Ahr, Gustav Autopsy Report
Ahr, Gustav Autopsy Report
Ahr, Gustav Autopsy Report
CASE # 1711150636
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I. Combined toxic effects of fentanyl and alprazolam; See Axis Forensic Toxicology report
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An autopsy is performed on the body of Gustav Ahr at the Pima County Office of the Medical
Examiner on November 16, 2017, commencing at 0830 hours. Assisting with the examination are
Pathology Assistants Kristine Clor and Kayla Hare. Documentary photographs are taken by
Forensic Pathologist Jennifer G. Chen, M.D. Specimens are packaged and labeled by Kristine
The body is received in the supine position within a white body bag with intact blue Pima seal
numbered 08335. The body is clad in a vest worn about the torso. A white metal chain necklace
with pendant encircles the neck. Undershorts and multicolored pants are worn about the waist. A
multicolored belt is in the loops of the pants at the waistline. A yellow metal bracelet encircles
the left wrist. A white metal ring with yellow stones is on the third digit of the left hand. Black
socks and tan boots are on the feet. A white metal ring is in the left naris. A white metal ring is
in the left lower lip. A yellow metal earring is in the left earlobe.
Clothing and personal effects accompanying the body are detailed in the “Property/Evidence Log”
by Pathology Assistant Kristine Clor.
The previously refrigerated body is cool to the touch. Rigor mortis is well developed and difficult
to break. Postmortem lividity is distributed posteriorly, except in regions exposed to pressure, and
blanches with pressure. The corneas are clear. The lips and mucous membranes of the mouth are
moist. The body is well preserved.
This is the unembalmed body of an adult male with light complexion, appearing consistent with
the reported age of 21 years, measuring approximately 73 inches in length and weighing 158
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pounds. The body is normally developed and appears well nourished. Monochromatic and
polychromatic tattoos are on the head, neck, torso, upper extremities, and lower extremities.
The head is normocephalic. The head hair is blonde, straight and short, measuring approximately
2 inches. The head hair roots appear brown. Facial hair on the cheeks, chin and upper lip forms a
beard and mustache. The face is symmetric. The facial bones and mandible are free of palpable
fracture. The irides appear brown. The sclerae are anicteric. The conjunctivae are pink and show
slight congestion. Neither ocular nor facial petechiae are identified. The nose is in the midline
and the nares are clear. The ears are grossly unremarkable. The oral cavity is grossly
unremarkable. The teeth are natural and are in a good state of repair. The trachea is palpable in
the midline of the neck and no masses are appreciated. The chest is symmetric. The abdomen is
flat and firm to palpation. The surface of the back shows the injuries described below.
The extremities are symmetrical and well developed. The appendicular skeleton is stable to
palpation. No fractures are evident by visual inspection or manipulation. The hands and feet are
normally formed. All the digits are present. The fingernails are long and contain underlying dirt.
The fingernails display a patchy red nail polish. There is no pitting edema of the lower extremities.
The external genitalia are those of an adult male. The testes are palpable within the scrotum. The
inguinal regions, anorectal area, and buttocks are grossly unremarkable.
A 12 x 9 cm red-brown abrasion is on the right upper back and a 12 x 5 cm red-brown abrasion is
on the left upper back.
Red-brown abrasions on the right upper extremity at the elbow cover a 5 x 1.5 cm area. A 1.7 x
0.5 cm red-brown abrasion is on the left upper extremity at the elbow.
Body Cavities:
The body is opened with the usual Y-shaped incision. The sternum and chest plate are intact. The
organs of the thorax and abdomen are in their normal anatomic positions. No fluid collections or
adhesions are in the pleural or peritoneal cavities.
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Cardiovascular System:
The heart weighs 380 grams and is of normal configuration. The epicardium is normal and there
is approximately 5 ml of serous fluid in the pericardial sac. The coronary arteries arise from their
usual positions on the proximal aorta, ramify appropriately across their respective ventricles in a
right dominant pattern and exhibit no significant atherosclerosis. The atria and ventricles are
normally formed and free of septal defects. The myocardium is red-brown throughout. The left
(1.3 cm) and right (0.2 cm) ventricles are of normal thickness and show no dilatation. No
significant abnormalities are found in the valves. The endocardium is normal. The aorta and its
major branches are intact and exhibit no significant atherosclerosis.
