every frame under various characteristics of the block code, the size of the image
frame conditions. The units are Mb. is invariably increased by padding. Figure 13 shows the
For CCTV, which involves the continuous recording results of encryption using privacy masking, image full
of video, the size of the video may increase over time encryption, and the proposed method.
such that storage space is wasted. As the number of Figure 13(b) shows that private information can be
CCTV cameras capturing video increases, the wastage inferred when mosaic masking is used and is not
of server storage space worsens. decrypted. Figure 13(b) shows mosaic image using the
Jang and Lee 7
Figure 7. Original image: (a) 6.1.01, (b) 4.1.02, (c) 5.2.08, (d) house, (e) 5.3.01, and (f) 2.2.02.
Figure 8. Result of full encryption using AES: (a) 6.1.01, (b) 4.1.02, (c) 5.2.08, (d) house, (e) 5.3.01, and (f) 2.2.02.
Figure 9. Result of full encryption using FF1: (a) 6.1.01, (b) 4.1.02, (c) 5.2.08, (d) house, (e) 5.3.01, and (f) 2.2.02.
10 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
Figure 10. Result of full encryption using FF3-1: (a) 6.1.01, (b) 4.1.02, (c) 5.2.08, (d) house, (e) 5.3.01, and (f) 2.2.02.
Figure 11. Result obtained with proposed method using FF1: (a) 6.1.01, (b) 4.1.02, (c) 5.2.08, (d) house, (e) 5.3.01, and (f) 2.2.02.
Figure 12. Result obtained with proposed method using FF3-1: (a) 6.1.01, (b) 4.1.02, (c) 5.2.08, (d) house, (e) 5.3.01, and (f) 2.2.02.
increases, but it is slightly slower at 25 bytes. FF1 was encrypts the plain text into 24-byte units and FF3-1
the fastest from a length of 25 + (32 3 a) bytes (e.g. encrypts it into 32 bytes.
25, 57, 89). FF3-1 gets faster as the block length
increases. Because of the characteristics of the algo-
rithm, the block length of FF3-1 was set to a maximum Security evaluation
of 32 bytes and tested. As a result, it can be seen that
32 bytes is the most efficient block length. Therefore, in To evaluate the security of the proposed method, histo-
the encryption process of the proposed method, FF1 gram, correlation coefficient, number of pixels change
Jang and Lee 11
Figure 13. Image encryption results: (a) original image (4,147,254 bytes), (b) privacy masking (4,147,254 bytes), (c) AES (4,147,270
bytes), (d) proposed method (FF1, 4,147,254 bytes), and (e) proposed method (FF3-1, 4,147,254 bytes).
1 X
N NPCR and UACI analysis
cov(x, y) = (xi E(x))(yi E(y)) ð2Þ
N i=1 The resistance to a chosen plain text attack (differential
attack) was evaluated using NPCR and UACI for an
1X N
image encrypted using the proposed method and block
E(x) = xi ð3Þ
N i=1 cipher encryption. NPCR is the pixel variation rate
between the plain text and the encrypted image, and
1X N UACI is the average variation intensity of plain text
D(x) = (xi E(x))2 ð4Þ and the encrypted image. This analysis method can
N i=1
reveal whether the change in the original image affects
encryption. If the original image is greatly changed in
Table 5 shows the correlation coefficient weight val-
comparison with the encrypted image, it can be said to
ues for RGB and gray images with respect to the origi-
have good resistance to a chosen plain text attack (dif-
nal image for AES and the proposed method. These
ferential attack). NPCR and UACI are calculated using
results show that the proposed method yields a correla-
formulas (5)–(7)54,55
tion coefficient weight value similar to those obtained
by image encryption with AES. P
i, j D(i, j)
NPCR = 3 100% ð5Þ
Jang and Lee 13
1 X jC1 (i, j) C2 (i, j)j through image encryption using block cipher (AES). In
UACI = 3 100% ð6Þ other words, the proposed method is as safe as image
w 3 h i, j F
encryption using a block cipher (AES).
1 C1 (i, j) 6¼ C2 (i:j)
D(i, j) ð7Þ
0 C1 (i, j) = C2 (i:j)
Information entropy analysis
In formula (6), C1 denotes a plain image, C2 denotes Information entropy analysis is used to measure the
an encrypted image, and w and h are the horizontal and complexity of the encrypted data. The encrypted data
vertical sizes of the image, respectively. F is a value that must be complex enough to prevent information on the
represents the maximum support pixel value compatible original data from being obtained. The optimal entropy
with the image format of the cipher text, and the image value of the RGB and gray images used is 8. Table 8
of the 8-bit format is 255. Tables 6 and 7 present the lists the entropy values for the original images in RGB
NPCR and UACI values, respectively, obtained for and gray formats and those achieved by encrypting the
images in RGB and gray formats with Figures 8–12. images using the proposed method and full encryption.
These results show that the proposed method yields The results in Table 8 show that the proposed
NPCR and UACI values similar to those obtained method and image encryption using a block cipher
14 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
(AES) yield values close to the optimal entropy. The distribution of the histogram and correlation
Therefore, both the proposed method and the image coefficient of the proposed method is good, and the
encryption using a block cipher (AES) are sufficiently results of NPCR and UACI are very close to those
complex. obtained with encryption using AES. In addition, the
value of the information entropy is as close to the opti-
mal value as that of the AES-encoded image. Finally,
NIST SP 800-22 tests all the NIST SP 800-22 tests were passed. Therefore,
NIST SP 800-22 tests were used to test the cipher ran- the proposed method can be said to be a safe means of
using both FF1 and FF3-1.
domness.56 The goal of those tests is to analyze the ran-
domness of the encrypted image data. The analysis
consisted of 15 tests. For the experimental results Conclusion
obtained in this study, tests were performed on the data
for the encrypted region in the 1024 3 1024 size image In this article, we proposed a method for partially
of Figures 11 and 12, and all the tests were passed to encrypting private information, such as faces and body
verify the randomness. The test results are listed in parts, in images using the format-preserving encryption
Table 9. standards FF1 and FF3-1. Traditional image protec-
tion technology has problems such as increasing data
by padding and storage space wastage over time.
Security analysis comparison Furthermore, as the entire image is encrypted, the
image cannot be recognized before decryption and,
To evaluate the security level of images encrypted with once decrypted, information requiring privacy is
AES and with the proposed method, histogram, corre- exposed. Traditional partial image encryption incurs a
lation, NPCR, UACI, information entropy analysis, problem in that unnecessary portions are encrypted by
and NIST SP 800-22 were performed as described encrypting a rectangular area that covers the informa-
above. tion requiring privacy. The proposed method solves this
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