CSC 1403 Database Concepts Group Project

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Programme Name: BCS

Course Code: CSC 1403

Course Name: Database Concepts
Assignment: Group Project
Date of Submission: 26 August 2022

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Achyut Neupane (042103900002) Faculty Name: Satyam Paudel
Rayban Tamang (042103900012) Department: PO
Roshan Bastakoti (042103900013)
Sakar Khatri (042103900015)
First of all, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to the BCS Programme Office for providing
us an opportunity to work in a Database Concepts Group Project as a part of our syllabus for second
We would also like to extend our thanks to our lecturer Mr. Satyam Paudel for his support and
guidance throughout this project.

With warm regards,

Achyut Neupane (042103900002)
Rayban Tamang (042103900012)
Roshan Bastakoti (042103900013)
Sakar Khatri (042103900015)
This project is to design a Database. The aim of this project was to design database system.
Databases support good data access because: large volumes of data can be stored in one place.
Multiple users can read and modify the data at the same time. Databases are searchable and
sortable, so the data you need can be found quick and easily. We prepared the database for E-
Learning System which will be discussed below in this project. We prepared USE CASE
Diagram, ER Diagram for the project itself. We used different entities to show the relation among
This is to certify that we are responsible for the work submitted in this project, that the original
work is our own except as specified in the references and acknowledgements, and that the original
work contained herein have not been undertaken or done by unspecified sources or persons.

Achyut Neupane Rayban Tamang

Roshan Bastakoti Sakar Khatri












Figure 1: Basic Use-Case Background of E-Learning System ....................................................... 7
Figure 2: Scope of e-learning ........................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3: Use-Case diagram for e-Learning system ..................................................................... 12
Figure 4: e-Learning system ER Diagram .................................................................................... 13
We have purposed a system where learners can explore, enroll, study and get certificates from a
variety of courses. Courses are grouped into multiple categories. A course may be presented in
different categories. Each course has a unique course id (a number with two prefix letters – for
example, CSC 1017) and consists of materials, lectures and assignments. Materials could be
general (for example, syllabus, textbook) or come from a lecture. Each lecture may have videos,
notes, and materials (files, links.). (Files, links. With lectures and assignments, learners and
teacher may post comments. This is useful for teacher to provide any additional notes about the
questions being asked, or for students to ask any questions regarding the lectures or assignments.
A user has to register to enroll a course. Prices may vary from different courses. A user can see
his/her grades and receive a certificate after completing the course (if eligible). He/she can also
rate and comment on the course. Teacher makes course. Courses can have many teachers. Other
jobs (TA, graders) have various course permissions. A course must begin and end on schedule.
Multiple times per semester or year. When reopened, additional changes may be made (teachers,
TA and graders, students, course content, assignments).

Background of study
E-learning system is basically enhanced to provide best learning environment to every student
who wants to explore knowledge on various topics with no complications. The system will
provide the services that the students, lecturers, admins needed as shown below:

Figure 1: Basic Use-Case Background of E-Learning System

Problem Statement
For online learning, also known as e-learning, you need your laptop/desktop/smartphone/tablet
with web connection. These days people are preferring e-learning compared to classroom learning
as it is new and inexpensive.

Due to the impact of the internet, more and more people are choosing to stray from outmoded
classrooms and take their courses online. The online and traditional classes each suit a particular
requirement. Each option will provide its own benefits. However, online learning vs classroom
learning is debatable as both have their unique features. Some like real–time interaction while
others like the versatility that e-learning offers.

Classroom learning doesn’t seem to be effective these days as e-learning provides flexibility in
learning. Student can always go through their course material or reply the video recording to find
the solution of the query they are looking for. While traditional learning has fixed timings and one
teacher manages limited number of students at a particular location.

Online learning can be done by Learning Management Systems (LMS). Though it’s very difficult
to monitor the learner in a virtual environment as they attend lectures online while listening to
music, playing games etc. These things are difficult to happen in the traditional classroom due to
the physical presence of both. We have designed the database for the same which will be discussed
When it comes to e-Learning, there are specific goals and objective that need to be accomplished,
and some of these goals which we designed on our purposed system are:

1) Improve both the quality of instruction and the student experience.

