Journal of Information Security and Applications: Chengqing Li, Yun Zhang, Eric Yong Xie
Journal of Information Security and Applications: Chengqing Li, Yun Zhang, Eric Yong Xie
Journal of Information Security and Applications: Chengqing Li, Yun Zhang, Eric Yong Xie
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper aims to review the encountered technical contradictions when an attacker meets the cipher-
Available online xxx images encrypted by the image encryption schemes (algorithms) proposed in 2018 from the viewpoint of
an image cryptanalyst. The most representative works among them are selected and classified according
Image encryption to their essential structures. Almost all image cryptanalysis works published in 2018 are surveyed due to
Cryptanalysis their small number. The challenging problems on design and analysis of image encryption schemes are
Plaintext attack summarized to receive the attentions of both designers and attackers (cryptanalysts) of image encryption
Image privacy schemes, which may promote solving scenario-oriented image security problems with new technologies.
Multimedia content protection
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2214-2126/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 C. Li, Y. Zhang and E.Y. Xie / Journal of Information Security and Applications 000 (2019) 102361
works on image security given in the last year. Section 4 summa- system is constructed as PRNG to control the XOR operation and
rizes the challenges on the two sides on image security. The last position permutation on a medical image. As only one round of the
section concludes the paper. two basic operations are used, the encryption schemes designed in
[37,52] are both vulnerable to chosen-plaintext attack.
2. Survey on image cryptography in 2018 In [53], Ping et al. encrypt two adjacent pixels with position
permutation controlled by 2-D Hénon map and modulo addition.
2.1. Image encryption schemes based on chaos In [54], Ping et al. use 2-D Logistic-adjusted-Sine map to imple-
ment the permutation part and 2-D Cellular Automata (CA) as the
According to essential structure and used methodologies, the source of PRNS to control the part on modulo addition. In [55], a
encryption schemes using chaotic system are coarsely classified in PRNG based on a 3-D chaotic map is designed. The framework of
the following five sub-sections. the image encryption scheme is the same as that of [54]. In [56],
Ping et al. propose a method of digit-level permutation, which can
2.1.1. Randomness-oriented chaos enhancement change the histogram of the permuted image. In [22], 2-D Logistic
To counteract dynamics degradation of chaotic maps in digi- map is used to generate PRNG to control combination of position
tal computer and enhance randomness of PRNS generated by it- permutation and diffusion with XOR.
erating a chaotic system [38], various strategies are proposed, e.g. In [57], nine special pixels in the plain-image are selected to
cascading two existing chaotic maps [39]; iteratively expanding a generate initial conditions of Lorenz system with Secure Hash Al-
parametric 2-D Cat matrix to any higher dimension [24]; arbi- gorithm SHA-256. However, the sensitivity mechanism can be eas-
trarily combining six basic nonlinear operations [40]; anti-control ily canceled as only nine selected pixels have no influence on other
[41]; constructing hyper-chaotic system [42]. In [39], Hua et al. ones. In [25], a self-adapting colour image encryption scheme
design a sine-transform-based chaotic system of generating one- based on chaotic maps and the interactions among three channels
dimensional (1-D) chaotic maps by performing a sine transform to is proposed. Due to the commutative property of modulo addition,
the combination of the outputs of two maps. In [43], Hua et al. de- the sensitivity on the plain-image can be easily canceled as well.