Respiratory System:
The right and left lungs weigh 640 and 1000 grams, respectively. The pleural surfaces are smooth
and glistening. Both lungs are red-purple and moderately congested, as evidenced by frothy red
fluid that exudes from an incised portion of fresh lung. No enlarged air spaces, fibrosis, infiltrates
or nodules are in the parenchyma. The major bronchi bifurcate and ramify in the usual fashion
and have a tan-pink mucosa with no mucus plugs. The pulmonary arteries show no atherosclerosis
and no thromboemboli.
Gastrointestinal System:
The esophagus is lined by an unremarkable tan-gray mucosa. The gastric mucosa is normally
rugated, and the stomach contains approximately 15 ml of red-brown fluid. No intact pills, pill
slurry or food fragments are identified within the stomach. The small bowel, colon, and rectum
are grossly unremarkable. The appendix is present.
Genitourinary System:
The right and left kidneys weigh 160 and 180 grams, respectively. The capsules strip with ease
from the smooth dark-red cortical surfaces. On section, the cortices are of normal thickness. The
medullary pyramids, calyces, pelves and ureters are unremarkable. The renal arteries show no
atherosclerosis. The bladder contains approximately 100 ml of clear, yellow urine. The mucosa
is unremarkable. The prostate is normal size with a homogenous tan cut surface. The testes are
normal in size with an unremarkable tan parenchyma.
Reticuloendothelial System:
The spleen weighs 180 grams and has a smooth, gray intact capsule. The parenchyma is dark red
and firm. On section, there is no evidence of infarction or neoplasia. Regional lymph nodes are
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grossly unremarkable. Residual thymic tissue overlying the pericardium is tan, lobulated and
Endocrine System:
The thyroid gland is symmetrical and normal size. The homogenous, red-tan parenchyma is free
of nodules, hemorrhage, or cysts. The adrenal glands are of normal size and free of hemorrhage
and nodularity. The pituitary gland is grossly unremarkable.
Musculoskeletal System:
The bony framework and supporting musculature are not unusual.
Examination of the soft tissues of the neck, including the strap muscles and large vessels, reveals
no abnormalities. The larynx and trachea are unobstructed. No airway mucosal edema is
appreciated. The hyoid bone and laryngeal cartilages are intact. The anterior cervical spine and
atlanto-occipital joint are stable to manipulation.
Reflection of the scalp reveals no abnormalities. The calvaria is intact. The dura is intact and free
of discoloration and thickening. The base of the skull is examined after stripping the dura and is
intact. There are no epidural, subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhages. The brain weighs 1600
grams. Moderate brain swelling is seen with flattening of the gyri and narrowing of the sulci. The
leptomeninges are thin and transparent. The structures at the base of the brain, including the cranial
nerves and blood vessels, are unremarkable. The circle of Willis and major arteries are intact and
free of atherosclerosis and aneurysm. Sections through the cerebral hemispheres demonstrate
unremarkable cortical gray ribbon and normal subcortical white matter. The basal ganglia, thalami
and Ammon’s horn are unremarkable. The ventricles show slight narrowing with smooth
ependymal surfaces. Sections through the brainstem and cerebellum are unremarkable.
Representative tissue sections are submitted to Tissue Techniques for histology. Three
hematoxylin & eosin stained slides are examined and essentially confirm the gross impression.
Sections of myocardium show focal red blood cells in the interstitium. Sections of lungs show
congestion with intra-alveolar red blood cells. A section of kidney shows no significant
histopathologic abnormalities. A section of liver shows microvesicular steatosis.
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Peripheral blood, vitreous fluid and urine are submitted to Axis Forensic Toxicology. See Axis
Forensic Toxicology report for results.