Community Mobilization

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Community Mobilization

What is community?
 A Community is a set of people living together with common interest”

Community mobilization is a capacity-building process through which community

individuals, groups, or organizations PLAN, CARRY OUT, and EVALUATES activities
on a participatory and sustained basis to improve their health and other needs,
either on their own initiative or stimulated by others

We all live in a community. There are different things that bind us together.
Let us try to identify them.

 Beliefs

 Values

 Language

 Territory

 Religion

 Culture

 Occupation
Community mobilization:
Why community mobilization?

As a Mean or Strategy:

 Creating demand for interventions

 Increasing access to services

 Scaling up interventions

 Increasing effectiveness and efficiency of interventions

 Contributing additional resources to the response

 Reaching the most vulnerable

 Addressing the underlying causes of Education: gender disparities, lack of

awareness etc.

 Increasing community ownership and

Benefits of Mobilization

 Sustainability.

 Increase community, individual, and group capacity to identify and satisfy

their needs

 Improve program design

 Improve program results

 Improve program evaluation

 Cost effective way to achieve sustainable results

 Increase community ownership of the program

 Key task in mobilization

 Developing an on-going dialogue between community members

 Creating or strengthening community organizations (Committees etc.)

 Creating an environment in which individuals can empower themselves to

address their own and their community’s health needs

 Promoting community members’ participation

 Working in partnership with community members

 Identifying and supporting the creative potential of communities to develop

a variety of strategies and approaches

 Assisting in linking communities with external resources

 Committing enough time to work with communities, or with a partner who

works with them
Role of mobilizer in community

A mobilizer is a person who mobilizes, i.e. gets things moving. Social animator. A

 Bringing People Together

 Building Trust

 Encouraging Participation

 Facilitating Discussion and Decision-making

 Helping Things to Run Smoothly .

 Facilitation in community mobilizationWrite one mean to enhance


State one example you have done so far

Skill for community mobilizer

Attitudes include:
 a willingness to examine and challenge their own assumptions, opinions
and beliefs

 a genuine respect for all community members

 a non- judgmental and accepting approach

 an understanding that different people have different views and


 a belief in community capacity to take effective action.

Skills include:
 good communication skills, especially listening

 good facilitation skills to enable communities to conduct their own analysis

of their lives and situations

 PLA and other techniques to help facilitation awareness of political, gender

and cultural issues and relationships

 an ability to challenge assumptions sensitively (e.g. about the role of


Knowledge includes:
 the community mobilization process

 the principles of community mobilization

 knowledge of Education related Issues and problems, causes and effects

 understanding of the ethical issues related to community mobilization . .

Other skills and knowledge that may be needed at different stages in

the community mobilization process include:
 an ability to help communities form organizations

 an ability to identify capacity-building needs among communities (e.g.

leadership skills, networking and partnership-building skills)

 an ability to help communities mobilize resources

 advocacy skills

 project planning and management skills.

Some qualities Mobilizer

 Good communication skills

 Good facilitation skills

 Good listener

 Committed

 Decision maker

 Active

 Negotiation skills

 Honest

 Known to culture and values of society

 Well dress

 Catalyst

 Management skills

Getting Prepared Mobilizer

 Know Your Goals "If you do not know where you are going, then any road
will do."

 Know Your Target Community You must know as much as possible about
its social organization, economy, languages, layout (map), problems,
politics, and ecosystem

 Know The Skills You Need

 Know The Basic Concepts What is development? Community
development? Community participation? Poverty? Community?

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