sign a two-dimensional (2-D) Logistic-Sine-coupling map and use
it as a source of PRNS controlling basic encryption operations of an 2.1.3. Design of multiple round PTDWOS
image encryption scheme, whose structure follows PTDWOS. The Sheela et al.[58] propose an image encryption scheme based on
same strategy is used in [44], where a spatiotemporal chaotic sys- two rounds of position permutation and XOR operation, which are
tem is coupled with Tent-Sine system to generate PRNS. In [45], an controlled by PRNSs generated by 2-D modified Henon map and
encryption scheme of protecting medical images with two rounds Sine map, respectively. Rajagopalan et al. [59] adopt the same en-
of position permutation and diffusion, where Logistic-Sine system cryption structure as [58] with hardware implementation, where
is used as PRNG. Lorenz chaotic system, Lü’s chaotic system and CA are used as the
In [46], the periodicity of Logistic map and its variants over fi- source of PRNS instead. In [60], multiple rounds of PTDWOS are
nite field Z3e is analyzed. Based on comprehensive analysis of ran- implemented in the level of bit plane, where Skew Tent map is
domness of the PRNS generated by iterating a map, one variant of used as source of PRNS. In [4], 2-D Sine-Logistic modulation map
Logistic map is selected in [46] as a PRNG. In [47], a 6-D discrete (2D-SLMM) is used to control the two basic part of a scheme fol-
chaotic system is constructed with some sine and cosine functions, lowing PTDWOS, where modular addition with a fixed matrix is
which is then used as a source of PRNS used in a stream cipher. As adopted to enhance the diffusion effect. In [61], a bit-level image
analyzed in [21], the coupled logistic map can demonstrate com- encryption algorithm is designed by operating multiple rounds of
plex bifurcation dynamics in a continuous domain. Actually, the bitwise shift operation and XOR in two directions, where a hyper-
real structure of the final chaotic systems obtained with any above chaotic map is constructed as the source of PRNG by cascading sine
way in a digital computer should be analyzed as [48] with the map and Logistic map.
methodology of state-mapping network. Following the basic structure of AES, a robust image symmet-
ric cryptosystem is proposed in [62], where Arnold’s cat map
2.1.2. Design of single round PTDWOS is used to generate a permutation matrix permuting the entire
Among the encryption schemes composing of only one round plain-image. In [63], an image encryption algorithm based on 1-
of basic operations, only [12] adopt S-box, where tent map is used D PWLCM and least squares approximation is proposed, where
as PRNG to control some basic encryption operations on image: PWLCM is used to determine the permutation relationship among
modular addition, S-box and binary shift operation. the rows and columns of the plain-image and the intermediate
In [49], 1-round PTDWOS is proposed, where the algorithm on matrixes. The method based on least squares approximation is
traversing a graph with the strategy of breadth-first search is used adopted to generate PRNS to mask the permuted intermediate ma-
to implement position permutation, and a hyper-chaotic system trixes. In [26], PWLCM is used as PRNG to control the combination
is used as PRNG to realize the second permutation and diffusion of two rounds of position permutation and modular addition. In
with XOR and modular addition. In[50], an encryption function on [64], a 2-D partitioned CA is designed to generate PRNS satisfying
image blocks with variable sizes is proposed, which is composed the global Strict Avalanche Criterion, which is used to determine
of position permutation and modulo addition. The two basic op- the combination of some basic operations including substitution
erations are controlled by Arnold map and integer Logistic map, with an S-box.
respectively. In [51], the proposed image encryption scheme per-
forms only one round of position permutation and bitwise exclu- 2.1.4. Encrypting multiple plain-images simultaneously
sive OR (XOR) operation, which are both controlled by PRNS gen- In [3], a double colour image encryptionDCIE) scheme using 3-
erated by 2-D Baker’s map. The critical frame of the surveillance D Brownian motion is presented, where two colour images are en-
video for IoT systems is encrypted the two steps in [37], where crypted simultaneously. DCIE follows the structure of PTDWOS and
2-D logistic-adjusted-sine map (LASM) is used as the source of uses 3-D Brownian motion, a 3-D autonomous chaotic system and
PRNS. The dependence of PRNS on the plain-image can be canceled 2D-LASM as PRNG to control its basic components. In [65], another
with a non-negligible probability due to the commutative princi- DCIE using Gyrator transform and Hénon map is proposed. In [66],
ple of summation and quantization error of calculating function in the four least significant bit-planes of two images are encrypted
a finite-precision computer. In [52], a simple fourth-order chaotic by position permutation and value confusion, which are controlled
C. Li, Y. Zhang and E.Y. Xie / Journal of Information Security and Applications 000 (2019) 102361 3
by Logistic map and CA, respectively. In [67], four plain-images are In [81], a scheme encrypting optical image is designed with
encrypted simultaneously using 2D-LASM. In [68], a sequence of the same strategy as that in [78,80]. In [82], an image encryption
images are simultaneously encrypted and compressed using Tensor scheme using pixel-level scrambling, bit-level scrambling, and DNA
Compressive Sensing, which is controlled by PRNS generated by a encoding is proposed, where a 5-D hyperchaotic system is used as
3-D discrete Lorenz system. In [69], a multiple optical colour image the source of PRNS. In [83], 2-D Hénon-Sine map is constructed
encryption scheme based on phase retrieval in quaternion gyrator as a PRNG to control the involved DNA rules, DNA operation and
domain is proposed, nonlinear quaternion correlation is developed the position permutation. In [84], the saliency detection of a plain-
to perform authentication. image is detected with a given model and encrypted with a chaos-
In [70], an image encryption scheme using beta chaotic map, based encryption function. Then, the encrypted result is embedded
NSCT (Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform), and GA (genetic al- into DCT domain of another meaningful natural image as an invis-
gorithm) is proposed. The plain-image is decomposed into three ible watermark.