2) To accommodate students' preferred modes of instruction or learning demands; to improve
both efficacy and efficiency.
3) Enhance learner engagement by making the learning process more user-accessible and
flexible in terms of scheduling.

The potential for eLearning to revolutionize higher education is enormous since it is both a wide
and expanding platform. Because there are a lot of obstacles to overcome before e-learning can be
considered successful, it is essential to know how to handle it and have access to the resources.
Take a moment and just think what it would be like if one did not have a road map to guide them
from the beginning to the end. This would be the same as diving into eLearning without an efficient
approach, which would cause learners to become disoriented in the course material.
Scope of Study
Throughout these group project, we were assigned into a project of E-Learning System and daily
work with the database plus coding itself. This Project is was divided as shown below:

• Designing database
• Coding system
• Monitoring
• Database testing

E-Learning Database Design

Figure 2: Scope of e-learning

We have divided our works into different parts which covers:

• Process for designing database of E-learning System.

• Preparing the UML diagrams which shows relationship between different entities.
• Monitoring the data (do not crash) that undergo the database process.
• Documentation of the project.
Literature Review
Generally, to develop the online learning system we have discussed the following topics:

1. Database
→ A database is a collection of information that can be stored and retrieved digitally. When
it comes to storing databases, the smaller the database, the more likely it is to be stored
on a file system, whereas the larger databases are typically hosted on computer cluster.

2. Server
→ The term "server" refers to a computer program or device that offers some kind of service
to another application and its user (the "client"). The server program's host computer is
sometimes simply called a server in a data center.

3. Entities
→ That which exists in and of itself, whether actually or potentially, concretely or abstractly,
physically or not, is called an entity. It doesn't have to be a physical thing. For the most
part, we treat legal fictions and other forms of abstract thought as if they were real.

4. Internal Level/Schema
→ The database's internal schema describes how its data is actually stored. The database's
internal schema is an extremely basic diagram of the whole thing. Numerous internal
records of various types are present. Also known as "stored record" in the ANSI

5. Conceptual Level/Schema
→ When compared to the physical level, the mental one is much more advanced. The logical
stage is another name for it. The conceptual structure of the database and the connections
between its many tables are outlined. How the information in the database is physically
stored is irrelevant at the conceptual level.

6. External Level/Schema
→ The term "view level" describes this spot as well. At the external level, just the necessary
data from the database is made visible to the users in the form of views. This means that
the database can be viewed in a variety of ways to accommodate users' varying needs.
The system is based on system-teacher interaction with any course to be enrolled in. The system
concepts are defined with following methods:

Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is usually simple. It does not show the detail of the use cases:
• It only summarizes some of the relationships between use cases, actors, and systems.
• It does not show the order in which steps are performed to achieve the goals of each
use case.

Figure 3: Use-Case diagram for e-Learning system

ER Diagram
ER diagram stands for Entity-relationship model diagram. An ER diagram is a diagram that
helps to design databases in an efficient way as shown in Figure 7. There are three basic elements
in ER models:
• Entities – Is where the information camefrom.
• Relationships – Provide the structure needed to draw information from multiple entities.
• Attributes – Is the collected data about the entities.

Figure 4: e-Learning system ER Diagram

Result and Discussion

Three basic steps were taken during our group project:

• STEP 1: ER-diagram (tables, attributes, and relationships)

• STEP 2: USE-Case Diagram (Entities & relationships)
• STEP 3: Database Design
• STEP 4: Validate the Physical ER Diagram
• STEP 5: Fix Issues with the UML Diagrams
Future Work
• This is a purposed system in which database for E-learning platform is purposed.
• This purposed system can be further integrated with any programming language to create
a real-life system.
• An e-learning package can be reused as often as the user wishes without additional
• It can be the way that completely eliminates travel time, as students no longer need to
travel to school or class to learn. They can learn from the comfort of their own
homes. Irrelevant content can be skipped through entirely if needed. If there is only one
particular module the learner needs to get through, they can go straight to it.
With the completion of this project, we got to know how a database system is developed for any
system or in any organization. We got to know more about e-Learning systems and we also got
good grasp with UML diagrams like Use-Case diagram and ER diagram.

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