Case Scenario Typhoid Fever

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College of Nursing
West Ave., Molo. Iloilo City

Prescribed Drug Classification & Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Effects/Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility

Generic Name: Classification: Used in the management Contraindications: Side Effect: Frequent: ● Check doctor’s order
Tetracycline and treatment of variety Hypersensitivity to Dizziness, light-headedness, ● Ensure medicines are
of infectious disease; tetracycline diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, monitored and administered
Brand Name: Treatment of susceptible abdominal cramps, correctly.
Cautions: Sun, ultraviolet
Tetracap CLINICAL: Antibiotic infections due to photosensitivity (may be ● Question for history of
light exposure (severe
Rickettsiae, M. severe). Occasional: allergies, esp. tetracyclines,
Mechanism of Action: Inhibits photosensitivity reaction).
Dosage: 250 mg, 500 pneumoniae, C. Pigmentation of skin or mucous sulfite.
bacterial protein synthesis by Renal, hepatic
mg trachomatis, C. psittaci, membranes, anal/genital ● Assess skin for rash.
binding to ribosomes. impairment. Avoid use
H. ducreyi, Yersinia pruritus, stomatitis, ● Monitor daily pattern of
Route:PO during tooth development
Therapeutic Effect: pestis, Francisella discoloration of teeth. bowel activity, stool
(children 8 yrs or
Frequency: q12h Bacteriostatic. tularensis, Vibrio consistency
younger). Do not use Adverse Reaction:
cholerae, Brucella spp.; ● Monitor food intake,
Timing: 8:00-8:00 during pregnancy Superinfection (esp. fungal),
anaphylaxis, elevated
● Be alert for superinfection
intracranial pressure (ICP) may
(diarrhea, stomatitis,
occur. Bulging fontanelles
anal/genital pruritus).
occur rarely in infants.
● Monitor B/P, level of
consciousness (potential for
elevated ICP).

Prescribed Drug Classification & Mechanism Indication Contraindication Side Effects/Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibility
of Action
College of Nursing
West Ave., Molo. Iloilo City

Generic Name: Classification:  Particularly effective History of Side Effect: ● Check doctor’s order
CHLORAMPHENICOL ANTIINFECTIVE; ANTIBI against Salmonella typhi and hypersensitivity or Hypersensitivity, angioedema, dy ● Ensure medicines are monitored and
OTIC other Salmonella sp, Streptoc toxic reaction to spnea, administered correctly.
Brand Name: occus pneumoniae, chloramphenicol, fever, anaphylaxis, superinfectio ● Monitor blood studies.
Chloromycetin Mechanism of Action: Neisseria, meningeal ns, Gray syndrome
pregnancy (category Chloramphenicol should be
Believed to act by binding to infections caused by H.
C); lactation. History or discontinued upon appearance of
Dosage: 250 mg the 50S ribosome of bacteria influenzae, and infections GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
family history of drug- leukopenia, reticulocytopenia,
and thus interfering with involving Bacteroides perianal irritation, enterocolitis,
induced bone marrow thrombocytopenia, or anemia.
Route:PO protein synthesis. fragilis and other anaerobic glossitis, stomatitis, unpleasant
depression, ● Check temperature at least q4h.
organisms, Rickettsia taste, xerostomia. 
Frequency: q6h Usually chloramphenicol is
rickettsii (cause of Rocky Adverse Reaction: discontinued if temperature remains
Timing: 12:00-6:00 Mountain spotted fever) and including blood problems and normal for 48 h.
other rickettsiae, the eye problems. Symptoms of the ● Monitor I&O ratio or pattern: Report
lymphogranuloma-psittacosis blood problems include pale any appreciable change.
group (Chlamydia), and Myco skin, sore throat and fever, ● Lab tests: Perform bacterial culture
plasma.  unusual bleeding or bruising, and and susceptibility tests prior to first
unusual tiredness or weakness dose and periodically thereafter. 
● Observe the patient closely, because
blood studies are not always reliable
predictors of irreversible bone marrow


Defining Characteristics Nursing Diagnosis Outcome Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
College of Nursing
West Ave., Molo. Iloilo City
Subjective: REFERENCE: Long term: Independent: ● Patient was able to
Patient experienced Imbalanced nutrition: Resume ADL ● Provide assistance to meet ● To provide assistance to the improve intake of
fatigue, anorexia, less than body their daily needs such as food, client to avoid the onset of nutritional
malaise, and difficulty of requirements related to Short term: drink. change clothes, and complications associated requirements
concentrating. less intake due to nausea, To improve intake of watch oral hygiene, hair with the movement who ● Patient was able to
vomiting, anorexia or nutritional genetalia and nails. violate program bed rest. resume ADLs.
Objective: diarrhea related to requirements ● Involve the family in the ● Participation of the family is ● Patient was cured
PE: excessive output. fulfillment of Activities of very important to facilitate
 Tired and thin daily living the nursing process and
 Roseola spots Nursing Diagnosis prevent further
distributed on the Handbook complications
trunk Evidence- ● Explain the purpose of bed rest ● Rest decrease intestinal
 The liver edge was (PDFDrive).pdf to prevent complications and mobility also decreases the
tender and palpated speed up the healing process. rate of metabolism and
3cm below the right ● Improve nutritional intake infection
costal margin, with ● Monitor the amount of
diffuse abdominal caloric intake; monitor
tenderness. weight loss; provide a
 Bacterial cultures of comfortable environment
the livers tissue and during meals; and encourage
roseola spots biopsy an increase in protein and
were positive for vitamin C intake to meet
salmonella typhi. ● Encourage increase in fluid nutritional needs.
● Make sure to wash and ● To stay hydrated
sanitize before eating
● To avoid contamination
College of Nursing
West Ave., Molo. Iloilo City
● Administering Tetracycline ● An antibiotic that is used in
the management and
treatment of variety of
● Chloramphenicol infectious disease
● Particularly effective
against Salmonella typhi and
other Salmonella sp

Defining Nursing Diagnosis Outcome Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Characteristics Identification
College of Nursing
West Ave., Molo. Iloilo City
Subjective: REFERENCE: Long term: Independent: After 7 days of nursing
Patient experienced Hyperthermia related to Patient will ● Monitor patients Temperature ● Fever pattern may aids in interventions, the patient was
headache and fever increased metabolic rate, demonstrate degree and patterns. diagnosing underlying able to demonstrate
illness. temperature within ● Observe for shaking chills and disease temperature within normal
Objective:   normal range and free profuse diaphoresis ● Chills often precede during range and free from chills.
● Warmed to Nursing Diagnosis from chills. high temperature and in
touch Handbook presence of generalized
Vital sign taken as Evidence- Short term: ● Remove excessive clothing, infection.
follow: (PDFDrive).pdf Patient will blankets and linens. Adjust the ● To regulate the temperature
Temp: 40 degree understand the room temperature. of the environment and make
Celsius importance of it more comfortable with the
nursing interventions. ● Offer a tepid sponge bath. patient.
● To facilitate the body in
● Elevate the head of the bed cooling down and to provide
● Head elevation helps improve
the expansion of the lungs,
● Increase fluid intake enabling the patient to
breathe more effectively
● To stay hydrated

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