subbands. Then, GA is used to select the optimized initial parame-
ters of the beta chaotic map for a multi-objective fitness function. 2.3. Encrypting image in transform domain
Finally, the inverse of NSCT is applied on the encrypted subbands
with modulo addition to produce the cipher-image. In [71], teach- A series of encryption schemes protecting optical images is pro-
ing learning based optimization method and gravitational search posed in 2018. But, most of them are simulated with digital images
algorithm are used to optimize selection of the parameters. How- due to the limit of optical devices. In [85], a monospectral syn-
ever, such optimization algorithms cost additional unknown com- thetic aperture integral imaging system is designed to capture 2-
putational load. In [72], GA is used to perform parallel permutation D optical elemental images, which are then XORed with a PRNS
and substitution on multiple bitplanes of the plain-image. generated by CA and digitally encoded by Fresnel transform. In
[86], the original image is first scrambled, and then multiplied
2.1.5. Encrypting images with compressing techniques by the random-phase mask function. A further phase-truncated
In [73], an image encryption scheme based on compressive discrete multiple-parameter FrFT is implemented to realize asym-
sensing and chaotic map is proposed. The 2D-SLMM is used in the metric encryption. In [87], a holographic encryption scheme based
three basic parts of the scheme: constructing measurement ma- on interleaving operation of computer-generated holograms is pro-
trix in compression operation; generating PRNG for diffusion oper- posed. Using the quaternion algebra, Chen et al. define a multiple-
ations; producing permutation matrix. In [74], a plain-image is first parameter fractional quaternion Fourier transform as a general
decomposed by wavelet packet transform, whose coefficients are version of the conventional multiple-parameter fractional Fourier
classified in terms of the average value and Shannon entropy. The transform [88]. Detailed experimental results demonstrate that
coefficients containing principal energy are encrypted by position MPFrQFT is superior to other eight existing algorithms on multiple
permutation, modular subtraction and XOR, which are controlled metrics: key space, key sensitivity, statistical analysis and robust-
by Logistic map, Chen system and Arnold map, respectively. Other ness.
nonzero coefficients are compressed by compressive sensing (CS) In [89], an optical hyperspectral image cryptosystem is pro-
with a secret measurement matrix constructed from a Hadamard posed using improved Chirikov mapping in the gyrator transform
matrix controlled by Cat map. The encryption scheme is based domain, the original hyperspectral image is converted into binary
on 2-D CS and fractional Fourier transform (FrFT). In [75], Liao format and then extended into a 1-D array, then the scrambled
et al. employ Kronecker product to generate higher dimensional and exchanged image is transformed using the gyrator transform.
measurement matrices. In [76], compressive sensing technique is In [90], quick response (QR) code-based non-linear technique for
combined with a stream cipher to simultaneously compress and image encryption using shearlet transform and spiral phase trans-
encrypt image and video files, where the Measurement Matrix is form is proposed. The input image is first converted into a QR code
generated using a stream cipher. Only the four most significant bits and then scrambled via the Arnold transform.
of compressed samples are encrypted, which may cause some and In [91], a DCT-domain image encryption framework is proposed
even all visual information of the encrypted object revealed. with block-wise permutation and XOR operation, which is imple-
mented with a stream cipher. In [92], a bitstream-based JPEG im-
2.2. Designing image encryption schemes based on DNA encoding age encryption scheme with negligible size expansion is proposed,
which cascades four operations: permuting the groups of succes-
With the development of DNA computing, designing image en- sive DC codes encoding the differences of quantized DC coefficient
cryption schemes based on DNA encoding received intensive atten- with the same sign; swapping the two half parts of a group of con-
tions in the past decade [77]. In 2018, about twenty technical pa- secutive DC codes; scrambling the AC codes falling the same cate-
pers on the topic were published. Here, we review representative gory; randomly shuffling all minimum coded units.
works among them.
