A Death Good: A Solo Role-Playing Game of Death, Glory, & Sacrifice
A Death Good: A Solo Role-Playing Game of Death, Glory, & Sacrifice
A Death Good: A Solo Role-Playing Game of Death, Glory, & Sacrifice
You also start with 1d6 heroic Companions. 1. Morning Phase, during which you pre-
Write brief descriptions of your companions pare for battle and spend Omen tokens to
in your Chronicle. Companions have no me- see the future.
chanical impact; they serve only to contribute
to the narrative. You can create your own 2. Day Phase, during which you draw and
companions or roll 1d6 twice to generate resolve Fate cards, winning and losing Glory
companions randomly: tokens and other resources.
1. Make an entry in your Chronicle. What • You can Contest fate to earn Glory
does the morning bring? Describe the but risk causing greater damage to
day—the weather, the disposition of your Health and Strength.
forces as well as the enemy’s. What are
you feeling and thinking as the new day Note that some cards have to be Accepted
dawns? What conversations do you have and resolved. If so, these do not automatical-
with your companions and your troops? ly cost Glory or generate Omens. See FATE
What do you hope for? What do you DECK for more details.
2. Visit the Seer. You may spend up to three Accept the consequences of the Fate card to
Omen tokens to look into the future. For lose Health AND Strength equal to the card’s
each Omen token you spend, draw two value divided in half and rounded up. In ad-
cards off the top of the Fate Deck. You dition, you lose 1 Glory token for failing to
may look at these cards, then shuffle give your all to protect your people. Howev-
them, and return them face down to the er, you gain 1 Omen token.
top of the deck.
If you do not have any Glory, then you can-
3. Devise a Battle Plan. Decide how to com- not Accept a Fate card.
mit your forces. You may place your Bat-
tle Plan token on the Story Sheet in one Contest
of the three spaces marked Battle Plan. Fight your fate. Roll a six-sided die (1d6)
Otherwise, leave the token on the Re- plus an additional d6 for each Omen token
serves spot. Each space features a card you spend. You may spend as many Omen
suit that denotes where the enemy could tokens as you have available. Roll an extra
attack, as indicated by the suit of the next d6 if the suit of the Fate card matches that
Fate card. A match increases the odds of the spot to which you committed your forc-
of getting a success by rolling an extra es as indicated by your Battle Plan token.
d6 on a Contest during the Day Phase. A
mismatch (except for the Reserve) results Each result of 6 on a single die or doubles
in losing 5 points of both Health and counts as 1 success; any other result is a fail-
Strength. ure.
If Health is 0, then your forces have been • The defenses collapse when Strength
defeated and the game is over; proceed to drops to 0 or less
THE FALL. If Strength is 0, then the defenses • The people are defeated when Health
have failed; proceed to THE FALL. drops to 0 or less
• You draw one of the Jokers. In that
Recover case, your people have managed to
Choose one of the following actions: escape from the enemy.
• Rally to recoup 1d6 Health for every • You draw the Ace of Spades. In that
Omen spent. case, play THE FINAL STAND scenario
• Repair to recoup 1d6 Strength for before resolving THE FALL.
every Omen spent.
• Make a Pact to gain 1 Omen. Any of these events triggers THE FALL where
• Take time to Inspire your forces and you and those you defend meet your fate.
gain 1 Glory. How do you die? Imagine your last moments.
Roll a d6 if you would like a prompt.
1. Overwhelmed by a sea of enemies Glory
2. Felled by the enemy’s champion 8+ Glory. You died an epic hero. They will
3. Buried under a hail of arrows sing songs of your deeds until the stars burn
4. Bathed in unnatural flames out.
5. Your soul utterly consumed
6. Your mind hopelessly shattered 5-7 Glory. You died as a notable figure in
the annals of your people.
If you survived to the draw of the Ace of 0-4 Glory. You will be forgotten, your name
Spaces, then you earn the right to face the lost to the passage of history and the fading
leader of the enemy forces in single combat. of memory.
