EAAP Week 1 Lesson

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Teacher: Mrs. Elena C. Martillana (WEEK 1)


Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications.

Academic writing follows the same writing process as other types of texts, but it has specific conventions in terms of content,
structure and style.

Academic writing is

✓Formal and unbiased

✓Clear and precise
✓Focused and well structured
✓Well sourced
✓Correct and consistent

Non-academic texts are writings that are informal and dedicated to a lay audience. They are emotional, personal and subjective
without any kind of research involving.

Non-academic writing is

✓Less formal (may idioms, slangs, contractions)

✓Casual language
✓Use any point of view
✓Free of rigid structures
✓On general topics

Task 1: Classify Me
Study the following texts/ writings found in the word pool. Then, categorize them
whether they belong to academic text or non- academic text.

Task 2: Compare and Contrast: Differentiate academic and non- academic texts using the Venn Diagram below.

TASK 3: Read the following sentences and check the box that best fit the category.

☐ My essay will make it clear that the use of marijuana as a medicinal drug is not
☐ The present paper will clarify that the use of marijuana as a medicinal drug
proves to be unorthodox.
☐ The researchers found out the leading factor of students’ absenteeism.
☐ My classmates and I found out the leading factor of students’ absenteeism.
☐ Approximately 75% of the group agreed to join the rally.
☐ Around half of the group agreed to join the rally.
☐ In my opinion, the method involved to obtain the needed information was
☐ The method involved to obtain the needed information proved to be challenging.

Assessment: Read the passages below and identify whether each passage can be an academic
text or non-academic text. Write AT for academic text and NAT for non-academic text.
______1. Just as the sun rises and peeps from the east, and as the roosters of the neighborhood
crow, the man gathered his be longings and left his house.
______2. When synthesizing information, a new understanding about a topic is developed by
using information from more than one source.
______3. Depression is one of society’s prevailing issues that requires attention. One’s mental
health is as important as one’s physical health.
______4. I want to obtain answers to the questions that are swarming in my mind. But, it seems
everything in life is just a cycle of questions with no answers in sight.
______5. He saw the pure crystal water turned crimson red as the monster devoured the victim.
He cried for help but it was too late.
______6. Statistics show that the higher percentage of the population prefer dogs over cats.
______7. Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was warm enough to feel comfortable in shorts. A
nice breeze made the air feel fresh. The flowers vibrated with color. It felt good to be alive.
______8. Antibiotics are prescribed to fight infections. Sore throats, earaches, and other
symptoms may be caused by the growth of bacteria in your body. As the antibiotics fight to
destroy the bacteria, the bacteria struggle to become stronger.
______9. New inventions, devices or tools increase as technology gets advanced.
______10. The book became my new favorite and I don’t think I will be able to love another
book as much as I love this one.


Academic texts are critical, objective and specialized texts that are written by professionals or
experts in a particular field. They are written in formal language and has a formal style and
tone. Since these are objective texts, they are based on facts. The emotions and feelings of the
authors are not delivered through them. Academic texts are well-focused, concise, clear,
accurate, and well structured. They are based on factual information and evidence, free from
repetition, exaggeration, rhetorical questions and contractions and are always in the third
person point of view.

Example of Academic Texts

Article- This type of academic text offers results of research and development that can either
impact the academic community or provide relevance to nation-building and is published in
scholarly journals.
Concept Paper- This type of academic text provides an overview of the project, and helps
funding agencies eliminate proposals that are likely to be disapproved.
Conference Paper-This type of paper is presented in scholastic conferences, and may be
revised as articles for possible publication in scholarly journals.
Essay- This type of academic text provides a solid, debatable thesis that is supported by
relevant and strong evidences.
Position Paper-This type of paper presents the writer’s stand or viewpoint on a particular
Review- This type of paper provides evaluation or reviews of work published in scholarly
Thesis/Dissertation-This is a personal research written by a candidate for a college or

Characteristics of Academic Texts

Vocabulary, facts and figures are used accurately and are consistent with the standards of
your field.
The relationship between ideas is clarified through the use of signaling words and transitions.
It is the responsibility of the writer to make it clear to the reader how the various parts of the
text are related.
Academic writing should avoid colloquial words and expressions.
Facts are given accurately and precisely.
Written language has longer words, it is lexically denser and it has a more varied vocabulary.
Written texts are shorter and the language has more grammatical complexity, including more
subordinate clauses and more passive.
It has fewer words that refer to the writer or the reader. It is more objective rather than
personal. Its main emphasis should be on the information that you want to give and the
arguments you want to make rather than you.
You must be responsible for, and must be able to provide evidence and justification for, any
claims you make. Also, you are responsible for demonstrating an understanding of any source
texts you use.
It is necessary to make decisions about your stance on a particular subject or the strength of
the claims you are making.