In [78], a new heterogeneous chaotic neural network generator 2.4. Signal processing in the encrypted domain
is proposed as a source of PRNS to control the three basic encryp-
tion operations on image data: pixel position permutation; DNA- In [93], the fast methods of implementing real and complex
based bit substitution; DNA-based bit permutation. In [79], a ro- Walsh-Hadamard Transform in the cipher-images are proposed. To
bust color image encryption system using Lorenz-Rossler chaotic further reduce the computational complexity of the homomorphic
map and DNA encoding is proposed, where Lorenz-Rossler chaotic encryption operations, two parallelization strategies are given to
map is used as the source for producing PRNS. The three chan- accelerate the transform. Using strong correlation among neigh-
nels of color plain-image and PRNS are transformed into the form bouring pixels in a natural image, an effective high-capacity re-
of DNA strands. After performing subtraction and addition opera- versible data hiding scheme for encrypted images based on MSB
tions, the results are transformed back to the binary form as the (most significant bit) prediction is proposed in [94]. Interestingly,
cipher-image. In [80], an image encryption scheme based on DNA [94] adopts PWLCM as the source producing pseudo-random num-
encoding is designed, using a 2D-LASM and Single Neuron Model ber sequence, whose randomness is seriously comprised in a digi-
as sources of PRNS. First, the plain-image is encrypted by position tal computer [48].
permutation and XOR. Then, the intermediate image is further en- Reversible data hiding in encrypted image (RDH-EI) embeds
crypted in the DNA domain with XOR operation. data into a cipher-image in cloud meanwhile the corresponding
4 C. Li, Y. Zhang and E.Y. Xie / Journal of Information Security and Applications 000 (2019) 102361
plain-image can be perfectly reconstructed by the authorized re- a linear programming problem without sensitive information of
ceiver. In [95], two RDH-EI schemes are proposed with private- the searched image.
key homomorphism and public-key homomorphism, respectively. • Quantum image encryption
In [96], an enhanced RDH-EI embedding two bits in each cipher- The development of quantum cryptography and quantum chaos
pixel with minimum distortion of stego-pixel is achieved through attracts image presentation in quantum world and study on
homomorphic encryption. In contrast to many data hiding schemes how to utilize quantum properties for protecting image data
focusing on LSB, an efficient MSB prediction-based method for [109,110]. In [111], a quantum representation model is pro-
RDH-EI is proposed in [97], where vacating embedding room af- posed to let quantum hardware encrypt any number of plain-
ter encryption and reserving embedding room before encryption images simultaneously. Then, the quantum circuit of quan-
are discussed, respectively. To cope with the compressed images, tum 3D Arnold transform is defined. Numerical simulations are
[98] proposes a separable RDH for encrypted JPEG bitstreams, given to show performance of a multi-image encryption scheme
where the original bitstream is losslessly reconstructed using an combining quantum 3D Arnold transform, quantum XOR oper-
iterative recovery algorithm. In [99], a RDH-EI is designed using ations and scaled Zhongtang chaotic system.
homomorphic multiplication and probabilistic properties of Paillier • Permutation against attacks based on “jigsaw puzzle solver”
cryptosystem, where the embedding room is reserved before en- Due to simplicity and obvious security enhancing effect of posi-
cryption. tion permutation, it is widely used in image encryption scheme
In [100], Wang et al. formulate lossy compression on low- [92,112]. The ciphertext-only attack on any block-wise permu-
frequency wavelet coefficients as a problem of weighted rate- tation scheme can be attributed to solving a jigsaw puzzle.
distortion optimization and solve it by incorporating empirical Recently, Kiya et al. published a series of works on encrypt-
characteristic of their distribution. In [101], Wang et al. propose an ing each image block with marginal influence on statistics and
iterative reconstruction scheme for compression file of encrypted permuting the encrypted blocks among the whole image. Such
binary images using the Markov Random Field to characterize the encryption-then-compression framework does not seriously in-
corresponding plain-images in the spatial domain. The associate fluence the further compression and can withstand the attacks
Markov Random Field, decryption and decompression based on based on conventional jigsaw puzzle solvers [113]. But, the cor-
LDPC are all represented with the methodology of factor graph, relation among blocks in cipher-images may still facilitate op-
a bipartite graph representing the factorization of a function into timizing the attacking on the block-wise permutation schemes
some subfunctions. analyzed in [114,115] with the advanced jigsaw puzzle solvers.