This is an opportunity to carve your name in
the annals of history. Health
0-10 Health. No survivors. Your people were
Resolve The Final Stand as a normal Contest; wiped out.
however, you may wager as much Glory as
you have available. If you win the Contest 11-15 Health. A few survivors exist as a
(i.e., you roll one or more successes) then you diaspora within another culture. They are
win Glory equal to your wager. If you do not broken but unbowed.
roll any success, then you lose the glory that
you wagered. 16+ Health. Your people lived on. They have
rebuilt their society in another land. They
Write an entry in your Chronicle describing owe their survival to your heroic sacrifice.
this final battle. Then proceed to THE FALL.
0-10 Strength. Not a stone is left standing.
THE RECORD OF YEARS Not even the earth remembers you.
You are gone, but what stories live on after
you? Make a final Chronicle entry based on
11-15 Strength. Some scattered ruins remain
an eye-witness account of your last moments.
that reveal clues as to what once stood here.
What happened when the final fortifications
fell? As doom and death rushed to embrace
16+ Strength. Proud ruins stand as a mon-
your fleeing people? Be sure to describe the
ument to what happened here—a lasting
author of this final account.
testament to the bravery of you and your
people that inspires all who visit.
At the end of the game, note the number of
Glory, Health, and Strength that are remain-
ing. These values determine your level of
fame, what happened to your people, and
what happened to the location you defend-
ed during your final days.
THE HISTORIANS’ ACCOUNT If you Accept this card, you lose 2 Glory
Academics have unearthed your journal. instead of 1 in addition to losing Strength
Write an introduction to the Chronicle from and Health as normal; you cannot Accept this
the perspective of future scholars. Place your card if you do not have 2 Glory available.
tale in its proper historical context. Take into
consideration your final Glory, Health, and If you Contest this card, you will lose twice
Strength. How will history judge your final the card’s value in Strength and Health
days? should you fail the Contest. If you win the
Contest, you resolve the effects as normal.
Did you die a good death?
Face Cards (Any Suit)
Face cards must be Accepted but do not cost
Each Fate card triggers effects based on
both suit and value. Face cards and aces
Jacks. One of your heroic companions falls
have special effects.
into darkness. Chose to lose 1 Glory token or
5 Health.
Cards 2-10
Clubs & Hearts. The enemy launches an
Queens. While falling back, you fail to cov-
assault against your defenses. Lose both
er the retreat. Chose to lose 1 Glory token
Strength AND Health based on the card’s
or 5 Strength.
value and whether you Accept or Contest this
Kings. An enemy champion challenges you
to single combat. Wager 1-3 Glory on a
Diamonds. You gain a brief moment of
Contest. If you win the Contest, then you gain
respite. This card must be Accepted but does
Glory equal to your wager. If you lose the
not cost Glory. You may choose one of the
Contest, then you lose all of the Glory that
you wagered.
1. Rebuild your defenses; add the card’s
You cannot Contest this card if you have
value to Strength.
no Glory to wager as the enemy champion
2. Heal your people; add the card’s val-
deems you unworthy. Instead, lose 5 Strength
ue to Health.
and 5 Health, then immediately draw a new
3. Make a sacrifice to the Gods; -5
Fate card.
Health but gain 1 Omen token.
4. Use scorched earth tactics; -5 Strength
but gain 1 Omen token.
Aces must be Accepted but do not cost Glo-
Spades. You face a challenge that is com-
plicated by your obligation or your flaw;
Clubs. Treachery! You are betrayed from
you can select which or you can roll 1d6 to
within. Lose half of your remaining Strength
determine randomly (1-3= obligation; 4-6=
or 10 Strength, whichever is less.
Diamonds. The weave of fate is laid bare.
Look at the next four Fate cards. Place two
cards at the top and two cards at the bottom
of the Fate deck in any order.
Jokers must be Accepted but do not cost
Designed, Written, & Illustrated By
Trent Seltzer
Title Font
Metal Lord by Larabie Fonts
A Good Death: First Edition
© 2021 by Trent Seltzer
A Good Death: Revised & Expanded
© 2022 by Trent Seltzer
Visit https://groovydad.itch.io
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