3D Brochure 1 Final 3
3D Brochure 1 Final 3
3D Brochure 1 Final 3
Chief Patrons
Dr. K. RAMAIAH, Secretary And Correspondant
Dr .K.SRIKANTH, Director,PEC
Principal, PEC
Who can Attend Mr .V.HARI BABU, M.Tech,( Ph.D)
⚫ Faculty members/ Research scholars/ Vice-Principal, PEC CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY IN
Scientists/ Engineers working in Private/ Convener
Public/ Govt. organizations/ Industries etc.
(28th June –3rd July-2021)
Registration and Fee Particulars M.Tech,(Ph.D)
⚫ There is no registration fee HOD- MECH, PEC
Contact Person
Registration Link
Mr. K.SINGAIAH, Associate Professor
Important Dates
Mr.G.VENKATA PUNNARAO, Associate Professor
⚫ Submission of Application on or before Co-coordinators
Mr.K.Kotaiah, Assistant Professor
⚫ Confirmation of Acceptance on Mr.K.SREENU BABU, Assistant Professor
27/06/2021 Mr.Siva, Assistant Professor
⚫ The selected candidates will Mr.A.Brahma, Assistant Professor
be intimated through email only. Mr.Y.Koteswara Rao, Assistant Professor
Important to participants
⚫ All the sessions will be conducted online Mobile Numbers: 9989238381, 9705404003,
through Zoom App. 9885054739, 8374483707,9666720490,
9676790038, 9704841048
⚫ A test will be conducted at the end of the Email: prakasammech@gmail.com
Whats app: Click here to join our whatapp group Organize by
E- certifcates will be issued to those participants DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
who have attended the program with minimum
80% of attendance and scored minimum 60%
marks in the test. (Approved by AICET, Affliated to JNTU,KAKINADA)
About the Institute About the Department Resource Persons
Prakasam Engineering College, an ISO The department was established in 2013 with
✓ Dr. Elammaran Jayamani
9001:2008 certifed institution is established in intake of 60 students. The department has
Senior lecturer, Swinburne University of
2001 at Kandukur, a 30 minutes drive from excellent lab facilities and it has qualified,
Technology Sarawak Campus, Malaysia
Ongole-the district head quarter. Since its experienced and committed faculty members.
inception college is experiencing remarkable The department gives importance not only to ✓ Dr.N.Venkatachalapathi
growth both qualitatively and quantitatively. The academic education and also ethical values and Professor and R& D Dean,
management and faculty of PEC offer the best personality development of students. The AITS,RAJAMPET
infrastructure facilities and excellent academic students of mechanical department regularly
✓ Dr. P.Snehalatha
guidance necessary to excel in chosen field of organize various technical and extracurricular
Associate Professor, SPMVV-Tirupati
study events. The department is also actively involved
Our prime concern is to face the challenges and in placement of the students through ON/OFF ✓ Dr. K.Murahari
responsibilities created by innovations and campus interviews. Associate Professor, LBRCE,Mylavaram
advancements in the technological areas. Our ✓ Dr. Manmadha Chary
faculty continually update themselves with the About the FDP Associate Professor, ICFAI university
latest state- of-art technology and helps the Hyderabad
students to utilize their potential and evolve into a The aim of this program is to provide a basic
competent engineer. This is a place where a understanding on techniques and developments ✓ Mr.G.Singaiah
student will learn in an atmosphere where in 3D geometric modeling and printing Associate Professor, HITAM, Hyderabad
knowledge, research and expertise are shared. components to a broad spectrum of researchers,
We aim at employing innovative teaching industry participants, faculty and post graduate
methods carrying an emphasis on fast changing students. Focus will be on describing different
technological trends. processes under the umbrella of 3D printing
❖ Mechanical engineering
covering both polymer and metal based systems.
Implementation of 3D printing in various
❖ CSE (Artifcial Intelligence)
segments will be demonstrated using industrial
❖ CSE (Cyber Security) case studies.
❖ Electronics and Communication
Engineering Course Content
❖ Computer Science Engineering
❖ Introduction to 3D printing.
❖ Electrical & Electronics Engineering
❖ Additive manufacturing methods
❖ Civil Engineering
❖ Design and modeling of 3D components
Four M.Tech programmes, M.B.A and M.C.A
Programs is offered. The M.Tech Programs are ❖ 3D printing softwares and STL fles
offered in. ❖ 3D printing materials like
❖ Computer Science and Engineering polymers,metals and composites etc.
❖ Power Electronics and Drives ❖ Application of 3D printing and case
❖ VLSI & Embedded systems