the fact that permutation and modulo addition are not commuta- how the changes of the cipher-pixels influence that of the plain-
tive, Wang et al. simplifies Pak’s scheme by cascading two non- pixels in the scenario of chosen-ciphertext attack [126]. In [6], two
neighbouring permutations together and break it with a chosen- chosen plain-images are constructed to recover an equivalent ver-
plaintext attack in [16]. The enhanced version of Pak’s scheme sion of S-box and PRNS of a chaos-based image encryption scheme
suggested in [16] is found still vulnerable against chosen-plaintext using S-box.
attack [17]. Assuming a parameter seed is known, the parameter
determining the shift permutation of Pak’s scheme is disclosed in 3.3. Other image cryptanalysis
[18] by its internal properties. Then, Pak’s scheme is degenerated
into the version analyzed in [16]. Based on the preliminary crypt- According to the scenario or theory used by an encryption
analysis works given in [16] and [18], both the equivalent secret- scheme, a special cryptanalysis method may work very well.
key of Pak’s scheme and all its unknown parameters are recovered In [127], a ciphertext-only attack on a double-image optical
by a little more pairs of chosen plain-image and the correspond- encryption technique based on an asymmetric (public-key en-
ing cipher-image in [19]. In [119], Zhu and Sun propose a chosen- cryption) algorithm is proposed using phase retrieval algorithm
plaintext attack on another one-round PTDWOS, where diffusion is with median filtering and normalization operation. As for an opti-
implemented by modulo addition and XOR. The equivalent secret cal cryptosystem based on phase-truncated Fourier transform and
key of such diffusion mechanism can be easily recovered [120]. nonlinear operations, the same research group presented a specific
In [15], Li et al. propose a chosen-plaintext attack on an im- attack based on phase retrieval algorithm with normalization and
age encryption scheme based on Ikeda map, where the Ikeda map a bilateral filter in [128]. In [129], a joint compression and encryp-
is used to generate PRNS to control the mask operation XOR. In tion scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is crypt-
[121], Li et al. further present two chosen-plaintext attack meth- analyzed. Due to the used parameter of ECC is too small, three
ods on a colour image encryption using chaotic APFM (Amplitude known attacking methods on solving elliptic curve discrete loga-
Phase Frequency Model) nonlinear adaptive filter, which is com- rithmic problem are used to recover the private key from the pub-
posed of three parts: position permutation; nonlinear substitution; lic key.
XOR operation. In [122], Li et al. recover the permutation rela- In [130], a large number of plaintexts and the corresponding
tion of image encryption scheme using PTDWOS with some cho- ciphertexts encrypted by any optical encryption technique based
sen plain-images. In [123], Li et al. recover the equivalent secret on random phase encoding are used as training samples for opti-
key of an encryption algorithm using one-round PTDWOS with 512 mizing the parameters of a deep neural network, which can re-
pairs of chosen plain-images and the corresponding cipher-images, construct any plain-image from its corresponding cipher-image.
where hybrid hyper-chaos and CA are used as the source of PRNS Actually, deep learning can also be used to test security of an en-
to control the permutation and mask operation XOR. In [31], an- cryption scheme via adversarial training.
other encryption scheme using PTDWOS is cryptanalyzed. Similar In [33], Luo et al. evaluates the security of chaotic encryption
to the strategy given in [117], the sensitivity mechanism of PRNG schemes by using side-channel attack. Some intermediate values
on the plain-image can be easily canceled by some special plain- relating to the plaintext and the round keys can be revealed by
images. observing the power consumption. In [131], influences of differ-
In [32], security defects and chosen-plaintext attack on an im- ent operations on resistance of chaotic image encryption schemes
age encryption schemes for body area network system are an- combining position permutation and a mask operation against
alyzed. Furthermore, some additional operations are adopted to chosen-plaintext attacks are discussed. Among some reversible and
withstand the proposed attack: using SHA-512 to build linkage be- irreversible gates, including XOR, Toffoli and Fredkin gates, only
tween the plain-image and PRNS; updating initial conditions and Fredkin gate can help the supported encryption scheme to with-
control parameters of the chaotic system; adding more complex stand chosen-ciphertext attack.