Structure of Academic Text

• Introduction. It provides the reader with a clear idea of the focus and aim of the text. The
topic is usually presented in this part. It is accompanied by a thesis statement (the claim that
the writer wishes to make).
• Body. It is where the essay’s (article’s) argument, ideas and results are developed and
• Conclusion. It should not contain any new facts or ideas but rather function as a brief
restatement of the main arguments and facts that have been treated in the essay.

Content and Style of Academic Texts

In general, authors observe the following when writing academic texts.
•State the critical questions and issues.
•Provide facts and evidences from credible sources.
•Use precise and accurate words while avoiding jargon and colloquial expressions.
•Take an objective point of view and avoid being personal and subjective.
•List references.
•Use hedging or cautious language to tone down their claims.

TASK 1 - Directions: Read the given abstract below from a case report. Then, answer
the questions that follow. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
First COVID-19 infections in the Philippines: a case report


The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is responsible for more fatalities than the
SARS coronavirus, despite being in the initial stage of a global pandemic. The first
suspected case in the Philippines was investigated on January 22, 2020, and 633
suspected cases were reported as of March 1. We describe the clinical and
epidemiological aspects of the first two confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Philippines,
both admitted to the national infectious disease referral hospital in Manila.

Both patients were previously healthy Chinese nationals on vacation in the

Philippines travelling as a couple during January 2020. Patient 1, a 39-year-old
female, had symptoms of cough and sore throat and was admitted to San Lazaro
Hospital in Manila on January 25. Physical examination was unremarkable. Influenza
B, human coronavirus 229E, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae were
detected by PCR on initial nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal (NPS/OPS) swabs. On
January 30, SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA was reported to be detected by PCR on the initial
swabs and she was identified as the first confirmed COVID-19 case in the Philippines.
Her symptoms resolved, and she was discharged. Patient 2, a 44-year-old male, had
symptoms of fever, cough, and chills. Influenza B and Streptococcus pneumoniae were
detected by PCR on initial NPS/OPS swabs. He was treated for community-acquired
pneumonia with intravenous antibiotics, but his condition deteriorated and he
required intubation. On January 31, SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA was reported to be
detected by PCR on the initial swabs, and he was identified as the 2nd confirmed
COVID-19 infection in the Philippines. On February 1, the patient’s condition
deteriorated, and following a cardiac arrest, it was not possible to revive him. He was
thus confirmed as the first COVID-19 death outside of China.

This case report highlights several important clinical and public health issues.
Despite both patients being young adults with no significant past medical history, they
had very different clinical courses, illustrating how COVID-19 can present with a wide
spectrum of disease. As of March 1, there have been three confirmed COVID-19 cases
in the Philippines. Continued vigilance is required to identify new cases.

Keywords: Case report, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Coronavirus, Philippines, Manila

Source: https://tropmedhealth.biomedcentral.com 

Guide Questions:

1. What is your view after reading the abstract?

2. Why is the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) responsible for more fatalities than the 
    SARS coronavirus?
3. What characteristics of academic text are demonstrated in the case study? 
   Justify your answer.
4. What is the overall writing style of the text?
5. Do you think the authors effectively presented their ideas in the text? Why or 
    Why not?


Task : Write-Up
Directions: Use the variables below to create an academic essay regarding the
structures, and styles of academic writing. Write you answer on a separate sheet of
Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations
Criteria Excellent (4) Needs Improvement (1)
(3) (2)
Topic/ Content The topic is clearly The topic is clear but The topic is slightly clear. The topic is not clear.
presented and discussed. is not well supported
Also, it is supported by by accurate
facts or accurate information.
Organization Sequence of ideas is well- Sequence of ideas is Sequence of ideas is Sequence of ideas is not
planned and presented planned and somehow organized. organized and no
comprehensively and in a presented Transitions are used. transitions used.
logical manner. Also, comprehensively.
transitions are smooth and Transitions are good.
Structure Sentences are clear and Sentences are clear Sentences are slightly clear Sentences are not clear
varied in pattern. but may lack and have inappropriate and no structure.
variation. structure.
Style Words are advanced and Words are less Words are somewhat Words are inappropriate
suited to the audiences. advanced and some inappropriate as well as the and style in writing is
There is a unique and words are suited to style in writing. ineffective.
effective style in writing. the audiences. Style
in writing is good as
Conventions No error. Grammar and syntax Shows a pattern of errors in There are lots of
are correct with few grammar, syntax, spelling, grammatical errors that
errors. and punctuation. affect readers’

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