encryption operations. However, the incurred computational load About eighty publications on “reversible data hiding in the
is not considered for the required security level. cipher-image (encrypted domain)” were published in the past
decade. Many of them use simple stream cipher XOR to generate
3.2. Cryptanalysis of some image encryption schemes with complex cipher-images. Using the strong correlation among neighboring bits
structure in every bit-plane in a natural image, a cipher-text only attack is
proposed in [34] to recover the approximate version of the original
Once the basic encryption operations are repeated some rounds plain-image with good visual quality.
or S-box is used, the structure of the whole encryption scheme be- In [132], a chosen-ciphertext attack on a chaotic stream ci-
come much more complex, which dramatically increases the hard- pher using self-synchronization and closed-loop feedback is pro-
ship of the corresponding cryptanalysis. posed. Some parameters of the used 3-D discrete time chaotic
In [13], two chosen plain-images of fixed value are constructed system can be estimated. In [133], Lin et al. further derive coeffi-
to recover the equivalent secret key of an “efficient image cryp- cients of the nominal matrix of a stream cipher based on 8-D self-
tographic algorithm” reusing the permutation matrix generated by synchronous chaotic system in the scenarios of known-plaintext
Cat map or Baker map dynamically. But, how to perform the attack attack and chosen-ciphertext attack, respectively.
on the PTDWOS with multiple rounds are not theoretically proved
4. The challenges on design and analysis of image encryption
in [13].
In [124], some special plain-images are selected to narrow the
scope of some subkeys of a PTDWOS with less than or equal
Based on the above review on two sides of image cryptology,
to 3 rounds. In [125], the usability of a 4-round diffusion-then-
we summarize some critical challenges on design and security
permutation without substitution-box is questioned, which can be
analysis of image encryption schemes as follows.
considered as a special form of 5-round PTDWOS. Furthermore,
the linear relationship between plain-image and the corresponding • No specific application scenario is targeted in the design pro-
cipher-image is derived as the adopted permutation is a static rota- cess of most image encryption schemes. Under such precon-
tion of 90 degrees, which is used to support the proposed differen- dition, the balancing point among computation load, the real
tial attack. Similar to the strategy introduced in [2], the permuta- required security level and economic cost for a potential at-
tion relation of a multiple-round PTDWOS is recovered by checking tack cannot be considered at all. Only a few image encryption
6 C. Li, Y. Zhang and E.Y. Xie / Journal of Information Security and Applications 000 (2019) 102361
schemes are designed for solving security challenges in specific nior image cryptanalyst. The representative works on the two sides
application scenarios: surveillance [37], IIoT (industrial Internet were classified and some creative ideas and methods were high-
of Things) [29], social media [91]. lighted. More importantly, the challenges on design and analysis
• Special formats of image data are not considered. A large num- of image encryption schemes were briefly summarized to promote
ber of image encryption schemes just treat plain-image as an the progress of protection level of image data in cyberspace.
ordinary textual data [5]. Due to the large size of conventional
image files, compression and encryption should be combined Declaration of interests
well [92,134]. As [135], only ROI (region of interest) of DICOM
(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) medical im- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
ages are encrypted with one round of permutation and substi- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
tution to satisfy real-time processing requirement. influence the work reported in this paper.
• Importance of S-box is seriously neglected. As a lookup table, S-
box is an efficient way to obscure the relationship between the Acknowledgements
secret key and the cipher-image. Strangely enough, it is seldom
adopted in image encryption schemes. This research was supported by the Natural Science Founda-
• The underlying weak randomness of chaos-based PRNG is tion of China (No. 61772447, 61532020), the Joint Funds of the
widely omitted. The periods of PRNS obtained by iterating Lo- National Natural Science Foundation of China, China General Tech-
gistic map and skew tent map in digital computer are rigor- nology Research Institute (No. U1736113) and the Fundamental Re-
ously analyzed in [48]. Much more theoretical results on dy- search Funds for the Central Universities (No. 531118010348).
namical properties of chaotic maps, e.g. 2D-LASM, Hénon map,
Lorenz system in limited-precision arithmetic domain should be Supplementary material
further investigated by extending the analysis in the field Z2 to
Z2e using advanced theoretical analysis tools, e.g. spectral test Supplementary material associated with this article can be
[136], Hensel’s lifting lemma, where e > 1. found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jisa.2019.102361.
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